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Rev. argent. salud publica ; 16: 67-73, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, ARGMSAL, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1584695


INTRODUCCIÓN: Las zoonosis causadas por protozoos y helmintos afectan a alrededor de 3500 millones de personas en el mundo. Losperros son fuente de infección y contaminadores ambientales de estas patologías. Aunque existe información sobre esta problemática en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA), la heterogeneidad socio-ambiental obliga a analizar todas sus comunas. El objetivo fue evaluar la contaminación fecal canina, así como la presencia y carga parasitaria de helmintos y protozoarios zoonóticos en la materia fecal (MF) de plazas de CABA, analizandosu posible asociación con variables urbano-ambientales (VUA). MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, analítico, cuantitativo y transversalen 40 espacios verdes de CABA durante 2022-2023. Se censó la cantidad de MF, se relevaron VUA y se recogieron 800 muestras de MF para análisis coproparasitológico y determinación de carga parasitaria. Se calculó frecuencia y porcentaje de cada grupo taxonómico, analizando la posibleasociación entre contaminación fecal, infestación, carga parasitaria y VUA. RESULTADOS: Se censaron 7198 fecas (21 % infestadas). Las especiesobservadas fueron Ancylostoma caninum, Trichuris vulpis, Toxocara canis, Cystoisospora canis y Giardia sp. DISCUSIÓN: Los espacios verdes representan una importante fuente de contaminación ambiental y contagio de zoonosis parasitarias. Se deben mejorar las estrategias mediante políticas públicas de tenencia responsable y educación para la salud.

Zoonoses , Dogs , Green Areas , Helminths
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 30(4): 120-123, out./dez. 2023. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1580610


Os equinos, por serem animais herbívoros, estão predispostos a parasitoses gastrintestinais por estarem em contato com solo constantemente, sendo muitas plantas tradicionalmente são conhecidas como possuidoras de atividade anti-helmíntica. O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar a ação anti-helmíntica da Musa sapientum em equinos, naturalmente infectados por parasitos gastrintestinais. Foram utilizados 38 equinos com idade entre 3 e 10 anos, de diferentes sexo e raças, e infestados naturalmente por helmintos, localizados no município de Silva Jardim, RJ. O tratamento consistiu em oferta de lâminas foliares picadas de bananeira da espécie M. sapientum (Banana Prata) juntamente com o trato alimentar e os exames para contagem de OPG (Ovos por grama de fezes) foram realizados anteriormente ao experimento (dia 0) e durante os cinco dias de tratamento e aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após o encerramento da oferta de folhas de M. sapientum. A suplementação de folhas de Musa sapientum (Banana Prata) à dieta mostrou-se útil no controle de grandes estrongilídeos de equídeos, nos revelando ser uma boa alternativa fitoterápica de forma tradicional no controle anti-helmíntico, no entanto há necessidade de estudos fitoquímicos para avaliação dos componentes ativos que atuem efetivamente sobre os nematoides. A metodologia aplicada foi inovadora para a espécie equina e mostrou-se útil, merecendo ajustes nas técnicas de manejo, quanto o tempo e o volume de administração, assim como em relação ao intervalo entre as aplicações.

The equines, being herbivorous animals, are predisposed to gastrointestinal parasitoses because they are in contact with the soil, are the traditional plants are recognized as possessing anthelmintic activity. The present study evaluates an anthelmintic action of Musa sapietum in horses, naturally infected by gastrointestinal parasites. Thirty-eight horses between 3 and 10 years, of different sexes and races, and naturally infected by helminths, were used near the municipality of Silva Jardim, RJ. The treatment consisted in the supply of leaf blades of the M. sapientum species. With the alimentary tract and the results for the EPG count were prior to the experiment (day 0) and fulfilled during 5 days of treatment and at 7, 14 and 21 days after the closing of the offer of leaves of M. sapientum. The supplementation of Leaves of Musa sapientum to the diet proved to be useful in the control of large equidae strongylids, revealing us to be a good herbal alternative in a traditional way in the anthelmintic control, however there is a need for phytochemical studies to evaluate the active components that act effectively on nematodes. The applied methodology was innovative for the equine species and proved useful, deserving adjustments in management techniques, as well as the time and volume of administration, as well as in relation to the interval between applications.

Animals , Parasitic Diseases, Animal/drug therapy , Musa sapientum/therapeutic use , Plant Leaves , Musa , Helminths/drug effects , Horses/parasitology , Phytotherapy/veterinary , Anthelmintics/analysis
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 82: e39163, maio 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP, SESSP-ACVSES, SESSP-IALPROD, SES-SP, SESSP-IALACERVO | ID: biblio-1517759


A identificação precisa de nematódeos de interesse médico-veterinário em amostras de solo ou alimentos é uma ação complexa, devido à grande diversidade de nematódeos no ambiente. O objetivo do estudo foi realizar a caracterização morfológica e morfométrica de diferentes estágios larvários de ancilostomídeos, Strongyloides stercoralis, Strongyloides venezuelensis, Angiostrongylus cantonensis e Angiostrongylus costaricensis, e desenvolver um estudo de similaridade entre espécies do mesmo gênero, a fim de orientar o diagnóstico diferencial com os nematódeos ambientais. As larvas foram fixadas e diversos parâmetros corporais foram mensurados, para os quais foi realizada estatística descritiva e estudo de similaridade. Os resultados médios das larvas padrões foram compatíveis com os descritos para as espécies, com variabilidade em alguns parâmetros. S. stercoralis e S. venezuelensis demonstraram similaridade de 59% para L1 e 79% para L3, com maior diferenciação entre os grupos em relação à extremidade anterior e ao primórdio genital. No pool de larvas de ancilostomídeos, verificou-se uma grande variação nos parâmetros avaliados, especialmente quanto ao comprimento total do corpo. A. cantonensis e A. costaricensis apresentaram 48% de similaridade entre L1 e 76% para L3. Por meio da análise morfométrica e de similaridade verificou-se a possibilidade do aprimoramento do diagnóstico diferencial de nematódeos de origem ambiental. (AU)

