Objetivou-se descrever os distúrbios reprodutivos associados à infecção experimental por Toxoplasma gondii através da inseminação artificial com sêmen contaminado em quatro cabras no estágio crônico da infecção. As características do trato reprodutor foram avaliadas através de ultrassonografia transretal, visando o diagnóstico gestacional ou de desordens reprodutivas, após a infecção experimental. Ao final do experimento, os animais foram necropsiados e avaliações histopatológicas e PCR foram realizados. Dentre os animais infectados que exibiram mortalidade embrionária, duas apresentaram anestro e duas apresentaram repetição de estro, sendo que destas uma apresentou intervalos entre estros reduzido (sete dias) e outra em intervalo regular (21 dias). Todavia, ambas foram submetidas a monta natural durante os estros naturais subsequentes e não foi confirmada gestação até o final do experimento (90 dias). Duas cabras exibiram alterações nos exames de ultrassonografia, sendo identificadas um cisto ovariano, e uma hidrossalpinge, ambas confirmadas no exame post-mortem. As principais lesões microscópicas nesse grupo foram infiltração neutrofílica dos pulmões, glomerulonefrite intersticial e infiltração neutrofílica do fígado. O DNA de T. gondii foi encontrado nos órgãos (coração e cérebro) de três cabras. Em conclusão, cabras infectadas com sêmen contendo T. gondii no momento da inseminação artificial apresentam distúrbios reprodutivos na fase crônica da infecção que podem estar associados à toxoplasmose.
The aim of this study was to describe the reproductive disorders related to experimental infection by artificial insemination with semen contaminated with Toxoplasma gondii of four goats in the chronic phase of the infection. In the end of the study, the does were submitted to necropsy, and PCR and histopathological evaluations were performed. Among infected does that exhibited embryonic loss, two were in anestrus and two exhibited repeated estrus. One of the latter animals exhibited clinical signs of estrus at seven-day intervals, whereas the other had a 21-day estrous cycle. However, both does were naturally mated on subsequent natural estrous and were not able to get pregnant until the end of the experiment (90 d). Two of the goats exhibited abnormalities in the ultrasound examinations, one of which was an ovarian cyst, while the other was a hydrosalpinx, both of which were confirmed in the post-mortem examination. The main microscopic injuries in this group were neutrophilic infiltration of the lungs, interstitial glomerulonephritis and neutrophilic infiltration of the liver. T. gondii DNA was found in the organs (heart and brain) of three does. In conclusion, does infected with Toxoplasma gondii in semen at the time of artificial insemination display reproductive disorders in the chronic phase of infection that might be associated with toxoplasmosis.
Female , Animals , Goats/embryology , Goats/parasitology , Parasitic Diseases, Animal/complications , Parasitic Diseases, Animal/pathology , Infertility/veterinary , Pathology, Veterinary , Toxoplasma/pathogenicity , Toxoplasmosis, Animal/complications , Toxoplasmosis, Animal/embryology , Toxoplasmosis, Animal/physiopathologyABSTRACT
This study describes the effect of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) for development of preantral follicle, therefore the activation and follicular viability of caprine follicles cultured in vitro. Ovarian fragments were cultured for 1 or 7 days in Minimum Essential Medium with different S1P concentrations (0, 1, 10, 50, 100 or 200ng/mL). All ovarian fragments were processed for histological analysis in optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence analysis. The treatment using 1ng/mL of S1P was able to maintain the percentage of normal follicles with the progression of the culture from day 1 to 7. At end of the 7-day culture period there was a significant reduction (P<0.05) in the percentage of primordial follicles in all groups treated with S1P, compared with fresh control (FC) and Control Culture (CC), which was followed by an increase of activated follicles (intermediary, primary and secondary). In addition, the culture for 7 days with media supplemented with S1P with 1ng/mL preserved the ultrastructure of organelles and kept the preantral follicular viability when evaluated by fluorescence microscopy. In conclusion, after 7 days of culture, the 1ng/mL of S1P activates the development of preantral caprine follicles, cultured in situ and maintains the oocitary and follicular viability...
