Descorna cirúrgica em bovinos é uma prática bastante realizada na medicina veterinária, com indicação principalmente para evitar acidentes com fraturas, trabalhadores e outros animais. O objetivo do presente relato seria ressaltar o uso de analgésicos e sedativos em bovinos submetidos a este procedimento cirúrgico, compartilhar técnica cirúrgica utilizada, informações de monitoramento de sinais vitais no trans cirúrgico e recomendações pré, trans e pós-cirúrgicas, assim como possíveis complicações. Foi atendido um bovino da raça Jersey, fêmea, 1 ano de idade, pesando cerca de 222kg, submetido a descorna bilateral devido ao comportamento agressivo. Contido em tronco de contenção e tranquilizado com acepromazina, recebeu meloxicam e associação de sulfa com trimetropim. Após tricotomia e antissepsia foi realizado bloqueio perineural do ramo cornual do nervo zigomático temporal e bloqueio infiltrativo ao contorno de cada corno com lidocaína sem vasoconstritor. Com os cornos insensíveis, se deu início ao procedimento de descorna cirúrgica pela associação das técnicas de serra de gigli com o alicate do tipo Dick Kaber. Concluímos ser de extrema importância a execução da técnica cirúrgica por médico veterinário apto, realizando o procedimento de forma asséptica e com analgesia visando o bem estar do animal. No caso em questão, a associação das técnicas de serra de gigli com o alicate do tipo Dick Kaber foi parcialmente satisfatória, o animal apresentou boa margem de fechamento da sutura e sem deiscência dos pontos, porém houve dificuldades de retirada de margens ósseas pontiagudas após uso do alicate. A tranquilização associada ao bloqueio local foi efetiva para tal procedimento.(AU)
Surgical dehorning in cattle is widely performed practice in veterinary medicine, primarily indicated to prevent accidents involving workers, fights between animals, and skull fractures. This procedure involves the removal of the horns of the horns of cattle and should be performed using ethical methods by a qualified veterinarian. The objective of this case report is to highlight the use of analgesics and sedatives in cattle undergoing this surgical procedure, share the surgical technique employed, information on vital sign monitoring during the procedure, and pre-, intra-, and post-surgical recommendations, as well as potential complications. A Jersey cattle, female, 1 year old, weighing approximately 222kg, underwent bilateral dehorning due to aggressive behavior. Restrained in a cattle chute and tranquilized with acepromazine, she received meloxicam and a combination of sulfadiazine with trimethoprim. After trichotomy and antiseptic preparation, perineural blockade of cornual branch of the zygomatic temporal nerve was performed, follows by infiltrative blockade around each horn with lidocaine without vasoconstrictor. With the horns desensitized, the surgical dehorning procedure began using a combination of Gigli saw and Dick Kaber-type wire snare. In conclusion, it is of utmost importance for the surgical technique to be performed by a qualified veterinarian, ensuring aseptic procedure and correct analgesia for the well-being of the cattle. In this case, the combination of Gigli saw and Dick Kaber-type wire snare was partially satisfactory; the animal had a good suture closure margin and did not present suture dehiscence, but there were difficulties in we moving pointed bony margins after using the wire snare. Tranquilization combined with local blockade was effective for this procedure.(AU)
El descornado quirúrgico del ganado bovino es una práctica muy utilizada en medicina veterinaria, indicada principalmente para prevenir accidentes que involucren fracturas, trabajadores y otros animales. El objetivo de este informe sería resaltar el uso de analgésicos y sedantes en bovinos sometidos a este procedimiento quirúrgico, compartir la técnica quirúrgica utilizada, información sobre el monitoreo de signos vitales durante la cirugía y recomendaciones pre, trans y posquirúrgicas, así como posibles complicaciones. Se trata de una hembra bovina Jersey, de 1 año de edad, con un peso aproximado de 222 kg, siendo sometida a descornado bilateral por comportamiento agresivo. Se recibieron contenidos en un baúl de contención y tranquilizados con acepromacina, meloxicam y una combinación de sulfas y trimetopim. Mediante tricotomía y antisepsia