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Femina ; 51(3): 182-189, 20230331. Ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428734


Objetivo: Identificar o impacto da histerectomia para patologias benignas sobre a sexualidade feminina. Métodos: Revisão de literatura com busca na plataforma PubMed, sendo selecionados 23 artigos em português e inglês publicados entre 2016 e 2021. Resultados: Foi descrita, majoritariamente, melhora na função sexual após histerectomia, semelhante às abordagens totais ou supracervicais e independentemente da via de acesso cirúrgico, apesar de impacto ligeiramente menor com a via laparoscópica. Na laparoscopia, houve melhor desfecho sexual no fechamento da cúpula vaginal, quando comparado ao fechamento via vaginal. Ademais, a ooforectomia concomitante apresentou resultados conflitantes e inconclusivos. Conclusão: A histerectomia afeta positivamente a saúde sexual feminina e aspectos técnicos podem interferir na função sexual, porém os dados são limitados. Devido à importância do tema, necessitam-se de mais estudos com metodologias padronizadas para possibilitar análises mais detalhadas.

Objective: To identify the impact of hysterectomy for benign pathologies on female sexuality. Methods: Literature review with search on PubMed platform, being selected 23 articles in Portuguese and English published between 2016 and 2021. Results: Improvement in sexual function after hysterectomy was mostly described, being similar in total or supracervical approaches and independent of the surgical access route, although it had slightly lower impact when laparoscopic. In the laparoscopic approach, there was better sexual outcome in the vaginal dome closure when compared to vaginal closure. In addition, concomitant oophorectomy showed conflicting and inconclusive results. Conclusion: Hysterectomy positively affects female sexual health and technical aspects may interfere with sexual function, but data are limited. Due to the importance of the theme, more studies with standardized methodologies are needed to enable more detailed analyses.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Pelvis/innervation , Hysterectomy/adverse effects , Uterus/physiopathology , Women's Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Laparoscopy/methods , Sexuality , Hysterectomy, Vaginal/methods
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1417210


Introduction: L'objectif général de notre travail était d'apporter une description épidémiologique et clinicopathologique du cancer de l'endomètre au Gabon. Patients et méthode: Cette étude descriptive et rétrospective a été réalisée à l'Institut de Cancérologie de Libreville chez les patientes atteintes du cancer de l'endomètre sur une période de 7 années (de janvier 2012 à octobre 2018). Résultats: Cette étude a inclus 32 patientes et les résultats obtenus ontmontré que ce cancer au Gabon est plus fréquent chez la femme multipare, que histologiquement le type 1 est le plus souvent rencontré et que ce cancer est de haut grade de malignité. De ce travail ressort également la difficulté du suivi des patientes. Conclusion: Le cancer de l'endomètre étant un cancer souvent d'emblée de mauvais pronostic, il est d'intérêt de mettre en place une stratégie de prévention et de management adapté.Mots clés: cancer, endomètre, étude clinicopathologique, suivi, Gabon Abstract:Introduction:The general objective of our work was to provide an epidemiological and clinicopathological description of endometrial cancer in Gabon.

Introduction: The general objective of our work was to provide an epidemiological and clinicopathological description of endometrial cancer in Gabon. Epidemiological and clinicopathological profile of... Patients and method: This descriptive and retrospective study was carried out at Cancer Institute of Libreville in patients with endometrial cancer over a period of 7 years (from January 2012 to October 2018) . Results: This study included 32 patients and the results obtained showed that this cancer in Gabon is more frequent in multiparous women, that histologically type 1 is most often encountered and that this cancer is of high grade malignancy. This work also shows the difficulty of following up patients. Conclusion: As endometrial cancer is often a cancer with a poor prognosis , it is interest to put in place an appropriate prevention and management strategy.

Humans , Female , Methods , Prognosis , Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms , Therapeutics , Endometrial Neoplasms , Aftercare , Disease Management , Endometrium , Hysterectomy, Vaginal
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;87(6): 412-418, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423743


Reportar un caso de evisceración vaginal espontánea en paciente con antecedentes quirúrgicos de histerectomía vaginal y hacer una revisión de la literatura sobre los principales factores de riesgo asociados a la presentación de este evento. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 74 años multípara de 12 partos vaginales con antecedente ginecológico de histerectomía vaginal en 2012, en el año 2014 una sacroespinocolpopexia con colocación de cinta transobturadora más colporrafia anterior, en 2018 presenta cuadro con asas intestinales protruyendo con signos de isquemia a través de defecto en cúpula vaginal, se realiza resección de intestino delgado y anastomosis termino-terminal, con posterior cierre de defecto por vía abdominal. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, Scielo, Google Scholar y Science Direct para artículos publicados en inglés y español, de los últimos 22 años. Se identificaron 16 títulos que cumplieron con los criterios de selección, los resultados de la revisión muestran factores de riesgo comunes. La evisceración vaginal por dehiscencia de la cúpula vaginal es una patología poco prevalente, el abordaje mínimamente invasivo, que ha aumentado en los últimos años, ha conllevado un aumento de la incidencia, siendo la histerectomía por laparoscopia el de mayor riesgo.

