Los niños con lesiones selares y/o supraselares pueden presentar diabetes insípida central con posterior secreción inadecuada de hormona antidiurética. Nosotros observamos, en algunos casos, aumento de la incidencia de poliuria, natriuresis e hiponatremia, tríada diagnóstica del síndrome cerebral perdedor de sal. Aquí comunicamos la evolución de 7 pacientes con antecedentes de daño agudo del sistema nervioso central y diabetes insípida central seguida por síndrome cerebral perdedor de sal. Como tratamiento aportamos secuencialmente fluidos salinos parenterales, cloruro de sodio oral, desmopresina, mineralocorticoides e incluso tiazidas. Ante la persistencia de poliuria con hiponatremia, agregamos ibuprofeno. Como resultado de este esquema terapéutico secuencial, este grupo redujo significativamente los valores de diuresis diaria de 10 ml/kg/h a 2 ml/kg/h en un tiempo promedio de 5 días, normalizando también las natremias (de 161 mEq/L a 143 mEq/L) en un tiempo promedio de 9 días. En ningún caso observamos efectos adversos asociados al tratamiento.
Children with sellar and/or suprasellar lesions may develop central diabetes insipidus with subsequent inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion. An increased incidence of polyuria, natriuresis, and hyponatremia has been reported in some cases, which make up the diagnostic triad of cerebral salt wasting syndrome. Here we report the clinical course of 7 patients with a history of acute central nervous system injury and central diabetes insipidus followed by cerebral salt wasting syndrome. Treatment included the sequential use of parenteral saline solution, oral sodium chloride, desmopressin, mineralocorticoids, and even thiazides. Due to persistent polyuria and hyponatremia, ibuprofen was added. As a result of this sequential therapeutic regimen, daily urine output reduced significantly from 10 mL/ kg/h to 2 mL/kg/h over an average period of 5 days, together with a normalization of natremia (from 161 mEq/L to 143 mEq/L) over an average period of 9 days. No treatment-related adverse effects were observed in any case.
Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Diabetes Insipidus, Neurogenic , Hyponatremia/etiology , Hyponatremia/drug therapy , Polyuria/complications , Polyuria/etiology , Research , Ibuprofen/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Introducción: El uso de fármacos con potencial cardiotóxico para tratar enfermedades no cardiovasculares coexistentes resulta un agravante evitable. Objetivo: Evaluar la prescripción de 5 fármacos cardiotóxicos en pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal (enmarcado en los estudios de utilización de medicamentos) de marzo a diciembre de 2020 en el Policlínico Santa Cruz (Artemisa, Cuba), en una población de 234 sujetos con enfermedades cardiovasculares que habían sido tratados con domperidona, azitromicina, ciprofloxacina, ibuprofeno y diclofenaco. Las variables estudiadas fueron: sexo, edad, consumo de fármacos cardiotóxicos, motivo de indicación, enfermedades cardiovasculares, forma farmacéutica, dosis diaria, intervalo de las dosis y duración del tratamiento. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo. Resultados: Los fármacos más prescritos fueron la azitromicina (n= 63), el ibuprofeno (n= 59) y la ciprofloxacina (n= 57). Sus principales motivos de indicación fueron, respectivamente, la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (38,1 por ciento), las infecciones de piel y tejidos blandos (28,8 por ciento), y las infecciones del tracto urinario (43,8 por ciento). La principal enfermedad cardiovascular fue la hipertensión arterial. Para los 5 fármacos seleccionados se reportó su esquema terapéutico (forma farmacéutica, dosis diaria, intervalo de dosis y duración del tratamiento). Conclusiones: Aunque en todos los casos el motivo de indicación es el adecuado, los fármacos pueden sustituirse por otros de menor riesgo cardiovascular. En su mayoría, los esquemas terapéuticos son correctos, salvo en los casos de la domperidona (duración prolongada) y el diclofenaco (altas dosis)(AU)
Introduction: The use of drugs with cardiotoxic potential to treat coexisting noncardiovascular diseases results in avoidable aggravation. Objective: To assess the prescription of 5 cardiotoxic drugs in patients with cardiovascular disease. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study (framed in the studies of drug utilization) was carried out from March to December 2020 in the Policlínico Santa Cruz (Artemisa, Cuba), in a population of 234 subjects with cardiovascular diseases who had been treated with domperidone, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, ibuprofen and diclofenac. The variables studied were: sex, age, consumption of cardiotoxic drugs, reason for indication, cardiovascular disease, pharmaceutical form, daily dose, dose interval, and duration of treatment. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed. Results: The most prescribed drugs were azithromycin (n= 63), ibuprofen (n= 59) and ciprofloxacin (n= 57). Their main reasons for indication were, respectively, community-acquired pneumonia (38.1 percent), skin and soft tissue infections (28.8 percent), and urinary tract infections (43.8 percent). The main cardiovascular disease was arterial hypertension. For the 5 selected drugs, their therapeutic scheme (pharmaceutical form, daily dose, dose interval and duration of treatment) was reported. Conclusions: Although in all cases the reason for indication was adequate, the drugs can be substituted by others of lower cardiovascular risk. For the most part, the therapeutic regimens are correct, except in the cases of domperidone (prolonged duration) and diclofenac (high doses)(AU)
Humans , Drug Prescriptions , Cardiovascular Diseases/drug therapy , Cardiotoxins/toxicity , Pharmacovigilance , Ciprofloxacin/therapeutic use , Diclofenac/therapeutic use , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Azithromycin/therapeutic use , Domperidone/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Objective: To describe the current status and trends in the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) among very preterm infants (VPI) admitted to the neonatal intensive care units (NICU) of the Chinese Neonatal Network (CHNN) from 2019 to 2021, and to compare the differences in PDA treatment among these units. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study based on the CHNN VPI cohort, all of 22 525 VPI (gestational age<32 weeks) admitted to 79 tertiary NICU within 3 days of age from 2019 to 2021 were included. The overall PDA treatment rates were calculated, as well as the rates of infants with different gestational ages (≤26, 27-28, 29-31 weeks), and pharmacological and surgical treatments were described. PDA was defined as those diagnosed by echocardiography during hospitalization. The PDA treatment rate was defined as the number of VPI who had received medication treatment and (or) surgical ligation of PDA divided by the number of all VPI. Logistic regression was used to investigate the changes in PDA treatment rates over the 3 years and the differences between gestational age groups. A multivariate Logistic regression model was constructed to compute the standardized ratio (SR) of PDA treatment across different units, to compare the rates after adjusting for population characteristics. Results: A total of 22 525 VPI were included in the study, with a gestational age of 30.0 (28.6, 31.0) weeks and birth weight of 1 310 (1 100, 1 540) g; 56.0% (12 615) of them were male. PDA was diagnosed by echocardiography in 49.7% (11 186/22 525) of all VPI, and the overall PDA treatment rate was 16.8% (3 795/22 525). Of 3 762 VPI who received medication treatment, the main first-line medication used was ibuprofen (93.4% (3 515/3 762)) and the postnatal day of first medication treatment was 6 (4, 10) days of age; 59.3% (2 231/3 762) of the VPI had been weaned from invasive respiratory support during the first medication treatment, and 82.2% (3 092/3 762) of the infants received only one course of medication treatment. A total of 143 VPI underwent surgery, which was conducted on 32 (22, 46) days of age. Over the 3 years from 2019 to 2021, there was no significant change in the PDA treatment rate in these VPI (P=0.650). The PDA treatment rate decreased with increasing gestational age (P<0.001). The PDA treatment rates for VPI with gestational age ≤26, 27-28, and 29-31 weeks were 39.6% (688/1 737), 25.9% (1 319/5 098), and 11.4% (1 788/15 690), respectively. There were 61 units having a total number of VPI≥100 cases, and their rates of PDA treatment were 0 (0/116)-47.4% (376/793). After adjusting for population characteristics, the range of standardized ratios for PDA treatment in the 61 units was 0 (95%CI 0-0.3) to 3.4 (95%CI 3.1-3.8). Conclusions: From 2019 to 2021, compared to the peers in developed countries, VPI in CHNN NICU had a different PDA treatment rate; specifically, the VPI with small birth gestational age had a lower treatment rate, while the VPI with large birth gestational age had a higher rate. There are significant differences in PDA treatment rates among different units.
Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Humans , Female , Ductus Arteriosus, Patent/drug therapy , Infant, Premature , Cross-Sectional Studies , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Infant, Very Low Birth Weight , Persistent Fetal Circulation Syndrome , Infant, Premature, Diseases/therapyABSTRACT
Resumo Fundamento É importante saber qual medicamento usar como tratamento de primeira linha para fechar o duto. Objetivos O objetivo deste estudo é comparar a eficácia e os efeitos colaterais das formas intravenosas (IV) de ibuprofeno e paracetamol e contribuir para a literatura investigando o primeiro medicamento selecionado no tratamento clínico da persistência do canal arterial (PCA). Métodos Nosso estudo foi realizado entre janeiro de 2017 e dezembro de 2019. Foram incluídos no estudo bebês prematuros com peso ao nascer (PN) ≤1500 g e idade gestacional (IG) ≤32 semanas. No período do estudo, todos os bebês com persistência do canal arterial hemodinamicamente significativa (hsPCA) receberam ibuprofeno intravenoso (IV) como resgate como tratamento clínico primário ou tratamento com paracetamol IV se houvesse contraindicações para o ibuprofeno. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: pacientes que receberam ibuprofeno IV e pacientes que receberam paracetamol IV. Resultados Desses pacientes, 101 receberam paracetamol IV e 169 receberam ibuprofeno IV. A taxa de sucesso do fechamento da PCA com o primeiro curso do tratamento foi de 74,3% no grupo de paracetamol IV e 72,8% no grupo de ibuprofeno IV (p=0,212). Conclusões Nossos resultados mostram que o paracetamol IV é tão eficaz quanto o ibuprofeno IV no tratamento de primeira linha de hsPCA, podendo se tornar o tratamento preferencial para o controle de hsPCA.
Abstract Background It is important which medicine to use as a first-line treatment to close the duct. Objectives The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness and side effects of intravenous (IV) forms of ibuprofen and paracetamol and to contribute to the literature investigating the first drug selected in the medical treatment of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Methods Our study was conducted between January 2017 and December 2019. Premature infants with birth weight (BW) ≤1500 g and gestational age (GA) ≤32 weeks were included in the study. In the study period, all infants with hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (hsPDA) were given rescue intravenous (IV) ibuprofen as a primary medical treatment or IV paracetamol treatment if there were contraindications for ibuprofen. The patients were divided into two groups: patients receiving IV ibuprofen and patients receiving IV paracetamol. Results Of these patients, 101 were given IV paracetamol and 169 were given IV ibuprofen. The success rate of PDA closure with first-course treatment was 74.3% in the IV paracetamol group and 72.8% in the IV ibuprofen group (p=0.212). Conclusions Our results show that IV paracetamol is as effective as IV ibuprofen in the first-line treatment of hsPDA, and can become the preferred treatment for the management of hsPDA.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Ductus Arteriosus, Patent/drug therapy , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Infant, Premature , Ibuprofen/adverse effects , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Acetaminophen/adverse effects , Acetaminophen/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the effects of compound analgesia on ultra-pulsed fractional carbon dioxide laser (UFCL) treatment of post-burn hypertrophic s in children. Methods: A prospective randomized controlled study was conducted. From April 2018 to March 2020, 169 pediatric patients with post-burn hypertrophic s admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University were randomly divided into general anesthesia alone group (39 cases, 19 males and 20 females, aged 35 (21, 48) months), general anesthesia+lidocaine group (41 cases, 23 males and 18 females, aged 42 (22, 68) months), general anesthesia+ibuprofen suppository group (41 cases, 25 males and 16 females, aged 38 (26, 52) months), and three-drug combination group with general anesthesia + lidocaine+ibuprofen suppository (48 cases, 25 males and 23 females, aged 42 (25, 60) months), and the pediatric patients in each group were treated with corresponding analgesic regimens when UFCL was used to treat s, and the pediatric patients were given comprehensive care throughout the treatment process. The pain degree of pediatric patients scar was evaluated by facial expression,legs,activity,cry,and consolability (FLACC) of children's pain behavior scale at 0 (immediately), 1, 2, and 4 h after awakening from the first anesthesia, respectively. At 4 h after awakening from the first anesthesia of postoperative pain assessment, the self-made analgesia satisfaction questionnaire was used to evaluate the satisfaction for the analgesic effect of the pediatric patients or their families, and the satisfaction rate was calculated. Within 2 h after the first operation, the occurrences of adverse reactions of the pediatric patients, such as nausea and vomiting, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, etc, were observed and recorded. Before the first treatment and 1 month after the last treatment, the Vancouver scar scale (VSS) was used to evaluate the pediatric patients scar, and the difference value between the two was calculated. Data were statistically analyzed with least significant difference test, Kruskal-Wallis H test, chi-square test and Fisher's exact probability test. Results: At 0 h after awakening from the first anesthesia, the FLACC scores of pediatric patients in general anesthesia+lidocaine group, general anesthesia+ibuprofen suppository group and three-drug combination group were significantly lower than those in general anesthesia alone group (P<0.01). The FLACC scores of the pediatric patients in anesthesia+ibuprofen suppository group and three-drug combination group were significantly lower than that in general anesthesia+lidocaine group (P<0.01), and the FLACC score of the pediatric patients in three-drug combination group was significantly lower than that in general anesthesia+ibuprofen suppository group (P<0.01). At 1 and 2 h after awakening from the first anesthesia, the FLACC scores of pediatric patients in general anesthesia+ibuprofen suppository group and three-drug combination group were both significantly lower than those in general anesthesia alone group and general anesthesia+lidocaine group (P<0.01), and the FLACC score of the pediatric patients in three-drug combination group was significantly lower than that in general anesthesia+ibuprofen suppository group (P<0.01). At 4 h after awakening from the first anesthesia, the FLACC scores of the pediatric patients in general anesthesia+ibuprofen suppository group and three-drug combination group were significantly lower than those in general anesthesia alone group and general anesthesia+lidocaine group (P<0.01). At 4 h after awakening from the first anesthesia, the satisfactions rate with the analgesic effect in the four groups of pediatric patients or their families were 79.49% (31/39), 85.37% (35/41), 87.80% (36/41), and 97.92% (47/48), respectively. The satisfaction rate of the pediatric patients in three-drug combination group was significantly higher than those in general anesthesia alone group, general anesthesia+lidocaine group, general anesthesia+ibuprofen suppository group. Within 2 h after the first operation, there was no significant difference in the overall comparison of adverse reactions such as nausea and vomiting, headache, dizziness, and drowsiness of pediatric patients among the 4 groups (P>0.05). The VSS scores of pediatric patients before the first treatment, 1 month after the last treatment, and and the difference value between the two in the 4 groups were not significantly different (P>0.05). Conclusions: Three-drug combination for analgesia has a good effect in the treatment of hypertrophic scars after burn in pediatric patients with UFCL. Pediatric patients or their families are highly satisfied with the effect, and the treatment effect and incidence of adverse reactions are similar to other analgesic regimens, so it is recommended to be promoted in clinical practice.
