SUMMARY The septomarginal trabecula is a muscular structure which transmits the right branch of the atrioventricular bundle. It is usually supplied by a branch from the second anterior septal artery. Anastomoses between the right and left coronary arteries may happen on the septomarginal trabecula. They are of great significance in order to prevent ischemia during a myocardial infarction. Surgeries such as Konno's and Ross' procedures implies in knowledge of these vessels anatomy. The coronary arteries of 50 human hearts were injected with latex and subsequentely dissected with the purpose of identifying the arterial branch that supplied the septomarginal trabecula. The trabecular branch arose from the second anterior septal artery in 38% of cases, and the branch arose from the first anterior septal artery in 26%. One of the hearts had its septomarginal trabecula supplied by the conus arteriosus arteryliterature. Anastomoses between the right and left coronary arteries were found inside the septomarginal trabecula. The right branch of the atrioventricular bundle is subject to a great number of clinical conditions and is often manipulated during surgery, thus, the study of the septal branches of the coronary arteries and the trabecular branch is essential.
RESUMO A trabécula septomarginal é uma estrutura muscular que transmite o ramo direito do feixe atrioventricular. É usualmente suprida por um ramo da segunda artéria septal anterior. Anastomoses entre as artérias coronárias direita e esquerda podem ocorrer na trabécula. São de grande significância especialmente na prevenção de isquemia durante um infarto do miocárdio. Procedimentos cirúrgicos como o de Konno's e Ross implicam conhecimento anatômico desses vasos. As artérias coronárias de 50 corações humanos foram injetadas com látex e dissecadas com o propósito de identificar o ramo arterial que supria a trabécula septomarginal. Em somente 38% dos casos o ramo foi proveniente da segunda artéria septal anterior, enquanto que em 26% dos casos a artéria se originou da primeira septal anterior. Um dos corações teve a trabécula septomarginal suprida por um ramo originário da artéria do cone arterioso. Além disso, foram encontradas anastomoses entre as artérias coronárias no interior da trabécula septomarginal. Em suma, o ramo direito do feixe atrioventricular está sujeito a inúmeras condições clínicas e é alvo de manuseio em cirurgias, logo, o estudo dos ramos septais das artérias coronárias, em especial o ramo trabecular é essencial.
Humans , Coronary Circulation , Coronary Vessels/anatomy & histology , Heart Ventricles/anatomy & histology , Ventricular Function , Contrast Media , Heart Conduction System , Heart Septum/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de las características anatómicas y biométricas del músculo papilar septal en 30 corazones de individuos adultos chilenos, en edades comprendidas entre 18 y 84 años de edad, de ambos sexos, sin aparente patología cardíaca, pertenecientes a la Unidad de Anatomía Humana Normal del Departamento de Ciencias Básicas de la Universidad de La Frontera. Los resultados mostraron que el músculo papilar septal, se presenta en un 83,3 por ciento de los corazones del estudio. De éstos, el 44,0 por ciento presenta un solo músculo, el 28 por ciento presenta dos músculos y el 28 por ciento tres músculos papilares septales. De los músculos papilares septales encontrados, el 71,1 por ciento correspondió a la forma cono libre, el 24,4 por ciento a la forma cono pegado y el 4,5 por ciento a la forma puente. En cuanto a la longitud de forma cono pegado y cono libre, el rango que se encuentra en mayor porcentaje está entre 4,0 mm 5,99 mm; con un 45,5 por ciento y 42,4 por ciento, respectivamente. Este estudio nos demuestra la importancia de incorporar al músculo papilar septal a la nomenclatura anatómica internacional.
