The estimation of biomass in insect populations is a key factor to quantify the available resources and energy fluxes in ecosystems food webs. Cornops aquaticum is a common herbivore in Eichhornia plants in wetlands of Northeast Argentina. We aimed to analyse its biomass variation, related to the different grasshopper age categories populations in two host-plants: Eichhornia azurea and Eichhornia crassipes. For this, standard samplings of C. aquaticum populations were carried out with an entomological net of 70cm diameter in two wetlands with E. azurea and E. crassipes, in Corrientes and Chaco Provinces; besides, dry weight was also obtained (directly and indirectly), and a regression model to indirectly estimate the biomass from a linear dimension measure (hind femur length) is proposed. A total of 2 307 individuals were collected and separated in different age categories; their abundance and linear dimension data were obtained. The model proposed was lnDM=lna+b*lnH (where DM=dry mass, a and b are constants and H=hind femur length) (R²=0.97). The population biomass variations of C. aquaticum were due to the relative abundance of each age category and the grasshopper individual dry weight. No significant differences were found between populations biomasses obtained by direct and indirect methods in E. azurea and E. crassipes floating meadows. This model made easier the C. aquaticum biomass calculation for both individuals and the population, and accelerated the processing of high number of samples. Finally, high biomass values of populations and individual age category (especially in adults) emphasize the importance of C. aquaticum as a consumer and a resource for predators on Eichhornia floating meadows food webs. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (1): 127-138. Epub 2015 March 01.
La estimación de la biomasa en las poblaciones de insectos, es un factor clave para cuantificar los recursos disponibles y los flujos de energía en las redes tróficas de los ecosistemas. Cornops aquaticum es un herbívoro común en las plantas de Eichhornia en los humedales del nordeste de Argentina. Nuestro objetivo fue analizar la variación de su biomasa en relación a las distintas categorías de edades de la población de este acridio, en dos plantas huésped: Eichhornia azurea y Eichhornia crassipes. Para ello, se realizaron muestreos estándar de las poblaciones de C. aquaticum con una red entomológica de 70cm de diámetro, en dos humedales con E. azurea y E. crassipes en las provincias de Corrientes y Chaco; además, se obtuvo el peso seco de los individuos (de manera directa e indirecta) y, se propuso un modelo de regresión para estimar la biomasa de C. aquaticum de manera indirecta a partir de una medida de dimensión lineal (longitud del fémur posterior). Un total de 2 307 individuos fueron recolectados y separados en distintas categorías de edades; se obtuvo su abundancia y distintas medidas de dimensión lineal. El modelo propuesto fue lnPS=lna+b*lnH (donde PS=peso seco, a y b son constantes y H=longitud del fémur posterior) (R²=0.97). Las variaciones en la biomasa de las poblaciones de C. aquaticum se debieron a la abundancia relativa de cada categoría de edad y al peso seco individual de estos acridios. No hubo diferencias significativas entre la biomasa de las poblaciones de C. aquaticum obtenida por los métodos directo e indirecto en las praderas flotantes de E. azurea y E. crassipes. Este modelo facilita el cálculo de la biomasa individual y poblacional de C. aquaticum y acelera el procesamiento de un gran número de muestras. Finalmente, los valores altos de biomasa poblacional e individual de las categorías de edades (especialmente en adultos) enfatizan la importancia de C. aquaticum como consumidor y como recurso para los depredadores en las redes alimenticias de las praderas flotantes de Eichhornia.
Animals , Ecosystem , Eichhornia/parasitology , Grasshoppers/physiology , Argentina , Biomass , Eichhornia/classification , Grasshoppers/classification , Population Density , WetlandsABSTRACT
Postembryonic development, fecundity and food consumption of Dichroplus exilis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) under controlled conditions. Dichroplus exilis is a widely distributed species in Southern South America. Although there have been reports of D. exilis as an agricultural pest, some recent observations suggest that the damage attributed to D. elongatus may actually have been caused by D. exilis. This study was conducted to determine the postembryonic life cycle stages, fertility and food consumption of this species under controlled conditions (30°C, 14L-10D, 40% RH).Individuals employed belong to the laboratory-hatched first generation (F1), from adults (n=64, ♀=28, ♂=36) collected in natural grasslands near Rafaela, Santa Fe province in North- Eastern Argentina. Three cohorts of 16, 17 and 20 individuals were monitored independently in acetate tubes on a daily basis, until death of the last insect. Average fecundity was 381.84, 38.54 eggs per female. Egg-pod incubation time was 14.4, 1.08 days and six nymphal instars were recorded. Nymphal development time was 41.38, 0.71 days (I=8.73, 0.20; II=6.38, 0.24; III=5.64, 0.33; IV=7.15; 0.43; V=9.76, 0.54; IV=7.85, 0.95). The recorded food consumption was 9.89, 1.08 (mg/ind/day) for nymphs IV, 18.04, 0.73 (mg/ind/day) for nymphs V-IV, 16.76, 1.06 (mg/ind/day) for pre-reproductive males, 28.09, 1.81 (mg/ind/day) for pre-reproductive females, 7.71, 0.91 (mg/ind/day) for reproductive males and 13.06, 0.71 (mg/ind/day) for reproductive females, while the average adult food consumption, regardless of sex and reproductive status, was 16.41, 4.32mg/day. Average food consumption of adult females was 17.47, 1.15mg, and was significantly higher than that of males (10.83, 0.91mg). Data obtained in this study showed that D. exilis exhibits at least some of the biological attributes needed to configure an actual or potential agricultural pest, albeit not yet recognized as such. Field monitoring ...
