Objective: To investigate the incidence and risk factors of systemic allergic reactions induced by subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) in patients undergoing SCIT injections in Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH). Methods: This is a single center retrospective cohort study. Using the outpatient information system of PUMCH, the demographic information and injection-related reaction data of patients undergoing SCIT injection in Allergy Department of PUMCH from December 2018 to December 2022 were retrospectively analyzed to count the incidence and risk factors of systemic allergic reactions caused by SCIT. Mann-Whitney nonparametric test or chi-square test was used for single-factor analysis, and multiple logistic regression was used for multiple-factor analysis. Results: A total of 2 897 patients received 18 070 SCIT injections in Allergy Department during the four years, and 40 systemic allergic reactions occurred, with the overall incidence rate of 0.22%. The incidence of systemic allergic reaction was 0.37% when using imported dust mite preparation and 0.15% when using domestic multi-component allergen preparation. The risk factors significantly related with SCIT-induced systemic allergic reactions in patients using imported dust mite preparation were age less than 18 years old (OR=3.186,95%CI: 1.255-8.085), highest injection concentration (OR value could not be calculated because all patients with systemic reactions were injected with highest concentration), and large local reaction in previous injection (OR=22.264,95%CI: 8.205-60.411). The risk factors for SCIT-induced systemic allergic reactions in patients using domestic allergen preparation were 5 or more types of allergens (OR=3.455,95%CI: 1.147-10.402), highest injection concentration (OR=3.794,95%CI: 1.226-11.740) and large local reaction in previous injection (OR=63.577,95%CI: 22.248-181.683). However, SCIT injection in pollen allergic patients during the pollen season did not show a correlation with systemic allergic reaction. Conclusion: The incidence of SCIT-induced systemic allergic reactions was low in the Chinese patient population of this study. Patients with one or more risk factors, such as multiple allergen injection, highest injection concentration, large local reaction in previous injection, should be given high attention and vigilance against systemic allergic reactions.
Humans , Allergens , Asian People , Desensitization, Immunologic/adverse effects , Hypersensitivity/epidemiology , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the incidence and risk factors of systemic allergic reactions induced by subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) in patients undergoing SCIT injections in Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH). Methods: This is a single center retrospective cohort study. Using the outpatient information system of PUMCH, the demographic information and injection-related reaction data of patients undergoing SCIT injection in Allergy Department of PUMCH from December 2018 to December 2022 were retrospectively analyzed to count the incidence and risk factors of systemic allergic reactions caused by SCIT. Mann-Whitney nonparametric test or chi-square test was used for single-factor analysis, and multiple logistic regression was used for multiple-factor analysis. Results: A total of 2 897 patients received 18 070 SCIT injections in Allergy Department during the four years, and 40 systemic allergic reactions occurred, with the overall incidence rate of 0.22%. The incidence of systemic allergic reaction was 0.37% when using imported dust mite preparation and 0.15% when using domestic multi-component allergen preparation. The risk factors significantly related with SCIT-induced systemic allergic reactions in patients using imported dust mite preparation were age less than 18 years old (OR=3.186,95%CI: 1.255-8.085), highest injection concentration (OR value could not be calculated because all patients with systemic reactions were injected with highest concentration), and large local reaction in previous injection (OR=22.264,95%CI: 8.205-60.411). The risk factors for SCIT-induced systemic allergic reactions in patients using domestic allergen preparation were 5 or more types of allergens (OR=3.455,95%CI: 1.147-10.402), highest injection concentration (OR=3.794,95%CI: 1.226-11.740) and large local reaction in previous injection (OR=63.577,95%CI: 22.248-181.683). However, SCIT injection in pollen allergic patients during the pollen season did not show a correlation with systemic allergic reaction. Conclusion: The incidence of SCIT-induced systemic allergic reactions was low in the Chinese patient population of this study. Patients with one or more risk factors, such as multiple allergen injection, highest injection concentration, large local reaction in previous injection, should be given high attention and vigilance against systemic allergic reactions.
Humans , Allergens , Asian People , Desensitization, Immunologic/adverse effects , Hypersensitivity/epidemiology , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Abstract Background: The relationship between birth by cesarean section (CS) and allergic diseases prevalence continues to be controversial. We aimed to investigate if being born by CS is associated with the prevalence of allergic diseases and their symptoms in schoolchildren. Methods: This study included children between 6 and 7 years of age, selected by population-based sampling. We investigated the presence of allergic diseases and their symptoms, family history of asthma, smoking in parents, breastfeeding, exposure to pets, the season of birth, number of siblings, consumption of unpasteurized cows milk, and mode of birth. Results: We included 1003 subjects (526 girls), of which 44.2% were born through CS. The prevalence of allergic diseases did not differ according to birth mode. Asthma in either parent, current smoking by the mother, breastfeeding, and unpasteurized cows milk consumption were associated with wheezing at some time in life. Conclusions: No association between CS birth mode and allergic diseases and their symptoms was found.