Due to the enormous diversity of nematodes in the environment, identifying nematodes of medical and veterinary significance within soil or food samples can be challenging. To facilitate the differential diagnosis with environmental nematodes, this study aimed morphologically and morphometrically characterize various larval stages of hookworms, Strongyloides stercoralis, Strongyloides venezuelensis, Angiostrongylus cantonensi and Angiostrongylus costaricensis. Additionally, a similarity study was conducted among species within the same genus. The larvae were fixated and several body parameters were measured for the analysis, which included a comparison using descriptive statistics. Despite some parameter fluctuation, the average results for standard larvae were consistent with those of the respective species as a whole. The similarity between S. stercoralis and S. venezuelensis was 59% for L1 and 79% for L3, with more pronounced differences observed in the anterior extremity and the genital primordium. The examined parameters exhibited significant variation among the pool of hookworm larvae, particularly concerning the total length of the body. The similarities between A. cantonensis and A. costaricensis larvae ranged from 48% for L1 to 76% for L3. Analyses of morphometric and similarity data provided support for the potential improvement of differentiation between nematodes with environmental origins. This research contributes to enhancing the accuracy of identifying medically and veterinary relevant nematodes present in soil. (AU)

Morphological and Microscopic Findings , Helminths , Larva , Nematoda , Strongyloides , Angiostrongylus
Acta neurol. colomb ; 39(1): 14-19, ene.-mar. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429569


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: La neurocisticercosis es una infección del sistema nervioso central causada por el estadio larvario del cestodo Taenia solium, y se estima que puede ocasionar hasta 30% de los casos de epilepsia en los países donde esta parasitosis es endémica. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la frecuencia de pacientes que presentaron epilepsia como secuela de neurocisticercosis en un hospital universitario en Popayán. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo con todos los pacientes con diagnóstico de neurocisticercosis que ingresaron al Hospital Universitario San José entre enero 2014 y diciembre 2018 que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron 50 pacientes, de estos, 40 (80%) reingresaron, encontrándose que 37 (74%) presentaron epilepsia como secuela. Las edades más afectadas fueron la de 41 a 60 años; 48 (96%) provenían del departamento del Cauca en especial de Mercaderes, y 33 (66%) de área rural. El síndrome convulsivo fue la manifestación clínica de ingreso más frecuente. La TAC fue la técnica de imagen de elección. CONCLUSIÓN: El departamento del Cauca se considera como una de las áreas endémicas para neurocisticercosis en Colombia, y la epilepsia secundaria es un secuela común.

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Neurocysticercosis is an infection of the central nervous system caused by the larval stage of the cestode Taenia solium, it has been estimated to produce up to 30% of the cases in countries where this parasitosis is endemic. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of patients who presented epilepsy as a sequel of neurocysticercosis in a university hospital in Popayán. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted with all patients with a diagnosis of neurocysticercosis who were admitted to the Hospital Universitario San José between January 2014 and December 2018 who met the inclusion criteria. RESULTS: We found 50 patients, 40 (80%) of which were readmitted and 37 (74%) presented epilepsy as sequela. The most affected age-group was 41 to 60 years; 48 (96%) were from the department of Cauca, especially Mercaderes, and 33 (66%) from rural areas. Convulsive syndrome was the most frequent clinical manifestation on admission. CT was the imaging technique of choice. CONCLUSION: The department of Cauca is considered as an endemic area for neurocysticercosis, and secondary epilepsy was a common consequence.

Neurocysticercosis , Epilepsy , Seizures , Taenia solium , Helminths
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003614


Helminth infections are widespread worldwide, and pose a serious threat to human health and animal husbandry development. Understanding of helminth-host interactions is critical to effective control and ultimate eradication of helminthiasis. Following host infections, helminth infections firstly initiate innate immune responses and then mediate adaptive immune responses. Type 1 immune responses are predominant at early stage of helminth infections, which mainly play anti-infective actions, and type 2 immune responses are predominant at late stage of infections, which are associated with helminth immune evasion and aggravation of tissue damages. This review summarizes the progress of researches on type 1/2 immune responses-associated signaling pathways mediated by helminth infections in hosts.

Animals , Humans , Helminthiasis , Helminths , Immunity, Innate , Signal Transduction , Host-Parasite Interactions
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009465


Traditional medications used for treating autoimmune diseases often come with a wide range of adverse effects. Current treatments focus mainly on symptom management, resulting in significant health issues and financial burdens for patients. Recently, clinical research has demonstrated the potential of helminths and their derivatives as effective therapies for autoimmune disorders. Helminths, being a near-natural immunomodulator, exhibit milder effects than broad-spectrum immunosuppressants and corticosteroids, thereby presenting a promising alternative for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. However, different helminths' therapeutic efficacy and mechanisms and their derivatives in treating autoimmune diseases may vary. Therefore, we aim to review recent clinical advancements in the use of helminths and their derivatives for treating inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, and autism spectrum disorder, with a view to offering novel clinical treatment approaches.

Animals , Humans , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Autoimmune Diseases/drug therapy , Helminths , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Microbiol ; 24(1): 80-87, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1414227


Background: Intestinal helminthic infections are among the commonest infections worldwide. It often affects the poorest communities and has similar geographic distribution with malnutrition. Intestinal helminthic infection contributes to undernutrition through subtle reduction in digestion and absorption of food, chronic inflammation and loss of nutrients. The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of intestinal helminthic infection and its relationship with nutritional status of primary school children in Gombe, Gombe State, Nigeria. Methodology: This was a cross sectional study of 350 pupils selected through multistage random sampling technique from 24 primary schools in Gombe, Gombe State, Nigeria from July 2018 to January 2019. Demographic information including age, gender, height, and weight were collected from each participant with a designed collection form. The data were analysed using SPSS version 24.0, and presented as frequency distribution and mean ± SD. The Chisquare test (with Odds ratio and 95% confidence interval) was used to test for association between prevalence of helminthiasis and factors such as gender, age group and school type. A p value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant at 95% confidence interval. Results: The prevalence of intestinal helminthic infection was 23.7% (83/350). Eighty (96.4%) of the 83 infected pupils were in public schools while only 3 (3.6%) were in private schools (p<0.001). The prevalence of helminthiasis was significantly higher in underweight pupils (34%, OR=2.113, p=0.0065)) and significantly lower (5.4%, OR=0.1637, p=0.0037) in overweight pupils while the prevalence was not significantly associated with normal weight (p=0.5482) or obesity (p=1.000). Conclusions: Intestinal helminthic infection is a public health problem in children with adverse significant relationship with nutritional status. Provision of toilet facilities in schools and periodic de-worming of pupils aimed at reducing loss of nutrients from intestinal helminthiasis are recommended.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Schools , Public Health , Nutritional Status , Prevalence , Helminthiasis , Helminths
Rev. patol. trop ; 52(1): 66-76, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552643


