Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Premature Birth , Prenatal Care , Infant, Premature , Gestational AgeABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: The gestational period brings anatomical and physiological changes to women in several systems, especially the respiratory system. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether there is an association between gestational age (GA), Diabetes, uterine fundal height (UFH), Body Mass Index (BMI), level of dyspnea, and physical activity with maximum respiratory and nasal pressures. METHODS: Cross-sectional study that included 55 high-risk pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy at the Obstetrics Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas in Recife PE, Brazil, personal, sociodemographic, anthropometric, clinical and Maximal Inspiratory Pressure (MIP) data were described and nasal inspiratory pressure (NIP), that, using regression and multivariate analysis, analyzed the influence of risk factors for high-risk pregnancy with NIP considering a p<0.005. RESULTS: Among the pregnant women, according to the clinical variables, it was observed that 56.4% (n=31) had a gestational age above 28 weeks, 27.3% (n=15) diabetes, 25.5% (n=14) asthma, 43.6% (n=24) Gestational Hypertension, 56.4% (n=31) obesity, 85.5% (n=47) complaints of dyspnea 38.1% (n=21) mild to severe dyspnea and 65.5% (n=36) vigorous physical activity. Low MIP (76.76 cmH2O) and NIP (68.62 cmH2O) values were found for age. An association was observed between an increase in UFH and a decrease of 0.8 cmH2O in NIP, regardless of gestational age. CONCLUSION: High-risk pregnant women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy have decreased NIP and MIP with a negative association of UFH with NIP regardless of gestational age.
INTRODUÇÃO: O período gestacional traz para a mulher alterações anatômicas e fisiológicas, em diversos sistemas, principalmente no sistema respiratório. OBJETIVO: Determinar se há associação da idade gestacional (IG), Diabetes, altura de fundo de útero (AFU), Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC), nível de dispneia e atividade física com as pressões respiratória máxima e nasal. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal que incluiu 55 gestantes de alto risco no 2º e 3º trimestre de gestação do Ambulatório de Obstetrícia do Hospital das Clínicas de Recife PE, foi descrito os dados pessoais, sociodemográficos, antropométricos, clínicos e das Pressão Inspiratória Máxima (PImáx) e pressão inspiratória nasal (PIN), que, por meio da regressão e da análise multivariada analisou a influência dos fatores de risco para gestação de alto risco com a PIN considerando um p<0,005. RESULTADOS: Dentre as gestantes, segundo as variáveis clínicas, observou-se que 56,4% (n=31) apresentaram idade gestacional acima de 28 semanas, 27,3% (n=15) diabetes, 25,5% (n=14) asma, 43,6% (n=24) Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica Gestacional (HASG), 56,4% (n=31) obesidade, 85,5% (n=47) queixas de dispneia 38,1% (n=21) dispneia de um pouco forte a forte e 65,5% (n=36) atividade física vigorosa. Foram encontrados valores baixos de PImáx (76,76 cmH2O) e PIN (68,62 cmH2O) para a idade. Foi observada uma associação do aumento da AFU com a diminuição de 0,8 cmH2O da PIN, independentemente da idade gestacional. CONCLUSÃO: As gestantes de alto risco no segundo e terceiro trimestre gestacional apresentam PIN e PImáx diminuídas com uma associação negativa da AFU com a PIN independentemente da idade gestacional.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Uterus , Exercise , Body Mass Index , Gestational Age , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Dyspnea , Maximal Respiratory Pressures , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Introduction: Preterm birth, before 37 weeks of gestation, is the main determinant of neonatal morbidity and mortality and is associated with serious consequences,including compromised quality of life for the affected individual and physical, psychological, and economic costs. Objective: To evaluate the correlation of obstetric history, cervicovaginal infections, and cervical length with preterm birth. A prospective, blind cohort study evaluated 1,370 pregnant women from Ribeirão Preto between 20 and 25 weeks of gestation. Materials and methods: The correlation between obstetric history, cervical length, and gestational age at birth was obtained by calculating the relative risk of the different variables. Results: The distribution of pregnant women according to cervical length (CL) showed a predominance of women with a cervix longer than 2.5 cm (n = 1,308, 95.8%), followed by women with a cervix between 2 and 2.49 cm (n = 42, 3.1%) and < 2 cm (n = 15, 1.1%). Among the 1,370 pregnant women evaluated, 133 had spontaneous preterm birth (< 259 days); 14 (10.5%) preterm births occurred in women under 19 years of age, 105 (79%) in women between 19 and 35 years, and 14 (10.5%) in women older than 35 years. Microbiological analysis showed the growth of Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, and other bacteria in 8, 17, and 16 women with preterm birth, respectively. Among the 133 women with spontaneous preterm birth, CL was < 2.5 cm in 15 women, < 2 cm in 3, < 1.5 cm in 3, and < 1 cm in 2. Conclusion: The identification of pregnant women at high risk for preterm delivery can reduce the incidence of preterm birth. Although no gold standard test exists for the prediction of preterm birth, this study confirms that the measurement of CL is a good individual predictor.