Este estudo descreve o efeito da esfingosina 1-fosfato (S1P) no desenvolvimento de folículos pré-antrais, portanto da ativação e viabilidade de folículos caprinos cultivados in vitro. Fragmentos de ovários foram cultivados por um ou sete dias em meio essencial mínimo com diferentes concentrações de S1P (0, 1, 10, 50, 100 ou 200ng/mL). Os fragmentos de ovário foram processados para análise histológica em microscopia óptica, microscopia eletrônica e microscopia de fluorescência. O tratamento usando 1ng/mL de S1P foi capaz de manter a porcentagem de folículos normais durante o período de cultivo de sete dias. Ao final do período de cultivo, houve uma redução significativa (p<0,05) na porcentagem de folículos primordiais em todos os grupos tratados com S1P, comparados com os grupos controle (FC e CC), seguida por um aumento do número de folículos ativados (intermediários, primários e secundários). Adicionalmente, na cultura por sete dias com meio suplementado com S1P (1ng/mL), houve preservação da ultraestrutura das organelas e manteve-se a viabilidade dos folículos pré-antrais avaliados por microscopia de fluorescência. Em conclusão, após sete dias de cultura, o meio suplementado com 1ng/mL de S1P ativa o desenvolvimento de folículos pré-antrais de caprino, cultivados in situ e mantém as viabilidades oocitária e folicular...
Animals , Female , Goats/embryology , Sphingosine/genetics , Ovarian Follicle/growth & development , Ovarian Follicle , Microscopy, Fluorescence/veterinary , In Vitro Oocyte Maturation Techniques/veterinaryABSTRACT
The objectives of this study were to investigate whether TGF-β affect the survival, activation and further growth of goat primordial follicles enclosed in ovarian cortex after in vitro culture. Goat ovaries were collected from an abattoir and pieces of ovarian tissues were cultured for one or seven days in a supplemented alpha Minimum Essential Medium, alone or containing TGF-β (1, 5, 10 or 50ng/mL). Ovarian tissues from the fresh control as well as those cultured were processed for histological and ultrastructural studies. The results showed that when compared with fresh control, there was decrease in the percentages of histologically normal follicles in all treatments only after seven days culture. TGF-β did not affect the activation of preantral follicles regardless of its concentration, however, larger follicles diameter (P<0.05) was observed using 10ng/mL TGF-β than in the fresh control and other treatments. Moreover, this concentration maintained the normal ultrastructure after seven days of culture. In conclusion, TGF-β showed additional effect on the follicle growth and the maintenance of ultrastructural integrity of goat preantral follicles enclosed in ovarian tissue when used at 10ng/mL during seven days of culture...
O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar se o TGF-β afeta a sobrevivência, ativação e crescimento de folículos primordiais caprinos inclusos no córtex ovariano após o cultivo in vitro. Ovários de cabras foram coletados em abatedouro e fragmentos de tecido ovariano foram cultivados por um e sete dias em meio essencial mínimo alfa (α-MEM+) sozinho ou suplementado com TGF-β (1, 5, 10 ou 50ng/mL). Fragmentos ovarianos não cultivados e cultivados foram processados para análise histológica e ultraestrutural. Os resultados mostraram que, comparado ao controle fresco, houve diminuição no percentual de folículos morfologicamente normais em todos os tratamentos somente após sete dias de cultivo. O TGF-β não afetou a ativação folicular independente da concentração testada, contudo, o diâmetro folicular foi superior (P<0.05) no tratamento com 10ng/mL de TGF-β quando comparado ao controle fresco e aos demais tratamentos. Além disso, essa mesma concentração manteve a ultraestrutura normal dos folículos após sete dias de cultivo. Em conclusão, o TGF-β apresentou efeito adicional no crescimento folicular e na manutenção da integridade ultraestrutural de folículos pré-antrais caprinos inclusos no tecido ovariano quando utilizado na concentração de 10ng/mL durante sete dias de cultivo...
Animals , Female , Goats/embryology , Transforming Growth Factor beta/administration & dosage , Ovarian Follicle , Biometry , Ovarian Follicle/growth & developmentABSTRACT
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a viabilidade da técnica de transferência não cirúrgica em cabras. Quatro cabras não-lactantes pluríparas da raça Toggenburg foram utilizadas como receptoras de embriões, sendo que duas receberam um embriões e duas receberam dois embriões coletados não cirurgicamente cabras doadoras. Os corpos lúteos das receptoras foram detectados um dia antes da transferência de embriões por ultrassonografia transretal. Uma seringa de 5mL contendo 2mL de meio holding foi acoplada em um cateter tomcat, no qual os embriões foram aspirados em uma coluna central a duas outras colunas. Um espéculo Colin número 2 foi inserido na vulva e na vagina, e com o uso de uma fonte de luz, a cerviz foi localizada e imobilizada com uma pinça de Allis. Um cateter uretral número seis acoplado a um mandril e lubrificado com meio PBS foi inserido na cérvix, e assim os aneis cervicais foram gradualmente transpostos. Após perder a resistência, o cateter uretral foi movido lateralmente para o corno uterino desejado. O mandril e a pinça de Allis foram retirados e o conjunto seringa e tomcat foi acoplado ao cateter uretral e o conteúdo injetado no corno uterino ipsilateral ao corpo lúteo com posterior retirada do cateter. Cabras que ovularam em apenas um ovário foram usadas para testar a eficiência da deposição do embrião. O tempo gasto entre a inserção do espéculo e a sua remoção foi inferior a três minutos. O tempo para transpor a cérvix foi inferior a um minuto. A ultrassonografia revelou a deposição de líquido no corno desejado. Receptoras que receberam dois embriões tornaram-se gestantes e pariram três crias. Estes primeiros resultados encorajam a técnica e demonstram que a transferência de embriões em caprinos pode ser feita totalmente por procedimentos não cirúrgicos...
