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Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(2): 259-281, abr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559681


El enfrentamiento de las personas que viven con VIH es amplio y requiere dedicación en múltiples dimensiones, más allá de la terapia antirretroviral. Estas recomendaciones abordan el manejo desde el diagnóstico, primera visita, seguimiento, manejo de comorbilidades infecciosas y no infecciosas, tamizaje de neoplasias, profilaxis antimicrobiana y vacunas, entre otras.

Management of people living with HIV is broad and multiple dimensions must be considered, beyond antiretroviral therapy. These recommendations include management from diagnosis, first visit, patient follow-up, infectious and non-infectious comorbidities, malignancies screening, antimicrobial and immunizations prophylaxis, among others.

Humans , HIV Infections/diagnosis , HIV Infections/therapy , Ambulatory Care/standards , Chile
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0013, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550775


ABSTRACT We present an interesting case of a 62-year-old black female, presented to the ophthalmological hospital with a little "nevus" on the left eye previously visualized at the mirror, with one month of development. Physical examination with slit lamp (biomicroscopy) showed a group of painless veins, with vascular redness, and a mass nodular aspect in the mid temporal bulbar conjunctiva, of approximately 2mmx4mm.

RESUMO Apresentamos o interessante caso de uma mulher negra de 62 anos, que deu entrada no hospital oftalmológico com um pequeno nevo no olho esquerdo previamente visualizado ao espelho, com 1 mês de evolução. O exame físico com lâmpada de fenda (biomicroscopia) mostrou um grupo de veias indolor e vermelhidão vascular, com uma massa de aspecto nodular na conjuntiva bulbar temporal média, de aproximadamente 2mmx4mm.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sarcoma, Kaposi/diagnosis , Sarcoma, Kaposi/etiology , HIV Infections/complications , HIV Infections/diagnosis , Eye Neoplasms/diagnosis , Eye Neoplasms/etiology , Sarcoma, Kaposi/surgery , Treponemal Infections/diagnosis , Biopsy , HIV Infections/drug therapy , HIV Seropositivity , Eye Neoplasms/surgery , Slit Lamp Microscopy
In. Taranto, Eliseo; Nuñez, Edgardo. Esenciales en emergencia y trauma. Montevideo, Bibliomédica, 2024. p.155-164.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1567384
In. Taranto, Eliseo; Nuñez, Edgardo. Esenciales en emergencia y trauma. Montevideo, Bibliomédica, 2024. p.165-173, ilus, tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1567386
Actual. SIDA. infectol ; 31(113): 34-41, 20230000. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1527380


ntroducción: El diagnóstico tardío de la infección por VIH y el acceso de los pacientes con enfermedad avanzada al sistema de salud afectan negativamente los beneficios in-dividuales y colectivos del tratamiento antirretroviral. A nivel mundial existe una alta prevalencia de diagnóstico tardío es-pecialmente en poblaciones vulnerables como los migrantes.Objetivos: Medir la prevalencia de diagnóstico tardío de infección por VIH entre migrantes internacionales y com-pararla con la de los argentinos.Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, de personas mayores de 16 años asistidas en el Hospital General de Agudos Donación Francisco Santojanni que hubieran recibido diagnóstico de infección por VIH entre 01/1/2018 y el 31/12/2021. Se determinó la mediana de recuento de CD4 basal y la prevalencia de diagnóstico tar-dío. Aplicamos la prueba de la suma de rangos de Wilcoxon para la variable contínua y la prueba de Fisher para com-parar proporciones.Resultados: Incluimos 199 personas (52 migrantes, 147 argentinos). Los migrantes presentaron un nivel basal de linfocitos CD4 significativamente menor [Mediana (RIC 25-75) 248 (79-466) vs. 331 (166-532); p=0,044], mayor tasa de presentación tardía [69,2% vs. 54,4%; RR 1,27 (IC95 1,01-1,61); p=0,072] y con sida [44,2% vs. 30,6%; RR 1,44 (IC95 0,98-2,13); p=0,089] y una menor proporción de diagnós-ticos en etapa temprana [13,5% vs. 29,3%; RR 0,46 (IC95 0,22-0,96); p=0,026].Conclusiones: Los migrantes internacionales accedieron al diagnóstico en peor estado clínico que los argentinos. Conocer este dato es imprescindible para elaborar políti-cas tendientes a mejorar el acceso al diagnóstico de esta población vulnerable.

