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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e255235, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355897


Abstract In soybean breeding program, continuous selection pressure on traits response to yield created a genetic bottleneck for improvements of soybean through hybridization breeding technique. Therefore an initiative was taken to developed high yielding soybean variety applying mutation breeding techniques at Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Bangladesh. Locally available popular cultivar BARI Soybean-5 was used as a parent material and subjected to five different doses of Gamma ray using Co60. In respect to seed yield and yield attributing characters, twelve true breed mutants were selected from M4 generation. High values of heritability and genetic advance with high genotypic coefficient of variance (GCV) for plant height, branch number and pod number were considered as favorable attributes for soybean improvement that ensure expected yield. The mutant SBM-18 obtained from 250Gy provided stable yield performance at diversified environments. It provided maximum seed yield of 3056 kg ha-1 with highest number of pods plant-1 (56). The National Seed Board of Bangladesh (NSB) eventually approved SBM-18 and registered it as a new soybean variety named 'Binasoybean-5' for large-scale planting because of its superior stability in various agro-ecological zones and consistent yield performance.

Resumo No programa de melhoramento da soja, a pressão pela seleção contínua para a resposta das características de rendimento criou um gargalo genético para melhorias da soja por meio da técnica de melhoramento por hibridação. Portanto, foi desenvolvida uma variedade de soja de alto rendimento, aplicando técnicas de reprodução por mutação, na Divisão de Melhoramento de Plantas, no Instituto de Agricultura Nuclear de Bangladesh (BINA), em Bangladesh. A cultivar popular BARI Soybean-5, disponível localmente, foi usada como material original e submetida a cinco doses diferentes de raios gama usando Co60. Em relação ao rendimento de sementes e às características de atribuição de rendimento, 12 mutantes genuínos foram selecionados a partir da geração M4. Altos valores de herdabilidade e avanço genético com alto coeficiente de variância genotípico (GCV) para altura da planta, número de ramos e número de vagens foram considerados atributos favoráveis ​​ao melhoramento da soja, garantindo, assim, a produtividade esperada. O mutante SBM-18, obtido a partir de 250Gy, proporcionou desempenho de rendimento estável em ambientes diversificados e produtividade máxima de sementes de 3.056 kg ha-1 com o maior número de vagens planta-1 (56). O Conselho Nacional de Sementes de Bangladesh (NSB) finalmente aprovou o SBM-18 e o registrou como uma nova variedade de soja, chamada 'Binasoybean-5', para plantio em larga escala por causa de sua estabilidade superior em várias zonas agroecológicas e desempenho de rendimento consistente.

Glycine max/growth & development , Glycine max/genetics , Phenotype , Bangladesh , Plant Breeding , Genotype , Mutation
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2023. 107 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437843


Atualmente a agricultura ocupa um papel de extrema importância na conjuntura global e nacional e está inserida em um contexto de enormes desafios devido ao aumento da população mundial e maior demanda por alimentos. Ao mesmo tempo, é o setor mais afetado pelos impactos negativos das mudanças climáticas, que têm espalhado suas consequências de maneira cada vez mais frequente e intensa. Um dos principais efeitos é a alteração do regime de chuvas ao redor do globo, ocasionando estiagens intensas e duradouras, capazes de reduzir a produtividade de safras e comprometer a produção alimentícia. As abordagens atualmente existentes no mercado para mitigar as consequências negativas da escassez hídrica demandam alto investimento de implementação e manutenção, ou possuem um perfil ecotoxicológico insatisfatório. Polímeros de origem natural modificados quimicamente foram avaliados em termos de desempenho e capacidade de prover às plantas uma maior disponibilidade de água através de retenção hídrica. Os resultados alcançados demonstraram que os polímeros modificados com grupos iônicos foram capazes de promover um melhor gerenciamento hídrico no microambiente ao redor de sementes e entregar ganhos de produtividade a lavouras de soja. O mecanismo de ação da tecnologia estudada foi elucidado através de ensaios de determinação de capacidade de campo, análise de elipsometria, microscopia de força atômica, ensaios de germinação de soja sob estresse hídrico e implementação de áreas de soja a céu aberto a partir da aplicação em tratamento de sementes e sulco de plantio. As interações intra e intermoleculares entre as partículas de solo, moléculas de polímero e de água se mostraram ponto chave para a mudança de patamar de desempenho de polímeros naturais modificados utilizados na agricultura, quando comparados com os grupos controle. A tecnologia aqui estudada é, portanto, recomendada para utilização na agricultura, com capacidade de potencializar o efeito de tecnologias dependentes de água, resultando em maior produtividade na colheita

Nowadays agriculture occupies an extremely important role both in the global and national scenarios. Its included in a very challenging context due to the forecast of increased world population and consequent higher demand for food. At the same time, it is the most affected economic sector by the climate change effects, which have been causing frequent and harsh impacts. One of the main effects is the change in the rainfall pattern worldwide, which causes severe and long-lasting droughts, responsible for causing crops to fail and therefore putting food production at risk. The current available mitigation measures to address hydric scarcity require a huge investment for implementation and maintenance or do not present a satisfactory and safe ecotoxicological profile. Chemically modified natural polymers have been evaluated in terms of performance and ability to provide the plants with higher water availability through hydric retention. The results obtained show that such ionic group modified polymers are able to promote better water management in a given microenvironment surrounding the seeds and ultimately delivery a higher yield to soy crops. The technology's mode of action has been elucidated through field capacity determination trials, ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy, soy germination trials under hydric stress and, finally, implementation of soy areas under actual field conditions by applying the polymers via seed treatment and in-furrow methods. Both intra- and intermolecular interaction between soil particles, polymer and water molecules have been proven as key to understanding the agricultural performance improvement of the modified polymers when compared to the control. The technology is recommended for agricultural applications due to its ability to boost the effect of water-dependent technologies, promoting higher yields

