La endocarditis bacteriana secundaria a la infección por Brucella spp., en este caso B. melitensis, como complicación de la brucelosis humana tiene una incidencia baja y, aunque es la presentación clínica con la que se asocia más frecuentemente la mortalidad, no todos los casos son letales, si son tratados oportunamente. Se describe el caso clínico de una endocarditis bacteriana por B. melitensis, diagnosticada en un adulto por el aislamiento del microorganismo en el hemocultivo. Paciente del sexo masculino, de 40 años, con antecedentes de realizar partos en el ganado bovino y consumir leche no pasteurizada. Acudió al médico por presentar durante siete días de evolución de las siguientes manifestaciones clínicas: fiebre, mialgias, artralgias, tos seca y pérdida de peso (15 kg). El hemograma informa: leucopenia, trombocitopenia y anemia; mientras que en un ecocardiograma transesofágico se observó vegetación en la válvula aórtica con una disminución de la función sistólica y en el hemocultivo se aisló B. melitensis. Debido a estos antecedentes, se inició el tratamiento antibacteriano con rifampicina, doxiciclina y gentamicina. El paciente se recuperó y tuvo una evolución clínica satisfactoria. La brucelosis es una enfermedad infrecuente. Debe considerarse en toda persona con fiebre de foco desconocido que resida en zonas endémicas o esté expuesto al cuidado de animales de granja. En esta enfermedad se impone un diagnóstico y tratamiento preciso, por ser una complicación con alta letalidad.
Bacterial endocarditis, secondary to Brucella spp. infection, in this case by B. melitensis, as a complication of human brucellosis has a low incidence. Although it is the clinical presentation most frequently associated with mortality, not all cases are lethal if timely treatment is provided. We describe a clinical case of bacterial endocarditis due to B. melitensis in a 40-year-old male patient with a history of conducting cattle deliveries and consuming unpasteurized milk, diagnosed after isolating the microorganism in blood culture. He presented with the following clinical manifestations after seven days of evolution: fever, myalgias, arthralgias, dry cough and weight loss (15 kg). The hemogram revealed leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia; while a transesophageal echocardiogram showed vegetation on the aortic valve with decreased systolic function, and B. melitensis was isolated in a blood culture. Considering this medical history, antibacterial treatment was initiated with rifampicin, doxycycline and gentamicin. The patient recovered and had satisfactory clinical evolution. Brucellosis is a rare disease. It should be considered in any person with a fever of unknown origin who lives in endemic areas or is exposed to the care of farm animals. Endocarditis is a highly lethal complication of human brucellosis; therefore, it requires a precise diagnosis and treatment.
Humans , Male , Adult , Gentamicins/therapeutic use , Brucella melitensis/pathogenicity , Endocarditis, Bacterial/complicationsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis) is a Gram-positive opportunistic pathogen that often causes hospital infections. With the abuse of antibiotics, the resistance of S. epidermidis gradually increases, and drug repurposing has become a research hotspot in the treating of refractory drug-resistant bacterial infections. This study aims to study the antimicrobial and antibiofilm effects of simeprevir, an antiviral hepatitis drug, on S. epidermidis in vitro.@*METHODS@#The micro-dilution assay was used to determine the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) of simeprevir against S. epidermidis. Crystal violet staining assay was used to detect the biofilm inhibitory effect of simeprevir. The antimicrobial activity of simeprevir against S. epidermidis and its biofilm were explored by SYTO9/PI fluorescent staining. The combined effect between simeprevir and gentamycin was assessed by checkerboard assay and was confirmed by time-inhibition assay.@*RESULTS@#Simeprevir showed significant antimicrobial effects against S. epidermidis type strains and clinical isolates with the MIC and MBC at 2-16 μg/mL and 4-32 μg/mL, respectively. The antimicrobial effects of simeprevir were confirmed by SYTO9/PI staining. Simeprevir at MIC could significantly inhibit and break the biofilm on cover slides. Similarly, simeprevir also significantly inhibit the biofilm formation on the surface of urine catheters either in TSB [from (0.700±0.020) to (0.050±0.004)] (t=54.03, P<0.001), or horse serum [from (1.00±0.02) to (0.13±0.01)] (t=82.78, P<0.001). Synergistic antimicrobial effect was found between simeprevir and gentamycin against S. epidermidis with the fractional inhibitory concentration index of 0.5.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Simeprevir shows antimicrobial effect and anti-biofilm activities against S. epidermidis.
Humans , Simeprevir , Antiviral Agents , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Cross Infection , GentamicinsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the distribution and drug resistance of pathogens in oral mucositis associated with chemotherapy in hospitalized patients with malignant hematopathy, so as to provide scientific evidences for rational selection of antibiotics and infection prevention and control.@*METHODS@#From July 2020 to June 2022, 167 patients with malignant hematopathy were treated with chemical drugs in the Department of Hematology, Hainan Hospital, and secretions from oral mucosal infected wounds were collected. VITEK2 COMPECT automatic microbial identification system (BioMerieux, France) and bacterial susceptibility card (BioMerieux) were used for bacterial identification and drug susceptibility tests.@*RESULTS@#A total of 352 strains of pathogens were isolated from 167 patients, among which 220 strains of Gram-positive bacteria, 118 strains of Gram-negative bacteria and 14 strains of fungi, accounted for 62.50%, 33.52% and 3.98%, respectively. The Gram-positive bacteria was mainly Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, while Gram-negative bacteria was mainly Klebsiella and Proteus. The resistance of main Gram-positive bacteria to vancomycin, ciprofloxacin and gentamicin was low, and the resistance to penicillin, cefuroxime, ampicillin, cefotaxime, erythromycin and levofloxacin was high. The main Gram-negative bacteria had low resistance to gentamicin, imipenem and penicillin, but high resistance to levofloxacin, cefotaxime, cefuroxime, ampicillin and vancomycin. The clinical data of oral mucositis patients with oral ulcer (severe) and without oral ulcer (mild) were compared, and it was found that there were statistically significant differences in poor oral hygiene, diabetes, sleep duration less than 8 hours per night between two groups (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Gram-positive bacteria is the main pathogen of oral mucositis in patients with malignant hematopathy after chemotherapy. It is sensitive to glycopeptide antibiotics and aminoglycosides antibiotics. Poor oral hygiene, diabetes and sleep duration less than 8 hours per night are risk factors for oral mucositis with oral ulcer (severe).
