La presencia de dos o más tipos de tumores en la misma zona del cuerpo es poco frecuente. El tumor compuesto o tumor de colisión presenta distintos subtipos histológicos en la misma región, con características clínicas, evolución y pronóstico diferente, diagnosticándose de forma incidental durante el estudio del otro. Se presenta un caso de una paciente quién fue diagnosticada con carcinoma epidermoide de cuello uterino estadio clínico IB1, tratada con cirugía (histerectomía radical Tipo III) que en el análisis histopatológico arroja dos subtipos histológicos, seguimiento con 4 años libres de enfermedad(AU)
The presence of two or more types of tumors in the same anatomic area is very strange. The compound tumor or coalition tumor presents different histological subtypes in the same region, with distinct clinical characteristics, evolution, and prognosis, being diagnosed incidentally during the study of the other. A case is presented of a patient who was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix clinical stage IB1, treatedwith surgery (Type III radical hysterectomy) that in the histopathological analysis showed two histological subtypes, follow-up with 4 years free of disease(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Papillomaviridae , Prognosis , General Surgery , Histology , HysterectomyABSTRACT
Introducción: El amniocele es una hernia del saco amniótico a través de un defecto en la pared del útero, el cual puede deberse a ruptura uterina, secundario a daños preexistentes, anomalías uterinas o en un útero sin cicatrices. Caso clínico: Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 37 años, con antecedente de dos partos por cesárea, a quien en la semana 25,5 de embarazo se le diagnostica por ecografía amniocele en la pared anterior de útero contenido por la vejiga, además de signos ecográficos de acretismo placentario. La posterior realización de resonancia magnética confirma el diagnóstico. Se realiza manejo expectante con estancia continua intrahospitalaria estricta. Resolución obstétrica a las 34 semanas por cesárea, con extracción fetal por fondo uterino sin complicaciones, con posterior realización de histerectomía con placenta in situ. Conclusiones: Este reporte de caso ilustra la importancia de la identificación temprana de esta condición por ser una complicación infrecuente, pero de grave pronóstico fetomaterno en ausencia de atención inmediata.
Introduction: Amniocele is a hernia of the amniotic sac through a defect in the uterine wall, which can be caused by uterine rupture secondary to preexisting damage, uterine anomalies, or a scarless uterus. Case report: We present a case of a 37-year-old patient with a history of two previous cesarean deliveries. At 25.5 weeks of gestation, the diagnosis of amniocele in the anterior uterine wall, contained by the bladder, along with ultrasound signs of placenta accreta, was confirmed through ultrasound. Subsequent magnetic resonance imaging further confirmed the diagnosis. Expectant management with strict continuous intrahospital stay was implemented. Obstetric resolution was achieved at 34 weeks through cesarean delivery, with uncomplicated fetal extraction through the uterine fundus. Subsequently, a hysterectomy was performed with the placenta left in situ. Conclusions: This case report illustrates the importance of early identification of this condition due to its infrequent but serious feto-maternal prognosis in the absence of immediate attention.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Placenta Accreta/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Placenta Accreta/surgery , Uterine Rupture , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Cesarean Section , Amnion , Hernia/diagnostic imaging , HysterectomyABSTRACT
La inversión uterina es una patología de presentación rara e infrecuente. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con inversión uterina no puerperal con requerimiento de histerectomía abdominal total. Sin antecedentes de importancia asistió al servicio de urgencias por un cuadro clínico de dolor abdominal de 10 días de evolución asociado a sangrado vaginal abundante con inestabilidad hemodinámica y sensación de masa vaginal. Al examen físico se evidenció una masa sobresaliente del canal vaginal de aspecto necrótico, por lo que se sospechó mioma nascens. Durante la estancia hospitalaria presentó inestabilidad hemodinámica, por lo que fue llevada a histerectomía abdominal de urgencia con hallazgo de inversión uterina. La inversión uterina no puerperal es infrecuente. Es importante realizar un buen diagnóstico clínico apoyado de las imágenes si se encuentran disponibles, la intervención quirúrgica es necesaria y proporciona un buen pronóstico. La histerectomía vaginal no es sencilla en estos casos, por lo que se recomienda la histerectomía abdominal total.
