Introducción: La Pácora (Plagioscion magdalenae) es una especie nativa de Colombia y en categoría de casi amenazada a nivel del país, de la que poco se conoce acerca de las estructuras con aporte etológico en su historia de vida. Objetivo: Analizar el desarrollo gonadal relacionado con la espermatogénesis de P. magdalenae y las implicaciones taxonómicas a partir de la vejiga natatoria. Métodos: Realizamos siete muestreos en dos periodos climáticos: el primero en octubre de 2019 a febrero de 2020 de recolectas bimensuales y la segunda de octubre 2020 a enero 2021 de recolectas mensuales; con el fin de abarcar cada momento del pulso de inundación de la cuenca baja del Magdalena. Describimos la histomorfología testicular y las características macroscópicas de la vejiga natatoria de la especie. Además, analizamos aspectos como relaciones morfométricas, clases de tallas por sexos, la proporción sexual y la época de madurez sexual. Resultados: Analizamos 142 ejemplares y 4 intervalos de tallas fueron establecidos (entre 145 y 575 mm LE), 66 fueron machos y 73 hembras con una proporción sexual global 1.1:0.9 (hembra-macho) sin diferencias. Los machos tienen testículos de tipo tubular, protegidos por el peritoneo que se encuentra recubierto por la musculatura sónica de la vejiga natatoria, la cual posee forma de ''zanahoria'' sin apéndices, con dos bandas laterales de músculos intrínsecos (promedio entre 6.75 cm de largo y 1.48 cm de ancho) unidos por una aponeurosis y que solo se encuentran en machos sexualmente maduros. Conclusión: Los testículos poseen una organización de tipo lobular irrestricto y la espermatogénesis se da en lóbulos seminíferos. La vejiga natatoria de la Pácora es simple y no tiene estructuras accesorias. La distribución geográfica de P. magdalenae se restringe a la cuenca del río Magdalena en Colombia.
Introduction: The Pácora (Plagioscion magdalenae) is a species native to Colombia and in near-threatened category at the country level, of which little is known about the structures with ethological contribution in its life history. Objective: To analyze the gonadal development related to spermatogenesis of P. magdalenae and the taxonomic implications from the swim bladder. Methods: We collected seven samples in two climatic periods: the first from October 2019 to February 2020 of bimonthly collections, and the second from October 2020 to January 2021 of monthly collections; to cover every moment of the flood pulse of the lower Magdalena basin. We described the testicular histomorphology and macroscopic characteristics of the swim bladder of the species. In addition, we analyzed aspects such as morphometric relationships, size classes by sex, sex ratio and time of sexual maturity. Results: We analyzed 142 specimens and established 4 size intervals (between 145 and 575 mm SL), 66 were males and 73 females with an overall sex ratio of 1.1:0.9 (female-male) with no differences. Males have tubular testes protected by the peritoneum covered by the sonic musculature of the swim bladder, which has a ''carrot'' shape without appendages, with two lateral bands of intrinsic muscles (average between 6.75 cm long and 1.48 cm wide) connected by an aponeurosis and found only in sexually mature males. Conclusion: The testes have an unrestricted lobular organization and spermatogenesis occurs in the seminiferous lobes. The swim bladder of the Pácora is simple and has no accessory structures. The geographic distribution of P. magdalenae is restricted to the Magdalena River basin in Colombia.
Fishes/anatomy & histology , Gonads , ColombiaABSTRACT
染色质许可和DNA复制因子1(Cdt1)是复制起始许可的主要调控因子,也是组成复制前复合物的核心成员。细胞通过依赖Cdt1的波动水平,且在每个周期中通过调节其总量以确保DNA仅复制一次。Cdt1功能缺陷会造成DNA过度复制,最终导致基因组不稳定。虽然酵母中cdt1和人类Meier-Gorlin综合征(MGS)患者中的CDT1已被广泛研究,但缺乏脊椎动物模型。我们发现在硬骨鱼类分支的几个鲤形目物种(包括斑马鱼)中,Cdt1蛋白在其N末端插入一段其他脊椎动物中没有的独特无序序列。通过分析在cdt1基因中携带移码缺失的遗传性斑马鱼突变体(命名为cdt1zju1 ),我们发现突变胚胎虽然几乎无任何早期胚胎表型异常,但成年突变斑马鱼却表现出侏儒症、生存能力降低的症状,以及性腺发育不全且不育。此外,我们同样发现除转录本cdt1-201外,斑马鱼还存在第二个cdt1转录本——cdt1-202,它是通过跳过外显子2产生,这在其他生物中暂无报道。有意思的是cdt1-202在cdt1-201纯合突变体中显著上调。上述研究结果表明,cdt1-202转录本可能可以补偿cdt1-201在早期发育过程中的功能损失,但不能补偿后期生长,这可支持斑马鱼作为研究人类MGS的遗传模型。
Animals , Humans , Zebrafish , Growth Disorders , Cell Cycle Proteins , GonadsABSTRACT
HSP90 is a widely distributed molecular chaperone that participates in a variety of cellular processes and plays an important role in the meiosis of germ cells. However, its role in the gonadal development of hermaphroditic Whitmania pigra is not yet clear. To explore the effect of HSP90 on the germ cell development of Wh. Pigra, this study cloned the wpHSP90 gene, performed bioinformatics analysis, and measured its expression levels. The results showed that the cloned wpHSP90 was 2 592 bp in length, with an open reading frame(ORF) of 2 373 bp, encoding 790 amino acids. Prediction analysis revealed 85 phosphorylation modification sites on serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues of the wpHSP90 protein. Structural domain prediction and multiple sequence alignment results showed that wpHSP90 contained two conserved domains of HSP90 and exhibited the highest homology with Helobdella robusta, with a sequence similarity of 80.72%. RT-qPCR results showed that the relative expression level of wpHSP90 in the gonads of 5-month-old Wh. pigra was positively correlated with temperature within the range of 12 ℃ to 28 ℃. The expression level in the female gonads was significantly higher than in the male gonads and correlated with the trend of germ cell development in the ovaries and testes. In conclusion, wpHSP90 may be involved in regulating the development of germ cells, particularly oocytes, in Wh. pigra. This study provides a reference for further research on the gonadal development mechanism in Wh. pigra.
