La hernia inguinal supone la patología de pared abdominal más frecuente hoy en día. En el saco herniario podemos encontrar diferentes estructuras, como grasa preperitoneal, intestino delgado, colon o incluso la vejiga, resultando inusual la presencia de la trompa de Falopio y el ovario. El contenido tubo-ovárico supone un hallazgo frecuente en población pediátrica, mientras que resulta un hecho extremadamente raro en mujeres en edad reproductiva o menopáusica, siendo imprescindible su tratamiento con el fin de evitar complicaciones relacionadas con la fertilidad y la viabilidad de los anejos. Con el objetivo de revisar la bibliografía descrita al respecto dado la infrecuencia que supone este hallazgo en mujeres adultas, se presenta el siguiente caso clínico de forma resumida, con la consiguiente revisión de la literatura disponible. Se trata de una paciente mujer de 50 años, con antecedentes de mioma uterino, intervenida de forma programada de hernioplastia inguinal derecha, observando contenido tubo-ovárico en el saco herniario, en la cual se realiza hernioplastia inguinal según la técnica de Lichtenstein con preservación de anejos sin complicaciones postoperatorias. Como conclusiones finales, consideramos que los hallazgos intraoperatorios de contenido tubo-ovárico en la cirugía de hernia inguinal en mujeres adultas supone un hecho infrecuente, cuyo conocimiento y manejo resulta necesario para el cirujano general, precisando de un índice de alta sospecha con el fin de evitar complicaciones y otorgar el tratamiento quirúrgico más óptimo para el bienestar de los pacientes.
Inguinal hernia represents the most common pathology of the abdominal wall currently. In the hernia sac, various structures can be found, such as preperitonealphat, smallbowel, colon, oreventhe bladder, but the presence of the fall opiantube and ovaryisun common. Tubo-ovarian content is a frequent finding in pediatric population, while infection is extremely rare in women of reproductive or menopausal age, requiring essential treatment to prevent complications related to fertility and adnexal viability. In order to review the literature described in this regard, given the infrequency of this finding in adult women, we present the following clinical case, along with a review of the available literature. The patient is a 50-year-old woman with a history of uterine fibroids, who underwent surgery of a right inguinal hernioplasty, revealing tube-ovarian content in the hernia sac. Inguinal hernioplasty was performed using the Lichtenstein technique with preservation of adnexa, and there were no postoperative complications. In final conclusions, we consider that intraoperative finding of tube-ovarian content in inguinal hernia surgery in adult women are uncommon, and knowledge and management of this condition are necessary for the general surgeon. A high index of suspicion is required to avoid complications and provide the most optimal surgical treatment for the well-being of patients.
A hérnia inguinal representa uma patologia comum da parede abdominal nos dias seguintes. No saco herniário, podem ser encontradas diferentes estruturas, como gordura pré-peritoneal, intestino delgado, cólon propriamente dito com a bexiga, sendoincomum com presença da trompa de Falópio e do ovário. O conteúdo trompa-ovariano é muito comum em populações pediátricas, mas é extremamente raro em mulheres em saúde reprodutiva ou na menopausa, sendo essencial ou seutratamento para evitar complicações relacionadas à fertilidade e à viabilidade dos dois anexos. Com o objetivo de revisar a bibliografia descrita a esse respeito, dado pouco discutido em mulheres adultas, o seguinte caso clínico é apresentado de forma resumida, juntamente com uma revisão da literatura disponível. Trata-se de paciente do sexo feminino, 50 anos, com história de mioma uterino, submetida a hernioplastia inguinal direta programada, observando-se conteúdo da tuba ovariana e saco herniário. A hernioplastia inguinal foi realizada segundo a técnica de Lichtenstein, comprimindo dois anexos e sem complicações operatórias. Como conclusões finais, consideramos que a redução intraoperatória do conteúdo tubo-ovariano na cirurgia de hérnia inguinal em mulheres adultas é incomum, e o conhecimento e o manejo dos procedimentos necessários à cirurgia geral requerem um alto índice de suspeita para evitar complicações e proporcionar tratamento cirúrgico . maisadequado para ou bem-est dois pacientes.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Ovary/surgery , Fallopian Tubes/surgery , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Hernia, Inguinal/complications , Ovary/pathology , Perimenopause , Fallopian Tubes/pathology , HerniorrhaphyABSTRACT