Animals , Goats/embryology , Cervix Uteri/embryology , Embryo Transfer/methods , Embryo Transfer/veterinary , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted/veterinary , Ultrasonography/veterinaryABSTRACT
The objective of this study was to evaluate the development of transgenic (T) goat embryos and fetuses for human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (hG-CSF) by ultrasonography. Four pregnancies in non-transgenic (NT) goats were obtained after fertilization (either fixed-time artificial insemination or natural mating) using the T male for hG-CSF. Ultrasound examinations were carried out at 30, 40 (transrectal via), 50, 60, 90 and 120 days of pregnancy (transabdominal via). Some parameters were observed such as morphology, organogenesis and formation of skeletal fetuses, viability with cardiac activity and fetuses movements. Measurements were taken of the crown-rump length, diameter of embryonic vesicle, thorax, abdomen, umbilical cord and placentomes. After parturition, DNA testing was conducted in all offspring and 4 T and 2 NT kids were identified. The conceptus started their differentiation at 40 days. The heart was detected in all examinations and the heart chambers were assessed at 50 days. Gastric compartments, liver and kidneys were observed at 60 days, the same period that all bony structures were visualized. Average values of all evaluated parameters had a gradual increase with the progression of pregnancy. T and NT goat embryos and fetuses had a similar growth and all remained viable throughout the experimental period.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desenvolvimento de embriões e fetos transgênicos (T) para o Fator Estimulante de Colôniasde Granulócitos humano (hG-CSF) por ultrassonografia. Quatro gestações em cabras não transgênicas (NT) foram obtidas pos fecundação (inseminação artificial em tempo fixo ou monta controlada) utilizando o bode T para o hG-CSF. Exames ultrassonográficos foram realizados aos 30, 40 (via transretal), 50, 60, 90 e 120 dias de gestação (via transabdominal). Alguns parâmetros foram observados como morfologia, organogênese e formação do esqueleto fetal, viabilidade por meio de atividade cardíaca e movimento fetal. As seguintes mensurações foram realizadas: comprimento crânio caudal, diâmetro da vesícula embrionária, do tórax, do abdomen, do cordão umbilical e dos placentomas. Após o parto, o exame por PCR foi conduzido em todas as crias e 4 T e 2NT foram identificadas. O concepto iniciou sua diferenciação aos 40 dias. O coração foi detectado em todos os exames e as câmeras cardíacas foram identificadas aos 50 dias. Compartimentos gástricos, fígado e rins foram observados aos 60 dias, o mesmo período que todas as estruturas ósseas foram visualizadas. Valores médios de todos os parâmetros avaliados tiveram um aumento gradual com o avanço da gestação. Embriões e fetos T e NT tiveram um crescimento similar e todos permaneceram viáveis durante o período experimental.
Female , Animals , Goats/anatomy & histology , Goats/embryology , Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor , Organisms, Genetically Modified , Ultrasonography/veterinary , Fetus/diagnostic imaging , Polymerase Chain Reaction/veterinaryABSTRACT
Here we report the detection and distribution of synaptophysin (SPY), non-neuronal enolase (NNE), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), vimentin (VIM), neuropeptide Y (NPY), and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) expression in the goat forestomach during prenatal development. A total of 140 embryos and fetuses were examined to evaluate protein expression from the first stage of prenatal life until birth. In all cases, SPY immunoreactivity was detected at 53 days gestation in the lamina propria-submucosa, tunica muscularis, serosa, and myenteric plexuses. Immunoreactivity to NNE was observed at 64 days gestation in the same locations as well as the epithelial layer. Glial cells were found at 64 days as indicated by signals corresponding to GFAP and VIM at 39 days. Positive staining for NPY and VIP was observed at 113, 75, and 95 days in the rumen, reticulum, and omasum, respectively, in the lamina propria-submucosa, tunica muscularis, and myenteric plexuses of each of these gastric compartments. These findings indicate possible preparation of the fetal goat forestomach for postnatal function. Compared to other ruminant species, neuroendocrine cells, glial cells and peptidergic innervations markers were detected earlier compared to sheep but at around the same stage as in deer.
