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Rev. costarric. cardiol ; 25(2): 45-50, jul.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559766


RESUMEN Introducción y objetivos : La insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) es una preocupación creciente de salud pública. Si bien los betabloqueantes (BB) son la base del tratamiento, lograr reducciones objetivo de frecuencia cardíaca puede ser difícil debido a los efectos secundarios y la tolerancia limitada. La ivabradina, un inhibidor único de la corriente If, ofrece un enfoque complementario para controlar la frecuencia cardíaca sin afectar la contractilidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la eficacia de agregar ivabradina a la terapia BB en pacientes con IC. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo en un hospital privado en San José, Costa Rica se analizaron 7 casos de pacientes tratados con BB a los cuales posteriormente se les adicionó ivabradina. Se recopilaron datos demo- gráficos, las características clínicas, la frecuencia cardíaca previa y posterior a la ivabradina, la clase funcional NYHA y los valores de laboratorio seleccionados. Resultados: La ivabradina redujo significativamente la frecuencia cardíaca en reposo en un promedio de 26,87 latidos por minuto. El 42,86% alcanzó la dosis meta de su BB inicial después de agregar ivabradina. La clase funcional NYHA se mantuvo estable o mejoró en todos los casos. Conclusiones: Estos resultados sugieren que agregar ivabradina a la terapia BB puede ser una estrategia eficaz para optimizar el control de la frecuencia cardíaca en pacientes con IC. Este enfoque puede mejorar la tolerabilidad de BB, lo que lleva a un mayor manejo de la dosis meta y posiblemente mejores resultados clínicos.

ABSTRACT Introduction and objectives: Heart failure (HF) is a growing public health concern. While beta-blockers (BBs) are the cornerstone of treatment, achieving target heart rate reductions can be difficult due to side effects and limited tolerance. Ivabradine, a unique inhibitor of the If current, offers a complementary approach to controlling heart rate without affecting contractility. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of adding ivabradine to BB therapy in patients with HF. Methods : A retrospective observational study was conducted at a private hospital in San José, Costa Rica. Seven cases of patients treated with BBs who were subsequently added to ivabradine were analyzed. Demographic data, clinical characteristics, heart rate before and after ivabradine, NYHA functional class, and selected laboratory values were collected. Results : Ivabradine significantly reduced resting heart rate by an average of 26.87 beats per minute. Forty-two-point eight-six percent (42.86%) achieved the target dose of their initial BB after adding ivabradine. NYHA functional class remained stable or improved in all cases. Conclusions: These results suggest that adding ivabradine to BB therapy may be an effective strategy to optimize heart rate control in patients with HF. This approach may improve BB tolerability, leading to greater target dose management and possibly better clinical outcomes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Ivabradine/therapeutic use , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Costa Rica
Acta méd. costarric ; 65(4): 173-180, oct.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1568731


Resumen La insuficiencia cardiaca aguda es una emergencia que aumenta la mortalidad cardiovascular debido a los síntomas y signos de congestión e hipoperfusión vascular. El manejo actual con diuréticos, inotrópicos y vasopresores mejora el estado clínico; sin embargo, la morbimortalidad asociada a esta patología sigue siendo altamente significativa. Por otra parte, los inhibidores del cotransportador sodio-glucosa tipo 2 (iSGLT2) han demostrado una reducción en la hospitalización y mortalidad cardiovascular en los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca crónica. Por ende, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar los efectos clínicos de este grupo farmacológico en la insuficiencia cardiaca aguda, con base en investigaciones científicas. Los hallazgos de estas investigaciones demostraron un beneficio clínico de los iSGLT2 sobre esta patología, con base a parámetros como mortalidad, hospitalización, eventos clínicos, función renal, efecto diurético y concentraciones del biomarcador NT-proBnp, los cuales se detallarán en el presente artículo. Por consiguiente, se concluyó que estos fármacos son seguros sobre la evolución clínica de la insuficiencia cardiaca aguda.

Abstract Acute heart failure is an emergency that increases cardiovascular mortality due to symptoms and signs of vascular congestion and hypoperfusion. Current management with diuretics, inotropes, and vasopressors improves the clinical status; However, the morbidity and mortality associated with this pathology remains highly significant. On the other hand, sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2i) inhibitors have shown a reduction in hospitalization and cardiovascular mortality in patients with chronic heart failure. Therefore, the objective of this article is to analyze the clinical effects of this pharmacological group in acute heart failure, based on scientific research. The findings of these investigations demonstrated a clinical benefit of SGLT2i on this pathology, based on parameters such as mortality, hospitalization, clinical events, renal function, diuretic effect and concentrations of the NTproBnp biomarker, which will be detailed in this article. Therefore, it was concluded that these drugs are safe on the clinical course of acute heart failure.

Humans , Male , Female , Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Heart Failure/drug therapy
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(2): 222-228, feb. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522070


Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia and is highly prevalent in elderly patients. It confers a higher risk for ischemic stroke, heart failure and death. The diagnosis and treatment of AF has been extensively studied and remain under constant revision. This article reviews the recent European guidelines and the advances observed with the introduction of direct oral anticoagulants in the last ten years. This new family of drugs has clear benefits in terms of efficacy and safety compared with traditional vitamin K antagonists. Treatment of most common comorbidities in patients with AF such as advanced age, heart failure, diabetes, renal failure, and others are also analyzed. New therapies for AF will be shortly available.

