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Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;112(1): 3-10, Jan. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-973840


Abstract Background: Vein graft restenosis has an adverse impact on bridge vessel circulation and patient prognosis after coronary artery bypass grafting. Objectives: We used the extravascular supporter α-cyanoacrylate (α-CA), the local application rapamycin/sirolimus (RPM), and a combination of the two (α-CA-RPM) in rat models of autogenous vein graft to stimulate vein graft change. The aim of our study was to observe the effect of α-CA, RPM, and α-CA-RPM on vein hyperplasia. Methods: Fifty healthy Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were randomized into the following 5 groups: sham, control, α-CA, RPM, and α-CA-RPM. Operating procedure as subsequently described was used to build models of grafted rat jugular vein on carotid artery on one side. The level of endothelin-1 (ET-1) was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Grafted veins were observed via naked eye 4 weeks later; fresh veins were observed via microscope and image-processing software in hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and immunohistochemistry after having been fixed and stored" (i.e. First they were fixed and stored, and second they were observed); α-Smooth Muscle Actin (αSMA) and von Willebrand factor (vWF) were measured with reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Comparisons were made with single-factor analysis of variance and Fisher's least significant difference test, with p < 0.05 considered significant. Results: We found that intimal thickness of the α-CA, RPM, and α-CA-RPM groups was lower than that of the control group (p < 0.01), and the thickness of the α-CA-RPM group was notably lower than that of the α-CA and RPM groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: RPM combined with α-CA contributes to inhibiting intimal hyperplasia in rat models and is more effective for vascular patency than individual use of either α-CA or RPM.

Resumo Fundamento: Reestenose de enxertos venosos tem um impacto adverso na circulação de pontagens e no prognóstico de pacientes após a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica. Objetivos: Nós utilizamos α-cianoacrilato (α-CA) como suporte extravascular, rapamicina/sirolimus (RPM) como aplicação local e a combinação dos dois (α-CA-RPM) em modelos de enxerto venoso autógeno em ratos para estimular mudança no enxerto venoso. O objetivo do nosso estudo foi observar o efeito de α-CA, RPM e α-CA-RPM na hiperplasia venosa. Métodos: Cinquenta ratos Sprague Dawley (SD) saudáveis foram randomizados nos 5 grupos seguintes: sham, controle, α-CA, RPM e α-CA-RPM. O procedimento operacional descrito subsequentemente foi utilizado para construir modelos de enxertos da veia jugular na artéria carótida em ratos, em um lado. O nível de endotelina-1 (ET-1) foi determinado por ensaio de imunoabsorção enzimática (ELISA). As veias enxertadas foram observadas a olho nu 4 semanas após; as veias frescas foram observadas via microscópio e software de processamento de imagem com coloração hematoxilina-eosina (HE) e imuno-histoquímica depois de serem fixadas e armazenadas; α-actina do músculo liso (αSMA) e o fator de von Willebrand (vWF) foram medidos com reação em cadeia da polimerase-transcriptase reversa (RT-PCR). Realizaram-se as comparações com análise de variância de fator único (ANOVA) e o teste de diferença mínima significativa (LSD) de Fisher, com p < 0,05 sendo considerado estatisticamente significante. Resultados: Nós achamos que a espessura intimal nos grupos α-CA, RPM e α-CA-RPM era menor que no grupo controle (p < 0,01) e a espessura no grupo α-CA-RPM era notavelmente menor que nos grupos α-CA e RPM (p < 0,05). Conclusão: A combinação de RPM e α-CA contribui à inibição de hiperplasia em modelos em ratos e é mais efetivo para patência vascular que uso individual de α-CA ou RPM.