Animals , Female , Male , Temperature , Ovary , Gonads , Testis , Leeches , Cloning, MolecularABSTRACT
Abstract The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters' turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens' present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.
Resumo O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.
Animals , Male , Female , Characidae , Oocytes , Oogenesis , Ovary , Testis , GonadsABSTRACT
Abstract BACKGROUND: Because normal male sexual differentiation is more complex than normal female sexual differentiation, there are more cases of disorders of sex development (DSDs) with 46,XY karyotype that have unclear etiology. However, Leydig and Sertoli cell markers are rarely used in distinguishing such individuals. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the function of Leydig and Sertoli cells in individuals with genital ambiguity, 46,XY karyotype, palpable gonads and normal testosterone secretion. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Case-control study with 77 patients, including eight with partial androgen insensitivity syndrome, eight with 5α-reductase deficiency type 2 (5ARD2) and 19 with idiopathic 46,XY DSD, and 42 healthy controls, from the Interdisciplinary Study Group for Sex Determination and Differentiation (GIEDDS), at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil. METHODS: Baseline levels of gonadotropins, anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), inhibin B, insulin-like 3 (INSL3), testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in cases, and AMH, inhibin B, and INSL3 levels in controls, were assessed. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in age between cases and controls (P = 0.595). AMH and inhibin B levels were significantly lower in cases than in controls (P = 0.031 and P < 0.001, respectively). INSL3 levels were significantly higher in cases than in controls (P = 0.003). Inhibin B levels were lower in 5ARD2 patients (P = 0.045) and idiopathic patients (P = 0.001), in separate comparisons with the controls. CONCLUSION: According to our findings, we can speculate that inhibin B levels may be used to differentiate among DSD cases.
Humans , Male , Female , Sertoli Cells/metabolism , Disorders of Sex Development , Testosterone/metabolism , Case-Control Studies , Karyotype , Gonads/metabolismABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The rabbit is considered an ideal animal model for studies that describe abnormalities in the testicles due to the similar morphogenetic mechanisms of sexual development and diseases commonly found in humans. The aim of this study was to determine the male sexual differentiation of the New Zealand rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) through development. The gestational age was estimated and classified as 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23 and 28 gestational days. The morphological and sexual determination were performed by histological analysis of the reproductive tract in the embryos and fetuses (9-28 days) as well as by immunohistochemistry- Desert hedgehog-Dhh- (testis-specific protein on Y chromosome- 16, 20, 23 days and adult rabbits). Gonads were observed from the 14th day in an undifferentiated stage and with homogeneous aspect. Sexual differentiation was observed from the 16th day with presence of cells forming gonadal cords and Dhh+ cells in the gonadal parenchyma. From the 18th gestational day testicular cords were observed, which evolved into organized seminiferous tubules. The formation of the efferent ducts and ductus deferens and epididymis was observed on the 20th and 23rd days, respectively. The differentiation of the external genitalia occurred from the 23rd days from the anogenital distance and was identified to identify the penile structures. In summary, the features of the sexual differentiation were determined by observation of the Dhh+ protein in embryos from the 16th day to adulthood, and the morphological particularities observed from the 18th gestational day, determined by differentiation of the external genitalia from the 23rd day.
