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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 119(4): e349-e352, agosto 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1281786


El rabdomiosarcoma es el tumor maligno de partes blandas más frecuente en la edad pediátrica. Puede afectar cualquier localización anatómica. El subtipo histológico alveolar suele causar lesiones en las extremidades en niños de mayor edad. Los sitios metástasicos más frecuentes son el pulmón, la médula ósea, el hueso y los ganglios linfáticos. Describimos el caso de un paciente con rabdomiosarcoma alveolar (RA) con metástasis cardíaca, una presentación poco frecuente de la patología.

Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common malignant soft tissue tumor in pediatric age. It can affect any anatomical location. Alveolar histological subtype usually presents lesions on the extremities in older children. The most common metastatic sites are the lung, bone marrow, bone and lymph node. We describe a case of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma with cardiac metastasis in a pediatric patient, a rare presentation of the pathology.

Humans , Male , Child , Soft Tissue Neoplasms/pathology , Rhabdomyosarcoma, Alveolar/pathology , Foot Diseases/pathology , Heart Neoplasms/secondary , Rhabdomyosarcoma, Alveolar/diagnosis , Rhabdomyosarcoma, Alveolar/therapy , Ventricular Septum , Foot Diseases/diagnosis , Foot Diseases/drug therapy , Heart Neoplasms/diagnosis , Heart Neoplasms/drug therapy , Neoplasm Staging
São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo Med. J. (Online);136(3): 262-265, May-June 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-962720


ABSTRACT CONTEXT: Obstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract due to metastatic disease is rare. Clinical recognition of cardiac metastatic tumors is rare and continues to present a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. CASE REPORT: We present the case of a patient who had severe respiratory insufficiency and whose clinical examinations revealed a giant tumor mass extending from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery. We discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic options. CONCLUSION: In patients presenting with acute right heart failure, right ventricular masses should be kept in mind. Transthoracic echocardiography appears to be the most easily available, noninvasive, cost-effective and useful technique in making the differential diagnosis.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: A obstrução da via de saída do ventrículo direito devido a doença metastática é rara. O reconhecimento clínico de tumores cardíacos metastáticos é raro e continua a apresentar um desafio diagnóstico e terapêutico. RELATO DO CASO: Apresentamos o caso de um paciente com insuficiência respiratória grave e cujos exames clínicos revelaram massa de tumor gigante, estendendo-se desde o ventrículo direito até a artéria pulmonar. Discutimos as opções diagnósticas e terapêuticas. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca direita aguda, massas do ventrículo direito devem ser mantidas em mente. Ecocardiografia transtorácica parece ser a técnica mais facilmente disponível, não invasiva, custo-efetiva e útil no diagnóstico diferencial.

Humans , Male , Aged , Pulmonary Artery/pathology , Adenocarcinoma/secondary , Heart Failure/etiology , Heart Neoplasms/secondary , Pulmonary Artery/diagnostic imaging , Echocardiography , Adenocarcinoma/pathology , Adenocarcinoma/diagnostic imaging , Fatal Outcome , Heart Neoplasms/pathology , Heart Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Heart Ventricles
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc;32(3): 225-227, May-June 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-897916


Abstract Melanoma is a tumor that virtually involves any tissue and commonly metastasizes to the heart. It is usually not diagnosed because of the absent/nonspecific cardiac signs and symptoms. Herein, we present a case of a 41-year-old man without any cardiovascular risk factor, admitted to the emergency room with chest pain, diagnosed with a myocardial infarction. Due to the presence of a mass adjacent to the mitral valve on the cardiac ultrasound examination, causing mitral regurgitation, the patient was referred to surgery. Pathological analysis of the excised specimens diagnosed the melanoma. The chemotherapy was started and achieved a partial response. Cardiac metastases usually affect the myocardium, leaving the valves unaffected. In this case, the acute coronary syndrome was the first manifestation of the malignant melanoma. We highlight the high level of suspicion needed in these cases.

Humans , Male , Adult , Acute Coronary Syndrome/pathology , Heart Neoplasms/pathology , Heart Neoplasms/secondary , Melanoma/pathology , Melanoma/secondary , Immunohistochemistry , Echocardiography , Treatment Outcome , Diagnosis, Differential , Acute Coronary Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Heart Neoplasms/surgery , Heart Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Melanoma/surgery , Melanoma/diagnostic imaging , Mitral Valve/surgery , Mitral Valve/pathology
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 35(1): 52-55, 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-782645


