SUMMARY: The spread of the idea that the human body should be learned from cadavers, especially under the leadership of Vesalius, and the strong support of this idea among surgeons and medical students of that period, led to the emergence of anatomy theatres, particularly in the rich centres of Western Europe. Anatomy theatres have become prestigious places that make contributions to financial income for the cities they are located in. They have contributed to the importance of universities with the students they attract. Anatomy has become a more visual and international science because of the spread of anatomical drawings in scientific medical books, the newly invented printing press making it easier to print more books and the increasing interest of the people of the period. Learning medicine has become easier with the spread of visual anatomy books and cadaver studies. Cadaver studies and anatomy theatres, which started to become widespread under the leadership of brave science warriors such as Vesalius, who lived in the Renaissance period, became the subject of the paintings of painters of the period such as Rembrandt under the name anatomy activities. It is beneficial and necessary for society to keep in memory what this period brought to the world of anatomy and the present with its historical processes.
La difusión de la idea de que el cuerpo humano se debe aprender a partir de cadáveres, especialmente bajo el liderazgo de Vesalius, y el fuerte apoyo de esta idea entre los cirujanos y estudiantes de medicina de ese período, condujo al surgimiento de las salas de anatomía, particularmente en los ricos centros de Europa Occidental. Las salas de anatomía se han convertido en lugares de prestigio que contribuyen a los ingresos económicos de las ciudades en las que están ubicados y han contribuido a la importancia de las universidades con los estudiantes que atraen. La anatomía se ha convertido en una ciencia más visual e internacional debido a la difusión de los dibujos anatómicos en los libros médicos científicos, la imprenta recién inventada que facilita la impresión de libros y el creciente interés de la gente de la época. Aprender medicina se ha vuelto más fácil con la difusión de libros de anatomía visual y estudios de cadáveres. Los estudios de cadáveres y las salas de anatomía, que comenzaron a generalizarse bajo el liderazgo de valientes guerreros de la ciencia como Vesalius, que vivió en el Renacimiento, se convirtieron en el tema de las pinturas de artistas de la época como Rembrandt bajo el nombre de actividades de anatomía. Es beneficioso y necesario que la sociedad guarde en la memoria lo que este período trajo al mundo de la anatomía y el presente con sus procesos históricos.
Humans , History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , Anatomy/education , Anatomy/history , Cadaver , Dissection/education , Dissection/history , Europe, EasternABSTRACT
El recurso de la narrativa literaria permite analizar el film "El discurso del Rey" desde una perspectiva diferente a las disponibles. Se trata de leerlo a partir del concepto de puesta en abismo (mis en abyme), encontrando una escena dentro de la escena, en la que la segunda ofrece las pistas para inteligir claves de la primera. Este recurso se aplica a dos pasajes clave del film, permitiendo así analizarlo como una ficción clínica y comprender mejor las vicisitudes psicológicas del personaje y sus posibles salidas
The resource of literary narrative allows us to analyze the film "The King's Speech" from a different perspective than those currently available. It is a matter of reading it from the concept of "mis en abyme", finding a scene within the scene, in which the second offers the clues to understand the keys of the first. This resource is applied to two key passages of the film, thus allowing it to be analyzed as a clinical fiction and to better understand the psychological vicissitudes of the character and the possible ways out of it
Humans , Male , History, 15th Century , Literature, Modern , Drama , Motion PicturesABSTRACT
Resumen El Plomo ha tenido una estrecha relación con el mundo artístico pictórico a través de los pigmentos utilizados por los artistas durante milenios. El íntimo contacto con sustancias químicas potencialmente peligrosas para la salud, casi siempre sin medidas de higiene y seguridad laboral, ha desarrollado en muchos casos, enfermedades laborales en estos artistas, a veces sospechadas y en otros casos, más que confirmadas. En el presente trabajo se analiza la historia de vida laboral de Miguel Angel Buonarroti, de quien se tiene registro suficiente como para establecer un nexo causal con exposición laboral al Plomo.