RESUMEN: El conejo se considera un modelo animal ideal para estudios que describen anomalías a nivel testícular debido a que presenta mecanismos morfogenéticos similares al desa- rrollo sexual y enfermedades que se encuentran comúnmente en los seres humanos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la diferenciación sexual masculina del conejo de Nueva Zelanda (Oryctolagus cuniculus) a través del desarrollo. La edad gestacional se estimó y clasificó en 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23 y 28 días gestacionales. La determinación morfológica y sexual se realizó mediante análisis histológico del tracto reproductivo en los embriones y fetos (9 - 28 días) así como mediante inmunohistoquímica -Desert hedgehog-Dhh- (proteína testicular específica en el cromosoma Y- 16, 20, 23 días y conejos adultos). Las gónadas se observaron a partir del día 14 en un estadio indiferenciado y con aspecto homogéneo. Se observó diferenciación sexual a partir del día 16 con presencia de células formadoras de cordones gonadales y células Dhh+ en el parénquima gonadal. A partir del día 18 de gestación se observaron cordones testiculares, que evolucionaron a túbulos seminíferos organizados. La formación de los conductos eferentes, deferentes y del epidídimo se observó a los 20 y 23 días, respectivamente. La diferenciación de los genitales externos ocurrió a partir del día 23 desde la distancia anogenital y se utilizó para identificar las estructuras del pene. En conclusión, las características de la diferenciación sexual se determinaron mediante la observación de la proteína Dhh en embriones desde el día 16 hasta la edad adulta, y las particularidades morfológicas observadas a partir del día 18 de gestación, determinadas por diferenciación de los genitales externos a partir del día 23.
Animals , Male , Rabbits , Cell Differentiation , Embryonic and Fetal Development , Gonads/growth & development , Gonads/embryology , Seminiferous Tubules , Sex Differentiation , ImmunohistochemistryABSTRACT
Introduction: The exploitation of the sea cucumber (Holothuria (Panningothuria) forskali) in Ría de Vigo (NW Spain) is recent (2015) and it has been done until now with scarce or no information about some key biological aspects as reproduction, recruitment or growth. Objective: To describe the reproductive cycle of H. forskali in Ría de Vigo. Methods: We sampled fortnightly throughout 2018. We calculated gonadal condition indices (GCI) and gametogenic stages by classic histological methods. Results: The reproductive cycle of H. forskali in the Ría de Vigo is characterized by a sexual resting stage during spring, when temperature and daylight hours are lower; the beginning of gametogenesis during summer, when temperature is higher, daylight hours longer and the sea bottom is rich in nutrients; then, a period of spawns interspersed with a gonadal restoration during autumn and winter, when temperature is lower and food is scarce. Sex ratio is 1:1, however, the studied population is not synchronized, because females initiate maturation earlier. The comparison of the histological results with GCI indices suggest that GCI is a good indicator for gonadal stage. Fishery management strategies, such as a closure period, must be adapted to the reproductive stage. We recommend avoiding fishing between November and February to increase spawning potential ratio and, consequently, recruitment.
Introducción: La explotación del pepino de mar (Holothuria (Panningothuria) forskali) en la Ría de Vigo (NO España) es reciente (2015) y se ha llevado a cabo con poca o ninguna información sobre algunos aspectos biológicos claves como la reproducción, el reclutamiento o el crecimiento. Objetivo: Describir el ciclo reproductivo de H. forskali en un banco de la Ría de Vigo. Métodos: Se tomaron muestras quincenales durante el 2018. Se calcularon índices de condición gonadal (ICG) y se obtuvieron los estados gonadales siguiendo métodos histológicos clásicos. El estado gonadal de cada individuo se asignó de acuerdo con una escala modificada por otros autores, y en ella se describe un nuevo estado de recuperación gonadal, no descrito hasta ahora para esta especie. Resultados: El ciclo reproductivo de H. forskali se caracteriza por una etapa de reposo sexual en primavera, un inicio de la gametogénesis durante el verano y un período de puestas sucesivas intercaladas con recuperaciones gonadales durante el otoño e invierno. La proporción de sexos es 1:1 y la población estudiada no está sincronizada, las hembras inician la maduración antes. La comparación de los resultados histológicos con los índices ICG sugiere que este índice es un buen indicador del estado gonadal. El período de veda debe adaptarse a la etapa reproductiva, por lo que recomendamos evitar la extracción del recurso al menos entre noviembre y febrero para asegurar un mayor número de puestas y, en consecuencia, el reclutamiento.
