Resumen La lesión de la arteria intercostal es un diagnóstico diferencial poco sospechado. Puede complicarse con una inestabilidad hemodinámica por un hemotórax o un hematoma intratorácico, lo que contribuye a su morbilidad y mortalidad. Se reporta el caso de un paciente de 61 años sin antecedentes patológicos conocidos que acudió al servicio de urgencias por dolor asociado a dificultad respiratoria posterior a un trauma torácico cerrado por caída de 8 días de evolución. Los estudios de imagen revelaron un hemotórax derecho, que ameritó la colocación de un tubo pleural. Se realizó una laparotomía exploratoria sin evidencia de hemorragias ni colecciones intrabdominales, y que posteriormente falleció. En el examen de necropsia se evidenciaron fracturas del noveno y décimo arco costal posterior derecho, asociado a un hematoma. El hemotórax secundario a la lesión de la arteria intercostal es poco frecuente, pero es una emergencia que requiere un diagnóstico asertivo y una intervención oportuna.
Abstract Intercostal artery injury is a poorly suspected differential diagnosis. It can be complicated by hemodynamic instability due to hemothorax or intrathoracic hematoma, which contributes to morbidity and mortality. We report the case of a 61-year-old patient with no pathological history known, who was presented to the emergency department for pain associated with respiratory distress following a blunt chest trauma due to a fall 8 days earlier. The Imaging studies revealed a right hemothorax, which required the placement of a pleural tube. An exploratory laparotomy was performed without evidence of bleeding or intra-abdominal collections, and he subsequently died. The necropsy examination revealed fractures of the ninth and tenth right posterior costal arch, associated with a posterior costal hematoma. The hemothorax that is secondary to an intercostal artery injury is rare, but it is an emergency that requires assertive diagnosis and timely intervention.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Hemothorax/diagnosis , Intercostal Nerves/pathology , Panama , Shock, HemorrhagicABSTRACT
Introducción: El trauma torácico se encuentra entre las primeras causas de muerte, fundamentalmente en personas jóvenes. Objetivos: Caracterizar a una población operada por traumatismos torácicos según variables clinicoepidemiológicas y describir los hallazgos tomográficos posquirúrgicos. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional y descriptivo de 48 pacientes atendidos en el Servicio de Radiología del Provincial Clínico-Quirúrgico Docente Saturnino Lora de Santiago de Cuba, de enero del 2016 a diciembre del 2018, a los cuales se les realizó tomografía computarizada multidetector. Resultados: Los traumas torácicos predominaron en personas jóvenes del sexo masculino, asociadas fundamentalmente a acciones violentas que provocaron traumas abiertos. La contusión pulmonar resultó ser el hallazgo tomográfico inicial más frecuente, en tanto, el neumotórax persistente y el hemotórax coagulado constituyeron los hallazgos tomográficos más influyentes en la decisión de una reintervención quirúrgica. Conclusiones: La tomografía es un medio diagnóstico que permite una descripción detallada del estado posoperatorio de los órganos afectados, con un alto valor orientativo para decidir procedimientos quirúrgicos posteriores.
Introduction: The thoracic trauma is among the first causes of death, fundamentally in young people. Objectives: To characterize a population operated due to thoracic trauma according to clinical epidemiological variables and describe the postsurgical tomographic findings. Methods: An observational and descriptive study of 48 patients assisted in the Radiology Service of Saturnino Lora Teaching Clinical Surgical Provincial Hospital was carried out in Santiago de Cuba, from January, 2016 to December, 2018, to whom a multidetector computed tomography was carried out. Results: The thoracic traumas prevailed in young male people, fundamentally associated with violent actions that caused open traumas. The lung contusion was the most frequent initial tomographic finding, as long as, the persistent pneumothorax and the coagulated hemothorax constituted the most influential tomographic findings in the decision of a surgical reintervention. Conclusions: Tomography is a diagnostic means that allows a detailed description of the postoperative state in the affected organs, with a high orientative value to decide later surgical procedures.
