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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(4): e202202775, ago. 2023. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1443050


La hemocromatosis es una enfermedad caracterizada por el excesivo depósito de hierro en múltiples órganos, entre ellos hígado, páncreas, piel y corazón. La infiltración de este último es un importante factor en morbilidad y mortalidad. Presentamos un caso de un paciente pediátrico con insuficiencia cardíaca terminal que ameritó trasplante cardíaco, que resultó sin complicaciones. Posterior a la cirugía, mostró mejoría bioquímica y clínica, lo que influyó positivamente en su calidad de vida y prolongó su supervivencia.

Hemochromatosis is a disease characterized by excess iron stores in multiple organs, including the liver, pancreas, skin, and heart. The infiltration of the heart is an important factor in morbidity and mortality. Here we describe the case of a pediatric patient with end-stage heart failure who required a heart transplantation, with no complications. After the surgery, she showed biochemical and clinical improvement, with a positive impact on her quality of life and a prolonged survival.

Humans , Female , Child , Heart Transplantation , Iron Overload/complications , Hemochromatosis/complications , Hemochromatosis/diagnosis , Quality of Life , Liver
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(7): 908-919, jul. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565663


El trasplante de órganos es una alternativa terapéutica para pacientes que cursan una insuficiencia terminal de ese órgano producto de una enfermedad crónica o aguda. En tal contexto, la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud es un concepto multidimensional importante para evaluar los beneficios del trasplante. OBJETIVO: Identificar los cambios en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud que experimentan los pacientes trasplantados de corazón. Método: Revisión sistemática de estudios transversales, prospectivos y cualitativos publicados en inglés desde enero 2020 a diciembre 2022 en Cochrane Library, Medline, OVID, PubMed y Web of Science, en concordancia con las guías PRISMA. Resultados: Se identificaron 43 artículos, 21 de corte transversal, 10 prospectivos y 12 de índole cualitativa además de incluir información sobre la etapa previa al trasplante. Se comprueba un significativo cambio favorable en la mayor parte de los parámetros de calidad de vida, los que incluso se muestran persistentes después de 20 años. CONCLUSIONES: El trasplante de corazón representa una exitosa alternativa terapéutica que no sólo prolonga la vida sino que permite lograr una adecuada calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. El apoyo familiar y social son elementos cruciales que impactan el ajuste y la calidad de vida durante el proceso pre y postrasplante.

BACKGROUND: Organ transplantation is a therapeutic alternative for patients with end-stage organ failure resulting from chronic or acute disease. In this context, health-related quality of life is an important multidimensional concept to evaluate the benefits of transplantation. Objective: To identify changes in health-related quality of life experienced by heart transplant patients. METHODS: Systematic review of cross-sectional, prospective, qualitative studies published in English from January 2020 to December 2022 in Cochrane Library, Medline, OVID, PubMed, and Web of Science, following PRISMA guidelines. Results: We identified forty-three articles, 21 cross-sectional, 10 prospective, and 12 qualitative, in addition to including information on the pre-transplant stage. A significant favorable change in most quality-of-life parameters is verified, which is persistent even after 20 years. Conclusions: Heart transplantation represents a successful therapeutic alternative that not only prolongs life but also makes it possible to achieve an adequate health-related quality of life. Family and social support are crucial elements that impact adjustment and quality of life during the pre- and post-transplant process.

Humans , Quality of Life , Heart Transplantation/psychology , Social Support , Transplant Recipients/psychology
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(7): 899-907, jul. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565680


La biopsia endomiocárdica (BEM) es un procedimiento invasivo y una herramienta diagnóstica, que en el pasado se encontraba principalmente enfocado en el seguimiento del rechazo post trasplante cardíaco. Actualmente, juega un rol importante en el diagnostico de las miocardiopatías no isquémicas. Se realiza frecuentemente por un acceso venoso para acceder al ventrículo derecho. El rendimiento diagnóstico ha mejorado con el avance del análisis anatomo-patológico. El riesgo de complicaciones, cercana al 1%, de este procedimiento en centros con experiencia puede justificarse frente al beneficio potencial de un diagnóstico y pronóstico preciso.

Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) is an invasive procedure and a diagnostic tool used mainly on the follow-up of post-heart transplant rejection in the past years. Currently, it has an important role in the diagnosis of non-ischemic cardiomyopathies. EMB is frequently performed through a venous access to enter the right ventricle. Diagnostic performance has improved with advances in pathology analysis. Its complications risk, close to 1% in high-volume interventional centers, can be justified considering the potential benefit of an accurate diagnosis and prognosis.

Humans , Myocardium/pathology , Biopsy/adverse effects , Biopsy/methods , Heart Transplantation , Endocardium/pathology , Cardiomyopathies/pathology
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 177-180, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970177


The number of patients with heart failure in China is large, and the proportion of patients with end-stage heart failure continues to increase. The clinical effect of guideline-directed medications therapy for end-stage heart failure is poor. Heart transplantation is the most effective treatment for end-stage heart failure. But it is faced with many limitations such as the shortage of donors. In recent years, the research and development of artificial heart in China has made great progress. Three devices have been approved by the National Medical Products Administration for marketing, and another one is undergoing pre-marketing clinical trial. Since 2017, more than 200 cases of ventricular assist device implantation have been carried out in more than 34 hospitals in China. Among them, 70 patients in Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences had a 2-year survival rate of 90%. The first patient has survived more than 5 years with the device. More efforts should be put into the training of standardized technical team and quality control. Further research should be carried out in the aspects of pulsatile blood flow pump, fully implanted cable-free device, and improved biomaterial with better blood compatibility.

Humans , Heart-Assist Devices , Heart Failure/surgery , Heart, Artificial , Heart Transplantation , Pulsatile Flow
Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao ; Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao;(6): 840-852, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008139


Heart failure (HF),a chronic progressive disease,is a global health problem and the leading cause of deaths in the global population.The pathophysiological abnormalities of HF mainly include abnormal cardiac structure (myocardium and valves),disturbance of electrophysiological activities,and weakened myocardial contractility.In addition to drug therapy and heart transplantation,interventional therapies can be employed for advanced-stage HF,including transcatheter interventions and mechanical circulatory assist devices.This article introduces the devices used for advanced HF that have been marketed or certified as innovative or breakthrough devices around the world and summarizes the research status and prospects the trend in this field.As diversified combinations of HF devices are used for the treatment of advanced HF,considerations regarding individualized HF therapy,risk-benefit evaluation on device design,medical insurance payment,post-market supervision system,and protection of intellectual property rights of high-end technology are needed,which will boost the development of the technology and industry and benefit the patients.

Humans , Heart-Assist Devices , Heart Failure/therapy , Heart Transplantation , Myocardium , Chronic Disease
Frontiers of Medicine ; (4): 527-533, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982579


In this study, we aim to elucidate the clinical impact and long-term course of tricuspid regurgitation (TR), taking into account its dynamic nature, after biatrial orthotopic heart transplant (OHT). All consecutive adult patients undergoing biatrial OHT (1984-2017) with an available follow-up echocardiogram were included. Mixed-models were used to model the evolution of TR. The mixed-model was inserted into a Cox model in order to address the association of the dynamic TR with mortality. In total, 572 patients were included (median age: 50 years, males: 74.9%). Approximately 32% of patients had moderate-to-severe TR immediately after surgery. However, this declined to 11% on 5 years and 9% on 10 years after surgery, adjusted for survival bias. Pre-implant mechanical support was associated with less TR during follow-up, whereas concurrent LV dysfunction was significantly associated with more TR during follow-up. Survival at 1, 5, 10, 20 years was 97% ± 1%, 88% ± 1%, 66% ± 2% and 23% ± 2%, respectively. The presence of moderate-to-severe TR during follow-up was associated with higher mortality (HR: 1.07, 95% CI (1.02-1.12), p = 0.006). The course of TR was positively correlated with the course of creatinine (R = 0.45). TR during follow-up is significantly associated with higher mortality and worse renal function. Nevertheless, probability of TR is the highest immediately after OHT and decreases thereafter. Therefore, it may be reasonable to refrain from surgical intervention for TR during earlier phase after OHT.