Animals , Biomarkers/metabolism , Embryo, Mammalian , Endocrine Cells/metabolism , Fetus/metabolism , Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental , Goats/embryology , Immunohistochemistry , Neuroendocrine Cells/metabolism , Neuroglia/metabolism , Proteins/genetics , Rumen/embryologyABSTRACT
Oocytes retrieval, in vitro maturation (IVM) and fertilization (IVF) efficiency are inevitable steps towards in vitro production of embryos. In the present study, these parameters were investigated in the ovaries of prepubertal (n = 31) and pubertal (n = 61) black Bengal goats obtained from a slaughterhouse. Nuclear maturation was evaluated upon aspiration and following IVM in TCM-199 (Earle's salt with L-glutamine and sodium bicarbonate) for 27 h at 39degrees C under 5% CO2 in humidified air. The oocytes retrieval and efficiency (mean +/- SD) per prepubertal and pubertal goats were 5.2 +/- 0.6 and 6.8 +/- 0.6, and 77.3 +/- 0.1% and 80.5 +/- 0.6%, respectively. Anaphase I - telophase I stages differed significantly (7.3 +/- 0.8 vs. 2.6 +/- 0.2, p 0.05). Furthermore, sperm capacitation by heparin alone or in combination with ionomycin did not lead to a significant increase in the normal fertilization rate (34.8 +/- 1.7 vs. 32.2 +/- 1.5%, respectively) in the oocytes of pubertal goats. In conclusion, the ovaries of pubertal black Bengal goats obtained from the slaughterhouse could be used for in vitro embryo production. However, further optimization of the IVM and IVF techniques are necessary for satisfactory in vitro embryo production.
Animals , Female , Male , Culture Techniques , Embryonic Development/physiology , Fertilization in Vitro/veterinary , Goats/embryology , Oocyte Retrieval/veterinary , Oocytes/physiology , Ovary/cytology , Sexual Maturation , Sperm Capacitation , Tissue and Organ Harvesting/veterinaryABSTRACT
O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a susceptibilidade dos folículos ovarianos, espermatozoides e embriões caprinos ao Vírus da Artrite Encefalite Caprina (CAEV). Para isto, foram analisados espermatozoides e folículos ovarianos pelas técnicas de imunohistoquímica e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, antes e após protocolos de infecção in vitro com o CAEV. Foram submetidos à análise ultraestrutural, embriões caprinos produzidos in vivo, oriundos de cabras negativas e positivas para o CAEV. Nas amostras seminais, provenientes de animais tanto com infecção natural quanto dos artificialmente infectados, foi observada imunomarcação positiva dos espermatozoides, assim como alterações degenerativas na sua análise ultraestrutural. Já nas amostras de tecido ovariano, a imunomarcação foi mais discreta e identificada na região do estroma. No tocante à análise ultraestrutural, folículos e embriões se apresentaram íntegros. De acordo com esses resultados, pode-se concluir que os espermatozoides caprinos apresentaramse infectados, assinalando a susceptibilidade dessas células ao vírus, bem como a potencialidade do CAEV ser carreado ao cerne do oócito, originando embriões infectados.
The aim of this study was to determine the susceptibility of goat ovarian follicles, spermatozoa and embryos to caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV). Spermatozoa and ovarian follicles were analyzed, before and after in vitro infection with CAEV, through immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy techniques. Goat embryos, produced in vivo from infected and non-infected goats, were submitted to ultrastructural analysis. Immunohistochemical examination of seminal samples from goats naturally and artificially infected with CAEV revealed viral antigens in spermatozoa, while the ultrastructural analysis showed degenerative changes in these cells. Ovarian tissue samples presented a more discreet immunohistochemical positive reaction situated in the stroma region. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that the embryos and ovarian follicles were intact. These results indicate that the spermatozoa were infected, confirming the susceptibility of these cells to the virus, as well as the potential of CAEV entering the oocyte, giving rise to infected embryos.