Polymers/analysis , Dehydration/complications , Agriculture/classification , Polysaccharides/adverse effects , Soil , Glycine max/growth & development , Water , Efficiency/classification , Food/classification
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38073, Jan.-Dec. 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397075


The fluctuations in yield and consequently in production occurred due to climatic adversities in the main producing states of Brazil. Farming has changed over time, and past scenarios have shown high exploitation of natural resources focusing on soil tillage and conventional seeding methods. This study aimed to determine the yield performance of soybean grown under 10 consolidated crop succession systems. The experiment was conducted during the 2018/2019 crop season, before the research project entitled "Sustainable production systems with better use of biological and natural resources, with treatments arranged in a randomized block design and four replications". The treatments consisted of the following predecessor crops: Avena sativa, Avena strigosa, Triticum aestivum, Secale cereale, Brassica napus, Raphanus sativus, Avena strigosa + Raphanus sativus + Vicia sativa, Fallow, Avena strigosa + Lolium multiflorum, and Triticum aestivum ­ Fodder. Soybean was subsequently sown across winter crops. The succession that showed superior yield was Avena strigosa + Lolium multiflorum. This attribute was established by associating taller plants with the maximization of the number of grains per pod, hundred-grain mass, grain mass, and plant dry mass; in contrast, there was a lower emphasis on plant residue. The determining attributes for soybean yield were plant stand, plant height, the number of pods per plant, and total grain mass, with contrasts among groups composed of the succession of Avena sativa, Avena strigosa, Triticum aestivum, Secale cereale, and Brassica napus, distanced from Raphanus sativus, Avena strigosa + Raphanus sativus + Vicia sativa, Fallow, Avena strigosa + Lolium multiflorum, and Triticum aestivum - Fodder.

Glycine max/growth & development , Crop Production
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38036, Jan.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395953


Organic fertilizers increase soil aeration, water and nutrient holding capacity, improve seed germination and encourage the production of thicker roots, increase the yield and quality of the crop. This study was aimed to determine the effects of organic fertilizer (vermicompost, sheep manure, cattle manure, poultry manure and inorganic fertilizer as control) applications on the root and plant development of soybean during two growth stages, namely third trifoliate stage (V3) and beginning of flowering of the plants (R1) in the pot condition. The experiment was established with a two-factorial randomized plot design with four replications. The fertilizer applications had a significant effect (p<0.01) on the V3 and R1 growth stages of soybean. The highest plant height (36.78 cm) and root length (41.18 cm) were achieved with vermicompost, and the lowest plant height (21.73 cm) was recorded with inorganic fertilizer. The number of nodules was highest for vermicompost and cattle manure applications (17.16 plant-1 and 16.76 plant-1, respectively), and lowest for poultry manure (0.22 plant-1). In the R1 growth stage, poultry manure produced the highest biological fresh and dry weights, root dry weight at 25.08 g plant-1 and 5.67 g plant-1, 3.99 g plant-1 respectively. As a result, it was demonstrated that vermicompost and poultry manure applications promote strong root and plant development due to high organic matter and phosphorus and can be used successfully without inorganic fertilize application in soybean farming.

Glycine max/growth & development , Worm Composting
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38013, Jan.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361651


This research was aimed at obtaining varieties of soybean adaptive to acid soils and to obtain Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) isolates that can improve the agronomic characteristics of soybean and increase the ultisols fertility. This research was conducted in two-stages research on Sampali Village, Percut Sei Tuan sub-District, Deli Serdang District, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia from August 2019 until March 2020. The first stage (adaptive varieties screening) using the non-factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with the varieties of Argomulyo, Wilis, Kaba, Dena-1, Devon-1, Dega-1, Demas-1, Burangrang, Detam-1, and Kipas Merah. The second stage (application of PGPR isolates singly and in combinations) using the factorial RBD, the first factor of applicative single and the combination of PGPR isolates, the second factor of adaptive varieties including Detam-1 and Wilis. Data were analyzed with ANOVA and followed by DMRT at P<0.05. The results showed that the Detam-1 and Wilis varieties had significantly higher yield per plant of 14.73 g and 14.54 g, respectively, than other varieties. The applications of a single and combination of PGPR isolates significantly increased the number of branches, stem diameter, plant height, yield per plant, soil pH, organic-C, available-P, and total-N and decreased the soil C/N. The Detam-1 variety had the higher in yield per plant compared to Wilis variety. The isolates combination of Rhizobium leguminosarum+Rhizobium sp2+Bacillus sp+Burkholderia sp for Detam-1 and Wilis varieties can be recommended to support the growth and yield of soybean on ultisols.