Male , Adult , Humans , Middle Aged , Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency/diagnostic imaging , Heart Transplantation , Echocardiography , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Nursing ; 25(294): 8916-8927, nov.2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1402584


Objetivo:Descrever as atividades implementadas pelo enfermeiro no processo de captação de coração e pulmão em um centro transplantador brasileiro e sua implicação no aumento do número de transplantes realizados. Métodos: Estudo descritivo e observacional, com foco no organograma instituído sobre as atividades do enfermeiro para avaliação e o aceite do doador. Resultados:Com a formação da unidade, exclusivamente dedicada ao processo captação/transplante, houve entre os meses de agosto de 2013 e dezembro de 2021, um aumento de 138,18% na realização de transplantes cardíacos adultos, 76,54% nos transplantes pediátricos e/ou cardiopatias congênitas e 63,22% nos procedimentos de pulmão,quando comparado ao mesmo período dos anos anteriores.Conclusão: O estudo descreve pela primeira vez a importância da atuação do enfermeiro na implementação de um programa de transplantes de sucesso e como suas ações contribuíram para o aumento do número de procedimentos realizados e podem servir de modelo para outros centros.(AU)

Objective: To describe the activities performed by nurses in the heart and lung harvesting process in a Brazilian transplant center and their implication in the increase in the number of transplants performed. Methods: Descriptive and observational study, focusing on the organizational chart established on the activities of nurses for the evaluation and acceptance of the donor. Results: With the formation of the unit, exclusively dedicated to the capture/transplantation process, between August 2013 and December 2021, there was an increase of 138.18% in adult heart transplants, 76.54% in pediatric transplants and/ or congenital heart disease and 63.22% in lung procedures, when compared to the same period in previous years. Conclusion: The study describes for the first time the importance of nurses' performance in the implementation of a successful transplant program and how their actions contributed to the increase in the number of procedures performed and can serve as a model for other centers.(AU)

Objetivo: Describir las actividades realizadas por enfermeros en el proceso de extracción de corazón y pulmón en un centro de trasplante brasileño y su implicación en el aumento de trasplantes realizados. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y observacional, con foco en el organigrama establecido sobre las actividades de los enfermeros para la evaluación y aceptación del donante. Resultados: Con la formación de la unidad, dedicada exclusivamente al proceso de captación/trasplante, entre agosto de 2013 y diciembre de 2021, hubo un aumento del 138,18% en trasplantes cardíacos adultos, 76,54% en trasplantes pediátricos y/o cardiopatías congénitas y 63,22% % en procedimientos pulmonares, en comparación con años anteriores. Conclusión: El estudio describe por primera vez la importancia de la actuación de los enfermeros en la implementación de un programa de trasplante exitoso y cómo sus acciones contribuyeron para el aumento del número de procedimientos realizados y pueden servir de modelo para otros centros.(AU)

Tissue Donors , Heart Transplantation , Lung Transplantation , Nurses, Male
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 25(288): 7794-7803, maio.2022. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1372430


Objetivo- Descrever o perfil alimentar de pacientes pós transplante cardíaco (TC) tardio de um centro transplantador brasileiro. Método- Estudo observacional transversal com delineamento descritivo. O estudo ocorreu em uma instituição de ensino público de Minas Gerais. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período de 2017 a 2019. Resultados-. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 62 indivíduos transplantados entre os anos de 2006 a 2016. Aproximadamente 63% era do sexo masculino. A média de idade foi de 46,53 anos. O consumo de carboidratos e gorduras foi adequado em 46,77% e 59,68% da amostra, respectivamente. Já o consumo de proteínas foi acima do recomendado em 77,42% e o consumo de fibras abaixo do recomendado em 79,03%. Conclusão- Houve a predominância do sexo masculino. Os indivíduos apresentaram um consumo adequado somente de carboidratos e gorduras. Não houve na literatura estudos descrevendo a atuação do enfermeiro no processo de nutrição neste cenário(AU)

