Introducción: La cirugía actual de la catarata no comprende solo restablecer la visión en su mayor cantidad posible, sino que incluye además la psicofísica de la visión. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de la cantidad, calidad visual y de vida en la cirugía refractiva bilateral simultánea del cristalino en pacientes hipermétropes. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal prospectivo de serie de casos en 108 ojos de 54 pacientes con catarata bilateral e hipermetropía operados por cirugía bilateral simultánea en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" desde noviembre 2018 hasta abril 2022. Se emplearon los porcentajes y los números absolutos para resumir las variables cualitativas. En el caso de las cuantitativas se usó la media con su desviación estándar (DE) y el intervalo de confianza del 95 por ciento. Resultados: Fue más frecuente el sexo femenino con una edad media de 69,1 ± 8,1 años. El 55,11 por ciento de los pacientes tuvo dureza NO3. La agudeza visual monocular mejoró en el 97,2 por ciento y el 100 por ciento la mejoró de forma bilateral. Hubo una pérdida celular endotelial de 10,19 por ciento. La visión de colores y la sensibilidad al contraste mostraron de igual manera mejoría significativa. Conclusiones: La cirugía bilateral simultánea del cristalino en pacientes hipermétropes contribuye de manera significativa a la mejoría de la visión en cantidad y calidad, por lo que permite recuperar la calidad de vida(AU)
Introduction: Current cataract surgery does not comprise only restoring vision to its greatest possible quantity, but also includes the psychophysics of vision. Objective: To evaluate the results of quantity, visual quality and quality of life in simultaneous bilateral refractive surgery of the crystalline lens in hyperopic patients. Methods: A prospective longitudinal descriptive case series prospective study was performed in 108 eyes of 54 patients with bilateral cataract and hyperopia operated by simultaneous bilateral surgery at the Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology "Ramón Pando Ferrer" from November 2018 to April 2022. Quality of life was also taken into account by the FV-14 survey. Percentages and absolute numbers were used to summarize the qualitative variables. In the case of quantitative variables, the mean with standard deviation (SD) and 95 percent confidence interval were used. Results: The female gender was more frequent with an average age of 69.1±8.1 years. 55.11 percent of patients had NO3 hardness. Monocular visual acuity improved in 97.2 percent and 100 percent improved bilaterally. There was an endothelial cell loss of 10.19 percent. Color vision and contrast sensitivity likewise showed significant improvement. Conclusions: Simultaneous bilateral lens surgery in hyperopic patients, contributes significantly to the improvement of vision in quantity and quality, thus allowing recovery of quality of life(AU)
Humans , Female , Aged , Cataract Extraction/adverse effects , Hyperopia , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Longitudinal StudiesABSTRACT
Determinar la prevalencia del error de refracción (RE) como causa en los ojos en los niños en niños de esta edad (6-12 años) en la ciudad de Sulaimania. El estudio de tasa de prevalencia entre los pacientes que asisten al Shahed Dr. Aso Eye Hospital para el período del 1 de octubre de 2008 al 1 de junio de 2009. Un total de 116 niños (6-12 años) asisten al departamento de entrecerrares durante aproximadamente 8 meses. El estudio incluyó ambos sexos, eran niños de 55 años y niñas 61. Se sometieron a un examen ocular completo. Encontramos que (72) pacientes (62.02 %) tenían un error de refracción, incluyen: 33 pacientes (45.9 %) = hipermetropia (H); 22 pacientes (29.16%) = miopía [m]; 18 pacientes (24.3%) astigmatismo (AST.); 4 mixtos; 6 h-as. y 8 m-as. En conclusiones, la causa más frecuente del entrecerrar de la infancia a este ancho [6-12 años) es el error refractivo, mientras que las otras causas en su conjunto constituyen solo 1/3 de las causas, y el error de refracción más común es la hipermetropía
