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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e257753, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558744


This study addresses the relation between subjectivity and contemporary enslaved labor from the enslaved workers' narratives in Brazil. A qualitative social research was carried out based on a constructionist perspective. We sought interaction with rescued workers and used (a) participant observation of workers' routine in an institutional project that supports them and a field diary, (b) semi-structured and open individual interviews with workers and a member of the team project. The fieldwork lasted a year and a half and the analysis followed Content Analysis. Freudian theory and Foucault's thought were used for interpretation, which managed to understand aspects of workers' experiences, exploitation characteristics, parental abandonment, as well as the tensions in self-classification as enslaved. The narratives pointed to a dramatic reality manifested in body exploitation, authoritarian abuses, violence, and negligence. At the same time, these narratives showed forms of worker resistance that calls for further investigations to increase knowledge on the subjective experiences of those who were enslaved.(AU)

O artigo aborda as relações entre subjetividade e trabalho escravo contemporâneo a partir da narrativa de trabalhadores(as) escravazados(as). Foi realizada uma pesquisa social qualitativa em uma perspectiva construcionista. Buscamos a interação com trabalhadores resgatados e realizamos a observação participante da rotina de trabalhadores atendidos em um projeto institucional, com diário de campo, e entrevistas individuais (semiestruturadas e abertas) com trabalhadores(as) e equipe do projeto institucional. O trabalho de campo durou um ano e meio, e a pesquisa foi realizada com o suporte da Análise de Conteúdo. Para a interpretação utilizamos aportes da teoria freudiana e do pensamento de Foucault, com os quais foi possível compreender aspectos das vivências dos trabalhadores, características da exploração, abandonos parentais e tensões em torno da autoclassificação como "escravo". As narrativas apontaram uma realidade dramática manifesta na exploração do corpo, em abusos autoritários, na violência e negligência. Ao mesmo tempo, as narrativas evidenciaram formas de resistência dos trabalhadores que convocam mais investigações para adensar o conhecimento sobre as experiências subjetivas desses que estão num lugar de escravizado(a).(AU)

Este artículo aborda la relación entre la subjetividad y el trabajo esclavo contemporáneo desde la narrativa de trabajadores esclavizados. Se realizó una investigación social cualitativa desde una perspectiva construccionista. Buscamos la interacción con los trabajadores liberados y utilizamos la observación participante de la rutina de los trabajadores atendidos en un proyecto institucional, diario de campo y entrevistas individuales (semiestructuradas y abiertas) con trabajadores y miembros del equipo del proyecto institucional. El trabajo de campo duró un año y medio, y se utilizó como apoyo el análisis de contenido. Para la interpretación se utilizaron aportes de la teoría freudiana y el pensamiento de Foucault, con lo que fue posible comprender aspectos de las vivencias de los trabajadores, características del escenario de explotación, abandono parental y las tensiones relacionadas con la autoclasificación "esclavo". Las narrativas apuntan a una realidad dramática manifestada en la explotación del cuerpo, abuso autoritario, violencia y abandono. Al mismo tiempo, evidenciaron formas de resistencia por parte de los trabajadores, que reclaman más investigaciones para profundizar en el conocimiento sobre las vivencias subjetivas de quienes se encuentran en esclavitud.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Work , Psychosocial Impact , Narration , Enslavement , Poverty , Sex Work , Psychology , Psychosocial Deprivation , Public Policy , Punishment , Rape , Rural Population , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Self Concept , Authoritarianism , Social Alienation , Social Isolation , Social Problems , Social Sciences , Social Work , Socioeconomic Factors , Sociology , Superego , Therapeutics , Unemployment , Battered Child Syndrome , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Drinking Water , Work Hours , Child Abuse, Sexual , Brazil , Ill-Housed Persons , Occupational Risks , Activities of Daily Living , Accidents, Occupational , Economic Development , Child Abuse , Child Care , Hygiene , Mental Health , Occupational Health , Civil Disorders , Parenting , Workplace , Interview , Survivors , Domestic Violence , Colonialism , Congresses as Topic , Housing Sanitation , Life , Crime Victims , Credentialing , Crime , Crisis Intervention , Hazards , Search and Rescue , Disaster Vulnerability , Capitalism , Health Law , Legal Intervention , Damage Liability , Delivery of Health Care , Dehumanization , Aggression , Malnutrition , Human Rights Abuses , Diet , Dominance-Subordination , Education , Education, Continuing , Education, Nonprofessional , Education, Professional , Employment , Social Investment Projects , Occupational Health Policy , Agribusiness , Resilience, Psychological , Remuneration , Return to Work , Human Trafficking , Workplace Violence , Emotional Adjustment , Literacy , Crop Production , Working Poor , Psychosocial Support Systems , Survivorship , Political Activism , Social Oppression , Freedom , Respect , Corruption , Right to Work , Empowerment , Psychosocial Intervention , Emotional Abuse , Social Deprivation , Home Environment , Social Vulnerability , Citizenship , Belonging , Social Threats , Family Structure , Working Conditions , Narcissistic Personality Disorder , Incarceration , Job Security , Government , Health Policy , Helping Behavior , Homicide , Housing , Human Rights , Life Change Events , Loneliness , Love , Deception , Malpractice , Object Attachment
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 37: e230129, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559145


