The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of replacing corn silage with sugarcane in the diet of lactating Saanen goats and to determine their intake and digestibility of nutrients, ingestive behavior, milk yield and composition. The experimental diets were composed of increasing levels (0, 33, 66 and 100%) of substitution in dry matter (DM). Twelve multiparous Saanen goats, with an average body weight of 45.2kg, average milk yield of 3.0kg day-1, distributed in a triple latin square experimental design (4 × 4) were used. The dry matter intake (DMI) and other nutrients were estimated through the difference between the total nutrient in the food offered and its total in the leftovers. The DMI, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and total digestible nutrients were not influenced, but the apparent digestibility of DM and NDF decreased. Feeding time and feeding efficiency were not influenced, the rumination and total chewing times increased, and the leisure time decreased, both linearly. Milk yield was not influenced by substitution levels, but corrected milk yield to 3.5% fat decreased. Sugar cane represents a dietary alternative for goats with medium milk yield in critical periods of forage, since it does not change the consumption of DM and milk yield, even with the apparent declining digestibility of some nutrients, influencing the ingestive behavior of the animals.(AU)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da substituição da silagem de milho por cana-de-açúcar na dieta de cabras Saanen em lactação e determinar a ingestão e a digestibilidade de nutrientes, o comportamento ingestivo, a produção e a composição do leite. As dietas experimentais foram compostas de níveis crescentes (0, 33, 66 e 100%) de substituição na matéria seca (MS). Doze cabras Saanen multíparas, com peso corporal médio de 45,2kg, produção média de leite de 3,0kg dia-1, foram distribuídas em delineamento experimental triplo quadrado latino (4 × 4). A ingestão de matéria seca (IMS) e de outros nutrientes foi estimada por meio da diferença entre o total de nutrientes nos alimentos oferecidos e o total nas sobras. A IMS, a proteína bruta, a fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e os nutrientes digestíveis totais não foram influenciados, mas a digestibilidade aparente da MS e da FDN diminuiu. A produção de leite não foi influenciada pelos níveis de substituição, mas a produção de leite corrigida para 3,5% de gordura diminuiu. A cana-de-açúcar representa uma alternativa alimentar para cabras com produção média de leite em períodos críticos de forragem, pois não altera o consumo de MS e a produção de leite, mesmo diminuindo a digestibilidade aparente de alguns nutrientes e influenciando o comportamento ingestivo dos animais.(AU)
Animals , Female , Goats/metabolism , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Saccharum , Animal Feed , Digestive System Physiological Phenomena , EatingABSTRACT
Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar a influência da fase de lactação e do intervalo de tempo entre as ordenhas sobre os constituintes e a produção de leite de cabras no semiárido da Paraíba. Foram utilizados 28 animais da raça Anglo Nubiana distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial do tipo 3 x 2, três fases de lactação e dois turnos de ordenha. A análise de variância não revelou efeito (P>0,05) de fase de lactação para proteína, gordura e sólidos totais. Contudo, houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) para lactose e produção de leite dentro das fases de lactação e intervalo entre ordenhas. Para acidez e densidade houve efeito (P<0,05) de fase de lactação e do turno da ordenha. Houve correlação negativa entre o turno da ordenha para produção de leite, acidez, lactose, densidade, proteína e gordura. Com relação à fase de lactação observou-se correlação negativa para produção de leite e lactose e correlação positiva para acidez e proteína. A composição do leite de cabra sofre influência da fase de lactação e do intervalo entre ordenhas. Intervalo de tempo igual entre as ordenhas favorece a produção de um leite com uma composição mais uniforme.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of lactation stage and the time interval between milking on ingredients and the production of milk goats in the semiarid region of Paraíba. We used 28 animals of Anglo Nubian breed distributed in a completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement of type 3 x 2, three stages of lactation and two milking shifts. Analysis of variance revealed no effect (P>0.05) were lactating for fat, protein and total solids. However, there was significant difference (P<0.05) for lactose and milk production within the phases of lactation and the interval between milking. For acidity and density was no effect (P<0.05), lactation stage and the milking turn. There was a negative correlation between the shift milking for milk, acidity, lactose, density, protein and fat. With respect to stage of lactation negative correlation was observed for milk and lactose positive correlation for acidity and protein. The goat milk composition is influenced by the stage of lactation and the interval between milking. Equal time interval between milking favors the production of milk with a more uniform composition.