Thoracic Injuries/surgery , Thoracic Injuries/epidemiology , Multidetector Computed Tomography , Pneumothorax/surgery , Thoracic Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Hemothorax/surgeryABSTRACT
Las heridas precordiales son una entidad poco frecuente y desafiante en cirugía de trauma en los servicios de Emergencia. La incidencia elevada de taponamiento y trauma cardiaco, así como su alta mortalidad obliga a tomar decisiones diagnósticas y terapéuticas rápidas y precisas. Material y Métodos: se presentan los casos de dos pacientes masculinos que ingresaron al servicio de Emergencia del Hospital Roosevelt con lesiones precordiales penetrantes con trauma pericárdico y cardiaco, con diferentes manifestaciones clínicas a los que se les realizó ventana pericárdica subxifoidea diagnóstica y seguido una esternotomía media con exposición pericárdica y cardiaca como abordaje y tratamiento quirúrgico definitivo. Discusión: Es de suma importancia reconocer los amplios escenarios de presentaciones clínicas del paciente con heridas en la región precordial y mantener un alto índice de sospecha de trauma y taponamiento cardiacos en todas las lesiones precordiales penetrantes en pacientes estables e inestables para no retrasar el diagnóstico y tratamiento quirúrgico temprano y adecuado. Las lesiones asociadas y complicaciones trans y postoperatorias aumentan la mortalidad de estos pacientes (AU)
Precordial wounds are rare and challenging lesions in Trauma Services. The high incidence of cardiac trauma and the high mortality requires fast and precise diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. Case report: Two male patients who were admitted to the Roosevelt Hospital Emergency Service with penetrating precordial injuries with pericardial and cardiac trauma are presented, with different clinical manifestations, who underwent a diagnostic subxiphoid pericardial window and a median sternotomy with pericardial and cardiac exposure as a definitive surgical approach and treatment. Discussion: Is important to recognize the broad scenarios of patients with wounds in the precordial region and to maintain a high index of suspicion of cardiac trauma and tamponade in all penetrating precordial injuries inclusive in stable patients to not delay diagnosis and treatment and a proper surgical intervention. Associated injuries and perioperative complications increase the mortality of these patients
Humans , Male , Adult , Wounds, Gunshot/diagnosis , Wounds, Nonpenetrating/diagnostic imaging , Sternotomy/methods , Wounds and Injuries/surgery , Myocardial Contusions/pathology , Hemothorax/diagnosisABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has increased exponentially in recent years and has shown to be effective in treating adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) secondary to HiNi-related pneumonia. However, evidence remains controversial. This study describes a case series of ECMO in ARDS secondary to viral pneumonia. Methods A search was conducted in the ECMO database of Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia for the 20132017 period. A case series report was written of patients diagnosed with ARDS secondary to confirmed or suspected viral pneumonia. Results Nineteen patients with ECMO support and ARDS due to viral pneumonia were included in the study. The survival rate upon discharge was 11 patients (58%) and weaning from ECMO support was successful in 13 patients (68%). Hemorrhagic complications were the most frequent: gastrointestinal bleeding, 10 patients (53%); intracranial bleeding, 2 (10%); alveolar hemorrhage, 2 (10%);' hemothorax requiring thoracostomy with chest tube drainage, 2 (10%); cannulation site bleeding, 9 patients (47%); and surgical site bleeding in 3 patients (25%) who required tracheostomy. Other complications were: pneumothorax, 1 patient (5%); sepsis, 6 patients (32%); and growth of microorganisms in bronchial lavage, 6 patients (32%). Conclusions This study supports the use of veno-venous ECMO to achieve a higher survival rate than expected in patients with severe ARDS and refractory hypoxemia secondary to viral pneumonia. Early initiation of the therapy should improve overall results.
