Phosphorus (P) use efficiency is crucial for sorghum production. P acquisition efficiency is the most important component of P use efficiency. The early-stage evaluation of plant development is a useful tool for identifying P-efficient genotypes. This study aimed to identify sorghum hybrids that are efficient in P use efficiency and assess the genetic diversity among hybrids based on traits related to P acquisition efficiency. Thus, 38 sorghum hybrids and two inbred lines (checks) were evaluated under low and high P in a paper pouch system with nutrient solution. Biomass and root traits related to P efficiency were measured. There was no interaction between genotypes and P levels concerning all evaluated traits. The biomass and root traits, except root diameter, presented smaller means under low P than high P. Efficient and inefficient hybrids under each P level were identified. The genetic diversity assessment grouped these genotypes in different clusters. The hybrids AG1090, MSK326, AG1060, 1G100, AS 4639, DKB 540, and DKB 590 were superior under low-P and high-P. Hybrids SC121, 1236020 e 1167017 presented the lowest means than all other hybrids, under both conditions. The evaluated hybrids showed phenotypic diversity for traits related to P acquisition, such as root length and root surface area, which can be useful for establishing selection strategies for sorghum breeding programs and increasing P use efficiency.
A eficiência do uso do fósforo (P) é fundamental para a produção de sorgo. A avaliação no estágio inicial do desenvolvimento da planta é uma ferramenta útil para a identificação de genótipos eficientes de P. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar híbridos de sorgo que sejam eficientes ao uso de P e avaliar a diversidade genética entre os híbridos com base em características relacionadas à eficiência de aquisição de P. Assim, 38 híbridos de sorgo e duas linhagens (testemunhas) foram avaliados sob baixo e alto P em sistema de pastas de papel com solução nutritiva. Características de biomassa e de raiz relacionadas à eficiência de P foram mensuradas. Não houve interação entre genótipos e níveis de P em todas as características avaliadas. As características de biomassa e raiz, exceto o diâmetro da raiz, apresentaram médias menores sob baixo P em comparação com alto P. Híbridos eficientes e ineficientes sob cada nível de P foram identificados e agrupados quanto à diversidade genética. Os híbridos AG1090, MSK326, AG1060, 1G100, AS 4639, DKB 540 e DKB 590 foram superiores sob baixo-P e alto-P. Os híbridos SC121, 1236020 e 1167017 apresentaram as menores médias que todos os outros híbridos, em ambas condições. Os híbridos avaliados apresentaram diversidade fenotípica para características relacionadas à aquisição de P, como comprimento e área superficial da raiz, o que pode ser útil para estabelecer estratégias de seleção para programas de melhoramento de sorgo e aumentar a eficiência de uso do P.
Phosphorus , Genetic Variation , Hydroponics , Sorghum/growth & developmentABSTRACT
This research was carried out aiming at evaluating the effects of nitrate and ammonium ions on nutrient accumulation, biochemical components and yield of Italian zucchini (cv. Caserta) grown in a hydroponic system under salt stress conditions. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse utilizing an experimental design in randomized blocks, arranged in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme, with 4 replications. The treatments consisted of two forms of nitrogen (nitrate - NO3- and ammonium - NH4+) and 5 electrical conductivity levels of irrigation water (ECw) (0.5, 2.0, 3.5, 5.0 and 6.5 dS m-1). The analysis of the results indicated that supply of N exclusively in NH4+ form promotes greater damage to the leaf membrane and reduction in accumulation of macronutrients and higher Na+/K+, Na+/Ca++ and Na+/Mg++ ratios in the shoots of zucchini plants. Electrical conductivity of irrigation water above 2.0 dS m-¹ reduces the accumulation of nutrients in shoot and yield of Italian zucchini plant. The toxicity of NH4+ under Italian zucchini plants overlap the toxicity of the salinity, since its fertilization exclusively with this form of nitrogen inhibits its production, being the NO3- form the most suitable for the cultivation of the species.
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos dos íons nitrato e amônio sobre o acúmulo de nutrientes e produção da abobrinha italiana (cv. Caserta) cultivada em sistema hidropônico sob estrese salino. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação utilizando o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, arranjados em esquema fatorial 2 x 5, com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de duas formas de nitrogênio (nitrato - NO3- e amônio - NH4+) e cinco níveis de condutividade elétrica da água de irrigação (CEa) (0,5; 2,0; 3,5; 5,0 e 6,5 dS m-¹). As análises dos resultados indicaram que suprimento de N exclusivamente em forma de NH4+ promove maiores danos na membrana foliar e redução no acúmulo de macronutrientes e maiores relações Na+/K+, Na+/Ca++ e Na+/Mg++ na parte aérea das plantas de abobrinha. A irrigação com água a cima de 2,0 dS m-¹ reduz o acúmulo de nutrientes na parte aérea das plantas e a produção de abobrinha. A toxicidade do NH4+ sob abobrinha italiana sobrepõe-se à toxicidade da salinidade, pois a fertilização exclusiva com esta forma de nitrogênio inibe sua produção, sendo a forma NO3- a mais adequada para o cultivo da espécie.
