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Rev. cuba. cir ; 61(1)mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408224


Introducción: La sudoración compensatoria es un efecto secundario de la simpaticotomía videotoracoscópica, que tiene una alta incidencia y puede provocar insatisfacción en los pacientes operados. Objetivo: Determinar el comportamiento de la sudoración compensatoria en los pacientes en que se les realizó una simpaticotomía videotoracoscópica por hiperhidrosis palmar. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo de 42 pacientes que tras la cirugía por hiperhidrosis palmar presentaron sudor compensatorio. Se analizó la incidencia, localización, severidad, afectación de la calidad de vida y nivel de satisfacción. Resultados: Predominó la sudoración compensatoria ligera, la localización en la espalda y el abdomen. Hubo un alto nivel de tolerancia, con solo un paciente insatisfecho y un 100 por ciento de mejoría de la calidad de vida. Conclusiones: La sudoración compensatoria no influyó negativamente en la calidad de vida de los pacientes(AU)

Introduction: Compensatory sweating is a side effect of videothoracoscopic sympathectomy. It presents high incidence and may cause dissatisfaction to operated patients. Objective: To determine the characteristics of compensatory sweating in patients who underwent videothoracoscopic sympathectomy for palmar hyperhidrosis. Methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out with 42 patients who presented compensatory sweating after surgery for palmar hyperhidrosis. Incidence, location, severity, change in quality of life and level of satisfaction were analyzed. Results: Light compensatory sweating predominated, with location on back and abdomen. There was a high level of tolerance, with only one dissatisfied patient and 100 percent of improvement in quality of life. Conclusions: Compensatory sweating did not influence negatively the patients' quality of life(AU)

Humans , Personal Satisfaction , Quality of Life , Sweating , Sympathectomy/methods , Hyperhidrosis/surgery , Rebound Effect , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo med. j;140(2): 284-289, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366054


Abstract BACKGROUND: Primary hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by excessive sweating, inconsistent with the needs for thermoregulation. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness and the change in the quality of life of patients undergoing bilateral VATS (video-assisted thoracoscopic sympathectomy) for treatment of hyperhidrosis, in a large case series. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cohort study conducted in a tertiary hospital specializing in hyperhidrosis located in São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A total of 2,431 patients who underwent surgery consisting of bilateral video-assisted thoracoscopic sympathectomy between January 2000 and February 2017 were retrospectively assessed in an outpatient clinic specializing in hyperhidrosis. The patients underwent clinical and quality of life assessments on two occasions: firstly, prior to surgery, and subsequently, one month after the operation. The presence or absence of compensatory hyperhidrosis (CH) and general satisfaction after the first postoperative month were also evaluated. RESULTS: All the patients operated had poor or very poor quality of life before surgery. In the postoperative period, an improvement in the quality of life was observed in more than 90% of the patients. Only 10.7% of the patients did not present CH, and severe CH occurred in 22.1% of the patients in this sample. CONCLUSION: Bilateral VATS is a therapeutic method that decreases the degree of sweating more than 90% of patients with palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis. It improves the quality of life for more than 90% of the patients, at the expense of development of CH in approximately 90% of the patients, but not intensely.

Humans , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted/adverse effects , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted/methods , Hyperhidrosis/surgery , Hyperhidrosis/etiology , Quality of Life , Sympathectomy/adverse effects , Sympathectomy/methods , Brazil , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Treatment Outcome , Patient Satisfaction
Einstein (São Paulo, Online) ; 20: eRC5795, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360403


ABSTRACT Hyperhidrosis is characterized by excessive sweating and it affects almost 5% of the population. The affected age group is wide, and it can affect from children to elderlies. There are two types of hyperhidrosis: generalized and focal. Treatment depends on the symptoms presented. In more severe cases, radiofrequency sympatholysis and bilateral thoracic sympathectomy are the options. However, recurrence is possible or the postoperative appearance of conditions called compensatory hyperhidrosis or reflex hyperhidrosis. We describe two cases of patients treated with Cannabidiol who had significant and unexpected improvement of hyperhidrosis. The first patient received Cannabidiol specific for public presentations at work, and the second patient had a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. The hyperhidrosis improved in both patients immediately after using Cannabidiol.

Humans , Child , Cannabidiol/therapeutic use , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Hyperhidrosis/drug therapy , Sympathectomy , Treatment Outcome , Patient Satisfaction
Rev. argent. cir ; 113(4): 419-426, dic. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1356951


RESUMEN Antecedentes: la simpaticotomía toracoscópica demostró ser una cirugía segura para el tratamiento de la hiperhidrosis focal primaria (HFP); sin embargo, la calidad de vida no es totalmente satisfactoria en algunos pacientes, teniendo en cuenta la sudoración compensatoria como principal efecto adverso. Objetivo: evaluar la calidad de vida de los pacientes operados por HFP mediante simpaticotomía toracoscópica utilizando una encuesta anónima posoperatoria. Material y métodos: se incluyó una serie consecutiva de pacientes operados de simpaticotomía toracoscópica entre agosto de 2016 y agosto de 2019. Se excluyeron pacientes que no respondieron a la encuesta de calidad de vida telefónica o cuyo tiempo de seguimiento fue menor de 6 meses. Se evaluaron variables clínicas, quirúrgicas y posoperatorias. Resultados: durante este período se operaron 61 pacientes; del total de la muestra se excluyeron 12 pacientes. El promedio de edad fue 28,9 años. Todos tenían hiperhidrosis primaria palmar y/o axilar moderada o grave, asociadas o no a rubor facial o hiperhidrosis plantar. La encuesta fue respondida por 49 pacientes; de esta observamos una resolución total de la HFP en 32 pacientes (65,3%) y parcial en 17 pacientes (34,6%), con un porcentaje de sudoración compensatoria del 61% (30 pacientes), de los cuales a 4 (8%) la sudoración compensatoria les alteró su calidad de vida, provocando malestar e insatisfacción, la mayoría transitorios. Con un tiempo promedio de 36 meses (6-72), el 97,9% (48 pacientes) sí recomendarían realizar el procedimiento. Conclusión: la simpaticotomía toracoscópica bilateral continúa siendo el tratamiento más eficaz para HFP. El nivel de satisfacción de los pacientes operados fue elevado. Si bien la sudoración compensatoria fue el efecto adverso más frecuente, generalmente se presentó de manera leve y transitoria.

