Background: Although nanoparticles (NPs) have many advantages, it has been proved that they may be absorbed by and have toxic effects on the human body. Recent research has tried to evaluate and compare the nanotoxicity of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) produced by two types of microorganisms in vitro by two different methods. AuNPs were produced by Bacillus cereus and Fusarium oxysporum, and their production was confirmed by visible spectral, transmission electron microscope, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses. The human fibroblast cell line CIRC-HLF was treated with AuNPs, and the induced nanotoxicity was measured using direct microscopic and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assays. Results: The results showed that the produced AuNPs had a maximum absorbance peak around 510530 nanometer (nm), with spherical, hexagonal, and octagonal shapes and average sizes around 2050 nm. The XRD results confirmed the presence of GNPs in the microbial culture supernatants. An MTT assay showed that GNPs had dose-dependent toxic effects, and microscopic analysis showed that GNPs induced cell abnormalities in doses lower than the determined half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50s). Conclusions: In conclusion, the biologically produced AuNPs had toxic effects in the cell culture, and direct techniques such as microscopic evaluation instead of indirect methods such as MTT assay were more useful for assessing the nanotoxicity of the biologically produced AuNPs. Thus, the use of only MTT assay for nanotoxicity evaluation of AuNPs is not desirable.
Nanoparticles/metabolism , Nanoparticles/toxicity , Gold/metabolism , Gold/toxicity , Spectrophotometry , Bacillus cereus/metabolism , Cells, Cultured , Gold Compounds/metabolism , Gold Compounds/toxicity , Toxicity Tests , Surface Plasmon Resonance , Nanotechnology , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Metal Nanoparticles/toxicity , Fusarium/metabolismABSTRACT
Supervised training periods in primary care have been used as spaces for teaching and extension in the area of health, making it feasible to include undergraduates in concrete teaching-learning scenarios. The aim of this study was to analyze the perceptions of dental students about the importance of supervised training periods in Family Health Units to their professional education. The sample consisted of 185 students who answered the question: What is your opinion about the importance of this training period in SUS to your professional education? Comment on this experience and its positive and negative aspects The responses were analyzed by the quali-quantitative Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) technique. The students appreciated learning through practice in the service; contact with professionals from other areas; opportunity for technical-operative improvement and demonstrated sensitivity in the face of social reality, although they appeared to be concerned about being absent from the faculty, arguing that they were being prejudiced as regards their intramural clinical productivity, exhaustively demanded of them. It was concluded that students placed value on the extramural experience, however, it was perceived that there was still a predominant influence of focus on intramural clinical training.
Os estágios supervisionados na atenção básica vêm sendo utilizados como espaços de ensino e extensão nas áreas da saúde, viabilizando a inserção dos graduandos em cenários concretos de ensino-aprendizagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as percepções de acadêmicos de odontologia sobre a importância do estágio supervisionado em Unidades de Saúde da Família, para sua formação profissional. A amostra foi constituída por 184 acadêmicos que responderam à questão: Qual a sua opinião em relação à importância deste estágio no SUS para a sua formação profissional? Comente esta experiência e seus aspectos positivos e negativos. As respostas foram analisadas através da técnica qualiquantitativa do discurso do sujeito coletivo. Os alunos valorizaram o aprendizado através da prática no serviço, do contato com profissionais de outras áreas, da oportunidade de aperfeiçoamento técnico-operatório e demonstraram sensibilização frente à realidade social, embora tenham aparentado incômodo por se ausentarem da faculdade, sob o argumento de serem prejudicados quanto à produtividade da clínica intramuros, exaustivamente cobrada. Concluiu-se que os alunos valorizaram a experiência extramural, entretanto, percebeu-se que ainda há uma hegemonia do foco no treinamento clínico intramuros.