Child , Female , Humans , Male , Analgesia , Analgesics , Cicatrix, Hypertrophic/pathology , Dizziness/drug therapy , Headache/drug therapy , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Lasers, Gas/therapeutic use , Lidocaine , Nausea/drug therapy , Pain/drug therapy , Prospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Vomiting/drug therapyABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: El ibuprofeno pertenece a grupo de medicamentos antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINEs) y la primera referencia sobre su utilización en pacientes con COVID-19 estuvo referido a sus condiciones de antitérmico y analgésico, independientemente de la vía de administración, generando controversias desde el inicio de la pandemia. En marzo de 2020, las autoridades francesas advirtieron contra el uso de ibuprofeno en pacientes con síntomas de la enfermedad por coronavirus. 4-7 Este consejo se basó en informes anecdóticos relativo a casos de COVID-19 grave que habían estado expuestos a ibuprofeno, y asimismo en distintas teorías, en particular, debido a un posible aumento de la expresión del receptor de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina 2 (ECA-2), el cual representa el punto clave para la penetración celular del SARS-CoV-2. 6-9 Esto fue informado rápidamente por algunos investigadores en Europa y resultó en una disminución del 80% en el uso de ibuprofeno en toda Francia. 10-13 Con esta información la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos instó a la prudencia y la Organización Mundial de la Salud, que recomendó inicialmente no usar ibuprofeno, luego se expidió de manera contraria al respecto en función de evidencias más concluyentes. 14,15 De manera similar, la Agencia Reguladora de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios del Reino Unido revirtió su recomendación inicial de evitar los AINEs y concluyó que "actualmente no hay evidencia de que el uso agudo de AINEs cause un mayor riesgo de desarrollar COVID-19 o de desarrollar una enfermedad COVID-19 más grave".16 La Sociedad Italiana de Farmacología emitió una declaración en la misma línea. 17 Entre todos los AINEs, el ibuprofeno probablemente fue el objetivo de la discusión debido a que presenta amplia utilización y está disponible sin receta, a diferencia de otros AINEs tanto en Francia como en otros países europeos. OBJETIVO: El objetivo del presente informe es evaluar parámetros de eficacia, seguridad, conveniencia y recomendaciones disponibles acerca del empleo de ibuprofeno inhalado para el tratamiento de pacientes con COVID-19. MÉTODOS: Las conclusiones del presente informe se sustentan en el análisis de los siguientes dominios: Efectos en la Salud:Teniendo en cuenta la velocidad con la que la información relacionada a la pandemia aparece y se modifica, se desarrolló un protocolo sustentado en proyectos que resume activamente laevidencia científica a medida que la misma se hace disponible. Implementación: Este dominio contempla dossubdominios: la existencia de barreras y facilitadores en nuestro contexto para la implementación de la tecnología evaluada no consideradas en los otros dominios analizados, y los costos comparativos en relación con otras intervenciones similares. Con el objetivo de emitir un juicio de valor sobre la magnitud de dichos costos, se utilizó como comparador al tratamiento con dexametasona, que ha demostrado ser una intervención accesible y de beneficios importantes en el contexto analizado. Recomendaciones: Para la identificación de recomendaciones sustentadas en evidencia y actualizadas, se utilizó la plataforma COVID recmap. Se seleccionaron aquellas guías con rigor metodológico apropiado según la herramienta AGREE II (> 70%) y se incorporaron sus recomendaciones al informe. RESULTADOS: Efectos en la Salud No se identificaron revisiones sistemáticas que cumplieran con los criterios de inclusión del presente informe y/o reportaran resultados. De acuerdo con lo expuesto en el documento de posición publicado por la Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva42 existen dudas respecto de la seguridad de la utilización de un medicamento de tipo antiinflamatorio aplicado en forma de nebulización, que se encuentra relacionado con la capacidad irritativa de las soluciones hipertónicas en general, debido a que estas provocan un aumento en la hiperreactividad bronquial en distintas enfermedades respiratorias como asma y EPOC. 51-53 Más aún, remarcan el hecho que la inhalación de un antiinflamatorio como el ibuprofeno o la aspirina, constituye un test de provocación de broncoconstricción. 54 Además, los pacientes con enfermedad respiratoria exacerbada por aspirina, son susceptibles a otros antiinflamatorios inhalados. Implementación: Barreras y facilitadores: La tecnología no se encuentra autorizada para ninguna indicación en Argentina, como tampoco en ninguno de los países relevados del resto del mundo.56 El productor de la tecnología en Argentina en un comunicado oficial, informa que fue enviado un proyecto para un estudio en Fase 2, justificado en la experiencia de un grupo pequeño de animales.57 Hasta el momento ANMAT no se ha expedido acerca de la aprobación para su uso en el contexto de este u otros estudios ni para su uso de emergencia. Recomendaciones: No se identificaron recomendaciones que abordaran el uso de ibuprofeno inhalado en pacientes con COVID-19. CONCLUSIONES: No se encontraron hasta el momento evidencias que permitan valorar el efecto del uso de Ibuprofeno inhalado para el tratamiento de pacientes con COVID-19. Existe un riesgo potencial de irritación de las vías respiratorias en pacientes graves y críticos. No se encuentra aprobado por la agencia regulatoria de Argentina o de ningún país para su uso en pacientes con COVID-19, ni para el tratamiento de ningún otro problema de salud. No se identificaron guías de práctica clínica que abordaran su uso en pacientes con COVID-19. No cumple criterios para utilizarse como un fármaco de uso compasivo.
Humans , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , SARS-CoV-2/drug effects , COVID-19/drug therapy , Treatment Outcome , Cost-Benefit Analysis/economicsABSTRACT
Abstract This clinical trial evaluated the effect of the coadministration of ibuprofen/caffeine on bleaching-induced tooth sensitivity (TS). A triple-blind, parallel-design, randomized clinical trial was conducted on 84 patients who received ibuprofen/caffeine or placebo capsules. The drugs were administered for 48 hours, starting 1 hour before the in-office bleaching. Two bleaching sessions were performed with 35% hydrogen peroxide gel with 1-week interval. TS was recorded up to 48 hours after dental bleaching with a 0-10 visual analogic scale (VAS) and a 5-point numeric rating scale (NRS). The color was evaluated with VITA Classical and VITA Bleachedguide scales (ΔSGU) and VITA Easyshade spectrophotometer (ΔE*ab and ΔE00). The absolute risk of TS in both groups was evaluated using Fischer's exact test. Comparisons of the TS intensity (NRS and VAS data) were performed by using the Mann-Whitney test and a two-way repeated measures ANOVA, respectively. The color alteration between the groups was compared with the Student's t test. The significance level was 5%. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups for the absolute risk of TS (p = 1.00) or for the intensity of TS (p > 0.05). A bleaching of approximately 7 shade guide units was observed on the Vita Classical and Vita Bleachedguide scales, with no statistical difference between the groups. It was concluded that coadministration of ibuprofen and caffeine did not reduce the absolute risk or intensity of TS and did not interfere with the efficacy of dental bleaching.