La hernia inguinal es uno de los problemas urgentes más comunes encontrados por los cirujanos. Hubo 145 pacientes tratados debido al diagnóstico de hernia inguinal. De 44 pacientes que fueron operados en condiciones de emergencia. Alrededor de 131 casos (106 hombres y 25 mujeres) fueron tratados con reparación de malla preperitoneal abierta unilateral. Los pacientes fueron examinados en términos de complicaciones postoperatorias. Los datos recopilados incluidos como edad, sexo, historial médico, afecciones de cirugía, encarcelamiento y estrangulamiento. Hubo un total de 145 pacientes incluidos en el estudio; en el que 44 de ellos (29 hombres y 15 mujeres, rango de edad: 30-72) (Grupo I) fueron operados en condiciones de emergencia y 101 de ellas (51 hombres y 50 mujeres, rango de edad: 25-78) (grupo Ii) fueron operados en condiciones electivas. Hubo comorbilidad en 31 pacientes de grupo I y 77 pacientes del grupo II. Alrededor del 47.7% (n = 21) de los casos que se sometieron a cirugía emergente debido al encarcelamiento, mientras que el 43.6% (n = 44) de los casos que fueron operados en condiciones electivas. Había 12 hernias femorales en el Grupo I y 19 Hernia femoral en el Grupo II. No hay diferencia entre la complicación postoperatoria y las tasas de recurrencia en los casos de hernia inguinal operados en condiciones electivas y en condiciones de emergencia. Es más barato que la reparación laparoscópica, el control del dolor de plomo y la falta de dolor neuropático, tiene complicaciones menos testiculares, y es más ventajoso que otros enfoques abiertos
Inguinal hernia is one of the most common urgent problems encountered by surgeons. There were 145 patients treated due to inguinal hernia diagnosis. Out of 44 patients who were operated under emergency conditions. About 131 cases (106 male and 25 female) were treated with unilateral open preperitoneal mesh repair. Patients were examined in terms of postoperative complications. Data collected included as age, gender, medical history, surgery conditions, incarceration and strangulation. There were total of 145 patients included in the study; in which 44 of them (29 male and 15 female, range of age: 30- 72) (group I) were operated under emergency conditions and 101 of them (51 male and 50 female, range of age: 25-78) (group II) were operated under elective conditions. There was comorbidity in 31 patients of group I and 77 patients of group II. About 47.7% (n=21) of cases who underwent emergent surgery due to incarceration, while 43.6% (n=44) of cases who were operated under elective conditions. There were 12 femoral hernias in group I and 19 femoral hernia in group II. There is no difference between postoperative complication and recurrence rates in inguinal hernia cases operated under elective conditions and under emergency conditions. It is cheaper than laparoscopic repair, lead pain control and lack of neuropathic pain, has less testicular complications, and it is more advantageous than other open approaches.
Humans , Male , Female , Laparoscopy , Herniorrhaphy/methods , Hernia, Femoral/surgery , Hernia, Inguinal/surgeryABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the factors influencing small intestinal ischemia in elderly patients with incarcerated hernia. Methods: The clinical data of 105 elderly patients admitted for surgical procedures of incarcerated hernia at Department of General Surgery, Huadong Hospital between January 2014 and December 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 60 males and 45 females, aged (86.1±4.3) years (range: 80 to 96 years). They were divided into normal group (n=55) and ischemic group (n=50) according to intraoperative intestinal canal condition. The t test, χ2 test and Fisher's exact probability method were used for the univariate analysis of the factors that influence intestinal ischemia in patients, and Logistic regression was used for multifactorial analysis. Results: In all patients, 18 patients (17.1%) had irreversible intestinal ischemia with bowel resection. Six patients died within 30 days, 3 cases from severe abdominal infection, 2 cases from postoperative exacerbation of underlying cardiac disease, and 1 case from respiratory failure due to severe pulmonary infection. The results of the univariate analysis showed that there were differences in gender, history of intussusception, duration of previous hernia, white blood cell count, neutrophil percentage, C-reactive protein, type of incarcerated hernia, and preoperative intestinal obstruction between the two groups (all P<0.05). The Logistic regression results showed that the short time to the previous hernia (OR=0.892, 95%CI 0.872 to 0.962, P=0.003), high C-reactive protein (OR=1.022, 95%CI 1.007 to 1.037, P=0.003), non-indirect incarcerated hernia (OR=10.571, 95%CI 3.711 to 30.114, P<0.01) and preoperative intestinal obstruction (OR=6.438, 95%CI 1.762 to 23.522, P=0.005) were independent risk factors for the development of intestinal ischemia in elderly patients with incarcerated hernia. Conclusions: The short duration of the previous hernia, the high values of C-reactive proteins, the non-indirect incarcerated hernia, and the preoperative bowel obstruction are influencing factors for bowel ischemia in elderly patients with incarcerated hernia. A timely operation is necessary to reduce the incidence of intestinal necrosis and improve the prognosis.