A descriptive research study was carried out on the anatomical and biometric characteristics of the septal papillary muscle in 30 hearts of adult Chilean subjects, between 18 and 84 years of age of both sexes and without apparent cardiac pathology, from the Normal Human Anatomy Unit, Basic Sciences Department of the Universidad de La Frontera. Results show that the septal papillary muscle was present in 83.3 percent of the hearts in the study. Of these 44.0 percent show one muscle only, 28 percent show two muscles and 28 percent show three septal papillary muscles. In the septal papillary muscles found, 71.1 percent are free cone-shaped, 24.4 percent were attached cone-shaped, and 4.5 percent were bridge-shaped. Regarding the length of attached cone and free cone shaped, the highest percentage range was between 4.0 mm and 5.99 mm, with 45.5 percent and 42.4 percent respectively. The present study shows the importance of integrating the septal papillary muscle to the International Anatomical Nomenclature.
Aged , Papillary Muscles/anatomy & histology , Papillary Muscles/ultrastructure , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , Heart Septum/embryology , Heart Septum/ultrastructure , Anatomy, Regional/methods , ChileABSTRACT
Non-invasive quantitative analysis of the heart wall thickness is a fundamental step in diagnosis and discrimination of heart disease. Thickness measurements in 2D echocardiographic images have many applications in research and clinic for assessment of wall stress, wall thickening and viability parameters. The measurement of interventricular septum wall thickness by conventional manual method is more dependent on sonographer's experiment.This encouraged researchers to develop a semi-automatic computer algorithm to access interventricular septum segments thickness. We proposed and developed a computerized algorithm for wall thickness measurements in 2D echocardiographic image frames. In this program, wall thickness measurement is based on intensity profile function and adaptive bilateral thresholding operation. For validation, thicknesses of septum base and mid segments were estimated in constituent image frames using proposed technique followed by comparing them with conventional manual results from same images of the cardiac cycle by statistical methods. In our sample image frames [240 corresponding segments; with different range of image quality], a bias of 0.10 mm and 0.12 mm with SD differences of +/- 0.81 mm and +/- 0.72 mm and correlation coefficients of 0.87 and 0.89 were found in base and mid segments, respectively. Interobserver variability using the computer-assisted method [CAM] and conventional manual technique [CMM] were 4.0% and 4.7% for the basal and 2.8% and 3.9% for the middle segments. The method introduced in the present study permits precise thickness assessment of base and mid segments of the interventricular septum wall with high concordance with CMM
Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , Echocardiography , Heart Diseases , Cardiovascular Diseases , ComputersABSTRACT
Complete atrioventricular block [AV block] is a serious complication of slow pathway ablation therapy in the treatment of atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia [AVNRT]. The present study was aimed at determining whether the electroanatomical pace mapping of Koch's triangle could significantly improve the safety, efficiency, and efficacy of selective slow pathway ablation in the treatment of AVNRT. A total number of 124 patients were selected to be studied consecutively for radiofrequency [RF] ablation therapy in the treatment of AVNRT. The subjects were divided into two groups: one, designated Group 1, to serve as the control group, and the other, designated Group 2, to serve as the study group. Conventional fluoroscopic slow pathway ablation was performed on the Group 1 subjects [n=66], with the Group 2 subjects receiving slow pathway ablation therapy guided by pace mapping of Koch's triangle. The slow pathway ablation in Group 2 [n=58] was performed with regard to the pace mapping data obtained on the basis of the St-H interval in the anteroseptal [AS], midseptal [MS], and posteroseptal [PS] regions of Koch's triangle. The anterograde fast pathway [AFP] location was determined based on the shortest St-H interval obtained by stimulating the anteroseptal [AS], midseptal [MS], and posteroseptal [PS] aspects of Koch's triangle. In the Group 2 subjects, AFP location was AS in 50 [86.2%] of the cases, MS in 7 [12%] of the cases, and PS in 1 case [1.7%]. One patient with posteroseptal AFP was administered retrograde fast pathway ablation therapy. One patient in the control group [Group 1], representing 1.5% of the group, developed persistent AV block in the course of the treatment, but none of the subjects in the study group [Group 2] developed any complications. It was concluded that an atypical fast pathway location is conducive to the development of atrioventricular block in the ablation therapy in AVNRT, with pace mapping of Koch's triangle having the capacity to eliminate the risk of any such complication developing. It follows that it helps to identify the AFP location before ablation therapy is administered in AVNRT, thereby improving the safety of the treatment
