Objective: To analyze the short-term clinical effects of robot-assisted and laparoscopic repair of the hiatal hernia. Methods: The clinical data of 56 patients underwent minimally invasive hiatal hernia repair from January 2021 to January 2022 in the Department of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Hernias and Abdominal Wall Surgery, People's Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region were retrospectively analyzed. There were 32 males and 24 females, aging (59.7±10.7) years (range: 28 to 75 years). All patients were divided into laparoscopy group (n=27) and robot group (n=29) according to surgical procedures. Perioperative conditions, hospital stay, and improvement in symptoms before and after surgery were compared between the two groups by the t test, Wilcoxon rank-sum test and χ2 test. Results: All surgical procedures were successfully completed, without conversion to laparotomy or change in operation mode. There were no serious complications related to the operation. The intraoperative blood loss of the robot group was less than that of the laparoscopic group (M (IQR)): (20 (110) ml vs. 40 (80) ml, Z=-4.098, P<0.01). The operation time ((111.7±33.6) minutes vs. (120.4±35.0) minutes, t=-0.943, P=0.350) and hospitalization time ((3.9±1.4) days vs. (4.7±1.9) days, t=-1.980, P=0.053) of the robot group and the laparoscopic group were similar. Follow-up for 12 months after the operation showed no postoperative complications and recurrence. The score of the health-related quality of life questionnaire for gastroesophageal reflux disease in the robot group decreased from 10.8±2.8 before the operation to 6.5±0.6 after the operation, and that in the laparoscopic group decreased from 10.6±2.1 before the operation to 6.3±0.6 after the operation. There was no difference in the influence of different surgical methods on the change in score (t=0.030,P=0.976). Conclusion: Compared with laparoscopic repair of the hiatal hernia, robot-assisted hiatal hernia repair has the advantages of less bleeding, rapid postoperative recovery and good short-term effect.
Male , Female , Humans , Hernia, Hiatal/complications , Retrospective Studies , Robotics , Herniorrhaphy/methods , Quality of Life , Laparoscopy/methods , Recurrence , Fundoplication/methodsABSTRACT
La tasa de recidiva radiológica luego de la cirugía de las hernias hiatales grandes tipo IV es cercana al 50%. La mayoría de las veces la recidiva supone un ascenso parcial de la funduplicatura al tórax (telescopaje), y si no tiene expresión clínica puede optarse por un manejo conservador (solo 3-6% requieren cirugía de revisión). Sin embargo, en ocasiones hay otro tipo de recidivas (paraesofágicas) que deben valorarse mediante estudios funcionales, endoscópicos y radiológicos, que dan disfagia con mayor frecuencia. Un tránsito contrastado digestivo superior permite en este caso identificar el tipo de recidiva herniaria, con migración parcial del fundus gástrico hacia el tórax paraesofágico izquierdo, y una funduplicatura continente pero realizada técnicamente en por debajo de lo deseable (cuerpo alto) (figura). La resolución del cuadro implica la reducción de la hernia a la cavidad abdominal, con cierre del defecto diafragmático, desmontar la funduplicatura anterior anatomizando la zona y la reconfección de una nueva funduplicatura.
Humans , Hernia, Hiatal/surgery , Recurrence , Laparoscopy , Hernia, Hiatal/diagnostic imagingSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Adult , Hernia, Hiatal/diagnostic imaging , Pediatrics , Prenatal Diagnosis , Pathological Conditions, Anatomical , Child MortalityABSTRACT
Introducción. En las hernias paraesofágicas tipo IV se produce la herniación del estómago junto a otros órganos abdominales. La herniación del páncreas es muy infrecuente.Caso clínico. Varón de 57 años que acude por dolor torácico, disnea e intolerancia al decúbito. En la tomografía computarizada toracoabdominal se observa hernia diafragmática que contiene colon transverso, intestino delgado y páncreas, con reticulación de la grasa alrededor del mismo, compatible con pancreatitis aguda. Conclusión. La asociación de hernia hiatal con páncreas herniado y pancreatitis es extremadamente infrecuente. El diagnóstico se estableció mediante tomografía computarizada y el tratamiento fue conservador, con cirugía diferida de la hernia de hiato.