Male , Aged , Female , Humans , Retrospective Studies , C-Reactive Protein , Intestinal Obstruction/etiology , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Mesenteric Ischemia/surgery , Ischemia/surgery , Herniorrhaphy/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the recurrence factors and reoperation effect of laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. Methods: A total of 41 patients with recurrence after laparoscopic repair of the inguinal hernia admitted to the Department of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University from January 2017 to December 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients were males, aging (62±7) years (range: 51 to 75 years). The recurrence intervals were 3 days to 7 years postoperatively. The surgical methods, causes of recurrence, and treatment outcomes of the patients were analyzed. Fisher exact probability method is used to compare the rates. Results: Among all cases, the primary surgical procedures included transabdominal preperitoneal herniorrhaphy (TAPP) in 31 cases and total extraperitoneal herniorrhaphy in 10 cases. The reoperative procedures included the TAPP of 11 cases and the Lichtenstein procedure of 30 cases. The factors of recurrent cases in all patients could be divided into 4 categories, including insufficient mesh coverage in 23 cases, mesh curling in 9 cases, mesh contractuture in 7 cases, and improper mesh fixation in 2 cases. Recurrence, infection, chronic pain, foreign body sensation didn't occur in the followed period of(M(IQR)) 18(24) months(range: 12 to 50 months). There was no statistical difference in the incidence of postoperative seroma between the TAPP and Lichtenstein procedure (3/11 vs. 20.0% (6/30), P=0.68). Conclusions: Postoperative recurrence of laparoscopic inguinal hernia is mostly caused by the lack of mesh coverage. Due to the emphasis on standardized surgical operation, a good outcome could be achieved through reoperation by the TAPP or Lichtenstein procedure.
Male , Humans , Female , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Laparoscopy/methods , Treatment Outcome , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Herniorrhaphy/methods , Surgical Mesh , RecurrenceABSTRACT
Vasectomy damage is a common complication of open nonmesh hernia repair. This study was a retrospective analysis of the characteristics and possible causes of vas deferens injuries in patients exhibiting unilateral or bilateral vasal obstruction caused by open nonmesh inguinal herniorrhaphy. The site of the obstructed vas deferens was intraoperatively confirmed. Data, surgical methods, and patient outcomes were examined. The Anderson-Darling test was applied to test for Gaussian distribution of data. Fisher's exact test or Mann-Whitney U test and unpaired t-test were used for statistical analyses. The mean age at operation was 7.23 (standard deviation [s.d.]: 2.09) years and the mean obstructive interval was 17.72 (s.d.: 2.73) years. Crossed (n = 1) and inguinal ( n = 42) vasovasostomies were performed. The overall patency rate was 85.3% (29/34). Among the 43 enrolled patients (mean age: 24.95 [s.d.: 2.20] years), 73 sides of their inguinal regions were explored. The disconnected end of the vas deferens was found in the internal ring on 54 sides (74.0%), was found in the inguinal canal on 16 sides (21.9%), and was found in the pelvic cavity on 3 sides (4.1%). Location of the vas deferens injury did not significantly differ according to age at the time of hernia surgery ( ≥ 12 years or <12 years) or obstructive interval (≥15 years or <15 years). These results underscore that high ligation of the hernial sac warrants extra caution by surgeons during open nonmesh inguinal herniorrhaphy.
Male , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Child , Vas Deferens/surgery , Herniorrhaphy/methods , Retrospective Studies , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Iatrogenic Disease , LaparoscopyABSTRACT
This study aimed to investigate the incidence of patent processus vaginalis (PPV) in pediatric patients with a unilateral nonpalpable testis and explore the associated factors. From May 2014 to April 2017, 152 boys who were diagnosed with a unilateral nonpalpable testis and underwent laparoscopy in Shanghai Children's Hospital (Shanghai, China) were included in this study. The data were collected and reviewed, and the results were analyzed regarding the age at operation, side, development, and position of the nonpalpable testis. The mean age of the patients was 2.6 (standard deviation: 2.3) years. The testis was absent in 14 cases, nonviable in 81 cases, and viable in 57 cases. The incidence of PPV was 37.5% (57 of 152) on the ipsilateral side and 16.4% (25 of 152) on the contralateral side. The ipsilateral PPV was more prevalent when the nonpalpable testis occurred on the right side ( P < 0.01). Besides, patients with a viable testis had a greater incidence of ipsilateral PPV than those with a nonviable or absent testis ( P < 0.01). Moreover, this rate was the highest when the testis was in the abdominal cavity and the lowest when the testis was in the scrotum (both P < 0.01). However, the incidence of contralateral PPV was independent of all the factors. In conclusion, in children with a nonpalpable testis, the incidence of an ipsilateral PPV was significantly related to the side, development, and position of the testis, while it was independent of these factors on the contralateral side.