Cucurbita pepo , Salt Stress , Hydroponics , Ammonium Hydroxide/administration & dosage , Ammonium Hydroxide/adverse effects , Ammonium Hydroxide/toxicity , Homeostasis , Nitrogen/administration & dosage , Nitrogen/adverse effectsABSTRACT
In the tropical region, savannas and seasonal forests, both highly diverse biomes, occur side by side, under the same climate. If so, that mosaic cannot be explained solely by climatic variables, but also by fire, water availability and soil status. Nutrient availability in the soil, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, has been postulated to explain the abrupt transitions between savannas and seasonal forests in tropical regions. Plants from these two biomes may present different nutritional strategies to cope with nitrogen and phosphorus limitation. We used two congeneric pairs of trees each pair with a species from the savanna and another from the neighboring seasonal forest to test whether savanna and forest species presented different nutritional strategies during their early development. We cultivated 56 individuals from each of these species in a hydroponics system with four treatments: (1) complete Hoagland solution, (2) Hoagland solution without nitrogen, (3) Hoagland solution without phosphorus, and (4) Hoagland solution without nitrogen and phosphorus. After 45 days, we harvested the plants and measured total biomass, root to shoot ratio, height, leaf area, and specific leaf area. Overall, savanna species were lighter, shorter, with smaller leaves, higher specific leaf areas, and higher root to shoot ratios when compared to the forest species. Nitrogen increased the performance of species from both biomes. Phosphorus improved the performance of the forest species and caused toxicity symptoms in the savanna species. Hence, savanna and forest species presented different demands and were partially distinct already as seedlings concerning their nutritional strategies.
Em regiões tropicais, savanas e florestas estacionais, biomas altamente diversos, ocorrem lado a lado, sob o mesmo clima. Sendo assim, esse mosaico não pode ser explicado somente por variáveis climáticas, devendo ser considerada a frequência e intensidade de incêndios, disponibilidade de água e status do solo. A disponibilidade de nutrientes no solo, especialmente nitrogênio e fósforo, tem sido postulada para explicar as transições abruptas entre savanas e florestas estacionais nos trópicos. Espécies vegetais desses dois biomas podem apresentar estratégias nutricionais diferentes para lidar com a limitação tanto de nitrogênio como de fósforo. Utilizamos dois pares de árvores congenéricas cada par com uma espécie típica de savana e outra de floresta estacional vizinha para testar se as espécies da savana e da floresta apresentaram estratégias nutricionais diferentes durante seu desenvolvimento inicial. Cultivamos 56 indivíduos de cada uma dessas espécies em um sistema hidropônico com quatro tratamentos: (1) solução Hoagland completa, (2) solução Hoagland sem nitrogênio, (3) solução Hoagland sem fósforo e (4) solução Hoagland sem nitrogênio e fósforo. Após 45 dias, colhemos as plantas e medimos a biomassa total, a relação raiz / parte aérea, altura, área foliar e área foliar específica. No geral, as espécies savânicas foram mais leves, menores em altura, área foliar e área foliar específica e apresentaram maiores razões entre biomassa radicular por biomassa aérea quando comparadas às espécies florestais. A oferta de nitrogênio aumentou o desempenho das espécies de ambos biomas. O fósforo melhorou o desempenho das espécies florestais e causou sintomas de toxicidade nas espécies savânicas. Concluímos que, já como mudas, espécies congenéricas de savana e floresta apresentaram demandas distintas e foram parcialmente diferentes em relação a suas estratégias nutricionais.
Soil Characteristics/analysis , Rainforest , Phosphorus/administration & dosage , Hydroponics , Nitrogen/administration & dosage , Grassland , Soil Chemistry/analysis , Fabaceae/growth & development , Fabaceae/drug effects , Solanum/growth & development , Solanum/drug effectsABSTRACT
Lettuce is the most important leafy vegetable in Brazil. Hydroponic lettuce cultivation has grown due to the viability of harvesting throughout the year. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the agronomic characteristics, color, and preference of curly lettuce in the NFT hydroponic system. Six lineages (6601-1A, 6601-2L, 7016-6A, 7119-1B, 7223-1A, and 7224-4A) and two commercial cultivars (Brida and Vanda) of lettuce were used, in a completely randomized blocks design with four replications. Shoot length, root length, stem length, number of leaves, stem diameter, plant diameter, shoot fresh mass, root fresh mass, chlorophyll content, instrumental color, and sensory characteristics were evaluated. As for agronomic evaluation, the bolting of 6601-2L lettuce was relevant in different attributes. The Vanda lettuce and the lineage 7016-6A presented best performances for shoot fresh mass (399.44 and 378.63 g, respectively), while the lineages 7119-1B and 6601-2L present the worst performance (279.50 and 273.13 g, respectively). There was variation in chlorophyll content and luminosity, however, the evaluators did not notice differences between lettuces for brightness or green color, as well as for crunchy texture. Lettuces 6601-2L, 7224-4A, 6601-1A, Brida, 7223-1A, and 7119-1B were preferred. The variation among plants may be due to different situations, such as harvesting times and bolting, and a direct relationship between agronomic properties and preference among lettuces has not been established yet.