Objective- To describe the dietary profile of patients after late heart transplantation (HT) from a Brazilian transplant center. Method- Cross-sectional observational study with descriptive design. The study took place in a public education institution in Minas Gerais. Data collection took place from 2017 to 2019. Results-. The study sample consisted of 62 individuals transplanted between 2006 and 2016. Approximately 63% were male. The mean age was 46.53 years. The consumption of carbohydrates and fats was adequate in 46.77% and 59.68% of the sample, respectively. The consumption of proteins was above the recommended in 77.42% and the consumption of fibers below the recommended in 79.03%. Conclusion- There was a predominance of males. The individuals presented an adequate consumption of only carbohydrates and fats. There were no studies in the literature describing the role of nurses in the nutrition process in this scenario(AU)

Objetivo- Describir el perfil dietético de pacientes después de un trasplante cardíaco (TC) tardío de un centro de trasplante brasileño. Método- Estudio observacional transversal con diseño descriptivo. El estudio se llevó a cabo en una institución de educación pública en Minas Gerais. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo de 2017 a 2019. Resultados-. La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por 62 individuos trasplantados entre 2006 y 2016. Aproximadamente el 63% eran hombres. La edad media fue de 46,53 años. El consumo de carbohidratos y grasas fue adecuado en el 46,77% y 59,68% de la muestra, respectivamente. El consumo de proteína estuvo por encima del nivel recomendado en un 77,42% y el consumo de fibra por debajo del nivel recomendado en un 79,03%. Conclusión- Hubo predominio del sexo masculino. Los individuos presentaron un consumo adecuado de solo carbohidratos y grasas. No hubo estudios en la literatura que describieran el papel del enfermero en el proceso de nutrición en este escenario.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Heart Transplantation/nursing , Diet/nursing , Nursing Care , Nutritional Requirements , Food and Nutrition Education , Patient Education as Topic , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. eletrônica enferm ; 24: 1-9, 18 jan. 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1416634


Objetivo: elucidar a relação entre cuidados paliativos e transplante cardíaco na visão da equipe de transplante e desenvolver um mapa mental que ajude a repensar a abordagem paliativa à pessoa pós transplante cardíaco. Métodos: estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, foi realizado por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, com 17 profissionais de saúde. O corpus constituído foi processado pelo software IRaMuTeQ. Utilizou-se análise de conteúdo de Minayo, e elaboração de mapa mental. Resultados: as narrativas revelaram dificuldade em estabelecer critérios para indicar uma pessoa pós transplante cardíaco para o cuidado paliativo. Medo, preconceito e falta de conhecimento retardam a abordagem paliativa. O mapa mental evidencia condições que podem ser consideradas para a indicação de cuidados paliativos para pessoas em pós transplante cardíaco. Conclusão: a abordagem paliativa no contexto do transplante cardíaco, na visão dos profissionais, é permeada por sentimentos negativos e déficit de informações por parte das equipes. O mapa mental proposto elucidou elementos que podem orientar os profissionais para a inserção da pessoa pós transplante cardíaco na abordagem paliativa.

Objective: to elucidate the relationship between palliative care and heart transplantation in the view of the transplant team, and to develop a mind map that helps to rethink the palliative approach to the person after heart transplantation. Methods: a descriptive study with a qualitative approach was carried out through a semi-structured interview with 17 health professionals. The constituted corpus was processed by the IRaMuTeQ software. Minayo's content analysis and mind map were used. Results:the narratives revealed difficulty in establishing criteria to indicate a person after heart transplantation for palliative care. Fear, prejudice and lack of knowledge delay the palliative approach. The mind map shows conditions that can be considered for the indication of palliative care for people after heart transplantation. Conclusion: the palliative approach in the context of heart transplantation, in the view of professionals, is permeated by negative feelings and lack of information on the part of the teams. The proposed mind map brought elements that can guide professionals for the insertion of the person after heart transplantation in the palliative approach.

