Objetivo:identificar a prevalência e os fatores associados àspráticas alimentares adequadas entre trabalhadores de enfermagem dos hospitais universitários federais de Pelotas e Rio Grande, no Rio Grande do Sul. Método:estudo transversal, realizadoentre 2021-2022. O instrumento de pesquisa consistiu num questionário autoaplicado, de forma on-line, com características sociodemográficas, comportamentais, laborais e de saúde. As práticas alimentares foram obtidas através da escala: Como está a sua alimentação?A análise dos dados compreendeu distribuição de frequência, análise bivariada e Regressão de Poisson. Resultados:participaram 598 pessoas, práticasalimentares adequadas em 52,3%dos trabalhadores. A adequação às práticas alimentares esteve diretamente associada aos praticantes de atividade física ativos ou muito ativos e qualidade de vida muito boa. Conclusão: os resultados podem ser utilizados pelos gestores hospitalares para incentivar a alimentação saudável dos trabalhadores da enfermagem.
Objective: to identify the prevalence and factors associated with adequate dietary practices among nursing workers at federal university hospitals in Pelotas and Rio Grande, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Method: a cross-sectional study was conducted between 2021 and 2022. The research instrument consisted of a self-administered online questionnaire with sociodemographic, behavioral, occupational, and health characteristics. Dietary practices were assessed using the question: "How is your diet?" Data analysis included frequency distribution, bivariate analysis, and Poisson regression.Results: 598 individuals participated, with 52.3% exhibiting adequate dietary practices. Adequacy of dietary practices was directly associated with practitioners of active or very active physical activity and those reporting a very good quality of life. Conclusion: the results can be utilized by hospital managers to promote healthy eating habits among nursing workers.
Objetivo:Identificar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a prácticas alimentarias adecuadas entre trabajadores de enfermería de hospitales universitarios federales de Pelotas y Rio Grande, en Rio Grande do Sul. Método:estudio transversal realizado entre 2021 y 2022. El instrumento de investigación consistió en un cuestionario autoadministrado en línea con características sociodemográficas, conductuales, laborales y de salud. Las prácticas alimentarias se obtuvieron a través de la escala: "¿Cómo es tu alimentación?" El análisis de datos incluyó distribución de frecuencias, análisis bivariado y regresión de Poisson. Resultados:participaron 598 personas, con un 52,3% de trabajadores con prácticas alimentarias adecuadas. La adecuación de las prácticas alimentarias se asoció directamente con practicantes activos o muy activos de actividad física y una muy buena calidad de vida. Conclusión:los resultados pueden ser utilizados por los gestores de hospitales para fomentar la alimentación saludable entre los trabajadores de enfermería.
Nursing , Nutrition Surveys , Cross-Sectional Studies , Occupational Health , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
Objective: To characterize healthcare notifications related to surgery reported in a university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul. Method: A cross-sec-tional study conducted at a university hospital in the Southern Region of Brazil, analyzing notifications of surgery-related incidents contained in the Health Surveillance and Hospital Care Risk Management Application (Vigilância em Saúde e Gestão de Riscos Assistenciais Hospitalares - VIGIHOSP) data-base, from 2014 to 2022. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 258 notifications were identified, with a notable inci-dence of material-related incidents (24%), of which 57.8% were classified as incidents without harm. The most prevalent type of incident was related to medical-hospital articles (21%). Contributing factors to these events included organizational culture (58.1%), communication (57.4%), protocols/poli-cies/procedures (53.1%), and team organization (51.9%). Conclusion: The study findings contribute to the improvement of work processes, serving as indicators of care outcomes and assisting in the prevention of incidents and enhancement of care for surgical patients. (AU)
Objetivo: Caracterizar las notificaciones de asistencia sanitaria relacionadas con cirugías notificadas en un hospital universitario de Rio Grande do Sul. Método: Estudio transversal realizado en un hospital universitario ubicado en la Región Sur de Brasil, en el cual se analizaron las notificaciones de incidentes relacionados con cirugías, contenidas en la base de datos del Aplicativo de Vigilancia en Salud y Gestión de Riesgos Asistenciales Hospitalarios (VIGIHOSP), en el período de 2014 a 2022. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Se identificaron 258 notifica-ciones, destacándose los incidentes relacionados con materiales (24%), de los cuales el 57,8% fueron clasificados como incidentes sin daño. En cuanto al tipo de incidente, la prevalencia estuvo relacionada con los artículos médico-hospitalarios (21%) y, entre los factores contribuyentes a estos eventos, se destacaron la cultura organizacional (58,1%), la comunicación (57,4%), el protocolo/políticas/procedimientos (53,1%) y la organización del equipo (51,9%). Conclusión: Los hallazgos del estudio contribuyen al perfeccionamiento de los procesos de trabajo, ya que se configuran como indicadores del resultado de la asistencia, ayudando en la prevención de incidentes y en las mejoras en el cuidado del paciente quirúrgico. (AU)
Objetivo: Caracterizar as notificações de assistência à saúde relacionadas a cirurgia notificadas em um hospital universitário do Rio Grande do Sul. Método: Estudo transversal realizado em um hospital universitário localizado na Região Sul do Brasil, no qual foram analisadas as notificações de incidentes relacionados a cirurgia, contidas no banco de dados do Aplicativo de Vigilância em Saúde e Gestão de Riscos Assistenciais Hospitalares (VIGIHOSP), no período de 2014 a 2022. A análise dos dados deu-se por meio da estatística descritiva. Resultados: Foram identificadas 258 notificações, com destaque para os incidentes relacionados a materiais (24%), das quais 57,8% foram classificadas como incidente sem dano. Quanto ao tipo de inci-dente, a prevalência foi relacionada aos artigos médico-hospitalares (21%) e, dentre os fatores contribuintes desses eventos, destacaram-se a cultura orga-nizacional (58,1%), a comunicação (57,4%), o protocolo/políticas/procedimentos (53,1%) e a organização da equipe (51,9%). Conclusão: Os achados do estudo contribuem para o aperfeiçoamento dos processos de trabalho, visto que se configuram como indicadores do resultado da assistência, auxiliando na prevenção de incidentes e melhorias no cuidado com o paciente cirúrgico. (AU)
Humans , Operating Room Nursing , Notification , Hospitals, Teaching , Delivery of Health Care , Patient SafetyABSTRACT
