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Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 137(1): 19-34, mar. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552860


Con motivo del Día Mundial de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, se realizó en la Casa Museo Bernardo Houssay un conversatorio en el que expertos biógrafos resaltaron algunos aspectos de la trayectoria profesional del Premio Nobel de Medicina de 1947, destacando su actividad como investigador en fisiología y sus cualidades humanas. Estos importantes estudiosos del tema compartieron sus conocimientos en un selecto auditorio. (AU)

On the occasion of World Science and Technology Day, a discussion was held at the Bernardo Houssay House Museum in which expert biographers highlighted some aspects of the professional career of the 1947 Nobel Prize in Medicine, highlighting his activity as a researcher in physiology and his human qualities. These important scholars of the subject shared their knowledge in a select audience. (AU)

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Physiology/history , Biomedical Research , Academies and Institutes/history , Argentina , History of Medicine , Nobel Prize
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 31: e2024020, 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557929


Resumen Estudiar y reflexionar sobre la enfermedad es poner de relieve las formas de ver y decir acerca de lo que puede un cuerpo y su potencia de ser afectado ante las huellas o vestigios que lo degradan. Este artículo expone los soportes epistemológicos de una investigación sobre las representaciones sociales (en la que se inscribe el saber médico) de la enfermedad desde el registro de la dermatología clínica durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Para esto, se recurrió a un análisis de fotografías médicas conservada en archivos de Colombia y España y como horizonte discursivo las formas de ver y decir la enfermedad que tiene efectos deformantes en el cuerpo.

Abstract To study about and reflect on the disease is to highlight the ways of seeing and saying what can a body and its power to be affected before fingerprints or traces that degrade it. This article exposes epistemological research on social representations brackets (where register know doctor) disease from the registry of Clinical Dermatology in the second half of the 19th century. This is resorted to an analysis of medical photographs preserved in archives of Colombia and Spain taking as discursive forms of seeing and saying the disease who have disfiguring effects in the body.

Disease , Dermatology , Photograph , Social Representation , Spain , Colombia , History, 19th Century
Rev. ADM ; 80(6): 351-355, nov.-dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555709


A finales del siglo XIX, París sufrió un evento catastrófico en el cual perecieron numerosas víctimas en un incendio en el interior del Bazar de la Caridad. La mayoría de las víctimas sufrieron una carbonización tal que no era posible reconocerlas por su apariencia física. Ante el reto de la identificación, las autoridades solicitaron a los odontólogos que habían atendido en vida a las personas desaparecidas que inspeccionaran las características dentales de los cadáveres para facilitar su identificación, dicho evento fue clave para el nacimiento de la odontología forense. A partir de entonces, los dientes son considerados como elementos extremadamente fidedignos para la identificación de sujetos desconocidos. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una breve revisión del evento que dio origen a la odontología forense: el incendio del Bazar de la Caridad (AU)

At the end of the 19th century, Paris suffered a catastrophic event in which numerous victims perished in a fire inside the Charity Bazaar. Most of the victims suffered such carbonization that it was not possible to recognize them by their physical appearance. Faced with the challenge of the identification, the authorities asked the dentists who had treated the disappeared persons while they were alive to inspect the dental characteristics of the corpses to facilitate their identification. This event was key to the birth of forensic odontology. From then on, teeth are considered extremely reliable elements for the identification of unkown subjects. The aim of this article is to carry out a brief review of the event that gave rise to forensic odontology: the Charity Bazaar fire (AU)

Forensic Anthropology , Fires/history , Forensic Dentistry/history , History, 19th Century , France , History of Dentistry
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(4): 29-32, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553084


Francisco Javier Muñiz nació en Monte Grande en 1795 y se graduó de médico en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en 1822. Además de la medicina y la paleontología, Muñiz se desempeñó como cirujano de guerra en la guerra con el Brasil y en la guerra de la Triple Alianza. En 1871, encontrándose jubilado, se ofrece como voluntario en la lucha contra la epidemia de fiebre amarilla que asoló a la ciudad de Buenos Aires provocando 14.467 muertos. Muñiz falleció el 8 de abril de 1871 en cumplimiento del deber, contagiado de fiebre amarilla. Médico, periodista, paleontólogo, descubridor de la vacuna nativa contra la viruela y realizador de apuntes de lingüística, Francisco Javier Muñiz, representa uno de los grandes ejemplos para la sociedad argentina. (AU)