The population's living conditions, basic sanitation, hygiene, and poor socioeconomic status, are determining factors for diseases´ transmission, such as intestinal parasitic infections which constitute one of the main public health problems in Brazil. These diseases are considered endemic in several areas of the country, presenting a wide geographic distribution, varying according to environmental conditions and parasites´ species. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of intestinal parasites in individuals attending a clinical analysis laboratory in a municipality located in Southern of Brazil. A retrospective study was carried out through the analysis of 2,247 reports of parasitological stool examination from individuals who attended a clinical analysis laboratory located in Veranópolis, Rio Grande do Sul, from September 1st, 2018, to December 31st, 2020. Parasitic structures were found in stool samples from 181 (8.1%) individuals. The protozoans Endolimax nana and Entamoeba coli were the most prevalent parasites, being present in 58.0% and 29.8% of individuals, respectively. A higher prevalence of intestinal parasites was observed in women (52.5%), aged 21 to 60 years old (62.4%). Biparasitism or polyparasitism was present in 7.2% (13/181) of individuals and only 31.7% (713/2247) of samples collected three fecal samples for examination. The low prevalence of intestinal parasites found in the present study may be an indicator of improvements in sanitary, environmental, and health education conditions.

Humans , Helminths , Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39021, 2023. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425131


Beaches are a source of parasite contamination because protozoan cysts and helminth eggs and larvae can remain viable in sandy soils for months. Parasitic infections are mainly related to hygiene conditions, health, and environmental education, and can affect the life quality of the population. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the presence of parasitic structures in five beaches located along the north coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Eighty samples were collected in August and September 2020 at the beaches of Torres, Tramandaí, Capão da Canoa, Arroio Teixeira, and Arroio do Sal and processed with the spontaneous sedimentation method for microscopic analyses. The results showed that 32% (26/80) of samples were positive for the presence of parasitic structures, and there was a significantly higher frequency of positive samples in September than in August. Torres was the beach with the highest frequency of positive samples, while Arroio Teixeira and Arroio do Sal presented the lowest frequency of contamination. Nematode larvae, including hookworm larvae, were the most prevalent parasitic structures in the samples. Hence, the sandy soil from beaches must be monitored to develop programs and strategies for improving infrastructures and basic sanitation conditions, thus ensuring the health of the population.

Parasitic Diseases , Bathing Beaches , Sandy Soils , Environmental Pollution , Helminths
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 25(1): e2502, jan-jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1372985


Solos de praças públicas são comumente contaminados por helmintos devido ao fácil acesso de cães e gatos infectados. Esses animais ao defecarem podem liberar ovos desses parasitos e, em condições ambientais favoráveis, tornam-se ovos embrionados ou larvas infectantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a existência de larvas de helmintos no solo de duas praças públicas do município de Caxias, Maranhão, Brasil, durante a estação chuvosa e seca na região. A pesquisa foi realizada em março de 2018, considerado período chuvoso, e em outubro do mesmo ano, período seco, sendo que foram coletadas trinta amostras de areia, quinze de cada praça, nos dois períodos do ano. O material foi coletado e levado para o Laboratório de Parasitologia do Departamento de Parasitologia e Microbiologia da Universidade Federal do Piauí para análise. Na estação chuvosa, das quinze amostras analisadas na praça A, cinco foram positivas para larvas de ancilostomídeos e das quinze na praça B, três estavam contaminadas com os mesmos helmintos. No período seco, na praça A havia apenas uma amostra com essas larvas e na praça B não foram encontrados parasitos. Os resultados revelaram a presença de larvas de helmintos de caráter zoonótico no solo de praças públicas de Caxias, Maranhão, principalmente no período chuvoso, servindo de alerta à população local.(AU)

Soil in public squares is commonly contaminated by helminths due to the easy access of infected dogs and cats. These animals, when defecating, can release helminth eggs and, under favorable environmental conditions, those eggs can become embryonated or infective larvae. The purpose of this work was to investigate the existence of helminth larvae in the soil of two public squares in the city of Caxias, in the state of Maranhão, Brazil, during the rainy and dry seasons in the region. The study was carried out in March 2018, which is considered the rainy season, and in October of the same year, the dry season. A total of thirty sand samples were collected, fifteen from each square, in both periods of the year. The material was collected and taken to the Parasitology Laboratory of the Department of Parasitology and Microbiology of the Federal University of Piauí for analysis. In the rainy season, from the fifteen samples analyzed in square A, five were positive for hookworm larvae; and from the fifteen samples collected from square B, three were contaminated with the same helminths. During the dry period, only one sample from square A presented these larvae while no parasites were found in square B. The results revealed the presence of zoonotic helminth larvae in the soil of public squares in Caxias, Maranhão, mainly in the rainy season, which can be used as a warning sign to the local population.(AU)

Los suelos de las plazas públicas son comúnmente contaminados por helmintos debido al fácil acceso de perros y gatos infectados. Esos animales, al defecar, pueden liberar huevos de esos parásitos y, en condiciones ambientales favorables, convertirse en huevos embrionados o larvas infectantes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar la existencia de larvas de helmintos en el suelo de dos plazas públicas de la ciudad de Caxias, Maranhão, Brasil, durante la estación lluviosa y seca de la región. La investigación se realizó en marzo de 2018, considerada época de lluvias, y en octubre del mismo año, época seca, y se recolectaron treinta muestras de arena, quince de cada plaza, en ambos períodos del año. El material fue recolectado y llevado al Laboratorio de Parasitología del Departamento de Parasitología y Microbiología de la Universidad Federal de Piauí para su análisis. En época de lluvias, de las quince muestras analizadas en la plaza A, cinco resultaron positivas a larvas de anquilostomiasis y de las quince de la plaza B, tres estaban contaminadas con los mismos helmintos. En el período poco lluvioso, en la plaza A solo hubo una muestra con esas larvas y en la plaza B no se encontraron parásitos. Los resultados revelaron la presencia de larvas de helmintos zoonóticos en el suelo de las plazas públicas de Caxias, Maranhão, principalmente en la época de lluvias, sirviendo de alerta a la población local.(AU)