Male , Child , Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Testis , China , Testicular Hydrocele/surgery , Laparoscopy , Scrotum , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Cryptorchidism/surgeryABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Modified thoracoabdominal nerve block through perichondrial approach is a novel fascial plane block and provides abdominal analgesia by blocking thoracoabdominal nerves. Our primary aim was to evaluate the efficacy of M-TAPA on quality of recovery and pain scores in patients who underwent laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair surgery (Trans Abdominal Pre-Peritoneal approach ‒ TAPP). Methods: Patients with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status I-II aged between 18 and 65 years scheduled for elective TAPP under general anesthesia were enrolled in the study. After intubation, the patients were randomized into two groups: M: M-TAPA group (n = 30) and the control group (n = 30). M-TAPA was performed with total 40 ml 0.25% bupivacaine in the M group. Surgical infiltration was performed in the control group. The primary outcome of the study was the global quality of recovery score, the secondary outcomes were pain scores, rescue analgesic demands, and adverse effects during the 24-h postoperative period. Results: The global quality of recovery scores at 24 h were significantly higher in the M group (p < 0.001). There was a reduction in the median static and dynamic NRS for the first postoperative 8 h in the M group compared to the control group (p < 0.001). The need for rescue analgesia was significantly lower in the M group compared to the control group (13 patients vs. 24 respectively, p < 0.001). The incidence of side effects was significantly higher in the control group (p < 0.001). Conclusion: In our study, M-TAPA increased patient recovery scores, and provided pain relief in patients who underwent TAPP. Register Number: NCT05199922.
Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Laparoscopy , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Nerve Block , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , BupivacaineABSTRACT
Introducción: La cirugía de la hernia inguinal constituye uno de los procederes más comunes a nivel mundial. Se estima que el 80 por ciento son realizados con anestesia regional o general, y un 20 por ciento con local en contra de la recomendación de las sociedades internacionales que aceptan que la mayor parte de los enfermos son candidatos para este método. Objetivos: Describir la técnica de anestésica local aplicada por el propio cirujano, exponiendo sus ventajas y desventajas apoyadas en la evidencia relevante disponible. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión híbrida de tipo narrativa. Se describió el método anestésico empleado por nuestro grupo. Paralelamente, se realizó una búsqueda en las principales bases de datos para la identificación de las investigaciones que sostienen y defienden los aspectos técnicos y decisiones clínicas tomadas. Desarrollo: No existen contraindicaciones absolutas para la selección de la anestesia local, en su mayoría son relativas. El anestésico a emplear es lidocaína, aunque adjuvantes pueden ser tenidos en cuenta. La sedación pre o transoperatoria no se recomienda. El método anestésico involucra la fase subcutánea con una técnica de bloqueo de campo y fase incisional profunda con infiltración tumescente. Conclusiones: El empleo de anestesia local para la cirugía de hernia inguinal por vía anterior puede ser considerado de primera elección. Es más económica y las complicaciones urinarias y cardiovasculares se reducen. Para lograr una cirugía de igual calidad a otro método de anestesia es importante dominar la técnica anestésica(AU)
Introduction: Inguinal hernia surgery is one of the most common procedures worldwide. 80 percent of them are estimated to be performed under regional or general anesthesia; while 20 percent are performed under local anesthesia, contrary to the recommendation of international societies, which accept that most of the patients are candidates for this method. Objectives: To describe the local anesthetic technique applied by the surgeon himself, exposing its advantages and disadvantages supported by the relevant evidence available. Methods: A hybrid narrative review was carried out. The anesthetic method used by our group was described. At the same time, a search was performed in the main databases to identify the research supporting and defending the technical aspects and the taken clinical decisions. Development: There are no absolute contraindications for the selection of local anesthesia; most of them are relative. The anesthetic to be used is lidocaine, although adjuvants can be taken into account. Pre- or intraoperative sedation is not recommended. The anesthetic method involves the subcutaneous phase with a field block technique and the deep incisional phase with tumescent infiltration. Conclusions: The use of local anesthesia for inguinal hernia surgery though an anterior approach can be considered as the first choice; it is more economical, while urinary and cardiovascular complications are reduced. To achieve a surgery of equal quality to another method of anesthesia, it is important to master the anesthetic technique(AU)
Humans , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Anesthesia, Local/methods , Lidocaine/administration & dosageABSTRACT
RESUMEN La hernia vesical es una entidad asociada a la hernia inguinal, con predisposición de lado derecho, en un porcentaje de 0,5 a 3%, hasta 10% en hombres, y a partir de la quinta a séptima década de vida1. La mayoría son pequeñas; la fisiopatología más común es la obstrucción mientras que la hiperplasia prostática es la principal etiología. La presentación clínica es poco específica, y el diagnóstico es en la mayoría de los casos transoperatorio. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de género masculino de 64 años, con antecedente patológico de enfermedad de Parkinson, hernia inguinal izquierda reducible hace 5 años. Acudió a consulta médica por manifestar dolor abdominal de moderada intensidad, más aumento de volumen en región inguinoescrotal izquierda. Al realizar el examen físico se constató una hernia inguinoescrotal izquierda no reducible. Con el diagnóstico de hernia inguinal incarcerada se realizó una exploración quirúrgica, con hallazgos de hernia inguinoescrotal de gran tamaño con contenido vesical y epiplón incarcerado con cambios de coloración. Se realizó entonces la reparación de la hernia. La evolución posoperatoria fue satisfactoria sin complicaciones.
