Introduction: Closed isolated subtalar dislocations are very rare and major cause of subtalar dislocation remains to be road traffic accidents. Objective: Identify isolated medial subtalar closed dislocations and their forms a management. Presentation of case: 22-year-old male sustained road traffic accident following which he had deformed foot with inability to bear weight. On evaluation he was found to have medial subtalar dislocation reduced with manual traction. One year follow up showed, no residual deformity or pain and had very good functional outcome. Conclusions: It is of great importance to identify the difference between medial subluxation or dislocation and medial swivel injury which have different mechanisms as well as different reduction maneuvers(AU)
Introducción: Las luxaciones subastragalinares aisladas cerradas son muy raras y la principal causa de luxación subastragalina resultan los accidentes de tráfico. Objetivo: Identificar las luxaciones cerradas subastragalina medial aisladas y su tratamiento. Presentación del caso: Un paciente hombre de 22 años sufrió un accidente de tránsito tras el cual quedó deformado el pie sin poder soportar peso. En la evaluación se encontró la luxación subastragalina medial que se redujo con tracción manual. El seguimiento al año no mostró deformidad residual ni dolor y tuvo muy buen resultado funcional. Conclusiones: Es de gran importancia identificar la diferencia entre subluxación o luxación medial y lesión por giro medial, las cuales tienen diferentes mecanismos, así como diferentes maniobras de reducción(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Subtalar Joint/injuries , Accidents, Traffic , Ankle Injuries/surgery , Joint Dislocations/therapy , Pain , Students, Medical , Foot Deformities, Acquired , Heel/injuries , Immobilization/methodsABSTRACT
Objetivo Realizar uma revisão de literatura a fim de verificar a efetividade dos tratamentos fisioterapêuticos em pacientes com fascite plantar. A fascite plantar é um processo degenerativo, associado a dor no calcanhar e no pé, sendo uma causa frequente de queixas em ambulatórios e clínicas e estima-se que cerca de 10% da população seja afetada por essa condição. Método Foi realizada uma busca eletrônica nas bases de dados Google Acadêmico, PubMed, Scielo, BVS, nos idiomas espanhol, inglês e português, publicados no período de 2017 a 2022. Os critérios de exclusão foram: artigos que não abordaram especificamente tratamentos conservadores da FP, que não apresentaram relevância para a proposta da pesquisa, artigos inconclusivos, estudos de caso assim como artigos de revisão. Resultados foram encontrados 14 artigos que cumpriram os critérios de inclusão, sendo que as modalidades encontradas foram: órteses e palmilhas, laser, agulhamento, exercícios e terapia de ondas de choque extracorpórea. Conclusão os estudos mostram que os tratamentos fisioterapêuticos apresentam resultados positivos na melhora da dor e função em indivíduos com fascite plantar, no entanto, não há um consenso que determine a melhor modalidade de tratamento
Objective To carry out a literature review in order to verify the effectiveness of physical therapy treatments in patients with plantarmfasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a degenerative process, associated with pain in the heel and foot, being a frequent cause of complaints in outpatient clinics and it is estimated that about 10% of the population is affected by this condition. Method An electronic search was carried out in the Google Scholar, PubMed, Scielo, VHL databases, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, published from 2017 to 2022. The exclusion criteria were: articles that did not specifically address conservative treatments for FP; that were not relevant to the research proposal, inconclusive articles, case studies as well as review articles. Results 14 articles were found that met the inclusion criteria, and the modalities found were: orthoses and in soles, laser, needling, exercises and extracorporeal shock wave therapy.Conclusion studies show that physical therapy treatments have positive results in improving pain and function in individuals with plantar fasciitis, however, there is no consensus that determines the best treatment modality
Humans , Therapeutics , Physical Therapy Modalities , Fasciitis, Plantar , Therapeutics/methods , Heel/injuriesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical effect the treatment of arthroscopy-assisted calcaneal spur resection combined with plantar fascia release and calcaneal decompression in the treatment of the patients with intractable calcaneal pain.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 50 patients with intractable heel pain from January 2016 to January 2019 were retrospectively analyzed, including 20 males and 30 females;aged from 40 to 68 years old with an average of (50.12±7.35)years old, the medical history ranged from 1 to 4 years. All patients underwent arthroscopy-assisted calcaneal spur resection combined with plantar fascia release and calcaneal decompression, and were followed up, the duration ranged from 24 to 60 months with an average of(42.00±3.28) months. All patients had obvious heel pain before surgery, and X-ray examinations often showed the presence of calcaneal spurs. In addition to the routine foot examination, the changes in the height and angle of the arch of the foot were also measured pre and post-operatively by X-ray, for the evaluation of clinical effect. The VAS system was used to evaluate the degree of foot pain;the AOFAS scoring system was used to comprehensively evaluate the foot pain, voluntary movement, gait and stability.@*RESULTS@#The VAS decreased from (8.75±1.24) before surgery to (5.15±2.35) at 3 months after surgery, (4.07±2.53) at 6 months after surgery, and (3.95±2.44) at the last fllow-up(P<0.05). The AOFAS score increased from (53.46±4.17) before surgery to(92.46±2.53) at 3 months after surgery, (96.33±2.46) at 6 months after surgery, and (97.05±2.37) at the last follow-up(P<0.05). The arch height was (41.54±1.15) mm before operation and (41.49±1.09) mm after the operation, the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05). The internal arch angle of the foot arch was (121±6)° before operation and (122±7)° after operation. The difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Arthroscopy-assisted calcaneal bone spurs resection combined with plantar fascia release and calcaneal decompression exhibited great clinical effect for treating intractable heel.
Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Heel/surgery , Heel Spur/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Calcaneus/surgery , Foot Diseases , Pain , Endoscopes , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: Diferentes protocolos do teste de elevação do calcanhar (TEC) têm sido utilizados, sendo necessário analisar o impacto das variações nas respostas do teste. OBJETIVO: Comparar o desempenho e respostas de oxigenação muscular (OM) e frequência cardíaca (FC) de adultos em diferentes protocolos do TEC bipodal. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Este foi um estudo transversal do tipo cruzado. Trinta participantes (23,1±2,9 anos; 16 homens) realizaram quatro protocolos do TEC bipodal, variando cadenciamento (autocadenciado e cadenciado externamente) e posição dos tornozelos (neutra e dorsiflexão). Para a OM, analisamos a saturação tecidual de oxigênio (StO2 ) e variação da concentração de oxihemoglobina (∆[O2 Hb]) e calculamos a variação entre os menores valores e os valores finais (∆Nadir-Final) e área sob a curva (AUC). Para a FC, calculamos a variação dos valores iniciais e finais (∆FC) e constante de tempo (τ). O teste de Friedman foi utilizado para comparar as variáveis entre os protocolos. A ANOVA de dois fatores foi utilizada para identificar o impacto da cadência e/ou posição dos tornozelos. RESULTADOS: O número de repetições e o tempo de execução foram maiores nos protocolos em posição neutra e cadenciado externamente (p<0,001 para ambos). ∆Nadir-Final (StO2: p<0,001; ∆[O2Hb]: p=0,005) e AUC (StO2: p<0,001; ∆[O2Hb]: p<0,001) dea mbas as variáveis de OM foram maiores nos protocolos em posição neutra. Protocolos autocadenciados apresentaram maior aumento da FC e τ mais rápida (p=0,006 e p=0,046). CONCLUSÃO: O TEC realizado em posição neutra e cadenciamento externo gera maiores repetições e tempo de execução. A dorsiflexão promoveu menor reperfusão muscular e o autocadenciamento, maior e mais rápido aumento da FC.
INTRODUCTION: Different heel-rise test (HRT) protocols have been used, possibly leading to varied responses. It is necessary to analyse the impact of protocol variation on test responses. PURPOSE: To compare the performance, muscle oxygenation (MO), and heart rate (HR) responses of adults in bilateral HRT protocols. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional crossover study. Thirty participants (23.1±2.9 years; 16 men) performed four bilateral HRT protocols with varying cadence (self-cadenced; externally cadenced) and ankle position (neutral; dorsiflexion). For MO responses, we analysed tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) and oxyhemoglobin concentration variation (∆[O2Hb]) and calculated the variation between the smallest and final values (∆Nadir-Final) and the area under the curve (AUC). The variation between the initial and final HR values (∆HR) and the time constant (τ) were calculated. Friedman's test was used to compare the variables among the protocols. Two-way ANOVA was used to identify the impact of cadence and/or ankle position. RESULTS: The number of repetitions and execution time were higher in the neutral position and externally cadenced protocols (p<0.001 for both). ∆Nadir-Final (StO2: p<0.001;∆[O2Hb]: p=0.005) and AUC (StO2: p<0.001; ∆[O2Hb]: p<0.001) of both MO variables were higher in the neutral position protocols. Selfcadenced protocols presented higher HR increase and faster τ (p=0.006 and p=0.046). CONCLUSION: Bilateral HRT performed in a neutral position, and external cadence promotes more repetitions and a longer execution time. Dorsiflexion promotes lower muscle reperfusion, and self-cadence higher and faster HR increase.