Resumen Introducción: La relación entre el nacimiento por operación cesárea y las enfermedades alérgicas es controversial. El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar si el nacimiento por cesárea se asocia con la prevalencia de las enfermedades alérgicas y sus síntomas en escolares. Métodos: Estudio transversal que incluyó una muestra probabilística de niños de 6 a 7 años. Se registraron la presencia de enfermedades alérgicas y sus síntomas, la historia familiar de asma, el tabaquismo en los padres, la alimentación al seno materno, la exposición a mascotas, la estación de nacimiento, el número de hermanos, el consumo de leche no pasteurizada de vaca y la vía de nacimiento. Resultados: Se incluyeron 1003 sujetos (526 niñas), de los cuales el 44.2% nacieron por cesárea. La prevalencia de enfermedades alérgicas no difirió según la vía de nacimiento. El antecedente de asma en alguno de los progenitores, el tabaquismo actual en la madre, la lactancia materna y el consumo de leche no pasteurizada de vaca se asociaron con sibilancias presentes alguna vez en la vida. Conclusiones: No se demostró asociación entre el nacimiento por cesárea y las enfermedades alérgicas y sus síntomas.
Animals , Cattle , Child , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Asthma , Hypersensitivity , Asthma/etiology , Asthma/epidemiology , Breast Feeding , Cesarean Section , Prevalence , Hypersensitivity/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Allergic reactions are host immune responses to endogenous or exogenous antigens, which can result in local and systemic problems. Among the main allergens are the dental materials used in orthodontics, which faces some challenges with regard to biocompatibility with oral tissues.This study aimed to analyze in the literature which materials used in orthodontics are related to the appearance of oral and perioral allergic reactions, as well as to investigate the most prevalen t manifestations.An integrative review was carried out with articles published between 2010 and 2020 on the PubMed, Embase, and ScienceDirect on-line database. For this, MeSH descriptors and synonyms were used following two semantic fields: "Hypersensitivity" in association with "Orthodontic Appliances", the selection of studies counted with the stages of identifica tion, screening, eligibility and inclusion. Randomized clinical trials, cross-sectional or cohort clinical trials; Patients with alle rgic reactions affecting the oral or perioral region due to contact with orthodontic material, were included in the review.From a to tal of 549 articles only 04 were selected for the study. In accordance with what has been analyzed in the evidence of these studies, periodontal changes such as gingival inflammation as well as erythema, edema, papules and blisters were the main reactions described. Furthermore, in all articles there was an association with nickel and in only one with chromium. It is possible to i nfer that inflammatory lesions are frequent manifestations on the use of nickel in orthodontic patients.
Las reacciones alérgicas son respuestas inmunes del huésped a antígenos endógenos o exógenos, los cuales pueden provocar problemas locales y sistémicos. Entre los principales alérgenos se encuentran los materiales dentales utilizados en la ortodoncia, la cual se enfrenta a algunos desafíos respecto a la biocompatibilidad de los tejidos orales. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar en la literatura que materiales utilizados en ortodoncia están relacionados con la aparición de reacciones alérgicas orales y periorales, así como investigar las manifestaciones más prevalentes. Se llevó a cabo una revisión con artículos publicados entre 2010 y 2020 en las bases de datos PubMed, Embase y ScienceDirect. Para ello, se utilizaron descriptores y sinónimos de MeSH siguiendo dos campos semánticos: "Hipersensibilidad" en asociación con "Aparatos de Ortodoncia", la selección de estudios contó con las etapas de identificación, cribado, elegibilidad e inclusión. Ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, ensayos clínicos transversales o de cohortes; en la revisión se incluyeron pacientes con reacciones alérgicas que afectaron a la regiones oral o perioral debido al contacto con material de ortodoncia. De un total de 549 artículos sólo cuatro fueron seleccionados para el estudio. De acuerdo con lo que se analizó en la evidencia, las principales reacciones descritas fueron cambios periodontales, como inflamación gingival, eritema, edema, pápulas y ampollas. Además, en todos los artículos hubo una asociación con níquel y solamente en uno con cromo. Es posible inferir que las lesiones inflamatorias son manifestaciones frecuentes sobre el uso de níquel en pacientes de ortodoncia.
