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Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;41(1): 20-26, feb. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559662


Introducción: La infección persistente por genotipos de virus papiloma humano de alto riesgo (VPH-AR) es la principal causa del cáncer cérvico-uterino en todo el mundo. Los genotipos 16 y 18 están asociados a la progresión hacia el cáncer de cuello uterino; sin embargo, otros genotipos también presentan alto riesgo oncogénico. Existe escasa evidencia respecto a la distribución de genotipos VPH-AR en la población nacional, siendo un tema que debiese ser abordado en el contexto de un creciente aumento de la inmigración e implementación del programa de inmunización en Chile desde 2015. Objetivo: Dar a conocer la distribución de genotipos de VPH-AR detectados en pacientes de ambos sexos, atendidos en la red de atención privada de Clínica Dávila de Santiago, entre los años 2014 y 2021. Metodología: Se estudiaron muestras genitales y anales provenientes de 3.642 pacientes, incluyendo ambos sexos. La genotipificación fue realizada mediante reacción de la polimerasa en cadena (RPC) en tiempo real (HPV AnyplexTM II HPV28 detection, Seegene, Korea. Resultados: La distribución global de genotipos en mujeres (porcentaje) fue: 16 (14,34%) - 31 (6,20%) - 39 (5,94%) - 58 (5,94%) - 51 (5,68%) - 53 (5,64%) - 52 (5,30%) - 56 (5,27%) - 68 (5,19%) - 66 (4,97% - 18 (3,36%) - 59 (3,29%) - 73 (2,80%) - 35 (2,54%) - 45 (2,13%) - 33 (1,53%) - 82 (1,38%) - 26 (0,49%) y 69 (0,41%). En hombres fue: 16 (8,52%) - 58 (4,39%) - 51 (8,44%) - 26 (0,42%) - 18 (3,21%) - 52 (4,47%) - 39 (5,40%) - 53 (4,56%) - 33 (1,69%) - 35 (2,03%), 73 (2,19%) - 69 (0,59%) - 45 (2,11%) - 59 (4,22%) - 68 (3,04%) - 66 (5,06%) - 31 (4,64%) - 56 (4,81%) y 82 (1,10%). Conclusiones: La distribución de los genotipos de VPH fue concordante con estudios previos nacionales. Se observó una tendencia a la reducción del genotipo 16 en el tiempo, lo cual podría relacionarse a la vacunación, implementada en los últimos años en Chile. Destaca que otros genotipos de VPH-AR tuvieron una alta frecuencia en la población estudiada por lo que sería recomendable evaluar la pesquisa ampliada de genotipos de VPH-AR para valorar el riesgo oncogénico, con fines diagnósticos y terapéuticos.

Background: Persistent infection by high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) genotypes is the main cause of cervical cancer worldwide. Genotypes 16 and 18 are associated with progression to cervical cancer, however other genotypes also present high oncogenic risk. There is little evidence regarding the distribution of HR-HPV genotypes in the national population, being an issue that should be addressed in the context of a growing increase in immigration and implementation of the immunization program in Chile since 2015. Aim: To show the distribution of HR-HPV genotypes detected in women and men, attended at the private care network of Clinica Davila, Santiago City, between 2014 and 2021. Methods: Genital and anal samples from 3,642 patients were studied, including both sexes. Genotyping was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (HPV AnyplexTM II HPV28 detection, Seegene, Korea). Results: The global distribution of genotypes in women (percentage) was: 16 (14.34%) - 31 (6.20%) - 39 (5.94%) - 58 (5.94%) - 51 (5.68%) - 53 (5.64%) - 52 (5.30%) - 56 (5.27%) - 68 (5.19%) - 66 (4.97%) - 18 (3.36%) - 59 (3.29%) - 73 (2.80%) - 35 (2.54%) - 45 (2.13%) - 33 (1.53%) - 82 (1.38%) - 26 (0.49%) and 69 (0.41%). In men was: 16 (8.52%) - 58 (4.39%) - 51 (8.44%) - 26 (0.42%) - 18 (3.21%) - 52 (4.47%) - 39 (5.40%) - 53 (4.56%), 33 (1.69%) - 35 (2.03%) - 73 (2.19%) - 69 (0.59%) - 45 (2.11%) - 59 (4.22%) - 68 (3.04%) - 66 (5.06%) - 31 (4.64%) - 56 (4.81%) and 82 (1.10%). Conclusions: The distribution of HPV genotypes was consistent with previous national studies. A tendency to reduce genotype 16 over the years was observed, which could be related to the vaccination, implemented in recent years in Chile. It is remarkable that other HR-HPV genotypes had a high frequency in the population studied, so it would be advisable to evaluate an expanded screening for HR-HPV genotypes to assess the oncogenic risk, for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

Humans , Male , Female , Papillomavirus Infections/epidemiology , Papillomaviridae/genetics , DNA, Viral/genetics , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Assessment , Papillomavirus Infections/virology , Human papillomavirus 16/genetics , Human papillomavirus 18/genetics , Genotyping Techniques , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Genotype , Papillomaviridae/isolation & purification , Health Facilities, Proprietary
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;41(1): 27-35, feb. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559663


INTRODUCCIÓN: El virus del papiloma humano de alto riesgo (VPH-AR) es responsable del cáncer de cuello uterino y sus lesiones preneoplásicas. Los genotipos VPH16 y VPH18 son los más frecuentes en este cáncer. La integración del VPH-AR en el genoma de la célula hospedera es crucial en la carcinogénesis cervical, pero la etapa en que ocurre en la población chilena es incierta. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la integración de VPH16 y VPH18 en lesiones pre-neoplásicas de cuello uterino. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron 108 muestras de raspados cervicales. El VPH se genotipificó mediante reacción de polimerasa en cadena (RPC) e hibridación no radiactiva. La integración de VPH16 y VPH18 se determinó por presencia del gen E2 mediante RPC. RESULTADOS: VPH16 y VPH18 se detectaron en 36,1% y 12,0% de las muestras, respectivamente. El VPH16 se integró en 23,1% de los casos de VPH16, mientras que VPH18 se integró en 100% de las muestras positivas para este genotipo. CONCLUSIONES: La integración VPH-AR es un evento temprano en la carcinogénesis cervical que ocurre en casi la mitad de las lesiones pre-neoplásicas y es más frecuente en VPH18 que en VPH16. La evaluación de la integración VPH-AR puede ser una herramienta útil para detectar el virus en la población chilena.