Humans , Aged, 80 and over , Atrial Fibrillation/complications , Atrial Fibrillation/diagnosis , Atrial Fibrillation/drug therapy , Stroke/etiology , Stroke/drug therapy , Diabetes Mellitus/drug therapy , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Comorbidity , Administration, Oral , Anticoagulants/adverse effects
Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 374-383, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985935


Objectives: To investigated the safety and efficacy of treating patients with acute non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and elevated levels of N-terminal pro-hormone B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) with levosimendan within 24 hours of first medical contact (FMC). Methods: This multicenter, open-label, block-randomized controlled trial (NCT03189901) investigated the safety and efficacy of levosimendan as an early management strategy of acute heart failure (EMS-AHF) for patients with NSTEMI and high NT-proBNP levels. This study included 255 patients with NSTEMI and elevated NT-proBNP levels, including 142 males and 113 females with a median age of 65 (58-70) years, and were admitted in the emergency or outpatient departments at 14 medical centers in China between October 2017 and October 2021. The patients were randomly divided into a levosimendan group (n=129) and a control group (n=126). The primary outcome measure was NT-proBNP levels on day 3 of treatment and changes in the NT-proBNP levels from baseline on day 5 after randomization. The secondary outcome measures included the proportion of patients with more than 30% reduction in NT-proBNP levels from baseline, major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) during hospitalization and at 6 months after hospitalization, safety during the treatment, and health economics indices. The measurement data parameters between groups were compared using the t-test or the non-parametric test. The count data parameters were compared between groups using the χ² test. Results: On day 3, the NT-proBNP levels in the levosimendan group were lower than the control group but were statistically insignificant [866 (455, 1 960) vs. 1 118 (459, 2 417) ng/L, Z=-1.25,P=0.21]. However, on day 5, changes in the NT-proBNP levels from baseline in the levosimendan group were significantly higher than the control group [67.6% (33.8%,82.5%)vs.54.8% (7.3%,77.9%), Z=-2.14, P=0.03]. There were no significant differences in the proportion of patients with more than 30% reduction in the NT-proBNP levels on day 5 between the levosimendan and the control groups [77.5% (100/129) vs. 69.0% (87/126), χ²=2.34, P=0.13]. Furthermore, incidences of MACE did not show any significant differences between the two groups during hospitalization [4.7% (6/129) vs. 7.1% (9/126), χ²=0.72, P=0.40] and at 6 months [14.7% (19/129) vs. 12.7% (16/126), χ²=0.22, P=0.64]. Four cardiac deaths were reported in the control group during hospitalization [0 (0/129) vs. 3.2% (4/126), P=0.06]. However, 6-month survival rates were comparable between the two groups (log-rank test, P=0.18). Moreover, adverse events or serious adverse events such as shock, ventricular fibrillation, and ventricular tachycardia were not reported in both the groups during levosimendan treatment (days 0-1). The total cost of hospitalization [34 591.00(15 527.46,59 324.80) vs. 37 144.65(16 066.90,63 919.00)yuan, Z=-0.26, P=0.80] and the total length of hospitalization [9 (8, 12) vs. 10 (7, 13) days, Z=0.72, P=0.72] were lower for patients in the levosimendan group compared to those in the control group, but did not show statistically significant differences. Conclusions: Early administration of levosimendan reduced NT-proBNP levels in NSTEMI patients with elevated NT-proBNP and did not increase the total cost and length of hospitalization, but did not significantly improve MACE during hospitalization or at 6 months.

Male , Female , Humans , Aged , Natriuretic Peptide, Brain , Simendan/therapeutic use , Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Peptide Fragments , Arrhythmias, Cardiac , Biomarkers , Prognosis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986988


OBJECTIVE@#To predict the targets and pathways in the therapeutic mechanism of Guizhi Gancao Decoction (GZGCD) against heart failure (HF) based on network pharmacology.@*METHODS@#The chemical components of GZGCD were analyzed using the databases including TCMSP, TCMID and TCM@Taiwan, and the potential targets of GZGCD were predicted using the SwissTargetPrediction database. The targets of HF were obtained using the databases including DisGeNET, Drugbank and TTD. The intersection targets of GZGCD and HF were identified using VENNY. Uniport database was used to convert the information, and the components-targets-disease network was constructed using Cytoscape software. The Bisogene plug-in, Merge plug-in, and CytoNCA plug-in in Cytoscape software were used for protein-protein interaction (PPI) analysis to acquire the core targets. Metascape database was used for GO and KEGG analysis. The results of network pharmacology analysis were verified with Western blot analysis. Three factors (PKCα, ERK1/2 and BCL2) were screened according to the degree value of network pharmacology results and the degree of correlation with heart failure process. The pentobarbtal sodium was dissolvein H9C2 cells treated with serum-free high glucose medium to simulate the ischemic anoxic environment of heart failure. The total proteins of myocardial cells were extracted. The protein contents of PKCα, ERK1/2 and BCL2 were determined.@*RESULTS@#We identified a total of 190 intersection targets between GZGCD and HF using Venny database, involving mainly the circulatory system process, cellular response to nitrogen compounds, cation homeostasis, and regulation of the MAPK cascade. These potential targets were also involved in 38 pathways, including the regulatory pathways in cancer, calcium signal pathway, cGMP-PKG signal pathway, and cAMP signal pathway. Western blot analysis showed that in an in vitro H9C2 cell model of HF, treatment with GZGCD downregulated PKCα and ERK1/2 expressions and upregulated BCL2 expression.@*CONCLUSION@#The therapeutic mechanism of GZGCD for HF involves multiple targets including PRKCA, PRKCB, MAPK1, MAPK3, and MAPK8 and multiple pathways including the regulatory pathway in cancer and the calcium signaling pathway.