Animals , Lactation , Goats/metabolism , Milk/chemistry , Food Composition , Fats/analysis , Food Analysis , Lactose/analysis , Milk Proteins/analysisABSTRACT
This study aimed to evaluate the amount of fiber in the diet that is able to promote better use of nutrients in the diet of dairy goats when forage palm is the main source of roughage. Fifteen Alpine dairy goats were distributed in a 5 × 5 triple Latin square containing five treatments and five periods, and each treatment contained. We tested five diets composed of different contents of neutral detergent fiber from Tifton hay (NDFf) in the dry matter of rations containing forage palm: D1: 11.98%; D2: 18.31%; D3: 23.68%; D4: 28.76% and D5: 32.12% NDFf. The intake of dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, non-fiber carbohydrates and ether extract decreased linearly with the increase in NDFf content. There was a linear increase of milk production and milk protein with increasing dietary NDFf. The fat, dry extract, protein, pH and acidity of the evaluated milk were not affected by increasing the levels of NDFf in the diet. In situations where dairy goats are fed forage palm and other types of forage are limited, 11.98% NDF from forage other than palm can be used as an effective source of NDF.(AU)
Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar a quantidade de fibra na dieta que é capaz de promover melhor uso de nutrientes na dieta de cabras leiteiras quando a palma forrageira é a principal fonte de forragem. Quinze cabras leiteiras alpinas foram distribuídas em um quadrado latino triplo 5 × 5 contendo cinco tratamentos e cinco períodos. Testaram-se cinco dietas compostas por diferentes teores de fibra em detergente neutro de feno de tifton (FDNf) na matéria seca de rações contendo palma forrageira: D1: 11,98%; D2: 18,31%; D3: 23,68%; D4: 28,76% e D5: 32,12% de FDNf. A ingestão de matéria seca, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro, carboidratos não fibrosos e extrato etéreo diminuiu linearmente com o aumento do conteúdo de FDNf. Houve um aumento linear da produção de leite e da proteína do leite com o aumento da FDNf dietética. A gordura, a lactose, o extrato seco, o pH e a acidez do leite não foram afetados pelo aumento dos níveis de FDNf na dieta. Em situações em que as cabras leiteiras são alimentadas com palma forrageira e outros tipos de forragem são limitados, 11,98% de FDN de forragem diferente da palma podem ser usados como fonte efetiva de fibra.(AU)
Animals , Female , Animal Feed/analysis , Cactaceae , Goats/metabolismABSTRACT
A abrangência dos estudos sobre a toxemia da prenhez (TP) tem sido constante e inovadora em alguns conceitos, porém o estudo dos casos clínicos naturais em cabras é inexistente no Brasil. Diante disso, realizou-se análise das alterações clínicas, do perfil bioquímico, eletrolítico e hormonal com o objetivo de compreender a fisiopatogenia da enfermidade. Foram avaliadas 22 cabras atendidas na Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns/UFRPE, diagnosticadas com TP, no período de 2007 a 2012. Realizou-se exame clínico e coleta de sangue e urina, para análise do perfil bioquímico e hormonal. Acentuadas alterações clínicas foram observadas, como decúbito, apatia, dispneia, aumento da temperatura corpórea, mucosas congestas, vasos episclerais injetados, desidratação, anorexia, hipomotilidade ou atonia ruminal, edema nos membros. Os resultados laboratoriais revelaram valores elevados para ureia, creatinina, ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNE), β-hidroxibutirato, amilase e cortisol, enquanto as variáveis: proteína total, albumina, cálcio total, cálcio ionizado, fósforo, a relação cálcio e fósforo, sódio e insulina encontraram-se diminuídos. Outros parâmetros bioquímicos e eletrolíticos, como frutosamina, globulina, cloro, potássio e magnésio mantiveram-se dentro da faixa de normalidade. Quanto a glicemia, foram constatados três condições nas cabras com TP, normoglicêmicas (50%), hiperglicêmicas (27,28%) e hipoglicêmicas (22,72%). Dos 17 (77,27%) animais que obtiveram alta 10 (58,82%) eram normoglicêmicos. Vieram a óbito 22,8 % (5/22), no qual 60% (3/5) delas estavam hiperglicêmicas. A média de nascimento por cabra foi superior a duas crias. Verificou-se existir associação fortemente positiva dos AGNE's com a albumina (r=0,60), fraca com o β-hidroxibutirato (r=0,10) e glicose (r=0,03). Porém, existiu relação fortemente negativa dos AGNE's com a insulina (r= -0,70), moderada com o cortisol (r= -0,52) e amilase (r= -0,30). Marcadas alterações clínicas e metabólicas ...
Studies on pregnancy toxemia (PT) have been constant and innovative with regard to some concepts. However, no studies have been carried out on natural clinical cases in Brazil. Thus, the aim of the present study was to perform an analysis of clinical, biochemical, electrolytic and hormonal findings in goats with PT to gain an understanding of the physiopathology of this metabolic disease. Twenty-two goats with a diagnosis of PT were analyzed at the Bovine Clinic of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (Garanhuns Campus, Brazil) between 2007 and 2012. Clinical exams were performed and both blood and urine were collected for the biochemical and hormonal analyses. Accentuated clinical changes were found, such as decubitus, apathy, dyspnea, increased body temperature, congested mucous membranes, dilated episcleral vessels, dehydration, anorexia, ruminal stasis and edema in the limbs. The laboratory findings revealed high concentrations of urea, creatinine, non-esterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, amylase and cortisol as well as reductions in total proteins, albumin, total calcium, ionized calcium, phosphorus the calcium to phosphorus ratio, sodium and insulin. Fructosamine, globulin, chlorine, potassium and magnesium were within the range of normality. Regarding blood sugar, 50% of the goats were within the normal range, 27.28% were hyperglycemic and 22.72% were hypoglycemic; among the 17 animals (77.27%) discharged with life, ten (58.82%) had normal blood sugar levels. Five goats (22.8%) died, 60% (3/5) of which were hyperglycemic. The mean birth rate per goat was more than two offspring. Non-esterified fatty acids were strongly associated with albumin (r = 0.60) and weakly associated with both β-hydroxybutyrate (r=0.10) and glucose (r=0.03). Moreover, non-esterified fatty acids were negatively associated with insulin (r= -0.70; strong association), cortisol (r= -0.52; moderate association) and amylase (r= -0.30; moderate association)...
Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Goats/metabolism , Goats/blood , Pre-Eclampsia/veterinary , Blood Chemical Analysis/veterinary , Ultrasonography/veterinaryABSTRACT
Sinais nervosos associados à ingestão de vagens de Prosopis julilora tem sido descritos em aprinos adultos pastejando continuamente em áreas invadidas por esta planta. A doença não tem sido constatada em ovinos, mas nesta espécie o pastejo em áreas invadidas por P. julilora tem sido associado à ocorrência de malformações. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar a toxicidade sobre o sistema nervoso e o efeito teratogênico de vagens de P. julilora (algaroba) em ovinos e avaliar a sua toxicidade em caprinos. Para isso foram realizados três experimentos. No Experimento 1, grupos de quatro ovinos receberam vagens na concentração de 0, 60% e 90% da alimentação durante um ano. No Experimento 2, sete ovelhas ingeriram vagens, em quantidades equivalente a 2,1% do peso corporal (pc) durante toda a gestação. No Experimento 3, três caprinos receberam vagens em quantidade equivalente a 1,5% do pc por periodos de 264, 474 e 506 dias. Nenhum animal experimental apresentou sinais nervosos e no Experimento 2 todas as ovelhas pariram cordeiros normais. Esses resultados sugerem que as vagens de algaroba podem ser utilizadas sem restrição na alimentação de ovinos. Em um trabalho anterior as vagens de algaroba, nas concentrações de 60% e 90% da alimentação, causaram intoxicação em caprinos apos 210 dias de ingestão o que sugere que ocorrem variações na toxicidade das vagens. Recomenda-se que caprinos não permaneçam em áreas invadidas por algaroba por mais de um periodo de frutificação da planta.
In Brazil, nervous signs caused by the ingestion of Prosopis juliflora pods have been reported in goats grazing in areas invaded by this plant. The disease has not been reported in sheep, but in this species, grazing in areas invaded by P. juliflora has been associated with the occurrence of malformations in lambs. The objective of this research was to study the toxicity for the central nervous system and the teratogenicity of P. juliflora pods in sheep, and to determine their toxicity to goats. Three experiments were performed. In Experiment 1, groups of four sheep were fed with ration containing 0, 60% or 90% of pods. In Experiment 2, seven sheep were fed with pods in amount equivalent to 2.1% body weight (bw) during the whole gestation. In Experiment 3, three goats were fed with pods in amounts equivalent to 1.5% of their bw during 264, 474, and 506 days. None of the experimental animals showed nervous signs and the seven pregnant sheep delivered normal lambs. These results suggest that P. juliflora pods can be used without restrictions in the food of sheep. Because in a previous paper P. juliflora pods, in the concentratiosn of 60% and 90% of the food, caused nervous signs in goats after 210 days of ingestion, it is suggested that there are variation in the toxicity of the pods. It is recommended that goats may be kept in areas invaded by P. juliflora for no more than one fructification period.
Animals , Goats/metabolism , Sheep/metabolism , Prosopis/poisoning , Carcinogenic Danger , Pasture/methods , Nervous System/physiopathologyABSTRACT
From 2007 to 2009 a nephrotoxic disease of subacute course and high mortality in goats occurred on a farm in the county of Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro. Metternichia princeps, a plant of the Solanaceae family, was suspected to be the cause. Through experiments in goats the clinical-pathological picture of poisoning by the plant and the lethal dose were established. For the experiments 12 young and adult goats of different races, both sexes and with weights above 15 kg were used. The goats that received 30g/kg in 5 days, 15g/kg in 3 days, single doses of 10g/kg and 5g/kg, all died. Of two goats that received single doses of 2.5g/kg, one died but the other did not show any clinical sign; a goat that received the single dose of 1.25g/kg also did not show any symptom of poisoning. First clinical signs were observed from 7 hours to 46h45min after the plant intake. The clinical course varied from 3h6min to 126h40min. First clinical signs were loss of appetite, adipsia, apathy and reluctance to move. After the animals entered in sternal decubitus and when they were placed in standing position, they kept their front limbs flexed, supported only by the posterior limbs on the floor until evolving into flexion of all four limbs followed by lateral decubitus. Postmortem examination revealed edema of the perirenal adipose tissue, pale kidneys which on the cut-surface showed whitish stripes from the cortex to the medullar area. At histopathology, severe coagulative necrosis of epithelial cells of the kidney tubules was seen. Compared with the natural cases, the goats experimentally poisoned by M. princeps, presented a similar clinic-pathological picture. By these experiments it could be proved that Metternichia princeps is the toxic plant that causes a nephrotoxic disease in goats in the Rio de Janeiro area; the minor lethal dose was 2,5g/kg in the experiments.