BACKGROUND: High-risk Human Papillomaviruses (HR-HPVs) are the etiological agents of cervical cancer and its preneoplastic lesions. HPV16 and 18 are the most frequent HR-HPV genotypes detected in cervical cancer. HR-HPV genome integration into the host cell is an important event in the carcinogenic process. However, it remains uncertain which stage of cervical carcinogenesis HPV16 and 18 integration occurs in the Chilean population. AIM: The goal of this study was to evaluate HPV16 and HPV18 integration in preneoplastic lesions of the cervix. METHODS: DNA was extracted from 108 cervical scrape samples with preneoplastic lesions. HPV was genotyped using PCR and non-radioactive hybridization. The integration status of HPV16 and HPV 18 was determined by evaluating the E2 gene presence through PCR. RESULTS: HPV16 and HPV18 tested positive in 36.1% and 12.0% of samples, respectively. HPV16 was found integrated in 23.1% of HPV 16 cases, while HPV 18 in 100% of samples positive for this viral genotype. CONCLUSIONS: HR-HPV integration is an early event in cervical carcinogenesis, occurring in nearly half of preneoplastic lesions and being more frequent in HPV18 than in HPV16. The evaluation of HR-HPV integration can be utilized as a complementary tool for detecting HPV in the Chilean population.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Precancerous Conditions/virology , Cervix Uteri/virology , Virus Integration/genetics , Papillomaviridae/isolation & purification , Papillomaviridae/genetics , Precancerous Conditions/genetics , DNA, Viral/genetics , Cervix Uteri/pathology , Chile , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Cross-Sectional Studies , Human papillomavirus 16/isolation & purification , Human papillomavirus 16/genetics , Human papillomavirus 18/isolation & purification , Human papillomavirus 18/genetics , Genotyping Techniques , Genotype
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2023. 129 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537766


Introdução: O câncer do colo do útero (CCU) acontece em decorrência da infecção crônica e persistente por tipos oncogênicos do papilomavírus humano (HPV) na genitália feminina. Sua incidência ainda é alta em países em desenvolvimento como o Brasil, onde o diagnóstico muitas vezes é realizado em estádios avançados. O HPV 16 é o tipo mundialmente mais comum no CCU. O estudo da associação das diferentes linhagens do HPV 16 à sobrevida global e livre de doença do CCU pode contribuir na compreensão do comportamento das diferentes linhagens do HPV 16 em relação ao prognóstico. Objetivo: Avaliar o prognóstico de mulheres com câncer do colo do útero tratadas em uma Instituição brasileira, em relação às linhagens do HPV16. Métodos: Os dados desta análise são provenientes de uma coorte prospectiva de 334 mulheres com CCU tratadas no INCA (Rio de Janeiro) recrutadas entre julho de 2011 e março de 2014. A identificação das linhagens do HPV 16 foi realizada em amostra do tecido tumoral. A diversidade genética do HPV 16 foi representada por 218 casos da linhagem A, 10 da linhagem B, 10 da linhagem C e 96 da linhagem D. Além das linhagens do HPV 16, a idade, tipo histopatológico, estadiamento e completude de tratamento foram avaliados em relação ao prognóstico do CCU. Resultados: A idade mediana foi de 48 anos. O tipo histopatológico mais frequente foi o carcinoma epidermoide (82,3%), seguido do adenocarcinoma. O estadiamento com doença localmente avançada foi o mais comum nesta amostra, sendo representado por percentuais semelhantes nos estádios II e III (36,2% e 37,7%), seguido do estádio inicial I (19,2%) e pelo estadiamento IV, com doença à distância (6,9%). Apenas 187 mulheres completaram o tratamento. As variáveis idade, tipo histológico, estadiamento e completude de tratamento estiveram associadas com maior risco de morte, o que não ocorreu com a variável linhagem do HPV 16. Em relação à idade, a cada acréscimo de um ano de vida, houve aumento de aproximadamente 1% no risco de morte. Outros tipos histopatológicos (carcinoma pouco diferenciado, adenoescamoso, neuroendócrino e sarcoma) mostraram um maior risco de óbito em relação ao adenocarcinoma. O carcinoma epidermoide também representou maior risco de morte do que no adenocarcinoma, embora sem significância estatística. As mulheres diagnosticadas com estadiamento avançado tiveram maior risco de morte, e as que não completaram o tratamento aumentaram em mais de duas vezes o risco de morrer. Conclusão: Esse estudo não encontrou associação entre as linhagens A, B, C e D do HPV 16 e o prognóstico do CCU.

Introduction: Cervical cancer (CC) occurs as a result of chronic and persistent infection by the oncogenic type of human papillomavirus (HPV) in the female genitalia. Its incidence is still high in developing countries like Brazil, where the diagnosis is often performed in advanced stages. HPV 16 is the most common type in CC worldwide. Studying the association of different HPV 16 lineage with overall and disease-free survival in CC may contribute to understanding the behavior of different HPV 16 lineage in relation to prognosis. Objective: To evaluate the prognosis of women with cervical cancer treated at a Brazilian institution, in relation to HPV16 lineage A, B, C and D. Methods: The data from this analysis are from a prospective cohort of 334 women with CC treated at INCA (Rio de Janeiro) recruited between july 2011 and march 2014. Identification of HPV 16 lineage was performed on a sample of tumor tissue. The genetic diversity of HPV 16 was represented by 218 cases of the A lineage, 10 of the B lineage, 10 of the C lineage and 96 of the D lineage. In addition to the HPV 16 lineages; age, histopathological type, staging and completeness of treatment were evaluated in association with the prognosis of CC. Results: The median age was 48 years. The most frequent histopathological type was squamous cell carcinoma (82.3%), followed by adenocarcinoma. Staging with locally advanced disease was the most common in this sample, being represented by similar percentages in stages II and III (36.2% and 37.7%), followed by initial stage I (19.2%) and by stage IV, with distant disease (6.9%). Only 187 women completed the treatment. The variables age, histological type, staging and completion of treatment were associated with a higher risk of death, which did not occur with the variable HPV 16 lineage. Regarding age, with each increase of one year, there was an increase of approximately 1% in the risk of death. Other histopathological types (poorly differentiated, adenosquamous, neuroendocrine and sarcoma) showed a higher risk of death compared to adenocarcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma also represented a higher risk of death than adenocarcinoma, although without statistical significance. Women diagnosed with advanced staging had a higher risk of death, and those who did not complete treatment increased their risk of dying by more than twice. Conclusion: This study found no association between HPV 16 lineage A, B, C and D and CC prognosis.

Humans , Female , Prognosis , Survival , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Human papillomavirus 16/genetics
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;45(8): 474-479, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515062


Abstract Objective Similar to Human Papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes, different lineages of a genotype also have different carcinogenic capabilities. Studies have shown that specific genotype lineages of oncogenic HPV are associated with variable risks for the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2/CIN3) and cervical cancer. The present study aimed to analyze the genetic diversity of the HPV16 genotype in women with CIN2/CIN3 and cervical cancer, from the northeast region of Brazil. Methods A cross-sectional multicenter study was conducted in the northeast region of Brazil, from 2014 to 2016. This study included 196 cases of HPV16 variants (59 and 137 cases of CIN2/CIN3 and cervical cancer, respectively). The difference of proportion test was used to compare patients with CIN2/CIN3 and cervical cancer, based on the prevalent HPV16 lineage (p < 0.05). Results According to the histopathological diagnosis, the percentage of lineage frequencies revealed a marginal difference in the prevalence of lineage A in CIN2/CIN3, compared with that in cervical cancer (p = 0.053). For lineage D, the proportion was higher in cancer cases (32.8%), than in CIN2/CIN3 cases (16.9%), with p = 0.023. Conclusion HPV16 lineage A was the most frequent lineage in both CIN2/CIN3 and cervical cancer samples, while lineage D was predominant in cervical cancer, suggesting a possible association between HPV16 lineage D and cervical cancer.