Introduction: The late diagnosis of HIV infection and the access of patients to health system with advanced disease negatively affect the individual and collective benefits of antiretroviral treatment. There is a worldwide high prevalence of late diagnosis, specially in vulnerable populations, such as migrants.Objectives: to measure the prevalence of late diagnosis of HIV infection among international migrants and compare it with the people born in Argentina.Material and methods: retrospective and observational study of people over 16 years old, assisted at the Donación Francisco Santojanni General Hospital, who had received a diagnosis of HIV infection between 01-01-2018 and 12-31-2021. The median baseline CD4 cell count and the prevalence of late diagnosis were determined. We applied the Wilcoxon rank sum test for the continuous variable and the Fisher test to compare proportions.Results: 199 subjects (52 migrants, 147 Argentinians) were included. Migrants presented a significantly lower baseline CD4 cell count [Median (IQR 25-75) 248 (79-466) vs 331 (166-532); p=0.044], a higher rate of late presentation [69.2% vs 54.4%; RR 1.27 (CI95 1.01-1.61); p=0.072], presentation with aids [44.2% vs 30.6%; RR 1.44 (CI95 0.98-2.13); p=0.089]; and a lower proportion of early stage presentation [13.5% vs 29.3%; RR 0.46 (CI95 0.22-0.96); p=0.026].Conclusions: international migrants accessed to the diagnosis in a worse clinical condition than Argentinians. Knowing this information is essential for the development of policies aimed to improve the access to diagnosis of this vulnerable population

Humans , Male , Female , Transients and Migrants , HIV Infections/diagnosis , Prevalence , Vulnerable Populations , Delayed Diagnosis
Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(5): 514-528, oct. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521860


INTRODUCCIÓN: En el síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida las neoplasias han jugado un papel preponderante, y con el advenimiento del tratamiento antirretroviral (TAR), la infección por VIH se ha transformado en una enfermedad crónica, siendo los tumores malignos una causa importante de morbilidad y mortalidad. OBJETIVO: Describir las características demográficas, clínicas y de laboratorio de las personas que viven con VIH (PVVIH) y han sido diagnosticadas con cáncer en Colombia y comparar los grupos de neoplasias definitorias y no definitorias de Sida. MÉTODOS: Revisión multicéntrica retrospectiva, en la que se recolectó y analizó datos relacionados con la infección por VIH y de diagnóstico de cáncer y tipo. Incluyó PVVIH diagnosticadas con neoplasias malignas atendidas en 23 centros de atención de pacientes con VIH en 11 ciudades de Colombia desde 1986 hasta 2018. RESULTADOS: En 23.189 pacientes, se identificaron 650 casos de malignidad (prevalencia de 2,8 % [IC de 95%: 2,6-2,9]). La neoplasia definitoria de Sida (NDS) sigue siendo el tipo de cáncer prevalente (71,1%), las neoplasias malignas más frecuentes fueron sarcoma de Kaposi (n: 330; 50,8%), linfoma no Hodgkin (n: 110; 16,9%), cáncer de piel (n: 48; 7,4%) y linfoma de Hodgkin (n: 25; 3,8%). Los pacientes con NDS tenían más probabilidades de ser HSH y estar en un estadio CDC 3, un recuento de linfocitos T CD4 < 200/μL y una carga viral del VIH ≥ 50 copias/mL al momento del diagnóstico de malignidad. Las personas con neoplasias no definitorias de Sida (NNDS) eran significativamente mayores y tenían más probabilidades de ser fumadores. CONCLUSIONES: Estos hallazgos son relevantes considerando la creciente carga de cáncer en las PVVIH que envejecen y las causas cambiantes de morbilidad y mortalidad. La presentación tardía a la atención del VIH y el retraso en el inicio del TAR son probablemente factores que contribuyen al cambio más lento hacia NNDS en comparación con las regiones de altos ingresos donde hay un acceso más rápido y temprano al TAR. El conocimiento de las tendencias epidemiológicas actuales y el perfil del cáncer en las PVVIH es fundamental para mejorar los esfuerzos de prevención y tratamiento del cáncer en el contexto de la atención integral del VIH.

BACKGROUND: In the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, neoplasms have played a preponderant role, and with the advent of antiretroviral treatment (ART), HIV has become a chronic disease, with malignant tumors being an important cause of morbidity and mortality. AIM: To describe the demographic, clinical, and laboratory characteristics of people living with HIV (PLHIV) who have been diagnosed with cancer in Colombia and to compare the groups of AIDS-defining (ADC) and non-AIDS-defining neoplasms (NADC). METHODS: Retrospective, multicenter study that included people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) diagnosed with malignancies treated at 23 HIV care centers located in 11 Colombian cities from 1986 to 2018. Data related to HIV infection and cancer diagnosis were collected and analyzed. RESULTS: Among 23,189 patients, 650 malignancy cases were identified (prevalence of 2.8% [95% CI 2.6-2.9]). AIDS-defining neoplasm remains the most prevalent type of cancer (71.1%), The most frequent individual malignancies were Kaposi sarcoma (n: 330; 50.8%), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (n: 110; 16.9%), skin cancer (n: 48; 7.4%), and Hodgkin lymphoma (n: 25; 3.8%). Compared people with NADC, with ADC were more likely to be MSM and have a CDC HIV stage 3, CD4 T cell count < 200/μL, and HIV viral load ≥ 50 copies/mL at the time of malignancy diagnosis. PLHIV and with NADC were significantly older and were more likely to be smokers. CONCLUSIONS: These findings are relevant considering the increasing burden of cancer in the aging PLHIV and the changing causes of morbidity and mortality. Late presentation to HIV care and delayed ART initiation are likely factors contributing to the slower shift toward NADCs compared with high-income regions where access to ART is better. Knowledge of the current epidemiological trends and profile of cancer in PLWHA is critical to improve cancer prevention and treatment efforts in the context of comprehensive HIV care.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Neoplasms/epidemiology , HIV Infections/diagnosis , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , Multicenter Study , Colombia/epidemiology , Neoplasms/diagnosis
Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(4): 370-373, ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521852