Muscle Fatigue , Heel , Physical Functional PerformanceABSTRACT
Flatfoot could be divided into flexible flatfoot and rigid flatfoot. Flatfoot with symptoms is called symptomatic flatfoot, surgical treatment is required if conservative treatment is not effective. Subtalar arthroereisis is a minimally invasive procedure which has been used for many years with good results in flexible flatfoot, however, still has many controversial points. Controversial points focus on indications and contraindications, optimal age, subtalar arthroereisis alone or not, efficacy and safety of absorbable material implants, and implant removal. The paper reviewed and summarized the use and controversies of subtalar arthroereisis in symptomatic flatfoot as follows:the best indication for subtalar arthroereisis was pediatric flexible flatfoot syndrome and aged from 10 to 12 years old was optimal age for treatment;tarsal coalitions with flatfoot and adult flatfoot were relative indications. Stiff flatfoot, joint laxity, and subtalar arthritis were contraindications;obesity and neurogenic flexible flatfoot were relative contraindications. The correction ability of subtalar arthroereisis alone was limited, and it's combined with other procedures depending on patient's situation. The safety and efficacy of absorbable material implants had been reported. Routine removal of the implant was not necessary, the main reason of which was tarsal sinus pain.
Adult , Humans , Child , Flatfoot/surgery , Orthopedic Procedures/methods , Absorbable Implants , Subtalar Joint/surgery , Heel/surgery , Pain/surgeryABSTRACT
La talalgia es un síntoma de presentación extremadamente común, de etiología multifactorial. La Neuropatía de Baxter representa una de las causas que más se pasan por alto en el diagnóstico, se ha reportado que son responsables de más del 20% de las talalgias. El dolor de la neuropatía de Baxter está relacionado con el atrapamiento del nervio calcáneo inferior o nervio de Baxter, que inerva el abductor del 5to dedo. El diagnóstico puede confundirse fácilmente con una de las causas de esta patología que es la fascitis plantar. Presentamos un caso de Neuropatía de Baxter crónica, diagnosticado y tratado de forma interdisciplinaria y en constante comunicación por médico especialista en OyT, imágenes y licenciada en kinesiología
Heel pain is a common presenting complaint to the orthopaedic and traumatology specialist. One cause of it is Baxter neuropathy which often is underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed as a plantar fasciitis. Some articles have reported that they are responsible for more than 20% of the heel pain. Baxter neuropathy is a nerve entrapment syndrome resulting from the compression of the inferior calcaneal nerve or Baxter's nerve, which is the first branch of the lateral plantar nerve. It is a mixed sensory and motor nerve, providing motor innervation to the abductor digiti minimi muscle. In this article will be presented a case of chronic Baxter neuropathy and show the importance of the interdisciplinary work with the radiologist and kinesiologist
Pain , Heel , Foot , Nerve Compression SyndromesABSTRACT
Introducción: Las lesiones traumáticas con pérdida de cobertura cutánea de la región del tobillo y pie, constituyen un gran reto para el cirujano ortopédico por la exposición y destrucción de tejidos nobles, difíciles de solucionar por ser una zona que presenta escaso tejido adiposo, múltiples tendones, poco volumen muscular, varias prominencias óseas y piel poco elástica. Objetivo: Presentar el colgajo sural de flujo reverso como una buena alternativa para tratar la fractura conminuta cerrada de tibia con pérdida masiva de la piel del tobillo y calcáneo en toda su circunferencia, incluida la almohadilla adiposa de la cara plantar. Presentación del caso: Se presenta paciente de 24 años que sufrió accidente de tránsito con fractura conminuta y cerrada de tibia derecha, además de una herida tipo colgajo que dejó expuesto el calcáneo y la región del tobillo. Luego de colocar fijador externo RALCA para fijar la fractura, se realizó colgajo sural en isla de flujo reverso para cubrir el defecto en la cara plantar y posterior del calcáneo, más injerto libre de piel tomado de la cara antero externa del muslo ipsilateral. Estos procedimientos fueron realizados en dos tiempos quirúrgicos. Conclusiones: El colgajo sural de flujo reverso demostró ser una de las mejores alternativas para la cobertura de lesiones desde el tercio medio de la pierna hasta el pie, por lo que debería ser conocido no solo por cirujanos plásticos, sino también por cirujanos ortopédicos y traumatólogos que lo incorporen a su arsenal terapéutico para su realización(AU)