To report a case of spontaneous vaginal evisceration in a patient with a surgical history of vaginal hysterectomy, and to review the literature on the main risk factors associated with the presentation of this event. We present the case of a 74-year-old multiparous patient with 12 vaginal deliveries with a gynecological history of vaginal hysterectomy in 2012, in 2014 a sacrospinocolpopexy with placement of transobturator tape plus anterior colporrhaphy, in 2018 she presented with intestinal loops protruding with signs of ischemia through a defect in the vaginal vault, resection of the small intestine and end-to-end anastomosis were performed, with subsequent closure of the defect through the abdomen. A search was made in the PubMed, Scielo, Google Scholar and Science Direct databases for articles published in English and Spanish, from the last 22 years. 16 titles that met the selection criteria were identified; the results of the review show common risk factors. Vaginal evisceration due to dehiscence of the vaginal vault is a rare pathology, the minimally invasive approach, which has increased in recent years, has led to an increase in incidence, with laparoscopic hysterectomy being of greater risk.

Humans , Female , Aged , Vaginal Diseases/surgery , Vaginal Diseases/etiology , Hysterectomy, Vaginal/adverse effects , Intestinal Diseases/surgery , Intestinal Diseases/etiology , Visceral Prolapse , Risk Factors
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;87(6): 396-403, dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423750


La histerectomía es uno de los principales procedimientos quirúrgicos en ginecología. Se calcula que en EE.UU. se realizan unas 500,000 anualmente y que una de cada nueve mujeres a lo largo de su vida se realizará dicha intervención. Los distintos abordajes (abdominal, vaginal, laparoscópico y robótico) presentan diferencias respecto al tiempo quirúrgico, complicaciones, dolor postoperatorio, estancia hospitalaria y gasto sanitario. Factores como el tamaño uterino, la accesibilidad vaginal, la historia de cirugías pélvicas previas, la existencia de patología extrauterina o la experiencia del cirujano influyen a la hora de decidir la vía de abordaje. Revisar la evidencia disponible respecto a la vía de elección de la histerectomía por patología benigna y cómo decidir el abordaje más adecuado para cada paciente. Búsqueda bibliográfica de literatura en las bases de datos PubMed, Medline, Embase, BioMed Central y SciELO. La vía vaginal es el abordaje de elección para realizar una histerectomía dada su menor invasividad, menor tiempo de recuperación y menor tasa de complicaciones. La generalización del uso de algoritmos para la elección de la vía de abordaje incrementaría la tasa de acceso vaginal y asociaría con ello una disminución del gasto sanitario.

Hysterectomy is one of the most common surgical procedures in gynecology. It is calculated that over 500,000 hysterectomies are performed in the USA per year and that 1 out of 9 women will undergo this surgery in their lifetime. Diverse surgical approaches are possible (abdominal, vaginal, laparoscopic and robotic) with differences in operative time, complication rates, postoperative pain, hospital stay, and health care cost. Factors such as uterus size, vaginal access, prior pelvic surgery, extrauterine pathology and surgeon experience may influence the route selection. To collect the current evidence regarding the preferred route in hysterectomy for benign pathology and how to select the adequate approach for every patient. Bibliographic literature search through the PubMed, Medline, Embase, BioMed Central and SciELO databases. Vaginal hysterectomy is the preferred approach in benign indications. It is less invasive, and it shows shorter operative time, shorter recovery time and less complications. The use of decision algorithms to select the hysterectomy route may increase the vaginal approach and decrease health care costs.

Humans , Female , Hysterectomy/methods , Algorithms , Laparoscopy , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Hysterectomy, Vaginal
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 42-49, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988510


Background@#The rate of prolapse recurrence after vaginal hysterectomy ranges from 6% to 12%. Vaginal vault fixation procedures like the iliococcygeus fixation and the cul-de-sac obliteration (McCall culdoplasty) have been used to address the loss of apical support in patients with advanced-stage prolapse to prevent this recurrence. @*Objectives@#This study aims to assess the rate of prolapse recurrence and risk factors for recurrence as well as urinary, bowel, and sexual symptoms in women who have undergone vaginal hysterectomy with and without vaginal vault fixation for pelvic organ prolapse stage 2 or higher. @*Methods@#This study is a retrospective study that included patients with pelvic organ prolapse stage 2 or greater who underwent vaginal hysterectomy with and without vaginal vault fixation from 2009 to 2014 seen at the urogynecology clinic of a Philippine tertiary referral center. The cohorts were divided into those with iliococcygeal fixation (n=171) and those without (n=83). The Z test of mean difference was used in comparing average values between the two groups. Chi-square test of independence was used in comparing the proportion of patients as stratified by various variables and their corresponding groups, while some variables were adjusted for 2x2 Fischer Exact test. Any associated p-value less than 0.05 alpha were considered statistically significant. @*Results@#Of the 876 patients operated on for prolapse between 2009 to 2014, 254 were included in the study. They were divided into those with iliococcygeal fixation (n=171) and those without (n=83). Recurrence was significantly lower in the group who underwent iliococcygeal fixation (23.39% vs 36.14%, p=0.037) after a median follow-up of 28.98 months for those with fixation and 31.08 for those without. The posterior compartment prolapse recurrence rate is higher in those without fixation (16.87% vs 6.43%, p=0.013). Longer duration of menopause (16.96 ± 7.16 vs 13.37 ± 7.1, p=0.001), unemployment (52.85% vs 36.41%, p=0.22) and longer time from surgery (37.84 ± 15.69 vs 26.55 ± 12.59, p=0.000) were significantly associated with recurrence. Moreover, higher pre- (6.24 ± 1.41 vs 5.78 ± 0.95, p=0.003) and post-operative genital hiatus (4.53 ± 0.97 vs 4.23 ± 0.54, p=0.002) and shorter pre-operative perineal body (1.86 ± 0.35 vs 1.97 ± 0.35, p=0.025) measurements were also significantly associated with recurrence. Both groups have no significant difference in urinary, sexual or bowel symptoms. @*Conclusion@#Iliococcygeus fixation is an effective method of preventing prolapse recurrence. Increased duration of menopause, longer time from surgery, longer genital hiatus, and shorter perineal body all contribute to recurrence. Moreover, urinary, sexual and bowel symptoms do not differ significantly between those with and without iliococcygeus fixation. Thus performing prophylactic vaginal vault fixation should be contemplated in patients undergoing prolapse surgery, with careful consideration of patient factors and potential morbidities.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse , Recurrence , Hysterectomy, Vaginal
Femina ; 50(6): 373-378, 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380720


