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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 319-325, 20240220. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532716


Introducción. El edema pulmonar por reexpansión es una complicación poco frecuente, secundaria a una rápida reexpansión pulmonar posterior al drenaje por toracentesis o toracostomía cerrada. Al día de hoy, se ha descrito una incidencia menor al 1 % tras toracostomía cerrada, con mayor prevalencia en la segunda y tercera década de la vida. Su mecanismo fisiopatológico exacto es desconocido; se ha planteado un proceso multifactorial de daño intersticial pulmonar asociado con un desequilibrio de las fuerzas hidrostáticas. Caso clínico. Presentamos el caso de un paciente que desarrolló edema pulmonar por reexpansión posterior a toracostomía cerrada. Se hizo una revisión de la literatura sobre esta complicación. Resultados. Aunque la clínica sugiere el diagnóstico, la secuencia de imágenes desempeña un papel fundamental. En la mayoría de los casos suele ser autolimitado, por lo que su manejo es principalmente de soporte; sin embargo, se han reportado tasas de mortalidad que alcanzan hasta el 20 %, por tanto, es importante conocer los factores de riesgo y las medidas preventivas. Conclusión. El edema pulmonar de reexpansión posterior a toracostomía es una complicación rara en los casos con neumotórax, aunque es una complicación que se puede presentar en la práctica diaria, por lo cual debe tenerse en mente para poder hacer el diagnóstico y un manejo adecuado.

Introduction. Re-expansion pulmonary edema is a rare complication secondary to rapid pulmonary re-expansion after drainage by thoracentesis and/or closed thoracostomy. As of today, an incidence of less than 1% has been described after closed thoracostomy, with a higher prevalence in the second and third decades of life. Its exact pathophysiological mechanism is unknown; a multifactorial process of lung interstitial damage associated with an imbalance of hydrostatic forces has been proposed. Clinical case. We present the case of a patient who developed pulmonary edema due to re-expansion after closed thoracostomy, conducting a review of the literature on this complication. Results. Although the clinic suggests the diagnosis, the sequence of images plays a fundamental role. In most cases, it tends to be a self-limited disease, so its management is mainly supportive. However, mortality rates of up to 20% have been recorded. Therefore, it is important to identify patients with major risk factors and initiate preventive measures in these patients. Conclusions. Re-expansion pulmonary edema after thoracostomy is a rare complication in cases with pneumothorax; however, it is a complication that can occur in daily practice. Therefore, it must be kept in mind to be able to make the diagnosis and an adequate management.

Humans , Pneumothorax , Pulmonary Edema , Iatrogenic Disease , Postoperative Complications , Thoracostomy , Acute Lung Injury
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031165


@#Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a lymphoangioproliferative condition linked to human herpesvirus-8. KS presents in four clinical variants: classic, iatrogenic, endemic, and AIDSrelated. The classic type has a chronic course and primarily affects people of Eastern European Jewish or Mediterranean heritage, with a higher incidence in males." Approximately 70% of patients respond partially or satisfactorily to treatment, 20% experience recurrence, and 10% show progression despite treatment.? Furthermore, there have been documented cases of self-regression in the classic type of KS.2

Sarcoma, Kaposi , Iatrogenic Disease
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0029, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565365


ABSTRACT Retinal detachment related to retinopathy of prematurity is a surgical challenge, and vitrectomy can directly release transvitreal traction resulting from fibrous proliferation. The presence of iatrogenic breaks is a poor prognostic factor and has been considered a dismal prognosis. We report a case of premature female baby that underwent a 3-port 23-Gauge pars plana vitrectomy for stage 4A retinopathy of prematurity, with intraoperative progressive rhegmatogenous detachment complication. Lensectomy, extensive membrane dissection and vitreous shaving, followed by a posterior retinotomy, fluid air exchange, extensive peripheral photocoagulation and C3F8 15% injection were performed. Successful anatomical result was obtained.

RESUMO O descolamento de retina relacionado à retinopatia da prematuridade é um desafio cirúrgico, e a vitrectomia é um procedimento capaz de romper diretamente a tração vitreorretiniana resultante da proliferação fibrosa. A presença de roturas iatrogênicas é um fator prognóstico ruim e tem sido considerada como prognóstico sombrio. Relatamos um caso de bebê prematuro do sexo feminino que foi submetido à vitrectomia via pars plana (23 Gauge; três incisões), para retinopatia da prematuridade estágio 4A, complicada por descolamento regmatogênico progressivo intraoperatório. Foram realizadas lensectomia, dissecção extensa da membrana e aspiração vítrea, seguidas de retinotomia posterior, troca fluido-ar, fotocoagulação periférica extensa e injeção de C3F8 a 15%. O resultado anatômico bem-sucedido foi obtido.