Introduction: Traumatic injuries with loss of skin coverage of the ankle and foot region constitute great challenge for the orthopedic surgeon due to the exposure and destruction of noble tissues, difficult to solve because this area has little adipose tissue, multiple tendons , little muscle volume, several bony prominences and not very elastic skin. Objective: To establish that the reverse flow sural flap is a good alternative to treat closed comminuted fracture of the tibia with massive skin loss of the entire circumference of the ankle and calcaneus, including the plantar face fat pad. Case report: We report the case of a 24-year-old patient who suffered a traffic accident with a comminuted and closed fracture of the right tibia, as well as a flap-type wound that exposed the calcaneus and the ankle region. After placing RALCA external fixator to fix the fracture, a reverse flow island sural flap was made to cover the defect on the plantar and posterior aspect of the calcaneus, and a free skin graft taken from the anterior external aspect of the ipsilateral thigh. These procedures were performed in two surgical stages. Conclusions: The reverse flow sural flap proved to be one of the best alternatives for the coverage of injuries from the middle third of the leg to the foot, which is why it should be known not only by plastic surgeons, but also by orthopedic surgeons and traumatologists and to incorporate this alternative into their therapeutic arsenal(AU)
Humans , Female , Young Adult , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Calcaneus/injuries , Heel/injuries , Fractures, ComminutedABSTRACT
INTRODUCCION. El paciente crítico presenta mayor riesgo de lesiones por presión, su incidencia en cuidados intensivos continúa elevada y variable, a pesar de su prevención. En Ecuador se desconoce la realidad de esta complicación. OBJETIVO. Realizar una caracterización demográfica y epidemiológica a los pacientes críticos con lesiones por presión. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo. De una población de 2 087 ingresados en la Unidad de Adultos Área de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín, se recolectaron datos demográficos y epidemiológicos de 147 registros de historias clínicas físicas y electrónicas de pacientes que presentaron lesiones por presión, en el periodo 01 de enero al 31 diciembre 2018. Los datos fueron analizados en el programa estadístico International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versión 22. RESULTADOS. La mediana de edad fue 66 años; sexo hombre 63,3%, pre obesidad 40,8%, hipertensos 37,6% y diabéticos 23,8%. Más del 60,0% recibieron ventilación mecánica invasiva, sedantes y drogas vasoactivas, la mediana del Acute Physiology and Chronic Health disease Classification System II fue 20 (IQ 14-27), mortalidad 34,0%. La prevalencia de lesiones por presión fue 7,0% y la incidencia 3,49%. En la localización de las lesiones por presión: en región sacra 62,6%, talón 24,0% y cara 7,5%; 59,2% estadío 2 y 5,4% estadío 3. Al comparar los grupos de lesiones por presión no adquiridas versus adquiridas hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa en duración de hospitalización previa a la detección de lesiones por presión (p<0,001), duración de hospitalización (p=0,003), localización de lesiones por presión en sacro (p=0,02), cara (p=0,02) y estadío 3 de lesiones por presión (p=0,03), en el resto de variables no se encontró diferencias. CONCLUSIÓN. La prevalencia de lesiones por presión está en los estándares aceptados a nivel internacional, su frecuencia y estadíos son similares a otros reportes, gracias a las medidas de prevención y control adoptadas por la Unidad.
INTRODUCTION. A patient at a critical situation has a higher risk of pressure injuries, and their incidence in intensive care continues being high and variable, despite its prevention. In Ecuador the reality of this complication is unknown. OBJECTIVE. To perform a demographic and epidemiological characterization of critically ill patients with pressure injuries. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Descriptive, retrospective study. From a population of 2 087 admitted to the Adult Unit Intensive Care Area of the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialties Hospital, demographic and epidemiological data were collected from 147 records of physical and electronic Medical Records of patients who pressure injuries, in the period January 1 to December 31, 2018. The data were analyzed in the statistical program International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 22. RESULTS. Median age was 66 years; male sex 63,3%, pre-obese 40,8%, hypertensive 37,6% and diabetic 23,8%. More than 60,0% received invasive mechanical ventilation, sedatives and vasoactive drugs, the median of the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health disease Classification System II was 20 (IQ 14-27), mortality 34,0%. The prevalence of pressure injuries was 7,0% and incidence 3,49%. The location of pressure injuries were: the sacral region 62,6%, heel 24,0% and face 7,5%; 59,2% stage 2 and 5,4% stage 3. When comparing the groups of non-acquired versus acquired pressure lesions, there was a statistically significant difference in hospital-stay lengths prior to the detection of pressure lesions (p<0,001), hospital-stay lengths (p=0,003), location of pressure lesions in sacrum (p=0,02), face (p=0,02) and stage 3 of pressure lesions (p=0,03); no differences were found in the rest of the variables. CONCLUSION. The prevalence of pressure injuries remains within international accepted standards, their frequency and stages are similar to other reports.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Skin , Ulcer , Critical Illness , Skin Care , Pressure Ulcer , Intensive Care Units , Respiration, Artificial , Sacrococcygeal Region , Wounds and Injuries , Heel , Comorbidity , Demography , Critical Care , Ecuador , Face , Critical Care Nursing , AnalgesiaABSTRACT