se realizó bloqueo perineural de la rama cornual del nervio temporal cigomático y bloqueo infiltrativo en todo el contorno de cada miembro con lidocaína sin vasoconstrictor. Con cuerpos insensibles se inició el procedimiento de descornado quirúrgico, combinando técnicas de aserrado con alicates Dick Kaber. Concluimos que es de suma importancia realizar la técnica quirúrgica por un veterinario calificado, realizando el procedimiento de manera aséptica y con analgesia administrada para el bienestar del animal. En el caso que nos ocupa, la asociación de técnicas de la sierra con la pinza tipo Dick Kaber fue parcialmente satisfactoria, el animal presentó un buen margen de cierre de sutura y ninguna dehiscencia de los puntos, sin embargo, hubo dificultades para eliminar los márgenes óseos afilados después de usar alicates La tranquilidad asociada al bloqueo local fue eficaz para este procedimiento.(AU)
Animals , Female , Cattle , Amputation, Surgical/veterinary , Horns/surgery , Surgery, Veterinary/methods , Analgesics/adverse effects , Anesthesia/veterinaryABSTRACT
A descorna cirúrgica a campo ainda e uma prática comum em animais de produção, apesar deste procedimento na maioria ainda se realizado por leigos, ou realizada em animais com menos de um ano de idade com ferro candente (avermelhado), esta conduta geralmente é efetuada na propriedade, sendo executada pelo próprio proprietário ou funcionário. O presente experimento usando anestesia geral e bloqueio local do nervo córneo e circularmente na base do corno com abraçadeira de naylon para sutura de pele, associada a ligadura da artéria e veia cornual mostrou ser eficiente reduzindo o tempo cirúrgico a campo e promovendo uma prevenção antecipada de hemorragia que é frequente para este procedimento.(AU)
The surgical dehorning the field and still a common practice in farm animals, although this procedure in most still held by lay people, or performed on animals less than one year old with red-hot iron (red), this conduct is usually done on the property, being executed by the owner himself or employee. This experiment using general anesthesia and local lock of corneal nerve and round the horn base with clamp naylon for skin suture, associated with ligature of the artery and vein cornual is efficient by reducing surgical time field and promoting an early prevention of bleeding is frequent for this procedure.(AU)
El quirúrgica descorne el campo quieto y una práctica común en los animales de granja, aunque este procedimiento en la mayoría todavía en manos de los laicos, o lleva a cabo en animales de menos de un año de edad con hierro al rojo vivo (rojo), este comportamiento se realiza generalmente en la propiedad, los trabajos realizados por el propietario o el propio empleado. Este experimento usando anestesia bloques general y local de los nervios de la córnea y alrededor de la base del cuerno con naylon pinza de sutura de la piel, asociados con la ligadura de la vena y la arteria cornual fue eficiente que reduce el tiempo quirúrgico el campo y la promoción de una prevención temprana sangrado que es común para este procedimiento.(AU)
Animals , Ophthalmic Artery/surgery , Eye Hemorrhage/veterinary , Cattle/surgery , Horns/surgery , Anesthesia, General/veterinary , Ligation/veterinary , Nylons/adverse effectsABSTRACT
This paper explored the specific peptides from Bubali Cornu by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and based on mathematics set theory. Following the profile analysis of peptides from Bubali Cornu, Bovis Grunniens Cornu, Caprae Hircus Cornu, and Suis Cornu by nano LC-LTQ-Obitrap-MS after digestion with trypsin, the relationship of peptide composition among different samples was analyzed using the mathematics set theory. The ones that existed only in the Bubali Cornu set rather than in any other set were considered as the specific peptides of Bubali Cornu. The further bioinformatic analysis revealed four specific peptides from Bubali Cornu, whose specificity was verified by UPLC-QQQ-MS. The results showed that these four peptides could be used for distinguishing Bubali Cornu from Caprae Hircus Cornu and Suis Cornu. This study has provided a rapid and simple method for seeking the specific peptides in animal medicines, which can be utilized for quality evaluation of animal medicines, thus making them authenticable and traceable.