Humans , Female , Infant , Retinal Perforations/surgery , Vitrectomy/adverse effects , Retinal Detachment/surgery , Intraoperative Complications , Retinal Perforations/etiology , Vitrectomy/methods , Retinopathy of Prematurity/complications , Retinal Detachment/etiology , Infant, Premature , Iatrogenic Disease
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 809-815, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985566


Objective: To investigate the association between gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and preterm birth subtypes. Methods: Based on the cohort of pregnant women in Anqing Prefectural Hospital, the pregnant women who received prenatal screening in the first or second trimesters were recruited into baseline cohorts; and followed up for them was conducted until delivery, and the information about their pregnancy status and outcomes were obtained through electronic medical record system and questionnaire surveys. The log-binomial regression model was used to explore the association between GDM and preterm birth [iatrogenic preterm birth, spontaneous preterm birth (preterm premature rupture of membranes and preterm labor)]. For multiple confounding factors, the propensity score correction model was used to compute the adjusted association. Results: Among the 2 031 pregnant women with a singleton delivery, the incidence of GDM and preterm birth were 10.0% (204 cases) and 4.4% (90 cases) respectively. The proportions of iatrogenic preterm birth and spontaneous preterm birth in the GDM group (n=204) were 1.5% and 5.9% respectively, while the proportions in non-GDM group (n=1 827) were 0.9% and 3.2% respectively, and the difference in the proportion of spontaneous preterm birth between the two groups was significant (P=0.048). Subtypes of spontaneous preterm were further analyzed, and the results showed that the proportions of preterm premature rupture of membranes and preterm labor in the GDM group were 4.9% and 1.0% respectively, while the proportions in the non-GDM group were 2.1% and 1.1% respectively. It showed that the risk of preterm premature rupture of membranes in GDM pregnant women was 2.34 times (aRR=2.34, 95%CI: 1.16-4.69) higher than that in non-GDM pregnant women. Conclusions: Our results showed that GDM might increase the risk of preterm premature rupture of membranes. No significant increase in the proportion of preterm labor in pregnant women with GDM was found.

Infant, Newborn , Female , Pregnancy , Humans , Premature Birth , Diabetes, Gestational , Obstetric Labor, Premature , Hospitals , Iatrogenic Disease
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981661


OBJECTIVE@#To summarize the etiology mechanism and treatment of iatrogenic blepharoptosis after double eyelid surgery in Asia.@*METHODS@#To extensively review the literature related to iatrogenic blepharoptosis after double eyelid surgery, and to summarize and analyze the related anatomical mechanism, existing treatment options, and indications.@*RESULTS@#Iatrogenic blepharoptosis is a relatively common complication after double eyelid surgery, sometimes it is combined with other eyelid deformities such as sunken upper eyelid and wide double eyelid, which makes it difficult to repair. The etiology is mainly caused by improper adhesion of tissues and scars, improper removal of upper eyelid tissue, and injury of a link of levator muscle power system. Whether blepharoptosis occurs after double eyelid surgery by incision or suture, it should be repaired by incision. The principles of repair include surgical loosening of tissue adhesion, anatomical reduction, and repair of damaged tissues. The key is to use surrounding tissues or transplanted fat to prevent adhesion.@*CONCLUSION@#When repairing iatrogenic blepharoptosis clinically, appropriate surgical methods should be selected based on the causes and severity of the blepharoptosis, combined with treatment principles, in order to achieve better repair results.

Humans , Blepharoptosis/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Retrospective Studies , Blepharoplasty/methods , Eyelids/surgery , Iatrogenic Disease , Oculomotor Muscles/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009213


Hoffa fracture is an unstable intra-articular fracture with significant redisplacement tendency. It is easy to be missed diagnosis when accompanied by distal intercondylar or supracondylar fracture of femur. CT scan is the gold standard for the diagnosis of Hoffa fracture. The treatment principles are anatomic reduction of the articular surface, reliable internal fixation, and early functional activity. At present, the main treatment is arthroscopic screw fixation. During screw fixation, the tail cap of screw should be buried, resulting in non-healing iatrogenic injury of articular cartilage. In the early postoperative functional activity of knee joint, fracture block was repeatedly subjected to backward and upward shear force under the action of the tibial plateau, which is the main reason for the failure of internal fixation. Plate assisted screw fixation could increase local mechanical stability, but it still cannot avoid the defects of iatrogenic cartilage injury. At the same time, plate molding is required during the operation due to the absence of special anatomical plates, resulting in increased surgical trauma and time-consuming surgery. The ideal fixation method for Hoffa fracture should include:(1) Avoid iatrogenic injury of articular surface cartilage. (2) With the rear anti-shear barrier plate function.(3) The internal fixator is closer to the load interface, so as to obtain greater load and better fixed strength.

Humans , Hoffa Fracture , Femoral Fractures/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Bone Plates , Iatrogenic Disease
Asian Journal of Andrology ; (6): 708-712, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009789


Vasectomy damage is a common complication of open nonmesh hernia repair. This study was a retrospective analysis of the characteristics and possible causes of vas deferens injuries in patients exhibiting unilateral or bilateral vasal obstruction caused by open nonmesh inguinal herniorrhaphy. The site of the obstructed vas deferens was intraoperatively confirmed. Data, surgical methods, and patient outcomes were examined. The Anderson-Darling test was applied to test for Gaussian distribution of data. Fisher's exact test or Mann-Whitney U test and unpaired t-test were used for statistical analyses. The mean age at operation was 7.23 (standard deviation [s.d.]: 2.09) years and the mean obstructive interval was 17.72 (s.d.: 2.73) years. Crossed (n = 1) and inguinal ( n = 42) vasovasostomies were performed. The overall patency rate was 85.3% (29/34). Among the 43 enrolled patients (mean age: 24.95 [s.d.: 2.20] years), 73 sides of their inguinal regions were explored. The disconnected end of the vas deferens was found in the internal ring on 54 sides (74.0%), was found in the inguinal canal on 16 sides (21.9%), and was found in the pelvic cavity on 3 sides (4.1%). Location of the vas deferens injury did not significantly differ according to age at the time of hernia surgery ( ≥ 12 years or <12 years) or obstructive interval (≥15 years or <15 years). These results underscore that high ligation of the hernial sac warrants extra caution by surgeons during open nonmesh inguinal herniorrhaphy.