Humans , Male , Female , Catheter Ablation , Tachycardia/surgery , Tachycardia, Atrioventricular Nodal Reentry/surgery , Heart Septum/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To quantify the correlation between gestational age and the normal distance between the insertion of the medial leaflets of the mitral valve and tricuspid valve in Thai fetuses. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A prospective study was constructed using an apical 4-chamber view at end diastole to measure the mitral valve-tricuspid valve distance (MTD) in 169 confirmed-dated singleton normal fetuses between 18 and 40 weeks of gestation at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital from August 2005 to July 2006. The recorded distances were plotted against gestational ages. The 5th, 50th, and 95th centile of MTD were calculated and the relationship between MTD and gestational age was determined with regression model. One hundred and forty-seven measurements were validated for analyses. RESULTS: Regression analysis demonstrated a linear correlation of MTD with gestational age with each increase of 1 week in gestational age, there was an increase of 0.12 mm of MTD (p <. 001). The linear regression curve that correlated MTD with gestational age showed a gradual slope (r = 0.84; p < 0.001). The MTD range from 1.3 to 5.1 mm (mean +/- SD = 2.6 +/- 0.9). A significant difference in MTD was noted on comparing to the data in Western study. Intra-observer reliability was 0.92. CONCLUSION: The present findings support the positive correlation between MTD and advancing gestational age. However, clinically significant differences of MTD between the presented population and Caucasian fetuses underline the need for employing a locally derived data on assigning the fetal cardiac abnormality.
Adolescent , Adult , Ebstein Anomaly/diagnostic imaging , Female , Fetus , Gestational Age , Heart Defects, Congenital/diagnostic imaging , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , Humans , Mitral Valve/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy , Prospective Studies , Tricuspid Valve/anatomy & histology , Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, PrenatalABSTRACT
Se presenta la experiencia, realizada en la Unidad de Investigación Quirúrgica de la Escuela de Medicina Vargas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Central de Venezuela, durante casi dos décadas, reseñando brevemente los ensayos de investigación en cirugía realizados tanto en Caracas como en Maracaibo. El trabajo intenta demostrar la importancia que tiene el laboratorio quirúrgico para estimular la creatividad de los jóvenes aprendices de cirujanos, así como para desarrollar sus destrezas manuales y una mejor comprensión de las diversas técnicas quirúrgicas que deben aplicarse. El puente tendido entre la sala de hospitalización y el laboratorio permite llevar a éste los problemas de los pacientes y buscar soluciones nuevas que podrían o no usarse para mejorar el arsenal terapéutico del cual dispone el cirujano. También destaca la importancia en la creación de un equipo de trabajo unido, para el mejor logro de esta labor. Algo muy importante de esta tarea es la creación del modelo quirúrgico que imite en el animal, la patología observada en el hombre y de esta forma ensayar nuevas medidas terapéuticas para solucionar dichas enfermedades. En el trabajo se presentan algunos de los modelos quirúrgicos que se realizaron en razón de la mayor patología detectada en las salas de hospitalización
The work developed in almost two decades at Unidad de Investigation Quirurgica at Escuela de Medicina Vargas, Facultad de Medicina-Universidad Central de Venezuela is presented. With brief comments regarding surgical research proyects that were carried on at Caracas as well as Maracaibo. This work is done with the purpose to demostrate the importante that the surgical research laboratory in stimulating creativity in young surgical fellows, as well as helping to developed surgical skills and a better comprehension of each of the different surgical techniques that might be used. This work at the surgical laboratory also allow to take issues observed at the clinical wards with patients into experimental animals in order to search and or develop new or different surgical approach for the surgeon to use. Also establishes the importance of working as surgical team to facilitate a better outcome. Another goal accomplised was to create surgical models that would simulate the pathologic findings observed in the patients to allow for the development of new therapeutics options to bring solutions to the patients. This work presents several surgical models that were developed and used based on the most frequent disease observed at the surgical wards