Abstract Lead has shown a close relationship with the fine arts'world through the pigments used by artists for thousand of years. Close contact with potentially dangerous chemical substances for health, almost always without occupational hygiene and safety measures, has produced, in many cases, occupational illnesses in these artists, sometimes suspected and in other cases, more than confirmed. In the present work, the history of Miguel Angel Buonarroti's working life is analyzed, since there is sufficient record to establish a causal link with occupational exposure to Lead.
History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , Paintings/history , Tinnitus/chemically induced , Famous Persons , Lead Poisoning/complications , Occupational Diseases/chemically induced , Paint/poisoning , Lead Poisoning, Nervous System, Adult/complicationsABSTRACT
Abstract The study of skin, the science of dermatology, has undergone significant transformations throughout the centuries. From the first descriptions of skin diseases in Egyptian papyri and in Hippocratic writings to the first treatises on dermatology, important individuals and discoveries have marked the specialty. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the specialty consolidated itself as a field of medical study based on the first classifications of dermatoses, diagnostic methods, and drug treatments. In the 20th century, the scientific and technological revolution transformed dermatological practice, incorporating new therapeutic resources, as well as surgical and aesthetic procedures. In the face of such a vigorous process, it is important to provide a historical synthesis for the medical community to recognize and understand the origins that supported one of the most relevant specialties in the current medical scenario.
Humans , History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Skin Diseases/diagnosis , Skin Diseases/therapy , Dermatology , Skin , History, Ancient , History, Medieval , Egypt , EstheticsABSTRACT
Este artículo presenta una historia general de las epidemias históricas y de las nuevas enfermedades emergentes, señalando sus factores desencadenantes. Se afirma que las epidemias son inevitables, y que su riesgo aumenta en proporción al tamaño, la complejidad y el poder tecnológico de nuestras sociedades. La historia enseña que las epidemias han sido casi siempre desencadenadas por cambios en el ambiente ocasionados por las propias actividades humanas. Las enfermedades infecciosas son manifestación de una interacción ecológica entre la especie humana y otra especie de microorganismos. Y las epidemias son resultado del cambio en algún factor ambiental capaz de influir en esa interacción. Las catástrofes epidémicas son inevitables: en primer lugar, porque no podemos evitar formar parte de cadenas tróficas en las que comemos y somos comidos por los microbios; en segundo lugar, porque las infecciones son mecanismos evolutivos y factores reguladores del equilibrio ecológico, que regulan sobre todo el tamaño de las poblaciones; y, en tercer lugar, porque las intervenciones técnicas humanas, al modificar los equilibrios previos, crean equilibrios nuevos que son más vulnerables. De este modo las sociedades humanas son más vulnerables cuanto más complejas. Y los éxitos humanos en la modificación de condiciones ambientales conservan, o más bien aumentan, el riesgo de catástrofes epidémicas. Todas las necesarias medidas de vigilancia y control epidemiológico imaginables pueden disminuir los daños que producen las epidemias, pero nunca podrán evitarlas.
This article presents a general history of historical epidemics, and new emerging diseases, pointing out their triggers. It is claimed that epidemics are inevitable, and that their risk increases in proportion to the size, complexity, and technological power of our societies. History teaches that epidemics have almost always been triggered by changes in the environment caused by human activities themselves. Infectious diseases are manifestations of an ecological interaction between the human species and another species of microorganisms. And epidemics are the result of a change in some environmental factor capable of influencing that interaction. Epidemic catastrophes are inevitable: firstly, because we cannot help but be part of trophic chains in which we eat and are eaten by microbes; secondly, because infections are evolutionary mechanisms and regulatory factors of ecological balance, which regulate especially the size of populations; and thirdly, because human technical interventions, in changing previous balances, create new balances that are more vulnerable. In this way human societies are more vulnerable the more complex. And human successes in modifying environmental conditions retain, or rather increase, the risk of epidemic catastrophes. All necessary epidemiological surveillance and control measures imaginable can lessen the damage caused by epidemics, but they can never prevent them.