Rhizobium , Glycine max/growth & development , Soil Acidity , Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(10): e20210282, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1375115


Photoassimilate partition and allocation among plant organs varies throughout their development and is also influenced by factors inherent to the genotype and the environment. Nodulation in the soybean-diazotrophic bacteria interaction is more effective than in the bean-diazotrophic bacteria interaction. This investigation studied growth and photoassimilate partitioning throughout the bean and soybean cycles and inferred how much it could affect the nodulation of the roots. For this purpose, an experiment with two treatments was carried out, soybean (cultivar BRS GO - 7760 - RR) and bean (cultivar BRS Estilo), with four replications, conducted in pots and entirely randomized. The seeds were inoculated with commercial rhizobia specific for bean and soybean LeguMax® (Novozymes-Turfal). Plants were analyzed throughout their cycles based on leaf area and dry mass of all organs, including nodules. Mathematical models were fitted to the data and based on them, the instantaneous physiological indicators of growth were estimated, and the percentages of photoassimilate partition among organs were evaluated. Crop growth rate, relative growth rates, net assimilation rate as well as net photosynthesis rate had higher values in soybean compared to bean, following the pattern of leaf area and total dry mass. For both species, the highest rates occurred at the beginning of the cycle, decreasing with age. Unlike the bean, soybean has a high capacity to supply photosynthates to all of its organs throughout its entire cycle, favoring the maintenance of nodule growth and explaining its greater capacity for nitrogen assimilation.

Durante o desenvolvimento das plantas a partição e alocação de fotoassimilados variam entre os seus órgãos, e dependem de fatores inerentes ao genótipo e ao meio ambiente. A nodulação é mais efetiva na interação soja-bactéria diazotrófica do que na interação feijão-bactéria diazotrófica. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar o crescimento e a partição de fotoassimilados ao longo dos ciclos do feijão e da soja e inferir o quanto isso pode afetar a nodulação das raízes. Para tanto, foi instalado um experimento com dois tratamentos, soja (cultivar BRS GO - 7760 - RR) e feijão comum (cultivar BRS Estilo), com quatro repetições, conduzido em vasos e inteiramente ao acaso. As sementes foram inoculadas com inoculantes comerciais específicos para feijão e soja LeguMax® (Novozymes-Turfal). Plantas foram coletadas ao longo de seus ciclos e medidas as áreas foliares e as massas secas de todos os órgãos, incluindo nódulos. Modelos matemáticos foram ajustados aos dados e, com base neles, foram estimados os indicadores fisiológicos instantâneos do crescimento e, também, foram avaliadas as porcentagens de partição de fotoassimilados entre os órgãos. A taxa de crescimento das culturas (CGR), as taxas de crescimento relativo (RGR), a taxa líquida de assimilação (NAR) e a taxa líquida de fotossíntese (Pn) apresentaram maiores valores na soja em relação ao feijoeiro. Para ambas as culturas as maiores taxas ocorreram no início do ciclo, decrescendo ao longo do ciclo cultural. Diferentemente do feijoeiro a soja tem alta capacidade de suprir de fotoassimilados a todos os seus órgãos ao longo de todo o seu ciclo, o que favorece o maior crescimento dos seus nódulos, justificando a sua maior capacidade na captura do N2 atmosférico.

Photosynthesis , Glycine max/growth & development , Biomass , Phaseolus/growth & development , Root Nodules, Plant
Arq. Inst. Biol. (Online) ; 89: e00052022, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416815


Sumatran fleabane (Conyza sumatrensis [Retz.] E. Walker) can be found in many different agricultural environments and impact different crops, such as soybeans and corn. It is believed that the application of burndown and preemergence herbicides in the off-season are effective in controlling Sumatran fleabane in soybean crops. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of burndown and preemergence herbicides in the off-season, with one or two applications, in the control of Sumatran fleabane in soybean cultivation. Five field experiments were conducted in Maripá, state of Paraná (PR), Brazil. The treatments consisted of the application of burndown herbicides in combinations with preemergence ones, with one or two applications. Control of Sumatran fleabane and soybean yield were evaluated. With the set of experiments, it is highlighted that the strategy combining more applications, with different herbicides, burndown and preemergence, is more promising in the control of Sumatran fleabane. When comparing synthetic auxins, dicamba and triclopyr stand out. For sequential application, worse performance was observed for diquat. Combinations between burndown and preemergence herbicides were effective in controlling Sumatran fleabane, for pre sowing application in soybean. With emphasis on managements with sequential applications of saflufenacil with glufosinate or glyphosate. The strategy combining more applications, with different herbicides, burndown and preemergence herbicides, is more promising in the control of Sumatran fleabane.

Plant Growth Regulators/analysis , Glycine max/growth & development , Conyza/drug effects , Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase/antagonists & inhibitors , Herbicides , Plant Weeds
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37042, Jan.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358926


Studies addressing the interaction of different spatial arrangement in soybean are needed in order to achieve management that leads to higher grain yield associated with rational seed use. The objective of this work was to evaluate the yield components and productivity of an undetermined growth type soybean as a function of different row spacing and plant densities. The treatments consisted of three row spaces (0.25, 0.35 and 0.45 m) and three plant population densities (30, 40 and 50 plants/m²). There was no interaction of row spaces and plant population on soybean yield. Regarding the overall spacing average, the grain yield of the population of 30/m² plants was higher than the productivity of the populations of 40 and 50/m² plants. The largest populations reduce plant sizes due to greater competition between plants. In addition, smaller populations promote higher individual plant yields due to the increase components of the production. This characteristic is defined as the ability of the plant to change its morphology and yield components in order to adapt to the conditions imposed by the spatial arrangement.

