OBJECTIVE@#To depict the cell landscape and molecular biological characteristics of human intrauterine adhesion (IUA) so as to better understand its immune microenvironment and provide new inspirations for clinical treatment.@*METHODS@#Four patients with IUA who underwent hysteroscopic treatment at Dongguan Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital from February 2022 to April 2022 were selected as the study subjects. Hysteroscopy was used to collect the tissues of IUA, which were graded based on the patient's medical history, menstrual history and status of IUA. Library construction, sequencing, single cell data comparison and gene expression matrix construction were carried out in strict accordance with the single cell RNA sequencing process. Thereafter, the UMAP dimension reduction analysis of cell population and genetic analysis were carried out based on the cell types.@*RESULTS@#A total of 27 511 cell transcripts were obtained from four moderately graded IUA tissue samples and assigned to six cell lineages including T cells, mononuclear phagocytes, epithelial cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells and erythrocytes. Compared with normal uterine tissue cells, the four samples showed different cell distribution, and the proportions of mononuclear phagocytes and T cells in sample IUA0202204 were significantly increased, suggesting a strong cellular immune response.@*CONCLUSION@#The cell diversity and heterogeneity of moderate IUA tissues have been described. Each cell subgroup has unique molecular characteristics, which may provide new clues for further study of the pathogenesis of IUA and heterogeneity among the patients.
Pregnancy , Female , Child , Humans , Endothelial Cells , Uterine Diseases/complications , Hysteroscopy/methods , Tissue Adhesions/etiology , Sequence Analysis, RNAABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the effects of preoperative hysteroscopic guided biopsy and segmental diagnosis and curettage on the risk of abdominal dissemination and prognosis of non-endometrioid carcinoma. Methods: The clinical and pathological data of 97 patients who underwent surgical treatment and were pathologically confirmed as non-endometrioid carcinoma (including serous carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma, mixed adenocarcinoma, and undifferentiated carcinoma, etc.) from October 2008 to December 2021 in Peking University People's Hospital, were collected for retrospective analysis. According to preoperative diagnostic methods, they were divided into hysteroscopic group (n=44) and non-hysteroscopic group (n=53). The impact of hysteroscopy examination on peritoneal cytology and prognosis was analyzed. Results: (1) There were no statistical differences in age, body mass index, tumor size, pathological characteristics, and treatment methods between the hysteroscopic group and the non-hysteroscopic group (all P>0.05), but the proportion of stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ patients in the hysteroscopic group was significantly higher than that in the non-hysteroscopic group [68% (30/44) vs 47% (25/53); χ2=4.32, P=0.038]. (2) Among 97 patients, 25 (26%, 25/97) of them were cytologically positive for ascites. The hysteroscopic group had a lower positive rate of peritoneal cytology than that in the non-hysteroscopy group, which was significantly different [11% (5/44) vs 38% (20/53); χ2=8.74, P=0.003]. Stratification according to surgical and pathological stages showed that the positive rate of peritoneal cytology in the hysteroscopic group (3%, 1/30) was lower than that in the non-hysteroscopic group (12%, 3/25) in the 55 patients with stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ, and that in the hysteroscopic group (4/14) was also lower than that in the non-hysteroscopic group (61%, 17/28) in the 42 patients with stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ. There were no significant differences (all P>0.05). (3) The 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) rate of the hysteroscopic group and the non-hysteroscopic group were respectively 72.7% and 60.4%, and there was no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.186). After stratification according to staging, the 5-year DFS rate were respectively 90.0% and 72.0% (P=0.051) between the hysteroscopic and non-hysteroscopic groups of patients in stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ, and 35.7% and 50.0% (P=0.218) between the hysteroscopic and non-hysteroscopic groups of patients in stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ, in which there were not statistically significant differences. The 5-year overall survival (OS) rate were respectively 86.4% and 81.1% between the hysteroscopic group and the non-hysteroscopic group, with no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.388). The 5-year OS rate were respectively 93.3% and 96.0% in the hysteroscopic group and non-hysteroscopic group for patients with stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ(P=0.872), and 71.4% and 67.9% in the hysteroscopic group and non-hysteroscopic group in patients with stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ (P=0.999), with no statistical significance. Conclusions: Diagnostic hysteroscopy do not increase the rate of positive peritoneal cytology result at the time of surgery in this cohort, and no significant correlation between preoperative hysteroscopy examination and poor prognosis of non-endometrioid carcinoma is observed. Therefore, preoperative hysteroscopic guided biopsy and segmental diagnosis and curettage in non-endometrioid carcinoma maybe safe.