Humans , Protein Kinase C-alpha , Network Pharmacology , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-bcl-2
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 2379-2386, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981314


As the disease with high morbidity and mortality in the world, heart failure affects the development of human society. Due to its complicated pathology and limited treatment options, it is urgent to discover new disease targets and develop new treatment strategies. As innate immune cells accompanied by the evolution of heart failure, macrophages play an important role in cardiac homeostasis and stress. In recent years, the role of macrophages in the heart has attracted more and more attention as a potential target for heart failure intervention, and the research on cardiac macrophages has made important progress. Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) has significant effects on regulating inflammatory response, treating heart failure, and maintaining homeostasis. In this article, researches on the functions of cardiac macrophages and application of TCM were reviewed from the source and classification of cardiac macrophages and the relationship of macrophages and cardiac inflammation, myocardial fibrosis, cardiac angiogenesis, and cardiac electrical conduction, which provided a basis for further basic research and clinical applications.

Humans , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Macrophages , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 2565-2582, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981360


Shenqi Pills, first recorded in Essentials from the Golden Cabinet(Jin Kui Yao Lue) from ZHANG Zhong-jing in Han dynasty, have the effect of warming and tonifying the kidney Qi and are mainly used for the treatment of insufficiency of kidney Qi and kidney Yang. According to modern medicine, kidney Qi involves heart function, kidney function, immune function, and so on. The clinical indications of Shenqi Pills include kidney deficiency, abnormal fluid, and abnormal urination, and the last one is classified into little urine, much urine, and dysuria. In clinical settings, Shenqi Pills can be applied for the treatment of heart failure, renal failure, cardiorenal syndrome, and diuretic resistance, as well as endocrine, urological, orthopedic, and other chronic degenerative diseases. Shenqi Pills are ideal prescriptions for the weak constitution and emergency treatment. It is of great value and significance to carry out in-depth research on the connotation of the classic articles by integrating TCM and western medicine based on "pathogenesis combined with pathology and drug properties combined with pharmacology".

Humans , Cardio-Renal Syndrome/drug therapy , Diuretics/therapeutic use , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Critical Care
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 2595-2605, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981362


Zhenwu Decoction is recorded in Treatise on Febrile Diseases by an outstanding physician ZHANG Zhong-jing in the Han dynasty. With effect of warming yang, transforming Qi, and promoting urination, Zhenwu Decoction is mainly used to treat edema due to yang deficiency. The studies of the severe and critical cases and the pathophysiological mechanisms have demonstrated that the record of Zhenwu Decoction in Treatise on Febrile Diseases describes the clinical symptoms and therapeutic regimen of acute heart failure. The syndrome treated by this formula may be related to the misdiagnosis and wrong treatment. Due to the difficult distinguishing between cardiogenic dyspnea and pulmonary dyspnea, high doses of Ephedrae Herba may be misused for inducing sweating, which may finally lead to the acute aggravation of heart failure, electrolyte disorder, and pulmonary infection. The syndrome treated by Zhenwu Decoction can illustrate the lack of experience of ancient physicians in treating acute heart failure. The description of "trembling and shivering" may be the clinical manifestation of heart failure, which is an upgraded version of "trembling and shaking" treated by Linggui Zhugan Decoction.(1)In terms of diseases, Zhenwu Decoction is suitable for the treatment of acute or chronic heart failure, cardiorenal syndrome, and diuretic resistance. The decoction is especially suitable for treating whole heart failure, acute heart failure, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, and heart failure with the syndrome of sold and dampness. In addition, it can be used to treat both type Ⅱ and type Ⅳ cardiorenal syndrome.(2)In terms of symptoms, Zhenwu Decoction can be used for treating chest tightness, palpitations, lower limb edema, difficult urination or increased urine output, fear of cold, pale fat tongue with teeth marks, white and slippery tongue fur, and deep or slow pulse.(3)In terms of the pharmacological mechanism, Zhenwu Decoction treats heart failure following the principle of promoting urination, expanding blood vessels, and invigorating heart in modern medicine. Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praparata is the sovereign herb in the formula, with the recommended dosage of 30-60 g. However, arrhythmia may be caused by high doses of Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praparata, which should be used with concern. In addition to Zhenwu Decoction, Shenqi Pills, Renshen Decoction, Wuling Powder, and Fangji Huangqi Decoction with the effect of invigorating spleen, replenishing Qi, warming Yang, and promoting urination can be used in the recovery stage. The therapy of reinforcing Yang was the last choice for critical cases due to the lack of medical conditions, unclear clinical diagnosis in history, which should be treated objectively now.

