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Archiv. med. fam. gen. (En línea) ; 21(2): 25-32, jul. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567470


Este artículo se propone reflexionar en torno al reconocimiento de la condición jurídica de las y los adolescentes como sujeto de derechos en los procesos de atención de la salud de esta población. A partir de la autonomía progresiva y la participación directa entendidos como dos principios rectores de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño (CDN), se realiza un contrapunto entre las definiciones presentes en la política de salud en la adolescencia y las prácticas y sentidos puestos en juego por las/os profesionales de la salud. Las reflexiones se basan en el análisis de materiales etnográficos, producidos en una investigación realizada en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, desde una perspectiva antropológica, centrada en la definición social de las edades. Para cerrar, se plantea una síntesis de algunos aspectos con el propósito de contribuir a la problematización de las nociones de adolescencia desde las cuales se brinda atención sanitaria de esta población. Y de favorecer el abordaje de la salud de las y los adolescentes como sujeto de derechos (AU)

This article aims to reflect on the recognition of the legal status of adolescents as subject of rights in the health care processes of this population. Starting from progressive autonomy and direct participation understood as two guiding principles of the Children's Rights Convention (CRC), a counterpoint is made between the definitions present in health policy in adolescence and the practices and meanings put into play by the health professionals. The reflections are based on the analysis of ethnographic materials, produced in an investigation carried out in the city of Bahía Blanca, from an anthropological perspective, focused on the social definition of ages. To close, a synthesis of some aspects is proposed with the purpose of contributing to the problematization of the notions of adolescence from which health care is provided to this population. And to promote the approach to adolescent health as a subject of rights (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Health Behavior/ethnology , Adolescent Medicine , Physician-Patient Relations , Anthropology, Medical , Right to Health
ABCS health sci ; 49: e024210, 11 jun. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555524


INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms has significantly increased in Brazil since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the studies investigating the prevalence of these symptoms in school-aged in Brazil are scanty. OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of moderate or severe symptoms of depression and anxiety and the associated factors among students in southern Brazil. METHODS: This was a census study with all 14 sites of the Federal Institute Sul-riograndense. We used a self-administered, online instrument to assess biological, sociodemographic, health, nutrition, and behavior-related variables. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale assessed depression and anxiety. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 5,112 students. The prevalence of students who presented moderate or severe symptoms of anxiety and depression was 34.3% and 24.3%, respectively. In the fully adjusted analysis, factors associated with anxiety and depression symptoms were female sex, low income, screen time at work, worse health perception, unhealthy diet, poor sleep quality, smoking, alcohol consumption, and medication use. Early age and students whose family members or friends died from COVID-19 were associated with anxiety. Married and having less screen time during leisure was a protective factor for depression. Physical activity reduced by 18% and 33% the likelihood of moderate or severe symptoms of anxiety and depression, respectively. CONCLUSION: Public policies to improve the health care of Brazilian students during the return to face-to-face activities are required.

INTRODUÇÃO: No Brasil, a prevalência de sintomas de ansiedade e depressão aumentaram significativamente desde o início da pandemia de COVID-19. No entanto, há uma lacuna no número de estudos que investigaram a prevalência destes sintomas em estudantes de idade escolar no Brasil. OBJETIVO: Identificar a prevalência de depressão e ansiedade e seus fatores associados em estudantes no sul do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um censo em todos os 14 campi do Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense através de um instrumento on-line, auto preenchido, com variáveis biológicas, sociodemográficas, de saúde, nutricionais e comportamentais. A saúde mental foi coletada através da Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 5.112 estudantes com prevalência de sintomas moderados ou severos de ansiedade e depressão de 34,3% e 24,3%, respectivamente. Após a análise ajustada, ser mulher, ter renda baixa, maior tempo de tela no trabalho, pior percepção de saúde, maior consumo de alimentos não saudáveis, baixa qualidade de sono, ser fumante, consumir bebidas alcoólicas e usar medicamentos foram fatores de risco para ansiedade e depressão. Foram associadas somente a ansiedade, ser mais jovem e ter tido familiar/amigo morto por COVID-19. Ser casado e ter menor tempo de tela no lazer foi fator protetor para depressão. Praticar atividade física reduziu 18% e 33% a probabilidade de apresentar sintomas mais severos de ansiedade e depressão, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: É importante a implementação de políticas de gestão no cuidado da saúde dos estudantes nas escolas durante o retorno as atividades presenciais.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Anxiety/epidemiology , Schools , Students/psychology , Depression/epidemiology , Health Behavior , Risk Factors , Social Determinants of Health , Statistical Data , Sociodemographic Factors , Life Style
Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 132-144, abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560619


En la actualidad, diversos estudios han explorado las diferencias de las conductas de salud en los estudiantes universitarios de acuerdo con características como edad, sexo y ciclo de estudio, no obstante, estos se han centrado en un enfoque frecuentista basado en la prueba de significancia de la hipótesis nula (NHST). Objetivo. Explorar las diferencias de las conductas de salud de acuerdo con el sexo, edad y ciclo académico, así como establecer la relación entre estas y la percepción de salud general en estudiantes universitarios peruanos, desde un enfoque bayesiano. Materiales y métodos. Se ejecutó un estudio cuantitativo, comparativo, correlacional y transversal, en una muestra de 708 universitarios seleccionados de manera intencional. Se utilizó el cuestionario de conductas de salud (CEJUV-R) y una ficha de datos sociodemográficos. Resultados. Los hallazgos muestran que los hombres tienen mejores hábitos de actividad y condición física y organización del sueño, con respecto a las mujeres. Asimismo, se observa una evidencia moderada a favor de la hipótesis alternativa del autocuidado en función de la edad y el ciclo académico. Finalmente, la actividad física, la organización del descanso, el autocuidado y la organización del sueño presentan evidencias muy fuertes (BF>100) de su relación con la percepción general de salud. Conclusión. El análisis bayesiano mostró evidencia a favor de la hipótesis alterna en algunas de las conductas de salud en función del sexo, edad y ciclo académico, lo que resaltan la importancia de promover conductas más saludables entre los estudiantes universitarios peruanos atendiendo a sus características personales.