Glycine max/growth & development , Crops, Agricultural , Population Density
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 23(1, cont.): e2304, 20200000. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1129300


Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is a crop that has a high demand for all the essential macronutrients. To be used efficiently, these should be at sufficient levels and balanced. The application of amino acids can influence the efficiency of nitrogen fertilisation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the productivity and economic viability of the 'M-6410 IPRO®' soybean under different doses of the amino-acid complex, Torped Gold®. Different doses of the organo-mineral class-A fertiliser complexed with amino acids (Torped Gold®) were used. The treatments were arranged in a randomised block design of five treatments with four replications for a total of 20 experimental units. T1 - water applied as control (0.0%), T2 - 80% of the manufacturer's recommended dose (80%), T3 - 100% of the recommended dose (100%), T4 - 20% more than the recommended dose (120%) and T5 ­ Double the recommended dose (200%). The lowest production was found for T1 (control), with a productivity of 1495 kilograms per hectare. The manufacturer's recommended dose (100%), 20% more than the recommended dose (120%) and double the dose (200%) gave a productivity of 1873, 1883 and 1905 kg ha-1 respectively. There was an increase in productivity of the order of 6 bag ha-1 and there was no need to adjust the dose recommended by the manufacturer.(AU)

A soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) é uma cultura muito exigente em todos os macronutrientes essenciais. Os quais devem estar em níveis suficientes e equilibrados para um aproveitamento eficiente. A aplicação de aminoácidos pode influenciar na eficácia da adubação nitrogenada. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade e a viabilidade econômica da soja M-6410 IPRO® em diferentes dosagens do complexo de aminoácido Torped Gold®. Foram utilizadas diferentes dosagens do fertilizante organomineral classe A, complexados com aminoácidos (Torped Gold). Os tratamentos foram dispostos em delineamento de blocos casualizados, sendo cinco tratamentos com quatro repetições totalizando 20 unidades experimentais. T1: aplicação de água como controle (0,0%); T2: 80% da dose recomendado pelo fabricante (80%), T3: dose recomendada (100%), T4: 20% a mais, que a dose recomendada (120%) e T5: o dobro da dose recomendada (200%). Constatou-se menor produção no T1 (controle), com produtividade de 1495 quilogramas por hectares. Dosagens recomendada pelo fabricante (100%), 20% a mais que a dose recomendada (120%) e o dobro da dose (200%), proporcionaram produtividades, de 1873, 1883 e 1905 kg ha-1, respectivamente. Houve incremento na produtividade na ordem de 6 (seis) sacas ha-¹, não havendo necessidade de ajustar a dose recomendada pelo fabricante.(AU)

La soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) es un cultivo muy exigente en todos los macronutrientes esenciales. Los cuales deben estar en niveles suficientes y equilibrados para un uso eficiente. La aplicación de aminoácidos puede influir en la eficacia de la fertilización con nitrógeno. El objetivo del estudio ha sido evaluar la productividad y viabilidad económica de la soja M-6410 IPRO® en diferentes dosis del complejo de aminoácidos Torped Gold®. Se utilizaron diferentes dosis de fertilizante organomineral clase A, complejados con aminoácidos (Torped Gold). Los tratamientos se organizaron en un diseño de bloques al azar, siendo cinco tratamientos con cuatro repeticiones totalizando 20 unidades experimentales. T1: aplicación de agua como control (0.0%); T2: 80% de la dosis recomendada por el fabricante (80%), T3: dosis recomendada (100%), T4: 20% más que la dosis recomendada (120%) y T5: dos veces la dosis recomendada (200%) . En T1 (control) se encontró menor producción, con una productividad de 1495 kilogramos por hectárea. Las dosis recomendadas por el fabricante (100%), 20% más que la dosis recomendada (120%) y el doble de la dosis (200%), proporcionaron rendimientos de 1873, 1883 y 1905 kg ha-¹, respectivamente. Hubo un aumento de productividad del orden de 6 (seis) sacos ha-¹, sin necesidad de ajustar la dosis recomendada por el fabricante.(AU)

Glycine max/growth & development , Composting , Economics , Efficiency , Amino Acids
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63(spe): e20190063, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142506


Abstract System fertilization is characterized by partial or total fertilizer application at the predecessor crop; and it can be a viable practice to soybean crop. This study aimed to determine the fertilizer management and fertilizer levels for black oat-soybean cropping system, in high fertility soils and no-tillage system. The field trial was conducted in a bifactorial scheme, consisting of six environments, by combination of locations (Bom Sucesso do Sul - Paraná, Itapejara d'Oeste - Paraná) and fertilization management (all fertilization in black oat; splitting with 50% in black oat and 50% in soybean, all fertilization in soybean), and four fertilizer levels (0, 100, 200 and 300%) defined according to soil analysis and production expected. The evaluated traits were dry mass production, N, P and K nutrient accumulation of straw, dry mass remaining of black oat crop; and plant height, number of pods per plant, thousand grain weight, grain yield for soybean crop. Higher black oat dry mass production was observed at higher fertilization level. The fertilizer anticipation in black oat crop had better performance. Phosphorus and potassium accumulation increased linearly with fertilizer level increase. For N, the highest accumulated value occurred at the 200%, decreasing at the 300% of fertilizer level. The soybean crop had no influence in grain yield considering fertilization management, anticipation or splitting, and fertilizer levels. Thus, the system fertilization can be a viable practice, and favor black oat dry mass production and soybean development.

