Abstract Prolactin (PRL) secreting adenomas are associated with high incidence of headache. The role of hyperprolactinemia in the headache context is not clear, nor is the effect of its treatment on headache. Methods: The present longitudinal study evaluated hyperprolactinemic patients (69), in terms of presence and characteristics of headache before and after hyperprolactinemia treatment. Results: Headache was reported by 45 (65.2%) patients, independent of the etiology of hyperprolactinemia. The migraine phenotype was the most prevalent (66.6%). Medications used in the treatment of headache not changed during the study. The first line of treatment of hyperprolactinemia was dopaminergic agonists. In the last reevaluation, PRL level under treatment was within the reference range in 54.7% of the cases, and it was observed complete or partial resolution of the headache in 75% of the cases. The median PRL at this time in patients with complete headache resolution was 17 ng/mL, in those who reported partial recovery was 21 ng/mL, and in those in whom the headache did not change was 66 ng/mL, with a significant difference between the group with complete headache resolution vs. the group with unchanged headache (p=0.022). In the cases with complete headache resolution, the median fall on PRL levels was 89% and in those cases with partial headache resolution 86%, both significantly different (p<0.001) from the fall in the cases with an unchanged headache. Conclusion: Data allow us to conclude that, in this series, in the majority of cases the reduction in the level of PRL was followe3d by cessation or relief of the pain.
Resumo Os adenomas secretores de prolactina (PRL) estão associados à alta incidência de cefaleia. O papel da hiperprolactinemia no contexto da dor de cabeça não está claro, nem o efeito da redução dos níveis da PRL na cefaleia. Métodos: O presente estudo longitudinal avaliou pacientes hiperprolactinêmicos (69), quanto à presença e às características da cefaleia antes e após o tratamento da hiperprolactinemia. Resultados: Cefaleia foi relatada por 45 (65,2%) pacientes, independente da etiologia da hiperprolactinemia. O fenótipo de enxaqueca foi mais prevalente (66,6%). Os medicamentos usados no tratamento da cefaleia não foram alterados durante o estudo. A primeira linha de tratamento da hiperprolactinemia foram os agonistas dopaminérgicos. Na última reavaliação, o nível de PRL sob tratamento estava dentro da faixa de referência em 54,7% dos casos, observando-se resolução completa ou parcial da cefaleia em 75% dos casos. A mediana de PRL neste momento em pacientes com resolução completa da cefaleia foi de 17 ng/mL, nos que relataram recuperação parcial foi de 21 ng/mL, e naqueles em que a cefaleia não se alterou foi de 66 ng/mL, com uma diferença significativa entre o grupo com resolução completa da cefaleia versus o grupo com cefaleia inalterada (p=0,022). Nos casos com resolução completa da cefaleia, a queda mediana nos níveis de PRL foi de 89% e nos casos com resolução parcial de cefaleia de 86%, ambos significativamente diferentes (p<0,001) da queda nos casos com cefaleia inalterada. Conclusão: Os dados permitem concluir que, nesta série, na maioria dos casos, a redução do nível de PRL foi seguida pela cessação ou alívio da dor.
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Prolactin/blood , Hyperprolactinemia/therapy , Headache/prevention & control , Headache/blood , Pituitary Neoplasms/complications , Pituitary Neoplasms/therapy , Reference Values , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Adenoma/complications , Adenoma/therapy , Analysis of Variance , Longitudinal Studies , Treatment Outcome , Statistics, Nonparametric , Dopamine Agonists/therapeutic use , Headache/etiologyABSTRACT
El quiste de la bolsa de Rathke es una lesión epitelial benigna de la región selar, formada a partir de remanentes embrionarios. La mayoría de los casos son asintomáticos, aunque pudiera presentarse con cefalea, disfunción hipofisaria y trastornos visuales, muy infrecuentemente como apoplejía hipofisaria. Se presenta el caso de una paciente que, habiendo presentado amenorrea primaria, se le realiza el diagnóstico de quiste de la bolsa de Rathke con hiperprolactinemia, logrando menarquia luego del tratamiento con cabergolina.