Humans , Cardio-Renal Syndrome/drug therapy , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/pharmacology , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/drug therapy , Critical Care
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 2613-2619, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981364


Arrhythmia, a common and frequently occurring cardiovascular disease, causes a heavy burden on the public health of China. Approximately 20 million patients are suffering from this disease in China and treated by pharmacological and surgical therapies. However, antiarrhythmic drugs can cause arrhythmia and surgical treatment has the risks of failure and recurrence. Therefore, the clinical outcome of arrhythmia remains to be improved. According to the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) theory, arrhythmia is a disease of palpitation induced by 7 conditions: liver depression and Qi stagnation, accumulation of turbid phlegm, fluid retention attacking the heart, fire-heat disturbing the heart, stasis obstruction of heart vessel, cold congealing in heart vessel, and the deficiency of Qi, blood, Yin, and Yang. Therefore, this study concisely proposed 7 TCM syndromes of arrhythmia, including the palpitation due to depression, phlegm, fluid retention, fire, blood stasis, cold, and deficiency. The corresponding treatment strategies were recommended as follows: Chaihu Longgu Muli Decoction for the palpitation due to depression, Wendan Decoction for the palpitation due to phlegm, Linggui Zhugan Decoction for the palpitation due to fluid retention, Sanhuang Xiexin Decoction for the palpitation due to fire, Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction for the palpitation due to blood stasis, and Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Decoction for the palpitation due to cold, and Guizhi Gancao Decoction, Guizhi Gancao Longgu Muli Decoction, Huanglian Ejiao Decoction, Zhigancao Decoction, and Guipi Decoction for the palpitation due to the deficiency of Qi, blood, Yin, and Yang. Multiple formulas should be combined if the patient presents several TCM syndromes simultaneously. According to the principles of the correspondence between formula and syndrome and the treatment with consideration to both pathogenesis and pathology and both herbal nature and pharmacology, this study proposed an integrated treatment model of "pathogenesis-pathology-nature-pharmacology" to enhance the clinical efficacy of classic herbal formulas in the treatment of arrhythmia.

Humans , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Syndrome , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/drug therapy , China
Chin. j. integr. med ; Chin. j. integr. med;(12): 600-607, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982297


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the protective mechanisms of Chinese medicine Shexiang Tongxin Dropping Pills (STDP) on heart failure (HF).@*METHODS@#Isoproterenol (ISO)-induced HF rat model and angiotensin II (Ang II)-induced neonatal rat cardiac fibroblast (CFs) model were used in the present study. HF rats were treated with and without STDP (3 g/kg). RNA-seq was performed to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Cardiac function was evaluated by echocardiography. Hematoxylin and eosin and Masson's stainings were taken to assess cardiac fibrosis. The levels of collagen I (Col I) and collagen III (Col III) were detected by immunohistochemical staining. CCK8 kit and transwell assay were implemented to test the CFs' proliferative and migratory activity, respectively. The protein expressions of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), MMP-9, Col I, and Col III were detected by Western blotting.@*RESULTS@#The results of RNA-seq analysis showed that STDP exerted its pharmacological effects on HF via multiple signaling pathways, such as the extracellular matrix (ECM)-receptor interaction, cell cycle, and B cell receptor interaction. Results from in vivo experiments demonstrated that STDP treatment reversed declines in cardiac function, inhibiting myocardial fibrosis, and reversing increases in Col I and Col III expression levels in the hearts of HF rats. Moreover, STDP (6, 9 mg/mL) inhibited the proliferation and migration of CFs exposed to Ang II in vitro (P<0.05). The activation of collagen synthesis and myofibroblast generation were markedly suppressed by STDP, also the synthesis of MMP-2 and MMP-9, as well as ECM components Col I, Col III, and α-SMA were decreased in Ang II-induced neonatal rats' CFs.@*CONCLUSIONS@#STDP had anti-fibrotic effects in HF, which might be caused by the modulation of ECM-receptor interaction pathways. Through the management of cardiac fibrosis, STDP may be a compelling candidate for improving prognosis of HF.

Rats , Animals , Matrix Metalloproteinase 2/metabolism , Matrix Metalloproteinase 9/metabolism , RNA-Seq , Transcriptome/genetics , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Collagen , Collagen Type I/metabolism , Fibrosis , Myocardium/pathology
Chin. j. integr. med ; Chin. j. integr. med;(12): 626-633, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982307


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the cardioprotective effects of astragaloside IV (AS-IV) in heart failure (HF).@*METHODS@#PubMed, Excerpta Medica Database (EMBASE), Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Wanfang Database, Chinese Bio-medical Literature and Retrieval System (SinoMed), China Science and Technology Journal Database (VIP), and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) were searched from inception to November 1, 2021 for animal experiments to explore AS-IV in treating HF in rats or mice. The left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), left ventricular fractional shortening (LVFS), left ventricular end-diastolic dimension (LVEDD), left ventricular end-systolic dimension (LVESD), left ventricular weight-to-body weight (LVW/BW) and B-type brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) were recorded. The qualities of included studies were assessed by the risk of bias according to the Cochrane handbook. Meta-analysis was performed using Stata 13.0.@*RESULTS@#Twenty-one articles involving 558 animals were considered. Compared with the control group, AS-IV improved cardiac function, specifically by increasing LVEF (mean difference (MD)=6.97, 95% confidence interval (CI)=5.92 to 8.03, P<0.05; fixed effects model) and LVFS (MD=7.01, 95% CI=5.84 to 8.81, P<0.05; fixed effects model), and decreasing LVEDD (MD=-4.24, 95% CI=-4.74 to -3.76, P<0.05; random effects model) and LVESD (MD=-4.18, 95% CI=-5.26 to -3.10, P<0.05; fixed effects model). In addition, the BNP and LVW/BW levels were decreased in the AS-IV treatment group (MD=-9.18, 95% CI=-14.13 to -4.22, P<0.05; random effects model; MD=-1.91, 95% CI=-2.42 to -1.39, P<0.05; random effects model).@*CONCLUSIONS@#AS-IV is a promising therapeutic agent for HF. However, this conclusion needs to be clinically validated in the future.

