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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;30: e2023067, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528662


Resumo O artigo mostra, inicialmente, como as discussões sobre o Antropoceno têm se deslocado de maneira cada vez mais significativa para o campo das ciências humanas. Em seguida, tomando como ponto de partida a proposta de que as ciências humanas deveriam contribuir para a compreensão do "metanível consequencial" dos estudos sobre o Antropoceno, discute como alguns trabalhos produzidos nesse campo têm lidado com as relações entre causas, efeitos e consequências diante das condições do novo regime planetário, considerando de maneira especial as discussões sobre a "tecnosfera". Conclui indicando o potencial das novas perspectivas ontológicas das ciências humanas para a ampliação dos horizontes explicativos e comunicativos da historiografia.

Abstract The article initially presents an increasingly significant move of discussions about the Anthropocene towards humanities and social sciences. Then, taking as a starting point the proposal that these fields could contribute to the understanding of the "consequential meta-level" of studies on the Anthropocene, it discusses how some works produced in humanities and social sciences have dealt with the relationship between causes, effects and consequences regarding the new planetary regime, with a special focus on the debate about the "technosphere." It concludes by indicating the potential of the "ontological turn" to expand the explanatory and communicative horizons of historiography.

Geology , Historiography , Humanities
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;29(3): 869-871, jul.-set. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405027
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 29(4): 734-742, out.-dez. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365506


Resumo O artigo discute os conceitos de Antropoceno e de Gaia, apontados por Bruno Latour como categorias para entender o regime climático que estamos vivendo e servir de base teórica para buscar respostas apropriadas para a crise do clima. Os conceitos buscam superar dois pressupostos da racionalidade moderna: a oposição entre natureza e cultura - questionando o princípio de que os humanos são os únicos atores da realidade e introduzindo todos os seres vivos como agentes conformadores do ambiente - e a visão globalizante do planeta Terra, que impede de ver a terra como solo localizado onde acontecem os ciclos biogeoquímicos de transformação da energia que possibilitam a vida. Conclui-se que a reflexão de Latour fornece bases ontológicas para a discussão sobre a mudança climática e pressupostos para a bioética ambiental.

Abstract This article discusses the concepts of Anthropocene and Gaia, raised by Bruno Latour, as categories to understand the climate regime we are experiencing and serve as a theoretical basis to seek appropriate responses to the climate crisis. These concepts seek to overcome two assumptions of modern rationality: the opposition between nature and culture - questioning the principle that humans are the only actors in reality and introducing all living beings as agents shaping the environment - and the globalizing vision of planet Earth that prevents us from seeing it as localized soil where biogeochemical cycles of energy transformation that make life possible take place. It is concluded that Latour's reflection provides ontological bases for the discussion on climate change and assumptions for environmental bioethics.

Resumen Este artículo discute los conceptos de Antropoceno y Gaia, señalados por Bruno Latour como categorías para entender el régimen climático que estamos viviendo y para servir de base teórica para buscar respuestas adecuadas a la crisis climática. Los conceptos buscan superar dos supuestos de la racionalidad moderna: la oposición entre naturaleza y cultura -cuestionando el principio de que los humanos son los únicos actores de la realidad e introduciendo a todos los seres vivos como agentes conformadores del medio ambiente- y la visión globalizante del planeta Tierra, que impide ver la tierra como un suelo localizado en el que tienen lugar los ciclos biogeoquímicos de transformación de la energía que hacen posible la vida. Se concluye que la reflexión de Latour proporciona bases ontológicas para la discusión sobre el cambio climático y supuestos para la bioética ambiental.

Climate Change , Bioethics , Ecosystem , Ecology , Biosphere , Geology
E-Cienc. inf ; 11(1)jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1384749


RESUMEN El objetivo de la investigación fue describir la producción científica de la Facultad de Geología y Minas del Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa (Cuba), en revistas científicas durante el período 2003-2015. El estudio se desarrolló a través de una estrategia de investigación que combina técnicas exploratorias de búsqueda de información y análisis cuantitativos, mediante el análisis documental y la estadística descriptiva. En este sentido, se analizó la producción científica por años, departamentos docentes, autores y en revistas. Se consultó un total de 224 publicaciones, de ellas 80 en revistas científicas, a partir de la identificación de los focos temáticos de investigación, la información contenida en los curriculum vitae y la consulta a las bases de datos. Los resultados muestran la evolución e impacto de la producción científica en los doce años del período en estudio. Se concluye que, a pesar de que el número de publicaciones registradas en revistas científicas es pequeño, existe una correspondencia entre la producción científica y las líneas de investigación establecidas por la institución. Estos resultados son un reflejo de los intereses y áreas activas de esta Facultad, por lo que los resultados pueden constituir un indicador de su evolución en la institución.