Animals , Male , Female , Tunica Intima/drug effects , Tunica Intima/pathology , Sirolimus/pharmacology , Cyanoacrylates/pharmacology , Hyperplasia/prevention & control , Time Factors , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Carotid Arteries/pathology , Carotid Arteries/transplantation , Random Allocation , Coronary Artery Bypass/adverse effects , Reproducibility of Results , Actins/analysis , Treatment Outcome , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Endothelin-1/blood , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , Cell Proliferation/drug effects , Disease Models, Animal , Drug Combinations , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/pathology , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/prevention & control , Jugular Veins/pathology , Jugular Veins/transplantation
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc;33(4): 317-322, July-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-958422


Abstract Objective: To determine whether mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), and platelet count could be used as determinants of mortality following coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery and patency of saphenous vein grafts (SVG). Methods: The records of 128 patients who underwent emergency or elective coronary angiography after CABG surgery, and who died at an early stage were retrospectively reviewed. Patients were divided into three groups as early death, no SVG disease (SVGD), and SVGD group. MPV, PDW, and platelet count were evaluated at different times. Results: MPV was significantly higher in the stenotic group than in the nonstenotic group (9.7±1.8 fl and 8.2±0.9 fl, P<0.05). The postoperative MPV ratio was found to be higher in the stenotic group when compared to the preoperative period (9.6±1.8 fl and 7.8±0.9 fl, P<0.05). MPV values were also found to be higher in patients who died during the early stage than in surviving patients (9.4±1.9 fl and 8.0±1.0 fl, P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference regarding platelet count and PDW ratios between the early deaths group and surviving patients. An MPV value higher than 10.6 predicted SVGD with 85% sensitivity and 45% specificity; and an MPV higher than 7.9 predicted early death with 80% sensitivity and 68% specificity were observed. Conclusion: MPV may be a useful indicator for the prediction of SVGD and mortality following CABG surgery.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Saphenous Vein/transplantation , Coronary Artery Bypass/mortality , Mean Platelet Volume/methods , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/mortality , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/blood , Platelet Count/methods , Postoperative Period , Reference Values , Saphenous Vein/diagnostic imaging , Vascular Patency , Coronary Artery Bypass/adverse effects , Predictive Value of Tests , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , ROC Curve , Coronary Angiography , Constriction, Pathologic , Preoperative Period , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/diagnosis , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-44593


OBJECTIVE: The current study retrospectively evaluated whether the percutaneous N-butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA) seal-off technique is an effective treatment for controlling the angioplasty-related ruptures, which are irresponsive to prolonged balloon tamponade, during interventions for failed or failing hemodialysis vascular accesses. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed 1588 interventions performed during a 2-year period for dysfunction and/or failed hemodialysis vascular access sites in 1569 patients. For the angioplasty-related ruptures, which could not be controlled with repeated prolonged balloon tamponade, the rupture sites were sealed off with an injection of a glue mixture (NBCA and lipiodol), via a needle/needle sheath to the rupture site, under a sonographic guidance. Technical success rate, complications and clinical success rate were reported. The post-seal-off primary and secondary functional patency rates were calculated by a survival analysis with the Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: Twenty ruptures irresponsive to prolonged balloon tamponade occurred in 1588 interventions (1.3%). Two technical failures were noted; one was salvaged with a bailout stent-graft insertion and the other was lost after access embolization. Eighteen accesses (90.0%) were salvaged with the seal-off technique; of them, 16 ruptures were completely sealed off, and two lesions were controlled as acute pseudoaneurysms. Acute pseudoaneurysms were corrected with stentgraft insertion in one patient, and access ligation in the other. The most significant complication during the follow-up was delayed pseudoaneurysm, which occurred in 43.8% (7 of 16) of the completely sealed off accesses. Delayed pseudoaneurysms were treated with surgical revision (n = 2), access ligation (n = 2) and observation (n = 3). During the follow-up, despite the presence of pseudoaneurysms (acute = 1, delayed = 7), a high clinical success rate of 94.4% (17 of 18) was achieved, and they were utilized for hemodialysis at the mean of 411.0 days. The post-seal-off primary patency vs. secondary patency at 90, 180 and 360 days were 66.7 +/- 11.1% vs. 94.4 +/- 5.4%; 33.3 +/- 11.1% vs. 83.3 +/- 8.8%; and 13.3 +/- 8.5% vs. 63.3 +/- 12.1%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the NBCA seal-off technique is effective for immediate control of a venous rupture irresponsive to prolonged balloon tamponade, during interventions for hemodialysis accesses. Both high technical and clinical success rates can be achieved. However, the treatment is not durable, and about 40% of the completely sealed off accesses are associated with developed delayed pseudoaneurysms in a 2-month of follow-up. Further repair of the vascular tear site, with surgery or stent-graft insertion, is often necessary.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Aneurysm, False/etiology , Angioplasty, Balloon/adverse effects , Arteriovenous Shunt, Surgical/adverse effects , Enbucrilate/administration & dosage , Ethiodized Oil/administration & dosage , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology , Renal Dialysis , Retrospective Studies , Rupture , Survival Analysis , Treatment Outcome , Ultrasonography, Interventional , Vascular Patency
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.);57(2): 187-193, mar.-abr. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-584071


OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de estenose hemodinamicamente significativa na revascularização infrainguinal realizada com a veia safena magna reversa. MÉTODOS: No período compreendido entre março de 2008 e março de 2009, foram realizadas 56 revascularizações infrainguinais com a veia safena magna reversa em 56 pacientes, dos quais 32 foram avaliados com ultrassonografia vascular no 30º dia de pós- operatório. Foi analisada a prevalência de estenoses significativas nos enxertos e sua relação com as características clínico-cirúrgicas dos pacientes. Os parâmetros avaliados foram a localização das estenoses ao longo do enxerto, fatores de risco associados e a relação existente entre a ultrassonografia vascular e o índice tornozelo-braço no diagnóstico de estenoses. RESULTADOS: Houve prevalência de 48,4 por cento de estenoses significativas nos enxertos avaliados, com 19,4 por cento de estenoses graves e 29 por cento de estenoses leve a moderada. Não foram encontradas associações significativas entre sexo, diabetes mellitus, hipertensão arterial, hipercolesterolemia, diâmetro do enxerto, localização da anastomose distal, composição do enxerto e a constatação de estenoses significativas. Observou-se fraca correlação entre os métodos no diagnóstico das estenoses em geral (K = 0,30; IC95 por cento 0,232-0,473; p = 0,018), mas razoável concordância no diagnóstico das estenoses graves (K = 0,75; IC95 por cento 0,655-0,811; p = 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo demonstrou elevada prevalência de estenoses no 30º dia do pós-operatório, com localização predominante na metade proximal do enxerto. O índice tornozelo-braço e a ultrassonografia vascular apresentaram concordância, sobretudo no diagnóstico das estenoses graves, mas o índice tornozelo-braço, isoladamente, mostrou-se insuficiente na vigilância dos enxertos de veia safena magna reversa.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of hemodynamically significant infrainguinal bypasses stenosis using reverse great saphenous vein graft. METHODS: From March of 2008 to March of 2009, 56 infrainguinal bypasses were performed with reverse great saphenous vein graft in 56 patients. On the 30th post-operative day, 32 out of 56 patients were submitted to vascular ultrasonography. The prevalence of significant graft stenosis was determined. In addition, the diagnosis of stenosis was related to the clinical and surgical characteristics of the patients. The variables analyzed at the moment of diagnosis were the localization of the graft stenosis, the risk factors associated with stenosis and the association of vascular ultrasonography findings with ankle brachial pressure index (ABI). RESULTS: The overall prevalence of significant graft stenosis was 48.4 percent. Out of the total number of observed stenosis, 19.4 percent were considered severe, and 29 percent mild or moderate. There was no significant association between the presence of significant stenosis and the following variables: gender, diabetes, hypertension, smoking, hipercholesterolemia, graft diameter, site of the distal anastomosis, and graft composition. There was a weak agreement between ABI and vascular ultrasonography in detecting stenosis in general (K = 0.30; CL95 percent 0.232 - 0.473; p = 0.018). However, there was a substantial agreement in detecting severe stenosis (K = 0.75; CL95 percent 0.655 - 0.811; p = 0.0001). CONCLUSION: There was a high prevalence of stenosis on the 30th post-operative day, mostly localized in the proximal half of the vein graft. There was no significant association of stenosis with clinical and surgical factors analyzed. ABI and vascular ultrasonography had weak agreement with the diagnosis of stenosis in general and an important agreement for the diagnosis of severe stenosis.

