Abstract Intramuscular hemangiomas (IHs) are benign soft-tissue tumors that represent less than 1% of all hemangiomas. This clinical entity is rarely considered as a differential diagnosis in cases of musculoskeletal pain. A healthy 38-year-old woman presented to our office with complaint of left omalgia, with 8 months of evolution, limiting her daily activities. She reported the appearance of tumefaction in the previous 4 months. She was medicated with analgesic and antiinflammatory drugs with no clinical improvement. The objective examination showed limitation of left shoulder abduction (0-90°). The patient underwent a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in which a well-circumscribed nodular formation was detected in the deltoid muscle. Then, she underwent a biopsy, which confirmed the diagnosis of hemangioma. The patient was referred for sclerotherapy. Intramuscular hemangiomas are usually observed in young patients. The gold-standard examination for diagnosis is MRI, which often forestalls the need for a biopsy. In many cases, IHs are asymptomatic and tend to involute over time. Despite the low frequency of this clinical entity, it is important to place it as a diagnostic hypothesis in cases of chronic pain of the limbs in young patients with poor therapeutic response to antiinflammatory drugs and analgesia.
Resumo Os hemangiomas intramusculares (HIs) são tumores benignos de tecidos moles que representam menos de 1% de todos os hemangiomas. Esta entidade clínica raramente é considerada como diagnóstico diferencial nos casos de dor musculoesquelética. Uma paciente do sexo feminino, de 38 anos de idade, saudável, se apresentou ao nosso consultório com queixa de omalgia esquerda, com 8 meses de evolução, que limitava suas atividades diárias. Ela relatou o aparecimento de tumefação 4 meses antes da consulta. A paciente estava medicada com analgésico e antiinflamatório sem melhoria clínica. Ao exame objetivo, ela apresentava limitação da abdução do ombro esquerdo (0-90°). A paciente foi submetida a uma ressonância nuclear magnética (RNM) na qual foi detectada uma formação nodular bem circunscrita no músculo deltoide,. Em seguida, foi realizada uma biópsia que confirmou o diagnóstico de hemangioma. A paciente foi então encaminhada para a realização de escleroterapia. Os HIs normalmente são observados em pacientes jovens. O exame padrão-ouro para o diagnóstico é a RNM, que muitas vezes torna a realização de biópsia desnecessária. Em muitos casos, os HIs são assintomáticos e tendem a involuir com o tempo. Apesar da baixa frequência desta entidade clínica, é importante colocá-la como hipótese de diagnóstico em casos de dor crônica dos membros em pacientes jovens com má resposta terapêutica a antiinflamatórios e analgesia.
Humans , Female , Adult , Occupational Health , Hemangioma , Muscular DiseasesABSTRACT
Los hemangiomas infantiles son el resultado de la proliferación de células del endotelio vascular y representan los tumores benignos más frecuentes en la infancia, con una incidencia estimada del 4-10% en bebés caucásicos. Se clasifican según el número, la profundidad y la distribución. Dentro de esta última clasificación se encuentran aquellos denominados segmentarios, que se caracterizan por su distribución extensa en áreas de prolongaciones mesodérmicas embrionarias. Se comunica el caso de una paciente evaluada al mes y medio de vida, con un hemangioma extenso del área mandibular y cuello anterior (hemangioma segmentario de la barba). Se describe la importancia de los estudios complementarios para evaluar el compromiso de órganos subyacentes, para detectar síndromes asociados y definir el tratamiento sobre la base de estos resultados. (AU)
Infantile hemangiomas arise from the proliferation of vascular endothelial cells and represent the most common benign tumors in infancy, with an estimated incidence of 4-10% in Caucasian infants. They vary according to their number, depth, and distribution. Within the latter classification are the so-called segmental ones, which feature an extensive distribution in areas of embryonic mesodermal extensions. We report the case of a patient evaluated at one and a half months of life with an extensive hemangioma of the mandibular area and anterior neck (segmental hemangioma of the beard). We describe the importance of complementary studies for evaluating the involvement of underlying organs, detecting associated syndromes, and defining the treatment based on these findings. (AU)