A 39 year old man presented with signs of an ischemic in-farct in the territory of the medial cerebral artery. A large mobile mass was present in the left atrium and a biopsy showed tissue heavily infiltrated with fat and resection was not possible. A small lesion located at the dorsum allowed a histologic confirmation of a melanoma. The patient died 4 months after surgery. The second patient, a 34 year old woman being treated with chemotherapy for an ovarian melanoma was found to have a right atrial mass. After successful resection of the mass a metastasis of the original melanoma was confirmed and the patient remains in good condition at mid term follow up.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Heart Neoplasms/secondary , Melanoma/secondary
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 33(2): 142-146, 2014. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-726140


Se describe el caso de un hombre de 24 años que se presenta con Púrpura trombocitopénico, cuyo estudio ecocardiográfico y tomografía computada demostró masa tumoral ocupando las cavidades derechas. Se evidenció posteriormente un tumor testicular izquierdo con componentes de seminoma y teratoma. Se resecó el tumor testicular y posteriormente el tumor intracardíaco, con normalización del recuento plaquetario.

A 24 year old man presented with severe thrombocytopenia. An intracardiac mass was shown to be a metastasis from a malignant testicular tumor. Resection of the primary tumor and the intracardiac metastasis led to full recovery of thrombocytopenia.

Humans , Male , Adult , Heart Neoplasms/surgery , Heart Neoplasms/secondary , Testicular Neoplasms/pathology , Neoplasms, Germ Cell and Embryonal/surgery , Neoplasms, Germ Cell and Embryonal/secondary , Echocardiography , Heart Neoplasms/complications , Testicular Neoplasms/surgery , Platelet Count , Thrombocytopenia/etiology
Journal of the Saudi Heart Association. 2013; 25 (1): 39-42
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-130148


Metastatic cardiac tumors are far more common than primary tumors, and benign primary cardiac tumors are common than malignant tumors. We report a 22-year-old Saudi woman with right femur osteosarcoma who was found to have a large right ventricular mass by transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography. Diagnosis was highly suggestive by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography [FDG PET/CT] scan. We performed a review of the literature for metastatic osteosarcoma of the right ventricle

Humans , Female , Heart Ventricles/pathology , Heart Neoplasms/secondary , Neoplasm Metastasis , Bone Neoplasms/complications , Femur , Femoral Neoplasms , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Positron-Emission Tomography
Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);71(6): 550-552, dic. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-633917


El carcinoma papilar, variante esclerosante difusa, corresponde al 2% de todos los carcinomas papilares de la tiroides. Se caracteriza por comprometer de manera difusa y bilateral a la glándula tiroides. Clínicamente se manifiesta con metástasis ganglionares y pulmonares, afectando predominantemente a mujeres jóvenes. Se describe un caso de taponamiento cardíaco como presentación inicial de un carcinoma papilar de tiroides variante esclerosante difusa. Una mujer de 32 años concurrió al servicio de emergencias médicas refiriendo epigastralgia y tos seca. Durante el examen físico se constató hipotensión arterial, taquicardia y ruidos cardíacos disminuidos. Se realizó un ecocardiograma, observándose derrame pericárdico. Por medio de una pericardiocentesis se obtuvo líquido pericárdico, cuyo análisis mostró células neoplásicas. Durante la evolución la paciente presentó recurrencia del derrame pericárdico por lo que se realizó una ventana pleuropericárdica, detectándose durante la cirugía una lesión nodular subpleural, la cual fue biopsiada e informada posteriormente como una metástasis de carcinoma papilar vinculable a origen tiroideo. Se realizó una tiroidectomía total con linfadenectomía cervical bilateral. El diagnóstico final fue carcinoma papilar, variante esclerosante difusa. Esta variante infiltra el tejido conectivo de los espacios interfoliculares, simulando una tiroiditis y se caracteriza por una permeación vascular temprana. En oposición a la variante clásica, la esclerosante difusa presenta mayor agresividad y mayor tasa de recurrencia. El carcinoma papilar de tiroides debe tenerse presente como diagnóstico diferencial en nuestro medio, en todas aquellas lesiones neoplásicas papilares metastásicas, más aún si se trata de mujeres jóvenes.

Papillary carcinoma, diffuse sclerosing variant corresponds to 2% of all papillary thyroid carcinomas. It is usually diffuse and bilateral, affecting the entire gland. At the time of diagnosis, patients present lymph node and lung metastasis. It affects mainly young women. This case report describes a cardiac tamponade as the initial manifestation of an unusual variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. A 32 year-old woman was attended at the emergency room with epigastric pain and dry cough. Physical examination revealed hypotension, tachycardia and decreased heart sounds. An echocardiogram confirmed severe pericardial effusion. Pericardial fluid cytology was positive for malignancy. The patient evolved with recurrent pericardial effusion and a pleuropericardial window was performed. At this procedure, a subpleural nodular lesion was found, which histology corresponded to metastases of papillary carcinoma, probably from thyroid origin. Total thyroidectomy was performed. The final diagnosis was papillary carcinoma, diffuse sclerosing variant. This variant infiltrates the connective tissue of the interfollicular spaces, mimicking thyroiditis and it is associated with early vascular permeation. This tumor, compared to the classic variants of thyroid carcinoma, is more aggressive and it has higher risk of recurrence. Papillary thyroid carcinoma should be considered as differential diagnosis in our population, in all metastatic papillary lesions, and even more in young female patients.