Humans , Vancomycin/therapeutic use , Cefuroxime , Levofloxacin , Oral Ulcer/drug therapy , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Anti-Bacterial Agents/adverse effects , Ampicillin , Penicillins , Cefotaxime , Gram-Positive Bacteria , Gram-Negative Bacteria , Gentamicins , Stomatitis/drug therapyABSTRACT
Introducción. Las infecciones asociadas con la atención en salud constituyen un problema de salud pública porque aumentan la morbimortalidad de los pacientes, sobre todo de aquellos con factores de riesgo, como la inmunosupresión debida a enfermedades oncológicas. Es importante conocer la diversidad genética de los principales microorganimos causantes de infecciones hospitalarias mediante la vigilancia epidemiológica tradicional y la epidemiología molecular, para hacer un mejor seguimiento y detectar brotes tempranamente. Objetivo. Determinar el grupo filogenético y la resistencia a antibióticos de las cepas de Escherichia coli aisladas de pacientes con cáncer hospitalizados. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de tipo transversal que incluyó 67 cepas de Escherichia coli productoras de betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE). Se determinó el grupo filogenético, el perfil de resistencia a los antibióticos, los genes de resistencia a betalactámicos, el tipo de las muestras y los servicios de hospitalización de donde fueron recuperadas. Resultados. El grupo filogenético más frecuente fue el B2 (36 %). El 57 % de las cepas B2 fueron aisladas de muestras de orina y el 33 % provenía del servicio de urología. La resistencia a ciprofloxacino y gentamicina fue de 91 y 53 %, respectivamente, y el 79 % de las cepas tenía el gen blaCTX-M. Se encontró una relación significativa (p<0,05) entre los grupos filogenéticos y la resistencia a ciprofloxacina, así como a la edad del paciente. Conclusión. El filogrupo de E. coli predominante fue el B2. Se evidenció una gran resistencia a ciprofloxacina y gentamicina, una proporción elevada de cepas BLEE con el blaCTX-M, y una relación entre el grupo filogenético y la resistencia a ciprofloxacino.
Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections are a public health problem due to the increased morbimortality of patients, especially those with risk factors such as immunosuppression due to oncological diseases. It is essential to determine the genetic diversity of the main microorganisms causing healthcare infections by combining traditional epidemiological surveillance and molecular epidemiology for better outbreak follow-up and early detection. Objective: To determine the phylogenetic group and antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coliisolated from hospitalized oncologic patients. Materials and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 67 strains of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli to determine their phylogenetic group and described their antibiotic resistance profile, beta-lactam resistance genes, as well as the type of sample and the hospitalization areas from which they were recovered. Results: The most frequent phylogenetic group was B2 (36%); 57% of B2 strains were isolated from urine and 33% came from the urology department. Resistance to ciprofloxacin and gentamicin was 92% and 53%, respectively, and 79% of the strains had the blaCTX-Mgene. A significant association (p<0.05) was found between the phylogenetic groups, ciprofloxacin resistance, and the age of the patients. Conclusion: The predominant E. coli phylogroup was B2. We evidenced high resistance to ciprofloxacin and gentamicin, a high proportion of ESBL strains with the blaCTX-M gene, and a significant association between the phylogenetic group and the resistance to ciprofloxacin.
beta-Lactam Resistance , Escherichia coli , Phylogeny , Gentamicins , CiprofloxacinABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: Staphylococcus lugdunensis, es un estafilococo coagulasa negativa (SCN) con características de virulencia y de sensibilidad antimicrobiana que lo hacen más parecido a Staphylococcus aureus que a otros SCN. OBJETIVOS: Conocer las características clínicomicrobiológicas de los aislados de S. lugdunensis identificados en nuestra institución. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de los aislados de S. lugdunensis entre los años 2017 y 2019 en el Servicio de Microbiología del Hospital Universitario San Jorge de Huesca (España). Se revisaron las historias clínicas correspondientes a los pacientes con aislamiento de S. lugdunensis, considerándose las siguientes variables: edad, sexo, tipo de muestra, servicio de procedencia y enfermedad de base. La identificación bacteriana se realizó con MALDI-TOF VITEK MS (BioMérieux, Francia). Así mismo, se estudió su patrón de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana in vitro mediante microdilución en placa. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvieron 44 aislados de S. lugdunensis: 12 procedían de heridas, 10 fueron abscesos, 8 úlceras, 7 orinas, 4 frotis cutáneos, 2 exudados óticos, y 1 exudado vaginal. En relación con la enfermedad de base destacaron cinco pacientes con procesos tumorales y diez con diabetes mellitus. En 17 pacientes existían antecedentes de cirugía o traumatismo reciente. La mayoría de las cepas fueron sensibles a los antimicrobianos estudiados. En 19 de ellas se observó producción de β-lactamasa, dos fueron resistentes a macrólidos y tres a clindamicina. Todas las cepas fueron sensibles a oxacilina, gentamicina y cotrimoxazol. CONCLUSIONES: Aunque S. lugdunensis mantiene una buena sensibilidad a la mayoría de los antimicrobianos, su tendencia a producir abscesos y que exprese factores de virulencia más parecido a S. aureus que a otros SCN, hace necesaria una correcta identificación en el laboratorio con el fin de que su incidencia no quede subestimada.
BACKGROUND: Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CNS) with virulence and antibiotic sensitivity characteristics which makes it more similar to Staphylococcus aureus than other CNS. AIM: To know the microbiological and clinical characteristics of S. lugdunensis isolates identified from our health sector. METHODS: A retrospective study of S. lugdunensis isolates was carried out between 2017 and 2019 in the Microbiology Service of the San Jorge University Hospital in Huesca (Spain). The clinical records of patients with S. lugdunensis isolation were reviewed, considering the following factors: age, sex, sample type, service and underlying disease. Bacterial identification was performed using MALDI-TOF VITEK MS (BioMérieux, France). The pattern of antibiotic susceptibility was studied by means of plate microdilution. RESULTS: 44 isolates of S. lugdunensis were obtained: 12 corresponded to wounds, 10 were abscesses, 8 ulcers, 7 urine samples, 4 skin smears, 2 otic exudates, and 1 vaginal exudate. Regarding the underlying disease, five patients had a tumor processes and ten had diabetes mellitus. In 17 patients there was a history of recent surgery or trauma. Most of the strains were susceptible to the antibiotics studied. Production of beta-lactamase was observed in 19 of them, two were resistant to macrolides and three to clindamycin. None of the isolates were resistant to oxacillin, gentamicin or cotrimoxazole. CONCLUSIONS: Although S. lugdunensis maintains a good sensitivity to most antibiotics, its tendency to produce abscesses and that it expresses virulence factors more similar to S. aureus than to other CNS requires a correct identification in the laboratory so that its incidence is not underestimated.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Staphylococcus lugdunensis , Oxacillin , Staphylococcus aureus , beta-Lactamases , Clindamycin , Gentamicins , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Trimethoprim, Sulfamethoxazole Drug Combination , Retrospective Studies , Coagulase , Macrolides , Virulence Factors , Abscess/drug therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Se expone el caso de un recién nacido que desarrolló sepsis connatal precoz a Streptococcus agalactiae, con meningitis aguda supurada y osteoartritis de rodilla izquierda. Como factor de riesgo la madre no tenía realizado el exudado rectovaginal, pesquisa que detecta la colonización por estreptococo del grupo B (EGB). Se aisló el germen en hemocultivo y en líquido de punción articular. Recibió tratamiento antibiótico adecuado a la sensibilidad del microorganismo y según pauta de sepsis con meningitis, evolucionando favorablemente. En este trabajo se describe la epidemiología de la sepsis neonatal y los cambios ocurridos luego de la implementación de la profilaxis antibiótica en el preparto.
We hereby present the case of a newborn with early connatal sepsis due to Streptococcus agalactiae, with acute suppurative meningitis and left knee osteoarthritis. As a risk factor, the mother had not performed the rectus vaginal exudate screening that detects colonization by Group B Streptococcus (GBS). The germ was isolated in blood culture and in joint puncture fluid. The patient received germ-sensitive antibiotic treatment for meningitis sepsis and evolved favorably. This paper describes the epidemiology of neonatal sepsis and the changes that have occurred after the administration of the antibiotic prophylaxis during pregnancy.