Lactuca , Hydroponics/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract The consumption of vegetables has increased in recent years due to the search for a healthier diet that is rich in fiber and has fewer calories. To assess the parasitic contamination of lettuce sold in markets, a survey of parasites was carried out from a supermarket chain in the city of Londrina, Paraná. A total of thirty samples of lettuce were purchased in the ten markets visited, three in each, of which ten were conventionally cultivated, ten were hydroponically cultivated, and ten were organically cultivated. All samples were analyzed using the sedimentation methods of Hoffman, Pons and Janer and the fluctuation method of Faust and colleagues and Willis with adaptations. In addition, the samples were subjected to DNA extraction by a commercial kit and polymerase chain reaction to detect Toxoplasma gondii, Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp., which are protozoa that cause food and waterborne parasitic outbreaks. All samples were negative for sedimentation and flotation techniques. One of the hydroponically cultivated samples was positive for T. gondii. The results demonstrate the risk of curly lettuce contamination from hydroponic cultivation and the need for proper cleaning of these foods before consumption.
Resumo O consumo de vegetais aumentou nos últimos anos devido à busca de uma dieta mais saudável, rica em fibras e com menos calorias. Para avaliar a contaminação parasitária de alface vendida nos mercados, foi realizado um levantamento de parasitas em vegetais folhosos de uma cadeia de supermercados da cidade de Londrina, Paraná. Um total de 30 amostras foram compradas nos dez mercados visitados, três em cada, dos quais dez foram convencionalmente cultivados, dez cultivados hidroponicamente e dez foram cultivados organicamente. Todas as amostras foram analisadas, usando-se os métodos de sedimentação de Hoffman, Pons e Janer e o método de flutuação de Faust e colaboradores e Willis com adaptações. Além disso, as amostras foram submetidas à extração de DNA por um kit comercial e reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para detectar Toxoplasma gondii, Cryptosporidium spp. e Giardia spp., que são protozoários causadores de surtos transmitidos pela água e alimentos. Todas as amostras foram negativas para técnicas de sedimentação e flutuação. Uma das amostras cultivadas hidroponicamente foi positiva para T. gondii. Os resultados demonstram o risco de contaminação por alface crespa do cultivo hidropônico e a necessidade de limpeza adequada desses alimentos antes do consumo.
Humans , Lactuca/parasitology , Hydroponics , Cryptosporidiosis/transmission , Cryptosporidium/genetics , Cities , SupermarketsABSTRACT
Intoxication by dispersion of glyphosate droplets in coffee seedlings is common and, in addition to the problem of drift, there are reports of contamination of this herbicide to a nontarget plant via the rhizosphere. Hydroponics allows the comparison of the translocation of the glyphosate absorbed by the foliage or the roots and avoids the interaction with the soil, which could hamper the achievement of more accurate conclusions when it is absorbed by the root. Thus, the toxicity of glyphosate sublethal dosages in the initial growth of coffee plants in hydroponics was evaluated by applying four sublethal dosages in two different locations (solution and leaf). Fifty days after the application of the herbicide, the intoxication percentage and the growth of the coffee seedlings were evaluated. From the reduced dose of 115.2 g·ha-1 of glyphosate, height reductions, root length; number of leaves, dry mass of leaf, roots and total, leaf area, and leaf mass ratio were observed. The first two parameters were observed only in leaf application and the others via leaf and solution. The aerial partroot ratio system had an increase in herbicide sublethal dosages when applied to leaves and the ratio of leaf area and specific leaf area increased in both applications. Sublethal dosages of glyphosate applied to young coffee plants under hydroponic conditions impair their growth, and it is more accentuated with increasing doses and when the leaves, instead of the roots, absorb the herbicide.(AU)
Intoxicação por dispersão das gotas de glifosato em mudas de café são comuns, além do problema da deriva, há relatos da passagem desse herbicida para planta não alvo via rizosfera. A hidroponia possibilita comparar a translocação do glifosato absorvido pelas folhagens ou raízes e evita a interação do solo que poderia dificultar a obtenção de conclusões mais precisas quando absorvido pela raiz. Assim, a toxidade de subdoses de glifosato no crescimento inicial de plantas de café em hidroponia foi avaliada aplicando-se quatro subdoses em dois locais distintos (solução e folha). Cinquenta dias após a aplicação do herbicida, a porcentagem de intoxicação e o crescimento das mudas de café foram avaliados. A partir da subdose de 115,2 g·ha-1 de glifosato observaram-se reduções da altura; comprimento radicular; número de folhas; massa seca da folha, raiz, radicular e total; área foliar; razão de massa foliar, sendo os dois primeiros parâmetros observados somente na aplicação foliar e os demais via foliar e solução. A relação parte aérea/sistema radicular aumentaram com o incremento das subdoses do herbicida quando aplicado nas folhas e a razão de área foliar e área foliar específica aumentaram em ambas as vias de aplicação. Subdoses de glifosato aplicadas em plantas jovens de café, em condições hidropônicas, prejudicam o seu crescimento sendo mais acentuados com o aumento das doses e quando o herbicida é absorvido pelas folhas em relação à absorção radicular.(AU)
Coffee , Hydroponics , Herbicides , Absorption , Environmental Pollution , Toxicity , RhizosphereABSTRACT
Abstract Aquaponics is a system that integrates aquaculture with plant production in which two species are benefited, and there is water saving. In this study was carried out with an aquaponic system to verify the interaction between the growth of the halophytes Batis maritime, Sarcocornia neei, and Sporobolus virginicus associated with white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei rearing. We also investigated if there were different responses of physicochemical variables of the water in the experimental shrimp culture ponds integrated into the growth of plants and control ponds, without plants, throughout a 56-day period. The treatment experiment and control presented a statistically significant difference in total dissolved solids, salinity, total suspended solids, ammonia, orthophosphate, and nitrite. In the experimental treatment, with the presence of plants and recirculating water, a reduction of total suspended solids, ammonia and orthophosphate was observed. The rate of shrimp production was not significantly different between treatments, and the performance was similar to that of other studies. The biomass gain of the halophyte B. maritima was 876.6 grams in 0.5 m² and of S. neei was 48.8 grams in 0.16 m². All plants of the species S. virginicus died during the experiment.
