The elucidation of resources pertaining to the Chimonanthus praecox varieties and the establishment of a fingerprint serve as crucial underpinnings for advancing scientific inquiry and industrial progress in relation to C. praecox. Employing the SSR molecular marker technology, an exploration of the genetic diversity of 175 C. praecox varieties (lines) in the Yanling region was conducted, and an analysis of the genetic diversity among these varieties was carried out using the UPDM clustering method in NTSYSpc 2.1 software. We analyzed the genetic structure of 175 germplasm using Structure v2.3.3 software based on a Bayesian model. General linear model (GLM) association was utilized to analyze traits and markers. The genetic diversity analysis revealed a mean number of alleles (Na) of 6.857, a mean expected heterozygosity (He) of 0.496 3, a mean observed heterozygosity (Ho) of 0.503 7, a mean genetic diversity index of Nei՚s of 0.494 9, and a mean Shannon information index of 0.995 8. These results suggest that the C. praecox population in Yanling exhibits a rich genetic diversity. Additionally, the population structure and the UPDM clustering were examined. In the GLM model, a total of fifteen marker loci exhibited significant (P < 0.05) association with eight phenotypic traits, with the explained phenotypic variation ranging from 14.90% to 36.03%. The construction of fingerprints for C. praecox varieties (lines) was accomplished by utilizing eleven primer pairs with the highest polymorphic information content, resulting in the analysis of 175 SSR markers. The present study offers a thorough examination of the genetic diversity and SSR molecular markers of C. praecox in Yanling, and establishes a fundamental germplasm repository of C. praecox, thereby furnishing theoretical underpinnings for the selection and cultivation of novel and superior C. praecox varieties, varietal identification, and resource preservation and exploitation.
Bayes Theorem , Biomarkers , Phenotype , Cluster Analysis , Genetic VariationABSTRACT
Abstract Several species of Cichla successfully colonized lakes and reservoirs of Brazil, since the 1960's, causing serious damage to local wildlife. In this study, 135 peacock bass were collected in a reservoir complex in order to identify if they represented a single dominant species or multiple ones, as several Cichla species have been reported in the basin. Specimens were identified by color pattern, morphometric and meristic data, and using mitochondrial markers COI, 16S rDNA and Control Region (CR). Overlapping morphological data and similar coloration patterns prevented their identification using the taxonomic keys to species identification available in the literature. However, Bayesian and maximum likelihood from sequencing data demonstrated the occurrence of a single species, Cichla kelberi. A single haplotype was observed for the 16S and CR, while three were detected for COI, with a dominant haplotype present in 98.5% of the samples. The extreme low diversity of the transplanted C. kelberi evidenced a limited number of founding maternal lineages. The success of this colonization seems to rely mainly on abiotic factors, such as increased water transparency of lentic environments that favor visual predators that along with the absence of predators, have made C. kelberi a successful invader of these reservoirs.
Resumo Muitas espécies de Cichla colonizaram com sucesso lagos e reservatórios do Brasil desde os anos 1960, causando graves prejuízos à vida selvagem nesses locais. Neste estudo, 135 tucunarés foram coletados em um complexo de reservatórios a fim de identificar se representavam uma espécie dominante ou múltiplas espécies, uma vez que diversas espécies de Cichla foram registradas na bacia. Os espécimes foram identificados com base na coloração, dados morfométricos e merísticos, e por marcadores mitocondriais COI, 16S rDNA e Região Controle (RC). A sobreposição dos dados morfométricos e o padrão similar de coloração impediram a identificação utilizando as chaves de identificação disponíveis na literatura. Entretanto, as análises bayesiana e de máxima verossimilhança de dados moleculares demonstraram a ocorrência de uma única espécie, Cichla kelberi. Um único haplótipo foi observado para o 16S e RC, enquanto três foram detectados para o COI, com um haplótipo dominante presente em 98,5% das amostras. A baixa diversidade nos exemplares introduzidos de C. kelberi evidenciou um número limitado de linhagens maternas fundadoras. O sucesso da invasão parece depender de fatores abióticos, como a maior transparência da água de ambientes lênticos que favorece predadores visuais que, atrelado à ausência de predadores, fez do C. kelberi um invasor bem-sucedido nesses reservatórios.
Animals , Cichlids/genetics , Phylogeny , Genetic Variation/genetics , Haplotypes/genetics , Lakes , Bayes TheoremABSTRACT
Phosphorus (P) use efficiency is crucial for sorghum production. P acquisition efficiency is the most important component of P use efficiency. The early-stage evaluation of plant development is a useful tool for identifying P-efficient genotypes. This study aimed to identify sorghum hybrids that are efficient in P use efficiency and assess the genetic diversity among hybrids based on traits related to P acquisition efficiency. Thus, 38 sorghum hybrids and two inbred lines (checks) were evaluated under low and high P in a paper pouch system with nutrient solution. Biomass and root traits related to P efficiency were measured. There was no interaction between genotypes and P levels concerning all evaluated traits. The biomass and root traits, except root diameter, presented smaller means under low P than high P. Efficient and inefficient hybrids under each P level were identified. The genetic diversity assessment grouped these genotypes in different clusters. The hybrids AG1090, MSK326, AG1060, 1G100, AS 4639, DKB 540, and DKB 590 were superior under low-P and high-P. Hybrids SC121, 1236020 e 1167017 presented the lowest means than all other hybrids, under both conditions. The evaluated hybrids showed phenotypic diversity for traits related to P acquisition, such as root length and root surface area, which can be useful for establishing selection strategies for sorghum breeding programs and increasing P use efficiency.
