A estética em mulheres produz subjetividades, sentimentos e posicionamentos que levam a percepções. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar a relação entre o uso do cabelo natural por mulheres negras e seu bem-estar subjetivo. Estudo descritivo exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, com 12 mulheres de uma associação de afroempreendedorismo. A partir de entrevistas analisadas pelo método de análise temática de conteúdo investigou-se como a opção pelo cabelo em sua estrutura natural esteve relacionada à identidade negra e ao bem-estar subjetivo. Como resultado observou-se um resgate da ancestralidade, um processo de libertação dos padrões estéticos e uma aceitação, corroborados por um autocuidado e autoestima que elevam o bem-estar subjetivo, repercutindo na qualidade de vida. A praticidade do uso natural do cabelo aparece como um elemento facilitador para o dia a dia das participantes
Aesthetics in women produces subjectivities, feelings and positions that lead to perceptions. The objective of the research was to investigate the relationship between the use of natural hair by black women and their subjective well-being. Exploratory descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, with 12 women from an Afro-entrepreneurship association. Based on interviews analyzed using the thematic content analysis method, it was investigated how the option for hair in its natural structure was related to black identity and subjective well-being. As a result, there was a recovery of ancestry, a process of liberation from aesthetic standards and acceptance, corroborated by self-care and self-esteem that increase subjective well-being, with repercussions onquality of life. The practicality of using naturalhair appears as an element that facilitates the daily lives of the participants
La estética en la mujer produce subjetividades, sentimientos y posiciones que conducen a percepciones. El objetivo de la investigación fue investigar la relación entre el uso del cabello natural por parte de las mujeres negras y su bienestar subjetivo. Estudio descriptivo exploratorio, con enfoque cualitativo, con 12 mujeres de una asociación de emprendimiento afro. A partir de entrevistas analizadas mediante el método de análisis de contenido temático, se investigó cómo la opción por el cabello en su estructura natural se relacionaba con la identidad negra y el bienestar subjetivo. Como resultado, hubo una recuperación de la ancestralidad, un proceso de liberación de los estándares estéticos y de aceptación, corroborado por el autocuidado y la autoestima que aumentan el bienestar subjetivo, con repercusiones en la calidad de vida. La practicidad de utilizar cabello natural aparece como elemento que facilita el día a día de los participantes (AU).
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Hair/chemistryABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To establish a combined high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method to detect the synthetic cannabinoid CUMYL-PEGACLONE in e-cigarette oil and hair.@*METHODS@#HPLC-MS/MS and GC-MS were used to establish the detection method of CUMYL-PEGACLONE, and the hair of drug-involved persons and the seized e-cigarette oil were detected.@*RESULTS@#The main mass spectrometry characteristic ions m/z of CUMYL-PEGACLONE measured by GC-MS were 91, 179, 197, 254 and 372. CUMYL-PEGACLONE had a good linear relationship in the mass concentration range of 2-50 ng/mL, and the linear correlation coefficient (r) was greater than 0.99. The limit of detection (LOD) of CUMYL-PEGACLONE in hair was 0.01 ng/mg, and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 0.02 ng/mg. The LOD of CUMYL-PEGACLONE in e-cigarette oil was 1 ng/mg, and the LOQ was 2 ng/mg. The average recoveries of CUMYL-PEGACLONE under the attempt at high, intermediate and low levels in blank human hair and e-cigarette oil matrix were 98.2%-132.4% and 93.5%-110.6%, and the intraday and intraday precision were 1.2%-12.9% and 0.7%-2.9%. CUMYL-PEGACLONE was detected in the hair of 15 drug-involved persons. Except for 1 person who was lower than LOQ, the concentration of CUMYL-PEGACLONE in the hair of other 14 persons was 0.035-0.563 ng/mg. The mass fraction of CUMYL-PEGACLONE in 2 e-cigarette oil were 0.17% and 0.21%, respectively.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The established HPLC-MS/MS and GC-MS methods are applied to the detection of HPLC-MS/MS in drug-related cases, which provides strong evidence support for the handling authority to quickly investigate these cases, and also provides a reference for the identification of such substances in future.
Humans , Illicit Drugs/analysis , Tandem Mass Spectrometry , Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems , Cannabinoids , Hair/chemistry , Limit of Detection , Substance Abuse Detection/methodsABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: Las desigualdades socioeconómicas y territoriales se relacionan con la salud de la población santiaguina; sin embargo, los mecanismos causales que generan las inequidades en salud no están del todo claros. En este trabajo, se cuantifica el estrés de individuos viviendo en diferentes comunas, y se lo discute como causa y consecuencia de procesos vinculados con inequidades en salud. EL OBJETIVO era relacionar el Índice de Calidad de Vida Urbana (ICVU) de la comuna de residencia de individuos en Santiago de Chile con las concentraciones de cortisol en pelo (CCP), un biomarcador de los niveles de estrés fisiológico crónico. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se exploró la relación entre CCP y la edad, el sexo y el ICVU de la comuna de residencia en 80 estudiantes de educación superior en Santiago de Chile. RESULTADOS: No se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre CCP y la edad o el sexo de los participantes. Se encontró una correlación significativa entre CCP y los valores del ICVU de la comuna de residencia, además de encontrar diferencias significativas entre CCP y los distintos rangos de ICVU (Superior, Promedio e Inferior).DISCUSIÓN: Los resultados sugieren considerar las diferencias individuales de CCP como resultado de desigualdades socio-territoriales y también como posible causa de inequidades en salud. Se recomienda incluir el rol del estrés en las políticas públicas de salud, ampliando las redes de apoyo y prevención de estrés en los sectores con bajo ICVU.