Humans , Glycine max/growth & development , Soil Analysis , Avena/growth & development , Fertilizers , Phosphorus/analysis , Potassium/analysis , Crop Production/methods , Nitrogen/analysis
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20190463, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132210


Abstract The objective of this research was to identify the best microorganisms, alone or in mixture for total biomass gain (root + shoot), positive change in gas exchange, nutrient uptake (root, shoot and grain) and yield and yield components in the soybean crop. Trial under greenhouse conditions had the experimental design in a completely randomized scheme with 26 treatments and four replicates. The treatments consisted of the rhizobacteria BRM 32109, BRM 32110 and 1301 (Bacillus sp.), BRM 32111 and BRM 32112 (Pseudomonas sp.), BRM 32113 (Burkholderia sp.), BRM 32114 (Serratia sp.), Ab-V5 (Azospirillum brasilense) and 1381 (Azospirillum sp.), and the fungus Trichoderma asperellum (a mix of the isolates UFRA.T06, UFRA.T09, UFRA.T12 and UFRA.T52). Besides, the same isolates were combined in pairs, completing 16 combinations. Control treatments received no microorganism. Microorganisms applied isolated or in combination, provided biomass gain, positive gas exchange, increases in nutrients uptake at the shoot and grain, and improved grain yield and its components than control plants. Stood out the combination Ab-V5 + T. asperellum pool, which provided a 25% improvement in grain yield.

Seeds/growth & development , Glycine max/growth & development , Glycine max/microbiology , Biomass
Braz. j. microbiol ; 49(4): 723-730, Oct.-Dec. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-974310


ABSTRACT The soil represents the main source of novel biocatalysts and biomolecules of industrial relevance. We searched for hydrolases in silico in four shotgun metagenomes (4,079,223 sequences) obtained in a 13-year field trial carried out in southern Brazil, under the no-tillage (NT), or conventional tillage (CT) managements, with crop succession (CS, soybean/wheat), or crop rotation (CR, soybean/maize/wheat/lupine/oat). We identified 42,631 hydrolases belonging to five classes by comparing with the KEGG database, and 44,928 sequences by comparing with the NCBI-NR database. The abundance followed the order: lipases > laccases > cellulases > proteases > amylases > pectinases. Statistically significant differences were attributed to the tillage system, with the NT showing about five times more hydrolases than the CT system. The outstanding differences can be attributed to the management of crop residues, left on the soil surface in the NT, and mechanically broken and incorporated into the soil in the CT. Differences between the CS and the CR were slighter, 10% higher for the CS, but not statistically different. Most of the sequences belonged to fungi (Verticillium, and Colletotrichum for lipases and laccases, and Aspergillus for proteases), and to the archaea Sulfolobus acidocaldarius for amylases. Our results indicate that agricultural soils under conservative managements may represent a hotspot for bioprospection of hydrolases.

Soil/chemistry , Fungal Proteins/genetics , Archaea/enzymology , Archaeal Proteins/genetics , Fungi/enzymology , Hydrolases/genetics , Soil Microbiology , Glycine max/growth & development , Triticum/growth & development , Brazil , Archaea/isolation & purification , Archaea/classification , Archaea/genetics , Zea mays/growth & development , Agriculture , Metagenome , Metagenomics , Fungi/isolation & purification , Fungi/classification , Fungi/genetics
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 21(1): 23-28, Jan-Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-915833


A cultura da soja teve uma grande expansão nos últimos anos, impulsionando novas fronteiras agrícolas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da época de aplicação de K na produtividade da soja. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, envolvendo seis manejos (tratamentos) com época de aplicação (T1 - Superfície/a lanço 15 dias após o plantio, T2 - Superfície/a lanço no plantio, T3 - Superfície/a lanço 30 dias após o plantio, T4 - Superfície/a lanço 50% da dose 15 dias após o plantio + 50% da dose 30 dias após o plantio, T5 - Superfície/a lanço 50 % da dose no plantio + 25% da dose 15 dias após o plantio + 25% da dose 30 dias após o plantio, T6 - Testemunha sem adubação superfície). Foi avaliada a população de plantas, bem como altura, inserção da primeira vagem, número total de vagens por planta, peso de mil grãos (PMG) e a produtividade média de cada tratamento. Os dados obtidos demonstram que não houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos nas características agronômicas avaliadas, como produtividade e PMG. Porém, na média final dos experimentos, destacou-se o tratamento T4: Superfície a lanço 50% da dose 15 dias após o plantio + 50% da dose 30 dias após o plantio, diferindo 575 kg ha­1 do menor valor obtido, sendo este um indicativo para a tomada de decisão no tipo de manejo referente à adubação potássica em cobertura pelo produtor rural. Com adubação potássica aumentou o número de plantas e o parcelamento da aplicação de potássio induziu o aumento do número de vagens por plantas. Conclui-se que a aplicação total da dose potássica 30 dias após o plantio, obteve o maior valor em termo de inserção da primeira vagem e altura de planta.(AU)

The soybean crop has drastically expanded in recent years, opening new agricultural frontiers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the application time of Potassium (K) on soybean yield. The experiment was developed using a randomized block design, with four repetitions: T1- Surface/topdressing 15 days after planting, T2 - Surface/topdressing at planting, T3 ­ Surface/topdressing 30 days after planting, T4 - Surface/topdressing 50% dose 15 days after planting + 50% dose 30 days after planting, T5 - Surface/topdressing 50% dose at planning + 25% dose 15 days after planting + 25% dose 30 days after planting, T6 - control without surface fertilization). The population of plants, their height, insertion of the first pod, total number of pods per plant, weight of a thousand grains (WTG) and average yield of each treatment were assessed. The data obtained show that no statistical differences were found among the treatments in the agronomic characteristics assessed, such as productivity and WTG. However, in the final means of the experiments, treatment T4 was highlighted: surface topdressing 50% of the dose 15 days after planting + 50% dose 30 days after planting resulted in a difference of 575 kg ha­1 when compared to the lowest value obtained, being an indicative for a decision on the type of handling regarding topdressing potassium fertilization by the producer. Potassium fertilization increased the number of plants, and the splitting of the potassium application induced an increase in the number of pods per plant. Therefore, it can be concluded that the full application of the potassium dose 30 days after the planting obtained the highest value in term of insertion of the first pod and height of plant.(AU)