A eficiência do uso do fósforo (P) é fundamental para a produção de sorgo. A avaliação no estágio inicial do desenvolvimento da planta é uma ferramenta útil para a identificação de genótipos eficientes de P. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar híbridos de sorgo que sejam eficientes ao uso de P e avaliar a diversidade genética entre os híbridos com base em características relacionadas à eficiência de aquisição de P. Assim, 38 híbridos de sorgo e duas linhagens (testemunhas) foram avaliados sob baixo e alto P em sistema de pastas de papel com solução nutritiva. Características de biomassa e de raiz relacionadas à eficiência de P foram mensuradas. Não houve interação entre genótipos e níveis de P em todas as características avaliadas. As características de biomassa e raiz, exceto o diâmetro da raiz, apresentaram médias menores sob baixo P em comparação com alto P. Híbridos eficientes e ineficientes sob cada nível de P foram identificados e agrupados quanto à diversidade genética. Os híbridos AG1090, MSK326, AG1060, 1G100, AS 4639, DKB 540 e DKB 590 foram superiores sob baixo-P e alto-P. Os híbridos SC121, 1236020 e 1167017 apresentaram as menores médias que todos os outros híbridos, em ambas condições. Os híbridos avaliados apresentaram diversidade fenotípica para características relacionadas à aquisição de P, como comprimento e área superficial da raiz, o que pode ser útil para estabelecer estratégias de seleção para programas de melhoramento de sorgo e aumentar a eficiência de uso do P.
Phosphorus , Genetic Variation , Hydroponics , Sorghum/growth & developmentABSTRACT
Bemisia tabaci is a species complex that causes damage to its broad range of plant hosts through serious feeding. It transmits plant viruses of different groups to important agricultural crops. Some important cash crops of Pakistan are sugar cane, rice, tobacco and seed oil. It shows high genetic variability and is differentiated as races or biotypes. Biotypes are, biotype Q, biotype B, biotype B2, biotype M, biotype L, biotype A, biotype H, biotype C, biotype K, biotype N, biotype R, biotype E, biotype P, biotype J, biotype S, biotype AN. Although the current report based on the Bayesian study of mitochondrial cytohrome oxidase gene1 (CO1) DNA sequences has classified the different populations of whiteflies into twelve genetic groups which are Mediterranean, Sub-Saharan Africa silverleafing, Indian Ocean, Asia II, Asia I, Australia, New World, Italy, China, Sub-Saharan Africa non-silverleafing, Mediterranean/Asia Minor/Africa and Uganda sweet potato. Begomoviruses is largest group of viruses transmitted by B. tabaci and cause major diseases of crops such as tomato and chili leaf curl disease, cassava mosaic disease; yellow mosaic disease of legumes and cotton leaf curl disease. The main objective of current study is to inculpate knowledge regarding genetic diversity of whitefly in cotton fields across Pakistan via analysis of partial DNA sequence of mitochondrial gene Cytochrom Oxidase I (mtCO1).
Bemisia tabaci é um complexo de espécies que causa danos a uma ampla gama de hospedeiros vegetais por meio de alimentação séria. Ele transmite vírus de plantas de diferentes grupos para importantes safras agrícolas. Algumas safras comerciais importantes do Paquistão são cana-de-açúcar, arroz, tabaco e óleo de semente. Apresenta alta variabilidade genética e é diferenciado em raças ou biótipos. Os biótipos são: biótipo Q, biótipo B, biótipo B2, biótipo M, biótipo L, biótipo A, biótipo H, biótipo C, biótipo K, biótipo N, biótipo R, biótipo E, biótipo P, biótipo J, biótipo S, biótipo AN . Embora o relatório atual baseado no estudo bayesiano das sequências de DNA do gene 1 da oxidase do citocromo mitocondrial (CO1) tenha classificado as diferentes populações de moscas-brancas em doze grupos genéticos, que são Mediterrâneo, África Subsaariana com folha de prata, Oceano Índico, Ásia II, Ásia I, Austrália, Novo Mundo, Itália, China, África Subsaariana sem folha prateada, Batata-doce Mediterrâneo / Ásia Menor / África e Uganda. Os begomovírus são o maior grupo de vírus transmitidos por B. tabaci e causam as principais doenças de culturas, como a doença do cacho do tomate e da pimenta-malagueta, doença do mosaico da mandioca, doença do mosaico amarelo de leguminosas e doença do enrolamento da folha do algodão. O principal objetivo do presente estudo é inculpar conhecimento sobre a diversidade genética da mosca-branca em campos de algodão em todo o Paquistão por meio da análise da sequência parcial de DNA do gene mitocondrial Citocromo Oxidase I (mtCO1).
Genetic Variation , Genes, Mitochondrial , Begomovirus , Agricultural PestsABSTRACT
Domestic donkey plays a key role as a draft animal in rural economy of Pakistan where its population is increasing every year. The complete mtDNA control region of forty randomly sampled donkeys was PCR- amplified and sequenced bi-directionally using specific primers. Distinct mtDNA haplotypes obtained in the current study (KY446001−KY446011) were subjected to haplotype (h) and nucleotide diversity (π) measures using DnaS as well as to phylogenetic, Network, and AMOVA analyses. There were a total 27 polymorphic sites present within 11 unique mtDNA haplotypes from the studied 40 animals from different regions. Neighbor-joining network and median-joining network both illustrated the splitting of all these haplotypes into two well-defined Nubian and Somali lineages, confirming African maternal origin of Pakistani domestic donkey. Diversity parameters h (0.967± 0.037) and π (0.02917± 0.00307) were found to reveal high levels of genetic diversity in Pakistani donkeys. AMOVA demonstrated only 1% of genetic differences between two mtDNA maternal lineages, pointing to lack of population substructure in Pakistani donkeys as is the case with worldwide domestic donkey population. Pakistani donkeys have African maternal origin and high levels of mtDNA diversity. High genetic diversity may be due to non-selective breeding and heteroplasmy. We herein provide the first report on mtDNA diversity of control region in Pakistani domestic donkey.