Introducción: El nacimiento pretérmino, antes de las 37 semanas de gestación, es el principal determinante de la morbimortalidad neonatal y se asocia a graves consecuencias,incluyendo el compromiso de la calidad de vida del individuo afectado y costes físicos, psicológicos y económicos. Objetivo: Evaluar la correlación de los antecedentes obstétricos, infecciones cervicovaginales y longitud cervical con el parto prematuro. Estudio de cohorte prospectivo, ciego, evaluando 1.370 gestantes de Ribeirão Preto entre 20 y 25 semanas de gestación. Material y métodos: La correlación entre los antecedentes obstétricos, la longitud cervical y la edad gestacional al nacer se obtuvo calculando el riesgo relativo de las diferentes variables. Resultados: La distribución de las gestantes según la longitud cervical (LC) mostró un predominio de mujeres con cuello uterino mayor de 2,5 cm (n = 1,308, 95.8%), seguidas de mujeres con cuello uterino entre 2 y 2,49 cm (n = 42, 3.1%) y menor de 2 cm (n = 15, 1.1%). De las 1,370 embarazadas evaluadas, 133 tuvieron un parto prematuro espontáneo (< 259 días); 14 (10.5%) partos prematuros se produjeron en mujeres menores de 19 años, 105 (79%) en mujeres de entre 19 y 35 años, y 14 (10.5%) en mujeres mayores de 35 años. Los análisis microbiológicos mostraron la proliferación de Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum y otras bacterias en 8, 17 y 16 mujeres con parto prematuro, respectivamente. Entre las 133 mujeres con parto prematuro espontáneo, la CL fue < 2.5 cm en 15 mujeres, < 2 cm en 3, < 1.5 cm en 3 y < 1 cm en 2. Conclusión: La identificación de las gestantes con alto riesgo de parto prematuro puede reducir la incidencia de parto prematuro. Aunque no existe una prueba de referencia para la predicción del parto prematuro, este estudio confirma que la medición de la longitud cervical es una buena predicción individual.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/epidemiology , Cervix Uteri/anatomy & histology , Premature Birth/etiology , Premature Birth/epidemiology , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Gestational Age , Risk AssessmentABSTRACT
Low- middle-income countries (LMICs) are facing challenges for reaching outstanding performance on indicators related to wellbeing during the first 1000 days of life, therefore it is expected to observe difficulties for improving their Human Capital Index (HCI). These come from the impact of inadequate antenatal care, maternal short stature, inadequate breastfeeding, prematurity, low birthweight, small for gestational age newborns, and pregnancy in adolescent years on human capital from the first thousand days of life to long term on life. Therefore, the aim of this study was to implement a non-systematic review of the existing literature between February 2000 and October 2022 using MeSH terms related to each factor. Results: in LMICs antenatal care does not meet the required goals. High rate of adolescent pregnancies, and lower maternal stature are being reported; 6.5 million newborns in LMICs are small for gestational age, 50% LBW newborns are preterm. Exclusive breastfeeding is low in LMICs: 28-70%. Survival, schooling, and health are strongly associated with growth and adult height showing the impact of the disadvantages experienced in early life over HC. We can conclude: the determinants of good health in the first 1000 days of life do not meet the goals needed to improve growth and health during this critical period of life in LMICs, leading to important obstacles for achieving adequate health conditions and reaching an optimal HCI(AU)
Los países con bajo y medianos ingresos (PBMIs) enfrentan el reto de disminuir las brechas para alcanzar las metas en los indicadores de bienestar durante los primeros 1000 días de vida, de lo contrario presentarán dificultades para mejorar los Índices de Capital Humano (ICH). El objetivo fue realizar una revisión no sistemática de la literatura reciente para abordar los problemas, brechas y omisiones dentro de los primeros 1000 días en los países PBMIs. Se utilizaron los términos MeSH relacionados con los factores de riesgo de impacto más prevalentes a corto y largo plazo: capital humano, atención prenatal inadecuada, talla baja materna, lactancia materna inadecuada, prematuridad, bajo peso al nacer, talla pequeña para la edad gestacional, embarazo adolescente para realizar una revisión descriptiva sobre el impacto de estos factores, entre febrero 2000-octubre 2022. Resultados: en PBMIs la consulta prenatal no llega a la meta sugerida y hay tasas altas de adolescentes embarazadas y baja estatura materna. 6,5 millones de recién nacidos en PBMIs con peso para la edad gestacional; 50% recién nacidos bajos para la edad gestacional son pretérminos. La lactancia materna exclusiva es baja en PBMIs: 28-70%. La supervivencia, escolaridad y salud tienen una fuerte asociación con la estatura y desarrollo del adulto, demostrando el impacto de las desventajas sobre el Capital Humano. Conclusión: los determinantes de la buena salud durante los primeros 1000 días de vida en los países PBMIs no alcanzan las metas necesarias para mejorar el crecimiento y la salud, convirtiéndose en obstáculos para alcanzar óptimos ICH(AU)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Prenatal Care , Social Conditions , Breast Feeding , Developing Countries , Nutritional Status , Risk Factors , Gestational Age , Infant, Very Low Birth WeightABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar si es posible predecir la valoración del recién nacido según el estado nutricional materno a través de un modelo de árbol de decisión. Métodos: Estudio analítico transversal. Se revisaron 326 historias clínicas de gestantes de un hospital público peruano, 2021. Se valoró el recién nacido mediante el puntaje APGAR, edad gestacional al nacer, peso al nacer, peso y talla para la edad gestacional. El estado nutricional materno incluyó el índice de masa corporal pregestacional y la ganancia de peso gestacional. La predicción se realizó mediante un modelo de aprendizaje automático supervisado denominado "árbol de decisión". Resultados: No fue posible predecir mediante el estado nutricional materno, el puntaje APGAR al minuto y la talla para la edad gestacional. La probabilidad de tener edad gestacional a término al nacer es de 97,2 % cuando la ganancia de peso gestacional es > 5,4 Kg (p = 0,007). Las probabilidades más altas de peso adecuado al nacer fueron con ganancia de peso gestacional entre 4,5 Kg (p < 0,001) y 17 Kg (p < 0,001) y con índice de masa corporal pregestacional ≤ 36,523 Kg/m2 (p = 0,004). Finalmente, la mayor probabilidad de peso adecuado para la edad gestacional es cuando la ganancia de peso gestacional es ≤ 11,8 Kg (p < 0,001) y con un índice de masa corporal pregestacional ≤ 36,523 Kg/m2 (p = 0,005). Conclusiones: Es posible predecir la valoración del recién nacido a partir del estado nutricional materno mediante un aprendizaje automático(AU)
Objective: To determine whether it is possible to predict the assessment of the newborn according to maternal nutritional status through a decision tree model. Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study. A total of 326 medical records of pregnant women from a Peruvian public hospital were reviewed, in 2021. The newborn was assessed using the APGAR score, gestational age at birth, birth weight, weight and height for gestational age. Maternal nutritional status included pregestational body mass index and gestational weight gain. The prediction was made using a supervised machine learning model called a "decision tree." Results: The APGAR score at one minute and height for gestational age were not possible to predict by maternal nutritional status. The probability of having full-term gestational age at birth is 97.2% when gestational weight gain is > 5.4 kg (p = 0.007). The highest probabilities of adequate birth weight were with gestational weight gain between 4.5 kg (p < 0.001) and 17 kg (p < 0.001) and with pregestational body mass index ≤ 36.523 kg/m2 (p = 0.004). Finally, the highest probability of adequate weight for gestational age is when gestational weight gain is < 11.8 Kg (p < 0.001) and with a pregestational body mass index ≤ 36.523 Kg/m2 (p = 0.005). Conclusions: It is possible to predict the assessment of the newborn based on the mother's nutritional status using machine learning(AU)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Infant, Newborn , Nutritional Status , Forecasting , Body Mass Index , Gestational Age , Overweight , Gestational Weight Gain , ObesityABSTRACT
Introducción. El tamaño al nacer se encuentra sujeto a influencias genéticas y ambientales; la altura geográfica es muy influyente. El peso al nacer (PN) es el indicador más utilizado para evaluarlo; existen diferentes estándares y referencias. Debido a la variabilidad de la distribución del PN en relación con la altura en la provincia de Jujuy (Argentina), este trabajo analiza la distribución percentilar del PN para tierras altas (TA) y tierras bajas (TB) jujeñas según edad gestacional (EG) y sexo, y su comparación con una referencia nacional y el estándar internacional INTERGROWTH-21st (IG-21). Población y métodos. Se analizaron los registros de 78 524 nacidos vivos en Jujuy en el período 20092014. Utilizando el método LMS, se estimaron los percentiles 3, 10, 50, 90 y 97 de PN/EG por sexo, para TA (≥2000 msnm), TB (<2000 msnm) y el total provincial, y se compararon gráficamente con la referencia poblacional argentina de Urquía y el estándar IG-21. La significación estadística se determinó mediante la prueba de Wilcoxon. Resultados. El PN en Jujuy presentó distribución heterogénea, con diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p <0,05) entre TB y TA. Al comparar con la referencia nacional y el estándar IG-21, se observaron diferencias por altitud, principalmente en los percentiles 90 y 97 para ambas regiones, y en los percentiles 3 y 10 en TA comparados con el estándar. Conclusiones. Se observó variabilidad de la distribución del PN asociada a la altura geográfica, por lo que, para evaluar el crecimiento intrauterino, resulta fundamental incluir la EG y el contexto donde transcurre la gestación.