ANTECEDENTES: El recuento de linfocitos CD4+ (LTCD4) es una herramienta fundamental para la evaluación y seguimiento de los pacientes que viven con VIH. En Chile, la medición de LTCD4 estandarizada es por citometría de flujo. En el sistema público se realiza en forma centralizada en tres centros. Actualmente existen tecnologías de medición rápida de recuento de LTCD4 en el lugar de atención, permitiendo optimizar la atención de pacientes con infección por VIH. OBJETIVO: Comparar la precisión de un test rápido de ejecución local versus la técnica estándar. METODOLOGÍA: Realización de ambas técnicas en un grupo de 102 pacientes durante su control regular de salud. RESULTADOS: El rango de variación promedio de los resultados entre las dos técnicas fue de 10%, con una concordancia en los recuentos de LTCD4 de 97% para el rango de CD4 < 200 cél/uL, de 88% para los pacientes con recuento de LTCD4 entre 200 y 349 cél/uL y de 67% en los rangos superiores. CONCLUSIÓN: La técnica por test rápido es un sistema fácil de aplicar, de bajo costo, con alta concordancia con la técnica estándar, lo que debería considerarse en la atención de los pacientes que viven con VIH.

BACKGROUND: The CD4+ lymphocyte cell count is an instrumental tool for the assessment and follow-up in the therapeutic management of patients living with HIV. In Chile, the standardized CD4+ lymphocyte count technique is by flow cytometry. In the public health system, it is performed centralized in 3 sites. Currently, there are technologies that allow measuring the CD4 lymphocyte count at the point of care, allowing to optimize the care of HIV-infected patients. AIM: To compare the accuracy of a point of care rapid test versus the standard technique in patients under regular care at a single HIV center. RESULTS: The average variation of the results between the two techniques was 10%, with a 97% concordance in CD4 range values for patients with CD4 below 200 cells/uL, 88% for CD4 counts between 200 and 349 cells/uL. and 67% above that range. CONCLUSION: This point of care test is an easy-to-operate, low-cost system with high correlation with the standard technique and should be considered in the care of patients living with HIV.

Humans , Adult , HIV Infections/diagnosis , CD4 Lymphocyte Count/methods , Point-of-Care Systems , Time Factors , Chile , Sensitivity and Specificity , Flow Cytometry
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969835


The laboratory diagnostic strategy for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a process to accurately detect HIV patients through a combination of available HIV tests. Laboratory tests for HIV infection are mainly serological antibody and antigen testing and HIV RNA testing. With the update of testing reagents, the sensitivity and specificity have improved substantially and the window period of detection has shortened, but there is a risk of false positives. Various guidelines have recommended different diagnostic strategies for different target populations and different prevalence regions to guide patients to confirm the diagnosis and receive standardized antiretroviral therapy as early as possible. How to refer to the diagnostic strategies, reduce false positives and shorten the window period while increasing the detection rate is an urgent issue for laboratories to address. This article describes the characteristics and advantages and disadvantages of testing methods related to HIV infection from the perspective of laboratory diagnostic strategies, as well as the impact of the development of treatments on diagnostic strategies, in order to provide theoretical support for the practical application of HIV diagnostic strategies.