Humans , Female , Infant , Facial Neoplasms/diagnosis , Hemangioma/diagnosis , Propranolol/administration & dosage , Facial Neoplasms/drug therapy , Treatment Outcome , Hemangioma/drug therapyABSTRACT
Os hemangiomas são neoplasias benignas dos tecidos moles. São lesões caracterizadas pela proliferação de células endoteliais. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar por meio de uma revisão da literatura os principais hemangiomas de interesse odontológico e suas características clínicas e abordagens terapêuticas. Revisão de literatura: O estudo mostrou prevalência de até 6% na população geral, sendo o tumor mais comum na infância. Essas lesões apresentam rápido crescimento pós-natal, que pode levar meses a dois anos em média, mas geralmente após esse período ocorre sua involução. O diagnóstico é comumente baseado nas características clínicas e na história do paciente. É importante entender que o estudo histopatológico pode ser necessário nos casos em que o diagnóstico é incerto, para diferenciá-lo de outras neoplasias graves. Destacam-se as principais complicações relacionadas a lesões, ulcerações e hemorragias, além de infecções secundárias que podem causar alto índice de morbidade. Assim, é fundamental que o dentista reconheça essas patologias e tenha capacidade para tratá-las. Considerações finais: Foi possível observar que os hemangiomas são manifestações vasculares incomuns para o cirurgião-dentista, porém o profissional deve saber diagnosticá-los e tratá-los. Dentre as áreas acometidas, essas lesões são frequentes na cavidade oral e o tratamento consiste em acompanhamento com intervenções conservadoras(AU)
Hemangiomas are benign soft tissue neoplasms. These are lesions characterized by the proliferation of endothelial cells. Objectives: The objective of this work is to demonstrate through a literature review about the main hemangiomas of dental interest and clinical characteristics and therapeutic approaches. Literature review: The study showed a prevalence of up to 6% in the general population, being the most common tumor in childhood. These lesions presents a rapid postnatal growth, which may take months until two years on average, but usually after this period their involution occurs. The diagnosis is commonly based on clinical characteristics and patient's history. It is important to understand that the histopathological study may be necessary in cases that the diagnostic is uncertainty, in order to differentiate it from other serious neoplasms. Main complications related to injuries, ulceration and hemorrhage can be highlighted, in addition to secondary infections that can cause a high rate of morbidity. Thus, it is essential that dentists recognize such pathologies and be able to treat them. Final considerations: Was possible do observe that hemangiomas are uncommon vascular manifestations for the dental surgeon, however, the professional must know to diagnose and treat them. Among the affected areas, these lesions are frequently seen in the oral cavity and the treatment consists of following up with conservative interventions(AU)
Soft Tissue Neoplasms , Mouth Neoplasms , Hemangioma , Hemangioma/diagnosis , Hemangioma/therapy , Cell Proliferation , Mouth/injuries , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
@#Glottic hemangioma is a benign vascular tumor that is rarely seen in the adult population. We report a rare Filipino case of glottic hemangioma in a 65-year-old female presenting with 2 weeks history of hoarseness and a smooth, pedunculated, bluish mass at the anterior one-third of the right vocal cord in flexible laryngoscopy. Direct suspension laryngoscopy showed a pedunculated mass that was paler-looking, similar to the color of the surrounding mucosa, exhibiting the Phonation sign of Menzel. The patient underwent microlaryngeal excision and histopathology showed findings consistent with cavernous hemangioma.
Adult , Vocal Cords , HemangiomaABSTRACT
Infantile hemangiomas are relatively common soft tissue tumors in infants and young children, with a prevalence of about 4.5% in full-term newborns. Subglottic Hemangioma (SGH) is a relatively rare type of hemangioma, and its special location often causes respiratory distress and potentially life-threatening conditions in infants. Therefore, it is necessary for clinicians to make an accurate diagnosis and formulate a detailed treatment plan based on the clinical manifestations, the auxiliary examinations, the medical history and the vital signs evaluation of patients.This review describes the pathophysiological mechanism of infantile hemangioma and provides a detailed discussion on commonly used treatment methods in detail.
Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Hemangioma/diagnosis , Hemangioma, Capillary , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Larynx/pathology , Soft Tissue NeoplasmsABSTRACT
@#The objective of this clinical report is to present the first local case of rare cavernous uterine hemangioma. This is a case of a 28‑year‑old G2P1 (1001) during her first trimester of pregnancy who was admitted to our institution for the second time due to profuse vaginal bleeding and severe anemia. The transvaginal scan revealed an embryonic demise of 8 weeks age of gestation noted at the endocervical canal. There is a posterofundal heterogeneous mass measuring 6.3 cm × 5.7 cm × 5.0 cm (volume: 94.2 ml) with multiple cystic spaces, which on Doppler studies showed abundant vascularity suggestive of uterine hemangioma. Antifibrinolytics were administered. The patient underwent emergency hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy due to profuse vaginal bleeding with histopathology result of cavernous hemangioma of the uterus. Cavernous uterine hemangioma is a rare vascular lesion that poses a great challenge in the diagnosis and management. There were limited published articles regarding cavernous hemangioma of the uterus. There were conservative treatment options such as uterine artery embolization, the use of hormonal oral contraception, intralesional glucocorticoid therapy, the use of interferon‑α, laser therapy, and surgical excision. Hysterectomy is the definitive treatment for intractable bleeding. It is recommended to establish an international registry for this rare case. The experts in different specialties such as obstetrician‑gynecologists, interventional radiologists, and vascular surgeons, can also formulate an algorithm for its diagnosis and treatment.
Case Reports , Hemangioma , Vascular MalformationsABSTRACT
The three-day-old female infant was admitted to the hospital due to respiratory distress after birth. She was born premature at 36+2 weeks gestational age. Prenatal ultrasound suggested abnormal development of the fetal liver vessels, and she had dyspnea that required respiratory support after birth. Chest X-ray indicated an enlarged cardiac silhouette, and cardiac ultrasound revealed enlargement of the right atrium and right ventricle. Diagnosis of hepatic hemangioma with arteriovenous fistula was confirmed through liver ultrasound and abdominal enhanced CT. At 19 days old, she underwent ligation of the hepatic artery under general anesthesia, which led to an improvement in cardiac function and she was subsequently discharged. Genetic testing revealed a mutation in the ACVRL1 gene, which was inherited from the mother. The article primarily introduces a case of neonatal heart failure caused by hepatic hemangioma with arteriovenous fistula, and multi-disciplinary diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Activin Receptors, Type II , Arteriovenous Fistula/complications , Dyspnea , Heart Failure/etiology , Hemangioma/complications , LiverABSTRACT
Abstract Vertebral hemangioma is a benign vascular tumor that is usually asymptomatic and is discovered incidentally on imaging. When symptomatic, the most frequent presentation occursinthe formofvague back painofinsidiousonset and,inrare cases, maybeassociated with root or spinal compression, causing sensory and motor deficits. The authors report the case of a 33-year-old man, previously healthy, with a diagnosis of thoracic spine hemangio-ma at multiple levels, in the sternum, in the scapula and in the costal arches; all lesions were symptomatic,and surgicalinterventionwas required; oneof thelesionsatthe thoracicspine level evolved with spinal compression and acute neurological deficit, requiring urgent surgical intervention. Intraosseoushemangiomas represent<1%ofall bonetumors, having few reports of multifocal presentation in the axial and appendicular skeleton. In the literature review, no other case of aggressive multifocal intraosseous hemangioma with this presentation was found, including associated neurological symptoms in the same case.
Resumo O hemangioma vertebral, um tumor vascular benigno, geralmente é assintomático e descoberto incidentalmente em exames de imagem. Quando sintomático, a apresentação mais frequente ocorre sob a forma de dorsalgia vaga de início insidioso e, em raros casos, pode estar associadoa compressão radicularoumedular, causando déficit sensitivo emotor. Osautores relatamocasodeumhomemde33anos, previamentehígido, com diagnósticos de hemangioma na coluna torácica em múltiplos níveis, no esterno, na escápula e nos arcos costais; todas as lesões eram sintomáticas e houve necessidade de intervenção cirúrgica, sendo que uma das lesões ao nível da coluna torácica evoluiu com compressão medular e déficit neurológico agudo, com necessidade de intervenção cirúrgica de urgência. Os hemangiomas intraósseos representam<1% detodosostumores ósseos,eaapresentação multifocal no esqueleto axial e apendicular apresenta poucos relatos. Na revisão bibliográfica, não foi encontrado outro caso dehemangioma intraósseo multifocal agressivo com tal apresentação, inclusive com sintomas neurológicos associados em um mesmo caso.
