Periodontal disease is a highly prevalent chronic inflammatory disease that affects the tissues that support the teeth, while leukemia is a type of malignous cancer that affects the production of blood cells. Recent studies suggest that immune response and microbial disbiosis related to periodontal disease may be associated with an increased risk of developing leukemia and may affect its prognosis, as well as leukemia type and treatment may also have effects on the periodontium, demanding a interdiscipinary approach of these patients. The aim of this study was to conduct a literature review to assess the association between periodontal disease and leukemia in adult patients. An electronic database serch using the descriptors was performed. Clinical studies with periodontal examination in adult individuals with leukemia were selected. After literature search, 9 studies were reviewed. Gingival bleeding and periodontal pockets were frequent findings. Periodontitis prevalence varied among studies, ranging from 29% to 82,4% in patients diagnosed with leukemia. The relationship between periodontal disease and leukemia is complex and multifaceted and there are few studies available in adults, with heterogeneous exam protocols. Still, the high prevalence of gingivitis and periodontitis found in the studies suggest that periodontal diagnosis and treatment could be a helpful tool to prevent further complications in leukemia treatment.
A doença periodontal é uma doença inflamatória crônica altamente prevalente e que afeta os tecidos que sustentam os dentes, enquanto a leucemia é um tipo de câncer maligno que afeta a produção de células sanguíneas. Estudos recentes sugerem que a resposta imune e a disbiose microbiana relacionada a doença periodontal podem estar associadas a um risco aumentado de desenvolver leucemia e pode afetar o prognóstico da doença, assim como o tipo de leucemia e o tratamento também podem ter efeitos no periodonto, exigindo uma abordagem interdisciplinar desses pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão de literatura para avaliar a associação entre doença periodontal e leucemia em pacientes adultos. Foi realizada uma busca eletrônica em bancos de dados utilizando os descritores. Foram selecionados estudos clínicos com exame periodontal em indivíduos adultos com leucemia. Após busca na literatura, 9 estudos foram revisados. Sangramento gengival e bolsas periodontais foram achados frequentes. A prevalência da periodontite variou entre os estudos, sendo de 29% a 82,4% em pacientes diagnosticados com leucemia. A relação entre doença periodontal e leucemia é complexa e multifacetada e existem poucos estudos disponíveis em adultos, com protocolos de exames heterogêneos. Ainda assim, a alta prevalência de gengivite e periodontite encontrada nos estudos sugere que o diagnóstico e o tratamento periodontal podem ser uma ferramenta útil para prevenir maiores complicações no tratamento da leucemia.
Periodontal Diseases , Periodontitis/epidemiology , Leukemia , Adult , Gingivitis/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Background@#Thalassemia is a common inherited hemolytic disorder characterized by the absence or reduction of one of the globin chains. Beta thalassemia major generally has oral cavity manifestations. Patients with beta thalassemia major often require routine blood transfusion. However, this treatment has the side effect of accumulating iron in the salivary glands, which increase the risk of dental caries, gingivitis, and secondary infection from Candida albicans.@*Objective@#The aim of this review is to explain the relationship of salivary iron levels and the effects of iron accumulation on dental caries, gingivitis, and Candida albicans infection.@*Methods@#A comprehensive search was performed on PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases using the keywords beta thalassemia major, iron, dental caries, gingivitis, Candida albicans.@*Results@#Iron is an essential micronutrient needed by Candida albicans for its growth and virulence. Blood transfusion in patients with beta thalassemia major can lead to a buildup of iron in the salivary glands and trigger the formation of non-transferrin bound iron (NTBI). NTBI can circulate in plasma and form a reactive oxygen species (ROS) that stimulate the formation of biofilms and increase dental caries. ROS may affect several genes associated with the inflammatory process and increase the incidence of gingivitis. It can also reduce salivary secretion in patients with thalassemia-β major that cause dysbiosis, which triggers an overgrowth of Candida albicans.@*Conclusion@#The excess iron in patients with beta thalassemia major increase the risk of dental caries, gingivitis, and Candida albicans infection.
Iron , Dental Caries , Gingivitis , Candida albicansABSTRACT
Objective@#To describe various local and systemic factors as the cause of gingivitis and to find out the main etiological factors of gingivitis in children with DS.@*Methods@#We searched PubMed and Google Scholar for Indonesian and English references either in the form of textbook, research results, reviews, and internet articles on the topic. We screened and selected the relevant articles for inclusion into the review. @*Results@#In children with DS, apart from poor oral hygiene, the increasing incidence of gingivitis is caused by changes in other local factors related to systemic factors, such as oral dysfunction, dental and gingival abnormalities, changes in the oral microbial profile, and salivary characteristics. Furthermore, systemic immunodeficiency, changes in inflammatory mediators and proteolytic enzymes, and intellectual subnormality are considered as systemic factors.@*Conclusion@#There is no main etiological factor of gingivitis in children with DS since various local and systemic factors are interrelated with each other causing gingivitis. The severity of gingivitis in children with DS presumably were caused by the systemic factors. Furthermore, good oral hygiene habits and the dentist's intervention in periodontal health can significantly reduce gingivitis in DS patients.