Rathke's cyst is a benign epithelial lesion of the sellar region, formed from embryonic remnants. Most cases are asymptomatic although it could present with headache, pituitary dysfunction and visual disorders, very infrequently as pituitary stroke. We present the case of a patient who, having presented primary amenorrhea, is diagnosed with Rathke's cyst with hyperprolactinemia, achieving menarche after treatment with cabergoline.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Central Nervous System Cysts/complications , Amenorrhea/etiology , Prolactin/therapeutic use , Hyperprolactinemia/diagnosis , Hyperprolactinemia/drug therapy , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Central Nervous System Cysts/diagnosis , Central Nervous System Cysts/drug therapy , Cabergoline/therapeutic useABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: Las personas con disforia de género sienten incongruencia entre el sexo con el que nacen y aquel al que sienten pertenecer, por lo que necesitan adaptar su cuerpo a este último, y uno de los pilares en el logro de ese propósito es el empleo del tratamiento hormonal cruzado. Objetivo: Identificar los esquemas terapéuticos más empleados en la automedicación y en el manejo especializado, y sus complicaciones en pacientes con disforia de género. Métodos: Se revisaron 78 historias, de las cuales 76 correspondían a transexuales hombre-mujer, atendidos en el periodo 2012-2017 en la Consulta Nacional de Atención Integral a Personas Transgénero. Se recuperó información relacionada con los esquemas terapéuticos utilizados, tanto durante la automedicación como durante el manejo por el endocrinólogo, y las complicaciones. Para el análisis de los datos se obtuvieron distribuciones de frecuencia de las variables cualitativas, media y desviación estándar de las cuantitativas. Resultados: La frecuencia de pacientes que se autoadministraron hormonas antes de comenzar la atención especializada fue de 82,9 por ciento. El medicamento más utilizado en la automedicación fue la cipresta (acetato de ciproterona 2 mg/etinilestradiol 50 µg) en el 90,5 por ciento de los casos. De los tratamientos indicados por el endocrinólogo al inicio de la atención; al 50,0 por ciento se les administró cipresta más androcur (acetato de ciproterona 50 mg) de 1 a 2 tabletas de cada uno, mientras que al 39,5 por ciento estrógenos conjugados asociado a androcur, igualmente de 1 a 2 tabletas de cada uno de estos medicamentos. En cuanto a la frecuencia de complicaciones como consecuencia del tratamiento hormonal, el 40,7 por ciento de los casos tuvo en algún momento niveles elevados de prolactina, al 26,3 por ciento los niveles de triglicéridos se le elevaron luego de iniciada la terapia. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los pacientes acuden por primera vez automedicados. Los medicamentos más utilizados son la cipresta y el androcur. La complicación más frecuente como consecuencia del tratamiento es la hiperprolactinemia(AU)
ABSTRACT Introduction: Persons with gender dysphoria feel incongruity between the sex they are born with and the one they feel they belong to, therefore they need to adapt their body to the latter, and one of the pillars in achieving that purpose is the use of cross hormonal treatment. Objective: To identify the therapeutic schemes most used in self-medication and specialized management, and their complications in patients with gender dysphoria. Methods: Seventy eight medical records were reviewed. Seventy six of them corresponded to male-female transsexuals, assisted in the 2012-2017 period at the National Consultation of Comprehensive Care to Transgender Persons. The study team recovered information related to the therapeutic schemes used, both during self-medication and during the endocrinological management, as well as complications. Frequency distributions of the qualitative variables, mean and standard deviation of the quantitative variables were obtained for data analysis. Results: The frequency of patients who self-administered hormones before beginning specialized care was 82.9 percent. The most commonly medication used in self-medication was cypress (cyproterone acetate 2 mg / ethinylestradiol 50 µg) in 90.5 percent of cases. Out of the treatments indicated by the endocrinologist at the beginning of the care; 50.0 percent