INTRODUCTION: Socioeconomic and urban inequalities are associated with health in Santiago; nonetheless, the causal mechanisms underlying health inequalities are not entirely clear. This article quantifies the stress of individuals living in different municipalities and discusses its role as cause and consequence in the generation of health inequalities. THE OBJECTIVE of this study was to determine the relationship between the Urban Quality of Life Index (UQoLI) of individuals' municipality of residence in Santiago, Chile with their hair cortisol concentrations (HCC), a biomarker of chronic physiological stress.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The relationship of HCC with age, sex and UQoLI was explored in a sample of 80 university students in Santiago, Chile. RESULTS: No significant correlations were found between HCC and age and sex. A significant correlation was found between HCC and UQoLI, and significant differences were found be-tween HCC at different levels of UQoLI (High, Average, and Low).DISCUSSION: Results suggest that HCC differences could be considered a result of urban in-equalities, as well as a possible cause of health inequalities. The role of stress should be inclu-ded in public health policies, to expand support networks and prevent stress, especially among people living in areas with low urban quality of life.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Quality of Life , Stress, Physiological , Hydrocortisone/analysis , Hair/chemistry , Urban Population , Biomarkers/analysis , Chile/epidemiology , Residence Characteristics , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Status DisparitiesABSTRACT
O processo de alisamento capilar é uma prática comum realizada nos salões de beleza. O procedimento exige a utilização de substâncias com capacidade de rompimento das cadeias dissulfídricas da fibra capilar com posterior modelamento para o efeito desejado, sendo o formol um dos compostos mais utilizados para esta finalidade, porém indevidamente. De acordo com a legislação vigente, o formol só pode ser utilizado em produtos cosméticos com a função de conservante em uma concentração máxima de 0,2%. Devido a seu uso incorreto em produtos capilares o presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma análise semi-quantitativa da presença de formol em amostras de alisantes capilares, bem como verificar o pH destes produtos. Foram obtidas 22 amostras de alisantes capilares doadas por salões de beleza da região de Umuarama - PR. A determinação da presença de formol foi realizada através da reação de Shiff e comparação com escala colorimétrica de concentrações padronizadas de formaldeído variando de 0,005% a 10%. A verificação do pH foi realizada através da preparação de soluções aquosas de 10% do alisante e posterior aferição em pHmetro digital. Das amostras analisadas, verificou-se 22,72% encontraram-se em conformidade, apresentando quantidade de formaldeído adequada com a legislação (até 0,2%) ou ausência do composto, enquanto que 77,28% apresentaram valores acima do permitido. Já o pH adequado foi constatado em apenas 13,64% amostras. O uso incorreto ou exagerado do formol pode acarretar danos à saúde, como cefaléia, dispnéia, queimadura, edema pulmonar e até câncer. Uma maior fiscalização deve ser realizada nos estabelecimentos que realizam procedimentos de alisamento capilar, bem como nas indústrias produtoras e ainda em importadoras, para uma melhor garantia do cumprimento da legislação tanto para a preservação da saúde dos profissionais quando dos usuários.
The hair-straightening process is a common practice in most beauty salons. The procedure requires the use of substances capable of disrupting the disulfide chains of the hair fiber with subsequent modeling for the desired effect, with formaldehyde being one of the most commonly but improperly used compounds for this purpose. According to the current legislation, formaldehyde can only be used in cosmetic products as a preservative function in a maximum concentration of 0.2%. Due to its incorrect use in capillary products, this work has the purpose of developing a semi-quantitative analysis of the presence of formaldehyde in samples of hair straighteners, as well as verifying the pH of those products. Twenty-two samples of hair straighteners were donated by beauty salons from the region of Umuarama-PR. The determination of the presence of formaldehyde was performed using the Shiff reaction and compared using the colorimetric scale for standard formaldehyde concentrations varying from 0.005% to 10%. The pH verification was carried out by the preparation of 10% aqueous solutions of the straightener and subsequent measurement in a digital pH meter. From the analyzed samples, 22.72% were found to be in compliance, presenting the amount of formaldehyde within the legislation (up to 0.2%) or absence of the compound, while 77.28% presenting values above the legal limitations. Additionally, adequate pH was verified in only 13.64% of the samples. Incorrect or exaggerated use of formaldehyde can lead to health issues, such as headache, dyspnea, burns, pulmonary edema and even cancer. Greater surveillance should be carried out in establishments that perform hair straightening procedures as well as in the producing and importing industries in order to guarantee better compliance with the legislation both for the preservation of the health of professionals and users alike.
Colorimetry/methods , Formaldehyde/toxicity , Hair/chemistry , Pulmonary Edema , BurnsABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Brazil is the world's biggest consumer of crack cocaine, and dependence is a major public health issue. This is the first study to investigate the prevalence of potentially harmful adulterants present in hair samples from Brazilian patients with crack cocaine dependence. Method We evaluated adulterants in hair samples extracted by convenience from 100 patients admitted at the 48 hour-observation unit of Centro de Referência de Álcool, Tabaco e Outras Drogas (CRATOD), Brazil's largest center for addiction treatment. A cross-sectional analysis was performed with the data obtained. Results Adulterants were found in 97% of the analyzed hair samples. The most prevalent adulterant was lidocaine (92%), followed by phenacetin (69%) and levamisole (31%). Conclusion Adulterants were widely prevalent in hair samples from crack users treated at CRATOD: at least one adulterant was present in virtually all the hair samples collected. This points to a need to monitor adverse effects in the clinical setting in order to provide this high-risk group of patients with prompt and effective care related to the acute and chronic complications associated with these adulterants.