Child , Down Syndrome , Gingivitis , Oral HealthABSTRACT
Objective: to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents with cerebral palsy, comparing the gingival condition and the type of dental treatment before and after the interruption of dental care. Material and Methods: the retrospective longitudinal study consisted of 273 participants undergoing Dental Clinic of the AACD (Disabled Child Assistance Association), divided into three groups according to age: Group 1 (G1: 0 to 5 years and 11 months; n=137), Group 2 (G2: 6 to 11 years and 11 months; n=85) and Group 3 (G3: 12 to 17 years and 11 months; n=51). Sociodemographic, data, clinical pattern of cerebral palsy and use of medication were collected, evaluating the gingival condition by the gingival index and the type of dental treatment before the pandemic and during, nine months after the interruption of dental care. Chi-square, Fisher Exact and Kruskal-Wallis (α=5%) tests were used. Results: the groups were homogeneous in terms of sex (p=0.4581), race (p=0.1725), clinical pattern (p=0.3482) and use of antiepileptic drugs (p=0.3509). Regarding the gingival condition, in the period during the pandemic, there was a reduction in the number of participants with Gingival Index scores 0 and 1 and an increase in participants with scores 2 and 3 (p<0.05). As for the procedures performed, the three groups showed a reduction in preventive procedures (p<0.05) and an increase in surgical, periodontal and restorative procedures (p<0.05). Conclusion: it is concluded that the interruption of dental care for nine months during the COVID-19 pandemic in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy had a negative impact on oral health (AU)
Objetivo: avaliar o impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 em crianças e adolescentes com Paralisia Cerebral, comparando a condição gengival e o tipo de tratamento odontológico antes e após a interrupção dos atendimentos odontológicos. Material e Métodos: o estudo longitudinal retrospectivo foi composto por 273 participantes atendidos na Clínica odontológica da AACD (Associação de Assistência à Criança Deficiente), reunidos em três grupos segundo a faixa etária: Grupo 1 (G1: 0 a 5 anos e 11 meses; n=137), Grupo 2 (G2: 6 a 11 anos e 11 meses; n=85) e Grupo 3 (G3: 12 a 17 anos e 11 meses; n=51). Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, padrão clínico da Paralisia Cerebral e o uso de medicação, avaliando a condição gengival pelo índice gengival e o tipo de tratamento odontológico antes e durante a pandemia, nove meses após a interrupção dos atendimentos. Foram empregados os testes Qui-quadrado, Exato de Fisher e Kruskal-Wallis (α=5%). Resultados: os grupos eram homogêneos quanto ao sexo (p=0,4581), raça (p=0,1725), padrão clínico (p=0,3482) e uso de drogas antiepiléticas (p=0,3509). Com relação à condição gengival, no período Durante Pandemia, observou-se redução no número de participantes com escores Índice Gengival 0 e 1 e aumento de participantes com escores 2 e 3 (p<0,05). Quanto aos procedimentos realizados, os três grupos apresentaram redução de procedimentos preventivos (p<0,05) e aumento dos procedimentos cirúrgicos, periodontal e restaurador (p<0,05). Conclusão: conclui-se que a interrupção do acompanhamento odontológico por nove meses na pandemia da COVID-19 em crianças e adolescentes com PC acarretou impacto negativo na saúde bucal (AU)
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Cerebral Palsy , Oral Health , COVID-19 , GingivitisABSTRACT
Introdução: O tratamento periodontal envolve procedimentos que visam reduzir a carga bacteriana, envolvendo ou não o uso de antibióticos locais ou sistêmicos. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o conhecimento dos cirurgiões-dentistas brasileiros sobre a prescrição de antibióticos durante o tratamento periodontal. Material e método: Foi disponibilizado um questionário online solicitando aplicação sistêmica de prescrição de antibióticos locais ou sistêmicos (frequência e sequência com tratamento periodontal mecânico) e em relação a diferentes doenças periodontais. A utilização de serviços de diagnóstico microbiano e dados demográficos dos voluntários também foram elucidados. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente (Teste Binomial, p<0,05). Resultado: Trezentos e noventa e três voluntários responderam ao questionário. Vinte e três por cento do sexo masculino e 76,2% do sexo feminino. A idade média foi de 27,7 anos. A minoria (19,2%) dos voluntários relatou indicar antibióticos sistêmicos para tratamento de gengivite ou periodontite estágios I e II (antiga periodontite crônica leve e moderada). A maioria dos profissionais indica para tratar abscesso periodontal, gengivite ou periodontite ulcerativa necrosante, periodontite em imunodeficiências graves, periodontite agressiva antiga e periodontite estágios III e IV (periodontite crônica grave antiga). Raramente (2,5%) a prescrição foi sem a associação com terapia mecânica. Os exames microbiológicos como método auxiliar de diagnóstico raramente (3,1%) são solicitados por falta de informação ou custo. As respostas mais frequentes sobre o número de vezes que os profissionais relataram prescrever antibióticos sistêmicos como parte do tratamento periodontal por trimestre foram "pelo menos uma vez", seguido de "2 vezes". Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que os cirurgiões-dentistas brasileiros possuem conhecimento sobre a correta prescrição de antibióticos na terapia periodontal
Introduction: Periodontal treatment involves procedures aimed to reduce bacterial load, involving or not the use of local or systemic antibiotics. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess Brazilian dentists' knowledge about antibiotics prescription during periodontal treatment. Material and method: An online questionnaire was available asking for systemic application of local or systemic antibiotics prescription (frequency, and sequence with mechanical periodontal treatment) and in relation to different periodontal diseases. The use of microbial diagnostic services and volunteers' demographic data were also elucidated. Data were statistically analyzed (Binomial Test, p<0.05). Result: Three hundred and ninety-three volunteers answered the questionnaire. Twenty-three percent males and 76.2% females. Average age was 27.7 years. Minority (19.2%) of the volunteers reported to indicate systemic antibiotics to treat gingivitis or periodontitis stages I and II (old slight and moderate chronic periodontitis). Majority of the professionals indicate it to treat periodontal abscess, necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis or periodontitis, periodontitis in severe immunodeficiencies, old aggressive periodontitis, and periodontitis stages III and IV (old severe chronic periodontitis). Rarely (2.5%) the prescription was without the combination with mechanical therapy. Microbiological tests as an auxiliary diagnostic method are rarely (3.1%) requested due to lack of information or cost. Most frequent answers about the number of times professionals reported prescribing systemic antibiotics as part of periodontal treatment per trimester was "at least once", followed by "2 times". Conclusion: It can be concluded that Brazilian dentists have knowledge about the correct prescription of antibiotics in periodontal therapy
Humans , Male , Female , Periodontal Diseases , Periodontitis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dentists , Gingivitis , Anti-Bacterial Agents , PeriodonticsABSTRACT
Resumen En la cavidad oral se pueden presentar lesiones en gíngiva que no están asociadas a placa bacteriana, las cuales requieren de un adecuado diagnóstico y tratamiento. La gingivitis descamativa está usualmente relacionada con desórdenes mucocutáneos, como el pénfigo vulgar (PV), donde las lesiones orales incluyendo las lesiones gingivales, pueden preceder las lesiones cutáneas. El manejo es multidisciplinario y el tratamiento incluye terapia farmacológica tópica y sistémica, se requiere un adecuado control de la placa bacteriana por parte del paciente y una estricta supervisión en el tiempo por parte del profesional para el mantenimiento y estabilidad de los tejidos gingivales. Se presentan dos casos clínicos de pacientes con diagnóstico de PV los cuales fueron manejados de manera oportuna e integral para controlar y estabilizar el factor sistémico y local.