O câncer de colo uterino é o quarto tipo mais incidente e fatal entre as mulheres no Brasil e no mundo, o que representa mundialmente em torno de 600 mil novos casos e mais de 300 mil mortes a cada ano. Assim como o diagnóstico, o tratamento da doença pode impactar de forma significativa a qualidade de vida dessas pacientes. A aplicação de questionários que avaliem os diferentes aspectos da qualidade de vida das mulheres afetadas por esse câncer é uma ferramenta relevante, pois auxilia na compreensão e identificação dos principais danos relacionados ao tratamento. Este trabalho visa analisar a literatura atual que investiga e relata os principais efeitos à qualidade de vida de mulheres com câncer de colo uterino associados a diferentes modalidades terapêuticas e, desse modo, contribuir nas escolhas de tratamento e manejo clínico que resultem em menores impactos à qualidade de vida dessas mulheres.(AU)

Cervical cancer is the fourth most incident and fatal cancer type among women in Brazil and worldwide. This data represents around 600 thousand new cases worldwide each year and more than 300 thousand lives lost. Both diagnosis and treatment can significantly impact the quality of life of cervical cancer patients. The application of questionnaires that assess the different aspects of the quality of life of women affected by this cancer is a relevant tool, as it helps to understand and identify the main damages related to the treatment. This article aims to analyze the current literature that reports the main effects on the quality of life of women with cervical cancer associated with different therapeutic modalities. In this way, the review could assist in the treatment choices that imply less impact on the quality of life of these women.(AU)

Humans , Female , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/surgery , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/psychology , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/drug therapy , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Sickness Impact Profile , Brachytherapy/adverse effects , Brazil/epidemiology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Databases, Bibliographic , Laparoscopy/adverse effects , Trachelectomy/adverse effects , Hysterectomy, Vaginal/adverse effects , Antineoplastic Agents/adverse effects
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Méd. Bras. (Online);67(7): 937-941, July 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346954


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To analyze the public data of hysterectomies performed in the only health system in the city of São Paulo between 2008 and 2018. METHODS: The following public health system data were extracted and analyzed: age, technique, number of surgeries, mortality during hospitalization, length of stay in the establishment (days), and amounts paid by the public network. RESULTS: A total of 20,119 procedures were analyzed. The most prevalent procedure was total hysterectomy (43.2%), followed by vaginal hysterectomy (26.7%), subtotal hysterectomy (24.3%), and laparoscopic hysterectomy (5.8%). Early discharge (hospital stay of up to 1 day) was more prevalent in cases of vaginal hysterectomy (39%). We observed a marked downward trend in the number of total hysterectomies. Total hysterectomy was the most expensive procedure; no significant difference was noted in the cost of vaginal versus laparoscopic hysterectomy. We noticed a trend of rising costs over the years. The most frequent hospital admission code was that of leiomyoma of the uterus in cases of total, subtotal, and laparoscopic hysterectomy. CONCLUSION: Despite the decrease in the number of hysterectomies over the 11-year study period in São Paulo, it remains in high demand mainly for the treatment of uterine leiomyomatosis. Laparoscopic hysterectomy has been gaining ground and showed a slightly upward trend with a shorter hospital stay. Laparoscopic and vaginal hysterectomy required less financial support from the health system than open surgery.

Humans , Female , Public Health , Laparoscopy , Brazil/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Hysterectomy , Hysterectomy, Vaginal
Rev. méd. Maule ; 36(2): 28-33, dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1344611


OBJECTIVE: Evaluate initial results of a ambulatory major surgery program in Gynecology. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective, descriptive study of the period March 2018 to June 2019. The interventions included were: surgical sterilizations via vaginal, minilap and laparoscopic, diagnostic laparoscopy, laparoscopic cyst or anexectomy, hysteroscopy, TOT, vaginal plasty, biopsy curettage, polypectomy, extraction of IUD under anesthesia, labiaplasty, and removal of transobsturatrix tape. Quality indicators such as suspension, readmissions and systemic and surgical complications have been analyzed. RESULTS: 136 patients were operated by CMA of which 43 were laparoscopic (31.6%), 55 patients vaginally (40.4%), 34 histeroscopy (25%) and 4 patients by minilap (3%)There were 4 minor and late complications (2.9%) that corresponded to operative wound infection in vaginal plasty and nymphoplasty, a dysfunctional TOT tape that had to be removed in a mediated manner and a PIP post surgical sterilization via vaginal route. CONCLUSIONS: Gynecological ambulatory major surgery is feasible to perform in a hospital of medium complexity with a low percentage of minor complications in this study.

