La proteinosis alveolar pulmonar (PAP) es una enfermedad que entra en el gran número de patologías pulmonares intersticiales, con una baja incidencia y prevalencia a nivel mundial. Consiste en un acúmulo de material proteináceo derivado del surfactante que se genera por diferentes causas (primaria, secundaria, congénita y no clasificada), dentro de las cuales la causa autoinmune o primaria es la más frecuente. Su tratamiento de elección es el lavado pulmonar total, con mejoría según el grado de afectación y avance de la enfermedad. En la actualidad, hay nuevas terapias y otras que están en estudio, pero en países en vías de desarrollo muchas veces no se encuentran disponibles. Presentamos el caso de una paciente femenina de 32 años de edad que se presentó en insuficiencia respiratoria tipo 1 y debutando con PAP.
Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis (PAP) is a disease that belongs to the large number of interstitial lung pathologies, with a low incidence and prevalence worldwide. It consists of an accumulation of proteinaceous material derived from surfactant, which is generated by different causes (primary, secondary, congenital and unclassified), within which the autoimmune or primary cause is the most frequent. Its treatment of choice is total lung lavage, with improvement depending on the degree of involvement and progression of the disease. Currently, there are new therapies and others that are being studied, but in developing countries they are often not available. We present the case of a 32-year-old female patient who presented with type 1 respiratory failure and debuting with PAP.
Humans , Female , Adult , Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis/therapy , Surface-Active Agents , Lung Diseases, Interstitial/diagnosis , Bronchoalveolar Lavage/methods , Respiratory Insufficiency , Biopsy , Bronchoscopy , Diagnostic Imaging , Cough , Diagnosis, Differential , Dyspnea , Hemoptysis , HondurasABSTRACT
Se presenta un caso poco frecuente de hemoptisis en un paciente adolescente con cirugía de Fontan, causada por el sangrado de una malformación arteriovenosa pulmonar (MAVP), tras la práctica de un instrumento de viento (saxofón). El paciente se estudió con angiografía y se realizó cierre percutáneo, consiguiendo posteriormente mejoría clínica y evitando la aparición de nuevos episodios de hemoptisis. Actualmente existe escasa literatura que reporte casos de hemoptisis en pacientes con cirugía de Fontan y ningún caso publicado en relación a gatillantes relacionados a las maniobras de valsalva; como la generada al practicar instrumentos de viento. Por esta razón, se decide publicar este caso clínico en pro de generar mayores conocimientos en este grupo de pacientes con cardiopatías congénitas operadas con procedimientos paliativos como es la cirugía de Fontan.
A rare case of hemoptysis is presented in an adolescent patient with Fontan surgery, caused by bleeding from a pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM), after playing a wind instrument (saxophone). The patient was studied with angiography and percutaneous closure was performed, subsequently achieving clinical improvement and preventing the appearance of new episodes of hemoptysis. Currently, there is little literature on hemoptysis in patients with Fontan surgery and no case published in relation to triggers related to valsalva maneuvers; like that generated when practicing wind instruments. For this reason, it was decided to publish this clinical case in order to generate greater knowledge in this group of patients with congenital heart disease operated on with palliative procedures such as Fontan surgery.
Arteriovenous Malformations/complications , Pulmonary Artery/abnormalities , Pulmonary Veins/abnormalities , Fontan Procedure/adverse effects , Hemoptysis/etiology , Hemoptysis/therapy , Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Artery/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Veins/diagnostic imaging , Angiography , Radiography, Thoracic , Valsalva Maneuver , Embolization, TherapeuticABSTRACT
Presentamos el caso de un niño de 12 años que consultó por hemoptisis, sin otros sín- tomas asociados. Se realizó radiografía de tórax (patológica), laboratorio con aumen- to moderado de reactantes de fase aguda, PPD (negativa), esputos x 3 con bacilosco- pias negativas y tomografía de tórax con contraste i.v. que mostró imágenes de árbol en brote en todos los lóbulos y una imagen de dilatación vascular de una rama de la ar- teria pulmonar en lóbulo superior izquierdo. Se plantearon diagnósticos diferenciales: malformación vascular primaria o lesión secundaria a infección. La angiografía digital permitió confirmar el pseudoaneurisma y embolizarlo. Luego de 17 días, 2/3 cultivos de esputo fueron positivos para Mycobacterium tuberculosis. El niño realizó tratamiento antituberculoso con drogas de primera línea con evolución clínica favorable. Este caso resalta la importancia de considerar el pseudoaneurisma de Rasmussen en- tre las posibles complicaciones de un paciente con tuberculosis y hemoptisis recurren- te o masiva.