ABSTRACT Objective This survey aims atreviewing the journalistic narratives of the newspaper Folha de São Paulo (digital edition) about hunger in Brazil during the 2020 pandemic period. It is known that journalism plays an important role in keeping the public informed and in helping to contribute to the shaping of society's opinion. Despite hunger being a structural phenomenon in this country, little is published in the mainstream media discussing the magnitude of the problem and the articulation of measures taken in the three government spheres (federal, state and municipal), to ensure access to food to the most vulnerable populations. Method News excerpts addressing hunger as the main topic were selected from Folha de São Paulo daily newspaper and were highlighted based on reading keys (n=11, published between March and December 2020). Results In all the selected articles, the newspaper addressed the cause of hunger from the perspective of the pandemic (passing event and manifestation). Issues linked to the economic and social crisis experienced in the country were not emphasized. This form of covering hunger in news articles can enhance the idea that the poor are the result of the currently spreading fatality. Conclusion Finally, from these first results we could infer that the newspaper, when addressing hunger in Brazil in the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, sought to construct a biased reality that hunger was derived from the health crisis, at the same time that it presents the hungry people narratives as a discursive strategy to sensitize the reader to Folha de São Paulo intentions.

RESUMO Objetivo A nota tem como objetivo examinar as narrativas jornalísticas do jornal Folha de São Paulo (digital) sobre a fome no Brasil, no período pandêmico de 2020, uma vez que se compreende que as narrativas jornalísticas têm um papel importante na formação de opinião da sociedade. Apesar da fome ser um fenômeno estrutural no país, pouco se vê nos grandes meios de comunicação o debate sobre a magnitude dos problemas e articulação de medidas governamentais nas três esferas de gestão (federal, estadual e municipal), que possam assegurar o acesso à alimentação adequada e saudável dos mais vulneráveis. Método Foram selecionadas notícias na Folha de São Paulo que tratavam da fome como pauta principal, sendo analisadas com base em chaves de leitura (n=11, divulgadas entre março e dezembro de 2020). Resultados Em todas as matérias selecionadas o jornal abordou a causa da fome a partir da perspectiva da pandemia (acontecimento e manifestação passageira). As questões vinculadas à crise econômica e social vivenciada no país não foram enfatizadas. A forma de acionar os famintos nas matérias pode reforçar a ideia de que os pobres são fruto da fatalidade que se propaga. Conclusão Por fim, os resultados iniciais permitem inferir que o jornal ao editar a fome no Brasil, no primeiro ano da pandemia de COVID-19, procurou construir uma realidade enviesada de que a fome é derivada de uma crise sanitária ao mesmo tempo que apresenta as narrativas dos famintos como estratégia discursiva para sensibilizar o leitor em relação às suas intenções.

Hunger , News , Newspapers as Topic , Brazil , Food Insecurity , COVID-19/complications , Government
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 12(3): 372, dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1531773


La presente revisión surge dada la importancia otorgada a la Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida (ENCOVI) de Venezuela, la edición de dicha encuesta proporciona información representativa de la situacióneconómica, social y de salud de los hogares del país. Los resultados de la encuesta permiten a investigadores y expertos analizar y comprender la magnitud de la crisis en sus diversos aspectos y sus efectos sobre la población y las condiciones de vida, lo que la convierte en una herramienta esencial para entender los problemas que enfrenta la población de Venezuela y la forma de abordarlos de manera efectiva. La ENCOVI proporciona información útil, no solo, a la sociedad civil y Organizaciones No Gubernamentales (ONGs), también a instituciones gubernamentales, al ser divulgada a través de medios de comunicación, aportando importantes insumos para el abordaje de los problemas públicos y los desafíos encada sector, permitiendo comprender las condiciones de vida en los hogares venezolanos. La investigación se basa en un diseño bibliográfico-documental, efectuando para ello 6 fases constituidas por: búsqueda, compilación, revisión, selección,organización y examen sistemático. El objetivo es describir aspectos metodológicos utilizados en la encuesta nacional de condiciones de vida desde el 2014 hasta el 2022.