were given cypress plus androcur (50 mg cyproterone acetate) of 1 to 2 tablets each, while 39.5 percent conjugated estrogens associated with androcur, also 1 to 2 tablets of each of these medications. Regarding the frequency of complications as a result of hormonal treatment, 40.7 percent of the cases had elevated prolactin levels at some time, and triglyceride levels increased to 26.3 percent after the start of therapy. Conclusions: Most patients who come for the first time, are self-medicated. The most used medications are cipresta and androcur. The most frequent complication is hyperprolactinemia as a consequence of treatment(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Cyproterone Acetate/therapeutic use , Hormone Replacement Therapy/adverse effects , Gender Dysphoria/etiology , Self Medication/adverse effects , Data AnalysisABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Prolactin is best known for its effects of stimulating mammary gland development and lactogenesis. However, prolactin is a pleiotropic hormone that is able to affect several physiological functions, including fertility. Prolactin receptors (PRLRs) are widely expressed in several tissues, including several brain regions and reproductive tract organs. Upon activation, PRLRs may exert prolactin’s functions through several signaling pathways, although the recruitment of the signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 causes most of the known effects of prolactin. Pathological hyperprolactinemia is mainly due to the presence of a prolactinoma or pharmacological effects induced by drugs that interact with the dopamine system. Notably, hyperprolactinemia is a frequent cause of reproductive dysfunction and may lead to infertility in males and females. Recently, several studies have indicated that prolactin may modulate the reproductive axis by acting on specific populations of hypothalamic neurons that express the Kiss1 gene. The Kiss1 gene encodes neuropeptides known as kisspeptins, which are powerful activators of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons. In the present review, we will summarize the current knowledge about prolactin’s actions on reproduction. Among other aspects, we will discuss whether the interaction between prolactin and the Kiss1-expressing neurons can affect reproduction and how kisspeptins may become a novel therapeutic approach to treat prolactin-induced infertility.
Humans , Male , Female , Prolactin/metabolism , Reproduction/physiology , Kisspeptins/metabolism , Prolactin/pharmacology , Receptors, Prolactin/metabolism , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Signal Transduction , Sex Factors , Hypothalamus/metabolism , Infertility/etiologyABSTRACT
Hyperprolactinemic males usually have a hypoactive libido and less commonly, erectile dysfunction and disturbances of orgasm and ejaculation. Hyperprolactinemia alters the balance between neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and hormones involved in libido and erection, affecting dopaminergic tone. An imbalance between dopamine, that stimulates sexual function and serotonin that inhibits it, is generated. In the central nervous system, hyperprolactinemia inhibits centers controlling sexual desire and erection. At the neuroendocrine level, it decreases GnRH, LH and testosterone pulses, resulting in a hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Erection is also inhibited peripheral actions of low testosterone and high prolactin levels. There is a disturbance of penile smooth muscle relaxation and of the parasympathetic sacrum-penis reflex arch. In experimental animals, acute hyperprolactinemia hampers the central erection mechanism whereas in chronic conditions, peripheral disturbances also occur. Even correcting low testosterone levels, the adverse effects of hyperprolactinemia on sexual function persist. The use of dopaminergic agonists may achieve normal prolactin and testosterone levels resulting in normal sexual function. Chronic hyperprolactinemia results in progressive deterioration of sexual function and a higher hypothalamic damage that does not respond to clomiphene. In this situation and in the presence of sellar tumors that destroy gonadotrophic cells, there is indication of androgenic replacement maintaining the use of dopaminergic agonists...