Humans , Female , Laparoscopy/methods , Ambulatory Surgical Procedures/methods , Hysterectomy, Vaginal/methods , Outpatients , Patient Readmission , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Clinical Record , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Treatment Outcome , Hysterectomy/methods
Acta méd. costarric ; 61(3): 94-98, jul.-sep. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019299


Resumen Objetivo: El sistema intrauterino con levonorgestrel ha demostrado un fuerte efecto supresor endometrial de mucha utilidad en gran variedad de problemas ginecológicos. Existen numerosos estudios y revisiones del sistema intrauterino con levonorgestrel que avalan su uso en sangrado uterino anormal, como también bastantes publicaciones que demuestran su costo-efectividad. No se encontraron publicaciones latinoamericanas. El objetivo del estudio es desarrollar un modelo para valorar el beneficio en costos del uso del dispositivo como manejo alternativo del sangrado uterino anormal. Métodos : Se realizó modelo fármaco-económico que ayudará a comparar costos y efectividad de sistema intrauterino con levonorgestrel, inserción, controles clínicos más ultrasonido transvaginal al mes, y anuales, y se comparó con los costos directos de histerectomía. Los costos de histerectomía se obtienen mediante GRD-WinSIG en Chile y los costos reales directos en Costa Rica. El modelo es básicamente comparar los costos de la inserción de sistema intrauterino con levonorgestrel más las fallas del tratamiento versus histerectomías. Resultados: El modelo permite demostrar que al utilizar el sistema intrauterino con levonorgestrel como alternativa a la histerectomía en pacientes seleccionadas, se produce un ahorro en costos, aun asumiendo el costo de las fallas. Estos modelos no consideran los costos asociados a las complicaciones eventuales de todo acto quirúrgico, de tal forma que el ahorro generado por el uso del sistema intrauterino con levonorgestrel podría ser mayor. Conclusión: La inclusión del sistema intrauterino con levonorgestrel en guías de práctica clínica permite la posibilidad de disminuir las histerectomías en pacientes refractarias a tratamiento médico convencional, y que cumplan con criterios de inclusión y exclusión estrictos. El modelo permitió demostrar que al utilizar el sistema intrauterino con levonorgestrel como alternativa a la histerectomía, se produce un gasto que es solo un tercio del generado al realizar histerectomías.

Summary Objective: The intrauterine system with levonorgestrel has demonstrated a strong endometrial suppressive effect that is useful in a wide variety of gynecological problems. There are numerous studies and reviews of the levonorgestrel intrauterine system that support its use in abnormal uterine bleeding, as well as numerous publications that demonstrate its cost-effectiveness. As far as we know, there are no Latin American publications in this regard. The objective of the present study was to develop a model to assess the costs benefits of the use of the devices as alternative management of abnormal uterine bleeding. Methods: A pharmacoeconomic model was performed comparing costs and effectiveness with costs of levonorgestrel intrauterine system, insertion, clinical controls plus ultrasounds per month and annually, compared with the direct costs of hysterectomy. Hysterectomy costs were obtained through DRG-WinSIG or direct real costs in Chile and Costa Rica respectively. Results: Our model demonstratde that when using the levonorgestrel intrauterine systsem as an alternative to hysterectomy in selected patients there is an expenditure of only one third of the costs of performing the hysterectomies in the same patients, even assuming failures with the dispositive. These model did not consider the costs associated with the eventual complications of any surgical act, thus, savings generated by use of the levonorgestrel intrauterine system in these patients could be even greater. Conclusión: The inclusion of the levonorgestrel intrauterine system in clinical practice guidelines could allow the possibility of reducing hysterectomies in patients refractory to conventional medical treatment and who meet strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. Our models demonstrate that when using the levonorgestrel intrauterine system as an alternative to hysterectomy in selected patients there is a reduction in costs.

Humans , Female , Cost Efficiency Analysis , Chile , Levonorgestrel/therapeutic use , Costa Rica , Hysterectomy, Vaginal , Intrauterine Devices/trends
Gac. méd. espirit ; 21(1)Ene-Abr 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-998506


La histerectomía, después de la operación cesárea es la cirugía ginecológica que más se realiza; esta se puede hacer por diferentes vías: la abdominal, vaginal y laparoscópica; de todas ellas la vaginal tiene una significación histórica.Objetivo: Analizar las diferentes etapas históricas de la histerectomía vaginal como técnica quirúrgica.Metodología: Se revisaron documentos publicados en diferentes bases de datos (PubMed, Medline, Redalyc, Hinari, Ebsco) en idioma inglés y español. Se escogieron los que aportaron datos históricos. Se utilizó el método histórico-lógico para el análisis de las diferentes etapas del desarrollo de la histerectomía vaginal y el de análisis y síntesis para determinar las relaciones entre las diferentes etapas que caracterizaron a la técnica y su contribución a la técnica actual(AU)

Humans , Hysterectomy, Vaginal/history
In. Castillo Pino, Edgardo A. Tratado de perineología: disfunciones del piso pélvico. Montevideo, Academia Nacional de Medicina, 2019. p.365-372.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1348408
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-761396