The present review arises given the importance givento the National Survey of Living Conditions (ENCOVI) of Venezuela, the edition of said survey provides representative information on the economic, social and health situation ofhouseholds in the country. The results of the survey allowresearchers and experts to analyze and understand the magnitudeof the crisis in its various aspects and its effects on the populationand living conditions, which makes it an essential tool tounderstand the problems faced by the population. of Venezuelaand how to address them effectively. The ENCOVI providesuseful information, not only to civil society and NGOs, butalso to government institutions when disseminated throughthe media, providing important inputs for addressing publicproblems and challenges in each sector, allowing understandingof the conditions of life in Venezuelan homes. The research is based on a bibliographic-documentary design, carrying out6 phases consisting of: search, compilation, review, selection,organization and systematic review. The objective is to describemethodological aspects used in the national survey of livingconditions from 2014 to 2022.

Humans , Male , Female , Social Conditions/economics , Social Conditions/statistics & numerical data , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Unified Health System , Demography , Nutritional Status , Government
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 57(1): 0-0182, jan.-fev. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431416


Resumo O Brasil possui 5.570 municípios e em cada um deles governos eleitos dispõem de um estoque de cargos em comissão disponíveis para nomeação discricionária. É possível observar variações nas estratégias políticas adotadas para essas indicações? Os principais achados deste trabalho permitidos através do uso de estatística descritiva e inferencial foram (1) identificação de diferentes estratégias de nomeação política entre recompensa (escopo elevado/escolaridade baixa) e policy-making (escopo reduzido/escolaridade alta) (2) robusta relação entre IDH e nomeações políticas com perfil de policy-making inferindo menores custos de coordenação e assimetrias informacionais para principais/eleitores e, (3) variáveis partidárias e de competição eleitoral apresentaram resultados modestos como candidatas a explicar a adoção de estratégias de recompensa, da mesma forma que estratégias de recompensa - maior proporção de CCs e menor escolaridade destes - não afetaram as razões de chance de incumbentes nas eleições municipais seguintes.

Resumen Brasil tiene 5.570 municipios y en cada uno de ellos los gobiernos elegidos electos tienen un stock de puestos en comisión disponibles para su nombramiento discrecional. ¿Es posible observar variaciones en las estrategias políticas adoptadas para estas candidaturas? Los principales hallazgos de este trabajo obtenidos mediante el uso de estadísticas descriptivas e inferenciales fueron (1) identificación de diferentes estrategias de nombramiento político entre recompensa (alcance alto/educación baja) y formulación de políticas (alcance reducido/educación alta); (2) relación sólida entre el IDH y los nombramientos políticos con un perfil de hacedor de políticas que infiere menores costos de coordinación y asimetrías de información para los principales/votantes y, (3) las variables de competencia electoral y partidaria mostraron resultados modestos como candidatas para explicar la adopción de estrategias de recompensa, de la misma manera que las estrategias de recompensa -mayor proporción de CC y menor escolaridad de estos- no afectaron las razones de probabilidad de los titulares en las siguientes elecciones municipales.

Abstract Brazil has 5,570 municipalities, and each local government has a stock of appointed positions. This study adopted descriptive and inferential statistics to observe the variations in the political strategies adopted when filling these positions. The research identified (1) different political appointment strategies, from those based on reward (high scope/low education level) to strategies based on policy-making (reduced scope/high education level), (2) a robust relationship between HDI and political appointments with a policy-making profile inferring lower coordination costs and informational asymmetries for principals/voters, and (3) party and electoral competition variables showed modest results as potential explanatory factors to adopting reward-based strategies. Also, the adoption of reward-based strategies - cases where municipalities' employees presented a higher proportion of appointees with lower education levels - did not affect the odds ratios of incumbents in the next municipal elections.