Clinical Clerkship , Laboratory Equipment , Operating Rooms , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , Models, Anatomic , Practice Management, MedicalABSTRACT
Estima-se que 40 por cento dos acidentes vasculares cerebrais isquêmicos (AVC) sejam classificados como criptogênicos. Essa cifra costuma ser maior nos pacientes jovens. A embolia paradoxal, cujo forame oval patente (FOP) é o principal exemplo, pode ser responsável por uma parcela desses casos. Entre janeiro de 2004 e novembro de 2004, 168 pacientes com diagnóstico de AVCI, entre 15 e 45 anos de idade, admitidos em unidades da Rede Sarah de hospitais foram admitidos, além da avaliação de rotina, a pesquisa de FOP com ecodopplercardiograma transesofágico e/ou Doppler transcraniano, ambos associados ao teste de bolhas.Usando a combinação dos dois métodos a prevalência da FOP em toda a amostra foi de 28 por cento (IC95 por cento 21,3-35,4).Nos pacientes com AVCI criptogênico essa prevalência sobe para 40 por cento e no grupo com etiologia definida foi de apenas 15 por cento, configurando uma razão de chances de 3,7 (IC 95 por cento 1,8-7,9). Esses resultados apontam para a necessidade de se considerar a possibilidade de embolia paradoxal na etiologia do AVCI criptogênico em pacientes jovens.
Adult , Male , Female , Humans , Stroke/complications , Stroke/mortality , Heart Septal Defects, Atrial/complications , Echocardiography, Transesophageal/methods , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , Ultrasonography, Doppler, TranscranialABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to examine the morphological features of the anterior interventricular septal branches that supply blood to the septomarginal trabecula and to correlate the anatomical observations with the angiographic characteristics analyzed by hemodynamic procedures. Forty human hearts were dissected after injecting colored latex into the left coronary artery. The vascularization of the septomarginal trabecula was always derived from the anterior interventricular artery, via the first, second and third anterior interventricular septal branches in 21 hearts (52.5%), 17 hearts (42.5%) and two hearts (5%), respectively, and the distances from the left coronary artery ostium ranged from 22 to 51 mm. The external diameter of these vessels at their origin varied from 1.0 to 2.35 mm and the vessels were analyzed based on specific requirements for surgical and hemodynamic methods of myocardial revascularization. Myocardial bridges were located over or before the origin of the vessels studied.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Coronary Disease , Coronary Vessels , Myocardial Revascularization , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , Coronary Vessels/physiology , Coronary Vessels/ultrastructure , Cadaver , Heart/anatomy & histology , Heart/physiology , Myocardial Revascularization/rehabilitationABSTRACT
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the existence of a histologically bipartite interventricular septum and the electrical independence of both septal masses, as well as to understand the changes of septal activation fronts in the presence of bundle branch blocks. Methodology: We examined the histological characteristics of both septal masses in 12 canine hearts. Furthermore, in another 11 anesthetized dog hearts, we analyzed morphological and chronological data of intraseptal records with normal activation and in the presence of proximal blocks. Results: A histological discontinuity between the two septal masses in canine hearts seems to exist. Analysis of intraseptal and intracavitary electrical records confirmed slow transmission of the activation fronts from one septal mass to the other when proximal blocks were present. Morphological and chronological changes of the intracavitary complexes agree with the "jumping wave" phenomenon theory. Conclusions: These results support the validity of this approach to the activation of both septal masses and explain the chronological and morphological changes of the intracavitary records in the presence of ventricular blocks. In addition, this approach is a useful tool to detect the possible coexistence of dead septal tissue.