Resumo Objetivo Tanto os tipos quanto as linhagens do Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) parecem ter diferentes capacidades carcinogênicas e estão associados a riscos variados para o desenvolvimento de neoplasia intraepitelial cervical (NIC) e câncer de colo do útero. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a diversidade genética do genótipo HPV 16 nos casos de NIC2/NIC3 e câncer de colo de útero em mulheres da região Nordeste do Brasil. Métodos Estudo transversal de base hospitalar realizado na região Nordeste do Brasil no período de 2014 a 2016. A amostra foi composta por 196 casos da variante HPV-16 (59 casos de NIC2/NIC3 e 137 de câncer do colo do útero). O teste de diferença de proporção foi usado para comparar os grupos NIC2/NIC3 e câncer de colo do útero por linhagem viral em relação à prevalência da linhagem HPV-16. Foi considerada significância estatística o valor de p < 0,05. Resultados As frequências de linhagem por diagnóstico histopatológico mostraram diferença limítrofe da linhagem A no grupo NIC2/NIC3 em relação ao grupo câncer de colo de útero (p = 0,053). Por outro lado, em relação à linhagem D, houve uma proporção maior nos casos de câncer (32,8%) quando comparado ao grupo NIC2/NIC3 (16,9%) e esta diferença se mostrou estatisticamente significante (p = 0,023). Conclusão A linhagem A do HPV-16 foi a mais frequente tanto nas amostras CIN2/CIN3 quanto nas amostras de câncer de colo de útero, enquanto a linhagem D predominou no câncer de colo do útero, sugerindo uma possível associação da linhagem D de HPV-16 com câncer de colo de útero.

Humans , Female , Human papillomavirus 16
Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e226337, jan.-dez. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1392920


Aim: Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) is a global health problem whose incidence varies by geographic region and race according to risk factors. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a significant risk factor for HNSCC. HPV-16 and HPV-18 are two forms of HPV that are carcinogenic. HNSCCs that are HPV positive have a better prognosis rather than HPV negative. The purpose of this research was to characterize HPV-16, -18 variations in the saliva of HNSCC patients by examining the genetic diversity of HPV-16, -18 utilizing the full E6, E7, and L1 genes. Methods:The case-control research included 15 patients with HNSCC and 15 healthy volunteers. Unstimulated entire saliva samples were obtained from the case and control groups by spitting method. Genomic DNA was isolated from all saliva samples. A PCR reaction was used to determine the presence of HPV in saliva. HPV-positive samples were genotyped and data were analyzed. We conducted a variant study on the HPV-16, -18 E6, and E7 genes. Results: Three patients with HNSCC were HPV-positive for two HPV genotypes out of 30 people diagnosed with HPV-DNA. HPV-16 and -18 were the most common genotypes. The HPV-16, -18 E6, and E7 genes were sequenced and compared to the HPV-16, -18 (E6, E7) prototype sequence. In all, HPV-16 lineages A1 and HPV-18 lineages A3 were discovered. Conclusion: Regarding the variation of HPV found in Iranian HNSCC patients, the need for further studies in HPV genotyping was seen. Sequencing HPV genes in HNSCC may help answer questions about HPV genotyping in the Iranian population. HPV genotype analysis aids in the development of vaccinations against HNSCC, halting disease progression and preventing HPV-associated HNSCC

Humans , Male , Female , Phylogeny , Saliva , Human papillomavirus 16 , Human papillomavirus 18 , Alphapapillomavirus , Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 39(4): 450-455, oct. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1424345


El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la presencia del Virus Papiloma Humano (VPH) tipo 16 y 18 en biopsias de tejido mamario parafinado de pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de cáncer de mama. Se analizaron 32 biopsias de cáncer de mama embebidas en parafina para detectar el ADN de VPH mediante PCR en tiempo real, los iniciadores estuvieron dirigidos al gen E6. Se evaluaron el tipo histológico, grado histológico y la sobreexpresión de C-erB2 y Ki-67 mediante inmunohistoquímica. El 84,38% (27) fueron positivos para VPH, el 25% (8) fueron positivos para VPH-16 y el 59,38% (19) para VPH-18. El 15,63% (5) de las muestras presentaron infección mixta. Se evidenció la sobrexpresión de C-erbB2 y Ki-67 en 6,25% (2) de las muestras positivas para VPH-16 y 15,63% (5) de las muestras positivas para VPH-18. Se detectó ADN de VPH-16 y VPH-18 en las muestras de biopsias analizadas mediante PCR en tiempo real.

The aim of this study was to determine the presence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 and 18 in biopsies of paraffin-embedded breast tissue from patients with clinically diagnosed breast cancer. 32 paraffin-embedded breast cancer biopsies were analyzed in order to detect HPV DNA by real-time PCR, the primers were directed at the E6 gene. The histological type, histological grade and overexpression of C-erB2 and Ki-67 were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. 84.38% (27) of the samples were positive for HPV, 25% (8) were positive for HPV-16 and 59.38% (19) were positive for HPV-18. Mixed infection was found in 15.63% (5) of the samples. Overexpression of C-erbB2 and Ki-67 was seen in 6.25% (2) of the samples positive for HPV-16 and in 15.63% (5) samples positive for HPV-18. HPV-16 and HPV-18 DNA was detected in the biopsy samples analyzed by real-time PCR.

Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms , Human papillomavirus 16 , Human papillomavirus 18 , Papillomaviridae , Tissues , Biopsy , Immunohistochemistry , Clinical Diagnosis , Polymerase Chain Reaction
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 165-170, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935266


Objective: To evaluate the performance of point-of-care testing for cervical cancer and precancerous lesions screening. Methods: In September 2020, 197 and 273 women were selected by using simple random sampling method from "self-sampling" cohort and "physician-sampling" cohort established in Xiangyuan county, Shanxi Province, China, respectively. Cervical exfoliated cells were collected by women themselves or gynecologists. All samples were detected by POCT and women with positive result were directly referred for colposcopy. Subsequently, all the samples were detected by careHPV and PCR test. Colposcopy and punch biopsy were performed for women with POCT negative but careHPV or PCR test positive at another visit. Using histopathological diagnosis as the gold standard, we calculated sensitivity, specificity and drew the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. The accuracy of POCT was analyzed and compared to that of careHPV and conventional PCR test in cervical cancer and precancerous lesions screening. Results: The median (Q1 , Q3) age of 470 women was 51 (45, 57) years old. Based on self-sampling, the sensitivity and specificity of POCT for CIN2+ were 100.00% (95%CI: 56.56%-100.00%) and 28.95% (95%CI: 22.97%-35.76%), respectively. Compared with POCT, POCT HPV16/18 test had similar sensitivity and higher specificity of 89.47% (95%CI: 84.30%-93.08%). Self-sampling POCT HPV16/18 test had an AUC of 0.947 (95%CI:0.910-0.985), which was higher than that of careHPV and PCR test. Physician-sampling POCT test had 100.00% sensitivity (95%CI: 64.57%-100.00%) and 55.85% specificity (95%CI: 49.83%-61.70%) for detecting CIN2+. POCT HPV16/18 test had lower sensitivity (71.43%, 95%CI: 35.90%-91.76%) and higher specificity (92.45%, 95%CI: 88.63%-95.06%). POCT HPV16/18 test generally showed similar AUC on both self-collected samples and clinician-collected samples (0.947 vs 0.819, P=0.217). Conclusion: POCT HPV16/18 test is an effective method with relatively high sensitivity and specificity for cervical cancer screening.

Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Uterine Cervical Dysplasia/diagnosis , Colposcopy , Early Detection of Cancer/methods , Human papillomavirus 16/genetics , Human papillomavirus 18 , Mass Screening/methods , Papillomaviridae , Papillomavirus Infections/diagnosis , Point-of-Care Testing , Sensitivity and Specificity , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 468-473, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935310


Objectives: To analyze the type and distribution characteristics of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection along with cervical cytology in middle-aged and elderly women in Guangxi and to provide a basis for the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer in elderly women. Methods: 21 subtypes of HPV and cervical cytology of women over 45-year-old visiting the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University from January 2019 to December 2020 were collected. They were divided into two groups by age, 45-64 years group and over 65 years group. The HPV, HR-HPV, and multiple HPV infection prevalence were analyzed, as well as HPV genotypes, the age distribution of HPV infection rate, and cervical cytology. Results: A total of 6 657 eligible women were included. 6 238 women were in the 45-64 years group, with a HPV prevalence about 20.86% (1 301), while 419 women were in the over 65 years group, with a HPV prevalence about 32.94% (138). The age-associated HPV and HR-HPV prevalence increased with the age, peaking at the age group of 70-74 years (P<0.001). The most prevalent genotype was HPV52, and the infection rate was 5.3% (353), followed by HPV16 and HPV 58, about 4.63% (308) and 3.08% (205) respectively. The majority cytology of HPV-positive middle-aged and elderly women was normal. 8.70% (88) of them were ASC-US, 6.52% (66) for HSIL, 4.55% (46) for LSIL, and 2.96% (30) for ASC-H, and 0.10% (1) for SCC. Compared to middle-aged women, elderly women had a lower negative cytology rate, 69.79% (67) vs. 77.95% (714), but a higher HSIL rate, 13.54% (13) vs. 5.79% (53) (P<0.05). Conclusions: HPV and HR-HPV prevalence of elderly women in a medical center of Guangxi are higher than those of middle-aged women. The most prevalent genotype is HPV16 in elderly women, followed by HPV52 and HPV58.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , China/epidemiology , Hospitals , Human papillomavirus 16 , Papillomaviridae/genetics , Papillomavirus Infections/genetics , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms
Zhonghua Bing Li Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 338-343, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935536


Objective: To examine the prevalence and frequencies of human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes in cervical adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS). Methods: The cases of cervical AIS with concurrent tests of cytology and HPV typing from January 2007 to February 2020 in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University were collected and analyzed. Results: A total of 478 cases of cervical AIS were obtained. The average age of the patients was 39.4 years (range, 19-81 years). The largest age group was 30-39 years (44.8%), followed by 40-49 years (34.7%). Among the 478 patients, 355 underwent high-risk HPV (hrHPV) testing and had a hrHPV-positive rate of 93.8%. Of the 355 patients, 277 also underwent HPV typing and were mostly positive for either or both HPV16 and HPV18 (93.1%), with 55.6% positive for HPV18 and 48.7% positive for HPV16. Among the 478 cases, 266 cases (55.6%) were diagnosed with both AIS and squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL), while 212 cases (44.4%) were diagnosed with only AIS. Patients infected with HPV16 in the AIS and SIL group significantly outnumbered those in the AIS alone group (P<0.05). Moreover, the rate of positive cytology was 55.9% (167/299 cases), while that of negative cytology was 44.1% (132/299). Among the 109 patients with negative cytology results and co-tested hrHPV, there were 101 HPV-positive cases (92.7%), of which 88 cases were subject to HPV typing and showed an HPV16/18 positive rate of 94.3% (83/88 cases). Conclusions: The combination of HPV typing and cytological screening can maximize the detection rate of cervical AIS, and should continue to be utilized, ideally on a larger scale, in the future.

Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Adenocarcinoma in Situ/epidemiology , Human papillomavirus 16/genetics , Human papillomavirus 18/genetics , Papillomaviridae/genetics , Papillomavirus Infections/diagnosis , Prevalence , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/pathology
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 54(1): 143-146, 20210000.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178960


Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 47 años quien consultó por cuadro de cicatrización tórpida de una lesión cutánea superficial única en hemi-escroto izquierdo. Se procedió a resección biópsica de la lesión con resultado de la anatomía patológica de un Carcinoma Escamoso del tipo Condilomatoso (Warty) el cual confirma su relación con el HPV 16 mediante estudio de inmunohistoquímica. Por ser un caso infrecuente no existe actualmente un consenso sobre el manejo del carcinoma del escroto motivo el cual se realiza una revisión de la literatura y se expone los resultados.

A case of a 47-year-old patient who consulted for torpid healing of skin lesion in left hemi-scrotum is presented. We proceed to resection-biopsy of the lesion and the pathology report informed a warty squamous cell carcinoma (Warty type) and the relationship with HPV 16 is confirmed by immunohistochemical study. As a rare case there is currently no consensus on the management of carcinoma of the scrotum reason that we do a review of the literature and the results are exposed.

Scrotum , Biopsy , Carcinoma , Human papillomavirus 16 , Immunohistochemistry , Anatomy
Braz. j. infect. dis ; Braz. J. Infect. Dis. (Online);25(1): 101044, jan., 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249298


ABSTRACT Background: Clinical improvements following highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) may increase high-risk behaviors resulting in sexually transmitted infections (STI). Optimism related to the success of HAART in slowing disease progression, reducing viral load, and improving health status might be important factors for increasing sexual risk behaviors such as less use of condoms. Objective: To determine the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, high-risk HPV, and cervical cytological abnormalities among women living with HIV (WLHIV) who attended a Reference Center for STI/AIDS in Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 151 WLHIV attending an STI Clinic in Vitória city, Brazil. A structured questionnaire, including demographic, behavioral, and clinical information, was used for data collection. Serological tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis C and B, CD4 counts, and viral load determination were performed. Cervical samples were collected for cytology and real-time PCR for HPV, Chlamydia, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Results: In this study, 59% of women had at least one diagnosed STI at the time of the first clinic visit; 31% had clinical forms of anogenital HPV, 10% syphilis, 8%Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 5.0% trichomoniasis, 3% Chlamydia trachomatis, 1% hepatitis B, and 1% hepatitis C; 6.7% of the women presented with cervical cytological abnormalities. Furthermore, 46.3% of women had HR-HPV, and 17.6% had HPV 16/18. Only 5% of the women had a CD4 count <200 cells/mm3, 61.6% had undetectable HIV viral load, and 81.3% were currently on HAART. Conclusion: A high prevalence of STI and HR-HPV infections were observed among HIV-infected women in this investigation. Prevention programs need to focus on counseling WLHIV and their regular partners with focused interventions such as couples counseling and education programs.