Resumo Este ensaio clínico avaliou o efeito da coadministração de ibuprofeno/cafeína na sensibilidade dental decorrente de clareamento (SD). Um estudo clínico randomizado, paralelo, triplo-cego, foi realizado em 84 pacientes que receberam cápsulas de ibuprofeno/cafeína ou placebo. Os fármacos foram administrados por 48 horas, começando 1 hora antes do clareamento em consultório. Duas sessões de clareamento foram realizadas com gel de peróxido de hidrogênio 35% com intervalo de 1 semana. A SD foi registrada até 48 horas após o clareamento dental com uma escala visual analógica (VAS) de 0-10 e uma escala de classificação numérica (NRS) de 5 pontos. A cor foi avaliada com as escalas Vita Classical e Vita Bleachedguide (ΔSGU) e com o espectrômetro Vita Easyshade (ΔE*ab e ΔE00). O risco absoluto de SD em ambos os grupos foi avaliado por meio do teste exato de Fischer. As comparações da intensidade da SD (NRS e VAS) foram realizadas utilizando-se o teste Mann-Whitney e uma ANOVA de dois fatores com medidas repetidas, respectivamente. A alteração de cor entre os grupos foi comparada com a o teste t de Student. O nível de significância foi de 5%. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos para o risco absoluto de SD (p = 1,00) ou para a intensidade de SD (p > 0,05). Observou-se clareamento de aproximadamente 7 unidades nas escalas Vita Classical e Vita Bleachedguide, sem diferença estatística entre os grupos. Concluiu-se que a coadministração de ibuprofeno e cafeína não reduziu o risco absoluto ou intensidade da SD e não interferiu na eficácia do clareamento dental.
Humans , Tooth Bleaching , Caffeine/therapeutic use , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Dentin Sensitivity/chemically induced , Tooth Bleaching Agents/adverse effects , Treatment Outcome , Hydrogen PeroxideABSTRACT
La dermatosis denominada larva migrans cutánea: (LMC) es una infección cutánea secundaria a infestación parasitaria por la migración de larvas de anquilostomas animales a la epidermis humana, frecuentemente por contacto directo con suelos contaminados, especialmente en zonas tropicales. Se caracteriza por la aparición de lesiones induradas, eritematosas con patrón irregular o serpiginoso acompañado de prurito. Describimos un caso de LMC en una niña, adquirido durante unas vacaciones en Colombia y tratado inicialmente como celulitis con antibióticos (AU)
Cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) is an infection secondary to parasitic infestation due to the migration of animal hookworm larvae into the human skin, frequently by direct contact with contaminated grounds, especially in the tropics. Clinically, it is characterized by the appearance of indurated, erythematous lesions with irregular or "creeping eruption" pattern and pruritus. This article describes a case of CLM infection in a pediatric patient, it was acquired during the holidays in Colombia, diagnosed as cellulitis and treated accordingly with antibiotics without success (AU)
Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Larva Migrans/diagnosis , Cellulite/diagnosis , Hand Dermatoses/diagnosis , Ivermectin/therapeutic use , Larva Migrans/drug therapy , Cephalexin/therapeutic use , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/therapeutic use , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Diagnosis, Differential , Cellulite/drug therapy , Hand Dermatoses/drug therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Antiparasitic Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
This study aimed to systematically review the literature to assess the effect of preemptive intravenous ibuprofen on pain reduction after lower third molar surgery. Nine databases (PubMed, Scopus, LILACS, SciELO, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane, Open Gray, and Open Thesis) were used as sources of research, including "grey literature." The protocol was registered in PROSPERO. Only randomized clinical trials evaluating the effects of preemptive intravenous ibuprofen on pain during and immediately after the extraction of lower third molars were included, without restrictions of year and language. Two reviewers independently performed the study selection, data extraction, and assessment of the risk of bias. The "Joanna Briggs Institute for Randomized Controlled Trials" tool was used to assess the risk of bias. Each study was categorized according to the percentage of positive responses to the questions corresponding to the assessment instrument. The results were measured narratively/descriptively. The initial search resulted in 3,257 records, of which only three studies (n=150 participants) met the eligibility criteria and were included in the qualitative analysis. All studies were published in 2019. The risk of bias ranged from low to moderate. Two studies found significant pain reduction within 48 h after the procedure. In conclusion, the use of preemptive intravenous ibuprofen for extracting third molars reduces pain and analgesic consumption after the surgical procedure.
Humans , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Molar, Third/surgery , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Randomized Controlled Trials as TopicABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize the number and methods of closure of Persistent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) over a span of 16 years in a third level maternity hospital. Methods: Retrospective study of neonates born between January 2003 and Deccember 2018, who underwent ductus arteriosus closure by pharmacological, surgical and/or transcatheter methods. Gestational age, birth weight, number and methods of closures per year were evaluated. The success rate of the pharmacologic method was calculated, as well as the mortality rate. The association between mortality and birthweight, treatment used and treatment failure was explored. Results: There were 47,198 births, 5,156 were preterm, 325 presented PDA and 106 were eligible for closure (median gestational age - 27 weeks, birthweight <1000 g - 61%). Frequency of PDA closure decreased during the study period, especially starting in 2010. Success rate with pharmacologic treatment was 62% after the first cycle and 74% after the second. After drug failure, 12 underwent surgical ligation and two underwent transcatheter closure. Exclusive surgical ligation was indicated in four infants. Ibuprofen replaced indomethacin in 2010, and acetaminophen was used in three infants. Among the 106 infants, hospital mortality was 12% and it was associated with birthweight <1000 g (13/65 <1000 vs. 0/41 >1000 g; p=0.002) and with failure in the first pharmacologic treatment cycle (13/27 with failure, vs. 0/75 without failure; p<0.001). Conclusions: The national consensus published in 2010 for the diagnosis and treatment of PDA in preterm infants led to a decrease in the indication for closure. Pharmacological closure was the method of choice, followed by surgical ligation. Birthweight <1000 g and first cycle of pharmacologic treatment failure were associated with higher mortality.