Resumen Introducción El uso de la oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea (ECMO) ha tenido un incremento exponencial en los últimos años y ha demostrado ser efectivo en el manejo del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria del adulto (SDRA) secundario a neumonía por H1N1, si bien la evidencia sigue siendo controvertida. En este estudio describimos una serie de casos de ECMO por SDRA secundario a neumonía viral. Métodos Se realizó una búsqueda en la base de datos de ECMO de la Fundación Cardiovascular desde el año 20132017. Reportamos una serie de casos donde se incluyeron pacientes diagnosticados con SDRA secundario a neumonía viral sospechosa o confirmada. Resultados Se incluyeron en el estudio 19 pacientes con soporte de ECMO y SDRA por neumonía viral. La sobrevida al alta fue 11 pacientes (58%) y el destete del ECMO fue exitoso en 13 pacientes (68%). Las complicaciones hemorrágicas presentadas fueron: sangrado digestivo, 10 pacientes (53%), sangrado cerebral, 2 (10%), hemorragia alveolar, 2 (10%), hemotórax con requerimiento de toracostomía a drenaje cerrado, 2 (10%), sangrado activo por sitio de canulación, 9 pacientes (53%), y 3 pacientes traqueostomizados (25%) que sangraron por el sitio quirúrgico. Otras complicaciones presentadas fueron: neumotórax, 1 paciente (5%), septicemia, 6 (32%) y crecimiento de microorganismos en lavados bronquiales 6 (32%). Conclusion El presente estudio permite indicar que el uso de la ECMO VV viabiliza una sobrevida mayor a la esperada en pacientes con SDRA severo e hipoxemia refractaria secundario a neumonía viral. Su inicio tempranamente debe mejorar los resultados globales.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Pneumonia, Viral , Poisons , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn , Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation , Chest Tubes , Hemothorax , Pneumothorax , Thoracostomy , Tracheostomy , Catheterization , Survival Rate , Sepsis , Bronchoalveolar Lavage , Influenza A Virus, H1N1 SubtypeABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: El hemotórax masivo (HM) se puede definir como el acúmulo súbito de ≥ 1.500 ml de sangre en la cavidad pleural o débito ≥ 200 ml/h de sangre en 3-4 h por pleurotomía; es considerada una complicación traumática grave. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, índices de gravedad de traumatismo (IGT), morbilidad y variables asociadas a mortalidad en pacientes con hemotórax masivo por traumatismo torácico operados (HMTT). Materiales y Método: Estudio analítico longitudinal. Período enero de 1981 a diciembre de 2018. Revisión prospectiva de base de datos, protocolos quirúrgicos y fichas clínicas. Descripción de características de HMTT. Se calcularon IGT: Injury Severity Score (ISS), Revised Trauma Score (RTS-T), Trauma Injury Severity Score (TRISS). Para mortalidad se realizó análisis univariado con cálculo de Odds Ratio. Resultados: Total 4.306 traumatismos torácicos (TT), HMTT 119 (2,8%). Hombres 112 (94,1%), edad promedio 32 ± 13,2 años, 91 (76,5%) pacientes presentaron TT aislado, 28 (23,5%) asociado a lesiones extratorácicas, de estos, 23 (19,3%) fueron politraumatismos. Fueron traumatismos penetrantes 102 (85,7%). El HMTT se atribuyó principalmente a: lesión de pared en 38 (31,9%) y lesión pulmonar en 29 (24,4%). De las cirugías torácicas: 87 (73,1%) fueron urgentes (≤ 4 h), 10 (8,4%) precoces (> 4-24 h) y 22 (18,5%) diferidas (> 24 h). Hospitalización postoperatoria promedio 7,9 ± 6,4 días. Según IGT: ISS promedio 17,4 ± 9,6, RTS-T promedio 10,2 ± 2,7, TRISS promedio 12,7. Morbilidad 46 (38,7%) y mortalidad 15 (12,6%). Discusión: Los HMTT se atribuyeron principalmente a lesiones de pared y lesión pulmonar. En la mayoría se requirió cirugía torácica de urgencia. La mortalidad observada es semejante a la esperada según IGT. Existen variables asociadas a mayor mortalidad.
Introduction: Massive hemothorax (MH) can be defined as the sudden accumulation of ≥ 1500 ml of blood in the pleural cavity or debit ≥ 200 ml/h in 3-4 hours through pleurostomy, and it is considered a serious complication. Aim: To describe features, trauma severity indexes (TSI), morbidity and variables associated with mortality in patients with traumatic MH who required surgical treatment. Materials and Method: analytical longitudinal study. Period January 1981 to December 2018. Database, surgical protocols, medical records review. Description of MH characteristics. The following TSI were calculated: Injury Severity Score (ISS), Revised Trauma Score (RTS-T), Trauma Injury Severity Score (TRISS). An Odds Ratio univariate analysis was used for mortality. Results: Total 4306 TT, operated MH 119 (2.8%). Men were 112 (94.1%), average age 32 ± 13.2 years, 91 (76.5%) had isolated TT, 28 (23.5%) were associated with extrathoracic injuries and of these 23 (19.3%) were polytraumatized patients. Penetrating TT was 102 (85.7%). MH was mainly attributed to: chest wall injury in 38 (31.9%), pulmonary lacerations 29 (24.4%). Of the thoracic surgeries: 87 (73.1%) were urgent (≤ 4 h), 10 (8.4%) early (> 4-24 h) and 22 (18.5%) deferred (> 24 h). Average post operatory stay (days): 7.9 ± 6.4 According to TSI: average ISS 17.4 ± 9.6; RTS-T average 10.2 ± 2.7; TRISS average 12.7. Morbidity 46 (38.7%). Mortality 15 (12.6%). Discussion: MH is mainly attributed to chest wall injuries and pulmonary lacerations. Most of HM required urgent thoracic surgery. The observed mortality is similar to that expected one by TSI. There are variables associated with higher mortality in MH.