Introduction. Size at birth is subject to genetic and environmental influences; altitude is highly influential. Birth weight (BW) is the most widely used indicator to assess size at birth; different standards and references are available. Due to the variability in BW distribution in relation to altitude in the province of Jujuy (Argentina), the purpose of this study is to analyze the percentile distribution of BW in the highlands (HL) and the lowlands (LL) of Jujuy based on gestational age (GA) and sex and compare it with a national reference and the INTERGROWTH-21 st (IG-21) international standard. Population and methods. The records of 78 524 live births in Jujuy in the 20092014 period were analyzed. Using the LMS method, the 3 rd, 10 th, 50 th, 90 th, and 97 th percentiles of BW/GA by sex were estimated for the HL (≥ 2000 MASL), the LL (< 2000 MASL), and the total for Jujuy, and compared with the Argentine population reference by Urquía and the IG-21 standard using growth charts. The statistical significance was established using the Wilcoxon test. Results. BW in Jujuy showed a heterogeneous distribution, with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between the LL and the HL. When compared with the national reference and the IG-21 standard, differences in terms of altitude were observed, mainly in the 90 th and 97 th percentiles for both regions and the 3 rd and 10 th percentiles in the HL compared with the international standard. Conclusions. BW distribution varied in association with altitude; therefore, to assess intrauterine growth, it is critical to include GA and the environment in which the pregnancy takes place.
Humans , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Altitude , Growth Charts , Reference Values , Birth Weight , Gestational AgeABSTRACT
Objetivo: Evaluar la utilidad de la estimación de la presión de la arteria pulmonar fetal obtenida por ecografía doppler como indicador de madurez fetal y su correlación con los resultados neonatales en un grupo de pacientes que asistan al área de sala de parto del Hospital Central de San Cristóbal, entre marzo y julio de 2023. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio observacional, descriptivo, correlacional. La muestra fue de 90 mujeres (90 fetos) con embarazo simple entre 34 y 40 semanas de gestación. Resultados: De las variables doppler analizadas, se evidenció que la presión de la arteria pulmonar fetal disminuyó significativamente (p < 0,001) con el avance de la edad gestacional. Se determinó que existe una asociación significativa inversa entre la presión de la arteria pulmonar fetal y la madurez fetal (p < 0,001), de manera que a menor valor de la presión de la arteria pulmonar fetal se tiene un mayor porcentaje de madurez fetal. Un punto de corte de la presión de la arteria pulmonar fetal ubicado en 55,9 mm Hg determinó la sensibilidad y especificidad más alta conjuntamente para el diagnóstico de madurez pulmonar fetal, siendo su sensibilidad de 93,75 % y especificidad de 80,77 %. Con un valor predictivo positivo de 92,31 % y un valor predictivo negativo de 84 %. Conclusión: La estimación de la presión de la arteria pulmonar fetal obtenida mediante ecografía doppler es útil como indicador de madurez fetal(AU)
Objective: To evaluate the usefulness of the estimation of fetal pulmonary artery pressure obtained by doppler ultrasound as an indicator of fetal maturity and its correlation with neonatal outcomes in a group of patients attending the delivery room area of the Hospital Central de San Cristobal, between March and July 2023. Methods: This is an observational, descriptive, correlational study. The sample consisted of 90 women (90 fetuses) with a single pregnancy between 34 and 40 weeks of gestation. Results: From the doppler variables analyzed, it was evidenced that the fetal pulmonary artery pressure decreased significantly (p < 0.001) with advancing gestational age. It was determined that there is a significant inverse association between fetal pulmonary artery pressure and fetal maturity (p < 0.001), such that the lower the fetal pulmonary artery pressure value, the higher the percentage of fetal maturity. A fetal pulmonary artery pressure cut-off point located at 55.9 mm Hg jointly determined the highest sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of fetal lung maturity, its sensitivity being 93.75% and specificity being 80.77%. With a positive predictive value of 92.31% and a negative predictive value of 84%. Conclusion: The estimation of fetal pulmonary artery pressure obtained by doppler ultrasound is useful as an indicator of fetal maturity(AU)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Gestational Age , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn , Infant, Premature , Cesarean SectionABSTRACT
Objective: To describe the current status and trends in the outcomes and care practices of extremely preterm infants at 22-25 weeks' gestation age from the Chinese Neonatal Network (CHNN) from 2019 to 2021. Methods: This cross-sectional study used data from the CHNN cohort of very preterm infants. All 963 extremely preterm infants with gestational age between 22-25 weeks who were admitted to neonatal intensive care units (NICU) of the CHNN from 2019 to 2021 were included. Infants admitted after 24 hours of life or transferred to non-CHNN hospitals were excluded. Perinatal care practices, survival rates, incidences of major morbidities, and NICU treatments were described according to different gestational age groups and admission years. Comparison among gestational age groups was conducted using χ2 and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Trends by year were evaluated by Cochran-Armitage and Jonckheere-Terpstra tests for trend. Results: Of the 963 extremely preterm infants enrolled, 588 extremely preterm infants (61.1%) were male. The gestational age was 25.0 (24.4, 25.6) weeks, with 29 extremely preterm infants (3.0%), 88 extremely preterm infants (9.1%), 264 extremely preterm infants (27.4%), and 582 extremely preterm infants (60.4%) at 22, 23, 24, and 25 weeks of gestation age, respectively. The birth weight was 770 (680, 840) g. From 2019 to 2021, the number of extremely preterm infants increased each year (285, 312, and 366 extremely preterm infants, respectively). Antenatal steroids and magnesium sulfate were administered to 67.7% (615/908) and 51.1% (453/886) mothers of extremely preterm infants. In the delivery room, 20.8% (200/963) and 69.5% (669/963) extremely preterm infants received noninvasive positive end-expiratory pressure support and endotracheal intubation. Delayed cord clamping and cord milking were performed in 19.0% (149/784) and 30.4% (241/794) extremely preterm infants. From 2019 to 2021, there were significant increases in the usage of antenatal steroids, antenatal magnesium sulfate, and delivery room noninvasive positive-end expiratory pressure support (all P<0.05). Overall, 349 extremely preterm infants (36.2%) did not receive complete care, 392 extremely preterm infants (40.7%) received complete care and survived to discharge, and 222 extremely preterm infants (23.1%) received complete