Abstract In the oral cavity, gingiva lesions may occur that are not associated with bacterial plaque, which require adequate diagnosis and treatment. Desquamative gingivitis is usually related to mucocutaneous disorders, such as pemphigus vulgaris (PV), where oral lesions, including gingival lesions, may precede skin lesions. Management is multidisciplinary and treatment includes topical and systemic pharmacological therapy, require adequate control of dental plaque by the patient and strict supervision over time by the professional for the maintenance and stability of the gingival tissues. Two clinical cases of patients with a diagnosis of PV are presented, which were managed in a timely and integral way to control and stabilize the systemic and local factor.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Pemphigus/drug therapy , Gingivitis/drug therapy , Oral Hygiene , Costa RicaABSTRACT
Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the gingival state and presence of red complex bacteria in saliva samples of 12-year-old schoolchildren. A calibrated periodontist evaluated biofilm index (BI) (Silness and Löe, 1964), presence of calculus, and gingival index (GI) (Silness and Löe, 1967) in sixty two 12-year-old students of Carmen Lyra School. Saliva samples were collected from each student. The DNA of each sample was extracted and amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, using specific primers. The BI was 1.18. Calculus was present in 40.40% of the schoolchildren examined; 19.4% was supragingival calculus and 21% both supragingival and subgingival calculus. The GI was 0.97, which according to Silness and Löe is mild gingivitis. Gingivitis was present in 96.8% of the children examined. Regarding the PCR tests: 18 of the samples (31.58%) did not present any of the bacteria analyzed and the remaining 39 samples (68.42%) were positive for at least the presence of red complex bacteria. Within the limitations of this study, it is concluded that the prevalence of gingivitis and calculus is high in the sample examined, and the gingival state observed in the study population, may be related to the presence of red complex bacteria.
Resumen El objetivo de este estudio era determinar el estado gingival y la presencia de bacterias del complejo rojo en muestras de saliva de niños de 12 años de la Escuela Carmen Lyra. Una periodoncista calibrada evaluó en 62 estudiantes de 12 años de la Escuela Carmen Lyra, el índice de biofilme (IB) (Silness y Löe, 1964), la presencia de cálculo y el índice gingival (IG) (Silness y Löe, 1967). Se recolectaron muestras de saliva de cada estudiante. El ADN de cada muestra fue extraído y amplificado por medio de la prueba PCR, empleando primers específicos, para determinar la presencia de bacterias del complejo rojo. El IB fue de 1.18. El cálculo estuvo presente en el 40.40% de la muestra, se encontró 19.4% de cálculo en supragingival y 21% tanto en supragingival como en subgingival. El IG fue de 0.97, que de acuerdo con Silness y Löe es una gingivitis leve. La gingivitis estuvo presente en el 96.8 % de los niños examinados. Con respecto a las pruebas PCR: 18 de las muestras (31.58 %) no presentaron ninguna de las bacterias analizadas y las 39 muestras restantes (68.42%) fueron positivas por lo menos a la presencia de las bacterias del complejo rojo. Dentro de las limitaciones de este estudio, se concluye que la prevalencia de gingivitis y cálculo es alta en la muestra examinada y el estado gingival observado puede estar relacionado con la presencia de bacterias del complejo rojo.
Humans , Child , Gingival Diseases , Gingivitis/diagnosis , Costa RicaABSTRACT
Background: Probing of the periodontal pocket is an essential part of the diagnosis of periodontal disease and 15-77% of untreated periodontal patients experience pain during probing. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the pain perceived by patients with dental plaque-induced gingivitis and chronic periodontitis during periodontal probing and the main objective includes the evaluation of the relationship between pain perceived during periodontal probing and gingival inflammatory parameters. Material and Methods: A total of 475 participants were recruited into the study. The patients were divided into two groups: Group-A (Gingivitis Group - 275 patients) and Group-B (Chronic Periodontitis Group - 200 patients). Clinical parameters included analysis of bleeding on probing, simplified gingival index, pocket depth on probing, and clinical attachment level. Pain score was recorded using the HP VAS scale and all patients participated in the study after a detailed explanation of the study protocol. Results: A significant difference in pain perception was noted between groups, highlighting the role of the degree of inflammation in the examination of periodontal parameters. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study, we can conclude that pain perception is directly correlated with the degree of inflammation in periodontitis rather than plaque-induced gingivitis during periodontal probing. Therefore, some form of adjuvant topical anesthesia may be considered in order to reduce pain levels in severely inflamed patients, to encourage continued acceptance of supportive periodontal therapy.
Antecedentes: El sondaje de la bolsa periodontal es una parte esencial en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad periodontal. 15-77% de los pacientes periodontales no tratados experimentan dolor durante el sondaje. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el dolor percibido por pacientes con gingivitis inducida por placa dental y periodontitis crónica durante el sondaje periodontal y el objetivo principal incluye la evaluación de la relación entre el dolor percibido durante el sondaje periodontal con parámetros inflamatorios gingivales. Material y Métodos: Un total de 475 sujetos fueron reclutados en el estudio. Los sujetos se dividieron en 2 grupos: Grupo - A (Grupo de gingivitis - 275 pacientes) y Grupo - B (Grupo de periodontitis crónica - 200 pacientes). Los parámetros clínicos incluyeron el análisis del sangrado al sondaje, el índice gingival simplificado, la profundidad de la bolsa al sondaje y el nivel de inserción clínica. La puntuación del dolor se registró utilizando la escala HP VAS y todos los pacientes participaron en el estudio después de una explicación detallada del protocolo del estudio. Resultados: Se notó una diferencia significativa en la percepción del dolor en el grupo B que en el grupo A, lo que significa el papel del grado de inflamación en el examen de los parámetros periodontales. Conclusión: Dentro de las limitaciones del presente estudio, podemos concluir que la percepción del dolor se correlaciona directamente con el grado de inflamación que se observa en la periodontitis más que con la gingivitis inducida por la placa dental durante el sondaje periodontal. Por lo tanto, se puede considerar alguna forma de anestesia tópica adyuvante para reducir los niveles de dolor en pacientes gravemente inflamados para fomentar la aceptación continua de la terapia periodontal de apoyo.