Animals , Goats/embryology , Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus, Caprine/isolation & purification , Embryo, Mammalian/virology , Germ Cells/virology , Immunohistochemistry/veterinaryABSTRACT
Out of 1608 Nigerian Sahel male goats (bucks) examined for cryptorchidism in an abattoir, 9 (0.6 percent) had right unilateral cryptorchidism. The coat colour-specific prevalence was highest among the brown bucks (2.1 percent); and was 0.8 percent, 0.6 percent, and 0.3 percent among black, white, back-and-white bucks, respectively. The condition was not found among bucks with brown-and-black, brown-and-white, and multiple coat colours. The right and left testes of normal bucks and the descended testes of cryptorchid bucks had comparable gross testicular measurements, but the retained cryptorchid testes were smaller in size. The estimates of the testicular measurements showed that testicular weights (with the entire epididymes), peripheral longitudinal lengths and mid-circumferences of the cryptorchids were reduced by 5.8-6.5, 1.8-1.9, and 1.7-1.8 folds, respectively, when compared with the normal values; an indication that reduction in weight was the most remarkable index of change in testicular size. In 2 cases (20 percent), cryptorchid testes were at a subcutaneous location, embedded in a subcutaneous fascia in the ventral perineal region, while in the other 8 cryptorchid cases (80 percent), the testes were in the abdomen. Histopathological changes in the cryptorchid testes included hypoplasia, degeneration, interstitial non-suppurative inflammation and fibroplasia. This is the first report of cryptorchidism in the Sahel goat and the first evidence that cryptorchid testis may be located subcutaneously in the goat.
De las 1608 cabras Sahel Nigerianas macho examinadas para criptorquidismo en un matadero, 9 (0,6 por ciento) tuvieron criptorquidia unilateral derecha. La prevalencia en relación al color específico del pelaje fue mayor entre las cabras marrones (2,1 por ciento), y fue de 0,8 por ciento, 0,6 por ciento y 0,3 por ciento entre cabras de color negro, blanco, y blanco/negro respectivamente. La condición no fue encontrada entre las cabras con pelajes marrón y negro, marrón y blanco, y pelajes de múltiples colores. Los testículos derecho e izquierdo de las cabras normales y los testículos descendentes de las cabras con criptorquídia tuvieron mediciones testiculares comparables, pero los testículos retenidos por criptorquídia fueron de menor tamaño. Las estimaciones de las mediciones testiculares mostraron que los pesos testiculares (con todo el epidídimo), la longitud periférica y la circunferencia media de las criptorquídicas fueron reducidas por 5,8-6,5; 1,8-1,9 y 1,7-1,8 pliegues respectivamente, en comparación con el los valores normales; una indicación que la reducción de peso fue el índice de cambio más notable en el tamaño testicular. En 2 casos (20 por ciento), los testículos criptorquídicos se encontraron en una ubicación subcutánea, inmersos en una fascia subcutánea en la región perineal ventral, mientras que en los otros 8 casos criptorquídicos (80 por ciento), los testículos fueron encontrados en el abdomen. Cambios histopatológicos en los testículos criptorquídicos incluyeron hipoplasia, degeneración, inflamación intersticial no supurativa y fibroplasia. Este es el primer informe de criptorquidia en cabras Sahel y la primera evidencia de que los testículos criptorquídicos pueden ser localizados por vía subcutánea en la cabra.
Animals , Male , Adult , Cryptorchidism/diagnosis , Cryptorchidism/genetics , Cryptorchidism/veterinary , Goat Diseases , Goats/anatomy & histology , Goats/embryology , Goats/genetics , NigeriaABSTRACT
The study was conducted on the vesicular glands of 30 entire pure male Gaddi goats from birth to 5yrs and 6 months of age, divided into three equal size groups of 10 animals in each viz; Pre-pubertal (lday old to <18 months of age), Pubertal (18 months to < 5years of age) and Post-pubertal (>5 years) age groups. In new born kid the glands were small, white cord like. It became "?" shaped at 6 months and "S" shaped at 12 months of age. A significant growth in size and weight of gland occurred at 6 month, then up to 12 month and beyond it grew slowly. The secretory acini of the lobules were lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium which contained A-tall columnar, B-basal and C-narrow columnar type of cells. The number per unit area and size of the gland increased with age significantly from birth in the prepubertal animals and up to puberty. In post-pubertal animals it did not grow significantly, rather the connective tissue elements were increased in the capsule (adventitia). The intralobular connective tissue however, decreased at the expense of growth of acini at all ages.