Francisco Javier Muñiz was born in Monte Grande in 1795 and graduated as a physician from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires in 1822. In addition to medicine and paleontology, Muñiz served as a military surgeon in the War with Brazil and in the War of the Triple Alliance. In 1871, when he was retired, he volunteered to fight the yellow fever epidemic that devastated the city of Buenos Aires, causing 14,467 deaths. Muñiz died in the line of duty on April 8, 1871, infected with yellow fever. Doctor, journalist, paleontologist, discoverer of the native vaccine against smallpox and linguistic note-taker, Francisco Javier Muñiz is one of the great examples for Argentinian society. (AU)

History, 19th Century , Yellow Fever/history , Armed Conflicts/history , Surgeons/history , Paleontology/history , Argentina , Physicians/history , Brazil , History of Medicine
Salud mil ; 42(2): e702, 20230929. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1531727


Ernest Shackleton ha sido en la historia, un personaje que dejó huella como ejemplo de resiliencia y liderazgo. En 1914 realizó como jefe de expedición su segundo viaje antártico, frustrado por el hundimiento de su buque insignia. La operación de rescate del grueso de la tripulación varada en el continente más meridional lo llevó a recalar en Montevideo. Desde este puerto partió el buque Instituto de Pesca N°1, con tripulación de Uruguay y Shackleton incluido, no logrando completar el salvamento. De esta acción nació el aprecio hacia la persona del explorador por parte del gobierno de la República. En su postrer travesía, ya fallecido llegó a las Islas Georgia del Sur y a su cuerpo se le realizó un proceso de conservación para ser traído a nuestro país y continuar viaje al puerto de origen en Inglaterra. Es en esa circunstancia que el gobierno del doctor Baltasar Brum solicitó a la Comisión Permanente del Parlamento, se le rindieran honores fúnebres de Ministro de Estado. El embalsamado del cuerpo fue realizado el 30 de enero de 1922, por parte de personal médico y técnico del Hospital Militar, así como los honores que le rindieron por el Servicio de Sanidad del Ejército y la Armada.

Ernest Shackleton has been in history, a character who left his mark as an example of resilience and leadership. In 1914, as expedition leader, he made his second Antarctic voyage, frustrated by the sinking of his flagship. The operation to rescue the bulk of the crew stranded on the southernmost continent led him to Montevideo. The Instituto de Pesca N°1, with Uruguayan crew and Shackleton included, departed from this port, but was unable to complete the rescue. From this action was born the appreciation of the explorer by the government of the Republic. In his last voyage, when he died, he reached the South Georgia Islands and his body underwent a preservation process to be brought to our country and continue his voyage to the port of origin in England. It is in this circumstance that the government of Dr. Baltasar Brum requested the Permanent Commission of the Parliament to pay him the funeral honors of a Minister of State. The embalming of the body was carried out on January 30, 1922, by medical and technical personnel of the Military Hospital, as well as the honors rendered by the Army and Navy Health Service.

Ernest Shackleton deixou sua marca na história como um exemplo de resiliência e liderança. Em 1914, ele fez sua segunda viagem à Antártica como líder da expedição, frustrado pelo naufrágio de seu navio principal. A operação para resgatar a maior parte da tripulação encalhada no continente mais ao sul o levou a Montevidéu. O Instituto de Pesca N°1, com tripulação do Uruguai e Shackleton incluído, partiu desse porto, mas não conseguiu concluir o resgate. Essa ação deu origem ao reconhecimento do explorador pelo governo da República. Em sua última viagem, quando morreu, chegou às Ilhas Geórgia do Sul e seu corpo foi preservado para que pudesse ser trazido ao nosso país e continuar sua viagem até o porto de origem na Inglaterra. Foi nessa circunstância que o governo do Dr. Baltasar Brum solicitou ao Comitê Permanente do Parlamento que lhe prestasse as honras fúnebres de um Ministro de Estado. O embalsamamento do corpo foi realizado em 30 de janeiro de 1922, pela equipe médica e técnica do Hospital Militar, bem como as honras prestadas a ele pelo Serviço de Saúde do Exército e da Marinha.