To determine the prevalence of refractive error (RE) as a cause in squinted in children in this aged (6-12 years) in Sulaimania city. The prevalence rate study among patient attending Shahed Dr. Aso eye hospital for the period from 1st October 2008 - 1st June 2009. A total of 116 children ( 6-12 years) attending squint department for about 8 months. The study included both sexes, were boys 55 and girls 61. Underwent full ocular examination. We found that (72) patients (62.02%) had refractive error, include: 33 patients (45.9 %) = Hypermetropia (H); 22 patients (29.16%) = Myopia [M]; 18 patients (24.3%) Astigmatism (Ast.); 4 mixed; 6 H-Ast. and 8 M-Ast. In conclusions, the most prevalent cause of childhood squint at this aged [6-12 years) is refractive error while the other causes as a whole constitute only 1/3 of the causes, and most common refractive error is hypermetropia
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Refractive Errors/pathology , Astigmatism/pathology , Hyperopia/pathology , Myopia/pathologyABSTRACT
Introduction : Les amétropies sont des troubles de la vision dus à un fonctionnement défectueux du système optique formé par la succession la cornée, le cristallin et la rétine. Les vices de réfraction (myopie, hypermétropie, astigmatisme, presbytie) donnent des images floues sur la rétine. L'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) estime à 153 millions le nombre des personnes souffrant de la déficience visuelle due à des vices de réfraction non corrigés. Le présent travail a pour objectif de déterminer la fréquence et le profil des patients avec amétropies aux Cliniques universitaires de Graben. Méthodes : Notre étude était du type descriptif transversale ayant couvert une période allant du 01 Janvier au 31 Décembre 2020. Notre échantillon a été exhaustif, c'est-à-dire il a été constitué de toute la population d'étude. Résultats : La fréquence des amétropies a été de 11,47%. L'astigmatisme était l'amétropie la plus représentée avec 47,86 %suivi de la myopie avec 38,90% et de l'hypermétropie avec 13,24%. La tranche d'âge la plus touchée est celle des adultes, âge (21-60 ans) avec 73,9% et la moins touchée est de 0-10 ans avec 0,8%. Le taux des déficiences visuelles a diminué après la correction optique et les cas de bonne vision sont passés de 81,1% à 99,4% de bonne acuité visuelle. Conclusion. Les amétropies constituent un réel problème de santé publique. De ce fait, nous encourageons le check up volontaire, comme les amétropies sont souvent méconnues et indolores, pourtant une cause non négligeable de déficience visuelle facilement évitable.
Introduction: : Ametropia are vision disorders due to damage to the visual system caused by a various abnormality in the cornea, lens and retina. The refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia) cause a very weak capacity for the eye retina to properly watch images. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 153 million of people could be suffering from visual issues due to untreated refractive deficiencies. This study aimed to determine the frequency et profil of patients with ametropia. Methods: Our study was of a kind of crosssectional descriptive which covered a time interval from January 01 to December 31, 2020. Our sample was comprehensive and was based on several cases. Results: The frequency of ametropia was 11.47%. Astigmatism was the most prevalent ametropia with 47.86% followed by myopia with 38.90% and hyperopia with 13.24%.The most affected people are adults aged from 21 and 60 years with 73.9% and the least affected are children aged from 0 to 10 years with 0.8%.However, the rate of eyes abnormalities started decreasing after optical treatment and consequently the cases of eyes issues recoveries was about from 81.1% to 99.4% of sight improvement acuity. Conclusion: Ametropia is a real public health problem. As a result, we encourage voluntary check-ups, as ametropia is often unrecognized and painless, yet a significant cause of easily avoidable visual impairment.