Se realizó un estudio de las glándulas vesiculares de 30 cabras Gaddi, macho, totalmente puras desde el nacimiento hasta los 5 años y 6 meses de edad, divididas en tres grupos de 10 animales cada uno, pre-puberal (día 1 de edad a <18 meses de edad), pubertad (18 meses a <5 años de edad) y post-puberal (> 5 años). En el recién nacido las glándulas eran pequeñas, como un cordón blanco. Se presentó en forma de "?" a los 6 meses y de "S" a los 12 meses de edad. Un importante crecimiento en tamaño y peso de la glándula se produjo a los 6 meses, luego de 12 meses y más, creció lentamente. Los acinos secretores de los lóbulos se alinearon como epitelio columnar ciliado pseudoestratificado, los cuales contienen células de tipo A-columnar alto, B-basal y C-columnar estrecho. El número por unidad de área y el tamaño de la glándula aumentó significativamente con la edad desde su nacimiento en los animales prepuberes y hasta la pubertad. En animales post-puberales no creció significativamente, y los elementos del tejido conectivo se incrementaron en la cápsula (adventicia). Sin embargo, el tejido conectivo intralobular, disminuyó a expensas del crecimiento de los acinos, en todas las edades.
Animals , Gallbladder/anatomy & histology , Gallbladder/growth & development , Gallbladder/innervation , Goats/anatomy & histology , Goats/embryologyABSTRACT
This study was carried out to investigate the morphological development of the tongue in the foetal and prepubertal stages of Red Sokoto goats by light microscopy. In foetuses of about 50 days, the tongue tissues showed thickening of the epithelium into about 2-3 layers of cells. In fetuses of about 65 days, mesenchymal tissue was observed under the epithelium.Rudiments of some papillae were observed at this time. Collagenous fibre and blood vessels were scant in the lamina propria. In the 80-day-old foetuses, their was further differentiation of the epithelium rudiments into some papillae and this continued to mature until in foetuses of about 90 and 110 days, were early rudiments of taste buds were observed. Evidence of keratinization was apparent in the prepubertal stages.
El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el desarrollo morfológico de la lengua en las etapas fetal y prepuberal de la cabra roj a de Sokoto por microscopía de luz. En los fetos de alrededor de 50 días, los tejidos linguales mostraron un engrosamiento del epitelio en cerca de 2-3 capas de células. En los fetos de alrededor de 65 días, se observó tejido mesenquimático bajo el epitelio. Rudimentos de algunas papilas se observaron en esta etapa. Fibras colágenas y vasos sanguíneos fueron observados de manera escasa en la lámina propria. En los 80 días de edad fetal, se observó la mayor diferenciación del epitelio con algunos rudimentos de papilas, lo que continuó hasta la maduración de los fetos, alrededor de los 90 y 110 días, donde fueron observados de manera temprana rudimentos de botones gustativos. Evidencia de queratinización fue evidente en las etapas prepuberales.
Animals , Taste Buds/anatomy & histology , Taste Buds/growth & development , Taste Buds/embryology , Taste Buds , Taste Buds/ultrastructure , Goats/anatomy & histology , Goats/growth & development , Goats/embryology , Embryonic and Fetal Development/genetics , Microscopy, Polarization , Microscopy, Polarization/veterinaryABSTRACT
There are some reports about development of prenatal ruminants' testis. But there is not any report about it in goat; so the present study was performed on 23 goats fetuses collected from Ahvaz slaughterhouse. After measuring fetuses crown rump length [CRL], their approximate ages were determined. On the basis of the CRL, the fetuses were divided into 6 groups. Then testes were extruded out and fixed and tissue sections were prepared by routine procedures and then were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin and Periodic Acid Schiff. The biometric results showed a reasonable increase in the number of sertoli cells and gonocytes, diameter of sex cord and tunica albuginea during the development age dependences. The number of sex cords in each microscopic field showed an increase first and decreased thereafter. There is no difference between prenatal goat testis developments with prenatal testicular stages in other ruminants
Animals , Testis/embryology , Goats/embryology , Sertoli Cells , Crown-Rump Length , Biometric IdentificationABSTRACT