Animals , Chromatography, Liquid , Cornus , Horns/chemistry , Peptides/chemistry , Tandem Mass SpectrometryABSTRACT
Dehorning is a zootechnical practice that causes severe pain in cattle. Although there are several studies evaluating the effects of analgesics in calf dehorning, none of them used validated pain assessment instruments. We evaluated the analgesic effectiveness of meloxicam administered before dehorning, compared to a control group, using the Unesp-Botucatu, numerical, simple descriptive, and visual analogue scales for pain assessment before and 4, 8, and 24 hours after the dehorning in 44 female calves. All calves received 0.04 mg/kg of xylazine IM 20 minutes before dehorning and local anesthetic block with 2% lidocaine with a vasoconstrictor. Calves were divided into two groups: without (GX; n = 22) or with 0.5 mg/kg of meloxicam (GXM; n = 22) administered intravenously before the procedure. Dehorning was performed through the section of the base of the horn bud, followed by thermocautery disbudding. For comparisons over time, mixed linear or generalized mixed linear model were used. The interaction between groups and study phases was used as fixed effects and each calf as a random effect. Bonferroni post hoc test was used. There was an increase in the pain scores at 4h compared to baseline in both groups (GX and GXM) for the four scales. The scores at 4h were higher in GX compared to GXM for all scales. Meloxicam reduced, but did not eliminate, behavioral expressions of pain in calves submitted to hot-iron dehorning. Therefore, it should be included in the analgesic protocol to improve welfare in calves undergoing dehorning.
A descorna é uma prática zootécnica que causa dor intensa em bovinos. Há na literatura diversos estudos sobre os efeitos de analgésicos para mitigar a dor frente a descorna, mas nenhum usando escalas validadas. Avaliamos a eficácia do meloxicam administrado previamente à descorna, comparado a um grupo controle, utilizando-se as escalas Unesp-Botucatu, numérica, simples descritiva e analógica visual para avaliação da dor antes e 4, 8 e 24 horas após a descorna em 44 bezerros fêmeas tratadas com 0,04 mg/kg de xilazina IM 20 minutos antes da descorna e bloqueio anestésico local com lidocaína a 2% com vasoconstritor. Os bezerros foram alocados em dois grupos: sem (GX; n=22) ou com 0.5 mg/kg de meloxicam (GXM; n=22) administrado por via intravenosa antes do procedimento. Realizou-se a descorna por secção da base do botão cornual seguido de termocauterização. Para as comparações ao longo do tempo, empregou-se o modelo linear ou linear misto. Considerou-se a interação entre grupos e momentos como efeito fixo e cada bezerro como efeito aleatório. As alterações foram inferidas de acordo com o pós-teste de Bonferroni. Para as quatro escalas houve aumento dos escores às 4h comparado ao basal em ambos os grupos (GX e GXM). Os escores de todas as escalas às 4h foram maiores em GX que em GXM. O meloxicam reduziu, mas não aboliu, a expressão comportamental da dor em bezerros submetidos à descorna com ferro quente, o que sugere o uso de terapia antálgica multimodal para realizar tal procedimento e garantir o bem-estar animal.
Animals , Cattle , Meloxicam/administration & dosage , Horns/surgery , Analgesia/veterinary , Animal WelfareABSTRACT
Este trabalho tem por objetivo descrever um caso de carcinoma espinocelular da base do chifre, bilateral e simétrico, em uma vaca e discutir a questão hormonal, possivelmente envolvida na patogênese da doença. Tratava-se de uma fêmea bovina, 11 anos, com histórico de emagrecimento progressivo, presença de massas exofíticas na base de ambos os chifres e em anestro por muitos anos. Foi realizada biopsia incisional de ambas as lesões para exame histopatológico e dosagens hormonais. Devido à progressão do quadro clínico, optou-se pela eutanásia, seguida dos exames necroscópico e histopatológico. O exame histopatológico revelou tratar-se de um carcinoma espinocelular infiltrativo bem diferenciado, e as dosagens hormonais apresentaram alterações nos níveis do hormônio luteinizante, folículo estimulante e estrógenos totais. Apesar de existirem descrições de carcinomas espinocelulares da base do chifre, ainda não havia relatos da ocorrência do mesmo bilateral e em uma vaca com distúrbios hormonais.(AU)
The objective of this study was to describe a case of bilateral and symmetrical squamous cell carcinoma from the horn base in a cow and to discuss the hormonal question, possibly involved in its pathogenesis. A 11-year-old beef cow presenting a history of progressive thinning, presence of exophytic masses at the base of both horns and anestrous for many years was assisted. An incisional biopsy of both lesions was performed for histopathological examination and hormonal dosages. Due to the clinical progression, euthanasia followed by necroscopic and histopathological examination was carried out. Histopathological examination revealed a well differentiated infiltrative squamous cell carcinoma and the hormonal dosages presented changes in luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating and total estrogen levels. Although there are descriptions of basal squamous cell carcinoma of the horn, there were still no reports of the occurrence of the same bilateral in a cow with hormonal disorders.(AU)