Humans , History, Ancient , History, Medieval , History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Communicable Diseases/history , Pandemics/history , History of Medicine , Communicable Diseases, Emerging , Vulnerable PopulationsABSTRACT
Justificación: la bibliografía sobre delitos sexuales en el periodo de dominación hispánica en América (1492-1821) es escasa, existiendo importantes vacíos historiográficos que dificultan la reconstrucción de un panorama general del proceso penal conducido en esa época, por lo que, investigar el peritaje conducido en los casos de violación es un primer paso para rastrear la evolución del tratamiento de esos casos en las instituciones judiciales. Objetivo: describir cómo se ejecutaba el peritaje forense en los casos de violación sucedidos en la Honduras previo a su independencia política de España. Metodología: se adoptó un enfoque cualitativo con un diseño exploratorio, utilizándose fuentes primarias que fueron seleccionadas mediante muestreo no probabilístico. Resultados: se logró identificar dos casos en los cuales se hizo recurso de peritos para confirmar una violación. En ambos las expertas tenían el oficio de partera, brindando declaraciones que reflejan una falta de preparación profesional y un conocimiento basado en la experiencia. Las declaraciones fueron transcritas conservándose la ortografía de la época y comentadas para ubicarlas en su contexto. Conclusión: en la Honduras de los años previos a la independencia se realizaba un peritaje forense en casos de violación basado en la experiencia laboral de los peritos y no en información científica o preparación académica, esto condujo a que los juicios de los expertos se vieran afectados por sus sesgos culturales...(AU)
Humans , Female , History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , Sex Offenses/history , Coroners and Medical Examiners , Rape , MidwiferyABSTRACT
Se explica el origen de los términos cirugía plástica y rinoplastia, así como los inicios de la especialidad y de esta cirugía nasal. Se exponen cuáles fueron las necesidades que atendieron y qué lugar ocuparon la reparación y la reconstrucción en la historia y la filosofía de la medicina. La cirugía plástica se instaló como la disciplina quirúrgica encargada de buscar la recuperación de la identidad perdida. (AU)
The origin of the terms of "plastic surgery" and "Rhinoplasty" is explained, as well as the beginning of the specialty and this nasal surgery. It explains what his need was and how he filled that gap, the repair and reconstruction in the history and philosophy of medicine. It was installed as the surgical discipline in charge of seeking the recovery of the lost identity. (AU)
History, Ancient , History, Medieval , History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Rhinoplasty/history , Plastic Surgery Procedures/history , Philosophy, Medical , History of MedicineABSTRACT
Resumo O estudo esboça algumas compreensões sobre a palavra "higiene". A partir do Renascimento, a ideia advinda da Grécia Antiga voltou a ser trabalhada, primeiramente como método para uma organização dietética e moral da vida que visava ao seu prolongamento. De uma espécie de cuidado de si, transformou-se em conceito de governança, cujo objetivo era o prolongamento da vida dos súditos/cidadãos. O debate teórico sobre o que era higiene pública mostra sua faceta eminentemente política: não apenas era um ramo da economia política, mas também eram analisadas as propostas dos higienistas de acordo com seu maior ou menor impacto na política. A batalha político-científica resultou na vitória de certas compreensões de ação estatal, e no esquecimento e na negligência de outras.
Abstract This study outlines some understandings of the word "hygiene." The notion that originated in ancient Greece first began to be adopted as a system of diet and morals to prolong the lifespan. From a type of self-care, this idea transformed into a concept of governance to extend the lives of subject-citizens. The theoretical debate about what public hygiene used to be shows its eminently political side: not only was hygiene a branch of the political economy, the ideas of hygienists were also analyzed as to the degree of impact they had on policy. After political and scientific battles, certain understandings of government action emerged victorious, while others were forgotten and neglected.