We present the case of a 12-year-old boy admitted to the hospital due to hemoptysis without other symptoms. We performed a Thorax X-Ray (pathological), laboratory with elevated acute phase reactants, TST (negative), sputum x 3 with negative smear and computed tomography angiography showing a tree-in-bud pattern in all lobes, and di-latation of a brunch of the pulmonary artery in the upper left lobe. We considered pri-mary vascular anomaly or lesion due to infection as a differential diagnosis. The patient underwent digital angiography and therapeutic embolization of this pseudoaneurysm. After seventeen days, 2/3 of the sputum cultures were positive for Mycobacterium tu-berculosis. The patient received standard anti-TB therapy with favorable evolution. This case highlights the importance of considering complications such as Rasmussen's pseudoaneurysm in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and recurrent or massive hemoptysis.
Humans , Male , Child , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/diagnosis , Aneurysm, False/complications , Hemoptysis/diagnosis , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Bronchoscopy , Tuberculin Test , Diagnostic Imaging , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Embolization, Therapeutic , Antitubercular Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Fundamento: As calcificações de artérias coronárias (CAC) mostram-se como fator preditivo de doenças cardiovasculares (DCV). A tomografia computadorizada (TC) de tórax com protocolo de aquisição de baixa dose apresenta acurácia na identificação de CAC e propicia achados incidentais dessas calcificações, que são comumente negligenciados. Este estudo analisará a prevalência de achados incidentais de calcificação em artérias coronárias em indivíduos não cardiopatas submetidos à TC de tórax. Métodos: Estudo transversal consecutivo de caráter analítico e descritivo. Foram incluídos indivíduos de ambos os sexos que realizaram TC de tórax por encaminhamento, acima de 18 anos e não cardiopatas. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de prontuários e ficha de anamnese auto aplicada. As variáveis referentes às CAC e à extensão do comprometimento foram obtidas a partir da reavaliação das imagens de TC de tórax disponíveis no sistema da instituição. Os exames foram anonimizados e avaliados por dois médicos radiologistas experientes. Considerou-se como estatisticamente significativo p≤0,05. Resultados: Foram analisados 397 exames. Encontrou-se prevalência de calcificações em 176 (44%) dos casos. A existência dessas calcificações coronárias está relacionada à idade (p<0,001). As calcificações possuem relação com o sexo (p = 0,03) com maior razão de chance de desenvolvimento em homens (odds ratio [OR] = 1,55). O tabagismo (p<0,001), o sedentarismo (p<0,001), a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (p<0,001), o diabetes mellitus (p = 0,04) e as dislipidemias (p<0,001) mostraram associação positiva. Conclusão: A prevalência de achados incidentais de CAC foi de 44%; variam em maior número entre leve e grave; maior razão de chance no sexo masculino e aumento da prevalência com a idade. Portanto, a TC de tórax mostra-se um efetivo método para avaliar as CAC, e juntamente com a história clínica do paciente pode ser utilizada para medir os fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares e intervir no desfecho do quadro.(AU)
Introduction: Coronary artery calcifications (CAC) are shown to be a predictive factor of cardiovascular diseases. Computed tomography (CT) of the chest with a low-dose acquisition protocol is accurate in identifying CAC and provides incidental findings of these calcifications, which are commonly overlooked. This study will analyze the prevalence of incidental findings of calcification in coronary arteries in non-cardiac individuals undergoing chest CT. Methods: Consecutive cross-sectional study of an analytical and descriptive nature. Individuals of both genders who underwent chest CT by referral, over 18 years of age and without heart disease were included. Data collection was carried out using medical records and a self-applied anamnesis form. The variables referring to the CAC and the extension of the impairment were obtained from the reassessment of the chest CT images available in the institution's system. The exams were anonymized and evaluated by two experienced radiologists. P≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: 397 exams were analyzed. A prevalence of calcifications was found in 176 (44%) of the cases. The existence of these coronary calcifications is related to age (p<0.001). Calcifications are related to gender (p = 0.03) with a higher odds ratio of development in men (odds ratio [OR] = 1.55). Smoking (p<0.001), sedentary lifestyle (p<0.001), systemic arterial hypertension (p<0.001), Diabetes Mellitus (p = 0.04), and dyslipidemia (p<0.001) showed a positive association. Conclusion: The prevalence of incidental CAC findings was 44%; vary in greater numbers between mild and severe; higher odds ratio in males and increased prevalence with age. Therefore, chest CT proves to be an effective method to assess CAC, and together with the patient's clinical history, it can be used to measure risk factors for CVD and intervene in the outcome of the condition.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Incidental Findings , Vascular Calcification/physiopathology , Vascular Calcification/prevention & control , Vascular Calcification/diagnostic imaging , Tobacco Use Disorder/etiology , Chest Pain/etiology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Diabetes Mellitus/etiology , Dyspnea/etiology , Hemoptysis/etiology , Hypertension/etiologyABSTRACT