Currently, several studies have explored the differences in health behaviors in university students according to characteristics such as age, sex and study cycle; however, these have focused on a frequentist approach based on the null hypothesis significance test (NHST). Objective. To explore the differences in health behaviors according to sex, age and academic cycle, as well as to establish the relationship between these and the perception of general health in Peruvian university students, from a Bayesian approach. Materials and methods. A quantitative, comparative, correlational and cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 708 intentionally selected university students. The health behaviors questionnaire (CEJUV-R) and a sociodemographic data sheet were used. Results. The findings show that men have better habits of activity and physical condition and sleep organization, with respect to women. Likewise, there is moderate evidence in favor of the alternative hypothesis of self-care as a function of age and academic cycle. Finally, physical activity, rest organization, self-care and sleep organization present very strong evidence (BF>100) of their relationship with the general perception of health. Conclusion. The Bayesian analysis showed evidence in favor of the alternative hypothesis in some of the health behaviors as a function of sex, age and academic cycle, which highlights the importance of promoting healthier behaviors among Peruvian university students according to their personal characteristics.

Atualmente, vários estudos exploraram as diferenças nos comportamentos de saúde em estudantes universitários de acordo com características como idade, gênero e ciclo de estudos; no entanto, eles se concentraram em uma abordagem frequentista baseada no teste de significância da hipótese nula (NHST). Objetivo. Explorar as diferenças nos comportamentos de saúde de acordo com o sexo, a idade e o ciclo acadêmico, bem como estabelecer a relação entre eles e a percepção da saúde geral em estudantes universitários peruanos, a partir de uma abordagem bayesiana. Materiais e métodos. Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, comparativo, correlacional e transversal em uma amostra de 708 estudantes universitários selecionados intencionalmente. Foram utilizados o questionário de comportamento de saúde (CEJUV-R) e uma planilha de dados sociodemográficos. Resultados. Os achados mostram que os homens têm melhores hábitos de atividade física, condicionamento físico e organização do sono do que as mulheres. Também há evidências moderadas a favor da hipótese alternativa de autocuidado em função da idade e do ciclo acadêmico. Por fim, a atividade física, a organização do descanso, o autocuidado e a organização do sono mostram evidências muito fortes (BF>100) de sua relação com a percepção geral da saúde. Conclusão. A análise bayesiana mostrou evidências a favor da hipótese alternativa em alguns dos comportamentos de saúde em função do sexo, da idade e do ciclo acadêmico, destacando a importância de promover comportamentos mais saudáveis entre os estudantes universitários peruanos de acordo com suas características pessoais.

Health Behavior
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000209, Apr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1586599


Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of social isolation and its associations with sociodemographic and health indicators in Brazilian middle-aged and older adults recruited from households. Methods: A cross-sectional study of baseline data (2015­2016) of 7886 Brazilian adults aged 50 years and older from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-Brazil) was conducted. Social isolation was the dependent variable, as defined by living arrangement, frequency of contact with children, relatives, and friends, and degree of participation in social activities within the community. The independent variables were sociodemographic aspects, healthrelated behaviors, and health status. Associations between social isolation and independent variables were estimated using Poisson regression analysis. Results: The prevalence ratio (PR) of high level of social isolation was 23.13%. Significant positive associations were observed between high level of social isolation and male sex (PR 1.27; 95%CI 1.16­1.40); being 70 to 79 years old (PR 1.22; 95%CI 1.07­1.39) or 80 years or older (PR 1.56; 95%CI 1.32­1.85); having no formal education (PR 3.15; 95%CI 2.69­3.68) or having a maximum of 4 years (PR 2.11; 95%CI 1.82­2.46) or 5 to 8 years of formal education (PR 1.54; 95%CI 1.30­1.84); fair self-rated health (PR 1.25; 95%CI 1.12­1.39); depressive symptoms (PR 1.22; 95%CI 1.07­1.40); and poor-quality diet (PR 1.37; 95%CI 1.19­1.58). Fair sleep quality was negatively associated with social isolation (PR 0.87; 95%CI 0.78­0.98). Conclusions: The group most at risk for social isolation comprises men, aged 70 or older, with low educational attainment, fair self-rated health, and an unhealthy diet. Future research should use longitudinal study designs to investigate causal relationships and develop interventions for older adults who are socially isolated. (AU)

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Social Isolation , Sociodemographic Factors , Self Care , Aging , Health Behavior
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;89(1): 3-9, feb. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559714


Introducción: Las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) se adquieren principalmente por el contacto sexual y pueden afectar a personas de cualquier edad, sin embargo los adolescentes son el grupo etario más afectado, por tanto es probable que sus conductas sean más de riesgo que protectoras. Objetivo: El objetivo de la investigación es determinar la relación entre el nivel de educación sexual y el conocimiento sobre ITS y las conductas de riesgo y protectoras en los jóvenes. Método: Investigación de diseño analítico, estudio de tipo descriptivo, transversal con datos de tipo cuantitativos, con una muestra de 130 hombres y mujeres, considerando 10 personas por edad desde los 18 a los 30 años. Resultados: No existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre la educación sexual y las conductas de riesgo y/o protectores (p > 0,05), ni tampoco entre la educación sexual y el uso del preservativo, tanto interno como externo (p > 0,05). Conclusión: A pesar de tener educación sexual, no todas las personas utilizan de forma frecuente los anticonceptivos de barrera y principalmente es sorprendente el poco uso del condón de vagina en la población en general, siendo las personas de orientación heterosexual las que lo utilizan menos.

Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are mainly acquired through sexual contact and can affect people of any age; however, adolescents are the most affected age group, therefore, it is likely that their behaviors are more risky than protective. Objective: The objective of the research is to determine the relationship between the level of sexual education and knowledge about STIs and risk and protective behaviors in young people. Method: Analytical design research, descriptive, cross-sectional study with quantitative data, with a sample of 130 men and women, considering 10 people by age from 18 to 30 years. Results: There is no statistically significant relationship between sexual education and risk and/or protective behaviors (p > 0.05) nor between sexual education and condom use, both internal and external (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Despite having sexual education, not all people use frequently barrier contraceptives and, mainly, the little use of the vaginal condom in the general population is surprising, with people of heterosexual orientation being those that use it less.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Sex Education , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Sexual Behavior , Health Behavior , Surveys and Questionnaires , Contraception Behavior
Rev. Bras. Cancerol. (Online) ; 70(1)Jan-Mar. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1537406