Apresentamos o caso de um recém-nascido com sepse neonatal precoce por Streptococcus agalactiae, com meningite supurativa aguda e osteoartrite de joelho esquerdo. Como fator de risco, a mãe não realizou teste de exsudato vaginal do reto que detecta a colonização por estreptococos do grupo B (SGB). O germe foi isolado em hemocultura e líquido de punção articular. A paciente recebeu tratamento com antibióticos germinativos para padrão meningite sepse e evoluiu favoravelmente. Este artigo descreve a epidemiologia da sepse neonatal e as mudanças ocorridas após a administração da profilaxia antibiótica durante a gravidez.
Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Streptococcal Infections/diagnosis , Streptococcal Infections/drug therapy , Streptococcus agalactiae , Gentamicins/therapeutic use , Ampicillin/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Meningitis, Bacterial/diagnosis , Meningitis, Bacterial/etiology , Meningitis, Bacterial/drug therapy , Osteoarthritis, Knee/diagnosis , Osteoarthritis, Knee/etiology , Osteoarthritis, Knee/drug therapy , Neonatal Sepsis/complications , Neonatal Sepsis/diagnosis , Neonatal Sepsis/drug therapyABSTRACT
Gentamicin induced acute nephrotoxicity (GIAN) is considered as one of the important causes of acute renal failure. In recent years' great effort has been focused on the introduction of herbal medicine as a novel therapeutic agent for prevention of GIAN. Hence, the current study was designed to investigate the effect of green coffee bean extract (GCBE) on GIAN in rats. Results of the present study showed that rat groups that received oral GCBE for 7 days after induction of GIAN(by a daily intraperitoneal injection of gentamicin for 7days), reported a significant improvement in renal functions tests when compared to the GIAN model groups. Moreover, there was significant amelioration in renal oxidative stress markers (renal malondialdehyde, renal superoxide dismutase) and renal histopathological changes in the GCBE-treated groups when compared to GIAN model group. These results indicate that GCBE has a potential role in ameliorating renal damage involved in GIAN.
La nefrotoxicidad aguda inducida por gentamicina (GIAN) se considera una de las causas importantes de insuficiencia renal aguda. En los últimos años, el gran esfuerzo se ha centrado en la introducción de la medicina herbal como un nuevo agente terapéutico para la prevención de GIAN. Por lo tanto, el estudio actual fue diseñado para investigar el efecto del extracto de grano de café verde (GCBE) sobre la GIAN en ratas. Los resultados del presente estudio mostraron que los grupos de ratas que recibieron GCBE oral durante 7 días después de la inducción de GIAN (mediante una inyección intraperitoneal diaria de gentamicina durante 7 días), informaron una mejora significativa en las pruebas de función renal en comparación con los grupos del modelo GIAN. Además, hubo una mejora significativa en los marcadores de estrés oxidativo renal (malondialdehído renal, superóxido dismutasa renal) y cambios histopatológicos renales en los grupos tratados con GCBE en comparación con el grupo del modelo GIAN. Estos resultados indican que GCBE tiene un papel potencial en la mejora del daño renal involucrado en GIAN.
Animals , Male , Rats , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Gentamicins/toxicity , Coffea/chemistry , Acute Kidney Injury/chemically induced , Acute Kidney Injury/prevention & control , Antioxidants/administration & dosage , Superoxide Dismutase/analysis , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Rats, Wistar , Coffee , Oxidative Stress/drug effects , Kidney/drug effects , Kidney/pathology , Kidney Function Tests , Malondialdehyde/analysis , Antioxidants/pharmacologyABSTRACT
INTRODUCCION La enfermedad de Ménière es una anomalía del oído interno de etiología multifactorial, caracterizada por episodios de vértigo espontáneo y recurrente, hipoacusia fluctuante y tinnitus. La terapia con gentamicina intratimpánica para la enfermedad de Ménière ha sido utilizada buscando reducir la intensidad y frecuencia de las crisis, pero se ha asociado a pérdida auditiva, por lo que existe controversia respecto a su eficacia y seguridad. MÉTODOS Realizamos una búsqueda en Epistemonikos, la mayor base de datos de revisiones sistemáticas en salud, la cual es mantenida mediante el cribado de múltiples fuentes de información, incluyendo MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, entre otras. Extrajimos los datos desde las revisiones identificadas, analizamos los datos de los estudios primarios, realizamos un metanálisis y preparamos una tabla de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES Identificamos 13 revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyeron 80 estudios primarios, de los cuales tres corresponden a ensayos aleatorizados. Concluimos que la gentamicina intratimpánica podría reducir el control del vértigo y resultar en poca o nula diferencia sobre el tinnitus, pero la certeza de evidencia es baja. Además, no es posible establecer con claridad si el uso de gentamicina intratimpánica disminuye la audición o la frecuencia de los ataques de vértigo porque la certeza de la evidencia existente ha sido evaluada como muy baja.
INTRODUCTION Ménière's disease is a multifactorial disorder affecting the inner ear, characterized by episodes of spontaneous and recurrent vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss and tinnitus. Intratympanic gentamicin therapy has been used to reduce the intensity and frequency of attacks in intractable Ménière's disease, but it is associated with hearing loss. There is controversy regarding its efficacy and safety. METHODS We searched in Epistemonikos, the largest database of systematic reviews in health, which is maintained by screening multiple information sources, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, among others. We extracted data from the systematic reviews, reanalyzed data of primary studies, conducted a meta-analysis and generated a summary of findings table using the GRADE approach. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS We identified 13 systematic reviews that included 80 primary studies overall, of which three correspond to randomized trials. We concluded that intratympanic gentamicin may improve the control of vertigo, and result in little or no difference to tinnitus, but the certainty of the evidence is low. Furthermore, we are uncertain whether intratympanic gentamicin reduces hearing or the frequency of vertigo attacks as the certainty of the evidence has been assessed as very low.
Humans , Tinnitus/etiology , Tinnitus/drug therapy , Meniere Disease/drug therapy , Gentamicins/therapeutic use , Vertigo/etiology , Vertigo/drug therapy , Systematic Reviews as TopicABSTRACT
La resistencia a los antimicrobianos es un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial que va en aumento y se ve reflejada en la falta de eficacia de los tratamientos de infecciones bacterianas con antibióticos en humanos y en animales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la resistencia a los antibióticos de cepas de Escherichia coli aisladas en carne de cerdo expendida en los mercados municipales de la ciudad de Guatemala. Se identificaron los antibióticos que presentaron mayor resistencia y mayor sensibilidad in vitro frente a las cepas de E. coli aisladas a partir de 76 muestras de carne de cerdo. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio simple con afijación proporcional por mercado. Para la identificación de las cepas de E. coli se utilizó la prueba de IMViC y para evaluar la resistencia a los antimicrobianos se utilizó la prueba de Kirby Bauer empleando 9 antibióticos. Se aisló E. coli en el 55% (42/76) de las muestras. La resistencia en las 42 cepas aisladas fue: tetraciclina (83%) neomicina (50%) y sulfametoxasole + trimetoprim (50%). 83% de las cepas (35/42) fueron resistentes a 2 antibióticos y 50% (21/42) a 3 antibióticos o más. Se obtuvo mayor sensibilidad con ceftriaxona (91%), amikacina (83%), gentamicina (65%) y ácido nalidíxico (65%). Se concluye que existe resistencia a los antibióticos evaluados, lo que constituye un riesgo para la salud pública ya que se encuentra en cepas aisladas en un alimento para consumo humano.