Introduction. In type IV paraesophageal hernias, the stomach is herniated along with other abdominal organs. Herniation of the pancreas is very rare. Clinical case. A 57-year-old man presented with chest pain, dyspnea, and intolerance to decubitus. The thoracoabdominal computed tomography shows a diaphragmatic hernia containing the transverse colon, small intestine and pancreas, with reticulation of fat around it, compatible with acute pancreatitis. Conclusion. The association of hiatal hernia with herniated pancreas and pancreatitis is extremely rare. The diagnosis was established by computerized tomography and the treatment was conservative, with delayed surgery for the hiatal hernia.
Humans , Pancreatitis, Acute Necrotizing , Hernia, Hiatal , Pancreas , Pancreatectomy , Pancreatitis , General SurgeryABSTRACT
Resumen El dolor torácico es un motivo de consulta muy frecuente en el servicio de urgencias. El abordaje adecuado del paciente en el que se incluye el diligenciamiento de la historia clínica, el examen físico y la toma de paraclínicos iniciales son cruciales para determinar cuáles son los posibles diagnósticos diferenciales. A continuación, presentamos el caso de un paciente de 71 años que ingresa al servicio de urgencias por un dolor retroesternal intenso posterior al consumo de alimentos, en quien, ante la persistencia del dolor, biomarcadores cardíacos negativos y patología aórtica descartada, se realiza una endoscopia que evidencia un hematoma disecante del esófago. En general, el pronóstico es bueno, pero es de gran importancia una buena historia clínica para su sospecha.
Abstract Chest pain is a very common reason for consultation in the emergency department. An adequate approach to the patient, including medical history, physical examination and initial laboratory tests, is crucial for determining possible differential diagnoses. The following is the case of a 71-year-old patient that visited the emergency room due to severe retrosternal pain after food consumption. In view of the persistence of pain and negative cardiac biomarkers, and after ruling out aortic disease, the patient underwent an endoscopy that showed dissecting hematoma of the esophagus. The prognosis is generally favorable, but a thorough medical history is required to suspect it.
Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Esophagus , Hernia, Hiatal , Pathology , Patients , Surgical Mesh , Eating , Emergencies , EndoscopyABSTRACT
Resumen El reparo de la hernia hiatal es un tema de debate debido a las posibles complicaciones asociadas que han cambiado a través de los años. En la literatura se reportan complicaciones asociadas al procedimiento hasta en un 30 % de los casos. Las complicaciones diferentes a la recurrencia y a largo plazo son infrecuentes, reportadas en menos del 9 % de los casos. La inclusión de la malla protésica en el esófago es una rara complicación y solo se han reportado pocos casos sobre esta. Entre los factores asociados a este desenlace se encuentran descritos: el material protésico, la técnica quirúrgica y la tensión de la malla sobre el tejido intervenido; sin embargo, es difícil establecer asociaciones directas de cada factor dado que la literatura actual solo cuenta con reportes de casos. A continuación, se muestra el caso clínico de un paciente, quien, después de una reparación de hernia hiatal con malla, presenta la inclusión de material protésico en el esófago; se aborda el diagnóstico y el manejo de la misma.
Abstract Hiatal hernia repair has been a subject of debate due to the possible associated complications that have changed over the years. The literature reports up to 30% of cases with complications associated with the procedure. Complications other than recurrence and long-term complications are rare and reported in less than 9% of cases. The migration of the prosthetic mesh into the esophagus is a rare complication and only a few cases have been reported. The factors associated with this outcome include prosthetic material, surgical technique, and mesh tension on the intervened tissue. However, it is difficult to establish direct associations of each factor since the current literature has only case reports. The following is a clinical case of a patient in whom the prosthetic material migrated into the esophagus after a hiatal hernia repair with mesh. The diagnosis and treatment offered are discussed.
Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Surgical Mesh , Esophagogastric Junction , Hernia, Hiatal , Patients , DiagnosisABSTRACT
The diagnosis of a hiatus hernia (HH) is typically confirmed with an upper gastrointestinal barium X-ray, gastroscopy or upper-intestinal endoscopy. In several cases, HH has been diagnosed with an echocardiogram. We here describe a case of an HH visible on an echocardiogram in a male patient with chest pain.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Echocardiography , Gastroscopy , Barium Enema , Hernia, Hiatal/diagnosisABSTRACT
La hernia hiatal es una entidad relativamente frecuente y puede ser un hallazgo incidental en un estudio ecocardiográfico. Describimos el caso de una paciente con diagnóstico de masa en la aurícula izquierda (AI) sin clara etiología, a quien se le realiza el diagnóstico de hernia hiatal por resonancia magnética cardíaca (RMC) y luego se demuestra mediante ecocardiografía de contraste el contenido gástrico de la masa tras la ingestión de una bebida carbonatada, lo que permite de forma rápida y sencilla aclarar el diagnóstico.