Abstract The purpose of the research was to describe the scientific production of the Geology and Mining School of the Higher Institute of Mining and Metallurgy of Moa (Cuba), in scientific journals during 2003-2015 period. The study is developed by means of a research strategy that combines exploratory techniques of information search and quantitative analyses, through the documentary analysis and descriptive statistics. In this sense analyzed the scientific production for years, teaching departments, authors, and journals. A total of 224 publications were surveyed, of those 80 in scientific journals, through of the identification of the thematic focuses of research, the information given in the curriculum vitae and the databases queries. The results show the evolution and impact of the scientific production in the twelve years of the period under study. It concluded that, despite the number of registered publications in scientific journals is small, there is a matching between the scientific production and the established lines of investigation by the institution. These results reflect the interests and active areas of this Faculty, so the results can be an indicator of his evolution in the institution.

Periodicals as Topic , Universities , Bibliometrics , Scientific and Technical Activities , Geology/education , Cuba , Mining/education
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;28(2): 491-508, abr.-jun. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279139


Abstract Oscar Nerval de Gouvêa was a scientist and teacher in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, whose work spanned engineering, medicine, the social sciences, and law. This paper presents and discusses a manuscript entitled "Table of mineral classification," which he appended to his dissertation Da receptividade mórbida , presented to the Faculty of Medicine in 1889. The foundations and features of the table provide a focus for understanding nineteenth-century mineralogy and its connections in Brazil at that time through this scientist. This text was Gouvêa's contribution to the various mineral classification systems which have emerged from different parts of the world.

Resumo Oscar Nerval de Gouvêa foi um cientista e professor no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, cuja obra abrange engenharia, medicina, ciências sociais e direito. Este artigo apresenta e discute o texto intitulado "Tabela de classificação mineral", que ele anexou a sua tese Da receptividade mórbida, apresentada na Escola Superior de Medicina, em 1889. Os fundamentos e características da tabela propiciam a compreensão da mineralogia do século XIX e suas conexões no Brasil à época por intermédio desse cientista. O texto foi a contribuição de Gouvêa aos diversos sistemas de classificação de minerais originados de diferentes partes do mundo.

History, 16th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Geology/history , Homeopathy/history , Minerals/history , Brazil , History, Ancient , Minerals/classification
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507787


Introducción: El noroeste de Costa Rica representa un área con una alta riqueza geológica que evidencia rocas generadas en diferentes ambientes, como plano abisal, talud continental, plataforma continental, volcánicos continentales efusivos y explosivos, volcánicos submarinos, costeros, erosivos fluviales, erosivos gravitatorios, de intrusión y el manto terrestre. Objetivo: Describir el contexto geológico actual del noroeste de Costa Rica, mediante el análisis y recopilación de datos de campo, geoquímicos, petrológicos, estructurales, paleontológicos y radiométricos con el fin de reconstruir los eventos y etapas de deformación desde el Jurásico a la actualidad. Métodos: Se hizo una recopilación bibliográfica de estudios en diversas ramas geológicas para establecer un estado del arte del extremo noroeste de Costa Rica. Resultados: La historia geológica representa el registro en rocas desde el Jurásico al Holoceno - actualidad con once etapas definidas a partir de interpretaciones petrológicas, estructurales, geocronológicas, estratigráficas y paleontológicas agrupadas en tres etapas de depositación y afectadas por cuatro fases tectónicas compresivas. Conclusiones: Las etapas de depositación corresponden con una primera etapa magmática con afinidad oceánica entre el Jurásico y el Cretácico Superior, una segunda etapa predominantemente sedimentaria con un rango de edad entre el Cretácico Superior y el Oligoceno, y por último una etapa volcánica efusiva - explosiva ubicada desde el Plioceno hasta la actualidad. Las fases tectónicas se asocian con diferentes eventos entre placas. La primera se dio en el Cretácico Inferior y su principal resultado visible fue la emersión de la Ofiolita de Santa Elena; la segunda sucedió del Cretácico Superior temprano al Campaniano y su reconocimiento está ligado a la posición actual de la Ofiolita de Santa Elena y sus estructuras circundantes; la tercera fase aconteció desde el Eoceno Superior hasta el Mioceno y su principal producto fue la generación del tren de pliegues sedimentarios del Golfo de Santa Elena a bahía de Salinas; y por último se presenta una fase Cuaternaria que originó el eje de basculamiento de los productos piroclásticos frente a la cordillera volcánica de Guanacaste.