ABSTRACT Bladder hernia is a condition associated with inguinal hernia, usually right-sided, in 0.5 to 3% of the cases and up to 10% in men between the fifth and seventh decade of life. Most hernias are small; the most common pathophysiology is obstruction while prostatic hyperplasia is the main etiology. The clinical presentation is unspecific, and the diagnosis is usually made during surgery. We report the case of a 64-year-old male patient with a history of Parkinson's disease and reducible left inguinal hernia 5 years before, who sought medical advice due to abdominal pain of moderate intensity, with increased volume in the left inguinoscrotal region.On physical examination a diagnosis of left-sided non-reducible inguinoscrotal hernia was made. With the diagnosis of incarcerated inguinal hernia the patient underwent surgical exploration which showed a large inguinoscrotal hernia containing the bladder and incarcerated omentum with color changes. The hernia was repaired, and the patient evolved with favorable outcome.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cystocele/surgery , Herniorrhaphy , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Abdominal Pain/complications , Cystocele/diagnostic imaging , Hernia, Inguinal/diagnostic imaging , LaparotomyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Antecedentes: La cirugía laparoscópica presenta ventajas que son claramente observadas en la reparación de hernias bilaterales y recidivadas. El uso de una malla única como alternativa en la reparación de las inguinales bilaterales laparoscópicas con técnica transabdominal (TAPP) puede reducir el índice de recidivas y las chances de dolor crónico. Objetivo: describir y analizar los beneficios del uso de una malla única en el tratamiento de las hernias inguinales bilaterales con técnica TAPP. Material y métodos: análisis retrospectivo de hernioplastias inguinales laparoscópicas directas o mixtas operadas por vía transabdominal con malla única, efectuadas en pacientes con hernias inguinales bilaterales. Resultados: entre enero de 2016 y enero de 2017 se operaron 177 pacientes con hernia inguinal. Noventa y tres (93) pacientes presentaron hernias bilaterales, de las cuales 39 fueron operadas mediante el uso de la técnica con malla única, incluidas en este estudio. Conclusión: la utilización de una malla única es una alternativa segura en el tratamiento de las hernias inguinales bilaterales directas o mixtas operadas por vía laparoscópica con técnica TAPP.
ABSTRACT Background: The laparoscopic approach has clear advantages for repairing bilateral hernias and recurrent hernias. The use of a single mesh as an option in the laparoscopic treatment of direct bilateral inguinal hernias with the transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) technique, may reduce the recurrence rate and chronic pain. Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze the benefits of single mesh for the treatment of bilateral inguinal hernias with the TAPP technique. Material and methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients with bilateral direct inguinal hernias undergoing laparoscopic hernia repair with the TAPP technique using a single mesh. Results: Between January 2016 and January 207 177 patients underwent inguinal hernia repair. Of the 93 patients with bilateral hernias, a single mesh was used in 39, which were included in this study. Conclusion: The use of a single mesh is a safe option for the laparoscopic treatment of direct bilateral inguinal hernias with the TAPP technique.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Surgical Mesh , Laparoscopy , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Recurrence , Efficacy , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the use of the robotic platform in inguinal hernia recurrence after a previous laparoscopic repair. Methods: patients with recurrent inguinal hernias following a laparoscopic repair who have undergone robotic transabdominal preperitoneal between December 2015 through September 2020 were identified in a prospectively maintained database. Outcomes of interest included demographics, hernia characteristics, operative details and rates of 30-day surgical site occurrence, surgical site occurrences requiring procedural interventions, surgical site infection and hernia recurrence were abstracted. Results: nineteen patients (95% male, mean age 55 years, mean body mass index 28) had 27 hernias repaired (N=8 bilateral). Average operative time was 168.9 ± 49.3min (range 90-240). There were two intraoperative complications all of them were bleeding from the inferior epigastric vessel injuries. Three SSOs occurred (N=2 seromas and N=1 hematoma. After a median 35.7 months follow-up (IQR 13-49), no recurrence has been diagnosed. One patient developed chronic postoperative inguinal pain. Conclusions: on a small number of selected patients and experienced hands, we found that the use of the robotic platform for repair of recurrent hernias after prior laparoscopic repair appears to be feasible, safe and effective despite being technically demanding. Further studies in larger cohorts are necessary to determine if this technique provides any benefits in recurrent inguinal hernia scenario.