Animals , Female , Cattle , Anestrus , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/veterinary , Horns/pathology , Luteinizing Hormone/adverse effectsABSTRACT
We identified the echinostome metacercariae in Chinese mystery snails, Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata, from Xiengkhuang Province, Lao PDR with morphologies of adult worms recovered. Total 20 snails were examined with artificial digestion method and then the collected metacercariae were orally infected to a mouse and a rat. Adult worms recovered from experimental animals were observed with a light microscope and a SEM. The metacercariae were round, 125×123 μm in average size, with a moderately thick cyst wall, collar spines distributed in the head collar and excretory granules in 2 canals of excretory tube. Adult flukes (3-week-old in a rat) were elongated, ventrally curved and 5.310×1.023 mm in average size. Head collar distinct, bearing 43 collar spines with 5 end group ones on each side. Oral sucker subterminal, prepharynx very short, pharynx well developed, and esophagus relatively short. Cirrus sac well developed, with a saccular seminal vesicle, and ventral sucker very large. Ovary round and on the median line of the body. Testes tandom and elongated. Eggs operculated, elliptical and 90×57 μm in average size. In the SEM observation, the head crown prominent, with 43 collar spines resembled with horns of younger stag. Scale-like tegumental spines were densely distributed on the surface between the head collar and ventral sucker, and their densities were decreased posteriorly. Conclusively, the metacercariae detected in C. chinensis malleata from Lao PDR were identified as those of Echinostoma macrorchis based on the morphological characteristics of adult worms.
Adult , Animals , Female , Humans , Mice , Rats , Asian People , Crowns , Digestion , Echinostoma , Eggs , Esophagus , Head , Horns , Metacercariae , Methods , Ovary , Ovum , Pharynx , Seminal Vesicles , Snails , Spine , Testis , TrematodaABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Thin or damaged endometrium causes uterine factor-derived infertility resulting in a failure of embryonic implantation. Regeneration of endometrium is a major issue in gynecology and reproductive medicine. Various types of cells and scaffolds were studied to establish an effective therapeutic strategy. For this type of investigations, production of optimal animal models is indispensable. In this study, we tried to establish various murine uterine damage models and compared their features. METHODS: Three to ten-week-old C57BL/6 female mice were anesthetized using isoflurane. Chemical and mechanical methods using ethanol (EtOH) at 70 or 100% and copper scraper were compared to determine the most efficient condition. Damage of uterine tissue was induced either by vaginal or dorsal surgical approach. After 7-10 days, gross and microscopic morphology, safety and efficiency were compared among the groups. RESULTS: Both chemical and mechanical methods resulted in thinner endometrium and reduced number of glands. Gross morphology assessment revealed that the damaged regions of uteri showed various shapes including shrinkage or cystic dilatation of uterine horns. The duration of anesthesia significantly affected recovery after procedure. Uterine damage was most effectively induced by dorsal approach using 100% EtOH treatment compared to mechanical methods. CONCLUSION: Taken together, murine uterine damage models were most successfully established by chemical treatment. This production protocols could be applied further to larger animals such as non-human primate.
Animals , Female , Humans , Mice , Anesthesia , Copper , Dilatation , Endometrium , Ethanol , Gynecology , Horns , Infertility , Isoflurane , Models, Animal , Primates , Regeneration , Reproductive Medicine , UterusABSTRACT
This present study is to detect the content of free thiols(-SH) in the horn derived traditional Chinese medicines( TCMs) from different animals and different regions by using fluorescence derivatization method. TCEP was used as a disulfide bond reducing agent,while SBD-F as a derivatization reagent. Fluorescent spectrophotometry was used to determine the content of-SH,and the maximum excitation wavelength and emission wavelength were set as 375 and 510 nm,respectively. As a result,under the optimized condition,the extraction of Caprae Hircus Cornu showed the highest free-SH concentration,followed by Bovis Grunniens Cornu,Bubali Cornu,and Elaphuri Davidiani Cornu. In the present study,we point out that the-SH-contained components might be the most important material basis in animal horn derived TCMs. With good accurate,sensitive and rapid properties,the present method can provide reference basis for the quality evaluation of animal horn derived TCMs and guides for the investigation on effective material basis.