Male , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Child , Vas Deferens/surgery , Herniorrhaphy/methods , Retrospective Studies , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Iatrogenic Disease , Laparoscopy
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1444934


Introducción: Los objetivos de este estudio fueron determinar la incidencia de lesión iatrogénica intraquirúrgica del nervio radial durante la osteosíntesis de la diáfisis y el extremo distal del húmero, distinguir factores de riesgos asociados y reconocer elementos pronósticos que participan de su recuperación. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluó, en forma retrospectiva, a 82 pacientes con osteosíntesis de húmero entre 2005 y 2021, sin parálisis radial preoperatoria. Se consideraron los sistemas de fijación utilizados, y se compararon las cirugías primarias con las reoperaciones y el tiempo transcurrido entre estas. El diagnóstico de parálisis radial posoperatorio fue clínico. Todos los pacientes fueron tratados con férula en extensión de muñeca, electroestimulación, kinesiología y vitaminas B1, B6, B12. La electromiografía se solicitó a los fines del pronóstico. Resultados: Nueve pacientes tuvieron déficit motor del nervio radial en el posoperatorio inmediato. El sistema de fijación era una placa (7 casos), sistema de cable-placa (1 caso) y clavo endomedular acerrojado anterógrado (1 caso). Siete ocurrieron en cirugías primarias y dos en reoperaciones. El 88% recuperó su función motora completamente antes de los 6 meses después de la parálisis. La electromiografía reveló un nervio radial no excitable en el 22% restante con parálisis definitiva. Conclusiones: El uso de placa de osteosíntesis, la disección intraoperatoria del nervio radial y las reoperaciones aumentan la incidencia de parálisis. Un nervio radial no excitable se relaciona con un peor pronóstico de recuperación espontánea. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: The purpose of this study is to determine the incidence of intraoperative iatrogenic radial nerve injury after osteosynthesis of the diaphysis and distal end of the humerus, identify associated risk factors, and determine the prognostic factors involved in its recovery. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively assessed 82 humerus osteosynthesis cases between 2005 and 2021 who had normal radial nerve function before surgery. We evaluated the fixation systems used, the type of surgery (primary versus revision), and the intervals between surgeries. The diagnosis of postoperative radial palsy was made by clinical examination. All patients were treated with wrist extension splint, physiotherapy, and vitamins B1, B6, and B12. Results: After humerus fixation, 9 patients developed motor palsy. Seven cases were fixed with plates, one with a cable-plate system, and one with an anterograde locking intramedullary nail. Seven cases (22%) occurred after primary procedures, while two occurred during revisions. Within 6 months, 88% had regained full motor function. In the remaining 22% of patients with definite palsy, electromyography revealed no excitability of the radial nerve. Conclusions: The use of an osteosynthesis plate, as well as intraoperative dissection and neurolysis of the radial nerve, were identified as risk factors for the development of radial palsy. Reoperations on the humerus, on the other hand, are a risk factor that increases the likelihood of postoperative radial nerve palsy. A radial nerve with no excitability on the postoperative electromyogram has a poor prognosis of spontaneous radial nerve function recovery. Level of Evidence: IV

Arm , Radial Nerve/injuries , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Humeral Fractures , Iatrogenic Disease , Intraoperative Complications
Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) ; 55(4)dez. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417685


A crescente produção de iatrogenias justifica a discussão acerca da incorporação da prevenção quaternária na prática médica cotidiana. Este estudo identificou e sistematizou a produção de conhecimento sobre prevenção qua-ternária e sua implicação para a prática clínica. Trata-se de revisão sistemática descritiva apoiada na pergunta nor-teadora: "Quais são as evidências produzidas sobre prevenção quaternária e sua implicação para a prática clínica?" Realizou-se o levantamento bibliográfico entre agosto e setembro de 2020, utilizando-se o descritor "prevenção quaternária", nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol. A análise dos 30 artigos produziu evidências sobre inter-venções médicas potencialmente danosas que justificariam a adoção da prevenção quaternária. O estudo provoca a comunidade médica a refletir sobre a incorporação da prevenção quaternária, visando uma prática assistencial menos iatrogênica, valorizando a medicina centrada na pessoa e os atributos da atenção primária à saúde. (AU)

The growing production regarding iatrogenesis justifies the discussion about the incorporation of quaternary pre-vention in the daily medical practice. This study identified and systematized the production of knowledge about quaternary prevention and its implications for the clinical practice. This is a systematic descriptive review supported by the guiding question: What evidence has been produced regarding quaternary prevention and its impact on the clinical practice? A bibliographic survey was carried out between August and September 2020 using the descriptor "quaternary prevention" in English, Portuguese and Spanish. The analysis of 30 articles produced evidence on po-tentially harmful medical interventions that would justify the adoption of quaternary prevention. The study invites the medical community to reflect on the incorporation of quaternary prevention, aiming for a less iatrogenic care practice, valuing person-centered medicine and the attributes of primary health care. (AU)

Primary Health Care , Quaternary Prevention , Iatrogenic Disease , Disease Prevention
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441646