Animals , Water/chemistry , Chenopodiaceae/growth & development , Penaeidae/growth & development , Salt-Tolerant Plants/growth & development , Phosphates , Aquaculture , Hydroponics , Biomass , Chenopodiaceae/metabolism , Ammonia , NitritesABSTRACT
Because of the food and industrial importance of tomato, it holds great significance, and is one of the most produced species using the hydroponic cultivation systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different concentrations of nutrient solution on the production and quality of cherry tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum 'Samambaia') grown in a hydroponic system in protected conditions. The experiment was conducted in pots filled with coconut fiber substrate using a randomized complete block design with four replications and six plants per plot. Five concentrations of nutrients were evaluated (50, 75, 100, 125, and 150% of the standard nutrient solution); the solutions produced the following electrical conductivities: 1.8, 2.0, 2.6, 3.4, and 3.9 dS m-1, respectively. At 90 days after transplanting, the tomato fruits were harvested, at which time the production variables and post-harvest quality of mature fruits were determined. The best production and post-harvest quality indexes of cherry tomatoes ('Samambaia') were found when using 111% of the standard nutrient solution, corresponding to the concentrations of 9.44, 2.44, 2.22, 6.44, 4.11, 2.44, and 2.78 mmolc L-1, of NO3 - , NH4 + , P, K, Ca, Mg, and S, respectively; and 66.6, 55.5, 14.4, 1.89, 0.56, and 0.44 mmolc L -1, of Fe, B, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Mo, respectively. Nutrient solutions with electrical conductivity above 2.89 dS m-1 severely reduced the fruit yield of cherry tomatoes.
Devido à importância alimentar e industrial do tomateiro, a cultura destaca-se entre as hortaliças, sendo uma das espécies mais produzidas em sistema hidropônico de cultivo. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de diferentes concentrações de solução nutritiva na produção e na qualidade dos frutos de tomate cereja (Licopersicon esculentum, cv. Samambaia) em sistema hidropônico sobre condição de ambiente protegido. O experimento foi conduzido em vasos preenchidos com substrato de fibra de coco utilizando o delineamento de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e seis plantas por parcela. Foram avaliadas cinco concentrações de nutrientes na solução nutritiva hidropônica (50, 75, 100, 125 e 150% da solução nutritiva padrão) que, após a diluição dos nutrientes em água de torneira, estas produziram as seguintes condutividades elétricas: 1.8, 2.0, 2.6, 3.4 e 3.9 dS m-1, respectivamente. Aos 90 dias após o transplantio, os frutos de tomate foram colhidos, ocasião em que se determinaram as variáveis de produção e qualidade póscolheita de frutos maduros. A análise dos resultados indicou que os melhores índices de produção e qualidade dos frutos de tomate cereja cultivado em sistema hidropônico foram encontrados nas concentrações de macronutrientes da solução nutritiva correspondente a 9,44; 2,44; 2,22; 6,44; 4,11; 2,44 e 2,78 mmolc L-1 de NO3 - , NH4 + , P, K, Ca, Mg e S, respectivamente, e 66,6; 55,5; 14,4; 1,89; 0,56 e 0,44 mmolc L-1, de Fe, B, Mn, Zn, Cu e Mo, respectivamente. As soluções nutritivas com condutividade elétricas acima de 2,89 dS m-1 reduziram severamente o rendimento de frutos de tomate cereja
Solanum lycopersicum , Nutrients , HydroponicsABSTRACT
The cultivation of vegetables in semi-arid regions, especially in the context of the use of brackish water, has been made possible by the use of the hydroponics technique. Thus, two experiments were carried out between December 2016 and January 2017 in a protected environment at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), Recife PE, Brazil (8° 1"7" South latitude and 34° 56" 53" West longitude, and average altitude of 6.5 m), aiming at evaluating the production of green onion (cv. "Todo dia" Evergreen - Nebuka) in plants exposed to brackish nutrient solution (1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5 and 9.0 dS m-1), applied at two frequencies of circulation (twice a day - at 8 and 16 hours, and three times per day - at 8, 12 and 16 hours) in low-cost hydroponics system. In Experiment I, the nutrient solution evapotranspirated by the plants was replaced with the respective brackish water used in its preparation, and in Experiment II with UFRPE supply water (0.12 dS m-1). In both cases, a completely randomized experimental design was used, in a 6 x 2 factorial scheme, with five replications. It was concluded that under replacement with brackish water, the increase in the frequency of circulation attenuated the losses imposed by the salinity to the biometric variables and of the production of fresh and dry phytomass of the plants; the water supply replenishment had a greater mitigating role in relation to the damage caused by the salinity with the increase of the electrical conductivity of the nutrient solution.