OBJECTIVE: This study is to compare the baseline characteristics and symptoms between groups with leiomyoma only (group M; myoma group), adenomyosis only (group A; adenomyosis group), and leiomyoma and adenomyosis together (group B; group for both disease). METHODS: Selected patients were who received total abdominal hysterectomy, laparoscopy-assisted vaginal hysterectomy, or total laparoscopic hysterectomy from January 2014 to December 2015, and whose pathology result showed leiomyoma (n=74), adenomyosis (n=27), or both (n=63). Baseline characteristics and symptoms were reviewed from the medical records. Researched characteristics included patients' age, degeneration of leiomyoma, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis, weight of the removed uterus, menopause before the surgery, method of the surgery, necessity for blood transfusion before and after the surgery, difference of hemoglobin level before and after the surgery, and number of gravida, para, and abortion. RESULTS: Eleven symptoms were checked. Thirty-eight point four percent of total subject had uterine leiomyoma and adenomyosis at the same time. Number of abortion was higher in the group B. The group B showed a tendency of presenting more menorrhagia, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, acute lower abdominal pain, and urinary frequency. Symptoms related to mass effect seem to be relative to uterine leiomyoma, and symptoms related to menorrhagia seems to be relative to adenomyosis. The group M showed suddenly growing mass symptoms, and was more likely to have massive hemorrhage during the surgery. It is hard to differentiate coexistence of uterine leiomyoma and adenomyosis from each disease. CONCLUSION: Coexistence of two disease exhibits mixed symptoms of each disease, but shows different tendency.

Female , Humans , Abdominal Pain , Adenomyosis , Blood Transfusion , Endometrial Hyperplasia , Endometriosis , Hemorrhage , Hysterectomy , Hysterectomy, Vaginal , Leiomyoma , Medical Records , Menopause , Menorrhagia , Methods , Metrorrhagia , Myoma , Pathology , Retrospective Studies , Uterus
Yonsei med. j ; Yonsei med. j;: 1074-1080, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762051


PURPOSE: Descent of the uterus is a major etiology of uterine prolapse. However, true cervical elongation can cause uterine prolapse without uterine descent. The aim of study was to investigate the clinical outcomes of Manchester operation in patients with uterine prolapse caused by “true cervical elongation,” compared with vaginal hysterectomy (VH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Medical records of patients who underwent Manchester operation or VH from 2006 to 2015 were reviewed. True cervical elongation was defined on the basis of C point of the Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POP-Q) system ≥0 and D point ≤−4, as well as estimated cervical length of ≥5 cm. The primary outcome was recurrence of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) evaluated by POP-Q system. The outcomes of two groups were compared after propensity score matching, for age, parity, and preoperative POP-Q stage. RESULTS: During the study period, 23 patients underwent Manchester operation and 374 patients underwent VH. The recurrence rate of POP (p=0.317) and complication rate were not statistically significant different between the two study groups. Manchester operation exhibited shorter operation time than VH (p=0.033). In subgroup analysis (POP-Q stage III), body mass index [odds ratio (OR)=1.74; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.08–2.81] and not having concurrent anterior colporrhaphy (OR for concurrent anterior colporrhaphy, 0.06; 95% CI, 0.01–0.75) were identified as significant risk factors for recurrence of POP. CONCLUSION: The Manchester operation technique seems to be an effective and safe alternative procedure for the treatment of uterine prolapse caused by true cervical elongation, compared with VH.

Female , Humans , Body Mass Index , Hysterectomy, Vaginal , Medical Records , Parity , Pelvic Organ Prolapse , Propensity Score , Recurrence , Risk Factors , Uterine Prolapse , Uterus
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764111


PURPOSE: Obesity is a significant risk factor for pelvic organ prolapse (POP), but the effects of obesity on outcomes of surgery for POP are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between POP symptomatology, subjective outcomes of surgery and body mass index (BMI) in women undergoing vaginal hysterectomy for POP. METHODS: Pre- and postoperative data from a validated pelvic floor questionnaire (electronic Personal Assessment Questionnaire-Pelvic Floor) were collected prospectively from 60 women undergoing vaginal hysterectomy for POP. Of these, 20 were normal weight (BMI 18.5–24.9 kg/m²), 20 were overweight (BMI 25–29.9 kg/m²), and 20 were women with obesity (BMI 30–34.9 kg/m²). The relationship between BMI and symptom scores for prolapse, impact on vaginal symptoms on quality of life (VS-QoL) and ‘overall change in condition’ was assessed. Pre- and postoperative symptom scores were compared using repeated mixed analysis of variance test for BMI as a categorical variable (normal, overweight, and obese). Spearman rank order correlation test was carried out to evaluate BMI as a continuous variable. All women underwent vaginal hysterectomy using a standardized technique. RESULTS: Overall, 93% of women reported improvement in their condition. The main finding was that ‘overall change in condition’ was negatively correlated with increasing BMI (r(s)=-0.324, P=0.028). Irrespective of BMI, significant improvements were observed in symptoms of prolapse and VS-QoL at 3-month postoperation. CONCLUSIONS: With increasing BMI, women are likely to report lower levels of satisfaction following prolapse surgery, despite reporting equivalent improvements in symptoms. BMI is known to affect how individuals perceive their general health and well-being with obese individuals reporting poorer levels of subjective health status. Women with obesity may perceive change in their condition after prolapse surgery differently to women of normal weight. Reduction of weight prior to prolapse surgery could be considered in obese women to improve subjective outcomes of surgery.