ABSTRACT Background: Thoracoscopic sympathectomy demonstrated to be a safe surgical procedure for the management of primary focal hyperhidrosis (PFH); however, some patients are not completely satisfied with their quality of life as compensatory sweating is the main adverse event. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of life of patients with PFH undergoing thoracoscopic sympathectomy using an anonymous postoperative survey. Material and methods: Consecutive patients undergoing thoracoscopic sympathectomy between August 2016 and August 2019 were included. Patients who did not respond the telephone survey about their quality of life or who had been followed up for < 6 months. Clinical, intraoperative and postoperative variables were analyzed. Results: During this period 61 patients were operated on and 12 of them were excluded. Mean age was 28.9 years. All the patients presented moderate or severe primary palmar and/or axillary hyperhidrosis with or without facial flushing or plantar hyperhidrosis. Forty-nine patients responded the survey. Surgery completely solved PFH in 32 patients (65.3%) while 17 patients (34.6%) achieved a partial relief; 61% (30 patients) developed compensatory sweating affecting the quality of life in 4 (8%) causing transient discomfort and dissatisfaction in most cases. After a mean follow-up of 36 months (6-72), 97.9% (48 patients) recommended the procedure. Conclusion: Bilateral thoracoscopic sympathectomy is still the most efficient treatment for PFH with high level of satisfaction among the patients operated on. Compensatory sweating was the most common adverse effect and is mild and transient in most cases.

Hyperhidrosis , Quality of Life , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Telephone , Therapeutics , Surveys and Questionnaires , Aftercare , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Flushing , Hyperhidrosis/drug therapy , Methods
Infectio ; 25(1): 11-15, ene.-mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1154395


Resumen Objetivo: describir las características socio-demográficas, presentación clínica y condiciones extrínsecas que pueden favorecer el desarrollo de la pitiriasis versicolor. Material y métodos: estudio observacional descriptivo, de corte transversal y prospectivo, en el que se incluyeron pacientes con diagnóstico clínico y micológico de pitiriasis versicolor entre enero y diciembre de 2018, que asistieron al Hospital Universitario Centro Dermatológico Federico Lleras Acosta. Resultados: se incluyeron un total de 42 pacientes con diagnóstico de pitiriasis versicolor confirmado por examen directo, el 62% fueron hombres con una edad promedio de 33 años. La localización más común fue el tórax anterior (68%) y posterior (65%), en fototipos III y IV (78.5%), con una tonalidad hipocrómica. El 28% presentaron cuadros recurrentes, con síntomas hasta 7 años antes de la consulta. El signo de Besnier fue positivo en el 95% de los casos. El 64% refirió antecedente personal de hiperhidrosis y el 67% practicaba algún deporte como buceo, natación o gimnasia. Discusión: la identificación de las condiciones extrínsecas presentes esta población permite orientar medidas de prevención para evitar recurrencias de pitiriasis versicolor. Los viajes a lugares de clima cálido y la práctica de deportes son factores que favorecen el desarrollo de la micosis. En las formas clínicas atípicas se sugiere realizar siempre el examen micológico directo para confirmar el diagnóstico. El signo de Besnier es una maniobra útil para el diagnóstico clínico de la pitiriasis versicolor, particularmente cuando el acceso al examen directo es limitado.

Abstract Objective: to describe the sociodemographic aspects, clinical presentation and extrinsic conditions that may increase the risk of developing pityriasis versicolor. Materials and methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective observational study was conducted. Patients with clinical and mycological diagnosis of ptyriasis versicolor were included from january to december 2018 who attended to the Hospital Universitario Centro Dermatológico Federico Lleras Acosta. Results: a total of 42 patients were included in the study, all of them had confirmed mycological diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor. The most common location of the lesions was the anterior thorax (68%) and posterior thorax (65%), in III and IV phototypes (78.5%) with a hypochromic color. 28% had recurrent infection, with symptoms mean of 7 years before the consultation. The Besnier sign was positive in 95% of cases, 64% reported personal history of hyperhidrosis and 67% practiced some sports: diving, swimming and gymnastics. Discussion: recognizing extrinsic conditions that may increase the risk of developing pitiraisis versicolor in this population allows identifying control measures to prevent a relapse. The main factors involved in the development of pitiraisis versicolor were traveling to places with high temperatures and sport practice. In atypical clinical presentation it is mandatory to perform the mycological direct test to confirm the diagnosis. The Besnier sign is a useful method for the clinical diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor, particularly when access to direct examination is limited.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Tinea Versicolor , Signs and Symptoms , Epidemiology , Colombia , Reinfection , Hyperhidrosis , Malassezia , Mycoses
Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);81(1): 54-61, mar. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287241


