Resumo O artigo problematiza as ações e campanhas educativas voltadas à infância na área odontológica, abordando aspectos centrais, como a implantação de gabinetes dentários nas escolas públicas e a criação de concursos de "bons dentes" para a propagação de preceitos da higiene moderna. Os dentistas foram agentes decisivos na difusão da "ciência odontológica moderna", presentes nas escolas e em diversas instituições, atuando em atividades educativas e também no âmbito de ações e lutas por políticas públicas que reconhecessem as questões de saúde bucal. O artigo se baseia em extensa pesquisa, incluindo documentação variada e, a partir de diálogos com a nova história cultural, busca questionar as formas de prescrever a saúde bucal nas primeiras décadas do século XX.
Abstract Educational actions and campaigns in the area of dentistry geared towards children are addressed, focusing on the introduction of dental cabinets, or offices, at public schools and the creation of "good teeth" competitions to spread modern precepts of hygiene. Dentists were key agents in the spread of "modern dental science" at schools and different institutions, taking part in educational activities and also in actions and struggles for public policies that recognized the issues of oral health. The article is based on extensive research of a variety of documental sources and, through dialogues with the new cultural history, questions the ways oral health was prescribed in the early decades of the twentieth century.
Humans , Child , History, 20th Century , Oral Health/history , Health Education, Dental/history , Health Promotion/history , BrazilABSTRACT
Incluso sin la historia médica de Don Porfi rio, sólo por escuchar unainteresante crónica del historiador Juan Manuel Villalpando, hoy en el centenario de su muerte, y ante la encontrada opinión de quienes sin saber mucho de historia lo juzgan como un tirano dictador y otros más enterados y ante el legado histórico y cultural lo llaman héroe liberal. Éste es un relato alineado y paralelo a lo que probablemente pasó en la boca y dientes de Don Porfirio cuando su encía desguarnecida ostentaba dolor en algunos dientes. Con las obras consultadas y las fuentesencontradas no sabemos bien qué fue lo más doloroso; tal vez el dolor de la derrota, o el dolor insoportable por una muela rota
Though a detailed medical history of Porfirio Díaz has yet to be un-covered, much can be learned from an interesting chronicle published by historian Juan Manuel Villalpando in what is the centenary of the death of this former Mexican president, one regarded as a tyrant dicta-tor by those with only a limited knowledge of history, while the more informed proclaim him to be a liberal hero, based on his historical and cultural legacy. This complementary and parallel account provides a picture of what is likely to have been going on in the mouth and teeth of the president as he endured the exposed gum and the toothache that affected several of Don Porfi rios teeth. Based on the works consulted and sources found, we cannot be certain which was the greater of Don Pofi rios woes: the pain of defeat or the unbearable agony of a broken tooth.