INTRODUCCIÓN. La ptosis palpebral se define como el descenso o disfunción del párpado con respecto a su posición considerada como normal, pudiendo causar alteraciones del campo visual. Puede dividirse en lesiones congénitas o adquiridas, por el grado de disfunción entre otros. Blefaroplastia, es el término para la corrección de la misma. Existen varias técnicas correctivas quirúrgicas y no quirúrgicas. CASOS. Se presenta una serie de 5 casos tratados mediante abordaje quirúrgico anterior; detallando la técnica quirúrgica utilizada, con corrección de las estructuras hipertrofiadas, sección, suspensión, sutura del elevador palpebral o su encortamiento; suspensión de índole estática con el uso de fascia del paciente y finalizando el procedimiento con la confección del surco palpebral superior. RESULTADOS. Los 5 pacientes fueron tratados con técnicas quirúrgicas individualizadas obteniéndose buenos resultados estéticos y funcionales, sin complicaciones durante o después del procedimiento. DISCUSIÓN. La técnica de blefaroplastia quirúrgica dependerá del grado de disfunción; se describen tres principales: Fasanella Servat, para ptosis leve y útil para ptosis congénita leve o síndrome de Horner; Reinserción de la aponeurosis del músculo elevador, técnica que respeta la anatomía y permite regular diferentes grados de ptosis; y Suspensión del párpado al músculo frontal pudiendo ser definitiva o reversible. La edad de intervención para ptosis congénita antes del año de edad es urgente, si tapa la pupila para así evitar ambliopía y tortícolis compensatoria, en el resto de casos se sugiere realizarla a partir de los 5 años de edad. CONCLUSIONES. El conocimiento adecuado de la anatomía palpebral, etiología de la dermatocalasia y blefaroptosis, permite realizar una correcta cirugía reparadora individualizada para cada paciente. Las técnicas presentadas en este trabajo son reproducibles.
INTRODUCTION. Palpebral ptosis is defined as the descent or dysfunction of the eyelid with respect to its position considered as normal, which can cause alterations in the visual field. It can be divided into congenital or acquired lesions, according to the degree of dysfunction, among others. Blepharoplasty is the term for its correction. There are several surgical and non-surgical corrective techniques. CASES. We present a series of 5 cases treated by anterior surgical approach; detailing the surgical technique used, with correction of the hypertrophied structures, section, suspension, suture of the palpebral elevator or its shortening; static suspension with the use of the patient's fascia and ending the procedure with the confection of the superior palpebral sulcus. RESULTS. All 5 patients were treated with individualized surgical techniques obtaining good aesthetic and functional results, without complications during or after the procedure. DISCUSSION. The surgical blepharoplasty technique will depend on the degree of dysfunction; three main techniques are described: Fasanella Servat, for mild ptosis and useful for mild congenital ptosis or Horner syndrome; Reinsertion of the levator muscle aponeurosis, a technique that respects the anatomy and allows regulating different degrees of ptosis; and Eyelid suspension to the frontalis muscle, which can be definitive or reversible. The age of intervention for congenital ptosis before one year of age is urgent, if it covers the pupil in order to avoid amblyopia and compensatory torticollis, in the rest of cases it is suggested to perform it from 5 years of age. CONCLUSIONS. The adequate knowledge of the palpebral anatomy, etiology of dermatochalasis and blepharoptosis, allows a correct individualized reparative surgery for each patient. The techniques presented in this work are reproducible.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Surgery, Plastic , Blepharoptosis , Horner Syndrome , Esthetics , Eyelids , Oculomotor Muscles , Blepharoplasty , Ecuador , Eyelid Diseases , Visual Field TestsABSTRACT
RESUMO A íris é responsável pela cor dos olhos. Ela ainda realiza o controle da quantidade de luz que penetra no olho pela pupila. Variações nos genes de cada indivíduo, além da quantidade e da qualidade de melanina na íris, determinam a cor dos olhos. A heterocromia é caracterizada por diferenças na coloração da íris de um mesmo indivíduo, sendo, na maioria das vezes, benigna. Existem basicamente três tipos de heterocromia de íris: central, setorial e completa. A heterocromia de íris pode ter como causa alterações genéticas e congênitas, relacionadas ou não a síndromes específicas, como a de Sturge-Weber, a de Waardenburg, a de Parry-Romberg e a de Horner congênita. Há também causas adquiridas, como doenças ou lesões, trauma ocular e corpos estranhos intraoculares, uso de certas medicações tópicas, siderose ocular, irites ou uveítes como a síndrome uveítica de Fuchs, dentre outras. Diante de um paciente com heterocromia de íris, deve-se entender o contexto e o curso clínico desse sinal, pois pode se tratar de uma alteração de pigmentação benigna ou existir uma doença base em curso, que requer terapêutica específica. Este artigo de revisão de literatura visa abordar as principais etiologias relacionadas à heterocromia de íris, além de discorrer sobre a anatomia e a fisiologia da coloração iridiana e sobre a fisiopatologia de suas possíveis alterações.