O burro doméstico possui um papel fundamental como animal de tração na economia rural do Paquistão, onde a população desse animal está aumentando a cada ano. A região de controle de mtDNA completa de 40 burros amostrados aleatoriamente foi ampliada por PCR e sequenciada bidirecionalmente por intermédio de primers específicos. Haplótipos distintos de mtDNA obtidos no estudo atual (KY446001 − KY446011) foram submetidos a medidas de haplótipo (h) e diversidade de nucleotídeos (π) por meio de DnaS, bem como análises filogenéticas, de rede e AMOVA. Havia um total de 27 sítios polimórficos presentes em 11 haplótipos de mtDNA exclusivos dos 40 animais estudados de diferentes regiões. A rede de união de vizinhos e a rede de união mediana ilustram a divisão de todos esses haplótipos em duas linhagens núbias e somalis bem definidas, confirmando a origem materna africana do burro doméstico do Paquistão. Os parâmetros de diversidade h (0,967 ± 0,037) e π (0,02917 ± 0,00307) revelaram altos níveis de diversidade genética em burros paquistaneses. AMOVA demonstrou apenas 1% de diferenças genéticas entre as duas linhagens maternas de mtDNA, apontando a falta de subestrutura populacional em burros paquistaneses, como é o caso da população mundial de burros domésticos. Os burros paquistaneses têm origem materna africana e altos níveis de diversidade de mtDNA. A alta diversidade genética pode ser por causa da reprodução não seletiva e de heteroplasmia. Aqui, fornecemos o primeiro relatório sobre a diversidade do mtDNA da região de controle em burros domésticos do Paquistão
Animals , Pakistan , Genetic Variation , DNA, Mitochondrial , EquidaeABSTRACT
Abstract During the present study, specimens were collected from selected sites of Cholistan desert and Kalabagh Game Reserve, Punjab province, Pakistan. Each captured specimen was tagged with voucher number and morphometric measurements were taken. The average snout to vent length was 172.559±1.40 mm and average weight was 92.1±1.30 g. The DNA of Uromastyx hardwickii was amplified and sequenced using 16S rRNA primer set. The obtained DNA sequence has shown reliable and clear species identification. After trimming ambiguous bases, the obtained 16S rRNA fragment was 520 bp while 16S rRNA fragments aligned with closely matched sequence from NCBI comprised of 510 bp. Closely matched sequences of genus Uromastyx were retrieved from NCBI in blast searches. Neighbour-joining tree of genus Uromastyx was constructed based on p-distance using MEGA X. The mean intraspecific variation was 0.095±0.01 while intraspecific variation was ranging from 0-1%. Similarly, interspecific variation of Uromastyx hardwikii with Saara asmussi, Uromastyx alfredschmidti, Uromastyx geyri, Uromastyx thomasi, Uromastyx alfredschmidti was 0-12%, 0-19%, 0-19%, 0-20%, 12-19% respectively. The newly produced DNA was submitted to NCBI and accession number was obtained (MW052563.1). Results of current study provided information about the molecular and morphological identification of Genus Uromastyx. In our recommendation, comprehensive molecular based identification of Pakistan's reptiles is required to report any new or subspecies from country.
Resumo Durante o presente estudo, os espécimes foram coletados em locais selecionados do deserto do Cholistan e da Reserva de Caça de Kalabagh, província de Punjab, Paquistão. Cada espécime capturado foi etiquetado com o número do comprovante e medidas morfométricas foram realizadas. O comprimento médio do focinho à cloaca foi de 172,559 ± 1,40 mm, e o peso médio foi de 92,1 ± 1,30 g. O DNA de Uromastyx hardwickii foi amplificado e sequenciado usando o conjunto de primer 16S rRNA. A sequência de DNA obtida mostrou identificação de espécies confiável e clara. Após o corte de bases ambíguas, o fragmento de rRNA 16S obtido tinha 520 pb, enquanto os fragmentos de rRNA 16S alinhados com a sequência próxima do NCBI composta por 510 pb. Sequências semelhantes do gênero Uromastyx foram recuperadas do NCBI em pesquisas de explosão. A árvore de união de vizinhos do gênero Uromastyx foi construída com base na distância-p usando MEGA X. A variação intraespecífica média foi de 0,095 ± 0,01, enquanto a variação intraespecífica foi de 0-1%. Da mesma forma, a variação interespecífica de Uromastyx hardwikii com Saara asmussi, Uromastyx alfredschmidti, Uromastyx geyri, Uromastyx thomasi, Uromastyx alfredschmidti foi de 0-12%, 0-19%, 0-19%, 0-20%, 12-19%, respectivamente. O DNA recém-produzido foi submetido ao NCBI e o número de acesso foi obtido (MW052563.1). Os resultados do estudo atual forneceram informações sobre a identificação molecular e morfológica do Gênero Uromastyx. Em nossa recomendação, a identificação de base molecular abrangente de répteis do Paquistão é necessária para relatar qualquer nova ou subespécie do país.