Introducción: El error está presente en cualquier actividad humana y la práctica de la medicina no es una excepción. Debido al aumento de los conocimientos sobre la salud y las enfermedades, la posibilidad de error, relacionada con la atención de estas últimas, disminuye, pero no se ha eliminado en su totalidad. Objetivo: Exponer las experiencias de los autores acerca del error en la práctica médica. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica entre los años 2000 y 2020. Se localizaron y consultaron fuentes bibliográficas validadas en: Medline, PubMed y SciELO, a las que se accedió a través de la biblioteca virtual de salud. Se utilizaron para la búsqueda las palabras clave error médico, iatrogenia, responsabilidad penal del médico, método clínico. Se revisaron también tres bibliografías anteriores que se consideraron de utilidad para el artículo y tres capítulos de libros con temas afines, además de las resoluciones del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba que tratan acerca del error médico. Al final se seleccionaron 21 bibliografías en idiomas español e inglés. Conclusiones: Existen grandes posibilidades de errores en el proceso del diagnóstico y tratamiento de los enfermos. El desarrollo de la tecnología y la mejoría en la construcción de guías y protocolos disminuyen las probabilidades de equivocaciones, pero no las eliminan. El perfeccionamiento en la formación de recursos humanos, unido al uso correcto del método clínico es una estrategia eficaz para disminuir los errores en la práctica médica(AU)

(AU)ntroduction: Error is present in any human activity; the medical practice is not an exception. Due to an increase in knowledge about health and diseases, error possibility related to disease management is decreasing, but has not been totally eliminated. Objective: To expose the authors' experiences regarding error in medical practice. Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out, covering the years between 2000 and 2020. Validated bibliographic sources were located and consulted in Medline, PubMed and SciELO, accessed through the Virtual Health Library. The following keywords were used for the search: error médico [medical error], iatrogenia [iatrogenic error], responsabilidad penal del médico [physician criminal liability] and método clínico [clinical method]. Three previous bibliographies considered useful for the article and three book chapters with related topics were also reviewed, in addition to the resolutions of the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba dealing with the topic of medical error. Finally, 21 bibliographies in Spanish and English were selected. Conclusions: There are great possibilities of errors in the process of patient diagnosis and management. The development of technology, as well as the improvement in the construction of guides and protocols, decreases the probabilities of errors, but do not eliminate them. The improvement in the training of human resources, together with the correct use of the clinical method, is an effective strategy to reduce errors in medical practice(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Medical Errors , Criminal Liability/legislation & jurisprudence , Iatrogenic Disease/prevention & control
Int. j. morphol ; 40(1): 210-219, feb. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385565


RESUMEN: Las lesiones iatrogénicas de las vías biliares (LIVB), en el curso de una colecistectomía laparoscópica (CL), son complicaciones que causan resultados inesperados para cirujanos un incremento en los riesgos de los pacientes (morbilidad y mortalidad), afectando su calidad de vida. Asimismo, causan situaciones difíciles desde el punto de vista técnico para el cirujano que debe repararlas desde un punto de vista técnico. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue resumir la información referente a las LIVB y describir su morfología y opciones diagnóstico-terapéuticas.

SUMMARY: Iatrogenic Bile duct injuries (IBDI), during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (CL), are complications that cause unexpected results for surgeons, an increment in patient risks (morbidity and mortality), and affect the patient´s quality of life. At the same time, they create difficult situations for the repairing surgeon from a technical point of view. The aim of this manuscript was to summarize the information regarding IBDI and to describe its morphology and diagnostic-therapeutic options.

Humans , Wounds and Injuries/etiology , Bile Ducts/pathology , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/adverse effects , Wounds and Injuries/classification , Wounds and Injuries/diagnosis , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Bile Ducts/injuries , Risk Factors , Iatrogenic Disease
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 512-519, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940954


Objective: To investigate the characteristics and comprehensive treatment of infected wounds in patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome. Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted. From May 2012 to December 2021, the data of 19 patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome discharged from the Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University were collected, including 8 males and 11 females, aged 28-71 (56±11) years, with 12 cases of infected acute wounds and 7 cases of infected chronic wounds. The lesions were located in the limbs, perianal, and sacrococcygeal regions, with original infection ranging from 9 cm×5 cm to 85 cm×45 cm. After admission, the patients were performed with multidisciplinary assisted diagnosis and treatment, and the wounds were treated with debridement and vacuum sealing drainage, according to the size, severity of infection, suture tension, and bone and tendon tissue exposure of wounds, direct suture or autologous skin and/or artificial dermis and/or autologous tissue flap transplantation was selected for wound repair. The levels of cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) of patients at 8:00, 16:00, and 24:00 within 24 h after admission were counted. After admission, the number of operations, wound repair methods, and wound and skin/flap donor site healing of patients were recorded. During follow-up, the wounds were observed for recurrent infection. Results: The cortisol levels of 16 patients at 8:00, 16:00, and 24:00 within 24 h after admission were (130±54), (80±16), and (109±39) nmol/L, respectively, and ACTH levels were (7.2±2.8), (4.1±1.8), and (6.0±3.0) pg/mL, respectively; and the other 3 patients had no such statistical results. After admission, the number of surgical operation for patients was 3.4±0.9. The following methods were used for wound repair, including direct suturing in 4 cases and autologous skin and/or artificial dermis grafting in 9 cases, of which 2 cases underwent stage Ⅱ autologous skin grafting after artificial dermis grafting in stage Ⅰ, and 6 cases had pedicled retrograde island flap+autologous skin grafting. The wound healing was observed, showing that all directly sutured wounds healed well; the wounds in 6 cases of autologous skin and/or artificial dermis grafting healed well, and the wounds in 3 cases also healed well after the secondary skin grafting; the flaps in 4 cases survived well with the wounds in 2 cases with distal perforators flap arteries circumfluence obstacle of posterior leg healed after stage Ⅱ debridement and autologous skin grafting. The healing status of skin/flap donor sites was followed showing that the donor sites of medium-thickness skin grafts in the thigh of 4 cases were well healed after transplanted with autologous split-thickness grafts from scalp; the donor sites of medium-thickness skin grafts in 3 cases did not undergo split-thickness skin grafting, of which 2 cases had poor healing but healed well after secondary skin grafting 2 weeks after surgery; the donor sites of split-thickness skin grafts in the head of 2 patients healed well; and all donor sites of flaps healed well after autologous skin grafting. During follow-up of more than half a year, 3 gout patients were hospitalized again for surgical treatment due to gout stone rupture, 4 patients were hospitalized again for surgical treatment due to infection, and no recurrent infection was found in the rest of patients. Conclusions: The infected wounds in patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome have poor ability to regenerate and are prone to repeated infection. Local wound treatment together with multidisciplinary comprehensive treatment should be performed to control infection and close wounds in a timely manner, so as to maximize the benefits of patients.