ABSTRACT The iris is responsible for eye color and controls the amount of light that enters the eye through the pupil. Variation in each individual's genes, besides the quantity and quality of melanin in the iris, determine eye color. Heterochromia is characterized by different colors of irises in the same individual, and it is benign in most cases. There are basically three types of heterochromia: central, partial and complete. Heterochromia can be caused by genetic and congenital alterations, which may or may not be related to specific conditions, such as Sturge-Weber syndrome, Waardenburg syndrome, Parry-Romberg syndrome and congenital Horner syndrome. It may be associated to acquired causes like diseases or injuries, such as eye trauma and intraocular foreign bodies, use of some topical medications, ocular siderosis, iritis or uveitis, such as Fuchs´ uveitis, among others. When assessing a patient with heterochromia, one must understand the context and clinical course of this signal, since it may be a benign pigmentation disorder or there may be an underlying disease, which requires specific therapy. This literature review article was set out to address the main etiologies related to heterochromia, in addition to describing the anatomy and physiology of the iris color and the pathophysiology of possible alterations.
Humans , Pigment Epithelium of Eye/abnormalities , Pigmentation Disorders/etiology , Iris Diseases/etiology , Pigmentation Disorders/genetics , Prostaglandins F, Synthetic/adverse effects , Waardenburg Syndrome/complications , Eye Color , Sturge-Weber Syndrome/complications , Iridocyclitis/complications , Eye Foreign Bodies/complications , Horner Syndrome/complications , Iris/abnormalities , Nevus of Ota/complications , Iris Diseases/genetics , Melanoma/complicationsABSTRACT
El neuroblastoma es uno de los tumores sólidos extracraneales más comunes en la edad pediátrica, y se origina en células precursoras del sistema nervioso simpático. La ubicación cervical corresponde a un 2-5% del total de los neuroblastomas y puede tener distintas manifestaciones clínicas, tales como masa cervical, disnea, estridor, síndrome de Horner o disfagia. Esta entidad debe ser considerada dentro del diagnóstico diferencial de una masa cervical pediátrica, especialmente ante la presencia de masas sólidas, laterales o paramedianas, palpables o no al examen físico. El tratamiento específico del neuroblastoma depende de la clasificación de riesgo del paciente, pudiendo ser expectante en casos específicos, exclusivamente quirúrgico, o bien requerir complementarse con otras terapias. En este artículo se presentan 2 casos clínicos de pacientes pediátricos con neuroblastoma cervical tratados de forma exclusiva y exitosa con cirugía, y una revisión del tema.
Neuroblastoma is one of the commonest extracranial solid tumors at pediatric age, originating from sympathetic nervous system precursor cells. Cervical position stands for 2-5% of all neuroblastomas, with variable clinical expression that includes cervical mass, dyspnea, stridor, Horner syndrome and dysphagia. This condition must be considered in the differential diagnosis of a pediatric cervical mass, specially in those solid, lateral/paramedian masses that could be palpable or not at physical examination. The specific treatment in neuroblastoma depends on patient´s risk group, including conservative follow-up in selected cases, surgery alone, or complementary perioperative therapy with chemotherapy and others. In this article, the group report two cases of cervical neuroblastoma exclusively treated with surgery with good results, and a literature review.
Humans , Male , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Head and Neck Neoplasms/diagnosis , Neuroblastoma/surgery , Neuroblastoma/diagnosis , Horner Syndrome , Diagnosis, Differential , Airway Obstruction/etiology , Head and Neck Neoplasms/surgery , Head and Neck Neoplasms/complications , Neuroblastoma/complicationsABSTRACT
Resumen El Síndrome de Horner (SH) es una condición provocada por un grupo heterogéneo de patologías. Estas tienen en común el daño de la vía simpática. La localización más común de la lesión es a nivel preganglionar, por trauma o cirugías en región cervical, torácica o ápex pulmonar. El diagnóstico es primordialmente clínico mediante la identificación de la triada de miosis, ptosis y anhidrosis. Se confirma con las pruebas para cocaína e hidroximetanfetamina. El tratamiento se lleva a cabo primero con agentes farmacológicos. Los que tienen disminución del campo visual por la ptosis o por razones cosméticas se llevan a tratamiento quirúrgico. En ese caso los abordajes operatorios recomendados para ptosis leve son el procedimiento de Fasanella-Servat, el avance de aponeurosis del elevador y en casos severos el cabestrillo frontal. El objetivo es hacer una revisión de los algoritmos diagnósticos y terapéuticos del SH para lograr un abordaje sistemático debido a las múltiples etiologías que posee.