Animals , Lizards , Pakistan , Phylogeny , Genetic Variation/genetics , RNA, Ribosomal, 16SABSTRACT
Environmental pollutants may often alter the genetic components of natural populations. In this study, heavy metals and genetic diversity in land snail (Achatina achatina) from three populations of south-western Nigeria were investigated, using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and DNA Sequencing technology respectively. Metal analysis revealed that the snails accumulated lead (Pb) and nickel (Ni) in high concentrations in two of the three states, while cadmium (Cd) was the least detected. Editing and alignment of the sequences of all snail accessions generated a range of 384bp to 419 bp. Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) in all 18 accessions was low at only 16%. The query coverage (QC) ranged between 96% and 100%, with 14 (77.8%) of the 18 accessions showing 100% identity. Pairwise comparison of the accessions studied also showed a high genetic similarity. The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) generated two main clusters. Cluster I was unique and contain one sample (AaOy06) while the other cluster are very closely related and can be further sub-divided into sub-clusters. The similarity index of between the clusters is 0.5357. The close similarity among the accessions may be due to the geographical proximity of the three states. The uniqueness of accession AaOy06 in comparison to other accessions might be due to the negative influence of heavy metal, particularly lead. The determination of evolutionary relationships among snail populations may be useful towards the breeding efforts of the species in Nigeria.
Os poluentes ambientais podem frequentemente alterar os componentes genéticos das populações naturais. Neste estudo, metais pesados e diversidade genética em caramujos terrestres (Achatina achatina) de três populações do sudoeste da Nigéria foram investigados, usando a tecnologia de espectrometria de absorção atômica e sequenciamento de DNA, respectivamente. A análise dos metais revelou que os caramujos acumularam chumbo (Pb) e níquel (Ni) em altas concentrações em dois dos três estados, enquanto o cádmio (Cd) foi o menos detectado. A edição e o alinhamento das sequências de todos os acessos de caramujos geraram uma faixa de 384pb a 419pb. A análise de variância molecular (AMOVA) em todos os 18 acessos foi baixa em apenas 16%. A cobertura da consulta (QC) variou entre 96% e 100%, com 14 (77,8%) dos 18 acessos apresentando 100% de identidade. A comparação pareada dos acessos estudados também mostrou alta similaridade genética. O método de grupo de pares não ponderados com média aritmética (UPGMA) gerou dois clusters principais. O cluster I era único e contém uma amostra (AaOy06), enquanto o outro cluster está intimamente relacionado e pode ser subdividido em subclusters. O índice de similaridade entre os clusters é 0,5357. A grande semelhança entre os acessos pode ser devido à proximidade geográfica dos três estados. A singularidade do acesso AaOy06 em comparação com outros acessos pode ser devido à influência negativa de metais pesados, particularmente chumbo. A determinação das relações evolutivas entre as populações de caramujos pode ser útil para os esforços de reprodução da espécie na Nigéria.
Animals , Snails , Genetic Variation , Metals, Heavy , Environmental PollutantsABSTRACT
Introduction: Vitamin D and vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms are associated with autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The aim of this study is to assess the genetic association between VDR polymorphisms: TaqI, ApaI, Bsml and FokI and SLE with serum levels of Vitamin D in the Colombian Caribbean population. Method: Case and control study. One hundred and thirty-three patients with SLE and 100 healthy individuals were included. VDR polymorphism were genotyped by RT-PCR and Taqman® probes. Allelic, genotypic and haplotype associations were estimated. Serum vitamin D concentrations were quantified by Elisa. Values of 30 to 100ng/ml were established as a normal reference range. P values <.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: A high prevalence of SLE was observed in women (94%) and was associated with a higher risk of SLE [OR: 10.8; 95% CI: 4.7-24.6] (p<.05). Moreover, higher risk of SLE was observed in individuals with FokI VDR [rs2228570] [OR: 1.58; 95% CI: 1.05-2.36] in allelic models. The ACCA Haplotype of TaqI/ApaI/Bsml/FokI polymorphisms was associated with higher risk of SLE [OR = 2.28, 95% CI = 1.12-4.66, psim <.01]. Vitamin D deficiency was evidenced in 11.3% of the patients. Conclusion: In this study, the VDR rs2228570 polymorphism and ACCA haplotype were associated with higher SLE risk in an adolescent population.
Introducción: La vitamina D y los polimorfismos en el receptor de vitamina D (VDR) se asocian con enfermedades autoinmunes, incluido el lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES). El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la asociación genética entre los polimorfismos de VDR (Taql, Apal, Bsml y Fokl) y la susceptibilidad al LES, así como su relación con los niveles séricos de vitamina D en población del Caribe colombiano. Metodología: Estudio de casos y controles. Se incluyeron 133 pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de LES y 100 individuos sanos. Los polimorfismos VDR fueron genotipados por RT-PCR y sondas Taqman®. Se estimaron asociaciones alélicas, genotípicas y haplotípicas. Las concentraciones séricas de vitamina D fueron cuantificadas por Elisa. Se establecieron valores de 30 a 100ng/ml como rango normal de referencia. Valores p<0,05 fueron considerados estadísticamente significativos. Resultados: Se observó una alta prevalencia de LES en pacientes femeninas (94%) y se asoció a mayor riesgo de LES (OR: 10,8; IC95%: 4,7-24,6; p < 0,05). Se evidenció mayor riesgo de LES en individuos con polimorfismo Fokl del gen VDR [rs2228570] (OR: 1,58; IC95%: 1,05-2,36) en modelos alélicos. El haplotipo ACCA de los polimorfismos Taql, Apal, Bsml y Fokl se asoció a mayor riesgo de LES (OR: 2,28, IC95%: 1,12-4,66; psim<0,01). Se evidenció deficiencia de vitamina D en el 11,3% de los pacientes. Conclusión: En este estudio, el polimorfismo VDR rs2228570 y el haplotipo ACCA se asociaron a mayor riesgo de LES en población adolescente.