Soil/parasitology , Larva Migrans/diagnosis , Helminths , Larva/parasitology , Brazil , Parasite Load/methods
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);42(1): 31-40, ene.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374505


Introduction: Individuals infected with the human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) may present severe and disseminated forms of Strongyloides stercoralis infection with low therapeutic response. Objective: To investigate the S. stercoralis infection and the seroprevalence of IgG anti-S. stercoralis antibodies in individuals infected with HTLV-1 attending the Reference Center for HTLV-1 (CHTLV) in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Materials and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in 178 HTLV-1-infected individuals treated at the HTLV specialized center between January, 2014, and December, 2018. The parasitological diagnosis of S. stercoralis was performed using the Hoffman, Pons and Janer, agar plate culture, and Baermann-Morais methods. The IgG anti-S. stercoralis detection was performed using an in house enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The HTLV-1 infection was diagnosed using a commercial ELISA and confirmed by Western blot. Results: The frequency of S. stercoralis infection was 3.4% (6/178). Individuals infected with S . stercoralis from rural areas (50.0%; 3/6) also showed S. stercoralis hyperinfection (>3,000 larvae/gram of feces). The frequency of circulating anti-S. stercoralis IgG antibodies was 20.8% (37/178). Conclusions: HTLV-1-infected people living in precarious sanitary conditions are more prone to develop severe forms of S. stercoralis infection. Considering the high susceptibility and unfavorable outcome of the infection in these individuals, the serological diagnosis for S. stercoralis should be considered when providing treatment.

Introducción. Los individuos infectados por el virus linfotrópico T humano tipo 1 (HTLV-1) pueden presentar formas graves y diseminadas de infestación por Strongyloides stercoralis con poca mejoría terapéutica. Objetivo. Investigar la infestación por S. stercoralis y la seroprevalencia de IgG anti-S. stercoralis en individuos infectados por HTLV-1 atendidos en el Centro de Referencia para HTLV-1 (CHTLV), en Salvador, Bahía, Brasil. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio transversal con 178 individuos infectados por HTLV-1 atendidos en el centro especializado de HTLV entre enero de 2014 y diciembre de 2018. El diagnóstico parasitológico de S. stercoralis se hizo mediante los métodos de Hoffman, Pons y Janer, cultivo en placa de agar y Baermann-Morais. Para la detección de IgG anti-S. stercoralis, se utilizó una prueba casera de inmunoabsorción ligada a enzimas (ELISA). La infección por HTLV-1 se diagnosticó usando un ELISA comercial y se confirmó mediante Western blot. Resultados. La frecuencia de infestación por S. stercoralis fue del 3,4 % (6/178). Además, los individuos infestados por S. stercoralis provenientes de la zona rural (50,0 %; 3/6) también mostraron hiperinfestación por S. stercoralis (>3.000 larvas/gramo de heces). La frecuencia de anticuerpos IgG anti-S. stercoralis fue del 20,8 % (37/178). Conclusiones. Las personas infectadas por HTLV-1 que viven en condiciones sanitarias precarias son más propensas a desarrollar formas graves de infestación por S. stercoralis. Teniendo en cuenta la gran vulnerabilidad y el resultado desfavorable de la infección en estos individuos, se debe considerar el diagnóstico serológico de S. stercoralis para administrar el tratamiento

Strongyloides stercoralis , Strongyloidiasis , Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 , Coinfection , Helminths
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 20(4): 619-623, fev 11, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359379


Introduction: intestinal parasitic infections are common major problem closely related to poverty, inadequate sanitation, insufficient health care and overcrowding. They cause significant morbidity among institutionalized patients, however, there are few studies that analyze the frequency of intestinal parasites in disabled patients that are not institutionalized. Objective: the aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection in disabled patients and their guardians. Methodology: a total of 336 fecal samples were collected from 53 disabled patients and history of diarrhea during the study period and 31 guardians, parents and professional staff of Institution. Parasite research was carried out using zinc sulphate centrifugal-flotation technique, Lutz/Hoffman Pons and Janer method, Rugai method and Gram-Chromotrope, Leishman, Kinyoun, Kato-Katz and Trichrome stains were used. Results: we found 15.5% of positive sample for enteroparasites in all analyzed individuals (13/84), with 11.3% (6/53) of prevalence in disabled patients and 22.5% (7/31) for guardians, with significant difference. There was no difference between gender, but there was a higher number of positives in patients between 6 and 11 years of age. Monoparasitism and the presence of protozoa, especially Blastocystis hominis, were the most prevalent conditions. Conclusions: despite the aforementioned intrinsic susceptibility of patients with special needs, the prevalence of intestinal parasites was low. In guardians, the prevalence was higher, suggesting extreme attention to the care process, which may have prevented the transmission to their disabled patients contact.

Introdução: as infecções parasitárias intestinais são um problema comum, intimamente relacionado à pobreza, saneamento inadequado, assistência médica insuficiente e superpopulação. Essas infecções causam morbidade significativa em pacientes institucionalizados, no entanto, existem poucos estudos que analisam a frequência de parasitas intestinais em pacientes com necessidades especiais não institucionalizados. Objetivo: o presente estudo teve como propósito determinar a prevalência de infecção parasitária intestinal em pacientes com necessidades especiais e seus responsáveis/tutores. Metodologia: foram coletadas 336 amostras fecais de 53 pacientes com necessidades especiais e histórico de diarréia durante o período do estudo e 31 responsáveis/ tutores, pais e equipe profissional relacionada. As técnicas de centrífugo-flutuação em sulfato de zinco, método Lutz/Hoffman Pons e Janer, método Rugai e Gram-Cromotrópico, Leishman, Kinyoun, Kato-Katz e Tricrômica foram utilizadas para a pesquisa de helmintos e protozoários. Resultados: foi encontrado 15,5% (13/84) de prevalência de enteroparasitos em todos os indivíduos analisados, sendo 11,3% (6/53) de prevalência em pacientes com necessidades especiais e 22,5% (7/31) de responsáveis/tutores, com diferença significativa. Não houve diferença entre os sexos, mas encontrou-se maior número de positivos em pacientes com 6 a 11 anos de idade. O monoparasitismo e a presença de protozoários, especialmente Blastocystis hominis, foram as condições mais prevalentes. Conclusões: apesar da suscetibilidade intrínseca dos pacientes com necessidades especiais, a prevalência de parasitas intestinais foi baixa. Nos responsáveis, a prevalência foi maior, sugerindo extrema atenção ao processo de cuidar, o que pode ter evitado a transmissão para os seus pacientes com necessidades especiais contactantes.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Parasitic Diseases , Patients , Protozoan Infections , Mentors , Helminths
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e238953, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153478