care but died in hospital. The survival rates for extremely preterm infants at 22, 23, 24 and 25 weeks of gestation age were 10.3% (3/29), 23.9% (21/88), 33.0% (87/264) and 48.3% (281/582), respectively. From 2019 to 2021, there were no statistically significant trends in complete care, survival, and mortality rates (all P>0.05). Only 11.5% (45/392) extremely preterm infants survived without major morbidities. Moderate to severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia (67.3% (264/392)) and severe retinopathy of prematurity (61.5% (241/392)) were the most common morbidities among survivors. The incidences of severe intraventricular hemorrhage or periventricular leukomalacia, necrotizing enterocolitis, and sepsis were 15.3% (60/392), 5.9% (23/392) and 19.1% (75/392), respectively. Overall, 83.7% (328/392) survivors received invasive ventilation during hospitalization, with a duration of 22 (10, 42) days. The hospital stay for survivors was 97 (86, 116) days. Conclusions: With the increasing number of extremely preterm infants at 22-25 weeks' gestation admitted to CHNN NICU, the survival rate remained low, especially the rate of survival without major morbidities. Further quality improvement initiatives are needed to facilitate the implementation of evidence-based care practices.
Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Extremely Premature , Gestational Age , Magnesium Sulfate/therapeutic use , Cross-Sectional Studies , Infant, Premature, Diseases/epidemiology , Infant, Newborn, Diseases , Steroids , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , China/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the association between congenital hypothyroidism (CH) and the adverse outcomes during hospitalization in very low birth weight infants (VLBWI). Methods: This prospective, multicenter observational cohort study was conducted based on the data from the Sino-northern Neonatal Network (SNN). Data of 5 818 VLBWI with birth weight <1 500 g and gestational age between 24-<37 weeks that were admitted to the 37 neonatal intensive care units from January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2022 were collected and analyzed. Thyroid function was first screened at 7 to 10 days after birth, followed by weekly tests within the first 4 weeks, and retested at 36 weeks of corrected gestational age or before discharge. The VLBWI were assigned to the CH group or non-CH group. Chi-square test, Fisher exact probability method, Wilcoxon rank sum test, univariate and multivariate Logistic regression were used to analyze the relationship between CH and poor prognosis during hospitalization in VLBWI. Results: A total of 5 818 eligible VLBWI were enrolled, with 2 982 (51.3%) males and the gestational age of 30 (29, 31) weeks. The incidence of CH was 5.5% (319 VLBWI). Among the CH group, only 121 VLBWI (37.9%) were diagnosed at the first screening. Univariate Logistic regression analysis showed that CH was associated with increased incidence of extrauterine growth retardation (EUGR) (OR=1.31(1.04-1.64), P<0.05) and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) of stage Ⅲ and above (OR=1.74(1.11-2.75), P<0.05). However, multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed no significant correlation between CH and EUGR, moderate to severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia, grade Ⅲ to Ⅳ intraventricular hemorrhage, neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis in stage Ⅱ or above, and ROP in stage Ⅲ or above (OR=1.04 (0.81-1.33), 0.79 (0.54-1.15), 1.15 (0.58-2.26), 1.43 (0.81-2.53), 1.12 (0.70-1.80), all P>0.05). Conclusion: There is no significant correlation between CH and in-hospital adverse outcomes, possibly due to timely diagnosis and active replacement therapy.
Infant , Male , Infant, Newborn , Humans , Female , Prospective Studies , Congenital Hypothyroidism/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Infant, Very Low Birth Weight , Birth Weight , Gestational Age , Retinopathy of Prematurity/epidemiology , Infant, Newborn, Diseases , HospitalsABSTRACT
Objective: To compare the prognostic value of 3 diagnostic criteria of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in preterm infants with gestational age<32 weeks. Methods: The retrospective cohort study was conducted to collect the clinical data of 285 preterm infants with BPD admitted to the Department of Neonatology, Children's Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University from January 2019 to September 2021, who were followed up regularly after discharge. The primary composite adverse outcome was defined as death or severe respiratory morbidity from 36 weeks of corrected gestational age to 18 months of corrected age, and the secondary composite adverse outcome was defined as death or neurodevelopmental impairment. According to the primary or secondary composite adverse outcomes, the preterm infants were divided into the adverse prognosis group and the non-adverse prognosis group. The 2001 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) criteria, 2018 NICHD criteria, and 2019 Neonatal Research Network (NRN) criteria were used to diagnose and grade BPD in preterm infants. Chi-square test, Logistic regression analysis, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and Delong test were used to analyze the prognostic value of the 3 diagnostic criteria. Results: The 285 preterm infants had a gestational age of 29.4 (28.1, 30.6) weeks and birth weight of 1 230 (1 000, 1 465) g, including 167 males (58.6%). Among 285 premature infants who completed follow-up, the primary composite adverse outcome occurred in 124 preterm infants (43.5%), and the secondary composite adverse outcome occurred in 40 preterm infants (14.0%). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that severe BPD according to the 2001 NICHD criteria, gradeⅡand Ⅲ BPD according to the 2018 NICHD criteria and grade 2 and 3 BPD according to the 2019 NRN criteria were all risk factors for primary composite adverse outcomes (all P<0.05). ROC curve showed that the area under the curve (AUC) of the 2018 NICHD criteria and 2019 NRN criteria were both higher than that of the 2001 NICHD criteria (0.70 and 0.70 vs. 0.61, Z=4.49 and 3.35, both P<0.001), but there was no significant difference between the 2018 NICHD and 2019 NRN criteria (Z=0.38, P=0.702). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the secondary composite adverse outcomes were all associated with grade Ⅲ BPD according to the 2018 NICHD criteria and grade 3 BPD according to the 2019 NRN criteria (both P<0.05). ROC curve showed that the AUC of the 2018 NICHD criteria and 2019 NRN criteria were both higher than that of the 2001 NICHD criteria (0.71 and 0.71 vs. 0.58, Z=2.93 and 3.67, both P<0.001), but there was no statistically significant difference between the 2018 NICHD and 2019 NRN criteria (Z=0.02, P=0.984). Conclusion: The 2018 NICHD and 2019 NRN criteria demonstrate good and comparable predictive value for the primary and secondary composite adverse outcomes in preterm infants with BPD, surpassing the predictive efficacy of the 2001 NICHD criteria.
