Introducción: la falta de adherencia farmacológica, siendo un problema de salud pública es una de las principales causas de incremento de la morbimortalidad, discapacidad y costos sanitarios en los pacientes con enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Objetivo: describir la prevalencia de la no adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico de los pacientes adultos con patología crónica que asistieron a un centro médico de la ciudad de Tunja, desde septiembre a noviembre del año 2022. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional de corte transversal que incluyó adultos mayores de 18 años con enfermedad crónica no transmisible en el servicio de consulta externa de un centro de salud de baja complejidad, se recolectó los datos de las historias clínicas, se utilizó estadística descriptiva y Odds Ratio para análisis de asociación. Resultados: se analizaron 216 pacientes. La prevalencia de no adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico fue del 75%, el promedio de edad de pacientes con patología crónica fue 65,5 años, el sexo femenino representó el 56,9%, la mayoría de los casos tuvieron hipertensión arterial sistémica (94,4%), más de la mitad presentaron comorbilidades (73,1%) y el 45,3% estaban polimedicados. Los factores relacionados con la no adherencia farmacológica según el test de Morisky-Green fueron edad menor a 60 años (p=0,033), sexo masculino (p=0,045), consumo de alcohol (p=0,003) y tabaco (p=0,003), ausencia de comorbilidades (p=0,008) y no polifarmacia (p=0,004). Conclusión: la no adherencia farmacológica presentó una prevalencia, por encima a la reportada en la literatura y el principal factor asociado fue el consumo de tabaco. Los resultados obtenidos proporcionan conocimientos para nuevas investigaciones (AU)
Introduction: lack of pharmacological adherence, being a public health problem, is one of the main causes of increased morbidity and mortality, disability and health costs in patients with chronic non-communicable diseases. Objective: to describe the prevalence of non-adherence to pharmacological treatment in adult patients with chronic pathology who attended a medical center in the city of Tunja, from September to November 2022. M aterials and methods: cross-sectional observational study that included adults over 18 years of age with chronic non-communicable disease in the outpatient service of a low-complexity health center, data was collected from medical records, descriptive statistics were used and Odds Ratio for association analysis. Results: 216 patients were analyzed. The prevalence of non-adherence to pharmacological treatment was 75%, the average age of patients with chronic pathology was 65.5 years, the female sex represented 56.9%, the majority of cases had systemic arterial hypertension (94,4%), more than half had comorbidities (73.1%) and 45.3% were polypharmacy. The factors related to pharmacological non-adherence according to the Morisky-Green test were age under 60 years (p=0.033), male sex (p=0.045), alcohol consumption (p=0.003) and tobacco (p=0.003), absence of comorbidities (p=0.008) and no polypharmacy (p=0.004). Conclusion: pharmacological non-adherence had a high prevalence above that reported in the literature and the main associated factor was tobacco consumption. The results obtained provide knowledge for new research (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Chronic Disease , Medication Adherence/statistics & numerical data , Comorbidity , Surveys and Questionnaires , Health FacilitiesABSTRACT
El presente documento describe los diferentes elementos que componen el Manual de organización y funciones de la Unidad Consolidadora de Compras, el cual tiene como propósito identificar con claridad su misión, visión, objetivos, funciones, organigrama, así como, las relaciones de trabajo internas y externas
This document describes the different elements that make up the Organization and Functions Manual of the Purchasing Consolidation Unit, which aims to clearly identify its mission, vision, objectives, functions, organizational chart, as well as the internal work relationships and external
Health Facilities , El SalvadorABSTRACT
La Organización Mundial de la Salud define la salud digital como la incorporación de tecnologías de información y comunicación para mejorar la salud. En los últimos años, se vio una fuerte aceleración en la adopción de estas herramientas digitales, lo que impactó de lleno en los modelos asistenciales tradicionales. Actualmente, estamos observando el surgimiento de un gran entorno virtual inmersivo llamado metaverso. Su aparición genera nuevas y desafiantes oportunidades en la salud. En este artículo se exploran algunos conceptos relacionados con este campo, se dan ejemplos concretos de su aplicación en pediatría, se mencionan algunas experiencias en el ámbito hospitalario para finalmente adentrarse en los desafíos y oportunidades que emergen.
