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Prensa méd. argent ; 109(1): 35-38, 20230000.
Article in English | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1427940


Se ha confirmado que la composición química de Similimum en personas sanas es la misma que la de individuos enfermos. Este es el hallazgo más importante en apoyo de una interpretación termodinámica de la homeopatía y se basa en la curación de pacientes con similimum con respecto al equilibrio químico en personas enfermas. La composición química de similimum no es necesaria para un tratamiento en la homeopatía. Todo lo que se requiere es la misma composición química entre las dos moléculas objetivo. Conocer la composición química de las moléculas que causan enfermedades solo es relevante en el caso de buscar un compuesto que pueda actuar como un similimum

It has been confirmed that the chemical composition of Similimum in healthy people is the same as that in diseased individuals. This is the most important finding in support of a thermodynamic interpretation of homeopathy and is based on the healing of patients with Similimum regarding the chemical equilibrium in diseased people. The chemical composition of Simillimum is not required for a treatment in homeopathy. All that is required is the same chemical composition between the two target molecules. Knowing the chemical composition of disease-causing molecules is only relevant in the case of searching for a compound that could act as a Simillimum

Humans , Male , Female , Thermodynamics , Simillimum , Homeopathy
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 7-19, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1416726


La homeopatía es una forma de medicina con 200 años de historia. A lo largo de este tiempo, ha demostrado su capacidad para resolver problemas, a bajo costo, con un amplio alcance y con una aceptación social incuestionable. Según las estimaciones, aproximadamente 500 millones de personas utilizan la homeopatía en todo el mundo, lo que corresponde a alrededor del 7% de la población mundial. Sin embargo, aún existen obstáculos para su integración en la medicina convencional, los cuales deben ser puestos en perspectiva y eliminados. El propósito del presente artículo es contextualizar la homeopatía como una ciencia y un arte tanto en Brasil como en el resto del mundo. Analizamos algunos aspectos relevantes, como el perfil de sus usuarios, las razones para elegir la homeopatía, así como los contextos históricos y sociales para su inclusión en los sistemas educativos y de atención médica. Concluimos que la homeopatía es un sistema medico ético que ofrece un tratamiento sistémico y seguro a los pacientes, con una optima relación costo-beneficio. La homeopatía debe incluirse en las universidades, escuelas de medicina, así como en todos los niveles del sistema de atención médica, asegurando así su naturaleza histórica como especialidad médica.

Homeopathy is a medical approach with 200 years of history. Along this time it demonstrated its ability to solve problems, with low cost, broad scope and unquestionable social acceptance. According to estimates, approximately 500 million people use homeopathy worldwide, corresponding to about 7% of the world population. However, there are still hindrances to its integration into conventional medicine which need to be put into perspective and removed. The aim of the present article is to contextualize homeopathy as a science and an art in Brazil and worldwide. We analyzed some relevant aspects, such as the profile of users, their reasons to choose homeopathy, and historical and social contexts for the inclusion of homeopathy into health care and educational systems. We conclude that homeopathy is an ethical medical system that provides systemic and safe treatment to patients with optimal costbenefit ratio. Homeopathy should be included in universities, schools of medicine and at all levels of the healthcare system, thus ensuring its historical nature as a medical specialty.

Homeopathic Clinics/education , Delivery of Health Care , Homeopathy/statistics & numerical data
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 19--33, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1416735


Utilizadas de forma complementaria, alternada o integrada con la medicina convencional, la demanda de la población por las terapias no convencionales se ha incrementado considerablemente en las últimas décadas, requiriendo de los médicos un conocimiento de las nociones básicas de tales enfoques terapéuticos para orientar a sus pacientes en relación con tratamientos distintos a aquellos que suelen prescribir. Entre las mismas, la homeopatía y la acupuntura se han considerado especialidades médicas en Brasil durante varias décadas. Objetivo: Describir el estado actual de la formación médica en terapias no convencionales (homeopatía y acupuntura) alrededor del mundo. Métodos: Actualizamos los datos relacionados con los estudios y revisiones publicados hasta 2013 a través de una revisión de los estudios más recientes incluidos en la base de datos PubMed. Resultados: En todos los países, la enseñanza de terapias no convencionales se considera un tema relevante para la formación de médicos como una función del creciente interés de la población en su uso, con un amplia variedad de enfoques dirigidos a los estudiantes de licenciatura y posgrado, médicos residentes y profesionales con otras especialidades médicas. Conclusiones: Las escuelas brasileñas de medicina deben proporcionar a los estudiantes de licenciatura y posgrado, así como a los médicos residentes, un conocimiento preciso de los supuestos teóricos y enfoques clínico-terapéuticos propios de la homeopatía y la acupuntura, entre otras terapias no convencionales.