O cultivo de hortaliças em regiões semiáridas, especialmente no contexto de uso de águas salobras, tem sido viabilizado pelo uso da técnica da hidroponia. Diante disto, entre janeiro de 2016 e abril de 2017, foram conduzidos dois experimentos em ambiente protegido na Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE), Recife, PE (8° 1"7" Sul e 34° 56" 53" Oeste, altitude média de 6,5 m), objetivando-se avaliar a produção da cebolinha (cv. Todo ano Evergreen - Nebuka) em plantas expostas a soluções nutritivas salobras (1,5; 3,0; 4,5; 6,0; 7,5 e 9,0 dS m-1) aplicadas em duas frequências de circulação (duas vezes ao dia - às 8 e às 16 horas; e três vezes ao dia - às 8, 12 e 16 horas). Em ambos os casos, utilizou-se um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 6 x 2, com cinco repetições. No Experimento I, a lâmina de solução nutritiva evapotranspirada pelas plantas foi reposta com a respectiva água salobra utilizada no seu preparo e, no Experimento II, com água de abastecimento da UFRPE (0,12 dS m-1). Concluiu-se que sob reposição com água salobra, o aumento da frequência de circulação atenuou as perdas impostas pela salinidade às variáveis biométricas e de produção de fitomassa fresca e seca das plantas; a reposição com água deabastecimento passou a ter maior papel mitigador em relação ao dano causado pela salinidade com o aumento da condutividade elétrica da solução nutritiva.
Vegetables , Hydroponics , Chive , Salinity , Semi-Arid ZoneABSTRACT
Potassium has a great impact on plant growth. It regulates synthesis reactions and participates in the translocation of photoassimilates, cell elongation, and enzymatic reactions related to photosynthesis, respiration, synthesis of starches, proteins, and lignin. The objective of this study was to characterize the growth of cherry tomato in hydroponic system under increasing potassium doses. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design, with four replications. The treatments consisted of different doses of potassium (6, 8, 10 and 12 mmol L-1) evaluated at 26, 41, 56, 71, 86 and 101 DAT (daysafter transplanting). Accumulation of dry mass of leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits; leaf area; number of flowers and fruits; length and volume of roots were determined at each evaluation time. The physiological indices studied were: relative growth rate, leaf area index and ratio, net assimilation rate, root-shoot ratio, and nutrient accumulation in leaves, stems, and roots. Potassiumdoses between 6 and 12 mmol L-1 had no influence on the growth of the cherry tomato. The relative growth rate has gradually decreased over the evaluation period. Accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur in the leaves peaked at 101 DAT.
O potássio tem grande impacto no crescimento de plantas, regulando reações de síntese e participando na translocação de fotoassimilados, elongação celular e reações enzimáticas relacionadas à fotossíntese, respiração, síntese de amidos, proteínas e lignina. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho caracterizar o crescimento das plantas de tomateiro cereja em sistema hidropônico, sob doses crescentes de potássio. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram das diferentes doses de potássio (6, 8, 10 e 12 mmol L-1) e das datas de coletas aos 26, 41, 56, 71, 86 e 101 DAT (dias após o transplantio). Em cada coleta determinou-se o acúmulo de massa seca de folhas, caules, raízes, inflorescências e frutos; área foliar; número de inflorescências e frutos; comprimento e volume radicular. Calcularam-se os índices fisiológicos: taxa de crescimento relativo, razão e índice de área foliar, taxa assimilatória líquida e razão raiz-parte aérea e acúmulo dos nutrientes nas folhas, caules e raízes. Doses de potássio entre 6 e 12 mmol L-1 não influenciaram o crescimento do tomateiro tipo cereja. A taxa de crescimento relativo reduziu-se gradativamente ao longo do período de avaliação. Os acúmulos de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio e enxofre nas folhas foram máximos aos 101 DAT.