Humans , Thoracic Injuries , Trauma Severity Indices , Hemothorax/epidemiology , Longitudinal Studies , MorbidityABSTRACT
Physical traumas are tragic and multifaceted injuries that suddenly threaten life. Although it is the third most common cause of death in all age groups, one out of four trauma patients die due to thoracic injury or its complications. Blunt injuries constitute the majority of chest trauma. This indicates the importance of chest trauma among all traumas. Blunt chest trauma is usually caused by motor vehicle accident, falling from height, blunt instrument injury and physical assault. As a result of chest trauma, many injuries may occur, such as pulmonary injuries, and these require urgent intervention. Chest wall and pulmonary injuries range from rib fractures to flail chest, pneumothorax to hemothorax and pulmonary contusion to tracheobronchial injuries. Following these injuries, patients may present with a simple dyspnea or even respiratory arrest. For such patient, it is important to understand the treatment logic and to take a multidisciplinary approach to treat the pulmonary and chest wall injuries. This is because only 10% of thoracic trauma patients require surgical operation and the remaining 90% can be treated with simple methods such as appropriate airway, oxygen support, maneuvers, volume support and tube thoracostomy. Adequate pain control in chest trauma is sometimes the most basic and best treatment. With definite diagnosis, the morbidity and mortality can be significantly reduced by simple treatment methods.
Humans , Flail Chest , Therapeutics , Hemothorax , Therapeutics , Lung Injury , Therapeutics , Pain Management , Pneumothorax , Therapeutics , Rib Fractures , Therapeutics , Thoracic Injuries , Therapeutics , Thoracic Wall , Wounds and Injuries , Wounds, Nonpenetrating , TherapeuticsABSTRACT
Mesothelioma is considered a malignant neoplasm caused by the proliferation of mesothelial cells mostly from the pleura, peritoneum and pericardium. Here we described a case of fatal hemothorax caused by pleural mesothelioma in a lion by means of necropsy, histopathology and immunohistochemistry. Gross inspection of the thoracic cavity showed hemothorax with about 4 liters of blood. Microscopically, numerous, randomly distributed, soft, red-pink, irregular masses with up to 1cm in diameter were observed in both visceral and parietal pleurae. Microscopically, a papillary structure pattern was observed in the thoracic masses, composed mainly by one layer of cubic mesothelial cells, which presented eosinophilic cytoplasm, central nucleus and evident nucleolus, supported by a low cellular fibrovascularstroma. Neoplastic cells were positive for both cytokeratin and vimentin by immunohistochemistry. This seems to be the first report of fatal hemothorax caused by pleural mesothelioma in a lion.(AU)
O mesotelioma é considerado um neoplasma maligna causada pela proliferação de células mesoteliais, principalmente da pleura, peritôneo e pericárdio. O presente caso descreve os achados macroscópicos, microscópicos e imuno-histoquímicos do hemotórax fatal causado por um mesotelioma pleural em um leão. Macroscopicamente, na cavidade torácica, foi observado cerca de 4 litros de sangue. Além disso, foram observadas numerosas massas macias, vermelho-rosa, irregulares, com até 1cm de diâmetro e distribuídas aleatoriamente pelas pleuras parietal e visceral. Microscopicamente, as massas torácicas apresentavam estruturas papilares, compostas por uma camada de células mesoteliais, que apresentavam citoplasma eosinofílico, núcleo central e nucléolo evidente, suportada por um estroma fibrovascular pouco celular. A imuno-histoquímica foi positiva para ambas citoqueratina e vimentina nas células neoplásicas. Este trabalho descreve o que parece ser o primeiro relato de um hemotórax fatal causado por um mesotelioma pleural em um leão.(AU)
Animals , Hemothorax/diagnosis , Animals, Wild/abnormalities , MesotheliomaABSTRACT
STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case series. PURPOSE: Describe the technique and evaluate the outcome of apical vertebral column resection (VCR) with sagittal rotation and anterior opening and posterior closing (AOPC) maneuver for correction of severe post-tubercular kyphosis (PTK). OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE: The surgical procedures described for the correction of PTK are VCR, pedicle subtraction osteotomy, transpedicular decancellation osteotomy, and closing-opening osteotomy. METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated 21 patients who had been operated on with single stage apical VCR with AOPC maneuver. Radiographs were obtained before surgery and at regular follow-up intervals. These were used to calculate the angle of kyphosis. Back pain was rated using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and neurological status was graded using Frankel grading. Radiological outcome was assessed by the improvement in the angle of kyphosis and fusion following surgery. Neurological status was assessed using Frankel grading. RESULTS: The study included eight males and 13 females with a mean age of 21.9 and average follow-up time of 30.4 months. The average number of vertebral bodies destroyed was 2.57. Kyphosis was improved from a mean of 68.42°±13.23° preoperative to 8.71°±4.58° postoperative. The average correction achieved was 87.10%. Preoperative VAS score improved from a mean of 6.38±0.92 preoperative to 1.38±0.49 postoperative. No patients had any sign of neurological deterioration. Seven out of eight patients with a preoperative neurological deficit improved following surgery. Two patients developed superficial wound maceration, one had persistent postoperative hypotension, and the other developed hemothorax. All patients recovered fully without a need for additional surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Single stage simultaneous anterior column lengthening and posterior column shortening is an effective method for surgical correction of severe PTK.