Used as complementary to, alternating or integrated with mainstream medicine, the population's demand for non-conventional therapies has substantially increased in the past decades, requiring from doctors knowledge on the basic notions of such therapeutics to orient their patients regarding treatments different to the ones they usually prescribe. Among them, homeopathy and acupuncture are considered medical specialties in Brazil for various decades. Aim: To describe the current state of medical education in non-conventional therapies (homeopathy and acupuncture) around the world. Methods: We updated data resulting from studies and reviews published until 2013 through a review of more recent studies included in database PubMed. Results: In all countries the teaching of non-conventional therapies is considered a relevant topic for the training of doctors as a function of the increasing interest of the population in their use, with a broad range of approaches targeting undergraduate and graduate students, medical residents and doctors from other medical specialties. Conclusions: The Brazilian medical schools must provide undergraduate and graduate students and medical residents accurate knowledge on the theoretical assumptions and clinical-therapeutic approaches proper to homeopathy and acupuncture, among other non-conventional therapies.

Evaluation of Medical School Curriculum , Acupuncture/education , Health Human Resource Training , Homeopathy/education
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(1): 39-46, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1425551


A prática racional e integral da homeopatia exige que o profissional médico explique a doença do paciente e ao mesmo tempo o compreenda, sendo portanto necessária a individualização do doente com sua(s) doença(s). Por outro lado, a terapêutica homeopática também tem sido historicamente empregada na prática médica, em diferentes situações e com resolutividade, em casos com parcial similitude e uso de um ou mais medicamentos homeopáticos. A homeopatia tem evoluído ao longo do tempo, com realização de pesquisas clínicas que se valem de métodos clínicos validados à avaliação da efetividade e eficácia da homeopatia e que, em certa medida, levam em consideração as peculiaridades do método terapêutico homeopático, com sua exigência de abordagem individualizada do paciente. Entre a terapêutica homeopática e a alopática há muitas compatibilidades e, a distingui-las, a aplicação de dois princípios de base: O princípio dos semelhantes e o dos contrários. A avaliação clínica da homeopatia que considera os seres humanos semelhantes entre si pode seguir razoavelmente o modelo adotado nos estudos clínicos clássicos, enquanto na perspectiva da unicidade do ser humano são requeridos novos modelos de pesquisa que considerem a competência do médico, a variabilidade humana e a confiabilidade das fontes informativas da matéria médica homeopática.

The rational and integral practice of homeopathy requires that the medical professional explain the patient's disease and at the same time understand it, therefore, it is necessary to individualize the patient with his/her disease(s). On the other hand, homeopathic therapy has also been historically used in medical practice, in different situations and with resolution, in cases with partial similarity and use of one or more homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy has evolved over time, with clinical research carried out using validated clinical methods to assess the effectiveness and efficacy of homeopathy and which, to a certain extent, take into account the peculiarities of the homeopathic therapeutic method, with its requirement of individualized patient approach. There are many compatibilities between homeopathic and allopathic therapy and, to distinguish them, the application of two basic principles: the principle of similars and the principle of opposites. The clinical evaluation of homeopathy that considers human beings similar to each other can reasonably follow the model adopted in classic clinical studies, while in the perspective of the uniqueness of the human being, new research models are required that consider the competence of the physician, human variability and the reliability of homeopathic materia medica information sources.