Infection caused by geo-helminth parasites are called geohelminthiasis are one of the global health problems. Vegetables eaten raw is the principal source of transmission of geo-helminth parasites. Pakistani people believe that eating raw vegetables are a significant source to get important vitamins and minerals. Based on the high incidence of pathogenic parasites and cultivating different vegetable types in the study areas, we conducted this study to evaluate the geo-helminth contamination of raw vegetables in northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. This is a descriptive study comprised, 1942 samples of 25 various types of vegetables. The samples were examined in physiological saline solution using sedimentation and centrifugation methods. The findings were analyzed by Graph-Pad version 5. P value less than 0.05 (95% CI) was considered significant. Results showed that 16.5% (n=322) of all vegetables were contaminated with one or more type of geo-helminth parasites. Garlic was the highest (35%) and cauliflower the lowest (4%) contaminated samples respectively. Ascaris lumbricoides was the most common geohelminth found followed by hook worm species while Trichuris trichura was the least in all the vegetable samples. Leafy vegetables were highly contaminated 25.3% than vegetables with root parts 21.2% and fruity 9.09%. More than half of the contaminated vegetables were contaminated with single species of geo-helminth (P<0.05) while less than half with multiple types of geo-helminth contamination. Ninety two vegetables samples were contaminated with 2 species of parasites (P<0.05) and 45 with 3 (P>0.05) species of geo-helminth parasites. Education level of vendors and means of display were not significantly associated while types of vegetable used were significantly associated with the prevalence of parasites. The findings of this study provide evidence that consumption of raw vegetable has a high risk of acquiring geo-helminth infections. The authors believe that preventing the human to enter to the vegetable farmland for defecation, avoiding the irrigation of agricultural fields via night soil, and educating the people on proper washing and cooking of vegetables may be useful in reducing parasitic infections.

As infecções causadas por parasitas geo-helmínticos são chamados de geohelmintíases e são um dos problemas de saúde globais. Os vegetais comidos crus são a principal fonte de transmissão dos parasitas geo-helmínticos. O povo paquistanês acredita que comer vegetais crus é uma fonte significativa para obter vitaminas e minerais importantes. Com base na alta incidência de parasitas patogênicos e no cultivo de diferentes tipos de vegetais nas áreas de estudo, conduzimos este estudo para avaliar a contaminação por geo-helmintos de vegetais crus no noroeste de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Paquistão. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo composto por 1942 amostras de 25 tipos diversos de vegetais. As amostras foram examinadas em solução salina fisiológica utilizando métodos de sedimentação e centrifugação. Os achados foram analisados pelo Graph-Pad versão 5. O valor de P menor que 0,05 (IC 95%) foi considerado significativo. Os resultados mostraram que 16,5% (n = 322) de todas as hortaliças estavam contaminadas com um ou mais tipos de parasitas geo-helmínticos. O alho foi a amostra mais contaminada (35%) e a couve-flor a menos (4%), respectivamente. Ascaris lumbricoides foi o geo-helmíntico mais comum encontrado, seguido por espécies de verme-anzol, enquanto Trichuris trichura foi o menos encontrado em todas as amostras de vegetais. Os vegetais folhosos foram altamente contaminados 25,3% do que os vegetais com partes de raiz 21,2% e frutados 9,09%. Mais da metade dos vegetais contaminados estavam contaminados com uma única espécie de geo-helmintos (P <0,05), enquanto menos da metade com vários tipos de contaminação com geo-helmintos. Noventa e duas amostras de vegetais estavam contaminadas com 2 espécies de parasitas (P <0,05) e 45 com 3 (P> 0,05) espécies de parasitas geo-helmínticos. O nível de escolaridade dos vendedores e os meios de exibição não foram significativamente associados, enquanto os tipos de vegetais usados foram significativamente associados à prevalência de parasitas. Os resultados deste estudo fornecem evidências de que o consumo de vegetais crus tem um alto risco de adquirir infecções por geo-helmintos. Os autores acreditam que impedir que o ser humano entre na terra de hortaliças para defecação, evitar a irrigação de campos agrícolas via solo noturno e educar as pessoas sobre a lavagem e cozimento adequados de vegetais pode ser útil na redução de infecções parasitárias.

Humans , Animals , Vegetables , Helminths , Pakistan , Soil , Food Contamination/analysis
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e238891, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249229


Food handlers plays a primary role in the transmission of pathogenically important protozoans and helminth parasites. This study was aimed to evaluate the prevalence of intestinal pathogenic protozoans and helminth parasites among food handlers in and around University of Malakand, Lower Dir, Pakistan. Stool samples were collected from 642 food handlers (all of male) in a cross-sectional study from January to November, 2017. Wet Mount Techniques and concentration methods by using salt and formol­ether solutions. Three hundred and eighty four cases (59.8%) were found infected with one more parasites. Most of the individuals were found infected with helminth (47.6%) as compared to intestinal protozoans (0.93%). Seventy two cases (11.2%) of the cases presented mixed infection with both intestinal protozoan and helminth parasites. The order of prevalence for intestinal helminth was Ancylostoma duodenale (n = 258, 40.1%), followed by Taeniasa ginata (n=96, 14.9%) Ascaris lumbricoides (n = 54, 8.40%) and Trichuris trichura (n=30, 4.60%). For intestinal protozoa, Entamoeba histolytica/díspar (n = 36, 5.64%) was the only protozoan detected. Mono-parasitism was higher than poly-parasitism. Family size income and education level were the factors significantly (P<0.05) associated in the parasites prevalence. Current research showed that IPIs are primarily the foodborne pathogens still an important public health problem in Pakistan. Effective control programs on parasitic diseases transfer and their associated factors are recommended.