Infant , Male , Child , Infant, Newborn , Humans , Infant, Premature , Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia/complications , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies , Gestational AgeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To understand the growth and development status and differences between small for gestational age (SGA) and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) preterm infants during corrected ages 0-24 months, and to provide a basis for early health interventions for preterm infants.@*METHODS@#A retrospective study was conducted, selecting 824 preterm infants who received regular health care at the Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center from July 2019 to July 2022, including 144 SGA and 680 AGA infants. The growth data of SGA and AGA groups at birth and corrected ages 0-24 months were analyzed and compared.@*RESULTS@#The SGA group had significantly lower weight and length than the AGA group at corrected ages 0-18 months (P<0.05), while there were no significant differences between the two groups at corrected age 24 months (P>0.05). At corrected age 24 months, 85% (34/40) of SGA and 79% (74/94) of AGA preterm infants achieved catch-up growth. Stratified analysis by gestational age showed that there were significant differences in weight and length at corrected ages 0-9 months between the SGA subgroup with gestational age <34 weeks and the AGA subgroups with gestational age <34 weeks and 34 weeks (P<0.05). In addition, the weight and length of the SGA subgroup with gestational age 34 weeks showed significant differences compared to the AGA subgroups with gestational age <34 weeks and 34 weeks at corrected ages 0-18 months and corrected ages 0-12 months, respectively (P<0.05). Catch-up growth for SGA infants with gestational age <34 weeks and 34 weeks mainly occurred at corrected ages 0-12 months and corrected ages 0-18 months, respectively.@*CONCLUSIONS@#SGA infants exhibit delayed early-life physical growth compared to AGA infants, but can achieve a higher proportion of catch-up growth by corrected age 24 months than AGA infants. Catch-up growth can be achieved earlier in SGA infants with a gestational age of <34 weeks compared to those with 34 weeks.
Infant, Newborn , Child , Infant , Female , Humans , Child, Preschool , Infant, Premature , Gestational Age , Longitudinal Studies , Retrospective Studies , Infant, Small for Gestational AgeABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#With an increasing proportion of multiparas, proper interpregnancy intervals (IPIs) are urgently needed. However, the association between IPIs and adverse perinatal outcomes has always been debated. This study aimed to explore the association between IPIs and adverse outcomes in different fertility policy periods and for different previous gestational ages.@*METHODS@#We used individual data from China's National Maternal Near Miss Surveillance System between 2014 and 2019. Multivariable Poisson models with restricted cubic splines were used. Each adverse outcome was analyzed separately in the overall model and stratified models. The stratified models included different categories of fertility policy periods (2014-2015, 2016-2017, and 2018-2019) and infant gestational age in previous pregnancy (<28 weeks, 28-36 weeks, and ≥37 weeks).@*RESULTS@#There were 781,731 pregnancies enrolled in this study. A short IPI (≤6 months) was associated with an increased risk of preterm birth (OR [95% CI]: 1.63 [1.55, 1.71] for vaginal delivery [VD] and 1.10 [1.03, 1.19] for cesarean section [CS]), low Apgar scores and small for gestational age (SGA), and a decreased risk of diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, preeclampsia or eclampsia, and gestational hypertension. A long IPI (≥60 months) was associated with an increased risk of preterm birth (OR [95% CI]: 1.18 [1.11, 1.26] for VD and 1.39 [1.32, 1.47] for CS), placenta previa, postpartum hemorrhage, diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, preeclampsia or eclampsia, and gestational hypertension. Fertility policy changes had little effect on the association of IPIs and adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. The estimated risk of preterm birth, low Apgar scores, SGA, diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, and gestational hypertension was more profound among women with previous term births than among those with preterm births or pregnancy loss.@*CONCLUSION@#For pregnant women with shorter or longer IPIs, more targeted health care measures during pregnancy should be formulated according to infant gestational age in previous pregnancy.