Entre os anos de 2007 e 2009 ocorreu uma doença nefrotóxica de evolução subaguda com alta mortandade em caprinos em uma propriedade no município de Itaguaí, estado do Rio de Janeiro. Levantou-se a suspeita de que Metternichia princeps, planta pertencente à família Solanaceae, seria a causa. Através de experimentação em caprinos o quadro clínico-patológico de intoxicação por esta planta e a dose letal foram estabelecidos. Na experimentação foram utilizados 12 caprinos de diferentes raças, de ambos os sexos, jovens a adultos, com pesos acima de 15 kg. Os animais que receberam as doses de 30g/kg em 5 dias, 15g/kg em 3 dias, doses únicas de 10g/kg e de 5g/kg, morreram. Dos três animais que receberam as doses únicas de 2,5g/kg, dois morreram e um não apresentou sinais clínicos e o animal que recebeu a dose única de 1,25g/kg, também não apresentou sinais clínicos. O início dos sinais clínicos após a administração da planta variou entre 7h e 46h45min. A evolução variou entre 3h6min e 126h40min. Os primeiros sinais clínicos apresentados foram inapetência, adipsia, apatia e relutância ao movimento. Em seguida os animais entravam em decúbito esternal e ao serem colocados em estação, mantinham os membros anteriores flexionados, apoiavam apenas os posteriores no chão até evoluírem para flexão dos quatro membros e seguia-se o decúbito lateral. À necropsia destacaram-se o edema de tecido adiposo perirrenal, rins pálidos e, ao corte, com estriação esbranquiçada desde o córtex até a região medular. À histopatologia foi verificada acentuada necrose coagulativa das células epiteliais dos túbulos uriníferos. Comparativamente aos casos naturais, os caprinos intoxicados experimentalmente por M. princeps apresentaram quadro clínico-patológico semelhante. Desta maneira foi comprovado que Metternichia princeps é responsável pela doença nefrotóxica em caprinos no Rio de Janeiro; a menor dose que causou a morte dos caprinos nos experimentos foi 2,5g/kg.
Animals , Goats/metabolism , Kidney Diseases/veterinary , Solanaceae/toxicity , Autopsy/veterinary , Plant Poisoning/veterinary , Signs and Symptoms/veterinaryABSTRACT
Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa, aguapei or mandiyura, is responsible for lysosomal storage in goats. The shrub contains several alkaloids, mainly swansonine which inhibits lysosomal α-mannosidase and Golgi mannosidase II. Poisoning occurs by inhibition of these hydrolases. There is neuronal vacuolation, endocrine dysfunction, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal injury, and immune disorders. Clinical signs and pathology of the experimental poisoning of goats by Ipomoea carnea in Argentina are here described. Five goats received fresh leaves and stems of Ipomoea. At the beginning, the goats did not consume the plant, but later, it was preferred over any other forage. High dose induced rapid intoxication, whereas with low doses, the course of the toxicosis was more protracted. The goats were euthanized when they were recumbent. Cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, pons and colliculi, were routinely processed for histology. In nine days, the following clinical signs developed: abnormal fascies, dilated nostrils and abnormal postures of the head, cephalic tremors and nystagmus, difficulty in standing. Subsequently, the goats had a tendency to fall, always to the left, with spastic convulsions. There was lack in coordination of voluntary movements due to Purkinje and deep nuclei neurons damage. The cochlear reflex originated hyperreflexia, abnormal posture, head movements and tremors. The withdrawal reflex produced flexor muscles hypersensitivity at the four legs, later depression and stupor. Abnormal responses to sounds were related to collicular lesions. Thalamic damage altered the withdrawal reflex, showing incomplete reaction. The observed cervical hair bristling was attributed to a thalamic regulated nociceptive response. Depression may be associated with agonists of lysergic acid contained in Ipomoea. These clinical signs were correlated with lesions in different parts of the CNS.
Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa, aguapeí ou mandiyura, causa uma doença de depósito lisossomal em caprinos. A planta contém vários alcalóides, principalmente swansonine, que inibe uma α-mannosidase lisossomal e uma mannosidase II do Golgi. A intoxicação ocorre pela inibição dessas hidrolases. Há vacuolização neuronal, disfunção endócrina, lesões cardiovasculares e gastrointestinais e distúrbios imunológicos. No presente trabalho é descrita a intoxicação experimental por Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa em caprinos da Argentina. Cinco cabras receberam folhas frescas e ramos de Ipomoea. No começo eles não consumiram a planta, mas depois ela foi preferida a qualquer outras forrageiras. Altas doses induziram uma intoxicação rápida, enquanto que com doses baixas demora mais tempo. As cabras foram sacrificadas quando ficavam em decúbito. Cérebro, cerebelo, medula oblonga, ponte e colículos foram processados rotineiramente para histologia. Aos nove dias, encontramos: fascie anormal, narinas dilatadas, posturas anormais da cabeça, tremores cefálicos e nistagmo, dificuldade para permanecer na estação. Posteriormente, presentearam a tendência de queda, sempre à esquerda, com convulsões espásticas. Os neurônios de Purkinje e os os núcleos profundos foram danificados. Como conseqüência, emergiu a falta de coordenação de movimentos voluntários. A hiper-reflexo coclear originou postura anormal, movimentos de cabeça e tremores. A retirada produz reflexos hipersensibilidade nos flexores dos quatro membros, depois depressão e letargia. As respostas anormais estão ligadas a lesões do colículo. Injurias no tálamo alteram o reflexo de retirada, mostrando uma reação incompleta. Os pelos eriçados da região cervical podem representar uma resposta nociceptiva também regulada pelo tálamo. A depressão pode estar associada com agonistas do ácido lisérgico presentes na Ipomoea. Esses sintomas estão relacionados com lesões em diferentes partes do SNC.
Animals , Autopsy/veterinary , Goats/metabolism , Plant Poisoning/veterinary , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission/veterinary , Purkinje Cells , Nervous System Diseases/chemically induced , Nervous System Diseases/veterinary , Pathology, VeterinaryABSTRACT
The effects of experimental Trypanosoma brucei infection on receptivity to mating activity and pattern of vaginal exfoliates were monitored using twenty-one adult WAD goats which were synchronized with double injection, seven days apart of Estrumate®. The twenty-one goats consisted of 3 bucks and 18 does. The does were randomly divided into control group 'A' having 10 does and test group 'B' with 8 does. The goats were fed with Elephant grass in the morning and commercial feed containing 15.23 percent CP at the rate of 0.25kg/head in the afternoons. Freshwater was provided ad libitum. Results showed that while all the control does were observed to stand to be mounted and mated, none of the infected does did. Also, the pattern of the mean percentage vaginal exfoliated cell types encountered between the control and infected doe groups were converse. While parasabal cells changed from 2.90±0.03 percent during proestrus through 3.05 +/- 0.46 percent during estrus to 2.42 +/-0.08 percent at diestrus in the control does, it changed from 22.07 +/- 0.56 percent during expected proestrus through 8.48 +/- 0.05 percent during expected estrus to 28.05 +/-1.09 percent respectively in the infected does. In like manner, intermediate cell changed from 11.10 +/- 0.03 percent during proestrus through 11.10 +/- 0.31 percent during estrus to 1.21 +/- 1.00 percent during diestrus in control does while it changed from 27.27 +/- 0.08 percent during expected proestrus through 42.37 +/- 2.39 percent during expected estrus to 40.24 +/- 1.06 percent during expected diestrus in infected does. Similarly, superficial cells changed from 56.25 +/- 0.75 percent during proestrus through 63.70 +/- 1.05 percent during estrus to 7.37 +/- 0.01 percent during diestrus while it changed from 0.00 percent during expected proestrus through 3.39 +/- 0.02 percent during expected estrus to 63.70 +/- 1.05 percent during estrus to 6.10 +/- 0.01 percent during expected diestrus. In the control does, the ...
Los efectos de la infección experimental por Trypanosoma brucei sobre la receptividad a la actividad de apareamiento y el patrón de exfoliación vaginal fueron monitoreados utilizando 21 cabras WAD adultas sincronizadas con doble inyección, a los siete días de diferencia de Estrumate®. De las 21 cabras utilizadas eran 3 machos y 18 hembras. Las hembras se dividieron al azar en grupo control "A" con 10 sujetos y un grupo de prueba "B" con 8. Las cabras fueron alimentadas con pasto y alimento comercial que contenía 15,23 por ciento de CP en tasa de 0,25kg/por cabeza en las tardes. Agua fresca fue proporcionada ad libitum. Los resultados mostraron que mientras todos las cabras del grupo control pudieron ser montadas y acopladas, ninguna de las infectadas pudo. Además, fue contradictorio el patrón de la media porcentual de los tipos de células vaginales exfoliadas encontradas entre los grupo control e infectadas. Mientras que las células parabasales cambiaron desde un 2,90 +/- 0,03 por ciento durante el proestro, al 3,05 +/- 0,46 por ciento durante el estro y 2,42 +/- 0,08 por ciento al diestro en el grupo control, el grupo infectado cambió desde un 22,07 +/- 0,56 por ciento durante el proestro, al 8,48 +/- 0,05 por ciento durante el estro y 28,05 +/- 1,09 por ciento al diestro. De la misma forma, las célula intermedias cambiaron de un 11,10 +/- 0,03 por ciento durante el proestro, al 11,10 +/- 0,31 por ciento durante el estro y al 1,21 +/- 1,00 por ciento durante el diestro en el grupo control, mientras que en el grupo infectado pasó del 27,27 +/- 0,08 por ciento durante el proestro, al 42,37 +/- 2,39 por ciento durante el estro y al 40,24 +/- 1,06 por ciento durante el diestro. Las células superficiales pasaron desde un 56,25 +/- 0,75 por ciento durante el proestro, 63,70 +/- 1,05 por ciento durante el estro, hasta un 7,37 +/- 0,01 por ciento durante el diestro, mientras en el grupo infectado pasaron de un 0.00 por ciento durante el proestro, al 3,9 +/- 0,02 p...