Animals , Sea Cucumbers/anatomy & histology , Abiotic Factors , Gonads , Spain , Fishing IndustryABSTRACT
Introducción: El aumento de los valores del CO2 atmosférico y el consecuente calentamiento del agua de mar constituyen factores de estrés para los ecosistemas marinos, renovando el interés en la fisiología de los equinoideos. El equinoideo Arbacia dufresnii es una especie ampliamente estudiada y con amplia distribución en los golfos norpatagónicos. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de temperatura del agua de mar sobre su morfología y reproducción. Métodos: Individuos de A. dufresnii fueron expuestos durante 10 semanas (Abril-Junio 2016) a tres tratamientos de temperatura (13 °C control, 15 °C y 17 °C) de acuerdo con las condiciones actuales del agua de mar y los valores esperados para el próximo siglo, según diferentes escenarios estimados. Al finalizar el experimento, diámetro y peso del individuo así como los pesos de los órganos internos fueron estadística e histológicamente analizados. Resultados: Se observó una mayor mortalidad en los individuos expuestos a las mayores temperaturas lo que podría deberse a un estrés en el individuo. Para el tratamiento control y el de 17 °C no se observaron cambios en los pesos secos de gónadas e intestino. En cambio, los individuos expuestos a 15 °C presentaron un aumento en el diámetro del caparazón y en el peso seco de gónadas e intestino. Los estadios gonadales aesta temperatura (15 °C) para machos fueron similares al ambiente a diferencia de las hembras que se observaron estadios más avanzados. Conclusiones: Esto indicaría que 15 °C podría ser la temperatura óptima para la asimilación del alimento y obtención de energía. A esta temperatura se observan cambios a corto plazo en los órganos de metabolismo rápido pero no en los órganos calcificados (caparazón y linterna de Aristóteles).
Introduction: The increase in atmospheric CO2 values and the consequent warming of seawater constitute stressors for marine ecosystems, renovating interest in echinoid physiology. The echinoid Arbacia dufresnii is a widely studied species with a wide distribution in the North Patagonian gulfs. Objective: Evaluate the effect of seawater temperature on its morphology and reproduction. Methods: Individuals were exposed for 10 weeks (April-June 2016) to three temperature treatments (13 °C control, 15 °C and 17 °C) according to the current conditions of seawater and the expected values for the next century. At the end of the experiment, diameter and weight of the whole individual and of its internal organs were statistically and histologically analyzed. Results: Individuals exposed to higher temperatures died in greater numbers. The control, and the 17 °C treatment, had no changes in dry gonad and intestine weights. However, the 15 °C group had wider diameter of test and a higher dry weight of gonads and intestine. At this temperature, the gonadal stages for males were similar to the environment, but females had more advanced stages. Conclusions: Temperature of 15°C could be optimal for assimilating food and obtaining energy. Gonads and intestine would be showing changes in the short term, unlike the calcified organs (test and Aristotle's lantern).
Animals , Sea Urchins/growth & development , Carbon Dioxide , Hot Temperature/adverse effects , Argentina , Sea Urchins/anatomy & histology , Reproductive Physiological Phenomena , GonadsABSTRACT
Introduction: Photoperiod is, together with temperature and food availability, one of the main stimuli in the regulation of gametogenesis in a wide variety of species. Objective: To evaluate the effect of photoperiod on the production of mature gametes in cultured Arbacia dufresnii. Methods: An experiment was carried out with three varying light-dark regimes/treatments: constant light (24 h light), neutral photoperiod (12 h light, 12 h darkness), and constant darkness (24 h darkness). Twenty females were used in each treatment. All were induced to spawn and, ten randomly selected females from each treatment were induced to spawn again after 30 days. After 60 days, spawning was induced in the remaining females. The gametes were collected in filtered seawater, fixed in Davidson solution, quantified and measured per individual in triplicate in a Sedgewick-Rafter chamber. To determine maturation, fertilization success was evaluated 30 minutes after fertilization. Results: Our results showed that in the aquaculture system, after only two months, mature gametes were obtained, and in the neutral light regime there were 10 times more gametes than the number produced in wild sea urchins during the spawning period in question. We also found that with a greater exposure to light, a lower number of mature gametes was produced. Conclusions: This study suggests the viability of the production of mature gametes in a short period of time as regards Arbacia dufresnii.
Introducción: El fotoperiodo es, junto con la temperatura y la disponibilidad de alimentos, uno de los principales estímulos para el desarrollo de la gametogénesis en una amplia variedad de especies. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto del fotoperiodo en la producción de gametas maduras de Arbacia dufresnii en un sistema de recirculación cerrado para determinar el mejor fotoperiodo para una acuicultura novedosa, enfocada en la producción de gametas con alta concentración de pigmentos para usos biotecnológicos. Métodos: Se realizó un experimento con tres regímenes/tratamientos diferentes de luz y oscuridad: luz constante (luz durante 24 h), fotoperiodo neutro (12 h de luz, 12 h de oscuridad) y oscuridad constante (oscuridad durante 24 h). Se utilizaron veinte hembras en cada tratamiento. Se indujo a todas las hembras a desovar al comienzo del experimento. Después de 30 días, diez hembras seleccionadas al azar de cada tratamiento fueron inducidas a desovar nuevamente. Al final del experimento, después de 60 días, se indujo el desove a las hembras restantes en cada tratamiento. Las gametas se recolectaron en agua de mar filtrada, se fijaron en solución de Davidson, se cuantificaron y midieron por triplicado en una cámara Sedgewick-Rafter. Para determinar la maduración, se evaluó el éxito de la fecundación después de 30 minutos de fertilización, calculando el porcentaje de huevos fertilizados. Resultados: Nuestros resultados muestran que, en el sistema acuícola, en solo dos meses se obtuvieron gametas maduras y casi 10 veces más la cantidad producida por los erizos de mar en su ambiente natural usando el fotoperiodo neutro (12 h luz:12 h oscuridad). También encontramos que la mayor exposición a la luz produce la menor cantidad de gametas maduras. Conclusión: Este estudio sugiere la viabilidad de la producción de gametos maduros en un corto período de tiempo en Arbacia dufresnii.