RESUMO Objetivo: descrevemos nossa experiência com uso da plataforma robótica no tratamento das recidivas operadas previamente por laparoscopia, mantendo assim uma proposta minimamente invasiva a esses pacientes, apesar de haver uma predileção pela via anterior e aberta nestes casos. Métodos: foram incluídos pacientes submetidos a hernioplastia inguinal robótica transabdominal pré-peritoneal como tratamento de recidiva e que foram operados previamente por laparoscopia, entre dezembro de 2015 e setembro de 2020 e mantidos em uma base de dados ambulatorial prospectiva. Variáveis de interesse incluíram dados demográficos, características herniárias, detalhes operatórios, ocorrências do sítio cirúrgico em 30 dias (com ou sem necessidade de intervenção), infeção do sítio cirúrgico, tempo de seguimento e taxa de recidiva. Resultados: dezenove pacientes (95% masculino, média de idade de 55 anos, média de índice de massa corporal 28kg/m2) e 27 hérnias operadas (N=8 bilaterais). Média de tempo cirúrgico 168.9±49.3 min (variando 90-240). N=2 complicações intraoperatórias por lesão de vasos epigástricos inferiores. N=2 seromas e N=1 hematoma foram identificados no pós-operatório; N=1 paciente apresentou dor crônica pós operatória. Após um tempo de seguimento médio de 35.7 meses (intervalo entre quartis 13-49), nenhuma recidiva foi diagnosticada. Conclusões: o uso da plataforma robótica parece ser seguro e efetivo no tratamento das recidivas operadas previamente laparoscopia, nesse pequeno grupo de pacientes selecionados, apesar de requerer expertise em cirurgia robótica. Outros estudos com maiores casuísticas são necessários para estabelecer o papel desta técnica no cenário das hérnias inguinais recidivadas.
Humans , Male , Female , Laparoscopy/methods , Robotic Surgical Procedures/methods , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Recurrence , Surgical Mesh , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Herniorrhaphy/methods , Groin , Middle AgedABSTRACT
RESUMEN Antecedentes: La hernioplastia inguinal es el procedimiento quirúrgico más frecuentemente realizado dentro de la Cirugía General. Se realizan anualmente 20 millones de hernioplastias; la técnica de Lichtenstein y la transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) mediante cirugía laparoscópica son las más utilzadas. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio es valorar la factibilidad de la realización del TAPP, en un centro universitario, por parte de residentes y cirujanos jóvenes en formación. Se comparó dicho procedimiento con la técnica de Lichtenstein valorando los resultados en los primeros 30 días del posoperatorio. Las principales variables para estudiar fueron: complicaciones, dolor posoperatorio, estadía hospitalaria y costo del procedimiento. Como variables para estudiar, a largo plazo, se compararon la recidiva herniaria y el dolor crónico. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional comparando dos técnicas quirúrgicas utilizando la base de datos del Servicio con información adquirida de forma prospectiva. Se analizaron 80 pacientes, divididos en dos grupos: hernioplastia de Lichtenstein (grupo1) y hernioplastia por TAPP (grupo 2), durante el período comprendido desde mayo de 2015 hasta mayo de 2019, en dos Centros Universitarios de Montevideo Uruguay (Hospital de Clínicas y Hospital Español). Resultados: No hubo diferencia significativa en la estadía hospitalaria y complicaciones posoperatorias. El grupo del Lichtenstein presentó una recidiva herniaria. La hernioplastia laparoscópica presentó un tiempo operatorio promedio de 20 minutos más y el costo de materiales fue mayor. Si bien el dolor posoperatorio en las primeras 24 horas fue mayor en TAPP, el dolor a las 48 horas, 7días, un mes, tres meses y seis meses fue similar en ambos grupos. Conclusión: La técnica de TAPP, para la hernia inguinal primaria unilateral, es factible de ser realizada por cirujanos jóvenes o en formación, con un porcentaje de complicaciones, dolor posoperatorio y recidivas similares al Lichtenstein, aunque con un costo de materiales y tiempo operatorio levemente mayor.