Animals , Mice , Rats , Stroke Volume , Ventricular Function, Left , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Natriuretic Peptide, Brain
Frontiers of Medicine ; (4): 1219-1235, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010811


Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) displays normal or near-normal left ventricular ejection fraction, diastolic dysfunction, cardiac hypertrophy, and poor exercise capacity. Berberine, an isoquinoline alkaloid, possesses cardiovascular benefits. Adult male mice were assigned to chow or high-fat diet with L-NAME ("two-hit" model) for 15 weeks. Diastolic function was assessed using echocardiography and noninvasive Doppler technique. Myocardial morphology, mitochondrial ultrastructure, and cardiomyocyte mechanical properties were evaluated. Proteomics analysis, autophagic flux, and intracellular Ca2+ were also assessed in chow and HFpEF mice. The results show exercise intolerance and cardiac diastolic dysfunction in "two-hit"-induced HFpEF model, in which unfavorable geometric changes such as increased cell size, interstitial fibrosis, and mitochondrial swelling occurred in the myocardium. Diastolic dysfunction was indicated by the elevated E value, mitral E/A ratio, and E/e' ratio, decreased e' value and maximal velocity of re-lengthening (-dL/dt), and prolonged re-lengthening in HFpEF mice. The effects of these processes were alleviated by berberine. Moreover, berberine ameliorated autophagic flux, alleviated Drp1 mitochondrial localization, mitochondrial Ca2+ overload and fragmentation, and promoted intracellular Ca2+ reuptake into sarcoplasmic reticulum by regulating phospholamban and SERCA2a. Finally, berberine alleviated diastolic dysfunction in "two-hit" diet-induced HFpEF model possibly because of the promotion of autophagic flux, inhibition of mitochondrial fragmentation, and cytosolic Ca2+ overload.

Male , Mice , Animals , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Stroke Volume/physiology , Ventricular Function, Left/physiology , Berberine/therapeutic use , Disease Models, Animal , Mitochondrial Dynamics , Myocardium , Homeostasis
Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 1298-1303, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010943


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical effect of Shenfu injection combined with glucocorticoid in the treatment of acute left heart failure complicated with bronchospasm.@*METHODS@#A prospective study was conducted.Ninety patients with acute left heart failure complicated with bronchospasm admitted to Huai'an Second People's Hospital from January 2021 to July 2022 were selected and divided into conventional treatment group, hormone therapy group and combined treatment group according to random number table method, with 30 cases in each group. All patients in the 3 groups received basic Western medicine treatment. On this basis, the conventional treatment group was given 0.25-0.50 g aminophylline injection plus 5% glucose injection or 0.9% sodium chloride injection (diabetes patients) 100 mL slow intravenous infusion, 1-2 times a day. In the hormone treatment group, 1 mg of budesonide suspension for inhalation was diluted to 2 mL by 0.9% sodium chloride injection, twice a day, and applied until 48 hours after the pulmonary wheezing disappeared. The combined treatment group was given glucocorticoid combined with Shenfu injection 80 mL plus 5% glucose injection or 0.9% sodium chloride injection (diabetes patients) 250 mL intravenously, once a day. All treated for 1 week. The general data, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndrome score, TCM syndrone efficacy index, acute left heart failure efficacy, bronchospasm efficacy, systolic blood pressure (SBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), serum N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) level and safety of the 3 groups were compared. The patients were followed up for 6 months, and the mortality and re-hospitalization rate of the 3 groups were recorded.@*RESULTS@#Among the 90 patients, a total of 83 patients completed the study, excluding the cases dropped due to death and other reasons. There were 29 cases in the combined treatment group, 25 cases in the hormone therapy group and 29 cases in the conventional treatment group. There were no significant differences in age, gender, course of disease, and previous history (history of diabetes, history of hypertension, history of hyperlipidemia) among the 3 groups. Therefore, they were comparable. The difference of TCM syndrome score before and after treatment, TCM syndrome efficacy index of combined treatment group and hormone therapy group were higher than those of conventional treatment group [difference of TCM syndrome score: 15.14±5.74, 13.24±5.75 vs. 10.62±5.87, TCM syndrome efficacy index: (67.84±14.31)%, (59.94±14.26)% vs. (48.92±16.74)%, all P < 0.05], and the difference of TCM syndrome score and TCM syndrome efficacy index of combined treatment group were higher than those of hormone treatment group (both P < 0.05). The total effective rate of acute left heart failure and bronchospasm in the combined treatment group was significantly higher than that in the conventional treatment group (total effective rate of acute left heart failure: 96.55% vs. 75.86%, total effective rate of bronchospasm: 93.10% vs. 65.52%, both P < 0.05). The difference of serum NT-proBNP before and after treatment in combination therapy group and hormone therapy group was significantly higher than that in conventional treatment group (ng/L: 7 922.86±5 220.31, 7 314.92±4 450.28 vs. 4 644.79±3 388.23, all P < 0.05), and the difference of serum NT-proBNP before and after treatment in the combined treatment group was significantly higher than that in the hormone treatment group (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in SBP difference, MAP difference, mortality and re-hospitalization rate among the 3 groups. No adverse reactions occurred in the 3 groups during treatment.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Shenfu injection combined with glucocorticoid is effective in the treatment of patients with acute left heart failure complicated with bronchospasm. It is superior to glucocorticoid and aminophylline in relieving bronchospasm, reducing NT-proBNP level and improving total effective rate, and has good prognosis and safety.