Uterine inversion is a rare and infrequent disease. The case of a patient with a non-puerperal uterine inversion that had to be treated with a total abdominal hysterectomy is presented in this study. With no important history of disease, she attended the emergency department presenting abdominal pain in the last 10 days associated with vaginal bleeding and mass sensation. The physical examination revealed a protruding necrotic-like mass through the vagina, hence the suspicion of a myoma nascens. During her hospital ward stay, she presented hemodynamic instability, urgent abdominal hysterectomy had to be done which revealed uterine inversion. Non-puerperal uterine inversion is infrequent. Precise clinical diagnosis is important supported by diagnostic imaging if available. The surgical intervention is necessary, giving a good prognosis. Vaginal hysterectomy is not easy in this type of cases, therefore total abdominal hysterectomy is recommended.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Uterine Neoplasms/complications , Uterine Inversion/surgery , Leiomyoma/complications , Uterine Hemorrhage/etiology , Uterine Neoplasms/surgery , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Uterine Inversion/diagnosis , Hysterectomy/methods , Leiomyoma/surgeryABSTRACT
Objetivo:descrever a o impacto da histerectomia e a participação dos profissionais de saúde durante o processo cirúrgico. O problema de pesquisa parte do seguinte questionamento: que impacto tem a histerectomia na vida da mulher em idade reprodutiva? Que participação tem os profissionais de saúde no processo cirúrgico? Método: Estudo de natureza descritiva com abordagem qualitativa conforme os pressupostos de Minayo (2009) com método de pesquisa exploratória. Resultados:Foram entrevistadas 7 mulheres que foram submetidas a histerectomia, com idade acima de 18 anos, que responderam perguntas referentes ao impacto do diagnóstico, conhecimento sobre a cirugia e experiências sobre o acolhimento dos profissionais da saúde no processo cirúrgico. A entrevista foi realizada em ambiente virtual na plataforma Google Forms. Conclusão: As entrevistadas revelaram sentimentos de angústia e medo ao se depararem com o diagnóstico cirúrgico por ausência de conhecimento inicialmente, evidenciando insatisfação e ausência dos profissionais da saúde quanto à cirurgia. O estudo reforça a importância das equipes multidisciplinares em hospitais e/ou locais de cuidados de saúde, uma vez que o foco principal no trabalho com pessoas acometidas por uma enfermidade não é a doença em si, mas elas mesmas.
Objective: to describe the impact of hysterectomy and the involvement of healthcare professionals during the surgical process. The research problem originates from the following questions: What impact does hysterectomy have on the life of a woman of reproductive age?What role do healthcare professionals play in the surgical process? Method:A descriptive study with a qualitative approach according to Minayo's (2009) assumptions using an exploratory research method. Results:Seven women who underwent hysterectomy, aged over 18 years, were interviewed. They answered questions regarding the impact of the diagnosis, knowledge about the surgery, and experiences of healthcare professionals' support during the surgical process. The interviews were conducted in a virtual environment using the Google Forms platform. Conclusion:The interviewees revealed feelings of anguish and fear when faced with the surgical diagnosis due to initial lack of knowledge, showing dissatisfaction and absence of healthcare professionals regarding the surgery. The study reinforces the importance of multidisciplinary teams in hospitals and/or healthcare facilities, as the main focus in working with people affected by an illness is not the disease itself, but the individuals themselves
Objetivo: describir el impacto de la histerectomía y la participación de los profesionales de la salud durante el proceso quirúrgico. El problema de investigación se basa en la siguiente pregunta: ¿qué impacto tiene la histerectomía en la vida de las mujeres en edadreproductiva? ¿Qué papel juegan los profesionales de la salud en el proceso quirúrgico? Método:Se trata de un estudio descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo según los supuestos de Minayo (2009) con un método de investigación exploratorio. Resultados:Se entrevistó a 7 mujeres mayores de 18 años sometidas a histerectomía, quienes respondieron preguntassobre el impacto del diagnóstico, conocimientos sobre cirugía y experiencias sobre la recepción de profesionales de la salud en el proceso quirúrgico. La entrevista se realizó en un entorno virtual en la plataforma Google Forms. Conclusión:Los entrevistados revelaron sentimientos de angustia y miedo frente al diagnóstico quirúrgico debido a la falta de conocimiento inicial, evidenciando insatisfacción y ausencia de profesionales de la salud con respecto a la cirugía. El estudio refuerza la importancia de los equipos multidisciplinarios en los hospitales y/o en los entornos sanitarios, ya que el foco principal en el trabajo con personas afectadas por una enfermedad no es la enfermedad en sí, sino ellos mismos.
Hysterectomy , Women's Health , Health PersonnelABSTRACT
Objetivo: Identificar o impacto da histerectomia para patologias benignas sobre a sexualidade feminina. Métodos: Revisão de literatura com busca na plataforma PubMed, sendo selecionados 23 artigos em português e inglês publicados entre 2016 e 2021. Resultados: Foi descrita, majoritariamente, melhora na função sexual após histerectomia, semelhante às abordagens totais ou supracervicais e independentemente da via de acesso cirúrgico, apesar de impacto ligeiramente menor com a via laparoscópica. Na laparoscopia, houve melhor desfecho sexual no fechamento da cúpula vaginal, quando comparado ao fechamento via vaginal. Ademais, a ooforectomia concomitante apresentou resultados conflitantes e inconclusivos. Conclusão: A histerectomia afeta positivamente a saúde sexual feminina e aspectos técnicos podem interferir na função sexual, porém os dados são limitados. Devido à importância do tema, necessitam-se de mais estudos com metodologias padronizadas para possibilitar análises mais detalhadas.
Objective: To identify the impact of hysterectomy for benign pathologies on female sexuality. Methods: Literature review with search on PubMed platform, being selected 23 articles in Portuguese and English published between 2016 and 2021. Results: Improvement in sexual function after hysterectomy was mostly described, being similar in total or supracervical approaches and independent of the surgical access route, although it had slightly lower impact when laparoscopic. In the laparoscopic approach, there was better sexual outcome in the vaginal dome closure when compared to vaginal closure. In addition, concomitant oophorectomy showed conflicting and inconclusive results. Conclusion: Hysterectomy positively affects female sexual health and technical aspects may interfere with sexual function, but data are limited. Due to the importance of the theme, more studies with standardized methodologies are needed to enable more detailed analyses.