Animals , Sea Urchins/growth & development , Arbacia/anatomy & histology , Germ Cells , Aquatic Organisms , Gonads/anatomy & histology , MexicoABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the dynamic molecular expression characteristics of single cell RNA binding proteins (RBPs) in the development of mouse embryonic hematopoitic stem cells (HSCs), and obtain the functional research target RNA splicing factor--Mbnl1, to clarify the function of Mbnl1 involved in regulating mouse embryonic HSC development.@*METHODS@#Bioinformatics was used to analyze the single-cell transcriptome data of mouse embryos during HSC development, and the single-cell RBP dynamic molecular expression maps in HSC development was obtained. Mbnl1 was obtained by combining differential analysis and literature research screening. The Mbnl1-knockout mouse model was constructed by the CRISPER/Cas9 technology. Aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) and yolk sac (YS) tissue in two genotype embryos of Mbnl1@*RESULTS@#The in vitro CFU-C experiment of hematopoietic cells preliminarily indicated that there was no significant difference in the number of cell colonies in AGM region and YS transformed by the two genotypes of Mbnl1@*CONCLUSION@#Through functional experiments in vivo and in vitro, it has been confirmed that knockout of the RNA splicing factor--Mbnl1 does not affect the development of HSPC in AGM region of mouse embryo.
Animals , Mice , DNA-Binding Proteins , Gonads , Hematopoiesis , Hematopoietic Stem Cells , Mesonephros , RNA-Binding Proteins/genetics , Yolk SacABSTRACT
Protein kinase C(PKC) is a type of protein kinase widely involved in cell proliferation and development, but the developmental mechanism in the gonads of androgynous animals is still unclear. In order to explore the role of protein kinase C in the development of Whitmania pigra germ cells, the Wh. pigra PKC(Wp-PKC) gene was cloned, bioinformatics analysis was conducted, and fluorescent quantitative PCR was used to analyze the expression of female and male gonads. The results showed that:(1)The cloned Wp-PKC had a full length of 2 580 bp, a relative molecular weight of 76 555.19, and contains an open reading frame encoding 670 amino acids, Wp-PKC was closely related to Danio rerio PKC-α and rat PKC-γ. The similarity of amino acid sequence was 55% and 58%.(2)The protein encoded by Wp-PKC had no signal peptide and was a hydrophilic protein. The secondary structure is mainly composed of random coils, α-helices, extended chains, folds and folds, with the largest proportion of random coils and α-helices. Wp-PKC protein does not contain a transmembrane domain. Multiple sequence alignment and domain prediction analysis show that Wp-PKC contains 4 conserved domains of classical protein kinase C.(3)Fluorescence quantitative results showed that the expression of Wp-PKC in Wh. pigra gonads was positively correlated with the development of germ cells, and the expression in male gonads was significantly higher than that in female gonads. In summary, Wp-PKC is a classic PKC, and Wp-PKC may promote the development of Wh. pigra, especially the development of male gonads, and provide references for further research on the developmental mechanisms of Wh. pigra.
Animals , Female , Male , Rats , Cloning, Molecular , Gonads , Leeches/genetics , Ovary , Protein Kinase C/geneticsABSTRACT
Protein kinase C(PKC) is a kind of kinase which is widely involved in cell proliferation and development. PKC(Wp-PKC) in Whitmania pigra body belongs to classic PKC. In order to investigate the effect of Wp-PKC on the development of Wh. pigra germ cells, 17β-estradiol(17β-E2)(100 ng·mL~(-1)) and methyltestosterone(MT)(150 μg·L~(-1)), 150 μg·L~(-1)(MT)+0.5 mg·L~(-1) PKC, 0.5 mg·L~(-1) PKC inhibitor were added to Wh. pigra culture water, and no addition group(control group) was added, and the effects on the development of Wh. pigra germ cells and the expression of Wp-PKC were observed. The results showed that: Wp-PKC in male gonads was always higher than that in female gonads; MT promoted the development of male gonads in Wh. pigra, while the expression of Wp-PKC was significantly higher than that in the control; 17β-E2 promoted the development of female gonads in Wh. pigra and Wp-PKC expression significantly lower than that of the control; while the development of the female and male gonads in the PKC inhibitor group was inhibited, the expression of Wp-PKC was significantly lower than that of the control. In summary, Wp-PKC may promote the development of Wh. pigra, especially the development of male gonads.