Resumen La hiperhidrosis es un trastorno caracterizado por la producción excesiva de sudor por las glándulas sudoríparas ecrinas que influye negativamente en las actividades sociales, laborales y fundamentalmente en la calidad de vida. Se divide en primaria o secundaria. La primaria es una enfermedad benigna caracterizada por una excesiva sudoración con mayor frecuencia en palmas, plantas, axilas y cara. Su incidencia es del 1% de la población y su causa es desconocida. La mayoría de los tratamientos médicos no logran un buen control sintomático y frecuentemente son transitorios. La simpaticotomía torácica bilateral videoasistida se ha vuelto el tratamiento de elección en pacientes muy sintomáticos. En el período de 1998 a 2018 se realizaron 174 simpaticotomias bilaterales videoasistidas por hiperhidrosis primaria, de las cuales 102 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se excluyeron a 72 pacientes. El 20.5% fueron hombres y el 79.5% mujeres con una edad media de 29.22 años. En cuanto a la localización fue palmoplantar axilar en un 50.9%, axilar en un 23.5%, palmoplantar en un 10.7%, palmar en un 7.8%, palmoaxilar 6.8% y facial 5.8%. Los pacientes con sudoración palmar presentaron 94.9% de mejoría, axilar 84.51%, plantar 46.25% y facial 84% respectivamente. El post operatorio arrojó una media de internación de 1.1 días. Como efecto no deseado, se presentó sudoración compensatoria en 53 casos y complicaciones postoperatorias en 18 casos. Concluimos que es una técnica segura, que resuelve de manera significativa la sudoración, mejorando la calidad de vida.

Abstract Hyperhidrosis is a disorder consisting of excessive sweating through the different body sweat glands, which produces a negative impact socially and in work-related activities in those that suffer this condition. There are primary and secondary forms. The primary form is a benign condition with excessive sweating mainly in palms, soles of feet, axillae and face. It affects a 1% of the population, and its cause is unknown. Most medical treatments are unsuccessful, and at best, transitory. In patients who are very troubled by the condition, videoassisted bilateral thoracic sympathicotomy has become the elective treatment. In the period ranging from 1998 to 2018, 174 procedures were undertaken for primary hyperhidrosis, of which 102 satisfied the inclusion criteria. 72 patients were excluded. A 20.5% were males, and 79.5% were females, with an average age of 29.22 years at surgery. As to localization of sweating, a 50.9% was palmar-plantar-axillary, 23.5% axillary, 10.7% palmarplantar, 7.8% palmar, 6.8% palmar-axillary, and a 5.8% facial. Those patients with palmar sweating showed a 94.9% improvement, those with axillary sweating a 88.51%, with plantar a 46.25% and those with facial sweating a 84% improvement. The average admission time was 1.1 days. As an undesired effect, compensatory sweating occurred in 53 cases and postoperative complications in 18 cases. We conclude this is a safe technique, that diminishes sweating significantly, improving patient's quality of life.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Quality of Life , Hyperhidrosis/surgery , Sympathectomy , Treatment Outcome , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted
Clinics ; Clinics;76: e2892, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278927


OBJECTIVES: Studies have identified correlations between the psychological characteristics of individuals with primary hyperhidrosis (HH), the degree of sweating, and the quality of life (QoL). This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms in patients with HH before and after oxybutynin treatment. METHODS: Data were collected from 81 patients. Palmar or axillary HH was the most frequent complaint (84.0%). All patients were evaluated before the medication was prescribed and after five weeks of treatment. The Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety Inventory were used to evaluate depression and anxiety. RESULTS: Improvement in HH occurred in 58 patients (71.6%), but there was no improvement in 23 patients (28.4%). The QoL before treatment in all patients was either "poor" or "very poor." Patients who experienced improvement in sweating rates also experienced a greater improvement in QoL than patients who did not experience improvement in sweating at the main site (87.9% vs. 34.7%) (p<0.001). A total of 19.7% of patients showed an improvement in their level of depression, and a total of 46.9% of patients exhibited improvements in their level of anxiety. A significant correlation was observed between sweating and anxiety (p=0.015). CONCLUSION: Patients with HH who experienced improvements in sweating immediately after treatment with oxybutynin exhibited small improvements in their levels of depression and significant improvements in their levels of anxiety and QoL.

Humans , Quality of Life , Hyperhidrosis/drug therapy , Anxiety , Sweating , Treatment Outcome , Muscarinic Antagonists , Depression/drug therapy , Depression/epidemiology , Mandelic Acids
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 37(1): 32-35, 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400801


El síndrome de Arlequín es una condición neurológica poco común, la mayoría de las veces benigna. Por lo general la mayor parte de los casos son de causa idiopática (aunque existen causas secundarias). Esta afección consiste en la aparición de eritema e hiperhidrosis facial unilateral desencadenado por el ejercicio, calor, emociones o estrés, la que se produce debido a una disfunción contralateral de la vía simpática vasodilatadora y sudomotora. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino de 49 años, que relata presentar un cuadro de 15 años de evolución caracterizado por la aparición de eritema y sudoración excesiva de la hemicara derecha, la cual termina abruptamente en la línea media de la cara, gatillado por el ejercicio y el calor en verano, mientras que la hemicara izquierda presenta anhidrosis sin eritema.