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Pelvis/innervation , Hysterectomy/adverse effects , Uterus/physiopathology , Women's Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Laparoscopy/methods , Sexuality , Hysterectomy, Vaginal/methodsABSTRACT
Objective: To compare the prognosis and perioperative situation of patients with stage Ⅱ endometrial cancer (EC) between radical hysterectomy/modified radical hysterectomy (RH/mRH) and simple hysterectomy (SH). Methods: A total of 47 patients diagnosed EC with stage Ⅱ [International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) 2009] by postoperative pathology, from January 2006 to January 2021 in Peking University People's Hospital, were analyzed retrospectively. The patients were (54.4±10.7) years old, and the median follow-up time was 65 months (ranged 9-138 months). They were divided into RH/mRH group (n=14) and SH group (n=33) according to the scope of operation. Then the prognosis of patients between the groups were compared, and the independent prognostic factors of stage Ⅱ EC were explored. Results: (1) The proportions of patients with hypertension in RH/mRH group and SH group were 2/14 and 45% (15/33), the amounts of intraoperative blood loss were (702±392) and (438±298) ml, and the incidence of postoperative complications were 7/14 and 15% (5/33), respectively. There were significant differences (all P<0.05). (2) The median follow-up time of RH/mRH group and SH group were 72 vs 62 months, respectively (P=0.515). According to Kaplan-Meier analysis and log-rank method, the results showed that there were no significant difference in 5-year progression-free survival (PFS) rate (94.3% vs 84.0%; P=0.501), and 5-year overall survival rate (92.3% vs 92.9%; P=0.957) between the two groups. Cox survival analysis indicated that age, pathological type, serum cancer antigen 125 (CA125), and estrogen receptor (ER) status were associated with 5-year PFS rate (all P<0.05). But the scope of hysterectomy (RH/mRH and SH) did not affect the 5-year PFS rate of stage Ⅱ EC patients (P=0.508). And level of serum CA125 and ER status were independent prognostic factors for 5-year PFS rate (all P<0.05). Conclusions: This study could not find any survival benefit from RH/mRH for stage Ⅱ EC, but increases the incidence of postoperative complications. Therefore, the necessity of extending the scope of hysterectomy is questionable.
Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Disease-Free Survival , Retrospective Studies , Neoplasm Staging , Prognosis , Endometrial Neoplasms/pathology , Hysterectomy/methods , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/pathologyABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the maternal and fetal outcomes of expectant treatment and early termination of pregnancy in pregnant women with suspected invasive placenta accreta spectrum disorders (PAS) in the second trimester. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed on 51 pregnant women with suspected invasive PAS (ultrasound score ≥10) evaluated by ultrasound with gestational age <26 weeks and confirmed as invasive PAS by intraoperative findings or postoperative pathology in Peking University Third Hospital from January 2015 to January 2022. According to the informed choice of pregnant women and their families, they were divided into expectant treatment group (37 cases) and mid-term termination group (14 cases). The general clinical data and outcome indexes of the two groups were analyzed by χ2 test, Mann-Whitney U rank sum test, logistic regression and linear regression. Results: (1) General clinical data: among 51 pregnant women who were assessed as suspected invasive PAS by ultrasonography in the second trimester, invasive PAS was finally diagnosed by intraoperative findings and postoperative pathology, among which 46 cases (90%) were placenta percreta and 5 cases (10%) were placenta increta. (2) Outcome indicators: univariate analysis showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the intraoperative blood loss (median: 2 200 vs 2 150 ml), the proportion of blood loss >1 500 ml [73% (27/37) vs 9/14], the hysterectomy rate [62% (23/37) vs 8/14], the rate of intensive care unit (ICU) admission [78% (29/37) vs 9/14] between the expectant treatment group and the mid-term termination group (all P>0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that the rate of intraoperative blood loss >1 500 ml (aOR=0.481, 95%CI: 0.017-13.958; P=0.670), hysterectomy (aOR=0.264, 95%CI: 0.011-6.569, P=0.417) and ICU admission (aOR=1.327, 95%CI: 0.048-36.882, P=0.867) between the two groups showed no statistical differences. (3) Outcome analysis: all 37 cases in the expectant treatment group had live births and no early neonatal death. Five pregnant women (14%, 5/37) in the expectant treatment group underwent emergency cesarean section in the course of expectant treatment. In the mid-term termination group, all pregnancies were terminated by operation, including 9 cases of hysterectomy and 5 cases of placental hysterectomy. There was 1 fetal survival (gestational age of termination: 27+4 weeks) and 13 fetal death in the mid-term termination group. Conclusions: Pregnant women who are diagnosed as suspected invasive PAS, especially those with placenta percreta, have the risk of uterine rupture and emergency surgery in the course of expectant treatment. However, early termination of pregnancy does not reduce the risk of intraoperative blood loss and hysterectomy.
Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Female , Humans , Infant , Placenta Accreta/surgery , Pregnancy Trimester, Second , Pregnant Women , Cesarean Section , Retrospective Studies , Blood Loss, Surgical , Placenta , Abortion, Induced , HysterectomyABSTRACT
Transmasculine individuals, considering whether to undergo total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy, have the option to have a concomitant oophorectomy. While studies have evaluated hormone changes following testosterone therapy initiation, most of those patients have not undergone oophorectomy. Data are currently limited to support health outcomes regarding the decision to retain or remove the ovaries. We performed a retrospective chart review of transmasculine patients maintained on high-dose testosterone therapy at a single endocrine clinic in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Twelve transmasculine individuals who underwent bilateral oophorectomy and had presurgical and postsurgical serum data were included. We identified 12 transmasculine subjects as controls, who were on testosterone therapy and did not undergo oophorectomy, but additionally matched to the first group by age, testosterone dosing regimen, and body mass index. There was a statistically significant decrease in the estradiol levels of case subjects postoophorectomy, when compared to presurgical estradiol levels (P = 0.02). There was no significant difference between baseline estradiol levels between control and case subjects; however, the difference in estradiol levels at follow-up measurements was significant (P = 0.03). Total testosterone levels did not differ between control and case subjects at baseline and follow-up (both P > 0.05). Our results demonstrate that oophorectomy further attenuates estradiol levels below what is achieved by high-dose exogenous testosterone alone. Correlated clinical outcomes, such as impacts on bone health, were not available. The clinical implications of oophorectomy versus ovarian retention on endocrinological and overall health outcomes are currently limited.
Female , Humans , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Retrospective Studies , Ovariectomy , Hysterectomy/methods , EstradiolABSTRACT
Une analgésie multimodale est incontournable pour la prise en charge de la douleur post opératoire. L'objectif de notre étude était de montrer l'intérêt de l'utilisation de la kétamine, avec son effet analgésique, parmi les différentes molécules disponibles. Méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude prospective monocentrique en simple aveugle de 31 cas d'hystérectomie programmée sur une période de 6 mois (maioctobre 2016) divisée en deux groupes soumis au même protocole anesthésique : un groupe recevant de la kétamine en bolus suivi d'une perfusion continue peropératoire et sur les premières 24 heures et un groupe contrôle sans kétamine. En période post opératoire les deux groupes bénéficient d'une analgésie multimodale. L'analyse statistique a été faite par le test de Student. Résultats : Les scores de douleur diffèrent peu en moyenne sur les 24 heures de surveillance, tandis qu'une épargne morphinique importante est notée dans le groupe kétamine de l'ordre de 50% avec une valeur de p<0,001 fortement significative. A côté nous n'avons constaté aucun effet indésirable notable. Conclusion : L'adjonction de kétamine même de brève durée dans la prise en charge de la douleur post opératoire a permis de baisser considérablement la consommation morphinique
Pain, Postoperative , Hysterectomy , Disease Prevention , Hyperalgesia , Ketamine , MorphineABSTRACT
Abstract Background Robotic-Assisted Hysterectomies (RAH) require Trendelenburg positioning and pneumoperitoneum, which further accentuate alteration in respiratory mechanics induced by general anesthesia. The role of Recruitment Maneuver (RM) as a lung-protective strategy during intraoperative surgical settings has not been much studied. We planned this study to evaluate the effect of RM on perioperative oxygenation and postoperative spirometry using PaO2/FiO2 and FEV1/FVC, respectively in patients undergoing RAH. Methods Sixty-six ASA I‒II female patients scheduled for elective RAH were randomized into group R (recruitment maneuver, n = 33) or group C (control, n = 33). Portable spirometry was done one day before surgery. Patients were induced with general anesthesia, and mechanical ventilation started with volume control mode, with Tidal Volume (TV) of 6-8 mL.kg−1, Respiratory Rate (RR) of 12 min, inspiratory-expiratory ratio (I: E ratio) of 1:2, FiO2 of 0.4, and Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) of 5 cmH2O. Patients in group R received recruitment maneuvers of 30 cmH2O every 30 minutes following tracheal intubation. The primary objectives were comparison of oxygenation and ventilation between two groups intraoperatively and portable spirometry postoperatively. Postoperative pulmonary complications, like desaturation, pulmonary edema, pneumonia, were monitored. Results Patients who received RM had significantly higher PaO2 (mmHg) (203.2+-24.3 vs. 167.8+-27.3, p < 0.001) at T2 (30 min after the pneumoperitoneum). However, there was no significant difference in portable spirometry between the groups in the postoperative period (FVC, 1.40 ± 0.5 L vs. 1.32 ± 0.46 L, p= 0.55). Conclusion This study concluded that intraoperative recruitment did not prevent deterioration of postoperative spirometry values; however, it led to improved oxygenation intraoperatively.