Introduction: The Costa Rican northwestern coastline has a wide geological uniqueness that exhibits rocks from different environments such as abyssal plane, continental slope, continental platform, volcanic eruptions (effusive, explosive, and submarine), coastal, erosional (fluvial and gravitatory), intrusions, and upper mantle rocks. Objective: To present the geologic state of the art of the northwestern coastline of Costa Rica through the bibliographic review of geochemical, petrologic, structural, paleontological and geochronological data. Methods: A bibliographic revision was done to propose a state of the art of northwestern coastline of Costa Rica. Results: The geologic record shows eleven stages from the Jurassic to the Holocene. These stages were regrouped from petrologic, structural, geochronologic, stratigraphic and paleontological interpretations in three depositional stages and four compressive tectonic phases. Conclusions: The first depositional stage is volcanic with oceanic affinity between the Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous. The second has a sedimentary predominance with an age range between the Upper Cretaceous and the Miocene. The last depositional stage is a volcanic (effusive and explosive) from the Pliocene until the present. The tectonic phases are associate with different interactions between tectonic plates. The first phase triggered the Santa Elena Ophiolite obduction during the Early Cretaceous. The second phase occurred in the Early Upper Cretaceous - Campanian and is recognized by its current position and surrounding structures. The third phase lasted from the Upper Eocene until the Miocene and its main result was the folding of the Bahía de Salinas sedimentary rocks. Finally, the Quaternary phase created a tilt axis and the aperture for the deposition of pyroclastic density currents in front of the Guanacaste volcanic ridge.

Tectonics , Geological Phenomena , Sedimentation , Volcanic Eruptions/analysis , Costa Rica , Geology/statistics & numerical data
Arch. med ; 21(1): 182-202, 2021/01/03.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1148445


Objective: the purpose of this work is to review research on the role of minerals in Medical Geology, highlighting the importance and interrelationships between geological factors and human health. Materials and methods: qualitative study under the documentary approach from which a review of previous studies on the topic of interest was carried out, taking into account that there is an increasing interest between the health and geoscience communities by elucidating the geologic origins and flow of toxic elements in the environment that lead to human exposure through the consumption of food and water. Results: during the review process of the existing literature, it was evidenced that the advance of science and technology has allowed the opening of new lines of research that require multidisciplinary work with the participation of professionals in different areas of knowledge and the medical geology proposes collaboration between two broad fields of knowledge that apparently have no relationship, such as Earth sciences and biomedical sciences. Several aspects are considered, including the interaction between environment and health, which is very important for an extensive audience, including students, researchers, geological and biomedical professionals, policymakers and general public. Conclusion: medical geology should be considered as a component of the Colombia's National Health Action Plan and therefore, to be most effective the Colombian geoscience community should be included as one of the key players or agencies involved in environmental health studies..Au

Objetivo: la finalidad del presente trabajo es revisar investigaciones sobre el papel de los minerales en Geología Médica, destacando la importancia y las interrelaciones entre los factores geológicos y la salud humana. Materiales y métodos: estudio de carácter cualitativo bajo el enfoque documental a partir del cual se llevó a cabo una revisión de estudios previos sobre el tópico de interés, teniendo en cuenta que existe un interés creciente entre las comunidades de salud y geociencia al dilucidar los orígenes geológicos y flujo de elementos tóxicos en el medio ambiente que conducen a la exposición humana a través del consumo de alimentos y agua. Resultados: durante el proceso de revisión de la literatura existente, se evidenció que el avance de la ciencia y la tecnología ha permitido la apertura de nuevas líneas de investigación que requieren un trabajo multidisciplinario con la participación de profesionales en diferentes áreas del conocimiento y la geología médica propone colaboración entre dos amplios campos de conocimiento que aparentemente no tienen relación, como las ciencias de la tierra y las ciencias biomédicas. Se consideran varios aspectos, incluida la interacción entre el medio ambiente y la salud, que es muy importante para una audiencia extensa, incluidos estudiantes, investigadores, profesionales geológicos y biomédicos, encargados de formular políticas y público en general. Conclusión: la geología médica debe considerarse como un componente del Plan de Acción Nacional de Salud de Colombia y, por lo tanto, para ser más eficaz, la comunidad de geociencia colombiana debe ser incluida como uno de los actores o agencias clave involucradas en los estudios de salud ambiental..Au