Cell Culture Techniques/methods , Gold/chemistry , Gold/metabolism , Metal Nanoparticles/chemistry , Shiitake Mushrooms/metabolism , Chlorides/chemistry , Chlorides/metabolism , Fungal Proteins/metabolism , Gold Compounds/chemistry , Gold Compounds/metabolism , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Monophenol Monooxygenase/metabolism , Particle Size , Shiitake Mushrooms/chemistry , Shiitake Mushrooms/cytology , Shiitake Mushrooms/enzymologyABSTRACT
Introdução: São escassos estudos dos custos dos insumos consumidos em hemodiálise e, dentre estes gastos, os compostos que compõem o dialisato estão entre os valores considerados como representativos nessa terapia. Contudo, não foram encontrados estudos que orientem sobre o comportamento de custos dessas soluções. Objetivo: O objetivo do artigo é avaliar se há desperdício no consumo de soluções alcalinas em hemodiálise ambulatorial e, consequentemente, a possibilidade de redução no custo a partir da simulação de padronização no processo de estabelecimento do fluxo do dialisato nos períodos entre turnos em sessões de hemodiálise ambulatorial. Métodos: Partindo de um estudo observacional analítico, foi realizada uma simulação de 20 cenários, sendo 10 estabelecidos pela padronização dos processos de controle no fluxo do dialisato nos intervalos das sessões. A combinação dos dados foi realizada tomando por base os preços de três fornecedores de soluções alcalinas líquidas ou em pó. Resultados: Observou-se, dentre os cenários com processos padronizados, uma variação entre 7,7% e 33,3% de economia no custo da solução alcalina (em pó ou líquida), pela redução do desperdício. Conclusão: É possível refrear o desperdício no uso de soluções alcalinas, tanto em pó quanto líquidas e, consequentemente, seus custos, a partir da padronização na redução do fluxo de dialisato durante os intervalos verificados entre os turnos na hemodiálise ambulatorial. Todavia, estes resultados estão condicionados ao comprometimento de profissionais de saúde, principalmente no que tange ao exercício da supervisão e controle das atividades ...
Introduction: There are few studies about costs of inputs used in hemodialysis and among these expenditures, the compounds that make up the dialysate are one of the values considered as representative of this therapy. However, there aren’t costs studies that guiding solutions. Objective: The objective of this article is discuss whether there is wasteful of alkaline solutions in ambulatory hemodialysis and hence the possibility of reduction in cost from the standardization process simulation of establishment of dialysate flow in periods between shifts in hemodialysis outpatients. Methods: Starting from an observational analytic, a simulation was performed twenty case scenarios, which ten cases established by standardizing processes control on the dialysate flow in recession. The combination of data was performed using as a basis the prices of three suppliers of alkali liquid or powder. Results: It was observed among the scenarios with standardized processes, ranging between 7.7% and 33.3% savings in the alkaline solution cost (powder or liquid), by reducing waste. Conclusion: It is possible to restrain the wasteful use of alkaline solutions, both powder and liquid. Consequently, its cost from the patterning on reducing the flow of dialysate during the intervals between shifts observed in the outpatient hemodialysis. However, these results are conditional upon the commitment of health professionals, mainly to supervision exercise and control of activities in quality function deployment. .
Fusarium/metabolism , Gold/metabolism , Chlorides/metabolism , Gold Compounds/metabolism , Intercellular Junctions , Microspheres , NanotechnologyABSTRACT
Biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles by Streptomycetes from Himalayan Mountain was undertaken for the first time. Out of 10 actinomycete strains tested, four strains (D10, HM10, ANS2 and MSU) showed evidence for the intracellular biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles, among which the strain HM10 showed high potency. Presence of spherical and rod shaped gold nanoparticles in mycelium of the strain HM10 was determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis. The average particle size ranged from 18-20 nm. UV spectral analysis indicated that the reduction of chloroauric acid (HAuCl4) occurred within 24 h of reaction period. Further, the strain HM10 showed enhanced growth at 1 and 10 mM concentration of HAuCl4. The gold nanoparticles synthesized by the strain HM10 showed good antibacterial activity against S. aureus and E. coli in well-diffusion method. The potential actinomycete HM10 strain was phenotypically characterized and identified as Streptomyces viridogens (HM10). Thus, actinomycete strain HM10 reported in this study is a newly added source for the biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles.