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Ghana med. j ; 57(1): 75-78, 2023. NA
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1427213


The Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons (GCPS) has established an annual leadership symposium celebrating innovative leadership in the health sector. The 2022 symposium under the theme "Health Sector Development in Ghana; The Power of Good Leadership" was held in honour of Professor Samuel Ofosu-Amaah (the laureate), an Emeritus Professor of Public Health at the University of Ghana, about his leadership legacy. This article reflects on the leadership challenges in the health sector, the lessons learnt from the symposium, and the way forward. Leadership challenges identified in the health sector included the need for mentorship and coaching, the importance of teamwork and networking for delivering high-quality healthcare, and the role of leadership and governance in the health system. Key lessons from the symposium focused on skills in leading an event organisation, effective collaboration and teamwork, and learning from recognising prominent leaders' contributions to the health sector while these leaders are still alive. Key lessons from the personal and professional life of the laureate included a focus on giving back to the community, building mentorship of health leaders, being a catalyst of change, leadership and governance in public health institutions and publication of research findings. Suggestions were made to name the School of Public Health of the University of Ghana after Professor OfosuAmaah, to include a leadership and management module in all training modules at the GCPS and to establish a health leadership "Observatory" to focus on research on how leadership influences

Humans , Mentors , Delivery of Health Care , Leadership , Health Care Sector , Education, Medical
Tegucigalpa; Secretaría de Salud; abr. 2022. 22p tab.. (LN36: 2021).
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, BIMENA | ID: biblio-1553006


La maternidad y la paternidad temprana es un problema que afecta las vidas de las y los adolescentes de una manera importante. Los entornos de la vulnerabilidad, pobreza, violencia, relaciones inequitativas de género, así como las escasas oportunidades para escapar de ese círculo, son las que muchas veces conforman las circunstancias de vida de las y los adolescentes en Honduras. 1 Según la ENDESA 2019, refiere que la tasa de fecundidad en adolescentes (entre 10 a 14 años y entre 15 a 19 años) por cada 1000 mujeres de ese grupo de edad, es un indicador de la Agenda ODS (3.7.2) para garantizar el acceso universal a los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva (meta 3.7-ODS 3). La tasa de fecundidad de las adolescentes en edad 10 a 14 años es de 4 (3 en área urbana y 5 en área rural); entre las adolescentes de 15 a 19 años es de 97, se eleva a 115 en el área rural y disminuye a 77 en el área urbana. De las mujeres de 15 a 19 años, 23% ha tenido un hijo nacido vivo o están en su primer embarazo...(AU)

Humans , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Pregnancy in Adolescence/prevention & control , Health Care Sector , Adolescent Fathers
J. bras. econ. saúde (Impr.) ; 14(Suplemento 1)Fevereiro/2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ECOS | ID: biblio-1363081


Objetivo: Analisar o nível de eficiência dos atendimentos hospitalares nas capitais estaduais e Distrito Federal entre os anos de 2014 a 2017. Métodos: O método de investigação utilizado foi a Análise Envoltória de Dados para estimar os níveis de eficiência dos recursos. Resultados: Os resultados indicam que ocorrem diferenças no nível de eficiência das capitais estaduais e Distrito Federal, sendo possível desenvolver o potencial das unidades ineficientes, de forma que aumentem a eficiência técnica nos atendimentos hospitalares. Conclusão: Analisar o uso dos recursos públicos contribui para identificar se os recursos estão sendo aplicados de forma eficiente e, quando não, sinaliza para a necessidade de tomada de decisões mais coerentes com a realidade de cada capital.

Objective: Analyze the level of efficiency of the hospital care in the Brazilian capitals and the Federal District between the years 2014 to 2017. Methods: The investigation method used was the Data Envelopment Analysis to estimate resource the resource efficiency levels. Results: The results indicate that there are differences in the level of efficiency of the state capitals and the Federal District, making it possible to develop the potential of inefficient units, in order to increase technical efficiency in hospital care. Conclusion: Analyzing the use of public resources helps to identify whether resources are being applied efficiently and when not, they signal the need for decision making that is more consistent with the reality of each capital.

Health Care Sector , Cost Allocation , Efficiency
Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences ; 32(5): 1027-1042, 5 September 2022. Figures, Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1398616


Decades ago, the United Nations declared that access to essential medicines was a key element of universal human rights. Accordingly, member states have been striving to address this issue through strategic policies and programs. Strengthening local pharmaceutical production has been a pivotal strategy adopted by many developing countries including Ethiopia. The government of Ethiopia identified local pharmaceutical production as a key industrial sector and has been implementing a ten-years strategic plan to improve capabilities and attract investment. Such support is needed because local production could satisfy only 15 to 20% of the national demand, typically from a limited portfolio of medicines in conventional dosage forms. The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases has accentuated the need for a more sustainable supply to reduce reliance on imports and increase access to essential medicines. A full understanding of the structure, constraints and complexities of the Ethiopian pharmaceutical market structure is vital to direct effective policies, target most impactful investments and exploit opportunities for leapfrogging. Hence, the purpose of this review was to assess the trends and challenges in access to essential medicines and local pharmaceutical production in Ethiopia. Literature search through major databases and review of policy documents and performance reports from relevant sector institutions were made to extract information for the review

Pharmacy Service, Hospital , Health Care Sector , Equipment and Supplies, Hospital , Access to Essential Medicines and Health Technologies , Orphan Drug Production , Ethiopia
S. Afr. med. j ; 112(11): 855-559, 2022. tales, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1399206


The growing burden of diabetes has long been under the radar in developing countries such as South Africa (SA). In recent years, there has been an unprecedented and exponential increase in recorded and undiagnosed diabetes mellitus (DM) cases. Unreliable data collection, overburdened health systems and poor infrastructure have all proved to be barriers to achieving optimum disease management. The District Health Information System (DHIS) serves as the data collection tool for the SA public healthcare sector. It is used in all nine SA provinces to gather data without individual patient identifiers. Objective. To analyse and compare the DM data collected by the DHIS in the Western Cape (WC), Eastern Cape (EC), KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) and Gauteng provinces of SA. Methods. An audit of diabetes-related data from the DHIS for 2016 was conducted. The data were then analysed using Excel. Time-series and cross-sectional analyses were made possible using pivot tables. Graphics were designed using Thinkcell software. Results. Of the four provinces surveyed, Gauteng recorded the highest incidence of DM, 67% higher than the reported global DM incidence estimate, while the WC had the lowest incidence. A similar pattern was also noted regarding the incidence of DM in people aged <18 years, with Gauteng having the highest and WC the lowest prevalence results. When comparing the number of DM-related consultations conducted in each province, the metropolitan districts were highlighted as hotspots of activity for DM care. This study found a moderate inversely proportional relationship between the incidence of DM in all provinces and education deprivation (p<0.05). Among the provinces that collected data on screening (excluding EC), KZN recorded the highest number of diabetic screenings. Conclusion. Metropolitan areas were highlighted as areas to be targeted, further reinforcing the current connection observed between urbanisation and DM in SA. The presence and recording of screening efforts is an excellent step in the right direction for the SA public healthcare sector and the DHIS. With improved interprovincial co-ordination regarding standardisation of the criteria and specifications of data collection fields, and enhanced training for data officers and primary collection agents, good quality and rich data is a very close possibility.

Humans , Comparative Study , Diabetes Mellitus , Health Care Sector , Public Reporting of Healthcare Data
Brasília; Ipea; 2021. 13 p. graf.(Nota Técnica / IPEA. Diest, 56).
Monography in Portuguese | ECOS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1549914


Esta nota técnica é a segunda edição da série Por dentro do Mapa das Organizações da Sociedade Civil (Mosc) e tem o objetivo de atualizar a edição anterior, lançada em 2019 (Andrade e Pereira, 2019), apresentando a metodologia vigente do Mosc (versão 2021). O texto está segmentado em quatro seções, além desta introdução. A seção 2 apresenta a fonte de dados utilizada e a metodologia de identificação das organizações da sociedade civil (OSCs), seguida pela seção 3 que apresenta como é construído o cadastro de OSCs do Mosc, detalhando o algoritmo. A seção 4 indica como são classificadas as OSCs, e a seção 5 apresenta informações adicionais que estão presentes no Mosc, oriundas de outras fontes de dados.

Data Collection , Health Facilities , Organizations, Nonprofit , Health Services , Health Care Sector
Salud trab. (Maracay) ; 29(2): 104-114, dic. 2021. tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1411716


Es importante el estudio de variables del comportamiento organizacional, ya que ayudan a la empresa a tener una mejor gestión de los recursos humanos, debido a que la satisfacción laboral tiene relaciones positivas y estadísticamente significativas con el desempeño laboral. El objetivo de este estudio fue medir los niveles de percepción laboral de empleados del sector sanitario del área pública y privada, con respecto a las variables satisfacción laboral y compromiso organizacional. El estudio es de tipo transversal y descriptivo, el instrumento de medición es una encuesta que consta de 3 partes y la muestra estuvo conformada por 271 administrativos. Se presentaron análisis univariados principales, luego un análisis de conglomerados para segmentar a los participantes, y finalmente se efectúan modelos de regresión. Se determinó que existen tres segmentos de trabajadores que son claramente definidos, compuestos por aquellos administrativos con una baja percepción en general (21% y 42%, respectivamente), aquellos con una percepción media (54% y 38%, respectivamente) y aquellos con una percepción alta (25% y 20%, respectivamente). Se confirma que el compromiso organizacional afecta significativamente y de forma positiva a la satisfacción laboral(AU)

The study of variables of organizational behavior is important, since they help the company better manage its human resources, as job satisfaction has been positively and significantly correlated with job performance. The objective of this study was to measure the levels of job perception of employees in the public and private healthcare sector, with respect to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The study was cross-sectional and descriptive, and the measurement instrument was a survey consisting of three sections. The study sample consisted of 271 administrative staff. We present the main univariate analysis results, followed by a cluster analysis to segment the participants, and then regression analysis. We identified three clearly defined segments of workers, consisting of administrative staff with a low overall perception of hob satisfaction and organizational commitment (21% and 42%, respectively), those with a medium perception (54% and 38%, respectively) and those with a high perception (25% and 20%, respectively). The results confirm that organizational commitment significantly and positively affects job satisfaction(AU)

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Perception , Personal Satisfaction , Health Personnel , Health Care Sector , Work Performance , Work Engagement , Job Satisfaction , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Occupational Groups
Harare; Ministry of Health & Child Care; 2021. 77 p. figures, tables.
Non-conventional in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1410933


The Government and stakeholders in the health sector aspire to realize improved health outcomes for all, including the vulnerable and marginalized, to enhance Zimbabwe's human capital development towards a prosperous and empowered upper-middle income society. Zimbabwe's National Health Strategy (2021- 2025) was therefore developed, not only to advance its vision and goal for the next 5 years, but to also act as a guide on priority health interventions in the sector in order to improve the country's economy and overall wellbeing of the citizens. As such, the strategy is aligned with the National Development Strategy 1 (2021-2025). Chief among the NDS 1 priorities will be sustainable economic growth, anchored on sector specific growth enablers ­ such as infrastructure, human resources, technology, macroeconomic stability, financial stability, and sustainable public debt management. Focus on transformational value chains, international re-engagement, enablers for improved social welfare and inclusive growth (such as health, food security, effective governance and community and youth participation) complete the priority list of the NDS 1 2021-2025. The NHS 2021-2025 also considers a number of programme specific strategies in the health sector. These include the Human Resources for Health Strategy, National Infrastructure Development Plan, the HIV and AIDS Strategy, the Non-Communicable Disease Strategy, Mental Health Strategy, and the Community Health Strategy. The NHS 2021-2025 is anchored on the concept of an Investment Case. The NHS investment case outlines how the Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ), in partnership with donors, will efficiently save lives, improve health and nutrition outcomes and accelerate the attainment of national goals in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The NHS investment case considered the results and lessons learnt from the Mid Term Review of the National Health Strategy 2016-2020 and the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2019. NHS Investment Case used the World Health Organization (WHO)'s One Health Tool, which focuses on estimating the cost of Health Services and Health Systems Strengthening while the effectiveness of health interventions was estimated using the disease specific Impact Models and the Lives Saved Tool (LiST). Results were customized to the Ministry's Programme Based Budgeting format, which required that programmes be grouped first into 4 broad categories; Policy and Administration, Public Health; Curative Services and Bio- Medical Science Engineering and Pharmaceutical Production. The development of the National Health Strategy Investment Case was spearheaded by a taskforce led by MoHCC with technical assistance from its development partners. Technical Working Groups (TWGs) on Investment Case and Health Financing were set up to support the costing of the NHS. These TWGs drew membership from the MoHCC, MoFED, Development Partners and NGOs and Civil Society Organisations. These technical working groups identified the interventions and activities to be costed and also assisted in the prioritization of the interventions. 13 Mini

National Health Strategies , Public Health , Health Care Sector , Economic Status , Investments
Article in English | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1251894


Objective: to analyze the relationships between the development of the Nursing labor and of capitalism over the 200 years of Florence Nightingale. Method: a logical-reflective and theoretical exposition based on interpretations of historical facts and Marxist theories. The analysis categories were the following: the creation and expansion of the Nightingalean Nursing Teaching System; the subsumption of the Nursing labor to capital; imperialism and international health; and the flexibilization of the Nursing labor. Results: the expansion of the Nightingale Teaching System has trained nurses on a global scale. The capitalist system transformed the Nursing labor in the twentieth century, culminating in the twenty-first century with precarious and intense turnover of nurses in their jobs. Conclusion: the Nursing labor, made professional by Nightingale, has assumed in the last 200 years a dialectical relationship with capitalism in which it both determines and is determined by it. New challenges, such as the Industry 4.0 technologies, are constantly imposed on the profession.

Objetivo: analisar as relações entre o desenvolvimento do trabalho assistencial de Enfermagem e do capitalismo ao longo dos 200 anos de Florence Nightingale. Método: exposição lógico-reflexiva e teórica baseada em interpretações de fatos históricos e teorias marxistas. As categorias de análise foram: a criação e a expansão do Sistema Nightingaleano de Ensino de Enfermagem; a subsunção do trabalho assistencial de Enfermagem ao capital; o imperialismo e a saúde internacional; e a flexibilização do trabalho assistencial de Enfermagem. Resultados: a expansão do Sistema Nightingale de ensino formou enfermeiras em escala global. O sistema capitalista transformou o trabalho assistencial de enfermagem no século XX, culminando no século XXI com precarização e rotatividade intensa de enfermeiras em seus postos de trabalho. Conclusão: o trabalho assistencial de Enfermagem, tornado profissional por Nightingale, assumiu nos últimos 200 anos uma relação dialética com o capitalismo em que aquele tanto o determina quanto por este é determinado. Novos desafios, como as tecnologias da Indústria 4.0, impõem-se constantemente à profissão.

Objetivo: analizar la relación entre el desarrollo de la labor asistencial de Enfermería y el capitalismo a lo largo de los 200 años de Florence Nightingale. Método: exposición lógico-reflexiva y teórica basada en interpretaciones de hechos históricos y teorías marxistas. Las categorías de análisis fueron: la creación y expansión del Sistema Nightingaleano de Enseñanza de Enfermería; la subsunción de los cuidados de Enfermería al capital; imperialismo y salud internacional; y flexibilización de la labor asistencial de Enfermería. Resultados: la expansión del Sistema Nightingaleano de Enseñanza capacitó a enfermeras a escala global. El sistema capitalista transformó la labor asistencial de Enfermería en el siglo XX, culminando en el siglo XXI con la precariedad y la intensa rotación de enfermeras en sus puestos de trabajo. Conclusión: la labor asistencial de Enfermería, profesionalizada por Nightingale, ha asumido en los últimos 200 años una relación dialéctica con el capitalismo en la que lo determina y es determinado por él. Nuevos desafíos, como las tecnologías de la Industria 4.0, se imponen constantemente a la profesión.

Health Care Sector , Capitalism , History of Nursing , Nursing Care
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1344705


The industrial manufacturing of natural products for veterinary use represents a major weakness in the veterinary sector despite increased interest and the traditional ancestral knowledge that supports them. A cross-sectional, descriptive observational study was conducted to characterize the veterinary herbal products marketed worldwide during 2018 and 2019. A comprehensive thematic search limited to the 2018-2019 period was performed in the ScienceDirect, Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, ResearchGate, and Academic Search Complete databases. The investigation identified 487 products registered in the global market manufactured by 54 companies, led by India, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. The market segments of animal production and phytomedicines were dominant with 73.7% and 53.0% of products, respectively. Cattle (22.2%), sheep-goats (16.2%), and canines (16.2%) were the most favored species. The most represented therapeutic indications were those intended to treat gastrointestinal disorders (30.47%), antimicrobials (16.66%), and antiparasitic agents (10.47%). The families Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Apiaceae, Malvaceae, and Rutaceae stood out because of their frequent use, encompassing 35.0% of the 137 declared species. Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees and Withania somnifera (Lin) Dunal were the most important species. Oral formulations for internal use (72%) and liquids (51%) in 100 mL, 500 mL, and 1 L presentations showed the highest prevalence on the market. The global market for veterinary herbal products during the 2018-2019 period was relevant in the productive and medical animal sector. No differences were found between medicinal plant species used to formulate herbal products for human and animal use.(AU)

A fabricação industrial de produtos naturais para uso animal é uma das grandes fragilidades do setor veterinário, apesar de um crescente interesse e do suporte dado pelos conhecimentos tradicionais ancestrais. Foi realizado um estudo observacional descritivo transversal para caracterizar os fitoterápicos veterinários comercializados mundialmente no período de 2018-2019 através de uma busca temática exaustiva nas bases de dados ScienceDirect, Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, ResearchGate e Academic Search Complete. O estudo mostrou a existência de 487 produtos registrados no mercado mundial, fabricados por 54 empresas, lideradas pela Índia, Holanda e Reino Unido. Os segmentos Danimal produtivo e fitomedicamentos dominam o mercado com 73,7% e 53,0% dos produtos, respectivamente. Bovinos (22,2%), ovinos-cabras (16,2%) e caninos (16,2%) foram as espécies mais favorecidas. As indicações terapêuticas mais representadas foram aquelas destinadas à correção de distúrbios gastrointestinais (30,47%), antimicrobianos (16,66%) e antiparasitários (10,47%). Devido à alta frequência de uso, destacam-se as famílias Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Apiaceae, Malvaceae e Rutaceae, que compreendem 35,0% das 137 espécies declaradas a saber, Andrographis paniculata(Burm.f.) Nees e Withania somnífera (Lin) Dunal, são as mais importantes. Constatou-se que as formulações para uso interno via oral (72%) e líquida (51%) em embalagens de 100, 500 e 1000 mL são as que prevalecem no mercado. O mercado global de produtos fitoterápicos durante o período de 2018-2019 foi relevante para animais produtivos e o setor médico. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre as espécies de plantas medicinais utilizadas em formulações de produtos fitoterápicos para uso humano e animal.(AU)

Animals , Health Care Sector/economics , Marketing , Phytotherapeutic Drugs , Veterinary Medicine
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 48(1): 12-19, Jan.-Mar. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1092915


Abstract Introduction: In the age of healthcare safety, compliance with checklists and time tracking in surgery continue to be a gray zone in care processes. The technology applied to approach this issue and other scenarios, may contribute to solve a problem that impacts welfare and the healthcare sector economics. Objective: To introduce the design and construction of the MyCheckTime® software that incorporates Toyota's Lean methodology under the concept of Bundles. Materials and methods: Using a conceptual map, 5 measures were incorporated into the bundle; the MyCheckTime® platform was built based on a software code developed in Java8, PHP, Javascript, HTML5, Angular4, MongoDB-MySQL databases, and Docker, Ionic, VertX, Laravel-implemented technologies. Results: A software (MyCheckTime®) was constructed based on an App available for tablets and IOS and Android system-based mobile devices; a web-based platform and a database. The software captures the patient's circuit in the surgical area in real time, and records the times in which the checklists were conducted. Conclusion: MyCheckTime® is a Lean Methodology-based software that potentially enables the surgical team to deliver more efficient, safer, and timely care, allowing real time recording of the patient's circuit in the surgery area.

Resumen Introducción: En la era de la seguridad en la atención en salud, la de atención. La tecnología aplicada a esta problemática, al igual que adherencia a las listas de verificación y el seguimiento de tiempos otros escenarios, podrá contribuir a solucionar un problema que en el área de cirugía, continúan siendo puntos grises en los procesos de atención. La tecnología aplicada a esta problemática, al igual que otros escenarios, podrá contribuir a solucionar un problema que impacta el bienestar y la economía en el sector salud. Objetivo: Presentar el diseño y construcción del software MyCheckTime® que incorpora la metodología Lean de Toyota, bajo el concepto Bundles. Materiales y métodos: Mediante un mapa conceptual se incorporaron cinco medidas al paquete y se construyó una plataforma llamada MyCheckTime® con un código de software desarrollado en Java8, PHP, Javascript, HTML5, Angular4, bases de datos MongoDB-MySQL y tecnologías implementadas Docker, Ionic, VertX, Laravel. Resultados: Se construyó un software (MyCheckTime® ), compuesto por una App disponible para tabletas y móviles con sistema IOS o Android; una plataforma en la web y una base de datos. El software captura en tiempo real el circuito del paciente en el área de cirugía y registra los momentos en que se realizaron las listas de verificación. Conclusión: MyCheckTime® es un software basado en la Metodología Lean que potencialmente permitirá al equipo quirúrgico brindar una atención más eficiente, segura, y oportuna, permitiendo el registro en tiempo real del circuito que el paciente hace en el área de cirugía.

Humans , Software , Aftercare , Compliance , Delivery of Health Care , Quality of Health Care , Surgical Equipment , Technology , Health Care Sector , Computers, Handheld
Kanem Journal of Medical Sciences ; 14(1): 18-23, 2020. tab
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1264609


Background: Inter-professional rivalry (IPR) in Nigerian health sector has become a common practice for over a decade due to abuse of the existing laws and ethics governing the operations of the professional cadres manning the health institutions in the country. This has led to incessant strikes by the different cadres in the hospitals across the country, thereby affecting the quality of services delivered by all the categories of healthcare staff. This study was aimed at identifying the initial source of the problem by interviewing the students of the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences of Bayero University Kano (BUK) and that of Yusuf Maitama Sule University (YUMSUK) and those that have passed their examinations and joined the clinical and allied science departments in Bayero University Kano. The Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences is the initial confluent point where all medical and students of allied sciences receive their training together especially in the first and second year of their training. Method: A random sampling method was used to select the subjects. Two hundred questionnaires were distributed but 139 (69.5%) students at various levels of training filled and returned the questionnaire. Results: Females constituted 62 (44.6%), while the male were 77 (55.4%). Those in level 4 and 6 dominated the study with 55 (39.6%) and 41 (29.5%) respectively. Medical students and students of Physiology program constituted 42(30.2%) and 23(16.5%) respectively. Majority of the students 126 (90.6%) chose their respective courses without external influence and 85 (61.2%) believed that their course of study has a supportive role in the health care system. Up to 63 (45.3%) believed there is no superiority among the various courses of study. Of the factors fueling superiority feelings among students, 70 (50.4%) did not provide any reason, while those that believe professional bodies encourage it constituted 40 (28.8%), followed by teachers 11 (7.9%) and students themselves 10 (7.2%). Superiority feelings lead to rivalry among the various programs as opined by 78 (56.1%), chaos in the health sector 26 (18.7%) and poor patients management 12 (8.6%). Majority, 61 (43.9%) believed that rivalry in health sector can be prevented by giving uniform opportunity to all professional group. Conclusion: It is clear that half of the students interviewed were not aware of superiority feeling among the different programs of study. However, professional bodies rank first among the factors fueling superiority feeling during undergraduate training. Superiority feeling has negative effects on the healthcare system, one of which is rivalry among the healthcare staff and it can be avoided by giving uniform opportunity to different professional groups

Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Conflict, Psychological , Dangerous Behavior , Health Care Sector , Interpersonal Relations , Nigeria , Social Behavior
S. Afr. med. j. (Online) ; 110(7): 610-612, 2020.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1271269


Indiscriminatory in its spread, COVID-19 has engulfed communities from all social backgrounds throughout the world. While healthcare professionals work tirelessly testing for the virus and caring for patients, they too have become casualties of the pandemic. Currently the best way to attempt to curb the spread of the virus, echoed by almost all nation leaders, is to distance ourselves from one another socially or physically. However ideal this may seem, social distancing is not always practical in densely populated lower-income countries with many citizens below the breadline. With the majority of South Africans living in poverty, communities in overcrowded households are unable to distance themselves from one another appropriately. In addition, as a nation we struggle with high HIV and tuberculosis rates, malnutrition and an already overburdened healthcare system, emphasising the extreme vulnerability of our people. These factors, coupled with the fact that many of our healthcare professionals lack the necessary personal protective equipment to prevent them from contracting the virus themselves, highlight the gravity of the damaging repercussions that we may face in the coming months, after the complete national lockdown in force at the time of writing is lifted and we move towards a partial lockdown state. Nationally, there needs to be a shift in mindset towards exploring alternative technology-based preventive measures that may empower the healthcare sector in the long term and enhance social distancing

COVID-19 , Artificial Intelligence , Biomedical Enhancement , Health Care Sector , Pandemics , Social Isolation , South Africa
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; Rev. bras. epidemiol;23(supl.1): e200004.SUPL.1, 2020. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126067


RESUMO: Introdução: A violência sofrida na adolescência resulta em sérios prejuízos e sofrimento para a sociedade. Este estudo objetivou caracterizar o perfil das violências, das vítimas e dos prováveis autores das violências perpetradas contra adolescentes, bem como descrever o percentual de municípios notificantes por unidade da Federação. Métodos: Estudo transversal, realizado com dados de notificação de violência contra adolescentes do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação referentes ao período de 2011 a 2017. A significância estatística das diferenças entre as proporções na comparação entre sexos foi testada com o qui-quadrado. Estimaram-se razões de proporção para os tipos de violência mais frequentes segundo variáveis selecionadas. Resultados: As notificações foram procedentes de 75,4% dos municípios brasileiros. A violência física predominou no sexo masculino, na idade de 15 a 19 anos. A violência psicológica predominou no sexo feminino, entre 10 e 14 anos, quando praticada de forma repetitiva, no domicílio, por agressores familiares. A violência sexual prevaleceu no sexo feminino, entre 10 e 14 anos, nas raças/cores indígena, negra e amarela, quando perpetrada de forma repetitiva, no domicílio. A negligência predominou no sexo masculino, entre 10 e 14 anos, quando praticada de forma repetitiva, por agressores familiares. Conclusões: Violências sexuais ocorreram preponderantemente no sexo feminino e geram consideráveis impactos negativos à saúde mental, física, sexual e reprodutiva. Violências comunitárias perpetradas com objetos perfurocortantes e arma de fogo tiveram destaque no sexo masculino e são fatores de risco significativos para a sobremortalidade masculina. Como os problemas são complexos, demandam atuação intersetorial para seu enfrentamento.

ABSTRACT: Introduction: Violence experienced in adolescence results in serious damage and suffering to society. This study aims to characterize the profile of violence victims and likely perpetrators of violence against adolescents, as well as to describe the percentage of notifying municipalities according to the federation unit. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted with data on notification of violence against adolescents from the Information System for Notifiable Diseases, from 2011 to 2017. The chi-square test was used to assess the statistical significance of the differences between the proportions in the comparison between genders. Proportion ratios for the most frequent types of violence were estimated according to selected variables. Results: The notifications came from 75.4% of all the Brazilian municipalities. Physical violence predominated among males, aged 15-19 years. Psychological violence was predominant among females, between 10 and 14 years old, when perpetrated repeatedly at home by family aggressors. Sexual violence prevailed among females, aged 10 to 14 years old, in the indigenous, black and yellow races/colors, when perpetrated repeatedly at home. Negligence was more common among males, between 10 and 14 years old, when perpetrated repeatedly by family aggressors. Conclusions: Sexual violence occurred predominantly against females and generated significant negative impacts on mental, physical, sexual and reproductive health. Community violence, perpetrated with sharp objects and firearms, were prominent among males and are important risk factors for male over-mortality. Because the problems are complex, addressing them requires intersectoral actions.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Violence/statistics & numerical data , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Wounds and Injuries/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Disease Notification/statistics & numerical data , Health Care Sector
Einstein (São Paulo, Online) ; 18: eAO6127, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142870


ABSTRACT Objective: To estimate coronavirus disease 2019-related information consumption and related implications for health care professionals (medical and nonmedical personnel) during the pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional on-line survey was distributed to employees of a major health care institution located in São Paulo, Brazil between April 3 and April 10, 2020. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: The sample comprised 2,646 respondents. Most participants (44.4%) reported excessive or almost excessive access to information about the novel coronavirus and 67.6% reported having increased their average time spent on social media. When asked how frequently they consider it was easy to determine the reliability of information, "sometimes" corresponded to 43.2% of the answers in contrast to 14.6% responding "always". Answers related to potential signs of information overload associated with the pandemic indicated that 31% of respondents felt stressed by the amount of information they had to keep up with almost every day or always. Overall, 80.0% of respondents reported having experienced at least one of the following symptoms: headache, eye twitching, restlessness or sleeping difficulty. The frequency of symptoms was higher among participants with a more negative information processing style regarding when dealing with large volumes of information relative to those with a positive information processing style. Likewise, symptoms were more frequently reported by participants who had increased their social media access relative to those reporting reduced access during the pandemic. Conclusion: Our survey provides a description of how health professionals consume COVID-19 related information during the pandemic, and suggests that excessive information exposure and high processing demands may impose psychological distress and affect mental health.