Resumo Introdução O Brasil é o maior consumidor mundial de crack, e a dependência é um grande problema de saúde pública. Este é o primeiro estudo a investigar a prevalência de adulterantes potencialmente nocivos presentes em amostras de cabelo de pacientes brasileiros com dependência de crack. Métodos Foram avaliados adulterantes em amostras de cabelos extraídos por conveniência de 100 pacientes internados na unidade de observação de 48 horas do Centro de Referência de Álcool, Tabaco e Outras Drogas (CRATOD), o maior centro de tratamento de dependência do Brasil. Uma análise transversal foi realizada com os dados obtidos. Resultados Foram encontrados adulterantes em 97% das amostras de cabelo analisadas. O adulterante mais prevalente foi a lidocaína (92%), seguida da fenacetina (69%) e levamisol (31%). Conclusão Os adulterantes foram amplamente prevalentes em amostras de cabelo de usuários de crack tratados no CRATOD: pelo menos um adulterante estava presente em praticamente todas as amostras de cabelo coletadas. Isso aponta para a necessidade de monitorar os efeitos adversos no ambiente clínico, a fim de proporcionar a esse grupo de pacientes de alto risco cuidados imediatos e efetivos relacionados às complicações agudas e crônicas associadas a esses adulterantes.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Phenacetin/analysis , Levamisole/analysis , Drug Contamination , Crack Cocaine/analysis , Cocaine-Related Disorders , Hair/chemistry , Lidocaine/analysis , BrazilABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: We aimed to compare the body mass index and vitamin and mineral status of children with and without amblyopia. Methods: Amblyopic children aged between 5 and 18 years (n=46) and age-matched control children (n=32) were evaluated in terms of anthropometric parameters, including height, weight, body mass index and demographic features. Serum vitamin B12 and folate were measured using an Advia Centaur XP (Siemens, Ireland) biochemistry analyzer. We evaluated the inorganic mineral elements from hair samples with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry using a Thermo XSeries 2 analyzer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany). Results: No significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of height, weight, and body mass index or serum B12 and folate concentrations (p>0.05). Children with severe amblyopia had lower vitamin B12 and folate and higher body mass index. The levels of phosphorus (p=0.012), selenium (p=0.002), molybdenum (p<0.001), iodine (p=0.002), chromium (p=0.022), boron (p<0.001), and beryllium (p=0.005) were all significantly lower in the amblyopia group compared to the control group. All of these minerals, except phosphorus, were also significantly lower in those with severe amblyopia compared to those with milder amblyopia and controls (p<0.05). Conclusion: Amblyopic children are significantly deficient in some inorganic elements. Inorganic elements, vitamin B12, and folate may play an important role in the visual development of amblyopic children.
RESUMO Objetivo: Nosso objetivo foi comparar o índice de massa corporal e o nível de vitaminas e minerais de crianças com e sem ambliopia. Métodos: Crianças amblióticas com idades entre 5 e 18 anos (n=46) e crianças controle pareadas por idade (n=32) foram avaliadas quanto a parâmetros antropométricos, incluindo altura, peso, índice de massa corporal e características demográficas. A vitamina B12 e o folato séricos foram medidos utilizando um analisador bioquímico Advia Centaur XP (Siemens, Irlanda). Avaliamos os elementos minerais inorgânicos de amostras de cabelo com espectrometria de massa de plasma indutivamente acoplado usando um analisador Thermo XSeries 2 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Alemanha). Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa entre os dois grupos em relação à altura, peso e índice de massa corporal ou concentrações séricas de B12 e folato (p>0,05). Crianças com ambliopia severa tinham menor vitamina B12 e folato e maior índice de massa corporal. Os níveis de fósforo (p=0,012), selênio (p=0,002), molibdênio (p<0,001), iodo (p=0,002), cromo (p=0,022), boro (p<0,001) e berílio (p=0,005) foram todos significativamente menores no grupo com ambliopia em comparação com o grupo controle. Todos esses minerais, exceto o fósforo, também foram significativamente menores naqueles com ambliopia em comparação com aqueles com ambliopia leve e grupo controle (p<0,05). Conclusão: As crianças amblíopes são significativamente deficientes em alguns elementos inorgânicos. Elementos inorgânicos, vitamina B12 e folato podem desempenhar um papel importante no desenvolvimento visual de crianças com ambliopia.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Vitamin B 12/blood , Amblyopia/physiopathology , Amblyopia/blood , Nutritional Status/physiology , Folic Acid/blood , Hair/chemistry , Reference Values , Trace Elements/analysis , Body Mass Index , Case-Control Studies , Anthropometry , Prospective Studies , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Amphetamines are chemical synthetic drugs that are becoming increasingly popular in China. As a common sample in the inspection of poisons, hair has the advantages of easy storage, good stability, and long detection time compared with traditional human body fluid samples (blood, urine), thus possesses an unique application value in the field of forensic toxicology analysis. By now, methods for detecting amphetamines in human hair have been widely used, and validity of the results has been recognized and adopted by the court. This paper reviews domestic and foreign research progress of the detection of amphetamines in hair samples, including the pretreatment and analytic methods.
Humans , Amphetamines/analysis , China , Forensic Toxicology , Hair/chemistry , Substance Abuse DetectionABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating, progressive and neurodegenerative disease. A disturbance on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis can be observed in patients with MS, showing altered cortisol levels. We aimed to identify basal cortisol levels and verify the relationship with clinical symptoms in patients with MS. A systematic search was conducted in the databases: Pubmed, Web of Science and SCOPUS. Both higher and lower cortisol levels were associated with MS. Higher cortisol levels were associated with depression and anxiety, while lower levels were associated with depression, fatigue and urinary dysfunction. Higher cortisol levels may be associated with the progression and severity of MS.