Female , Pregnancy , Humans , Endometrial Neoplasms/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Hysteroscopy/methods , Cell Biology , Prognosis , Carcinoma , Neoplasm StagingABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Analizar la efectividad de las miomectomías histeroscópicas en consulta realizadas con minirresector y conocer si hay factores relacionados con el grado de satisfacción de las pacientes. MÉTODO: Estudio observacional, transversal y prospectivo, de mujeres sometidas a miomectomía histeroscópica en consulta durante el año 2018. Las pacientes recibieron medicación para la preparación cervical, analgesia oral y anestesia paracervical. La miomectomía se realizó con un minirresector de 5.8 mm. Se registraron el tiempo y el dolor en una escala visual analógica (EVA) durante la entrada y la resección, así como la satisfacción de las pacientes a los 3 meses con el cuestionario validado CSQ-8. RESULTADOS: El estudio incluyó 59 pacientes. El tiempo medio de entrada fue menor de 1 minuto (47,93 segundos) y el de resección fue de 13,51 minutos. El dolor referido por las pacientes en la EVA durante la entrada y la resección puntuó en torno a 3 y 4, respectivamente. Se consiguió un 74.6% de resecciones completas de los miomas y la puntuación media de satisfacción de las pacientes fue de 27.17. La resección completa del mioma se asoció con una mayor satisfacción total de las pacientes. CONCLUSIONES: La miomectomía histeroscópica en consulta llevada a cabo con un minirresector de 5.8 mm con analgesia paracervical obtiene buenos resultados clínicos, con buena satisfacción de las pacientes. Esta última se relaciona con una resección completa del mioma, sin que influyan el tiempo necesario para su exéresis ni el dolor.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effectiveness of hysteroscopic myomectomy in office performed with mini-resectoscope, and to know if there is any variable related with patient satisfaction. METHOD: Observational and prospective transversal study, which included all women who underwent a hysteroscopic myomectomy in office in 2018. Patients received drugs for cervical preparation and pain management, as well as paracervical block. We used the 5.8 mm mini-resectoscope. We kept record of time and AVS pain during entrance and resection, as well as patient satisfaction 3 months after the procedure using the CSQ-8. RESULTS: The study included 59 patients. Mean entrance time was less than 1 minute (47.93 seconds), while mean resection time was 13.51 minutes. AVS pain during entrance and resection was around 3 and 4, respectively. We achieved 74.6% rate of complete resection. Mean patient satisfaction rate was 27.17 points. We found that a complete myoma resection is related to higher patient satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: Hysteroscopic myomectomy in office performed with the 5.8 mm mini-resectoscope, using cervical block, achieves good clinical results and a good patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction is associated with a complete resection of the myoma, without any influence of pain experienced or time required.
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Hysteroscopy/methods , Hysteroscopy/psychology , Patient Satisfaction , Uterine Myomectomy/methods , Uterine Myomectomy/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Multivariate Analysis , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Regression Analysis , Treatment Outcome , Hysteroscopes , Visual Analog Scale , Myoma/surgeryABSTRACT
SUMMARY An isthmocele, a cesarean scar defect or uterine niche, is any indentation representing myometrial discontinuity or a triangular anechoic defect in the anterior uterine wall, with the base communicating to the uterine cavity, at the site of a previous cesarean section scar. It can be classified as a small or large defect, depending on the wall thickness of the myometrial deficiency. Although usually asymptomatic, its primary symptom is abnormal or postmenstrual bleeding, and chronic pelvic pain may also occur. Infertility, placenta accrete or praevia, scar dehiscence, uterine rupture, and cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy may also appear as complications of this condition. The risk factors of isthmocele proven to date include retroflexed uterus and multiple cesarean sections. Nevertheless, factors such as a lower position of cesarean section, incomplete closure of the hysterotomy, early adhesions of the uterine wall and a genetic predisposition may also contribute to the development of a niche. As there are no definitive criteria for diagnosing an isthmocele, several imaging methods can be used to assess the integrity of the uterine wall and thus diagnose an isthmocele. However, transvaginal ultrasound and saline infusion sonohysterography emerge as specific, sensitive and cost-effective methods to diagnose isthmocele. The treatment includes clinical or surgical management, depending on the size of the defect, the presence of symptoms, the presence of secondary infertility and plans of childbearing. Surgical management includes minimally invasive approaches with sparing techniques such as hysteroscopic, laparoscopic or transvaginal procedures according to the defect size.