La cultura de la soja ha tenido una gran expansión en los últimos años, impulsando nuevas fronteras agrícolas. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido evaluar el efecto de la época de aplicación de K en la productividad de la soja. El delineamiento experimental fue en bloques al azar, con cuatro repeticiones, involucrando seis manejos (tratamientos) con época de aplicación. (T1 - Superficie/a lance 15 días después de la siembra, T2 - Superficie/a lance en el plantío, T3 - Superficie/a lance 30 días después de la siembra, T4 - Superficie/a lanza 50% de la dosis 15 días después de la plantación + 50% de la dosis 30 días después de la siembra, T5 - Superficie/a lanza 50% de la dosis en la siembra + 25% de la dosis 15 días después de la siembra + 25% de la dosis 30 días después de la siembra, T6 - Testigo sin fertilización superficie). Se ha evaluado la población de plantas, así como altura, inserción de la primera vaina, número total de vainas por planta, peso de mil granos (PMG) y la productividad media de cada tratamiento. Los datos obtenidos demuestran que no hubo diferencia estadística entre los tratamientos en las características agronómicas evaluadas, como productividad y PMG. Sin embargo, en la media final de los experimentos, se destacó el tratamiento T4: Superficie a lance 50% de la dosis 15 días después de la plantación + 50% de la dosis 30 días después de la siembra, difiriendo 575 kg ha-1 del menor valor obtenido. Siendo éste un indicativo para la toma de decisión en el tipo de manejo referente a la fertilización potásica en cobertura por el productor rural. Con fertilización potásica aumentó el número de plantas y el fraccionamiento de la aplicación de potasio indujo el aumento del número de vainas por plantas. Se concluye que la aplicación total de la dosis potásica 30 días después de la siembra, obtuvo mayor valor en término de inserción de la primera vaina y altura de la planta.(AU)

Potassium/administration & dosage , Glycine max/growth & development , Glycine max/chemistry
Braz. j. microbiol ; 49(2): 269-278, Apr.-June 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-889232


Abstract A total of 276 endophytic bacteria were isolated from the root nodules of soybean (Glycine max L.) grown in 14 sites in Henan Province, China. The inhibitory activity of these bacteria against pathogenic fungus Phytophthora sojae 01 was screened in vitro. Six strains with more than 63% inhibitory activities were further characterized through optical epifluorescence microscopic observation, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene, potential plant growth-promoting properties analysis, and plant inoculation assay. On the basis of the phylogeny of 16S rRNA genes, the six endophytic antagonists were identified as belonging to five genera: Enterobacter, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Ochrobactrum, and Bacillus. The strain Acinetobacter calcoaceticus DD161 had the strongest inhibitory activity (71.14%) against the P. sojae 01, which caused morphological abnormal changes of fungal mycelia; such changes include fracture, lysis, formation of a protoplast ball at the end of hyphae, and split ends. Except for Ochrobactrum haematophilum DD234, other antagonistic strains showed the capacity to produce siderophore, indole acetic acid, and nitrogen fixation activity. Regression analysis suggested a significant positive correlation between siderophore production and inhibition ratio against P. sojae 01. This study demonstrated that nodule endophytic bacteria are important resources for searching for inhibitors specific to the fungi and for promoting effects for soybean seedlings.

Plant Growth Regulators/metabolism , Glycine max/growth & development , Glycine max/microbiology , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Root Nodules, Plant/microbiology , Endophytes/isolation & purification , Antibiosis , Phylogeny , Phytophthora/cytology , Phytophthora/growth & development , Phytophthora/drug effects , Bacteria/classification , Bacteria/metabolism , DNA, Ribosomal/genetics , DNA, Ribosomal/chemistry , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Cluster Analysis , China , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Endophytes/classification , Endophytes/metabolism
Braz. j. microbiol ; 49(2): 240-247, Apr.-June 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-889244


Abstract Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) fungi play a crucial role in the growth of soybean; however, the planting system employed is thought to have an effect on AM fungal communities in the rhizosphere. This study was performed to explore the influence of continuous soybean cropping on the diversity of Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, and to identify the dominant AM fungus during the seedling stage. Three soybean cultivars were planted under two and three years continuous cropping, respectively. The diversity of AM fungi in the rhizosphere soil at the seedling stage was subsequently analyzed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The results showed that an increase in cropping years improved the colonization rate of AM in all three soybean cultivars. Moreover, the dominant species were found to be Funneliformis mosseae and Glomus species. The results of cluster analysis further confirmed that the number of years of continuous cropping significantly affected the composition of rhizospheric AM fungal communities in different soybean cultivars.