Humans , Environment , Geology , Minerals
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 3631-3641, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-828404


Zha-xun is widely used in Tibetan medicine and is also an international traditional medicine. This study believes that the black organic matter constituting Zha-xun is mainly stored in the rocks. The exudation points of Zha-xun mostly distribute on the cliffs of high mountains, which makes it difficult to evaluate its resource distribution and storage area. This paper was aimed at the exudation environment of Tibetan medicine Zha-xun in Sichuan province and 6 ecological environmental factors of the Zha-xun were determined via the field investigation. Combining with these 6 factors as well as the GIS data of Sichuan province, ArcGIS software was used to extract ideal environmental factors which are suitable for exudation of Zha-xun, including geology types, geomorphological types, altitude, slope, vegetation types, and mean annual temperature. The spatial overlay analyses on the extracted environmental factors were carried out to predict the distribution area of Zha-xun in Sichuan province. Afterwards, field investigation was conducted to verify the prediction. The prediction showed that the exudation spots of Zha-xun in Sichuan province mainly located in 29 counties including 12 in Aba Prefecture, 15 in Ganzi Prefecture, and Muli County and Dechang County in Liangshan Prefecture. The deposit areas of Zha-xun were located in the Triassic, Devonian and Silurian strata and were basically distributed in 9 basins, including Dingqu River, Yalong River, Xianshui River, Dadu River, Suomo River, Minjiang River and Baishui River, characterized by a fragmented patch-like distribution along the mountain ranges, and the exudation spots of Zha-xun were mainly scattered among the rain-free cliffs' concavities of river valleys at a certain altitude. The prediction was consistent with the field investigation results, which suggested that it is possible and feasible to predict distribution of Zha-xun resources based on GIS-analysis. The study may provide a scientific basis for comprehensive investigations into Zha-xun's distribution and formation mechanism, thus promoting rational development and utilization of Zha-xun resources.

China , Geographic Information Systems , Geology , Medicine, Tibetan Traditional , Medicine, Traditional , Temperature
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 16(3): [e180033], out. 2018. graf, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-963989


We review geological evidence on the origin of the modern transcontinental Amazon River, and the paleogeographic history of riverine connections among the principal sedimentary basins of northern South America through the Neogene. Data are reviewed from new geochronological datasets using radiogenic and stable isotopes, and from traditional geochronological methods, including sedimentology, structural mapping, sonic and seismic logging, and biostratigraphy. The modern Amazon River and the continental-scale Amazon drainage basin were assembled during the late Miocene and Pliocene, via some of the largest purported river capture events in Earth history. Andean sediments are first recorded in the Amazon Fan at about 10.1-9.4 Ma, with a large increase in sedimentation at about 4.5 Ma. The transcontinental Amazon River therefore formed over a period of about 4.9-5.6 million years, by means of several river capture events. The origins of the modern Amazon River are hypothesized to be linked with that of mega-wetland landscapes of tropical South America (e.g. várzeas, pantanals, seasonally flooded savannahs). Mega-wetlands have persisted over about 10% northern South America under different configurations for >15 million years. Although the paleogeographic reconstructions presented are simplistic and coarse-grained, they are offered to inspire the collection and analysis of new sedimentological and geochronological datasets.(AU)

Este trabalho é uma revisão das evidências geológicas sobre a origem do moderno rio Amazonas transcontinental, e a história paleogeográfica das conexões ribeirinhas entre as principais bacias sedimentares do norte da América do Sul durante o Neógeno. São revisados novos conjuntos de dados geocronológicos usando isótopos radiogênicos e estáveis, e de métodos geocronológicos tradicionais, incluindo sedimentologia, mapeamento estrutural, exploração sísmica e bioestratigrafia. O atual rio Amazonas e sua bacia continental se formaram durante o final do Mioceno e do Plioceno, através de alguns dos maiores eventos de captura de rio na história da Terra. Os sedimentos andinos são registrados pela primeira vez no leque fluvial do Amazonas por volta de 10,1-9,4 Ma, com um grande aumento na sedimentação a cerca de 4,5 Ma. O rio Amazonas transcontinental, portanto, se formou durante um período de cerca de 4,9 a 5,6 milhões de anos, por meio de vários eventos de captura de rios. Acredita-se que as origens do moderno rio Amazonas estejam ligadas às paisagens de inundação da América do Sul tropical (por exemplo, várzeas, pantanais, savanas sazonalmente inundadas). As áreas pantanosas persistiram em cerca de 10% do norte da América do Sul sob diferentes configurações por mais de 15 milhões de anos. Embora as reconstruções paleogeográficas apresentadas sejam simplistas, elas são oferecidas para inspirar a coleta e análise de novos conjuntos de dados sedimentológicos e geocronológicos.(AU)