Humans , Male , Adult , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/etiology , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Hyperprolactinemia/diagnosis , Hyperprolactinemia/drug therapy , Dopamine Agonists/therapeutic use , Clomiphene/therapeutic use , Hyperprolactinemia/physiopathologyABSTRACT
OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar as pacientes com valores indeterminados de hiperprolactinemia (teste de PEG para identificação de macroprolactinemias com recuperação entre 30 e 65 por cento) (PRLi) ou macroprolactinemia (PRLm), quanto às características clínicas, como intensidade e variação dos sintomas e presença ou não de tumores no sistema nervoso central. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, retrospectivo, de levantamento de prontuários, no qual foram incluídas 24 pacientes com diagnóstico de hiperprolactinemia (PRL>25 ng/dL), em idade reprodutiva, em seguimento em ambulatório de ginecologia endócrina. Foram incluídas 11 pacientes com PRLm e 13 com PRLi. Dos dois grupos (PRLm e PRLi), foram considerados para a análise registros dos dados relativos à idade, à paridade, ao índice de massa corporal, à presença de galactorreia, à infertilidade e ao tumor do sistema nervoso central. Os dados antropométricos foram expressos em média e desvio padrão e, para a comparação entre os grupos quanto à presença de tumor no sistema nervoso central, galactorreia e infertilidade, utilizou-se o teste t de Student. RESULTADOS: A galactorreia foi mais prevalente nas pacientes com PRLi (p=0,01). Setenta por cento das mulheres com PRLi apresentaram microprolactinoma de hipófise, enquanto que este achado foi evidente em 17 por cento das mulheres com PRLm (p=0,04). Dentre as pacientes com PRLm e PRLi, nove não foram investigadas com imagem do sistema nervoso central por apresentarem níveis pouco elevados de prolactina (cinco portadoras de PRLm e quatro de PRLi). Não houve diferença significativa quanto à ocorrência de infertilidade ou de ciclos menstruais irregulares. CONCLUSÕES: Mulheres com hiperprolactinemia intermediária apresentam mais sintomas de galactorreia e maior incidência de tumores do sistema nervoso central do que aquelas com macroprolactinemia.
PURPOSE: To characterize patients with indeterminate values of hyperprolactinemia (PEG test for the identification of macroprolactinemias with recovery between 30 and 65 percent) (PRLi) or macroprolactinemia (PRLm), in relation to clinical characteristics, such as the presence or absence of symptoms, as well as their intensity and variation, and the presence or absence of central nervous system tumors. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional retrospective survey of records of 24 patients with hyperprolactinemia, in reproductive ages, with prolactin >25 ng/dL. Eleven women with PRLm and 13 with PRLi were included. Records from the two groups were extracted for analysis: age, parity, body mass index, presence of galactorrhea, infertility, and central nervous system tumor. Anthropometrics data were expressed as mean and standard deviation. To compare groups regarding the presence of central nervous system tumor, galactorrhea, as well as infertility we used the Student's t-test. RESULTS: Galactorrhea was more prevalent in patients with PRLi (p=0.01). Seventy percent of women with PRLi presented pituitary tumor (microprolactinoma), whereas this finding was evident in 17 percent of the PRLm Group (p=0.04). Among the patients with and PRLm PRLi, nine were not investigated with the image of the central nervous system because they have low levels of prolactin (five carriers and four PRLm PRLi). There were no significant differences regarding the occurrence of infertility or irregular menstrual cycles between groups. DISCUSSION: Women with intermediate hyperprolactinemia present more galactorrhea symptoms as well as central nervous system tumors than women with macroprolactinemia.
Adult , Female , Humans , Hyperprolactinemia/diagnosis , Cross-Sectional Studies , Central Nervous System Neoplasms/etiology , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Retrospective Studies , Severity of Illness IndexABSTRACT
Background & objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of bromocriptine versus cabergoline on pregnancy in hyperprolactinaemic infertile women. Methods: A total of 183 infertile women with hyperprolactinemia undergoing intrauterine insemination (IUI) were randomly divided into two groups. Group A: 94 with bromocriptine and group B:89 with cabergoline. The efficacy and safety was evaluated on the basis of normalization of prolactin levels, normalization of menstrual cycle, disappearance of galactorrhea, occurrence of pregnancy and adverse effects with each of these medications. Results: The presence of galactorrhea and irregular menstruation were significantly lower in patients of group B than group A (P<0.001 and P=0.011, respectively) with a significant lower prevalence of side effects in cabergoline group. Pregnancy was significantly more achieved among the women with the treatment of cabergoline (82%) as compared to bromocriptine (56.4%) (P<0.001). Interpretation & conclusions: Our results suggest that cabergoline treatment in infertile women with prolactinemia is more effective. It lowers prolactin with better tolerability and much more effective in the achievement of pregnancy.