Humans , Heart Transplantation , Comprehensive Health Care , Patient Care Team
In. Soeiro, Alexandre de Matos; Leal, Tatiana de Carvalho Andreucci Torres; Accorsi, Tarso Augusto Duenhas; Gualandro, Danielle Menosi; Oliveira Junior, Múcio Tavares de; Caramelli, Bruno; Kalil Filho, Roberto. Manual da residência em cardiologia / Manual residence in cardiology. Santana de Parnaíba, Manole, 2 ed; 2022. p.342-347, tab.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352400
In. Soeiro, Alexandre de Matos; Leal, Tatiana de Carvalho Andreucci Torres; Accorsi, Tarso Augusto Duenhas; Gualandro, Danielle Menosi; Oliveira Junior, Múcio Tavares de; Caramelli, Bruno; Kalil Filho, Roberto. Manual da residência em cardiologia / Manual residence in cardiology. Santana de Parnaíba, Manole, 2 ed; 2022. p.436-441, tab, ilus.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352663
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2022. 93 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1443759


Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar o custo do paciente internado para transplante cardíaco no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais nos anos de 2019 e 2020. Por meio da metodologia de custeio ABC e Diagrama de Pareto foram levantados os valores inerentes aos materiais, medicamentos e exames realizados pelos pacientes no período de internação em que ocorreram os transplantes. Também foram investigados os custos referentes ao tempo disponibilizado pela equipe cirúrgica e os custos relativos aos dias de internação em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e Enfermaria. O método de pesquisa envolveu estudo de caso e pesquisa documental, especialmente prontuários físicos e eletrônicos dos pacientes, nos quais foram verificados os registros de dados clínicos. Os preços dos materiais, medicamentos e exames foram obtidos em bancos de dados utilizados pelo hospital como: Comprasnet, Banco de Preços, Painel de Preços e sistemas internos de gestão de compras. Os custos de internação foram levantados junto ao setor responsável pela apuração de custos do HC-UFMG, enquanto as informações utilizadas para cálculo do custo da equipe cirúrgica são provenientes do Portal da Transparência do Governo Federal e plano de cargos, carreiras e salários da Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares e UFMG. Alcançado o objetivo foi produzido relatório situacional, que poderá ser utilizado pelas instituições de saúde como referência de pesquisa e negociação com os entes responsáveis pelo financiamento da saúde no Brasil, principalmente dos transplantes cardíacos. A pesquisa se mostrou relevante do ponto de vista clínico e de gestão, possibilitando uma visão sistêmica e integrada dos processos, à medida que amplia o conhecimento dos custos de uma importante linha de cuidado, além de contribuir com o redimensionamento de recursos e dar mais subsídios à tomada de decisão. Os resultados mostraram que no Hospital das Clínicas da UFMG o Custo do Transplante Cardíaco é de R$ 141.958,91.

This study aimed to identify the cost of patients hospitalized for heart transplantation at the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Minas Gerais in the years 2019 and 2020. Through the ABC costing methodology and Pareto's Diagram, the values inherent to the materials, drugs and diagnostic procedures to which the patients were submitted during the period of hospitalization for the transplant were raised. The costs related to the time made available by the surgical team and the costs related to the days of hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit and ward were also investigated. The research method involved case study and documental research, especially physical and electronic patient records, in which clinical data records were verified. The prices of materials, medicines and exams were obtained from databases used by the hospital such as: Comprasnet, Price Bank, Price Panel and internal purchasing management systems. The hospitalization costs were collected from the sector responsible for calculating the costs of the HC-UFMG, while the information used to calculate the cost of the surgical team comes from the Federal Government's Transparency Portal and the and Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares and UFMG's career and salary plan. Having achieved the objective, a situational report was produced, which can be used by health institutions as a reference for research and negotiation with the entities responsible for health financing in Brazil, especially heart transplants. The research proved to be relevant from a clinical and management point of view, enabling a systemic and integrated view of the processes, as it expands the knowledge of the costs of an important line of care, in addition to contributing to the resizing of resources and providing more subsidies to decision making. The results showed that at the Hospital das Clínicas da UFMG the cost of Heart Transplantation is R$ 141.958,91.