ABSTRACT Background: Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most common procedures in general surgery. Each year, 20 million surgeries for inguinal hernia repaired are performed; the most common techniques used are the Lichtenstein procedure and the transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) laparoscopic approach. Objective: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the outcomes of the TAPP approach performed by residents and young surgeons in training in a university center. TAPP was compared with the Lichtenstein and the outcomes at 30 days were compared. The variables considered were complications, postoperative pain, length of hospital stay and procedure-related costs. The long-term variables analyzed were recurrence and chronic pain. Material and methods: We conducted an observational study comparing two surgical techniques, using prospectively acquired information from the database of our department. The cohort was made up of 80 patients undergoing inguinal hernia repair in two university-based hospitals in Montevideo, Uruguay (Hospital de Clínicas and Hospital Español), between May 2015 and May 2019. The patients were divided into two groups: Lichtenstein procedure (group 1) and TAPP procedure (group 2). Results: There were no significant differences in length of hospital stay and postoperative complications. One patient in the Lichtenstein group presented hernia recurrence. Mean operative time was 20 minutes longer with laparoscopic hernia repair, and the cost of the materials was higher. Postoperative pain at 24 hours was greater in the TAPP group, but was similar at 48 hours, 7 days, one month, three months and six months in both groups. Conclusion: The use of TAPP technique for unilateral primary inguinal hernia is feasible to perform by young surgeons or surgeons in training, and the percentage of complications, postoperative pain and recurrences is similar to that of the Lichtenstein technique, although the cost of materials and operative time are slightly higher.
Laparoscopy/methods , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Pain, Postoperative , Postoperative Complications , General Surgery , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Costs and Cost Analysis , Chronic Pain , Herniorrhaphy , Operative Time , Hernia , Hernia, Inguinal/diagnostic imaging , Hospitals , Length of Stay , MethodsABSTRACT
Se describe el caso clínico de un paciente de 58 años de edad con antecedentes personales de insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva mal controlada, quien acudió a emergencias del Hospital Luis Bernaza de Guayaquil, Ecuador, por presentar dolor abdominal difuso, constipación y masa inguinoescrotal gigante. Se realizan los estudios pertinentes y se diagnostica una hernia inguinoescrotal gigante con pérdida de domicilio, sin datos de obstrucción intestinal. Se empleó la técnica de Goñi Moreno durante 12 días para aumentar el diámetro de la cavidad abdominal y regresar el contenido del saco a su lugar. Se efectuó laparotomía exploratoria y hernioplastia con resultado satisfactorio y seguimiento por consulta externa durante 2 meses, sin alteraciones.
The case report of a 58 years patient with personal history of a poor controlled congestive heart failure is described, who went to the emergency service of Luis Bernaza Hospital in Guayaquil, Ecuador, due to a diffuse abdominal pain, constipation and giant inguinoescrotal mass. The pertinent studies were carried out and a giant inguinoescrotal hernia is diagnosed with home loss, without data of intestinal obstruction. The Goñi Moreno technique was used during 12 days to increase the diameter of the abdominal cavity and return the content from the sack to its place. An exploratory laparotomy and hernioplastia were carried out with satisfactory result and follow up in the outpatient department during 2 months, without alterations.
Abdominal Pain , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Adult , Abdominal Cavity , Hernia, Inguinal/diagnosisABSTRACT
Introducción: En los últimos años, la aplicación de la cirugía laparoscópica ha permitido ofrecer una nueva expectativa en el tratamiento de la hernia inguinal, ya que no solo permite la colocación de una malla sin tensión, sino que además permite colocarla en la auténtica zona débil de la región inguinal: su pared posterior. Objetivo: Mostrar los resultados obtenidos con la implementación de la hernioplastia laparoscópica como tratamiento alternativo en la reparación de las hernias inguinales. Método: Se realizó un estudio cuasi experimental en el servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital General Docente "Comandante Pinares", durante el período comprendido de junio de 2015 hasta mayo de 2017, con una muestra de 27 pacientes. Se controlaron variables como edad, tipo de hernia inguinal, complicaciones del proceder, recidivas del tratamiento, así como la efectividad del proceder en comparación con técnicas convencionales. Resultados: La hernia inguinal unilateral fue la más frecuente tratada, las complicaciones estuvieron dadas por la inguinodinia y rechazo a la malla. Disminuyeron variables como pérdidas sanguíneas, tiempo quirúrgico, la efectividad se consideró buena en la mayoría de los casos. Conclusiones: Se demuestra que la hernioplastia laparoscópica tiene mayores ventajas biológicas, sociales y económicas(AU)