Infection with vector-borne pathogens starts with the inoculation of these pathogens during blood feeding. In endemic regions, the population is regularly bitten by naive vectors, implicating a permanent stimulation of the immune system by the vector saliva itself (pre-immune context). Comparatively, the number of bites received by exposed individuals from non-infected vectors is much higher than the bites from infected ones. Therefore, vector saliva and the immunological response in the skin may play an important role, so far underestimated, in the establishment of anti-pathogen immunity in endemic areas. Hence, the parasite biology and the disease pathogenesis in "saliva-primed" and "saliva-unprimed" individuals must be different. This integrated view on how the pathogen evolves within the host together with vector salivary components, which are known to be endowed with a variety of pharmacological and immunological properties, must remain the focus of any investigational study dealing with vector-borne diseases. Considering this three-way partnership, the host skin (immune system), the pathogen, and the vector saliva, the approach that consists in the validation of vector saliva as a source of molecular entities with anti-disease vaccine potential has been recently a subject of active and fruitful investigation. As an example, the vaccination with maxadilan, a potent vasodilator peptide extracted from the saliva of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis, was able to protect against infection with various leishmanial parasites. More interestingly, a universal mosquito saliva vaccine that may potentially protect against a range of mosquito-borne infections including malaria, dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever. In this review, we highlight the key role played by the immunobiology of vector saliva in shaping the outcome of vector-borne diseases and discuss the value of studying diseases in the light of intimate cross talk among the pathogen, the vector saliva, and the host immune mechanisms.(AU)
Parasites , Heel , Vaccination , Inflammation/immunology , ImmunityABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To compare clinical efficacy of minimally invasive locking plate and anatomic locking plate in treating intra-articular calcaneal fractures via sinus tarsi approach.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was conducted of 48 patients with intra-articular calcaneal fractures treated with surgery via sinus tarsi approach from July 2016 to June 2017. According to differernt methods of internal fixation, the patients were divided into minimally invasive locking plate group and anatomic locking plate group. In minimally invasive locking plate group, there were 14 males and 10 females, aged from 27 to 46 years old with an average age of (38.70±5.58) years old, 18 patients were typeⅡand 6 patients were type Ⅲ according to Sanders classification. In anatomic locking plate group, there were 17 males and 7 females, aged from 26 to 46 years old with an average age of (37.10±6.44) years old, 16 patients were typeⅡ and 8 patients were type Ⅲ according to Sanders classification. Operative time, visual analogue scale (VAS), postoperative complications between two groups were compared, and Böhler angle, Gissane angal, calcaneal width and height were recorded and compared between two groups at 1 week after operation and final follow up. The functional effect was assessed according to Maryland foot function score at final follow up.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up for (14.10±1.94) months (ranged 12 to 18 months). All patients were obtained bone union from 8 to 16 weeks with an average of (10.60±2.25) weeks. Operation time, VAS score and complication rate in minimally invasive locking plate group were (69.50±7.51) min, (2.80±1.07) and 2 cases respectively, and (77.50±7.15) min, (3.80±1.09) and 8 cases in anatomic locking plate group respectively, there were statistical difference between two groups (@*CONCLUSION@#Compare with anatomic locking plate, minimally invasive locking plate via sinus tarsi approach for Sanders typeⅡ and Ⅲ intra-articular calcaneal fractures could obtain similar reliable fixation and functional recovery with more simple operation, shorter operative time, lighter postoperative pain and less complications.