Antimicrobial resistance is a global public health threat that is increasing and is reflected in the lack of efficacy of bacterial infection treatments with antibiotics in humans and animals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the resistance to antibiotics of Escherichia coli strains isolated from pork in the municipal markets of Guatemala City. Antibiotics with the highest resistance and those with the highest sensitivity in vitro against the strains of E. coli were evaluated. A simple random sampling was carried out with proportional allocation by market, and 76 samples were collected. IMViC test was used to identify the E. coli strains, and antibiotics resistance was evaluated using the Kirby Bauer with nine different antibiotics. E. coli was isolated in 55% (42/76) of the samples. Resistance was evaluated in the 42 isolates. Antibiotic resistance was detected to tetracycline (83%), neomycin (50%), and sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim (50%). All isolates presented resistance to at least one antibiotic; it was determined that 83% (35/42) showed resistance to two antibiotics and 50% (21/42) showed resistance to three antibiotics or more. The sensitivity obtained was higher for ceftriaxone (91%), amikacin (83%), gentamicin (65%), and nalidixic acid (65%). In conclusion, antibiotic resistance was detected, which constitutes a risk to public health since it is found in isolated strains in food for human consumption.
Humans , Animals , Drug Resistance, Microbial/drug effects , Kanamycin Resistance/drug effects , Tetracycline Resistance/drug effects , Trimethoprim Resistance/drug effects , Escherichia coli/drug effects , Pork Meat/microbiology , Ceftriaxone , Gentamicins , Neomycin , Nalidixic Acid , Food Microbiology , Enrofloxacin , GuatemalaABSTRACT
A endocardite de valva nativa é uma doença incomum, complexa, e de alta morbimortalidade. Requer tratamento clínico prolongado, com várias complicações possíveis, e o seu tratamento cirúrgico é complexo e tecnicamente difícil. O ecocardiograma transtorácico e transesofágico são fundamentais na avaliação da doença, inclusive seus achados são parte dos critérios diagnósticos de endocardite. Adicionalmente, o ecocardiograma tridimensional (3D) contribui com detalhamento anatômico na avaliação das estruturas cardíacas acometidas pela doença. Mostramos um caso em que é ilustrado o papel da ecocardiografia no diagnóstico e avaliação de complicações da endocardite, comparando as imagens do ecocardiograma 3D pré-operatórias, com os achados durante o ato cirúrgico. (AU)
Native valve bacterial endocarditis is an uncommon, complex, and highly morbid disease that requires prolonged clinical treatment and challenging surgical interventions. Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography are paramount assessment tools whose findings are included in the diagnostic criteria. Three-dimensional echocardiography shows further realistic imaging details. Here we present a case demonstrating the role of echocardiography in the diagnosis of endocarditis and the identification of its complications to show how advanced imaging techniques may have a remarkable resemblance with in vivo surgical findings. (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Endocarditis/complications , Endocarditis/therapy , Endocarditis/diagnostic imaging , Mitral Valve/pathology , Mitral Valve Insufficiency/surgery , Echocardiography/methods , Gentamicins/therapeutic use , Vancomycin/therapeutic use , Echocardiography, Transesophageal/methods , Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional/methods , Guillain-Barre Syndrome/complications , Incidental Findings , Cefepime/therapeutic use , Ampicillin/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of present study was to explore protective and curative effects of Malve neglecta on kidneys. In silco study with network pharmacology was performed to find out potential target organs, genes and cellular cell lines which confirmed kidneys as target organ of phyto-constituents present in Malva neglecta extract. Gentamicin (40 mg/kg, i.p) was given to induce renal toxicity. Prophylactic study was performed with 300-, 600- and 900 mg/kg doses to find out nephro-protective and -curative effects and curative potential was evaluated at 900 mg/kg dose. Renal function biomarkers, blood urea, BUN, serum creatinine and uric acid, and oxidative stress measuring biomarkers, SOD, CAT, GSH and MDA levels in kidney homogenate were quantified at the end of study. Treatment groups showed decrease in blood urea, BUN, serum creatinine and uric acid levels dose dependently and curative group also showed decline in these biomarkers. SOD, CAT, GSH levels were increased and MDA level decreased in treatment groups significantly as compared to toxic control which revealed the role of oxidative stress in renal damage and anti-oxidant power of MN. Data suggested that use of MN along with drugs causing renal toxicity may prove beneficial due to its nephro- protective and curative effects.
Animals , Male , Rats , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Malva/metabolism , Neglecta , Therapeutics/instrumentation , Gentamicins , Malvaceae/classification , Creatinine/administration & dosage , Dosage/methods , Antioxidants/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Las infecciones osteoarticulares y musculoesqueléticas son patologías infecciosas relativamente infrecuentes en la infancia, afectando generalmente a varones y menores de 5 años. Países desarrollados reportan una incidencia anual de osteomielitis de 10 a 80/100.000 niños y de 4 casos/100.000 niños para artritis séptica. En países tropicales, la piomiositis tiene una incidencia de un caso por cada 2.000 habitantes. El Staphylococcus aureus es el principal agente causal. En la infancia la vía más común del legada del germen a la articulación es la hematógena. Hasta en un 30% de niños coexisten osteomielitis aguda y artritis séptica. Se presenta el caso de preescolar masculino de 3años, quien posterior a aplastamiento de miembro inferior izquierdo, presenta aumento de volumen, dolor y limitación para la marcha, asociándose 9 días después fiebre de 39.5°C,acudiendo al Hospital Universitario de Caracas. La anamnesis, evaluación clínica y estudios paraclínicos fueron sugestivos depiomiositis de muslo izquierdo, osteomielitis de fémur izquierdo y artritis séptica de rodilla izquierda. Se indica antibioticoterapiacon cobertura para Staphylococcus aureus (ciprofloxacina y clindamicina). Se realizó artrotomía evacuadora y limpieza quirúrgica de estructuras afectadas. El cultivo reportó Staphylococcus aureus sensible a ciprofloxacina, gentamicina, linezolid, rifampicina, trimetropin/sulfametoxazol; resistentea clindamicina, eritromicina, oxacilina, por lo que se omitióclindamicina y se indicó trimetropin/sulfametoxazol. Cumplió21 días de tratamiento intravenoso, observándose evolución satisfactoria por lo que se decidió egreso, dando continuidad con tratamiento vía oral por cuatro semanas y seguimiento interdisciplinario. El abordaje oportuno y adecuado de estas patologías disminuye el riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones(AU)