Humans , Male , Female , Presbyopia , Refractive Errors , Therapeutics , Vision Disorders , Optical Devices , Hyperopia , Myopia , AstigmatismABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purposes: To evaluate the relationship of changes in hypermetropia and ocular alignment in patients with accommodative esotropia. Methods: The medical records of consecutive patients diagnosed with refractive accommodative esotropia (esotropia eliminated or decreased to within 10 D with full hyperopic correction) were retrospectively reviewed. Cycloplegic refractions culled from medical records were converted into spherical equivalents. Presence of amblyopia, changes in refractive error and ocular alignment at admission and after the follow-up period were evaluated. Results: Seventy patients (mean age: 6.01 ± 5.41 years; female: 60.6%; mean follow-up: 5.8 ± 3 years) had corrected esotropia of 40 ± 20 prismatic diopters at admission. The average decrease per year in near and distance deviations with glasses was 1.71 ± 3.96 prismatic diopters/year and 1.09 ± 3.25 prismatic diopters/year, respectively. The total myopic shift of the right and left eyes was 1.08 ± 1.35 D and 1.20 ± 1.40 D, respectively. Myopic shift/year was 0.22 D/year and 0.26 D/year, respectively. The correlation between the rate of myopic shift and rate of change in corrected near deviation was weak. The correlation for the rate of myopic shift was not high for the right and left eyes (r=0.18; p=0.15). Conclusion: The amount of deviation and hypermetropia gradually decreased in accommodative esotropia during follow-up. On the other hand, it may be incorrect to assure patients that the amount of deviation will decrease in parallel with the refractive error.(AU)
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre alterações na hipermetropia e o alinhamento ocular em pacientes com esotropia acomodativa. Métodos: Foram analisados retrospectivamente prontuários médicos de pacientes consecutivos diagnosticados com esotropia acomodativa refrativa (com esotropia eliminada ou reduzida a menos de 10 D com correção completa da hipermetropia). As medidas de refração em cicloplegia obtidas dos prontuários foram convertidas em equivalentes esféricos. Avaliaram-se ainda a presença de ambliopia, alterações do erro refrativo e o alinhamento ocular à admissão e depois do período de acompanhamento. Resultados: Setenta pacientes (média de idade=6,01 ± 5,41 anos, 60,6% do sexo feminino, acompanhamento médio de 5,8 ± 3 anos) apresentaram esotropia de 40 ± 20 dioptrias prismáticas (DP) para perto à admissão. A diminuição média anual no desvio para perto e para longe com o uso de óculos foi de 1,71 ± 3,96 DP/ano e 1,09 ± 3,25 DP/ano, respectivamente. Os desvios miópicos totais dos olhos direito e esquerdo foram de 1,08 ± 1,35 D e 1,20 ± 1,40 D, respectivamente. Os desvios miópicos anuais foram de 0,22 D/ano e 0,26 D/ano para os olhos direito e esquerdo, respectivamente. A correlação entre a taxa de desvio miópico e a taxa de alteração do desvio para perto corrigido foi fraca. A correlação da taxa de desvio miópico não foi alta para os olhos direito e esquerdo (r=0,18, p=0,15). Conclusão: A quantidade de desvio e a hipermetropia diminuem gradualmente na esotropia acomodativa durante o acompanhamento. Por outro lado, pode não ser apropriado garantir aos pacientes que o desvio diminuirá em paralelo ao erro refrativo.(AU)
Humans , Refraction, Ocular , Esotropia/physiopathology , Accommodation, Ocular , Hyperopia/etiology , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The approach to any refractive condition of the eye with regular astigmatism is more complicated than that for myopia or hyperopia alone. It requires familiarity with the complex images collectively identified as Sturm's conoid. Fortunately, only three of those play a critical role in the interpretation of ametropia with astigmatism. This manuscript discusses a prescription strategy for ametropias associated with regular astigmatism evolved from those three key images.
RESUMO A abordagem de qualquer condição refrativa do olho com astigmatismo regular é mais complicada do que a da miopia ou hipermetropia isoladamente. Requer familiaridade com as imagens complexas coletivamente identificadas como o conóide de Sturm. Felizmente, apenas três deles desempenham um papel crítico na interpretação da ametropia com astigmatismo. Este manuscrito mostra como uma estratégia de prescrição para as ametropias associadas ao astigmatismo regular pode evoluir a partir dessas três imagens principais.