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Bone Plates , Calcaneus/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Heel , Intra-Articular Fractures/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Objetivo: Describir los factores asociados con niveles de dolor mas severo en una cohorte de pacientes con fascitis plantar. El objetivo secundario fue analizar cuales de estos factores estaban asociados con niveles mas altos de mejoria clinica luego del tratamiento conservador. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluo a una cohorte prospectiva de pacientes con diagnostico de fascitis plantar. Cada participante completo una escala ordinal visual de dolor (del 1 al 10) para dolor del primer paso y dolor al final del dia y encuestas FFI-R (Foot Function Index-Revised). Tambien se realizo una evaluacion demografica. La dorsiflexion de la articulacion del tobillo, el rango de movilidad de la primera articulacion metatarsofalangica, la rigidez del gastrocnemio y el angulo popliteo tambien se evaluaron de manera estandar. Resultados: Se incluyo a 214 pacientes. El 64% eran hombres (118 pacientes), la media de la edad era de 49.67 anos (DE 13.16) y el indice de masa corporal promedio, de 28,53 (DE 5,18). En el analisis multivariado, se observo que el riesgo de un puntaje ≥8 en la escala de dolor aumento cuando el paciente refirio estar de pie por mas de 6 h (OR 1,17; p = 0,03; IC95% 1,02-1,35). El riesgo de un puntaje >8 fue mayor cuando el grado de dorsiflexion del tobillo fue <0° (OR 1,20; p = 0,03; IC95% 1,02-1,41). Conclusión: Nuestros hallazgos apoyan indirectamente la hipotesis de que la dorsiflexion limitada del tobillo juega un papel como factor de riesgo asociado a un puntaje ≥8 en la escala de dolor, en los casos de fascitis plantar. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
Objective: The main purpose of our study was to describe the factors associated with more severe pain levels in a cohort of patients with plantar fasciitis (PF). The secondary purpose of this study was to determine which of these factors were associated with higher levels of clinical improvement after conservative therapy. Materials and Methods: We conducted a prospective study in a cohort of patients with PF. Each participant completed an ordinal pain scale (1-10) for first-step pain and end-of-day pain, and Foot Function Index-Revised (FFI-R) surveys at enrollment. Also, patient demographics were evaluated. The ankle joint dorsiflexion, the range of motion (ROM) for the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ), the gastrocnemius tightness, and the popliteal angle were evaluated through standard tests. Results: Our study included 214 participants, of which 64% (118 patients) were males, the average age was 49.67 years (SD 13.16) and the average BMI was 28.53 (SD 5.18). The multivariate analysis showed that the risk of having a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) score ≥8 increased when the patient reported standing for more than 6 hours (OR=1.17; P=0.03; CI95%: 1.02-1.359). The risk of a >8-VAS score was higher when the level of ankle dorsiflexion was <0 (OR=1.20; P=0.03; CI95%: 1.02-1.41). Conclusion: Our findings indirectly support the hypothesis that limited ankle dorsiflexion ROM plays a role as a risk factor associated with VAS scores ≥8 in PF patients. Level of Evidence: IV
Adult , Pain , Heel/pathology , Fasciitis, Plantar , Foot DiseasesABSTRACT
La talalgia se define como la percepción de dolor localizado en el talón que anatómicamente corresponde al hueso calcáneo y a las partes blandas colaterales, constituye la causa más frecuente de consulta a los especialistas en pie y tobillo, identificando dos zonas de aparición del dolor, el dolor plantar y el dolor posterior, los que están directamente relacionados con la inervación de esa zona del pie, realizamos un análisis general para evaluar las opciones iniciales de tratamiento y las indicaciones fisioterapéuticas exponiendo nuestra opinión y experiencias(AU)
Talalgia is defined as the perception of localized pain in the heel that anatomically corresponds to the calcaneus bone and collateral soft tissue, is the most frequent cause of consultation with foot and ankle specialists, identifying two areas of pain appearance, pain plantar and subsequent pain, which are directly related to the innervation of that area of the foot, we perform a general analysis to evaluate the initial treatment options and physiotherapeutic indications exposing our opinion and experiences(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Calcaneus/physiopathology , Heel/physiopathologyABSTRACT
Introducción: La fascitis plantar, descrita, por primera vez, por Plettner, es la causa más común de dolor en el talón. Su etiología continúa en estudio, participan factores anatómicos, como el acortamiento de la flexión plantar, y relacionados con el aumento de peso. Si bien no se ha publicado cuál es el mejor tratamiento para este cuadro, se recomienda el tratamiento conservador temprano. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar tres métodos de tratamiento de la fascitis plantar. Materiales y Métodos: Entre marzo de 2016 y marzo de 2017, se trató a 90 pacientes con fascitis plantar, quienes fueron divididos en tres grupos, según el tratamiento recibido: grupo A o de control, ejercicios de elongación de la fascia plantar; grupo B, infiltración corticoanestésica y ejercicios de elongación de la fascia plantar, y grupo C, infiltración con solución salina y ejercicios de elongación de la fascia plantar. Resultados: Se mencionan los resultados comparativos sobre la base de la edad, el lado afectado, las enfermedades previas, la forma del pie, las cirugías previas del pie, el dolor posinfiltración, la escala analógica visual: grupo A: 0,73; grupo B: 1,03, grupo C: 2,7 y el tiempo hasta el retorno a la actividad previa: grupo A: 19.1 días, grupo B: 12.63 días, grupo C: 15.12 días. Conclusiones: Nuestro estudio demuestra que los tres tratamientos para la fascitis plantar son eficaces. La recuperación fue más rápida en los pacientes tratados con infiltración corticoanestésica, con un bajo número de complicaciones, pero sin diferencias a largo plazo. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