Soil Microbiology , Glycine max/growth & development , Mycorrhizae/isolation & purification , Mycorrhizae/classification , Seedlings/growth & development , Biodiversity , Rhizosphere , Time Factors , Cluster Analysis , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Mycorrhizae/genetics , Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 26: 40-45, Mar. 2017. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1009000


Background: Ethylene plays an important role in the regulation of floral organ development in soybean, and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase (ACS) is a rate-limiting enzyme for ethylene biosynthesis. However, whether ACS also regulates floral organ differentiation in soybean remains unknown. To address this, we constructed an RNAi vector to inhibit ACS expression in cotyledonary nodes. Linear DNA cassettes of RNAi-ACS obtained by PCR were used to transform soybean cotyledonary nodes. Results: In total, 131 of 139 transiently transformed plants acquired herbicide resistance and displayed GUS activities in the new buds. In comparison to untransformed seedling controls, a greater number of flower buds were differentiated at the cotyledonary node; GM-ACS1 mRNA expression levels and ethylene emission in the transformed buds were reduced. Conclusion: These results indicate that the cotyledonary node transient transformation system may be suitable for stable transformation and that the inhibition of ACS expression may be an effective strategy for promoting floral organ differentiation in soybean.

Glycine max/enzymology , Glycine max/genetics , RNA Interference , Lyases/metabolism , Glycine max/growth & development , Transformation, Genetic , Gene Expression , Cell Differentiation , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Ethylenes/biosynthesis , Herbicide Resistance , Genetic Vectors , Glucuronidase
Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 20(3): 167-171, jul-set. 2017. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-882945


O 2,4-D (ácido diclorofenoxiacético) é amplamente utilizado no controle seletivo, pós-emergência, de plantas de folha estreita, como trigo, milho, arroz, entre outras. Contudo seu uso indiscriminado pode ocasionar problemas no desenvolvimento da cultura. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar os danos causados pelo uso inadequado do 2,4-D no desenvolvimento inicial da soja (Glycine max). Os tratamentos consistiram na combinação de cinco períodos de carência: um, quatro, oito, 12 e 15 dias antes da semeadura da soja e duas doses de aplicação: a dose recomendada e a dose duplicada (L/ha), consistindo em um esquema fatorial 5x2 com três repetições. As plantas foram cultivadas por 44 dias, e em seguida coletadas e analisadas quanto à taxa de germinação (%), número de rebrota, índice de clorofila, comprimento de raiz e parte aérea (cm), massa seca e fresca (g). A dose duplicada revelou maior efeito sobre todas as variáveis analisadas, reduzindo em 20% a porcentagem de emergência. O índice de clorofila decresceu quando comparados o menor período de carência (um dia) e o maior (15 dias), e na dose duplicada. A massa seca também foi superior na dose recomendada, assim como o comprimento da raiz e da parte aérea. Os períodos de carência de um, quatro e oito dias foram os que mais influenciaram o crescimento da raiz.

Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is widely used in the selective, post-emergence control of narrow-leaf plants such as wheat, corn, and rice, among others. However, its uncontrolled use can cause problems in the development of the crop. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the damage caused by the inadequate use of 2,4-D in the early development of soybean (Glycine max). The treatments consisted of a combination of five grace periods: 1, 4, 8, 12 and 15 days before sowing; and two application doses: the recommended dose and a duplicate dose (L/ha), consisting of a factorial matrix of 5x2, with three replicates. The plants were cultivated for 44 days, then collected and analyzed for germination rate (%), regrowth number, chlorophyll index, root and shoot length (cm), dry and fresh mass (g). The duplicate dose showed a greater effect on all analyzed variables, reducing the emergency percentage by 20%. The chlorophyll index decreased when compared to the shortest (1 day) and longest (15 days) grace periods, and in the duplicate dose. Dry mass was also higher when using the recommended dose, as well as the root and shoot length. Grace periods of 1, 4 and 8 days were the ones that were most influenced the root growth.

El 2,4-D (ácido diclorofenoxiacético) es ampliamente utilizado en el control selectivo, pos emergencia, de plantas de hoja estrecha, como trigo, maíz, arroz, entre otras. Sin embargo, su uso indiscriminado puede ocasionar problemas en el desarrollo de la cultura. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar los daños causados por el uso inadecuado del 2,4-D en el desarrollo inicial de la soja (Glycine max). Los tratamientos consistieron en la combinación de cinco períodos de carencia: 1, 4, 8, 12 y 15 días antes de la siembra de la soja y dos dosis de aplicación: la dosis recomendada y la dosis duplicada (L/ha), consistente en un esquema factorial 5x2 con tres repeticiones. Las plantas fueron cultivadas por 44 días, y luego recolectadas y analizadas en cuanto a la tasa de germinación (%), número de rebrote, índice de clorofila, longitud de raíz y parte aérea (cm), masa seca y fresca (g). La dosis duplicada reveló un mayor efecto sobre todas las variables analizadas, reduciendo en un 20% el porcentaje de emergencia. El índice de clorofila disminuyó cuando se comparó el menor período de carencia (1 día) y el mayor (15 días), y en la dosis duplicada. La masa seca también fue superior en la dosis recomendada, así como la longitud de la raíz y de la parte aérea. Los períodos de carencia de 1, 4 y 8 días fueron los que más influenciaron el crecimiento de la raíz.