Young Adult , Goats/metabolism , Goats/parasitology , Trypanosoma brucei brucei/metabolism , Trypanosoma brucei brucei/chemistry , Pair Bond , Chemexfoliation/methodsABSTRACT
Acute ruminal acidosis was experimentally induced in six mixed breed of male goats, [15-18 months old and 27-38 kg body weight], by wheat flour, 50 g/kg BW, infused intraruminally through a surgically prepared ruminal cannula. Ruminal fluid and blood samples were obtained at 0, 12, 24 and 36 hours to evaluate ruminal fluid contents, serum biochemical changes and complete blood picture. Severe clinical signs of ruminal acidosis were evident by12 hours represented by depression, recumbency, diarrhea, grinding over the teeth, trembling, ruminal stasis, dehydration, polypnea and tachycardia. Sharp drop in ruminal fluid pH with parallel sharp increase in ruminal lactate and glucose levels were recorded. Ruminal protozoa completely disappeared following induction. Significant decrease in venous blood pH and a significant increase of serum levels of lactate, total protein, albumin, Gamma glutamyl transferase [GGT], urea and creatinine were obtained. Significant increase in hematocrit value, total leukocytic count, neutrophil and a significant decrease in lymphocyte were also recorded. Post mortum and histopathological examination were performed to confirm the disease
Goats/metabolism , gamma-Glutamylcyclotransferase/blood , Serum AlbuminABSTRACT
Para verificar o efeito do estresse calórico (EC) nas concentrações plasmáticas de testosterona, triiodotironina (T3) e tiroxina (T4), oito bodes, das raças Saanen (n=4) e Alpina (n=4), foram mantidos em câmara bioclimática, sob condições de termoneutralidade (13,0ºC a 26,7ºC) durante 30 dias e, após um período (60 dias) de descanso, submetidos ao EC (23,7ºC a 34,0ºC) por 30 dias. Para minimizar as variações sazonais nos perfis hormonais devido ao fotoperíodo, durante toda fase experimental, incluindo a de adaptação em condições de termoneutralidade (30 dias), o fotoperíodo foi controlado utilizando-se alternância de dias longos (16h de luz e 8h de escuro) e de dias curtos (8h de luz e 16h de escuro) a cada 30 dias. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas duas vezes por semana durante cinco semanas. No conjunto das raças, o EC não influenciou (P>0,05) as concentrações de testosterona (1,8±0,2 vs 1,3±0,2ng/ml) e nem a de T4 (52,7±2,8 vs 50,0±2,8ng/ml). Houve declínio (P<0,01) das concentrações de T3 nos animais submetidos ao experimento (1,3±0,1 vs 1,0±0,1ng/ml), mas a redução foi observada somente nos bodes Saanen. Em ambas as raças, as concentrações de T3 e T4 variaram (P<0,01) conforme o dia da coleta das amostras de sangue. O EC foi suficiente para produzir uma resposta fisiológica com redução das concentrações plasmáticas de T3 em bodes das raças Saanen, mas não da raça Alpina, assim como não foi capaz de alterar os níveis plasmáticos de testosterona e nem de T4.
To verify the effect of heat stress (HS) on plasma testosterone, triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroxine (T4) concentrations, eight Saanen (n=4) and Alpine Brown (n=4) bucks were kept in climate chamber under thermal neutral conditions (13.0ºC to 26.7ºC) for 30 days. After a resting period (60 days), the same bucks were submitted to heat stress (23.7ºC to 34.0ºC) for another 30 days. To neutralize the seasonal variations of hormonal profiles throughout the period, the photoperiod was controlled every 30 days altering long (16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness) and short days (8 hours of light and 16 hours of darkness). The blood samples were collected twice a week during five weeks. In both breeds, there was no effect of HS (P>0.05) on plasma concentrations of testosterone (1.8±0.2 vs 1.3±0.2ng/ml) and T4 (52.7±2.8 vs 50.0±2.8ng/ml). There was a decline (P<0.01) of plasma T3 concentrations (1.3±0.1 vs 1.0±0.1ng/ml) after HS treatment, but this reduction was only evident in Saanen bucks. In both breeds, the plasma concentrations of T3 and T4 varied (P<0.01) according to the day of blood sample collection. The HS was sufficient to provoke a physiological response with reduction of plasma concentrations of thyroid hormones mainly of T3 in Saanen bucks, but not in Alpine ones. The HS did not affect the plasma testosterone and T4 levels.