Female , Humans , Body Mass Index , Diagnostic Self Evaluation , Hysterectomy , Hysterectomy, Vaginal , Obesity , Overweight , Patient Outcome Assessment , Pelvic Floor , Pelvic Organ Prolapse , Prolapse , Prospective Studies , Quality of Life , Risk Factors
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 17(2): eRW4320, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001904


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the best surgical approach for the female urinary incontinence. Methods: Systematic review conducted in MEDLINE® Cochrane, EMBASE and LILACS database up to September 1st, 2017. Articles were selected according to study type, type of intervention and outcomes. Articles were selected by more than one researcher based on title, abstract and full text. The SIGN checklist was used for bias assessment. Results: A total of 165 articles were retrieved from MEDLINE® . Twenty-five studies were elected for full text reading, and 11 of them were selected for the final text analysis. The heterogeneity between questionnaires used in different studies precluded a meta-analysis of results. Conclusion: This study yielded evidences supporting the hypothesis that total and subtotal hysterectomy have different impacts on urinary function of patients with benign uterine diseases. Articles revealed higher frequency of urinary incontinence following subtotal compared to total hysterectomy.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar qual a melhor conduta cirúrgica na incontinência urinária feminina. Métodos: Revisão sistemática conduzida no MEDLINE®, Cochrane, EMBASE e LILACS até 1º de setembro de 2017. Os artigos foram escolhidos de acordo com o tipo de estudo e de intervenção, e seus resultados. Os artigos foram selecionados por mais de um pesquisador, com base no título, no resumo e no texto completo. O checklist SIGN foi usado para avaliar vieses. Resultados: No MEDLINE®, foram recuperados 165 artigos. Foram escolhidos 25 estudos para leitura do texto completo, e somente 11 foram escolhidos para análise do texto final. Não foi realizada metanálise dos resultados devido à heterogeneidade dos questionários usados em cada estudo. Conclusão: Encontrou-se evidência que suporta a hipótese de que as histerectomias total e subtotal causam impactos diferentes na função urinária de pacientes com doença uterina benigna. Os artigos mostraram maior frequência de incontinência urinária após histerectomia subtotal quando comparada à total.

Humans , Female , Postoperative Complications , Urinary Incontinence/etiology , Hysterectomy/adverse effects , Hysterectomy, Vaginal/adverse effects , Time Factors , Uterine Diseases/surgery , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Surveys and Questionnaires
INSPILIP ; 2(2): 1-15, jul.-dic. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-980300


El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los resultados de la culdoplastía de Mayo con la colposacropexia abdominal en la corrección del prolapso de la cúpula vaginal poshisterectomía. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de 155 pacientes con prolapso de cúpula vaginal poshisterectomía en las que se procedió a la corrección quirúrgica entre febrero 2013 y noviembre 2017. Se realizó seguimiento para evaluar la satisfacción del paciente y el resultado a largo plazo. La edad promedio de las pacientes al momento de la cirugía fue de 67,1 +/- 5,6 años y 69,0 % de las pacientes tenían antecedentes de haber sido sometidas a histerectomía abdominal. El tiempo medio entre la histerectomía y la cirugía de corrección fue de 16,9 +/- 3,6 años. Ciento diecinueve pacientes se sometieron a abordaje vaginal utilizando la técnica de culdoplastía de Mayo (grupo A) y 36 pacientes se sometieron a colposacropexia abdominal (grupo B). Durante la cirugía se produjeron tres casos (2,5 %) de lesión vesical inadvertida en el grupo A. En el grupo A se observaron 2 casos de recurrencia comparado con un solo caso en las pacientes del grupo B (p = ns). Al analizar la satisfacción de la cirugía, 84,9 % de las pacientes del grupo A y 77,7 % de las pacientes del grupo B se declararon satisfechas con los resultados quirúrgicos. Se concluye que la corrección del prolapso de la cúpula vaginal mediante colposacropexia abdominal y culdoplastía de Mayo son procedimientos seguros y efectivos.

The aim of this study was to compare the results of the Mayo culdoplasty with abdominal colposacropexy in the correction of post-hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse. Medical records of 155 patients with post-hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse were reviewed in which the surgical correction was carried out between February 2013 and November 2017. Follow-up was performed to evaluate the patient's satisfaction and the long-term result. The average age of the patients at the time of surgery was 67.1 +/- 5.6 years and 69.0% of the patients had a history of having undergone an abdominal hysterectomy. The mean time between hysterectomy and correction surgery was 16.9 +/- 3.6 years. One hundred and nineteen patients underwent vaginal access using the Mayo culdoplasty technique (group A) and 36 patients underwent abdominal colposacropexy (group B). During surgery there were three cases (2,5 %) of inadvertent bladder injury in group A. In group A, 2 cases of recurrence were observed compared with a single case in patients in group B (p = ns). When analyzing the satisfaction of the surgery, 84,9 % of the patients of group A and 77,7 % of the patients of group B declared themselves satisfied with the surgical results. It is concluded that the correction of vaginal vault prolapse by abdominal colposacropexy and Mayo culdoplasty are safe and effective procedures.