Female , Humans , Male , Constriction, Pathologic/etiology , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/epidemiology , Saphenous Vein/transplantation , Ankle Brachial Index , Arteries , Constriction, Pathologic/epidemiology , Constriction, Pathologic , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology , Graft Occlusion, Vascular , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Saphenous Vein , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Duplex
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc;24(1): 38-43, Jan.-Mar. 2009. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-515584


OBJETIVO: Determinar se o local da anastomose proximal apresenta influência ou não na perviedade a médio e longo prazo destes enxertos. MÉTODOS: Foram reestudados 123 pacientes, de um total de 481 operados com artéria radial (AR). A média de idade era de 58,8 + 10,4 anos. Noventa e seis (78,05 por cento) pacientes foram operados com circulação extracorpórea (CEC). Considerando-se todos os enxertos, foram revascularizados 382 ramos coronários, média de 3,1 + 0,8 artérias por paciente. Desse total, 150 artérias foram revascularizadas com AR, sendo os ramos marginais esquerdos (ME) os mais prevalentes (48,67 por cento). A anastomose proximal foi realizada na aorta em 50 pacientes (40,65 por cento) e em "Y" com a artéria torácica interna esquerda (ATIE) ou direita (ATID) nos demais 73 (59,35 por cento). No pós-operatório, os reestudos angiográficos tiveram período médio de 5,36 + 3,21 anos. Os dados foram divididos em duas categorias: anastomose proximal (aorta/"Y") e perviedade (enxerto ocluído/pérvio). Foi utilizado teste qui-quadrado para duas proporções, com intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95 por cento. RESULTADOS: Dos 50 enxertos com anastomose na aorta, 42 (84 por cento) apresentaram-se pérvios, contra oito (16 por cento) ocluídos. Dos 73 enxertos em "Y", 59 (80,82 por cento) apresentaram-se pérvios, contra 14 (19,18 por cento) ocluídos. Comparando-se enxertos ocluídos e pérvios de ambas as técnicas, observou-se não haver diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as proporções (P=0,651, IC=95 por cento). CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que, na utilização da AR como enxerto coronário, o local da anastomose proximal não interfere na obstrução e no fluxo do enxerto, a médio e longo prazo.

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the proximal anastomosis interferes or not in mid- and long-term patency of these grafts. METHODS: One hundred twenty-three out of 481 patients who had undergone surgery using radial artery (RA) were restudied. The mean age was 58.8 + 10.4 years. In 96 (78.05 percent) patients the cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) was used. Considering all surgical grafts, 382 coronary branches were grafted (mean, 3.1 + 0.8 arteries per patient). 150 of them used radial artery (RA), and the left marginal branches (LOM) were the most prevalent (48.67 percent). The proximal anastomosis was performed in the aorta in 50 (40.65 percent) patients and as an artificial "Y" composite graft with the left or right internal thoracic artery (LIMA/RITA) in 73 (59.35 percent). Postoperatively, coronary angiography studies were performed within a mean period of 5.36 + 3.21 years. The obtained data was divided into two categories: proximal anastomosis (aorta/composite) and patency (occluded/patent). A chi-square test was used to compare both proportions, within a 95 percent confidence interval (CI). RESULTS: From the 50 aorta-anastomosed grafts, 42 (84 percent) were patent and eight (16 percent) occluded. Regarding the 73 "Y" composite grafts, 59 (80.82 percent) were patent and 14 (19.18 percent) occluded. Comparing these proportions in both techniques, there was no statistically significant difference between them (P=0.651, CI=95 percent). CONCLUSION: The site of proximal anastomosis of the RA coronary grafts does not interfere in mid- and long-term graft occlusion and patency.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aorta/surgery , Coronary Artery Bypass/methods , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology , Mammary Arteries/surgery , Radial Artery/transplantation , Vascular Patency/physiology , Anastomosis, Surgical/methods , Chi-Square Distribution
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab;51(2): 345-351, mar. 2007. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-449591