Humans , Male , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Ships/history , Travel/history , Military Personnel/history , Uruguay , United Kingdom , Antarctic Regions
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(3): 14-22, sept. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553353


El presente artículo es una reseña biográfica de la vida del Dr. Christofredo Jakob, desde su formación en Alemania, las personalidades que acompañaron su desarrollo y las publicaciones científicas en suelo germano. Luego llegarían los inicios de su trabajo en la Argentina y los principales alcances de sus investigaciones. A través de esta reseña recorremos los comienzos del estudio sistemático del sistema nervioso en el país y recordamos el Día del Neurocientífico argentino. (AU)

This article is a biographical review of the life of Dr. Christofredo Jakob, from his training in Germany, the personalities who accompanied his development and the scientific publications on German soil. Then came the beginnings of his work in Argentina and the main achievements of his research. Through this review, we retrace the beginnings of the systematic study of the nervous system in the country and we remember the Day of the Argentine Neuroscientist. (AU)

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Physicians/history , Neurobiology , Neurosciences , Argentina , Biomedical Research , Germany
Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(4): 410-414, ago. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521840


El Instituto de Higiene, fundado por el gobierno de Chile en 1892, aparte de sus funciones en el ámbito de la salud pública, participó activamente en la docencia de pregrado de Bacteriología de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile. La cátedra de Bacteriología fundada en 1895 fue trasladada en 1902 a la sección de seroterapia de dicho instituto (uno de los cinco edificios que formaban el instituto). La cátedra permaneció en ese lugar por tres décadas, siendo trasladada en 1930 por el Dr. Hugo Vaccaro de vuelta a la Escuela de Medicina. Por otra parte, la cátedra extraordinaria de Bacteriología siguió ligada a dicho instituto y a su inmediato sucesor el Instituto Bacteriológico de Chile. Sin embargo, luego del incendio de la Escuela de Medicina en 1948, la cátedra ordinaria tuvo que retornar a sus antiguos edificios en la ribera del Mapocho y paralelamente la cátedra extraordinaria se trasladó a una nueva ubicación en Ñuñoa.

The Institute of Hygiene, founded by the Chilean government in 1892, apart from its functions in the field of public health, actively participated in the undergraduate teaching of Bacteriology at the School of Medicine of the University of Chile. The chair of Bacteriology founded in 1895 was transferred in 1902 to the serotherapy section of the mentioned institute (one of the five buildings that made up the institute). The chair remained in that place for three decades, being transferred by Dr. Hugo Vaccaro back to the School of Medicine in 1930. On the other hand, the Extraordinary Chair of Bacteriology continued to be linked to the said institute and to its immediate successor, the Bacteriological Institute of Chile. However, after the fire at the School of Medicine in 1948, the ordinary chair had to return to its old buildings on the banks of the Mapocho and at the same time the extraordinary chair moved to a new location in Ñuñoa.

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Bacteriology/education , Bacteriology/history , Academies and Institutes/history , Universities , Chile
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(2): 18-26, jun. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551245


La Asociación Médica Argentina (AMA) reconoce el valor de la Escuela Quirúrgica de los hermanos Finochietto y por tal motivo efectúa un homenaje anual desde el año 2002. En este artículo se hace una breve reseña histórica del Hospital Rawson, donde se inició y desarrolló dicha escuela. Se resaltan dos hechos: por un lado, el término "diáspora finochiettista", porque la dispersión de los cirujanos fue obligada y tuvieron que abandonar su lugar de procedencia original, el Hospital Rawson y, por el otro, que dicho nosocomio nació y murió como consecuencia de movimientos políticos cívico-militares. (AU)

The Argentine Medical Association (AMA) recognizes the value of the Surgical School of the Finochietto brothers, and for this reason has paid an annual tribute since 2002. Tthis article provides a brief historical review of the Rawson Hospital, where the school was initiated and developed. Two facts are highlighted: on the one hand, the term "Finochiettista diaspora" because the dispersal of the surgeons was forced and they had to leave their original place of origin, the Rawson Hospital; and on the other hand, the fact that this hospital was born and died as a consequence of civil-military political movements. (AU)

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Schools, Medical/history , Surgeons/history , Hospitals/history , Argentina , Societies, Medical , History of Medicine
Rev. méd. Maule ; 38(1): 90-96, jun. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562393


The challenge of knowing the events surrounding the modern origins of the different specialties of Chilean medicine should be of interest to the specialists of these specialties. Thus, in the case of surgery, fortunately in Chile there are testimonial documents, which reviewed and analyzed can suggest this question, mentioning the one who today is considered the world father of modern surgery, whose important surgical teachings were delivered to Chilean disciples who introduced it in our country. In the context of the War of the Pacific, in the year 1879, a "blood hospital" was built in Santiago, donated by Domingo Matte, a Chilean politician, to receive the many war wounded who were transported from the north. It was Dr. Manuel Barros Borgoño, a young surgeon recently graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Paris, with a degree revalidated in Chile, who in 1880 took charge of this hospital, and together with his team, began to apply his experience in listerian methods learned in Paris from his teacher Dr. Just Lucas Champonniere. Just Lucas Champonniere, giving beginning to the Chilean antiseptic surgery, managing to reduce the mortality of surgeries to 3%, compared to 80% of other Chilean hospitals that refused to change, and continued with the use of sponge soaked in cerato (lard).