Female , Humans , Male , Adrenocorticotropic Hormone , China , Cushing Syndrome/surgery , Gout , Hydrocortisone , Iatrogenic Disease , Skin, Artificial , Wound Infection
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 32: 32101, 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372825


Introdução: É fato que os idosos compreendem um grupo etário que cresce exponencialmente no Brasil. Inevitavelmente, a alta demanda da maioria dessa população por medicamentos e serviços de saúde acarreta impacto nas políticas de saúde pública no que tange o esforço necessário para garantir o uso racional de medicamentos, evitar iatrogenia e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos idosos. Medicamentos potencialmente inadequados são aqueles que devem ser evitados em idosos, em que o risco de eventos adversos supera o benefício. Métodos: O estudo, de caráter descritivo e retrospectivo e partindo da pesquisa e análise de dados secundários em saúde, objetivou ampliar o conhecimento sobre o impacto do uso de medicamentos pela população idosa, através da coleta de informações sobre as intoxicações por uso de medicamentos disponíveis no site do DATASUS (departamento de informática do Sistema Único de Saúde). Resultados: Em cerca de dez anos relacionados ao período estudado, entre 2010 a 2020, houveram 2.946 internações de idosos causadas por intoxicações farmacológicas, sendo relevante em número de casos as classes dos anticonvulsivantes, sedativos, hipnóticos, antiparkinsonianos. A região com maior número de casos foi a Sudeste. Há diferenças significativas na probabilidade de intoxicação em idosos, sendo maior nos casos de exposição a álcool, a fármacos analgésicos, antipiréticos e antirreumáticos, e a fármacos com ação no sistema nervoso central. Conclusão: Os resultados encontrados advêm da tendência crescente dos problemas associados ao uso de medicamentos por idosos, tornando-se clara a importância de estratégias efetivas de farmacovigilância voltadas a saúde dessa população.

Introduction: It is a fact that the elderly comprise an exponentially growing age group in Brazil. Inevitably, the high demand of most of this population for medicines and health services impacts public health policies in terms of the effort required to ensure the rational use of medicines, avoid iatrogenesis and improve the quality of life of the elderly. Potentially inappropriate drugs are those that should be avoided in the elderly, where the risk of adverse events outweighs the benefit. Methods: The study, of descriptive and retrospective nature and based on the research and analysis of secondary health data, aimed to broaden knowledge about the impact of the use of medicines by the elderly population, by collecting information on intoxications due to the use of medicines available on the DATASUS (departamento de informática do Sistema Único de Saúde) website. Results: In about ten years related to the studied period, from 2010 to 2020, there were 2,946 hospitalizations of the elderly caused by pharmacological intoxications, being relevant in number of cases the classes of anticonvulsants, sedatives, hypnotics, and antiparkinsonian drugs. The region with the highest number of cases was the Southeast. There are significant differences in the probability of intoxication in the elderly, being greater in cases of exposure to alcohol, analgesic, antipyretic and anti-rheumatic drugs and drugs with action on the central nervous system. Conclusion: The results found show a growing trend of problems associated with the use of medicines by the elderly, making clear the importance of effective pharmacovigilance strategies aimed at the health of this population.

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Self Medication , Aged , Polypharmacy , Potentially Inappropriate Medication List , Quality of Life , Iatrogenic Disease , Longevity
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06937, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487682


Monensin is an ionophore antibiotic (IA) widely used for growth promotion and weight gain in the production of ruminants. However, it has caused intoxication in several species, including buffaloes, mainly because of the ignorance or disrespect of the recommendations for use in each animal species. The objective of this study was to describe, for the first time, clinical-epidemiological and anatomopathological data of an outbreak of accidental poisoning by monensin in buffalos and rediscuss the recommendation of the use of IA in the production of this species. The outbreak affected 21 adult buffaloes after consumption of remains from a feed formulated on the farm and whose constituents were mixed by hand. Clinical and first death signs were observed 24 hours after ingestion of this food. In general, the clinical picture was characterized by muscle weakness, tremors, difficulty in locomotion, and decubitus. Fifteen buffaloes presented clinical signs of poisoning (71.5% morbidity), followed by death (100% lethality), after acute to subacute evolution (<24h to 96h). Laboratory tests indicated elevated serum activity of creatine phosphokinase and aspartate aminotransferase enzymes. Three buffaloes underwent necropsy, and samples from several organs were collected for histopathological examination. The main injuries found were hyaline degeneration and multifocal segmental necrosis in the skeletal and cardiac striated muscles (myopathy and degenerative-necrotic multifocal multifocal-necrotic cardiopathy). The diagnosis was confirmed by the toxicological evaluation of suspected ration remains, which detected 461.67mg/kg of monensin. The death of 71.5% buffaloes in this lot occurred due to a succession of errors, which included faults in the formulation of the ration and, above all, due to the use of monensin in a highly sensitive species. Despite the possible beneficial effects of IA use as a dietary supplement for buffaloes, we are of the opinion that IAs should never be used in bubalinoculture since any increment in production does not compensate for the imminent risk of death due to a small safety margin for this species and the absence of antidotes.