Phenoxyacetates/analysis , Glycine max/growth & development , Crop Production
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 47(3): 261-273, set. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1129897


With the aim of exploiting symbiotic nitrogen fixation, soybean crops are inoculated with selected strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens or Bradyrhizobium elkanii (collectively referred to as Bradyrhizobium spp.). The most common method of inoculation used is seed inoculation, whether performed immediately before sowing or using preinoculated seeds or pretreated seeds by the professional seed treatment. The methodology of inoculation should not only cover the seeds with living rhizobia, but must also optimize the chances of these rhizobia to infect the roots and nodulate. To this end, inoculated rhizobia must be in such an amount and condition that would allow them to overcome the competition exerted by the rhizobia of the allochthonous population of the soil, which are usually less effective for nitrogen fixation and thus dilute the effect of inoculation on yield. This optimization requires solving some queries related to the current knowledge of seed inoculation, which are addressed in this article. I conclude that the aspects that require further research are the adhesion and survival of rhizobia on seeds, the release of rhizobia once the seeds are deposited in the soil, and the movement of rhizobia from the vicinity of the seeds to the infection sites in the roots

Con el fin de aprovechar la fijación simbiótica de nitrógeno, el cultivo de soja se inocula con cepas seleccionadas de Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens o Bradyrhizobium elkanii (conjuntamente referidas como Bradyrhizobium spp.). El método más común de hacerlo es la inoculación en semillas, ya sea que esta se realice en el momento previo a la siembra o que se utilicen semillas preinoculadas o pretratadas mediante el tratamiento profesional de semillas. La metodología de inoculación no debe limitarse a recubrir las semillas con rizobios vivos, sino que también debe optimizar las chances de esos rizobios para infectar las raíces y nodular. Para ello los rizobios inoculados deben estar en una cantidad y un estado tales que les permitan superar la competición ejercida por los rizobios de la población alóctona del suelo, los cuales usualmente son menos eficaces para la fijación de nitrógeno y así diluyen el efecto de la inoculación sobre el rendimiento. Esta optimización requiere resolver algunos interrogantes, que son abordados en el presente artículo. Concluyo que los aspectos que requieren más investigación son la adhesión y supervivencia de los rizobios en las semillas, la liberación de los rizobios una vez que las semillas se depositan en el suelo y el movimiento de los rizobios desde las inmediaciones de las semillas hasta los sitios de infección en las raíces

Glycine max/growth & development , Glycine max/metabolism , Bradyrhizobium/growth & development , Bradyrhizobium/metabolism , Agricultural Inoculants/metabolism , Nitrogen Fixation , Bacterial Adhesion/physiology , Survival Analysis
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2013 Oct; 51(10): 849-859
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-149391


Majority of the Indian soybean cultivars are recalcitrant to tissue culture regeneration. The present communication reports the development of somatic embryogenesis in a liquid culture medium from immature cotyledons of G. max. Following induction with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) or naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), the number of somatic embryos and percentage of explants that responded were higher with 45.24 µM 2,4-D. The proliferation of somatic embryos for three successive cycles was achieved in 22.62 µM 2,4-D. Histodifferentiation of somatic embryos under NAA (10.74 µM) indicated that better embryo development and maturation was achieved without any growth regulator. The amino acids such as L-glutamine favoured the somatic embryo induction and histodifferentiation at 20 and 30 mM respectively, where as L-asparagine at 10 mM concentration enhanced the somatic embryo proliferation. In addition, somatic embryos that were desiccated (air-drying method) for 5 days showed better germination (40.88%). The Indian soybean cultivars also showed strict genotypic influence and cv. Pusa 16 was emerged as a best responding cultivar for somatic embryo induction with 74.42% of response.

Acclimatization/drug effects , Acclimatization/physiology , Amino Acids/pharmacology , Cell Differentiation/drug effects , Cell Proliferation/drug effects , Cotyledon/drug effects , Cotyledon/growth & development , Cotyledon/physiology , Desiccation , Germination/drug effects , Germination/physiology , Plant Growth Regulators/pharmacology , Plant Somatic Embryogenesis Techniques/methods , Glycine max/drug effects , Glycine max/growth & development , Glycine max/physiology
Indian J Biochem Biophys ; 2013 Aug; 50(4): 312-317
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148613


The effects of pulsed magnetic field (PMF) treatment of soybean (Glycine max L. cv CO3) seeds were investigated on rate of seed germination, seedling growth, physico-chemical properties of seed leachates and soil microbial population under laboratory conditions. Seeds were exposed to PMF of 1500 nT at 0.1, 1.0 10.0 and 100.0 Hz for 5 h per day for 20 days, induced by enclosure coil systems. Non-treated seeds were considered as controls. All PMF treatments significantly increased the rate of seed germination, while 10 and 100 Hz PMFs showed the most effective response. The 1.0 and 10 Hz PMFs remarkably improved the fresh weight of shoots and roots, leaf area and plant height from seedlings from magnetically-exposed seeds compared to the control, while 10 Hz PMF increased the total soluble sugar, total protein and phenol contents. The leaf chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll were higher in PMF (10 and 100 Hz) pretreated plants, as compared to other treatments. In addition, activities of α-amylase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, nitrate reductase, peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase were increased, while β-amylase and protease activities were declined in PMF (10 Hz)-exposed soybean plants. Similarly, the capacity of absorbance of water by seeds and electrical conductivity of seed leachates were significantly enhanced by 10 Hz PMF exposure, whereas PMF (10 Hz) pretreated plants did not affect the microbial population in rhizosphere soil. The results suggested the potential of 10 Hz PMF treatment to enhance the germination and seedling growth of soybean.

Chlorophyll/metabolism , Electric Conductivity , Germination , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Laboratories , Magnetic Fields , Seedlings/growth & development , Seeds/growth & development , Soil Microbiology , Glycine max/enzymology , Glycine max/growth & development , Glycine max/metabolism