Humans , Male , Adult , Spinal Diseases , Bone Diseases/drug therapy , HemangiomaABSTRACT
Contexte et objectif. Les variétés histologiques de tumeurs du septum nasal sont peu documentées dans les pays d'Afrique. La présenté étude avait pour objectif de décrire les variétés histologiques de tumeurs septales bénignes. Méthodes. C'était une analyse rétrospective de dossiers des patients admis pour tumeurs septales bénignes, entre janvier 1998 et aout 2021 ; à l'hôpital Dr Dorban en Algérie. Les variables d'intérêt englobaient les données cliniques et histopathologiques. Résultats. En 23 ans, seulement trente dossiers de tumeurs bénignes du septum nasal ont été colligés. Leur âge moyen était de 36,2 ans avec les extrêmes entre 13 et 70 ans avec une prédominance du sexe féminin (63,3 %). Les tumeurs vasculaires étaient prépondérantes (83,3 %) en particulier les hémangiomes capillaires (92 %) suivies des variétés épithéliales (13,3%) et un seul adénome pléomorphe septal. L'évolution clinique était émaillée par 3 récidives pour les hémangiomes, et absence de récidive pour l'adénome pléomorphe après 120 mois de recul. Trois autres cas étaient perdus. Conclusion: Les tumeurs bénignes du septum nasal sont rares et diversifiées sur le plan histologique. A coté des formes classiques et communes (hémangiomes, papillomes, adénomes), il existe des variétés rares et qui nécessitent une étude spécifique et une expertise dédiée.
Transanal Endoscopic Surgery , Nasal Septum , Papilloma , Nose Neoplasms , Hemangioma , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
Se presenta un neonato con hemangioma cérvico facial y posterior diagnóstico de hemangioma subglótico. Los hemangiomas en el período neonatal y los primeros meses de vida requieren una atención cuidadosa. Debido a su patrón de crecimiento y la futura aparición de nuevas lesiones, son considerados imprevisibles en esta etapa. Se encontró una fuerte asociación entre los hemangiomas difusos de localización cérvico facial y los hemangiomas sintomáticos de la vía aérea alta. El riesgo está relacionado con el grado de extensión de la afectación cutánea en un área que incluye la piel de la región mandibular, el mentón, el labio inferior y la parte anterior del cuello. Los hemangiomas infantiles requieren tratamiento cuando presentan riesgo vital y alteraciones funcionales, como compromiso de la vía aérea.
This is the case of a newborn with cervical hemangioma and a subsequent diagnosis of subglottic hemangioma. Hemangiomas in neonates and infants require careful attention. Due to their growth pattern and the potential appearance of new lesions, they are considered unpredictable at this stage. A strong link was found between diffuse cervical-facial and symptomatic upper airway hemangiomas. The risk is related to the extent of skin involvement in a given area, which might include the jaw, chin, lower lip, and front of the neck skin. Infant hemangiomas require treatment when they present life-threatening and functional alterations, such as airway compromise.
Relatamos o caso de um recém-nascido com hemangioma cervical com diagnóstico posterior de hemangioma subglótico. Hemangiomas em recém-nascidos e lactentes requerem atenção cuidadosa. Devido ao seu padrão de crescimento e ao potencial aparecimento de novas lesões, são considerados imprevisíveis nessa fase. Uma forte associação foi encontrada entre hemangiomas cervicofaciais difusos e hemangiomas sintomáticos das vias aéreas superiores. O risco está relacionado à extensão do envolvimento da pele da mandíbula, o queixo, o lábio inferior e a pele da frente do pescoço. Os hemangiomas infantis necessitam de tratamento quando apresentam alterações funcionais ou risco de vida, como comprometimento das vias aéreas.
Humans , Female , Facial Neoplasms/diagnosis , Laryngeal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Hemangioma/diagnosis , Propranolol/therapeutic use , Infant, Premature , Facial Neoplasms/drug therapy , Laryngeal Neoplasms/drug therapy , Adrenergic beta-Antagonists/therapeutic use , Hemangioma/complicationsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT This report describes a case of retinal racemose hemangioma that first presented as a vitreous hemorrhage. The authors present the case of a 47-year-old woman with a sudden 5-day painless visual loss in her left eye. At the first visit, the best-correct visual acuities were 20/20 in the right eye and hand motions in the left eyes. Ultrasonography showed an attached retina and a massive vitreous hemorrhage. Pars plana vitrectomy was performed and a dilatation of large vessels was detected bulging from the optic disc. The best-correct visual acuities on day 30 postoperatively was 20/25 in the left eye. Fundus angiography and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography angiography showed anomalous arteriovenous communications with no intervening capillaries. The diagnosis was racemose hemangioma, an arteriovenous malformation of group 2 retina based on the Archer classification.