Humans , Male , Female , Chronic Periodontitis , Pain Perception , Gingivitis , Periodontal Diseases , Periodontal Index , Prospective Studies , India , InflammationABSTRACT
Objetivo: Avaliar a frequência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e sua associação com parâmetros periodontais e do índice de dentes cariados, perdidos, obturados (CPOD) em indivíduos atendidos na clínica do Curso de Odontologia da Unigranrio. Materiais e métodos: Noventa e cinco indivíduos de ambos os sexos foram incluídos no estudo entre março e maio de 2021. Os participantes responderam a questionários anamnésicos, tiveram sua pressão arterial sistêmica aferida e foram examinados para obtenção do índice CPOD e de parâmetros periodontais. Resultados: A frequência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica na população estudada foi 23,15%. Em pacientes com periodontite, essa prevalência foi 27%, e, em pacientes com gengivite, 19%. Pacientes com periodontite tiveram médias superiores de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD) comparado ao grupo com gengivite (p<0,0001). Foram identificadas correlações significativas positivas entre PAS e bolsas periodontais moderadas (rho=0,356) e profundas (rho=0,342), perda de inserção avançada (rho=0,538), CPOD (rho=0,365) e quantidade de dentes ausentes (rho=0,477), p < 0,001. A PAD apresentou correlações significativas (p < 0,001) positivas com bolsas periodontais moderadas (rho=0,331) e profundas (rho=0,283), perda de inserção avançada (rho=0,465), CPOD (rho=0,361) e dentes ausentes (rho=0,348). Conclusões: A frequência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica autorrelatada é relativamente alta na população estudada e, em especialmente, dentre as pessoas com periodontite. Pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica são correlacionadas positivamente com parâmetros periodontais indicadores de severidade de doença, assim como piores escores do CPOD.
Aim: The study evaluated the prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension and its association with periodontal parameters and decayed-missing-filled teeth (DMFT) index in individuals treated in a Dental School clinic. Material and methods: Ninety-five individuals of both genders were included in the study in the period between March and May 2021. All participants answered anamnestic questionaries, had their systemic blood pressure measured, and were examined to obtain the DMFT and periodontal parameters. Results: The prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension in the study population was 23.15%. In periodontitis individuals, that prevalence was 27%, and, in gingivitis patients, 19%. Patients with periodontitis have higher mean systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure compared with gingivitis individuals (p<0.0001). Significant positive correlations were found between SBP and moderate (rho=0.356) and deep (rho=0.342) periodontal pockets, severe attachment loss (rho=0.538), DMFT (rho=0.365), and amount of missing teeth (rho=0.477), p ? 0.001. The DBP showed significant (p?0.001) positive correlations with moderate (rho=0.331) and (rho=0.283) deep periodontal pockets, severe attachment loss (rho=0.465), DMFT (rho=0.361), and missing teeth (rho=0.348). Conclusions: The prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension is relatively high in the study population and, in particular, among individuals with periodontitis. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure are positively correlated with periodontal parameters that indicate the severity of disease, as well as with worse DMFT scores.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Periodontitis/complications , DMF Index , Gingivitis/complications , Hypertension/complications , Periodontitis/diagnosis , Periodontitis/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Age and Sex Distribution , Gingivitis/diagnosis , Gingivitis/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Aim: The aim of this review was to systematically assess and report the effectiveness of chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthwash in preventing plaque accumulation and gingivitis in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. Material and Methods: The review was prepared according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) guidelines and registered under PROSPERO database (CRD42020170776). Four electronic databases were systematically searched along with a complimentary manual search of orthodontic journals until June 2022. Only Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) reporting on antiplaque and antigingivitis efficacy of Chlorhexidine mouthwash compared with placebo or control in orthodontic patients were included. Risk of bias assessment was done using Cochrane ROB-2. Quantitative analysis (Random-Effects Model and Standard Mean Difference (SMD)) with 95 % confidence interval was used. Results: Six RCTs were included for qualitative analysis and four were included for quantitative analysis with a total of 211 participants. Out of six studies, 3 were judged to have a low risk of bias, two had some concerns and one of them had high risk of bias. Random effects meta-analysis performed for anti-plaque effect reported a significant reduction of -1.2 SMD for CHX at 4 to 6 weeks with low heterogeneity (I2-35%). The anti-gingivitis effect at 4 to 6 weeks was significant for CHX with a SMD of -1.03 and a moderate heterogeneity (I2-65%). Conclusion: On analyzing the available evidence a moderate level of certainty supports a short-term reduction in plaque accumulation and gingivitis in orthodontic patients subjected to rinsing with chlorhexidine oral rinse.
Objetivo: El objetivo de esta revisión fue evaluar e informar sistemáticamente la efectividad del enjuague bucal con clorhexidina (CHX) para prevenir la acumulación de placa y la gingivitis en pacientes que reciben tratamiento de ortodoncia. Material y Métodos: La revisión se preparó de acuerdo con las pautas de Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) y se registró en la base de datos PROSPERO (CRD42020170776). Se realizaron búsquedas sistemáticas en cuatro bases de datos electrónicas junto con una búsqueda manual gratuita de revistas de ortodoncia hasta junio de 2022. Solo se incluyeron ensayos controlados aleatorios (ECA) que informaron sobre la eficacia antiplaca y antigingivitis del enjuague bucal con clorhexidina en comparación con placebo o control en pacientes de ortodoncia. La evaluación del riesgo de sesgo se realizó mediante Cochrane ROB-2. Se utilizó un análisis cuantitativo (modelo de efectos aleatorios y diferencia de medias estándar (SMD)) con un intervalo de confianza del 95 %. Resultados: Se incluyeron seis ECA para el análisis cualitativo y cuatro para el análisis cuantitativo con un total de 211 participantes. De los seis estudios, se consideró que tres tenían un bajo riesgo de sesgo, dos tenían algunas preocupaciones y uno de ellos tenía un alto riesgo de sesgo. El metanálisis de efectos aleatorios realizado para el efecto antiplaca informó una reducción significativa de -1,2 SMD para CHX a las 4 a 6 semanas con baja heterogeneidad (I2-35%). El efecto antigingivitis a las 4 a 6 semanas fue significativo para CHX con una SMD de -1,03 y una heterogeneidad moderada (I2-65%). Conclusión: Al analizar la evidencia disponible, un nivel de certeza moderado apoya una reducción a corto plazo en la acumulación de placa y gingivitis en pacientes ortodóncicos sometidos a enjuague con enjuague bucal con clorhexidina.