Reward , Cities , Personnel Delegation , Government
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045897


Medical test results are indispensable and important tools in diagnosis and treatment services. It is necessary to promote the homogenization of test results first, because homogenization is the basis for mutual recognition of test results. Mutual recognition of medical test results can help share resources among medical institutions, provide more reliable test results for early prevention, screening and treatment of diseases, and reduce repeated tests, thus improving people's medical experience. In recent years, with the deepening of medical system reform and the promotion of graded diagnosis and treatment, governments have continuously introduced policies of mutual recognition of test results around country. However, homogenization is a prerequisite for mutual recognition of test results, with the emergence of intelligent medicine in the era of internet big data, opportunities and challenges coexist in the development of homogeneity management. In the future, the homogeneity of medical test results will present a trend of digitalization, automation, informatization and intelligence.

Humans , Big Data , Government , Internet
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045952


In the context of the implementation of Healthy China Strategy, universal health management is an effective approach to promote the construction of the chain of social health governance system of"prevention, treatment, and management". This paper composes the connotations and main characteristics of universal health management from five aspects: coverage, resource input, service content, management mode, and expected results, with a view to providing reference for the clarification of the connotation of universal health management and related practices.

Humans , China , Population Health Management , Government
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046220


Medical test results are indispensable and important tools in diagnosis and treatment services. It is necessary to promote the homogenization of test results first, because homogenization is the basis for mutual recognition of test results. Mutual recognition of medical test results can help share resources among medical institutions, provide more reliable test results for early prevention, screening and treatment of diseases, and reduce repeated tests, thus improving people's medical experience. In recent years, with the deepening of medical system reform and the promotion of graded diagnosis and treatment, governments have continuously introduced policies of mutual recognition of test results around country. However, homogenization is a prerequisite for mutual recognition of test results, with the emergence of intelligent medicine in the era of internet big data, opportunities and challenges coexist in the development of homogeneity management. In the future, the homogeneity of medical test results will present a trend of digitalization, automation, informatization and intelligence.

Humans , Big Data , Government , Internet
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046275


In the context of the implementation of Healthy China Strategy, universal health management is an effective approach to promote the construction of the chain of social health governance system of"prevention, treatment, and management". This paper composes the connotations and main characteristics of universal health management from five aspects: coverage, resource input, service content, management mode, and expected results, with a view to providing reference for the clarification of the connotation of universal health management and related practices.

Humans , China , Population Health Management , Government
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 34: e3448, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550467


RESUMO A Constituição Federal de 1988 atribuiu ao Estado o dever de fomentar as práticas esportivas. A normatização do texto constitucional culminou com a Lei Pelé, que concedeu autonomia aos entes federativos na organização dos seus sistemas esportivos. Em 2018, o Estado do Paraná apresentou um conjunto de diretrizes ao esporte estadual na Política de Esportes do Paraná. Esse estudo exploratório e documental tem o objetivo de analisar como o governo paranaense vem exercendo a sua autonomia relativamente à Lei Pelé e o que pode ser evidenciado sobre sistemas e subsistemas esportivos na sua política. O ponto central está nos conteúdos da "Lei Pelé" e da "Política de Esportes do Paraná". O Modelo Advocatício de Coalizão (Advocacy Coalition Framework) subsidiou a análise e discussão. A investigação permitiu identificar elementos que evidenciam o sistema esportivo do Paraná, mas revelou falta de referências sobre subsistemas esportivos e pouca aderência à Lei Pelé.

ABSTRACT The Federal Constitution of 1988 assigned to the State the duty of promoting formal and non-formal sports practices. The regulation of the constitutional text culminated with the Pelé Law, which granted autonomy to federal entities in the organization of their sports systems. The State of Paraná presented a set of guidelines for state sports in the Sports Policy of Paraná, in 2018. The objective of this study was to identify evidence on local sports systems and subsystems as well as the possible intersections with the federal law. It is an exploratory research, having as reference the Pelé Law and the Paraná Sports Policy. For analysis we used the Coalition Advocacy Model and the concepts of vertical and horizontal coordination in public policies. The study allowed us to identify elements that evidence the sports system of Paraná, but revealed lack of references on the existence and functioning of sports subsystems and little alignment or adherence to the Pelé Law.