Abstract Horner Syndrome is a condition caused by a heterogeneous group of pathologies. These have in common the damage of the sympathetic pathway. The most common location of the lesion is at the preganglional level, due to trauma or surgeries in the cervical, thoracic or pulmonary apex region. The diagnosis is primarily clinical by identifying the triad of myosis, ptosis and anhidrosis. It is confirmed with the cocaine and hydroxymethamphetamine tests. Treatment is first carried out with pharmacological agents. Those with diminished visual field due to ptosis or cosmetic reasons are undergoing surgical treatment. In this case, the recommended operative approaches for mild ptosis are the Fasanella-Servat procedure, the elevator aponeurosis advance and, in severe cases, the frontalis sling. The objective is to review the diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms of SH in order to achieve a systematic approach due to the multiple aetiologies it possesses.
Humans , Horner Syndrome/diagnosis , Blepharoptosis/diagnosis , Anisocoria/diagnosis , Autonomic Pathways/pathology , Hypohidrosis/diagnosisABSTRACT
The syndrome called mainly in the French world as Claude Bernard Horner was frst described by Francois Pourfour du Petit, in 1727, but more thoroughly defned by the French physiologist, Claude Bernard, in 1852, followed by several physicians who oï¬ered diï¬erent interpretations, mainly Silas Weir Mitchell (1864). The clinical and pharmacological implications, with the fnal wrap-up of the syndrome, were presented by a Swiss ophthalmologist, Johann Friedrich Horner, in 1869. This is a cooperative defnition of a syndrome of the sympathetic disruption of the ocular inervation, with fnal addings mainly about pharmacological approach by Horner, but with credits to many others clinicians and physiologists. This is the case of repeated presentations of a "new sign" in neurology with few additions from one to another.
A síndrome chamada principalmente no mundo francês como Claude Bernard Horner foi descrita pela primeira vez por François Pourfour du Petit, em 1727, mas mais profundamente defnida pelo fsiologista francês, Claude Bernard, em 1852, seguido por vários médicos que ofereceram interpretações diferentes, principalmente Silas Weir Mitchell (1864). As implicações clínicas e farmacológicas, com o desfecho fnal da síndrome, foram apresentadas por um oftalmologista suíço, Johann Friedrich Horner, em 1869. Esta é uma defnição cooperativa de uma síndrome da ruptura da inervação simpática ocular, com adições fnais principalmente sobre a abordagem farmacológica por Horner, mas com créditos para muitos outros médicos e fsiologistas. É o caso de repetidas apresentações de um "novo sinal" na neurologia, com poucas adições de um para o outro.
Humans , History, 21st Century , Horner Syndrome/diagnosis , Horner Syndrome/etiology , Horner Syndrome/history , Pupil Disorders/diagnosis , Autonomic Nervous System , Eye/innervationABSTRACT
PURPOSE: We report a patient with delayed-onset abducens nerve palsy and Horner syndrome after endovascular treatment of traumatic carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF). CASE SUMMARY: A 68-year-female visited our ophthalmic department complaining of gradual-onset ptosis of the left eye and horizontal diplopia. She had undergone endovascular treatment to treat left-sided traumatic CCF after a car accident 10 years before; she had been told at that time that the treatment outcome was favorable. The left-sided ptosis gradually developed 6 years after the procedure, accompanied by diplopia. The left eye exhibited miosis and the extent of anisocoria increased in dim light. An extraocular examination revealed 30 prism diopters of left esotropia in the primary gaze and a −4 abduction limitation of the left eye. CCF recurrence was suspected; however, magnetic resonance imaging with magnetic resonance angiography of brain did not support this. The esotropia did not improve during the 6-month follow-up and strabismus surgery was performed. CONCLUSIONS: Delayed-onset abducens nerve palsy and Horner syndrome can develop even after successful endovascular treatment of CCF. Strabismus surgery should be considered in patients whose diplopia does not spontaneously improve.