Humans , Female , Chlamydia Infections/epidemiology , Gonorrhea , HIV Infections/complications , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Human papillomavirus 16 , Human papillomavirus 18
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 34(4): e1637, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360017


RESUMO - INTRODUÇÃO: O papilomavírus humano (HPV) é agente das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis de maior prevalência no mundo que estão associadas ao câncer do colo do útero e canal anal. A ação do HPV na carcinogênese colorretal não está ainda estabelecida. OBJETIVO: Estudar a eventual correlação entre a presença do HPV tipo 16 e a expressão gênica da proteína p16INK4a e da oncoproteína E7 de HPV e de seus níveis no tecido do carcinoma colorretal. METODOS: Estudo retrospectivo caso-controle de 79 doentes com carcinoma colorretal divididos em dois grupos: HPV presente e HPV ausente. Foi realizada reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), além da hibridização do tipo dot blot para o HPV 16 e o HPV 18 Amostras do tecido colorretal também foram submetidas ao estudo imuno-histoquimico para avaliar o nível tecidual das proteínas E7 e p16INK4a. RESULTADOS: O HPV foi identificado em 36 (45,6%) casos. Não houve diferença significante entre os grupos quanto ao sexo (p=0,056), idade (p=0,1), localização cólica e/ou retal (0,098) e presença do HPV. A expressão gênica da oncoproteína E7 de HPV estava presente em 3,12% dos casos (p=0,9) e a expressão da proteína p16INK4a foi observada em 46,3% (p=0,27) dos indivíduos com detecção do HPV. CONCLUSÃO: A expressão gênica e os níveis teciduais da oncoproteína E7 e da proteína p16INK4a encontrados nos pacientes positivos para o HPV sugerem a ausência de atividade oncogênica do HPV tipo 16 no carcinoma colorretal.

ABSTRACT - BACKGROUND: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the agent of the most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases in the world associated with cervix and anal canal cancer. The action of HPV on colorectal carcinogenesis is not yet established. OBJECTIVE: This research aimed to study the possible correlation between the presence of HPV16 and the gene expression of p16INK4a protein and HPV E7 oncoprotein and their levels in colorectal carcinoma tissue. METHODS: A retrospective case-control study of 79 patients with colorectal carcinoma was divided into two groups: HPV-positive and HPV-negative. The polymerase chain reaction was performed, in addition to dot-blot hybridization for HPV16 and HPV18. Colorectal tissue samples were also subjected to immunohistochemical study to assess the tissue level of E7 and p16INK4a proteins. RESULTS: HPV was identified in 36 (45.6%) cases. There was no significant difference between groups regarding gender (p=0.056), age (p=0.1), colic and/or rectal location (0.098), and presence of HPV. Gene expression of HPV E7 oncoprotein was present in 3.12% of cases (p=0.9), and p16INK4a protein expression was observed in 46.3% (p=0.27) of those selected with HPV detection. CONCLUSION: Gene expression and tissue levels of E7 oncoprotein and p16INK4a protein found in HPV-positive patients suggest the absence of HPV16 oncogenic activity in colorectal carcinoma.

Humans , Female , Colorectal Neoplasms/genetics , Colorectal Neoplasms/virology , Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor p16/genetics , Papillomavirus Infections/genetics , Papillomavirus E7 Proteins/genetics , DNA, Viral , Case-Control Studies , Retrospective Studies , Human papillomavirus 16/genetics
Rev. med. Risaralda ; 26(1): 28-37, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1127001


Resumen Introducción: La infección genital por el Virus de Papiloma Humano (VPH) se ha asociado con el cáncer cérvicouterino (CCE) al provocar la aparición de lesiones precursoras de cáncer en la zona de transformación de la unión escamo-columnar del cuello uterino. Existen más de 100 tipos de VPH, clasificados en bajo riesgo oncogénico (VPH-BR) y alto riesgo oncogénico (VPH-AR). Estudios reportan la infección por genotipos de alto riesgo en el 100% de los CCE. En Venezuela, el 67,7% de los CCE, se relacionan con el genotipo de VPH-AR 16. Objetivo: Detectar la presencia de VPH en pacientes con cambios citológicos cervicouterino. Metodología: Se incluyeron 49 pacientes que presentaban cambios citológicos, se tomaron las muestras de la región endocervical y exocervical para la detección y genotipificación del virus mediante la técnica de Multiple PCR. Resultados: Las alteraciones citológicas presentes fueron Células Escamosas Atípicas (69,4%), Células Glandulares Atípicas (4,1%), Lesión Escamosa Intraepitelial de Bajo Grado (16,3%), y Lesión Escamosa Intraepitelial de Alto Grado (10,2%). La detección molecular demostró que 16,3% presentaba VPH, 62,5% correspondían a VPH-AR, 25% a VPH-BR, 12,5% al genotipo 16 y no se detectó el genotipo 18. Se reportó un solo caso de coinfección. Conclusiones: A diferencia de otros estudios, no se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la presencia del virus y la aparición de cambios citológicos cervicouterino en esta población. No obstante, se detectaron genotipos de alto riesgo oncogénico, lo que puede traducirse en una mayor incidencia de cáncer cervicouterino a futuro.

Abstract Introduction: Genital infection by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) has been associated with cervical cancer (CC) since it causes the appearance of precursor cancer lesions in the transformation area of ​​the squamous-columnar junction of the cervix. There are more than 100 types of HPV that are classified as low oncogenic risk (LR-HPV) and high oncogenic risk (HR-HPV). Studies report that the infection by high-risk genotypes is present in 100% of CC. In Venezuela, 67.7% of CC is related to the HPV-16 genotype. Objective: This study seeks to detect the presence of HPV in patients with cervical cytological cell changes. Methodology : Forty-nine patients with cytological changes were studied. The endocervical and ectocervical areas were sampled to detect and genotype the virus by using the Multiplex PCR technique. Results: The cytological alterations presented were: Atypical Squamous Cells (69.4%), Atypical Glandular Cells (4.1%), Low-grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (16.3%) and High-grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (10.2%). Besides, the general molecular detection showed that 16.3% had HPV, 62.5% of it corresponded to HR-HPV, 25% to LR-HPV, and 12.5% ​​to genotype 16. The genotype 18 was not detected, and only one co-infection case was reported. Conclusions: Unlike other studies, a statistically significant relationship was not found between the virus presence and the appearance of cervical cytological cell changes in this population. However, genotypes with high oncogenic risk were detected, which may lead to a higher incidence of cervical cancer in the future.