Animals , Cornus , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Horns , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Sulfhydryl CompoundsABSTRACT
The differences and the variations of chondroitin sulfate content in different parts of Cervi Cornu Pantotrichum(CCP) with different processing methods were investigated. The chondroitin sulfate from velvet was extracted by dilute alkali-concentrated salt method. Next, the chondroitin sulfate was digested by chondroitinase ABC.The contents of total chondroitin sulfate and chondroitin sulfate A, B and C in the samples were determined by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).The content of chondroitin sulfate in wax,powder,gauze,bone slices of CCP with freeze-drying processing is 14.13,11.99,1.74,0.32 g·kg⁻¹, respectively. The content of chondroitin sulfate in wax,powder,gauze,bone slices of CCP with boiling processing is 10.71,8.97,2.21,1.40 g·kg⁻¹, respectively. The content of chondroitin sulfate in wax,powder,gauze,bone slices of CCP without blood is 12.47,9.47,2.64,0.07 g·kg⁻¹, respectively. And the content of chondroitin sulfate in wax,powder,gauze,bone slices of CCP with blood is 8.22,4.39,0.87,0.28 g·kg⁻¹ respectively. The results indicated that the chondroitin sulfate content in different processing methods was significantly different.The content of chondroitin sulfate in CCP with freeze-drying is higher than that in CCP with boiling processing.The content of chondroitin sulfate in CCP without blood is higher than that in CCP with blood. The chondroitin sulfate content in differerent paris of the velvet with the same processing methods was arranged from high to low as: wax slices, powder, gauze slices, bone slices.
Animals , Chondroitin Sulfates , Deer , Horns , ChemistryABSTRACT
The hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) contains two types of neurons projecting to either the rostral ventrolateral medulla (PVN(RVLM)) or the intermediolateral horn (IML) of the spinal cord (PVN(IML)). These two neuron groups are intermingled in the same subdivisions of the PVN and differentially regulate sympathetic outflow. However, electrophysiological evidence supporting such functional differences is largely lacking. Herein, we compared the electrophysiological properties of these neurons by using patch-clamp and retrograde-tracing techniques. Most neurons (>70%) in both groups spontaneously fired in the cell-attached mode. When compared to the PVN(IML) neurons, the PVN(RVLM) neurons had a lower firing rate and a more irregular firing pattern (p < 0.05). The PVN(RVLM) neurons showed smaller resting membrane potential, slower rise and decay times, and greater duration of spontaneous action potentials (p < 0.05). The PVN(RVLM) neurons received greater inhibitory synaptic inputs (frequency, p < 0.05) with a shorter rise time (p < 0.05). Taken together, the results indicate that the two pre-sympathetic neurons differ in their intrinsic and extrinsic electrophysiological properties, which may explain the lower firing activity of the PVN(RVLM) neurons. The greater inhibitory synaptic inputs to the PVN(RVLM) neurons also imply that these neurons have more integrative roles in regulation of sympathetic activity.
Animals , Action Potentials , Fires , Horns , Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials , Membrane Potentials , Neurons , Paraventricular Hypothalamic Nucleus , Patch-Clamp Techniques , Spinal Cord , Spinal Cord Lateral HornABSTRACT
At the time of visiting, the cat was 6-year-old female Siamese cat. The mammary mass was solid and firm and measured 2 × 5 cm2 in greatest diameter. The uterus revealed thick uterine horn and cross sectioned wall. Histopathologically, the mammary mass revealed feline mammary carcinoma. In the uterus, cystic endometrial hyperplasia was observed. Feline leukemia virus positive reaction was detected by polymerase chain reaction. As far as we know, this is the first report of the simultaneous feline mammary carcinoma and uterine endometrial cystic hyperplasia with Feline leukemia virus infection in a cat.
Animals , Cats , Child , Female , Humans , Endometrial Hyperplasia , Horns , Hyperplasia , Leukemia Virus, Feline , Polymerase Chain Reaction , UterusABSTRACT
The metacercariae of Artyfechinostomum malayanum (Leiper, 1911) Mendheim, 1943 were discovered in Pila sp. snails purchased from a market in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. They were isolated from the snails using the artificial digestion technique and were orally fed to 2 hamsters, 1 rat, and 2 mice to obtain the adult flukes. The metacercariae were round, 145–165 μm in diameter, having a cyst wall of 6–10 μm in thickness, a head collar and collar spines, and characteristic features of excretory granules. Adult flukes were recovered in the small intestines of the animals at days 14 and 32 post infection and were morphologically observed using a light microscope and a scanning electron microscope. They were plump or elongated, ventrally curved, 6.0–8.1×1.6–2.0 mm in size, and characterized by the head collar bearing 43 collar spines, including 5 end group ones on each side, a long cirrus sac extending beyond the posterior margin of the ventral sucker, a submedian ovary, and 2 deeply lobed testes. Eggs in uteri were operculate, ovoid to ellipsoid, and 120–135×68–75 μm in size. In scanning electron microscopy, the head collar was prominent with collar spines looking like horns. Scale-like tegumental spines were densely distributed on the ventral surface between the head collar and ventral sucker. Sensory papillae were distributed mainly on the tegument around suckers. By this study, it has been first confirmed that the life cycle of A. malayanum exists in Cambodia.