Humans , History, 16th Century , History, 19th Century , General Surgery/history , Antisepsis/methods , General Surgery/methods , Chile , Hospitals/history
Salud mil ; 42(1): e701, 05/05/2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1531500


Se conmemoran en 2023 los 250 años del nacimiento de Bonpland, francés, médico y naturalista, botánico y viajero, hacendado y político que transitó en el siglo XIX por los cuatro países que hoy integran el Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR). En Argentina por Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, Corrientes y Misiones; en Uruguay reiteradamente en Montevideo; en Paraguay por Santa María de Fe, Itapúa y Asunción; en Brasil por San Borja en Rio Grande del Sur. Vino al Río de la Plata atraído por promesas que no se cumplieron luego de explorar parte de América con el barón Alexander von Humboldt y encargarse como intendente botánico de los jardines de Malmaison, la residencia de la emperatriz Josefina, primera esposa de Napoleón Bonaparte. No pudo retornar a su patria, Francia y terminó sus días -ya octogenario- en un apartado pueblo correntino, donde hubo que sepultarlo de apuro por carecer de medios de embalsamamiento que permitieran trasladar su cuerpo a la capital provincial.

The year 2023 marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Bonpland, Frenchman, physician and naturalist, botanist and traveler, landowner and politician who traveled in the 19th century through the four countries that today make up the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR). In Argentina, he visited Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, Corrientes and Misiones; in Uruguay, Montevideo; in Paraguay, Santa María de Fe, Itapúa and Asunción; in Brazil, San Borja in Rio Grande do Sul. He came to the Rio de la Plata attracted by promises that were not fulfilled after exploring part of America with Baron Alexander von Humboldt and taking charge as botanical intendant of the gardens of Malmaison, the residence of the Empress Josephine, first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. He could not return to his homeland, France, and ended his days -already an octogenarian- in a remote town of Corrientes, where he had to be buried in a hurry due to the lack of embalming means to transfer his body to the provincial capital.

O ano de 2023 marca o 250º aniversário do nascimento de Bonpland, o francês, médico e naturalista, botânico e viajante, proprietário de terras e político que viajou no século XIX pelos quatro países que hoje formam o Mercado Comum do Sul (MERCOSUL). Na Argentina, ele viajou por Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, Corrientes e Misiones; no Uruguai, viajou várias vezes para Montevidéu; no Paraguai, para Santa María de Fe, Itapúa e Assunção; no Brasil, para São Borja, no Rio Grande do Sul. Ele veio para o Rio de la Plata atraído por promessas que não foram cumpridas depois de explorar parte da América com o Barão Alexander von Humboldt e assumir o cargo de intendente botânico dos jardins de Malmaison, a residência da Imperatriz Josefina, a primeira esposa de Napoleão Bonaparte. Ele não pôde retornar à sua terra natal, a França, e terminou seus dias - já octogenário - em um vilarejo remoto na província de Corrientes, onde teve que ser enterrado às pressas devido à falta de equipamentos de embalsamamento que permitissem que seu corpo fosse transferido para a capital da província.

Humans , Male , Female , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , Physicians/history , Botany/history , Uruguay , Ilex paraguariensis , France
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(1): 26-35, mar. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553762


Los autores describen los hechos que dieron lugar al nacimiento, en 1872, de la SCA, que cumplió 150 años de existencia. Se señalan sus fundadores, sus objetivos y los principales hitos a lo largo de ese tiempo. El análisis hace hincapié en que durante la primera mitad de ese período solo un presidente fue médico: los demás fueron ingenieros, físicos, químicos, militares, abogados e investigadores naturalistas. En cambio, durante la segunda mitad 8 médicos, de distintas especialidades, ocuparon la presidencia, todos con una destacada actuación profesional, tanto nacional como internacional, y que aportaron una característica especial a la institución, propia de esta profesión. (AU)

The authors describe the events that led to the birth, in 1872, of the SCA, which celebrated 150 years of existence. Its founders, its objectives and the main milestones throughout that time are indicated. The analysis emphasizes that during the first half of that period only one president was a doctor: the others were engineers, physicists, chemists, soldiers, lawyers, and naturalistic researchers. On the other hand, during the second half, 8 doctors, from different specialties, held the presidency, all with an outstanding professional performance, both nationally and internationally, and who contributed a special characteristic to the institution, typical of this profession. (AU)