RESUMO Este relato descreve um caso de hemangioma racemoso da retina que se apresentou inicialmente como hemorragia vítrea. Os autores apresentam o caso de uma mulher de 47 anos com perda visual súbita e indolor 5 dias antes no olho esquerdo. Na primeira visita, a melhor acuidade visual corrigida foi de 20/20 no olho direito e movimentos das mãos no olho esquerdo. A ultrassonografia mostrou uma retina aderida e uma hemorragia vítrea maciça. Foi realizada vitrectomia pars plana, sendo detectada proliferação de grandes vasos salientes do disco óptico. A acuidade visual no dia 30 de pós-operatório foi de 20/25 no olho esquerdo. A angiografia de retina e a angiotomografia de coerência óptica de domínio espectral mostraram comunicações arteriovenosas anômalas sem capilares intermediários. O diagnóstico foi hemangioma racemoso, uma malformação arteriovenosa da retina do grupo 2 com base na classificação de Archer.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Arteriovenous Malformations/complications , Retinal Vessels/abnormalities , Vitreous Hemorrhage/etiology , Angiography , Hemangioma/complications , Arteriovenous Malformations/surgery , Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnosis , Retinal Diseases , Retinal Vessels/diagnostic imaging , Vitrectomy , Vitreous Hemorrhage/surgery , Vitreous Hemorrhage/diagnosis , Ultrasonography , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Hemangioma/surgery , Hemangioma/diagnosisABSTRACT
Los hemangiomas hepáticos se consideran las lesiones benignas hepáticas más comunes. Se de-nominan hemangiomas gigantes cuando su diámetro supera los 5 cm. La etiología es poco clara y su mayor prevalencia se ubica en mujeres de mediana edad. A continuación, se presenta el caso de una paciente de 73 años con dispepsia tipo distrés postprandial. La paciente acudió a consulta donde se documentó una masa heterogénea en segmentos hepáticos VI y VII con componente exofítico, realce periférico y llenado centrípeto en fases tardías. Recibió manejo sintomático con buena respuesta clínica y continúa en seguimiento. La presentación de este caso clínico obedece a que el hemangioma hepático es diagnosticado, por lo general, de forma incidental por imágenes abdominales realizadas desde un enfoque distinto en el paciente, y por las numerosas consultas al servicio de salud por síntomas diferentes a los directamente relacionados con el hemangioma hepá-tico. Adicionalmente, puede generar complicaciones asociadas al efecto de masa, y su prevalencia dentro de las lesiones hepáticas benignas es considerable
Hepatic hemangiomas are the most common benign tumors of the liver. They are called giant he-mangiomas when their diameter exceeds 5 cm. The pathophysiology is unclear, and middle-aged women have the highest prevalence. The case of a 73-year-old woman with dyspepsia postprandial distress syndrome is presented. The patient had a heterogeneous mass in the liver segments VI and VII with an exophytic component, peripheral enhancement, and centripetal filling in late phases. The patient received symptomatic treatment with adequate clinical response and continues in observa-tion. The presentation of this clinical report is due to the fact that hepatic hemangioma is generally diagnosed incidentally by abdominal imaging performed from a different approach, and to the numerous visits to the health service due to symptoms other than those directly related to hepatic hemangioma. Additionally, it can involve mass-related complications, and the prevalence within benign liver lesions is substantial.
Humans , Hemangioma , Therapeutics , Dyspepsia , Liver , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
El angioma de células litorales del bazo es una neoplasia vascular benigna poco frecuente, de presentación clínica, paraclínica e imagenológica inespecífica. Se realizó en nuestro paciente la esplenectomía, el tratamiento indicado y curativo, y se logró el diagnóstico a través de la histología e inmunohistoquímica de la pieza de anatomía patológica.
Littoral cell angioma of the spleen is rather an unusual benign vascular neoplasm with non-specific clinical, paraclinical and imaging presentation. Our patient underwent splenectomy, performed as the appropriate and remedial treatment. Diagnosis was made by means of histology and immunohistochemistry techniques of the pathologic anatomy of the surgical piece.
O angioma de células litoraneas do baço é uma neoplasia vascular benigna rara com apresentação clínica, laboratorial e de imagem inespecíficas. A esplenectomia foi realizada em nosso paciente, sendo esse o tratamento indicado e curativo, obtendo-se o diagnóstico através da histologia e imunohistoquímica da peça anatomopatológica.