Humans , Dental Plaque/prevention & control , Gingivitis/prevention & control , Orthodontics , Chlorhexidine/therapeutic use , Orthodontic Appliances, Fixed , Mouthwashes/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Background: Probing of periodontal pockets is an essential part in the diagnosis of periodontal disease. Fifteen to seventy seven percent of untreated periodontal patients experience pain during probing. Hence the aim of this study is to evaluate the pain perceived by patients with gingivitis and periodontitis during periodontal probing. The goals of this study were to compare the patients' pain perception when using a conventional UNC15 probe and a manual pressure sensitive periodontal probe, and to relate the clinical features of gingivitis and periodontitis to the discomfort associated with periodontal probing. Material and Methods: A total of 475 subjects were recruited into the study. The subjects were initially divided into two groups Group A (Gingivitis group - 275 patients) and Group B (Chronic Periodontitis group -200 patients) according to the AAP 1999 Classification. These two groups were further subdivided into two groups each (Gingivitis Conventional Probe GCP, Gingivitis Manual Pressure Sensitive Probe GMPS, Periodontitis - Conventional Probe PCP, Periodontitis Manual Pressure Sensitive Probe PMPS) using a computer generated program of random numbers. Results: A significant difference was noted in pain perception when pressure sensitive probe was used compared to conventional UNC-15 probe. Reduced Bleeding on Probing and Pain scores were noted in Chronic periodontitis subjects with use of pressure sensitive probe, which was statistically significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: Dentistry has changed its focus towards painless dentistry. In this context, the present study presents data towards use of manual pressure sensitive probes, which offers an advantage of low cost when compared to more advanced computerized systems with reduced pain during periodontal examination. It could result in a positive attitude of the patients towards continuous supportive periodontal therapy thereby monitoring periodontal health.
Antecedentes: El sondaje de los sacos periodontales es una parte esencial en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad periodontal. Del quince al setenta y siete por ciento de los pacientes periodontales no tratados experimentan dolor durante el sondaje. De ahí que el objetivo de este estudio fué evaluar el dolor percibido por pacientes con gingivitis y periodontitis durante el sondaje periodontal. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron comparar la percepción del dolor de los pacientes al usar una sonda UNC15 convencional y una sonda periodontal sensible a la presión manual, y relacionar las características clínicas de la gingivitis y la periodontitis con la incomodidad asociada con el sondaje periodontal. Material y Métodos: Un total de 475 sujetos fueron reclutados en el estudio. Los sujetos se dividieron inicialmente en dos grupos - Grupo - A (grupo de Gingivitis - 275 pacientes) y Grupo - B (grupo de Periodontitis Crónica - 200 pacientes) de acuerdo con la Clasificación AAP 1999. Estos dos grupos se subdividieron en dos grupos cada uno (Gingivitis - Sonda convencional - GCP, Gingivitis - Sonda manual sensible a la presión - GMPS, Periodontitis - Sonda convencional - PCP, Periodontitis - Sonda manual sensible a la presión - PMPS) usando un programa generado por computadora de datos aleatorios. números. Resultados: Se notó una diferencia significativa en la percepción del dolor cuando se usó una sonda sensible a la presión en comparación con la sonda UNC-15 convencional (p<0,001). Conclusion: La odontología ha cambiado su enfoque hacia una odontología sin dolor. En este contexto, el presente estudio presenta datos hacia el uso de sondas manuales sensibles a la presión, que ofrece una ventaja de bajo costo en comparación con sistemas computarizados más avanzados con reducción del dolor durante el examen periodontal. Podría resultar en una actitud positiva de los pacientes hacia la terapia periodontal de apoyo continuo, monitoreando así la salud periodontal.
Humans , Male , Female , Periodontitis/therapy , Pain Perception , Gingivitis/therapy , Pain , Periodontal Diseases/therapy , Periodontal Pocket , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Objetive: To evaluate the correlation between salivary biomarkers (the salivary antioxidant ability, salivary level of polyphenols, and other antioxidants) with plaque-induced gingivitis exacerbated by pregnancy in pregnant and nonpregnant women. Material and Methods: For this observational study, medical records, dental examinations, and analyses of saliva samples were carried out in pregnant and nonpregnant women. A p-value of <0.05 was considered significant. Results: The pregnant women (n =17) exhibited a lower antioxidant capacity (p-value=0.0041), higher levels of polyphenols, gingival index, bleeding on probing, and subjects consuming mineral-enriched products (p-value from <0.0001 to 0.0466), and unchanged levels of phosphotungstic acid reactive substances, proteins, oral hygienic habits, plaque index and probing depth (p-value from 0.0683 to 0.8358), in comparison with the nonpregnant women (n=9). Also, a positive correlation between the gingival index and salivary polyphenol content was observed (r-value = 0.4087, p-value = 0.0202). Conclusion: The salivary polyphenols correlate with plaque-induced gingivitis exacerbated by pregnancy, suggesting a deficiency of salivary antioxidant protection.