RESUMO Objetivo: Caraterizar o número e métodos de fechamento de canal arterial durante 16 anos numa maternidade de nível terciário. Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo de nascidos entre 01 de janeiro de 2003 a 31 de dezembro de 2018 submetidos a fechamento do canal arterial por métodos farmacológico, cirúrgico e/ou percutâneo. Avaliaram-se idade gestacional, sexo, peso ao nascimento, número de fechamentos por ano e método utilizado. Aferiram-se as taxas de sucesso de método farmacológico e de mortalidade e sua associação com peso ao nascer, fármaco utilizado e insucesso do fechamento. Resultados: Verificaram-se 47.198 recém-nascidos, 5.156 prematuros, dos quais 325 com canal arterial patente, sendo 106 com indicação para fechamento (idade gestacional mediana 27 semanas, peso <1000 g em 61%). Verificou-se diminuição do número de fechamentos ao longo dos anos, sobretudo a partir de 2010. O fechamento ocorreu em 62% após primeiro ciclo de tratamento farmacológico e em 74% após segundo. Após insucesso farmacológico, 12 realizaram ligadura cirúrgica e dois, fechamento percutâneo. Houve indicação de ligadura cirúrgica exclusiva em quatro. O ibuprofeno substituiu a indometacina em 2010. O acetaminofen foi usado em três doentes. A mortalidade nos 106 pacientes foi de 12%, associando-se ao peso ao nascer (13/65 <1000 vs. 0/41 >1000 g; p=0,002) e à falha do primeiro ciclo de tratamento farmacológico (13/27 com falha vs. 0/75 com sucesso; p<0,001). Conclusões: Consenso nacional de 2010 para diagnóstico e tratamento do canal arterial nos prematuros levou à diminuição do número de fechamentos desse canal. O fechamento farmacológico foi o método mais utilizado, seguido da ligadura cirúrgica. Peso <1000 g e falha no primeiro ciclo de fechamento farmacológico se associaram à maior mortalidade.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Premature Birth/epidemiology , Ductus Arteriosus, Patent/epidemiology , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Indomethacin/therapeutic use , Retrospective Studies , Gestational Age , Infant, Very Low Birth Weight , Ductus Arteriosus, Patent/surgery , Ductus Arteriosus, Patent/drug therapy , Infant, Extremely Premature , Tertiary Care Centers/statistics & numerical data , Acetaminophen/therapeutic useABSTRACT
O Informe Diário de Evidências é uma produção do Ministério da Saúde que tem como objetivo acompanhar diariamente as publicações científicas sobre tratamento farmacológico e vacinas para a COVID-19. Dessa forma, são realizadas buscas estruturadas em bases de dados biomédicas, referente ao dia anterior desse informe. Não são incluídos estudos pré-clínicos (in vitro, in vivo, in silico). A frequência dos estudos é demonstrada de acordo com a sua classificação metodológica (revisões sistemáticas, ensaios clínicos randomizados, coortes, entre outros). Para cada estudo é apresentado um resumo com avaliação da qualidade metodológica. Essa avaliação tem por finalidade identificar o grau de certeza/confiança ou o risco de viés de cada estudo. Para tal, são utilizadas ferramentas já validadas e consagradas na literatura científica, na área de saúde baseada em evidências. Cabe ressaltar que o documento tem caráter informativo e não representa uma recomendação oficial do Ministério da Saúde sobre a temática. Foram encontrados 21 artigos e 24 protocolos.
Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/drug therapy , Coronavirus Infections/drug therapy , Betacoronavirus/drug effects , Renin-Angiotensin System , Technology Assessment, Biomedical , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Azithromycin/therapeutic use , Ritonavir/therapeutic use , Drug Combinations , Oseltamivir/therapeutic use , Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist Protein/therapeutic use , Lopinavir/therapeutic use , Atazanavir Sulfate/therapeutic use , Interferon alpha-2/therapeutic use , Hydroxychloroquine/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Essa é uma produção do Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia (Decit) da Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Insumos Estratégicos em Saúde (SCTIE) do Ministério da Saúde (Decit/SCTIE/MS), que tem como missão promover a ciência e tecnologia e o uso de evidências científicas para a tomada de decisão do SUS, tendo como principal atribuição o incentivo ao desenvolvimento de pesquisas em saúde no Brasil, de modo a direcionar os investimentos realizados em pesquisa pelo Governo Federal às necessidades de saúde pública. Informar sobre as principais evidências científicas descritas na literatura internacional sobre tratamento farmacológico para a COVID-19. Além de resumir cada estudo identificado, o informe apresenta também uma avaliação da qualidade metodológica e a quantidade de artigos publicados, de acordo com a sua classificação metodológica (revisões sistemáticas, ensaios clínicos randomizados, entre outros). Foram encontrados 5 artigos e 41 protocolos.
Pneumonia, Viral/drug therapy , Coronavirus Infections/drug therapy , Betacoronavirus/drug effects , Ribavirin/therapeutic use , Immunoglobulins/therapeutic use , Chloroquine/therapeutic use , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Ritonavir/therapeutic use , Glycyrrhizic Acid/therapeutic use , Drug Combinations , Oseltamivir/therapeutic use , Lopinavir/therapeutic use , Hydroxychloroquine/therapeutic useABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: El mal agudo de montaña es una condición frecuente en individuos sanos, sin aclimatación que se exponen a alturas desde 2500 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Clásicamente se ha utilizado acetazolamida para prevenirlo, pero en los últimos años ha surgido evidencia a favor de ibuprofeno. Sin embargo, no está claro cuál de estos tratamientos es más efectivo. MÉTODOS: Realizamos una búsqueda en Epistemonikos, la mayor base de datos de revisiones sistemáticas en salud, la cual es mantenida mediante el cribado de múltiples fuentes de información, incluyendo MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, entre otras. Extrajimos los datos desde las revisiones identificadas, analizamos los datos de los estudios primarios, realizamos un metanálisis y preparamos una tabla de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES: Identificamos dos revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyeron un estudio primario, el cual corresponde a un ensayo aleatorizado. Concluimos que no es posible establecer con claridad si ibuprofeno es mejor o peor que acetazolamida debido a que la certeza de evidencia existente ha sido evaluada como muy baja.
INTRODUCTION: Acute mountain sickness is a common condition occurring in healthy subjects that undergo rapid ascent without prior acclimatization, as low as 2500 meters above sea level. The classic preventive agent has been acetazolamide, although in the last decade there has been evidence favoring ibuprofen. However, it is unclear which method is more efficient. METHODS: We searched in Epistemonikos, the largest database of systematic reviews in health, which is maintained by screening multiple information sources, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, among others. We extracted data from the systematic reviews, reanalyzed data of primary studies, conducted a meta-analysis) and generated a summary of findings table using the GRADE approach. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We identified two systematic reviews that included only one primary study, which is a randomized trial. We concluded it is not possible to establish whether ibuprofen is better or worse than acetazolamide because the certainty of evidence has been evaluated as very low.
Humans , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Altitude Sickness/prevention & control , Acetazolamide/therapeutic use , Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/therapeutic use , Acute Disease , Databases, FactualABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES:Transmuscular quadratus lumborum block (TQLB) is a novel regional anaesthesia technique that has proven to be effective for postoperative pain reduction in different abdominal surgical procedures. The present study evaluated its efficacy on pain intensity and analgesic consumption in children undergoing low abdominal surgery. METHODS: The study included forty patients, aged 1 to 6 years, scheduled for low abdominal surgery (hernia repair or orchiopexy) under general anaesthesia. They were enrolled in two groups: TQLB block plus systemic analgesia (group 1; n = 20) wound infiltration done by the surgeon plus systemic analgesia (Group 2; n = 20). All blocks were performed by the same anesthesiologist under general anaesthesia before surgery. Both groups received the same systemic analgesia protocol. Analgesic consumption (ibuprofen) within the first 24 postoperative hours, pain intensity scores (FLACC scale) at 60 minutes, 2, 6 and 24 hours after surgery, time in which the first analgesia was required, satisfaction levels of the parents (0-10), adverse events related to systemic analgesia and time to hospital discharge were evaluated and registered. RESULTS: We found differences between both groups in ibuprofen consumption (80 mg 185 mg; p < 0.05) and pain scores (FLACC) within the first 24 postoperative hours at each interval (p < 0.05 for every point in time analyzed). Time in which the first analgesia was required was longer for the TQLB group (18 10 hours; p < 0.05). Satisfaction levels of the parents were also higher in the first group (p < 0.05). Adverse events related to medication and time to hospital discharge showed similar results. Further investigation comparing the TQLB with different approaches of QLB or conventional TAP block could be interesting and is required in a near future.