Adult , Female , Humans , Carcinoma, Papillary/secondary , Cardiac Tamponade/etiology , Heart Neoplasms/secondary , Thyroid Neoplasms/pathology , Carcinoma, Papillary/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Pericardial Effusion/pathology , Pleural Effusion/pathology
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;97(6): e132-e134, dez. 2011. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-610406


Linfoma não-Hodgkin sistêmico pode afetar o miocárdio, particularmente em pacientes imunocomprometidos. Quando presentes, sinais e sintomas são geralmente inespecíficos, tornando o diagnóstico de envolvimento cardíaco muito difícil antes da autópsia. Arritmias ventriculares também são pouco usuais nesse cenário. Descrevemos um caso de linfoma não-Hodgkin miocárdico secundário, que se apresentou com taquicardia ventricular monomórfica sustentada e espessamento do septo interventricular basal. Completa remissão das lesões miocárdicas foi observada após o término da quimioterapia de segunda linha, sem recorrências posteriores de arritmias em oito meses.

Systemic non-Hodgkin's lymphoma can affect the myocardium, particularly in immunocompromised patients. When present, symptoms and signs are usually nonspecific, making the diagnosis of cardiac involvement very difficult before an autopsy. Ventricular arrhythmias are also unusual in this setting. We describe a case of secondary myocardial non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting with sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia and thickening of the basal interventricular septum. Complete remission of myocardial lesions was observed after completion of second-line chemotherapy treatment, without further recurrences of arrhythmias in eight months.

Linfoma no Hodgkin sistémico puede afectar el miocardio, particularmente en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Cuando están presentes, señales y síntomas son generalmente inespecíficos, volviendo el diagnóstico de compromiso cardíaco muy difícil antes de la autopsia. Arritmias ventriculares también son poco usuales en ese escenario. Describimos un caso de linfoma no Hodgkin miocárdico secundario, que se presentó con taquicardia ventricular monomórfica sustentada y engrosamiento del septo interventricular basal. Completa remisión de las lesiones miocárdicas fue observada después del término de la quimioterapia de segunda línea, sin recurrencias posteriores de arritmias en ocho meses.

Adult , Female , Humans , Heart Neoplasms/secondary , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/complications , Myocardium , Tachycardia, Ventricular/etiology
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;91(5): e48-e52, nov. 2008. ilus, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-501819


A ecocardiografia contrastada baseia-se na injeção endovenosa de microbolhas que são marcadores de fluxo sangüíneo e aumentam o sinal ultra-sonográfico. O uso de agentes de contraste melhora a opacificação das cavidades cardíacas e o delineamento dos bordos endocárdicos, além de permitir a avaliação da perfusão. Recentemente, a ecocardiografia contrastada tem sido empregada na avaliação de massas cardíacas. Neste artigo são relatados um caso de mixoma atrial esquerdo (tumor benigno), um caso de metástase de adenocarcinoma de pulmão (tumor maligno) e um caso de trombo avaliados pela ecocardiografia contrastada, demonstrando que esse método tem o potencial para diagnosticar diferentes tipos de massas cardíacas.

Contrast echocardiography is based on intravenous injection of microbubbles that act as blood flow tracers and increase ultra-sound signal. Contrast agents have shown to improve cardiac cavities opacification and endocardial border delineation in addition to helping perfusion evaluation. Contrast echocardiography has recently been used to evaluate cardiac masses. In this report we will describe three cases evaluated by contrast echocardiography: a left atrial myxoma (benign tumor), a lung adenocarcinoma metastasis (malign tumor), and one thrombus. Contrast echocardiography showed to be valuable in the diagnosis of the different types of cardiac masses.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Adenocarcinoma , Contrast Media , Echocardiography/methods , Heart Neoplasms , Myxoma , Thrombosis , Adenocarcinoma/secondary , Heart Diseases , Heart Neoplasms/secondary , Lung Neoplasms/pathology
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;91(3): e21-e24, set. 2008. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-494318


Os tumores primários cardíacos são infreqüentes; entretanto, as neoplasias metastáticas com acometimento do coração são mais comuns. Alguns tumores apresentam, em estudos post-mortem, implantes secundários cardíacos com freqüências que superam 50 por cento. Esse comprometimento deve ser lembrado em pacientes com história de neoplasia, que apresentem distúrbios de condução, sopro, cardiomegalia ou arritmias. Relatar-se-á, a seguir, o caso de um homem de 39 anos, encaminhado por cansaço e dispnéia aos esforços. Ecocardiograma evidenciou grande massa tumoral em ventrículo direito. A história médica pregressa revelou antecedentes de melanoma e a avaliação complementar mostrou doença metastática para pulmões, coração e cérebro, com evolução a óbito. Os aspectos singulares do caso são a presença de uma grande massa no ventrículo direito de origem metastática, ilustrando um quadro clínico raro e de prognóstico reservado.