Adult , Bromocriptine/therapeutic use , Ergolines/therapeutic use , Female , Humans , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Infertility, Female/complications , Infertility, Female/drug therapy , Insemination, ArtificialABSTRACT
Hyperprolactinaemia is a known cause of infertility. We explored the efficacy of carbegoline, the long acting dopamine agonist that was recently introduced into our medical practice. Seventy six patients with infertility secondary to hyperprolactinaemia were studied over a period of 20 weeks each. All the patients had carbegoline twice weekly for eight weeks. Two dosage regimen were used based on the pretreatment prolactin level; less than 50ng/ml had 0.25mg twice weekly [n=58] and 50ng/ml and above 0.5mg twice weekly [n=18]. Normalization of prolactin level was achieved in 75 [98.7%] patients. At the end of the study period, there was resumption of menstrual flow in 10 [76.9%] of the 13 patients that were amenorrhoiec and all the 39 [100%] patients that were oligomenorrhoeic had their normal menstrual cycle restored. Resumption of ovulatory cycles occurred in 87.7% of those with anovulatory cycles. Of the 76 patients, 69 [90.8%] got pregnant during the 20 weeks study. However, out of the 69 that got pregnant, 13 [18.8%] got pregnant while on carbegoline therapy. There was no case of carbegoline resistance or discontinuation recorded in this study. Carbegoline is a cost effective first line therapy in the management of infertile women with hyperprolactinaemia
Humans , Female , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Infertility, Female/classification , Infertility, Female/drug therapy , Infertility, Female/etiology , Ergolines/analogs & derivatives , Ergolines/administration & dosage , Ergolines , Dopamine Agents , Prolactin/drug effects , Prolactin/analysis , Prolactin , Amenorrhea/drug therapy , Amenorrhea/etiology , Anovulation/drug therapy , Anovulation/etiology , Oligomenorrhea/drug therapy , Oligomenorrhea/etiologyABSTRACT
A hiperprolactinemia tumoral e conseqüente hipogonadismo têm sido associados à osteoporose. Avaliamos a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) por absortometria com dupla fonte de RX em 24 mulheres entre 18 e 49 anos, com prolactinoma (15 macro e 9 micro). Utilizamos teste t de Student não pareado ou Mann-Whitney para comparar subgrupos, e teste de Spearman para correlações. O maior acometimento foi de coluna lombar, onde 20,83 por cento das pacientes tinham Z-escore < -2 DP. Não detectamos diferenças densitométricas entre macro e microprolactinomas, nem entre pacientes com prolactina normal versus as hiperprolactinêmicas. A DMO e o Z-escore na coluna foram maiores nas pacientes com > 8 ciclos menstruais no ano anterior à densitometria versus as oligoamenorréicas (p = 0,030). O número de ciclos/ano correlacionou-se com a DMO na coluna (r = 0,515, p = 0,017), e o índice de massa corporal, com a DMO em colo femural (r = 0,563, p = 0,006) e fêmur total (r = 0,529, p = 0,011). Conclusões: Em nossa amostra de mulheres jovens com prolactinoma, 20,83 por cento têm densidade óssea abaixo do esperado para a idade. O maior acometimento de regiões ricas em osso trabecular, como as vértebras, sugere a participação do hipogonadismo na gênese da doença óssea. Independentemente dos valores séricos de prolactina, o retorno dos ciclos menstruais parece ser o melhor índice de bom controle dessas pacientes.