La Subfamilia Melanoplinae tiene una relevancia central dentro de la acridiofauna Argentina. Varias especies suelen ser numéricamente dominantes en las comunidades de acridios del país y algunas constituyen serias plagas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer el ciclo de vida postembrionario, la fecundidad y supervivencia de las hembras y el consumo de alimento de Dichruplus exilis bajo condiciones controladas (30°C; 40%HR y 14L-10O). Para ello se realizó el seguimiento de tres cohortes de 16, 17 y 20 individuos. El tiempo de incubación fue de 14.4±1.08 días. La duración del desarrollo ninfal fue 41.38; 0.71 días (I 8.73; 0.20, II 6.38; 0.24, III 5.64; 0.33, IV 7.15; 0.43, V 9.76; 0.54; IV 7.85; 0.95); la fecundidad promedio fue de 381.84, 38.54huevos/hembra. El consumo registrado fue de 9.89; 1.08 (mg/ind./día) para las ninfas de IV, 18.04; 0.73 (mg/ind./día) para las de V y IV, mientras que el consumo promedio de los adultos, sin diferenciar sexo y estado reproductivo, fue de 16.41; 4.32mg/día. Estos parámetros, al ser comparados con los de otras especies afines, indican que D. exilis exhibe atributos biológicos que condicen con los de otros melanoplinos considerados plaga.
Animals , Female , Male , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Grasshoppers/growth & development , Life Cycle Stages/physiology , Animals, Laboratory , Fertility/physiology , Grasshoppers/classification , Grasshoppers/physiologyABSTRACT
Cornops aquaticum is a widely distributed semiaquatic grasshopper in the Neotropics. The development, feeding and oviposition of C. aquaticum take place on Pontederiaceae, especially on species of Eichhornia. Several aspects of the feeding of C. aquaticum are studied because is one of the most important herbivores of the highly invasive floating Eichhornia crassipes in native areas. The aims of this paper were: (1) to quantify the amount of E. crassipes consumed by C. aquaticum, (2) to determine the growth rate and the conversion efficiency of food ingested by this grasshopper, and (3) to determine the possible effect of consumption on E. crassipes productivity. Thirty individuals from each specific age class were used in the experiment: nymphs A, nymphs B, adult males and adult females. Insects were individually confined in plastic pots with a leaf of E. crassipes. We estimated feeding by individual, consumption index (CI), relative growth rate (GR) and efficiency of conversion of ingested food to body substance (ECI). The impact of C. aquaticum consumption on E. crassipes floating meadows was assessed with the abundance of the grasshopper, and the available data on primary production of the host plant at the study site. Food intake of C. aquaticum was 11.23% of plant productivity. Food consumption, growth rate and food conversion efficiency of this grasshopper varied according to the specific age classes. Damage caused by C. aquaticum is high in comparison with the damage caused by other semiaquatic and grassland grasshoppers, however it is not enough to prevent the growth and coverage of native E. crassipes floating meadows because abundance of grasshoppers are realtively low and the growth rate and productivity of the host plant is high. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (3): 1407-1418. Epub 2011 September 01.