RESUMO A esclerose múltipla (EM) é uma doença desmielinizante, progressiva e neurodegenerativa. Um distúrbio no eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal pode ser observado em pacientes com EM, mostrando níveis alterados de cortisol. Nosso objetivo foi identificar os níveis basais de cortisol e verificar a relação com os sintomas clínicos em pacientes com EM. Uma busca sistemática foi realizada nas bases de dados: Pubmed, Web of Science e SCOPUS. Ambos os níveis de cortisol elevado e baixo foram associados com a EM. Níveis mais elevados de cortisol foram associados à depressão e ansiedade, enquanto níveis mais baixos foram associados à depressão, fadiga e disfunção urinária. Níveis altos de cortisol podem estar associados à progressão e gravidade da EM.
Humans , Hydrocortisone/analysis , Multiple Sclerosis/diagnosis , Saliva/chemistry , Stress, Psychological , Hydrocortisone/urine , Hydrocortisone/blood , Disease Progression , Symptom Assessment , Hair/chemistry , Multiple Sclerosis/psychologyABSTRACT
Resumo Comunidades ribeirinhas estão expostas ao mercúrio devido à dieta composta por elevada ingestão de peixes. Com o objetivo de avaliar os níveis de exposição na região do Tapajós, identificando também a frequência de ingestão de pescado, realizou-se um estudo em adultos residentes nas comunidades ribeirinhas do município de Itaituba/PA. Foram coletadas amostras de cabelo para a determinação de mercúrio total e dados de frequência semanal de ingestão de peixes. A concentração média de mercúrio total variou de 7,25µg/g (em 2013) para 10,80µg/g (em 2014), não sendo observada diferença significativa (p = 0,1436). Quanto à frequência de ingestão de pescado, a maioria dos indivíduos avaliados apresentou um alto consumo, tanto em 2013 quanto em 2014. Índices elevados de mercúrio total foram observados somente naqueles com alto consumo de pescado em ambos anos. Ressalta-se a importância da continuação do monitoramento dos níveis de exposição em humanos, fundamentando-se nos índices de tolerância de 6µg/g preconizado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, e na investigação quanto ao consumo de peixes para que as estratégias de controle e prevenção sejam melhoradas.
Abstract Riverine communities are exposed to mercury due to the high ingestion of fish in their diet. In order to evaluate the levels of exposure in the Tapajós region, also assessing the fish ingestion frequency, a study was conducted in adults living in riverine communities in the municipality of Itaituba in the State of Pará. Hair samples were collected for the determination of total mercury and the weekly frequency data of fish ingestion was recorded. The mean concentration of total mercury varied from 7.25μg/g (in 2013) to 10.80μg/g (in 2014), with no significant difference being observed (p = 0.1436). As for fish ingestion frequency, the majority of the individuals evaluated revealed high consumption both in 2013 and in 2014. High levels of total mercury were observed only in those with high consumption of fish in both years. The importance of ongoing monitoring of exposure levels in humans should be stressed, basing itself on indices of tolerance of 6μg/g recommended by the World Health Organization, and investigation about the consumption of fish such that strategies for control and prevention are improved.
Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Food Contamination , Fish Products/analysis , Hair/chemistry , Mercury/analysis , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Diet , Fishes , Middle AgedABSTRACT
RESUMO: Introdução: A investigação dos impactos clínico-neurológicos associados às concentrações de exposição ao mercúrio em populações expostas é necessária na Amazônia. Objetivo: Analisar as manifestações emocionais e motoras de ribeirinhos expostos pela dieta nos municípios de Itaituba e Acará, ambos no Pará. Método: Foram coletadas amostras de cabelo para a determinação de mercúrio total (HgT), obtidos dados demográficos e sintomatológicos emocionais (depressão, ansiedade e insônia) e motores (parestesia, fraqueza muscular, desequilíbrio ao andar, tremor, dor nos membros e disartria). Resultados: A concentração mediana de HgT em Itaituba foi significativamente superior (p < 0,0001) àquela em Acará. As manifestações emocionais foram identificadas em 26 (26,5%) participantes de Itaituba e em 24 (52,2%) em Acará. Com relação às queixas motoras especificas, em Itaituba ocorreram em 63 (64,3%) voluntários, sendo mais referidas a dor nos membros (36,7%), a parestesia (32,6%) e a fraqueza muscular (27,5%). No Acará, 33 (71,7%) participantes apresentaram manifestações motoras, com o maior número queixando de parestesia (54,3%), dor nos membros (52,2%) e tremor (34,8%). As concentrações médias de HgT em Itaituba naqueles com manifestações emocionais e com manifestações motoras estiveram acima do considerado tolerável (6 µg/g) pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Conclusão: Os resultados revelaram que a concentração de mercúrio nas manifestações emocionais e motoras de Itaituba são maiores do que nos ribeirinhos do Acará. Novos estudos são necessários com a aplicação de testes convencionais qualitativos e/ou quantitativos específicos, assim como também a investigação de outros sinais clínicos.