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Physicians/history , Societies, Scientific/history , Argentina , History of Medicine , Anniversaries and Special Events
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 30: e2023006, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430457


Abstract This article examines the relationship between local scientific ideas about the natural world and the economic potential to transform the modern nation-state in Peru during the late nineteenth century. Writings by the Peruvian scientist Luis Carranza indicate how support for a distinctive environmental imaginary of the country's geography made it possible to conceptualize nature as an essential component of Peruvian identity. As a result, local scientists had to "imaginatively" reshape the nature of the Andes for modernization purposes. The social and political ramifications of these ideas in Carranza's work were key to the foundation of scientific institutions such as the Geographical Society of Lima.

Resumen Este artículo examina la relación entre las ideas científicas locales sobre el mundo natural y el potencial económico para transformar el Estado-nación moderno en el Perú a fines del siglo XIX. Los escritos del científico peruano Luis Carranza señalan cómo el apoyo a un imaginario ambiental distintivo de la geografía del país permitió conceptualizar la naturaleza como componente esencial de la identidad peruana. Como resultado, los científicos locales tuvieron que remodelar "imaginativamente" la naturaleza de los Andes con fines de modernización. Las ramificaciones sociales y políticas de estas ideas en la obra de Carranza fueron clave para la fundación de instituciones científicas como la Sociedad Geográfica de Lima.

Socioeconomic Factors , Andean Ecosystem , Conservation of Natural Resources , Peru , History, 19th Century
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 30: e2023023, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448364


Resumo O artigo descreve associações e controvérsias entre usos indígenas e ocidentais da ayahuasca, de 1850 a 1950, na relação com o "renascimento psicodélico". Destaque na ciência desde 2000, esse movimento faz referência a 1960-1970, quando políticas antidrogas suspenderam pesquisas sobre "potenciais terapêuticos" de substâncias psicoativas. Argumenta-se que estudos pioneiros com a ayahuasca datam do início do século XX e mencionam relatos de expedições à Amazônia desde 1850. Esses artigos e relatos são analisados pelo aspecto histórico da teoria do ator-rede e de estudos recentes. Infere-se que a história ilumina o debate político atual sobre os usos, classificações e significados indígenas; o interesse farmacêutico na ayahuasca; e a discussão sobre "drogas".

Abstract This article describes the associations and controversies between indigenous and western uses of ayahuasca between 1850 and 1950 in relation to the "psychedelic renaissance." This movement has gained scientific attention since 2000, but hearkens back to the 1960s and 1970s, when anti-drug policy halted research on the "therapeutic potential" of psychoactive substances. Pioneering studies on ayahuasca date back to the early twentieth century and mention reports of expeditions to Amazonia from 1850 onward. Here, these articles and reports are analyzed according to the historical aspect of actor-network theory and recent studies. We infer that history casts light on the current political debate about indigenous uses, classifications, and meanings, pharmaceutical interest in ayahuasca, and the debate on "drugs."

Banisteriopsis , Drug Therapy , Expeditions , Indigenous Culture , Brazil , Amazonian Ecosystem , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 30: e2023002, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430466


Resumo O artigo analisa a maneira como o anarquismo e os seus adeptos foram compreendidos na obra do médico Alexandre Lacassagne L'assassinat du président Carnot (1894). Poucos meses antes da circulação do livro, em junho, o presidente da França, Sadi Carnot, foi morto pelo anarquista italiano Sante Geronimo Caserio. Em razão desse atentado, Lacassagne foi convocado para realizar a autópsia do corpo de Carnot e um exame psiquiátrico de Caserio. Os resultados dessas duas análises foram publicados na referida obra. As suas observações sobre o ácrata estavam inseridas nos debates criminológicos promovidos no final do século XIX, os quais não se restringiram unicamente aos autores da criminologia italiana.

Abstract This article analyzes the way anarchism and its followers were understood in L'assassinat du président Carnot, by the French physician Alexandre Lacassagne. A few months before the book was published, in June 1894, the president of France, Sadi Carnot, had been killed by the Italian anarchist Sante Geronimo Caserio. Lacassagne was called upon to perform the autopsy of Carnot's body and a psychiatric examination of Caserio. The results of these two analyses were published in the aforementioned book. He made his observations on the anarchist in the broader context of criminological debates pursued in the late nineteenth century, which were not restricted solely to the authors of Italian criminology.

Politics , Psychiatry , Crime , Criminology , History, 19th Century , Italy