Objective: Plantar fasciitis, first described by Plettner, is the most common cause of heel pain. The pathophysiology of this condition is still being studied, but it involves both anatomical factors-such as shortening of plantar flexion-and factors related to weight gain. Although literature is not conclusive on the best treatment strategy, early conservative management is recommended. The objective of this study was to compare three treatment regimens for plantar fasciitis. Materials and Methods: Ninety patients with plantar fasciitis were treated between March 2016 and March 2017. They were divided into 3 groups based on the treatment received. Group A (the control group) was managed with plantar fasciitis stretches; Group B was managed with steroid injections and plantar fasciitis stretches; and Group C was managed with saline injections and plantar fasciitis stretches. Results: Results of the comparative study were as follows (reported based on age, affected side, underlying conditions, foot shape, previous foot surgeries, post-injection pain, and visual analog scale scoring): Group A - 0.73, Group B - 1.03, Group C - 2.7. Regarding the time elapsed until patients were able to resume previous activities, results were as follows: Group A - 19.1 days, Group B - 12.63 days, Group C - 15.12 days. Conclusions: Our study showed the effectiveness of the three treatment regimens used. A shorter time to recovery and a lower complication rate were observed in patients treated with steroid injections, but no long-term differences were detected. Level of Evidence: IV
Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Heel/pathology , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , Fasciitis, Plantar/therapy , Exercise , Treatment Outcome , Saline Solution/therapeutic useABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever as características do teste do pezinho dos neonatos atendidos na unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital universitário, bem como verificar se existiam condições maternas e fetais que pudessem interferir no resultado desse exame. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo longitudinal de abordagem quantitativa que avaliou 240 prontuários médicos. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva. Resultados: Houve predomínio de gestantes com idades entre 20 a 34 anos, com Ensino Médio completo e que realizaram mais de seis consultas pré-natais. As intercorrências ou patologias maternas ocorreram em 60% das mães, e a maioria (67,5%) não apresentou nenhuma condição que pudesse interferir no resultado do teste do pezinho. A maioria dos neonatos era prematura e exibiu baixo peso ao nascimento. Cerca de 90% dos neonatos exibiram condições que poderiam influenciar no exame, principalmente prematuridade, nutrição parenteral e transfusão sanguínea. Dos 240 neonatos, 25% apresentaram resultado alterado no teste do pezinho, sobretudo para fibrose cística e hiperplasia adrenal congênita. Conclusão: Existem condições maternas e neonatais que podem interferir no teste do pezinho e, nesse sentido, sua investigação é imprescindível, visando direcionar ações que promovam a saúde materno-infantil e consolidem a triagem neonatal nessa população.
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the characteristics of the heel prick test in newborns admitted to the intensive care unit of a university hospital as well as to determine whether maternal and fetal conditions could have affected the results of this test. Methods: Retrospective longitudinal study with a quantitative approach that evaluated 240 medical records. The data collected were analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis. Results: There was a predominance of pregnant women aged 20 to 34 years who had a complete secondary education and who had more than six prenatal care visits. Maternal complications or pathologies occurred in 60% of the mothers, and most (67.5%) did not present any condition that could have affected the heel prick test results. Most newborns were premature and exhibited low birth weight. Approximately 90% of newborns exhibited conditions that could have influenced the test, especially prematurity, parenteral nutrition and blood transfusion. Of the 240 newborns, 25% had abnormal heel prick test results, especially for cystic fibrosis and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Conclusion: There are maternal and neonatal conditions that can affect heel prick test results, and therefore, their investigation is essential, aiming to guide measures that promote mother and child health and consolidate neonatal screening in this population.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Neonatal Screening/methods , Infant, Newborn, Diseases/diagnosis , Prenatal Care/statistics & numerical data , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Infant, Premature , Heel , Retrospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Infant, Newborn, Diseases/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Tuberculosis in the foot progresses gradually; thus, diagnosis is usually delayed, and early treatment is rarely provided. If osteomyelitis occurs due to delayed diagnosis and treatment, surgical treatment should be considered. We report the case of a 46-year-old man with osteomyelitis of the calcaneus who was diagnosed with multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis and he was treated with anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bilateral adrenal masses, abscess of both testes and a small wound in the left plantar heel were observed. Both adrenal masses and abscess were regarded as paradoxical reaction of anti-tuberculosis treatment. After 1 month, he developed a pain in the left plantar heel that was compatible with calcaneal osteomyelitis in radiological features. He underwent right orchiectomy for right scrotal abscess aggravation and surgical treatment for left calcaneal osteomyelitis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. The patient was immobilized by cast for 8 weeks and the heel pain gradually improved.