Splenectomy , Splenic Neoplasms/surgery , HemangiomaABSTRACT
El hemangiolinfangioma es un tipo muy raro de malformación del sistema vascular, caracterizado histológicamente por la presencia de vasos venosos y linfáticos dilatados quísticamente, cuyas células endoteliales de revestimiento son positivas para marcadores de inmunohistoquímica como CD31, CD34 y D2-40. El compromiso extenso retroperitoneal y del tracto gastrointestinal es infrecuente. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 24 años con antecedente de dolor pélvico crónico, con exacerbación de síntomas. El diagnóstico imagenológico mostró una masa retroperitoneal multiquística. Se hizo hemicolectomía derecha y resección de la masa, encontrándose que dicha lesión estaba íntimamente adherida al mesenterio con compromiso extenso del tracto gastrointestinal, y cuyo estudio histopatológico reveló un hemangiolinfangioma, con mejoría clínica posterior a la resección quirúrgica. Aportamos a la literatura mundial, la caracterización de los hallazgos clínicos, imagenológicos e histopatológicos de este tipo de malformaciones
Hemangiolymphangioma is a very rare type of malformation of the vascular system, characterized histologically by the presence of cystically dilated venous and lymphatic vessels, whose lining endothelial cells are positive for immunohistochemical markers such as CD31, CD34 and D2-40. Extensive retroperitoneal and gastrointestinal tract involvement is uncommon. We present the case of a 24-yearold female patient with a history of chronic pelvic pain with exacerbation of symptoms. The imaging diagnosis revealed a multicystic retroperitoneal mass. A right hemicolectomy and resection of the mass was performed, finding that the lesion was intimately adherent to the mesentery with extensive involvement of the gastrointestinal tract, and whose histopathological study revealed a hemangiolymphangioma, with clinical improvement after surgical resection. We contribute to the world literature with the characterization of the clinical, imaging and histopathological findings of this type of malformations
Humans , Female , Young Adult , Peritoneal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Hemangioma/diagnosis , Lymphangioma/diagnosis , Mesentery/pathology , Peritoneal Neoplasms/surgery , Peritoneal Neoplasms/pathology , Endothelial Cells/pathology , Vascular Malformations/diagnosis , Vascular Malformations/pathology , Hemangioma/surgery , Hemangioma/pathology , Lymphangioma/surgery , Lymphangioma/pathologySubject(s)
Humans , Female , Infant , Pneumonia, Viral/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Thoracic , HemangiomaABSTRACT
El tratamiento del hemangioma hepático gigante (HHG), sigue siendo motivo de controversia. El objetivo de este estudio fue reportar los resultados de pacientes con HHG resecados quirúrgicamente en términos de morbilidad postoperatoria (MPO). Serie de casos con seguimiento. Se incluyeron pacientes con HHG, sometidos a cirugía de forma consecutiva, en Clínica RedSalud Mayor, entre 2011 y 2020. La variable resultado fue MPO. Otras variables de interés fueron: tiempo quirúrgico, estancia hospitalaria y mortalidad. Las pacientes fueron seguidas de forma clínica. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, con medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Se intervinieron 5 pacientes, con una mediana de edad de 38 años. La medianas del tiempo quirúrgico y estancia hospitalaria; fueron 75 min y 4 días respectivamente. La MPO fue 20 % (1 caso de seroma). Con una mediana de seguimiento de 41 meses, los pacientes se encuentran asintomáticos y no se ha verificado morbilidad alejada. La resección quirúrgica de un HHG se puede realizar con escasa morbilidad, tanto en términos numéricos como de gravedad de la complicación observada.