Objetivo: Evaluar la correlación entre los biomarcadores salivales (la capacidad antioxidante salival, el nivel salival de polifenoles y otros antioxidantes) con la gingivitis inducida por placa exacerbada por el embarazo en mujeres embarazadas y no embarazadas. Material y Métodos: Para este estudio observacional, se realizaron registros médicos, exámenes dentales y análisis de muestras de saliva en mujeres embarazadas y no embarazadas. Se consideró significativo un valor de p<0,05. Resultados: Las gestantes (n=17) presentaron menor capacidad antioxidante (p=0,0041), mayores niveles de polifenoles, índice gingival, sangrado al sondaje y los sujetos que consumían productos enriquecidos con minerales (p<0,0001 a p<0,0466), y no hubo diferencias en los niveles de sustancias reactivas al ácido fosfotúngstico, proteínas, hábitos de higiene bucal, índice de placa y profundidad de sondaje (p=0,0683 a 0,8358), en comparación con las mujeres no embarazadas (n=19). Además, se observó una correlación positiva entre el índice gingival y elcontenido de polifenoles salivales (r = 0,4087, p= 0,0202). Conclusión: Los polifenoles salivales se correlacionan con la gingivitis inducida por placa y exacerbada por el embarazo, lo que sugiere una deficiencia de protección antioxidante salival.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Saliva/immunology , Biomarkers/analysis , Gingivitis/immunology , Polyphenols , AntioxidantsABSTRACT
RESUMEN: La enfermedad periodontal se clasifica en dos grandes grupos principales: gingivitis y periodontitis, desencadenadas por una alteración de la microbiota oral, que causa un aumento de microorganismos patógenos con respecto a los beneficiosos. Estos, en interacción con el hospedero y con los factores de riesgo del paciente, definirán una presentación clínica específica. Una de las estrategias que se propone como alternativa frente al uso de antibióticos y como coadyuvante del raspado y alisado radicular (RAR) para tratar las periodontitis, es la administración de probióticos. Los probióticos son denominados como microorganismos vivos que al ser administrados en cantidades adecuadas son capaces de ejercer una acción benéfica sobre la salud del hospedador. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el beneficio de los probióticos en la prevención y tratamiento de las principales enfermedades periodontales. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda desde Enero del 2010 a Mayo del 2020 en Pubmed, Web of Science, SciELO, Science Direct y el Portal Timbó. Obteniéndose como resultado que los probióticos son capaces de reducir los parámetros clínicos y microbiológicos de dichas enfermedades y que pueden ser un valioso complemento en su prevención y tratamiento.
ABSTRACT: Periodontal disease is classified into two main groups: gingivitis and periodontitis, triggered by an alteration of the oral microbiota, which causes an increase in pathogenic microorganisms with respect to the beneficial ones. In interaction with the host and with the risk factors of the patient. They will define a specific clinical presentation. One of the strategies proposed as an alternative to the use of antibiotics and as an adjunct to scraping and root planning (RAR) to treat periodontitis, is the administration of probiotics. Probiotics are living microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, are capable of exerting a beneficial action on the health of the host. Therefore, the objective of this work was to describe the benefit of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of the main periodontal diseases. For this, a search was carried out between 2010 and 2020 in PubMed, Web of Science, SciELO, Science Direct and the Timbó Portal. The results obtained showed that probiotics are capable of reducing the clinical and microbiological parameters of these diseases and that they can be a valuable complement in their prevention and treatment.
Humans , Periodontal Diseases , Periodontitis , Probiotics , GingivitisABSTRACT
RESUMEN El término de gingivitis descamativa ha evolucionado con el decursar de los años. La clasificación de la enfermedad periodontal vigente en Cuba la incluye dentro de los procesos inflamatorios crónicos superficiales. La Academia Americana de Periodontología y la Federación Europea de Periodoncia, han destinado un apartado para esta enfermedad denominado: alteraciones inflamatorias e inmunes. Se presentó una paciente de 27 años de edad, con ardor, sangramiento gingival y molestias al cepillado, la cual acudió a la consulta de Estomatología General Integral. Durante el examen clínico se constató la presencia de zonas eritematosas a nivel de encía marginal e insertada, con exposición del tejido conectivo. Luego de concluida la atención primaria en Periodoncia, la paciente fue remitida a la atención secundaria donde se le diagnosticó un liquen plano bucal con manifestaciones gingivales. Se instauró el tratamiento adecuado hasta la desaparición de las lesiones.
ABSTRACT The term desquamative gingivitis has evolved over the years. The current classification of periodontal disease in Cuba includes it among chronic superficial inflammatory processes. The American Academy of Periodontology and the European Federation of Periodontology have assigned a section for this disease called inflammatory and immune alterations. We present a 27-year-old female patient with burning, gingival bleeding and discomfort when brushing, who came to the General Comprehensive Dentistry consultation. Erythematous areas were observed during clinical examination, at the level of the inserted and marginal gingiva, with exposure of the connective tissue. After the completion of primary periodontal care, the patient was referred to secondary care where she was diagnosed with oral lichen planus with gingival manifestations. Appropriate treatment was instituted until the lesions disappeared.
Gingivitis, Necrotizing Ulcerative , Lichen Planus, Oral , GingivitisABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: O objetivo desta revisão sistemática e metanálise (SRM) foi avaliar as evidências entre a associação de líquen plano oral (OLP) e doença periodontal, avaliando os parâmetros clínicos periodontais e os níveis de biomarcadores. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Esta revisão sistemática e meta-análise seguiu PRISMA e foi registrada no PROSPERO (CRD42020181513). Foram realizadas buscas em bases de dados de artigos publicados até junho de 2021. A metanálise foi realizada com as variáveis: índice de placa (PI), índice gengival (GI), profundidade de sondagem (PD) e perda de inserção clínica (CAL). A diferença média foi aplicada com intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: 6 artigos foram incluídos. A análise qualitativa mostrou que os níveis de biomarcadores (metaloproteinases de matriz, interleucinas e perfil microbiológico periodontal) estão aumentados em indivíduos com doença periodontal e líquen plano oral. Na metanálise, esses indivíduos também apresentaram aumentos em todos os parâmetros clínicos periodontais avaliados: GI gengivite 0,22 [0,14, 0,31] p< 0,0001 e periodontite 0,12 [0,06, 0,19] p=0,0003; PI gengivite 0,22 [0,12, 0,31] p< 0,0001 e periodontite 0,15 [0,08, 0,23] p< 0,0001; PD gengivite 0,27 [0,06; 0,48] p=0,0107 e periodontite 0,11 [0,01; 0,21] p=0,0299; e CA periodontite 0,06 [0,01, 0,12] p=0,0176. CONCLUSÕES: Evidências sugerem uma relação significativa entre a gravidade da doença periodontal e a presença de líquen plano oral. RELEVÂNCIA CLÍNICA: Este SRM fornece informações sobre a interação entre OLP e a doença periodontal e orienta os médicos a tomar decisões baseadas em evidências e sugere recomendações para estudos adicionais de alta qualidade(AU)