Objective: To summarize the clinical characteristics of bronchial-pulmonary artery fistula and evaluate the effect of interventional closure of bronchial-pulmonary artery fistula. Methods: A retrospective case study was conducted. Fifteen children with hemoptysis who were diagnosed with bronchial-pulmonary artery fistula in Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University from January 2018 to March 2022 were selected. Their clinical symptoms and chest-enhanced CT findings were recorded. The children who failed to improve after anti-infection and hemostasis treatment were treated with transcatheter embolization through microparticles under digital subtraction angiography (DSA). The efficacy and post-operation recurrence were evaluated. Results: There were 15 children, including 9 males and 6 females, aged 9.8 (3.7, 12.1) years, weighing 35 (16, 55) kg. There was hemoptysis of varying degrees before surgery. Only 2 children had decreased hemoglobin. Chest enhanced CT showed that their bronchial arteries were thickened and tortuous, including 11 cases of single vessel disease and 4 cases of multivessel disease; 11 children had varying degrees of pneumonia and 4 children had atelectasis. Except for one case effectively treated with medical therapy, the remaining 14 cases were all treated with transcatheter interventional closure with embolic microparticles, among whom 12 had their fistula completely blocked with a single operation and the other 2 children underwent multiple operations because of too many fistulas. One child had extensive bronchial-pulmonary artery fistula which failed to be blocked completely even after multiple operations. Among the remaining 13 children, only 2 patients whose fistula was considered to be completely closed had recurrence presenting with hemoptysis at 3 months and 2 years after the operation, and no hemoptysis was found after the second closure. All children were discharged without chest pain, spinal cord paraplegia, or other serious complications. Fourteen children were followed up for 1.4 (0.9,2.9) years, among whom one still has intermittent mild hemoptysis due to incomplete closure and the rest had a satisfactory outcome. Conclusions: Hemoptysis is the first symptom of bronchial-pulmonary artery fistula. For children with failed medical treatment, transcatheter closure with an embolic pellet is effective, safe and feasible, with a low recurrence rate.
Child , Female , Male , Humans , Pulmonary Artery , Retrospective Studies , Chest Pain , Hemoptysis/therapy , Hospitals, PediatricABSTRACT
@#Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA) is a rare disease. It is usually diagnosed in immunocompromised patients with other chronic respiratory disorders. Diagnosis can be challenging due to non-specific symptoms. It is based on clinical, radiological, and microbiological criteria and excludes other causes of the symptoms. The outcomes of antifungal treatment may be unpredictable as optimal treatment duration has not yet been standardized. This is the case of a 74-year-old male who presented via teleconsultation with hemoptysis. GeneXpert for pulmonary tuberculosis was negative. Chest radiograph showed a cavitary lesion with an aspergilloma within. This led to a longstanding treatment effort with voriconazole, as he was a poor candidate for surgical resection due to the risk of post-operative complications. Three months into the treatment, the patient unexpectedly suffered from a severe episode of dyspnea, culminating in cardiac arrest. While the patient has been resuscitated with no residuals, it is only one of the many steps on his road to recovery and his second lease on life, this time coming to terms with his own preferences and values regarding his medical care. The patient showed clinical improvement and the promise of a cure in his fifth month of treatment. Learning points include the role of family physicians in a patient’s well-being even in specialized cases, the value of individualized care and the application of technology in hybrid consultation and monitoring.
Aspergillosis , Hemoptysis , VoriconazoleABSTRACT
La hemosiderosis pulmonar idiopática (HPI) es una patología poco frecuente; su distribución geográfica, su incidencia y prevalencia se desconocen de manera exacta a nivel mundial. Tiene una fuerte asociación con condiciones autoinmunes y una adecuada respuesta al tratamiento inmunosupresor. A pesar de ser una patología grave, presenta una tasa de morbilidad y mortalidad mediana, siempre que se realice un diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz. Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente femenina con diagnóstico de HPI quien cursó con la triada clásica de esta enfermedad: hemoptisis, anemia ferropénica e infiltrados pulmonares difusos. Se descartaron otras causas de hemorragia pulmonar difusa y se realizó el diagnóstico por biopsia pulmonar. Se trató con esteroides sistémicos e inhalados y azatioprina. Tras casi 2 años después del diagnóstico, estando sin tratamiento por 3 meses, presentó una exacerbación con hemorragia pulmonar masiva ocasionando el fallecimiento de la paciente.
Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (IPH) is a rare pathology; its geographic distribution, incidence and prevalence are not accurately known worldwide. It has a strong association with autoimmune conditions and has an adequate response to immunosuppressive treatment. Despite being a serious pathology, it has a medium morbidity and mortality rate, provided that early diagnosis and treatment is performed. We present the clinical case of a female patient diagnosed with IPH who presented with the classic triad of this disease: hemoptysis, iron deficiency anemia and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates. Other causes of diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage were ruled out and the diagnosis was made by lung biopsy. She was managed with systemic and inhaled steroids and azathioprine. After almost 2 years before the diagnosis, being without treatment for 3 month she had a massive pulmonary hemorrhage, causing the death of the patient.