Monensina é um antibiótico ionóforo (AI) amplamente empregado na produção de ruminantes para promoção de crescimento e ganho de peso, mas que tem causado intoxicação em diversas espécies, incluindo os búfalos, principalmente, pelo desconhecimento ou desrespeito das recomendações de uso e às particularidades de cada espécie animal. Objetivou-se descrever, pela primeira vez na Bahia, dados clínico-epidemiológicos e anatomopatológicos de um surto de intoxicação acidental por monensina em búfalos e rediscutir a recomendação do uso de AI na produção de bubalinos. O surto acometeu um lote de 21 búfalos adultos após consumo de sobras de uma ração para bovinos formulada na fazenda e cujos constituintes eram misturados à mão. Os sinais clínicos e primeiros óbitos foram observados 24 horas após a ingestão dessa ração. O quadro clínico, em geral, se caracterizou por fraqueza muscular, tremores, dificuldade de locomoção e decúbito. Quinze búfalos apresentaram sinais clínicos de intoxicação (morbidade 71,5%), seguido de morte (letalidade 100%), após evolução aguda a subaguda (<24h até 96h). Exames laboratoriais indicaram acentuada elevação na atividade sérica das enzimas CPK e AST. Três búfalos foram necropsiados, sendo coletadas amostras de diversos órgãos para exame histopatológico. A principal lesão encontrada foi degeneração hialina e necrose segmentar multifocal nos músculos estriados esqueléticos e cardíacos (miopatia e cardiopatia degenerativo-necrótica tóxica multifocal polifásica). O diagnóstico foi confirmado pela avaliação toxicológica das sobras da ração suspeita, que detectou 461,67mg/kg de monensina. A morte de 71,5% dos búfalos deste lote ocorreu devido a uma sucessão de erros, que incluíram falhas na formulação da ração e, sobretudo, devido ao uso da monensina em uma espécie altamente sensível. Enfatizamos que, apesar dos possíveis efeitos benéficos do uso AIs como suplemento dietético para bubalinos, somos da opinião que os AIs nunca devem ser empregados na bubalinocultura, uma vez que os eventuais incrementos na produção não compensam o risco iminente de morte, devido a pequena margem de segurança para essa espécie e a inexistência de antídotos.

Animals , Buffaloes , Myotoxicity/diagnosis , Myotoxicity/pathology , Monensin/poisoning , Iatrogenic Disease/veterinary , Fatal Outcome , Myotoxicity/veterinary , Animal Feed/poisoning
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06937, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1356550


Monensin is an ionophore antibiotic (IA) widely used for growth promotion and weight gain in the production of ruminants. However, it has caused intoxication in several species, including buffaloes, mainly because of the ignorance or disrespect of the recommendations for use in each animal species. The objective of this study was to describe, for the first time, clinical-epidemiological and anatomopathological data of an outbreak of accidental poisoning by monensin in buffalos and rediscuss the recommendation of the use of IA in the production of this species. The outbreak affected 21 adult buffaloes after consumption of remains from a feed formulated on the farm and whose constituents were mixed by hand. Clinical and first death signs were observed 24 hours after ingestion of this food. In general, the clinical picture was characterized by muscle weakness, tremors, difficulty in locomotion, and decubitus. Fifteen buffaloes presented clinical signs of poisoning (71.5% morbidity), followed by death (100% lethality), after acute to subacute evolution (<24h to 96h). Laboratory tests indicated elevated serum activity of creatine phosphokinase and aspartate aminotransferase enzymes. Three buffaloes underwent necropsy, and samples from several organs were collected for histopathological examination. The main injuries found were hyaline degeneration and multifocal segmental necrosis in the skeletal and cardiac striated muscles (myopathy and degenerative-necrotic multifocal multifocal-necrotic cardiopathy). The diagnosis was confirmed by the toxicological evaluation of suspected ration remains, which detected 461.67mg/kg of monensin. The death of 71.5% buffaloes in this lot occurred due to a succession of errors, which included faults in the formulation of the ration and, above all, due to the use of monensin in a highly sensitive species. Despite the possible beneficial effects of IA use as a dietary supplement for buffaloes, we are of the opinion that IAs should never be used in bubalinoculture since any increment in production does not compensate for the imminent risk of death due to a small safety margin for this species and the absence of antidotes.(AU)