Humans , Female , Papillomaviridae , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Cervix Uteri , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Cell Biology , Reproductive Tract Infections , Atypical Squamous Cells of the Cervix , Gynecology , Venezuela , Human papillomavirus 16 , Coinfection , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction , Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions , Genitalia , Herpes Zoster
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);86(3): 351-357, May-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132605


Abstract Introduction: Human papilloma virus is an etiological risk factor for a subset of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. HPV has been proven to be a powerful prognostic biomarker for oropharyngeal cancer, but its role in the larynx has not been explored in depth. The developmental mechanisms of laryngeal carcinomas are quite complex and controlled by various factors. Smoking and alcohol are most important risk factors. Recent studies indicate that HPV infection also plays an important role in larynx carcinomas. HPV related laryngeal carcinomas especially occur at the supraglottic region of larynx. Objective: We aimed to determine the frequency of HPV/protein16 positivity in patients with laryngeal carcinoma and association of HPV and/or p16 positivity with variables such as age, sex, smoking habits, tumor localization, lymph node metastasis, recurrence and survival in advanced stage laryngeal carcinoma in our study. Methods: This retrospective study included 90 patients with advanced laryngeal carcinoma. The Control group was 10 normal larynx mucosa specimens. The presence of HPV was investigated polyclonally by polymerase chain reaction, and protein16 with immunohistochemical method. In HPV positive cases, the presence of HPV types 16, 18 were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction. Demographic features of patients were noted. Patient survival and association with HPV/protein16 was determined. Results: Polyclonal HPV positivity was detected in 11 (12.2%) of 90 cases. Out of these 11 cases, HPV 16 was positive in 6, HPV 18 in 4, and both HPV 16 and 18 were positive in 1. In 18 (20%) of the cases, p16 was positive. Six of the cases (6.6%) had both HPV and protein16 positivity. In cases where protein16 alone or HPV and protein16 were co-positive, alcohol use was less and the tumor was found more likely to be localized in the supraglottic area. These ratios were statistically significant. Supraglottic localization of tumor was determined to be increased in protein16 positive cases. The correlation between protein16 positivity and supraglottic area location was determined to be statistically significant (p= 0.011). 55.6% of protein16 positive cases was located in the supraglottic region, 33.3% was glottic and 11.1% was transglottic. Although life expectancy over 5 years were numerically higher in HPV and protein16 positive cases, this was not found to be statistically significant. There was no statistically significant relationship between HPV positivity and mean age, differentiation, smoking and alcohol use, tumor progression, lymph node metastasis, localization, recurrence, cause of mortality and treatment methods in our study. The mean follow-up period of our patients was 6.7 years. Conclusion: The close relationship between HPV and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma could not be shown in larynx malignancy in many studies, including our study. Our findings support a limited role of HPV in laryngeal carcinogenesis. Protein16 is not a reliable surrogate for HPV status in laryngeal cancers and is not a predictor of laryngeal cancer survival. Supraglottic localization of tumor was determined to be increased in protein16 positive cases. The correlation between protein16 positivity and supraglottic area location was determined to be statistically significant. There is a need for more populated clinical trials, where neoplastic proliferation is better demonstrated and the accuracy of the results obtained is supported by different techniques.

Resumo Introdução: O papilomavírus humano é um fator de risco etiológico para um subconjunto de carcinoma espinocelular de cabeça e pescoço. Tem sido demonstrado que o HPV é um poderoso biomarcador prognóstico para o câncer de orofaringe, mas seu papel na laringe ainda não foi explorado em profundidade. Os mecanismos de desenvolvimento dos carcinomas de laringe são bastante complexos e controlados por vários fatores. Tabagismo e álcool são os fatores de risco mais importantes. Estudos recentes indicam que a infecção pelo HPV também desempenha um papel importante nos carcinomas da laringe. Os carcinomas laríngeos relacionados ao HPV ocorrem especialmente na região supraglótica. Objetivo: Nosso objetivo foi determinar a frequência da positividade para o HPV / proteína 16 em pacientes com carcinoma da laringe e a associação da positividade para o HPV e /ou proteína 16 com variáveis como idade, sexo, tabagismo, localização do tumor, metástase linfonodal, recidiva e sobrevivência de carcinoma da laringe em estágio avançado em nosso estudo. Método: Este estudo retrospectivo incluiu 90 pacientes com carcinoma laríngeo avançado. O grupo controle incluiu 10 amostras de mucosa laríngea normal. A presença de HPV foi inves-tigada por anticorpo policlonal através de reação de polimerase em cadeia e a proteína 16 por método imunohistoquímico. Nos casos positivos para o HPV, a presença dos tipos 16 e 18 do foi avaliada por reação de polimerase em cadeia. As características demográficas dos pacientes foram observadas. A sobrevida dos pacientes e a associação com HPV / proteína 16 foram determinadas. Resultados: A positividade com anticorpo policlonal do HPV foi detectada em 11 (12,2%) dos 90 casos. Desses 11 casos, o HPV 16 foi positivo em 6, o HPV 18 em 4 e o HPV 16 e 18 foram positivos em 1. Em 18 (20%) dos casos, a proteína 16 foi positiva. Seis dos casos (6,6%) apresentaram positividade para HPV e proteína16. Nos casos positivos apenas para a proteína 16 ou quando HPV e a proteína 16 foram co-positivos, a ingestão de álcool foi menor e o tumor apresentou maior probabilidade de estar localizado na área supraglótica. Essas proporções foram estatisticamente significantes. A localização supraglótica do tumor foi maior em casos positivos para proteína 16. A correlação entre positividade para proteína 16 e localização da área supraglótica foi estatisticamente significante (p = 0,011). Dos casos positivos para proteína 16, 55,6% foram supraglóticos, 33,3% glóticos e 11,1% transglóticos. Embora a expectativa de vida acima de 5 anos tenha sido numericamente maior nos casos positivos para HPV e proteína 16, isso não foi estatisticamente significante. Não houve relação estatisticamente significante entre positividade do HPV e média de idade, diferenciação, tabagismo e uso de álcool, progressão tumoral, metástase linfonodal, localização, recidiva, causa de mortalidade e métodos de tratamento em nosso estudo. O período médio de seguimento de nossos pacientes foi de 6,7 anos. Conclusão: A estreita relação entre HPV e carcinoma espinocelular orofaríngeo não pôde ser demonstrada na laringe em muitos estudos, inclusive no nosso estudo. Nossos achados confirmam um papel limitado do HPV na carcinogênese da laringe. A proteína 16 não é um substituto confiável para o status do HPV nos cânceres de laringe e não é preditor da sobrevida do câncer de laringe. A localização supraglótica do tumor foi maior em casos positivos para proteína16. A correlação entre positividade para proteína 16 e localização na área supraglótica foi determinada como estatisticamente significante. Há necessidade de ensaios clínicos com amostras maiores, nos quais a proliferação neoplásica seja melhor demonstrada e a precisão dos resultados obtidos seja apoiada por diferentes técnicas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Laryngeal Neoplasms/blood , Laryngeal Neoplasms/virology , Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor p16/blood , Human papillomavirus 16/genetics , Human papillomavirus 18/genetics , Prognosis , Laryngeal Neoplasms/mortality , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Neoplasm Staging
Infectio ; 24(2): 76-80, abr.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1114844