Cornops aquaticum es una tucura semiacuática Neotropical que vive asociada a las Pontederiaceae y constituye uno de los más importantes herbívoros de Eichhornia crassipes en áreas nativas. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: (1) cuantificar el consumo de C. aquaticum (2) determinar la tasa de crecimiento y la eficiencia de conversión del alimento ingerido de esta tucura, y (3) determinar el efecto del consumo en la productividad de E. crassipes. De cada categoría de edades de la población se utilizaron 30 individuos: ninfas A, ninfas B, adultos machos y hembras. Los insectos fueron confinados individualmente en recipientes con hojas de E. crassipes. Luego, se estimó el consumo por individuo, la tasa de consumo (CI), tasa de crecimiento (GR) y la eficiencia de conversión del alimento (ECI). La abundancia de C. aquaticum se determinó en verano y con los datos de productividad de la planta se calculó el efecto del consumo sobre E. crassipes. La tasa de consumo, tasa de crecimiento y la eficiencia de conversión del alimento varió entre las distintas categorías de edades de la población. C. aquaticum consume el 11% de la productividad primaria de E. crassipes. Si bien el consumo es alto, el daño no produce mermas importantes en los camalotales debido a la abundancia relativamente baja de C. aquaticum y la alta productividad de la planta huésped.
Animals , Female , Male , Eichhornia/parasitology , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Grasshoppers/physiologyABSTRACT
The aquatic grasshopper Cornops aquaticum (Bruner) is native to South America and inhabits lowlands from southern Mexico to Central Argentina and Uruguay. This grasshopper is host-specific to aquatic plants of the genera Eichhornia and Pontederia. The objectives of this study were to analyze the feeding patterns of the aquatic grasshopper C. aquaticum in relationship to development stages and sex and to determine the food consumption rate in their host plant, Eichhornia crassipes. Samples were collected from April 2006 to May 2007 in different floodplain lakes of the Middle Parana River. The average consumption was greater in the females (0.127 g food/day ± 0.051) than in the males (0.060 g food/day ± 0.025). The feces of 361 nymphs and adults of this locust were examined and the most common tissue fragments found were of the water hyacinth (E. crassipes). In the initial nymphal stages (I, II and III), an exclusive consumption of E. crassipes was registered, while in the IV and V stages the choice included also other macrophytes. In summary, C. aquaticum presents polyphagy in the field, feeding on six macrophytes of different classes and families.
Animals , Feeding Behavior , Grasshoppers/physiology , Argentina , RiversABSTRACT
The acoustic behavior of Fenestra bohlsii Giglio-Tos is described for the first time. The sounds and behaviors were observed and registered in captivity. The signals were digitized with the Sound-Blaster AWE64 Gold program and analysed with the Avisoft SAS Lab Pro 30 PC for MS Windows software. Seven different types of sounds are described as produced by males: spontaneous song (also used during the courtship), two different types of courtship song, assault song, tapping associated to the courtship, interaction between males and fly crackling. For each one, the characteristic oscillograms and frequency spectra are given. Sounds are produced by different mechanisms: femoro-tegminal stridulation, typical for Gomphocerinae, fly crackling, hind tarsi tapping and alar beat, the last produced by the beat and clash of hind alae, that is, the castanet method which up to now was only known, among Orthoptera, in Stenobothrus rubicundulus Kruseman & Jeekel. A description of the stridulatory file of male and female is given, as well as that of the alar special structures. Behavioral units and their sequence during the courtship are defined. There, in addition to the acoustic signals, visual signals are present, referring to positions, hind legs, antennae and palpi movements and body vibrations.
Animals , Female , Male , Grasshoppers/physiology , Sexual Behavior, Animal , Sound , Grasshoppers/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
We studied the geographic variation of three morphometric characters in relation to body size in two South American grasshoppers (Acrididae), Dichroplus vittatus Bruner and D. pratensis Bruner to test Allen's rule in these ectotherms. Since both species follow the converse to Bergmann's rule owing to latitudinal and/or altitudinal variation in time available for growth and reproduction, geographic variation in body size proportions of protruding parts may obey to differential allometric growth in different geographic areas. Alternatively, it could reflect true Allenian variation related to thermoregulation. Body proportions were studied by correlation/regression analyses with geographic and climatic variables. In D. pratensis, body proportions increased with latitude and decreased with altitude. These results probably obey to the effects of water balance and seasonality on final body size, and on the allometric growth of the three studied characters not being related to thermoregulation. In D. vittatus, a generally non-significant trend towards the decrease of the mean proportions of all three characters with increasing latitude was observed. Nevertheless, also in this species, it is probable that the environmental gradient responds to seasonality factors (although not to water balance) that affect the length of growing season and, in consequence, body size and its allometric relationships. We conclude that the regularities in the geographic distribution of body proportions of D. pratensis and D. vittatus do not follow Allen's rule in the sense of thermoregulation, and result from variables that determine growing season length and the allometric growth of different body parts.