Adult , Animals , Cricetinae , Female , Humans , Mice , Rats , Cambodia , Digestion , Eggs , Head , Horns , Intestine, Small , Life Cycle Stages , Metacercariae , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Ovary , Ovum , Snails , Spine , Testis , Trematoda , UterusABSTRACT
A survey was performed to know the infection status of echinostome metacercariae in Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata snails from Korea. Total 75 snails collected in 5 localities, i.e., Imsil-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Hwasun-gun and Shinan-gun (Aphae and Jido), Jeollanam-do, and Jinju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, were examined for metacercariae by the artificial digestion method. Infection rates of metacercariae were 80.0%, 66.7%, 100%, 60.0%, and 73.3%, and their densities were 39, 32, 183, 19, and 30 per snail infected, respectively. The metacercariae were round, 105–118×105–118 μm in size, with a thin cyst wall, collar spines on the head collar, and excretory granules in 2 canals of excretory tube. Adult flukes were elongated, ventrally curved, and 5,167×939 μm in average size. Head collar distinct, bearing 45 collar spines with 5 end groups on each side. Oral sucker subterminal, pharynx well developed, and esophagus somewhat short. Cirrus sac well developed, with a saccular seminal vesicle, and ventral sucker very large. Ovary elliptical and on the median line of the body. Testes tandem and slightly lobed. Eggs operculated, elliptical, and 90–103×55–60 μm in size. By scanning electron microscopy, the head collar was prominent with 45 collar spines resembling horns of younger stags. Scale-like tegumental spines were densely distributed on the body surface between the head collar and ventral sucker. Conclusively, it has been first confirmed that the life cycle of E. macrorchis is indigenously maintained in Korea, and C. chinensis malleata snails are popularly infected with the metacercariae of this echinostome.
Adult , Animals , Female , Humans , Rats , Digestion , Echinostoma , Eggs , Esophagus , Head , Horns , Korea , Life Cycle Stages , Metacercariae , Methods , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Ovary , Ovum , Pharynx , Seminal Vesicles , Snails , Spine , Testis , TrematodaABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To investigate whether autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment can improve regeneration of the endometrium in an experimental model of ethanol-induced damage. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned into three groups: control group, ethanol group, and PRP-treated group (administration of 0.25 mL of PRP into both uterine cavities 72 hours after ethanol injection). After 15 days of endometrial damage, all the animals were sacrificed during the estrous cycle, and samples were taken from the mid-uterine horn. Functional and structural recovery of the endometrium was analyzed by hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) and Masson trichrome (MT) staining, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, and immuno-histochemical (IHC) analyses. RESULTS: H&E and MT staining confirmed significantly decreased fibrosis and increased cellular proliferation in the PRP-treated group, compared to the ethanol group. The endometrial areas in the ethanol and PRP-treated groups were 212.83±15.84 µm² and 262.34±12.33 µm² (p=0.065). Significantly stronger IHC expression of cytokeratin, homeobox A10 (HOXA10), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and Ki-67 was found in the PRP-treated group, compared to the ethanol group. In real-time PCR analyses, interleukin-1β mRNA was down-regulated, while c-Kit mRNA was up-regulated, in the PRP-treated group, compared to the ethanol group. CONCLUSION: Intrauterine administration of autologous PRP stimulated and accelerated regeneration of the endometrium and also decreased fibrosis in a murine model of damaged endometrium.