Hiatal hernia is a relatively common entity, and may be an incidental finding in an echocardiographic study. We describe the case of a patient with a diagnosis of a mass in the left atrium with no clear etiology, in whom the diagnosis of hiatal hernia is made by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and then demonstrated by contrast echocardiography the gastric content of the mass after the ingestion of a carbonated drink, which allows quickly and easily to clarify the diagnosis.
A hérnia de hiato é uma entidade relativamente comum, e pode ser um achado incidental em um estudo ecocardiográfico. Descrevemos o caso de um paciente com diagnóstico de massa em átrio esquerdo sem etiologia definida, em que o diagnóstico de hérnia de hiato é feito por ressonância magnética cardíaca e posteriormente demonstrado por ecocardiografia contrastada com uma bebida gaseificada, permitindo esclarecer de forma rápida e fácil o diagnóstico.
Humans , Female , Aged , Heart Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Hernia, Hiatal/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Cardiac Tamponade/diagnostic imaging , Echocardiography, Doppler , Diagnosis, Differential , Multimodal Imaging , Carbonated Water , Heart Atria/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: La hernia hiatal (HH) de tipo I por deslizamiento es el tipo más frecuente, siendo difícil de definir objetivamente, por lo que el principal foco de controversia es su diagnóstico. El objetivo del presente trabajo es reportar los resultados respecto de la precisión diagnóstica del estudio preoperatorio y confirmarlo con el diagnóstico laparoscópico de este tipo de HH. Materiales y Método: Estudio prospectivo descriptivo de serie que incluyen pacientes con síntomas típicos de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico, los cuales se sometieron a estudio con esófago-gastro-duodenoscopía, estudio manométrico y radiológico de esófago, estómago y duodeno con bario. Se incluyen sólo los pacientes en los cuales la endoscopía revela la existencia de HH por deslizamiento ≪ 5 cm. Estos pacientes se sometieron a tratamiento quirúrgico confirmándose o no la existencia de HH al momento de la exploración laparoscópica. Resultados: El valor predictivo positivo y sensibilidad para manometría fue de un 51,2% y 70%, para la radiología 91,7% y 80,5% y para endoscopia 80,3% y 70,7% respectivamente. Conclusión: Para el diagnóstico confiable de HH antes del tratamiento, las tres investigaciones mencionadas deben ser obligatorias antes de la cirugía.
Introduction: Being type I hiatal hernia (HH) the most frequent, is difficult to define objectively and therefore, the main focus of controversy is the diagnosis. The aim of this paper is to report the results regarding the diagnostic accuracy of the preoperative study and to confirm it with the laparoscopic diagnosis of hiatal hernia. Materials and Method: This descriptive and prospective study includes patients with typical symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease who underwent esophageal-gastro-duodenoscopy, manometry and radiological study of esophagus with barium swallow. Only patients in whom endoscopy reveals the existence of HH by sliding ≪ 5 cm are included. These patients underwent surgical treatment confirming or not the existence of HH at the time of laparoscopic exploration. Results: The positive pre- dictive value and sensibility for manometry was 51.2% and 70%, for radiology 91.7% and 80.5%, and for endoscopy 85.3% and 70.7% respectively. Conclusion: For the reliable diagnosis of HH before treatment, the three mentioned investigations must be mandatory before the surgery.
Humans , Male , Female , Laparoscopy/methods , Preoperative Period , Hernia, Hiatal/diagnosis , Endoscopy/methods , Hernia, Hiatal/pathology , Manometry/methodsABSTRACT
Resumen El hipo crónico es un síntoma que puede provocar una invalidez significativa y a menudo revela una enfermedad subyacente. A continuación, se presenta el caso de un varón de 68 años que ingresó con hipo de más de 3 meses de duración que se asociaba con epigastralgia, vómitos posprandiales y pérdida ponderal. Había sido intervenido en 2 ocasiones debido a una enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico y hernia hiatal, una primera en la que se realizó una fundoplicatura y, posteriormente, una reintervención consistente en el cierre de los pilares diafragmáticos y re-Nissen laparoscópico. La clínica se debía a una obstrucción hiatal por acodamiento de la fundoplicatura previa y fue resuelta mediante la reposición hiatal a los parámetros anatómicos y desmontaje del Nissen previo.