Background: Despite current prophylactic interventions, a significant proportion of patients suffers a cancer-specific mortality, leading to a global awareness of the importance of identifying factors associated to the etiology of HPV-associated cancer. According to this, HPV-DNA integration into human genome is an important event in the pathogenesis. Purpose: To identify in silico, molecular regions of the genome where the HPV integration events occur Methods: We performed a bioinformatic study based on a systematic search in Medline through PubMed, Embase and Lilacs from inception to April 2019. We used the UCSC Genome Browser Home ( to evaluate the genetic environment. Results: HPV integration sites by anatomical location related to cervical cancer were 374 (61%). In addition, 325 (87%) of these integration sites had HPV-16, 21 (5%) had HPV-18 and 28 (7%) had another type of genotype. Oro-pharyngeal cavity was the second anatomic site with 162 (26%) integration sites. It is noteworthy that the HPV-16 was found integrated into 160 (99%) analyzed sites. Conclusion: Our results suggest that many of the integration sites reported in the scientific literature are HPV 16 from squamous cell carcinomas and 50% of HPV16 were integrated into transcriptional units that might affect the expression of gene target.

Antecedentes: A pesar de las intervenciones profilácticas actuales, una proporción significativa de pacientes muere debido al cáncer, lo que aumenta la conciencia global de la importancia de identificar los factores asociados a la etiología del cáncer asociado al VPH. Según esto, la integración del ADN-VPH en el genoma humano es un evento importante en la patogénesis. Propósito: Identificar in silico, las regiones moleculares del genoma donde ocurren los eventos de integración del VPH Métodos: Realizamos un estudio bioinformático basado en una búsqueda sistemática en Medline a través de PubMed, Embase y Lilacs desde el inicio hasta abril de 2019. Utilizamos el UCSC Genome Browser Home ( para evaluar el entorno genético. Resultados: Los sitios de integración del VPH relacionados con el cáncer de cuello uterino fueron 374 (61%). Además, 325 (87%) de estos sitios de integración tenían VPH-16, 21 (5%) tenían VPH-18 y 28 (7%) tenían otro tipo de genotipo. La cavidad orofaríngea fue el segundo sitio anatómico con 162 (26%) sitios de integración. Es de destacar que el VPH-16 se encontró integrado en 160 (99%) sitios analizados. Conclusión: Nuestros resultados sugieren que muchos de los sitios de integración reportados en la literatura científica que presentan al VPH-16 son carcinomas de células escamosas y que el 50% de estos VPH-16 se integraron en unidades transcripcionales que podrían afectar la expresión de algún gen objetivo.

Humans , Female , Human papillomavirus 16 , Papillomaviridae , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Computational Biology , Genomic Structural Variation , Systematic Review
Oncología (Guayaquil) ; 30(1): 39-52, Abril. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1140855


Introducción: La infección que ocasiona el Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH), tiene alta prevalencia en mujeres sexualmente activas. Generalmente es pasajera, pero al existir algunos factores relacionados pueden llegar a desarrollar cáncer cervicouterino. Dado que la enfermedad se desarrolla con lentitud la detección en etapas tempranas ha permitido poner en evidencia la presencia del virus en las células antes que puedan transformarse y volverse tumorigénicas. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la prevalencia de los genotipos del Virus del Papiloma Humano en mujeres de 25 a 65 años en un grupo de pacientes de un centro oncológico en Cuenca 2017 ­2018. Métodos:Es un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, analítico, en el cual se recopiló información de las historias clínicas y registros físicos del Laboratorio de Biología Molecular y del sistema médico de SOLCA -Cuenca, SOFTCASE, para establecer la prevalencia de VPH durante el periodo 2017 -2018.Se utiliza ODDS Ratio para demostrar asociación entre las variables demográficas y los grupos de serología de VPH de riesgo alto versus VPH De riesgo bajo. Resultados:Se incluyeron 594casos, con edad entre36 y 40 años n=103/594 (17.3%). De estado civil casadas n=318/594 (53.5%). Con paridad igual a 2 n=159/594 (26.8%). Casospositivos de VPH fueron 424/594 (71.38%) IC95% (71.23% a 71.53%), Genotipos de alto riesgo con el 58.01%, genotipos de probable bajo riesgo con el 33.25% y genotipos de bajo riesgo 8.72%. La prevalencia del 50% de la población positiva según el genotipo lo explicalos VPH 16, 71, 58, 6 y 31. De este grupo los VPH con serología 16, 58 y 31 tienen un riesgo Alto de malignidad. No se reportó asociación entre los VPH de alto riesgo con alguna de las variables demográficas. Conclusión:El grupo etario con mayor número de casos positivos perteneció a las mujeres de entre 36 y 40 años de edad, con paridad igual a 2 y de estado civil casadas. El subtipo VPH-16 fue el genotipo más prevalente del grupo de alto riesgo de malignidad. El subtipo VPH-71 fue el segundo genotipo más prevalente con un perfil de probable bajo riesgo de malignidad.

AbstractIntroduction:The infection caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) has a high prevalence in sexually active women. It is generally temporary, but when there are some related factors, they can develop cervical cancer. Since the disease develops slowly, detection in early stages has made it possible to reveal the presence of the virus in cells before they can transform and become tumorigenic. The objective of this study was to establish the prevalence of Human Papilloma Virus genotypes in women aged 25 to 65 years in a group of patients from an oncology center in Cuenca 2017-2018. Methods: It is a descriptive, retrospective, analytical study, in which information was collected from the medical records and physical records of the Molecular Biology Laboratory and the SOLCA -Cuenca medical system, SOFTCASE, to establish the prevalence of HPV during the period 2017 -2018. ODDS Ratio is used to demonstrate association between demographic variables and high-risk HPV versus low-risk HPV serology groups. Results: 594 cases were included, aged between 36 and 40 years, n = 103/594 (17.3%). Marital status married n = 318/594 (53.5%). With parity equal to 2 n = 159/594 (26.8%). Positive HPV cases were 424/594 (71.38%) 95% CI (71.23% to 71.53%), high risk genotypes with 58.01%, probable low risk genotypes with 33.25% and low risk genotypes 8.72%. The prevalence of 50% of the positive population according to genotype is explained by HPV 16, 71, 58, 6 and 31. Of this group, HPV with serology 16, 58 and 31 have a high risk of malignancy. No association was reported between high-risk HPV with any of the demographic variables. Conclusion: The age group with the highest number of positive cases belonged to women between 36 and 40 years of age, with parity equal to 2 and married marital status. The HPV-16 subtype was the most prevalent genotype in the group at high risk of malignancy. The HPV-71 subtype was the second most prevalent genotype with a profile of probable low risk of malignancy.