Osteoarticular and musculoskeletal infections are relatively rare infectious diseases in childhood, generally affecting men and children under 5 years of age. Developed countries report an annual incidence of osteomyelitis of 10 to 80 / 100,000 children and 4 cases / 100,000 children for septicarthritis. In tropical countries, pyomyositis has an incidence of one case for every 2,000 inhabitants. Staphylococcus aureusis the main causative agent. In childhood the most commonroute of arrival of the germ to the joint is hematogenous.Up to 30% of children coexist acute osteomyelitis and septic arthritis. We present the case of a 3-year-old male preschoolerwho, after crushing his left lower limb, presented an increasein volume, pain, and limited gait, and was associated witha fever of 39.5 ° C 9 days later, going to the University Hospital of Caracas. the anamnesis, clinical evaluation and paraclinical studies were suggestive of pyomyositis of the leftthigh, osteomyelitis of the left femur and septic arthritis of the left knee. Antibiotic therapy with coverage for Staphylococcus aureus (ciprofloxacin and clindamycin) is indicated. Evacuating arthrotomy and surgical cleaning of affected structures were performed. The culture reported Staphylococcus aureus sensitiveto ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, linezolid, rifampin, trimetropin /sulfamethoxazole; resistant to clindamycin, erythromycin,oxacillin, therefore clindamycin was omitted and trimetropin /sulfamethoxazole was indicated. He completed 21 days ofintravenous treatment, observing satisfactory evolution so hisdis charge was decided, continuing with oral treatment for four weeks and interdisciplinary follow-up. The timely and adequate approach to these pathologies reduces the risk of developing complications(AU)
Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Osteomyelitis , Staphylococcus aureus , Arthritis, Infectious , Pyomyositis , Methicillin , Oxacillin , Therapeutics , Gentamicins , Infections , Joints , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Musculoskeletal SystemABSTRACT
RESUMEN Dentro de los agentes patógenos en los procesos otíticos bacterianos, se destacan microorganismos como Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Pseudomona auriginosa, Proteus mirabi-lis, Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium spp., Enterococcus spp. y Streptococcus spp., para los cuales se ha descrito resistencia frente a los antibióticos empleados para combatirlos. En Colombia son pocos los reportes acerca de la resistencia antibiótica de microorganismos causantes de otitis. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los agentes bacterianos más frecuentemente aislados en infecciones otíticas de caninos remitidas a un laboratorio veterinario de Medellín durante el 2019 y su resistencia a antibióticos. Para llevarlo a cabo, se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal retrospectivo. Se analizaron los resultados de los antibiogramas realizados a partir de cultivos bacterianos en muestras óticas remitidas a un laboratorio de referencia de la ciudad de Medellín. Además, se efectuó un análisis de frecuencias para la muestra total. Se encontró que los principales microorganismos bacterianos aislados fueron Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Pseudomona auriginosa, Proteus mirabili y Staphylococcus aureus. La gentamicina fue el medicamento que mayor porcentaje de resistencia presentó y la cefalexina el que menos resistencia presentó. Se pudo concluir que el Staphylococcus pseudintermedius está presente en más del 60% de los casos de otitis bacteriana. Adicionalmente, se observó una variación de la resistencia presentada por los microorganismos en el tiempo. Estos presentaron mayor resistencia ante los antibióticos aminoglucósidos.
ABSTRACT Among the pathogens in bacterial otic processes, microorganisms such as Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Pseudomona auriginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, Corynebac-terium spp., Enterococcus spp., and Streptococcus spp. stand out, for which resistance to antibiotics has been described employed to combat them. In Colombia there are few reports about the antibiotic resistance of microorganisms that cause otitis. For that reason, the purpose of this study was to determine the bacterial agents most frequently isolated from canine ear infections and their resistance to antibiotics from samples of ear secretions sent to a veterinary laboratory in Medellín during 2019. In order to do that, an cross-sectional, retrospective descriptive study was done. The results of the antibiograms performed from bacterial cultures obtained from ear samples sent to a reference laboratory in the city of Medellín were analyzed. A frequency analysis was carried out for the total sample. It was found that the main isolated bacterial microorganisms were Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Pseudomona auriginosa, Proteus mirabili and Staphylococcus aureus. Gentamicin was the drug with the highest percentage of resistance and cephalexin the one with the least resistance. It was possible to conclude that Staphylococcus pseudintermedius is linked in more than 60% of cases of bacterial otitis and the resistance presented by microorganisms varies over time. The group of aminoglycosides antibiotics was the one which microorganisms are manifesting more percentage of resistance.
Bacteria , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Dogs , Ear Canal , Persistent Infection , Anti-Bacterial Agents , R Factors/pharmacology , Gentamicins , Cephalexin , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Resumen Objetivo: Estimar la resistencia del Staphylococcus aureus frente a diferentes antibióticos usados para el manejo ambulatorio de piodermias. Métodos: Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y de tendencias mediante modelos de regresión segmentada. Resultados: La mayor resistencia se presentó a la oxacilina, con mediana de 54,3% (RIQ: 43 - 58,8), seguido de eritromicina con el 20%, (RIQ: 15,4 - 26,5), clindami cina con el 14% (RIQ: 7,9 - 20), gentamicina con el 7,5% (RIQ: 0 -10), trimetoprima/sulfametoxazol (SXT) con el 5,5% (RIQ: 4 - 11), y ciprofloxacina con 2,1% (RIQ: 2 - 8.4). La tendencia de la resistencia del S. aureus a la oxacilina fue creciente con un cambio anual porcentual no significativo de (0,07) (IC 95%: -3,7; 3,9). Para eritromicina, clindamicina, ciprofloxacina, trimetoprima/sulfametoxazol, y gentamicina hubo decrecimiento. Conclusiones: La resistencia del S. aureus a oxacilina fue ligeramente creciente para el periodo 2010 al 2019 y francamente creciente en los últimos 3 años, superando en promedio a lo reportado a nivel país y Latinoamérica. Los antibióticos con menor resistencia fueron ciprofloxacina, SXT, clindamicina para uso sistémico, y ácido fusídico, mupirocina para manejo tópico y descolonización. Es pertinente articular la vigilancia del S. aureus en la atención ambulatoria a la red de vigilancia nacional.
Abstract Objective: To estimate the resistance trend of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) against different antibiotics in a reference dermatology outpatient center in Colombia. Methods: Descriptive and trend analyzes were performed using segmented regression models for the period 2010 to 2019. Results: The greatest resistance was presented to oxacillin, with a median of 54.3% (RIQ: 43 - 58.8), followed by erythromycin with 20%, (RIQ: 15.4 - 26.5), then clindamycin with 14% (RIQ: 7.9 - 20), gentamicin with 7.5% (RIQ: 0 -10), trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole (SXT) with 5.5% (RIQ: 4 - 11), and ciprofloxacin with 2.1% (RIQ: 2 - 8.4). The trend of S. aureus resistance to oxacillin from 2010 to 2019 was increasing with a non-significant Annual Percent Change (APC) of (0.07) (95% CI -3.7, 3.9). APC for erythromycin (-1.2) (95% CI: -11.3; 10), clindamycin (-1.7) (95% CI: 11; -12.9), ciprofloxacin (-25.4) (95% CI: -44.6; 0.5) and trimethoprim / sul famethoxazole (-20.7) (95% CI: -43.5; 11.2), were decreasing not significant. For gentamicin the trend was decreasing and significant (-44.2) (95% CI: -19.9; -61.1). Conclusions: The resistance of S. aureus to oxacillin exhibited a slightly increasing trend for the period 2010 to 2019 and increasing in the last 3 years, exceeding on average that reported at the country level and the world average. Antibiotics for outpatient management of skin and soft tissue pyoderma with less resistance were ciprofloxacin, SXT, clindamycin for systemic use, and fusidic acid, mupirocin for topical management and decolonization. It is important to articulate surveillance of S. aureus in outpatient care to the national surveillance network.