Humans , History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , Health Behavior , Hygiene/history , United States , History, Ancient , Europe , Government/historyABSTRACT
Resumen En este ensayo se discute la situación de la atención a la salud en Mesoamérica antes e inmediatamente después de 1519. En los primeros 50 años después de la Conquista, los españoles hicieron un uso muy extensivo de la medicina náhuatl. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, el ámbito de influencia de esta tradición se vio limitado debido a la rápida imposición de un sistema de atención muy diferente que poco aprovechó, entre otras cosas, la riqueza terapéutica de la medicina prehispánica.
Abstract This paper discusses the situation of healthcare in Mesoamerica before and immediately after 1519. In the first 50 years after the Conquest, the Spaniards made extensive use of Nahuatl medicine. However, the influence of this medical tradition was limited due to the rapid imposition of a very different medical system which took little advantage of, among other things, the therapeutic wealth of pre-Hispanic healing traditions.
History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , Delivery of Health Care/history , Medicine, Traditional/history , Delivery of Health Care/ethnology , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration , Epidemics/history , Hospitals/history , MexicoABSTRACT
Resumen: El impacto catastrófico de las enfermedades infecciosas sobre la salud infantil, como también el rol trascendental y benéfico aportado por la instauración y ejecución de medidas sanitarias y de inmuno- prevención ha sido un tema recurrente en la historia de la medicina, aunque una vez logrado el con trol de la enfermedad, estas pasan fácilmente al olvido. Ante esto, parece necesario rememorar aquel escenario social mediante un acercamiento a través de la pintura. Las obras pictóricas son testigo de aquello, pues las enfermedades son objeto de representación y a su vez se han convertido en un in valuable documento en la historia de la medicina. Patologías pediátricas como tuberculosis, difteria, poliomielitis, sarampión, viruela y sífilis como también el inicio de la vacunación, son analizadas en diversas pinturas con el objetivo de profundizar el conocimiento de la época histórica, el autor y su vínculo con dicha enfermedad.
Abstract: The catastrophic impact of infectious diseases on children's health, as well the transcendental and be neficial role played by the establishment and execution of health measures and immunoprevention, has been a recurrent subject in the history of medicine, although once the disease has been controlled, they are easily forgotten. In view of this, it seems necessary to recall that social scenario through an approach through painting. The pictorial works are witnesses of that since diseases are subject of representation, and at the same time, they have become an invaluable document in the history of me dicine. Pediatric pathologies such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, polio, measles, smallpox, and syphilis, as well as the initiation of vaccination, are analyzed in various paintings with the aim of deepening knowledge of the historical era, the author and his or her link to this disease.
Humans , Child , History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Paintings/history , Communicable Diseases/history , Vaccination/history , Medicine in the Arts/historyABSTRACT
Relatos da operação cesariana permeiam a saga da humanidade e ilustram a historia da Medicina. Figura em diversas civilizações primevas, feita entre babilônicos, romanos e hindus. Chegou até nós alternado uma historia trágica de morte, até sua banalização nos dias atuais, sempre cercada por polêmicas apaixonadas, essa cirurgia figura entre as mais realizadas em todo o mundo...(AU)
Reports of cesarean section permeate the saga of humanity and illustrate the history of Medicine. It figured in several ancient civilizations, reported between Babylonians, Romans and Hindus. It has come to us altenadoting a tragic death story, until its banalization in the present day, always surround by passionate polemics, this surgery is one of the most performed in the world...(AU)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , History, Ancient , History, Medieval , History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Cesarean Section/historyABSTRACT
This essay analyzes the presence of the modern concept of melancholy in the Intercenales (1424-1439) by the humanist Leon Battista Alberti. The Intercenales is a collection of satirical, allegorical and moralizing writings composed with the purpose of entertaining an audience of close friends. In spite of the fact that the term "melancholia" does not appear in the text, this paper argues that Alberti's character of "the philosopher" is melancholic, since he is "ill in the soul" (suffering from morbus animi), and his illness is evidenced by a series of physical and psychological symptoms associated with melancholy in the classical and medieval medical traditions. These symptoms are stomach pain, pallor, insomnia, a rich memory, a propensity to study at night, and an ability to have premonitory dreams. With this characterization Alberti promotes a connection between melancholy and being a genius, which is distinctive to the Renaissance and the basis for the modern concept of melancholy. The essay concludes that the ultimate purpose of the Intercenales is to cure, from a literary and philosophical point of view, the illness of the melancholic philosopher.