Humans , Papillomavirus Infections , Human papillomavirus 16 , Genotype , Uterine Cervical Dysplasia , Polymerase Chain Reaction
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 9(1): 51-56, feb. 28, 2020. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151481


Some genotypes of the human papilloma virus (HPV) in the oral cavity cause genetic instability that may lead to cancer. Clinical and histological diagnoses are key tools; however, molecular techniques allow predicting, detecting and monitoring the disease. Objective: To identify the frequency of four high-risk HPV genotypes and their association with lesions in the oral cavity. Materials and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study with a sample of 48 patients diagnosed with hyperplastic lesions and others currently classified as potentially malignant disorders (PMDs) of the oral cavity, who underwent biopsies, histopathological analysis, and HPV16, 18, 31, and 45 detection and genotyping by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: Epithelial hyperplasia was the most frequent lesion found in 45.8% (n=22) of patients. Nicotine palatinus and leukoplakia were found in 8.3% and 6.2%, respectively; oral cancer in 6.2%. The total frequency of HPV was 12.5% (6/48). Oral papilloma was found in 6.1% (3/48), and nicotine palatinus and oral cancer in 2.0% each (1/48). HPV16, HPV31, and HPV45 were detected, while HPV18 was not observed. HPV16 was the most frequent genotype found (4 out of 6 patients), while HPV31 and HPV45 were found in one patient each. Only one genotype per lesion was found. The presence of HPV was associated with lesions (χ2=11.810; p=0.0375). No significant association with age and gender was found. Conclusion: High-risk HPV continues to be present in oral lesions. The HPV16 viral genotype was the most frequent in the studied lesions.

Algunos genotipos del virus del papiloma (VPH) en boca, producen inestabilidad genética dando lugar al cáncer. El diagnóstico clínico e histológico son herramientas claves, sin embargo, técnicas moleculares permiten predecir, detectar y dar seguimiento a la enfermedad. Objetivo: Identificar la frecuencia de cuatro genotipos del VPH de alto riesgo y su asociación con lesiones en cavidad bucal. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con una muestra de 48 pacientes diagnosticados con lesiones hiperplásicas y otros clasificados actualmente como desordenes potencialmente malignos (DPM) de la cavidad bucal, a quienes se les realizó biopsias, análisis histopatológico y detección y genotipificación VPH16, 18, 31, y 45 mediante reacción en cadena a la polimerasa (PCR). Resultado: La hiperplasia epitelial fue la lesión más frecuente en 45,8% (n=22). La palatinitis nicotínica y la leucoplasia, se encontraron 8,3% y 6,2% respectivamente, cáncer oral, en 6,2%. La frecuencia total de VPH fue 12,5% (6/48). El papiloma oral estuvo en un 6,1% (3/48), palatinitis nicotínica y cáncer oral en 2,0% (1/48).Se detectó VPH16, VPH31 y VPH45, mientras que VPH18 estuvo ausente. ElVPH16 fue el de mayor frecuencia con 66,7% (4/6), el VPH31 y VPH45 se encontraron en 16,7% (1/6). No se evidenció más de un genotipo por lesión. La presencia de VPH estuvo asociado con las lesiones (χ2=11,810; p=0,0375). No se encontró asociación significativa con edad y género. Conclusión: El VPH de alto riesgo sigue estando presente en lesiones bucales. El genotipo viral VPH16 se encontró con mayor frecuencia en las lesiones estudiadas.

Humans , Mouth Neoplasms , Papillomavirus Infections/epidemiology , Human papillomavirus 16 , Human papillomavirus 18 , Mouth/injuries , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Colombia , Focal Epithelial Hyperplasia , Papillomavirus Infections/diagnosis
Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao ; Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao;(6): 485-490, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-826336


To explore the molecular mechanism of human papillomavirus subtype 16(HPV-16)E7 oncogene-induced DNA re-replication in response to DNA damage. Flow cytometry was performed to examine the cell cycle changes in RPE1 E7 cells stably expressing HPV-16 E7 and its control cell RPE1 Vector after DNA damage.Immunoblotting assay was used to evaluate the early mitotic inhibitor 1(Emi1)expression in RPE1 E7 and RPE1 Vector cells with or without DNA damage.The changes of the proportion of polyploidy was detected by flow cytometry in DNA-damaged RPE1 E7 cells interfered by Emi1 small interfering RNA. Compared with the control cells,the proportion of polyploids in RPE1 E7 cells was significantly increased in response to DNA damage(=6.397,=0.0031).Emi1 protein expression was significantly increased in DNA damaged RPE1 E7 cells(=8.241,=0.0012).The polyploid ratio of RPE1 E7 cells was significantly reduced after Emi1 was interfered by two independent small interfering RNAs(=2.916,=0.0434;=3.452,=0.0260). In response to DNA damage,Emi1 promoted DNA re-replication caused by HPV-16 E7.

DNA Damage , DNA Replication , Human papillomavirus 16 , Mitosis , Oncogene Proteins, Viral
Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao ; Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao;(6): 164-171, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-826386


To investigate the DNA methylation in ZNF772 promoter region and its mRNA and protein expressions and analyze the clinical significance of DNA methylation of ZNF772 gene in cervical cancer. Cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) tissues were harvested from three patients (SCC group),and normal cervical tissues from healthy individuals of the same age were used as the control group. Hyper-methylation and lower transcripts were screened by whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) and RNA sequencing. Furthermore,in 40 cervical tissue samples in SCC group and 45 normal cervical tissues in the control group,DNA methylation status and mRNA expression of ZNF772 were measured by using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and bisulfite sequencing polymerase chain reaction (BSP). The protein expression was detected by immunohistochemistry. In the SCC group,the potential relationships of DNA methylation status in ZNF772 promoter and mRNA expression with the clinicopathological parameters of cervical cancer were analyzed. As shown by WGBS and RNA sequencing,the abnormal DNA methylated gene ZNF772 was associated with mRNA expression. RT-qPCR verified that the mRNA expression of ZNF772 was significantly lower in SCC group than in control group (=8.351,=0.016). Immunohistochemistry further confirmed that the positive expression of ZNF772 protein was down-regulated in SCC group (=3.802,=0.005). BSP showed that the DNA methylation rate of ZNF772 promoter region (-420,-422 locus) in SCC group was significantly higher than that in control group (=8.566,=0.038;=6.332,=0.043). Spearman correlation analysis showed that,in SCC group,DNA hypermethylation in ZNF772 promoter was negatively correlated with the mRNA expression (=-0.351,=0.045;=-0.349,=0.032) and was significantly correlated with HPV16/18 infection,tumor size,World Health Organization pathological grade,and International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics clinical stage (=0.018,=0.012,=0.009,and =0.035,respectively). The DNA hypermethylation in the promoter region of ZNF772 gene is involved in the occurrence and development of cervical cancer.

Female , Humans , Cell Line, Tumor , DNA Methylation , DNA-Binding Proteins , Genetics , Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic , Human papillomavirus 16 , Human papillomavirus 18 , Promoter Regions, Genetic , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Genetics , Zinc Fingers