Humans , Female , Polycyclic Compounds , Polymorphism, Genetic , Genetic Variation , Vitamin D , Skin and Connective Tissue Diseases , Connective Tissue Diseases , Genetic Phenomena , Fused-Ring Compounds , Lupus Erythematosus, SystemicABSTRACT
Eleutherococcus senticosus is one of the Dao-di herbs in northeast China. In this study, the chloroplast genomes of three E. senticosus samples from different genuine producing areas were sequenced and then used for the screening of specific DNA barcodes. The germplasm resources and genetic diversity of E. senticosus were analyzed basing on the specific DNA barcodes. The chloroplast genomes of E. senticosus from different genuine producing areas showed the total length of 156 779-156 781 bp and a typical tetrad structure. Each of the chloroplast genomes carried 132 genes, including 87 protein-coding genes, 37 tRNAs, and 8 rRNAs. The chloroplast genomes were relatively conserved. Sequence analysis of the three chloroplast genomes indicated that atpI, ndhA, ycf1, atpB-rbcL, ndhF-rpl32, petA-psbJ, psbM-psbD, and rps16-psbK can be used as specific DNA barcodes of E. senticosus. In this study, we selected atpI and atpB-rbcL which were 700-800 bp and easy to be amplified for the identification of 184 E. senticosus samples from 13 genuine producing areas. The results demonstrated that 9 and 10 genotypes were identified based on atpI and atpB-rbcL sequences, respectively. Furthermore, the two barcodes identified 23 genotypes which were named H1-H23. The haplotype with the highest proportion and widest distribution was H10, followed by H2. The haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity were 0.94 and 1.82×10~(-3), respectively, suggesting the high genetic diversity of E. senticosus. The results of the median-joining network analysis showed that the 23 genotypes could be classified into 4 categories. H2 was the oldest haplotype, and it served as the center of the network characterized by starlike radiation, which suggested that population expansion of E. senticosus occurred in the genuine producing areas. This study lays a foundation for the research on the genetic quality and chloroplast genetic engineering of E. senticosus and further research on the genetic mechanism of its population, providing new ideas for studying the genetic evolution of E. senticosus.
DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , Eleutherococcus/genetics , Base Sequence , Chloroplasts/genetics , Genetic Variation , PhylogenyABSTRACT
Objective: This study aims to investigate the associations between genetic variations of pyroptosis pathway related key genes and adverse events (AEs) of postoperative chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in patients with rectal cancer. Methods: DNA was extracted from the peripheral blood which was collected from 347 patients before CRT. Sequenom MassARRAY was used to detect the genotypes of 43 haplotype-tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (htSNPs) in eight pyroptosis genes, including absent in melanoma 2 (AIM2), caspase-1 (CASP1), caspase-4(CASP4), caspase-5 (CASP5), caspase-11 (CASP11), gasdermin D (GSDMD), gasdermin E (GSDME) and NLR family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3). The associations between 43 htSNPs and AEs were evaluated by the odd ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) by unconditional logistic regression models, adjusted for sex, age, clinical stage, tumor grade, Karnofsky performance status (KPS), surgical procedure, and tumor location. Results: Among the 347 patients with rectal cancer underwent concurrent CRT with capecitabine after surgery, a total of 101(29.1%) occurred grade ≥ 2 leukopenia. rs11226565 (OR=0.41, 95% CI: 0.21-0.79, P=0.008), rs579408(OR=1.54, 95% CI: 1.03-2.29, P=0.034) and rs543923 (OR=0.63, 95% CI: 0.41-0.98, P=0.040) were significantly associated with the occurrence of grade ≥ 2 leukopenia. One hundred and fifty-six (45.0%) had grade ≥ 2 diarrhea, two SNPs were significantly associated with the occurrence of grade ≥ diarrhea, including CASP11 rs10880868 (OR=0.55, 95% CI: 0.33-0.91, P=0.020) and GSDME rs2954558 (OR=1.52, 95% CI: 1.01-2.31, P=0.050). In addition, sixty-six cases (19.0%) developed grade ≥2 dermatitis, three SNPs that significantly associated with the risk of grade ≥2 dermatitis included GSDME rs2237314 (OR=0.36, 95% CI: 0.16-0.83, P=0.017), GSDME rs12540919 (OR=0.52, 95% CI: 0.27-0.99, P=0.045) and NLRP3 rs3806268 (OR=1.51, 95% CI: 1.03-2.22, P=0.037). There was no significant difference in the association between other genetic variations and AEs of rectal cancer patients (all P>0.05). Surgical procedure and tumor location had great impacts on the occurrence of grade ≥2 diarrhea and dermatitis (all P<0.01). Conclusion: The genetic variants of CASP4, CASP11, GSDME and NLRP3 are associated with the occurrence of AEs in patients with rectal cancer who received postoperative CRT, suggesting they may be potential genetic markers in predicting the grade of AEs to achieve individualized treatment of rectal cancer.