Animals , Female , Female , Humans , Rats , Cell Proliferation , Endometrium , Estrous Cycle , Ethanol , Fibrosis , Genes, Homeobox , Horns , Keratins , Models, Theoretical , Platelet-Rich Plasma , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Regeneration , RNA, Messenger , Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor AABSTRACT
The goal of the present study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of a joint distractor in arthroscopy in small-breed dogs. Sixty stifle joints, which were collected from thirty cadavers, were used in this study. To simulate different injuries, no medial meniscal tear, a full-thickness vertical longitudinal tear, a partial-thickness vertical longitudinal tear, full- and partial-thickness vertical longitudinal tears, or a peripheral detachment were created on the caudal horn of the medial meniscus of each stifle joint along with rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament. Each stifle joint then underwent arthroscopy with and without a joint distractor. The sensitivity (Sn), specificity (Sp), positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and correct classification rate (CCR) for the diagnosis of each type of medial meniscus pathology were calculated. For arthroscopy with and without a joint distractor, the Sn was 85% and 60%, the Sp was 96% and 92%, the PPV was 85% and 65%, the NPV was 96% and 90%, and the CCR was 94% and 86%, respectively. Arthroscopy is an effective diagnostic method for the assessment of medial meniscal pathologies in small-breed dogs, especially when performed with the aid of a joint distractor.
Animals , Dogs , Anterior Cruciate Ligament , Arthroscopy , Cadaver , Classification , Diagnosis , Horns , Joints , Menisci, Tibial , Methods , Pathology , Rupture , Sensitivity and Specificity , Stifle , TearsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep-related breathing disorder that is characterized by repetitive collapse or partial collapse of the upper airway during sleep in spite of ongoing effort to breathe. It is believed that OSA is usually worsened in REM sleep, because muscle tone is suppressed during REM sleep. However, many cases showed a higher apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) during NREM sleep than during REM sleep. We aimed here to determine the characteristics of REM sleep-dependent OSA (REM-OSA) and NREM sleep-dependent OSA (NREM-OSA). METHODS: Five hundred sixty polysomnographically confirmed adult OSA subjects were studied retrospectively. All patients were classified into 3 groups based on the ratio between REM-AHI and NREM-AHI. REM-OSA was defined as REM-AHI/NREM-AHI > 2, NREM-OSA as NREM-AHI/REM-AHI > 2, and the rest as sleep stage-independent OSA (IND-OSA). In addition to polysomnography, questionnaires related to subjective sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and emotion were completed. Chi-square test, ANOVA, and ANCOVA were performed. RESULTS: There was no age difference among subgroups. The REM-OSA group was comprised of large proportions of mild OSA and female OSA patients. These patients experienced poor sleep and more negative emotions than other two groups. The AHI and oxygen desaturation index (ODI) were lowest in REM-OSA. Sleep efficiency and N3 percentage of REM-OSA were higher than in NREM-OSA. The percentage of patients who slept in a supine position was higher in REM-OSA than other subgroups. IND-OSA showed higher BMI and larger neck circumference and abdominal circumference than REM-OSA. The patients with IND-OSA experienced more sleepiness than the other groups. AHI and ODI were highest in IND-OSA. NREM-OSA presented the shortest total sleep time and the lowest sleep efficiency. NREM-OSA showed shorter sleep latency and REM latency and higher percentage of N1 than those of REM-OSA and the highest proportion of those who slept in a lateral position than other subgroups. NREM-OSA revealed the highest composite score on the Horne and Östberg questionnaire. With increased AHI severity, the numbers of apnea and hypopnea events during REM sleep decreased, and the numbers of apnea and hypopnea events during NREM sleep increased. The results of ANCOVA after controlling age, sex, BMI, NC, AC, and AHI showed the lowest sleep efficiency, the highest AHI in the supine position, and the highest percentage of waking after sleep onset in NREM-OSA. CONCLUSION: REM-OSA was associated with the mild form of OSA, female sex, and negative emotions. IND-OSA was associated with the severe form of OSA. NREM-OSA was most closely related to position and showed the lowest sleep efficiency. Sleep stage-dependent characteristics could provide better understanding of OSA.