Humans , Abducens Nerve Diseases , Abducens Nerve , Anisocoria , Brain , Carotid-Cavernous Sinus Fistula , Diplopia , Esotropia , Fistula , Follow-Up Studies , Horner Syndrome , Magnetic Resonance Angiography , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Miosis , Recurrence , Strabismus , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Lipoblastoma is a rare benign tumor with 80–90% occurring in children less than 3 years of age and 40% occurring in children less than 1 year of age. The most common site of incidence is limb, and then trunk. Neck is the rare site of incidence. The main symptom that the patient complains about is a rapidly growing neck mass without pain. When the size of mass increases, it can cause dyspnea, Horner's syndrome. Lipoblastoma is usually diagnosed as a lipoma in the fine needle aspiration. Since it is not differentiated from lipoma, liposarcoma, and hibernating adenoma in CT and MRI, the definitive diagnosis is histologic diagnosis through surgical resection. The treatment is complete surgical resection. And recurrence rate is 9–25% due to incomplete resection. Authors report this case with a review of literatures since we experienced a case of lipoblastoma diagnosed histopathologically after surgical treatment of neck mass.
Child , Humans , Adenoma , Biopsy, Fine-Needle , Diagnosis , Dyspnea , Extremities , Horner Syndrome , Incidence , Lipoblastoma , Lipoma , Liposarcoma , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Neck , Pediatrics , RecurrenceABSTRACT
El tumor neuroectodérmico primitivo periférico (PPNET) o neuroepitelioma periférico es una neoplasia maligna de células redondas azules pequeñas derivadas de la cresta neural. Es uno de los tipos histológicos más indiferenciados entre los tumores malignos. Por ser indistinguible del sarcoma de Ewing, desde el punto de vista de imagen e histología, se considera una única patología para su estudio. Puede aparecer en la infancia o más frecuente en la adolescencia; el tratamiento incluye quimioterapia, cirugía y radioterapia. Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente de 77 años de edad que consulta por ptosis palpebral y es catalogado como Síndrome de Horner. El diagnóstico final fue tumor neuroectodérmico periférico confirmado con histopatología e inmunohistoquímica
A primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PPNET) or peripheral neuroepithelioma is a malignant neoplasm of small round blue cells derived from the neural crest. It is one of the most undifferentiated histological types among malignant tumors, because it is indistinguishable from Ewing's sarcoma from the imaging and histology perspective. It considers a single pathology for this paper. It can appear in childhood or more frequently in adolescence; treatment includes chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy. We present the clinical case of a 77 year-old patient who consulted for palpebral ptosis, and it classifies as Horner's Syndrome. The final diagnosis was a peripheral neuroectodermal tumorconfirmed with histopathology and immunohistochemistry.
Humans , Male , Aged , Horner Syndrome , Neuroectodermal Tumors, Primitive, Peripheral , Neuroectodermal Tumors, Primitive, Peripheral/diagnosis , Blepharoptosis , Visual Acuity , Neuroectodermal Tumors, Primitive, Peripheral/surgery , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
El síndrome de Horner es el resultado de un bloqueo de la inervación simpática del ojo en cualquier punto de su trayectoria. Puede tener variadas etiologías, y es una forma muy inusual de presentación de tuberculosis pulmonar. Se describe el caso de un paciente que presenta un síndrome de Horner secundario a afectación del ápex pulmonar por tuberculosis.
Horner´s syndrome results from a blockage of the sympathetic innervation to the eye at any point along its trajectory. It presents various etiologies, and it is a very unusual form of presentation of pulmonary tuberculosis. We describe the case of a patient with a Horner syndrome secondary to involvement of the pulmonary apex due to tuberculosis.
Humans , Male , Aged , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/complications , Horner Syndrome/etiology , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Thoracic , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Horner Syndrome/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Abstract Background Thoracic paravertebral block can provide analgesia for unilateral chest surgery and is associated with a low complication rate. Horner syndrome also referred to as oculosympathetic paresis, is a classic neurologic constellation of ipsilateral blepharoptosis, pupillary miosis, and facial anhidrosis resulting from disruption of the sympathetic pathway supplying the head, eye, and neck. Case report We present a patient with an ipsilateral transient Horner syndrome after ultrasound guided single shot of 15 mL 0.25% levobupivacaine for thoracic paravertebral block at T5-6 level. Conclusions It should be kept in mind that even a successful ultrasound guided single shot thoracic paravertebral block can be complicated with Horner syndrome due to unpredictable distribution of the local anesthetic.