Humans , Middle Aged , Abscess , Calcaneus , Delayed Diagnosis , Diagnosis , Foot , Heel , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Orchiectomy , Osteomyelitis , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Testis , Tuberculosis , Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary , Wounds and InjuriesABSTRACT
Plantar heel pain is a common clinical problem in foot and ankle clinics. Typically, several conditions such as plantar fasciitis, fat pad atrophy, and calcaneal fracture may lead to plantar heel pain. However, subcalcaneal bursitis occurred between plantar fascia and plantar fat pad has rarely been described as a cause of plantar heel pain. To our knowledge, subcalcaneal bursitis has been reported only once, but there was no mention of preceding factors. We firstly present a case of subcalcaneal bursitis occurred after excessive walking exercise known as “Nordic walking” and successfully managed with conservative treatments that relieve impact on plantar heel.
Adipose Tissue , Ankle , Atrophy , Bursitis , Fascia , Fasciitis, Plantar , Foot , Heel , WalkingABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: This study compared foot arch height, plantar fascia thickness, a range of motion assessments of the ankle joint, strength of the ankle joint, plantar pressure, and balance between obese and normal weight young adults. METHODS: Fifty-two participants were required for the present study design to achieve 80% power, 0.8 effect size (η2), and an alpha level of 0.05. The participants were categorized to normal weight or obese groups based on BMI (≤ 24 kg/m2 and ≥ 25 kg/m2, respectively). The foot and ankle disability index and Sport survey were completed by the participants before the measurements. Foot arch height was measured using the navicular drop test, and plantar fascia thickness was measured using ultrasound. Plantar pressure and balance tests were also conducted, followed by ankle joint range of motion and strength tests. RESULTS: Foot arch height and plantar fascia thickness was significantly higher in the obese group compared with the normal weight group (p < 0.01). There were significant differences in eversion of ankle strength, plantar pressure in the big toe and heel and anterior-posterior balance between normal and obese weight groups (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Obese young adults had more abnormalities in the medial longitudinal arch, plantar fascia, and plantar pressure as well as weakened ankle eversion strength and balance problems compared with the normal weight group.
Humans , Young Adult , Ankle , Ankle Joint , Body Mass Index , Fascia , Foot , Hallux , Heel , Obesity , Range of Motion, Articular , Sports , UltrasonographyABSTRACT
Cross-leg flaps are a useful reconstructive option for complex lower limb defects when free flaps cannot be performed owing to vessel damage. We describe the use of the extended distally based sural artery flap in a cross-leg fashion for lower extremity coverage in three patients. To maximise the viability of these extended flaps, a delay was performed by raising them in a bipedicled fashion before gradual division of the tip over 5 to 7 days for cross-leg transfer. Rigid coupling of the lower limbs with external fixators was critical in preventing flap avulsion and to promote neovascular takeover. The pedicle was gradually divided over the ensuing 7 to 14 days before full flap inset and removal of the external fixators. In all three patients, the flaps survived with no complications and successful coverage of the critical defect was achieved. One patient developed a grade 2 pressure injury on his heel that resolved with conservative dressings. The donor sites and external fixator pin wounds healed well, with no functional morbidity. The cross-leg extended distally based sural artery flap is a reliable reconstructive option in challenging scenarios. Adequate flap delay, manoeuvres to reduce congestion, and postoperative rigid immobilization are key to a successful outcome.
Humans , Arteries , Bandages , Estrogens, Conjugated (USP) , External Fixators , Free Tissue Flaps , Heel , Immobilization , Leg Injuries , Lower Extremity , Perforator Flap , Sural Nerve , Surgical Flaps , Tissue Donors , Wounds and InjuriesABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The present study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship between location of the rotator cuff tear and shape of the subacromial spur. METHODS: Totally, 80 consecutive patients who underwent arthroscopic repair for partial thickness rotator cuff tear were enrolled for the study. Bigliani's type of the acromion, type of subacromial spur, and location of partial thickness tear of the rotator cuff were evaluated using plain X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging. We then compared the groups of no spur with spur, and heel with traction spur. RESULTS: Of the 80 cases, 25 cases comprised the no spur group, and 55 cases comprised the spur group. There was a significant difference in type of tear (p=0.0004) between these two groups. Bursal side tears were significantly greater (odds ratio=6.000, p=0.0007) in the spur group. Subjects belonging to the spur group were further divided into heel (38 cases) and traction spur (17 cases). Comparing these two groups revealed significant differences only in the type of tear (p=0.0001). Furthermore, the heel spur had significantly greater bursal side tear (odds ratio=29.521, p=0.0005) as compared to traction spur. CONCLUSIONS: The heel spur is more associated to bursal side tear than the traction spur, whereas the traction spur associates greater to the articular side tear.