Humans , Female , Pneumoperitoneum/complications , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Postoperative Period , Single-Blind Method , Tidal Volume , Hysterectomy/adverse effects , LungABSTRACT
Abstract Background Hydroxyethyl starches are colloids used in fluid therapy that may reduce volume infusion compared with crystalloids, but they can affect renal function in critical care patients. This study aims to assess renal effects of starches using renal biomarkers in the perioperative setting. Methods This prospective, controlled, randomized study compared Hydroxyethyl starch 6% (HES) with Ringer's lactate (RL) in hysterectomy. Each episode of mean arterial pressure (MAP) below 60 mmHg guided the fluid replacement protocol. The RL group received 300 mL bolus of RL solution while the HES group received 150 mL of HES solution. All patients received RL (2 mL.kg−1.h−1) intraoperatively to replace insensible losses. Blood and urine samples were collected at three time points (preoperatively, 24 hours, and 40 days postoperatively) to assess urinary NGAL and KIM-1, as primary outcome, and other markers of renal function. Results Seventy patients were randomized and 60 completed the study. The RL group received a higher crystalloid volume (1,277 ± 812.7 mL vs. 630.4 ± 310.2 mL; p= 0.0002) with a higher fluid balance (780 ± 720 mL vs. 430 ± 440 mL; p= 0.03) and fluid overload (11.7% ± 10.4% vs. 7.0% ± 6.3%; p= 0.04) compared to the HES group. NGAL and KIM-1 did not differ between groups at each time point, however both biomarkers increased 24 hours postoperatively and returned to preoperative levels after 40 days in both groups. Conclusion HES did not increase renal biomarkers following open hysterectomy compared to RL. Moreover, HES provided better hemodynamic parameters using less volume, and reduced postoperative fluid balance and fluid overload.
Hydroxyethyl Starch Derivatives , Fluid Therapy/methods , Biomarkers , Prospective Studies , Plasma Substitutes , Colloids , Lipocalin-2 , Crystalloid Solutions , Ringer's Lactate , Hysterectomy , Isotonic Solutions , Kidney/physiologyABSTRACT
La histerectomía es uno de los principales procedimientos quirúrgicos en ginecología. Se calcula que en EE.UU. se realizan unas 500,000 anualmente y que una de cada nueve mujeres a lo largo de su vida se realizará dicha intervención. Los distintos abordajes (abdominal, vaginal, laparoscópico y robótico) presentan diferencias respecto al tiempo quirúrgico, complicaciones, dolor postoperatorio, estancia hospitalaria y gasto sanitario. Factores como el tamaño uterino, la accesibilidad vaginal, la historia de cirugías pélvicas previas, la existencia de patología extrauterina o la experiencia del cirujano influyen a la hora de decidir la vía de abordaje. Revisar la evidencia disponible respecto a la vía de elección de la histerectomía por patología benigna y cómo decidir el abordaje más adecuado para cada paciente. Búsqueda bibliográfica de literatura en las bases de datos PubMed, Medline, Embase, BioMed Central y SciELO. La vía vaginal es el abordaje de elección para realizar una histerectomía dada su menor invasividad, menor tiempo de recuperación y menor tasa de complicaciones. La generalización del uso de algoritmos para la elección de la vía de abordaje incrementaría la tasa de acceso vaginal y asociaría con ello una disminución del gasto sanitario.
Hysterectomy is one of the most common surgical procedures in gynecology. It is calculated that over 500,000 hysterectomies are performed in the USA per year and that 1 out of 9 women will undergo this surgery in their lifetime. Diverse surgical approaches are possible (abdominal, vaginal, laparoscopic and robotic) with differences in operative time, complication rates, postoperative pain, hospital stay, and health care cost. Factors such as uterus size, vaginal access, prior pelvic surgery, extrauterine pathology and surgeon experience may influence the route selection. To collect the current evidence regarding the preferred route in hysterectomy for benign pathology and how to select the adequate approach for every patient. Bibliographic literature search through the PubMed, Medline, Embase, BioMed Central and SciELO databases. Vaginal hysterectomy is the preferred approach in benign indications. It is less invasive, and it shows shorter operative time, shorter recovery time and less complications. The use of decision algorithms to select the hysterectomy route may increase the vaginal approach and decrease health care costs.
Humans , Female , Hysterectomy/methods , Algorithms , Laparoscopy , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Hysterectomy, VaginalABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Acute postoperative pain is associated with poor quality of recovery after surgery. Perioperative use of intravenous lignocaine or dexmedetomidine have demonstrated better pain control, early return of bowel function, and effects on quality of recovery. Methods: Ninety-six women planned for elective robotic abdominal hysterectomy were randomized into four groups. Groups received lignocaine infusion (1.5 mg.kg−1 loading, 2 mg.kg−1.h−1 infusion) (Group I), dexmedetomidine infusion (1 µg.kg−1 loading, 0.6 µg.kg−1.h−1 infusion) (Group 2), lidocaine (1.5 mg.kg−1 loading, 2 mg.kg−1.h−1 infusion), and dexmedetomidine infusions (1 µg.kg−1 loading, 0.5 µg.kg−1.h−1 infusion) (Group 3), and normal saline 10 mL loading, 1 mL.kg−1.h−1 infusion) (Group 4). Primary outcome was visual analogue pain scores at 1, 2, 4, 12, and 24 hours after surgery. Secondary outcomes included postoperative fentanyl requirement, time of return of bowel sounds and flatus, QoR15 score on day 1, 2, and discharge. Results The VAS was significantly lower in Groups 2 and 3 compared to Groups 1 and 4. Total postoperative fentanyl consumption in the first 24 hours was 256.25 ± 16.36 mcg (Group 1), 177.71 ± 16.81 mcg (Group 2), 114.17 ± 16.19 mcg (Group 3), and 304.42 ± 31.26 mcg (Group 4), respectively. Time to return of bowel sounds and passage of flatus was significantly shorter in Groups 2 and 3 (p < 0.01). QoR15 scores after surgery were higher in Group 3 compared to Groups 1, 2, and 4, (p < 0.01) respectively. Conclusion: Combined infusion of lignocaine and dexmedetomidine significantly decreased postoperative pain, fentanyl consumption, and improved quality of recovery score after surgery in patients undergoing Robotic abdominal hysterectomy.