Resumo Justificativa O bloqueio paravertebral torácico pode proporcionar analgesia para cirurgia torácica unilateral e está associado a um baixo índice de complicações. A síndrome de Horner (também denominada paralisia oculossimpática) é uma constelação neurológica clássica de blefaroptose ipsilateral, miose pupilar e anidrose facial devido a distúrbio da via simpática que fornece inervação para a cabeça, os olhos e o pescoço. Relato de caso Apresentamos o caso de um paciente com síndrome de Horner transitória ipsilateral após a administração de injeção única de 15 mL de levobupivacaína a 0,25% para bloqueio paravertebral torácico ao nível de T5-6 guiado por ultrassom. Conclusões Devemos considerar que mesmo um bloqueio paravertebral torácico bem-sucedido com a administração de injeção única e guiado por ultrassom pode ser complicado com a síndrome de Horner devido à distribuição imprevisível do anestésico local.
Humans , Horner Syndrome/surgery , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted/methods , Anesthesia, Local/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract Currently, epidural analgesia is a common procedure for labor analgesia. Although it is considered a safe technique, it is not without complications. Horner's syndrome and paresthesia within the trigeminal nerve distribution are rare complications of epidural analgesia. We report a case of a pregnant woman who developed Horner's syndrome and paresthesia within the distribution of the trigeminal nerve following epidural analgesia for the relief of labor pain.
Resumo A analgesia peridural é hoje em dia um procedimento comum para analgesia do trabalho de parto. Embora seja considerada uma técnica segura, não está isenta de complicações. A síndrome de Horner e a parestesia do território do nervo trigêmeo são complicações raras da analgesia peridural. Relatamos um caso de uma grávida que desenvolveu a síndrome de Horner e parestesia do território do nervo trigêmeo após analgesia peridural para o alívio da dor do trabalho de parto.
Female , Pregnancy , Horner Syndrome/etiology , Trigeminal Nerve Diseases/etiology , Anesthesia, Epidural/instrumentation , Analgesia, Obstetrical/methodsABSTRACT
El síndrome de Horner está caracterizado por la siguiente tríada de signos clínicos: miosis, ptosis y anhidrosis facial. A su vez, pueden aparecer heterocromía del iris, inyección conjuntival, eritema facial, mucosa nasal congestiva y enoftalmos aparente secundario a la disminución de la hendidura palpebral. Es causado por una interrupción de la vía simpática, que se extiende desde el hipotálamo hasta la órbita. Debido a que dicha vía no se decusa, los signos son homolaterales a la lesión de esta. Tradicionalmente, se lo clasifica en congénito y adquirido. En ocasiones, se asocia a neoplasias, como el neuroblastoma. Sigue siendo controversial qué estudios de imágenes se deberían solicitar en forma protocolizada frente a un paciente con este síndrome neurológico. Se presenta el caso de un lactante de 45 días de vida con síndrome de Horner congénito.
Horner syndrome is characterized by the following triad of clinical signs: miosis, ptosis and facial anhidrosis. In addition, iris heterochromia, conjunctival injection, facial erythema, congestive nasal mucosa and apparent enophthalmos secondary to the reduction of the palpebral fissure can appear. It is caused by an interruption of the sympathetic pathway that extends from the hypothalamus to the orbit. Because there is no decussation, the signs are homolateral to the lesion. Traditionally, it is classified as congenital and acquired. Occasionally, it is associated with neoplasias such as neuroblastoma. It remains controversial what imaging studies should be requested as a protocolized workup of this neurological syndrome in a patient. We report the case of a 45-day-old infant with congenital Horner syndrome.