The World Health Organization has defined "digital health" as the use of information and communication technologies to improve health. In recent years, there has been a strong acceleration in the adoption of these digital tools, which has had a major impact on traditional healthcare models. We are currently witnessing the emergence of a large immersive virtual environment called the "metaverse." Its emergence creates new and challenging opportunities in health care. This article explores some metaverse-related concepts, provides specific examples of its use in pediatrics, describes experiences in the hospital setting, and finally delves into the resulting challenges and opportunities.
Humans , Telemedicine , Communication , Information Technology , Health Facilities , HospitalsABSTRACT
Background:Methicillin resistant S. aureus(MRSA) has become a major public health predicament worldwide. This is owing to its involvement in the evolution of MDR strains and difficulty in therapeutic management of infected patients. This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aureusamong patients in two health facilities in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.Materials and Methods:Clinical isolates of patients from University of Uyo Teaching Hospital (UUTH), Uyo and General Hospital, Ikot Abasi (GHIA) were investigated based on the strategic location of the hospitals. The study design was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Three hundred clinical samples were collected from male and female in and out-patients of all ages and processed using standard bacteriological methods. Detection of Staphylococcus aureusand MRSAstrains were done according to standard protocols while antibiotic susceptibility testing of MRSAisolates was conducted using Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method and interpreted following the CLSI 2021 guidelines. Results:The prevalence of MRSAstrains in this study was 42.9%. Majority of patients with MRSAwere from UUTH (44%) closely followed by patients from GHIA(40%). High antibiotics resistant rates of MRSAwere recorded for ampicillin (96.6%), ciprofloxacin (73.3%), erythromycin (63.3%) and cotrimoxazole (60%). Gentamicin and ceftriaxone sensitivity rates were 53.3% and 63.4%, respectively. Conclusion:Health facilities in the state should institute effective antimicrobial stewardship, intensify surveillance and screening of Staphylococcus aureusfor MRSAstrains to guard against dissemination of multidrug resistant strains in both hospital and community settings because of the clinical implications.
Staphylococcus aureus , Prevalence , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Therapeutics , Clindamycin , Diagnosis , Health FacilitiesABSTRACT
Background: The tongue is susceptible to a multitude of conditions that can be of developmental, neoplastic, or inflammatory nature, whose occurrence varies globally by age, sex, and ethnicity. The objective of the present study was to determine the incidence of tongue lesions among cases managed in a tertiary hospital in Tanzania. Methods: This study analyzed histological results of patients with tongue lesions diagnosed between 2016 and 2021. Data on the age and sex of the patients and histological diagnosis were collected. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 27. Results: A total of 190 samples of tongue lesions were studied and 18 different histological diagnoses were observed. Generally, a majority (84.2%) of the biopsied tongue lesions were malignant. The most common (74.7%) lesions diagnosed were squamous cell carcinoma followed by hemangioma (5.3%). A significant association was noted between the nature of the lesions and the age group and sex of the patients. Conclusion: This analysis depicts that tongue lesions are frequently encountered in patients managed in tertiary health facilities in Tanzania. A majority of these lesions are malignant tumors. The sex and age of the patients are determining factors for the occurrence of tongue lesions
Humans , Male , Female , Tongue , Health FacilitiesABSTRACT
According to the World Health Organizations (WHO) family medicine forms the bedrock upon for accessible, affordable and equitable healthcare for any country. The need for family doctors is more acute for low income countries like The Gambia. More so that The Gambian health infrastructure is suboptimal and appropriate health personnel is low. This is worsened by brain drain leading to poor health indices. Despite these challenges and more, the department of Family Medicine was accredited for training in the Gambia with improved infrastructure (at the training centre), with 7 residents. Though there are still challenges there are also opportunities and strengths. There is therefore hope that the right personnel will be produced for an improved Gambian health system.
Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Delivery of Health Care , Health Facilities , Family Health , Family PracticeABSTRACT
El presente documento refleja el trabajo realizado y los resultados obtenidos del proceso de revisión del Listado nacional de medicamentos esenciales con problemas de adquisición de la Secretaría de Salud.(AU)
Humans , Primary Health Care , Drugs, Essential , Access to Essential Medicines and Health Technologies , Health FacilitiesABSTRACT
El presente procedimiento estandariza las actividades a cumplir por el personal responsable de la eliminación de expedientes clínicos pasivos para volver eficiente el procedimiento y reducir costos de conservación en los establecimientos de salud. Y están sujetos al cumplimiento, todos los establecimientos de salud del Ministerio de Salud que posean expedientes clínicos pasivos, quienes deberán iniciar con la identificación de los expedientes clínicos pasivos que ya cumplieron su plazo de conservación establecido en la norma técnica para conformación, custodia y consulta del expediente clínico, concluyendo con la destrucción normalizada de los mismos
This procedure standardizes the activities to be carried out by the personnel responsible for the elimination of passive clinical records to make the procedure efficient and reduce conservation costs in health establishments. And all health facilities of the Ministry of Health that have passive clinical records are subject to compliance, who must begin with the identification of the passive clinical records that have already met their conservation period established in the technical standard for formation, custody and consultation. of the clinical record, concluding with the normalized destruction of the same
Health Facilities , El SalvadorABSTRACT
O Boletim CEInfo "Saúde em Dados" é uma publicação em formato eletrônico com periodicidade anual e de livre acesso editado pela Coordenação de Epidemiologia e Informação (CEInfo) da Secretaria Municipal da Saúde de São Paulo (SMS-SP). O documento é apresentado em dois formatos: uma versão em PDF para consulta e download e outra em formato aberto com conteúdo das diferentes unidades territoriais/administrativas do Município de São Paulo Coordenadoria Regional de Saúde/Supervisão Técnica de Saúde e Subprefeitura. O "Saúde em Dados" foi criado para promover a disseminação de dados sobre nascimentos, mortes e adoecimento da população paulistana, além da estrutura de estabelecimentos/serviços da rede SUS e sua produção assistencial com o objetivo de contribuir com a organização das ações de saúde no Município. Desde 2021, são apresentados os registros de síndrome gripal (SG), síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SRAG) e óbitos decorrentes da pandemia de Covid-19. Na sua 22ª edição, foram incluídos a proporção de nascidos vivos com anomalias congênitas prioritárias segundo definição do Ministério da Saúde, além de alguns agravos de notificação compulsória: doenças e agravos relacionados ao trabalho (DART), acidentes e violências. Os coeficientes foram calculados com a projeção da população residente em 2022 e padronizados por idade com base na população residente de 2020 do Município de São Paulo. Como destaque e a partir desta edição, são apresentados indicadores de mortalidade segundo sexo biológico para as doenças isquêmicas do coração, doenças cerebrovasculares, diabetes mellitus, câncer de pulmão e câncer colorretal. As informações podem ser utilizadas na produção de análises sobre a situação de saúde e de apoio aos gestores, trabalhadores e demais interessados em discutir as ações e políticas de saúde na cidade de São Paulo. Assim qualquer pessoa pode acessar estes conteúdos e utilizá-los com diferentes finalidades e formatos, sendo necessária apenas a preservação da sua origem e citação da fonte. Espera-se que esta publicação cumpra sua finalidade como mais um instrumento público de divulgação de informações de saúde, de apoio aos gestores e à participação social do SUS na cidade de São Paulo.
Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Epidemiology/statistics & numerical data , Population Forecast , Mortality , Disease Notification/statistics & numerical data , Hospital Care , Live Birth/epidemiology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Health Facilities/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Los estándares de calidad han sido diseñados para ser evaluados mediante un proceso con las siguientes características: i) Evaluación orientada a resultados centrados en el/la usuario/a (adolescentes); ii) evidencias medibles de los procesos y resultados evaluados; iii) flexibilidad para evaluar diversas evidencias que los equipos de salud presenten para demostrar el cumplimiento; y, iv) seguimiento a usuarios/as trazadores/ras. (Anexo N°5 para adolescentes).