The Harlequin syndrome is a rare neurological condition, most of the time benign. In general, most cases are idiopathic (although there are secondary causes). This condition consists in the appearance of unilateral facial erythema and hyperhidrosis triggered by exercise, heat, emotions or stress, which occurs due to a contralateral dysfunction of the sympathetic vasodilator and sudomotor pathway. We present the case of a 49-year-old male patient, with no relevant morbid history, who reports a medical history of 15 years of evolution, characterized by the appearance of erythema and excessive sweating of the right side of his face, which ends abruptly in the middle line of the face, triggered by exercise and heat during the summer. While the left side presents anhidrosis without erythema.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Autonomic Nervous System Diseases/diagnosis , Flushing/diagnosis , Hyperhidrosis/diagnosis , Erythema , Face , Hypohidrosis
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 34(2): e1582, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345011


ABSTRACT Background: The surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis by thoracic sympathectomy has brought, in addition to symptomatic relief for many, its main adverse effect: compensatory or reflex sweating. The clipping technique in place of the sympathetic nerve section gave rise to the hope of reversibility, but the positive results showed to be quite divergent, evidencing the academic deficiency regarding the study of this phenomenon. Aim: To observe micro and macroscopic damage caused by the polymer clip on sympathetic nerve of rabbits seven days after their clipping and the findings after three weeks of clip removal. Method: In this experimental study, 20 rabbits were divided into two groups of 10, group 1 (clipping) and group 2 (de-clipping). The right cervical sympathetic nerve of all animals was clamped with polymeric clip, and in group 2 the nerve was unclipped seven days later. Group 1 rabbits were induced to death on the 7th postoperative day, and group 2 on the 21st after removal of the polymer clip. Macroscopic variables were: clip appearance, presence of discontinuity lesion, infection and adhesions around the nerve. H&E was used in the evaluation of the phases and degree of the inflammatory process and presence of necrosis, and picrosirius red F3BA for quantification of collagen. Results: The cervical sympathetic nerve was intact, without necrosis or infection in all animals of the experiment; there were adhesions in both groups, being minimal in eight animals of each group and moderate or intense in two; the clip was completely closed in all animals at the 7th postoperative day; the inflammatory process shown was chronic, with monomorphonuclear predominance. There was no significant difference between groups regarding the intensity the inflammatory process, but the amount of collagen type I and type III was significantly higher in group 2. Conclusions: The injury caused by the polymer clip on the sympathetic nerve may be reversible, allowing functional return in the areas involved in the simulated cervical sympathectomy. Clipping of the cervical sympathetic nerve using a polymer clip does not cause discontinuity injury.

RESUMO Racional: O tratamento cirúrgico da hiperidrose pela simpatectomia torácica trouxe além do alívio sintomático para muitos, também seu principal efeito adverso: o suor compensatório ou reflexo. A técnica de clipagem do nervo simpático no lugar de sua secção deu margem à esperança de reversão do procedimento; porém, os resultados mostram-se bastante divergentes e pouco conclusivos Objetivo: Observar a lesão provocada pelo clipe de polímero em nervo simpático de coelhos sete dias após sua clipagem, comparando-a com os achados após três semanas da retirada do clipe. Método: Estudo experimental, com amostra formada por 20 coelhos, divididos em dois grupos de 10, sendo o grupo 1 chamado clipagem e o 2, desclipagem. Todos foram submetidos à clipagem do nervo simpático cervical direito com clipe polimérico, e no grupo 2 realizou-se a desclipagem sete dias após. Os coelhos do grupo 1 foram submetidos à eutanásia no 7º dia de pós-operatório, e os do grupo 2 no 21º dia após a remoção do clipe. Observou-se na macroscopia o aspecto do clipe, a presença de lesão de descontinuidade, infecção e aderências ao redor do nervo. Para estudo microscópico utilizou-se a coloração H&E na avaliação das fases, grau do processo inflamatório e presença de necrose, e a de picrosirius red F3BA para quantificação de colágeno. Resultados: O nervo simpático cervical foi identificado íntegro, sem necrose ou infecção em todos os animais do experimento; havia aderências em ambos os grupos, sendo mínimas em oito de cada grupo e moderadas ou intensas em dois; em toda a amostra o clipe encontrava-se completamente fechado no 7º dia de pós-operatório; o processo inflamatório presente foi do tipo crônico, com predomínio monomorfonuclear, não se observando diferença significativa em relação ao grau do processo inflamatório entre os grupos; porém, a quantidade de colágeno tanto do tipo I quanto do tipo III foi significativamente maior no grupo 2. Conclusões: A lesão provocada pelo clipe de polímero em nervo simpático pode ser reversível possibilitando o retorno funcional nas áreas envolvidas na simpatectomia cervical simulada. A clipagem do nervo simpático cervical com uso de clipe de polímero não causa lesão de descontinuidade.

Animals , Sympathectomy , Hyperhidrosis/surgery , Rabbits , Sympathetic Nervous System , Treatment Outcome , Recovery of Function , Necrosis
Clinics ; Clinics;76: e3248, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286075


Surgical neuromodulation therapies are still considered a last resort when standard therapies have failed for patients with progressive heart failure (HF). Although a number of experimental studies have provided robust evidence of its effectiveness, the lack of strong clinical evidence discourages practitioners. Thoracic unilateral sympathectomy has been extensively studied and has failed to show significant clinical improvement in HF patients. Most recently, bilateral sympathectomy effect was associated with a high degree of success in HF models, opening the perspective to be investigated in randomized controlled clinical trials. In addition, a series of clinical trials showed that bilateral sympathectomy was associated with a decreased risk of sudden death, which is an important outcome in patients with HF. These aspects indicates that bilateral sympathectomy could be an important alternative in the treatment of HF wherein pharmacological treatment barely reaches the target dose.