Humans , Glucocorticoids/therapeutic use , Bronchial Spasm , Prospective Studies , Aminophylline/therapeutic use , Sodium Chloride/therapeutic use , Natriuretic Peptide, Brain , Peptide Fragments , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Diabetes Mellitus , Glucose
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 6324-6333, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008831


Chronic heart failure(CHF) is a comprehensive clinical syndrome caused by multiple factors that result in structural and/or functional abnormalities of the heart, leading to impaired ventricular contraction and/or relaxation functions. This medical condition represents the final stage of various cardiovascular diseases. In the treatment of CHF, multiple clinical studies have demonstrated the benefits of using traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) to control oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis, thereby delaying ventricular remodeling and reducing myocardial fibrosis. In this study, common TCM syndromes in the diagnosis and treatment of CHF in recent years were reviewed and summarized. Five common treatment methods including benefiting Qi and activating blood circulation, enhancing Qi and nourishing Yin, warming Yang for diuresis, eliminating phlegm and dampness, rescuing from collapse by restoring Yang, and corresponding classic prescriptions in prevention and treatment of CHF were concluded under the guidance of TCM syndrome differentiation thinking. Meanwhile, research progress on the modern pharmacological effects of these classic prescriptions was systematically discussed, so as to establish a unique treatment system for CHF by classic prescriptions under the guidance of TCM syndrome differentiation theory and provide innovative diagnosis and treatment strategies for clinical CHF.

Humans , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Chronic Disease , Syndrome
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 6475-6482, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008846


This study investigated the mechanisms and targets of Shenfu Injection in the intervention in chronic heart failure(CHF) through the NOD-like receptor thermal protein domain associated protein 3(NLRP3)/caspase-1 signaling pathway. A CHF model was induced in rats by subcutaneous injection of isoproterenol. Model rats were randomly divided into a model group, a Shenfu Injection group, and a MCC950(NLRP3 inhibitor) group, and a blank group was also set up as a control. After 15 days of treatment, echocardiography was performed to measure cardiac function parameters [left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF) and left ventricular fractional shortening(LVFS)]. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) was used to measure serum levels of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide(NT-proBNP), interleukin(IL)-1β, and IL-18. Hematoxylin-eosin(HE) and Masson staining were used to observe morphological changes in myocardial tissues, and Western blot was used to measure the expression levels of NLRP3/caspase-1 pathway-related proteins [NLRP3, caspase-1, apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD(ASC), gasdermin D(GSDMD), IL-1β, and IL-18]. The study found that isoproterenol-induced CHF in rats resulted in decreased cardiac function, worsened myocardial fibrosis, increased expression levels of NLRP3, ASC, caspase-1, GSDMD-N, IL-1β, and IL-18 in myocardial tissues, elevated serum inflammatory factors, and induced myocardial cell pyroptosis. Following Shenfu Injection intervention, the Shenfu Injection group showed significantly improved LVEF and LVFS, a significant decrease in NT-proBNP, a marked downregulation of NLRP3, ASC, caspase-1, GSDMD-N, IL-1β, and IL-18 protein expression levels, reduced serum inflammatory factors IL-1β and IL-18 expression in CHF rats, and a decrease in the rate of TUNEL-positive cells. Shenfu Injection can significantly improve cardiac function in CHF, inhibit myocardial fibrosis, and alleviate the progression of myocardial cell pyroptosis through the inhibition of the NLRP3/caspase-1 pathway.

Rats , Animals , NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein/metabolism , Pyroptosis , Interleukin-18/metabolism , Caspase 1/metabolism , Stroke Volume , Isoproterenol , Ventricular Function, Left , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Fibrosis , Drugs, Chinese Herbal
Chin. j. integr. med ; Chin. j. integr. med;(12): 1059-1065, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010317