Objetivo: El propósito de nuestro estudio es aportar datos objetivos a la teoría de la bipartición histológica del tabique interventricular y de la independencia eléctrica de las dos masas septales, así como a la de los cambios de los frentes de la activación septal en los bloqueos de rama. Método: Hemos examinado las características histológicas de ambas masas septales en corazones caninos y humanos. Además, hemos analizado los datos morfológicos y cronológicos de los registros intraseptales con activación normal y en presencia de bloqueos tronculares de diferentes grados en 11 perros anestesiados. Resultados: Hallamos datos objetivos a favor de una discontinuidad entre las dos masas septales tanto en el corazón canino como en el humano. El análisis de los registros eléctricos intraventriculares ha confirmado la transmisión lenta de los frentes de activación de una a otra masa septal, en presencia de bloqueos tronculares. Los cambios morfológicos y cronológicos de los complejos QRS intraventriculares concuerdan con la teoría del fenómeno de "salto de onda". Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados apoyan la validez del punto de vista de la independencia funcional de ambas masas septales y permiten explicar los cambios morfológicos de los registros intraventriculares, en presencia de bloqueo de rama. Este enfoque es también de gran ayuda para detectar la posible coexistencia de miocardio septal inactivable.
Animals , Dogs , Humans , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , Heart Septum/physiology , ElectrophysiologySubject(s)
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Child , Analgesics, Opioid/adverse effects , Analgesics, Opioid/administration & dosage , Baroreflex/physiology , Fetal Blood/physiology , Heart Rate , Hemodynamics , Myocardium/ultrastructure , Succinylcholine , Succinylcholine/pharmacology , Analgesics, Opioid/pharmacology , Bradycardia , Cardiovascular Physiological Phenomena , Placental Circulation/physiology , Hypertension , Hypotension , Neuromuscular Blocking Agents , Neuromuscular Blocking Agents/adverse effects , Neuromuscular Blocking Agents/pharmacology , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , TachycardiaABSTRACT
O septo interatrial apresenta uma característica anatômica importante, que é a presença de um vestígio embrionário denominado fossa oval, que pode ser permeável em aproximadamente um terço dos casos, sendo mais frequente na mulher que no homem. Os indivíduos que apresentam este defeito, sao assintomáticos no começo da vida, embora um número importante deles depois dos 40 anos, desenvolvem hipertensao arterial pulmonar, fibrilaçao atrial, comunicaçoes bidirecionais e insuficiência cardíaca. Foram estudados 50 coraçoes, adultos chilenos, com idades entre 18-76 anos, de ambos os sexos e sem patologia aparente, obtidos no Serviço de Anatomia Patológica, Medicina Legal e Unidade de Anatomia Normal da Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, Chile. O septo dea forma oval em 56 por cento, triangular em 26 por cento e circular em 18 por cento dos casos. A área das fossas foi, em média, de 193mm2. A profundidade das fossas foi, em média, de 4,3 mm. A permeabilidade estava presente em 34 por cento dos casos. A posiçao mais freqüente correspondeu ao terço médio em 58 por cento dos casos.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Heart Septal Defects, Atrial , Heart Septum/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
The blood supply of the human interventricular septum was studied in hearts obtained from 500 (300 males and 200 females) medicolegal autopsy subjects aged 18 to 75 years. In 350 specimens the coronary arteries were injected with 20 per cent solution of cellulose acetate butyrate and branches supplying the septum were displayed by dissection while in the remaining hearts the arteries were injected with a solution of barium sulphate and X-rays taken. The anterior two-thirds of the septum is supplied by 4 to 10 perforators and one or two long septal arteries (in 94 per cent instances) which arise from the anterior interventricular artery; the latter turns round the inferior border of the heart and extends for a variable distance in the caudal part of the interventricular sulcus and supplies perforators to the posterior one-third of the septum. The cephalic part of the posterior one-third of the septum gets its blood supply from the posterior interventricular artery; some variations in this arrangement have been encountered. In about 85 per cent instances the right coronary artery or its conus branch gives an interventricular septal branch which pierces the anterior wall of the right ventricle and runs subendocardially on the supraventricular crest to reach the interventricular septum where it anastomoses with the anterior perforators; about 15 per cent subjects who do not have this septal branch are likely to sustain a larger infarction in case the anterior interventricular artery gets blocked.