Professional Practice , Homeopathic Clinics , Evaluation of the Efficacy-Effectiveness of Interventions , Homeopathy
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(1): 47-59, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1425552


Este artigo baseia-se na tese de que a teoria homeopática está originalmente orientada por um vitalismo de caráter hermenêutico, isto é, assume que a positividade dos fenômenos com que lida é sempre dependente de uma totalidade compreensiva (totalidade vital), singularizada em cada situação individual e somente acessível por meio das narrativas dos pacientes. O objetivo do estudo foi compreender as relações entre estas concepções vitalistas e o lugar dos procedimentos compreensivo- -interpretativos na propedêutica e terapêutica propostas pela teoria homeopática, as quais podem apontar alternativas para estabelecer as suas bases de validação. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, baseado na análise documental de textos canônicos da homeopatia, especialmente a obra de Hahnemann, e entrevistas em profundidade com homeopatas que combinam atividade clínica com pesquisa e docência na área (formadores de opinião). A metodologia foi instruída pela Hermenêutica Filosófica e pela Epistemologia Histórica, sendo o substrato discursivo (escrito e falado) trabalhado de modo não-formalista, buscando-se identificar e interpretar livremente eixos narrativos e núcleos de significado julgados relevantes. A discussão voltou-se fundamentalmente para a recuperação dos principais movimentos históricos de conformação do paradigma vitalista na homeopatia, o cotejamento desse desenvolvimento com a adoção de procedimentos semiológicos de caráter compreensivo-interpretativo e as implicações desse "vitalismo da palavra" para as concepções homeopáticas contemporâneas. O trabalho aponta para a positividade e produtividade do trabalho com a linguagem e as narrativas no âmbito de uma homeopatia entendida como uma "medicina do sujeito", e sugere aprofundamentos na direção hermenêutico- -filosófica como alternativa para o adensamento conceitual e para o aperfeiçoamento dos processos de validação do saber e da prática da homeopatia.

Homeopathic medicine is a socially validated practice, progressively incorporated into the institutional health care scheme, including the public health system. However, the issue of the fundamentals of this therapeutic, of its scientific validation, remains outstanding. In the sense of responding to this demand for validation, there is a need for research methodologies. that allow for accurate investigations, suitable for the concepts of health, illness and therapeutics that are intrinsic to the homeopathic rational. This paper is based on the notion that homeopathic theory is originally guided by a vitalism of hermeneutical character, that. is, it assumes that the positivity of phenomena with which it deals, is always dependent on the comprehensive totality (vital totality), specific to each individual situation and accessible only by means of the patients´ narratives. The study's purpose was to understand the relations between these vitalist concepts and the place of comprehensive-interpretative procedures in the propedeutics and therapeutics proposed by the homeopathic medicine that may point out to alternatives to establish its validation bases. This is qualitative research, based on the documentary analysis of homeopathy canonic texts, especially the work of Hahnemann, and originally n-depth interviews with homeopaths that combine clinic activity and education in the area (opinion makers). The methodology was instructed by Philosophic. Hermeneutics and by Historic Epistemology, and the layer subjacent to the discourse (written and spoken) effected in a non-formal manner, searching for the free identification. And interpretation of the narrative axes and core meanings that were deemed significant. The discussion was basically focused on the recovery of the major historical movements related. To the development of the vitalist paradigm in homeopathy, the comparison of this development with the adoption of semiologic procedures of comprehensive- -interpretative character and the implications of this "vitalism of the word" to the contemporary homeopathic concepts. The paper points out to the positivity and productivity of the work on language and narratives in the domain of a homeopathy understood as "medicine of the subject" and suggests deeper studies in the hermeneutical-philosophical direction as an alternative for the concept densification and for the improvement of validation processes of knowledge and practice of homeopathy.

Vitalism , Observer Variation , Patient-Centered Care , Homeopathy/history
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(1): 67-70, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1425554


Cuidados de apoio constituem um conjunto de suportes necessários e empregados em paralelo aos tratamentos específicos, durante doenças graves, sendo que a Homeopatia se integra perfeitamente nesses critérios, podendo ser usada com possibilidades e indicações no Câncer. Visto haver poucos relatos de tratamento homeopático em leucemia, apresentamos um caso de Leucemia Linfóide Aguda (LLA) em criança, já em cuidados paliativos, em que a ação homeopática é realizada como forma de auxílio ao cuidado. É discutido o raciocínio clínico de prescrição, tendo a paciente apresentado controle de dores e espaçamento de febre, com impacto positivo na sua qualidade de vida no momento da paliação. Médicos homeopatas podem e devem tratar pacientes sob diagnóstico oncológico, uma vez que a Homeopatia tem seu espaço nos cuidados de apoio e novos estudos com múltiplos casos devem ser realizados.