Humans , Female , General Surgery , Uterine Prolapse , Hysterectomy, Vaginal , Urination , Venezuela , Patient Satisfaction
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 47(4)oct.-dic. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-985547


Las enfermedades reumáticas pertenecen a un grupo que provocan manifestaciones clínicas en varios sistemas de órganos de la anatomía humana. Las complicaciones ginecobstétricas no son las que con mayor frecuencia se presentan. La enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional agrupa un conjunto de lesiones benignas como la mola hidatiforme y la neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional. Este trabajo se propone presentar un caso con los elementos clínicos e imagenológicos que permiten llegar al diagnóstico de una mola hidatiforme. Se trata de una paciente de 48 años de edad, con diagnóstico de lupus eritematoso sistémico, que acude con manifestaciones clínicas que permitieron llegar al diagnóstico de enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional con mola hidatiforme completa. Las enfermedades reumáticas, en especial el lupus eritematoso sistémico, provocan complicaciones ginecobstétricas. La enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional con mola hidatiforme completa, a pesar de ser una rara entidad, afecta considerablemente el bienestar biopsicosocial de las pacientes y disminuye su percepción de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud(AU)

Rheumatic diseases fit in a group that cause clinical manifestations in various organ systems of the human anatomy. Gyneco-obstetric complications are those that occur less frequently. Gestational trophoblastic disease groups together benign lesions such as hydatidiform mole and gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. This paper intends to present a case with the clinical and imaging elements that allow the diagnosis of hydatidiform mole. We present a 48-year-old female patient with a diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus, who presents with clinical manifestations that led to the diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic disease with complete hydatidiform mole. Rheumatic diseases, especially systemic lupus erythematosus, cause gyneco-obstetric complications. Although being a rare entity, the gestational trophoblastic disease with complete hydatidiform mole greatly affects the biopsychosocial wellbeing of patients and decreases their perception of health-related quality of life(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Middle Aged , Hydatidiform Mole/diagnostic imaging , Gestational Trophoblastic Disease/complications , Hysterectomy, Vaginal/methods , Rheumatic Diseases/therapy , Ecuador
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 69(4): 311-319, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-985514


ABSTRACT Objective: To report a case of conventional laparoscopic hysterectomy in female-to-male sex reassignment in a patient diagnosed as transsexual in Colombia, and to conduct a review of the literature on the different hysterectomy options in the context of this condition. Materials and methods: A 35-year-old transsexual patient under hormonal treatment with testosterone undecanoate undergoing laparoscopic hysterectomy for sex reassignment in a Level III complexity institution, with favorable postoperative course. A search was conducted in Medline vía PubMed, Embase and Lilacs databases, using the MESH terms "hysterectomy," "laparoscopy," "transsexualism," in English, Spanish and Czech, with no time limitation. Results: Overall, 11 studies were included in the research: 3 case series, 6 cohort studies, 1 controlled clinical trial, and 1 case report. Laparoscopic hysterectomy is the most widely used sex reassignment surgery in male transsexuals. Vaginal hysterectomy is an option considering that abdominal muscles may be required for future penile reconstruction. Conclusions: Laparoscopic hysterectomy emerges as an alternative to vaginal hysterectomy in male transsexuals undergoing sex reassignment surgery. Randomized controlled trials are needed for a better comparative assessment of the surgical options available.

RESUMEN Objetivo: reportar un caso de histerectomía por laparoscopia convencional en cambio de sexo female-to-male en Colombia, en un paciente diagnosticado como transexual, y realizar una revisión de la literatura respecto a las distintas alternativas de histerectomía en el contexto de esta condición. Materiales y métodos: paciente de 35 años, transexual, en tratamiento hormonal con undecanoato de testosterona, sometido a histerectomía laparoscópica como parte de reasignación de sexo, en una institución de III nivel de complejidad, con evolución posoperatoria favorable. Se realizó búsqueda en las bases de datos de Medline vía PubMed, Embase y Lilacs, con los términos MESH: "hysterectomy", "laparoscopy", "transsexualism", en inglés, español y checo, sin limitación de tiempo. Resultados: la investigación incluyó 11 estudios: 3 estudios de serie de casos, 6 cohortes, 1 ensayo clínico controlado y 1 reporte de caso. La histerectomía laparoscópica es la más utilizada para la reasignación de sexo en transexuales masculinos. La histerectomía vaginal es una alternativa por considerar si se requiere musculatura abdominal para futura faloplastia. Conclusiones: la histerectomía por laparoscopia surge como una alternativa a la histerectomía vaginal en pacientes transexuales masculinos sometidos a cirugía de reasignación de sexo. Se requieren ensayos controlados aleatorizados para una mejor evaluación comparativa de las alternativas quirúrgicas disponibles.