Chronology as Topic , Amazonian Ecosystem/analysis , Biodiversity , Geology
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;75(9): 671-672, Sept. 2017.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888328


ABSTRACT In 1817, British physician James Parkinson published a 66-page document entitled "Essay on the Shaking Palsy". This brief text became a classical and fundamental piece in the history of medicine and, in particular, of neurology. The authors of this article wish to pay tribute to this great pioneer of neurology, 200 years after the publication of his findings, which would, in turn, immortalize his name and give rise to the renaming on the entity in 1860 by Professor Jean Martin Charcot, father of neurology. It would be known, henceforth as Parkinson's disease.

RESUMEN En 1817 el médico británico James Parkinson publicó un documento de 66 páginas titulado "Ensayo sobre la parálisis agitante". Este breve texto es de una gran importancia en la historia de la medicina y en particular de la neurología. Los autores desean rendir homenaje a este gran pionero de la neurología al cumplir doscientos años la publicación que inmortalizaría su nombre y que dio origen a la primera descripción de la entidad que desde 1860, a propuesta del profesor Jean Martin Charcot, el padre de la neurología, se denomina Enfermedad de Parkinson. (James - Hierons).

Humans , History, 19th Century , Parkinson Disease/history , Neurology/history , Geology/history
La Habana; Impresión Palcograf Artes Gráfica Palacio de Convenciones; 2017 ed; 2017. 447 p.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, PAHO-CUBA | ID: biblio-1044636


La presente publicación Anuario Estadístico de Cuba 2016 de la Oficina Nacional de Estadística e Información (ONEI), constituye una importante información estadística que refleja los aspectos más significativos de la situación demográfica, económica y social de los cubanos, consta de 23 capítulos. Cada uno comienza con una breve introducción donde se explica el contenido, la fuente de información de los datos, así como la definición metodológica de los principales indicadores. Este anuario constituye un instrumento de educación económica para todo nuestro pueblo, a la vez que permte divulgar, de manera oficial, los resultados más importantes del país.

Directories as Topic , Climate , Commerce/economics , Cuba , Geology , Environment , International Agencies
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-107705


Leonardo da Vinci is remembered as the greatest genius of the Renaissance. He left outstanding achievements as an artist, scientist and inventor, and contributes up to today's science. He ranks the best in a variety of fields, such as botany, mathematics, geology, astronomy, geometry and optics. It has well known that Leonardo is an artist, scientist, inventor and philosopher. And he was a great anatomist that dissected dead bodies and animals directly and left many anatomical drawings. He took an interest in anatomy from the point of view of the artist, which is why the human body structure and function to know the sakes were "ignorant of the anatomy should not be upset." Over time, he became interested in the structure and function of the body, even get the human body in a difficult environment; he dissected many the human bodies directly. His scientific inquiry and infatuation made him as an advanced pioneer for more than 100 years, and got enough level to surpass the artistry. Leonardo left about 1,800 anatomical figures of the muscular, skeletal, vascular, nervous and urogenital system, and they are also very scientific and high artistic achievements. The aim of this article is to take a look at Leonardo da Vinci's anatomical achievements and thoughts. In addition, the goal is to knowledge today's anatomists about Leonardo da Vinci's astonishing achievements as a great pioneer in anatomy.