Diabetes mellitus está presente em 25 a 30 por cento de pacientes com doença arterial coronariana que necessitam cirurgia. Os pacientes diabéticos têm prognóstico distinto dos não-diabéticos, tanto na evolução clínica como nos resultados cirúrgicos. A cirurgia de revascularização está indicada em lesões de 2 ou mais coronárias, nos diabéticos. Porém, pode ser preferida, em relação à intervenção percutânea, em lesões de 1 artéria, quando esta for a descendente anterior ou houver área extensa sob isquemia. Diabéticos candidatos a transplante renal devem ser submetidos à cinecoronariografia e, se necessário, à revascularização. Pacientes diabéticos apresentam maior morbidade, como internação prolongada, infecções, insuficiência respiratória, complicações renais e cerebrais. No entanto, não há maior mortalidade, exceto nos pacientes sem diagnóstico prévio. Na evolução tardia, diabetes representa fator de risco para oclusões de enxertos e mortalidade, tanto de causa cardíaca como de outras causas. Embora os riscos sejam maiores, a cirurgia de revascularização resulta em melhor qualidade de vida e sobrevida em relação ao tratamento clínico e à angioplastia percutânea, especialmente nos usuários de insulina ou com enxertos de artérias mamárias.

Diabetes mellitus is present in 25­30 percent of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafts surgery. Early and late post-operative prognoses are different for the diabetic patient. Coronary artery bypass grafts are indicated in 2 or more vessel lesions, but it can also be preferred to percutaneous angioplasty in 1-vessel lesions, when this is the anterior descending artery or there is a great area under ischemia. Diabetic candidates to renal transplant must be investigated and revascularized pre-operatively, if necessary. Morbidity is greater in these patients, mainly due to respiratory, renal and cerebral complications and wound infections. Intensive care unit and hospital length of stay are more prolonged, but there is not increased early mortality. Diabetes mellitus represents an independent risk factor for late graft failure and mortality from cardiac and general causes. Although under an increased risk, coronary artery surgery results in better quality of life and late survival in the diabetic patients with severe coronary artery disease, as compared to medical treatment and percutaneous coronary angioplasty, specially in those who use insulin and when internal thoracic arterial grafts are implanted.

Humans , Coronary Artery Bypass , Coronary Artery Disease/surgery , Diabetic Angiopathies/surgery , Angioplasty, Balloon, Coronary , Coronary Artery Bypass/adverse effects , Coronary Artery Bypass/standards , Coronary Artery Disease/etiology , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology , Patient Selection , Prognosis , Risk Assessment
Indian Heart J ; 2005 Nov-Dec; 57(6): 731-3
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-5279


The incidence of restenosis has significantly reduced following introduction of drug-eluting stents. However. complications i.e. subacute thrombosis and aneurysm formation may be higher with these stents. We report a case of giant aneurysm formation following drug-eluting stent implantation.