INTRODUCCIÓN: El bloqueo del cuadrado lumbar transmuscular (TQL) es una técnica de anestesia regional ecoguiada que demostró ser efectiva en cirugía abdominal abierta y laparoscópica como parte de un esquema multimodal de analgesia postoperatoria. La presente investigación evaluó su eficacia en cirugía de hernia inguinal y testículo no descendido en población pediátrica (de 1-6 años de edad). MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: El estudio fue diseñado como un ensayo clínico controlado, aleatorizado en 2 ramas: grupo protocolo bloqueo TQL (Grupo 1; n = 20) grupo protocolo infiltración local por cirujano (Grupo 2; n = 20), simple ciego que incluyó a 40 pacientes pediátricos sometidos a una cirugía de hernia inguinal u orquidopexia unilateral. Todos los bloqueos fueron realizados bajo anestesia general antes del inicio de procedimiento quirúrgico. Ambos grupos recibieron el mismo esquema de analgesia endovenosa y oral postoperatoria. Consumo de analgésicos durante las primeras 24 horas (mg de ibuprofeno), intensidad de dolor con escala FLACC a tiempo 1, 2, 6 y 24 horas postoperatorias, tiempo transcurrido a la primera administración de ibuprofeno, escala de satisfacción parental (0-10) e incidencia de náuseas y vómitos fueron evaluados y registrados. Se consideró como significativa una p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: El consumo promedio de ibuprofeno en las primeras 24 horas fue de 80 mg para el grupo bloqueo TQL y de 185 mg para el segundo grupo, diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p < 0,05). El tiempo transcurrido a la primera administración de ibuprofeno fue mayor en el grupo TQL (18 10 horas), p < 0,05. Las escalas de dolor por FLACC a los 60 y 120 minutos y a las 6 y 24 horas. postcirugía fueron menores comparadas con el grupo de infiltración local por el cirujano (p < 0,05 en cada punto de análisis). Las escalas de satisfacción parental mostraron puntajes más elevados para el grupo que recibió el bloqueo TQL (p < 0,05). No se hallaron diferencias significativas en la incidencia de episodios de náuseas y/o vómitos en las primeras 24 horas. postoperatorias (p > 0,2). No se reportaron complicaciones asociadas al bloqueo. CONCLUSIONES: Este estudio muestra que el bloqueo TQL aporta beneficios adicionales respecto al plan de analgesia estándar empleado en cirugía de hernia inguinal unilateral u orquidopexia, disminuyendo el requerimiento de analgésicos y la intensidad de dolor en las primeras 24 horas postoperatorias, así como también incrementando la satisfacción de los cuidadores respecto al estado postoperatorio del niño. Sería interesante llevar a cabo nuevas investigaciones comparando esta técnica con otros abordajes del bloqueo de cuadrado lumbar y con el cuestionado bloqueo TAP convencional.
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Ultrasonography/methods , Anesthesia, Conduction/methods , Anesthetics, Local/administration & dosage , Nerve Block/methods , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Postoperative Period , Time Factors , Pain Measurement , Single-Blind Method , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Treatment Outcome , Patient Satisfaction , Abdominal Muscles/drug effects , Orchiopexy , Hernia, InguinalABSTRACT
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la efectividad analgésica de naproxeno sódico y etoricoxib post extracción dental simple. El presente ensayo clínico, aleatorizado paralelo y ciego simple, se desarrolló en la Clínica Odontológica de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Los pacientes, quienes requerían exodoncia simple por caries dental en molar mandibular, fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en tres grupos de 17 participantes cada uno, donde recibieron naproxeno sódico, etoricoxib o ibuprofeno (grupo testigo), según los criterios establecidos. El procedimiento fue estandarizado, evaluándose la eficacia analgésica mediante la escala visual analógica (EVA) a las 1, 8, 24 y 48 horas, después del inicio de la medicación. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis, considerándose un nivel de significancia del 5 %. No se evidenció diferencia en la efectividad analgésica entre naproxeno sódico y etoricoxib, post extracción dental simple. Este hallazgo se observó a las 1 (p=0,602), 8 (p=0,884), 24 (p=0,338) y 48 horas (p=0,189). No existe diferencia en la efectividad analgésica entre naproxeno sódico y etoricoxib, post extracción dental simple.
ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to compare the analgesic effectiveness of naproxen sodium and etoricoxib after simple dental extraction. This randomized parallel and single blind clinical trial, was developed in the Clínica Odontológica of the Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. The patients, who required simple exodontia for dental caries in the mandibular molar, were randomized into three groups of 17 participants each, where they received naproxen sodium, etoricoxib or ibuprofen (control group), according to established criteria. The procedure was standardized, evaluating the analgesic efficacy by means of the analog visual scale at 1, 8, 24 and 48 hours, after the start of the medication. The statistical analysis was carried out using the Kruskal-Wallis test, considering a level of significance of 5 %. There was no difference in the analgesic effectiveness between naproxen sodium and etoricoxib, after simple dental extraction. This finding was observed at 1 (p = 0.602), 8 (p = 0.884), 24 (p = 0.338) and 48 hours (p = 0.189). There is no difference in the analgesic effectiveness between naproxen sodium and etoricoxib, after simple dental extraction.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/therapeutic use , Naproxen/administration & dosage , Naproxen/therapeutic use , Peru , Tooth Extraction , Effectiveness , Ibuprofen/administration & dosage , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Surveys and Questionnaires , EtoricoxibABSTRACT
A pericardite é um processo inflamatório do pericárdio de múltiplas causas, sendo a infecção viral a mais comum. O infarto agudo do miocárdio é um dos principais diagnósticos diferenciais. O objetivo deste artigo foi relatar um caso de pericardite aguda com supradesnivelamento de segmento ST. Os dados foram coletados em um hospital de ensino do Estado de Minas Gerais. O paciente era do sexo masculino, tinha 24 anos e era negro. Foi encaminhado ao serviço médico terciário devido à hipótese de síndrome coronariana aguda com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST. Nos exames do serviço médico de origem, apresentava supradesnivelamento do segmento ST de caráter difuso simultaneamente em paredes inferior e anterior, e alteração da isoenzima MB da creatina quinase de 100ng/mL e troponina I de 21ng/mL. No momento da admissão, encontrava-se em bom estado geral, afebril, estável hemodinamicamente e sem queixa de dor. Referiu que 4 dias antes da admissão, apresentou febre, mal-estar geral, odinofagia e tratamento de amigdalite. Os exames da admissão demonstravam ritmo sinusal, frequência cardíaca de 75bpm, supradesnivelamento de ST em D2, D3, aVF, V1 a V6, isoenzima MB da creatina quinase de 152ng/mL, troponina I de 1,28ng/mL, hemograma normal; ecocardiograma mostrou pericárdio de aspecto anatômico normal e fração de ejeção de 64%. O diagnóstico foi de pericardite aguda de provável etiologia infecciosa. O tratamento foi realizado com ibuprofeno por 7 dias e colchicina por 3 meses. Paciente evoluiu com alta hospitalar após 5 dias. O diagnóstico correto proporcionou a condução adequada do caso, permitindo a redução dos custos hospitalares e eliminando riscos de procedimentos desnecessários. (AU)
Pericarditis is an inflammatory process of the pericardium of multiple causes, being the most common viral infection. Acute myocardial infarction is one of the main differential diagnoses. The objective of this article was to report a case of acute pericarditis with ST-segment elevation. Data were collected at a teaching hospital in the state of Minas Gerais. The patient was a man of 24 years, black. He was referred to the tertiary medical service due to the hypothesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome with ST-segment elevation. In the tests from the medical service of origin, there was diffuse ST-segment elevation, simultaneously on lower and anterior walls, and a change in the Creatinine Kinase MB Isoenzyme of 100ng/ml, and troponin I of 21ng/ml. At the time of admission, he was in good general condition, afebrile, hemodynamically stable, with no complaint of pain. He said that 4 days before admission he had fever, malaise, odynophagia, and treatment for tonsillitis. The admission tests showed sinus rhythm, heart rate of 75bpm, ST-elevation in D2, D3, aVF, V1 to V6, MB isoenzyme of creatine kinase of 152ng/ml, troponin I of 1.28ng/ml, normal complete blood count; echocardiogram showed pericardium of normal anatomical aspect and ejection fraction of 64%. The diagnosis was acute pericarditis of probable infectious etiology. Treatment was performed with ibuprofen for seven days, and colchicine for three months. The patient was discharged from hospital after 5 days. The correct diagnosis provided adequate case management, allowing for reduced hospital costs, and eliminating risks of unnecessary procedures. (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Pericarditis/diagnosis , ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction/diagnosis , Penicillin G Benzathine/therapeutic use , Pericarditis/drug therapy , Pericarditis/diagnostic imaging , Troponin/blood , Chest Pain , Echocardiography , Deglutition Disorders , Tonsillitis/diagnosis , Tonsillitis/drug therapy , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/therapeutic use , Colchicine/therapeutic use , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Diagnosis, Differential , Electrocardiography , Creatine Kinase, MB Form/blood , Acute Coronary Syndrome/diagnosis , Fever , Hospitalization , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Abstract In spite of advances in root canal therapy and better knowledge of pulpal and periapical inflammation, up 40% of endodontic patients report varying degrees of pain. The aim of this present study was to compare the effect of single preoperative dose of ibuprofen or dexamethasone on post-endodontic pain. Sixty volunteers were divided into three groups (n=20 per group): PL, placebo; IB, 400 mg of ibuprofen; and DE, 8 mg of dexamethasone. The primary outcome was the post-endodontic pain intensity measured with a numerical rating scale (4, 8, 12, 24, and 48 h). Secondary outcomes included number of anesthetic cartridges used and consumption of rescue medication. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests. There was no significant difference among groups (p>0.05) considering the pain intensity. Only 37% of IB group patients and 28% of DE group patients used some rescue medication. On the other hand, 74% of PL group patients mentioned the consumption of rescue medication; PL group had a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in comparison with IB and DE groups. The number of anesthetic cartridges used had no statistically significant difference among the groups (p>0.05). Significant differences were not found in the reduction of pain intensity and the number of anesthetic cartridges used. Considering the consumption of rescue medication (secondary outcome), preoperative administration of Ibuprofen or dexamethasone reduces post-endodontic pain and discomfort in comparison with a placebo. Premedication with anti-inflammatory drugs drugs could be contributed to control of the post-endodontic pain, mainly in patients more sensible for pain.
Resumo Apesar dos avanços no tratamento do canal radicular e melhor conhecimento da inflamação pulpar e periapical, 40% dos pacientes submetidos ao tratamento de endodôntico relatam diferentes graus de dor. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o efeito pré-operatório (dose única) de ibuprofeno ou dexametasona na dor pós-endodôntica. Sessenta voluntários foram divididos em três grupos (n=20 por grupo): PL, placebo; IB, 400 mg de ibuprofeno; e DE, 8 mg de dexametasona. O desfecho primário foi a intensidade da dor pós-endodôntica medida com uma escala numérica (4, 8, 12, 24 e 48 h). Os desfechos secundários incluíram o número de tubetes anestésicos utilizados e o consumo de medicação resgate. Os dados foram analisados com os testes ANOVA, qui-quadrado e Kruskal-Wallis. Não houve diferença entre os grupos (p>0,05) considerando a intensidade da dor. Apenas 37% dos pacientes do grupo IB e 28% do grupo DE utilizaram alguma medicação resgate. Por outro lado, 74% dos pacientes do grupo PL mencionaram o consumo de medicação resgate; o grupo PL apresentou diferença significativa (p<0,05) em comparação com os grupos IB e DE. O número de tubetes anestésicos utilizados não apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos (p>0,05). Não encontramos diferença significativa na redução da intensidade da dor e no número de tubetes anestésicos utilizados. Considerando o consumo de medicação resgate (desfecho secundário), a administração pré-operatória de ibuprofeno ou dexametasona reduz a dor pós-endodôntica e o desconforto em comparação com placebo. A pré-medicação com anti-inflamatórios poderia contribuir para o controle da dor pós-endodôntica, principalmente em pacientes mais sensíveis à dor.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Dexamethasone/administration & dosage , Dexamethasone/therapeutic use , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/administration & dosage , Ibuprofen/administration & dosage , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/administration & dosage , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Placebos , Premedication , Root Canal Therapy/adverse effects , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/therapeutic use , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Administration, OralABSTRACT
A artrite reumatoide (AR) é uma doença autoimune inflamatória crônica caracterizada por sinovite periférica que, sem tratamento, evolui para erosões ósseas com deformidades irreversíveis. A doença tem prevalência estimada de 1% na população brasileira adulta, acometendo três vezes mais mulheres do que homens. Seu pico de incidência é entre os 30 e 50 anos de idade. Os primeiros 12 meses do início da doença (AR inicial), especialmente as 12 primeiras semanas (AR muito inicial), são consideradas uma janela de oportunidade terapêutica. O controle inadequado do processo inflamatório provoca danos articulares irreversíveis e, portanto, o início precoce dos medicamentos modificadores do curso da doença (MMCDs) é o melhor preditor de resposta ao tratamento. Assim, a identificação inicial do quadro e o início do tratamento na atenção primária, enquanto o paciente aguarda a consulta com o reumatologista, poderão reduzir dano articular e aumentar a chance de remissão sustentada da doença. Esta guia apresenta informação que orienta a conduta para casos de artrite reumatoide no contexto da Atenção Primária à Saúde, incluindo: manifestações clinicas, exames complementares na investigação, diagnóstico de artrite reumatoide, critérios de classificação da artrite reumatoide, cuidado integral na artrite reumatoide, tratamento da artrite reumatoide, tratamento sintomático, tratamento com mmcds, contraindicações ao uso de mmcd,s orientações para uso de metotrexato, orientações para uso de hidroxicloroquina, encaminhamento para serviço especializado.
Humans , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/diagnosis , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/therapy , Primary Health Care , Referral and Consultation , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Chloroquine/therapeutic use , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Methotrexate/therapeutic use , Hydroxychloroquine/therapeutic useABSTRACT
FARMACOCINÉTICA: el fármaco se une fuertemente a la albúmina plasmática, aunque esto parece ser significativamente menor en los neonatos (95 por ciento) en comparación con un adulto plasma (99 por ciento). El ibuprofeno compite con la bilirrubina para la unión a la albúmina en el suero del recién nacido y, como consecuencia, la fracción libre de bilirrubina puede aumentar las concentraciones de ibuprofeno. El aclaramiento promedio de la población y el volumen de valores de la distribución de ibuprofeno racémico para bebés prematuros al nacer es 3 mL /kg /h y 320 mL/kg, respectivamente. El aclaramiento aumenta rápidamente con la edad postnatal (un aumento medio de aproximadamente 0,5 mL/kg/h por día). La variabilidad interindividual en el aclaramiento y volumen de distribución es de 55 por ciento y 14 por ciento, respectivamente. En general, la vida media en lactantes es más de 10 veces más que en los adultos. El metabolismo y la excreción de ibuprofeno en niños prematuros no han sido estudiados. En los adultos, la eliminación renal de ibuprofeno sin cambios es de solo el 10-15 por ciento de la dosis. La excreción de ibuprofeno y sus metabolitos se produce rápidamente en la orina y las heces. El ibuprofeno se elimina principalmente por metabolismo en el hígado, donde media la CYP2C9. El ibuprofeno y sus metabolitos son conjugados con glucurónidos más acilo. En los recién nacidos, la función renal y las enzimas asociadas con el metabolismo de fármacos están poco desarrollados al nacer y aumenta sustancialmente en los días posteriores al nacimiento. La tasa de eliminación es notablemente inferior que en niños mayores y adultos, con una vida media de eliminación estimada en aproximadamente 30 horas (16-43). El aclaramiento de ambos enantiómeros aumenta con la edad gestacional, al menos en el rango de 24 a 28 semanas. INDICACIONES: cierre de conducto arteriosos persistente y sginificativo desde el punto de vista clínico y hemodinámicamente, peso corporal entre 500 y 1 500 g, con menos de 34 semanas de edad y cuando el manejo médico usual es inefectivo. CONTRAINDICACIONES: hipersensibilidad al ibuprofeno, a cualquier otro AINE o a cualquiera de los excipientes del producto, infección potencialmente mortal; hemorragia activa, hemorragia intracraneal o gastrointestinal; defectos de la coagulación o trombocitopenia; daño renal severo. Enfermedad cardíaca congénita en la que la persistencia del conducto arterioso es necesario para mantener un flujo sanguíneo pulmonar o sistémico satisfactorio (por ejemplo, atresia pulmonar, tetralogía de Fallot severa, coartación grave de la aorta); Conocimiento o sospecha de enterocolitis necrotizante. PRECAUCIONES: el riesgo de encefalopatía por bilirrubina en recién nacidos prematuros puede aumentar por mostrar in vitro que puede desplazar la bilirrubina de su sitio de unión a la albúmina. Por lo tanto, el ibuprofeno no se debe utilizar en lactantes con concentración marcada elevación de la bilirrubina. Como un fármaco anti-inflamatorio no esteroide (AINE), puede enmascarar los signos y síntomas de infección por lo tanto, debe usarse con precaución en presencia de una infección. Se debe administrar con cuidado para evitar la extravasación y la irritación de los tejidos. Se recomienda vigilar la función renal y gastrointestinal. En recién nacidos prematuros menores de 27 semanas de edad gestacional, la tasa de cierre del conducto arterioso se demostró que era baja a los regímenes de dosis recomendados (33 a 50 por ciento). Puede inhibir la agregación plaquetaria, los recién nacidos prematuros deben ser monitorizados para detectar signos de hemorragia. REACCIONES ADVERSAS: frecuentes: fiebre, apnea, sepsis, trombocitopenia, neutropenia, hemorragia intraventricular, anemia, leucomalacia periventricular, displasia broncopulmonar, hemorragia pulmonar, enterocolitis necrotizante, oliguria, retención de fluidos, hematuria, perforación Intestinal, incremento de creatinina sérica, infección respiratoria, infección del tracto urinario. Ocasionales: hemorragia gastrointestinal, insuficiencia renal aguda, hipernatremia, hipocalcemia, insuficiencia suprarrenal, atelectasia, edema, hipoxemia, hiperglicemia. Otros efectos adversos reportados: taquicardia, insuficiencia cardiaca, distensión abdominal, reflujo gastroesofágico, gastritis, ileo, hernia inguinal, reacciones en el sitio inyección, colestasis, feeding problems, convulsiones, ictericia, hipotensión, y otras anormalidades de laboratorio. INTERACCIONES: diuréticos: puede reducir el efecto de los diuréticos y aumentar el riesgo de nefrotoxicidad de los AINE en pacientes deshidratados. Anticoagulantes: puede aumentar el efecto de los anticoagulantes y aumentar el riesgo de sangrado. Corticosteroides: puede aumentar el riesgo de sangrado gastrointestinal. Óxido nítrico: al inhibir ambos medicamentos la función plaquetaria, la combinación puede aumentar el riesgo de hemorragia. Otros AINE: el uso concomitante de más de un AINE puede aumentar el riesgo de reacciones adversas. Aminoglucósidos: puede disminuir el aclaramiento de aminoglucósidos, su administración concomitante puede aumentar el riesgo de nefrotoxicidad y ototoxicidad producido por estos. POSOLOGÍA: un ciclo de terapia se define como tres inyecciones intravenosas dadas en intervalos de 24 horas. La primera inyección debe administrarse después de las primeras 6 horas de vida. La dosis de ibuprofeno se ajusta al peso corporal como sigue: primera inyección: 10 mg/kg, segunda y tercera inyección: 5 mg/kg. Si existe anuria u oliguria manifiesta después de la primera o segunda dosis, la siguiente debe suspenderse hasta que la producción de orina regrese a los niveles normales. Si el ductus arterioso no se cierra 48 horas después de la última inyección o si se vuelve a abrir, se debe aplicar una segunda tanda de 3 dosis como la anterior. Si la condición no se modifica después del segundo ciclo de terapia, puede ser necesaria la cirugía de la ductus arterioso permeable. FORMA DE ADMINISTRACIÓN: solo para uso intravenoso. Deberá administrarse como una infusión corta durante 15 minutos, preferiblemente sin diluir. Si es necesario, el volumen de inyección puede ser ajustado con una solución de cloruro de sodio 0,9 por ciento 9 mg/mL o de glucosa 5 por ciento 50 mg/mL. Cualquier porción no utilizada de la solución debe ser desechada. El volumen total de la solución inyectada deberá tener en cuenta el volumen total diario de líquidos administrados. TRATAMIENTO DE LA SOBREDOSIS AGUDA Y EFECTOS ADVERSOS GRAVES: medidas generales. NIVEL DE DISTRIBUCIÓN: uso exclusivo de hospitales LABORATORIO PRODUCTOR: Empresa Laboratorios AICA(AU)