Humans , Pyroptosis , NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein/metabolism , Gasdermins , Chemoradiotherapy/adverse effects , Rectal Neoplasms/surgery , Caspases/metabolism , Diarrhea/chemically induced , Leukopenia/genetics , Genetic Variation , DermatitisABSTRACT
The present study aims to explore the genetic diversity of germplasm resources of Chrysanthemum×morifolium (hereinafter, C.×morifolium) at the molecular level and to establish a fingerprint database of C.×morifolium varieties. We employed 12 pairs of primers with high levels of polymorphism, clear bands, and high degrees of reproducibility to analyze the SSR molecular markers and genetic diversity of 91 C.×morifolium materials and 14 chrysanthemum- related materials. With regard to constructing the fingerprints of the tested materials, we chose 9 pairs of core primers. The findings revealed that 12 primer pairs detected 104 alleles in 105 samples, ranging from 2 to 26. The average number of observed alleles (Na) per site was 9.25. The average number of effective alleles (Ne) per site was 2.745 6, with its range being 1.276 0 to 4.742 5. Shannon genetic diversity index (I) values ranged between 0.513 3 and 2.239 9 (M=1.209 0). Nei's gene diversity index (H) ranged between 0.216 3 and 0.789 1 (M=0.578 0). The observed heterozygosity (Ho) ranged between 0.223 3 and 0.895 2 (M=0.557 5). The expected heterozygosity (He) ranged between 0.217 4 and 0.793 3 (M=0.580 8). The polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged between 0.211 5 and 0.774 0 (M=0.532 9). The genetic similarity (GS) ranged between 0.228 5 and 1.000 0 (M=0.608 3). Cluster analysis revealed that when the genetic distance (GD) equals to 0.30, the tested materials can be classified into 2 groups. When the GD equals to 0.27, the first group can be divided into 6 subgroups; accordingly, 105 tested materials can be divided into 7 subgroups. The cophenetic correlation test was carried out based on the cluster analysis, and the corresponding results showed that the cluster map correlated with the genetic similarity coefficient (r=0.952 73). According to the results of Structure population analysis, we obtained the optimal population number, with the true number of populations (K) being 3 and the population being divided concerning Q≥0.5. Three subgroups, i.e., Q1, Q2 and Q3, included 34, 33 and 28 germplasms, respectively, and the remaining 10 germplasms were identified as the mixed population. During the experiment, 9 pairs of core primers were screened among the total of 12 for a complete differentiation regarding 105 tested materials, and the fingerprints of 91 C.×morifolium materials and 14 chrysanthemum-related materials were further constructed. Overall, there were significant genetic differences and rich genetic diversity among C.×morifolium materials, which would shed light on the garden application and variety selection fields of C.×morifolium. The fingerprint database of 105 C.×morifolium varieties and chrysanthemum-related species may provide technical support for future research regarding the identification and screening system of C.×morifolium varieties.
Genetic Variation , Chrysanthemum/genetics , Reproducibility of Results , Microsatellite Repeats/genetics , Polymorphism, Genetic , Biomarkers , PhylogenyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the prevalence and subtype distribution of Blastocystis sp. in pigs in Anhui Province.@*METHODS@#A total of 500 stool samples were collected from large-scale pig farms in Bozhou, Anqing, Chuzhou, Hefei, Fuyang, and Lu'an cities in Anhui Province from October to December 2015. Blastocystis was detected in pig stool samples using a PCR assay based on the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene, and positive samples were subjected to sequencing and sequence analysis. Blastocystis subtypes were characterized in the online PubMLST database, and verified using phylogenetic tree created with the neighbor-joining algorithm in the Meta software.@*RESULTS@#The prevalence of Blastocystis infection was 43.2% (216/500) in pigs in 6 cities of Anhui Province, and all pig farms were tested positive for Blastocystis. There was a region-specific prevalence rate of Blastocystis (17.2% to 50.0%) (χ2 = 26.084, P < 0.01), and there was a significant difference in the prevalence of Blastocystis sp. among nursery pigs (39.6%), preweaned pigs (19.1%), and growing pigs (62.3%) (χ2 = 74.951, P < 0.01). Both online inquiry and phylogenetic analysis revealed ST1, ST3, and ST5 subtypes in pigs, with ST5 as the predominant subtype.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The prevalence of Blastocystis sp. is high in pigs in Anhui Province, with three zoonotic subtypes identified, including ST1, ST3, and ST5.
Animals , Swine , Blastocystis/genetics , Phylogeny , Blastocystis Infections/veterinary , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Prevalence , Feces , Genetic VariationABSTRACT
The condition of critically ill patients changes rapidly, involving pathological changes in multiple systems and organs throughout the body. Exploring the causal relationship of mechanisms can further reveal etiology, treatment, and prognosis of diseases. However, traditional prospective studies in the field of critical care are still subject to numerous limitations. As an emerging research method, Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis uses genetic variation to provide causal evidence for instrumental variables, which is expected to provide clues in critical diseases. This article systematically describes the research progresson the application of MR analysis in critical care medicine from four aspects: the principle of MR analysis, the difference between MR analysis and randomized controlled trial (RCT), the use of MR analysis in the field of critical illness, and the possible methods of application, aiming to provide possible directions for the research in this field.
Humans , Mendelian Randomization Analysis/methods , Genetic Variation , Causality , Research DesignABSTRACT
To explore the genetic diversity of Asarum sieboldii this study developed SSR markers based on transcriptome sequencing results and five populations of A.sieboldii from different regions were used as samples for genetic diversity assessment using software such as GenALEx 6.5, NTSYS 2.1, and Structure 2.3.4. The results showed that 16 SSR markers with high polymorphism and good repeatability were selected from the A.sieboldii transcriptome. Primers designed based on the flanking sequences of these markers successfully amplified 56 polymorphic fragments from 150 individual samples of the five A.sieboldii populations. On average, each primer amplified 3.5 polymorphic fragments, ranging from 2 to 8. The mean values of expected heterozygosity(H_e), Shannon's diversity index(I), Nei's gene diversity index(H), and the polymorphic information content(PIC) were 0.172, 0.281, 0.429, and 0.382, respectively. The mean population differentiation coefficient(F_(ST)) was 0.588, consistent with the analysis of molecular variance(AMOVA) results, which indicated greater genetic variation among A.sieboldii populations(69%) than that within populations(31%). The percentage of polymorphic loci(PPL) ranged from highest to lowest as SNJ>LN>SY>SZ>TB. Principal coordinate analysis(PCoA) and UPGMA clustering analysis further revealed genetic clustering of A.sieboldii individuals based on their geographical distribution, consistent with the results of the structure clustering analysis. In summary, the SSR markers developed from the transcriptome effectively assessed the genetic differentiation and population structure of natural A.sieboldii populations, revealing a relatively low genetic diversity in A.sieboldii, with genetic variation primarily observed at the population level and a correlation between population differentiation and geographic distance.