Humans , Refractive Errors , Astigmatism , Hyperopia , MyopiaABSTRACT
RESUMEN El coloboma de iris es un defecto congénito, que se describe como un orificio, fisura o hendidura en dicha estructura. Esta condición tiene la posibilidad de ser hereditaria o aparecer sin historia familiar previa. Se presenta un caso de un paciente de 51 años de edad con coloboma bilateral de iris asimétrico e hipermetropía, quien acudió a la consulta médica con el deseo de independizarse de su corrección óptica habitual. Se propuso cirugía facorrefractiva de ambos ojos con pupiloplastia del ojo derecho, en el que se obtuvieron resultados visuales satisfactorios después de la intervención quirúrgica(AU)
ABSTRACT The iris coloboma is a congenital defect, present since birth, which is described as a hole, fissure or cleft in the mentioned structure. This condition has the possibility of being inherited or can appear without previous family history. The case is presented of a 51-year-old patient with bilateral asymmetric iris coloboma and farsightedness. The patient went to the doctor's office with the desire to become independent of his usual optical correction. Facorrefractive surgery of both eyes with pupilloplasty of the right eye was proposed, in which satisfactory visual results were obtained after the intervention(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Coloboma/diagnosis , Refractive Surgical Procedures/methods , Hyperopia/etiologyABSTRACT
Resumo Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência de alterações visuais em crianças de cinco anos em escolas públicas de Curitiba-PR. Métodos: As escolas foram selecionadas aleatoriamente dentro do município de Curitiba. As crianças com cinco anos completos em 2017 foram avaliadas com a tabela de Snellen, através de distância mínima correta para nitidez de imagem e teste de Hirschberg. Os pais responderam um questionário sobre uso de telas, sintomas oculares e histórico familiar da criança. Os resultados das avaliações foram analisados estatisticamente considerando nível de significância p≤0,05. Resultados: Em uma população de 459 crianças triadas, 219 (47,7%) pertenciam ao sexo feminino e 240 (52,3%) masculino, sendo que do total, 100 foram encaminhadas para avaliação oftalmológica especializada. A partir da triagem observou-se a prevalência de miopia de 10,7%, hipermetropia de 17,6% e estrabismo de 0,9%. Houve relação entre genitores com miopia e filhos míopes (p<0,05). Dentre as queixas oftalmológicas predominaram cefaleia (30,4%) e franzir de testa (10%). Conclusão: A prevalência de alterações visuais encontrada foi de 21,8%. A relação entre distúrbios visuais e o histórico familiar se mostrou estatisticamente significativa. Entretanto, apenas o tempo médio em frente à televisão apresentou influência, dentre os hábitos de vida, sobre as alterações da AV (p=0,028). Queixas oftalmológicas apesar de frequentes, não apresentaram correlação expressiva com a diminuição da acuidade visual.
Abstract Objective: To identify the incidence of visual impairment in 5-year-old children in public schools from Curitiba-PR. Methods: A selection of schools has been choosen randomly from Curitiba. The children, with completed 5 years at end of 2017 have been evaluated using Snellen table, trough minimum distance for image sharpness and Hirschberg test. Parents answered a questionnaire about the use of screens, ocular symptoms and family history of the child. Significance levels were defines as begin p≤0,05. Results: The results have shown that four hundred fifty-nine children were screened. Two hundred nineteen are female (47,7%) and two hundred fourty (52,3%), male. From all screened patients, one hundred were refered to specialized oftalmic evaluation. After trial completing, has been attained a prevalence value of 10,7% for myopia, 17,6% of hyperopia and 0,9% of strabismus. Strong correlation between parents and children has been undiscovered (p<0,05). From listed oftalmic complaints, headache (30,4%) and frown (10%) where most prevalent. Conclusion: It has been attained that the prevalence of visual acuity is 21,8%. The relation between visual acuity alteration and familiar history has been shown to be significant related. On the other side, the average time in front of television has been shown the only habit that has correlation with visual acuity reduction (p=0,028). Vision complaints, although very frequent, doesn't translate into increased probability of visual acuity alteration.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Visual Acuity , Vision Screening/methods , Strabismus/epidemiology , Eye Diseases/epidemiology , Hyperopia/epidemiology , Myopia/epidemiology , Parents , School Health Services , Schools , Students , Vision Tests , Strabismus/diagnosis , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Eye Diseases/diagnosis , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Myopia/diagnosisABSTRACT
PURPOSE: We compared the results of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for the correction of hyperopia. METHODS: Patients who underwent PRK or LASIK, under +6.00 diopters (D) hyperopia and under −2.00 D astigmatism were included. In total, 21 patients (38 eyes) underwent PRK surgery and 25 patients (41 eyes) underwent LASIK surgery. We compared the visual acuity, refractive error, safety, and efficacy between the two groups. RESULTS: The manifest refractive spherical equivalent (MRSE) of the PRK and LASIK groups at 1 and 3 months after surgery was significantly different between the two groups (p < 0.05). However, the MRSE was not significantly different at postoperative 6 and 12 months between the two groups. The uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) of the PRK and LASIK groups at 1 month after surgery was significantly different between the two groups (p < 0.05). However, the UCVA was not significantly different at postoperative 3, 6, and 12 months between the two groups. The best-corrected visual acuity was not significantly different at postoperative 1, 3, 6, and 12 months between the two groups. The safety index was not significantly different between the two groups at postoperative 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. The efficacy index of the PRK group was lower than that of the LASIK group at 1 month after surgery. However, the efficacy index was not significantly different at postoperative 3, 6, and 12 months between the two groups. There was no statistically significant difference between the predictability of the two groups at postoperative 1 year. CONCLUSIONS: After PRK treatment, temporary myopic deviation was observed after 1 month, but there was no significant difference between the two treatments after 3 months of follow-up. In the correction of hyperopia, there was no significant difference between PRK and LASIK in efficacy or safety.