Heart Transplantation , Health Expenditures , Costs and Cost Analysis , Academic Dissertation , Hospitalization , Hospitals, Public , Inpatients , Length of Stay
Hepatología ; 3(1): 29-39, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1396214


La hepatopatía congestiva comprende el espectro de manifestaciones a nivel del hígado, con injuria inducida como consecuencia de la congestión venosa hepática por una alteración en el flujo venoso del tracto de salida hepático. La etiología más frecuente es la falla cardiaca derecha, que por aumento de la presión venosa central, lleva retrógradamente al aumento de la presión venosa hepática, disminución del flujo hepático y disminución de la saturación de oxígeno, con congestión a nivel sinusoidal y particular compromiso de los hepatocitos de la zona 3. Generalmente tiene una presentación subclínica en cuanto a manifestaciones hepáticas que son enmascaradas por los signos y síntomas de falla cardiaca. El diagnóstico comprende la suma de hallazgos serológicos, imagenológicos e histológicos, luego de una exclusión de otras patologías con posible injuria hepática. El tratamiento se basa en el manejo de la falla cardiaca de base, y el pronóstico a su vez, queda supeditado a la fase de la enfermedad cardiaca de base. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura con el fin de construir una revisión de esta entidad, con conceptos actualizados a partir de la evidencia reciente.

Congestive liver disease comprises the spectrum of manifestations secondary to liver injury as a consequence of hepatic venous congestion due to a disturbance in the hepatic venous outflow. The most frequent cause is right heart failure, which, due to an increase in central venous pressure, leads retrogradely to an increase in hepatic venous pressure, a decrease in liver inflow and a decrease in oxygen saturation, with sinusoidal congestion and characteristic compromise of zone 3 hepatocytes. Its presentation is usually subclinical in terms of liver manifestations, masked by the signs and symptoms of heart failure. The diagnosis includes the sum of serological, imaging and histological findings, after exclusion of other entities involving liver injury. Treatment is based on the management of the underlying heart failure and the prognosis is as well dependent on the stage of the underlying heart disease. A literature search was carried out in order to create a review of this entity with updated concepts based on recent evidence.

Cardiomyopathy, Dilated , Liver Diseases , Central Venous Pressure , Heart Transplantation , Heart Diseases , Heart Failure
Saúde Soc ; 31(2): e220045pt, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390329


Resumo O artigo reflete sobre as relações entre corpos biológicos e artefatos tecnológicos, a partir da pesquisa etnográfica sobre o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de assistência circulatória, conhecidas como corações artificiais. Para compreender as corporeidades que tais dispositivos mecânicos ajudam a produzir, buscamos aqui caracterizar dois tipos de corpos instituídos a partir de práticas médicas e biotecnologias projetadas para pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca avançada. Os corpos imunológicos, produzidos a partir dos transplantes de coração, serão contrastados aos corpos biônicos, compostos pelo arranjo com corações artificiais. Propomos que é preciso considerar que cada uma dessas tecnologias se coproduz com distintas naturezas, sustentadas em materialidades, práticas, moralidades e pressupostos específicos. A atenção dada às práticas e à materialidade permitirá destacar os diversos entrelaçamentos materiais-semióticos. Resgatar a trajetória de desenvolvimento desse campo nos permitirá explorar o imaginário a partir do qual tais intervenções emergem, assim como as transformações ocorridas, ressaltando o vínculo ao corpo-máquina tecido no âmbito biomédico.

Abstract This paper reflects on the relationship between biological bodies and technological artifacts, based on ethnographic research on the development of circulatory assist technologies, known as artificial hearts. To understand the embodiment that such mechanical devices help to produce, we aim to characterize two types of bodies enacted from medical practices and biotechnologies designed for patients with advanced heart failure. The immunological bodies, produced from heart transplantation, will be contrasted with the bionic bodies, composed of the assembly with artificial hearts. We propose that it is necessary to consider each of these technologies as co-produced with different natures, supported by specific materialities, practices, moralities and assumptions. The attention given to practices and materiality will allow to highlight the various material-semiotic intertwinings. Tracing the development trajectory of this field will allow exploring the imagination from which such interventions emerge and the transformations that have occurred, emphasizing the link to the body-machine woven in the biomedical scope.

Body Constitution , Biotechnology , Heart Transplantation , Heart, Artificial , Heart Failure , Artifacts
In. Soeiro, Alexandre de Matos; Leal, Tatiana de Carvalho Andreucci Torres; Accorsi, Tarso Augusto Duenhas; Gualandro, Danielle Menosi; Oliveira Junior, Múcio Tavares de; Caramelli, Bruno; Kalil Filho, Roberto. Manual da residência em cardiologia / Manual residence in cardiology. Santana de Parnaíba, Manole, 2 ed; 2022. p.143-148.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349467