Adult , Animals , Female , Humans , Apnea , Horns , Neck , Oxygen , Polysomnography , Respiration , Retrospective Studies , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive , Sleep, REM , Supine PositionABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: An adjustable Ghajar guide is presented to improve the accuracy of the original Ghajar guide technique. The accuracy of the adjustable Ghajar guide technique is also investigated. METHODS: The coronal adjustment angle from the orthogonal catheter trajectory at Kocher's point is determined based on coronal head images using an electronic picture archiving and communication system. For the adjustable Ghajar guide, a protractor is mounted on a C-shaped basal plate that is placed in contact with the margin of a burrhole, keeping the central 0° line of the protractor orthogonal to the calvarial surface. A catheter guide, which is moved along the protractor and fixed at the pre-determined adjustment angle, is then used to guide the ventricular catheter into the frontal horn adjacent to the foramen of Monro. The adjustable Ghajar guide technique was applied to 20 patients, while a freehand technique based on the surface anatomy of the head was applied to another 47 patients. The accuracy of the ventricular catheter placement was then evaluated using postoperative computed tomography scans. RESULTS: For the adjustable Ghajar guide technique (AGT) patients, the bicaudate index ranged from 0.23 to 0.33 (mean±standard deviation [SD]: 0.27±0.03) and the adjustment angle ranged from 0° to 10° (mean±SD: 5.2°±3.2°). All the AGT patients experienced successful cerebrospinal fluid diversion with only one pass of the catheter. Optimal placement of the ventricular catheter in the ipsilateral frontal horn approximating the foramen of Monro (grade 1) was achieved in 19 patients (95.0%), while a suboptimal trajectory into a lateral corner of the frontal horn passing along a lateral wall of the frontal horn (grade 3) occurred in 1 patient (5.0%). Thus, the AGT patients experienced a significantly higher incidence of optimal catheter placement than the freehand catheterized patients (95.0% vs. 68.3%, p=0.024). Moreover, none of the AGT patients experienced any tract hemorrhages along the catheter or procedure-related complications. CONCLUSION: The proposed adjustable Ghajar guide technique, using angular adjustment in the coronal plane from the orthogonal trajectory at Kocher’s point, facilitates accurate freehand placement of a ventricular catheter for hydrocephalic patients.
Animals , Humans , Catheterization , Catheters , Cerebral Ventricles , Cerebrospinal Fluid , Head , Hemorrhage , Horns , Hydrocephalus , Incidence , Pilot Projects , Ventriculoperitoneal ShuntABSTRACT
Two young dogs were referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Konkuk University, one for examination of vaginal discharge and the other after being hit by a car. Dog 1 exhibited a high neutrophil count on Gram-stained vaginal smears, marked leukocytosis on a complete blood count, and uterine enlargement on ultrasonography. In dog 2, a markedly enlarged right uterine horn containing echogenic debris was found incidentally on ultrasonography. A tentative diagnosis of pyometra was made in both cases and ovariohysterectomy was performed. Purulent material was collected from each uterine horn and submitted separately for aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture; all culture results were negative. The white blood cell count revealed normal limits 2 days post operation in dog 1 and 4 days post operation in dog 2. Positive bacterial cultures are usually obtained from dogs with pyometra, and antibiotic selection is based on the results of culture and sensitivity testing in the event of failure of empiric antibiotic therapy. However, in the cases reported here, no bacterial growth was identified from the uterine samples despite the presence of purulent material. A short course of empiric antibiotic therapy was administered. This is the first known report describing sterile pyometra in dogs.
Animals , Dogs , Blood Cell Count , Diagnosis , Horns , Hospitals, Teaching , Leukocyte Count , Leukocytosis , Neutrophils , Pyometra , Ultrasonography , Vaginal Discharge , Vaginal SmearsABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Cadaveric studies have shown that deficiency of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus (PHMM) increases strain on the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) graft. However, its influence on the clinical and radiological outcome after ACL reconstruction is less discussed and hence evaluated in this study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study included 77 cases of ACL reconstruction with a minimum 18-month follow-up. Of the 77 cases, 41 patients with intact menisci were compared clinically and radiologically with 36 patients with an injury to the PHMM that required various grades of meniscectomy. The knees were evaluated using subjective International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) score and Orthopadische Arbeitsgruppe Knie (OAK) score. RESULTS: Cases with intact menisci showed better stability (p=0.004) at an average of 44.51 months after surgery. No significant differences were noted in the overall OAK score, subjective IKDC score, and functional OAK score (p=0.082, p=0.526, and p=0.363, respectively). The incidence of radiological osteoarthrosis was significantly higher in the posterior horn deficient knees (p=0.022). CONCLUSIONS: The tendency toward relatively higher objective instability and increased incidence of osteoarthrosis in the group with absent posterior horn reinforces its importance as a secondary stabiliser of the knee.