Humans , Female , Young Adult , Hemosiderosis/diagnosis , Hemosiderosis/drug therapy , Lung Diseases/diagnosis , Lung Diseases/drug therapy , Radiography, Thoracic , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Risk Factors , Hemoptysis/etiology , Hemosiderosis/diagnostic imaging , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Lung Diseases/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
El síndrome de Swyer-James-Mac Leod es una entidad poco frecuente adquirida en la infancia, generalmente tras una infección pulmonar moderada a grave de tipo bronquiolitis o neumonía, generalmente virales. Ocasionalmente se tiene el antecedente de infecciones repetidas de este tipo. Consiste en el desarrollo de enfisema hipoplásico pulmonar unilateral, que puede a veces relacionarse con bronquiectasias ipsilaterales o bilaterales, obstrucción fija al flujo aéreo y puede también asociarse a reducción del flujo sanguíneo del pulmón hipoplásico, de manera focal o difusa, con o sin tortuosidad de la vascularización proximal y a veces con una compensación del pulmón contralateral, en forma de sobredistensión e hiperflujo vascular relativo. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 79 años de edad con antecedentes de infecciones tipo bronquiolitis virales repetidas en la infancia, obstrucción fija grave al flujo aéreo y hemoptisis masiva secundaria a una infección por Pseudomonas aeruginosa sensible a la terapia antibiótica habitual.
Swyer-James-Mac Leod syndrome is a rare condition acquired in childhood, usually after a moderate to severe lung infection such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia, usually viral. Occasionally there is a history of repeated infections of this type. It consists of the development of unilateral pulmonary hypoplastic emphysema, which can sometimes be related to ipsilateral or bilateral bronchiectasis, fixed airflow obstruction, and may also be associated with reduced blood flow in the hypoplastic lung, with or without tortuosity of the proximal vascular supply and sometimes with compensation from the contralateral lung, in the form of overdistension and relative vascular hyperflow. We present the case of a 79-year-old man with a history of recurrent viral bronchiolitis-type infections in childhood, severe fixed airflow obstruction, and massive hemoptysis secondary to a Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection sensitive to usual antibiotic therapy.
Humans , Male , Aged , Pulmonary Emphysema/complications , Lung, Hyperlucent/complications , Hemoptysis/etiology , Pulmonary Emphysema/therapy , Pulmonary Emphysema/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Thoracic , Lung, Hyperlucent/therapy , Lung, Hyperlucent/diagnostic imaging , Computed Tomography AngiographyABSTRACT
A boy, aged 11 years, was admitted due to intermittent fever for 15 days, cough for 10 days, and "hemoptysis" for 7 days. The boy had fever and cough with left neck pain 15 days ago, and antibiotic treatment was effective. During the course of disease, the boy developed massive "hemoptysis" which caused shock. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy revealed a left pyriform sinus fistula with continuous bleeding. In combination with neck and vascular imaging examination results, the boy was diagnosed with internal jugular vein injury and thrombosis due to congenital pyriform sinus fistula infection and neck abscess. The boy was improved after treatment with temperature-controlled radiofrequency ablation for the closure of pyriform sinus fistula, and no recurrence was observed during the follow-up for one year and six months. No reports of massive hemorrhage and shock due to pyriform sinus fistula infection were found in the searched literature, and this article summarizes the clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of this boy, so as to provide a reference for the early diagnosis of such disease and the prevention and treatment of its complications.
Humans , Male , Abscess/surgery , Cough , Fever/complications , Fistula/surgery , Hemoptysis/complications , Neck , ShockABSTRACT
Paciente masculino de 51 años de edad, ex tabaquista 34 paquetes/año, con diagnóstico de vasculitis ANCA C PR3+ en enero 2018: síndrome pulmón riñón (hemorragia alveolar difusa, sinusitis y compromiso renal), realizó tratamiento con ciclofosfamida, pulsos de corticoides y diálisis, quedando con enfermedad renal crónica estadio IV. En agosto 2019 consultó por cuadro clínico de 24 horas de evolución caracterizado por disnea progresiva hasta mMRC 2-3 asociado a hemoptisis en 3 oportunidades de 100ml cada uno aproximadamente, por lo que consulta. A su ingreso presentó episodio de hemoptisis de 200ml y desaturación con requerimiento de ventilación mecánica invasiva. En laboratorio de ingreso se objetivó caída de hematocrito de 12 puntos (Hto de 30 a 18,8%), empeoramiento de la enfermedad renal, cultivos negativos. Se realizó TACAR tórax: imagen cavitada de paredes finas sin contenido en su interior en lóbulo superior derecho. Múltiples imágenes en vidrio esmerilado con tendencia a la consolidación de distribución difusa que afecta casi la totalidad del hemitórax derecho a predominio del lóbulo inferior derecho (Figuras 1-3). Cultivo de aspirado traqueal: cerro flora habitual, hemocultivos negativos. Se interpretó como hemorragia alveolar difusa y se instauró tratamiento con Rituximab, corticoides y plasmaféresis