Animals , Male , Goats/metabolism , Goats/blood , Thyroid Hormones/analysis , Thyroid Hormones/blood , Triiodothyronine , Testosterone/metabolism , Thyroxine/metabolism , Heat Stress Disorders/blood , Heat Stress Disorders/veterinaryABSTRACT
The pharmacokinetics of orally administered pefloxacin were studied to evaluate the bio-enhancing effect of the herbal bio-enhancer, trikatu, in mountain Gaddi goats (n = 6). The findings of the study revealed a decreased plasma concentration (p > 0.05) of pefloxacin following trikatu administration during the absorption phase (10, 15, 20 min post pefloxacin administration). In contrast, the plasma concentrations of pefloxacin were significantly higher at 4, 6, 8 and 12 h (during the elimination phase) of the pefloxacin administration. The findings of the investigation revealed higher values for the area under the curve, the area under the first moment of the plasma drug concentration time curve, the mean residential time, the total duration of pharmacological action and bioavailability. Trikatu treatment, however, significantly reduced the elimination half life (t(1/2beta)) and zero time intercept of the elimination phase. The apparent volume of distribution based on the total area under the plasma drug concentration curve [(Vd((area))] and the apparent volume of distribution based on the zero time plasma concentration intercept of the elimination phase [Vd((B))] were significantly higher in trikatu treated animals indicating a better penetration of the drug. Based on the MIC of 0.8 microgram/ml of pefloxacin, a priming dose of 6.0 mg/kg and a maintenance dose of 2.21 mg/kg is required to be administered at 8 h intervals. For practical purposes in goats this would mean a priming dose of 6 mg/kg and a maintenance dose of 2 mg/kg given by the oral route, to be repeated at 8 h intervals.
Animals , Administration, Oral , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Biological Availability , Cross-Over Studies , Zingiber officinale , Goats/metabolism , Herb-Drug Interactions , Pefloxacin/administration & dosage , Phytotherapy/veterinary , Piper , Piper nigrum , Plant Extracts/pharmacologyABSTRACT
To understand the neurochemical properties of the gastric myenteric plexus of ruminants, the expression patterns of calbindin D-28k (CB), calretinin (CR), substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) were explored in the Korean native goat. In gastric myenteric plexus, CB and SP immunoreactivity were observed in round- or ovalshaped neurons. CR and CGRP immunoreactivity were detected only in the nerve fibers. This immunohistochemical localization of CB, CR, CGRP and SP in the myenteric plexus of the goat stomach exhibited species-specific patterns. These findings suggest that these substances may be directly or indirectly related to the gastric functions of the goat stomach.
Animals , Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide , S100 Calcium Binding Protein G/metabolism , Calcium-Binding Proteins/metabolism , Goats/metabolism , Immunohistochemistry/veterinary , Myenteric Plexus/metabolism , Stomach/innervation , Substance P/metabolismABSTRACT
Ofloxacin was administered to six male goats intravenously (5 mg/kg) to determine its kinetic behavior, tissue residue, in vitro plasma protein binding and to compute a rational dosage regimen. The concentration of ofloxacin in plasma and tissue samples collected at prescheduled time were estimated by using HPLC. The pharmacokinetic parameters were determined by non-compartmental model and plasma protein binding was estimated by equilibrium dialysis technique. The therapeutic concentration (> or = 0.5 microgram/ml) was maintained up to 36 h and the initial concentration at 2.5min (14.76 +/- 0.47 microgram/ml) declined to 0.05 +/- 0.03 microgram/ml at 96 h with a secondary peak (0.64 +/- 0.15 microgram/ml) at 24 h. The mean AUC, AUMC, t1/2, MRT, Cl and Vd were calculated to be 58.94 +/- 19.43 microgram h/ml, 1539.57 +/- 724.69 microgram h2/ml, 15.58 +/- 1.87 h, 22.46 +/- 2.71 h, 135.60 +/- 31.12 ml/h/kg and 2.85 +/- 0.74 L/kg respectively. Significantly high concentration of drug was detected in different tissues after 24 h of intravenous dosing of 5mg/kg, at 24 h interval for 5 days. The in vitro plasma protein binding of ofloxacin was found to be 15.28 +/- 0.94%. Based on these kinetic parameters, a loading dose of 5mg/kg followed by the maintenance dose of 3mg/kg at 24 h dosing interval by intravenous route is recommended.