Animals , Humans , Anatomists , Astronomy , Botany , Geology , Human Body , Inventors , Mathematics , Urogenital System
La Habana; Impresión Palcograf Palacio de Convenciones; 2016. 443 p. ilus, tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-972205


La presente publicación Anuario Estadístico deCuba 2015 de la Oficina Nacional de Estadística eInformación (ONEI), constituye una importanteinformación estadística que refleja los aspectosmás significativos de la situación demográfica,económica y social de los cubanos.El mismo consta de 23 capítulos. Cada capítulocomienza con una breve introducción donde seexplica el contenido, la fuente de información delos datos, así como la definición metodológica delos principales indicadores.Se presentan cuadros con series de varios años,relativos a: Territorio; Medio Ambiente; Población;Organización Institucional; Cuentas Nacionales;Finanzas; Empleo y Salarios; Sector Externo;Agricultura, Ganadería, Silvicultura y Pesca;Minería y Energía; Industria Manufacturera;Construcción e Inversiones; Transporte; ComercioInterno; Turismo; Ciencia y Tecnología;Tecnologías de la Información y lasComunicaciones; Educación; Salud Pública yAsistencia Social; Cultura; Deporte y CulturaFísica, Proceso Electoral en Cuba y Accidentes delTránsito...

The present publication Statistical Yearbook ofCuba 2015 from the National Office of Statisticand Information, it constitutes an importantstatistical information that shows the mostsignificant aspects of Cubans' demographic,economic and social situation.It consists of 23 chapters. Each chapter begins bya brief introduction where the content as well asthe methodological definition of the mainindicators are explained.Charts are presented with series of several years,graphs and maps relative to: Territory;Environment; Population; InstitutionalOrganization; National Accounts; Finance; WorkForce and Salaries; Foreign Sector; Agriculture,Livestock, Forestry and Fishing; Mining andEnergy; Manufactures Industry; Construction andInvestments; Transportation, Domestic Trade;Tourism; Science and Technology; Technologiesof Information and Communications; Education;Public Health and Social Assistance; Culture;Sports and Physical Culture; The ElectoralProcess in Cuba and Traffic Accidents...

Humans , Directories as Topic , Cuba , Environment , Geology , Earthquakes , Demography , Economics
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;63(supl.1): 407-416, abr. 2015. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958151


Resumen Se efectuó una evaluación geomorfológica y de zonas de erosión y sedimentación del sector oeste de la Península, desde punta Banco hasta punta El Mangle, con el fin de determinar aspectos relevantes desde el punto de vista geológico. El estudio se llevo a cabo durante 9 días en enero del 2008, tiempo en el cual, se realizó el estudio geológico, geomorfológico y de zonas de erosión-sedimentación costera, presentándose en este trabajo solamente los resultados relevantes de los últimos dos aspectos. Geomorfológicamente, se reconocen una predominancia de morfologías de origen estructural, y en menor grado de origen marino, fluvial y denudacional. Se definieron cuatro zonas de erosión-sedimentación, zonas de erosión intensa, de erosión moderada a leve, de erosión y sedimentación y zonas de depositación. Los procesos geológicos más importantes son los deslizamientos, la erosión costera y la alta sismicidad del área, factores que deben ser tomados en cuenta para una adecuada planificación rural de la península

Abstract The present work describes a geomorpholopic evaluation of the Burica peninsula, during 9 days in January 2008. Coastal geomorphology, erosion and depositional zones were evaluated between punta Banco and punta El Mangle. The most important morphologies found were structural origin morphologies, represented by active tectonic deformation, produced by the Panamá Fracture Zone, and the subduction of the Cocos ridge. The structural origin morphologies identified were, structural-denudational zones which dominate the study area, homocline in the south of the peninsula and structural terraces, that are observed easily between punta El Mangle and La Peña, and in punta Banco. Other morphologies were identified, such as marine, fluvial and denudational morphologies. The marine-origin morphologies include the beach, subdivided in subareas, separated due to the waves dynamic, the cliffs, that dominate the area between La Peña river and punta Banco, and the shore platforms in the area between punta El Mangle and La Peña. The denudational morphology is represented by landslides, which area present mainly in the cliffs. In the other hand, the fluvial origin morphologies, include La Peña, Peñita, Caña Blanca and Coco mouths and the floodplain of La Peña river. Intense erosional, slight to moderate erosional, sedimentational, and erosion and sedimentational zones were identified, having a great importance the coastal erosion, especially observed in the central and south of the peninsula. Considering the results and the interaction of them, the main hazards found are landslides, coastal erosion and the high seismicity of the area, which should be taken into account and studied in detail for a proper planning of the rural development. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 1): 407-416. Epub 2015 April 01.