Quality Assurance, Health Care , Comprehensive Health Care , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Adolescent Health , Health Facilities , Health Services ResearchABSTRACT
ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO En Chile la relación asistencial-docente (RAD) está regulada por la norma técnica N°254. La RAD se define como un vínculo estratégico y de largo plazo, que une al Sector Público de salud con instituciones de educación superior. Ésta tiene como objetivo formar y disponer de profesionales y técnicos competentes para satisfacer las necesidades de salud de la población, beneficiando la calidad de atención que reciben los usuarios del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNSS). En esta norma, se considera a la RAD como un eje estratégico para el sistema de salud. En este contexto el departamento de Formación, Capacitación y Educación Continua ha solicitado el desarrollo de una síntesis de evidencia, con el objetivo de conocer el efecto que tiene la formación académica sobre la productividad asistencial, y de esta manera entregar información actualizada y relevante para el proyecto de ley que regula la RAD. METODOLOGÍA Se buscaron revisiones sistemáticas que respondieron la pregunta en las bases de datos MEDLINE y EMBASE a través de OVID y en Epistemonikos, con fecha 01 de marzo. Se utiliza la metodología de la certeza de evidencia GRADE. Se incluyen estudios que evalúen la relación docente-asistencial sobre parámetros de productividad o satisfacción usuaria. Se excluyen estudios que evaluaron el efecto sobre educación al usuario, producción en investigación o percepciones de profesionales de salud, sobre el efecto de la educación virtual o de simulación y estudios de RAD exclusivo en pasantías internacionales. RESULTADOS La cantidad de revisiones sistemáticas recuperadas fueron 2, de las que se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: - Existe alta incertidumbre de la evidencia sobre el efecto de la RAD en desenlaces de productividad o satisfacción usuaria. - De manera general, los datos sugieren que no habría diferencias importantes en la atención o satisfacción usuaria, cuando hay o no presencia de estudiantes. - La docencia asistencial es considerada fundamental para la capacitación y formación de recursos humanos en salud, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
Teaching Care Integration Services , Chile , Hospitals, Teaching , Consumer Behavior , Health FacilitiesABSTRACT
Addressing weight stigma is essential to obesity management as it causes inequalities in healthcare and impacts the outcomes of health. This narrative review summarises systematic review findings about the presence of weight bias in healthcare professionals, and interventions to reduce weight bias or stigma in these professionals. Two databases (PubMed and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature [CINAHL]) were searched. Seven eligible reviews were identified from 872 search results. Four reviews identified the presence of weight bias, and three investigated trials to reduce weight bias or stigma in healthcare professionals. The findings may help further research and the treatment, health and well-being of individuals with overweight or obesity in Singapore. Weight bias was prevalent among qualified and student healthcare professionals globally, and there is a lack of clear guidance for effective interventions to reduce it, particularly in Asia. Future research is essential to identify the issues and inform initiatives to reduce weight bias and stigma among healthcare professionals in Singapore.
Humans , Weight Prejudice , Singapore , Asia , Databases, Factual , Health FacilitiesABSTRACT
Objective@#This study aims to assess the presence of stigma in health facilities and health-seeking behaviors of persons living with HIV (PLHIV).@*Methods@#This study utilized a cross-sectional design employing self-report questionnaires answered online. A total of 100 PLHIV participants were recruited using the respondent-driven sampling method.@*Results@#Results revealed that most participants are young adult men who have been diagnosed with HIV within the last five years. Overall, participants display moderate health-seeking behavior (M = 2.94, SD = 0.54), and moderate experience of health facility-related stigma (M = 2.21, SD = 0.87). Further, there is a negative correlation between age and health-seeking behavior (r = −0.2796, p = 0.049). The type of facility is significantly correlated with HIV stigma (r = 0.4050, p = 0.036).@*Conclusion@#A sustained linkage to care is essential for a PLHIV to remain engaged on his health and well-being. Necessary strategies should be implemented to improve the health-seeking behaviors of PLHIV. Public Rural Health Units are considered to be the most stigmatizing health facility. The presence of health facility-related stigma requires immediate action of the government to reinvigorate these catchment centers as providers of stigma-free and nondiscriminatory primary health care.
HIV , HIV , Health Facilities , PhilippinesABSTRACT
Development of extramural health care for chronic wounds is still in its infancy in China, and thus it is urgent and vital to establish a correct concept and practicable principles. The authors reviewed recent domestic and international literature and summarized the following treatment procedures and principles for extramural health care of chronic wounds. (1) The patient needs to do self-assessment of the wound by using available simple methods; (2) The patient consults with professional physicians or nurses on wound care to define the severity and etiology of the non-healing wound; (3) Professionals evaluate the existing treatment strategies; (4) Etiological treatments are given by professionals; (5) Patients buy needed dressings via the more convenient ways from pharmacies, e-commerce platform or others; (6) Professionals provide a standardized and reasonable therapeutic plan based on the patient's wound conditions; (7) Both professionals and the patient pay attention to complications to prevent adverse outcomes; (8) Professionals strengthen the public education on wound care and integrated rehabilitation. This review expected to provide new perspectives on the therapeutic strategies for chronic wounds in an extramural setting.