Humans , Genetic Variation , Asarum , Transcriptome/genetics , Microsatellite Repeats/genetics , PhylogenyABSTRACT
ACGS Best Practice Guidelines for Variant Classification in Rare Disease 2020, a supplementary practical guidelines, is based on the Standards and Guidelines for the Interpretation of Sequence Variations issued by the American Society for Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) and the Association of Molecular Pathology (AMP) in 2015 by the British Medical Genetics Society under the Clinical Genomics Society (ACGS), and has integrated the detailed rules of standards developed by the ClinGen Sequence Variant Interpretation (SVI) Working Group by 2020. The further development of the ACMG/AMP guidelines is currently undertaken by the ClinGen SVI working group in the United States, which focuses on the classification of high penetrance and protein coding variants. ClinGen has established many expert panels on variants for specific diseases which required various evidence thresholds and is currently developing disease/gene specific guidelines. The British Medical Genetics Society has collected and integrated information on the guidelines for sequence variation classification and their extended rules, forming its own "2020 ACGS Best Practice Guidelines for Rare Disease Variation Classification" and is regularly updating it. The author has translated and summarized it for the reference of Chinese Medical Genetics Practitioners.
Humans , Genetic Testing , Genetic Variation , Genome, Human , Rare Diseases/genetics , ChinaABSTRACT
To conduct ex-situ creole pig conservation programs, it is essential to determine which breeding animals will be used, preferentially those with a more significant Iberian genetic component to preserve their origin. This study used a Yucatan black hairless pigs (YBHP) subpopulation to estimate its genetic diversity and population structure. One hundred four adult pigs were selected for the absence of hair, black skin (without spots), black hoof, and straight snout. The porcine-GGP-50K chip was used for SNP genotyping in YBHP, and information on Iberian and Yucatán hairless pigs from the United States (USYU) was taken from databases. All analysis was performed using PLINK v1.9 and v2.1 software. Inbreeding and fixation index values were lower in YBHP, with high observed heterozygosity and allogamy index values, which agree with those obtained in the populations of Canarias and Chato Murciano. According to the clusters generated by the "Genome-Wide Identity by State" analysis, four groups were identified, one of which included pigs from Guadyerbas, USYU, and YBHP. Between populations, YBHP was closely related to the hairless pigs from Guadyerbas, USYU, and Canarias. Principal component analysis showed the same result. According to the results obtained from the runs of homozygosity investigation, aimed to get pools consensus of regions of overlapping, 119 SNPs associated with genes and biological processes were identified. The BMP7 and NSUN2 genes were associated with epithelial cell differentiation, morphogenesis, and epithelial development. For nutrient metabolism: energy, the HADHA, PPARA, ADD1/SREBF1, and FAT 1genes were identified.(AU)
Para realizar programas de conservação ex-situ de suínos crioulos, é importante determinar quais animais serão criados, preferencialmente aqueles com maior componente de genética ibérica, para preservar sua origem. Uma subpopulação de porco preto calvo de Yucatán (YBHP) foi usada para estimar sua diversidade genética e estrutura populacional. Um total de 104 suínos adultos foram selecionados levando-se em consideração características como ausência de pelos, pele preta (sem manchas), casco preto e focinho reto. O painel GGP-50K foi utilizado para a genotipagem dos SNPs em animais YBHP, e informações de porcos sem pelos ibéricos e de Yucatán dos Estados Unidos (USYU) foram retiradas de bancos de dados. Todas as análises foram realizadas com o software PLINK v1.9 e v2.1. Os valores dos índices de endogamia e fixação foram menores em YBHP, com altos valores de índice de heterozigosidade e alogamia observados, que concordam com os obtidos nas populações de Canárias e Chato Murciano. De acordo com os clusters gerados pela análise "Genoma-Wide Identity By State", quatro grupos foram identificados, um dos quais incluiu porcos de Guadyerbas, USYU e YBHP. Entre as populações, YBHP estava intimamente relacionado com os porcos sem pelo de Guadyerbas, USYU e Canárias. A análise de componentes principais mostrou o mesmo resultado. De acordo com os resultados obtidos nas corridas de investigação de homozigose, visando obter consenso de pools de regiões de sobreposição, foram identificados 119 SNPs associados a genes e processos biológicos. Os genes BMP7 e NSUN2 foram associados à diferenciação de células epiteliais, morfogênese e desenvolvimento epitelial. Para metabolismo de nutrientes: energia, os genes HADHA, PPARA, ADD1/SREBF1 e FAT1 foram identificados.(AU)
Animals , Swine/genetics , Genetic Variation , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide , MexicoABSTRACT
Physids belong to Class Gastropoda; belong to Phylum Mollusca and being bioindicators, intermediate hosts of parasites and pests hold a key position in the ecosystem. There are three species of Genus Physa i.e. P. fontinalis, Physa acuta and P. gyrina water bodies of Central Punjab and were characterized on the basis of molecular markers High level of genetic diversity was revealed by polymorphic RAPD, however SSR markers were not amplified. The multivariate analysis revealed polymorphism ranging from 9.09 percent to 50 percent among the three Physid species. Total number of 79 loci were observed for the three species under study and 24 loci were observed to be polymorphic. These RAPD fragment(s) can be developed into co dominant markers (SCAR) by cloning and can be further sequenced for the development of the Physa species specific markers to identify the introduced and native species in Pakistan.