Geographical Features/classification , Geomorphology , Geology , Costa Rica
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;62(supl.3): 350-367, Jul.-Sep. 2014. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-757339


Ecological impacts of military bombing activities in Puerto Rico have often been described as minimal, with recurrent allegations of confounding effects by hurricanes, coral diseases and local anthropogenic stressors. Reef craters, though isolated, are associated with major colony fragmentation and framework pulverization, with a net permanent loss of reef bio-construction. In contrast, adjacent non-bombarded reef sections have significantly higher benthic spatial relief and biodiversity. We compared benthic communities on 35-50 year-old bomb-cratered coral reefs at Culebra and Vieques Islands, with adjacent non-impacted sites; 2) coral recruit density and fish community structure within and outside craters; and 3) early effects of a rehabilitation effort using low-tech Staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis farming. Reef craters ranged in size from approximately 50 to 400m² and were largely dominated by heavily fragmented, flattened benthos, with coral cover usually below 2% and dominance by non-reef building taxa (i.e., filamentous algal turfs, macroalgae). Benthic spatial heterogeneity was lower within craters which also resulted in a lowered functional value as fish nursery ground. Fish species richness, abundance and biomass, and coral recruit density were lower within craters. Low-tech, community-based approaches to culture, harvest and transplant A. cervicornis into formerly bombarded grounds have proved successful in increasing percent coral cover, benthic spatial heterogeneity, and helping rehabilitate nursery ground functions.

Los impactos ecológicos de las actividades militares de bombardeos en Puerto Rico se han descrito a menudo como mínimos, con recurrentes denuncias al confundir efectos por huracanes, enfermedades de corales y estresores antropogénicos locales. Los cráteres de arrecife, aunque aislados, están relacionados con una alta fragmentación de la colonia y pulverización del contorno, con una pérdida neta permanente de arrecife en bio-construcción. En contraste, secciones adyacentes de arrecife no bombardeado tienen mayor biodiversidad y mayor relieve espacial bentónico. Comparamos las comunidades bentónicas en cráteres-bomba de arrecifes de coral con 35-50 años de antigüedad en las islas de Vieques, Puerto Rico, en comparación con los sitios adyacentes no impactados; 2) la densidad de reclutamiento de coral y estructura de la comunidad de peces dentro y fuera de los cráteres; y 3) impactos preliminares de un esfuerzo de rehabilitación basado en la comunidad arrecifal usando tecnología simple con el cultivo del coral Staghorn Acropora cervicornis. Los cráteres de arrecife se distancian en tamaño de aproximadamente 50 a 400m² y fueron dominados ampliamente por fragmentos de bentos aplanado, con una cubierta de coral generalmente por debajo de 2% y el predominio de taxones no constructores de arrecifes (es decir, tapetes de algas filamentosas, macroalgas). La heterogeneidad espacial bentónica fue significativamente menor dentro de cráteres que también resultaron en un reducido valor funcional como tierra de vivero de peces. La riqueza de especies de peces, abundancia y biomasa y densidad coral recluta fueron significativamente menores dentro de cráteres. Tecnología simple, basada en los enfoques de cultivo de comunidad, la cosecha y transplante de A. cervicornis en terrenos anteriormente bombardeados han demostrado un éxito al aumentar el porcentaje de cobertura de coral, la heterogeneidad espacial bentónica y ayudando a rehabilitar funcionalmente la tierra para vivero.

Benthic Fauna/analysis , Biodiversity , Coral Reefs , Geology/statistics & numerical data , Puerto Rico
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;21(1): 247-264, Jan-Mar/2014. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-707076


O presente artigo trata da “descoberta” do minério de ferro brasileiro a partir de duas perspectivas. A primeira analisa a crescente ênfase das geociências em sua aplicação prática e em sua globalidade desde a segunda metade do século XIX. Enquanto no Brasil a geologia econômica foi integrada passo a passo às instituições do Estado, no nível global ela viveu momento de triunfo com o 11 o Congresso Geológico Internacional, em 1910. A segunda trata de uma rede social específica com papel decisivo na corrida pelo minério de ferro brasileiro: experts transnacionais movimentandose entre as lógicas do mercado e as da academia. O artigo mostra a importância das negociações locais na incorporação do subsolo mineiro ao espaço global de mineração.