O exame preventivo do câncer do colo uterino (PCCU) permite a análise morfológica do tecido do colo do útero para identificação de alterações em células isoladas ou em pequenos grupos. Mediante as dificuldades enfrentadas pelo enfermeiro, a problemática deste trabalho é a baixa procura de mulheres por serviços de saúde para realizar o rastreamento com o exame preventivo. Objetivo: Analisar as produções científicas publicadas no Brasil sobre o conhecimento de mulheres acerca do PCCU. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura. Para a construção do estudo, buscaram-se publicações científicas indexadas na base de dados LILACS, MEDLINE e BDENF. Os critérios de inclusão definidos para a seleção dos documentos foram artigos originais, nos idiomas português e inglês, disponíveis na íntegra, de acesso gratuito, publicados de 2017 a 2021. Resultados: Foram encontrados 71 artigos e, após serem aplicados os critérios de exclusão, apenas 14 artigos foram incluídos na amostra do estudo categorizados em três eixos temáticos: o primeiro apresenta o conhecimento sobre o PCCU, o segundo, os fatores relacionados à não adesão, e o terceiro, a cobertura para a realização do PCCU na prática da enfermagem. Conclusão: Os baixos níveis de informação e a má comunicação contribuem para a não adesão ao exame. Desse modo, para maximizar a adesão das pacientes, recomenda-se que a equipe de enfermagem modifique a abordagem sobre a realização dos exames preventivos

The Papanicolaou test allows the morphological analysis of the tissue to identify changes in isolated cells or in small groups. Given the difficulties faced by nurses, the low demand of women for health services to submit to screening preventive exams is a limitation of the study. Objective: To analyze scientific productions published in Brazil on women's knowledge about cervix cancer screening (CCS). Method: Integrative Literature Review. Scientific publications indexed at the LILACS, MEDLINE and BDENF databases were searched. The inclusion criteria were free, fully available original articles published in Portuguese and English published from 2017 to 2021. Results: 71 articles were found, and after the exclusion criteria were applied, only 14 articles remained categorized into three thematic axes, the first addresses women's knowledge about CCS; the second, factors related to non-adherence and the third, the challenges nursing professionals face regarding the coverage for CCS. Conclusion: Low levels of information and poor communication contribute to non-adherence. Therefore, to maximize patient adherence, nursing professionals should change the approach to CCS.

El examen preventivo del cáncer del cuello uterino (PCCU) permite el análisis morfológico del tejido del cérvix para identificar cambios en células aisladas o en pequeños grupos. Ante las dificultades que enfrentan las enfermeras, el problema de este trabajo es la baja demanda de las mujeres de los servicios de salud para realizar despistajes con exámenes preventivos. Objetivo: Analizar las producciones científicas publicadas en el Brasil sobre el conocimiento de las mujeres sobre el PCCU. Método: Revisión integradora de la literatura. Para construir el estudio se buscaron publicaciones científicas indexadas en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE y BDENF. Los criterios de inclusión definidos para la selección de documentos fueron artículos originales, en portugués e inglés, disponibles en su totalidad, de acceso gratuito, publicados entre 2017 y 2021. Resultados: Se encontraron 71 artículos, y tras aplicar los criterios de exclusión, solamente 14 artículos fueron considerados en la muestra del estudio categorizados en tres ejes temáticos: el primero presenta el conocimiento sobre el PCCU; el segundo, los factores relacionados a la falta de compromiso; y el tercero, la cobertura para la realización del PCCU en la práctica de la enfermería. Conclusión: Los bajos niveles de información y la mala comunicación contribuyen al incumplimiento del examen. Por lo tanto, para maximizar el compromiso de la paciente, se recomienda cambios en la forma en que el equipo de enfermería realiza los exámenes preventivos.

Women's Health , Papanicolaou Test , Health Behavior , Review , Nurse Practitioners
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(3): 33526, 26 dez. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1524291


Introdução:Atelessaúdese popularizou como uma importante ferramenta na avaliação remota e de prestação de cuidados em saúde.Uma de suas vertentes consiste no monitoramento remoto, também chamado de telemonitoramento ou televigilância,que se difundiu, sobretudo para grupos populacionais vulneráveis, como a população idosa, em especial durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Objetivo:Conhecer o perfil sociodemográfico, o estado de saúde e os comportamentos relacionados à saúde dos idosos monitorados durante a pandemia da COVID-19 no município de Natal-Rio Grande do Norte.Metodologia:Estudo longitudinal descritivo, com três momentos de observação. A amostra foi composta por idosos adscritos a 22 unidades de saúde de Natal, acompanhados por meio de ligações telefônicas, de agostode 2020 a julho de 2021. A análise dos dados foi realizada através do software Epi Info™, versão 7.2.4, a partir de frequências absolutas e relativas, medidas de tendência central e dispersão (média e desvio padrão).Resultados:Participaram do estudo 1.348 idosos. Amaioria era do sexo feminino (63,7%), com média de 70 anos, morava acompanhada(81,8%), esteve assintomática (77,0%), possuía comorbidades (81,5%) e dependia de medicações de uso contínuo (81,9%). Os sintomáticos diminuíram ao longo dos três momentos avaliados e menos de 1% evoluiu ao óbito.Conclusões:O telemonitoramentocontribuiu com a longitudinalidade do cuidado, proporcionando a busca ativa contínua de idosos sintomáticos e fortalecendo as atividades das Unidades de Saúde (AU).

Introduction:Telehealth has become popular as an important tool in the remote assessment and provision of health care. One ofits aspects is remote monitoring, also called telemonitoring or telesurveillance, which has become widespread, especially for vulnerable population groups, such as the elderly population, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.Objective:To know the sociodemographic profile, health status and health-related behaviors of the elderly monitored during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Natal-Rio Grande do Norte. city.Methodology:Descriptive longitudinal study, with three moments of observation. The sample consisted of elderly people enrolled at 22 health units in Natal, followed up through telephone calls, from August 2020 to July 2021. Data analysis was performed using the Epi Info™ software, version 7.2.4, based on absolute and relative frequencies, measures of central tendency and dispersion (mean and standard deviation).Results:1,348 elderly people participated in the study. Most were female (63.7%), aged 70 years on average, lived with someone (81.8%), were asymptomatic (77.0%), had comorbidities(81.5%) and depended on continuous use (81.9%). Symptomatic cases decreased over the three evaluated moments and less than 1% evolved to death.Conclusions:Telemonitoring contributed to the longitudinality of care, providing continuous active search for symptomatic elderly and strengthening the activities of Health Units (AU).

Introducción: La telesalud se ha vuelto popular como una herramienta importante en la evaluacióny provisión remota de atención médica. Una de sus vertientes es el monitoreo remoto, también llamado telemonitoreo o televigilancia, que se ha generalizado, especialmente para grupos de población vulnerable, como la población de la tercera edad, especialmente durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Objetivo: Conocer el perfil sociodemográfico, el estado de salud y los comportamientos relacionados con la salud de los ancianos acompañados durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en la ciudad de Natal-Rio Grande do Norte.. Metodología: Estudio longitudinal descriptivo, con tres momentos de observación. La muestra estuvo compuesta por ancianos matriculados en 22 unidades de salud de Natal, seguidos a través de llamadas telefónicas, de agosto de 2020 a julio de 2021. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante el software Epi Info™, versión 7.2.4, con base en valores absolutos y relativos. frecuencias, medidas de tendencia central y dispersión (media y desviación estándar). Resultados: Participaron del estudio 1.348 ancianos. La mayoría eran del sexo femenino (63,7%), con edad media de 70 años, vivían con alguien (81,8%), estaban asintomáticos (77,0%), tenían comorbilidades (81,5%) y dependían del uso continuo (81,9%). Los casos sintomáticos disminuyeron en los tres momentos evaluados y menos del 1% evolucionó a muerte.Conclusiones: La televigilancia contribuyó para la longitudinalidad de la atención, proporcionando búsqueda activa continua de ancianos sintomáticos y fortaleciendo las actividades de las Unidades de Salud (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Primary Health Care , Aged , Health Behavior , Continuity of Patient Care , Telemonitoring , COVID-19/transmission , Chi-Square Distribution , Statistics, Nonparametric
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 10(4): 1-4, dic. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1581045


Chatbots are emerging as promising tools in promoting healthy habits and medical education. Research has shown their ability to provide personalized guidance, support in managing chronic diseases, and enhance the quality of patient care. While their benefits are recognized, addressing the need for further research to understand their effectiveness and user experience is essential.

Los chatbots se destacan como herramientas prometedoras en la promoción de hábitos saludables y la educación médica. La investigación ha demostrado su capacidad para brindar asesoramiento personalizado, apoyo en el manejo de enfermedades crónicas y mejorar la calidad de la atención al paciente. Aunque se reconocen sus beneficios, es esencial abordar la necesidad de más investigaciones para comprender su efectividad y la experiencia del usuario.

Humans , Artificial Intelligence , Health Promotion/methods , Science/trends , Health Behavior , Culture , Delivery of Health Care , Healthy Lifestyle
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 42(2): 277-299, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559043


Resumen El proceso de cambio hacia la práctica de actividad física todavía no ha sido adecuadamente caracterizado. Uno de los asuntos en discusión es si este proceso puede ser descrito en términos de etapas. Se llevó a cabo un estudio con el objetivo de examinar patrones de continuidad o discontinuidad de variables del Modelo Procesual de Acción en Salud dentro de las etapas propuestas por el Modelo Transteórico, y así valorar en qué medida la evidencia apoya la existencia de etapas. Para ello, se recogieron datos transversales de estudiantes universitarios (N = 490, edad = 22.5 años, DT = 6.57) y se hicieron ANOVA, contrastes planeados y análisis de tendencias polinómicas, siguiendo las recomendaciones de Sutton (2000). Los resultados para varias de las variables fueron compatibles con supuestos sobre la existencia de etapas. Sin embargo, para otras variables, los resultados no apoyan la existencia de etapas. Estos hallazgos proveen información útil para esfuerzos de integración de distintos modelos. Se discute sobre las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas de estos.

Abstract The process of change towards the practice of physical activity has not yet been adequately characterized. One issue under discussion is whether this process can be described in terms of stages. A study was carried out in order to examine patterns of continuity or discontinuity in variables of the Health Action Process Model within the stages proposed by the Transtheoretical Model, and thus assess to what extent the evidence supports the existence of stages. For this, cross-sectional data of university students (N = 490, mean age 22.5 years (SD = 6.57) were collected, and ANOVAs, planned contrasts, and polynomial trend analyses were performed, as recommended by Sutton (2000). The results for several variables were compatible with assumptions about the existence of stages. However, for other variables results did not support the existence of stages. These findings provide useful information for efforts to integrate different models. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

Humans , Male , Female , Exercise/psychology , Transtheoretical Model , Peru , Students , Health Behavior , Cross-Sectional Studies
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535451


Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud diseñó un instrumento para la vigilancia de los factores de riesgo asociados con las enfermedades crónicas, este abarca tres pasos que incluyen los datos personales y comportamentales, antropométricos y bioquímicos. Objetivo: Describir las aplicaciones del Instrumento STEPS (paso 1) para la identificación de factores de riesgo comportamentales asociados a enfermedades no transmisibles en adultos trabajadores, según país y año de publicación. Metodología: Revisión narrativa de estudios originales que utilizaron el STEPS, publicados entre 2015 y 2019 en español, inglés y portugués en las bases de datos PubMed, SciELO y el motor de búsqueda Google Scholar. Resultados: Se revisaron 20 documentos de los cuales 6 fueron de Asia y África, y el año de mayor publicación fue 2017. El consumo nocivo del alcohol, tabaquismo, inactividad física y alimentación no saludable son los riesgos más estudiados. Conclusiones: La utilización del instrumento STEPS en publicaciones es más frecuente en países de África y Asia. Se requiere que su implementación sea sistemática y difundida en otros países, con la finalidad de diseñar e implementar estrategias de salud pública para la prevención, mitigación y tratamiento oportuno de las enfermedades no transmisibles.

Introduction: The World Health Organization designed an instrument for the surveillance of risk factors associated with chronic diseases, it has three steps that include personal and behavioral, anthropometric, and biochemical data. Objective: To describe the applications of the STEPS Instrument (step 1) to identify behavioral risk factors associated with noncommunicable diseases in working adults, according to country and year of publication. Methodology: Narrative review of original studies that used STEPS, published between 2015 and 2019 in Spanish, English and Portuguese in the databases PubMed, SciELO, and the search engine Google Scholar. Results: A total of 20 studies were reviewed, of which 6 were from Asia and Africa, and the year of most significant publication was 2017. The most studied risks are harmful alcohol consumption, smoking, physical inactivity, and unhealthy eating. Conclusions: the use of the STEPS instrument in publications is more frequent in countries of Africa and Asia. Its implementation must be systematic and disseminated in other countries to design and implement public health strategies for the prevention, mitigation, and timely treatment of noncommunicable diseases.

Humans , Risk Factors , Healthy Lifestyle , Noncommunicable Diseases , Health Behavior , Public Health , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(8): 1043-1052, ago. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565688


OBJETIVO: Evaluar sistemáticamente literatura sobre uso y efectividad los empujoncitos basados en la Economía del Comportamiento (EC). MÉTODOS: Se realizaron búsquedas en PubMed, Web of Science, Lilacs y SciELO; estudios publicados en inglés, portugués y español entre 2017-2021 que examinaran aspectos de la EC; la calidad se evaluó con la Effective Public Health Practice Project. RESULTADOS: Se examinaron 81 estudios, cumpliendo los criterios 17. La mayoría se realizaron en Estados Unidos, publicados entre 2019-2021, con calidad fuerte (n = 12) y moderada (n = 5); con una diversidad de intervenciones practicadas y diferencias en los métodos de implementación. Demostrando la efectividad de las estrategias basadas en la EC en la salud de los sujetos de estudio. CONCLUSIONES: En materia de toma de decisiones, el comportamiento es un proceso complejo que requiere de análisis constante desde la EC, la que representa un enfoque pormetedor para apoyar intervenciones en materia de salud pública más efectivas.

OBJECTIVE: To systematically evaluate the literature on the use and effectiveness of nudges based on Behavioral Economics (BE). METHODS: PubMed, Web of Science, Lilacs, and SciELO were searched; studies published in English, Portuguese, and Spanish between 2017-2021 that examined aspects of BE; quality was assessed using the Effective Public Health Practice Project. RESULTS: 81 studies were examined, 17 meeting the criteria. Most were conducted in the United States and published between 2019-2021, with strong (n = 12) and moderate (n = 5) quality, with a diversity of interventions practiced and differences in implementation methods. The selected studies demonstrated the effectiveness of strategies based on BE in the study subjects' health. CONCLUSIONS: In decision-making, behavior is a complex process requiring constant analysis from the BE, and BE is a promising approach to support more effective public health interventions.

Humans , Public Health , Economics, Behavioral , Health Promotion/economics , Health Promotion/methods , Health Behavior , Decision Making
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(6): 725-734, jun. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560232


AIM: The main objective of this study was to analyze the change in physical activity, quality of diet, and weight upon admission to higher education and at one-year follow-up in Chilean university students. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 376 Chilean university students were prospectively recruited. All participants were assessed at bas eline and one-year follow-up. Sociodemographics and other co-variables were described. Physical activity, healthy eating behavior, height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) were assessed using the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), and quality of diet (with Healthy Eating Index), SECA 213 stadiometer and TANITA HD-351, respectively. RESULTS: At the one-year follow-up, high-intensity METs (Metabolic equivalents) decreased by 147.9 (95% CI: 79.5 to 216; p = 0.000), moderate-intensity METs decreased by 85.0 (95% CI: 52.2 to 117.7; p = 0.000), sedentary behavior increased by 45.0 min/week (95% CI: 54.6 to 35.4; p = 0.000), total METs decreased by 793.6 (95% CI: 613.0 to 974.1; p = 0.000), HEI decreased by 45.4 points (95% CI: 48.5 to 82.1; p = 0.000), weight increased by 5.9 kg (95% CI: 3.5 to 6.3; p = 0.002), and BMI increased by 2.8 kg/m2 (95% CI: 2.7 to 3.2; p = 0.000). The correlation between total METs and the HEI was r = 0.21 (p = 0.013). CONCLUSIONS: There are statistically significant differences at one-year follow-up in Chilean university students in decreased physical activity, impaired healthy eating behavior, and increased weight and BMI.

OBJETIVO: El objetivo principal fue analizar los cambios en la actividad física, calidad de la dieta y el peso al ingreso a la educación superior y al año de seguimiento en estudiantes universitarios chilenos. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Un total de 376 estudiantes universitarios chilenos fueron prospectivamente reclutados. Todos los participantes fueron evaluados al ingreso y al año de seguimiento. Se describieron las variables sociodemográficas y otras co-variables. La actividad física, el comportamiento de alimentación saludable, el peso, talla y el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) fueron evaluados con el Cuestionario Global de Actividad Física (CGAF), el Índice de Alimentación Saludable (IAS), estadiómetro SECA 213 y el TANITA HD-351, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: Al año de seguimiento, los METs a alta intensidad disminuyeron 147,9 (95% IC: 79,5 a 216; p = 0,000), METs a moderada intensidad disminuyeron 85,0 (95% IC: 52,2 a 117,7; p = 0,000), el comportamiento sedentario incremento 45,0 min/semana (95% IC: 54,6 a 35,4; p = 0,000), los METs totales disminuyeron 793,6 (95% CI: 613,0 a 974,1; p = 0,000), IAS disminuyó 45,4 puntos (95% IC: 48,5 a 82,1; p = 0,000), el peso aumento 5,9 kg (95% IC: 3,5 a 6,3; p = 0,002), y el IMC incrementó 2,8 kg/m2 (95% IC: 2,7 a 3,2; p = 0,000). La relación entre los METs totales y el IAS fue r = 0,21 (p = 0,013). CONCLUSIONES: Al año de seguimiento, hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la disminución de la actividad física, deterioro del comportamiento de alimentación saludable, e incremento del peso e IMC en estudiantes universitarios chilenos.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Students/psychology , Students/statistics & numerical data , Exercise/physiology , Body Mass Index , Socioeconomic Factors , Universities , Body Weight/physiology , Health Behavior , Chile , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Longitudinal Studies , Sedentary Behavior , Life Style
Aquichan ; 23(2): e2328, 10 abr. 2023.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1442449


Introduction: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy represent a maternal and perinatal health problem. Therefore, it is important to identify the beliefs preceding the determinants of health behaviors during pregnancy. Objective: To identify the salient beliefs in the intention for self-care behaviors when facing hypertensive disorders in pregnant women. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study with a quantitative approach guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior. Each questionnaire was designed and its semantic validity was assessed. The sample was convenience one and included 114 pregnant women enrolled in prenatal control at a health institution from Piedecuesta, Santander, who answered the questionnaire via telephone calls between January and February of 2022. Data analysis was descriptive, resorting to absolute and relative frequencies. Results: The positive behavioral beliefs were focused on the mother's proper nutrition, the baby's healthy growth and development, disease prevention and control during pregnancy, the mother's relaxation and peace of mind, and blood pressure control and monitoring. Regarding normative beliefs, health personnel, mothers, husbands, and family members exert positive influences on each behavior. The following were acknowledged among the control beliefs: visiting family members promotes the practice of physical exercises; at the nutritional level, there is a habit of preferring low-salt preparations; both family and social support and habit and preference favor the consumption of fruit, vegetables, legumes and meats; lack of habit avoids the consumption of fats, flours, sugars, caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes; purchase power favors calcium intake; taking a previous shower promotes rest and sleep, and going to pharmacies allows controlling blood pressure. Conclusions: Identifying the salient beliefs allowed determining those that need to be reinforced, negotiated, or restructured in achieving self-care behaviors when facing hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.