Humans , Astigmatism , Follow-Up Studies , Hyperopia , Keratomileusis, Laser In Situ , Photorefractive Keratectomy , Refractive Errors , Visual AcuityABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical features of children with high hyperopia weaning with age. METHODS: The medical records of 203 children wearing spectacles due to hyperopia of +4.00 diopters (D) or greater in at least one eye based on the cycloplegic refraction and with follow-up for 3 years or more were reviewed. The patients were divided into those who showed a decrease in the spherical equivalent (SE) of 1.50 D or greater and those who maintained. The age of wearing spectacles, the magnitude of hyperopia, the angle of deviation, the ratio of accommodative-convergence to accommodation (AC/A), and the frequency of amblyopia and anisometropia were compared. RESULTS: Forty seven patients with decreased hyperopia and 156 patients with sustained hyperopia were included. The decreased-group started to wear spectacles later than the sustained-group (5.0 ± 2.3 years vs. 4.1 ± 2.4 years). The mean SE of the hyperopic eye in the decreased-group was significantly greater at the initial visit than in the sustained-group (6.29 ± 2.18 D vs. 5.47 ± 1.38 D); was identical at the 1 year follow-up (4.83 ± 1.72 D vs. 4.89 ± 1.55 D); and significantly lower at the last follow-up (3.15 ± 1.72 D vs. 4.65 ± 1.56 D). In the decreased-group, the mean hyperopia of 3.14 ± 2.02 D decreased during a mean period of 3.9 years, especially during the first year after spectacle correction. At baseline, the frequency and angle of esotropia at both distant and near with/without hyperopic correction was significantly larger in the sustained-group. The frequency of amblyopia and anisometropia and the AC/A were identical between the two groups, while the frequency of amblyopia at the last follow-up was significantly lower in the decreased-group. CONCLUSIONS: Some patients with hyperopia of +4.00 D or greater who had none or a small angle of esotropia and improved amblyopia showed a decrease in hyperopia with age.
Child , Humans , Amblyopia , Anisometropia , Emmetropia , Esotropia , Eyeglasses , Follow-Up Studies , Hyperopia , Medical Records , WeaningABSTRACT
Contexte et objectif. Les vices de réfraction, constituent un problème de santé publique sur le plan social et scolaire, mais leur ampleur dans les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne est peu connue. La présente étude avait pour objectif de déterminer la fréquence et décrire des vices de réfractions chez les enfants et adolescents en âge scolaire. Méthodes. Dans étude transversale et descriptive, les enfants âgés de 5 à 18 ans ; ont subi un examen oculaire, entre janvier 2017 et février 2018, dans le service d'optométrie de l'institut d'ophtalmologie tropicale d'Afrique (Iota). Les paramètres d'intérêt comprenaient les données sociodémographiques, optométriques et ophtalmologiques. Résultats. 220 sujets ont été examinés. Leur âge moyen était de 11 ans avec un sexe ratio de 1,8/1 en faveur des filles. La fréquence hospitalière du vice réfractif a été de 46,8%. Dans l'ensemble, il s'agissait : l'astigmatisme 55,53%, l'hypermétropie 27,18% des cas et la myopie 2,91%. Les emmétropes représentaient 14,38% des cas. Conclusion. Près de la moitié d'enfants en âge scolaire présentent des vices de réfraction, en particulier l'astigmatisme (avec risque d'amblyopie si non corrigé). Des études ultérieures à la recherche des facteurs de risque de cette pathologie sont à envisager