Male , Hemoptysis , Vasculitis , HemorrhageABSTRACT
OBJETIVOS: determinar las principales características demográficas, clínicas, radiológicas y de función pulmonar de los pacientes con bronquiectasias en la Clínica del Pulmón. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: estudio observacional, retrospectivo. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de 23 pacientes con diagnóstico de dilataciones bronquiales. RESULTADOS: de los 23 pacientes, con una edad media de 49,4 ± 3,87 años, 13 corresponden al sexo femenino y 10 al sexo masculino, el tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad desde el diagnóstico de la patología inicial es de 17,3 ± 2,92 años. La tuberculosis es la etiología principal en 15 pacientes (65,2%). Las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes son la tos y expectoración mucopurulenta por varios años en la mayoría de los pacientes, al que añadimos la disnea y hemoptisis, la auscultación pulmonar revela la presencia de crépitos en 17 pacientes (73,9%). La Tomografía de Tórax de Alta Resolución distingue dos tipos de bronquiectasias: La sacular o quística y la cilíndrica, de localización unilobar, bilobar y multilobar (difuso). La Espirometría Forzada fue indicada en 10 pacientes (43,5%) 7 mujeres y 3 varones, el Síndrome Bronquial Obstructivo fue el hallazgo más frecuente. La asociación de Tetraciclina con Metronidazol indicado en 9 pacientes (39,1%) mejoró el cuadro clínico. La fisiopatología de esta entidad clínica está sujeta a una constante actualización. CONCLUSIONES: en pacientes tosedores crónicos, las bronquiectasias deben tener prioridad diagnóstica, se trata de una patología antigua, pero de actualidad permanente.
The purpose of this document is to determine the main epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with bronchiectasis at the Lung Clinic. METHOD: observational, retrospective study. The medical records of 23 patients diagnosed with bronchial dilation were reviewed. RESULTS: the results of the 23 patients studied, with a mean age of 49,4 ± 3,87 years, 13 correspond to the female sex and 10 to the male sex, indicate that the time of evolution of the disease from the diagnosis of the initial pathology is: 17,3 ± 2,92 years. Tuberculosis is the main etiology in 15 patients (65,2%). The most frequent clinical manifestations were cough and mucopurulent expectoration of several years in most of the patients, to which we must add dyspnea and hemoptysis, pulmonary auscultation reveals the presence of crepitus in 17 patients (73,9%). High Resolution Chest Tomography distinguishes two types of bronchiectasis: the saccular or cystic and the cylindrical, the localization is unilobar, bilobar and multilobar (diffuse). Forced spirometry was indicated in 10 patients (43,5%), 7 women and 3 men, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is the main diagnosis. The association of Tetracycline with Metronidazole indicated in 9 patients (39,1%) had positive results. The pathophysiology of this clinical entity is subject to constant updating. CONCLUSIONS: in chronic coughing patients, bronchiectasis must have diagnostic priority, it is an old pathology, but it is permanently current
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Bronchiectasis , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive , Auscultation , Spirometry , Tuberculosis , Dyspnea , Hemoptysis , MetronidazoleABSTRACT
La hemosiderosis pulmonar idiopática (HPI) es una causa de hemorragia alveolar difusa. OBJETIVO: describir la evolución de niños con HPI en nuestra institución. Se realizó una revisión retrospectiva con protocolo de seguimiento. Se reclutaron 13 pacientes, 7 hombres. Procedentes de una zona agrícola (6/13). No todos presentaron la tríada diagnóstica completa: infiltrados algodonosos (9/13), anemia (11/13), hemoptisis (9/13). Todos evidenciaron un recuento de hemosiderófagos sobre 30% en el lavado broncoalveolar. Tomografía computada de tórax: normal (5/13), patrón intersticial (5/13), vidrio esmerilado (2/13) y fibrosis (1/13). Espirometría: normal (7/13), restrictiva (4/13), obstructiva (1/13) y no efectuada (1/13). Tratamiento durante la fase aguda: bolos de metilprednisolona (7/13) o prednisona (6/13) o hidrocortisona (1/13). En la fase de mantención se administró: prednisona (13/13) más un inmunosupresor, azathioprina (12/13), hidroxicloroquina (1/13), micofenolato (1/13), más budesonida MDI (13/13). Ocho pacientes detuvieron los sangrados. Dos pacientes fallecieron y hubo cinco embarazos de curso fisiológico en 3 adolescentes. Se observó: a) diferentes modalidades de presentación que retrasaron el diagnóstico; b) gran exposición a pesticidas; c) mejor pronóstico si el diagnóstico y el tratamiento eran precoces, también en niñas adolescentes; d) la mayoría detuvo los episodios de sangrado.
Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (IPH) is a cause of diffuse alveolar hemorrhage. OBJECTIVE: to describe the evolution of children with IPH in our institution. Retrospective monitoring with a follow-up protocol was carried out. 13 patients, seven males, were recruited. From an agricultural area (6/13). Not all of patients had the complete diagnostic triad: cotton infiltrates (9/13), anemia (11/13), hemoptysis (9/13). Hemosiderin-laden macrophages counting in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was over 30% in all the patients. Computed chest tomography was informed as normal (5/13), interstitial pattern (5/13), ground glass (2/13) and fibrosis (1/13). Spirometry: normal (7/13), restrictive (4/13), obstructive (1/13) and not performed (1/13). Treatment during the acute phase: bolus of methylprednisolone (7/13) or prednisone (6/13) or hydrocortisone (1/13). In the maintenance phase: prednisone (13/13) plus an immunosuppressant, azathioprine (12/13), hydroxychloroquine (1/13), mycophenolate (1/13), plus budesonide MDI (13/13). Eight patients stopped the bleeding episodes. Two patients died and there were five physiological pregnancies in 3 adolescents. It was observed:(a) different modes of IPH presentation that delayed its diagnosis; (b) large exposure to pesticides; (c) prognosis improved if diagnosis and treatment were early, also in adolescent girls; (d) most of the patients stopped the bleeding episodes.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Hemosiderosis/drug therapy , Hemosiderosis/diagnostic imaging , Lung Diseases/drug therapy , Lung Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Agricultural Zones , Clinical Evolution , Chile , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , Age of Onset , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/etiology , Hemoptysis/etiology , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Abstract Small vessel vasculitis with anti-proteinase antibodies 3 is an atypical clinical presentation of tuberculosis. The authors present the case of a 47-year-old male patient, with palpable purpura and palmoplantar hemorrhagic blisters, with subsequent dissemination. He presented severe pulmonary symptoms with cavitation, fever, hemoptysis, and high levels of anti-proteinase 3. Histopathological assessment of the skin revealed small vessel vasculitis; pulmonary histopathology showed granulomas with caseation. Bronchoalveolar lavage was positive for alcohol-acid-fast bacilli. In countries with a high prevalence of tuberculosis, the presence of autoantibodies in a patient with vasculitis, fever, and pulmonary cavitation requires investigation of infectious causes.
Vasculitis/diagnosis , Skin Diseases, Vascular , Antibodies, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic , Myeloblastin , Hemoptysis/diagnosis , Hemoptysis/etiology , Lung/diagnostic imaging , Middle AgedABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: Massive hemoptysis is one of the most serious complications in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). This study aimed to evaluate the hemoptysis-free period following bronchial and non-bronchial artery embolization (BAE/non-BAE) in CF patients and to investigate predictors of recurrent bleeding and mortality by any cause. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of CF patients ≥ 16 years of age undergoing BAE/non-BAE for hemoptysis between 2000 and 2017. Results: We analyzed 39 hemoptysis episodes treated with BAE/non-BAE in 17 CF patients. Hemoptysis recurrence rate was 56.4%. Of the sample as a whole, 3 (17.6%) were hemoptysis-free during the study period, 2 (11.8%) underwent lung transplantation, and 3 (17.6%) died. The median hemoptysis-free period was 17 months. The median hemoptysis-free period was longer in patients with chronic infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (31 months; 95% CI: 0.00-68.5) than in those without that type of infection (4 months; 95% CI: 1.8-6.2; p = 0.017). However, this association was considered weak, and its clinical significance was uncertain due to the small number of patients without that infection. Conclusions: BAE appears to be effective in the treatment of hemoptysis in patients with CF.
RESUMO Objetivo: A hemoptise maciça é uma das complicações mais graves em pacientes com fibrose cística (FC). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o período livre de hemoptise após a embolização arterial brônquica/não brônquica (EAB/não EAB) em pacientes com FC e investigar preditores de sangramento recorrente e mortalidade por qualquer causa. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo de coorte de pacientes com FC com idade ≥ 16 anos submetidos a EAB/não EAB para o tratamento de hemoptise entre 2000 e 2017. Resultados: Foram analisados 39 episódios de hemoptise tratada por meio de EAB/não EAB em 17 pacientes com FC. A taxa de recidiva da hemoptise foi de 56,4%. Do total de pacientes, 3 (17,6%) permaneceram sem hemoptise durante o estudo, 2 (11,8%) foram submetidos a transplante de pulmão e 3 (17,6%) morreram. A mediana do período sem hemoptise foi de 17 meses. A mediana do período sem hemoptise foi maior em pacientes com infecção crônica por Pseudomonas aeruginosa (31 meses; IC95%: 0,00-68,5) do que naqueles sem esse tipo de infecção (4 meses; IC95%: 1,8-6,2; p = 0,017). No entanto, essa associação foi considerada fraca, e sua importância clínica foi considerada incerta em virtude do pequeno número de pacientes sem essa infecção. Conclusões: A EAB parece ser eficaz no tratamento de hemoptise em pacientes com FC.