Abstract Chronic hiccups is a rare symptom that can lead to significant disability and often reveals an underlying disease. The following is the case of a 68-year-old man who was admitted due to hiccups that had lasted more than 3 months associated with epigastric pain, postprandial vomiting, and weight loss. He had undergone surgery twice due to gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernia. During the first procedure, a fundoplication was performed, and then, he underwent a reoperation consisting of diaphragmatic pillars closure and laparoscopic Nissen. The symptoms were caused by a hiatal obstruction due to the kinking of the previous fundoplication and were resolved by repositioning the hiatus to anatomical parameters and dismantling the previous Nissen.
Humans , Male , Aged , Hiccup , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Fundoplication , Hernia, HiatalABSTRACT
Introducción. La reparación laparoscópica es el estándar de tratamiento en hernia hiatal gigante. Sin embargo, a pesar de su baja morbilidad, la tasa de recurrencia sigue siendo alta. Nuestro objetivo fue describir los resultados de la reparación laparoscópica de hernia hiatal gigante, independientemente de la técnica de cruroplastia empleada.Métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio retrospectivo de pacientes llevados a reparación laparoscópica de hernia hiatal gigante en el periodo 2009-2017. Se analizaron los datos demográficos, la técnica quirúrgica, las complicaciones y la estancia hospitalaria. Se revisaron los resultados de la endoscopia, la radiografía de vías digestivas altas y la escala de síntomas GERD-HRQOL, obtenidos luego de un año de cirugía. Resultados. Se incluyeron 44 pacientes con un tamaño promedio de la hernia de 7 cm. Se practicó cruroplastia con sutura simple en 36,4 %, sutura más refuerzo con politetrafluoroetileno (PTFE) o dacrón, en 59,1 %, y se usó malla en 4,5 %. Hubo 12 complicaciones, la estancia hospitalaria promedio fue de 3,5 días y no hubo mortalidad. Se encontró recurrencia endoscópica o radiológica en 6/20 pacientes, todas pequeñas y asintomáticas. En 23 pacientes, la escala GERD-HRQOL reportó un valor promedio de 7,7 y 78 % de satisfacción. Solo un paciente requirió cirugía de revisión. Conclusión. El método preferido de reparación laparoscópica de la hernia hiatal gigante es la cruroplastia sin malla, técnica asociada a baja morbilidad y adecuado control de los síntomas. La tasa de recurrencia es similar a la reportada en la literatura. Se requieren estudios prospectivos con seguimiento completo a largo plazo para validar estos resultados
Introduction: Laparoscopic repair is the standard treatment for giant hiatal hernia. However, despite its low morbidity, recurrence rate remains high. Our goal was to describe the results of laparoscopic repair of giant hiatal hernia, regardless of the technique used for cruroplasty.Methods: A retrospective study of patients undergoing laparoscopic repair of giant hiatal hernia was carried out from 2009 to 2017. Demographic data, surgical technique, complications, and hospital stay were analyzed. The results of endoscopy, radiography of upper digestive tract, and GERD-HRQOL symptoms scale, obtained after one year of surgery, were reviewed.Results: Forty-four patients with an average hernia size of 7 cm were included. Simple suture cruroplasty was performed in 36.4%, suture plus reinforcement with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or Dacron in 59.1%, and mesh repair in 4.5%. There were 12 complications, the average hospital stay was 3.5 days, and there was no mortality. Endoscopic or radiological recurrence was found in 6/20 patients, all small and asymptomatic. In 23 patients, the GERD-HRQOL scale reported an average value of 7.7 and 78% patient satisfaction. Only one patient required revision surgery.Conclusion: The preferred method of laparoscopic repair of giant hiatal hernia is meshless cruroplasty, a technique associated with low morbidity and adequate symptom control. The recurrence rate is similar to that reported in the literature. Prospective studies with long-term follow-up are required to validate these results
Humans , Hernia, Hiatal , Surgical Mesh , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Minimally Invasive Surgical ProceduresABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background: Upper digestive endoscopy is important for the evaluation of patients submitted to fundoplication, especially to elucidate postoperative symptoms. However, endoscopic assessment of fundoplication anatomy and its complications is poorly standardized among endoscopists, which leads to inadequate agreement. Aim: To assess the frequency of postoperative abnormalities of fundoplication anatomy using a modified endoscopic classification and to correlate endoscopic findings with clinical symptoms. Method: This is a prospective observational study, conducted at a single center. Patients were submitted to a questionnaire for data collection. Endoscopic assessment of fundoplication was performed according to the classification in study, which considered four anatomical parameters including the gastroesophageal junction position in frontal view (above or at the level of the pressure zone); valve position at retroflex view (intra-abdominal or migrated); valve conformation (total, partial, disrupted or twisted) and paraesophageal hernia (present or absent). Results: One hundred patients submitted to fundoplication were evaluated, 51% male (mean age: 55.6 years). Forty-three percent reported postoperative symptoms. Endoscopic abnormalities of fundoplication anatomy were reported in 46% of patients. Gastroesophageal junction above the pressure zone (slipped fundoplication), and migrated fundoplication, were significantly correlated with the occurrence of postoperative symptoms. There was no correlation between symptoms and conformation of the fundoplication (total, partial or twisted). Conclusion: This modified endoscopic classification proposal of fundoplication anatomy is reproducible and seems to correlate with symptomatology. The most frequent abnormalities observed were slipped and migrated fundoplication, and both correlated with the presence of symptoms.