Female , Humans , Male , Back Pain , Follow-Up Studies , Hemothorax , Hypotension , Kyphosis , Methods , Osteotomy , Retrospective Studies , Spine , Visual Analog Scale , Wounds and InjuriesABSTRACT
Introducción: el hematoma mediastinal es una causa rara de complicación en el abordaje de la vía venosa central (VVC). Estudio de Gupta 2011 reportó uno y revisó varios casos clínicos analizando la conducta terapéutica. Caso clínico: mujer de 51 años con ventilación mecánica invasiva en terapia intensiva por encefalitis viral, que después de la colocación de VVC subclavia presentó inestabilidad hemodinámica, dificultad para ventilar con resistencias elevadas y compliance disminuida, hace paro cardiaco que revierte con maniobras, se precisa diagnóstico de hematoma mediastinal y se indica manejo conservador con el que evoluciona satisfactoriamente. Discusión: el hematoma de mediastino siempre debe sospecharse y es evidente en radiografías de tórax en los casos graves, con ensanchamiento mediastinal. La ventilación mecánica establece una presión positiva intratorácica permitiendo contener el hematoma, el manejo conservador se reporta beneficioso. Conociendo que las complicaciones de colocación de VVC son mínimas pero con elevado riesgo de inestabilidad, prolongación de hospitalización y aumento de la mortalidad, se recomienda evitar abordajes innecesarios, en especial subclavios.
Background: Mediastinal hematoma is an uncommon complication from the central venous access. The Gupta's trial 2011 reported one case and a review of other similar cases, 3 cases were treated with coil embolisation by vascular lesion, another 3 cases who needs thoracotomy for hemothorax complication and just 2 cases was established a conservative management in which only one survived. Clinical case: 51-year-old female in invasive mechanical ventilation admitted to intensive care unit (ICU) due to viral encephalitis, present hemodynamic instability and difficulty to ventilate by high resistance and low compliance after of a subclavian venous access, then complicated with cardiac arrest that reverted in 5 min with resuscitation maneuvers, we made a conservative management with continuous infusion of norepinephrine and invasive mechanical ventilation with protective technique (PEEP 10, TV6cc/kg), the requirements of norepinephrine decrease progressively, then the patient was disconnected from mechanical ventilation and was discharged from the intensive care satisfactorily. Discussion: Mediastinal hematoma should always be suspected and is evident with chest X-rays just when it is a severe case and it is suspicioned with wide mediastinum. Conservative management to this case into intensive care unit could be beneficial. Mechanical ventilation establishes a positive intra-thoracic pressure allowing the hematoma to be contained. Knowing that the complications of central venous access are minimal but these complications have high risk of instability, prolonged hospitalization and increased mortality. It is recommended avoid unnecessary central venous access, mainly subclavian access
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Mediastinal Diseases , Hemothorax , Hydrothorax , MediastinumABSTRACT
A poliangiite microscópica (PAM) é uma vasculite necrosante sistêmica pauci-imune associada ao anticorpo anticitoplasma de neutrófilos (ANCA) com preferência de pequenos vasos. Relato do caso: Relatamos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 54 anos, que apresentou quadro de poliartrite migratória em punhos, joelhos e tornozelos associada à rigidez matinal progressiva, com histórico de "rash" malar, fotossensibilidade e alopecia. Progrediu ao longo do ano de 2017 com deterioração da função renal e hemorragia pulmonar, necessitando de cuidados intensivos. A biópsia renal sugeriu padrão compatível com glomerulonefrite pauci-imune e o diagnóstico de poliangiite microscópica foi aventado. Realizou pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona e ciclofosfamida, além de plasmaférese, recebendo alta após estabilização do quadro clínico. Importância do problema: O presente caso ilustra uma complicação incomum e de elevada morbimortalidade da PAM. A negatividade do ANCA dificultou o diagnóstico, sendo necessária a realização de biópsia renal com confirmação diagnóstica. A síndrome pulmão-rim apresenta evolução potencialmente fatal se não instituído precocemente o tratamento. (AU)
Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) is a pauci-immune systemic necrotizing vasculitis associated with neutrophil anti-cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) with a preference for small vessels. Case report: We report the case of a 54-year-old woman, who presented migratory polyarthritis in wrists, knees and ankles associated with progressive morning stiffness, with history of malar "rash", photosensitivity and alopecia. It progressed throughout the year of 2017 with deterioration of renal function and pulmonary hemorrhage, requiring intensive care. Renal biopsy suggested a pattern compatible with pauci-immune glomerulonephritis and the diagnosis of microscopic polyangiitis was suggested. She underwent pulse therapy with methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide, in addition to plasmapheresis, being discharged from hospital after stabilization of the clinical condition. Importance of the issue: The present case reveals an uncommon and high morbimortality complication of MPA. The negativity of the ANCA made diagnosis difficult, and a renal biopsy was necessary to confirm diagnosis. Lung-kidney syndrome is potentially fatal if the treatment is not instituted early. (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Pulmonary Alveoli , Microscopic Polyangiitis , Glomerulonephritis , Hemorrhage , HemothoraxABSTRACT
El objetivo es discutir el manejo del hemotórax traumático con cirugía videoasistida (VATS) y una revisión de sus principales indicaciones. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con hemotórax por traumatismo penetrante. Inicialmente manejado con pleurostomía, evoluciona con persistencia del sangrado, por lo que se explora. Como hallazgo se encuentra una lesión de arteria torácica interna que se controla con clips de VATS. El paciente evoluciona estable, sin dolor, por lo que se da de alta al tercer día. El manejo quirúrgico preferido del traumatismo de tórax clásicamente ha sido la toracotomía, pero los abordajes mínimamente invasivos han ganado espacio gracias a su menor morbilidad asociada. Algunos de sus beneficios son el menor dolor en el posoperatorio, menor sangrado y menor tiempo operatorio. Algunas indicaciones validadas son el hemotórax retenido y la persistencia del sangrado, siempre que el paciente se encuentre hemodinámicamente estable y no haya sospecha de lesión cardíaca o de grandes vasos. Se concluye que la VATS es una técnica apropiada en casos seleccionados de hemotórax traumático, pero el abordaje de elección sigue siendo la toracotomía tradicional.
The objective is to discuss the use of video assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) in thoracic trauma and to review the most common indications. A young male with a hemothorax due to penetrating trauma is seen at the emergency department. Initial management with a pleural tube revealed persistence of bleeding so surgical exploration was performed. A lesion of the internal thoracic artery was found and controlled with VATS using laparoscopic clips. The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and was discharged home on the third day posterior to surgery. Usually, surgical management of thoracic trauma has been thoracotomy, but minimally invasive procedures have gained terrain in this area thanks to their lower morbility. Some benefits of these are less postoperative pain, less bleeding, and shorter surgical time. Its validated indications include retained hemothorax and persistent bleeding, but only if the patient is hemodinamically stable and cardiac or large vessel lesions are not suspected. As a conclussion, VATS is an appropriate technique for selected cases of traumatic hemothorax, but thoracotomy still remains as the prefered surgical approach.
Humans , Male , Adult , Thoracic Injuries/surgery , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted/methods , Thorax/diagnostic imaging , Thoracotomy , Computed Tomography Angiography/methods , Hemothorax/surgery , Mammary Arteries/injuriesABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: We developed an additional laser guidance system to improve the efficacy and safety of conventional computed tomography (CT)–guided percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy (PTNB), and we conducted this study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of our system. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of 244 patients who underwent CT-guided PTNB using our additional laser guidance system from July 1, 2015, to January 20, 2016. RESULTS: There were nine false-negative results among the 238 total cases. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy of our system for diagnosing malignancy were 94.4% (152/161), 100% (77/77), 100% (152/152), 89.5% (77/86), and 96.2% (229/238), respectively. The results of univariate analysis showed that the risk factors for a false-negative result were male sex (p=0.029), a final diagnosis of malignancy (p=0.033), a lesion in the lower lobe (p=0.035), shorter distance from the skin to the target lesion (p=0.003), and shorter distance from the pleura to the target lesion (p=0.006). The overall complication rate was 30.5% (74/243). Pneumothorax, hemoptysis, and hemothorax occurred in 21.8% (53/243), 9.1% (22/243), and 1.6% (4/243) of cases, respectively. CONCLUSION: The additional laser guidance system might be a highly economical and efficient method to improve the diagnostic efficacy and safety of conventional CT-guided PTNB even if performed by inexperienced pulmonologists.
Humans , Male , Biopsy, Needle , Diagnosis , Hemoptysis , Hemothorax , Lung Neoplasms , Medical Records , Methods , Needles , Pleura , Pneumothorax , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Sensitivity and Specificity , Skin , Solitary Pulmonary NoduleABSTRACT
Although it is very rare, hemopneumothorax can occur during breast augmentation. This potentially fatal surgical complication can be experienced by any plastic surgeon who performs breast augmentation surgery. In this article, we present a case from our institution and review the related literature in order to explore the etiological mechanism of hemopneumothorax, as well as preventive measures and treatments. In addition, we have tried to emphasize the importance of a thorough knowledge of anatomical variations and proper surgical techniques as ways to minimize the likelihood of this complication.
Breast , Hemopneumothorax , Hemorrhage , Hemothorax , Plastics , Pneumothorax , Wounds and InjuriesABSTRACT
Delayed massive hemothorax requiring surgery is relatively uncommon and can potentially be life-threatening. Here, we aimed to describe the nature and cause of delayed massive hemothorax requiring immediate surgery. Over 5 years, 1,278 consecutive patients were admitted after blunt trauma. Delayed hemothorax is defined as presenting with a follow-up chest radiograph and computed tomography showing blunting or effusion. A massive hemothorax is defined as blood drainage >1,500 mL after closed thoracostomy and continuous bleeding at 200 mL/hr for at least four hours. Five patients were identified all requiring emergency surgery. Delayed massive hemothorax presented 63.6±21.3 hours after blunt chest trauma. All patients had superficial diaphragmatic lacerations caused by the sharp edge of a broken rib. The mean preoperative chest tube drainage was 3,126±463 mL. We emphasize the high-risk of massive hemothorax in patients who have a broken rib with sharp edges.
Humans , Chest Tubes , Diaphragm , Drainage , Emergencies , Follow-Up Studies , Hemorrhage , Hemothorax , Lacerations , Radiography, Thoracic , Rib Fractures , Ribs , Thoracic Injuries , Thoracostomy , ThoraxABSTRACT
Neuroblastoma is the most common pediatric extracranial solid tumor derived from primitive neural crest cells of the sympathetic nervous system. Although one-fifths of all neuroblastomas occurs within the thorax, thoracic neuroblastomas detected in fetus have been rarely reported. We report a case of fetal thoracic neuroblastoma with massive pleural effusion detected with prenatal ultrasonography. A 34-year-old Korean second-gravida was referred to our hospital at 30 weeks of gestation for evaluation, after the right lung mass found in the fetus. Approximately 3 cm, well-defined, hyperechoic mass was found in the right thorax with right pleural effusion, with the initial suspicion of teratoma. However, as mass continued to grow with deteriorating pleural effusion and fetal hydrops, the mass was considered malignant after 3 weeks. After a cesarean delivery, an approximately 4 cm mass with peripheral calcification and hemothorax was found on neonatal ultrasonography. Neuroblastoma was diagnosed on excision biopsy.
Adult , Humans , Pregnancy , Biopsy , Fetus , Hemothorax , Hydrops Fetalis , Lung , Mediastinum , Neural Crest , Neuroblastoma , Pleural Effusion , Sympathetic Nervous System , Teratoma , Thorax , Ultrasonography , Ultrasonography, PrenatalABSTRACT
Chest tube insertion is a common procedure usually done for the purpose of draining accumulated air or fluid in the pleural cavity. Small-bore chest tubes (≤14F) are generally recommended as the first-line therapy for spontaneous pneumothorax in non-ventilated patients and pleural effusions in general, with the possible exception of hemothoraces and malignant effusions (for which an immediate pleurodesis is planned). Large-bore chest drains may be useful for very large air leaks, as well as post-ineffective trial with small-bore drains. Chest tube insertion should be guided by imaging, either bedside ultrasonography or, less commonly, computed tomography. The so-called trocar technique must be avoided. Instead, blunt dissection (for tubes >24F) or the Seldinger technique should be used. All chest tubes are connected to a drainage system device: flutter valve, underwater seal, electronic systems or, for indwelling pleural catheters (IPC), vacuum bottles. The classic, three-bottle drainage system requires either (external) wall suction or gravity (“water seal”) drainage (the former not being routinely recommended unless the latter is not effective). The optimal timing for tube removal is still a matter of controversy; however, the use of digital drainage systems facilitates informed and prudent decision-making in that area. A drain-clamping test before tube withdrawal is generally not advocated. Pain, drain blockage and accidental dislodgment are common complications of small-bore drains; the most dreaded complications include organ injury, hemothorax, infections, and re-expansion pulmonary edema. IPC represent a first-line palliative therapy of malignant pleural effusions in many centers. The optimal frequency of drainage, for IPC, has not been formally agreed upon or otherwise officially established.