Humans , Male , Infant , Horner Syndrome/congenital , Horner Syndrome/diagnosisABSTRACT
A síndrome de Horner resulta de uma lesão das fibras simpáticas destinadas ao olho e classicamente se apresenta com ptose palpebral parcial, miose e anidrose de uma hemiface ipsilateral ao local acometido. As causas mais comuns relacionadas a ela são o traumatismo cirúrgico de estruturas cervicais, dissecção da carótida interna e processos neoplásicos, principalmente tumor de Pancoast, raramente relacionase com neoplasia esofagiana. Neste relato de caso descrito, a paciente apresenta síndrome de Horner secundária a um tumor de esôfago. A atenção ao exame físico e a propedêutica adequada fazem total diferença na detecção desta síndrome necessitando de exames complementares para elucidar a sua etiologia. O tratamento pode ser eficaz quando se detecta precocemente a causa. (AU)
Horner's syndrome results from a lesion of sympathetic fibers to eye and classically presents with partial ptosis, miosis and anhidrosis of the ipsilateral hemifacial the affected site. The most common causes related to it are the surgical trauma of cervical structures, dissection of the internal carotid and neoplastic processes, especially tumor Pancoast, rarely related to esophageal cancer. In this report the case described, the patient has Horner syndrome secondary to esophageal tumor. Attention to physical examination and appropriate workup make all the difference in the detection of this syndrome requiring additional tests to elucidate its etiology. The treatment may be effective if early detect the cause. (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Horner Syndrome , Esophageal Neoplasms , Blepharoptosis , Miosis , HypohidrosisABSTRACT
O trauma raquimedular (TRM) é uma importante causa de incapacidade, sendo constatado uma incidência média de 21 pacientes por milhão de habitantes por ano por uma revisão sistemática realizada nas cinco regiões do pais em. Em Belo Horizonte essa incidência chegou a 26 pacientes por milhão por ano. Trata-se de AFC, 28 anos, que foi encaminhado com urgência para o Hospital João XXIII com história de agressão por arma branca (um facão) na região supra clavicular esquerda no dia 22/10. Ao exame neurológico o paciente encontrava-se consciente, orientado e com hemiplegia á esquerda. Anestesia tátil e vibratória á esquerda (lesão do trato corticoespinhal e fascículo grácil e cuneiforme) e preservada á direita, além de anestesia térmica/dolorosa contralateral a hemissecção (lesão do trato espinotalâmico), que configuram a síndrome de Brown Sequard completa. Foi realizada tomografia computadorizada da coluna que evidenciou fratura de lâmina de T1. A ferida lacerante foi suturada e paciente manteve quadro estável por 5 dias. Após 7 dias da admissão hospitalar constatou-se anisocoria com pupila miótica à esquerda e ptose de pálpebra também a esquerda, que configura a síndrome de Horner concomitantemente. Foi realizada punção lombar constatando liquor hemorrágico e com alta celularidade, iniciado antibioticoterapia com Meropenem e Vancomicina. Relata-se a correlação anátomoclínica de paciente vitima de TRM aberto, com síndromes associadas, de hemissecção medular e Horner. Ressalta-se a importância dos conhecimentos em neuroanatomia. (AU)
Spinal cord trauma is an important cause of disability, with an average incidence of 21 patients per million inhabitants per year by a systematic review in the five regions of Brazil. In Belo Horizonte, this incidence reached 26 patients per million per year. This is the AFC, 28 years old, who was referred urgently to the Hospital João XXIII with a history of white-collar aggression (a machete) in the left supraclavicular region on 22/10. At the neurological examination the patient was conscious, oriented and with left hemiplegia. Tactile and vibratory anesthesia to the left (lesion of the corticospinal tract and gracile and cuneiform fasciculus) and preserved to the right, in addition to thermal / painful anesthesia contralateral to the hemisection (lesion of the spinothalamic tract), which constitute the complete Brown Sequard syndrome. Computed tomography of the spine was performed, showing a T1 fracture. The lacerating wound was sutured and patient maintained stable frame for 5 days. After 7 days of hospital admission, anisocoria was observed with miotic pupil on the left and ptosis of the eyelid also on the left, which configures Horner syndrome concomitantly. A lumbar puncture was performed, confirming hemorrhagic and high cellularity, and antibiotic therapy with Meropenem and Vancomycin. The anatomic-clinical correlation of a patient with open MTR with associated syndromes of medullary and Horner hemisection is reported. The importance of knowledge in neuroanatomy is emphasized. (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Brown-Sequard Syndrome , Horner Syndrome , Trauma, Nervous System , Anesthesia , Neuroanatomy/educationABSTRACT
Supraclavicular brachial plexus block, due to its wide range of indications, is the most widely practiced procedure in anesthesiology. We experienced the case of a 45-year-old female patient who developed unilateral Horner's Syndrome after the use of supraclavicular brachial plexus block. The patient recovered spontaneously from the Horner's syndrome after 2 hours. If Horner's syndrome should occur, its etiology will need to be assessed. It is also important to assure the patient they will recover from the complication within a year.
Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Anesthesiology , Brachial Plexus Block , Brachial Plexus , Horner SyndromeABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: A stellate ganglion block (SGB) causes increased blood flow in the maxillofacial region, exhibiting the potential for regenerative effects in damaged tissue. The focus of this study was to understand the efficacy of SGB for regenerative effects against nerve damage. A rat model of the superior cervical ganglion block (SCGB) was created instead of SGB, and facial blood flow, as well as sympathetic nervous system function, were measured. METHODS: A vertical incision was made on the left side of the neck of a Wistar rat, and a 5-mm resection of the superior cervical ganglion was performed at the back of the bifurcation of the internal and external branches of the left common carotid artery. Blood flow in the skin at the mandibular angle and mean facial temperature were measured using a laser-Doppler blood flow meter and a thermographic camera, respectively, over a 5-week period after the block. In addition, the degree of ptosis and miosis were assessed over a period of 6 months. RESULTS: The SCGB rat showed significantly higher blood flow at the mandibular angle on the block side (P < 0.05) for 3 weeks, and significantly higher skin temperature (P < 0.05) for 1 week after the block. In the SCGB rat, ptosis and miosis occurred immediately after the block, and persisted even 6 months later. CONCLUSIONS: SCGB in rats can cause an increase in the blood flow that persists over 3 weeks.
Animals , Rats , Carotid Artery, Common , Horner Syndrome , Miosis , Models, Animal , Neck , Regional Blood Flow , Skin , Skin Temperature , Stellate Ganglion , Superior Cervical Ganglion , Sympathetic Nervous System , ThermographyABSTRACT
Os tumores da bainha perineural são pouco frequentes em animais domésticos. Relata-se o caso de um cão, sem raça definida, de cinco anos, fêmea, com histórico de aumento de volume em região retrobulbar do globo ocular direito (GOD) havia três semanas. Ao exame clínico, constatou-se a presença de uma neoformação retrobulbar direita com deslocamento do globo ocular cranialmente. Aos exames realizados durante o internamento, não foi possível localizar a origem e a extensão da neoformação. O animal veio a óbito por parada cardiorrespiratória e foi encaminhado para a necropsia. À avaliação macroscópica, observou-se neoformação esbranquiçada fixada à base do crânio em região selar, com possível origem no terceiro (III) par de nervos cranianos, a qual se infiltrava no encéfalo na altura do hipotálamo, estendia-se caudalmente em direção ao tronco encefálico e cranialmente à órbita direita, comprimindo, assim, o GOD. Microscopicamente consistia de feixes curtos entrelaçados ou enovelados de células fusiformes com pleomorfismo discreto a moderado, alternando-se a áreas de necrose multifocalmente, compatível com tumor da bainha perineural. Ao exame imuno-histoquímico, apresentou marcação fraca para S100 e GFAP e marcação positiva para vimentina, o que indica caráter maligno.(AU)
Tumors of the perineural sheath are uncommon in domestic animals. We report the case of a 5-year-old female dog with a history of increased volume in the retrobulbar region of the right eye (RE) three weeks ago. The clinical examination revealed a presence of a right retrobulbar neoformation with cranial ocular globe displacement. In the examinations carried out during hospitalization, it was not possible to locate a source and an extension of the neoformation. The animal died of cardiorespiratory arrest and was referred to an autopsy. The macroscopic evaluation revealed a whitish neoformation fixated to the base of the skull in a seal region, with a possible non-III origin of cranial nerves, infiltrating non-encephalon at the height of the hypothalamus, extending caudally towards the brainstem and cranially to the orbit right, compressing RE. Microscopically it consisted of short bundles intertwined or enovelados of spindle cells with discrete to moderate pleomorphism, alternating to areas of multifocal necrosis, compatible with tumor of the perineural sheath. Immunohistochemical examination showed weak marking for S100 and GFAP and positive marking for vimentin, indicating malignancy.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Bradycardia/veterinary , Dogs/abnormalities , Horner Syndrome/veterinary , Neoplasms/diagnosisABSTRACT
El síndrome de Villaret se define por la afección de los nervios craneales glosofaríngeo (IX), vago (X), espinal (XI) e hipogloso mayor (XII), en conjunción con el síndrome de Horner homolateral a la lesión. Se produce por compresión de estos nervios y de las fibras vecinas del plexo simpático pericarotídeo en la base del cráneo, en particular, en el espacio retroparotídeo. Si bien es un hecho conocido la invasión del sistema nervioso central en el cáncer de pulmón avanzado, esta particular asociación sintomática es extremadamente infrecuente. Presentamos una paciente con diagnóstico reciente de adenocarcinoma de pulmón que desarrolló, en forma simultánea, este síndrome.