Humans , Thoracic Surgical Procedures , Heart Failure/surgery , Hyperhidrosis/surgery , Sympathectomy , Treatment Outcome
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;70(3): 299-301, May-June 2020. graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137176


Abstract Crisponi syndrome is a rare and severe heritable disorder characterised by muscle contractions, trismus, apnea, feeding troubles, and unexplained high fever spikes with multiple organ failure. Here we report perioperative care for endoscopic gastrostomy of a 17 month-old female child with Crisponi syndrome. Temperature in the surgery room was strictly monitored and maintained at 19ºC. The patient was exposed to both inhaled and intravenous anesthetic agents. Surgical and perioperative periods were uneventful. Episodes of fever in Crisponi syndrome arise from CRLF1 mutation, which differs from the physiological pathway underlying malignant hyperthermia.

Resumo A Síndrome de Crisponi é uma condição clínica hereditária grave e rara caracterizada por contrações musculares, trismo, apneia, distúrbios na alimentação, picos de febre alta e inexplicável, e falência de múltiplos órgãos. Descrevemos o cuidado perioperatório de paciente pediátrica com 17 meses de idade, portadora da Síndrome de Crisponi, submetida a gastrostomia endoscópica. A temperatura da sala de cirurgia foi cuidadosamente monitorizada e mantida a 19ºC. A paciente foi submetida a agentes anestésicos inalatórios e venosos. O cuidado cirúrgico e perioperatório desenvolveram-se sem incidentes. As crises de febre na Síndrome de Crisponi originam-se de mutação no gene CRLF1, o que as diferenciam do mecanismo fisiopatológico da hipertermia maligna.

Humans , Female , Infant , Trismus/congenital , Hand Deformities, Congenital , Gastrostomy , Facies , Death, Sudden , Hyperhidrosis , Anesthesia, General
Rev. cuba. cir ; 59(1): e875, ene.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126401


RESUMEN Introducción: La hiperhidrosis es un trastorno primario caracterizado por sudación excesiva, que afecta con mayor frecuencia las palmas de las manos. La enfermedad trae consigo limitaciones que interfieren en las relaciones sociales, laborales, interpersonales y afectivas del individuo, y genera desde etapas tempranas de la vida, afectación psíquica dada fundamentalmente por complejos y disminución de la autoestima. Objetivo: Determinar cómo influye la simpaticotomía videotoracoscópica en el nivel de vida de los pacientes con diagnóstico de Hiperhidrosis palmar. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo de 82 pacientes con diagnóstico de Hiperhidrosis palmar, a los cuales se les realizó Simpaticotomía videotoracoscópica uniportal. Se aplicó la encuesta de Rivas-Milanez que evalúa la calidad de vida antes y después de la cirugía. Resultados: Predominó el sexo femenino, el nivel de satisfacción de los pacientes fue del 97,6 por ciento, se presentó sudoración compensatoria en el 34,1 por ciento de los operados y la mejoría de la calidad de vida fue del 93,2 por ciento. La sudoración compensatoria fue bien tolerada en la mayoría de los pacientes. Conclusiones: La simpaticotomía videotoracoscópica en la hiperhidrosis palmar logra mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Hyperhidrosis is a primary disorder characterized by excessive sweating, affecting most frequently the palms of the hands. The disease brings about limitations that interfere in the individual's social, occupational, interpersonal and affective relationships, and produces, from the early stages of life, psychic damage manifested fundamentally through complexes and a decrease in self-esteem. Objective: To determine how videothoracoscopic sympathicotomy influences the living standard of patients diagnosed with palmar hyperhidrosis. Methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out in 82 patients with a diagnosis of palmar hyperhidrosis, who were performed single-port videothoracoscopic sympathicotomy. We applied the Rivas-Milanez survey, which evaluates quality of life before and after surgery. Results: The female sex predominated, the level of satisfaction of the patients was 97.6 percent, compensatory sweating occurred in 34.1 percent of the intervened patients, and improvement of quality of life was 93.2 percent. Compensatory sweating was tolerated well in most patients. Conclusions: Videothoracoscopic sympathicotomy in palmar hyperhidrosis is an adequate treatment for improving the quality of life of patients(AU)

Humans , Female , Personal Satisfaction , Quality of Life , Hyperhidrosis/diagnosis , Socioeconomic Factors , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Video-Assisted Surgery/methods
J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;19: e20190152, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135090


Abstract Hyperhidrosis (HH) is characterized by sweating exceeding the amount necessary to meet the thermal regulation and physiological needs of the body. Approximately 9.41% of individuals with HH have craniofacial hyperhidrosis (FH). The present study aims to review the most current data in the literature regarding craniofacial hyperhidrosis, including pathophysiology, diagnosis and clinical presentation, treatment options (clinical and surgical), and outcomes. VATS (videothoracoscopy sympathectomy) is considered the gold standard for definitive treatment of axillary or palmar hyperhidrosis. Recently, several studies have shown the usefulness of clinical treatment with oxybutynin hydrochloride, leading to clinical improvement of HH in more than 70% of users. Both clinical and surgical treatment of craniofacial hyperhidrosis have good results. However, surgical treatment of FH is associated with more complications. Clinical treatment with oxybutynin hydrochloride yields good results and can be the first therapeutic option. When the patient is not satisfied with this treatment and has good clinical conditions, surgical treatment can be used safely.