Tumoral hyperprolactinemia and consequent hypogonadism have been associated with osteoporosis. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by dual-energy RX absorptiometry in 24 patients with prolactinoma (15 macro and 9 micro adenomas; age range = 18 to 49 years). Student unpaired t or Mann-Whitney tests were used to compare groups, and Spearman test studied correlations. Lumbar spine (LS) was the most affected, as LS Z-score was < -2 SD in 20.83 percent of the patients. No difference was found in densitometric parameters for the comparison between macro and microprolactinoma, or those with normal prolactin versus hyperprolactinemia. LS BMD and LS Z-score were higher in the patients with > 8 menstrual cycles in the preceding year then in those with oligoamenorrhea (p = 0.030). The number of cycles was correlated to LS BMD (r = 0.515, p = 0.017) and body mass index to femoral neck BMD (r = 0.563, p = 0.006) and total femur BMD (r = 0.529, p = 0.011). CONCLUSIONS: Decreased bone mineral density was detected in 20.83 percent of our young patients with prolactinoma. The great involvement of trabecular bone skeletal regions, such as vertebrae, suggests the participation of hypogonadism in the pathogenesis of bone disease. Irrespective of prolactin levels, return to normal menses seems the best index of good control.
Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Bone Density/physiology , Hyperprolactinemia/physiopathology , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Pituitary Neoplasms/physiopathology , Premenopause/physiology , Prolactinoma/physiopathology , Confidence Intervals , Cross-Sectional Studies , Densitometry , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Menstrual Cycle , Menstruation , Osteoporosis/complications , Pituitary Neoplasms/complications , Prolactinoma/complications , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Ao longo dos anos, têm se acumulado evidências acerca da morbidade relativa à hiperprolactinemia, especialmente em relacão à diminuicão da densidade mineral óssea. Esta complicacão da hiperprolactinemia afeta tanto mulheres quanto homens. Neste artigo, analisamos aspectos relativos à perda de massa óssea observada em homens com hiperprolactinemia decorrente de prolactinomas: prevalência, relevância clínica, fisiopatologia, diagnóstico e as conseqüências do tratamento da hiperprolactinemia e do hipogonadismo sobre a densidade mineral óssea.
Humans , Male , Female , Bone Density , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Osteoporosis/etiology , Pituitary Neoplasms/complications , Prolactinoma/complications , Hyperprolactinemia/therapy , Hypogonadism/complications , Osteoporosis/diagnosis , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Sex FactorsABSTRACT
From January 2000 to May 2001 causes of infertility were studied for 250 couples, 193 [77.2%] of whom had primary infertility and 57 [22.8%] had secondary infertility. Male infertility was found in 36.8% of cases. The most common cause of female infertility was ovulation disorders [41%] while tubal obstruction contributed to only 5% of cases. Only 15% of the couples had unexplained infertility. Galactorrhoea and/or increased serum prolactin was seen in 60% of cases. Ultrasonographic detection of mature follicles was consistent with the results of cervical mucus study and endometrial biopsy in 90% of cases
Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Age Distribution , Anovulation/complications , Biopsy , Cohort Studies , Galactorrhea/complications , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , HysterosalpingographyABSTRACT
Sintomas psicológicos, especialmente ansiedade e depressao, têm sido associados à hiperprolactinemia. Para avaliar a presença desses sintomas, foram submetidos à entrevista através do Composed International Diagnostic Interview, seguido pela escala de Hamilton para depressao, 32 pacientes (5 homens e 27 mulheres) com hiperprolactinemia de várias etiologias e 16 normoprolactinêmicos. A prolactina sérica na época da avaliaçao variou de 28 a 180 ng/mL, sendo que 11 dos pacientes usavam bromocriptina. Detectou-se presença atual de distúrbios de ansiedade em 18 pacientes (56,2 por cento) e 5 controles (31,2 por cento), depressao em 10 pacientes (31,2 por cento) e 2 controles (12,5 por