Monensina é um antibiótico ionóforo (AI) amplamente empregado na produção de ruminantes para promoção de crescimento e ganho de peso, mas que tem causado intoxicação em diversas espécies, incluindo os búfalos, principalmente, pelo desconhecimento ou desrespeito das recomendações de uso e às particularidades de cada espécie animal. Objetivou-se descrever, pela primeira vez na Bahia, dados clínico-epidemiológicos e anatomopatológicos de um surto de intoxicação acidental por monensina em búfalos e rediscutir a recomendação do uso de AI na produção de bubalinos. O surto acometeu um lote de 21 búfalos adultos após consumo de sobras de uma ração para bovinos formulada na fazenda e cujos constituintes eram misturados à mão. Os sinais clínicos e primeiros óbitos foram observados 24 horas após a ingestão dessa ração. O quadro clínico, em geral, se caracterizou por fraqueza muscular, tremores, dificuldade de locomoção e decúbito. Quinze búfalos apresentaram sinais clínicos de intoxicação (morbidade 71,5%), seguido de morte (letalidade 100%), após evolução aguda a subaguda (<24h até 96h). Exames laboratoriais indicaram acentuada elevação na atividade sérica das enzimas CPK e AST. Três búfalos foram necropsiados, sendo coletadas amostras de diversos órgãos para exame histopatológico. A principal lesão encontrada foi degeneração hialina e necrose segmentar multifocal nos músculos estriados esqueléticos e cardíacos (miopatia e cardiopatia degenerativo-necrótica tóxica multifocal polifásica). O diagnóstico foi confirmado pela avaliação toxicológica das sobras da ração suspeita, que detectou 461,67mg/kg de monensina. A morte de 71,5% dos búfalos deste lote ocorreu devido a uma sucessão de erros, que incluíram falhas na formulação da ração e, sobretudo, devido ao uso da monensina em uma espécie altamente sensível. Enfatizamos que, apesar dos possíveis efeitos benéficos do uso AIs como suplemento dietético para bubalinos, somos da opinião que os AIs nunca devem ser empregados na bubalinocultura, uma vez que os eventuais incrementos na produção não compensam o risco iminente de morte, devido a pequena margem de segurança para essa espécie e a inexistência de antídotos.(AU)

Animals , Buffaloes , Monensin/poisoning , Myotoxicity/diagnosis , Myotoxicity/pathology , Fatal Outcome , Myotoxicity/veterinary , Iatrogenic Disease/veterinary , Animal Feed/poisoning
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 12(1): 420230, 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1419010


Introducción: La avulsión dental es el desalojo completo del diente fuera del alvéolo con consecuencias estéticas, funcionales, psicológicas y económicas. La Asociación Internacional de Trauma Dental establece que entre las acciones para favorecer el pronóstico está el reimplante inmediato. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto en la calidad de vida en un paciente de 9 años de edad ante un caso probable de iatrogenia al tratar la avulsión dental. Presentación de Caso: Paciente masculino de 9 años que sufrió avulsión de 11 por golpe directo contra columpio en la escuela; madre informa que fue trasladado de inmediato a clínica privada, el diente no fue reimplantado, indicándose como tratamiento una prótesis parcial fija. Dos semanas posteriores se presentó a las Clínicas de Posgrado de la Facultad de Odontología Universidad de El Salvador, se evaluó integralmente, se priorizó el impacto psicológico a consecuencia de la pérdida del diente, como tratamiento empático de urgencia se utilizó la corona del diente avulsionado, fijándolo con férula de alambre-resina por palatino, generando al finalizar evidente satisfacción en el paciente. Conclusiones: El índice de perfil de impacto en salud oral confirmó un impacto importante en la calidad de vida del niño a consecuencia de la pérdida de un diente anterior. El abordaje incorrecto generó la pérdida irreparable del incisivo central superior permanente, con repercusiones en la calidad de vida del paciente

Introdução: A avulsão dentária é o deslocamento com saída total do dente do interior do seu alvéolo com consequências estéticas, funcionais, psicológicas e econômicas. A Associação Internacional de Trauma Dental estabelece que uma das ações favoráveis ao prognóstico é o reimplante imediato. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto na qualidade de vida de um paciente de 9 anos com provável caso de iatrogenia no tratamento de avulsão dentária. Relato de caso: Paciente do sexo masculino, 9 anos de idade, apresentou avulsão do dente 11, por impacto direto contra um balanço infantil na escola, a mãe relatou que foi imediatamente transferido para uma clínica particular, o dente não foi reimplantado, indicando uma Prótese parcial fixa como tratamento. Após duas semanas compareceu às Clínicas da Pós-Graduação da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de El Salvador, foi avaliado integralmente, o impacto psicológico foi priorizado como resultado da perda do dente, como tratamento empático de urgência. foi utilizado o dente avulsionado fixando-o com esplintagem de resina-fio pela superfície palatina, gerando no final evidente satisfação do paciente. Conclusões: O índice de perfil de impacto na saúde bucal confirmou um impacto significativo na qualidade de vida da criança como resultado da perda de um dente anterior. A abordagem incorreta gerou a perda irreparável do incisivo central superior permanente, com repercussões na qualidade de vida do paciente

Introduction: dental avulsion is the complete removal of the tooth out of the socket with aesthetic, functional, psychological, and economic consequences. The International Association of Dental Traumatology establishes that among the actions to favor the prognosis is the immediate reimplantation. Objective: To assess the impact on quality of life in a 9-year-old patient with a probable case of iatrogenesis when treating dental avulsion. Case Presentation: 9-year-old male patient who suffered a 11 avulsion from a direct hit against the swing at school; the mother reports that he was immediately transferred to a private clinic. The tooth was not reimplanted, indicating a fixed partial prosthesis as treatment. Two weeks later, he was presented to the Postgraduate Clinics of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of El Salvador. He was comprehensively evaluated, and the psychological impact as a result of tooth loss was prioritized. As emergency empathic treatment the crown of the avulsed tooth was used, fixing it with a palatal wire-resin splint, generating evident satisfaction in the patient at the end. Conclusions: Child-Oral index in Daily Performances confirmed an important impact on the quality of life the child as a consequence of the loss of an anterior tooth. The incorrect approach generated the irreparable loss of the permanent upper central incisor, with repercussions on the quality of life the patient