Este trabalho tem como objetivo primordial homenagear a instituição que, nesse momento, celebra seu centenário. No entanto, mais do que apenas uma narrativa institucional, visa preencher uma lacuna historiográfica significativa em relação à Fiocruz
Child Health , Women's Health , Adolescent Health , Maternal-Child Health Services , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
Objetivo: analisar conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas de residentes sobre Cuidados Paliativos. Método: estudo quantitativo, transversal, avaliativo do tipo Conhecimento, Atitude e Prática, desenvolvido em um hospital universitário da região Sul do Brasil. Participaram 49 residentes vinculados ao Programa de Residência Integrada Multiprofissional em Saúde. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio do Google Forms. As análises foram realizadas no software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences v.25. Com nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: A maioria afirmou não ter recebido informação suficiente sobre Cuidados Paliativos na graduação, 53,1% não sabem identificar pacientes candidatos a abordagem. Os aspectos conceituais são reconhecidos pelos residentes, no entanto, o uso de escalas, suspensão ou não de procedimentos e o uso de opióides geraram respostas diversas. O domínio Atitude foi significativo entre as categorias profissionais (P=0,008). Conclusão: Embora os participantes tenham mostrado compreensão sobre a temática, foram evidenciadas fragilidades, especialmente nos domínios atitude e prática
Objective: to analyze knowledge, attitudes and practices of multiprofessional residents related to the palliative care assistance. Method: a quantitative study, transversal, evaluative of the type Knowledge, Attitude and Practice, developed in a university hospital from the South of Brazil. 49 residents vinculated to the Multiprofessional Integrated Healthcare Residency Program participated. Data collection was made through Google Forms. The analyses were graphically represented and made with IBM SPSS Statistics v.25 software. Level of significance adopted was 0.05. Results: young group, with little professional experience, mainly women. The majority affirmed they haven't received sufficient information about palliative care and pain in graduation, 53,1% didn't knew how to identify patients candidates to palliative care. The conceptual aspects of palliative care are recognized by the residents. Nevertheless, the use of scales in palliative care, whether or not to suspend procedures and/or feeding and the use of opiates generated less cohesive answers between members of the group. Only the distribution of the Attitude domain was significant between the professional categories (P=0,008). Conclusion: participants have demonstrated comprehension about the thematic, even then, fragilities were evidenciated, especially in the Attitude and Practice domains. Palliative care should be a focus of study in the healthcare permanent education, as well as in the multiprofessional residency programs
Objetivos:analizar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los residentes sobre la asistencia en cuidados paliativos. Método: estudio cuantitativo, transversal, evaluativo del tipo Conocimiento, Actitud y Práctica, desarrollado en un hospital universitario de la región sur de Brasil. En el estudio participaron 49 residentes vinculados al Programa Integrado de Salud Multiprofesional La recogida de datos se realizó a través de Google Forms. Los análisis se realizaron utilizando el software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences v.25. El nivel de significancia adoptado fue de 0,05. Resultados: La mayoría dijo no haber recibido suficiente información sobre Cuidados Paliativos y manejo del dolor al graduarse, el 53,1% no sabe cómo identificar a los pacientes candidatos al abordaje. Los aspectos conceptuales del tema son reconocidos por los residentes, sin embargo, el uso de balanzas, suspensión o no de procedimientos y / o alimentos y el uso de opioides han generado respuestas diferentes. El dominio Actitud fue significativo entre las categorías profesionales (P = 0,008). Conclusión: Aunque los participantes mostraron comprensión sobre el tema, se evidenciaron debilidades, especialmente en los dominios de actitud y práctica
Humans , Male , Female , Palliative Care , Patient Care Team , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Hospitals, Teaching , Internship and ResidencyABSTRACT
Las instituciones de salud que se dedican a la enseñanza y las que realizan investigación clínica deben incluir un aviso de privacidad de la información del paciente; de la privacidad y protección de datos personales en el formulario del consentimiento informado. El aviso de privacidad aclara el uso que se les da a los datos que se recaban en las instituciones de salud y cómo garantizan la protección, confidencialidad y privacidad de los datos personales. (AU)
Confidentiality/trends , Confidentiality/ethics , Privacy , Patient Rights/ethics , Hospitals, Teaching/ethics , Informed ConsentABSTRACT
Objectives:To determine the pattern of ocular disorders among stroke patients in Federal Teaching Hospital, Lokoja (FTHL).Materials and Methods:Consecutive new stroke patients seen at the Federal Teaching Hospital, Lokoja over a 3-month period were studied. Data was collected with the use of a structured questionnaire divided into four major sections: bio-data, visual history, results of ocular assessment and NEI VFQ-25 quality of life questionnaire. Data analysis was done using SPSS for Windows, version 23.0. Univariate analyses were presented in the form of frequencies, percentages, means, ranges, and standard deviations, charts and tables.Results:Eighty-three patients were recruited with an age range of 40-71 years, a mean age of 55.3(±7.1) years. Thirty-nine patients (47.0%) were between the ages of 51 and 60 years. Thirty-four (41.0%) patients were females while 49(59.0%) were males. Of 46 (55.4%) patients that had neuro-imaging, stroke was ischaemic in 37(80.4%) and haemorrhagic in 9(19.6%). Of the 63 patients with left sided stroke, 2 (2.4%), 4(4.8%) and 57(68.7%) had severe, moderate and mild and normal visual impairment respectively while of the 20 patients with right sided stroke, 3(3.6%) each had severe and moderate visual impairment and 14(16.9%) had normal or mild visual impairment. Other ocular abnormalities included corneal anaesthesia and macular hole in 2(1.2%).Conclusion:Anterior and posterior segments, together with neuro-ophthalmic disorders were found among stroke patients in this study. Many of the ocular abnormalities are as a result of long-standing uncontrolled hypertension which caused the stroke. It is recommended that awareness should be created among the populace about uncontrolled hypertension. It is also advised that internists should refer hypertensive patients for routine ophthalmic screening.