BACKGROUND@#Ventricular remodeling after acute anterior wall ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (AAMI) is an important factor in occurrence of heart failure which additionally results in poor prognosis. Therefore, the treatment of ventricular remodeling needs to be further optimized. Compound Danshen Dripping Pills (CDDP), a traditional Chinese medicine, exerts a protective effect on microcirculatory disturbance caused by ischemia-reperfusion injury and attenuates ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction.@*OBJECTIVE@#This study is designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CDDP in improving ventricular remodeling and cardiac function after AAMI on a larger scale.@*METHODS@#This study is a multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group clinical trial. The total of 268 patients with AAMI after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) will be randomly assigned 1:1 to the CDDP group (n=134) and control group (n=134) with a follow-up of 48 weeks. Both groups will be treated with standard therapy of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), with the CDDP group administrating 20 tablets of CDDP before pPCI and 10 tablets 3 times daily after pPCI, and the control group treated with a placebo simultaneously. The primary endpoint is 48-week echocardiographic outcomes including left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), left ventricular end-diastolic volume index (LVEDVI), and left ventricular end-systolic volume index (LVESVI). The secondary endpoint includes the change in N terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) level, arrhythmias, and cardiovascular events (death, cardiac arrest, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, rehospitalization due to heart failure or angina pectoris, deterioration of cardiac function, and stroke). Investigators and patients are both blinded to the allocated treatment.@*DISCUSSION@#This prospective study will investigate the efficacy and safety of CDDP in improving ventricular remodeling and cardiac function in patients undergoing pPCI for a first AAMI. Patients in the CDDP group will be compared with those in the control group. If certified to be effective, CDDP treatment in AAMI will probably be advised on a larger scale. (Trial registration No. NCT05000411).

Humans , ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction/therapy , Stroke Volume , Ventricular Remodeling , Prospective Studies , Microcirculation , Ventricular Function, Left , Myocardial Infarction/etiology , Treatment Outcome , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention/adverse effects , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Multicenter Studies as Topic
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 4803-4811, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008648


Chronic heart failure is the end stage of heart diseases caused by multiple causes. Myocardial cell injury is the key cause of cardiac function deterioration. Ferroptosis, an iron-dependent programmed death mode, is characterized by iron overload and excessive accumulation of lipid peroxides. Studies have demonstrated that inhibiting ferroptosis has a protective effect on myocardial cells. The theory of "harmful hyperactivity and responding inhibition" is an important rule developed by physicians to explain the generation and restriction of the five elements and the pathological imbalance of the human body, and can guide medication. Correlating with the nature, humans need to rely on the law of responding inhibition to maintain the harmony of five Zang-organs and the steady state of Fu-organs. The pathogenesis of ferroptosis in chronic heart failure highly coincides with the process of failing to "inhibition and hyperactivity becoming harmful". The initial factor of ferroptosis is the deficiency of heart Qi, which results in the inability to maintain the balance of cardiomyocyte redox system. The involvement of the five Zang-organs leads to the loss of distribution of body fluid and blood. As a result, the phlegm turbidity, blood stasis, and water retention in the meridians occur, which are manifested as the accumulation of iron and lipid peroxides, which is the aggravating factor of ferroptosis. The two factors interact with each other, leading to the spiral development and thus aggravating heart failure. According to the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) pathogenesis of ferroptosis, the authors try to treat the chronic heart failure by stages in accordance with the general principle of restraining excess and alleviating hyperactivity. The early-stage treatment should "nourish heart Qi, regulate the five Zang-organs, so as to restrain excess". The middle-stage treatment should "active blood, resolve phlegm, dispel pathogen, and eliminate turbidity", so as to alleviate hyperactivity. The late-stage treatment should "warm Yang, replenish Qi, active blood, and excrete water". Following the characteristics of pathogenesis, the TCM intervention can reduce iron accumulation and promote the clearance of lipid peroxide, thus inhibiting ferroptosis and improving cardiac function.

Humans , Ferroptosis , Lipid Peroxides , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Chronic Disease , Iron , Water
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 4902-4907, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008660


Malaria, one of the major global public health events, is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity among children and adults in tropical and subtropical regions(mainly in sub-Saharan Africa), threatening human health. It is well known that malaria can cause various complications including anemia, blackwater fever, cerebral malaria, and kidney damage. Conventionally, cardiac involvement has not been listed as a common reason affecting morbidity and mortality of malaria, which may be related to ignored cases or insufficient diagnosis. However, the serious clinical consequences such as acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, and malignant arrhythmia caused by malaria have aroused great concern. At present, antimalarials are commonly used for treating malaria in clinical practice. However, inappropriate medication can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cause severe consequences. This review summarized the research advances in the cardiovascular complications including acute myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, hypertension, heart failure, and myocarditis in malaria. The possible mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases caused by malaria were systematically expounded from the hypotheses of cell adhesion, inflammation and cytokines, myocardial apoptosis induced by plasmodium toxin, cardiac injury secondary to acute renal failure, and thrombosis. Furthermore, the effects of quinolines, nucleoprotein synthesis inhibitors, and artemisinin and its derivatives on cardiac structure and function were summarized. Compared with the cardiac toxicity of quinolines in antimalarial therapy, the adverse effects of artemisinin-derived drugs on heart have not been reported in clinical studies. More importantly, the artemisinin-derived drugs demonstrate favorable application prospects in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and are expected to play a role in the treatment of malaria patients with cardiovascular diseases. This review provides reference for the prevention and treatment of malaria-related cardiovascular complications as well as the safe application of antimalarials.