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Dermatology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Staphylococcus aureus , Sulfamethoxazole , Gentamicins , Ciprofloxacin , Fusidic Acid , Anti-Bacterial AgentsABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN. La apendicitis aguda es una patología pediátrica quirúrgica que en su fase complicada requiere uso de antibióticos en el postoperatorio; encontrar la mejor opción como experiencia local, fue necesario. OBJETIVO. Comparar un esquema de antibioticoterapia triple vs un doble respecto a variables: demográficas, clínicas y de costos en pacientes pediátricos con apendicitis complicada. MATERIALES y MÉTODOS. Estudio analítico transversal. Población de 133 pacientes y una muestra de 93, operados por apendicitis complicada; 58 recibieron ampicilina + metronidazol + gentamicina y 35 ceftriaxona + metronidazol. Se comparó las variables: estadía hospitalaria, complicaciones y costo monetario de cada esquema. Se realizó en la Unidad de Cirugía Pediátrica del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín, en el periodo enero de 2017 a octubre de 2018. Los datos fueron analizados con R-Studio 1.8.366 para Windows. RESULTADOS. No hubo diferencia estadística con respecto a: estadía hospitalaria (p=0,261); complicaciones como infección del sitio quirúrgico (p=0,196), re-intervención quirúrgica (p=0,653) y costo (p=0,059). CONCLUSIÓN. Se comparó el esquema de antibioticoterapia triple vs un doble, utilizados en apendicitis complicada en pediatría. No se encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas en este reporte preliminar, con la diferencia de que con el esquema doble la frecuencia de administración fue menor y se evitó la exposición a los efectos colaterales de los aminoglicósidos.
INTRODUCTION. Acute appendicitis is a pediatric surgical pathology that in its complicated phase requires the use of antibiotics during the postoperative period; finding the best option as local experience was a must. OBJECTIVE. Compare a triple vs a double antibiotic therapy scheme respect demographic, clinical and cost variables in pediatric patients whit complicated apendicitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Cross-sectional analytical study. Population of 133 patients and sample of 93, with complicated appendicitis; 58 received ampicillin + metronidazole + gentamicin and 35 ceftriaxone + metronidazole. The following variables were compared; hospital stay, complications and monetary cost of each scheme. It was performed in the Pediatric Surgery Unit of the Hospital of Specialties Carlos Andrade Marin, during january 2017, through october 2018. The data were analyzed with R-Studio 1.8.366 for Windows. RESULTS. There was no statistical difference regarding hospital stay (p=0.261); complications such as surgical site infection (p=0.196), re-surgical intervention (p=0.653); nor cost (p=0.059). CONCLUSION. Triple vs. Double antibiotic therapy scheme used in complicated appendicitis in pediatrics was compared. No statistically significant differences were found in this preliminary report, how ever with the double scheme the frequency of administration was lower and exposure to side effects of aminoglycosides was avoided.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Appendicitis/complications , Gentamicins , Cephalexin , Ampicillin , Metronidazole , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Pediatrics , Postoperative Complications , General Surgery , Cost-Benefit AnalysisABSTRACT
Bovine clinical mastitis caused by Staphylococcus spp. is a serious and widespread disease in the world of dairy farming. Antimicrobial therapy is of fundamental importance in the prevention and treatment of infectious mastitis, but the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials acts as a determining factor for the spread of the disease. The present study evaluated the resistance profiles of 57 Staphylococcus spp. isolated from bovine clinical mastitis to beta-lactams and gentamicin, relating characteristics of phenotype (in vitro susceptibility tests) and genotype (detection and expression of genes encoding resistance - mecA, mecALGA251, blaZ, femA, femB, and aacA-aphD - using PCR and RT-PCR, respectively). One or more genes coding for resistance to different antimicrobials were detected in 50 Staphylococcus spp. isolates. The femA and femB genes were the most frequent (75.4% for both). The observed expression of the genes was as follows: blaZ (60%), femA (39.5%), aacA-aphD (50%), femB (32.6%), mecA (8.3%), and mecALGA251 (0%). Considering the relevance of the genus Staphylococcus to bovine mastitis, this study aimed to elucidate aspects regarding the genotypic and phenotypic profiles of these microorganisms so as to contribute to the development of effective strategies for mastitis control.(AU)
A mastite clínica bovina causada por Staphylococcus spp. é uma doença grave e generalizada no mundo da pecuária leiteira. A terapia antimicrobiana é de fundamental importância na prevenção e no tratamento da mastite infecciosa, mas o uso indiscriminado de antimicrobianos atua como fator determinante para a disseminação da doença. O presente estudo avaliou os perfis de resistência de 57 Staphylococcus spp. isolados de mastite clínica bovina em relação ao uso de betalactâmicos e gentamicina, relacionando características do fenótipo (testes de suscetibilidade in vitro) e genótipo (detecção e expressão de genes que codificam resistência - mecA, mecALGA251, blaZ, femA, femB, e aacA-aphD - usando PCR e RT-PCR, respectivamente). Um ou mais genes que codificam resistência a diferentes antimicrobianos foram detectados em 50 Staphylococcus spp. isolados. Os genes femA e femB foram os mais frequentes (75,4% para ambos). A expressão observada dos genes foi a seguinte: blaZ (60%), femA (39,5%), aacA-aphD (50%), femB (32,6%), mecA (8,3%) e mecALGA251 (0%). Considerando-se a relevância do gênero Staphylococcus para a mastite bovina, este estudo teve como objetivo elucidar aspectos referentes aos perfis genotípico e fenotípico desses microrganismos, a fim de contribuir para o desenvolvimento de estratégias eficazes para o controle da mastite.(AU)
Staphylococcus/isolation & purification , Gene Expression/genetics , beta-Lactam Resistance/genetics , Drug Resistance, Bacterial/genetics , Mastitis, Bovine/microbiology , Gentamicins , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain ReactionABSTRACT
La elevada incidencia del Enterococcus faecalis en procedimientos odontológicos es un tópico de interés para el área de la salud, esta bacteria resiste a varios antimicrobianos y su proliferación aumenta debido a su baja susceptibilidad a sustancias de uso convencional como el hidróxido de calcio, convirtiéndose en una de las principales causas del fracaso de los tratamientos de conduc- to. La presente investigación evaluó la susceptibilidad in vitro del Enterococcus faecalis cepa ATCC-29212 frente a la combinación de sustancias y antibióticos con el hidróxido de calcio. Se utilizó la técnica de difusión en agar, inoculando el microorganismo en cajas de Petri con agar Cerebro Corazón (BHI), tratado con discos de papel filtro impregnados con 1µl de cada trata- miento por triplicado; T1 (Hidróxido de Calcio + propilenglicol), T2 (Hidróxido de Calcio + paramonoclorofenol), T3 (Hidróxido de Calcio + ampicilina gentamicina + propilenglicol), T4 (Hidróxido de Calcio + Solución Salina Fisiológica), Control positivo (medicamento comercial a base de Hidróxido de Calcio), se incubó a 35°C durante 24h, los halos formados alrededor de cada disco fueron medidos y comparados con la escala de Duraffourd y procesados mediante ANOVA de un factor. Se obtuvo una medida del halo de inhibición de 22,50±3,3 mm, con el trata- miento T3, siendo sumamente sensible. Concluyendo que este resultó el más efectivo en compa- ración el resto de la pruebas in vitro en comparación con el resto de los fármaco investigados.