BACKGROUND: The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis (SRM) was to assess the evidence between the association of oral lichen planus (OLP) and periodontal disease, evaluating the periodontal clinical parameters and biomarkers levels. METHODS: This systematic review and meta-analysis followed PRISMA and was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42020181513). Searches were accomplished in databases for articles published until June 2021. The meta-analysis was performed with the variables: plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing depth (PD), and clinical attachment loss (CAL). The mean difference was applied with a 95% confidence interval. RESULTS: 6 articles were included. Qualitative analysis showed the levels of biomarkers (matrix metalloproteinases, interleukins, and periodontal microbiological profile) are increased in subjects with periodontal disease and oral lichen planus. In the meta-analysis, these subjects also presented increases in all periodontal clinical parameters evaluated: GI gingivitis 0.22 [0.14, 0.31] p < 0.0001 and periodontitis 0.12 [0.06, 0.19] p =0.0003; PI gingivitis 0.22 [0.12, 0.31] p < 0.0001 and periodontitis 0.15 [0.08, 0.23] p < 0.0001; PD gingivitis 0.27 [0.06; 0.48] p=0.0107 and periodontitis 0.11 [0.01; 0.21] p=0.0299; and CA periodontitis 0.06 [0.01, 0.12] p=0.0176. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence suggests a significant relationship between the severity of periodontal disease and the presence of oral lichen planus. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This SRM provides information on the interaction between OLP and periodontal disease and guides clinicians to make evidence-based decisions and suggests recommendations for further high-quality studies(AU)
Periodontal Diseases , Lichen Planus, Oral , Periodontitis , Biomarkers , Interleukins , Matrix Metalloproteinases , Evidence-Based Dentistry , GingivitisABSTRACT
Introducción: El SARS-CoV-2 afecta el sistema respiratorio en diferentes grados. La cavidad oral es el lugar más colonizado por bacterias, por lo tanto, al no tener una adecuada higiene pueden presentarse diferentes enfermedades secundarias, lo que ha causado alerta en el gremio odontológico, ya que puede contribuir a complicaciones posteriores en los pacientes. Material y métodos: El estudio fue conformado por 47 pacientes voluntarios recuperados de SARS-CoV-2, residentes de Montemorelos, Nuevo León, México, donde fueron atendidos en Bucalia Dent, consultorio dental. Después del consentimiento informado de cada paciente, se realizó una historia clínica para conocer los síntomas, enfermedades sistémicas, ausencia de dientes y nivel de inflamación gingival de acuerdo al índice de Loe y Silness. A continuación, se tomó una muestra de biofilm microbiano (placa dentobacteriana), la cual se suspendió en una solución buffer de fosfato, posteriormente fue llevada al Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias de la Salud (CIDICS), Monterrey, N.L, México. Se extrajo DNA y se purificó, después se realizó PCR para detectar los patógenos orales; la PCR se visualizó en gel de agarosa (1.5%) por tinción de bromuro de etidio. Resultados: Se detectó 80.85% Porphyromona gingivalis y 68.09% Fusobacterium nucleatum en pacientes recuperados de SARS-CoV-2; 23.4% presentaron inflamación leve de acuerdo al índice de Loe y Silness, 54.5% fueron masculinos y 45.5% femeninos. Por otro lado, 36.4% de los pacientes con inflamación leve tenían de cuatro a seis dientes ausentes. En estos pacientes se detectó 18.18% únicamente con Fusobacterium nucleatum y 27.27% sólo con Porphyromona gingivalis; el sexo masculino tuvo predisposición en 66.6% y el femenino en 33.33%. Se observó infección con los dos patógenos presentes en 45.45%; y 60% de estos pacientes fueron masculinos. Conclusiones: Los pacientes recuperados de SARSCoV- 2 analizados en esta investigación mostraron mala higiene oral y alta prevalencia de los patógenos mencionados altamente relacionados a inflamación gingival o enfermedad periodontal, lo que nos indica que es indispensable la intervención del odontólogo al finalizar el periodo de infección de cada paciente (AU)
Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 affects the respiratory system to different degrees. The oral cavity is a colonized place by bacterias, therefore, by not having good hygiene, different secondary diseases can occur; this has caused an alert in the dental industry, since it can contribute to later complications in patients. Material and methods: The study was conducted in 47 SARS-CoV-2 recovered volunteers from the Montemorelos city of the Nuevo León state, Mexico, who were attended at the Bucalia Dent dental clinic. An informed consent was obtained from each of the patients, then their clinical history was documented in order to know the symptoms, previous systemic diseases, absence of teeth and degree of gingival inflammation, as suggested by Loe and Silness. Subsequently, a dental plaque sample was taken from all patients, which was suspended in a phosphate buffered solution and shipped to The Center for Research and Development in Health Sciences (CIDICS), Monterrey, NL, Mexico for storage. DNA extraction and purification was performed and PCR was carried out for the oral pathogens detection. All PCR products were visualized on 1.5% agarose gel by ethidium bromide staining. Results: Porphyromona gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum were detected in 80.85% and 68.09% of SARS-CoV-2 recovered patients, respectively. 23.4% showed mild inflammation based on the Loe and Silness criteria, 54.5% were male and 45.5% female. On the other hand, 36.4% of patients with mild inflammation had between 4 to 6 missing teeth. A single infection by Fusobacterium nucleatum was detected in 18.18% and by Porphyromona gingivalis in 27.27%; the male sex had a predisposition with 66.66% and 33.33% female; coinfection of both pathogens was observed in 45.45% where 60% were male. Conclusions: SARS-CoV-2 recovered patients show poor oral hygiene and a high prevalence of oral pathogens related to the development of inflammatory gingival or periodontal disease, this suggests the need for an odontological clinical intervention at the end of the course of infection or disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Oral Hygiene , Fusobacterium nucleatum , Porphyromonas gingivalis , SARS-CoV-2 , DNA , Oral Hygiene Index , Periodontal Index , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Dental Plaque/microbiology , Electrophoresis, Agar Gel , Age and Sex Distribution , Gingivitis/epidemiology , MexicoABSTRACT