Child , Adult , Humans , Antimalarials/pharmacology , Cardiovascular Diseases/drug therapy , Artemisinins/pharmacology , Quinolines , Malaria, Cerebral/drug therapy , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/drug therapy
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 5908-5914, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008789


This study aimed to investigate the mechanism and target sites of Shenfu Injection in the intervention of chronic heart fai-lure based on the PI3K/Akt/mTOR autophagy signaling pathway. The chronic heart failure model was induced in rats by subcutaneous injection of isoproterenol. The model rats were randomly divided into model group, Shenfu Injection group, and 3-methyladenine autophagy inhibitor(3-MA) group. A normal group was also set up. After 15 days of administration, cardiac function indexes of the rats were detected by echocardiography. The serum N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide(NT-proBNP) levels were measured using the ELISA. HE and Masson staining was performed to observe the morphological changes in myocardial tissues, and electron microscopy was used to observe the autophagosomes in myocardial tissues. Western blot was conducted to measure the changes in autophagy-related proteins(LC3 Ⅱ/Ⅰ and p62), PI3K, Akt, mTOR, and phosphorylation levels. The results showed that compared with normal group, model group in rats led to reduced cardiac function, significant activation of cardiac autophagy, increased fibrotic lesions in myocardial tissues, structural disorder of the myocardium, increased autophagosomes, and cytoplasmic vacuolization. Compared with model group, Shenfu Injection group in rats led to cardiac function significantly improved, myocardial fibrosis decreased, and the number of autophagosomes and cytoplasmic vacuolization decreased. The phosphorylation levels of PI3K, Akt, and mTOR were significantly increased(P<0.01). In the 3-MA group, autophagy was inhibited through the activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway, resulting in improved cardiac function, reduced myocardial fibrosis, and no significant cytoplasmic vacuolization. The findings suggest that Shenfu Injection can activate the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway and inhibit autophagy, thereby improving cardiac function.

Rats , Animals , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt/metabolism , Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases/metabolism , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases/metabolism , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Autophagy , Fibrosis
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 5932-5945, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008791


This study aims to systematically review the efficacy and safety of different traditional Chinese medicine injections combined with conventional treatment for patients with post-acute myocardial infarction heart failure. The relevant randomized controlled trial(RCT) was retrieved from CNKI, Wanfang, VIP, SinoMed, PubMed, EMbase, and Cochrane Library with the time interval from inception to May 13, 2023. Two reviewers independently screened the literature, extracted data, and assessed the risk of bias of the included studies. Network Meta-analysis was then performed in RevMan 5.3 and Stata 15.1. A total of 68 RCTs involving 11 traditional Chinese medicine injections and 5 995 patients were included. The results were explained based on the surface under the cumulative ranking curve(SUCRA).(1) In terms of reducing major adverse cardiovascular event(MACE), the therapies followed the trend of Xinmailong Injection+conventional treatment(83.8%) > Yiqi Fumai Injection+conventional treatment(57.1%) > Xuebijing Injection+conventional treatment(56.6%) > Shenmai Injection+conventional treatment(53.1%) > Shenfu Injection+conventional treatment(45.3%) > conventional treatment(4.0%).(2) In terms of increasing left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF), the therapies followed the trend of Yiqi Fumai Injection+conventional treatment(84.0%) > Shenmai Injection+conventional treatment(69.6%) > Shenfu Injection+conventional treatment(62.7%) > Xinmailong Injection+conventional treatment(61.6%) > Shuxuening Injection+conventional treatment(54.8%) > Shenqi Fuzheng Injection+conventional treatment(46.7%) > Shengmai Injection+conventional treatment(45.9%) > Breviscapine Injection+conventional treatment(39.9%) > Danhong Injection+conventional treatment(38.8%) > Huangqi Injection+conventional treatment(38.7%) > conventional treatment(7.3%).(3) In terms of reducing B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP), the therapies followed the trend of Xinmailong Injection+conventional treatment(98.6%) > Shenmai Injection+conventional treatment(57.7%) > Shenfu Injection+conventional treatment(52.5%) > Shengmai Injection+conventional treatment(30.1%) > conventional treatment(11.0%).(4) In terms of reducing cardiac troponin Ⅰ(cTnⅠ), the therapies followed the trend of Shenmai Injection+conventional treatment(92.3%) > Yiqi Fumai Injection+conventional treatment(61.5%) > Shenfu Injection+conventional treatment(51.2%) > Shengmai Injection+conventional treatment(48.1%) > Xinmailong Injection+conventional treatment(26.6%) > conventional treatment(20.3%).(5) In terms of reducing high-sensitivity C-reactive protein(hs-CRP), the therapies followed the trend of Shenmai Injection+conventional treatment(79.9%) > Xinmailong Injection+conventional treatment(68.1%) > Shenfu Injection+conventional treatment(63.1%) > Xuebijing Injection+conventional treatment(56.7%) > Shengmai Injection+conventional treatment(51.1%) > Shenqi Fuzheng Injection+conventional treatment(42.8%) > Huangqi Injection+conventional treatment(34.7%) > conventional treatment(3.5%).(6) A total of 22 RCTs reported the occurrence of adverse reactions, mainly involving the damage of the circulatory system, digestive system, and coagulation function. The current evidence suggested that Xinmailong Injection+conventional treatment may have the best therapeutic effect in reducing MACE and BNP; Yiqi Fumai Injection+conventional treatment may be the best in increasing LVEF; Shenmai Injection+conventional treatment may be the best in reducing cTnI and hs-CRP. The safety needs further quantitative research and analysis. However, more high-quality RCT is required to validate the above conclusions due to limitations in the quality and quantity of the included studies.

Humans , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Stroke Volume , Network Meta-Analysis , C-Reactive Protein , Ventricular Function, Left , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/adverse effects , Myocardial Infarction/drug therapy , Heart Failure/drug therapy