SUMMARY: Treatment of giant hepatic hemangioma (GHH) remains controversial. The aim of this study was to report the outcomes of surgically resected GHH patients in terms of postoperative morbidity (POM). Case series with follow-up. Patients with GHH who underwent surgery consecutively at the RedSalud Mayor Clinic between 2011 and 2020 were included. The outcome variable was POM. Other variables of interest were surgical time, hospital stay and mortality. The patients were followed up clinically. Descriptive statistics were used, with measures of central tendency and dispersion. Five patients underwent surgery, with a median age of 38 years. The median surgical time and hospital stay; were 75 min and 4 days respectively. The MPO was 20 % (1 case of seroma). With a median follow-up of 41 months, the patients are asymptomatic, and no distant morbidity has been verified. Surgical resection of GHH can be performed with low morbidity, both in terms of numbers and the severity of the complication observed.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Hemangioma/surgery , Liver Neoplasms/surgery , Postoperative Complications , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Hemangioma/diagnostic imaging , Hepatectomy , Liver Neoplasms/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Los hemangiomas infantiles (HI) son los tumores benignos más frecuentes de la infancia; la variante segmentaria es rara y se asocia con un mal pronóstico. Una de sus principales complicaciones es la ulceración durante la fase de crecimiento del tumor, a pesar de no presentar características macroscópicas compatibles con una lesión agresiva. El manejo en estos casos es dificultoso e impone la necesidad de asociar múltiples estrategias, algunas orientadas específicamente a impedir la proliferación del hemangioma y otras orientadas a la curación de la herida, el manejo del dolor y la prevención de la infección agregada. Presentamos dos casos a fin de comunicar nuestra experiencia respecto del manejo de dicha patología y su evolución final.
Infantile hemangiomas (IHs) are the most common benign tumors of childhood, and segmental ones are rare and associated with a poor prognosis. While these tumors look harmless, one of their main related complications is ulceration during tumor growth. The management in these cases is extremely challenging, requiring a combination of multiple approaches, some specifically aimed at preventing the proliferation of the hemangioma and others aimed at wound care, pain management, and prevention of further infection. Here we discuss two cases to narrate our experience on the management of this condition and its outcome.
Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Skin Neoplasms/drug therapy , Skin Ulcer/etiology , Skin Ulcer/drug therapy , Hemangioma/complications , Propranolol , Ulcer/etiology , Administration, Oral , Treatment Outcome , Hemangioma/drug therapyABSTRACT
Objetivo: apresentar um caso de lesão vascular em paciente idoso tratado pela técnica da escleroterapia. Relato do caso: paciente masculino, 67 anos, vítima de acidente vascular cerebral, buscou atendimento odontológico por apresentar raízes residuais. Durante o exame físico foi identificada lesão exofítica, de coloração violácea, base séssil, com aproximadamente dois centímetros, localizada em comissura labial esquerda. Para confirmar a origem da alteração foi realizada manobra semiotécnica (diascopia) que revelou tratar-se de lesão vascular. Por ser o paciente idoso, hipertenso, com histórico de acidente vascular cerebral, foi feita a opção por tratamento conservador, sendo realizada a escleroterapia com oleato de monoetanolamina 5%, numa única sessão. No retorno de sete dias, foi observada regressão parcial da lesão e com 30 dias a região se mostrou completamente cicatrizada, sem vestígios da alteração. O oleato de monoetanolamina provoca uma reação inflamatória estéril, aguda, dose-dependente, no endotélio vascular e nos tecidos extravasculares que resulta em fibrose e obliteração dos vasos sanguíneos, induzindo a regressão das lesões. Conclusão: Com base no caso apresentado e nos registros da literatura é possível afirmar que a escleroterapia é uma alternativa terapêutica minimamente invasiva, eficaz, de baixo custo e com resultado estético favorável no tratamento de lesões vasculares orais... (AU)
Objective: to present a case of vascular injury in an elderly patient treated by the sclerotherapy technique. Case report: male patient, 67 years old, victim of a stroke, sought dental care due to residual dental roots. During the physical examination, an exophytic lesion, violet in color, sessile base, approximately two centimeters, located in the left labial commissure, was identified. Diascopy was performed to confirm the origin of the alteration, which revealed that it was a vascular le sion. As the patient was elderly, hypertensive, with a history of stroke, conservative treatment was chosen, with sclerotherapy with 5% mon oethanolamine oleate in a single session. On return after seven days, partial regression of the lesion was observed and, after 30 days, the region was completely healed, with no traces of the alteration. Mon oethanolamine oleate causes a sterile, acute, dose-dependent inflam matory reaction in the vascular endothelium and extravascular tissues that results in fibrosis and obliteration of blood vessels, inducing re gression of the lesions. Conclusion: Based on the case presented and on the literature records, it is possible to affirm that sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive, effective, low-cost therapeutic alternative with a favorable aesthetic result in the treatment of oral vascular lesions... (AU)