Humans , Cystic Fibrosis/complications , Cystic Fibrosis/therapy , Embolization, Therapeutic , Bronchial Arteries , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Hemoptysis/etiology , Hemoptysis/therapyABSTRACT
El pseudoaneurisma se define como un hematoma pulsátil repermeabilizado, encapsulado y en comunicación con la luz de un vaso dañado. Se origina cuando hay una disrupción de la pared arterial. La hemoptisis es un signo/síntoma de presentación muy rara de aneurisma aórtico torácico y de pseudoaneurisma aórtico torácico. Hay poca información sobre la hemoptisis asociada con la ruptura del aneurisma aórtico cuyo mecanismo no se explica por la presencia de una fístula aortopulmonar. Entre las hipótesis para explicar este fenómeno, se encuentra la capacidad de las arterias bronquiales de volverse hiperplásicas y tortuosas en presencia de una lesión que modifica la arquitectura pulmonar, siendo más susceptibles a la ruptura. También hay descripciones de lesiones directas del parénquima pulmonar por aneurisma roto. El presente caso nos ilustra que debemos considerar a la hemoptisis como signo de alarma en el diagnóstico diferencial de los aneurismas y pseudoaneurismas aórticos entre otras causas que puede ser fatal en breve tiempo por una hemorragia masiva.
Pseudoaneurysm is defined as a reperfused pulsatile hematoma, encapsulated and communicated with the damaged vessel's lumen. It originates when there is a disruption of the arterial wall. Hemoptysis is a very rare sign/symptom of a thoracic aortic aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm. There is little information on hemoptysis associated with aortic aneurysm rupture, whose mechanisms are not explained by the presence of an aortopulmonary fistula. Among the hypotheses to explain this phenomenon, is the ability of the bronchial arteries to become hyperplasic and tortuous in the presence of a lesion that modifies the pulmonary architecture, being more susceptible to rupture. There are also descriptions of direct lung parenchymal injury from ruptured aneurysm. The present case illustrates that we must consider the hemoptysis as a warning sign in differential diagnosis of aortic aneurysms and pseudo aneurysms, among other causes, that it can be fatal in a short time due to massive hemorrhage.
Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Aorta, Thoracic/diagnostic imaging , Aortic Rupture , Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic/diagnostic imaging , Aneurysm, False/diagnostic imaging , Hemoptysis/etiology , Tomography, X-Ray , Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic/surgery , Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic/complications , Aneurysm, False/surgery , Aneurysm, False/complications , Diagnosis, Differential , Computed Tomography Angiography , Hemoptysis/diagnosisABSTRACT
Unilateral agenesis of the pulmonary artery is a rare malformation, sometimes asymptomatic and underdiagnosed. Right agenesis is usually isolated, while the left agenesis is more frequently associated with cardiovascular malformations. Some patients have recurrent respiratory infections, exercise limitation, hemoptysis, and/or pulmonary hypertension. The diagnosis is suspected by chest radiograph showing a hypoplastic lung ipsilateral to the agenesis. It is confirmed with contrast-enhanced chest computed tomography. In asymptomatic patients, management should be conservative, however, the search for collateral vessels should be started from adolescence, because they can bleed. In symptomatic patients or those with serious complications, the treatment must be interventional. The objective of this article is to present two patients with right and left pulmonary artery agenesis respectively and review the literature.
La agenesia unilateral de la arteria pulmonar es una malformación poco frecuente, en ocasiones asintomática y subdiagnosticada. La agenesia derecha suele ser aislada, en cambio la izquierda se asocia más frecuentemente a malformaciones cardiovasculares. Algunos pacientes presentan infecciones respiratorias recurrentes, limitación al ejercicio, hemoptisis y/o hipertensión pulmonar. El diagnóstico se sospecha al solicitar una radiografía de tórax que muestra un pulmón hipoplásico ipsilateral a la agenesia. Se confirma con tomografía computada de tórax con contraste. En pacientes asintomáticos el manejo debe ser conservador, sin embargo, se debe iniciar la búsqueda de vasos colaterales especialmente durante la adolescencia, los que pueden sangrar. En cambio, en los pacientes sintomáticos o que presentan complicaciones graves, el tratamiento debe ser intervencional. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar a dos pacientes con agenesia de la arteria pulmonar derecha e izquierda respectivamente y hacer una revisión de la literatura.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Pulmonary Artery/abnormalities , Pulmonary Artery/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Thoracic , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Hemoptysis/etiologyABSTRACT