Nuestra cavidad bucal cuenta con características particulares como ecosistema y microbiota. Este hábitat de microorganismos es uno de los más diversos de cualquier comunidad microbiana asociada a los humanos, y además cumple ciertas funciones en los procesos biológicos y digestivos del hospedante. Aunque muchos de estos microorganismos residentes aportan beneficios, en condiciones de sinergia y exacerbación, el predominio de algunos géneros puede influir en el desarrollo de enfermedades periodontales. Se realizó una investigación cuantitativa, exploratoria, descriptiva y transversal en el de Centro de Salud de Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi, en Ecuador, en mujeres cuya edad oscilaba entre 45 y 55 años. Se estableció una relación lineal negativa entre la edad y el pH salival, es decir, que al aumentar la edad aumentó la acidez bucal de las pacientes. De manera similar, el pH salival influyó inversamente en la disponibilidad microbiótica, pues en las cavidades bucales más ácidas el índice de detección fue más alto en 18/25 microorganismos. Las proporciones de afecciones en la salud bucodental encontradas en las pacientes como caries (96%), gingivitis (67%), halitosis (78%) y xerostomía (56%), indican la no exclusión y superposición de las mismas, pudiendo presentarse patologías combinadas en un mismo paciente, haciendo necesario explorar de qué manera los niveles de pH y la diversidad microbiótica oral encontrados se interrelacionan, y a su vez como estas nosologías podrían tener determinantes similares(AU)
Our oral cavity has particular characteristics such as ecosystem and microbiota. This habitat of microorganisms is one of the most diverse of any microbial community associated with humans, and also fulfills certain functions in the biological and digestive processes of the host. Although many of these resident microorganisms provide benefits, under conditions of synergy and exacerbation, the predominance of some genera can influence the development of periodontal diseases. A quantitative, exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional investigation was carried out in the Latacunga Health Center, Cotopaxi province, Ecuador, in women whose age ranged between 45 and 55 years. A negative linear relationship was established between age and salivary pH, that is, with increasing age the oral acidity of the patients increased. Similarly, salivary pH inversely influenced microbiotic availability, since in the more acidic oral cavities the detection rate was higher in 18/25 microorganisms. The proportions of conditions in oral health found in patients such as caries (96%), gingivitis (67%), halitosis (78%) and xerostomia (56%), indicate their non-exclusion and overlap, and pathologies may occur combined in the same patient, making it necessary to explore how the pH levels and oral microbiotic diversity found are interrelated, and in turn, how these nosologies could have similar determinants(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Periodontal Diseases , Oral Health , Acidity , Microbiota , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Xerostomia , Health Centers , Dental Caries , Ecuador/epidemiology , Gingivitis , HalitosisABSTRACT
Aim: To evaluate the effect of manual (M), electric (E) and ultrasonic (US) toothbrushes on the removal of oral biofilm and control of gingivitis. Also, the roughness and tooth wear production were evaluated in vitro. Methods: For the in vitro analyses, thirty bovine dentin specimens were submitted to a 3-month brushing simulation (9 minutes) with the three types of toothbrushes (n = 10). Subsequently, a randomized controlled clinical trial was performed with 36 patients divided into 3 groups according to the toothbrushes used (n = 12). Gingival index, visible plaque index and the volume of crevicular fluid were evaluated at baseline and 3 months after the beginning of the toothbrush use. Furthermore, the performance of the biofilm removal per brushing cycle of 1 and 3 minutes with each toothbrush was made monthly until the end of the experiment. Results: The US group had the highest dentin wear. Clinically, the US group had a lower plaque index at 3 months than the M group. The M group also showed less biofilm removal efficiency from the second month of follow-up and more worn bristles at the end of the 3 month period than the E and US groups. Conclusion: The ultrasonic, electric and manual toothbrushes showed no differences in gingivitis control in the present study. The ultrasonic and electric toothbrushes had a more significant effect on biofilm removal than a manual toothbrush, but the ultrasonic toothbrush promoted greater dentin tissue wear
Humans , Male , Female , Oral Hygiene , Toothbrushing , GingivitisABSTRACT
Introduction Cerebral abscess is a suppurative infection of the cerebral parenchyma, which may occur due to contiguity, hematogenous dissemination of distant foci, secondary to open traumatic brain injuries, or be idiopathic. Clinical Case A 63-year-old male patient sought assistance due to a severe headache in the frontal region associated with chills and lack of appetite that started four days before. Clinical examination of the patient showed no significant changes. Imaging and laboratory tests on admission showed only nonspecific changes, such as leukocytes 18,540, platelets 517,000, and c-reactive protein 2,0. In such case,magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the skull was performed with contrast, showing the presence of expansive lesions compatible with multiple brain abscesses in the right parietooccipital region. Discussion After excluding the main focus of hematogenous dissemination and in view of the identification of the agent Streptococcus intermedius by means of secretion culture collected through a surgical method, the hypothesis of abscess due to contiguous dental pyogenic foci was pointed out. Conclusion Dental evaluation showed multiple foci of infection with periodontitis and dental abscess, which were treated along with the use of antibiotics directed to the etiologic agent.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Brain Abscess/etiology , Brain Abscess/therapy , Focal Infection, Dental/therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Periodontitis/complications , Stomatitis/complications , Brain Abscess/diagnosis , Craniotomy/methods , Streptococcus intermedius , Gingivitis/complicationsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Los estudios poblacionales muestran que la gingivitis es frecuente en la niñez; esta afección es más prevalente en la adolescencia y tiende a estabilizarse en edades más avanzadas. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte epidemiológico transversal, en una población de 313 escolares, comprendidos en las edades de 5 a 12 años, pertenecientes al internado «Marta Abreu de Estévez¼, de la ciudad de Santa Clara, de septiembre de 2017 a junio de 2018, para caracterizar su estado periodontal. Prevaleció la gingivitis leve y se estableció la relación ascendente entre higiene bucal y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal.
ABSTRACT Population studies show that gingivitis is common in childhood; this condition is more prevalent in adolescence and tends to stabilize at older ages. A descriptive, cross-sectional and epidemiological study was carried out in a population of 313 school children aged 5 to 12 years, belonging to "Marta Abreu de Estévez" boarding school, in Santa Clara city, from September 2017 to June of 2018, in order to characterize their periodontal status. Mild gingivitis prevailed and an ascending relationship between oral hygiene and severity of periodontal disease was established.