Villaret syndrome is defined by the affection of the glossopharyngeal (IX), vagal (X), accessory (XI) and hypoglossal (XII) cranial nerves associated with ipsilateral Horner syndrome. It is caused by the compression of these nerves and the neighboring sympathetic plexus fibers at the base of the skull, particularly in the retroparotid space. Even though the invasion of the central nervous system in patients with advanced lung cancer is a frequent and well known occurrence, this particular symptomatic association is extremely rare. We are reporting the case of a newly diagnosed lung adenocarcinoma patient who is simultaneously developing this syndrome.
Humans , Female , Aged , Adenocarcinoma/complications , Horner Syndrome/etiology , Cranial Nerve Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Lung Neoplasms/complications , Adenocarcinoma/diagnostic imaging , Horner Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Cranial Nerve Diseases/etiology , Adenocarcinoma of Lung , Lung Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Neoplasm InvasivenessABSTRACT
O trauma raquimedular (TRM) é uma importante causa de incapacidade, sendo constatado uma incidência média de 21 pacientes por milhão de habitantes por ano por uma revisão sistemática realizada nas cinco regiões do pais em. Em Belo Horizonte essa incidência chegou a 26 pacientes por milhão por ano. Trata-se de AFC, 28 anos, que foi encaminhado com urgência para o Hospital João XXIII com história de agressão por arma branca (um facão) na região supra clavicular esquerda no dia 22/10. Ao exame neurológico o paciente encontrava-se consciente, orientado e com hemiplegia á esquerda. Anestesia tátil e vibratória á esquerda (lesão do trato corticoespinhal e fascículo grácil e cuneiforme) e preservada á direita, além de anestesia térmica/dolorosa contralateral a hemissecção (lesão do trato espinotalâmico), que configuram a síndrome de Brown Sequard completa. Foi realizada tomografia computadorizada da coluna que evidenciou fratura de lâmina de T1. A ferida lacerante foi suturada e paciente manteve quadro estável por 5 dias. Após 7 dias da admissão hospitalar constatou-se anisocoria com pupila miótica à esquerda eptose de pálpebra também a esquerda, que configura a síndrome de Horner concomitantemente. Foi realizada punção lombar constatando liquor hemorrágico e com alta celularidade, iniciado antibioticoterapia com Meropenem e Vancomicina. Relata-se a correlação anátomoclínica de paciente vitima de TRM aberto, com síndromes associadas, de hemissecção medular e Horner. Ressalta-se a importância dos conhecimentos em neuroanatomia. (AU)
Spinal cord trauma is an important cause of disability, with an average incidence of 21 patients per million inhabitants per year by a systematic review in the five regions of Brazil. In Belo Horizonte, this incidence reached 26 patients per million per year. This is the AFC, 28 years old, who was referred urgently to the Hospital João XXIII with a history of white-collar aggression (a machete) in the left supraclavicular region on 22/10. At the neurological examination the patient was conscious, oriented and with left hemiplegia. Tactile and vibratory anesthesia to the left (lesion of the corticospinal tract and gracile and cuneiform fasciculus) and preserved to the right, in addition to thermal / painful anesthesia contralateral to the hemisection (lesion of the spinothalamic tract), which constitute the complete Brown Sequard syndrome. Computed tomography of the spine was performed, showing a T1 fracture. The lacerating wound was sutured and patient maintained stable frame for 5 days. After 7 days of hospital admission, anisocoria was observed with miotic pupil on the left and ptosis of the eyelid also on the left, which configures Horner syndrome concomitantly. A lumbar puncture was performed, confirming hemorrhagic and high cellularity, and antibiotic therapy with Meropenem and Vancomycin. The anatomic-clinical correlation of a patient with open MTR with associated syndromes of medullary and Horner hemisection is reported. The importance of knowledge in neuroanatomy is emphasized. (AU)
Horner Syndrome , Brown-Sequard Syndrome , Brazil , Nervous System , NeuroanatomyABSTRACT
The pupillary size and movement are controlled dynamically by the autonomic nervous system; the parasympathetic system constricts the iris, while the sympathetic system dilates the iris. Under normal conditions, these constrictions and dilations occur identically in both eyes. Asymmetry in the pupillomotor neural input or output leads to impaired pupillary movement on one side and an unequal pupil size between both eyes. Anisocoria is one of the most common signs in neuro-ophthalmology, and the neurological disorders that frequently cause anisocoria include serious diseases, such as vascular dissection, fistula, and aneurysm. A careful history and examination can identify and localize pupillary disorders and provide a guide for appropriate evaluations.