Introducción: Las vasculitis asociadas a autoanticuerpos citoplasmáticos de neutrófilos son afecciones infrecuentes con una incidencia reportada de 46 a 184 casos por millón de personas y aparecen, generalmente, en edades tardías de la vida. Objetivo: Describir los hallazgos de una paciente en la que se diagnosticó vasculitis pauciinmune tipo poliangeítis microscópica tardíamente. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 60 años con antecedente de enfermedad renal crónica y compromiso respiratorio manifestado por disnea, tos productiva, malestar general y fiebre. En las imágenes se evidenció bronquiectasias y en los exámenes de laboratorio factor reumatoideo alto, autoanticuerpos citoplasmáticos antineutrófilos perinucleares positivos, anticuerpos antinucleares negativos y hemosiderófagos en el lavado broncoalveolar. Se instauró manejo con corticoides sistémicos con franca mejoría clínica. Sin embargo, una malformación arteriovenosa que originó una hemorragia en la fosa posterior, le ocasionó la muerte. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico de las vasculitis es complejo y depende en gran medida del criterio clínico, por lo que el médico debe estar presto a la interpretación de las manifestaciones clínicas y de los hallazgos paraclínicos(AU)
Introduction: Vasculitis associated with neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies are infrequent conditions with a reported incidence of 46 to 184 cases per million people and it generally appears late in life. Objective: To describe the findings of a patient in whom microscopic polyangiitis-type pauciimmune vasculitis was late diagnosed. Clinical case report: We report a case of a 60-year-old patient with history of chronic kidney disease and respiratory compromise exhibited by dyspnea, productive cough, general malaise and fever. The images showed bronchiectasis and laboratory tests revealed high rheumatoid factor, positive perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies, negative antinuclear antibodies, and bronchoalveolar lavage exposed hemosiderophages. Management with systemic corticosteroids was established with clear clinical improvement. However, an arteriovenous malformation that caused a hemorrhage in the posterior fossa caused his death. Conclusions: The diagnosis of vasculitis is complex and depends largely on clinical criteria, so physicians must be ready to interpret the clinical manifestations and paraclinical findings(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Vasculitis/diagnosis , Hemoptysis , Kidney Diseases/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Abstract Syphilitic aortitis is a rare complication of tertiary syphilis, which can lead to aortic aneurysm formation, aortic valvular insufficiency, and ostial coronary stenosis. Syphilis has re-emerged worldwide over recent decades and vascular surgeons should be aware of its cardiovascular manifestations. Atypical clinical presentation, such as hemoptysis and a computed tomography angiography pattern of a thicker aneurysmal wall with ulcer-like aneurysm projections, should raise suspicion of syphilitic aortic aneurysm. An early diagnosis and appropriate surgical and medical therapies significantly contribute to successful treatment and favorable prognosis. Herein is reported the case of an 82-year-old male patient, positive for syphilis infection, with impending aortic arch aneurysm rupture treated with a hybrid arch repair. After 7 months, the patient was brought to the emergency room in cardiac arrest. Unsuccessful cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers were performed, and an autopsy showed cardiac tamponade due to rupture of the ascending aorta.
Resumo A aortite sifilítica é uma complicação rara da sífilis terciária, que pode levar a formação de aneurisma aórtico, insuficiência valvar aórtica e estenose ostial coronariana. Ao longo das últimas décadas, a sífilis ressurgiu ao redor do mundo, e os cirurgiões vasculares devem estar atentos às suas manifestações cardiovasculares. Apresentações clínicas atípicas, como a hemoptise, e um padrão na angiotomografia computadorizada de parede aneurismática mais grossa com projeções de aneurisma com aparência de úlcera devem levantar a suspeita de aneurisma sifilítico da aorta. O diagnóstico precoce e terapias cirúrgica e clínica adequadas contribuem significativamente para um tratamento bem-sucedido e prognóstico favorável. Relatamos o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, de 82 anos, que apresentou infecção por sífilis com ruptura iminente de aneurisma do arco aórtico. Ele foi tratado com reparo híbrido do arco. Após 7 meses, o paciente deu entrada na emergência com parada cardiorrespiratória. As manobras de reanimação cardiopulmonar foram realizadas, mas não obtiveram sucesso, e a autópsia mostrou tamponamento cardíaco devido à ruptura da aorta ascendente.
Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Syphilis, Cardiovascular/complications , Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic/complications , Aortic Rupture , Superior Vena Cava Syndrome , Cardiac Tamponade , Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic/diagnostic imaging , Early Diagnosis , Endovascular Procedures , Computed Tomography Angiography , HemoptysisABSTRACT
El objetivo de este artículo es relatar un caso de empiema pleural complicado observado en el Insituto Nacional del Torax de La Paz Bolivia, en un paciente masculino de 21 años diagnosticado: Derrame Pleural izquierdo, Trauma Torácico izquierdo, contusión pulmonar izuierdo, Hemoptisis de origen a determinar . El epiema pleural es una colección de pus en la cavidad pleural, es más común en niños, es más frecuente en los hombres y su incidencia es mayor en pacientes con antecedentes de alcoholismo, diabetes mellitus, artritis reumatoide y enfermedad pulmonar crónica. Además se expondrá la fisiopatogenia y el tratameinto basado en el control de la infección por instalación de sistema pleural a sello de agua y opciones quirúrgicas siendo abierta o por mínimamente invasiva por toracoscopia.