Supportive care constitutes a set of necessary supports and used in parallel with specific treatments, during serious illnesses, and Homeopathy fits perfectly into these criteria, and can be used with possibilities and indications in Cancer. Since there are few reports of homeopathic treatment in leukemia, we present a case of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) in a child, already in palliative care, in which homeopathic action is performed as a form of aid to care. The clinical reasoning behind the prescription is discussed, with the patient presenting pain control and fever spacing, with a positive impact on her quality of life at the time of palliation. Homeopathic physicians can and should treat patients under oncological diagnosis, since Homeopathy has its place in supportive care and new studies with multiple cases must be carried out.

Humans , Child , Palliative Care , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/therapy , Homeopathy
Journal of Integrative Medicine ; (12): 117-119, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971648


Nano-ayurvedic medicine is an emerging field in which nanoparticles are functionalized with active principles of potent ayurvedic herbs to enhance their efficacy and target-specific delivery. Scientific advances in the past couple of decades have revealed the molecular mechanisms behind the anticancer potential of several ayurvedic herbs, attributed chiefly to their secondary metabolites including polyphenols and other active substances. With the advancement of nanotechnology, it has been established that size-, shape-, and surface-chemistry-optimized nanoparticles can be utilized as synergizing carriers for these phytochemicals. Nano-ayurvedic medicine utilizes herbs that are commonly used in Ayurveda to functionalize different nanoparticles and thereby enhance their potency and target specificity. Studies have shown that the active phytochemicals of such herbs can be coated onto the nanoparticles of different metals, such as gold, and that they work more efficiently than the free herbal extract, for example, in inhibiting cancer cell proliferation. Recently, an Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH)-based clinical trial in humans indicated the anticancer potential of such formulations. Nano-ayurvedic medicine is emerging as a potential treatment option for hyperproliferative diseases.

Humans , Medicine, Ayurvedic , Homeopathy , Naturopathy , Yoga , Neoplasms/drug therapy
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 42(4): 272-272, dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1427328
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 42(3): 135-138, sept. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1396307


Árnica es una planta medicinal de la especie Arnica montana, endémica en Europa Central y Meridional, perteneciente a la familia Asteracae; rica en flavonoides y compuestos fenólicos, lactonas, helenalina y ácido hexurónico que le dan propiedades cicatrizantes, antiinflamatorias, analgésicas, antimicrobianas y anticoagulantes. Se utiliza en casos de contusiones, dolores musculares, reumáticos y hematomas profundos. El artículo describe ocho casos, que presentaron hematoma profundo por punción infructuosa, en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica terminal con esquema de hemodiálisis, donde se aplicó árnica en gel. Por medio de fotografías se registró cómo los hematomas revirtieron a partir del tercer día, mientras que el dolor disminuyó en un 50% al tercer día. (AU)

Arnica is a medicinal plant of the species Arnica Montana, endemic in Central and Southern Europe, it belongs to the Asteracae family, rich in flavonoids and phenolic compounds, lactones, helenalin and hexuronic acid that give it healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and anticoagulant properties. It is used in cases of bruises, muscle pain, rheumatic pain and deep bruises. The article describes eight patients with terminal chronic renal failure under hemodialysis, who presented deep hematoma due to unsuccessful puncture of their dialysis fistula. All patients were treated with local gel arnica. Verbal analogue scale (VAS) and qualitative visual image analysis (photography) on how the hematomas reverted on the third day was analyzed. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Arnica , Pain Management/methods , Hematoma/therapy , Homeopathy , Pain Measurement , Punctures/adverse effects , Renal Dialysis , Kidney Failure, Chronic/complications
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21: 1-3, June 20, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396374


The curriculumin academic medicine is defined by writing effective Learning objectives (LO). LO iselaborated based on perceptions of unbiased written aspects,of course, the rationale in statements is explained and tested through the completion of educational activity. These are the foundations for defining the outcomes in building up strong educational policieswhich are instructionalaligned through predefined effective curriculum courseswith added mapped outcomes. This letter provides the ongoing aspect of the development of Homoeopathic education in India regulated by the National Commission for Homoeopathy for the subject course of Advance Teaching of Fundamentals of Homoeopathy (ATFH). The essential components for the ATFHsubject course with LO and outcome assessment is been discussed and would provide a new arena of academic research in building up rationale in the programed [Doctor of Homoeopathy(MD,(Hom).