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Coronary Vessels/anatomy & histology , Ethnicity , Female , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , Heart Ventricles/anatomy & histology , Humans , India/ethnology , Male , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Se define el septum atrioventricular y sus características anatomicas. Este septum se divide en dos regiones: muscular y membranosa. Se describen los tipos de comunciación atrioventricular aisladas. Se discute la embriogénesis normal y patológica del septum atrioventricular. Se define el septum interventricular y se describen sus características anatómicas. Este septum se divide en dos regiones: fibrosa y muscular. La muscular se divide en tres regiones: porción de la cámara de salida o infundibular (outlet). Las comunicaciones inteventriculares se clasifican de acuerdo con las regiones septales en que están ubicadas. Se establecen las características anatómicas de identidad de cada una de ellas. Se hace un breve comentario sobre la morfogénesis normal y patológica del septum interventricular. Septum atrioventricular; septum interventricular
Humans , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , Heart Septum/embryology , MexicoABSTRACT
The first anterior septal arteries from 41 cadavers were studied. By the idealized classification they could be divided into 3 main types according to the path in the interventricular septum: Type I - 25 (60.98 per cent); Type II - 7(17.07 per cent); Type III - 9 (21.95 per cent). Several other parameters were studied regarding the 3 types: distance between the ostium and the bifurcation of the left coronary artery trnk; realtion with the second anterior septal artery; number of anterior septal arteries per heart; the greatest caliber of the anterior septal artery; relation of diameter with that of the anterior descending artery and angle of emergence at the anterior descending artery. These parameters were analyzed in view of a better knowledge about this coronary branch for surgery and clinical practice
Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Humans , Male , Female , Coronary Vessels/anatomy & histology , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , CadaverABSTRACT
A parte membranácea do septo interventricular relaciona-se com as cúspides semilunares aórticas direita e posterior. Pode ser evidenciada por tansluminaçäo pelos seus lados direito e esquerdo. Com o emprego da luz polarizada, postula-se uma estrutura complexa para a parte membranácea, em confronto com a propsota de diferentes autores. A disposiçäo estrutural, tanto das fibras colágenas como das fibras elásticas, permite admitir a área da parte membranácea como uma estrutura estrategicamente situada para fornecer simultaneamente deformaçöes e apoio às câmaras e vasos a ela relacionados
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Male , Female , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , Heart Ventricles/anatomy & histology , Membranes/anatomy & histologySubject(s)
Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , Humans , Male , Transposition of Great Vessels/physiopathologySubject(s)
Adult , Coronary Vessels/anatomy & histology , Female , Heart Septum/anatomy & histology , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Models, AnatomicABSTRACT
Foram estudadas 127 crianças normais, na faixa etária de 1 a 144 meses, 65 do sexo masculino e 62 do feminino. Todas apresentavam exame físico, eletrocardiograma e radiografia de tórax normais e encontravam-se dentro dos limites normais de peso e altura para a populaçäo brasileira. O ecocardiograma foi realizado de acordo com normas padronizadas internacionalmente e nenhuma medicaçäo sedativa foi utilizada. As medidas realizadas foram: diâmetro da aorta (AO), abertura sistólica da valva aórtica (Ab. V.Ao), dimensöes do átrio esquerdo (AE) e do ventrículo direito (VD), trato de saída do ventrículo direito (TSVD), espessuras diastlica e sistólica do septo e da parede posterior do ventrículo esquerdo (SD, SS, PPVE-d e PPVE-s), amplitude de excursäo D-E (Exc. DE) e velocidade da rampa E-F da valva mitral (EF mit.), depressäo "a" e velocidade da rampa E-F da valva pulmonar (dep. "a" e EF pul.), relaçäo átrio esquerdo/diâmetro da aorta (Rel. AE/AO), relaçäo septo/parede posterior do ventrículo esquerdo (Rel. S/PPVE)