Humans , Female , Dexmedetomidine/therapeutic use , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Infusions, Intravenous , Fentanyl , Double-Blind Method , Prospective Studies , Flatulence , Hysterectomy , Lidocaine/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Abstract Objective This systematic review aims at describing the prevalence of urinary and sexual symptoms among women who underwent a hysterectomy for cervical cancer. Methods A systematic search in six electronic databases was performed, in September 2019, by two researchers. The text search was limited to the investigation of prevalence or occurrence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and sexual dysfunctions in women who underwent a hysterectomy for cervical cancer. For search strategies, specific combinations of terms were used. Results A total of 8 studies, published between 2010 and 2018, were included in the sample. The average age of the participants ranged from 40 to 56 years, and the dysfunctions predominantly investigated in the articles were urinary symptoms (n= 8). The rates of urinary incontinence due to radical abdominal hysterectomy ranged from 7 to 31%. The same dysfunction related to laparoscopic radical hysterectomy varied from 25 to 35% and to laparoscopic nerve sparing radical hysterectomy varied from 25 to 47%. Nocturia ranged from 13%, before treatment, to 30%, after radical hysterectomy. The prevalence rates of dyspareunia related to laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and laparoscopic nerve sparing radical hysterectomy ranged from 5 to 16% and 7 to 19% respectively. The difficulty in having orgasm was related to laparoscopic radical hysterectomy (10 to 14%) and laparoscopic nerve sparing radical hysterectomy (9 to 19%). Conclusion Urinary and sexual dysfunctions after radical hysterectomy to treat cervical cancer are frequent events. The main reported disorders were urinary incontinence and dyspareunia.
Resumo Objetivo Essa revisão sistemática visa descrever a prevalência de sintomas urinários e sexuais entre mulheres submetidas à histerectomia por câncer cervical. Métodos Uma pesquisa sistemática foi realizada em seis bases de dados eletrônicas, em setembro de 2019, por dois pesquisadores. A busca foi limitada à investigação da prevalência e ocorrência de sintomas do trato urinário baixo e disfunções sexuais em mulheres após histerectomia por câncer cervical. Como estratégia de busca foi utilizada uma combinação específica de termos apenas em inglês. Resultados Um total de 8 estudos, publicados entre 2010 e 2018, foram incluídos na amostra. A idade média dos participantes foi de 40 a 56 anos, e as principais disfunções investigadas pelos artigos foram sintomas urinários (n= 8). Na literatura analisada, as taxas de incontinência urinária ligadas à histerectomia abdominal radical variaram de 7 a 31%. A mesma disfunção, para histerectomia radical laparoscópica, variou de 25 a 35%, e de 25 a 47% para histerectomia radical laparoscópica poupadora de nervo. A taxa de noctúria variou de 13%, antes do tratamento, a 30%, após histerectomia radical. A prevalência de dispareunia associada à histerectomia radical laparoscópica foi de 5 a 16%. Já a taxa de dispareunia relatada pós-histerectomia radical laparoscópica poupadora situou-se entre 7 e 19%. A dificuldade de alcançar o orgasmo foi relatada após histerectomia radical laparoscópica, variando de 10 a 14%, e também na histerectomia radical laparoscópica poupadora de nervo, variando de 9 a 19%. Conclusão Disfunções urinárias e sexuais após histerectomia para tratamento do câncer cervical são eventos frequentes. As principais desordens relatadas foram incontinência urinária e dispareunia.
Humans , Female , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms , HysterectomyABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: Aproximadamente un 4% de mujeres embarazadas presentan tumoraciones anexiales en el primer trimestre de gestación, siendo la mayoría quistes anexiales simples. Solo el 1,5% persisten tras el primer trimestre y en torno al 0,9% son malignos. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 31 años que consultó en urgencias por sangrado y amenorrea de 5 semanas. La ecografía transvaginal evidenció un saco gestacional intraútero y una tumoración anexial izquierda compleja de 68 mm, multilocular, sólida, de ecogenicidad mixta, con septos gruesos y un área sólida vascularizada de 40 mm, sospechosa de neoplasia de ovario. Se realizó manejo quirúrgico conservador mediante anexectomía bilateral laparoscópica en la octava semana de gestación. El diagnóstico fue de adenocarcinoma mucinoso infiltrante bien diferenciado en ovario derecho, coexistente con tumor mucinoso borderline en ovario izquierdo (etapa IC FIGO). El embarazo cursó con normalidad, a excepción de feto pequeño para la edad gestacional en la semana 39. Se finalizó la gestación en la semana 40 mediante parto vaginal. Debido al deseo de la paciente, la cirugía se realizó en el primer trimestre de embarazo en lugar de en el segundo como se recomienda. La cirugía se completó meses después del parto, con histerectomía y apendicectomía laparoscópica. DISCUSIÓN: El cáncer de ovario es el segundo tumor ginecológico más diagnosticado durante el embarazo. Suele diagnosticarse en el primer trimestre debido al cribado ecográfico gestacional. Ocurre en mujeres con baja paridad y en sus últimos años de edad reproductiva. Esto podría verse reflejado en un aumento de su incidencia debido al retraso de la edad materna al primer embarazo. Normalmente se diagnostica en etapa I, siendo entonces la supervivencia superior al 90% a los 5 años. En etapas iniciales en mujeres embarazadas, la laparoscopia es tan válida como la laparotomía.