Angioplasty, Balloon, Coronary/adverse effects , Coated Materials, Biocompatible , Coronary Aneurysm/etiology , Coronary Angiography , Coronary Artery Bypass/methods , Equipment Failure , Follow-Up Studies , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Myocardial Infarction/diagnostic imaging , Risk Assessment , Severity of Illness Index , Sirolimus/pharmacology , Stents/adverse effects
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;62(3A): 678-681, set. 2004.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-364990


A estenose carotídea cervical é uma das causas mais freqüentes de acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico. A endarterectomia de carótida é um tratamento eficaz para lesões estenóticas moderadas e graves, tanto sintomáticas quanto assintomáticas. A endarterectomia realizada sob anestesia local permite a monitorização neurológica do paciente durante o ato cirúrgico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as complicações cirúrgicas e acompanhar a evolução dos pacientes submetidos a endarterectomia sob anestesia local em nossa instituição, comparando os resultados com outras publicações. 104 pacientes foram submetidos a 110 procedimentos no período de abril de 1996 a maio de 2002. 64 pacientes eram sintomáticos (61,54 por cento) e 40 assintomáticos (38,46 por cento). Todos possuíam grau de estenose carotídea igual ou superior a 70 por cento. Os pacientes foram avaliados retrospectivamente. O tempo de evolução variou de um a 72 meses (média: 29,5). Três pacientes apresentaram hematoma cervical necessitando drenagem cirúrgica. Dois pacientes (1,92 por cento) tiveram acidente vascular cerebral do mesmo lado da endarterectomia no pós-operatório e outros dois durante o seguimento. Dois pacientes faleceram em decorrência da cirurgia (1,92 por cento). Os resultados desta série, comparados com a literatura, permitem concluir que a endarterectomia é uma forma segura de tratamento para as estenoses carotídeas moderadas e graves.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Anesthesia, Local , Carotid Artery, Internal/surgery , Carotid Stenosis/surgery , Endarterectomy, Carotid/methods , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology , Cervical Vertebrae , Stroke/etiology , Stroke/surgery , Follow-Up Studies , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/surgery , Retrospective Studies
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;82(3): 295-300, mar. 2004. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-356892


Doença cardíaca isquêmica é uma complicação rara e, só recentemente reconhecida, de irradiação mediastínica para tratamento de tumores nesta região. É relatado caso de uma mulher de 51 anos com angina do peito, rapidamente progressiva, em que o achado angiográfico foi representado por lesão suboclusiva ostial de tronco de coronária esquerda. A história pregressa era marcada por uso de radioterapia para tratamento de linfoma Hodgkin mediastínico, com íntima relação com ventrículo direito, ressecado cirurgicamente e tratado em seqüência com irradiação e quimioterapia, dois anos antes. A indução de estenoses coronarianas nesses pacientes pode ser dependente ou não de aterosclerose focal e é mediada, principalmente, por espessamento intimal decorrente de fibrose tissular, sem que haja alteração na camada média e com predileção pelas porções proximais (ostiais) das artérias principais. O reconhecimento desta condição (radioterapia torácica), como fator isolado e independente para doença coronariana, deve ser considerada na programação de medidas para prevenção, detecção e tratamento precoce.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Coronary Disease/etiology , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology , Hodgkin Disease/radiotherapy , Mediastinal Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Radiotherapy/adverse effects , Mammary Arteries
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-40446


Drug eluting stents represent one of the fastest growing fields in interventional cardiology today. From a recent study, the sirolimus eluting stent (SES) (CYPHER, Cordis, Johnson & Johnson) appear to demonstrate a remarkable efficacy and safety in preventing restenosis. From the present study, the authors reported clinical experience of SES in 40 consecutive patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) between 25th June and 11th October, 2002. The mean age was 59 +/- 12.16 years (mean +/- SD) and 80 per cent of the patients were male. The majority of the patients had chronic stable angina and most percutaneous coronary interventions were performed by elective procedure (85%). Thirty-five per cent of the patients had single vessel disease and 42.5 per cent of the patients had double vessel disease. The authors successfully implanted 52 (69.3%) SES in 75 target lesions revascularization. Twenty-four (60%) of the patients had more than 1 vessel intervention. Twenty-seven (67.5%) of the patients had complete revascularization by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and only 16 of 27 patients (59.3%) who had complete revascularization with SES. The SES were usually implanted at middle part of the left anterior descending artery (MLAD) (11 lesions), proximal part of the left anterior descending artery (PLAD) (8 lesions), middle part of the right coronary artery (MRCA) (8 lesions) and middle part of the left circumflex artery (MLCX) (6 lesions). The authors had to cover plaque entirely with SES, so SES implantation usually took longer than the bare stent (BS). The authors followed the initial clinical outcome of the patients within 1 month after discharge. Few adverse clinical events were found during 1 month follow-up because SES have a very low rate of restenosis in the short-term so, we have to follow-up the patients over a longer period and will report the clinical outcome in the next study.