Avaliou-se o efeito da injeção de somatotropina bovina recombinante (r-bST) sobre o ciclo estral de cabras. Foram utilizadas 24 fêmeas da raça Toggenburg, distribuídas em dois tratamentos: T1 (n=12), cabras tratadas com r-bST; e T2 (n=12), cabras tratadas com solução salina (controle). A partir da primeira injeção do tratamento, acompanhou-se o ciclo dos animais em estro até o estro subseqüente. O comprimento médio do ciclo estral e o período interovulatório não diferiram (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos. Foram verificados ciclos estrais de duas, três e quatro ondas de crescimento folicular. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos quanto ao número de ondas do ciclo estral. O número de folículos detectados com diâmetro >3mm nas cabras do T1 foi maior (P<0,05) que naquelas do T2 nos ciclos com duas (15,3±1,2 x 8,1±2,0), três (12,2±0,8 x 8,3±1,9) e quatro (12,7±1,7 x 8,8±2,5) ondas. O folículo dominante da segunda onda foi menor (P<0,05) que o da primeira e terceira ondas e também menor que o da onda ovulatória tanto para T1 quanto para T2. A concentração sérica de progesterona durante o ciclo estral não foi influenciada pelos tratamentos com r-bST (P>0,05). A r-bST não alterou a dinâmica folicular de cabras lactantes da raça Toggenburg, mas promoveu o aumento do número de folículos recrutados ³3mm durante o ciclo estral
The effect of the r-bST injection was evaluated on the goats estrous cycles. Twenty-four Toggenburg does were used in two treatments: T1 (n=12) treated with r-bST; and T2 (n=12) treated with saline solution (control). After the first r-bST injection, the estrous cycles were checked between two estrus. The estrous cycle length and interovulatory period of the goats did not differ between treatments (P>0.05). Estrous cycles with two, three and four waves of follicular growth were observed. The number of waves during the estrous cycle were not affected by the r-bST treatment (P>0.05). The number of 3mm follicles was different between T1 and T2 (P<0.05) for estrous cycles with two (15.3±1.2 x 8.1±2.0), three (12.2±0.8 x 8.3±1.9) or four (12.7±1.7 x 8.8±2.5) waves. The dominant follicle of the second wave was smaller (P<0.05) than the one of the first and third waves and smaller than the one of the ovulatory wave. The progesterone concentration during the estrous cycle of the animals did not differ (P>0.05) between treatments. The r-bST did not affect the ovarian response during the estrous cycle. The r-bST not affected the follicular dynamic of Toggenburg lactating does, but increased the number of emerging follicles >3mm during the estrous cycle
Animals , Goats/embryology , Embryonic Development , Ovarian Follicle , Growth Hormone/adverse effectsABSTRACT
In order to produce transgenic goats with hG-CSF, a total of 24 adult Saanen and 48 adult undefined breed goats were used as donors and recipients, respectively. Donors were estrus-synchronized with vaginal sponges and superovulated by a treatment with 200 mg FSH given twice daily in decreasing doses over 3 days starting 48 h before sponge removal. Ovulation was induced by injecting 100µg GnRH 36 h after sponge removal. The recipients also received an estrus synchronization treatment. Donors were mated with fertile Saanen bucks and, approximately 72 h after sponge removal, zygotes were recovered surgically by flushing oviducts. The recovered zygotes were briefly centrifuged to a reliable visualization of the pronuclei. The DNA construct containing hG-CSF gene flanked by goat and bovine alphas1-casein sequences was injected into pronuclei of 129 zygotes. The microinjected embryos (3-6 per female) were transferred to 27 recipients. Ten recipients became pregnant and 12 kids were born. One transgenic male founder was identified in the group of kids. This is the first report of a birth of a transgenic goat in Latin America.
A fim de produzir caprinos transgênicos para o hG-CSF, utilizou-se 24 cabras Saanen adultas e 48 cabras sem raça definida adultas como doadoras e receptoras, respectivamente. As doadoras tiveram o estro sincronizado por esponjas vaginais e foram superovuladas com 200 mg de FSH em doses decrescentes, duas vezes ao dia e iniciando 48 h antes da retirada da esponja. A ovulação foi induzida pela injeção de 100 µg de GnRH às 36 h após a retirada da esponja. As receptoras também receberam um tratamento de sincronização do estro. As doadoras foram cobertas por bodes Saanen férteis e, aproximadamente 72 h após a retirada da esponja, os zigotos foram colhidos cirurgicamente por lavagem dos ovidutos. Os zigotos colhidos foram rapidamente centrifugados para uma melhor visualização dos pró-núcleos. A construção de DNA, contendo o gene do hG-CSF flanqueado pelos genes caprino e bovino da alfas1-caseína, foi injetada em 129 embriões. Os embriões microinjetados (3 a 6 por receptora) foram transferidos para 27 receptoras que responderam ao tratamento. Dez receptoras ficaram gestantes e 12 crias foram produzidas. Um macho transgênico fundador foi identificado no grupo de crias nascidas. Este é o primeiro relato do nascimento de um caprino transgênico na América Latina.