RESUMO Racional: A endoscopia digestiva alta é importante ferramenta para a avaliação de pacientes submetidos à fundoplicatura, principalmente para elucidar os sintomas pós-operatórios. Entretanto, a avaliação endoscópica da sua anatomia e complicações é atualmente pouco padronizada entre os endoscopistas, o que leva à disparidade de laudos e condutas. Objetivo: Avaliar a frequência de anormalidades pós-operatórias da fundoplicatura através de uma classificação endoscópica e correlacionar os achados endoscópicos com os sintomas clínicos. Método: Este é estudo observacional prospectivo, realizado em um único centro. Os pacientes foram submetidos a um questionário para coleta de dados. A avaliação endoscópica da fundoplicatura foi realizada de acordo com a classificação em estudo, que considerou quatro parâmetros anatômicos, incluindo a posição da junção gastroesofágica em vista frontal (acima ou no nível da zona de pressão); posição da válvula na visão retroflexa (intra-abdominal ou migrada); conformação valvar (total, parcial, desgarrada ou torcida) e hérnia paraesofágica (presente ou ausente). Resultados: Foram avaliados 100 pacientes submetidos à fundoplicatura, 51% homens (idade média: 55,6 anos). Quarenta e três por cento relataram sintomas pós-operatórios. Anormalidades endoscópicas da anatomia da fundoplicatura foram relatadas em 46% dos pacientes. Junção gastroesofágica acima da zona de pressão (fundoplicatura deslizada) e fundoplicatura migrada foram significativamente correlacionadas com a ocorrência de sintomas pós-operatórios. Não houve correlação entre sintomas e conformação da fundoplicatura (total, parcial ou torcida). Conclusão: Essa classificação endoscópica modificada proposta para avaliar a anatomia da fundoplicatura é reprodutível e parece correlacionar-se com a sintomatologia. As anormalidades mais frequentes observadas foram fundoplicaturas migradas e deslizadas, e ambas se correlacionaram com a presença de sintomas.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Gastroesophageal Reflux/surgery , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Laparoscopy , Fundoplication/adverse effects , Hernia, Hiatal/surgery , Postoperative Complications , Prospective Studies , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background: Erosion and migration into the esophagogastric lumen after laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair with mesh placement has been published. Aim: To present surgical maneuvers that seek to diminish the risk of this complication. Method: We suggest mobilizing the hernia sac from the mediastinum and taking it down to the abdominal position with its blood supply intact in order to rotate it behind and around the abdominal esophagus. The purpose is to cover the on-lay mesh placed in "U" fashion to reinforce the crus suture. Results: We have performed laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair in 173 patients (total group). Early postoperative complications were observed in 35 patients (27.1%) and one patient died (0.7%) due to a massive lung thromboembolism. One hundred twenty-nine patients were followed-up for a mean of 41+28months. Mesh placement was performed in 79 of these patients. The remnant sac was rotated behind the esophagus in order to cover the mesh surface. In this group, late complications were observed in five patients (2.9%). We have not observed mesh erosion or migration to the esophagogastric lumen. Conclusion: The proposed technique should be useful for preventing erosion and migration into the esophagus.