Humans , Male , Female , Mass Screening , Quality of Life , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
Background: Mental health challenges particularly depression is common among people living with HIV/AIDS and has been largely neglected. This is of great concern because depression is associated with high morbidity among its sufferers. An assessment of depression among PLWHAand its predictors will enhance their quality of life and improve their health outcomes. Aim:To determine the prevalence and determinants of depression among patients attending the adult HIV clinic in University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Uyo, Nigeria. Method: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted at the adult HIV outpatient clinic of University of Uyo Teaching Hospital Uyo. A total of three hundred and fifty-one eligible respondents were recruited over three months. Their levels of perceived social support, depression, HIV stigma and substance abuse were assessed using the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ 9), Internalized AIDS-related Stigma Scale and CAGE questionnaire respectively. Results:The mean age of the respondents was 39.8 ± 10.7 years. Two hundred and sixty six (75.8%) of the respondents were females, while eighty-five (24.2%) were males. The overall prevalence of depression was 10%. Majority of respondents had disclosed their status and were experiencing HIV stigmatization representing 84.6% and 95.4% respectively. Most of the respondents (65.8%) had low 2perceived social support. Depression was found to be statistically associated with unskilled workers (χ= 2213.08, p = 0.008), unmarried respondents (χ= 8.45, p = 0.03), low perceived social support (χ= 7.76, p = 220.02), shorter duration of ART use (χ= 8.41, p = 0.04), adverse life events (χ= 4.05, p = 0.04) and 2increasing levels of HIV stigma (χ= 7.66, p = 0.02) among the study participants. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that the prevalence of depression in PLWHA was high. Therefore, the screening and prompt treatment of depression in HIV positive persons should be inculcated into their management plan. Furthermore, policies should be made to minimize discrimination and stigmatization of PLWHA in the communities and healthcare systems. Finally, the relevant stakeholders should work in unison to improve the social welfare conditions of HIV infected persons.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Social Support , HIV Infections , Mental Health , Depression , Hospitals, Teaching , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Social StigmaABSTRACT
Mesmo em emergências sanitárias, quando terapias experimentais são empregadas, é importante prezar pela segurança e eficácia no uso de medicamentos, e a análise de prescrições médicas é uma das maneiras de monitorar aspectos de segurança. Objetivo: Quantificar e classificar as interações medicamentosas potenciais com hidroxicloroquina de acordo com o riscoem prescrições de pacientes com COVID-19 em pacientes com COVID-19 em uso de hidroxicloroquina admitidos em uma unidade de terapia intensiva de um Hospital de Ensino.Metodologia:Este estudo transversal baseou-se na análise de 162 prescrições de 38 pacientes admitidos em uma unidade de terapia intensiva de um Hospital de ensino entre abril e junho de 2020.O Micromedex® e o UpToDate® foram as bases de dados de apoio à conduta clínica utilizadas para estabelecer as interações medicamentosas potenciais. Resultados:A média de dias de internamento foi de 16,1 ± 14,0 e a média de dias em uso de hidroxicloroquina foi de 4,26 ± 1,74. 87,14% das prescrições apresentaram interações medicamentosas potenciais e a mais comum foi entre hidroxicloroquina e azitromicina. 76,4% das prescrições analisadas apresentaram interações medicamentosas potenciais com hidroxicloroquina. 73,5% das prescrições tiverampelo menos uma interação medicamentosa potencial entre medicamentos que prolongam o intervalo QT. Conclusões: Tendo em vista os riscos da exposição de pacientes críticos às interações medicamentosas, este estudo demonstra a necessidade de fortalecer nas instituições hospitalares a cultura de monitoramento de parâmetros de segurança e eficáciano uso de medicamentos, inclusive em terapias experimentais com a utilização de medicamentos off-labelpara minimizar riscos e ampliar possíveis benefícios (AU).
Even in health emergencies, when experimental therapies are employed, it is important to ensure the safety and efficacy of medicines, and the analysis of medical prescriptions is one of the ways to monitor safety aspects.Objective: Quantify and rank potential drug interactions with hydroxychloroquine according to risk in prescriptions of COVID-19 patients taking hydroxychloroquine admitted to an intensive care unit of a TeachingHospital.Methodology: This cross-sectional study was based on the analysis of 162 prescriptions of 38 patients admitted to an intensive care unit of a teaching hospital between April and June 2020. Micromedex® and UpToDate® were the clinical practice support databases used to establish potential drug interactions. Results: The mean number of days of hospitalization was 16.1 ± 14.0 and the mean number of days of days on hydroxychloroquine was 4.26 ± 1.74. 87.14% of the prescriptions presented potential drug interactions and the most common was between hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. 76.4% of the analyzed prescriptions had potential drug interactions with hydroxychloroquine. 73.5% of prescriptions had at least one potential drug interaction between drugs that prolong the QT interval. Conclusions: In view of the risks of exposure of critically ill patients to drug interactions, this study interactions, this study demonstrates the need to strengthen in hospital institutions the culture of institutions the culture of monitoring safety and efficacy parameters in the use of medicines, including experimental therapies with the use of off-label drugs to minimize risks and increase possible benefits (AU).