Infant , Pregnancy , Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy Outcome/epidemiology , Premature Birth/epidemiology , Gestational Age , Pre-Eclampsia , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced , Eclampsia , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Birth Intervals , Risk Factors , Diabetes MellitusABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/AIM: This study assessed maternal and pregnancy outcomes following the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) cohort registration in a displaced setting. RESULTS: Of the 223 HIV-positive pregnant women, 201 were enrolled in the program. However, only 186 maternal records met the inclusion criteria. Registration for the PMTCT program occurred primarily during the prenatal period, between the ages of 26 and 30, with a mean gestational age of 15.2 weeks. Only 5.95 reported facility delivery, and up to 70% had over 4 PMTCT follow-up visits before delivery (χ2 = 6.825, P = 0.03). The retention rate among the cohort was 98.4%, with 62 % of the women being active throughout the program and over 86% having a live birth. Most miscarriages occurred during the first trimester. Bivariate analysis suggested that aside from maternal age, similar factors affected maternal and pregnancy outcomes. These factors include maternal prior PMTCT experience, total number of visits, and the place of delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Active follow-up and documentation constitute an effective strategy to improve PMTCT maternal retention in care and improve patient outcomes. Ensuring that women are active in PMTCT care by engaging community health workers in service delivery will create positive outcomes in the program.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy Outcome , HIV Infections , Retrospective Studies , Gestational Age , Maternal Age , Pregnant Women , Infectious Disease Transmission, VerticalABSTRACT
Objetivo: analisar fatores neonatais e socioeconômicos associados ao desenvolvimento de agravos agudos de saúde de prematuros tardios e moderados no primeiro ano de vida. Método: estudo epidemiológico, longitudinal, em que foram acompanhados 151 prematuros (nascidos com idade gestacional de 32 a 37 semanas incompletas) durante o primeiro ano de vida. A coleta de dados ocorreu, trimensalmente, por meio de instrumento de caracterização com variáveis neonatais e socioeconômicas. O acompanhamento se deu por meio da utilização de formulários, aplicados via telefonema aos pais dos prematuros, para identificação dos agravos agudos de saúde. Os dados foram submetidos à estatística analítica com a aplicação da correlação de Pearson. Resultados: os agravos agudos apresentaram tendência linear ao longo do primeiro ano de vida. As afecções gastrointestinais foram mais frequentes nos primeiros meses, e a alergia de pele e as afecções respiratórias ocorreram mais frequentemente ao final do primeiro ano de vida. A vitalidade neonatal foi fator associado a maior intensidade de agravos agudos. Conclusão: a intensidade dos agravos agudos tem correlação significativa com fatores neonatais no primeiro trimestre de vida.(AU)
Objetivo:analizar los factores neonatales y socioeconómicos asociados al desarrollo de problemas de salud agudos en prematuros tardíos y moderados durante el primer año de vida. Método:estudio epidemiológico, longitudinal, en el que se siguieron 151 prematuros (nacidos con una edad gestacional de 32 a 37 semanas incompletas) durante el primer año de vida. La recolección de datos se realizó trimestralmente mediante un instrumento de caracterización con variables neonatales y socioeconómicas. El seguimiento se llevó a cabo mediante la utilización de formularios aplicados por teléfono a los padres de los prematuros, para la identificación de problemas de salud agudos. Los datos se sometieron a un análisis estadístico utilizando la correlación de Pearson. Resultados:los problemas de salud agudos mostraron una tendencia lineal a lo largo del primer año de vida. Las afecciones gastrointestinales fueron más frecuentes en los primeros meses, y las alergias cutáneas y las afecciones respiratorias ocurrieron más a menudo al final del primer año de vida. La vitalidad neonatal fue un factor asociado a una mayor intensidad de problemas de salud agudos. Conclusión:la intensidad de los problemas de salud agudos tiene una correlación significativa con factores neonatales en el primer trimestre de vida.(AU)
Objective: to analyze neonatal and socioeconomic factors associated with the development of acute health problems in late and moderate preterm infants in the first year of life. Method: longitudinal epidemiological study, in which 151 premature babies (born with a gestational age of 32 to 37 incomplete weeks) were followed during the first year of life. Data collection occurred, quarterly, using a characterization instrument with neonatal and socioeconomic variables. Monitoring took place using forms, applied via telephone call to parents of premature babies, to identify acute health problems. The data were subjected to analytical statistics using Pearson's correlation. Results: acute illnesses showed a linear trend throughout the first year of life. Gastrointestinal disorders were more frequent in the first months, and skin allergies and respiratory disorders occurred more frequently at the end of the first year of life. Neonatal vitality was a factor associated with greater intensity of acute illnesses. Conclusion: the intensity of acute illnesses has a significant correlation with neonatal factors in the first trimester of life.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Infant, Premature/growth & development , Risk Factors , Gestational Age , Infant, Premature, Diseases , Socioeconomic Factors , Longitudinal Studies , Neonatal NursingABSTRACT
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar as concepções de maternidade para mulheres inférteis de diferentes níveis socioeconômicos que estão em tratamento de reprodução assistida. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo, que utilizou como instrumento uma entrevista semiestruturada e contemplou temas como o significado de família, desejo/expectativas sobre filho e gestação e expectativas sobre a maternidade. Participaram da pesquisa 48 mulheres inférteis acima de 35 anos que usam tecnologias de reprodução assistida de alta complexidade em instituições privada e pública. Os dados foram tratados pela análise de conteúdo em que emergiram os temas: representações sociais da família; representações sociais da maternidade; expectativas com a gestação e os modelos maternos; e o filho imaginado. As participantes representaram a família de forma positiva, como um sistema de suporte, de fundação e origem de amor, configurando-a como um laço social. Por outro lado, as concepções de família com base na consanguinidade também estiveram presentes, representando a família pela perpetuação da espécie e pela importância do laço biológico. A maternidade foi marcada por significativa idealização, sendo vista como um papel gratificante e de realização da feminilidade. O peso da cobrança social para procriar também foi sentido como um dever a cumprir e que, na impossibilidade de se realizar, gera sentimentos de inferioridade, menos-valia, impotência e inadequação perante a sociedade, o que reforça o estigma da infertilidade. Tais resultados apontam a importância de reflexões sobre o papel da mulher na nossa cultura, visto que a maternidade é ainda utilizada como medida para o sucesso ou fracasso feminino. Faz-se necessário também refletir sobre a possibilidade da maior inserção do trabalho psicológico na reprodução assistida, visto a carga emocional e social envolvidas nesse processo.(AU)