Potassium , Solanum lycopersicum , Hydroponics , Diet, Food, and NutritionABSTRACT
Introducción: La meningoencefalitis eosinofílica producida por Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Chen, 1935), es una zoonosis emergente presente en Cuba. En el país existen escasos estudios de prevalencia de infección en los hospederos definitivos, que puedan determinar sitios de riesgo para el establecimiento de medidas efectivas en la prevención de la enfermedad. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de infección por A. cantonensis en una población natural de R. rattus, su relación con la estructura poblacional y la época del año en una finca que pertenece al Programa de la Agricultura Urbana y Suburbana de Cuba. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en el municipio La Lisa, La Habana. Se hicieron capturas de roedores mensuales durante los períodos lluvioso y poco lluvioso. Se examinaron las arterias pulmonares de los roedores capturados en búsqueda de parásitos adultos. El índice parasitológico de prevalencia fue calculado y comparadas las frecuencias entre los períodos del año y la edad ecológica. Resultados: Se capturaron 63 roedores identificados como Rattus rattus, de ellos 46,03 por ciento estuvo infectado con A. cantonensis, con un incremento de la infección en los individuos adultos (59,46 por ciento) y en el período lluvioso (55,88 por ciento). Conclusiones: Se demuestra por primera vez en Cuba la infección de A. cantonensis en R. rattus. La presencia de individuos adultos, la alta abundancia de roedores y la temporada lluviosa son los factores que incidieron en una mayor infección de A. cantonensis, y que aumentan la probabilidad de transmisión a los hospederos intermediarios y, por ende, el riesgo de transmisión al humano(AU)
Introduction: Eosinophilic meningitis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Chen, 1935) is an emergent zoonosis present in Cuba. In the country, few studies about the prevalence of infection in definitive hosts, which can determine risk sites for the establishment of effective measures to prevent the disease, have not been carried out so far. Objective: To determine the prevalence of infection with Angiostrongylus cantonensis in a natural population of Rattus rattus, its relationship with the population structure, and the season of the year in an urban farm field belonging to the Programme of Urban and Suburban Agriculture of Cuba. Material and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted in La Lisa Municipality, Havana, Cuba. The rats were collected monthly during the rainy and dry seasons. The pulmonary arteries of the captured rodents were examined for adult worms. The prevalence of parasitological indices was calculated. The frequencies of infection were compared between the seasons of the year and ecological ages. Results: A total of 63 rodents identified as Rattus rattus were captured. Of the total of individuals captured, 46.03 percent were infected with A. cantonensis, with an increase of infection in adult individuals (59.46 percent) and during the rainy season (55.88 percent). Conclusions: The infection of A. cantonensis in its definitive host R. rattus, and its circulation in the study area in the analyzed period was demonstrated for the first time in Cuba. The presence of adult rats, the high quantity of rodents and the rainy season were the factors that contributed to a greater infection of A. cantonensis, which increase the probability of transmission to intermediate hosts, and consequently, the risk of transmission to humans(AU)
Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Rodent Diseases/epidemiology , Angiostrongylus cantonensis/pathogenicity , Meningoencephalitis/complications , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Hydroponics/ethicsABSTRACT
A alface (Lactuca sativa L.) possui grande importância na alimentação humana, como fonte de vitaminas e sais minerais, além de possuir baixo valor calórico. Apesar do cultivo hidropônico estar em expansão no Brasil e ser bastante vantajoso, não há uma legislação específica dos nutrientes a serem utilizados para produção dessas hortaliças, levando ao risco da veiculação de contaminantes como o nitrato por meio da solução nutritiva. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o teor de nitrato e as características físico-químicas de amostras de alface de duas espécies, cultivadas no sistema hidropônico e convencional. As amostras de alface foram coletadas semanalmente, em triplicata, no comércio local, por cinco semanas consecutivas, sendo analisados dois tipos de alface (crespa e/ou americana) produzidos pelo sistema convencional e hidropônico. Observou- se maior variação nos teores de cinzas e nitrato entre os sistemas de cultivo (hidropônico e convencional) e nos teores de vitamina C entre os tipos de alface (crespa e americana). Os maiores teores de nitrato foram encontrados nas amostras de alface hidropônica, com destaque para a cultivar Americana. Os teores de nitrato encontrados não excederam o limite máximo permitido pela legislação internacional.(AU)
Humans , Lactuca/chemistry , Hydroponics , Nitrates/administration & dosage , Ascorbic Acid , Food Samples , Nutritive ValueABSTRACT
ABSTRACT A hydroponic experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of phosphorus (P) nutrition on arsenic (As) uptake and translocation within the seedlings of rice cultivars. The experiment occurred in three stages: I 5 days of acclimatization (nutritive solution); II 10 days under P (0.0 and 0.09 mM) and As (0.0 and 100 mM) treatments; III 5 days under recovery. The As exposure had significant effect reducing dry weights of shoots or roots, resulted in elevated concentrations of As in shoot tissues. BR-IRGA 409 showed the highest susceptibility to As in biomass production and root system parameters regardless the P level. This cultivar showed contrasting responses of As translocation to shoot tissue dependent on P levels, with the highest As concentration under low P and lowest under normal P levels. P nutrition was most striking on plants recovery for all cultivars under As exposure. Clearer separation of cultivars for phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) occurred at lower shoot P contents, that was, at higher levels of P deficiency stress. IRGA 424 showed higher PUE as compared to the others cultivars. Our results go some way to understanding the role of P nutrition in controlling the effects of As in rice shoots.