Objetivo: presentar un caso de lesión vascular en un paciente de edad avanzada, tratado mediante la técnica de escleroterapia. Reporte de caso: paciente masculino, 67 años, víctima de un derrame cerebral, buscó atención odontológica por raíces dentarias residuales. Durante el examen físico se identificó una lesión exofítica, de color violeta, de base sésil, de aproximadamente dos centímetros, ubicada en la comisura labial izquierda. Se realizó diascopia para confirmar el origen de la alteración, que reveló que se trataba de una lesión vascular. Como el paciente era anciano, hipertenso, con antecedentes de ictus, se optó por tratamiento conservador, con escleroterapia con oleato de monoetanolamina al 5% en una sola sesión. Al regreso a los siete días se observó una regresión parcial de la lesión y, a los 30 días, la región estaba completamente curada, sin rastros de la alteración. El oleato de monoetanolamina provoca una reacción inflamatoria estéril, aguda y dependiente de la dosis en el endotelio vascular y los tejidos extravasculares que produce fibrosis y obliteración de los vasos sanguíneos, lo que induce la regresión de las lesiones. Conclusión: Con base en el caso presentado y en los registros de la literatura, es posible afirmar que la escleroterapia es una alternativa terapéutica mínimamente invasiva, efectiva, de bajo costo y con resultado estético favorable en el tratamiento de las lesiones vasculares orales... (AU)
Humans , Male , Aged , Sclerotherapy , Dental Care , Vascular Malformations , Hemangioma , Mouth/pathology , Blood Vessels , Vascular System Injuries , Conservative TreatmentABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Congenital vascular anomalies and hemangiomas (CVAH) such as infantile hemangiomas, port-wine stains and brain arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) impair patients' lives and may require treatment if complications occur. However, a great variety of treatments for those conditions exist and the best interventions remain under discussion. OBJECTIVE: To summarize Cochrane systematic review (SR) evidence on treatments for CVAH. DESIGN AND SETTING: Review of SRs conducted in the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery of Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A broad search was conducted on March 9, 2021, in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews to retrieve any Cochrane SRs that assessed treatments for CVAH. The key characteristics and results of all SRs included were summarized and discussed. RESULTS: A total of three SRs fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were presented as a qualitative synthesis. One SR reported a significant clinical reduction of skin redness by at least 20%, with more pain, among 103 participants with port-wine stains. One SR reported that propranolol improved the likelihood of clearance 13 to 16-fold among 312 children with hemangiomas. One SR reported that the relative risk of death or dependence was 2.53 times greater in the intervention arm than with conservative management, among 218 participants with brain AVMs. CONCLUSION: Cochrane reviews suggest that treatment of port-wine stains with pulsed-dye laser improves redness; propranolol remains the best option for infantile hemangiomas; and conservative management seems to be superior to surgical intervention for treating brain AVMs.
Arteriovenous Malformations/therapy , Port-Wine Stain/surgery , Hemangioma/therapy , Brazil , Systematic Reviews as TopicABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Infantile hemangiomas (IH) occur in approximately 4% to 10% of the pediatric population. The identification of clinical subtypes and conditions that indicate increased risk for complications is essential for therapeutic success. Objectives: To identify risk factors for complications, recurrence and unaesthetic sequelae. Methods: Retrospective cohort of patients with infantile hemangiomas undergoing follow-up at the Dermatology Service of Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, between 2006 and 2018. Results: 190 patients were included; 24% had some type of complication, ulceration being the most frequent, and 86% required treatment. On correlation, ulceration was statistically related to mixed IH (p = 0.004), segmental IH (p < 0.01) and location in the gluteal region (p = 0.001). The mean time of treatment with propranolol was 12.7 months. Patients with PHACES syndrome and segmental infantile hemangioma required longer treatment (p < 0.001 and p = 0.0407, respectively), as well as those who started treatment after five months of life (p < 0.0001). Recurrence occurred in 16.6% of the treated patients, all-female; 94% were located on the head and neck (mainly on the upper eyelid, cyrano, S3 segment, and with parotid involvement); 61% and 38.8% were of the mixed and deep subtypes, respectively. Approximately 1/3 of the patients had some unaesthetic sequelae. Study limitations: As this is a retrospective study, data and photos of some patients were lost. Conclusions: Mixed and segmental hemangiomas are risk factors for ulceration and sequelae. Recurrence occurs more often in females and segmental hemangiomas. Segmental infantile hemangioma and PHACES syndrome require a longer time of treatment. Specific protocols are required for infantile hemangiomas with a high risk of recurrence.