This study aimed to analyze the conceptions of motherhood for infertile women from different socioeconomic levels who are undergoing assisted reproduction treatment. This is a qualitative and descriptive study that used a semi-structured interview as an instrument and included topics such as the meaning of family and desires/expectations about the child, pregnancy, and motherhood. A total of 48 infertile women over 35 years of ages using high-complexity assisted reproductive technologies in private and public institutions participated in this research. The data were treated by content analysis in which the following themes emerged: family social representations; social representations of motherhood; expectations with pregnancy and maternal models; and the imagined son. Participants represented the family in a positive way as a support system and the foundation and origin of love, embracing the family as a social bond. On the other hand, the family concepts based on inbreeding were also present, representing the family by perpetuation of the species and the importance of biological bonds. Motherhood was marked by significant idealization, being seen as a gratifying role and the fulfillment of femininity. The weight of the social demand to procreate was also felt as a duty to be fulfilled that, in the impossibility of carrying it out, generates feelings of inferiority, worthlessness, impotence, and inadequacy toward society, which reinforce the stigma of infertility. Results point to the necessary reflections on the role of women and our culture since Motherhood is still used as a measure of female success or failure. They also point to a reflection on the possibility of greater inclusion of psychological work in assisted reproduction given the emotional and social burden involved in this process.(AU)
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las concepciones de maternidad de mujeres infértiles, de diferentes niveles socioeconómicos, que se encuentran en tratamiento de reproducción asistida. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, que utilizó como instrumento una entrevista semiestructurada e incluyó temas como el sentido de la familia, deseos/expectativas sobre el hijo y el embarazo y expectativas sobre la maternidad. Participaron en la investigación un total de 48 mujeres infértiles, mayores de 35 años, usuarias de tecnologías de reproducción asistida de alta complejidad en instituciones públicas y privadas. Los datos se sometieron a análisis de contenido del cual surgieron los temas: representaciones sociales familiares; representaciones sociales de la maternidad; expectativas con el embarazo y modelos maternos; hijo imaginado. Las participantes representaron a la familia de manera positiva, como sistema de apoyo, fundamento y origen del amor, configurándola como vínculo social. Por otro lado, también estuvieron presentes las concepciones familiares basadas en la consanguinidad, representando a la familia para la perpetuación de la especie y la importancia del vínculo biológico. La maternidad estuvo marcada por una importante idealización, vista como un rol gratificante y de realización de la feminidad. También se sintió el peso de la demanda social de procrear como un deber que cumplir y que, ante la imposibilidad de realizarlo, genera sentimientos de inferioridad, desvalorización, impotencia e inadecuación en la sociedad, lo que refuerza el estigma de la infertilidad. Por tanto, son necesarias reflexiones sobre el papel de la mujer en nuestra cultura, ya que la maternidad se sigue utilizando como medida del éxito o fracaso femenino. También se reflexiona sobre la posibilidad de una mayor inclusión del trabajo psicológico en la reproducción asistida dada la carga emocional y social que implica este proceso.(AU)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Reproduction , Family , Parenting , Social Representation , Infertility, Female , Anxiety , Ovulation Detection , Ovulation Induction , Ovum , Ovum Transport , Parent-Child Relations , Patient Care Team , Patients , Pregnancy Maintenance , Pregnancy, Multiple , Prejudice , Psychology , Quality of Life , Self Concept , Sex , Sexual Abstinence , Shame , Achievement , Social Identification , Sperm Transport , Spermatozoa , Taboo , Time , Tobacco Use Disorder , Urogenital System , Uterus , Population Characteristics , National Health Strategies , Labor, Obstetric , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Outcome , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Adoption , Divorce , Marriage , Fertilization in Vitro , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Child Rearing , Family Characteristics , Risk Factors , Pelvic Inflammatory Disease , Reproductive Techniques , Gestational Age , Coitus , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Oocyte Donation , Consanguinity , Contraception , Sexuality , Couples Therapy , Affect , Abortion, Threatened , Pelvic Infection , Heredity , Inheritance Patterns , Ovulation Prediction , Depression , Reproductive Rights , Diagnosis , Dreams , Alcoholism , Embryo Transfer , Endometriosis , Conjugal Status , Job Market , Fallopian Tube Patency Tests , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Fantasy , Fear , Female Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications , Masculinity , Sedentary Behavior , Binge Drinking , Hope , Social Norms , Delay Discounting , Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys , Psychological Trauma , Donor Conception , Healthy Lifestyle , Contraceptive Effectiveness , Long-Acting Reversible Contraception , Social Construction of Gender , Gender Expression , Gender-Specific Needs , Frustration , Embarrassment , Sadness , Emotional Regulation , Psychological Distress , Empowerment , Varicocele , Belonging , Family Support , Emotional Exhaustion , Guilt , Happiness , Imagination , Infertility, Male , Insemination, Artificial, Homologous , Laboratories , Life Style , Loneliness , Maternal-Fetal Exchange , Medicine , ObesityABSTRACT
La insuficiencia de vitamina D (VD) en el embarazo se relaciona con una mayor incidencia de cesáreas, preeclampsia y partos prematuros. Objetivo: evaluar si el grado de insuficiencia de VD se asocia a mayor número de cesáreas y evaluar la correlación entre la 25 hidroxivitamina D (25OHD) materna y en sangre del cordón del recién nacido. Las mujeres (n=127) se dividieron según sus niveles de 25OHD (ng/mL):G1:<20 (deficiencia), G2:20-30 (insuficiencia), G3:>30 (suficiencia). Se registraron edad; edad gestacional (EG); índice de masa corporal (IMC); tensión arterial sistólica y diastólica; tipo de parto y la estación del año en que se tomó la muestra. Se determinaron calcemia (ng/mL); 25OHD; parathormona intacta (pg/mL); fosfatasa alcalina ósea (UI/L) y crosslaps (pg/mL). La edad media fue de 26±6 años y la EG de 35,8±2,7 semanas, sin diferencias entre grupos. El porcentaje de cesáreas fue mayor en G1 que en G2 y G3 (31,3%, 21,4% y 25%, respectivamente; p<0,05). El mayor porcentaje de muestras se tomó en primavera (p<0,05). No se observaron diferencias en las demás variables maternas estudiadas. La 25OHD materna correlacionó positivamente con los valores de la sangre de cordón de sus respectivos recién nacidos (r= 0,67; p<0,0001). Independientemente de la época del año y del IMC, se observó que un porcentaje significativo de las mujeres embarazadas estudiadas tenía niveles de 25OHD inferiores a 30 ng/mL. Conclusión: evidenciamos que la deficiencia de VD materna se asoció al número de cesáreas. Asimismo, los niveles séricos de 25OHD en sangre de cordón umbilical correlacionaron significativamente con los maternos. (AU)