Humans , History, 15th Century , Philosophy/history , Depressive Disorder/history , Medicine in Literature/history , Depressive Disorder/pathologyABSTRACT
Leonardo Da Vinci fue autor de ilustraciones científicas. Se lo considera un pionero en el estudio de la anatomía humana en el siglo XV. Sus dibujos elevan la disección al nivel de una obra de arte. (AU)
Leonardo was author of scientific illustrates. He was a Pioneer in anatomy human study in the XV century. His drawing elevated the dissection to a level of art work. (AU)
History, 15th Century , Famous Persons , Anatomy/history , Anatomy, Artistic , History, Early Modern 1451-1600 , Dissection/historyABSTRACT
In this paper,the name,origin,producing area,harvesting and processing changes of Paeonia lactiflora used in classical prescriptions were studied by textual research of herbal medicine and field investigation. Chinese herbaceous peony wasn' t distinguished before the Northern and Southern Dynasties; Tao Hongjing proposed that there were two kinds of P. lactiflora in the Northern and Southern Dynasties,but they were not clearly defined; since the Song and Yuan Dynasties,the method of distinguishing P. lactiflora by flower color and root color was proposed. In the Ming Dynasty,people put forward the criteria similar to modern ones,that is,to divide red peony and white peony by means of harvesting and processing,and to continue for future generations. Since modern times,different growth patterns and processing methods have been used to classify red peony and white peony. Paeoniae Radix Alba has gradually formed three major cultivation genuine producing areas: Hangzhou,Sichuan and Bozhou,while Paeoniae Radix Rubra in modern times has praised the wild medicinal materials produced in Inner Mongolia,Toronto and other places. According to textual research,Paeoniae Radix Alba was highly praised in Song Dynasty. When people in Song Dynasty revised the previous literature,they changed " Shaoyao" into " Baishao" and continued to use Paeoniae Radix Alba for future generations. Therefore,the origin of P. lactiflora in classical prescriptions before the Song Dynasty should be determined by the combination of prescription function and prescription meaning evolution; After the Song Dynasty,the origins of " Red Paeonia Root" and " White Paeonia Root" in prescriptions are basically the same as those in today's prescriptions,which should be recorded in ancient prescriptions. For the medicinal flavor of " Paeonia Root" recorded in prescriptions after the Song Dynasty,the origins can be determined by functional domination and the evolution of prescriptions.
Humans , China , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/history , History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, Medieval , Paeonia , Phytotherapy , Plants, MedicinalABSTRACT
To clarify the change and development of original plants of " Manjingzi"( Viticis Fructus),a traditional Chinese medicine,we investigated Vitex species on the ancient Chinese herbal texts. The study concluded that the Vitex trifolia and V. trifolia var.simplicifolia included in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia( 2015 edition) are only two sources of ancient medicinal Viticis Fructus. There are many sources of vines used in ancient times,which are not fixed and unified. The early use of Viticis Fructus is likely to be the V. quinate var. quinata,V. negundo var. cannabifolia and V. negundo var. negundo. From the Tang Dynasty,the use of V. trifolia var. simplicifolia has been appeared. Until Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty,the V. trifolia has been used as a source of medicine for the Viticis Fructus,but even so,the source of medicinal plants of Viticis Fructus has not been unified. We suggested V. trifolia var. simplicifolia be used as mainly species for " Manjingzi" due to its widely used in ancient China.
China , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/history , Fruit , History, 15th Century , History, Medieval , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Pharmacopoeias as Topic , Plants, Medicinal , VitexABSTRACT
Forsythiae Fructus( Lianqiao) is classed from near-mature fruit and hyper-mature fruit,which are named as Qingqiao and Laoqiao,respectively. This article was based on the different views of which was better,Qingqiao or Laoqiao. Acorrding to the naming,varieties,habitat,harvesting and processing,used parts,medicinal properties and clinical efficacy,the herbalogical study was carried out. The results showed that Lianqiao had been sourced from the areial part of Hypericum ascyron and H. erectum of Clusiaceae before Tang Dynasty. Beside the former,and the fruit of Forsythia suspensa of Oleaceae was newly used as Lianqiao during the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty. The later had been the only origin of Lianqiao since the Song Dynasty. With the change of the medicinal varieties,the habitats of Lianqiao has also changed. The varieties of Clusiaceae were mainly produced in the Yellow River Basin from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty. After the Song Dynasty,they were produced in the south of the Yangtze River. The variety of Oleaceae was mainly produced in Shanxi,Henan,Shandong,Shaanxi,and northern Sichuan from the Tang and Song Dynasties. Currently,Shanxi and Henan have the largest output. Traditionally,there were two commercial varieties including Qingqiao and Laoqiao of Lianqiao based on the harvesting time. In traditional Chinese medicine( TCM) theory,Lianqiao removes evil heat and relieves toxicity,removes swelling and resolves enlarged nodes. Accroding to the effects of Lianqiao,Qingqiao was considered to be better than Laoqiao in TCM clinic. The modern research on main medicinal constituents and pharmacodynamic effects also confirmed the above mentioned facts. This paper can provide literature support for the rationalities of Qingqiao's mainstream medication and assay standard of Lianqiao in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.
China , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/history , Forsythia/classification , Fruit , History, 15th Century , History, Ancient , History, Medieval , Medicine, Chinese TraditionalABSTRACT
RESUMEN: En este artículo se resaltó la importancia que tiene un buen conocimiento de la anatomía humana para una mejor práctica médica, brindando al paciente una mayor seguridad.
SUMMARY: Excellent knowledge of human anatomy is critical for medical practitioners and clinicians in order to provide better healthcare and safety for their patients.
Humans , History, Ancient , History, Medieval , History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Patient Safety , Anatomy/education , Anatomy/history , Medical Errors/prevention & controlABSTRACT
El presente trabajo se basa en una revisión de la literatura sobre aspectos históricos inherentes a los orígenes de la Odontología como rama de la Medicina, sucesos a través del tiempo que marcaron la evolución hasta lograr su independencia y aquellos hitos que posibilitaron su profesionalización, consolidación y actual estado en el contexto de las Ciencias de la Salud. Asimismo, se analiza el desarrollo de la Odontología en la República Argentina, desde la época del Protomedicato del Río de la Plata hasta la actualidad. El objetivo de esta investigación es brindar un aporte de la historia de la Odontología, propendiendo a su mayor conocimiento, comprensión, divulgación y discusión respecto de problemáticas vinculadas a la ciencia odontológica a través del tiempo, como así también analizar estrategias actuales para superar los nuevos desafíos imperantes (AU)
The present work is based on a review of the literature on historical aspects inherent to the origins of Dentistry as a branch of Medicine, events through time that marked the evolution to achieve its independence and those milestones that made possible its professionalization, consolidation and Current status in the context of Health Sciences. Likewise, the development of Dentistry in the Argentine Republic is analyzed, from the time of the Protomedicato of Río de la Plata to the present day. The objective of this research is to provide a contribution of the history of dentistry, probing its greater knowledge, understanding, disclosure and discussion of issues related to dental science over time, as well as analyzing current strategies to overcome the new prevailing challenges (AU)