Introducción: los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo representan un problema en la salud materna y perinatal. Por lo tanto, es importante identificar las creencias que preceden a los determinantes de los comportamientos en salud durante el embarazo. Objetivo: identificar las creencias salientes en la intención de comportamientos de autocuidado ante los trastornos hipertensivos por parte de la mujer embarazada. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo de enfoque cuantitativo guiado por la teoría del comportamiento planificado. Se diseñó y evaluó la validez semántica de cada cuestionario. La muestra por conveniencia fue de 114 embarazadas inscritas en el control prenatal de una institución de salud de Piedecuesta, Santander, las cuales respondieron el cuestionario a través de entrevista telefónica, entre enero y febrero de 2022. El análisis de los datos fue descriptivo, utilizando frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados: las creencias conductuales positivas se enfocaron en la adecuada nutrición de la madre; en el sano crecimiento y desarrollo del bebé; la prevención y control de enfermedades durante el embarazo; la relajación y la tranquilidad de la madre; y el control y seguimiento de la presión arterial. En las creencias normativas, el personal de salud, la madre, el esposo y familiares influyen positivamente en cada comportamiento. Entre las creencias de control, se admite que: visitar familiares promueve la práctica del ejercicio; a nivel nutricional existe el hábito por preparaciones bajas en sal; tanto el apoyo familiar y social como el hábito y el gusto favorecen el consumo de frutas, verduras, legumbres y carnes; la falta de hábito evita el consumo de grasas, harinas, azúcares, cafeína, alcohol o cigarrillo; la capacidad económica favorece la ingesta del calcio; tomar una ducha previa promueve el sueño y descanso; y asistir a farmacias permite el control de la presión arterial. Conclusiones: la identificación de las creencias salientes permitió demostrar aquellas que necesitan ser reforzadas, negociadas o reestructuradas en el logro de comportamientos de autocuidado ante los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo.

Introdução: as síndromes hipertensivas gestacionais representam um problema na saúde materna e perinatal. Portanto, é importante identificar as crenças que precedem os determinantes dos comportamentos de saúde durante a gravidez. Objetivo: identificar as crenças relevantes na intenção de comportamentos de autocuidado diante de distúrbios hipertensivos por parte das gestantes. Materiais e método: estudo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa orientada pela teoria do comportamento planejado. A validade semântica de cada questionário foi elaborada e avaliada. A amostra de conveniência foi composta de 114 gestantes inscritas no pré-natal de uma instituição de saúde em Piedecuesta, Santander (Colômbia), que responderam ao questionário por meio de entrevista telefônica entre janeiro e fevereiro de 2022. A análise dos dados foi descritiva, usando frequências absolutas e relativas. Resultados: as crenças comportamentais positivas se concentraram em nutrição adequada para a mãe; crescimento e desenvolvimento saudáveis do bebê; prevenção e controle de doenças durante a gravidez; relaxamento e tranquilidade para a mãe; e controle e monitoramento da pressão arterial. Nas crenças normativas, a equipe de saúde, a mãe, o companheiro e os membros da família influenciam positivamente cada comportamento. Entre as crenças de controle, admite-se que visitar parentes promove a prática de exercícios; no nível nutricional, há o hábito de preparações com pouco sal; tanto o apoio familiar e social quanto o hábito e o gosto favorecem o consumo de frutas, verduras, legumes e carnes; a falta de hábito evita o consumo de gorduras, farinhas, açúcares, cafeína, álcool ou cigarros; a capacidade econômica favorece a ingestão de cálcio; tomar banho antes da gravidez promove o sono e o descanso; e ir a farmácias permite o controle da pressão arterial. Conclusões: a identificação das crenças relevantes nos permitiu demonstrar aquelas que precisam ser reforçadas, negociadas ou reestruturadas na obtenção de comportamentos de autocuidado diante de síndromes hipertensivas gestacionais.

Self Care , Health Behavior , Culture , Intention , Pregnant Women , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced , Social Theory , Maternal Health
HU Rev. (Online) ; 49: 1-9, 20230000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562007


Introdução: Pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) apresentam uma maior suscetibilidade a infecções e sangramentos e podem manifestar variadas alterações bucais. Por isso, é essencial que o cirurgião-dentista possua os conhecimentos necessários para adequar suas condutas às particularidades apresentadas por esses pacientes. Objetivo: Avaliar, por meio da aplicação de um questionário, os conhecimentos e as condutas dos cirurgiões-dentistas atuantes no município de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, ao prestarem atendimento a pacientes com DRC em hemodiálise. Material e Métodos: Estudo com abordagem quantitativa, de caráter observacional, transversal e analítico, realizado com 100 cirurgiões-dentistas atuantes no município de Juiz de Fora no período de abril a setembro de 2022. Resultados: 100 dentistas compuseram a amostra. Destes, 37% não se sentiriam confortáveis para realizarem procedimentos odontológicos invasivos em pacientes renais crônicos (PRC) em hemodiálise e 87% solicitariam algum exame laboratorial complementar previamente à realização desses procedimentos; 83% consideram importante o contato com o nefrologista do paciente para a obtenção de informações detalhadas acerca de sua condição sistêmica e aplicam isso em sua rotina clínica; 56% identificaram de forma correta as alterações bucais mais comumente encontradas em indivíduos com DRC em hemodiálise; 77% prescreveriam profilaxia antibiótica para PRC em hemodiálise diante de procedimentos invasivos, enquanto 22% prescreveriam para procedimentos não invasivos. Conclusão: A maioria dos cirurgiões-dentistas prescreve erroneamente a profilaxia antibiótica para PRC, o que demonstra desconhecimento do protocolo atual de emprego dessa terapia. Além disso, uma parcela dos profissionais se sente insegura ao atender esses pacientes. Portanto, evidencia-se a defasagem existente no conhecimento dos cirurgiões-dentistas quanto ao atendimento de pacientes com DRC, destacando-se a necessidade de dar maior enfoque a esse tema nas universidades e programas de pós-graduação, a fim de formar profissionais melhor capacitados para o atendimento dessa parcela da população.