Aunque en médio aemergencias sanitarias, cuando son empleadas terapias experimentales, es importante estimar la seguridad y eficacia en el uso de los medicamentos, y el análisis de prescripciones es una de las formas de acompanhar los aspectos de seguridad. Objetivo:Cuantificar y clasificar las interaciones farmacologicas potenciales con hidroxicloroquina de acuerdo com el riesgo em prescripciones de pacientes com Covid-19 em uso de hidroxicloroquina andmitidos em unidad de terapia intensiva de um Hospital Docente. Metodología: Este estudio transversal se asienta en el análisis de 162 prescripciones de 38 pacientes admitidos em uma unidad de terapia intensiva de um Hospital Docente entre abril y junio de 2020. El Micromedex®ï¸y el UpToDate®ï¸fueron las bases de datos de apoyo a la actuación clínica utilizadas para establecer las interacciones farmacológicas potenciales. Resultados:El promedio de días de internamiento fue de 16,1 ± 14,0 y el promedio de días en uso hidroxicloroquina fuede 4,26 ± 1,74. 87,14% de las prescripciones presentaron interacciones farmacológicas potenciales y la más común fue entre hidroxicloroquina y azitromicina. 76,4% de las prescripciones analizadas presentaron interaciones farmacológicas com hidroxicloroquina. 73,5% de las prescripciones tuvierion por lo menos uma interacción farmacológica potencial entre medicamentos que prolongam el intervalo QT. Conclusiones:Tenendo a la vista los riesgos de la exposición de pacientes críticos a las interaciones farmacológicas, este estudio demuestra la necesidad de reforzar em las instituiciones hospitalarias la cultura de monitoreo de parâmetros de seguridade y eficacio em el uso de medicamentos, incluso en terapias experimentales con utilización de medicamentos off-label, para minorar riesgos y ampliar los posibles beneficios (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Drug Utilization , Prescriptions , COVID-19/transmission , Hydroxychloroquine/analysis , Intensive Care Units , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Drug Interactions , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Mobile phones in hospital settings have been identified as an important source of cross-contamination because of the low frequency with which mobile phones are cleaned by health workers and cyclical contamination of the hands and face. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the mobile phones of the anesthesia team at a teaching hospital are potential reservoirs of nosocomial bacteria. In addition, differences in device sanitization and hand hygiene habits between attending and resident anesthesiologists were correlated with mobile phone colonization. Methods: A prevalence study was conducted over a 6-month period from 2017 to 2018 that involved the collection of samples from the mobile phones of the anesthesiology team and culturing for surveillance. A questionnaire was administered to assess the mobile phone sanitization and hand washing routines of the anesthesia team in specific situations. Results: Bacterial contamination was detected for 86 of the 128 mobile phones examined (67.2%). A greater presence of Micrococcus spp. on devices was correlated with a higher frequency of mobile phone use (p = 0.003) and a lower frequency of sanitization (p = 0.003). The presence of bacteria was increased on the mobile phones of professionals who did not perform handwashing after tracheal intubation (p = 0.003). Conclusion: Hand hygiene and device sanitization habits were more important than the use behavior, as a higher presence of bacteria correlated with poorer hygiene habits. Furthermore, handwashing is the best approach to prevent serious colonization of mobile devices and the possible transmission of pathogens to patients under the care of anesthesiologists.
Humans , Cross Infection/microbiology , Cross Infection/prevention & control , Cell Phone , Bacteria , Anesthesiologists , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO En Chile la relación asistencial-docente (RAD) está regulada por la norma técnica N°254. La RAD se define como un vínculo estratégico y de largo plazo, que une al Sector Público de salud con instituciones de educación superior. Ésta tiene como objetivo formar y disponer de profesionales y técnicos competentes para satisfacer las necesidades de salud de la población, beneficiando la calidad de atención que reciben los usuarios del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNSS). En esta norma, se considera a la RAD como un eje estratégico para el sistema de salud. En este contexto el departamento de Formación, Capacitación y Educación Continua ha solicitado el desarrollo de una síntesis de evidencia, con el objetivo de conocer el efecto que tiene la formación académica sobre la productividad asistencial, y de esta manera entregar información actualizada y relevante para el proyecto de ley que regula la RAD. METODOLOGÍA Se buscaron revisiones sistemáticas que respondieron la pregunta en las bases de datos MEDLINE y EMBASE a través de OVID y en Epistemonikos, con fecha 01 de marzo. Se utiliza la metodología de la certeza de evidencia GRADE. Se incluyen estudios que evalúen la relación docente-asistencial sobre parámetros de productividad o satisfacción usuaria. Se excluyen estudios que evaluaron el efecto sobre educación al usuario, producción en investigación o percepciones de profesionales de salud, sobre el efecto de la educación virtual o de simulación y estudios de RAD exclusivo en pasantías internacionales. RESULTADOS La cantidad de revisiones sistemáticas recuperadas fueron 2, de las que se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: - Existe alta incertidumbre de la evidencia sobre el efecto de la RAD en desenlaces de productividad o satisfacción usuaria. - De manera general, los datos sugieren que no habría diferencias importantes en la atención o satisfacción usuaria, cuando hay o no presencia de estudiantes. - La docencia asistencial es considerada fundamental para la capacitación y formación de recursos humanos en salud, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
Teaching Care Integration Services , Chile , Hospitals, Teaching , Consumer Behavior , Health FacilitiesABSTRACT