Animals , Female , Male , Estradiol , Gonads , Leeches , Methyltestosterone , OvaryABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Establishing guidelines for responsible management in fish production systems requires knowledge of the basic biology of the fish to be raised. The objective of this work was to determine the reproductive capacity of hybrids produced from the crossing of females of Pseudoplatystoma metaense with males of Leiarius marmoratus. Males presented a digitiform, unrestricted spermatogonial testicle containing caudal digits producing glycoproteins that do not form a seminal vesicle. It was possible to find free sperm in the lumen of the tubules and in the ducts. The ovary of the females was found to be saccular and synchronous with at least three groups of oocytes. In the first year of life, only oogonia up to previtellogenic oocytes (cortical alveolus 284.9 ± 35.7 mm in diameter) were found. After the second year vitellogenic oocytes 730 ± 3.78 mm in diameter were observed. The events of gonadal development of the hybrids indicate that they are gonochoric, synchronic animals. The maturation peaks in the high-water season, overlapping with the parental species. Therefore, the escape of hybrids from fish cultures to the rivers may increase the risk of crosses, gene introgression, or diminution of the reproductive capacity of the pure species.
RESUMEN: El establecimiento de pautas para la gestión responsable en los sistemas de producción de peces requiere el conocimiento de la biología básica de los peces a criar. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la capacidad reproductiva de los híbridos producidos por el cruce de hembras de Pseudoplatystoma metaense con machos de Leiarius marmoratus. Los machos presentaron un testículo espermatogonial digital no restringido que contiene dígitos caudales que producen glucoproteínas que no forman una vesícula seminal. Fue posible encontrar esperma libre en la luz de los túbulos y en los conductos. Se encontró que el ovario de las hembras era sacular y sincrónico con al menos tres grupos de ovocitos. En el primer año de vida, solo se encontraron oogonia hasta ovocitos previtelogénicos (alvéolo cortical de 284,9 ± 35,7 mm de diámetro). Después del segundo año, se observaron ovocitos vitelogénicos de 730 ± 3,78 mm de diámetro. Los eventos de desarrollo gonadal de los híbridos indican que son animales sincrónicos gonocóricos. La maduración alcanza su punto máximo en la temporada de aguas altas, superponiéndose con las especies parentales. Por lo tanto, el escape de híbridos de cultivos de peces a los ríos puede aumentar el riesgo de cruces, introgresión genética o disminución de la capacidad reproductiva de las especies puras.
Animals , Male , Female , Sexual Maturation , Catfishes , Gonads/growth & development , Oocytes , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Ovary/growth & development , Testis/anatomy & histology , Testis/growth & development , Gonads/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
Resumen: La protección gonadal ha sido durante largo tiempo un importante factor para abordar el requisito "tan bajo como sea razonablemente posible" ALARA. El presente artículo realiza una revisión sistemática sobre la utilidad de la protección gonadal en la radiografía de pelvis en la cual se han destacado los factores que tienen que ver con su realización diaria, es decir, la dosis de radiación involucrada, la radiosensibilidad de las gónadas, la posición del protector gonadal y el factor psicológico de la población en relación con su uso. La incorporación de equipamientos modernos, con dosis y protocolo optimizados, transforma el beneficio de la protección en un tema al menos debatible. Mientras algunos siguen respaldando la medida, otros organismos y autores ya no la respaldan. Es necesario reconsiderar prácticas actuales fundadas en consensos científicos que pueden estar obsoletos y considerar el factor de cambio cultural basados en estos nuevos consensos para su implementación, sin generar mayor preocupación en la población.
Abstract: Gonadal protection has long been an important factor in addressing the ALARA "as low as reasonably possible" requirement. This article performs a systematic review on the usefulness of gonadal protection in pelvic radiography, in which the factors that have to do with its daily performance have been highlighted, that is, radiation dose involved, the radiosensitivity of the gonads, the position of the gonadal shielding and the psychological factor of the population in relation to its use. The incorporation of modern equipment, with optimized dose and protocols, transforms the benefit of gonad shielding into an issue that is at least debatable. While some continue to support the measure, other agencies and authors no longer support it. It is necessary to reconsider current practices based on scientific consensus that may be obsolete and consider the factor of cultural change based on these new consensus for its implementation, without generating major concern in the population.
Humans , Child , Pelvis/diagnostic imaging , Radiation Protection/methods , Gonads/radiation effects , Radiation Dosage , X-Rays , RadiographyABSTRACT
Complete duplication of testicular veins is a rare phenomenon. However, a few cases of duplication of gonadal veins have been reported. Here, I report a case of unusual formation and termination of the right testicular vein in an adult male cadaver. Five veins arose from the pampinniform plexus and entered the abdomen through the deep inguinal ring. The most medial among the five was large (3 mm in diameter) and it continued as a testicular vein and opened into the right edge of the inferior vena cava, 1 cm above the union of the common iliac veins. The other four veins were about 1 mm in diameter and they united to form two veins in front of the lower part of the right psoas and iliacus muscles (about 2 cm above the deep inguinal ring) and the two veins united to form upper testicular vein, 4 cm above the deep inguinal ring. This testicular vein was 3 mm in diameter and it opened into the inferior vena cava, 4 cm above the union of common iliac veins. Having five veins at deep inguinal ring might increase the chances of varicocele and decrease the chances of indirect inguinal hernia.