Humans , Male , Child , Tooth Avulsion , Iatrogenic Disease , Prostheses and Implants , Oral Health
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 12(3): 436-441, dez. 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1352540


Objetivo: Verificar a ocorrência de eventos adversos como infecção do sítio cirúrgico, perda ou infecção do acesso venoso e quedas em pacientes internados em uma unidade de internação cirúrgica de um hospital de ensino do sul do Brasil. Método: Estudo quantitativo, exploratório-descritivo. Realizado de março a maio de 2019, em uma unidade de internação cirúrgica de um hospital universitário do sul do Brasil, com a utilização de dois roteiros estruturados. Foram incluídos e 128 participantes. Análise das variáveis categóricas representadas pela frequência absoluta e relativa e realizadas 701 avaliações. Resultados: Das 701 (100%) avaliações realizadas nos 128 (100%) participantes, houve eventos adversos em 104 (14,7%). Destes, 98 (14,0%) foram registrados mais de um evento adverso por avaliação. Os eventos adversos foram um (1,0%) queda, um (1,0%) infecção de acesso venoso, 33 (31,7%) infecção de sítio cirúrgico e 69 (66,3%) perda de acesso venoso. Conclusão: A ocorrência de eventos adversos evidencia a necessidade do gerenciamento de riscos e a melhoria da qualidade da assistência ao paciente no perioperatório. (AU)

Objective: To verify the occurrence of adverse events such as infection of the surgical site, loss or infection of the venous access and falls in patients admitted to a surgical inpatient unit of a teaching hospital in southern Brazil. Methods: Quantitative, exploratory-descriptive study. Held from March to May 2019, in a surgical inpatient unit of a university hospital in southern Brazil, using two structured scripts. 128 participants were included. Analysis of categorical variables represented by absolute and relative frequency and 701 evaluations were carried out. Results: Of 701 (100%) evaluations performed on 128 (100%) participants, there were adverse events in 104 (14.7%). these 98 (14.0%) recorded more than one adverse event per evaluation. Adverse events were one (1.0%) fall, one (1.0%) venous access infection, 33 (31.7%) surgical site infection and 69 (66.3%) loss of venous access. Conclusion: The occurrence of adverse events highlights the need for risk management and improving the quality of patient care in the perioperative period. (AU)

Objetivo: Verificar la ocurrencia de eventos adversos como infección del sitio quirúrgico, pérdida o infección del acceso venoso y caídas en pacientes ingresados en una unidad de hospitalización quirúrgica de un hospital universitario en el sur de Brasil. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, exploratorio-descriptivo. Se lleva a cabo de marzo a mayo de 2019, en una unidad de hospitalización quirúrgica de un hospital universitario en el sur de Brasil, utilizando dos guiones estructurados. Se incluyeron 128 participantes. Se realizaron análisis de variables categóricas representadas por frecuencia absoluta y relativa y 701 evaluaciones. Resultados: De las 701 (100%) evaluaciones realizadas en 128 (100%) participantes, hubo eventos adversos en 104 (14.7%). De estos, 98 (14.0%) registraron más de un evento adverso por evaluación. Los eventos adversos fueron uno (1.0%) caída, uno (1.0%) infección de acceso venoso, 33 (31.7%) infección del sitio quirúrgico y 69 (66.3%) pérdida de acceso venoso. Conclusión: La aparición de eventos adversos destaca la necesidad de gestionar el riesgo y mejorar la calidad de la atención al paciente en el período perioperatorio. (AU)

Perioperative Nursing , Surgical Wound Infection , Medical Errors , Patient Safety , Iatrogenic Disease
Rev. argent. cir ; 113(4): 487-491, dic. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1356960


RESUMEN Los pseudoaneurismas de la arteria humeral son infrecuentes, pero pueden asociarse a complicaciones de alta morbilidad como la isquemia de miembro superior. Comunicamos un caso de pseudoaneurisma humeral en el pliegue del codo, que se presentó como tumor pulsátil con leve disminución de la temperatura y parestesias en la mano homolateral de un año de evolución, debido a una punción arterial inadvertida durante la venopunción para extracción de sangre. Se trató con éxito mediante resección quirúrgica más reconstrucción vascular con bypass húmero-cubital y bypass húmero-radial ambos con vena safena. Se discuten las diversas opciones terapéuticas disponibles para los pseudoaneurismas humerales considerando las características anatómicas y la sintomatología del paciente.

ABSTRACT Brachial artery pseudoaneurysms are rare but can be associated with severe complications as ischemia of the upper extremity. We report a case of a brachial artery pseudoaneurysm in the crease of the elbow presenting as a pulsating mass with progressive growth over the past year. The ipsilateral hand was sightly cold and presented paresthesia. The lesion was due to inadvertent arterial puncture during venipuncture. The pseudoaneurysm was successfully treated with surgical resection and vascular reconstruction with a brachial to ulnar artery bypass and brachial to radial artery bypass with saphenous vein graft. The different therapeutic options available for brachial artery pseudoaneurysms are discussed, considering the anatomic characteristics and patients' symptoms.

Humans , Female , Aged , Aneurysm, False/diagnosis , Ischemia , Paresthesia , Saphenous Vein , Therapeutics , Brachial Artery , Ulnar Artery , Phlebotomy , Upper Extremity , Iatrogenic Disease