Os manipuladores de alimentos desempenham um papel fundamental na transmissão de protozoários e helmintos parasitas patogenicamente importantes. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de protozoários patogênicos intestinais e helmintos parasitas entre manipuladores de alimentos na Universidade de Malakand, Lower Dir, Paquistão. Amostras de fezes foram coletadas de 642 manipuladores de alimentos (todos do sexo masculino) em um estudo transversal de janeiro a novembro de 2017. Técnicas de montagem úmida e métodos de concentração usando soluções de sal e formol-éter. Trezentos e oitenta e quatro casos (59,8%) foram encontrados infectados com mais um parasita. A maioria dos indivíduos foi encontrada infectada por helmintos (47,6%) em comparação com protozoários intestinais (0,93%). Setenta e dois casos (11,2%) dos casos apresentavam infecção mista com protozoários intestinais e helmintos parasitas. A ordem de prevalência de helmintos intestinais foi Ancylostoma duodenale (n = 258, 40,1%), seguido por Taeniasa ginata (n = 96, 14,9%) Ascaris lumbricoides (n = 54, 8,40%) e Trichuris trichura (n = 30, 4,60 %). Para protozoários intestinais, Entamoeba histolytica / dispar (n = 36, 5,64%) foi o único protozoário detectado. Monoparasitismo foi maior do que poliparasitismo. A renda familiar e o nível de escolaridade foram os fatores significativamente (P <0,05) associados na prevalência de parasitos. A pesquisa atual mostrou que os IPIs são principalmente os patógenos de origem alimentar, ainda um importante problema de saúde pública no Paquistão. Programas eficazes de controle da transferência de doenças parasitárias e seus fatores associados são recomendados.

Humans , Animals , Male , Parasites , Helminths , Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic/epidemiology , Pakistan/epidemiology , Public Health , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Feces
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-7, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468546


The composition of macro endoparasites associated with the lizard Norops fuscoauratus (Squamata) was analysed in two localities in the Atlantic Forest on the northeast of Brazil between December 2012 and July 2015. 74 specimens of N. fuscoauratus were examined and five species of helminths were reported, being: (a) for the population of Pernambuco: Cystacanth (Prevalence=37.5%), Physaloptera retusa Rudolphi, 1819 (Prevalence=4.16%), larva of flatworm (Prevalence=2.08%), Rhabdias sp. (Prevalence=2.08%) and Strongyluris oscari Travassos, 1923 (Prevalence=2.08%), and (b) of Alagoas: S. oscari (Prevalence=17.85%) and Rhabdias sp. (Prevalence=3.57%). The differences in the composition of endoparasites in the two populations are attributed to individualities of environments occupied by the lizards. The collection period does not influence the abundance of parasites, but when associated with sex, there was a positive correlation with the abundance of helminths, with more females than males being infected with parasites in the rainy season.

A composição de macro endoparasitas associada com o lagarto Norops fuscoauratus (Squamata) foi analisada em duas localidades da Mata Atlântica no nordeste do Brasil, entre dezembro de 2012 e julho de 2015. 74 espécimes foram examinados e cinco espécies de helmintos foram encontradas, sendo: (a) para a população de Pernambuco: Cistacanto (Prevalência=37.5%), Physaloptera retusa Rudolphi, 1819 (Prevalência=4.16%), larva de platelminto (Prevalência=2.08%), Rhabdias sp. (Prevalência =2.08%) e Strongyluris oscari Travassos, 1923 (Prevalência =2.08%) e (b) Alagoas: S. oscari (Prevalência=17.85%) e Rhabdias sp. (Prevalência =3.57%). As diferenças na composição dos endoparasitas nas duas populações pode ser atribuída as individualidades dos ambientes ocupados por esses lagartos. O período de coleta não influenciou na abundância de parasitas, mas quando associado com o sexo, houve uma correlação positiva com a abundância de helmintos, com mais fêmeas do que machos, infectadas na estação chuvosa.

Animals , Helminths , Lizards/parasitology , Spiruroidea
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-10, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468579


Vegetables eating raw are a leading source of transmission of infective forms of pathogenic internal parasites among human beings. This research was conducted from April to October, 2017 to assess the parasitic contamination of vegetables sold at main vegetable markets in districts Lower Dir and Peshawar, Pakistan. Eight hundred specimens of different vegetables were purchased and soaked in physiological saline solution, shaken with a mechanical shaker for 20 minutes and processed by sedimentation concentration method. Results revealed that only 19.7% (n=158/800) of the vegetables were found to be contaminated with single or multiple parasite species. Ascaris lumbricoides (the large round worm) 12.3% (n=99/800) was the most commonly detected pathogen and Taenia saginata (the beef tapeworm) 1.62% (n=13/800) was the least frequently detected one. Interestingly, significant p value (p>0.05 at 95%CI) between the number of examined and contaminated for all the variables studied including education status of the vendors, markets location, type of vegetables, means of display, washed before display, washing source of water and market type. The findings of this study evidenced that consumption of raw vegetables possesses great risk of getting parasitic infections in Lower Dir and Peshawar districts, Pakistan. Instructing the sellers and the public about parasitic disease transfer and their hygiene can reduce the infection rate of parasites of human origin.

Os vegetais crus são a principal fonte de transmissão de formas infecciosas de parasitas internos patogênicos entre os seres humanos. Esta pesquisa foi realizada de abril a outubro de 2017 para avaliar a contaminação parasitária de vegetais vendidos nos principais mercados de vegetais nos distritos de Lower Dir e Peshawar, Paquistão. Oitocentos exemplares de diferentes vegetais foram adquiridos e embebidos em solução salina fisiológica, agitados em agitador mecânico por 20 minutos e processados pelo método de concentração por sedimentação. Os resultados revelaram que apenas 19,7% (n = 158/800) das hortaliças estavam contaminadas com uma ou várias espécies de parasitas. Ascaris lumbricoides (o verme redondo grande) 12,3% (n = 99/800) foi o patógeno mais comumente detectado e Taenia saginata (a tênia da carne) 1,62% (n = 13/800) foi o menos freqüentemente detectado. Curiosamente, valor de p significativo (p> 0,05 em IC de 95%) entre o número de examinados e contaminados para todas as variáveis estudadas incluindo escolaridade dos vendedores, localização dos mercados, tipo de vegetais, meios de exposição, lavado antes da exposição, fonte de lavagem de água e tipo de mercado. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciaram que o consumo de vegetais crus possui grande risco de contrair infecções parasitárias nos distritos de Lower Dir e Peshawar, no Paquistão. Instruir os vendedores e o público sobre a transferência de doenças parasitárias e sua higiene pode reduzir a taxa de infecção de parasitas de origem humana.