Introduction: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are more susceptible to infections and bleeding and may manifest various oral alterations. Therefore, it is essential that the dental surgeon has the necessary knowledge to adapt his conduct to the particularities presented by these patients. Objective: To evaluate, through the application of a questionnaire, the knowledge and behavior of dentists working in the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, when providing care to patients with CKD on hemodialysis.Material and methods: Study with a quantitative, observational, cross-sectional and analytical approach, carried out with 100 dentists working in the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, from April to September 2022. Results: 100 dentists composed the sample. Of these, 37% would not feel comfortable performing invasive dental procedures in chronic kidney patients (CKP) on hemodialysis and 87% would request some complementary laboratory test prior to performing these procedures; 83% consider it important to contact the patient's nephrologist to obtain detailed information about their systemic condition and apply this in their clinical routine; 56% correctly identified the oral alterations most commonly found in individuals with CKD undergoing hemodialysis; 77% would prescribe antibiotic prophylaxis for CKP in hemodialysis in the face of invasive procedures, while 22% would prescribe it for non-invasive procedures. Conclusion: Most dentists incorrectly prescribes antibiotic prophylaxis for chronic kidney patients, which demonstrates unfamiliarity of the actual protocol for using this therapy. In addition, a number of dentists feel insecure when assisting them and are unaware of the oral alterations most commonly found in CKP. Therefore, the existing gap in the knowledge of dentists regarding the care of patients with CKD is evident, highlighting the need to give greater focus to this theme in universities and postgraduate programs, in order to train better qualified professionals to serve this portion of the population.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Health Behavior , Dental Care for Chronically Ill , Education, Dental
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 28: 1-9, mar. 2023. tab, fig
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551614


The aims of the study were to verify the effect of an intervention on the stage of behavior change for TV viewing and to identify the possible mediating role of knowledge on screen time guidelines among Brazilian students. This study is a multicomponent school-based intervention conducted with 727 students (54.3% female, 13 years; 427 in the intervention group and 300 in the control group). The intervention was performed in 2017 with baseline and post-intervention assessments (over one academic year). Teacher training was carried out at the beginning of the intervention along with en-vironmental improvements, while educational curriculum such as the delivery of folders and posters were performed throughout the year. The stages of behavior change for TV viewing and knowledge of screen time guidelines were measured by a self-reported questionnaire and the structural equation modeling approach was performed. The intervention had no significant effects on stages of behavior change for TV (p = 0.744) nor did it result in significant changes on knowledge of screen time guide-lines (p = 0.741). While there was no mediation between knowledge of screen time guidelines and the effect of the intervention on stages of behavior change for TV (95%CI: -0.45;0.63), an associa-tion was found between knowledge of screen time guidelines and stages of behavior change for TV (p<0.001). In conclusion, intervention had no significant effect on the stages of behavior change for TV and no mediating effect was observed. However, enhancing awareness on screen time guidelines may positively impact the adolescent's intention to reduce TV time

Os objetivos do estudo foram verificar o efeito de uma intervenção nos estágios de mudança de comporta-mento para assistir TV e identificar o papel mediador do conhecimento sobre as recomendações de tempo de tela. A intervenção multicomponente, randomizada e controlada obteve a participação de 727 alunos em 2017 (54,3% meninas, 13 anos; 427 no grupo intervenção e 300 no grupo controle). A formação dos pro-fessores foi realizada no início da intervenção juntamente com as melhorias ambientais, enquanto as ações educativas foram realizadas ao longo do ano. Os estágios de mudança de comportamento para assistir TV e o conhecimento sobre as recomendações do tempo de tela foram mensurados por questionário auto reportado, pré e pós-intervenção (um ano letivo). Para análise dos dados foi realizada uma modelagem de equações estru-turais. Não houve efeito da intervenção nos estágios de mudança de comportamento para TV (p = 0,744) e também não houve mudanças significativas no conhecimento dos estudantes sobre as recomendações do tempo de tela (p = 0,741). Embora não tenha havido mediação entre conhecimento das recomendações do tempo de tela e o efeito da intervenção nos estágios de mudança de comportamento para TV (IC95%: -0,45;0,63), foi encontrada associação entre o conhecimento das recomendações e os estágios de mudança de comportamento para TV (p < 0,001). Conclui-se que a intervenção não teve efeito significativo nos estágios de mudança de comportamento para TV e efeito mediador. No entanto, aumentar a conscientização sobre as recomendações de tempo de tela pode impactar positivamente na intenção do adolescente de reduzir o tempo de TV

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Health Behavior , Screen Time , School Health Services , Adolescent
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 28: 1-7, mar. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427584


This theoretical essay reflects on physical activity (PA) and health and the development of this study area, particularly in Brazil. A historical review is presented based on major research themes in the area since the 1950s and the evolution of PA recommendations for health. Crucial conceptual and operational definitions in the area that have gone through recent updates are addressed. The pa-per highlights relevant institutions and documents, as well as reflects on future perspectives and challenges in the field. Finally, this essay highlights the need to reduce the gap between the robust scientific knowledge already produced about the health benefits of PA and the real action in the field, especially in the primary health care setting

A partir de uma abordagem histórica, conceitual, crítica e didática, este ensaio teórico propõe uma reflexão sobre a relação entre atividade física (AF) e saúde e o desenvolvimento desta área de estudo, com um olhar especial sobre o Brasil. Apresenta-se revisão histórica a partir de grandes temas de pesquisa na área desde os anos 1950 e da evolução das recomendações de AF para a saúde. São abordadas definições conceituais e operacionais que passaram por atualizações recentes e que são cruciais na área. Faz-se destaque a instituições e documentos relevantes, além de reflexões sobre perspectivas e desafios futuros para a área. Por fim, destaca a necessidade da redução na distância entre a solidez do conhecimento já produzido sobre os benefícios da AF para a saúde e os desejados avanços no contexto da promoção da saúde, em especial na atenção primária à saúde

Humans , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Exercise/physiology , Health Behavior/physiology , Health Promotion , Life Style/history , Physical Education and Training/history , Brazil , Sedentary Behavior
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 28: 1-7, mar. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427583