Competency-Based Education , Curriculum , Homeopathy/education
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21: 27-45, June 20, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396378


Budd-Chiari syndrome [BCS] is a rare, potentially life-threatening condition characterized by the triad of abdominal pain, ascites, and hepatomegaly (with or without jaundice). There will be an underlying disorder in most cases. The diagnosis, as well as management of the case, requires a multidisciplinary approach. The treatment should aim at reducing the presenting symptoms as well as removing the underlying pathology. Here we explain a case report of a 21-year-old male patient in the subacute stage of BCS with its complications and considered as a candidate for liver transplantation. His liver enzymes, PT/INR, D- dimer, and homocysteine values were above normal levels. The arterial oxygen saturation level was subnormal, and he was on supportive oxygen supplement. Inferior venacava [IVC] Doppler revealed a non-obstructive intrahepatic thrombus. The patient was treated with Homoeopathic medicine Arsenicum album and Arnica montana, given as an adjuvant to conventional treatment.

Humans , Thrombosis/prevention & control , Budd-Chiari Syndrome/diagnosis , Homeopathy
Prensa méd. argent ; 108(3): 157-164, 20220000.
Article in English | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1373258


Este artículo cubre los conceptos básicos de un nuevo modelo de homeopatía que se basa en la termodinámica química. La equivalencia entre el compuesto que causa la enfermedad en una persona saludable y el compuesto que causa la enfermedad en una persona enferma, lo que llevó a esta interpretación del nuevo modelo de homeopatía, está bien considerado. Se han considerado el mecanismo de curación, la Ley de los Similares y la Ley de los Infinitesimales. Este artículo también analiza los conceptos básicos del mecanismo de dilución y su influencia en la concentración final de moléculas de remedio en soluciones homeopáticas. El número máximo de pasos sucesivos que impliquen una molienda vigorosa y se consideró la dilución donde todavía es posible la existencia de una concentración terapéutica.

Tis article covers the basics of a new model of homeopathy that is grounded in chemical thermodynamics. Te equivalence between the disease-causing compound in a heathy person and the disease-causing compound in an ill person, which led to this interpretation of the new model of homeopathy, is well considered. Te mechanism of curing, the Law of Similars, and the Law of Infinitesimals were considered. Tis article also discusses the basics of the dilution mechanism and its influence on the final concentration of remedy molecules in homeopathic solutions. Te maximum number of succession steps involving vigorous grinding and dilution where the existence of a therapeutic concentration is still possible was considered

Humans , Thermodynamics , /methods , Small Doses , Principle of Similarity/methods , Potency , Dilution/methods , Chemical Phenomena , Homeopathy/methods
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 31-31, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396554


Semiology, Clinical Pathophysiology, Phytotherapy and Homeopathy were taught through active methodology by the Moodle platform (HL) also using apps for monitoring injuries through SAPB site, building rationality for the external topic use of homeopathic and herbal medicines.At the 7th Infirmary of General Hospital Santa Casa de Misericordia in Rio de Janeiro, the clinical medical team of the Benoit Mure Nucleus of Assistance Teaching and Research,made a medicinal plant gardenwith the agricultural/environmental educator, and communityethnicalleaders. Undergraduate students from UNIFASE/FMP Academic League of Physiology and Pathophysiology plantedCalendula Officinalis seedlings, destined to research in pharmacobotany and to be in touch with pharmacotechnical prepares. Aims: To follow-up the study since from seedling of Calendula Officinalistill to prepare of HUD. Methodology: To prepare medicinal garden: plant seedlings of Calendula offin accordance with good agricultural techniques. At first: Three seeds in ten pots, made in triplicate (N = 90), to obtain explants of quality analyzed whose evaluation was about plant development (explants percentual: weight, size, viability, morphology). To visit pharmacy-school to learn how to preparematrix extracts and High Ultra-Diluted Solutions (HUD) of Calendula off 6DH. Results and Discussion: The stages of teaching semiology and practice in pharmacobotany, besides cultive plant have been completed.Viability was impaired because of lack of irrigation during 4 months (50%). Weight, sizewere minor than usual but with no statistical significance (p>0.05). Morphology was maintained. Unfortunately, the visit to pharmacy-school couldn't be performed at this period. Conclusion: Through hybrid learning and face-to-face activities completely realized, students had qualitative perception of the relevance about morphology and quality of plant development, chemistry plant production, aiming for resolutive actions based upon pathophysiology of chronic diseases. Because of pandemic, it was described just a preliminary experience. After returning to normal activities the experiment will be repeated.