INTRODUCTION: Approximately 4% of pregnant women present adnexal tumors in the first trimester of gestation, the majority being simple adnexal cysts. Only 1.5% persist after the first trimester and around 0.9% are malignant. CASE REPORT: 31-year-old patient who came to the emergency room because of spotting and 5-week amenorrhea. A transvaginal ultrasound revealed an intrauterine gestational sac and a 69 mm complex multiocular-solid left adnexal tumor, with thick septa and a solid vascularized area of 40 mm, with suspicion of ovarian neoplasia. Conservative surgical management was performed through laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in eighth week of gestation. The diagnosis was a well-differentiated infiltrating mucinous adenocarcinoma in the right ovary, and a coexisting borderline mucinous tumor in the left ovary (FIGO stage IC). The pregnancy proceeded normally except for a small for gestational age fetus at week 39 and pregnancy was completed at week 40 by vaginal delivery. Due to the patients wishes, the surgery was performed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy instead in the 2nd as is recommended. Final surgery was completed after giving birth, with laparoscopic hysterectomy and appendectomy. DISCUSSION: Ovarian cancer is the second most diagnosed gynecological tumor during pregnancy. It is usually diagnosed during the first trimester with gestational ultrasound screening. It occurs in women with low parity and in their later years of reproductive age. This could be reflected in an increase in its incidence due to the delay in the age of first pregnancy. Normally it is diagnosed in stage I, when the survival rate is superior to 90% after 5 years. In early stages, laparoscopic surgery in pregnant women is as valid as laparotomy.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Ovarian Neoplasms/surgery , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic , Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous/surgery , Neoplasms, Multiple Primary/surgery , Ovarian Neoplasms/pathology , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Trimester, First , Laparoscopy , Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous/pathology , Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous/diagnostic imaging , Hysterectomy/methods , Neoplasms, Multiple Primary/pathologyABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To summarize the available evidence of TAP Block in efficacy in laparoscopic or robotic hysterectomy. Data Sources We searched databases and gray literature for randomized controlled trials in which transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block was compared with placebo or with no treatment in patients who underwent laparoscopic or robot-assisted hysterectomy. Method of Study Selection Two researchers independently evaluated the eligibility of the selected articles. Tabulation, Integration, and Results Seven studies were selected, involving 518 patients. Early postoperative pain showed a difference in the mean mean difference (MD): - 1.17 (95% confidence interval [CI]: - 1.87-0.46) in pain scale scores (I2=68%), which was statistically significant in favor of using TAP block, but without clinical relevance; late postoperative pain: DM 0.001 (95%CI: - 0.43-0.44; I2=69%); opioid requirement: DM 0.36 (95%CI: - 0.94-1.68; I2=80%); and incidence of nausea and vomiting with a difference of 95%CI=- 0.11 (- 0.215-0.006) in favor of TAP. Conclusion With moderate strength of evidence, due to the high heterogeneity and imbalance in baseline characteristics among studies, the results indicate that TAP block should not be considered as a clinically relevant analgesic technique to improve postoperative pain in laparoscopic or robotic hysterectomy, despite statistical significance in early postoperative pain scale scores. Clinical Trial Number and Registry: PROSPERO ID - CRD42018103573.
Resumo Objetivo Resumir as evidências disponíveis sobre a eficácia do bloqueio TAP em histerectomia laparoscópica ou robótica. Fontes de Dados Pesquisamos bancos de dados e literatura cinza por ensaios clínicos randomizados nos quais o bloqueio do plano transverso do abdome (TAP na sigla em inglês) foi comparado com placebo ou com nenhum tratamento em pacientes que foram submetidos a histerectomia laparoscópica ou assistida por robô. Métodos de Seleção de Estudos Dois pesquisadores avaliaram independentemente a elegibilidade dos artigos selecionados. Tabulação, Integração e Resultados Sete estudos foram selecionados envolvendo 518 pacientes. A dor pós-operatória precoce apresentou diferença nasmédias (DM) de: -1 17 (intervalo de confiança [IC] de 95%: - 1 87-0 46) nos escores da escala de dor (I2=68%) o que foi estatisticamente significativo a favor do uso do bloqueio TAP mas sem relevância clínica; dor pós-operatória tardia: DM 0001 (IC95%: - 043-044; I2=69%); necessidade de opioides: DM0 36 (95%CI: - 0 94-168; I2=80%); e incidência de náuseas e vômitos com diferença de 95% CI=- 011 (- 0215-0006) a favor do TAP. Conclusão Com moderada força de evidência devido à alta heterogeneidade e ao desequilíbrio nas características basais entre os estudos os resultados indicam que o bloqueio do TAP não deve ser considerado como uma técnica analgésica clinicamente relevante para melhorar a dor pós-operatória em histerectomia laparoscópica ou robótica apesar da significância estatística nas pontuações da escala de dor pósoperatória inicial. Número e Registro do Ensaio Clínico: PROSPERO ID - CRD42018103573.
Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Laparoscopy/methods , Robotic Surgical Procedures/methods , Analgesics, Opioid/therapeutic use , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Robotics , Abdominal Muscles , Hysterectomy/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To compare the outcomes of emergency and planned peripartum hysterectomies. Methods The present retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in two hospitals. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were compared according to emergency and planned peripartum hysterectomies. Results A total of 34,020 deliveries were evaluated retrospectively, and 66 cases of peripartum hysterectomy were analyzed. Of these, 31 were cases of planned surgery, and 35 were cases of emergency surgery. The patients who underwent planned peripartum hysterectomy had a lower rate of blood transfusion (83.9% versus 100%; p=0.014), and higher postoperative hemoglobin levels (9.9±1.3 versus 8.3±1.3; p<0.001) compared with the emergency hysterectomy group. The birth weight was lower, although the appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration (Apgar) scores were higher in the planned surgery group compared with the emergency cases. Conclusion Planned peripartum hysterectomy with an experienced team results in less need for transfusion and improved neonatal outcomes compared with emergency peripartum hysterectomy.
Resumo Objetivo Comparar os resultados das histerectomias periparto de emergência e planejada. Métodos Este estudo transversal retrospectivo foi realizado em dois hospitais. Os resultados maternos e neonatais foram comparados de acordo com as histerectomias periparto de emergência e planejada. Resultados Um total de 34.020 partos foram avaliados retrospectivamente, e 66 casos de histerectomia periparto foram analisados. Destes, 31 eram casos de cirurgias planejadas, e 35, cirurgias de emergência. As pacientes que foram submetidas à histerectomia periparto planejada tiveram uma taxa menor de transfusão de sangue (83,9% versus 100%; p=0,014), e níveis mais elevados de hemoglobina pós-operatória (9,9±1,3 versus 8,3±1,3; p<0,001) em comparação com o grupo de histerectomia de emergência. O peso ao nascer foi menor, embora as pontuações na escala de aparência, frequência cardíaca, irritabilidade reflexa, tônus muscular, e respiração (appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration, Apgar, em inglês) fossem maiores no grupo da cirurgia planejada em comparação com os casos de emergência. Conclusão A histerectomia periparto planejada com uma equipe experiente resulta em menos necessidade de transfusão e melhora os resultados neonatais em relação à histerectomia periparto de emergência.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Placentation , Emergencies , HysterectomyABSTRACT
We report a case of giant hysteromyoma and complex pelvic adhesion treated by robotic assisted laparoscopic total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingectomy. The patient was diagnosed with uterine fibroids after physical examination in 1998 but did not receive any treatment, and regular examinations reported progressive growth of the fibroids. Ultrasound suggested multiple uterine fibroids, and pelvic MRI indicated large uterine fibroids with bleeding. Robot-assisted laparoscopic total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingectomy were performed after relevant examinations, and the operation was completed smoothly. The patient was discharged 4 days after surgery with good appearance of the abdominal wall and good recovery during the follow-up. With its unique advantages, robot-assisted laparoscopy provides a minimally invasive surgical approach for giant hysterectomy with complex pelvic adhesions.
Female , Humans , Hysterectomy , Laparoscopy , Leiomyoma/surgery , Robotics , UterusABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#Massive bleeding is the main concern for the management of placenta percreta (PP). Intra-abdominal aortic balloon occlusion (IABO) is one method for pelvic devascularization, but the efficacy of IABO is uncertain. This study aims to investigate the outcomes of IABO in PP patients.@*METHODS@#We retrospectively reviewed the clinical data of PP cases from six tertiary centers in China between January 2011 and December 2015. PP cases with/without the use of IABO were analyzed. Propensity score matching analysis was performed to reduce the effect of selection bias. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and the rate of hysterectomy, as well as neonatal outcomes, were analyzed.@*RESULTS@#One hundred and thirty-two matched pairs of patients were included in the final analysis. Compared with the control group, maternal outcomes, including PPH (68.9% vs. 87.9%, χ2 = 13.984, P < 0.001), hysterectomy (8.3% vs. 65.2%, χ2 = 91.672, P < 0.001), and repeated surgery (1.5% vs. 12.1%, χ2 = 11.686, P = 0.001) were significantly reduced in the IABO group. For neonatal outcomes, Apgar scores at 1 minute (8.67 ± 1.79 vs. 8.53 ± 1.68, t = -0.638, P = 0.947) and 5 minutes (9.43 ± 1.55 vs. 9.53 ± 1.26, t = 0.566, P = 0.293) were not significantly different between the two groups.@*CONCLUSIONS@#IABO can significantly reduce blood loss, hysterectomies, and repeated surgeries. This procedure has not shown harmful effects on neonatal outcomes.