The high incidence of Enterococcus faecalis in dental procedures is a topic of interest for the health area. This bacterium resists various antimicrobials and its proliferation increases due to its low susceptibility to substances of conventional use such as calcium hydroxide, becoming a of the main causes of root canal failure. The present investigation evaluated the in vitro suscepti- bility of Enterococcus faecalis strain ATCC-29212 to the combination of substances and antibio - tics with calcium hydroxide. The agar diffusion technique was used, inoculating the microorga- nism in Petri dishes with Brain Heart agar (BHI), treated with filter paper disks impregnated with 1µl of each treatment in triplicate; T1 (Calcium Hydroxide + propylene glycol), T2 (Cal- cium Hydroxide + paramonochlorophenol), T3 (Calcium Hydroxide + ampicillin gentamicin + propylene glycol), T4 (Calcium Hydroxide + Physiological Saline Solution), Positive control (Hydroxide-based commercial medicine Calcium), incubated at 35 ° C for 24h, the halos formed around each disc were measured and compared with the Duraffourd scale and processed by one-factor ANOVA. A measure of the inhibition halo of 22.50 ± 3.3 mm was obtained with the T3 treatment, being extremely sensitive. It was concluded that this was the most effective in comparison with the rest of the in vitro tests of the rest of the investigated drugs.
Calcium Hydroxide , Enterococcus faecalis , Ampicillin , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Gentamicins , HealthABSTRACT
Objetivo: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico e microbiológico das puérperas com diagnóstico de infecção após cesárea, caracterizando as infecções de sítio cirúrgico e o tratamento. Métodos: Coorte prospectiva de parturientes submetidas a parto cesáreo em maternidade pública de Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil, com diagnóstico de infecção de sítio cirúrgico, entre 1º de julho de 2019 e 30 de abril de 2020. Foram coletados dados epidemiológicos. Para a investigação do perfil microbiológico, foi realizada a identificação da cultura a partir da secreção da infecção do sítio cirúrgico e do antibiograma das culturas. Resultados: Um total de 81 pacientes foi diagnosticado com infecção de sítio cirúrgico durante o período de estudo. A taxa de infecção de sítio cirúrgico na maternidade em estudo foi de 6,0%. As pacientes possuíam baixa escolaridade e baixa renda mensal, com ocupações que requerem menor qualificação, sendo a maioria solteira. Entre as pacientes, 70,4% eram obesas e 28,4% apresentaram sobrepeso; 45,6% delas tiveram parto cesáreo de emergência e 29,6% não usaram antibióticos profiláticos. Staphylococcus aureus foi a cultura identificada mais frequentemente e apresentou resistência ao antibiótico mais prescrito: a gentamicina. Conclusão: A taxa de infecção do sítio cirúrgico foi alta durante o período do estudo. Ressaltamos a necessidade de um protocolo eficaz de identificação bacteriana e acompanhamento da puérpera. O conhecimento das características epidemiológicas e microbiológicas pode auxiliar no planejamento dos cuidados realizados pelas instituições de saúde para minimizar os casos de infecção de sítio cirúrgico e suas consequências.(AU)
Objective: To describe the epidemiological and microbiological profiles of puerperal women diagnosed with the infection after cesarean sections, characterizing the surgical site infections and treatment. Methods: Prospective cohort of parturients underwent cesarean delivery at a public maternity hospital in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, diagnosed with surgical site infection between July 1, 2019, and April 30, 2020. Epidemiological data were collected. To investigate the microbiological profile, both culture identification from surgical site infection secretion and antibiogram for the cultures were performed. Results: A total of 81 patients were confirmed to have surgical site infection during this study period; The surgical site infection rate in the maternity hospital under study was 6.0%. The patients presented a low level of education and monthly income, with occupations that require lower qualification, and most of them are single. Seventy point four percent of the patients were obese, and 28.4% were overweight. Forty-five point six percent of patients had an emergency cesarean delivery, and 29.6% did not use prophylactic antibiotics. Staphylococcus aureus was the most frequent culture identified from surgical site infection secretion and presented resistance to the most prescribed antibiotic, Gentamicin. Conclusion: The rate of surgical site infection was high during the study period. We highlight the need for an effective bacterial identification protocol and monitoring of puerperal women. Knowledge of epidemiological and microbiological characteristics can assist in the planning of care performed by the health institutions to minimize cases of surgical site infection and its consequences.(AU)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Puerperal Infection/microbiology , Puerperal Infection/drug therapy , Puerperal Infection/epidemiology , Gentamicins/therapeutic use , Antibiotic Prophylaxis , Staphylococcus aureus , Brazil/epidemiology , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Drug Resistance, BacterialABSTRACT
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, bactéria ubíqua e versátil, pode se comportar como um patógeno oportunista, com ampla capacidade adaptativa, por múltiplos fatores de virulência e resistência. Como agente patogênico nas infecções pulmonares em pacientes com fibrose cística (FC), é motivo de prognóstico ruim, aumento de hospitalizações e altas taxas de morbimortalidade, sendo quase impossível a sua erradicação, ao evoluírem para a cronicidade. Globalmente, é notável o aumento nos índices de amostras não sensíveis aos carbapenêmicos e a múltiplos antimicrobianos, essenciais à terapêutica. Assim, avaliamos temporalmente a susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos e a presença de amostras hipermutáveis (HPM) em P. aeruginosa de diferentes morfotipos, não sensíveis aos carbapenêmicos (PANSC), obtidas de pacientes FC com infecção pulmonar crônica, acompanhados em dois centros de referência no Rio de Janeiro. De 2007 a 2016, a análise retrospectiva, através dos resultados obtidos no teste de disco-difusão (TDD), permitiu selecionar amostras de PANSC incluídas neste trabalho. Usando os resultados obtidos no TDD, foi definida a susceptibilidade a outros antimicrobianos, bem como os fenótipos de resistência, multi-(MDR), extensivo-(XDR) e pandroga resistentes (PDR). Adicionalmente, determinou-se a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) para imipenem (IPM), meropenem (MEM), doripenem (DOR) e polimixina (POL). Através de teste fenotípico, foi calculada a frequência de mutação espontânea e as amostras hipermutáveis foram caracterizadas. O sequenciamento de genoma total (SGT) foi realizado em seis amostras de diferentes morfotipos, incluindo uma variante fenotípica rara, a small colony variant (SCV). Essas amostras foram recuperadas em dois episódios de exacerbação do paciente. Foram investigadas a clonalidade, resistência a antimicrobianos e virulência. Das 143 amostras, de 18 pacientes (9 pediátricos e 9 adultos), os resultados do TDD apontaram taxas de não susceptibilidade superiores a 44% para gentamicina, amicacina, tobramicina e ciprofloxacina, e maiores de 30 % para POL. Pela determinação da CIM, quase a totalidade (96%) das amostras foram não sensíveis a IMP, seguidos de 56% para MEM e 44% para DOR. Analisando-se a distribuição dos valores da CIM50 e CIM90 nos dois grupos de pacientes, os valores para IMP foram maiores entre as amostras dos pacientes pediátricos, equivalendo a 32 µg/mL e 64 µg/mL, respectivamente. Cerca de 25%, 37% e 6% eram MDR, XDR e PDR, respectivamente. Aproximadamente 12% eram HPM, e mais da metade destas foram XDR. Após o SGT, as seis amostras, recuperadas do caso clínico foram classificadas em um novo sequence type (ST2744), com a presença de genes de resistência adquiridos blaPAO, blaOXA-50, aph(3')-Iib, fosA, catB7 e crpP, apresentando mutações em genes codificadores de porinas e bombas de efluxo. Entretanto, não foram observados marcadores genéticos clássicos exclusivos para os fenótipos SCV e HPM. Este é o primeiro relato de P. aeruginosa SCV na FC, no Brasil. A vigilância epidemiológica de P. aeruginosa é crucial para a conduta terapêutica, bem como para o sucesso da resposta do paciente e erradicação da infecção pulmonar, justificando o uso de técnicas fenotípicas e moleculares na detecção dos mecanismos de resistência e virulência desse microrganismo na FC.