Objetivo: descrever o perfil das quedas notificadas de pacientes internados em um hospital público e de ensino. Método: estudo descritivo e retrospectivo, com análise estatística descritiva, inferencial e de correspondência múltipla dos dados de notificações do aplicativo Vigilância em Saúde e Gestão de Riscos Assistenciais Hospitalares sobre quedas de pacientes internados entre 2017 e 2019. Resultados: predominaram, dentre 153 notificações de quedas no período, as ocorridas no quarto, em unidades de atendimento cirúrgico, emergencial e clínico, sofridas por pacientes do sexo masculino, na faixa etária entre 20 e 59 anos. Nesta, destacaram-se os idosos. A abrasão foi o dano mais relatado. A análise de correspondência múltipla não apresentou significância. Conclusão: a análise dos eventos notificados contribuiu para o planejamento e a implantação do Programa Fall Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety Brasil para aprimoramento da gestão dos riscos relacionados.(AU)
Objective: to describe the profile of reported falls of patients admitted to a public and teaching hospital. Method: descriptive and retrospective study, with descriptive, inferential, and multiple correspondence statistical analysis of notification data from the Health Surveillance and Hospital Care Risk Management app on falls of hospitalized patients between 2017 and 2019. Results: predominated, among 153 notifications of falls in the period, those occurring in the ward, in surgical, emergency, and clinical care units, suffered by male patients, aged between 20 and 59 years. In this, the elderly stood out. Abrasion was the most reported harm. Multiple correspondence analysis did not show significance. Conclusion: the analysis of reported events contributed to the planning and implementation of the Fall Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety Program in Brazil to improve the management of related risks.(AU)
Objetivo: describir el perfil de las caídas de pacientes internados reportadas en un hospital público y de enseñanza. Método: estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo, con análisis estadístico descriptivo, inferencial y análisis de correspondencias múltiples de datos de notificación de la aplicación Vigilancia en Salud y Gestión de Riesgos de Atención Hospitalaria sobre caídas de pacientes hospitalizados entre 2017 y 2019. Resultados: predominó, entre 153 notificaciones de caídas en el período, las ocurridas en el dormitorio, en unidades quirúrgicas, de emergencia y de atención clínica, sufridos por pacientes del sexo masculino, con edades entre 20 y 59 años. En este último, se destacaron los adultos mayores. La abrasión fue el daño más reportado. El análisis de correspondencia múltiple no mostró significación. Conclusión: el análisis de los eventos notificados contribuyó para la planificación e implementación del Programa Fall Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety en Brasil para mejorar la gestión de sus riesgos re-lacionados.(AU
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Risk Management , Accidental Falls/statistics & numerical data , Patient Safety , Notification/statistics & numerical data , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
Objetivo: identificar as contribuições do Núcleo Interno de Regulação para a segurança do paciente. Método: pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida entre agosto a outubro de 2020. Foram realizadas entrevistas audiogravadas junto a 13 profissionais que atuavam nas enfermarias, no pronto-socorro, na gestão da qualidade e no Núcleo Interno de Regulação. Os dados foram analisados com o auxílio do software IraMuteq® e as etapas propostas por Creswell. Resultados: os achados revelaram que o Núcleo Interno de Regulação contribui para a segurança do paciente, entornando as metas instituídas: comunicação efetiva; identificação do paciente; redução do risco de infecções associadas aos cuidados em saúde - a pandemia de COVID-19 foi apresentada como um importante dado; segurança para cirurgia, uma vez que agiliza o acesso ao hospital para procedimento cirúrgico; e diminuição de filas de espera. Ainda, contribui para prevenir complicações decorrentes de quedas, pois o paciente pode ser alocado com agilidade num leito seguro. Por fim, o enfermeiro, no seu papel de liderança do serviço e como elo para a gerência do cuidado seguro, também se mostrou importante. Conclusão: embora algumas fragilidades tenham sido detectadas, a contribuição do Núcleo Interno de Regulação se sobressai por fortalecer as metas da segurança do paciente. Em razão disso, reafirma-se a importância de fluxos regulatórios na perspectiva de gestão de leitos hospitalares, assim como os preceitos da segurança do paciente almejada pelos gestores. Não obstante, o enfermeiro atua como elo entre esses dois cenários.(AU)
Objective: to identify the contributions of the Internal Regulation Core to patient safety. Method: qualitative research carried out between August and October 2020. Audio-recorded interviews were carried out with 13 professionals who worked in the wards, in the emergency room, in quality management and in the Internal Regulation Center. Data were analyzed using the IraMuteq® software and the steps proposed by Creswell. Results: the findings revealed that the Internal Regulation Nucleus contributes to patient safety, bypassing the established goals: effective communication; patient identification; reduction in the risk of infections associated with health care - the COVID-19 pandemic was presented as an important fact; safety for surgery, as it speeds up access to the hospital for a surgical procedure; and reduction of queues. It also helps to prevent complications resulting from falls, as the patient can be quickly allocated to a safe bed. Finally, the nurse, in his role as a leader in the service and as a link in the management of safe care, also proved to be important. Conclusion: although some weaknesses were detected, the contribution of the Internal Regulation Center stands out for strengthening patient safety goals. As a result, the importance of regulatory flows from the perspective of hospital bed management is reaffirmed, as well as the precepts of patient safety desired by managers. Nevertheless, the nurse acts as a link between these two scenarios.(AU)