cento), distmia em duas pacientes e outros diagnósticos psiquiátricos em 6 pacientes (18,7 por cento). Os escores da depressao variaram entre 16 e 31 nos pacientes e foram 12 e 16 nos controles. A frequência de sintomas psiquiátricos como um todo, foi significativamente maior nos hiperprolactinêmicos (teste do qui-quadrado), mas a diferença nao foi significativa na análise isolada de ansiedade ou depressao. A hiperprolactinemia representa um fator de risco de 3,57 para depressao, 3,32 para ansiedade e 3,84 para outros sintomas psiquiátricos. Nao houve diferença significativa na frequência de sintomas psiquiátricos entre portadores ou nao de adenomas hipofisários e usuários ou nao de bromocriptina. Nao houve correlaçao (r= 0,07) entre a prolactina e a frequência de sintomas psiquiátricos. Conclui-se pela necessidade de atentar para a concomitância de hiperprolactinemia e distúrbios psiquiátricos, cujo reconhecimento permitirá abordagem terapêutica específica
Humans , Male , Female , Hyperprolactinemia/psychology , Mental Disorders/etiology , Anxiety Disorders/etiology , Bromocriptine/therapeutic use , Case-Control Studies , Chi-Square Distribution , Depressive Disorder/etiology , Dopamine Agonists/therapeutic use , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Hyperprolactinemia/drug therapy , Interview, Psychological , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la hiperprolactinemia sobre el metabolismo hidrocarbonado, se estudiaron, antes de iniciar el tratamiento con bromocriptina, 21 pacientes con hiperprolactinemia de causa idiopática, normopesos y sin antecedentes de otras enfermedades y una muestra de 48 mujeres sanas, con normopeso y edades similares a las del grupo de estudio. Se realizó una prueba de tolerancia a la glucosa oral (PTG-o) para medir glucemia e insulinemia después de una sobrecarga oral de 75 g de glucosa. Se calculó el índice insulinogénico inicial (IIo-30) y el de resistencia a la insulina (RI) para cada mujer. El grupo con hiperprolactinemia se dividió en 2 subgrupos según los valores de la prolactina plasmática (Prl), uno con Prl< 2 500 mU/L (subgrupo 1a) y otro con Prl > 2 500 mU/L (subgrupo 1b). Los valores de la glucemia plasmática en respuesta a la sobrecarga de la glucosa oral, en todos los momentos de la PTG, fueron superiores significativamente en el grupo de las mujeres híperprolactinémicas en relación con el grupo control, con la mayor diferencia (p < 0,01) a los 30 min (mediana = 5,8 mmol/L y 4,1 mmol/L, respectivamente). El subgrupo 1a, no presentó diferencias significativas con el grupo control en ningún momento de la PTG-o, mientras que el subgrupo 1b, mantuvo cifras superiores al control, y de manera significativa a los 30, 90 y 120 min (p < 0,05). No hubo diferencias en ningún momento de la PTG-o ni en el área bajo la curva de insulina entre el grupo hiperprolactinémico y el control. Los índices (II0-30 y de RI) fueron similares en ambos grupos. En conclusión, hubo menor tolerancia a la glucosa oral en las mujeres con hiperprolactinemia, en especial aquéllas con los valores más altos de PRL; esta diferencia no se asoció a un estado de hiperinsulinismo ni de resistencia a la insulina(AU)
21 patients with hyperprolactinemia of idiopathic cause, with normal weight and no history of other diseases, and a sample of 48 sound women with normal weight and ages similar to those of the study group were studied aimed at evaluating the effect of hyperprolactinemia on the carbohidrate metabolism before beginning the treatment with bromocriptine. Glucose tolerance test was made to determine glucaemia and insulinaemia after an overload of 75 g of glucose. The initial insulinogenic index (II0-30) and that of insulin resistance (IR) were calculated for each woman. The group with hyperprolactinemia was divided into subgroups according to the values of plasmatic prolactin (Prl), one with Prl<2 500 mU/L (subgroup 1a) and the other with Prl ?