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a ubiquitous and versatile bacterium, can behave as an opportunistic pathogen, with strong adaptive capacity, due to multiple virulence and resistance factors. As a pulmonary infection pathogen in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), it is related with poor prognosis, increased hospitalizations and high rates of morbidity and mortality, and the eradication is almost impossible, especially after chronicity. The increase rates of isolates non-susceptible to carbapenem and multiple antimicrobials, essentials to therapy, have been observed worldwide. Therefore, we assessed the antimicrobial susceptibility and the presence of hypermutability (HPM) in non-susceptible to carbapenem P. aeruginosa (PANSC) isolates from different morphotypes, obtained from CF patients with chronic pulmonary infection, followed at two reference centers in Rio de Janeiro. Using the results obtained by disk-diffusion test (DDT) between 2007 to 2016, we select 143 PANSC and susceptibility to other antimicrobials was defined, as well as the resistance phenotypes, multi- (MDR), extensive- (XDR) and pandrug resistant (PDR). Additionally, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for imipenem (IPM), meropenem (MEM), doripenem (DOR) and polymyxin (POL) was determined. Hypermutable isolates were characterized by determination of mutation frequency. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) was performed in six morphotypes isolates, including the small colony variant (SCV), a rare variant phenotype. These isolates were recovered in two exacerbation episodes. Clonality, antimicrobial resistance and virulence were investigated. Of the total (143 isolates) isolated from 18 patients (9 pediatric and 9 adults), non-susceptibility rates above than 44% for gentamicin, amikacin, tobramycin and ciprofloxacin, and more than 30% for POL were observed. Almost all (96%) of the isolates were non-susceptible to IPM by MIC determination, followed by 56% for MEM and 44% for DOR. MIC50 (32 µg/mL) and MIC90 (64 µg/mL) rates for IPM were higher among pediatric patient isolates and 25%, 37% and 6% were MDR, XDR and PDR, respectively. 12% of all isolates were classified as HPM and more than half were categorized as XDR. Using WGS, the six isolates recovered from the clinical case, were identified as a new sequence type (ST2744). Acquired resistance genes blaPAO, blaOXA-50, aph (3')-Iib, fosA, catB7 and crpP and mutations in encoding genes for porins and efflux pumps, was annotated. None exclusive classic genetic markers related to SCV and HPM phenotypes were not observed. This is the first Brazilian report of P. aeruginosa SCV in CF. Our results highlight the importance of epidemiological surveillance in P. aeruginosa. The application of phenotypic and molecular techniques to investigate resistance and virulence mechanisms, can contribute to therapeutic success in CF.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/drug effects , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/immunology , Carbapenems/therapeutic use , Drug Resistance, Bacterial/drug effects , Pseudomonas Infections/physiopathology , Tobramycin/pharmacology , Amikacin/pharmacology , Gentamicins/pharmacology , Ciprofloxacin/pharmacology , Imipenem/pharmacology , Polymyxins/pharmacology , Cystic Fibrosis , Doripenem/pharmacology , Meropenem/pharmacology , Lung/physiopathologyABSTRACT
Introdução: A insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) ocorre em cerca de 5% das hospitalizações e até 30% das internações em UTI, possuindo taxas de mortalidade entre 15% e 60%. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar diferentes protocolos de indução da IRA em modelo animal, buscando a padronização do modelo para o estudo da relação bidirecional com a periodontite apical (PA). Métodos: Foram utilizados vinte e quatro ratos divididos em três grupos (n=8): G1) administração de gentamicina na dosagem de 80mg/Kg/dia durante cinco dias; G2) administração de gentamicina na dosagem de 100mg/kg/dia durante oito dias; e G3) administração de gentamicina na dosagem de 100mg/kg/dia durante dez dias. A PA foi induzida em todos os grupos por meio da exposição pulpar dos primeiros e segundos molares superiores e inferiores do lado direito. Após trinta dias da exposição pulpar, os animais foram eutanasiados; os rins, coletados para análise histológica em HE; e as maxilas e mandíbulas, removidas para análise radiográfica. Resultados: A presença da PA foi confirmada em todos os espécimes pelo exame radiográfico. O grupo G3 apresentou índice de mortalidade de 75%, enquanto G1 e G2 não apresentaram mortalidade. Histologicamente, o tecido renal do grupo G2 apresentou alterações teciduais, como dilatação e necrose tubular mais severa, quando comparado ao grupo G1 (p<0,05). Conclusão: Diante do alto índice de mortalidade observado em G3 e dos achados histológicos observados em G1 e G2, o protocolo indicado para o estudo da relação bidirecional com a periodontite apical é o de 100mg/kg/dia durante oito dias (AU).
Introduction: Acute Renal Failure (ARF) occurs in about 5% of hospitalizations and up to 30% of ICU admissions, with mortality rates between 15% and 60%. The objective of this study was to analyze different protocols for the induction of IRA in an animal model, seeking the standardization of the model for the study of bidirectional relationship with apical periodontitis (AP). Methods: Twenty-four rats were divided into three groups (n = 8): G1 - Administration of Gentamicin at a dose of 80mg/ kg/day for 5 days; G2 - Administration of Gentamicin at the dose of 100mg/kg/day for 8 days; G3 - Administration of Gentamicin at the dosage of 100mg/kg/day for 10 days. The AP was induced in all groups by means of pulp exposure of the first and second upper and lower molars from the right side. After 30 days, the animals were euthanized, the kidneys collected for histological analysis, and the jaws removed for radiographic analysis. Results: The presence of AP was confirmed in all specimens by radiographic examination. The G3 group had a mortality rate of 75% while G1 and G2 had no mortality. Histologically, the renal tissue of the G2 protocol presented tissue changes such as dilation and more severe tubular necrosis when compared to the G1 protocol (p <0.05). Conclusion: In view of the high mortality rate observed in G3 and the histological findings observed in G1 and G2, the indicated protocol is 100mg/kg/day for 8 days to study the bidirectional relationship with apical periodontitis (AU).