This article deals with the “discovery” of Brazilian iron ore from two perspectives. The first examines the increasing emphasis of the geosciences and their practical application and global reach since the second half of the nineteenth century. While in Brazil economic geology was integrated step by step into state institutions, at the global level it experienced its moment of triumph with the 11th International Geological Congress in 1910. The second deals with a specific social network with a decisive role in the race for Brazilian iron ore: with transnational experts juggling between the logic of the market and that of the academy. The article reveals the importance of local negotiations in the incorporation of the subsoil of Minas Gerais into the global space of mining.

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Geology/history , Iron , Mining/history , Brazil , Geology/economics , Wisconsin
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;20(3): 865-883, July-Sept/2013. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-688678


Carlos Ribeiro, um dos diretores da Comissão Geológica de Portugal, empreendeu em 1858 viagem por vários países da Europa, para adquirir bibliografia, equipamentos e coleções de comparação. Em Paris, conheceu o reputado conquiliologista Paul Deshayes, que lhe franqueou suas coleções pessoais do Terciário francês e o ajudou na classificação de fósseis portugueses. O trabalho conjunto revela-se na listagem de Ribeiro conservada no arquivo histórico do Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (Alfragide, Portugal), tendo aquelas classificações servido de base a uma monografia publicada por Pereira da Costa, parceiro de Ribeiro na Comissão Geológica, e à definição da estratigrafia dos depósitos terciários portugueses.

Carlos Ribeiro, one of the directors of the Geological Commission of Portugal, voyaged in 1858 to many countries of Europe to acquire publications, equipment and comparator collections. In Paris he met Paul Deshayes, a well-known conchologist, who gave him access to his personal collections of Tertiary deposits from France and helped him to classify Portuguese fossils. The outcome of the joint work can be seen in the Ribeiro List, which is preserved in the historic archives of the National Energy and Geology Laboratory (Alfragide, Portugal). These classifications served as a basis for a monograph published by Pereira da Costa, Ribeiro's colleague on the Geological Commission, and the definition of the stratigraphy of Portugal's Tertiary deposits.

History, 19th Century , Expeditions/history , Fossils/history , Geology/history , Europe
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;20(2): 457-479, abr-jun/2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-680054


A trajetória profissional de João Martins da Silva Coutinho relaciona-se à história do Museu Nacional (Rio de Janeiro), para cujas coleções, principalmente geológicas, ele contribuiu com informações científicas e remessa de material. No cenário científico brasileiro, participou de grandes comissões de caráter exploratório na segunda metade do século XIX, especialmente na Amazônia e no Nordeste. Coletou e enviou amostras para análise no Museu Nacional, estabelecendo profunda relação com a instituição e seus funcionários. Apresentam-se essas contribuições por meio da análise de documentos e da recuperação das coleções geológicas por ele remetidas e ainda presentes no acervo da instituição.

The career of João Martins da Silva Coutinho is linked to the history of the Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro to whose collections (especially geological) he contributed scientific information and material. On the Brazilian scientific stage, Silva Coutinho took part in major exploratory commissions in the latter half of the nineteenth century, mainly in the Amazon and in the Northeast. He collected and sent samples to the Museu Nacional for analysis, establishing deep ties with the institution and its staff. The article presents his contributions through an analysis of these documents and an examination of the geological collections that he sent to the institution and that remain part of its holdings.

Humans , History, 19th Century , Science , Collection , Expeditions/history , Geology , History, 19th Century
ISESCO Journal of Science and Technology. 2013; 9 (15): 63-69
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-139792


In this paper, the hydrogeology of Ardabil plain has been investigated. The hydrogeologic properties of the study area were investigated based on geophysical, geological, water level and pumping test data, Also 65 wells were sampled and analyzed for hydrochemical investigation. Physical and chemical characteristics of groundwater such as temperature, EC, pH, TDS, Na[+], K[+], Mg[2+]+, C[2+]+ HCO[-3]-, SO[4][-2], Cl[-] and CO[3][2-] were determined. Hydrochemical studies indicated that geological units have the greatest effect on the groundwater quality in this plain. According to the results obtained, the Ardabil plain has two aquifers, which one of them is located on top of the other. The upper aquifer is multi-layer with varying thickness [20 to 40 m] across the plain and is extracted for different kind of water supply. The number of penetrating wells to the lower aquifer is very low and may not be extracted because of its poor water quality. General direction of groundwater flow is from other directions to the north-west of the plain. The estimated hydraulic parameters of transmissivity and specific yield varies spatially from 50 to 2200 [nr/day] and 0/021 to 0.14, respectively

Water Supply , Geology , Earth Sciences , Health Resources