ABSTRACT: Introduction: The investigation of clinical and neurological impactations associated with exposure to mercury levels in exposed populations is necessary in the Amazon. Objective: To analyze emotional and motor symptoms of riverside dwellers exposed by diet in the municipalities of Itaituba and Acará, in Pará, Brazil. Methods: Hair samples were collected to assess the total mercury (HgT). Demographic data as well as emotional (depression, anxiety and insomnia) and motor (paresthesia, muscle weakness, loss of balance when walking, tremors, limb pain and dysarthria) symptomatology data were obtained. Results: Mean levels of HgT in Itaituba were significantly higher (p < 0.0001) than in Acará. Emotional symptoms were identified in 26 (26.5%) participants from Itaituba and in 24 (52.2%) from Acará. Specific motor complaints in Itaituba occurred in 63 (64.3%) volunteers; the most frequently mentioned afflictions were limb pain (36.7%), paresthesia (32.6%) and muscle weakness (27.5%). In Acará, 33 (71.7%) participants had motor symptoms, the majority of which complained of paresthesia (54.3%), limb pain (52.2%) and tremors (34.8%). Average HgT levels in Itaituba in those with emotional and motor symptoms were above the tolerable levels (6 µg/g) determined by the World Health Organization. Conclusion: Results showed that mercury levels in emotional and motor symptoms in Itaituba are higher than in riverside dwellers in Acará. Further studies, including the application of specific qualitative and/or quantitative standard tests, as well as the investigation of other clinical signs are necessary.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Affective Symptoms/chemically induced , Environmental Exposure/adverse effects , Motor Disorders/chemically induced , Mercury/analysis , Mercury Poisoning/diagnosis , Brazil , Rivers , Symptom Assessment , Hair/chemistry , Mercury Poisoning/psychology , Middle AgedABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To infer the frequency of dosage and medication history investigate of the victims in drug facilitated cases by the segmental analysis of clonazepam in hair.@*METHODS@#Freezing milling under liquid nitrogen environment combined with ultrasonic bath was used as sample pretreatment in this study, and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was used for the segmental analysis of the hair samples collected from 6 victims in different cases. The concentrations of clonazepam and 7-aminoclonazepam were detected in each hair section.@*RESULTS@#Clonazepam and its metabolite 7-aminoclonazepam were detected in parts of hair sections from the 6 victims. The occurrence time of drug peak concentration was consistent with the intake timing provided by victims.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Segmental analysis of hair can provide the information of frequency of dosage and intake timing, which shows an unique evidential value in drug facilitated crimes.
Adult , Humans , Chromatography, Liquid , Clonazepam/analysis , Crime , Forensic Medicine/methods , Forensic Toxicology , Hair/chemistry , Mass Spectrometry , Spectrometry, Mass, Electrospray Ionization , Substance Abuse Detection/methods , UltrasonicsABSTRACT
RESUMO: Introdução: Níveis importantes de exposição ao mercúrio associados à ingestão de pescado têm sido demonstrados em populações ribeirinhas residentes em áreas de exploração mineral, como na bacia do Tapajós e do Madeira. Na região do Tocantins, apesar de poucos estudos, não há evidência de exposição humana através da alimentação. Objetivo: Avaliar os níveis de exposição ao mercúrio em famílias de pescadores residentes em área ribeirinha do médio Tocantins, além de quantificar os níveis no pescado consumido por essas famílias. Método: Realizou se um estudo transversal envolvendo famílias de pescadores da comunidade Beira Rio, localizada às margens do Rio Tocantins no município de Imperatriz, Maranhão. Foram coletados dados de perfil sociodemográfico e alimentar, além de amostras de pescado e de cabelo, que foram analisadas através da espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Resultados: O perfil sociodemográfico foi comum ao da população ribeirinha situada em outras bacias. O perfil alimentar não fugiu à regra do padrão, sendo o pescado a principal fonte de proteína da dieta. As espécies de hábitos piscívoro e zooplâncton apresentaram as maiores concentrações de mercúrio, sendo os valores médios do peixe cachorro 0,2775 µg/g e do mapará 0,1360 µg/g. Dentre as 25 famílias avaliadas, a menor concentração média total/família foi 0,186 ± 0,043 µg/g e a maior foi 5,477 ± 2,896 µg/g. Conclusão: Famílias de Imperatriz possuem baixos níveis de exposição em virtude do consumo alimentar de peixes com baixos níveis de contaminação, incluindo as espécies piscívoras, que se encontravam abaixo do limite máximo de segurança para consumo humano estabelecido pelas normas brasileiras, servindo de referência para outros estudos.
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Significant levels of mercury exposure associated with fish intake have been demonstrated in riverine populations living in areas of mineral exploration as the basin of Tapajós and Madeira. In the Tocantins region, although few studies, there is no evidence of human exposure through food. Objective: To assess the levels of exposure to mercury in resident fishermen families in the riverside area of the middle Tocantins and to quantify the levels in fish consumed by these families. Methods: We conducted a cross sectional study involving families of Beira Rio community fishermen, located on the Tocantins riverbanks in the city of Imperatriz, Maranhão. Brazil. Data were collected from socio demographic and food profile, as well as samples of fish and hair, which were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results: The socio demographic profile of families studied was common to the local population located in other basins. The food profile did not run the default rule, with the fish being the primary dietary protein source. The species of piscivorous and zooplancton habits had the highest mercury concentrations, and the mean values were 0.2775 µg/g in fish dog and 0.1360 µg/g in mapará. Among the 25 families evaluated, the lowest average concentration of family was 0.186 ± 0.043 µg/g and the higher was 5.477 ± 2.896 µg/g. Conclusion: Fishing families have low mercury exposure levels in the same order of magnitude, probably because of the food consumption of fish, including piscivorous species, which were found to be below the safe upper limit for human consumption established by Brazilian standards. This serves as a reference for other studies.
Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Eating , Environmental Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Family Health , Fisheries , Fishes , Food Contamination/analysis , Hair/chemistry , Mercury/analysis , Occupational Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Urban HealthABSTRACT
El cabello y especialmente el localizado en la cabeza provee importante información sobre posibles exposiciones ambientales y/o laborales a diferentes elementos. El pelo puede ser considerado como un producto excretor, y su estudio reflejaría el metabolismo de minerales en el cuerpo. Nuestro propósito en el presente estudio es conocer si datos existentes dan información poblacional sobre la presencia de elementos tóxicos o no a través del análisis del cabello humano. RESULTADOS: Fue analizada la información proveniente de 241 muestras de cabello, de los cuales 163 (67,6%) corresponden al sexo femenino y 78 (32,4%) al masculino. Fueron analizados 22 elementos esenciales y 17 elementos de tóxicos. Entre los elementos esenciales presentaron resultados elevados Calcio (Ca), Magnesio (Mg), Manganeso (Mn), Molibdeno (Mo), Vanadio (V), Estroncio (Sr) y Circonio (Zr); entre los elementos tóxicos tuvieron valores elevados Aluminio (Al), Arsénico (As), Bario (Ba), Bismuto (Bi), Cadmio (Cd), Níquel (Ni), Plomo (Pb), Mercurio (Mg), Plata (Ag), Estaño (Sn). CONCLUSIÓN. Nuestro estudio muestra a nivel poblacional, no individual, puntos de alerta por la carencia o exceso de algunos elementos analizados debiéndose continuar con estudios locales interdisciplinarios en los cuales exista información sobre enfermedades, hábitos alimentarios, hábitos tóxicos, actividad laboral y exposición ambiental a los diferentes elementos. (AU)
Hair, especially localized in the head, provides important information on possible environmental and/or labor exposures to different elements. Hair can be considered as an excretory product, and its study would reflect the metabolism of minerals in the body. Our purpose in this study was to determine whether existing population data provide information on the presence of toxic and non-toxic elements by analizing human hair. RESULTS: We analyzed information from 241 hair samples, of which 163 (67.6%) are from females and 78 (32.4%) are from males. There were analyzed 22 essential elements and 17 toxic elements. Among the essential elements that had elevated results there were: Calcium (CA), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), vanadium (V), strontium (Sr) and zirconium (Zr); among the toxic elements, those with higher values were: Aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), barium (BA), bismuth (Bi), Cadmium (Cd), Nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), Mercury (Mg), silver (Ag), tin (Sn). CONCLUSION. Our study shows at population level, not individual, warning points due to the lack or excess of some elements analyzed. It is reccommended to continue the research with local interdisciplinary studies which include information on diseases, eating habits, toxic habits, work activity and environmental exposure to different elements. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Metals, Heavy/chemistry , Hair/chemistry , Minerals/analysis , Minerals/chemistry , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Observational StudyABSTRACT
A aparência dos cabelos é de fundamental importância na sociedade atual. Estando em moda, cabelos mais lisos e com menos volume, os consumidores que antes os alisavam com produtos químicos e força mecânica, passaram a utilizar um tratamento térmico, além do secador de cabelos: as piastras ("chapinhas") que atuam em valores de temperatura ao redor de 230°C. Esse procedimento ocasiona além dos danos mecânicos e químicos também dano térmico, tornando os cabelos ainda mais fragilizados. O escopo deste estudo foi avaliar o dano na fibra capilar, de amostras não tratadas e nas que receberam aplicação de alisantes/relaxantes tradicionais e alternativos. O estudo foi dividido em cinco capítulos que avaliam: aplicação dos alisantes/relaxantes com ingredientes ativos distintos; danos mecânicos, perda Protéica; análise térmica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. As amostras de cabelo utilizadas em todos os estudos foram tratadas como descrito no primeiro capítulo. Foram aplicados produtos comerciais contendo os seguintes ingredientes ativos: Hidróxido de Sódio, Tioglicolato de Amônio, Hidróxido de Guanidina (reação de hidróxido de cálcio com carbonato de guanidina), formaldeído e ácido glioxílico isolado e em combinação com carbocisteína. O uso de formaldeído e ácido glioxilico em formulações de alisantes/relaxantes está proibido pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Todos os produtos aplicados alisaram os cabelos; os procedimentos que utilizaram a piastra tornaram os fios mais lisos. Os alisantes/relaxantes à base de ácido glioxilico e formaldeído reduziram de forma expressiva a tensão de ruptura dos cabelos tornando-os mais frágeis. A maior perda protéica foi observada na amostra tratada com carbocisteína (1,74 mg/g cabelo). Nos estudos de análise térmica, na fase de desidratação a amostra tratada com carbocisteína apresentou maior perda de massa (15,17%); na fase de denaturação da proteína, a tratada com hidróxido de sódio (51,06%); e na fase de eliminação do material carbonáceo, todas as amostras apresentaram perda de massa maior que a amostra não tratada; as menores temperaturas de pico foram as das amostras sem tratamento alisante (630°C) e ácido glioxílico (640°C). Observando-se as imagens de microscopia eletrônica nota-se modificação nas bordas das cutículas das amostras indicando que sofreram agressão; o hidróxido de guanidina deixou adicionalmente resíduo; as amostras tratadas com ácido glioxílico e formaldeído apresentaram a formação de filme superficial como um "envelopamento" da fibra. Os resultados sugerem que não há predominância de um procedimento mais danoso que os demais; porém os que utilizaram a piastra (alisamentos/relaxamento ácidos) acentuaram os danos