Humans , Wound Healing , Health Facilities , Delivery of Health Care , China , Wounds and Injuries/therapyABSTRACT
Background: The COVID-19 outbreak response in Nigeria was challenged by the existing weak health sector and the frontline health workers for COVID-19 pandemic response are exposed to the pathogen. One militating factor undermining the control and prevention of COVID-19 in Nigeria was poor compliance to preventive measures. This study assessed the compliance with COVID-19 prevention protocols among healthcare workers in Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. Methods: A cross sectional study and subjects were selected through a multi-stage sampling technique. Data collection was done using interviewer-administered semi-structured questionnaire over a period of five months (JuneOctober, 2021). Data was analyzed using IBM, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 27.0 and p value was set at <0.05 as the threshold for statistical significance. Results: Majority (60.1%), of the respondents got information on COVID-19 protocols through seminars and workshops. However, more than a quarter (28.8%) of the respondents said the use of available PPE was suboptimal. More than one-third, (35.8%), of respondents believe the protocols are too strict. There is, however, good perception (93.3%), but relatively lower compliance (58.7%) of COVID-19 protocols among the staff. Age, marital status and sex were associated with compliance towards COVID-19 protocols in this study (P<0.05). Identified significant predictors (p<0.05) of compliance include age (AOR=1.944), female sex (AOR=7.829). Conclusion: Most respondents had good knowledge of availability, perception of effectiveness, but relatively lower compliance with the COVID-19 protocols in this facility. The government or hospital authority make sure that necessary steps to further boost compliance are taken
Humans , COVID-19 , Medical Staff, Hospital , Perception , Patient Compliance , Disease Prevention , Health FacilitiesABSTRACT
Background: Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services has become an integral part of antenatal services. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission was introduced in all the regions of Ghana, but mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) continued to increase. Objectives: To explore and describe midwives' perceptions and attitudes towards PMTCT of HIV services. Method: Quantitative research approach and descriptive cross-sectional design were used. The population includes all midwives between the ages of 21 and 60 years who work in antenatal care (ANC) clinics in 11 district hospitals in the Central Region of Ghana where the study was conducted. Forty-eight midwives were interviewed using a census sample process. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 21. Correlation analysis was performed to find the relationships between the attitudes and the perceptions of the midwives on PMTCT of HIV services. Results: Seventy percent of midwives had positive perceptions of PMTCT of HIV services and 85% had positive attitudes towards the provision of PMTCT of HIV services. Midwives were screening all pregnant women who visited the ANCs and referring those who tested positive to other institutions where they can be monitored. Some of the concerns considered were views on retesting HIV-infected pregnant women throughout their pregnancy. There was a positive correlation between attitudes and perceptions of midwives on PMTCT of HIV services. Conclusion: Midwives had positive perceptions and positive attitudes towards the PMTCT of HIV services that they were providing to antenatal attendees. Also, as the attitudes of the midwives towards PMTCT of HIV services improved, their perceptions of PMTCT services also improved. Contribution: Decentralisation of PMTCT of HIV services to community-based health facilities is appropriate to enable sub-district health facilities to test for HIV and provide counselling services to pregnant women.
Perception , HIV Infections , HIV Seropositivity , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Health Facilities , Midwifery , Attitude , Pregnant WomenABSTRACT
Background: Ameloblastoma is a benign epithelial odontogenic neoplasm which is common among the dwellers of sub-Saharan Africa. The various histologic types have been elucidated. Aim: This study aimed to assess the prevalent histologic types of ameloblastoma in a Lagos secondary health care facility. Materials and methods: A five-year retrospective review of histopathologically diagnosed slides was done. Data extracted include the age, gender, location, ethnicity, and histologic variants, which were analysed with SPSS version 26. Percentages, ratio, mean, standard deviation were determined, and p-value ⩽ 0.05 was considered significant. Result: A total of 77 histopathologically diagnosed ameloblastoma slides were included in this study. Males were more affected than females in ratio 1.2:1 with the mean age 33.61±13.3. Ameloblastoma was commonest in the third decade of life and more in the mandible than maxilla. The commonest histologic type was the conventional/follicular type which occurred more in males and this was followed by the unicystic/intraluminal type. Conclusion: The commonest histologic variant was the follicular (conventional) and occurred more in males. This was followed by the intraluminal (unicystic) histologic variant that was commoner in females in this Lagos State secondary health care facility.