Resumo A hiperidrose (HH) é caracterizada por transpiração além da quantidade necessária para manter a regulação térmica e as necessidades fisiológicas do corpo. Aproximadamente 9,41% dos indivíduos com HH apresentam hiperidrose craniofacial (FH). Este estudo tem como objetivo revisar os dados mais atuais da literatura sobre FH, incluindo fisiopatologia, diagnóstico e apresentação clínica, opções de tratamento (clínico e cirúrgico) e desfechos. A simpatectomia por videotoracoscopia (VATS) é considerada o padrão-ouro para o tratamento definitivo da hiperidrose axilar ou palmar. Recentemente, vários estudos demonstraram a utilidade do tratamento clínico com cloridrato de oxibutinina, que leva à melhora clínica da HH em mais de 70% dos pacientes. O tratamento clínico e o cirúrgico apresentam bons resultados no tratamento da FH. No entanto, o tratamento cirúrgico da FH apresenta mais complicações. O tratamento clínico com cloridrato de oxibutinina fornece bons resultados e pode ser a primeira opção terapêutica. Quando o paciente não está satisfeito com esse tratamento e mostra boas condições clínicas, o tratamento cirúrgico pode ser usado com segurança.

Humans , Sympathectomy , Cholinergic Antagonists/therapeutic use , Hyperhidrosis/therapy , Sweating , Botulinum Toxins/therapeutic use , Head , Hyperhidrosis/diagnosis , Hyperhidrosis/physiopathology
J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;19: e20190072, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135120


Abstract Severe palmoplantar hyperhidrosis affects about 1.5-2.8% of the general population. Plantar hyperhidrosis (PHH) is related to foot odor, cold feet, skin lesions and infections, and even instability when walking. Endoscopic Lumbar Sympathectomy (ELS) is the treatment of choice for this condition. However, few surgeons have used this technique over the past 20 years because of its technical difficulty. Two and 3 mm instruments, rather than the standard 5 mm instruments, have been used to improve the results of several standard laparoscopic procedures. Use of these minilaparoscopic instruments to perform ELS so far has not yet been published. We describe a technique for ELS using minilaparocopic instruments, which we have used for our last 70 cases and has become our standard technique. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of this technique and its advantages compared to the conventional technique.

Resumo A hiperidrose palmoplantar grave afeta cerca de 1,5-2,8% da população geral. A hiperidrose plantar está relacionada a odor dos pés, pés frios, lesões cutâneas, infecções, e até instabilidade da marcha. A simpatectomia lombar endoscópica (endoscopic lumbar sympathectomy, ELS) é o tratamento de escolha para essa condição; entretanto, tem sido utilizada por poucos cirurgiões nos últimos 20 anos, devido à sua dificuldade técnica. Instrumentos de 2 e 3 mm em vez de 5 mm vêm sendo utilizados para melhorar os resultados de vários procedimentos laparoscópicos padrão. O uso desses instrumentos para realizar ELS ainda não foi descrito. Descrevemos a técnica para ELS usando microinstrumentos, a qual vem sendo usada para os nossos últimos 70 casos, pois passou a ser nosso procedimento padrão. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar a experiência com essa modificação técnica, assinalando as vantagens em relação à técnica tradicional.

Humans , Sympathectomy/instrumentation , Hyperhidrosis/surgery , Lumbosacral Plexus/surgery , Sympathectomy/methods , Endoscopy/instrumentation , Foot
Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 12: 1283-1289, jan.-dez. 2020. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1140980


Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência e o impacto da hiperidrose primária nas atividades e qualidade de vida dos profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital público. Métodos: estudo transversal com 363 profissionais de enfermagem de um Hospital Referência em Urgência e Emergência de Sergipe, Brasil. Utilizou-se questionário de critérios diagnósticos, qualidade de vida e sobre o impacto da hiperidrose primária nas atividades laborais. Resultados: a prevalência da hiperidrose primária foi de 11%, com a piora em situação de estresse em 27 (68%) dos profissionais e três (8%) referiram comprometimento nas atividades diárias. Todas as limitações foram referidas na execução de procedimentos de enfermagem, sendo as mais citadas avaliação escrita por 37 profissionais (93%) e utilização de equipamentos de proteção individual por 31 (79%). Conclusão: a hiperidrose primária teve alta prevalência nos profissionais de enfermagem com comprometimento negativo na qualidade de vida dos portadores, mesmo quando em grau leve e moderado

Objective: The study's main purpose has been to assess both the prevalence and impact of primary hyperhidrosis on the activities and quality of life of nursing professionals working in a public hospital. Methods: It is a crosssectional study with 363 nursing professionals from a Public Referral Hospital for Urgent and Emergency Care in the Sergipe State, Brazil. There was used a questionnaire addressing diagnostic criteria, quality of life and the impact of primary hyperhidrosis on work activities. Results: There was found a primary hyperhidrosis prevalence of 11% in nursing professionals, worsening under stress in 27 (68%) of the professionals, and three (8%) reported impairment in daily activities. All limitations were mentioned to be happening in the implementation of nursing procedures, the most cited being written assessment by 37 professionals (93%), and the use of personal protective equipment by 31 (79%). Conclusion: Primary hyperhidrosis had a high prevalence in nursing professionals ultimately producing a negative impact on bearer's quality of life, even when mild or moderate

Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia y el impacto de la hiperhidrosis primaria en las actividades y la calidad de vida de los profesionales de enfermería en un hospital público. Métodos: estudio transversal con 363 profesionales de enfermería de un hospital de referencia en urgencias y emergencias en Sergipe, Brasil. Se utilizó un cuestionario sobre criterios diagnósticos, calidad de vida y sobre el impacto de la hiperhidrosis primaria en las actividades laborales. Resultados: la prevalencia de hiperhidrosis primaria fue del 11%, con empeoramiento bajo estrés en 27 (68%) de los profesionales y tres (8%) informaron deterioro en las actividades diarias. Todas las limitaciones se mencionaron en la implementación de los procedimientos de enfermería, siendo la evaluación escrita más citada por 37 profesionales (93%) y el uso de equipos de protección personal por 31 (79%). Conclusión: la hiperhidrosis primaria tuvo una alta prevalencia en profesionales de enfermería con un deterioro negativo en la calidad de vida de los pacientes, incluso cuando era leve y moderada

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life , Hyperhidrosis , Nursing, Team , Sweating , Sickness Impact Profile
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 47: e20202398, 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1136601


RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida de pacientes submetidos a simpatectomia torácica bilateral de R5 a R8 como forma de tratamento da hiperidrose compensatória (HC) grave e debilitante em pacientes que foram previamente submetidos a simpatectomia torácica bilateral para tratamento da hiperidrose localizada. Métodos: Doze pacientes com hiperidrose compensatória grave e debilitante foram submetidos a simpatectomia estendida no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil, entre setembro de 2016 e maio de 2019. Os seguintes desfechos foram estudados: nível de satisfação com a operação, escore de qualidade de vida e as possíveis complicações cirúrgicas. Resultados: Houve significativa melhora na qualidade de vida em 66% da amostra. Em todas as esferas de função, foi evidenciada relevância estatística no que se refere ao alívio dos sintomas relacionados à hiperidrose compensatória. Conclusões: A simpatectomia estendida de R5 a R8 mostrou-se efetiva na maioria dos casos operados, caracterizando este procedimento como promissor, podendo, após estudos futuros, ser incluído como uma opção terapêutica para a hiperidrose compensatória.

ABSTRACT Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of life of patients who had undergone bilateral thoracic sympathectomy from R5 to R8 as a treatment for severe and debilitating compensatory hyperhidrosis (CH). Methods: Twelve patients with severe and debilitating compensatory hyperhidrosis underwent extended sympathectomy (R5-R8) from September 2016 to May 2019 at the Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil. Outcomes such as the level of patient satisfaction with the operation, quality of life scores as well as postoperative complications were assessed. Results: There has been a substantial improvement in the quality of life score of 66% of the sample. In all four domains, a statistical significant difference was seen, regarding the relief of compensatory hyperhidrosis symptoms. Conclusions: Extended sympathectomy from R5 to R8 was shown to be quite effective in most cases, leading us to believe that this approach could be a therapeutic option for severe compensatory hyperhidrosis.

Humans , Quality of Life/psychology , Sympathectomy/methods , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Hyperhidrosis/surgery , Sympathectomy/psychology , Severity of Illness Index , Treatment Outcome , Hyperhidrosis/psychology
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 71(6): 537-544, dic. 2019. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058315


Resumen Introducción: La hiperhidrosis palmar primaria es un problema médico frecuente. Minimizar la invasión, simplificar y estandarizar la técnica supone mejores resultados. Objetivo: Evaluar eficacia y seguridad con la aplicación de nuestra técnica simplificada y estandarizada, a través de su impacto en los resultados trans y postoperatorio para la hiperhidrosis palmar primaria (HPP). Materiales y Método: Se realiza estudio observacional que evalúa los resultados obtenidos con la aplicación de nuestra técnica estandarizada para el tratamiento de HPP. El universo está constituido por 359 pacientes intervenidos entre 2007 y 2011. El control hasta los 5 años fue posible en 298, los que constituyeron la muestra definitiva. Resultados: Se analizaron 298 pacientes (596 procedimientos). En el transoperatorio solo 3 pacientes (1%) presentaron alguna complicación. El manejo del dolor torácico fue la mayor dificultad inmediata a la cirugía, con 61,7% de dolor moderado y 15,2% severo. Último control a 5 años con curación en el 99,7% y una recidiva. Los índices de satisfacción se muestran en rango excelente según encuestas validadas. Manejo ambulatorio en 99%. Discusión: Aplicar intubación endotraqueal simple permite extrapolar ventajas ya conocidas de esta técnica y menos complicaciones respiratorias, suspensiones, uso de recursos costosos o personal muy calificado. La combinación de simplificar aspectos quirúrgicos y anestésicos permitieron estandarizar y simplificar nuestra técnica y con ello: no necesitar drenajes pleurales, menos dolor, recuperación casi inmediata de la fisiología respiratoria y alta precoz. Conclusión: Combinar el empleo de tubo endotraqueal simple y oxigenación apneíca con minimizar la invasión quirúrgica: puerto único, sin drenaje pleural y manejo ambulatorio constituyen una práctica segura para la simpatectomía torácica endoscópica, con mejores resultados postoperatorios, una vez logrado en entrenamiento necesario.