Animals , Male , Anti-Infective Agents/pharmacokinetics , Blood Proteins/metabolism , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/veterinary , Goats/metabolism , Ofloxacin/pharmacokinetics , Protein Binding , Tissue DistributionABSTRACT
Changes in the expression of native myosin, myosin heavy chains (MHCs) and myosin light chains (MLCs) were investigated in goat uterus during early pregnancy. Electrophoresis of native myosin under non dissociating conditions displayed two isozymes differing in their proportions during gestation. Three MHC isoforms were obtained following sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Whereas 204 kDa (a smooth muscle MHC) and 196 kDa (a non muscle MHC) were recorded in uterus from non pregnant goat, uterus of pregnant goat displayed a third 200 kDa smooth muscle MHC. Two conspicuous proteins (154 and 140 kDa respectively) in addition to MHCs were also obtained when the myofibrillar extracts were analysed either in the presence or absence of proteolytic inhibitors. Non pregnant goat uterus showed a basal level (ca.5%) of phosphorylation of regulatory myosin light chain. Uterine myosin from pregnant goat was recorded in a completely dephosphorylated state.
Animals , Female , Goats/metabolism , Myosins/metabolism , Pregnancy , Pregnancy, Animal/metabolism , Uterus/enzymologyABSTRACT
Influence of drug concentration, pH of aqueous drops and some commonly used preservatives on in vitro transcorneal permeation of ibuprofen and flurbiprofen were investigated using goat cornea. Increase in drug concentration in the drops made in normal saline resulted in increase in quantity permeated but decrease in cumulative percent permeation of both drugs. Permeation of each drug from 0.5% drops was maximum at acidic pH (6.4) and decreased with increase in pH of the drops. Normal saline, as a vehicle, favoured permeation of each drug, hence retained in the formulation. Benzalkonium chloride and chlorobutanol enhanced cumulative percent permeation of ibuprofen while benzalkonium chloride and phenyl mercuric nitrate increased permeation of flurbiprofen. Benzalkonium chloride being incompatible with 0.5% drops (pH 6.4) of either drug, chlorobutanol appears suitable for ibuprofen drops and phenyl mercuric nitrate for flurbiprofen drops.
Animals , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/pharmacokinetics , Buffers , Cornea/metabolism , Flurbiprofen/pharmacokinetics , Goats/metabolism , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Ibuprofen/pharmacokinetics , Ophthalmic Solutions/metabolism , Permeability , Preservatives, Pharmaceutical , WaterABSTRACT
Oxygen free radical scavenging enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase were heterogeneously distributed in goat ovary. Activities of SOD and catalase were predominantly located in cytosolic fractions compared to mitochondrial and microsomal fractions. Most of the peroxidase activity was observed in microsomal fractions with little activity in cytosolic and mitochondrial fractions. Higher activities of all these enzymes were in luteal phase as compared to follicular phase. Most of the activities of these enzymes in luteal phase were restricted to luteal cells while in follicular phase these were mainly present in the follicles of the ovary.
Animals , Female , Free Radical Scavengers/metabolism , Goats/metabolism , Ovary/enzymology , Reactive Oxygen Species , Subcellular Fractions/enzymologyABSTRACT
The lysosomal cysteine proteinases have been found to be involved in various inflammatory conditions. Inhibitory effects of certain commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs were observed on lysosomal thiol proteinase cathepsin L. Of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs tested, phenylbutazone was found to be most potent inhibitor of cathepsin L activity. The half maximal inhibition was achieved at 0.6 mM concentration. The inhibition by phenylbutazone was of non-competitive type, with a ki of 1.3 x 10(-3) M. Flufenamic acid and indomethacin were also inhibitory to cathepsin L activity, giving half maximal inhibitions at 3.5 mM and 4.5 mM concentrations respectively. In contrast, cathepsin L activity was not affected at all by steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Aspirin was also found to have no effect on cathepsin L activity whereas salicylic acid, its m- and p-analogs exhibited inhibitory effects but to a lesser degree.
Animals , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacology , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/pharmacology , Brain/enzymology , Cathepsins/drug effects , Cysteine Endopeptidases/pharmacology , Endopeptidases , Goats/metabolism , SteroidsABSTRACT
The concentration of oxytetracycline (OTC) in plasma, after single dose i.v. administration at 10 mg kg-1, was determined during pre and post induced-hypercalcemia in goats. The pharmacokinetic variables were then calculated. Hypercalcemia caused several changes in the determined variables. The CPmax and CPmin of OTC observed at 0.08 and 4 hr in normal goats were respectively 34.50 +/- 1.65 and 1.19 +/- 0.14 micrograms ml-1, while the CPmax and CPmin of OTC in presence of calcium at 0.08 and 8 hr were 20.81 +/- 2.18 and 1.04 +/- 0.05 micrograms ml-1 respectively. Hypercalcemic state in goats increased t1/2 (alpha) (0.19 +/- 0.02 hr), t1/2 (beta) (2.77 +/- 0.03 hr), AUC (37.67 +/- 0.83 micrograms x hr x ml vd (area) (1.07 +/- 0.03 L kg-1) and vd (ss) (0.95 +/- 0.04 L kg-1) values of OTC compared to normal goats. The semilogarithmic plot of plasma level-time profile of OTC administered i.v. showed biphasic decline suggestive of two compartment open model 'kinetics' in both normal and hypercalcemic animals.