The appearance of the hair is of fundamental importance in today's society. Being in fashion, hair straight and with less volume, consumers that before straighted hair with chemicals products and mechanical strength began to use a heat treatment, in addition to hair dryers: the hot plates ("chapinhas") acting on temperature values around 230°C. This procedure causes not only mechanical and chemical damage but also thermal one, making the hair more fragile. The scope of this study was to evaluate the damage to the hair fiber, in untreated samples and these receiving straighteners/relaxers application of traditional and alternative products.The study was divided into five chapters that evaluated: application of straighteners/relaxers with different active ingredients; mechanical damage, protein loss; thermal analysis and scanning electron microscopy. The hair samples used in all studies were treated as described in the chapter one. Commercial products containing the following active ingredients were used: Sodium Hydroxide, Ammonium Thioglycolate, Guanidine Hydroxide (calcium hydroxide reaction with guanidine carbonate), Formaldehyde and Glyoxylic Acid alone and in combination with Carbocysteine. The use of Formaldehyde andGlyoxylicAcid in straightening/relaxing formulations are prohibited by the National Agency for Sanitary Vigilance. All applied products, straight the hair samples; the procedures that used the hot plates become the hair more straight. The straightening/relaxing based on Glyoxylic Acid and Formaldehyde reduced significantly the hair break point making them more fragile. Most protein loss was observed in the sample treated with Carbocysteine (1.74mg/g hair).In the thermal analysis studies at the dewatering stage, Carbocystein treated samples showed greater weight loss(15.17%), at the protein denaturation stage this treated with Sodium Hydroxide (51.06%) and in the carbonaceous material elimination phase all samples showed mass loss greater than the untreated sample;. The lower peak temperatures were observed in the samples without treatment (630°C) and with Glyoxylic Acid (640°C). Observing the images of electron microscopy is noted the change in the cuticle aspect of the samples showing that the edges were damaged, Guanidine Hydroxide, left further residue: the samples treated with Glyoxylic Acid and Formaldehyde showed the formation of surface film as an "enveloping" fiber. The results suggest that there is not a predominance of a more harmful treatment than other, but those using hot plates(straightening/relaxing acids) emphasize the damage
Thermic Treatment , /analysis , Hair/chemistry , Hair Preparations/adverse effects , Sodium Hydroxide/adverse effects , Thioglycolates/adverse effects , In Vitro Techniques/instrumentation , Guanidine , Cosmetics , FormaldehydeABSTRACT
This study evaluated current levels of mercury exposure and sensory symptoms in adults from three riverine communities in Pará State, Brazil, two of which located in the Tapajós River basin and one in the Tocantins basin. Participants in this study included 78 residents in Barreiras (Tapajós), 30 in São Luiz do Tapajós (Tapajós), and 49 in Furo do Maracujá (Tocantins). Total hair mercury concentrations were quantified by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and neurological evaluation was conducted by routine examination. Mercury concentrations in the Tapajós communities were higher than those in the Tocantins (p < 0.01). Evaluation of neurological changes showed no significant difference between the communities in exposed areas and control areas for the changes observed by conventional neurological examination, except for gait deviation (p < 0.05). The study concludes that despite the mercury exposure levels, there was a low frequency of sensory alterations according to conventional neurological testing.
No presente estudo, foram avaliados comparativamente os níveis atuais de exposição ao mercúrio e as manifestações neurológicas em ribeirinhos residentes em comunidades situadas no Estado do Pará, Brasil. Participaram do estudo 78 ribeirinhos de Barreiras (bacia do rio Tapajós), 30 de São Luiz do Tapajós (bacia do rio Tapajós) e 49 do Furo do Maracujá (bacia do rio Tocantins). As concentrações de mercúrio total foram quantificadas, em cabelo, pela espectrofotometria de absorção atômica, e a avaliação neurológica foi realizada por meio de testes de rotina. As concentrações de mercúrio nas comunidades do Tapajós foram maiores que as do Tocantins (p < 0,01). A avaliação das alterações neurológicas não mostrou diferença significativa entre as comunidades das áreas expostas e controle para os resultados observados pelo exame neurológico convencional, exceto para desvio da marcha (p < 0,05). Concluiu-se que, apesar dos níveis de exposição ao mercúrio, houve uma baixa frequência de alterações somatossensoriais encontradas por meio de exames neurológicos convencionais.
En el presente estudio se evaluó comparativamente los niveles actuales de exposición al mercurio y sus manifestaciones neurológicas en los residentes de las comunidades ribereñas en el Estado de Pará, Brasil. Los participantes fueron 78 de las riberas limítrofes (cuenca del Tapajós), 30 en São Luís do Tapajós (cuenca del Tapajós) y 49 en Pasiflora (cuenca del río Tocantins). Las concentraciones de mercurio total en el pelo se cuantificaron por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica y la evaluación neurológica se realizó mediante el análisis de rutina. Las concentraciones de mercurio en las comunidades Tapajós fueron más altas que en Tocantins (p < 0,01). La evaluación de los trastornos neurológicos no mostró diferencias significativas entre las comunidades de las zonas expuestas, ni en el control de los resultados observados durante el examen neurológico convencional, excepto por desviaciones de la marcha (p < 0,05). Se concluyó que, si bien existen niveles de exposición al mercurio, hubo una baja frecuencia de cambios, cuyo examen neurológico fue de tipo estándar somatosensorial.
Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Environmental Exposure/adverse effects , Mercury Poisoning, Nervous System/diagnosis , Mercury/toxicity , Water Pollutants, Chemical/toxicity , Brazil , Hair/chemistry , Mercury/analysis , Neuropsychological Tests , Rivers , Spectrophotometry, AtomicABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To establish the electricity plate digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method for determination of 33 inorganic elements in human hair.@*METHODS@#Lithium (6Li), Germanium (72Ge), Yttrium (89Y), Indium (115In), and Terbium (159Tb) were used as internal standards. The electric heating board digestion in a mixture of nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide was used as the pre-treatment of the hair. Thirty-three inorganic elements in human hair were analyzed by ICP-MS method.@*RESULTS@#The detection limit of ICP-MS was 0.0001 microg/g(Th)-10.9 microg/g (Ca) and the limit of quantitation was 0.0005 microg/g (Th)-25 microg/g (Ca). The recovery rate of this method was 86%-113%. The RSD for the intra-day and inter-day were less than 9.2%. The method was not statistically different from microwave digestion method.@*CONCLUSION@#This method is highly efficient and accurate. It can be used for analysis of 33 inorganic elements in human hair.