Animals , Female , Male , Pregnancy , Animals, Genetically Modified/embryology , Embryo Transfer , Goats/genetics , Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor/genetics , Brazil , Goats/embryology , Microinjections , Zygote/physiologyABSTRACT
As causas de mortalidade perinatal em cabritos foram estudadas de maio de 2002 a agosto de 2004. Em 118 cabritos necropsiados as causas de morte foram: infecção neonatal (50 por cento), distocia (12,71 por cento), complexo hipotermia/inanição (11,86 por cento), malformações (7,62 por cento), síndrome do cabrito mole (6,77 por cento) e abortos (1,69 por cento). Com relação ao momento da morte 1,69 por cento dos cabritos morreram antes do parto, 16,94 por cento durante o parto e 81,34 por cento após o nascimento. A alta ocorrência de infecções neonatais, distocias e hipotermia/inanição é provavelmente devido a fatores relacionados com erros no manejo sanitário, reprodutivo e nutricional. Artogripose dos membros anteriores foi a principal malformação observada. Este defeito é endêmico em rebanhos de caprinos no semi-árido do Brasil. A maioria das mortes ocorreu após o nascimento (25,42 por cento) e do quarto ao vigésimo dia de vida (38,98 por cento) sugerindo que o cuidado com os cabritos durante os primeiros 28 dias de vida é importante para melhorar as taxas de sobrevivência dos mesmos.
Animals , Goats/abnormalities , Goats/embryology , Fetal Death/veterinary , Dystocia/veterinaryABSTRACT
This pilot project was designed to determine if normal kids could be produced after microinjection in pronuclear embryos and subsequent transfer to recipients in a transgenic goat program in Brazil. Twelve donors of the Saanen breed and 17 recipients of an undefined breed were used. The estrus of both donors and recipients was synchronized by a standard progestagen treatment and superovulation obtained by six pFSH injections. Donors in estrus were mated with fertile Saanen bucks. Zygotes were recovered surgically by flushing oviducts. The recovered zygotes with visible pronuclei were microinjected with 500 to 1000 copies of the human G-CSF gene. Two or four embryos were surgically transferred into the oviducts of recipients. One recipient became pregnant and two kids were born. No transgenic goat was identified after PCR analysis. Even though transgenic goats were not obtained, this experiment establishes the basis of a synchronization and superovulation regimen for use in goats raised in Brazil, for the purpose of collecting and manipulating the pronuclear embryos. This project also showed that microinjected one-cell goat embryos can survive to produce live young following surgical transfer
Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Animals, Genetically Modified/embryology , Goats/genetics , Embryo Transfer , Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor/genetics , Zygote/ultrastructure , Brazil , Goats/embryology , Microinjections , Pilot ProjectsABSTRACT
This investigation was conducted on 62 male goat embryos and fetuses, ranged 1.5 - 42 cm CVRL. Up to 2.5 cm CVRL, the core of indifferent gonads showed numerous parenchymal and gonadal germ cells tending to form small clusters and short gonadal cords. The testes of fetuses up to 8 cm CVRL were covered by one layer of cuboidal cells showing stratifications at some areas. At 34 cm CVRL, the primitive tunica albuginea was formed of few layers of elongated cells parallel to the testicular surface. On reaching the late developmental stages of fetuses [30 - 42 cm CVRL], the tunica albuginea was formed of an outer fibrous layer and an inner vascular one. The primitive testicular cords were formed at 2.9 cm CVRL, as a continuation to the gonadal ones. In fetuses of 14 cm CVRL, the pericordal region of interstitium formed spindle shaped cells representing the future myoid cells, while the central one contained the developing interstitial cells of Leydig. As the development proceeded, degenerated gonocytes appeared besides intact ones. At the late stages of fetal life, the developing testicular cords exhibited large rounded cells, intact gonocytes and supporting cells of Sertoli. The immature interstitial endocrine cells were firstly recognized at 4 cm CVRL male goat fetuses. At 22 - 26 cm CVRL more advanced activity was observed where, the interstitial endocrine cells of Leydig were filled with intense PAS-positive acidophilic granules. At 32 cm CVRL, most of Leydig cells underwent retrogressive changes. Many blood capillaries were extended into the interstitium among the developing Leydig cells along the prenatal development
Animals , Male , Testis/growth & development , Goats/embryology , Fetal DevelopmentABSTRACT
El propósito de este trabajo es establecer el patrón de crecimiento prenatal y el desarrollo normal del tracto digestivo y glándulas anexas durante el período embrionario en el caprino, con énfasis en el desarrollo del estómago compuesto. Veintiún embriones con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 34 días (1,69 a 5,90 cm. CR), fueron obtenidos por operación cesárea y la edad se controló a través de monta dirigida. Este material fue procesado histológicamente para obtener cortes seriados completos a nivel del estomodeo, intestino anterior, intestino medio, intestino posterior y cloaca. Se describe cronológicamente la morfogénesis e histogénesis de la boca, hipófisis, faringe y sus derivados, estómago, intestino, hígado, páncreas y cloaca. Los resultados obtenidos permiten establecer comparaciones cronológicas en relación con el desarrollo del ovino y entregar algunos fundamentos sobre el origen unitario de los compartimentos gástricos en rumiantes