Os físidos pertencem à classe Gastropoda; pertencem ao filo Mollusca e, sendo bioindicadores, hospedeiros intermediários de parasitas e pragas, ocupam uma posição-chave no ecossistema. Existem três espécies do gênero Physa, ou seja, P. fontinalis, Physa acuta e P. gyrina em corpos dágua do Punjab Central e foram caracterizadas com base em marcadores moleculares. Alto nível de diversidade genética foi revelado por RAPD polimórfico, no entanto os marcadores SSR não foram amplificados. A análise multivariada revelou polimorfismo variando de 9,09% a 50% entre as três espécies de Physid. Um número total de 79 loci foi observado para as três espécies em estudo e 24 loci foram observados como polimórficos. Esses fragmentos RAPD podem ser desenvolvidos em marcadores codominantes (SCAR) por clonagem e podem ser posteriormente sequenciados para o desenvolvimento de marcadores específicos da espécie Physa para identificar as espécies introduzidas e nativas no Paquistão.
Animals , Mollusca/genetics , Genetic VariationABSTRACT
Abstract Background Smoking dependence is a chronic disease and a public health problem. The neurobiology of nicotine addiction can explain smoking behavior. This system has genetic variability that has been associated with vulnerability to dependence. Genetic variability in the neurobiology of smoking can help to understand why individuals exposed to drugs may or may not become addicted. Objective This study aims to address genetic variability in the neurobiology of smoking addiction with a focus on polymorphic genes related to the nicotinic response and the dopaminergic reward pathway. Method This work involved a search of the main scientific research on genetic variability in the neurobiology of smoking and its effects on smoking behavior. One hundred and five studies were selected, most of which highlighted polymorphisms in the genes of nicotinic receptors, dopamine receptors, and nicotine metabolism. Results The majority of studies have focused on genes related to the activation of the dopaminergic reward system by nicotine. Combinations between different polymorphisms were also highlighted, showing that interactions can determine a genetic profile of predisposition to smoking addiction. Additionally, gender and ethnicity were identified as relevant factors. Conclusion Knowledge of the genetic bases involved in the individual response to smoking can enable a better understanding of inter-individual differences in smoking behavior, and contribute to improving the treatment of addiction.
Resumo Introdução A dependência nicotínica é uma doença crônica e um problema de saúde pública. O comportamento tabágico pode ser explicado pela neurobiologia da adição, cujas variações genéticas têm sido associadas à dependência. A variabilidade genética na neurobiologia do tabagismo pode ajudar a entender por que indivíduos expostos a drogas podem ou não se tornar viciados. Objetivo Este estudo tem como objetivo abordar a variabilidade genética na neurobiologia do tabagismo com foco em genes polimórficos relacionados à resposta nicotínica e à via de recompensa dopaminérgica. Método Uma pesquisa foi realizada nas principais bases de dados científicos sobre a variabilidade genética na neurobiologia do tabagismo e seus efeitos no comportamento do tabagismo. 105 estudos foram selecionados, em sua maioria destacando polimorfismos nos genes de receptores nicotínicos, receptores de dopamina e de metabolismo da nicotina. Resultados A maioria dos estudos concentrou-se em genes relacionados à ativação do sistema de recompensa dopaminérgico pela nicotina. Determinadas combinações entre genótipos de diferentes polimorfismos também se destacaram, mostrando que interações gênicas podem determinar um perfil genético de predisposição ao tabagismo. Além disso, gênero e etnia foram identificados como fatores relevantes. Conclusão O conhecimento das bases genéticas envolvidas na resposta individual ao tabagismo pode permitir uma melhor compreensão das diferenças interindividuais no comportamento tabágico e contribuir para melhoria dos tratamentos disponíveis para a dependência.
Humans , Male , Female , Tobacco Use Disorder , Genetic Variation , Behavior , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Nicotine , Polymorphism, Genetic , Receptors, Dopamine , Receptors, Nicotinic , Gender IdentityABSTRACT
The cocoa and chocolate production chain involves US$60 billion annually and three million farmers around the world, in an area exceeding nine million hectares. The use of wild germplasm will enable to generate new disease- and pest-resistant cultivars and ability to adapt to changing environments. Here we evaluated 145 cocoa accessions, originated from nine Amazonian basins, based on eight fruit traits. Univariate anova showed significant differences (p<0.05) for all traits. For seven traits, the variance component within basins was higher (81.5%, on average). Therefore, it is recommended that the collection of wild accessions prioritize a larger number of plants from a few populations of the most divergent basins. The multivariate analyses revealed a greater divergence between the Ji-Paraná-RO and Solimões/Amazonas-PA basins (27.69) and a greater similarity between Alien clones-PER and Solimões/Amazonas-AM (0.66) in relation to their populations. They also revealed that the accessions differentiation occurred according to the river basin system. These results allowed elucidate the genetic structure and distribution of cacao populations. In addition, strengthen the importance of collecting and conserving germplasm to preserve genetic resources.
Genetic Variation , Cacao , Hydrographic Basins , Amazonian Ecosystem , Seed BankABSTRACT
La fibrosis quística ha entrado en la era de la terapia específica con los moduladores, útiles en variantes genéticas definidas por estudio molecular, con resultados clínicos exitosos. Este es un resumen de la publicación reciente de la Sociedad Respiratoria Europea que establece los estándares de cuidado para los pacientes que reciben este tratamiento.
Cystic fibrosis has entered the era of specific therapy called modulators, useful in genetic variants defined by molecular study, with successful clinical results. This is a summary of the recent publication of the European Respiratory Society that establishes the standards of care for patients receiving this treatment.