Vitamin D (VD) insufficiency in pregnancy is associated with a higher incidence of cesarean section, preeclampsia, and preterm delivery. Objective: to evaluate if the degree of VD insufficiency is associated with the incidence of cesarean section and to determine the correlation between maternal and newborn cord blood 25-hydroxy VS (25OHD). Women (n=127) were divided according to their 25OHD levels (ng/mL): G1:<20 (deficiency), G2:20-30 (insufficiency), G3:>30 (sufficiency). Age; gestational age (GA); body mass index (BMI); systolic and diastolic blood pressure (mmHg); type of delivery and the season of the year in which the sample was taken were recorded. Calcemia (ng/mL); 25OHD; intact parathormone (pg/mL); bone alkaline phosphatase (IU/L) and Crosslaps (pg/mL) levels were determined. Mean age was 26±6 years and GA was 35.8±2.7 weeks with no differences among groups. The % of cesarean sections was higher in G1 than in G2 and G3 (31.3%, 21.4% and 25%; p<0.05). The highest % of samples were taken in spring (p<0.05). No differences were observed in the other maternal variables studied. Maternal serum 25OHD levels correlated positively with those of cord blood from their respective newborns (r=0.67; p<0.0001). Regardless the season of the year and BMI, a high % of the studied pregnant women presented 25OHD levels lower than 30 ng/ml. Conclusion: we found that maternal VD deficiency is associated with the number of cesarean sections. In addition, 25OHD levels in the newborn significantly correlate with maternal serum levels. (AU)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Vitamin D Deficiency/complications , Pregnancy/statistics & numerical data , Cesarean Section/statistics & numerical data , Pregnancy Trimester, Third , Seasons , Vitamin D , Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage , 25-Hydroxyvitamin D 2/blood , Incidence , Gestational Age , Fetal Blood , Obstetric Labor, Premature/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Introducción. Los pequeños para la edad gestacional (PEG) suelen tener una talla final 1 DE bajo la media. Se diferencian tres grupos según antropometría al nacimiento: de peso reducido (PRN), de longitud reducida (LRN) o ambos. Objetivos. Describir las características de los pacientes PEG atendidos en el Servicio de Endocrinología Pediátrica de un hospital de tercer nivel, y analizar la evolución de niños PEG sin crecimiento recuperador a los 4 años de edad, en tratamiento con hormona del crecimiento (GH), según su diagnóstico. Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo de pacientes PEG atendidos desde 2004 hasta 2021. Resultados. Se estudiaron 89 PEG; 44/89 iniciaron tratamiento con GH (11/44 PRN, 8/44 LRN y 25/44 ambos). La edad media al diagnóstico fue de 3,87 años; la talla media al inicio del tratamiento fue de -2,99 DE en los PEG diagnosticados por PRN, -2,85 DE en aquellos diagnosticados por LRN y -3,17 DE en los diagnosticados por bajo PRN y LRN. La talla final fue de -1,77, -1,52 y -1,23 DE, respectivamente, lo que supone una ganancia total de 1,22, 1,33 y 1,93 DE, respectivamente, alcanzando así su talla diana con una diferencia de 0,36 ± 0,08 DE. Conclusión. Menos de la mitad de los PEG derivados a la consulta precisaron tratamiento con GH, por no tener la edad de 4 años aún, o haber completado el crecimiento recuperador. Aquellos pacientes PEG según peso y longitud al nacimiento presentaron percentiles peores al diagnóstico y una mayor respuesta a GH.
Introduction. Small for gestational age (SGA) children usually have a final height of 1 SD below the mean. Three groups are established based on anthropometric characteristics at birth: low birth weight (LBW), short birth length (SBL), or both. Objectives. To describe the characteristics of SGA patients seen at the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology of a tertiary care hospital and to analyze the course of SGA children without catch-up growth at 4 years of age who were receiving treatment with growth hormone (GH), according to their diagnosis. Methods. Retrospective study of SGA patients seen between 2004 and 2021. Results. A total of 89 SGA children were studied; 44/89 started treatment with GH (11/44 LBW, 8/44 SBL, and 25/44 both). Their mean age at diagnosis was 3.87 years; their mean height at treatment initiation was -2.99 SD in SGA children diagnosed by LBW, -2.85 SD in those with SBL, and -3.17 SD in those with both LBW and SBL. Their final height was -1.77, -1.52, and -1.23 SD, respectively, with a total gain of 1.22, 1.33, and 1.93 SD, respectively, thus reaching their target height with a difference of 0.36 ± 0.08 SD. Conclusion. Less than half of SGA children referred to the clinic required treatment with GH because they were not yet 4 years old or had not completed their catch-up growth. SGA patients according to birth weight and length had worse percentiles at diagnosis and a greater response to GH.
Humans , Child, Preschool , Body Height , Human Growth Hormone/therapeutic use , Growth Hormone , Retrospective Studies , Gestational AgeABSTRACT
Fundamento: Predecir el recién nacido grande para la edad gestacional es una acción de salud que necesita de herramientas tecnológicas de probada eficiencia. Objetivo: Determinar la capacidad predictiva del diámetro biparietal en los recién nacidos grandes para la edad gestacional. Metodología: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo que incluyó 1959 gestantes cubanas con embarazo simple con captación y término del embarazo entre enero del 2009 y diciembre de 2017. En cada trimestre de gestación se compararon las condiciones tróficas adecuado para la edad gestacional (AEG) y grandes para la edad gestacional (GEG) mediante estadígrafos de tendencia central (media) y de dispersión (rango, desviación estándar) correspondientes al diámetro biparietal. Se calculó además el intervalo de confianza (IC) de 95 % para la diferencia de medias del diámetro biparietal. Asimismo, se realizó un análisis de curvas ROC para determinar si el diámetro biparietal y el peso fetal predicen la condición trófica grande para la edad gestacional en el segundo y tercer trimestre de gestación. Los datos fueron recogidos del libro registro de genética del área de salud. Resultados: El diámetro biparietal en el segundo y tercer trimestre de gestación tuvo un área bajo curva de 0.60 (IC 95 %: 0.54-0.65) y 0.59 (IC 95 %: 0.54-0.64) respectivamente. Los puntos de corte establecidos (T2: 56.55 mm, T3: 81.55 mm) tienen una especificidad y exactitud superior al 78 %. Conclusiones: El diámetro biparietal y los modelos de regresión de Shepard y de Hadlock V mostraron capacidad para discriminar el nacimiento grande para la edad gestacional del adecuado para la edad gestacional, a partir del segundo trimestre de gestación siendo más eficaces en el tercero.
Background: Predicting large for gestational age newborns is a medical action that requires technological tools with proven efficiency. Objective: To determine the predictive ability of biparietal diameter in large newborns for gestational age. Methodology: Retrospective cohort study that included 1959 Cuban pregnant women with a singleton pregnancy, with recruitment and pregnancy term between January 2009 and December 2017. In each gestational trimester, trophic conditions appropriate for gestational age (GAW) were compared and large for gestational age (GA) using central tendency (mean) and dispersion (range, standard deviation) statistics corresponding to the biparietal diameter. The 95% confidence interval (CI) for mean biparietal diameter difference was also calculated. In addition, an analysis of ROC curves was performed to determine if biparietal diameter and fetal weight predict large trophic condition for gestational age in the second and third gestational trimester. Data were gathered from the health area genetics registry book. Results: Biparietal diameter in the second and third trimester of gestation had an area under curve of 0.60 (95% CI: 0.54-0.65) and 0.59 (95% CI: 0.54-0.64) respectively. The established cut-off points (T2: 56.55 mm, T3: 81.55 mm) have a specificity and accuracy greater than 78%. Conclusions: Biparietal diameter and the Shepard and Hadlock V regression models showed ability to discriminate large for gestational age birth from adequate for gestational age birth from the second trimester of gestation onward, being more effective in the third trimester.