Phosphorus/pharmacology , Arsenic/pharmacokinetics , Oryza/drug effects , Oryza/metabolism , Phosphorus/analysis , Arsenic/analysis , Reference Values , Seeds/drug effects , Seeds/metabolism , Time Factors , Biological Transport , Reproducibility of Results , Plant Roots/drug effects , Plant Roots/metabolism , Hydroponics/methods , Biomass , FertilizersABSTRACT
El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la irrigación con las levaduras Debaryomyces hansenii var. Fabry, Yarowia lipolytica YIBCS002, Yarowia lipolytica var. BCS y Candida pseudointermedia sobre el contenido nutricional final del forraje verde hidropónico de maíz (Zea mays L. ), al ser efectuada en diferentes etapas de crecimiento de aquel (fase semilla-plántula o fase plántula-planta 20 cm), o bien durante todo el cultivo. Todas las levaduras incrementaron el contenido de proteína cruda, lípidos, cenizas, humedad y energía bruta, independientemente de la etapa de crecimiento del forraje en las que fueron aplicadas. El porcentaje de electrólitos (Na, K, Cl, sulfatos, Ca y Mg) varió en función de la levadura aplicada; D. hansenii incrementó todos los electrólitos, excepto el P. Se concluye que la adición de levaduras del género Debaryomyces, Candida y Yarowia en la solución de riego de sistemas hidropónicos mejora el contenido de nutrientes del forraje verde. Esta práctica puede contribuir a la generación de cultivos de valor comercial en espacios limitados
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of irrigation with yeasts (Debaryomyces hansenii var. Fabry, Yarowia lipolytica YIBCS002, Yarowia lipolytica var. BCS and Candida pseudointermedia) on the final nutritional content of hydroponic green maize fodder (Zea Zea mays L.), applied at different fodder growth stages (1. seed-seedling stage, 2. seedling-plant 20 cm, 3. during all the culture). Irrespective of the fodder growth stages at which they were applied, all yeasts tested enhanced the content of raw protein, lipids, ash, moisture and energy. The percentage of electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, sulphates, Ca and Mg) showed different responses depending on the kind of yeast applied; D. hansenii exhibited the highest increment in all electrolytes, except for phosphorous. We conclude that the addition of yeasts belonging to the genera Debaryomyces, Candida and Yarowia to the irrigation solution of hydroponic systems enhances the nutrient content of green fodder. This kind of irrigation can be applied to generate high commercial value cultures in limited spaces.
Yeast, Dried/analysis , Yeast, Dried/metabolism , Hydroponics/methods , Zea mays/drug effects , Zea mays/growth & developmentABSTRACT
In this study, we assessed the role of phosphorus in preventing chromium uptake by plants. Two-factor complete randomized pot experiment (5x5 pattern) was conducted hydroponically with Spinacea oleracea L. (spinach), for 28 days in green house. Five concentrations of Cr (2.0, 3.5, 5.0, 6.5 and 8.0 mM), each amended with five concentrations of phosphorus (25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 mM) were supplied. With the phosphorus amendment in the growth medium, accumulation of chromium decreased up to 55% in root and 50% in shoot tissues. A 1.8-fold enhancement in total chlorophyll and 2-fold increase in the biomass of root and shoot were observed due to phosphorus amendment. Levels of superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase and malondialdehyde were reduced by 27, 11.7, 38.1 and 45.5% in root tissues; and 27, 17.4, 32.3 and 35.1%, in shoot tissues, respectively. In conclusion, the phosphorus amendment has been shown not only to moderate the Cr-toxicity in S. oleracea but also enrich chlorophyll content as well as the biomass.
Chromium/metabolism , Hydroponics/methods , Metals, Heavy/poisoning , Phosphorus/metabolism , Phosphorus/toxicity , Plant Roots/metabolism , /metabolismABSTRACT
Valeriana officinalis is an important medicinal herb commonly found in Kashmir valley. This study forms an important preliminary step for in-vitro micro propagation of V. officinalis from breaking the seed dormancy, inducing rapid seed germination and its subsequent micro propagation. We investigated the influence of pretreatment of V. officinalis seeds with reduced temperature and light on seed germination and in-vitro propagation. Culture of explants from cultivated seeds have demonstrated its potential for in vitro propagation and plantlet regeneration. Individual as well as combinations of treatments such as temperature and light availability influenced the germination of seeds variedly. Unchilled seeds of V. officinalis were given dip in GA3 (200 ppm) for 24, 48 and 120 h. Seeds treated with GA3 for 24 h and kept in darkness showed the best results, i.e. 48%. Seeds pretreated with GA3 for 120 h and incubated in dark showed 40% germination. Pre-chilling up to 72 h and kept in light showed maximum germination of 60% followed by 40% kept in darkness. Pre-chilling for 48 h resulted in 40 and 25% seed germination in light and darkness, respectively. GA3 pre-treatment for 72 h and 24 h pre chilling were most effective in inducing seed germination. Maximum shoot response was obtained on MS enriched with BAP (1mg/L) + IAA (0.1mg/L) combinations using shoot tips as explants. Multiple shoot regeneration from shoot apices was recorded on BAP (1mg/L) and BAP (1mg/L) + IAA (0.1mg/L).