Plants, Medicinal , Calendula , Homeopathy/education
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 26-26, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396560


Undergraduate students of UNIFASE/FMP, through the Academic League of Human Physiology and Pathophysiology (Liga Acadêmica de Fisiologia e FisiopatologiaHumana -LAFFH), participate in a supervised internship to outpatient at the Infectious and Parasitic DiseasesService of FMP/FASE, authorized by Clinical Direction (October 2018). Patients received conventional therapy in addition to complementary therapy with Homeopathy, for external use for cleaning skin lesions and modulating inflammatory responses, whose mechanisms of action are already described in the scientific literature and authorized by ANVISA. Aims: Make approach of undergraduate students to Homeopathic pathophysiology. Methodology: The supervised clinical internship of LAFFH students is in two service rooms with 6 students in each, based on prior appointment due to spontaneous demand, with medical records registered by the IPD outpatient service secretary. Outpatient clinical care addresses the pathophysiology and miasms of the symptoms and signs of neglected chronic parasitic diseases prevalent in our country, identified by anamnesis and physical examination. They are correlated to biological activities in plant chemistry classes, besides official homeopathic pharmacopoeia. So, it was adopted the external use of HUD Ledum palustre 6ch for the cleansing of skin lesions with torpid evolution at IPD. Results and discussion: Two patients with edemaand varicose ulcers were treated with the ointment offered. Edema extension which was +++/4+ to both patients diminished to +/4+ in 30 days of interval. Indeed, ulcers remained at the same shape and size, but their bases were cleaned, without purulence. Novel clinical sessions did not occur because of social distancing needed. Conclusion: It has been developed a positive perception among patients and students about the action of homeopathic remedies. The practical teaching activity initiated encourages students in clinical reasoning about complementary therapeutic association with Homeopathy for patients whose evolution is below the expected prognosis with conventional therapy. Project of clinical observation will be elaborated to research ethics committee.

Neglected Diseases , Homeopathy/education
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 18-18, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396574


Studies have shownthat homeopathy modulates the activity of both single-and multi-celled organisms;therefore, we propose a study into the action of Arnica Montanaand S. cerevisiae fungus nosode on growth "in vitro", and on the fermentation of S. cerevisiaeon brewer's wort. Methods:250 µL of medication in 30% alcohol were placed in 5 mL of Sabouraud Broth (SB) or wort, with 20 µL of fungus ata McFarland standard of 0.5 and in a dilution of 1:100. Fungal growth was evaluated via spectrophotometry at 600 nm or a cell count in a Neubauer chamber in a kinetic of 1 to 5 days' incubation at 25ºC. The production of alcohol by the fungus was evaluated using the BRIX index in the samekinetic. 1x107fungi/mL were previously incubated with medication for 5 days and, afterwards, placed in 20 mL of fresh wort, incubated at 25ºC for 7 days and evaluated for growth and sugar consumption. Resultsand Discussion: The SB results revealed that after 2days incubation with Arnica30CH, an increase in fungal growth was observed (p<0.0001), whilewith nosode 6 and 30CH there was a reduction in growth after 2 and 5 days incubation (p<0.001). The fungi incubated with Arnica30CH exhibited increased sugar consumption after 2 and5 days incubation (p<0.05), while the nosode 30CH resulted in lower sugar consumption after 2 and 3 days incubation (p<0.05). The results for fungal growth and sugar consumption with the wort were similar to those using SB.The fungalcultures previously incubated with homeopathic medication and subsequent incubation with fresh wortindicated a loss of distinction, bothin terms of fungal growth and sugar consumption. This piece of data may suggest action by the homeopathic medication only when in contact with the cells. Conclusion: The treatment of the S. cerevisiae fungus using Arnica and the S. cerevisiae nosode produced a significant modulation in fungal growth and sugar consumption.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolism , In Vitro Techniques , Fermentation , Homeopathy
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 13-13, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396581