RESUMO Racional: Com a colocação de tela foi têm sido publicadas erosões e migrações para o lúmen esofagogástrico após correção de hérnia hiatal laparoscópica. Objetivo: Apresentar manobras cirúrgicas que buscam diminuir o risco dessa complicação. Método: Sugerimos mobilizar o saco de hérnia do mediastino e levá-lo à posição abdominal com o suprimento sanguíneo intacto, a fim de girá-lo para trás e ao redor do esôfago abdominal. O objetivo é cobrir a malha colocada sobre a forma "U" para reforçar a sutura da crura haital. Resultados: Realizamos reparo laparoscópico de hérnia hiatal em 173 pacientes (grupo total). Complicações pós-operatórias precoces foram observadas em 35 pacientes (27,1%) e um morreu (0,7%) devido a tromboembolismo pulmonar maciço. Cento e vinte e nove pacientes foram acompanhados por média de 41+28 meses. A colocação da tela foi realizada em 79 desses pacientes. O saco remanescente foi girado atrás do esôfago para cobrir a superfície da tela. Nesse grupo, complicações tardias foram observadas em cinco pacientes (2,9%). Não observamos erosão da tela ou migração dela para o lúmen esofagogástrico. Conclusão: A técnica proposta pode ser útil para prevenir a erosão e a migração para o esôfago de telas na correção de hérnias hiatais.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Surgical Mesh/adverse effects , Laparoscopy/adverse effects , Herniorrhaphy/adverse effects , Hernia, Hiatal/surgery , Recurrence , Reoperation , Gastroesophageal Reflux/surgery , Gastroesophageal Reflux/etiology , Follow-Up Studies , Suture Techniques , Foreign-Body Migration , Treatment Outcome , Laparoscopy/methods , Herniorrhaphy/methodsABSTRACT
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a very common disease, and the prevalence in the general population has recently increased. GERD is a chronic relapsing disease associated with motility disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Several factors are implicated in GERD, including hypotensive lower esophageal sphincter, frequent transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation, esophageal hypersensitivity, reduced resistance of the esophageal mucosa against the refluxed contents, ineffective esophageal motility, abnormal bolus transport, deficits initiating secondary peristalsis, abnormal response to multiple rapid swallowing, and hiatal hernia. One or more of these mechanisms result in the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus, delayed clearance of the refluxate, and the development of symptoms and/or complications. New techniques, such as 24-hour pH and multichannel intraluminal impedance monitoring, multichannel intraluminal impedance and esophageal manometry, high-resolution manometry, 3-dimensional high-resolution manometry, enoscopic functional luminal imaging probe, and 24-hour dynamic esophageal manometry, provide more information on esophageal motility and have clarified the pathophysiology of GERD. Proton pump inhibitors remain the preferred pharmaceutical option to treat GERD. The ideal target of GERD treatment is to restore esophageal motility and reconstruct the anti-reflux mechanism. This review focuses on current advances in esophageal motor dysfunction in patients with GERD and the influence of these developments on GERD treatment.
Humans , Deglutition , Electric Impedance , Esophageal Motility Disorders , Esophageal Sphincter, Lower , Esophagogastric Junction , Esophagus , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Gastrointestinal Contents , Hernia, Hiatal , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Hypersensitivity , Manometry , Mucous Membrane , Peristalsis , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Phenobarbital , Prevalence , Proton Pump Inhibitors , Relaxation , Upper Gastrointestinal TractABSTRACT
The Chicago classification (CC) defines an esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction (EGJOO) as the presence of several instances of intact or weak peristalsis, elevated median integrated relaxation pressure above 15 mmHg, and a discrepancy from the criteria of achalasia. The revised CC addresses the potential etiology of EGJOO, including the early forms of achalasia, mechanical obstruction, esophageal wall stiffness, or manifestation of hiatal hernia. A 58-year-old woman visited the Presbyterian Medical Center with swallowing difficulty. The patient underwent a high resolution manometry (HRM) examination and was diagnosed with EGJOO. Chest CT was performed to exclude a mechanical obstruction as a cause, and CT revealed a subepithelial tumor (SET) at the upper part of the esophagogastric junction. Therefore, laparoscopic surgery was performed and eccentric muscular hypertrophy of the distal esophagus was observed. Longitudinal myotomy and Dor fundoplication were also performed. The histology findings of the surgical specimens were consistent with achalasia. This paper reports a case of early achalasia that was finally diagnosed by the histology findings, but was initially diagnosed as EGJOO using HRM and misdiagnosed as SET in the image study.