Public Policy/legislation & jurisprudence , Sports/legislation & jurisprudence , Government , Jurisprudence
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e243813, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1431124


Este estudo propõe analisar as relações e os processos de subjetivação de mulheres quebradeiras de coco babaçu decorrentes das intervenções de políticas desenvolvimentistas em seus territórios de vida e reverberações no Movimento Interestadual de Quebradeiras de Coco Babaçu (MIQCB). Sob a perspectiva ético-estético-política da Cartografia, acompanhamos as narrativas das histórias de vida de 24 mulheres, suas atividades cotidianas e eventos do MIQCB, também analisamos os documentos das políticas. Entendemos que, ao passo que tais políticas de desenvolvimento rural contribuem para a melhoria das condições de vida, em termos materiais e simbólicos, elas também produzem ressonâncias relacionadas ao modo de subjetivação do tipo "empresário de si", que agenciam seus modos de viver, de produzir e de se relacionar consigo e com os outros na lógica capitalista neoliberal. A resistência às capturas neoliberais também estão presentes ao ampliarem as mobilizações coletivas do próprio movimento, articulando com outros na produção de um "comum".(AU)

This study proposes to analyze the relations and the processes of subjectivation of babassu coconut-breaker women arising from developmental policy interventions in their territories of life and reverberations in the Babassu Coconut-breaker Interstate Movement (MIQCB). From the ethical-aesthetic-political perspective of Cartography, we followed the narratives of the life stories of 24 women, their daily activities and promoted events by MIQCB, we also analyzed the policy documents. We understand that while these policies of rural development contribute to improve the living conditions, in material and symbolic terms, they also produce resonances related to the "self-entrepreneur" mode of subjectivation, which has been handling their ways of living, producing, and relating to themselves and others in the neoliberal capitalist logic. Resistance to neoliberal captures is also present as they expand the collective mobilizations of the movement itself, articulating with others, in the production of a "common."(AU)

Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar los procesos de subjetivación de las mujeres que rompen coco babaçu que surgen de las intervenciones de las políticas de desarrollo en sus territorios de vida y las reverberaciones en el Movimiento Interestadual de las Mujeres que Rompen Coco Babaçu (MIQCB). Desde la perspectiva ético-estético-política de la Cartografía, seguimos las narraciones de las historias de vida de 24 mujeres, sus actividades diarias y eventos del MIQCB, y también analizamos los documentos de las políticas. Si bien estas políticas han contribuido a mejorar las condiciones de vida de las mujeres, en términos materiales y simbólicos, también han producido resonancias del modo de subjetivación "autoempresarial", que ha agenciado sus formas de vivir, producir y relacionarse consigo mismas y con los demás en la lógica capitalista neoliberal. La resistencia a las capturas neoliberales también está presente cuando amplían las movilizaciones colectivas del propio movimiento, articulándose con otros en la producción de un "común".(AU)

Humans , Female , Growth and Development , Economics , Government , Politics , Poverty , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Public Policy , Retirement , Rural Population , Social Desirability , Social Justice , Social Problems , Social Sciences , Soil , Women's Rights , Wood , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Socioeconomic Planning , Social Control Policies , Legislation, Environmental , Brazil , Water , Exercise , Ethnicity , Economic Development , Poverty Areas , Land Use , Rural Areas , Forests , Organizations , Environmental Health , Conflict of Interest , Workload , Family Planning Policy , Entrepreneurship , Agrochemicals , Interview , Collective Bargaining , Commerce , Crops, Agricultural , Environmental Management , Natural Resources Exploitation , Natural Resources , Renewable Resources , Natural Reservations , Flora , Conservation of Natural Resources , Cultural Diversity , Nature , Feminism , Extraction and Processing Industry , Natural Resources Management , Rural Economy , Capitalism , State , Public Power , Biodiversity , Agriculture , Efficiency , Environment , Environment and Public Health , Health Sciences, Technology, and Innovation Management , Projects , Job Market , Health Surveillance of Products , Control and Sanitary Supervision of Foods and Beverages , Foods Containing Coconut , Machinery , Sustainable Agriculture , Non-Renewable Resources , Agribusiness , Environmental Communication , Femininity , Environmental Policy , Small Business , Ethnic Violence , Sociological Factors , Food , Work-Life Balance , Political Activism , Stakeholder Participation , Socioeconomic Rights , Occupied Territories , Sustainable Development , Social Programs , Indigenous Peoples , Right to Work , Empowerment , Social Inclusion , Gender Equity , Gender Role , Social Vulnerability , Environmental Responsability , Socio-Environmental Responsibility , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Working Conditions , Wildlife Trade , Health Services Needs and Demand , Housing , Human Activities , Human Rights , Labor Unions , Life Change Events , Anthropology , Mining , Occupational Groups