Objetivo: identificar los aportes del Núcleo Interno Normativo para la seguridad del paciente. Método: investigación cualitativa desarrollada de agosto a octubre de 2020. Se realizaron entrevistas audiograbadas a 13 profesionales que trabajaban en las salas, en el servicio de urgencias, en la Gestión de Calidad y en el Núcleo Interno Normativo. Los datos fueron analizados con la ayuda del software IraMuteq® y los pasos propuestos por Creswell. Resultados: los hallazgos revelaron que el Núcleo Interno Normativo contribuye a la seguridad del paciente, desbordando los objetivos establecidos: comunicación eficaz; identificación del paciente; reducción del riesgo de infecciones asociadas a la asistencia sanitaria - la pandemia COVID-19 se presentó como un dato importante; en la seguridad para la cirugía, ya que agiliza el acceso al hospital para procedimientos quirúrgicos y, en la reducción de las colas de espera. También contribuye a la prevención de complicaciones derivadas de caídas, ya que el paciente puede ser ubicado rápidamente en una cama segura. Y, finalmente, el enfermero, en su papel de líder en el servicio, como enlace en la gestión del cuidado seguro, también resultó ser un resultado importante. Conclusión: aunque se detectaron algunas debilidades, se destaca la contribución del Núcleo Interno Normativo en el fortalecimiento de las metas de seguridad del paciente. Como resultado, reafirma la importancia de los flujos normativos desde la perspectiva de la gestión de camas hospitalarias, así como los preceptos de seguridad del paciente deseados por los gestores. Sin embargo, la enfermera actúa como enlace entre estos dos escenarios.(AU)
Humans , Total Quality Management/organization & administration , Patient Safety , Hospital Bed Capacity/standards , Risk Management/organization & administration , Hospitals, Teaching , NursesABSTRACT
O hospital constitui-se como um contexto em que a urgência subjetiva pode vir a se apresentar de forma frequente, instaurando, para cada sujeito, uma vivência de angústia. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar as possibilidades para uma clínica das urgências subjetivas no contexto de um hospital universitário em Salvador, considerando as vivências em uma residência multiprofissional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório, em que se realizou revisão teórica sobre o tema e se construiu um caso clínico, sob orientação psicanalítica. A escolha do caso baseou-se na escuta clínica ao longo dos atendimentos e da atuação em equipe multiprofissional, considerando os impasses ao longo do tratamento. Foram utilizados registros documentais produzidos pela psicóloga residente ao longo dos atendimentos, que ocorreram durante três meses. Os resultados apontam para as contribuições da escuta psicanalítica no tratamento das urgências e na atuação em equipe multiprofissional no contexto hospitalar. A subjetivação da urgência permitiu, no caso em questão, um tratamento pela palavra do que havia incidido diretamente no corpo como fenômeno. Conclui-se pela relevância em discutir o tema da urgência e suscitar novas pesquisas, reintroduzindo no contexto hospitalar a questão sobre a subjetividade.(AU)
Hospitals are contexts in which subjective urgency can frequently materialize, triggering an experience of anguish for each subject. Hence, this research investigates the possibilities of establishing a subjective urgency clinic at a university hospital in Salvador, considering the experiences in a multidisciplinary residence. A qualitative, exploratory research was conducted by means of a theoretical review on the topic and construction of a clinical case, under psychoanalytical advisement. The case was chosen based on clinical listening during the sessions and performance in a multidisciplinary team, considering the obstacles for long-term treatment. Data were collected from documentary records produced by the resident psychologist during three months. Results point to the contributions of psychoanalytic listening to treating subjective urgencies and to the performance of a multidisciplinary team in the hospital context. In the case in question, subjectivation of urgency allowed a treatment through the word of affecting phenomenon. In conclusion, discussing urgency and conducting further research, are fundamental to reintroduce subjectivity in the hospital context.(AU)
El hospital es un contexto en el que frecuentemente se puede percibir una urgencia subjetiva, estableciendo una experiencia de angustia para cada sujeto. El objetivo de esta investigación fue investigar las posibilidades de una clínica de urgencia subjetiva en el contexto de un hospital universitario en Salvador (Brasil), considerando las experiencias en una Residencia Multiprofesional. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, de carácter exploratorio, en la que se realizó una revisión teórica sobre el tema y construcción de un caso clínico, con orientación psicoanalítica. La elección del caso se basó en la escucha clínica a lo largo de las sesiones y actuación en un equipo multidisciplinar, considerando los impasses para el tratamiento a largo plazo. Se utilizaron registros documentales elaborados por el psicólogo residente, durante las atenciones, que se realizaron durante tres meses. Los resultados apuntan a las contribuciones de la escucha psicoanalítica en el tratamiento de urgencias y en la actuación de un equipo multidisciplinario en el contexto hospitalario. La subjetivación de la urgencia permitió, en el caso en cuestión, un tratamiento a través de la palabra de lo que había afectado directamente al cuerpo como fenómeno. Se concluye que es relevante discutir el tema de la urgencia y plantear nuevas investigaciones, reintroduciendo el tema de la subjetividad en el contexto hospitalario.(AU)
Humans , Female , Personal Satisfaction , Psychoanalysis , Emergencies , Hospitals, University , Anxiety , Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care , Pain , Parapsychology , Patient Discharge , Primary Health Care , Psychiatry , Psychology , Quality of Life , Rehabilitation , Religion , Safety , Self Care , Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms , Teaching , Therapeutics , Training Support , Universities , Violence , Wounds and Injuries , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Unified Health System , Patients' Rooms , Health Infrastructure , Case Reports , Symbolism , Activities of Daily Living , Bereavement , Family , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Laboratory and Fieldwork Analytical Methods , Mental Health , Disease , Liability, Legal , Treatment Refusal , Occupational Therapy , Treatment Outcome , Patient Satisfaction , Long-Term Care , Comprehensive Health Care , Life , Benchmarking , Critical Care , Biomedical Technology , Personal Autonomy , Patient Rights , Death , Delivery of Health Care , Information Dissemination , Interdisciplinary Communication , Qualitative Research , After-Hours Care , Diagnosis , Education, Continuing , Education, Medical, Continuing , Emotions , Empathy , Academic Medical Centers , Interdisciplinary Research , Publications for Science Diffusion , Disease Prevention , Humanization of Assistance , Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services , Electronic Health Records , Health Communication , Early Medical Intervention , Financial Management , Neurological Rehabilitation , Psychological Trauma , Mentoring , Universalization of Health , Psychological Distress , Patient Care , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Health Planning , Health Planning Guidelines , Health Policy , Hospital Administration , Hospitalization , Hospitals, Teaching , Human Rights , Accounting , Imagination , Internship and Residency , Laboratories , Learning , Length of Stay , Life Change Events , Medical Assistance , Memory , Nursing CareABSTRACT