_2 500 mU/L (subgroup 1b). The values of plasmatic glucaemia in response to the overload of oral glucose during the GTT were always significantly higher in the group of hyperprolactinemic women compared with the control group. The highest difference (p<0.01) was observed at the 30 minutes (mean = 5.8 mmol/L and 4.1 mmol/L, respectively). In the subgroup 1a there were not marked differences in comparison with the control group at any moment of the GTT; however, in subgroup 1b there were figures over those of the control group that were significant at the 30, 90 and 120 minutes (p < 0.05). There were no differences either during the GTT or in the area under the insulin curve between the hyperprolactinemic group and the control group. The indexes (II0-30 and IR) were similar in both groups. To conclude, oral glucose tolerance was lower in women with hyperprolactinemia, specially in those with the highest values of Prl. This difference was not associated either with a state of hyperinsulinism or with insulin resistance(AU)
Humans , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Hyperprolactinemia/metabolism , Insulin Resistance , Bromocriptine/therapeutic use , Glucose Tolerance Test/methodsSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Breast Diseases/classification , Breast/growth & development , Abscess/etiology , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Fibrocystic Breast Disease/etiology , Fibrocystic Breast Disease/physiopathology , Galactorrhea/etiology , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Hypothyroidism/complications , Puberty/physiologyABSTRACT
Se presentan cinco pacientes cuyo motivo fundamental de consulta fue la amenorrea primaria, una de ellas, la más joven, con ausencia de desarrollo sexual, las cuatro restantes con desarrollo normal de caracteres sexuales secundarios. En todas, las causas determinante del cuadro clínico fue la hiperprolactemia. En tres de nuestras pacientes se demostró, por tomografía axial computarizada (TAC), la existencia de microadenoma hipofisiario como causa de la hiperprolactinemia y en las dos restantes no se comprobó la presencia de tumor hipofisiario, en una de ellas se encontró signos imagenológicos compatibles de silla turca vacía. Se hace énfasis en la importancia de descartar la hiperprolactinemia en toda paciente con amenorrea primaria aún sin otro síntomas clínico acompañantes, lo que permitiría un diagnóstico precoz y de fácil reversibilidad
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Amenorrhea/etiology , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , Amenorrhea/diagnosis , Bromocriptine/therapeutic use , Hyperprolactinemia/drug therapy , Hyperprolactinemia/etiology , Pituitary Neoplasms/complications , Prolactin/metabolism , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
In this report we describe a 37 year old lady who was demonstrated to have hyperprolactinemia causing amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome. Computerized tomography scan done twice did not reveal any sellar or suprasellar abnormality and there was no clinical or biochemical evidence of primary hypothyroidism. She had regression of galactorrhea, resumed regular menstrual cycles, and conceived twice on bromocriptine therapy. Following her second delivery she noticed spontaneous remission of galactorrhea and, prolactin levels estimated multiple times were normal.
Adult , Amenorrhea/complications , Female , Galactorrhea/complications , Humans , Hyperprolactinemia/complications , India , Remission, SpontaneousABSTRACT
Se describe el cuadro clínico de 9 pacientes masculinos con el diagnóstico de hiperprolactinemia, de causa tumoral o idiopática. El principal motivo de consulta fue la disfunción sexual y la infertilidad. La edad promedio al inicio de los síntomas fue de 25,3 años y al diagnóstico de 26,8 años. La mediana de la primera y segunda prolactina fue de 1 958 mU/L y 2 200 mU/L, respectivamente. La disfunción sexual y la cefalea fueron los síntomas más frecuentes. La TAC de hipófisis demostró: 2 pacientes con macroadenoma, 1 con microadenoma hipofisario, 1 con silla turca vacía y en 5 el estudio no demostró alteración selar. En cuanto al resultado de las hormonas del eje gonadal, encontramos aumento de la FSH en 3 pacientes y disminución de la LH en 2, independientemente de la presencia o no de adenoma hipofisario. La testosterona estuvo disminuida en 6 pacientes. En el espermograma se detectó disminución en el número y movilidad de los espermatozoides. En conclusión, la hiperprolactinemia en el hombre tiene una repercusión negativa en la esfera gonadal, tanto sexual como reproductiva, por lo cual merece una atención especial