O objetivo foi verificar o acesso às práticas corporais/atividade física (PCAF) ao longo da vida de idosas aposentadas participantes de um grupo de PCAF. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo com 16 mulheres idosas com idade entre 65 a 75 anos, selecionadas por conveniência, participantes de um grupo de PCAF de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Londrina, Paraná. As informações foram coletadas a partir de entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado, conduzidas individualmente pelo profissional responsável pelo grupo. Os dados foram analisados por elementos da análise de conteúdo pelo sistema de categorias. Três categorias de análise foram consideradas: infância/adolescência; idade adulta; e terceira idade. Na infância/adolescência as mulheres relataram que não tiveram incentivo de seus pais, bem como não tiveram educação física na escola. Na fase adulta, a falta de tempo e de incentivo dos parceiros, além do desconhecimento de atividades ofertadas foram relatadas pelas mulheres. Somente a partir da terceira idade, especialmente após a aposentadoria, com a melhora da condição financeira e com o fato de terem maior tempo livre, as mulheres indicaram uma melhora no acesso, inclusive com a possibilidade da participação no grupo de PCAF. Em geral os resultados revelaram a dificuldade do acesso dessas mulheres às PCAF ao longo de suas vidas e reforçam a importância de ações e políticas públicas que busquem aumentar o incentivo e o acesso as PCAF ao longo da vida das mulheres

The objective was to verify the access to body practices/physical activity (BPPA) throughout the life of retired elderly women participating in a group of BPPA. This is a qualitative study with 16 elderly women aged between 65 and 75 years, selected for convenience, participants of a PCAF group at a Public Health Centre in Londrina, Brazil. The information was collected from interviews with a semi-structured script, which were conducted individually by the professional responsible for the group and analyzed from the content analysis by the category system. Three analysis categories were considered: childhood/adolescence; adulthood; and Old age. In childhood/adolescence, the women reported that they had no encouragement from their parents and had no physical education at school. In adulthood, lack of time and lack of encouragement from partners, in addition to the lack of knowledge of activities offered, were reported by women. Only from old age, especially after retirement, with the improvement of the financial condition and the fact of having more free time, the women indicated an improvement in the access to physical activity, including the possibility of participating in the PCAF group. In general, the results revealed the difficulty of these women's access to PCAF throughout their lives and reinforce the importance of public actions and policies that seek to increase incentives and access to PCAF throughout women's lives

Humans , Female , Aged , Exercise , Health Behavior , Women's Health , Physical Education and Training , Sports , Gender Perspective
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(1): 101-104, feb. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515409


Background: Smoking is one of the most relevant public health problems worldwide and one of the main causes of preventable premature death. In-hospital treatment and subsequent follow-up are effective in terms of cessation. Aim: To determine the frequency of smoking habits among patients hospitalized at a private clinic in Santiago. Material and Methods: Hospitalized patients were invited to answer a structured and adapted questionnaire on smoking habits. Results: The survey was answered by 294 patients (56% women). Twenty three percent of respondents were smokers. Among smokers, 50% indicated a consumption from 1 to 5 cigarettes per day, 19% smoked during the first hour after waking, and 43% lived with another smoker in their home. Eighty three percent thought about quitting and made unsuccessful attempts to quit using different strategies. Conclusions: The percentage of smokers in this group of patients is lower than that reported in the national health survey. The high proportion of respondent that are attempted to quit and failed, justifies the availability of structured quitting programs at the hospital and follow-up strategies after discharge.

Humans , Male , Female , Smoking/epidemiology , Patients , Health Behavior , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Smoking Cessation , Age of Onset , Hospitalization
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 941-948, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985500


The cardiovascular health index (CVH) is a composite index consisting of 7 CVH metrics (CVHM) to evaluate the cardiovascular health status in the population. CVH has been proven to be closely related to a variety of health outcomes and widely used in the prevention of many diseases and the evaluation of intervention effectiveness. This review summarizes the recent distribution of CVH and CVHM in pregnant women and the relationship between CVH and CVHM with adverse health outcomes, which aims to explore the application of CVH and CVHM in preventing pregnancy-related diseases and improving the long-term health level of perinatal women and their offspring.

Pregnancy , Humans , Female , Risk Factors , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Health Behavior , Health Status
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 650-656, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985541


Objective: based on summarizing the simulation and prediction of tobacco control measures across the globe and sorting out the various scenarios of tobacco control measures, the potential short-term effects of seven tobacco control measures in different scenarios were systematically analyzed. Methods: Until April 2022, PubMed, Embase, EconLit, PsychINFO, and CINAHL databases were used to retrieve literature about tobacco control measures simulation and prediction models across the globe. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were strictly followed. Meta-analysis for the potential short-term effects of seven tobacco control measures in different scenarios was performed using the R software. Results: A total of 22 papers covering 16 countries were selected. Five studies were conducted in the United States, three in Mexico, and two in Italy. There were all papers with the measures to tax increases, smoke-free air laws, and mass media campaigns, 21 papers with youth access restrictions, 20 with marketing restrictions, and 19 with cessation treatment programs and health warnings. The tax increases had diverse influences on the price elasticity of different age groups. The price elasticity in the age group 15-17 years was the highest, which was 0.044 (95%CI: 0.038-0.051). The potential short-term effects of smoke-free air laws in workplaces were higher than in restaurants and other indoor public places. The effects of youth access restrictions were greater in the age group <16 years than in the age group 16-17. The stronger the implementation of other measures, the greater the potential short-term effects. A comparison of seven tobacco control measures showed that the cessation treatment programs increase in cessation rate was the highest, 0.404 (95%CI: 0.357-0.456). The reduction in smoking rate and reduction in initiation rate of youth access restrictions strongly enforced and publicized was the highest in the age group <16 years, 0.292 (95%CI: 0.269-0.315), and 0.292 (95%CI: 0.270-0.316). Conclusions: The potential short-term effects of seven tobacco control measures in different scenarios were evaluated more accurately and objectively through Meta-analysis. In the short term, cessation treatment programs will substantially increase smoking cessation rates, and strong youth access enforcement will sharply reduce smoking and initiation rates among adolescents under 16. These results also offer strong data-related support for the simulation and prediction of tobacco control measures in China and other countries.

Adolescent , Humans , United States , Tobacco Control , Prevalence , Computer Simulation , Smoking Cessation , Health Behavior , Smoking Prevention