Primary tumors of the heart are not common. However, metastatic neoplasms affecting the heart are more commonly found. Postmortem studies have shown that some tumors have reported secondary cardiac implants to be over 50 percent. Such involvement is to be taken into account for patients with a history of neoplasm and who present conduction disorders, murmur, cardiomegaly or arrhythmia. This is to report the case of a 39-year-old man who had been referred due to fatigue and dyspnea on effort. Echocardiogram evidence showed large tumoral mass in right ventricle. Medical history showed previous melanoma; further evaluation showed metastasis to lungs, heart and brain. Outcome was death. The uniqueness in this case relies on the large metastatic mass in right ventricle, thus illustrating a rare clinical condition of guarded prognosis.

Adult , Humans , Male , Head and Neck Neoplasms/pathology , Heart Neoplasms/secondary , Melanoma/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Fatal Outcome , Heart Neoplasms , Heart Ventricles/pathology , Heart Ventricles
J. bras. pneumol ; J. bras. pneumol;34(7): 537-540, jul. 2008. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-488281


Um paciente de 26 anos, portador de volumoso hemangiopericitoma primário de pulmão direito, diagnosticado por biópsia cirúrgica prévia, apresentou parada cardíaca irreversível durante dissecção hilar de pneumectomia direita. O paciente não respondeu às manobras de ressuscitação. A necropsia mostrou obstrução total de valva mitral por êmbolo tumoral. Os autores recomendam, em casos de grandes massas pulmonares com envolvimento hilar, como no caso aqui apresentado, a avaliação pré-operatória com ecocardiografia transesofágica, ressonância magnética nuclear ou angiotomografia. Se for detectada lesão em vasos pulmonares ou cavidades atriais, deve-se programar a cirurgia com circulação extracorpórea, para permitir ressecção da massa intra-vascular ou cardíaca, combinada com a ressecção pulmonar. Os autores recomendam cuidados para reconhecer e tratar este problema, se o diagnóstico pré-operatório não for feito.

A 26-year-old patient with a voluminous primary pulmonary hemangiopericytoma in the right lung, diagnosed through previous surgical biopsy, presented irreversible cardiac arrest during the hilar dissection portion of a right pneumonectomy. The patient did not respond to resuscitation efforts. Autopsy showed total obstruction of the mitral valve by a tumor embolism. In cases of large lung masses with hilar involvement, as in the case presented, we recommend preoperative evaluation using transesophageal echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging or angiotomography. If injury to the pulmonary vessels or atrial cavities is detected, surgery with extracorporeal circulation should be arranged in order to allow resection of the intravascular or cardiac mass, together with pulmonary resection. We recommend that care be taken in order to recognize and treat this problem in patients not receiving a preoperative diagnosis.

Adult , Humans , Male , Heart Arrest/etiology , Heart Neoplasms/secondary , Hemangiopericytoma/surgery , Lung Neoplasms/surgery , Mitral Valve Stenosis/etiology , Pneumonectomy/adverse effects , Fatal Outcome , Heart Arrest/pathology , Intraoperative Complications/etiology , Lung Neoplasms/pathology , Mitral Valve Stenosis/pathology , Neoplastic Cells, Circulating , Preoperative Care
Saudi Medical Journal. 2008; 29 (7): 1041-1043
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-100691


Malignant fibrous histiocytoma [MFH] is an aggressive spindle cell cancer and is the most common soft tissue tumor in the elderly, primarily affecting the extremities. It has high metastatic potential and can spread to various viscera including liver, lung, bone, and brain; however, cardiac metastasis is an extreme rarity. Here, we present a 50-year-old male, diagnosed as pleiomorhphic storiform MFH a of right arm who developed parenchymal pulmonary metastases and a mass lesion in left atrium. Patient had a downhill course and eventually succumbed

Humans , Male , Histiocytoma, Malignant Fibrous/pathology , Heart Neoplasms/secondary , Neoplasm Metastasis , Lung Neoplasms/secondary , Mortality , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Heart Neoplasms/diagnosis , Lung Neoplasms/diagnosis