La duplicación completa de las venas testiculares es un fenómeno raro. Sin embargo, se han reportado algunos casos de duplicación de venas gonadales. En el presente trabajo se informa un caso de formación y terminación inusual de la vena testicular derecha en un cadáver de un hombre adulto. Cinco venas surgieron del plexo pampiniforme y penetraron en el abdomen a través del anillo inguinal profundo. El más medial entre los cinco fue de gran tamaño (3 mm de diámetro) y continuó como una vena testicular y se abrió hacia el margen derecho de la vena cava inferior, 1 cm por encima de la unión de las venas ilíacas comunes. Las cuatro venas restantes eran de 1 mm de diámetro aproximadamente, y se unieron para formar dos venas frente a la parte inferior de los músculos psoas e ilíaco derechos (aproximadamente 2 cm por encima del anillo inguinal profundo). Se unieron dos venas para formar la vena testicular superior, la cual medía 3 mm de diámetro y se abría hacia la vena cava inferior, 4 cm por encima de la unión de las venas ilíacas comunes. Cinco venas en el anillo inguinal profundo podrían aumentar las posibilidades de varicocele y disminuir las posibilidades de una hernia inguinal indirecta.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Veins/abnormalities , Inguinal Canal/blood supply , Testis/blood supply , Varicocele/etiology , Vena Cava, Inferior/abnormalities , Gonads/blood supply , Hernia, Inguinal/etiologyABSTRACT
Spondylus limbatus es una especie bajo protección especial en México, de la que existe poca información biológica y nada sobre estudios histológicos o de ultraestructura del ovario. El objetivo de esta investigación fue caracterizar la morfología ultraestructural de los gametos femeninos maduros y en degeneración. La gónada femenina de S. limbatus en estado de madurez presentó ovocitos postvitelogénicos de 60-70 µm de diámetro, que presentan el aspecto característico de células metabólicamente activas y altamente sintetizadoras. La membrana citoplasmática posee especializaciones destinadas a aumentar la superficie de absorción de la célula, las microvellosidades; el citoplasma presenta numerosos sistemas membranosos relacionados con la síntesis de material de reserva y secreción; y el patrón de organización nuclear altamente lobulado, y por consiguiente con una gran superficie que asegura el intercambio núcleo-citoplasma, se incorpora de forma estructural al proceso de vitelogénesis. Finalmente, se describen los cambios ultraestructurales resultantes de la lisis de los ovocitos: colapso de las membranas nuclear y citoplásmica, y presencia de células hemocíticas macrófagas.
Spondylus limbatus is a species under special protection in Mexico, of which there is little or no information in the literature of biological, histological or ultrastructural studies of the ovary. The objective of this research was to characterize the ultrastructural morphology of mature and degenerating female gametes. The female gonad of S. limbatus in mature state presented post-vitellogenic oocytes 60-70 µm in diameter, which have characteristics of metabolically active and highly synthesizing cells. The cytoplasmic membrane has specializations designed to increase the absorption surface of the cell, the microvilli; the cytoplasm presents numerous membranous systems related to synthesis of reserve and secretion material as well as the highly lobed nuclear organization pattern; a large surface that ensures core-cytoplasm exchange, is structurally incorporated into the vitellogenesis process. Finally, ultrastructural changes resulting from the lysis of the oocytes are described: collapse of nuclear and cytoplasmic membranes, and the presence of macrophage hemocytic cells.
Animals , Female , Oocytes/ultrastructure , Bivalvia , Gonads/ultrastructure , Reproduction , Microscopy, ElectronABSTRACT
Abstract Population and reproductive aspects allow the knowledge and understanding of population dynamics and the influence of environmental factors, in addition to ensure the success of a species continuity. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze population and reproductive traits of the species Hyphessobrycon eques in southern Pantanal, Brazil. Monthly samplings were conducted from February/2009 to January/2011, with 617 individuals analyzed, being 365 females and 262 males. A similar form of distribution in length and weight between the sexes was observed. There was no significant variation in sex ratio over time, with higher proportion of females during the entire sampled period. Both sexes presented a angular coefficient of Weight/Length (b) relationship greater than 3, with speed of increase in weight greater than in length. For females, a long reproductive period was observed, with greater reproductive intensity from January through June. No significant correlation was observed between the Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) and the average temperature, rainfall and river level, despite the fact that reproductive activity occurs in autumn/winter, when there are favorable conditions due to flooding. The size at first maturation (L50) was 20.2 mm, with confidence interval varying from 19.7 through 20.7 mm. The average fecundity was 191.9 oocytes/females and was significantly related to the standard length and total weight (g), demonstrating a relation with energy accumulation to invest in reproduction. The long reproductive period, intensified by partial spawning, higher proportion of females and low L50, show that the species has strategies necessary for survival and rapid population growth, common in small species characterized as r-strategists.