Humans , HIV , HIV Infections/diagnosis , Sensitivity and Specificity , Clinical Laboratory Techniques/methods , Quality Control
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981896


Objective To propose the blood detection strategies for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) among blood donors, and provide reference for the detection, early diagnosis and transmission blocking of HIV. Methods A total of 117 987 blood samples from blood donors were screened using the third- and fourth-generation ELISA HIV detection reagents. Western blot analysis was used to verify the reactive results of the third-generation reagent alone, or both the third-generation and fourth-generation reagents. HIV nucleic acid test was carried out for those with negative test results of the third- and fourth-generation reagents. For those with positive results of the fourth-generation reagent only, nucleic acid test followed by a confirmatory test by Western blot analysis was carried out. Results 117 987 blood samples from blood donors were tested by different reagents. Among them, 55 were tested positive by both the third- and fourth-generation HIV detection reagents at the same time, accounting for 0.047% and 54 cases were confirmed HIV-positive by Western blot analysis, and 1 case was indeterminate, then turned positive during follow-up testing. 26 cases were positive by the third-generation reagent test alone, among which 24 cases were negative and 2 were indeterminate by Western blot analysis. The band types were p24 and gp160 respectively detected by Western blot analysis, and were confirmed to be HIV negative in follow-up testing. 31 cases were positive by the fourth-generation HIV reagent alone, among which 29 were negative by nucleic acid test, and 2 were positive according to the nucleic acid test.Western blot analysis was used to verify that the two cases were negative. However, after 2~4 weeks, the results turned positive when the blood sample was retested by Western blot analysis during the follow-up of these two cases. All the specimens that were tested negative by both the third- and fourth-generation HIV reagents were validated negative by HIV nucleic acid test. Conclusion A combined strategy with both third- and fourth-generation HIV detection reagents can play a complementary role in blood screening among blood donors. The application of complementary tests, such as nucleic acid test and Western blot analysis, can further improve the safety of blood supply, thus contributing to the early diagnosis, prevention, transmission and treatment of blood donors potentially infected by HIV.

Humans , HIV Infections/diagnosis , HIV Antibodies , Blood Donors , HIV-1 , Blotting, Western , Nucleic Acids
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 34: e3420, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440405


ABSTRACT People living with HIV (PLH), who use antiretroviral therapy (ART), are more susceptible to changes in the inflammatory profile and oxidative stress, and women have greater access to ART. Although physical exercise is a complementary strategy to treatment due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, it is not clear whether acute responses to exercise can be harmful to PLH. The aim of the study was to investigate the acute effect of resistance exercise (RE) on inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in PLH. Ten women, using ART, performed RE session consisting of seven exercises for the whole body. For biochemical evaluation, blood samples were collected before (pre), 1 hour (1h) and 2 hours (2h) after the RE session. One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni's post hoc test was used to compare results between time points. There was an increase only in markers, GSSG of 160% (pre: 0.40 ± 0.11; 1h: 1.18 ± 0.36; 2h: 1.04 ± 0.25 mmol/g), TNF-α of 98 % (pre: 4.60 ± 0.55; 1h: 6.95 ± 0.77; 2h: 9.10 ± 1.03 pg/ml) and 52% IL-6 (pre: 2.47 ± 0 .67; 1h: 3.63 ± 1.26; 2h: 5.38 ± 2.15 pg/ml). The other variables remained unchanged (P > 0.05). It is concluded that a RE session increased the levels of inflammatory markers and oxidative stress in PLH in a non-exacerbated way.

RESUMO Pessoas vivendo com HIV (PVH), que utilizam a terapia antirretroviral (TARV), são mais suscetíveis a alterações no perfil inflamatório e estresse oxidativo, sendo que as mulheres possuem maior acesso à TARV. Embora o exercício físico seja uma estratégia complementar ao tratamento devido aos seus efeitos antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórios, não está claro se as respostas agudas ao exercício podem ser prejudiciais às PVH. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar o efeito agudo de exercícios com pesos (EP) sobre marcadores inflamatórios e de estresse oxidativo em PVH. Dez mulheres, em uso da TARV, realizaram uma sessão de EP constituída por sete exercícios para o corpo todo. Para avaliação bioquímica, amostras de sangue foram coletadas antes (pré), 1 hora (1h) e 2 horas (2h) após a sessão de EP. A ANOVA one-way seguida do teste post hoc de Bonferroni foi utilizada para comparação dos resultados entre os momentos. Houve aumento apenas nos marcadores, GSSG de 160% (pré: 0,40 ± 0,11; 1h: 1,18 ± 0,36; 2h:1,04 ± 0,25 mmol/g), TNF-α de 98% (pré: 4,60 ± 0,55; 1h: 6,95 ± 0,77; 2h: 9,10 ± 1,03 pg/ml) e IL-6 de 52% (pré: 2,47 ± 0,67; 1h: 3,63 ± 1,26; 2h: 5,38 ± 2,15 pg/ml). As demais variáveis permaneceram sem alterações (P > 0,05). Conclui-se que uma sessão de EP aumentou os níveis de marcadores inflamatórios e estresse oxidativo em PVH de forma não exacerbada.

Humans , Female , Adult , Women , Exercise/physiology , HIV Infections/diagnosis , Oxidative Stress , Cytokines , Free Radicals , Anti-Inflammatory Agents , Antioxidants