Introduction: Primary palmar hyperhidrosis is a frequent medical problem. Minimizing invasion, simplifying and standardizing technique means better results. Aim: To evaluate efficacy and safety with the application of our simplified and standardized technique, through its impact on trans and post-operative outcomes for primary palmar hyperhidrosis (PPH). Minimizing approach, simplifying and standardizing the technique should lead to better outcomes. Materials and Method: An observational study is carried out to evaluate the outcomes obtained with the application of our standardized technique for the treatment of PPH. The universe constituted by 359 patients treated between 2007 and 2011. Control up to 5 years was possible in 298, which constituted the definitive sample. Results: 298 patients (596 procedures) were analyzed. In the transoperative only 3 patients (1%) report minor complication. Thoracic pain management was the greatest difficulty immediate to surgery, with 61.7% moderate pain and 15.2% severe. Satisfaction indexes in excellent range according to validated surveys. Outpatient management in 99%. Discussion: Simple intubation avoids respiratory complications, suspensions, use of expensive resources or highly qualified personnel. Early pain relief, non-uses of pleural tubes or antibiotics allows rapid recovery and early discharge due to simplification and standardization of the technique. Conclusion: The use of simple endotraqueal tube and oxygenation in apnea, single port, without pleural drainage or antibiotics and ambulatory is a safe practice for endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy, once achieved in necessary training.

Humans , Male , Female , Postoperative Care/methods , Reference Standards , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Hand/surgery , Hyperhidrosis/surgery , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Surgical Procedures, Operative/adverse effects , Hyperhidrosis/therapy
Rev. méd. Urug ; 35(1): 20-26, mar. 2019. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-981533


Se define la hiperhidrosis como una excesiva sudoración en respuesta a estímulos térmicos o emocionales más allá de los requerimientos fisiológicos, con una incidencia de 2% a 4% en la población mundial. Si bien existen varios tipos de tratamientos, la opción quirúrgica brinda excelentes resultados con bajas tasas de recidiva. Pacientes y método: estudio retrospectivo de 190 simpaticectomías torácicas videoasistidas realizadas desde 2003 hasta 2013, totalizando 95 pacientes. Se realizó una encuesta mediante un cuestionario sobre calidad de vida y sobre la severidad de los síntomas. Resultados: se logró recabar el cuestionario en 58 pacientes (30% hombres y 70% mujeres) con una media de edad de 25 años. El 90% se dio de alta entre las 24 y 48 horas del posoperatorio. Del total de pacientes, 72% presentaba hiperhidrosis severa. Del procedimiento podemos decir que dos pacientes presentaron recurrencia y un paciente refirió disconformidad por hipersequedad de la piel. El 80% presentó algún tipo de hiperhidrosis compensadora, no siendo este un síntoma de preocupación mayor por parte de los pacientes. No hubo complicaciones de procedimiento. Respecto a la calidad de vida, era mala o regular en el 90% de los pacientes, mejorando en el posoperatorio, siendo buena o muy buena en el 95%. El 94% de los pacientes están conformes o muy conformes con el procedimiento y sus resultados. Como conclusión, podemos establecer que la simpaticectomía torácica bilateral para el tratamiento de la hiperhidrosis es un método altamente seguro y efectivo. (AU)

Hyperhidrosis is defined as excessive sweating as a response of thermal or emotional stimuli beyond physiological requirements, and it incidence is 2 to 4% of the global population. In spite of there being several kinds of treatment, surgery provides excellent results with low relapse rates. Method: retrospective study of 190 video-assisted thoracic sympathectomies performed from 2003 until 2013, accounting for 95 patients. A survey was conducted through a quality-of-life questionnaire and questions on the severity of symptoms. Results: 58 patients completed the survey (30% men and 70% women) with an average age of 25 years old. 90% were discharged from hospital between 24 and 48 hours after surgery. 72% of patients presented severe hyperhidrosis. Based on the procedure, we may state 2 patients presented recurrence and only one patient declared to be uncomfortable with the hyper-dryness of skin. 80% of patients presented some kind of compensating hyperdidrosis, being the no reason for concern among patients. There were no complications arising from the procedure. As to the quality of life it used to be bad or fair in 90% of patients, and improved in the postoperative period, being it good or very good in 95% of them. 94% of patients are satisfied or very satisfied with the procedure and its results. As a conclusion, we may sat that bilateral thoracic sympathectomy is a highly safe and effective method to treat hyperhidrosis.

A hiperidrose está definida como uma sudoração excessiva como resposta a estímulos térmicos ou emocionais superior aos requerimentos fisiológicos; tem uma incidência de 2 a 4% na população mundial. Embora vários tipos de tratamentos estejam disponíveis, a cirurgia tem resultados excelentes com baixas taxas de recidiva. Pacientes e métodos: estudo retrospectivo de 190 simpatectomias torácicas videoassistidas realizadas no período 2003-2013 em um total de 95 pacientes. Realizou-se um questionário sobre qualidade de vida e gravidade dos sintomas. Resultados: 58 pacientes com idade média de 25 anos responderam o questionário (30% homens e 70% mulheres). 90% teve alta entre 24 e 48hs pós cirurgia. 72% dos pacientes apresentava hiperidrose severa. Com relação ao procedimento 2 pacientes apresentaram recorrência e 1 paciente declarou não estar satisfeita devido ao ressecamento excessivo da pele. 80% apresentou algum tipo de hiperidrose compensadora, não sendo este um sintoma de maior preocupação dos pacientes. Não foram registradas complicações relacionadas ao procedimento. Em 90% dos pacientes a qualidade de vida era ruim ou regular melhorando no pós-operatório, a boa ou muito boa em 95% dos casos. 94% dos pacientes relatou estar satisfeito ou muito satisfeito com o procedimento e seus resultados. Como conclusão podemos dizer que a simpatectomia torácica bilateral para o tratamento da hiperidrose é um método muito seguro e efetivo.

Sympathectomy , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted , Hyperhidrosis/surgery