RESUMO A istmocele ou nicho uterino é representada por uma descontinuidade miometrial ou um defeito anecoico triangular na parede uterina anterior, com a base se comunicando com a cavidade uterina no local de uma cicatriz anterior de cesárea. O defeito pode ser classificado como pequeno ou grande, dependendo da espessura da parede miometrial deficiente. Embora geralmente assintomático, seu principal sintoma é o sangramento uterino anormal ou pós-menstrual; a dor pélvica crônica também pode ocorrer. Infertilidade, placenta acreta ou prévia, deiscência de cicatriz, ruptura uterina e gravidez ectópica em cicatriz de cesárea prévia também podem aparecer como complicações dessa condição. Os fatores de risco para desenvolvimento da istmocele comprovados até o momento incluem útero retroverso e múltiplas cesarianas. No entanto, fatores como localização mais inferior de uma cesárea prévia, fechamento incompleto da histerotomia, aderências precoces na parede uterina e predisposição genética também podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um nicho. Como não existem critérios definitivos para o diagnóstico de uma istmocele, vários métodos de imagem podem ser usados para avaliar a integridade da parede uterina e, assim, diagnosticar uma istmocele. Entretanto, ultrassonografia transvaginal e sono-histerografia com infusão salina surgem como métodos específicos, sensíveis e custo-efetivos para o diagnóstico de istmocele. O tratamento inclui manejo clínico ou cirúrgico, dependendo do tamanho do defeito, da presença de sintomas, da presença de infertilidade secundária e de planos de gravidez. O manejo cirúrgico inclui abordagens minimamente invasivas como histeroscopia, laparoscopia ou transvaginal, de acordo com o tamanho do defeito.
Humans , Female , Uterine Diseases/diagnosis , Uterine Diseases/therapy , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Cicatrix/diagnosis , Cicatrix/therapy , Uterine Diseases/etiology , Hysteroscopy/methods , Risk Factors , Cicatrix/etiology , Metrorrhagia/diagnosis , Metrorrhagia/etiology , Metrorrhagia/therapyABSTRACT
Las malformaciones uterinas congénitas presentan una baja prevalencia en la población general (0,5-6,7 por ciento), el útero septo es la más frecuente. Estas enfermedades pueden afectar a los resultados reproductivos de las pacientes, así como aumentar la incidencia de abortos de repetición, presentaciones fetales anómalas o partos pretérminos. De la misma forma, los miomas uterinos submucosos también pueden producir alteraciones de la fertilidad, aunque la sintomatología más relacionada con los mismos es el sangrado. Constituyen el tumor benigno más frecuente del aparato genital femenino. El diagnóstico de estas patologías puede realizarse mediante pruebas de imagen como la ecografía transvaginal y la resonancia magnética, aunque la visualización directa vía histeroscópica sigue siendo de elección. Esta técnica constituye, además, la primera opción terapéutica, ya que se puede realizar tanto la resección del septo uterino como la miomectomía, sin apenas complicaciones y mediante una técnica quirúrgica segura y poco invasiva. El tratamiento histeroscópico está especialmente indicado en pacientes sintomáticas, con esterilidad o abortos de repetición, incluso antes de iniciar terapias de reproducción asistida. En el siguiente trabajo exponemos el caso de una paciente que presentaba un septo uterino constituido en su mayor parte por un leiomioma submucoso tratado vía histeroscópica; siendo un caso muy raro, dada la infrecuente asociación entre ambas patologías(AU)
Congenital uterine malformations present low prevalence in the general population (0.5-6.7 percent), and uterus septum is the most frequent. These pathologies can affect the reproductive outcomes of patients, as well as increase the incidence of repeating abortions, abnormal fetal presentations or preterm deliveries. In the same way, submucosal uterine fibroids can also produce alterations in fertility, although the most related symptomatology is bleeding. They are the most frequent benign tumor of the female genital tract. Diagnosis can be carried out through imaging tests such as transvaginal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, although direct visualization, via hysteroscopy, is still the preferred option. This technique is also the first therapeutic option, since both, resection of the uterine septum and myomectomy can be performed with few complications and a safe and minimally invasive surgical technique. Hysteroscopy is especially indicated in symptomatic patients, with sterility or repeated abortions, even before initiating assisted reproduction therapies. In the following paper, we present the case of a patient who presented a uterine septum formed mostly by a submucosal leiomyoma. She was treated by hysteroscopy. This case is very rare given the infrequent association between both pathologies(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Urogenital Abnormalities/diagnostic imaging , Hysteroscopy/methods , Leiomyoma/diagnostic imaging , Uterus/abnormalitiesABSTRACT
Abstract Transverse vaginal septum is a rare female genital tract anomaly, and little is described about its surgical treatment. We report the case of a patient who wished to preserve hymenal integrity due to social and cultural beliefs. We performed a vaginoscopic resection of the septum under laparoscopic view, followed by the introduction of a Foley catheter in the vagina, thus preserving the hymen. After 12 months of follow-up, no septal closure was present, and the menstrual flow was effective. Vaginoscopic hysteroscopy is an effectivemethod of vaginal septum resection, even in cases in which hymenal integrity must be preserved due to social and cultural beliefs.
Resumo Septo vaginal transverso é uma anomalia rara do trato genital feminino, e pouco é descrito sobre o tratamento cirúrgico. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente que desejava preservar a integridade do hímen devido a crenças sociais e culturais. Realizamos ressecção vaginoscópica do septo sob visão laparoscópica, seguida da introdução de um cateter de Foley na vagina, preservando assim o hímen. Após 12 meses de acompanhamento, não havia fechamento do septo, e o fluxo menstrual era eficaz. A histeroscopia vaginoscópica é um método eficaz de ressecção dos septos vaginais, incluindo os casosemque a integridade do hímen deve ser mantida devido a crenças sociais e culturais.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Vagina/abnormalities , Vagina/surgery , Hysteroscopy/methods , Organ Sparing Treatments/methods , HymenABSTRACT
La metaplasia ósea endometrial es una patología que se presenta con poca frecuencia y causa una gran variedad de síntomas como: sangrado uterino, dolor pélvico e infertilidad. Esta última, generalmente es secundaria y junto con el antecedente previo de aborto, constituyen una pieza clave en la sospecha diagnóstica. En el estudio de esta enfermedad, es necesario el uso de ecografía transvaginal y radiografía simple abdominal. El tratamiento definitivo se realiza mediante la extracción histeroscópica del material óseo, el cual es enviado a patología para corroborar el diagnóstico. La infertilidad revierte con la extracción del tejido óseo y no se han demostrado complicaciones en gestaciones futuras. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con metaplasia ósea endometrial por su rareza e importancia en el diagnóstico diferencial de sangrado uterino(AU)
Endometrial osseous metaplasia is a rare pathology that causes a variety of symptoms such as uterine hemorrhage, pelvic pain and infertility. This last consequence is generally secondary, and along with a history of abortions, represents a key element in suspected diagnosis. It is necessary to use transvaginal ultrasound and simple abdominal radiography for the study of the disease. The final treatment is performed by hysteroscopic removal of the bone material, which is sent to the pathology laboratory to confirm diagnosis. The infertility may be eliminated with the removal of the bone material and no further complications in future pregnancies have been observed. This is the case of a patient with endometrial osseous metaplasia, which is reported because of its infrequency and importance in the differential diagnosis of uterine bleeding(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Uterine Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Metaplasia/diagnostic imaging , Uterine Hemorrhage/diagnosis , Radiography, Abdominal/methods , Hysteroscopy/methodsABSTRACT
El embarazo ectópico con implantación en la cicatriz de una cesárea previa es un evento muy raro a pesar de la alta tasa de cesárea a nivel mundial, el mecanismo fisiopatológico aún no se establece con claridad. Presentamos un caso de una paciente con diagnóstico de embarazo ectópico sobreinfectado en cicatriz de cesárea previa, tratada con resección quirúrgica de la lesión por histeroscopia y laparoscopia.
Ectopic pregnancy implantation in a previous cesarean scar is a very rare condition despite the high caesarean rate worldwide. The pathophysiological mechanism is not yet clearly established. We present a case of a patient with an overinfected ectopic pregnancy, implanted in a previous cesarean scar treated with resection of the lesion by hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy, Ectopic/surgery , Hysteroscopy/methods , Cicatrix/etiology , Laparoscopy/methods , Pregnancy, Ectopic/diagnostic imaging , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Cicatrix/surgery , InfectionsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate results of early tubal occlusions performed by hysteroscopy (Essure®). Methods This prospective study included 38 patients, 73.7% of them were white, mean age 34.5 years, they have had on average 3 pregnancies and 2.7 of deliveries. A total of 86.8% of patients previously prepared the endometrium. All procedures were carried out at outpatient unit without anesthesia. Results Insertion rate of the device was 100% at a mean time of 4 minutes and 50 seconds. Based on the analogical visual scale, average pain reported was three, and 55.3% of women did not report pain after the procedure. After 3 months, 89.5% of patients were very satisfied with the method. Simple radiographs of the pelvis showed 92.1% of topical devices, and one case of unilateral expulsion had occurred. A four years follow-up did not show failure in the method. Conclusions Tubal occlusion through hysteroscopy at outpatient unit and without anesthesia was a quickly and well-tolerated procedure. No serious complications were seen, the success rate was high, and patients were satisfied.
RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar os resultados das primeiras oclusões tubárias realizadas pela via histeroscópica (Essure®). Métodos Estudo prospectivo com 38 pacientes, sendo 73,7% caucasianas, com média de idade de 34,5 anos, e com 3 gestações e 2,7 partos em média. Do total, 86,8% das pacientes fizeram preparo prévio do endométrio. Todos os procedimentos foram ambulatoriais e sem anestesia. Resultados A taxa de inserção do dispositivo foi de 100%, com tempo médio de 4 minutos e 50 segundos. Segundo a Escala Visual Analógica, a dor média obtida foi de três, e 55,3% das mulheres não referiram qualquer dor após o método. Ocorreu um caso de reflexo vagal e 89,5% das pacientes retornaram às atividades normais no mesmo dia. Após 3 meses, 89,5% das pacientes encontravam-se muito satisfeitas com o método. A radiografia simples da pelve evidenciou 92,1% de dispositivos tópicos, ocorrendo um caso de expulsão unilateral. Após 4 anos de seguimento, não houve falha do método. Conclusão A oclusão tubária por via histeroscópica em regime ambulatorial e sem anestesia foi um procedimento rápido, bem tolerado, isento de complicações graves e com alta taxa de sucesso e satisfação das pacientes.
Humans , Female , Adult , Sterilization, Tubal/methods , Hysteroscopy/methods , Ambulatory Surgical Procedures/methods , Sterilization, Tubal/instrumentation , Pain Measurement , Hysteroscopy/instrumentation , Prospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Presentar nuestra experiencia y una revisión de la literatura sobre la utilización de la vaginohisteroscopia oficinal. Describir las principales indicaciones, su tolerancia, los procedimientos realizados y las complicaciones resultantes. MÉTODO: Estudio descriptivo de todos los procedimientos vaginohisteroscópicos ambulatorios realizados en la Unidad de Medicina Reproductiva e Infertilidad del Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecología del Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile, entre el 1° de enero de 2008 y el 31 de enero de 2014. RESULTADOS: Se realizaron un total de 632 vaginohisteroscopias: 63,7% diagnósticas y 36,2% quirúrgicas. El tiempo promedio de realización fue de 13 ± 8 minutos. La percepción de dolor presentó una mediana de EVA 4 con intercuartiles de 3 y 6. La principal indicación fue por sospecha de pólipos endometriales (33%) y engrosamiento endometrial en un 12%. El hallazgo histeroscópico más frecuente fue cavidad endometrial normal (27%) y pólipos endometriales (27%). Los procedimientos más frecuentes fueron polipectomías (27%) y biopsias endometriales (20%). Se registraron 17 complicaciones (2,6%): 14 reacciones vasovagales (2,2%) y 3 lipotimias (0,4%). CONCLUSIONES: El abordaje vaginohisteroscópico ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, resolutiva, bien tolerada por las pacientes y de menor costo.
OBJECTIVE: To present our experience and a review of the literature of the vaginohysteroscopic technique. To describe the main indications, the tolerance, the procedures performed and their complications. METHOD: This is a descriptive study of all outpatient procedures performed with the vaginohysteroscopic technique in the Reproductive Medicine and Infertility Unit of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University Hospital of Chile between 1st January of 2008 and 31st January of 2014. RESULTS: A total of 632 vaginohysteroscopys were performed: 63.7% diagnostic and 36.2% surgical. The average procedure time was 13 ± 8 minutes. Pain showed a median of VAS of 4. The main indication was suspected endometrial polyps (33%) and endometrial thickening (12%). The most frequent finding was normal endometrial cavity (27%) and endometrial polyps (27%). The most common procedures were polypectomy (27%) and endometrial biopsies (20%). We registered 17 complications (2.6%): 14 vasovagal reactions (2.2%) and 3 lipothymias (0.4%). CONCLUSIONS: vaginohisteroscopy approach has proven to be a safe and very resolutive technique, well tolerated by patients and considerably cost-effective.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Vagina/surgery , Hysteroscopy/methods , Genital Diseases, Female/surgery , Genital Diseases, Female/diagnosis , Postoperative Complications , Hysteroscopy/statistics & numerical data , Operative Time , Visual Analog Scale , Ambulatory Surgical Procedures/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
La evaluación de la permeabilidad tubárica es un paso esencial en el estudio de la infertilidad femenina. Existen varios métodos que permiten realizar esta evaluación. La histerosalpingografía (HSG) se ha considerado el método estándar, sin embargo es conocida su limitación en la evaluación de la obstrucción proximal con alta tasa de falsos positivos. Presentamos una técnica alternativa para la evaluación por medio de cromotubación histeroscópica, que tiene entre otras, la ventaja de permitir la evaluacion del factor uterino y tubárico en un solo paso y además, supera la dificultad de los falsos positivos de la HSG, en cuanto a la obstrucción proximal.
The evaluation of tubal patency is an essential step in the study of female infertility. There are several methods to perform this evaluation. Hysterosalpingography (HSG) has been considered the standard method, however it is known to limitations in the assessment of proximal obstruction with high false positive rate. We present an alternative technique for evaluation by hysteroscopic chromo tubation, which has among others, the advantage of allowing the evaluation of uterine and tubal factor in one step and also overcomes the difficulty of false-positive HSG, as to the proximal obstruction.
Humans , Female , Adult , Hysteroscopy/methods , Fallopian Tube Patency Tests/methods , Infertility, Female/diagnosis , Permeability , Hysterosalpingography , Fallopian TubesABSTRACT
Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecologic malignancy in the developed countries. Although the high incidence of this occurrence no consensus, about the role of retroperitoneal staging, still exists. Growing evidence support the safety and efficacy of sentinel lymph node mapping. This technique is emerging as a new standard for endometrial cancer staging procedures. In the present paper, we discuss the role of sentinel lymph node mapping in endometrial cancer, highlighting the most controversies features.
Female , Humans , Endometrial Neoplasms/pathology , Hysteroscopy/methods , Injections, Intralesional , Lymph Node Excision/methods , Lymphatic Metastasis , Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy/methodsABSTRACT
Dermoid cysts of the uterus are extremely rare. A case of an asymptomatic dermoid cyst in the previous caesarean section scar is reported in a 39-year-old woman who presented for pre-conception evaluation. A nodular lesion of the uterus was identified through transvaginal ultrasound examination and magnetic resonance imaging and its characteristics are described. The first treatment option was hysteroscopic resection but complete removal could not be achieved. Surgical excision is likely to be the definitive treatment and a hysterectomy will be proposed to the patient after she completes her family. Our literature review indicates that this is the first case of a dermoid cyst located in the previous caesarean section scar.
Cistos dermoides do útero são extremamente raros. Este é um relato de caso de cisto dermoide assintomático na cicatriz de cesariana preexistente em mulher com 39 anos que se apresentou para avaliação pré-concepcional. Foi identificada uma lesão nodular por exame ultrassonográfico transvaginal e ressonância magnética; descrevemos suas características. A primeira opção terapêutica foi a ressecção histeroscópica, mas não foi possível fazer uma remoção completa. É provável que a excisão cirúrgica seja o tratamento definitivo; será proposta uma histerectomia à paciente, depois de ter completado sua família. Nossa revisão da literatura indica que este é o primeiro caso de cisto dermoide localizado em uma cicatriz de cesariana preexistente.
Female , Humans , Adult , Dermoid Cyst/diagnosis , Dermoid Cyst/surgery , Uterus/pathology , Hysteroscopy/methods , Cicatrix/complications , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Hysterectomy/methodsABSTRACT
Os instrumentos empregados na histeroscopia cirúrgica experimentaram grandes avanços nos últimos 30 anos e permitiram escolher desde ressectoscópios de 26 e 21 Fr. acoplados a corrente mono ou bipolar até a office hysteroscopy, que contempla o uso de sistemas operatórios de diâmetros semelhantes àqueles empregados na histeroscopia diagnóstica. Essas opções ampliaram e fortaleceram as possibilidades de indicação cirúrgicas, minimizaram riscos e reduziram acentuadamente as contra indicações. A introdução do minirressectoscópio de Gubbini de 16 Fr. na prática histeroscópica permitiu, graças ao seu diâmetro reduzido, a execução de procedimentos ambulatoriais com a técnica de slicing, que aumenta e facilita as possibilidades do see and treat ambulatorial. A funcionalidade do instrumento tem se revelado satisfatória, já que permite a passagem da corrente de mono para bipolar no mesmo ressectoscópio em uso e nas mesmas alças multiuso. A nossa casuística, que compreende 1.350 pacientes e inclui variadas patologias intrauterinas e endocervicais, demonstra uma eficácia de 100% do instrumento, cuja limitação, não categórica, subordina-se aos miomas com diâmetro superior a 3 cm.
The instruments employed in surgical hysteroscopy experienced great advances in the last 30 years, allowing operators to choose from resectoscopes of 26 and 21 fr. coupled with mono or bipolar current, to the use of office hysteroscopy, which contemplates the use of operating systems of diameters similar to those employed in diagnostic hysteroscopy. All these options have broadened and strengthened the possibilities of surgical indications, minimizing risk and reducing sharply the contraindications. The introduction of the miniresectoscope of Gubbini of 16 fr. thanks to its reduced diameter, enabled the implementation of outpatient procedures with the technique of slicing, increasing andfacilitating the possibilities of see and treat outpatient. The functionality of the instrument has proved to be satisfactory as it allows the passage of current from mono to bipolar in the same resectoscope in use and under the same multipurpose handles. Our series,comprising 1,350 patients and including various intrauterine and endocervical pathology, demonstrates an effectiveness of 100% of the instrument, whose limitation, not categorical, is subordinated to the fibroids with diameter greater than 3 cm.
Ambulatory Surgical Procedures , Urogenital Abnormalities/surgery , Hysteroscopy/methodsABSTRACT
Objective : To evaluate the incidence of premalignant lesions and cancer in endometrial polyps, in patients undergoing hysteroscopic polypectomy. Methods : The results of 1,020 pathological examinations of patients submitted to hysteroscopic polypectomy were analyzed, as well as their diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopy findings. As to their menstrual status, 295 (28.9%) patients were in menacme. Of the total, 193 (65.4%) presented abnormal uterine bleeding, and 102 (34.6%) were asymptomatic with altered endometrial echo on transvaginal ultrasound. Out of 725 (71.1%) postmenopausal patients, 171 (23.6%) were symptomatic (abnormal uterine bleeding), and 554 (76.4%) were asymptomatic with endometrial echo >5.0mm. Results : Twenty-one (2.0%) patients presented premalignant lesions in the polyps, 13 had simple glandular hyperplasia, of which 5 had no atypia, and eight presented atypia. Eight polyps presented focal area of complex hyperplasia: 4 with atypia and 4 without lesions. Cancer was diagnosed in 5 (0.5%) polyps. Of the 21 polyps that harbored premalignant lesions, 12 were interpreted as benign in diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopy. Of the polyps with cancer, 4 were also histeroscopically interpreted as normal. Conclusion : Symptomatic polyps in menacme and in all postmenopausal women should be resected and submitted to histopathological examination, since they may have a benign aspect, even when harboring areas of cellular atypia or cancer. .
Objetivo : Avaliar a incidência de lesões precursoras e câncer em pólipos do endométrio de pacientes submetidas à polipectomia histeroscópica. Métodos : Análise dos resultados de 1.020 exames anatomopatológicos de pacientes submetidas, em hospital público, à polipectomia histeroscópica, e achados em suas histeroscopias diagnóstica e cirúrgica. Em termos de estado menstrual, 295 (28,9%) pacientes encontravam-se na menacme. Do total, 193 (65,4%) apresentavam sangramento uterino anormal e 102 (34,6%) eram assintomáticas, com alteração da medida do eco endometrial à ultrassonografia transvaginal. Das 725 (71,1%) pacientes na pós-menopausa, 171 (23,6%) eram sintomáticas (sangramento uterino anormal) e 554 (76,4%) assintomáticas, com eco endometrial >5,0mm. Resultados : Vinte e uma (2,0%) pacientes apresentaram lesões precursoras nos pólipos, 13 com hiperplasia glandular simples, das quais 5 sem atipias e 8 com atipias. Oito pólipos apresentavam área focal de hiperplasia complexa, quatro com atipias e quatro sem lesões. Câncer foi diagnosticado em cinco (0,5%) pólipos. Dos 21 pólipos que abrigavam lesões precursoras, 12 foram interpretados como benignos nas histeroscopias diagnóstica e cirúrgica. Quatro dos pólipos com câncer também foram interpretados histeroscopicamente como normais. Conclusão : Os pólipos sintomáticos na menacme, bem como todos na pós-menopausa, devem ser ressecados para realização de exame anatomopatológico, por poderem apresentar aspecto benigno, mesmo quando abrigam áreas de atipia celular ou câncer. .
Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Endometrial Neoplasms/epidemiology , Hysteroscopy/methods , Polyps/epidemiology , Precancerous Conditions/epidemiology , Age Distribution , Brazil/epidemiology , Endometrium/pathology , Hyperplasia/epidemiology , Hyperplasia/pathology , Incidence , Polyps/pathology , Polyps/surgery , Precancerous Conditions/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
A esterilização tubária é o procedimento definitivo mais utilizado no mundo para controle da fecundidade. A ligadura laparoscópica é segura, porém invasiva e com possíveis riscos cirúrgicos e anestésicos. A via histeroscópica permite a oclusão tubária em ambiente ambulatorial, sem incisões ou anestesia. Um microdispositivo (Essure®) é inserido diretamente no interior das tubas e suas fibras internas de poliéster causam sua obstrução em até 3 meses. Durante esse período, deve ser mantido o método contraceptivo temporário utilizado pela paciente. Várias mulheres utilizam o sistema intrauterino liberador de levonorgestrel, denominado comercialmente Mirena®. O objetivo neste estudo foi de avaliar a possibilidade de inserção do Essure® sem a remoção do dispositivo intrauterino e a tolerância da paciente ao procedimento. O dispositivo foi colocado com sucesso em paciente portadora do Mirena® sem necessidade de retirada do mesmo. Após 3 meses o dispositivo intrauterino foi retirado sem intercorrências.
Tubal sterilization is the definitive procedure most often used worldwide to control fecundity. Laparoscopic ligature is safe, but invasive and with possible surgical and anesthetic risks. The hysteroscopic approach enables tubal occlusion at outpatient's setting without the need of incisions or anesthesia. A microdevice (Essure®) is inserted directly into the tubes and its polyethelene fibers cause obstruction of tubes in about three months. During this period, it is recommended that patients continue the use of a temporary birth control method. Several women use the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system, which is called in the market as Mirena®. This report evaluated the possibility of inserting Essure® without remove the intrauterine device; patient tolerance to the procedure was also assessed. The tubal device was successfully placed in the patient without the need to remove Mirena®. After three months the intrauterine device was removed with no intercurrent events.