Cold Temperature , Culture Media/pharmacology , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Gibberellins/radiation effects , Hydroponics/methods , Photoperiod , Plant Growth Regulators/pharmacology , Seeds/drug effects , Seeds/radiation effects , Valerian/drug effects , Valerian/growth & development , Valerian/radiation effectsABSTRACT
We studied the influence of sucrose and nitrogen concentration on in vitro flowering and fruit setting in elongated shoots of Withania somnifera. BA (1.5 mg/l) and IAA (0.3 mg/l) on MS medium supplemented with 4% sucrose showed 67% of in vitro flower induction frequency, 9 flowers/shoot, 4 fruits/shoot and 11 seeds/fruit in elongated-shoots. Different concentrations of nitrogen sources (L-glutamine, adenine sulphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate 5-25 mg/l) were tested in combination with 4% sucrose and BA at 1.5 mg/l and IAA at 0.3 mg/l. Highest number of flowers (20 flowers/shoot; 2.2-fold) and fruits (16 fruits/shoot; 3.39-fold), fruit setting (12 seeds/fruit; 1.08-fold) at a higher frequency (88 %) were achieved on MS medium augmented with 15 mg/l adenine sulphate with same PGRs and sucrose concentration. The maximum production of withanolide A (0.68 mg/g DW) and withanolide B (0.77 mg/g DW) was recorded in in vitro fruits. Highest accumulation of withaferin A (2 mg/g DW) was quantified from in vitro flowers, whereas, it was low in in vitro fruits (0.49 mg/g DW withaferin A). However, withanone (0.23 mg/g DW) was found accumulated uniformly in both in vitro flowers and fruits compared to control.
Adenine/metabolism , Adenine/pharmacology , Carbon/metabolism , Culture Media/chemistry , Culture Media/pharmacology , Flowers/chemistry , Flowers/growth & development , Fruit/chemistry , Fruit/growth & development , Germination/drug effects , Glutamine/metabolism , Glutamine/pharmacology , Hydroponics , Nitrates/metabolism , Nitrates/pharmacology , Nitrogen/metabolism , Plant Shoots/chemistry , Plant Shoots/metabolism , Sucrose/metabolism , Sucrose/pharmacology , Withania/chemistry , Withania/growth & development , Withania/metabolism , Withanolides/metabolismABSTRACT
<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To understand the genotype and the mutation of amino acid (aa) in the major hydrophilic region (MHR) of hepatitis B virus (HBV) among the hepatitis B cases under surveillance in Liaoning province.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>The serum samples were collected from hepatitis B cases under surveillance in Liaoning. The complete S gene of HBV were amplified and sequenced. The aa sequences were analyzed with bioinformatics software.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>A total of 81 sequences of S gene of HBV were ontained, including 7 sequences of genotype B (8.64%), 70 sequences of genotype C (86.42%) and 4 sequences of genotype D (4.94%). The mutation rate of aa of MHR of S gene was 4.87%. The mutation rate of T126I was highest (8.64%). The overall prevalence of mutant strain of MHR was 49.38% (40/81), and it was 42.86% for genotype B (3/7), 47.14% for genotype C (33/70) and 100% for genotype D (4/4). Statistical analysis revealed that there was no age, sex, genotypes and anti-HBc IgM (±) specific significant differences in aa mutant strains prevalence, while the difference between ALT abnormal group (ALT ≥ 43 IU/L) and ALT normal group (ALT<43 IU/L) was significant (P < 0.05).</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Among the hepatitis B cases under surveillance in Liaoning, HBV genotype C predominant, followed by genotype B and genotype D. The mutation of aa in MHR of HBV detected in this study was consistent with previous research results. It is necessary to strengthen the surveillance for HBV mutation to provide accurate information for the development of hepatitis B prevention and control measures.</p>
Humans , Amino Acid Sequence , China , DNA, Viral , Genotype , Hepatitis B , Genetics , Hepatitis B Surface Antigens , Hepatitis B virus , Genetics , Hydroponics , Mutation , PrevalenceABSTRACT
The physiological response and bioaccumulation of 2-year-old Panax notoginseng to cadmium stress was investigated under a hydroponic experiment with different cadmium concentrations (0, 2.5, 5, 10 μmol · L(-1)). Result showed that low concentration (2.5 μmol · L(-1)) of cadmium could stimulate the activities of SOD, POD, APX in P. notoginseng, while high concentration (10 μmol · L(-1)) treatment made activities of antioxidant enzyme descended obviously. But, no matter how high the concentration of cadmium was, the activities of CAT were inhibited. The Pn, Tr, Gs in P. notoginseng decreased gradually with the increase of cadmium concentration, however Ci showed a trend from rise to decline. The enrichment coefficients of different parts in P. notoginseng ranked in the order of hair root > root > rhizome > leaf > stem, and all enrichment coefficients decreased with the increase of concentration of cadmium treatments; while the cadmium content in different parts of P. notoginseng and the transport coefficients rose. To sum up, cadmium could affect antioxidant enzyme system and photosynthetic system of P. notoginseng; P. notoginseng had the ability of cadmium enrichment, so we should plant it in suitable place reduce for reducing the absorption of cadmium; and choose medicinal parts properly to lessen cadmium intake.