Responsiveness optimisesthe system-based approach to meeting legitimate demands by healthcare recipients. This study assessed the responsiveness of orthopaedic services at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) from the perspectives of the care recipients. Methods:Descriptive cross-sectional study among 442 consecutively recruited recipients of orthopaedic services at UPTH from March to June 2020. Close-ended questionnaire with responsiveness conceptualised by five constructs: dignity, autonomy, confidentiality, quality of basic amenities and choice of care provider, each measured along 4-point response scale. The internal consistency reliability of the responsiveness scale was determined by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Descriptive (frequency, percentages, bar charts) and inferential (ordinal logistic regression) statistics were conducted and p-values ≤ 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: Response rate was 97.3% and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the responsiveness scale was 0.83. Participants' mean age was 38.5±14.8years with more being males (55.8%), privately employed (34.9%) and completed secondary education (82.5%). Proportion of respondents who gave excellent ratings across responsiveness domains were dignity (32.8%), autonomy (34.2%), confidentiality (26.3%), amenities (25.8%) and no excellent rating for choice of provider. Marital, employment and visit status were the most consistent factors associated with feedback on autonomy, choice of providers, confidentiality domains.Conclusion: More orthopaedic patients were pleased with the level of autonomy and dignity than choice of providers and quality of basic amenities. There is the need for enhanced responsiveness of orthopedic services to meeting the unique needs of patients and achieving improved quality of care and patient outcomes
Humans , Delivery of Health Care , Respect , Quality of Health Care , Cross-Sectional Studies , Confidentiality , Personal Autonomy , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
Introduction: the rising prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) around the world has dramatically increased the number of people bearing the complications of this potentially incapacitating disease. One of these complications is foot ulcers that may result in amputation. This study sets out to determine the profiles of the "foot-at-risk" for ulceration and the associated socio-medical factors in DM patients. Methods: this study was conducted at Bowen University Teaching Hospital, Ogbomoso, Southwest, Nigeria. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study comprising 299 outpatient adults aged 18 years and above with diabetes mellitus of at least 6 months in duration. Comprehensive Foot Examination and Risk Assessment tool was used to identify the foot-at-risk categories of the participants. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Results: the prevalence of foot-at-risk among the participants was 64.9% (194). Among the 194 participants with foot-at-risk, 35.1% (105) belonged to the foot-at-risk categories 0, 37.8% (113) in category 1, 16.1% (48) in category 2, and 11.0% (33) in category 3. Other factors that had a statistically significant association with foot-at-risk included; age, religion, level of education, duration of diabetes, history of smoking, and glycemic control. Conclusion: foot-at-risk was found to have an alarming prevalence among the participants. In addition, the level of glycemic control in this group was unacceptably poor. Clinicians need to intensify preventive measures like foot screening and health education to prevent foot ulcerations, which may result in limb amputation in DM patients.
Humans , Male , Female , Diabetes Mellitus , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
Background: Hydrocephalus represents a serious public health problem and a major cause of disability as well as poor quality of life. Children who are born with hydrocephalus or acquire it later in life are often cared for in the home setting by a family caregiver, and in some cases by professional caregivers. Caregiving can often stressful and can result in negative effects on the family caregiver. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore caregivers' experiences in caring for children with hydrocephalus seen at the University Teaching Hospitals in Lusaka, Zambia. Methods: A qualitative phenomenological study design was adopted. This study was conducted at the University Teaching Hospitals in Lusaka, Zambia, among a population of family caregivers for children with hydrocephalus. Purposeful sampling method was used to select ten (10) participants. Data were collected through face-to-face in-depth interviews using a semi-structured interview guide. Data obtained from the interviews was transcribed. verbatim and analyzed using thematic analysis. All ethical considerations were upheld accordingly. Results:T he findings of this study revealed that caregivers for children with hydrocephalus experience a great deal of psychological, social and socioeconomic challenges in caring for their children. These experiences range from emotional distress; sleep deprivation; deterioration of social support; to financial impoverishment associated with needs and expenses of caring for a child with hydrocephalus. Conclusion :While most studies and interventions primarily focus on the restoration of function in children with hydrocephalus, it is important to develop and/or strengthen programmes that provide holistic support for caregivers of children with hydrocephalus because of the various experiences associated with caring for children with hydrocephalus.