Introduction: In recent years, the usage of laparoscopic surgery has offered new expectations regarding inguinal hernia treatment, since it not only allows the placement of a mesh without tension, but also allows it to be placed in the authentic weak area of the inguinal region, its posterior wall. Objective: To show the outcomes obtained with the implementation of laparoscopic hernioplasty as an alternative treatment in inguinal hernias repair. Method: A quasiexperimental study was carried out, during the period from June 2015 to May 2017, in the general surgery service of Comandante Pinares General Teaching Hospital, with a sample of 27 patients. Variables such as age, type of inguinal hernia, procedural complications, treatment recurrences, as well as the effectiveness of the procedure were controlled in comparison with conventional techniques. Results: Unilateral inguinal hernia was the most frequently treated. Complications were caused by inguinodynia and mesh rejection. Variables such as blood loss and surgical time decreased. Effectiveness was considered good in most cases. Conclusions: Laparoscopic hernioplasty is shown to have greater biological, social and economic advantages(AU)
Humans , Adult , Laparoscopy/methods , Herniorrhaphy/methods , Hernia, Inguinal/surgeryABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: La hernia de pared abdominal es una patología habitual; la presentación más frecuente es de tipo inguinal, cercano a un 70% del total. La incidencia de un saco herniario inguinal conteniendo ovarios y trompas de Falopio, es un hecho reportado en 2,9% de los casos. Caso clínico: Se presenta una paciente, sexo femenino, de 42 años de edad, con historia de hernia inguinal derecha de larga data, ingresa por aumento de volumen doloroso e irreductible, en región inguinal derecha, no impresiona estrangulada; ingresa a pabellón de urgencia. Dentro de los hallazgos quirúrgicos destacan saco herniario que contiene útero y ambos ovarios, sin compromiso vascular. Paciente evoluciona de forma favorable egresando 2 días posterior a la cirugía.
Introduction: Abdominal wall hernia is a frequent pathology, the most frequent hernia are the inguinal type, closed to 70% of all. Although the incidence of inguinal hernial sac containing ovary and Fallopian tubes are reported on a 2.9% of the cases. Case Report: Female patient 42 years old, with a long-term history of right inguinal hernia, with sudden pain and irreducible increase of volume in the correspondent inguinal zone that doesn't look strangled; she was admitted to the emergency operating room. Among surgical findings hernia's sac content was uterus and both ovaries with no signs of vascular compromise. The patient's favorable evolved let her to be discharged from the hospital after 2 days from post operative care
Humans , Female , Adult , Ovary/abnormalities , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Hernia, Inguinal/diagnosis , Uterus/abnormalities , Fallopian Tubes/abnormalitiesABSTRACT
We reported a case of irreducible indirect inguinal hernia caused by sigmoid colon cancer entering the right groin.The patient complained about a right groin mass for more than 60 years with progressive enlargement for 3 years and pain for half a month.Abdominal CT examination at admission showed rectum and sigmoid colon hernia in the right inguinal area and thickening of sigmoid colon wall.Electronic colonoscopy and pathological diagnosis showed sigmoid colon cancer.Therefore,the result of preliminary diagnosis was irreducible indirect inguinal hernia caused by sigmoid colon cancer entering the right groin.We converted laparoscopic exploration to laparotomy followed by radical sigmoidectomy and employed end-to-end anastomosis of descending colon and rectum in combination with repair of right inguinal hernia.The patient recovered well after operation and was discharged.
Humans , Colon, Sigmoid/surgery , Groin , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Laparoscopy , Sigmoid Neoplasms/surgeryABSTRACT
Trocar placement and camera-dissection in the midline is the most commonly applied method for total extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair (TEP), for which the theory of membrane anatomy has guiding significance. We hereby applies the theories and concepts, such as "fascia lining", "multi-layer", "inter-fascial planes", "combined inter-fascial plane" and "plane transition", to elucidate the key steps of TEP, for instance, space creation, hernia sac dissection, mesh flattening. Camera-dissection is performed along the posterior sheath of the rectus abdominis. Firstly, the camera enters retro-rectus space locating between the rectus abdominis and the transversalis fascia (TF). There are inferior epigastric vessels and their branches in the retro-rectus space, thus over-dissection should be avoided. Secondly, the camera goes downward through the TF into the pre-peritoneal space. The pre-peritoneal space is divided into the parietal plane and visceral plane by pre-peritoneal fascia (PPF). Both bladder and spermatic cord components locate on the visceral plane. Dissection of the median area should be implemented on the parietal plane, namely "surgical space", to protect the bladder. The parietal plane is the "holy plane" of TEP. Dissection of the indirect hernia area should be implemented on the visceral plane, namely "anatomical space", to protect the spermatic cord components. The reduction of direct hernia could be understood as the easy separation of TF and PPF. The reduction of indirect hernia is relatively difficult separation of peritoneum and spermatic cord components. During the transition of parietal and visceral planes, PPF (especially the pre-peritoneal loop) should be dissected for complete parietalization, in order to flatten the mesh.