Humans , Female , Hysteroscopy/methods , Intrauterine Devices , Sterilization, TubalABSTRACT
Structural intrauterine abnormalities are an important cause of infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss and bleeding or pain associated with a poor reproductive outcome. Various diagnostic methods have been applied to detect these lesions such as hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy and sonohysterography. More recently, three-dimensional extended imaging [3DXI] provides the ability to obtain sequential sections of acquired volume scans in A, B and C planes. Here, we briefly discuss the technique of saline infusion sonography, followed by a review of sonohysterographic characteristics of intracavitary pathologies with more focus on some definitions and measurements
Uterus/pathology , Uterus/diagnostic imaging , Hysteroscopy/methods , Endometrium/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
A endometrite crônica é um processo inflamatório persistente na camada endometrial, geralmente causada por invasão bacteriana. É uma afecção mal definida quanto a critérios de diagnósticos e tratamento. Devido à sua discreta sintomatologia, a real prevalência da endometrite crônica na população em geral não é conhecida, mas estima-se que esteja entre 0,8 e 19%. A aplicação de protocolos para rastreamento da endometrite crônica em mulheres com falha de implantação de embriões de boa qualidade após fertilização in vitro FIV é controversa. Alguns serviços utilizam a histeroscopia em todas as pacientes antes de iniciar o tratamento de reprodução assistida; entretanto, não há consenso de que a efetividade da histeroscopia melhore o prognóstico das mulheres inférteis. Os achados sugerem que o impacto da endometrite crônica na fertilidade e nos resultados da FIV precisam de futuras investigações em estudos prospectivos randomizados.
Chronic endometritis is a persistent inflammation of the endometrial lining usually caused by bacteria invasion. It is a non-well defined pathology difficult to both diagnosis and treatment. Because of its subtle nature, the real prevalence of chronic endometritis in the general population is ill defined, but is estimated between 0.8 and 19%. The implementation of protocols for screening of women, who have recurrent implantation failure after IVF with good quality embryo, is controversial, but some services have been using hysteroscopy in every patient immediately prior to FIV. However, there is no consensus on the effectiveness of hysteroscopy in improving the prognosis of infertile women. The findings suggest that the impact of chronic endometritis on fertility and outcomes should be further investigated in prospective randomized studies.
Humans , Female , Embryo Implantation , Endometrium/pathology , Endometritis/diagnosis , Endometritis/therapy , Chronic Disease , Fertilization in Vitro/methods , Hysteroscopy/methods , Infertility, Female/etiology , Pregnancy Rate , Embryo Loss/etiologyABSTRACT
Se reporta el caso de una mujer de 33 años que acude con infertilidad y un ultrasonido que reporta una gran imagen compatible con cuerpo extraño endometrial. Se le realiza una resección histeroscópica del material endometrial. La patología confirma material óseo (metaplasia ósea).
Humans , Hysteroscopy/methods , Metaplasia/surgery , Metaplasia/pathologyABSTRACT
Introducción: la histerectomía obstétrica es la resección parcial o total del útero, realizada generalmente de emergencia por complicaciones del embarazo, parto o puerperio, o por complicación de una enfermedad preexistente. Objetivo: determinar la incidencia y las principales causas que llevan a la intervención y su relación con algunos factores obstétricos. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo y longitudinal, de casos, a todas las pacientes que se les realizó histerectomía obstétrica en el Hospital Universitario América Arias desde enero del 2004 hasta diciembre del 2009. Se revisaron las historias clínicas, el registro del servicio de salón de operaciones, los carnés obstétricos y el registro del servicio de anatomía patológica. Resultados: se realizaron un total de 96 histerectomías obstétricas, para una tasa de 4,9 por 1 000 nacidos y un promedio de 16 histerectomías por año. Las principales indicaciones fueron la hemorragia y la sepsis. El grupo etario que predominó en relación con el total de nacimientos fue ≥ 35 años, siendo en este grupo la hemorragia la indicación más frecuente y los antecedentes obstétricos de ≥ 3 gestaciones. La terminación de embarazo por cesárea constituyó un factor relevante. La anemia fue la complicación más frecuente. Conclusión: la incidencia se mantiene en cifras similares a quinquenios anteriores por lo que continúa siendo un problema de salud para nuestra Institución
Introduction: the obstetric hysterectomy is the partial or total resection of uterus, performed generally of emergency due to the pregnancy, delivery or puerperium complications or by a prior disease. Objective: to determine the incidence and the major causes leading to intervention and its relation to some obstetric factors. Methods: a longitudinal, retrospective, descriptive and observational study was conducted in all patients underwent obstetric hysterectomy in the América Arias University Hospital from January, 2004 to December, 2009. All medical records were reviewed, the service registry of the operating room, the obstetrics cards and the registry of the pathological anatomy. Results: a total of 96 obstetric hysterectomies were performed for a rate of 4,9 per 1000 born and an average of 16 hysterectomies per year. The main indications were hemorrhage and sepsis. The predominant age group in relation to total of births was of ≥ 35 years and in this group the hemorrhage was the more frequent indication and the obstetric backgrounds of ≥ 3 pregnancies. The termination of pregnancy by cesarean section was a relevant factor. Anemia was the commonest complication. Conclusion: incidence remains in figures similar to prior five-year period thus this is a health problem for our Institution