RESUMO Objetivo: Estimar o consumo de informações relacionadas com doença do novo coronavírus e seus efeitos em profissionais do setor da saúde durante a pandemia. Métodos: Um questionário on-line foi distribuído para funcionários de uma instituição de saúde em São Paulo, Brasil, entre 3 e 10 de abril de 2020. Os dados foram analisados com estatísticas descritivas. Resultados: Foram incluídos nas análises 2.646 participantes. A maioria (44,4%) reportou ter acessado uma quantidade excessiva ou próxima de excessiva sobre o novo coronavírus, e 67,6% reportaram ter aumentado seu tempo médio em mídias sociais. Quando perguntados se era fácil determinar o que era informação confiável, 43,2% responderam "às vezes", comparados com 14,6% que responderam "sempre". Sobre os possíveis sinais de sobrecarga de informação associada com a pandemia, 31% sempre ou quase todos os dias se sentiram estressados com a quantidade de informações que tinham que acompanhar. Entre os respondentes, 80,0% reportaram sentir pelo menos um sintoma como dor de cabeça, espasmos oculares, inquietação ou dificuldade para dormir. Participantes com um estilo mais negativo de lidar com muitas informações também reportaram maior proporção de sintomas que os participantes com estilo positivo. De forma semelhante, participantes que aumentaram seu acesso a mídias sociais reportaram maior proporção de sintomas do que os que diminuíram seu acesso durante a pandemia. Conclusão: Nossa pesquisa fornece uma descrição de como os indivíduos consomem informações relacionadas com a doença do novo coronavirus durante a pandemia e sugere que a exposição a uma quantidade excessiva de informações e as elevadas demandas podem impor sofrimento psicológico e afetar a saúde mental.

COVID-19 , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Health Care Sector , Internet , SARS-CoV-2 , Middle Aged
Salud colect ; 16: e2129, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101904


RESUMEN Entre fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX, la provincia de Mendoza presentaba un estado sanitario marcado por el crecimiento demográfico y urbanístico, la escasez de los servicios públicos y la destrucción de la antigua ciudad colonial como consecuencia del terremoto de 1861, lo que propiciaba un ambiente favorable para el desarrollo de diversas enfermedades infectocontagiosas. El objetivo de este artículo es indagar cómo se fue profesionalizando y expandiendo el sistema de salud en la provincia de Mendoza a fines del siglo XIX e inicios del XX, y cómo esos factores, junto con las representaciones sobre la enfermedad que predominaban en el discurso de la elite gobernante, incidieron en las políticas públicas para combatir las dolencias de la época. Para ello se consultaron diversos documentos escritos y fotográficos que permitieron analizar las modificaciones del discurso y las políticas públicas implementadas.

ABSTRACT From the late 19th century to the beginning of the 20th, the province of Mendoza presented problematic sanitary conditions due to rapid demographic and urban growth, the scarcity of public services, and the poor state of the old colonial city (destroyed by the 1861 earthquake), which facilitated the spread of various infectious diseases. The objective of this article is to inquire into the ways in which the healthcare system in the province of Mendoza both expanded and became increasingly professionalized from the late 19th to early 20th century. We explore how these factors, along with the predominant social representations of disease that permeated the discourses of governing elites, influenced public policy aimed at combating the diseases of the time. To that end, we consulted a wide range of written documents and photographic material that allowed us to analyze changes in discourse as well as public policy.

Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Health Care Sector/history , Delivery of Health Care/history , Professionalism/history , Argentina , Politics , Public Policy/history , Social Conditions/history , Socioeconomic Factors/history , Urban Renewal/history , Quarantine/history , Hygiene/history , Communicable Diseases/history , Communicable Diseases/transmission , Population Growth , Health Care Sector/standards , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration , Epidemics/history , Social Determinants of Health/history , Health Services Accessibility/history