Artemia salina, an ecotoxicity bioindicator, isa microcrustacean belonging to the order Anostraca. Glyphosate is an herbicide widely used to control weeds. However, its intoxication can cause serious damage to human health and the balance of the environment, given its effects as an endocrine disruptor.Objective:verify the possible protection of the artemia exposed to glyphosate by the addition of its isotherapic into water, by means of the evaluation of the behavioral and morphological features of nauplii and of the physical properties of remedies andtreated water, to elucidate the involved mechanisms. Methods:Artemia salinacysts were kept in culture bottles containing artificial seawatercontaining glyphosate at LC 10 (lethal concentration 10%), to promote hatching within 48 hours. The isotherapic preparations were inserted in each bottle in a 10% of the total water volume. Part of the nauplii was distributed in transparent tubes, being 10 nauplii per tube and 6 tubes per group, for behavioral analysis, and part were collected for a detailed morphological analysis, under an optical microscope. About 80 to 270 nauplii were analyzed per group. The reserved water was divided into aliquots for physicochemical analysis, that is, evaluation of the water dipole behavior by Cartwright ́s method.Results:Gly 6cH presented selective effects on nauplii hatching (p=0.02) and on defected/healthy ratio (p=0.001), representing some protective action. This result was dependent of the salinity of water and presented correspondence with the effects on solvatochromic dyes, indicating that charges and ions can be critical factors involved in the mechanism of action. We concluded that the use of isotherapics could be a plausible tool to reduce the environmental impact of the indiscriminate use of glyphosate, since these results can be reproduced in further studies.

Artemia , Isotherapy , Ecotoxicology , Homeopathy
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 10-10, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396585


Periodontitis and Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (DMII) are chronic diseases treated by conventional practices and traditional medicine. In many cases, when conventional medicine cannot offer a satisfactory treatment, increases the demand for alternative therapies in chronic conditions. The aim of this study randomized was to compare and evaluate for one year clinical and serologic parameters the effects of homeopathy as an adjunct of conventional periodontal therapy in individual with periodontitis and DMII. Materials and Methods:85 individuals, of both genders, between 35 and 70 years old, participated in this randomized study, which 70 were eligible in Institute of Endocrinology and Diabetes of Rio de Janeiro-Brazil. They were divided into two groups G-1: individuals with periodontitis without systemic conditions and G-2: individuals with periodontitis and DMII. Both groups received homeopathic treatment and were evaluated in clinical and laboratorial examinations. The medication used was chosen based on the similarity principle, following the Berberis 6CH protocol (2 tablets, 2 times a day for 45 days), Mercurius Solubilis / Belladona / Hepar Sulfur-6CH (2 tablets, 3 times a day for 15 days) and a Pyrogenium 200CH biotherapeutic (single weekly dose, 2 weeks). Medications are prescribed in diluted low concentration doses for all signs and symptoms, while biotherapy is used for chronic stimulation Results:Both groups showed significant improvements throughout the study,clinical and laboratorial, at 1 year baseline: reductions in total cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, glycated hemoglobin, uric acid and CPR. Statistical and descriptive analyzes were performed. The data obtained after laboratory analysis were tabulated and then submitted to the SPSS 17.0 software for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) and significance level with p <0.05. For most of parameters, G-1 performed better than G-2 (p<0.05).Conclusion:After 1 year follow-up this clinical trial suggest that homeopathy therapy, as an adjunct of periondontal treatment, improves local and systemic parameters and can provide better health condition.

Periodontitis/therapy , Homeopathy , Diabetes Mellitus
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 7-7, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396590


Homeopathy is a technique approved by the MAPA for organic production systems. Experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of homeopathy in agriculture are essential. Aims: To evaluate the effects of homeopathic treatment on soybean seed germination. Methodology: The experiment was performed in MS-Brazil. An area of 70 m² was used, divided into two comparison plots of 30 m² each. The soil of plot 1 (treated group) was treated with 5.25 kg of powdered Lithothamniummixed with 250 ml of 30% hydroalcoholic solution (HS) containing homeopathic ingredients. The soil of plot 2 (control group) was treated with thesame preparationbutwithout homeopathic ingredients. Additionally, the 400 seeds assigned toplot 1 were treated with 0,3 ml of a solution made up of 10 ml of 30% HS with homeopathic ingredients dilutedin 300 ml of water. The 400 seeds assigned toplot 2 were treated with 0.3 ml of a solutionmade up of 10 ml of HS without homeopathic ingredients diluted in 300 ml of water. The homeopathic ingredients Sulph 9C, Mag-c12C, and Calc-p 9C were used on soil and seed treatment. The selection and prescription of those ingredients followed Materia Medica instructions. The experiment was conducted using randomized design and 400 seeds per group were sown. Results and discussion: In plot 1, anaverage of 11 seeds per m² germinated, adding up to 330 germinated seeds at a percentage of 82.5%. In plot 2, an average of 7 seeds per m² germinated, adding up to 210 germinated seeds at a percentage of 52.5%. The frequency of seed germinationin both groups was assessed by the Chi-square test to check for significant differences(p<0.05). There was a statistical difference (p<0.05) in the seed germination in the treated group (n=330) compared to the control group (n=210). Conclusion:Homeopathic compounds can be used as a viable treatment for soybean germination.