Humans , Male , Female , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
Objectives: This study determined the prevalence of hypertension and its associated factors among patients attending the HIV clinic at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH). Design: A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted at KBTH. The prevalence of hypertension was estimated among study participants, and socio-demographic, lifestyle, anthropometric, metabolic and HIV/ART-related factors associated with hypertension were determined by logistic regression modelling. Setting: Study participants were recruited from the HIV clinic at the KBTH. Participants: A total of 311 Persons Living with HIV were recruited as study participants Interventions: Simple random sampling technique was used to recruit study participants. A questionnaire adapted from the WHO STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk-factor surveillance was used to collect study participants' data. Results: The prevalence of hypertension was 36.7%, and the factors associated with hypertension were increasing age, positive family history of hypertension, minimal exercising, current BMI ≥25.0 kg/m2 , total cholesterol level ≥5.17 mmol/L, exposure to anti-retroviral therapy (ART) and increasing duration of ART exposure. Conclusions: This study shows a high prevalence of hypertension among patients attending the HIV clinic at KBTH,associated with exposure to ART and increasing duration of this exposure. Blood pressure monitoring should move from routine to a more purposeful screening of patients for hypertension. Patients with the identified risk factors should be encouraged to have regular blood pressure measurements at home and not only when they visit the HIV clinic.
Humans , Chronic Disease , Hypertension , Risk Factors , HIV , Anti-Retroviral Agents , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
Objectives: To determine the usefulness of cardiovascular physical examination (CPE) as a screening tool in a lowresource setting for detecting congenital heart disease (CHD) in newborns delivered at the Maternity Unit of Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH), Accra, Ghana. Design: A hospital-based cross-sectional study with a comparison group component. Setting: Maternity Unit of the KBTH, Accra, Ghana. Participants: Over eight months, newborns aged 1-14 days delivered at ≥ 34 weeks' gestation at the Maternity Unit, KBTH, were recruited into the study. Intervention: Each newborn was examined using a set of CPE parameters for the presence of congenital heart disease. Those with suggestive features of CHD had a confirmatory echocardiogram test. Main Outcome Measure: Abnormal CPE features and their corresponding echocardiogram findings. Results: A total of 1607 were screened, with 52 newborns showing signs of CHD on CPE, of which 20 newborns were proven on echocardiogram to have congenital heart disease. Abnormal CPE parameter that was associated with CHD was murmur (P=0.001), dysmorphism (p=0.01), newborns with chest recessions (p=0.01) and lethargy (p=0.02). CPE's sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were 95%, 60.7%, 36.5% and 98,1%, respectively. The most common acyanotic CHD found was isolated atrial septal defect (ASD), followed by patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). The only cyanotic CHD found was a case of tricuspid atresia. Conclusion: Cardiovascular physical examination at birth is an effective and inexpensive screening tool for detecting CHD in newborns, which can easily be utilised in low-resource settings.
Physical Examination , Mass Screening , Diagnosis , Heart Defects, Congenital , Infant, Newborn , Cardiovascular Diseases , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
Background: With the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), life expectancy of HIV-infected persons had increased and the disease is now managed as a chronic one, but the quality of life (QOL) of the patients is now a concern. Social support enhances QOL of patients with chronic illnesses. However, no study has been done to determine the QOL of people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) in our environment. This study therefore assessed the QOL of PLWHA attending antiretroviral therapy (ART) clinic of Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (ISTH), Edo State of Nigeria Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was used. Two hundred and thirty PLWHA attending the ART clinic of ISTH, Irrua, Edo State, Nigeria, were systematically selected for the study. A structured questionnaire was interviewer-administered to collect data on sociodemographic and clinical profiles of selected participants, and the WHOQOL-HIV BREF questionnaire was used to collect data the QOL of each participant. Data were analyzed with IBM SPSS version 20.0. Results: The overall mean QOL score for the participants was 89.13±1.18 (95% CI=87.95-90.31). The scores in three of the six life domains in the WHOQOL-HIV BREF instrument were similar and high; spirituality/ religion/personal beliefs (16.33±0.36), physical health (15.83±0.28) and psychological health (15.07±0.24). Lower mean QOL scores were observed in the social relationships (13.49±0.28) and environment (13.45±0.20) domains. Clinical HIV stage, marital status, educational status and gender were significantly associated with mean QOL scores in bivariate analysis while only HIV stage 1 and 2 were significantly associated with good QOL in multivariate logistic regression analysis. Conclusion: It is pertinent that PLWHA are kept in early stages of HIV disease through combination of efforts such as prompt enrolment, commencement and monitoring compliance of HAART, and treatment of opportunistic infections, as well as public health measures including education, de-stigmatization, early diagnosis by extensive accessible screening/testing of at-risk population, social supports and economic empowerment, psychotherapy and social integration of affected individuals especially in a functional home.
Social Support , HIV Infections , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Compliance , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , Diagnosis , Social Integration , Quality of Life , Stereotyping , Therapeutics , Public Health , Hospitals, Teaching , NigeriaABSTRACT
Objetivo: Caracterizar as notificações dos incidentes e eventos adversos do Centro de Material e Esterilização (CME) de um hospital de ensino. Método: Estudo retrospectivo, documental, descritivo e quantitativo em um CME classe II, em que foram analisadas as notificações contidas no banco de dados do Núcleo do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade e Segurança do paciente, entre 2016 e 2020. Como técnica de análise dos dados coletados, utilizou-se o diagrama de causa e efeito, e a descrição das notificações foram agrupadas conforme o diagrama de 6M: método; material; mão de obra; máquina; medida; e meio ambiente. Resultados: Entre as notificações realizadas, as variáveis matéria-prima e método foram as que mais geraram incidentes durante todo o período, representando 28,54 e 26,44%, respectivamente. Além disso, o Centro Cirúrgico foi o que mais notificou e foi notificado pelo CME. Conclusão: Foi possível conhecer os incidentes que mais predominam no CME da instuição, e as variáveis materiais e método, com o centro cirúrgico, foram as variáveis e setor que mais geraram notificações no período pesquisado (AU)