Estudiamos la variación geográfica de tres caracteres morfométricos en relación al tamaño corporal, en dos saltamontes sudamericanos (Acrididae), Dichroplus vittatus Bruner y D. pratensis Bruner, para verificar la regla de Allen en ectotermos. Ambas especies siguen la regla de Bergmann inversa por variación latitudinal y/o altitudinal en el tiempo disponible para crecimiento y reproducción; entonces la variación de proporciones de partes salientes del cuerpo, obedecería a crecimiento alométrico diferencial en diferentes áreas geográficas. Alternativamente, podría reflejar variación alleniana relacionada a termorregulación. Las proporciones corporales se estudiaron por análisis de correlación/regresión con variables geográficas y climáticas. En D. pratensis, las proporciones corporales aumentaron con la latitud, y decrecieron con la altitud. Esto probablemente obedezca a efectos del balance hídrico y la estacionalidad sobre el tamaño corporal final, y al crecimiento alométrico de los tres caracteres independientemente de la termorregulación. En D. vittatus, se observó una tendencia generalmente no significativa al decrecimiento de las proporciones de los tres caracteres con el incremento de latitud. Sin embargo, también es probable que el gradiente ambiental responda a factores de estacionalidad que afectan la duración de la estación de crecimiento y, consecuentemente, el tamaño corporal y sus relaciones alométricas. Concluimos qué las relaciones alométricas en la distribución geográfica de proporciones corporales de D. pratensis y D. vittatus no siguen la regla de Allen en el sentido de la termorregulación, y son el resultado de variables que determinan la duración de la estación de crecimiento y el crecimiento alométrico de diferentes partes del cuerpo.
Animals , Female , Male , Body Size/physiology , Body Temperature Regulation/physiology , Ecosystem , Grasshoppers/anatomy & histology , Altitude , Argentina , Geography , Grasshoppers/physiology , Reproduction/physiology , Seasons , Sex Factors , Species SpecificityABSTRACT
A pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar a ultra-estrutura dos ovaríolos de Tropidacris collaris (Stoll), submetido aos fotoperíodos de 10L:14E, 12L:12E e 14L:10E. Foram utilizadas 60 ninfas (30 machos e 30 fêmeas) no último estágio de desenvolvimento, sendo colocados 10 casais em cada tratamento. Trinta dias após atingirem o estágio adulto, as fêmeas foram sedadas com éter etílico e dissecadas sob estereomicroscópio. Os ovaríolos foram fixados em Karnovsky (glutaraldeido 2,5 por cento, paraformaldeído 4 por cento e tampão cacodilato de sódio 0,1 M) e analisados em microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e varredura. Os resultados mostraram não haver influência dos fotoperíodos sobre a ultra-estrutura dos ovaríolos, onde estes apresentaram-se revestidos por uma bainha espessa constituída por um material homogêneo e filamentoso. Na região do filamento terminal observaram-se células com núcleos volumosos, algumas com citoplasma escasso, além de estruturas filamentosas assumindo característica de tecido conjuntivo. No germário, as células germinativas são maiores, com núcleos volumosos, escassos citoplasma e membrana celular com interdigitações. As células foliculares são menores com núcleo pequeno, apresentando ainda projeções citoplasmáticas. No vitelário as células foliculares sofrem modificações na sua morfologia, variando de cúbica a achatada.
The research evaluated the ultrastructure of the ovarioles of Tropidacris collaris (Stoll), submitted to photoperiods 10L:14D, 12L:12D and 14L:10D. Sixty nymphs (30 males and 30 females) in the last stage of development were paired in ten couples in each treatment. Thirty days after adult emergence, the females were immobilized with ethylic ether and dissected under stereomicroscope. The ovarioles were transferred to Karnovsky fixative (2.5 percent glutaraldehyde, 4 percent paraformaldehyde and 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer) and analyzed in transmission and scanning electron microscopes. The different photoperiods had no effect on the ovarioles' ultrastructure. Each ovariole is covered by a thick sheath constituted by a homogeneous and filamentous material. In the terminal filament, there are cells with large nuclei, some with scarce cytoplasm and projections cytoplasmatic, besides filamentous structures assuming characteristic of conjunctive tissue. In the germarium, the germ cells are big with large nuclei, scarce cytoplasm and plasma membrane containing interdigitations. The follicular cells are small with a small nucleus, yet presenting cytoplasmatic projections. In the vitellarium the follicular cells suffer modifications in their morphology varying from cubic to flat.