Humans , Electricity , Hair/chemistry , Limit of Detection , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Microwaves , Reference Standards , Sensitivity and Specificity , Trace Elements/analysisABSTRACT
This study was a longitudinal assessment of mercury exposure in schoolchildren in an urban area of the Brazilian Amazon. The study population consisted of 90 children whose exposure levels were assessed by testing mercury levels in the umbilical cord blood and mothers' blood samples in 2000-2001, and in the children's hair and blood samples. The study also used a questionnaire on demographic and socioeconomic data, fish consumption, and self-reported disease history. Mean mercury level in hair in 2010 was approximately 1µg/g, ranging up to 8.22µg/g, similar to 2004 and 2006. These figures can be explained by low fish consumption. Mean blood mercury levels at birth exceeded 10µg/L, ranging up to nearly 60µg/L, which indicates mercury transfer across the placenta. There was a significant increase in blood mercury from 2004 to 2006 (p < 0.001), suggesting exposure through air pollution. The main exposure to mercury was during pregnancy.
O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar avaliação longitudinal da exposição de crianças de uma área urbana da Amazônia brasileira ao mercúrio (Hg). A população foi composta por 90 crianças, cuja exposição foi avaliada desde o nascimento por meio das análises dos teores de Hg no sangue do cordão umbilical e no sangue das mães em 2000/2001, e em amostras de cabelo e sangue das crianças. Os procedimentos incluíram também um questionário com informações demográficas, socioeconômicas, sobre consumo de peixes e morbidade referida. A média dos teores de Hg no cabelo em 2010 foi próxima a 1µg/g e sua amplitude 8,22µg/g, semelhantes aos anos 2004 e 2006, podendo ser explicada pela baixa ingestão de peixes. A média dos teores de Hg no sangue das crianças ao nascer ultrapassou 10µg/L e sua amplitude atingiu quase 60µg/L, indicando transferência do Hg através da barreira placentária. Ocorreu aumento significativo dos teores de Hg no sangue entre 2004 e 2006 (p < 0,001), sugerindo a possibilidade de exposição atmosférica ao Hg. O principal período de exposição ao Hg ocorreu durante a gestação.
Animals , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Pregnancy , Environmental Exposure , Mercury Poisoning/epidemiology , Mercury/blood , Brazil/epidemiology , Fishes , Food Contamination , Fetal Blood/chemistry , Hair/chemistry , Longitudinal Studies , Mining , Mercury Poisoning/diagnosis , Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects/diagnosis , Spectrophotometry, Atomic , Statistics, Nonparametric , Urban Population/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Little is known about hair mineral status in fibromyalgia patients. This study evaluated the characteristics of hair minerals in female patients with fibromyalgia compared with a healthy reference group. Forty-four female patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria were enrolled as the case group. Age- and body mass index-matched data were obtained from 122 control subjects enrolled during visit for a regular health check-up. Hair minerals were analyzed and compared between the two groups. The mean age was 43.7 yr. General characteristics were not different between the two groups. Fibromyalgia patients showed a significantly lower level of calcium (775 microg/g vs 1,093 microg/g), magnesium (52 microg/g vs 72 microg/g), iron (5.9 microg/g vs 7.1 microg/g), copper (28.3 microg/g vs 40.2 microg/g) and manganese (140 ng/g vs 190 ng/g). Calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese were loaded in the same factor using factor analysis; the mean of this factor was significantly lower in fibromyalgia group in multivariate analysis with adjustment for potential confounders. In conclusion, the concentrations of calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese in the hair of female patients with fibromyalgia are lower than of controls, even after adjustment of potential confounders.
Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Body Height , Body Mass Index , Calcium/analysis , Fibromyalgia/metabolism , Hair/chemistry , Iron/analysis , Magnesium/analysis , Manganese/analysis , Metals/analysisABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To establish an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method for determination of Hg in biological samples.@*METHODS@#The samples were digested with microwave digestion instrument. ICP-MS was applied to detect Hg in blood, urine and hair specimens by using 115In as an internal marker. The ability of gold to eliminate the memory effect of mercury was investigated with the gold amalgamate produced by gold and mercury.@*RESULTS@#The limits of detection were in the 0.01 microg/L, and the accuracy of the method ranged from 97.0% to 107.1%. The concentration of gold was 10 microg/L and the memory effect of mercury was resolved.@*CONCLUSION@#The method is accurate, rapid, sensitive and suitable for the cases of mercury poisoning and the clinical diagnosis and monitoring for patients with mercury poisoning.
Humans , Forensic Toxicology , Hair/chemistry , Indicators and Reagents , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Mercury/urine , Mercury Poisoning/diagnosis , Microwaves , Reference Standards , Reproducibility of Results , Sensitivity and Specificity , Specimen Handling/methodsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To establish an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method for determination of 24 elements in human hair.@*METHODS@#The samples were digested with microwave digestion instrument. ICP-MS was applied to determine 24 elements in human hair using indium (115In) as an internal standard. The established method was applied to determine element concentration in normal group (56 samples) and heroin abuse group (10 samples).@*RESULTS@#The limits of detection ranged from 0.000 3 microg/g to 10.14 microg/g. Measured value of the standard materials were basically consistent with the standard value. The contents of magnesium, gallium and barium in hair of heroin addicts decreased after rehabilitation treatment.@*CONCLUSION@#The method is sensitive and accurate for determination of 24 elements in human hair.