Ascaris lumbricoides/pathogenicity , Helminths , Plants/parasitology , Taenia saginata/pathogenicity
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e238769, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285587


Illnesses caused by human pinworm remains a pediatric health problem in developing nations including Pakistan. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of Enterobius vermicularis in school children of four districts in Malakand region, Pakistan. Four hundred faecal specimens were screened from May 2014 to July 2017 using normal saline and Lugol Iodine solution. Twenty three (5.75%) individuals were found infected with E. vermicularis. Five children (1.25%) were infected with only E. vermicularis and eighteen (4.5%) were mixed with other helminths. E. vermicularis 23 (5.75%), hookworm 11 (2.75%), Ascaris lumbricoides 5 (1.25%), Taenia saginata 2 (0.5%) and Trichuris trichuira 4 (1%) were detected. Age wise 5-8 years were more parasitized followed by 13-15 and 9-12 years of age (0.0296, P<0.05). Male children were highly (0.06700, P<0.05) infected than female. Children in Malakand district were found more infected followed by Dir Upper, similar infection rate was noted in children of districts Lower Dir and Swat (0.0192, P<0.05). Children in primary level were highly (0.0013, P<0.05) infected than those of middle and high levels. Enterobiosis is still the most common parasitic diseases in children. Studies on enterobiosis should be conducted time by time to recognize the hazardous of such parasitic infection in remote areas of the country.

As doenças causadas pela traça humana continuam sendo um problema de saúde pediátrica nos países em desenvolvimento, incluindo o Paquistão. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a prevalência de Enterobius vermicularis em escolares de quatro distritos na região de Malakand, Paquistão. Quatrocentos espécimes fecais foram selecionados de maio de 2014 a julho de 2017, usando solução salina normal e solução de lugol iodo. Vinte e três (5,75%) indivíduos foram encontrados infectados por E. vermicularis. Cinco crianças (1,25%) foram infectadas apenas com E. vermicularis e dezoito (4,5%) foram misturadas com outros helmintos. Foram detectados E. vermicularis 23 (5,75%), ancilóstomo 11 (2,75%), Ascaris lumbricoides 5 (1,25%), Taenia saginata 2 (0,5%) e Trichuris trichuira 4 (1%). Com relação à idade, 5-8 anos foram mais parasitados, seguidos por 13-15 e 9-12 anos de idade (0,0296, P <0,05). Crianças do sexo masculino foram altamente (0,06700, P <0,05) infectadas do que as do sexo feminino. As crianças no distrito de Malakand foram encontradas mais infectadas, seguidas por Dir Upper, taxa de infecção semelhante foi observada em crianças dos distritos Lower Dir e Swat (0,0192, P <0,05). As crianças do nível primário foram altamente (0,0013, P <0,05) infectadas do que as dos níveis médio e alto. A enterobiose ainda é a doença parasitária mais comum em crianças. Os estudos sobre enterobiose devem ser conduzidos periodicamente para reconhecer a periculosidade dessa infecção parasitária em áreas remotas do país.

Animals , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Enterobiasis/epidemiology , Helminths , Pakistan/epidemiology , Schools , Prevalence , Enterobius , Feces
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e242089, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285597


The study reveals the prevalence of a potential rodent-borne zoonotic helminth species, Hymenolepis diminuta in commensal rodents caught from irrigated and rain-fed areas of Swat, Pakistan. Three hundred and fifty rodents (269 rats and 81 mice) trapped during vegetative, flowering/fruiting and mature/harvesting stages of crops were studied from 2011-2013. Hymenolepisdiminuta eggs were identified on the basis of their shape, size, colour and markings on the surface of the egg shell and three pairs of embryonic hook-lets. Overall prevalence of H. diminuta was 3.14% (n=11/350). The highest prevalence 3.49% (n=5/143) of H. diminuta was noted at harvesting stages of the crops whereas the lowest 2.59% (n=2/77) during vegetative stage. Infection was higher in males 3.25% (n=7/215) than females 2.96% (n=4/135). Adult rodents were highly infected while no sub-adult was found infected. Infection was higher in mice 3.70% (3/81) than rats 2.69% (8/269) while no significance (p=1.0000:0.1250 to 32.00 CI). Rats and mice appears to show the most suitable reservoirs by hosting H. diminuta a zoonotic helminth. The presence of these rodents in all possible habitats can act as a main channel of transferring parasites through various habitats and can pose a hazard to humans in the area.

O estudo revela a prevalência de uma espécie potencial de helmintos zoonóticos transmitidos por roedores, Hymenolepis diminuta, em roedores comensais capturados em áreas irrigadas e alimentadas pela chuva de Swat, Paquistão. Trezentos e cinquenta roedores (269 ratos e 81 camundongos) presos durante os estágios vegetativo, floração/frutificação e maturidade/colheita das safras foram estudados de 2011-2013. Ovos de Hymenolepis diminuta foram identificados com base em sua forma, tamanho, cor e marcações na superfície da casca do ovo e três pares de anzóis embrionários. A prevalência geral de H. diminuta foi de 3,14% (n = 11/350). A maior prevalência 3,49% (n = 5/143) de H. diminuta foi observada na fase de colheita das lavouras, enquanto a menor 2,59% (n = 2/77) durante a fase vegetativa. A infecção foi maior nos homens 3,25% (n = 7/215) do que nas mulheres 2,96% (n = 4/135). Roedores adultos foram altamente infectados, enquanto nenhum subadulto foi encontrado infectado. A infecção foi maior em camundongos 3,70% (3/81) do que em ratos 2,69% (8/269), embora sem significância (p = 1,0000: 0,1250 a 32,00 CI). Ratos e camundongos parecem mostrar os reservatórios mais adequados hospedando H. diminuta um helmintos zoonótico. A presença desses roedores em todos os habitats possíveis pode atuar como um canal principal de transferência de parasitas através de vários habitats e pode representar um perigo para os humanos na área.