Humans , Catheters , Chest Tubes , Drainage , Gravitation , Hemothorax , Palliative Care , Pleura , Pleural Cavity , Pleural Effusion , Pleural Effusion, Malignant , Pleurodesis , Pneumothorax , Pulmonary Edema , Suction , Surgical Instruments , Thorax , Ultrasonography , VacuumABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Although the risk of bleeding after endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) is low, the safety of EUS-FNA in patients prescribed antithrom-botic agents is unclear. Therefore, this study evaluated the incidence of bleeding after EUS-FNA in those patients. METHODS: Between September 2012 and September 2015, patients who were prescribed antithrombotic agents underwent EUS-FNA at 13 institutions in Japan were prospectively enrolled in the study. The antithrombotic agents were managed according to the guidelines of the Japanese Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Society. The rate of bleeding events, thromboembolic events and other complications within 2 weeks after EUS-FNA were analyzed. RESULTS: Of the 2,629 patients who underwent EUS-FNA during the study period, 85 (62 males; median age, 74 years) patients were included in this stduy. Two patients (2.4%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.6% to 8.3%) experienced bleeding events. One patient required surgical intervention for hemothorax 5 hours after EUS-FNA, and the other experienced melena 8 days after EUS-FNA and required red blood cell transfusions. No thromboembolic events occurred (0%; 95% CI, 0.0% to 4.4%). Three patients (3.5%; 95% CI, 1.2% to 10.0%) experienced peri-puncture abscess formation. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of bleeding after EUS-FNA in patients prescribed antithrombotic agents might be considerable.
Humans , Male , Abscess , Asian People , Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration , Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal , Erythrocyte Transfusion , Fibrinolytic Agents , Hemorrhage , Hemothorax , Incidence , Japan , Melena , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
Resumen El secuestro pulmonar es una malformación pulmonar rara, presentándose generalmente en edades tempranas. Se presenta mayoritariamente con neumonías e infecciones repetidas, distrés respiratorio y falla cardíaca; raramente en pacientes de mayor edad se presenta con hemoptisis y dolor torácico. En este artículo se describe el caso clínico de un paciente de 60 años de edad que se presenta con un infarto de un secuestro pulmonar y hemotórax.
Bronchopulmonary sequestration is a rare pulmonary malformation, usually occurring at an early age. It presents mainly with pneumonia and repetitive infections, respiratory distress and heart failure; rarely in aged patients presents with hemoptysis and chest pain. This article describes the clinical case of a 60-year-old male patient who presented an ischemic pulmonary sequestration and hemothorax.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Chest Pain/etiology , Bronchopulmonary Sequestration/complications , Bronchopulmonary Sequestration/diagnostic imaging , Hemothorax , Chest Pain/diagnosis , Chest Pain/therapy , Radiography, Thoracic , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Bronchopulmonary Sequestration/surgery , HemoptysisABSTRACT
El propósito de este estudio fue determinar la presencia de la coagulación del hemotórax como un fenómeno temprano y visible por ecografía, en los pacientes con derrame posterior al trauma de tórax. Se evaluaron, de manera descriptiva y prospectiva, las características clínicas y ecográficas de los pacientes que presentaron hemotórax o hemoneumotórax traumático, entre enero de 2011 y marzo de 2014. Se practicó ecografía de tórax a 68 pacientes que presentaron este tipo de lesiones y se encontró la presencia temprana de coágulos en 9 de ellos, de los cuales solo uno presento hemotórax retenido como complicación. El 1/9 de los pacientes con coágulos desarrollan hemotórax coagulado, en tanto que 4/59 de aquellos sin coágulos lo desarrollan (riesgo relativo, RR=1,65; IC95% 0,20-1,31). Se concluyó que no había relación entre la aparición temprana de coágulos y el desarrollo de hemotórax. Se requieren estudios con un mayor número de pacientes para demostrar esta asociación
The objective of this study was to determine the presence of retained clotted hemothorax as an early phenomenon visible by ultrasound in patients with pleural effusion posterior to thoracic trauma. We prospectively and descriptively assessed the clinical and ultrasound characteristics of patients who presented traumatic hemothorax or hemopneumothorax in the period January 2011 to March 2014. Ultrasound was performed on 68 patients with this type of injury, and early clots were found in nine patients, of whom only one developed retained hemothorax. We conclude that there is no direct relation between the occurrence of blood clots in the early hemothorax and the development of retained clotted hemothorax. Studies with large numbers of patients are required to demonstrate this association