Resumo Os aspectos populacionais e reprodutivos permitem o conhecimento e a compreensão da dinâmica populacional e da influência de fatores ambientais, assegurando o sucesso da continuidade de uma espécie. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar os traços populacionais e reprodutivos da espécie Hyphessobrycon eques no Sul do Pantanal, Brasil. Foram realizadas amostragens mensais de Fevereiro/2009 a Janeiro/2011, com um total de 617 indivíduos analisados, sendo 365 fêmeas e 262 machos. Foi observada que a distribuição foi similar em comprimento e peso entre os sexos. Não ocorreu variação significativa na proporção sexual ao longo do tempo, com maior proporção de fêmeas durante todo período amostrado. Ambos os sexos apresentaram um coeficiente angular da relação Peso/Comprimento (b) maior que 3, com velocidade do incremento em peso maior do que em comprimento. Para as fêmeas, foi observado um período reprodutivo longo, com maior intensidade reprodutiva de Janeiro e Junho. Não foi observada correlação significativa entre o Índice Gonadossomático (IGS) e a temperatura média, pluviosidade e nível do rio, apesar de ocorrer atividade reprodutiva no outono/inverno, período que há condições favoráveis decorrentes da inundação. O tamanho de primeira maturação (L50) foi de 20,2 mm, com intervalo de confiança variando entre 19,7 e 20,7 mm. A fecundidade média foi de 191,9 ovócitos/fêmea e esteve relacionada significativamente ao comprimento padrão e peso total (g), demonstrando uma relação com acúmulo de energia para investir na reprodução. O período reprodutivo longo, intensificado pela desova parcelada, maior proporção de fêmeas e baixo L50, mostram que a espécie possui estratégias necessárias para sobrevivência e rápido crescimento da população, comum em espécies de pequeno porte caracterizadas como r-estrategistas.
Animals , Male , Female , Rain , Reproduction , Water Movements , Fertility , Characidae/physiology , Gonads/growth & development , Seasons , Sex Ratio , Temperature , Brazil , RiversABSTRACT
Female , Humans , Amenorrhea , Breast Neoplasms , Breast , Cohort Studies , Cyclophosphamide , Doxorubicin , Drug Therapy , Gonads , Korea , Menopause , Multivariate Analysis , Paclitaxel , Retrospective Studies , TamoxifenABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Patients with ovotesticular disorder of sex development (DSD) and mixed gonadal dysgenesis (MGD) usually present with asymmetric gonads and have wide phenotypic variations in internal and external genitalia. The differential diagnosis of these conditions is based on karyotype and pathological findings of the gonads. This study investigated the clinical features at presentation, karyotype, sex of rearing, and pubertal outcomes of patients with ovotesticular DSD and MGD.METHODS: The study comprised 23 patients with DSD who presented with asymmetric gonads. The presenting features, karyotype, sex of rearing, and pubertal outcomes were reviewed retrospectively.RESULTS: All 23 patients presented with ambiguous genitalia at a median age of 1 month (range, 1 day–1.6 years). Müllerian duct remnants were identified in 15 of 23 patients (65.2%). Fourteen patients were diagnosed with ovotesticular DSD, whereas the other 9 were diagnosed with MGD. Eight of 14 patients (57.1%) with ovotesticular DSD were raised as males, while 7 of 9 patients with MGD (77.8%) were assigned as males. One male-assigned patient with ovotesticular DSD changed to female sex at age 20 years.CONCLUSION: Patients with ovotesticular DSD and MGD manifest overlapping clinical presentations and hormonal profiles. It is difficult to determine the sex of rearing and predict long-term pubertal outcomes. Therefore, long-term follow-up is required to monitor spontaneous puberty, sex outcome, and urological and gynecological complications.
Adolescent , Female , Humans , Male , Diagnosis, Differential , Disorders of Sex Development , Follow-Up Studies , Genitalia , Gonadal Dysgenesis , Gonadal Dysgenesis, Mixed , Gonads , Karyotype , Ovotesticular Disorders of Sex Development , Puberty , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Yolk sac tumors are rare malignant germ cell neoplasms that usually arise from the gonads. Extragonadal yolk sac tumors (EGYSTs) frequently occur in the mediastinum in post-pubertal females. EGYSTs in the pelvis are extremely rare, and to date, only thirteen cases have been reported in the English literature. Among them, the primary EGYST of the pelvic peritoneum in post-pubertal females has only been reported in ten cases. The present case describes a 26-year-old female diagnosed with primary peritoneal yolk sac tumor located in the rectouterine pouch. We report clinical and tumor imaging features, including ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance images (MRI), positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT), and present a review of the literature.