Laparoscopy , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures , Transgender Persons , Hysterectomy, Vaginal
Int. braz. j. urol ; 44(4): 779-784, July-Aug. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-954084


ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare the effect of vaginal hysterectomy-anterior/posterior colporrhaphy with Kelly's plication(VH-KP), versus vaginal hysterectomy-anterior/posterior colporrhaphy-transobturator tape(VH-TOT) surgeries on incontinence, quality of life, and sexual functions in patients with pelvic organ prolapse(POP), and concurrent obvious stress urinary incontinence(SUI). Materials and Methods: Between 2013 and 2017, fifty patients treated with VH-KP(n = 25), and VH-TOT(n = 25) due to POP and SUI, were evaluated prospective consecutively. Age, parity, duration of urinary incontinence, and the daily pad use were recorded. Patients were filled "rinary Distress Inventory-6(UDI-6)", "Incontinence Impact Questionnaire 7(IIQ-7)" and "Index of Female Sexual Function(IFSI)" questionnaire forms at preoperatively, and postoperative 6th month. No usage of pads was accepted as subjective cure rate. Intraoperative, and postoperative complications were noted. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between two groups, for the mean age of the patients, parity, duration of SUI, and the daily pad use, preoperatively (p > 0.05). Decreased UDI-6 scores, IIQ-7 scores and daily pad usage, and increased IFSF scores were found statistical significantly in each group, at the postoperative 6 th month (p < 0.05). However, VH-TOT group had higher improvement rates, on UDI-6 scores (69.5% vs 63.0%, p = 0.04). In addition, it was notable that the the rates of the patients had IFSF scores ≥ 25 was higher in VH-KP group (p = 0.05). Four (16%) patients had recurrent SUI in the VH-KP group (p = 0.039) and vaginal extrusion occurred in 2 (8%) patients in the VH-TOT group (p = 0.153), postoperatively. Conclusions: Although the effects of VH-TOT surgery are superior to conventional methods for incontinence and quality of life; negative effects on sexual functions are notable. In addition, although recurrence rates of TOT are low, complications such as vaginal extrusion are accompanied by drawbacks of mesh usage.

Humans , Female , Aged , Quality of Life , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/physiopathology , Urinary Incontinence, Stress/surgery , Suburethral Slings , Pelvic Organ Prolapse/surgery , Hysterectomy, Vaginal/methods , Parity/physiology , Postoperative Period , Time Factors , Urinary Incontinence, Stress/physiopathology , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Treatment Outcome , Incontinence Pads , Statistics, Nonparametric , Pelvic Organ Prolapse/physiopathology , Middle Aged
Rev. méd. Hosp. José Carrasco Arteaga ; 10(2): 121-125, Jul 2018. Cuadros
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1000253


INTRODUCCIÓN: La histerectomía es la extirpación quirúrgica del útero, cuyas técnicas quirúrgicas han evolucionado a través del tiempo; es una de las cirugías ginecológicas más frecuentes en el mundo. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la frecuencia de complicaciones postquirúrgicas por vía de abordaje y correlacionarlas con factores de riesgo. MÉTODOS: Se diseñó un estudio retrospectivo. Se seleccionó al total de mujeres sometidas quirúrgicamente a histerectomía durante los años 2014 y 2015, el universo lo conformó 409 mujeres intervenidas, de las cuales se obtuvo una muestra de 384, en el servicio de Ginecología. El análisis estadístico se realizó en la herramienta estadística SPSS 17.0. En el análisis de los resultados se utilizaron el test de U Mann-Whitney, Chi cuadrado y Riesgo Relativo. RESULTADOS: El promedio de edad fue 85 % con una edad menor a 50 años. El tiempo medio de procedimiento quirúrgico fue 104 minutos, y un tiempo de hospitalización promedio de 2.7 días. Los antecedentes patológicos fueron la cirugía gineco-obstétrica previa 62 %. El 88 % de las histerectomías fueron por la vía abdominal. La incidencia total de complicaciones en general fue del 3.38 %; el 100 % de las complicaciones se presentaron en la histerectomía abdominal. No existió correlación estadística significativa con factores de riesgo como la obesidad (P 0.15 y RR: 0.39). CONCLUSIONES: La histerectomía vaginal tiene menos complicaciones postquirúrgicas, menos días de hospitalización y un menor tiempo quirúrgico comparado con el abordaje de la vía abdominal. Es recomendable realizar más estudios en otros establecimientos de salud en el Ecuador y comparar las diferentes vía de abordaje incluido la vía laparoscópica.

BACKGROUND: Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus, whose surgical techniques have evolved over time; it is one of the most frequent gynecological surgeries in the world. The objective of the study was to evaluate the frequency of postsurgical complications through theapproach and correlate them with risk factors. METHODS: A retrospective study was designed. The total number of women surgically undergoing hysterectomy was selected during the years 2014 and 2015. The universe consisted of 409 women undergoing surgery, of whom a sample of 384 was obtained at the Gynecology Department. The statistical analysis was realized in the statistical tool SPSS 17.0. In the analysis of the results, U Mann-Whitney test, Chi square and Relative Risk were used. RESULTS: It was obtained that the average age was 85 % with an age under 50 years. The average time of surgical procedure was 104 minutes, and an average hospitalization time of 2.7 days. The pathological antecedents were the gynecological-obstetric surgery previous 62 %. 88 % of the hysterectomies. The total incidence of complications due to hysterectomy in general was 3.38 %; 100 % of complications occurred in abdominal hysterectomy. There was no significant statistical correlation with risk factors such as obesity (P 0.15 and RR: 0.39). CONCLUSIONS: Vaginal hysterectomy has fewer postsurgical complications, less days of hospitalization and a shorter surgical time compared to the abdominal approach; however, abdominal hysterectomy is the most frequent of treatment choice. It is recommendable to realize more studies in other health institutions in Ecuador.

Humans , Female , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Hysterectomy/methods , Hysterectomy, Vaginal/methods