Animals , Female , Rabbits , Rats , Rodent Diseases/epidemiology , Hymenolepis diminuta , Helminthiasis, Animal , Helminths , Muridae
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(3): e007522, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1394891


Abstract Birds of prey harbor a wide spectrum of various parasites, mostly with a heteroxenous life cycle. However, most reports on their parasites come from Europe. Although the Harris's hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus) is a widespread species in America, parasitological surveys on this hawk are mostly focused on coprological findings and ectoparasites, with poor attention paid to helminths. The aim of this study was to gather new and additional data on host-parasite associations for the Harris's hawk. Twenty-nine birds from central and southern Chile were necropsied. Further, nine birds from a rehabilitation center and 22 museum specimens were inspected for ectoparasites. Sixty-eight percent of birds hosted at least one parasite species. Four lice species, one mite species and eight helminth species (five nematodes, two platyhelminthes and one acanthocephalan) were recorded. Parasitic lice Colpocephalum nanum and Nosopon chanabense, and a nematode Cyathostoma (Hovorkonema) americana were recorded for the first time in raptors from the Neotropics. A feather mite, Pseudalloptinus sp., nematodes, Physaloptera alata and Microtetrameres sp., and a trematode Neodiplostomim travassosi, were recorded for the first time in Chile. The presence of diverse heteroxenous helminths reported here in the Harris's hawk could be explained by the generalist diet of this raptor.

Resumo As aves de rapina representam uma fonte importante de parasitas heteroxenos. Porém, a maioria dos relatos são da Europa. O gavião-asa-de-telha (Parabuteo unicinctus) é uma espécie amplamente distribuída no continente Americano, porém estudos parasitológicos nessas aves têm documentado achados coprológicos e ectoparasitas, com poucos relatos sobre endoparasitas como helmintos. Por essa razão, o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever novas associações parasita-hospedeiro para o gavião-asa-de-telha e rapinantes neotropicais. Vinte nove aves provenientes do centro e sul do Chile foram submetidas à necropsia. Por outro lado, nove aves de um centro de reabilitação e 22 espécimes de museu foram inspecionados em busca de ectoparasitas. Do total de aves, 68,3% foram identificadas como portadoras de pelo menos uma espécie de parasita. Quatro espécies de piolhos, um ácaro e oito helmintos (cinco nematoides, dois platelmintos e um acantocéfalo) foram registrados. Os piolhos Colpocephalum nanum, Nosopon chanabense e o nematóide Cyathostoma (Hovorkonema) americana são reportados pela primeira vez em rapinantes neotropicais. Colpocephalum nanum, N. chanabense, Pseudalloptinus sp., Physaloptera alata, Microtetrameres sp., C. (H.) americana e Neodiplostomim travassosi, são reportados pela primeira vez no Chile. A diversidade de helmintos heteróxenos, identificados neste trabalho, poderia ser explicada devido à dieta geralista do gavião-asa-de-telha.

Animals , Male , Female , Hawks/parasitology , Helminths/physiology , Host-Parasite Interactions/physiology , Phthiraptera/physiology , Mites/physiology , Platyhelminths/isolation & purification , Autopsy/veterinary , Tropical Climate , Beak/parasitology , Bird Diseases/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Ectoparasitic Infestations/veterinary , Ectoparasitic Infestations/epidemiology , Age and Sex Distribution , Acanthocephala/isolation & purification , Feathers/parasitology , Helminthiasis, Animal/epidemiology , Nematoda/isolation & purification
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(4): 696-705, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1412153


Las parasitosis intestinales afectan principalmente a países subdesarrollados, donde se presentan condiciones socioeconómicas y geográficas propicias para desarrollarse, con mayor prevalencia en la población infantil. Dichas infecciones se han asociado a desnutrición y anemia, consideradas las alteraciones nutricionales más graves a nivel global. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en 87 niños de la provincia de Guayas, Ecuador, con edades entre 24 y 59 meses, para determinar anemia, evaluar el estado nutricional y parasitosis intestinal. Se determinaron parámetros antropométricos, valores de hemoglobina y hematocrito, y se identificó las especies parasitarias. Se obtuvo mayor proporción de infantes eutróficos para talla e IMC según el género y grupo etáreo; los niños presentaron mayor prevalencia de sobrepeso, obesidad, retardo en la talla y delgadez, respecto las niñas; además el grupo etáreo entre 4 -5 años presentó mayor retardo en crecimiento y delgadez. Asimismo, 24,14% de niños presentaron anemia y los individuos parasitados significativamente presentaron anemia, mayor retardo en la talla y delgadez, frente a los no parasitados; siendo los protozoarios Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba coli y Giardia intestinalis los más frecuentes, mientras que, Enterobius vermicularis y Ascaris lumbricoides fueron los helmintos predominantes. El presente estudio evidencia deficiencias nutricionales asociadas a anemia e infección por parásitos intestinales en niños menores de 5 años de la provincia de Guayas; cuya población requiere adecuados servicios de salud y saneamiento, acceso a los alimentos, apropiadas prácticas de higiene y educación sanitaria, que contribuyan a aminorar los efectos de estas patologías y sus complicaciones(AU)

Intestinal parasites mainly affect underdeveloped countries, where socioeconomic and geographical conditions are conducive to development, with a higher prevalence in the child population. These infections have been associated with malnutrition and anemia, considered the most serious nutritional disorders globally. A descriptive study was carried out in 87 children from the province of Guayas, Ecuador, aged between 24 and 59 months, to determine anemia, evaluate nutritional status and intestinal parasitosis. A higher proportion of eutrophic infants was obtained for height and BMI according to gender and age group; boys had a higher prevalence of overweight, obesity, delayed height and thinness, compared to girls; In addition, the age group between 4 -5 years presented greater retardation in growth and thinness. Likewise, 24.14% of children presented anemia and significantly parasitized individuals presented anemia, greater delay in height and thinness, compared to those without parasitization; being the protozoa Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba coli and Giardia intestinalis the most frequent, while Enterobius vermicularis and Ascaris lumbricoides were the predominant helminths. The present study shows nutritional deficiencies associated with anemia and infection by intestinal parasites in children under 5 years of age in the province of Guayas; whose population requires adequate health and sanitation services, access to food, appropriate hygiene practices and health education, which contribute to lessen the effects of these pathologies and their complications(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Nutritional Status , Anemia , Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic , Parasitic Diseases , Social Class , Giardia lamblia , Ascaris lumbricoides , Malnutrition , Developing Countries , Entamoeba histolytica , Health Services , Helminths , Hematocrit , Infections