Humans , Cheilitis/chemically induced , Dermatitis, Contact , Hypersensitivity/epidemiology , Orthodontics , Biomedical and Dental Materials , Nickel/adverse effectsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Con el objetivo de determinar el perfil de sensibilización a aeroalérgenos en pacientes pediátricos con asma y/o rinitis alérgica se realizó un estudio transversal en 411 pacientes usando una prueba cutánea de alergia. Se analizó la edad, sexo, nivel de IgE total y eosinófilos. La edad media fue de 8,1 ± 3,7 años y el 60,6% fueron varones. La media de los eosinófilos y el nivel de IgE total fue de 450,1 ± 377,3 células/mm3 y 861,7 ± 757,6 IU/mL, respectivamente. Los ácaros fueron los alérgenos sensibilizantes más frecuentes (79,8%) y el Dermatophagoides farinae (65,2%) fue el más común. La polisensibilización estuvo presente en el 76,2% de los pacientes. La sensibilización se evidenció en la mayoría de los pacientes con asma y/o rinitis alérgica y estuvo asociada con la edad, grupos etarios y nivel de IgE total.
ABSTRACT In order to determine the profile of sensitization to aeroallergens in pediatric patients with asthma and / or allergic rhinitis, a cross-sectional study was carried out in 411 patients using an allergy skin test. Age, sex, total IgE level and eosinophils were analyzed. The mean age was 8.1 ± 3.7 years and 60.6% were male. The average of the eosinophils and the level of total IgE was 450.1 ± 377.3 cells / mm3 and 861.7 ± 757.6 IU / mL, respectively. Mites were the most frequent sensitizing allergens (79.8%) and Dermatophagoides farinae (65.2%) was the most common. Polysensitization was present in 76.2% of patients. Sensitization was evident in the majority of patients with asthma and / or allergic rhinitis and was associated with age, age groups and total IgE level.
Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Allergens , Hypersensitivity , Peru/epidemiology , Asthma/epidemiology , Immunoglobulin E/blood , Skin Tests , Allergens/immunology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Rhinitis, Allergic/epidemiology , Hypersensitivity/epidemiologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the quality of life and its association with disease control, severity, allergic comorbidities and adherence to treatment in children and adolescents with asthma. Methods: A cross-sectional study that included children and adolescents aged seven to 17. The Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ) was used to assess their quality of life. Sociodemographic and clinical data were obtained from the chart and from a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were performed and chi-square or Fisher's exact tests were used to verify the existence of associations between quality of life and disease control, severity, comorbidities and adherence to treatment. The level of statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: 101 children/adolescents were evaluated (62.4% boys), with a mean age of 10.1 years. On average, the PAQLQ score was ≤5.9 points, indicating moderate / severe quality of life impairment. Higher levels of control, as well as higher disease severity, were associated with higher quality of life impairment, both in total PAQLQ score and domains (p<0.05). The presence of comorbidities was also associated with higher quality of life impairment (p=0.01), except in the emotional function domain. Adherence to treatment showed no association with quality of life. Conclusions: Children and adolescents with asthma present impairment in their quality of life, and this is related to poorer control and severity of the disease, as well as to the presence of allergic comorbidities.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida e sua associação com controle da doença, gravidade, comorbidades alérgicas e adesão ao tratamento em crianças e adolescentes com asma. Métodos: Estudo transversal que incluiu crianças e adolescentes com idade entre sete e 17 anos. O Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionary (PAQLQ) foi utilizado para avaliar a qualidade de vida. Dados sociodemográficos e clínicos foram obtidos a partir do prontuário e de um questionário. Foi realizada estatística descritiva e o teste do qui-quadrado ou o teste exato de Fisher foi utilizado para verificar existência de associações entre qualidade de vida e controle da doença, gravidade, comorbidades e adesão ao tratamento. O nível de significância estatística adotado foi de p<0,05. Resultados: 101 adolescentes/crianças foram avaliados (62,4% meninos), com média de idade de 10,1 anos. Em média, a pontuação do PAQLQ foi ≤5,9 pontos, indicando comprometimento moderado/grave da qualidade de vida. Piores níveis de controle e a maior gravidade da doença estiveram associados ao maior comprometimento da qualidade de vida, tanto no escore total do PAQLQ quanto por domínios (p<0,05). A presença de comorbidades também esteve associada ao maior comprometimento da qualidade de vida (p=0,01), exceto no domínio função emocional. A adesão ao tratamento não demonstrou associação com a qualidade de vida. Conclusões: Crianças e adolescentes com asma apresentam prejuízo na qualidade de vida, e este está relacionado com pior controle e maior gravidade da doença, assim como com a presença de comorbidades alérgicas.