Quantum Theory , Glycine max , Germination , Sustainable Agriculture , Homeopathy
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 6-6, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396592


The negative impact of Rhipicephalus microplusinfestations on cattle farming is well-known. The main control method is the use of ixodicides, which have as side effects environmental contamination, the selection of resistant lineages, and toxicity. Their use is also prohibited in systems that produce organic and agroecological food. Such factors reinforce the importance of strengthening researchrelated to the application of homeopathic principles in animal production. Aim: In this setting, this work aimed at assessing the efficacy of the homeopathic therapy to control Rhipicephalus microplusticks in dairy cattle. Methodology: 63 crossbred and Girolando breed cows, 1 and 9 years of age, naturally infested by ticks and created under a semi-intensive system in three farms (1, 2,and 3) were assayed. The animals were divided into three control groups and three treated groups, using the drug product EndectoSigo® (Psorinum12 CH, Sulphur 12CH, Ledum palustre12 CH, Cina12 CH e Apis mell.7CH) at a dose of 10 g/animal/day added to mineral and/or food supplement. The visual counting of teleogines with the size equal to or higher than four millimeters indiameter was performed in the neck or udder area of the animal. Pluviometry and registration of ixodicide baths were performed as well.The means obtained were compared by using ANOVA test and Tukey's test. Results: The mean number of teleogines on farm 1was significantly lower (p<0.05) in the treatment group. As for farms 2 and 3, there was no statistical difference between the groups (treated and control); however, it was observed that two ixodicide baths were required in the control group (farm 2). Thepluviometry did not interfere with the manifestation. Conclusion: It was concluded that the homeopathic treatment has the efficacy required to control this tick in cattle and can be an alternative to the use of chemical ixodicides.

Pest Control , Rhipicephalus , Homeopathy
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 18-18, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396735


Hyperadrenocorticism is a common endocrinopathy in dogs, associated to an excessive production or administration of cortisol.Aims:Report the evolution of homeopathic treatment in spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism analyzing with basal and post-acth stimulation cortisol values of a yorkshire male dog with 10 years old, diagnosed from the suppression test with low dose of dexamethasone and stimulation with ACTH, as well as complementary tests.Methodology: Homeopathic treatment was chosen, based on the principle of similitude usingIgnatia amarabecause the patient presents repertorized mental symptoms such as separation anxiety syndrome, docility, annoyances and jealousy and also because it is efficient and less harmful. It was associated to cortisol biotherapy to inhibit cortisol production and adrenal biotherapy to control the response of excess of the cortisol producted by the gland. The exposed information is consented by the tutor.Results:The dog was in convencional treatment with trilostane but didn't response to the therapy, showing 5,41 µg/dL of basal result and 11,8 µg/dL of post-acth result and the symptoms were worst on 12/12/2021, presenting lethargic, panting, more evident alopecia and severe muscle weakness which the patient unable to stand. Therefore, the protocol was recommended for 3 months, included 3 globules ofIgnatia amara30cH orally, every 12 hours, 3 globules of cortisol biotherapy 30 cH and also of adrenal biotherapy 6 cH every 24 hours. On 03/28/2022 the basal and post-acth stimulation results was 3,71 µg/dL e 5,79 µg/dL respectively and the patient was more active, the skin was better and even with difficulty it was movingand having more independence.Conclusion: Homeopathic treatment with high dilution was effective, keeping the indices with the recommended range of post acth between 2.0 and 5.0, confirming an adequate therapeutic monitoring and symptomatic improvement.

Dogs , Biological Therapy , Hydrocortisone/analysis , Adrenocortical Hyperfunction/therapy , Homeopathy