Aged , Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation/adverse effects , Coronary Artery Disease/drug therapy , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology , Humans , Immunosuppressive Agents/administration & dosage , Male , Middle Aged , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Sirolimus/administration & dosage , Stents/adverse effects , Thailand
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 21(1): 17-24, ene.-mar. 2002. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-340352


Los stent coronarios fueron grandes optimizadores de la angioplastia coronaria con balón. Los estudios stress, benestent 1 y 2 evidenciaron reducciones importantes en las tasas de reestenosis coronaria. El proceso de reestenosis fue afectado por los stents en el sentido de reducir el retroceso elástico precoz y el remodelamiento negativo, pero el proceso de hiperplasia neoíntimal sólo no fue modificado sino que exagerado. En el sentido de minimizar la hiperplasia debemos establecer formas de reducir la injuria durante el implante del stent, reducir el proceso inflamatorio, inhibir la migración y proliferación celular y favorecer el proceso de endotelización del stent. Varias opciones farmacológicas han sido discutidas y presentaremos los resultados con dichas drogas tales como: actinomocina, tacrolimus, taxol y sirolimus

Humans , Immunosuppressive Agents , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/prevention & control , Stents , Angioplasty, Balloon, Coronary/methods , Dactinomycin , Hyperplasia , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/physiopathology , Sirolimus , Tacrolimus
Cir. vasc. angiol ; 1(4): 19-22, dez. 1985. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-27012


Os autores apresentam caso de paciente com fístula para prótese entérica, com comunicaçäo entre prótese de dacron aorto-femoral superficial pelo foramen obturdor e duodeno, diagnosticada através de injeçäo de contraste ao redor da prótese infectada. Säo discutidos aspectos relativos ao diagnóstico, quadro clínico, patogenia, prevençäo e tratamento

Aged , Humans , Female , Aorta, Abdominal/surgery , Femoral Artery/surgery , Blood Vessel Prosthesis/adverse effects , Intestinal Fistula , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology , Duodenum/surgery , Intestinal Fistula/physiopathology
Cir. vasc. angiol ; 1(4): 43-5, dez. 1985. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-27016


Relatamos 2 casos de lesäo traumática da artéria poplítea, produzida pelo clamp arterial convencional. No pós-operatório imediato, näo obstante a perviedade do enxerto femoro-poplíteo, havia evidente isquemia do membro operado. A angiografia pós-operatória e o ato cirúrgico caracterizaram e comprovaram que houve fratura da placa ateromatosa e trombose arterial no segmento correspondente a colocaçäo do clampe arterial, alguns centímetros abaixo da implantaçäo distal do enxerto. Em ambos os casos a reoperaçäo obteve sucesso e consistiu em tromboendaterectomia e plastia das artérias com remendo. Com medida preventiva, propomos alternativas para os métodos habituais de oclusäo arterial

Middle Aged , Humans , Male , Arteriovenous Shunt, Surgical/adverse effects , Blood Vessel Prosthesis/adverse effects , Graft Occlusion, Vascular/etiology , Thrombosis/etiology , Popliteal Artery/surgery , Femoral Artery/surgery , Saphenous Vein/transplantation