Ameloblastoma , Odontogenic Tumors , Health FacilitiesABSTRACT
Background: Complications of abortion are a major contributing factor to maternal mortality, especially in Africa. 31% of maternal deaths in Nairobi are attributed to abortions complications. While Post abortion Care (PAC) is a proven approach in addressing mortality and burden of abortion complications, determinants of use among women who need the service, PAC health seeking behaviours, the health systems capacity to provide PAC and experiences of women and providers on PAC is not well documented. This study sought to address this gap. Objective: To determine factors that influence utilization of PAC services among women of reproductive age in Nairobi County. Design: Cross-sectional survey design which employed a quantitative data collection approach. Setting: Mbagathi hospital and Mama Lucy Kibaki hospital. Subjects and Intervention: Women of reproductive age attending reproductive health services at selected health facilities. The intervention was post abortion care. Results: Single women are 62.5% (OR 0.375) less likely to seek PAC services than married women. Prior knowledge of post abortion care (PAC) services is a statistically significant determinant of seeking of PAC services (P <0.05). Women with prior knowledge about post abortion care (PAC) services are twice likely (O.R 2.318) to seek PAC services. Prior experiences, with Gender of health care provider while seeking PAC services (P-Value 0.044), waiting time (0.008) and service affordability (p<0.05) significantly determines whether one seeks PAC services or not. Conclusion: Utilization of PAC services in Nairobi County is determined by experiences, perceptions, as well as individual level factors such as marital status
Health FacilitiesABSTRACT
Equipos são dispositivos médicos que, ao apresentarem desvios de qualidade, podem ocasionar agravos a elevado número de pessoas. Este estudo objetivou avaliar o perfil das notificações de queixas técnicas realizadas no Sistema Notivisa, desenvolvido pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, para discussão sobre o seu impacto na segurança do paciente. Por meio de metodologia quantitativa foram avaliados equipos comercializados no período de 2016 a 2017, cinco anos após a instituição da certificação metrológica compulsória. As principais queixas técnicas se referiram a problemas na integridade (82,70%): defeito mecânico, vazamentos, problemas no corta-fluxo, oclusão de fluido e descolamento, problemas na embalagem ou rotulagem (8,54%) e presença de corpo estranho e sujidades (7,97%). Tais falhas podem interferir nos procedimentos diagnósticos e/ou de tratamento, como a administração de medicamentos quimioterápicos, de antibióticos e também a realização de transfusões. Assim, a tecnovigilância é fundamental para a segurança sanitária no mercado a partir da identificação dos riscos e da possibilidade de mitigá-los, promovendo a segurança do paciente.
Infusion sets are medical devices that, when presenting quality deviations, can cause harm to a large number of people. This study aimed to evaluate the profile of technical complaint notifications made on the Notivisa System, developed by Anvisa Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (National Agency for Health Surveillance), so as to discuss its impact on patient safety. By means of quantitative methodology, devices sold from 2016 to 2017 was evaluated, five years after the establishment of compulsory metrological certification. The main technical complaints referred to integrity problems (82.70%): mechanical defect, leaks, flow shutdown issues, fluid obstruction and detachment, packaging or labeling problems (8.54%) and presence of foreign bodies and dirt (7.97%). Such failures can interfere with diagnostic and/or treatment procedures such as the administration of chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics and also the transfusion process. Thus, the technovigilance is essential for health safety in the market, based on the identification of risks and the possibility of mitigating them, thus promoting the patient safety.
Los equipos son aparatos médicos quepueden resultar en daños a un gran número de personas por si acaso presentan desviaciones de calidad. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido evaluar el perfil de notificacio-nes de quejas técnicasregistradas en el Sistema Notivisa, desarrollado por Anvisa Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria) con miras a la discusión de su impacto en la seguridad del paciente. Valiéndose de la metodología cuantitativa se evaluaron los equipos comercializadosdesde 2016 hasta 2017, que coincide con los cinco años tras la institución de la certificación metrológica obligatoria. Las principales quejas técnicas (82,70%) se refirieron a problemas de integridad: defecto me-cánico, fugas, problemas en el corta flujo oclusión y despegue de fluidos, dificultades en el embalaje o en la rotulación (8,54%) además de la presencia de cuerpo extraño y suciedades (7,97%). Dichos desperfectospueden obstaculizar los procedimientos de diagnóstico y/o de tratamiento, como la administración de fármacos quimioterapéuticos, antibióticos y también la realización de trasfusiones. De ahí que la tecnovi-gilancia sea fundamental para la vigilancia sanitaria en el mercado a partir de la identificación de riesgos sumada a la posibilidad de paliarlos, fomentando la seguridad del paciente.