Asthma/psychology , Asthma/drug therapy , Treatment Adherence and Compliance/statistics & numerical data , Hypersensitivity/psychology , Quality of Life , Asthma/diagnosis , Severity of Illness Index , Brazil/epidemiology , Bronchodilator Agents/therapeutic use , Comorbidity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Ambulatory Care Facilities/organization & administration , Hypersensitivity/epidemiologyABSTRACT
PURPOSE: The occurrence of pollen allergy is subject to exposure to pollen, which shows regional and temporal variations. We evaluated the changes in pollen counts and skin positivity rates for 6 years, and explored the correlation between their annual rates of change. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We assessed the number of pollen grains collected in Seoul, and retrospectively reviewed the results of 4442 skin-prick tests conducted at the Severance Hospital Allergy-Asthma Clinic from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2013. RESULTS: For 6 years, the mean monthly total pollen count showed two peaks, one in May and the other in September. Pollen count for grasses also showed the same trend. The pollen counts for trees, grasses, and weeds changed annually, but the changes were not significant. The annual skin positivity rates in response to pollen from grasses and weeds increased significantly over the 6 years. Among trees, the skin positivity rates in response to pollen from walnut, popular, elm, and alder significantly increased over the 6 years. Further, there was a significant correlation between the annual rate of change in pollen count and the rate of change in skin positivity rate for oak and hop Japanese. CONCLUSION: The pollen counts and skin positivity rates should be monitored, as they have changed annually. Oak and hop Japanese, which showed a significant correlation with the annual rate of change in pollen count and the rate of change in skin positivity rate over the 6 years may be considered the major allergens in Korea.
Humans , Allergens/immunology , Asthma/epidemiology , Hypersensitivity/epidemiology , Pollen/immunology , Republic of Korea/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal , Skin TestsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: To investigate trends in the prevalence of allergic disease over a 9-year period. METHODS: Using National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) data, the annual number of patients with allergic disease was obtained for each regional subdivisions (small cities, counties, and districts) from 2003 to 2011. Annual populations for each sub-region were obtained and used to calculate the standardized prevalence. To compare prevalence within the study period, data was standardized spatially and temporally. For standardization, demographic data was used to obtain the registered population and demographic structure for 2010, which was used to perform direct standardization of previous years. In addition, a geographic information system (GIS) was used to visualize prevalence for individual sub-regions, and allergic diseases were categorized into five groups according to prevalence. RESULTS: The nationwide outpatient prevalence of allergic rhinitis increased approximately 2.3-fold, from 1.27% in 2003 to 2.97% in 2013, while inpatient prevalence also increased approximately 2.4-fold,. The outpatient prevalence of asthma increased 1.2-fold, and inpatient prevalence increased 1.3-fold. The outpatient prevalence of atopic dermatitis decreased approximately 12%, and inpatient prevalence decreased 5%. CONCLUSIONS: There was a large difference between prevalence estimated from actual treatment data and prevalence based on patients' self-reported data, particularly for allergic rhinitis. Prevalence must continually be calculated and trends should be analyzed for the efficient management of allergic diseases. To this end, prevalence studies using NHIS claims data may be useful.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Asian People , Asthma/epidemiology , Databases, Factual , Dermatitis, Atopic/epidemiology , Geographic Information Systems , Hypersensitivity/epidemiology , National Health Programs , Prevalence , Republic of Korea/epidemiology , Rhinitis, Allergic/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Background: The prevalence of atopy in asthmatic children is widely variable around the world as demonstrated by large multicentric international studies. Aim: To determine the prevalence of atopy, defined as a positive reaction to one or more allergens in the skin prick test (SPT), in children with persistent asthma. Material and Methods: We studied 1,199 children (54% male), aged between 4 and 16 years with confirmed diagnosis of asthma and followed at a Department of Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, between 2006 and 2011. SPT was performed according to international recommendations using standardized aeroallergens, in the forearm. A positive reaction was defined as a wheal ≥ 3 mm to one or more allergens. Results: The overall prevalence of atopy (positive SPT) was 49.4% (95% confidence interval (CI) 46.5-52.2) and there was a significant trend towards a higher prevalence with increasing age (p < 0.01). The main allergens with positive reactions were Dermatophagoides with 24.9% (95% CI 26.7-31.9), grass 24.0% (95% CI 21.6-26.5), weeds 19.0% (95% CI 16.9-21.4), cat 17.7% (95% CI 15.4-20.2), and Alternaria with 11.0% (95% CI 9.1-13.1). Sixty five percent of positive children reacted to one or more allergens. There were no adverse reactions. Conclusions: In the southern metropolitan area of Santiago de Chile, half of children with asthma are sensitized to common aeroallergens.