Abstract Objective To compare the functional outcomes of two circular external fixation techniques to treat complex fractures of the proximal end of the tibia. Materials and Methods The present is a retrospective cohort study with 51 patients who underwent surgical treatment for complex fractures of the tibial plateau with a circular external fixator. There were two groups of patients: 12 subjects underwent treatment with the classic assembly technique, and 39 subjects underwent treatment with the simplified technique. The variables analyzed included age, sex, injury mechanism, trauma energy, associated injuries, fixator type, time of fixator use, and clinical-radiographic outcomes. The classic technique mainly uses transfixing Kirschner wires, while the simplified one replaces the Kirschner wires with Schanz pins in the distal block of the circular external fixator. Result There were no statistically significant differences (p> 0.05) between the two groups concerning the clinical-radiographic outcomes, including fracture consolidation, quality of joint fracture reduction, range of motion, lower limbs residual discrepancy, and postoperative pain. Conclusion We suggest that the simplified technique, using Schanz pins instead of Kirschner wires, can be a viable and effective alternative to treat complex fractures of the proximal end of the tibia with a circular external fixator. This simplified approach can offer benefits, such as a lower infection rate and greater patient comfort, without compromising clinical and radiographic outcomes, thus justifying its use.
Resumo Objetivo Comparar os resultados funcionais entre duas técnicas de fixação externa circular utilizadas no tratamento de fraturas complexas da extremidade proximal da tíbia. Materiais e Métodos Trata-se de um estudo de coorte retrospectivo, com 51 pacientes submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico de fraturas complexas do planalto tibial com fixador externo circular. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: 12 pacientes tratados com a técnica clássica e 39 pacientes tratados com a técnica simplificada. As variáveis analisadas incluíram idade, sexo, mecanismo da lesão, energia do trauma, lesões associadas, tipo de fixador, tempo de uso do fixador e resultados clínico-radiográficos. A técnica clássica lança mão principalmente de fios de Kirschner transfixantes, e a simplificada substitui os fios de Kirschner por pinos de Schanz no bloco distal do fixador externo circular. Resultados A partir da comparação das montagens, não encontramos diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p> 00,5) entre os dois grupos em relação aos resultados clínico-radiográficos, incluindo a consolidação da fratura, a qualidade da redução da fratura articular, a amplitude de movimento, a discrepância residual na medida dos membros inferiores e a dor do paciente no pós-operatório. Conclusão Sugerimos que a técnica simplificada, utilizando pinos de Schanz no lugar dos fios de Kirschner, pode ser uma alternativa viável e eficaz no tratamento de fraturas complexas da extremidade proximal da tíbia com fixador externo circular. Essa abordagem simplificada pode oferecer benefícios, como menor taxa de infecção e maior conforto para o paciente, sem comprometer os resultados clínicos e radiográficos, o que justifica, o seu uso.
Humans , Bone Wires , External Fixators , Ilizarov Technique , Tibial Plateau Fractures/therapyABSTRACT
Abstract Objective This study aims to analyze outcomes and clinical and epidemiological data of infected tibial pseudarthrosis using the Ilizarov method and the Orr dressing. Methods Data from n = 43 patients diagnosed with infected tibial pseudarthrosis were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistical methods. In addition, Paley's assessment criteria evaluated bone and functional outcomes. Qualitative variables were presented as the distribution of absolute and relative frequencies. The presentation of quantitative variables followed the D'Agostino-Pearson test. Results Thirty-seven (86.04%) subjects were males, and six (13.95%) were females. The most frequent age group among patients was 50 to 59 years old (25.6%), with a p-value = 0.8610. The treatment time was longer for the trifocal treatment (23.8 months) when compared to the bifocal treatment (15.6 months), with a p-value = 0.0010* (highly significant). Excellent bone outcomes represented 72.09% of the sample; 23.25% of outcomes were good. Functional outcomes were excellent in 55.81%, good in 6.97%, and regular in 27.90% of subjects. The Orr dressing (using Vaseline gauze) proved effective, achieving wound healing with soft tissue coverage in all patients evaluated. Conclusions The Ilizarov method resulted in a substantial change in the treatment of bone infections, especially infected pseudarthrosis. The versatility of this method has turned it into an effective tool, allowing the healing of the infectious process and the correction of potential deformities and shortening.
Resumo Objetivo Analisar os resultados e os dados clínicos e epidemiológicos do tratamento das pseudoartroses infectadas da tíbia pelo método de Ilizarov associado ao curativo de Orr. Métodos Para analisar os dados de n = 43 pacientes com diagnóstico de pseudoartrose infectada da tíbia foram aplicados métodos estatísticos descritivos e inferenciais e os resultados ósseos e funcionais foram avaliados de acordo com os critérios de avaliação de Paley. As variáveis qualitativas foram apresentadas por distribuição de frequências absolutas e relativas. As variáveis quantitativas foram apresentadas pelo teste de DAgostino-Pearson. Resultados Foi encontrado que 37 (86,04%) eram do sexo masculino, 6 (13,95%) femininos. A faixa etária mais frequente entre os pacientes foi de 50 a 59 anos (25.6%), p-valor = 0.8610. O tempo de tratamento é maior no tratamento trifocal (23.8 meses) quando comparado com o Bifocal (15.6 meses), p-valor =0.0010* (altamente significante). Os resultados ósseos excelentes representaram 72,09%, 23,25% foram de resultados considerados bons. Os resultados funcionais considerados excelentes foram 55,81%, os resultados bons foram 6,97%, resultados regulares foram 27,90. O curativo com gaze vaselinada (curativo de Orr) mostrou-se eficaz, alcançando assim a cicatrização das feridas com cobertura de partes moles em todos os pacientes avaliados. Conclusões O método de Ilizarov proporcionou uma mudança substancial no tratamentos das infecções ósseas, especialmente das pseudoartroses infectadas. A versatilidade deste método se transformou em uma ferramenta eficaz, permitindo a cura do processo infeccioso, bem como correção das possíveis deformidades e do encurtamento.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Pseudarthrosis/therapy , Tibia/pathology , Treatment Outcome , Ilizarov Technique/rehabilitationABSTRACT
El método de Ilizarov, con sus diferentes variantes y mediante la utilización de su aparato, desarrollado en la década del 50, continúa vigente, sobre todo en el tratamiento de las complicaciones de fracturas, principalmente aquellas vinculadas a la infección y a las dificultades de la consolidación. Reportamos 2 pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de pseudoartrosis hipertrófica, rígida, con deformidad, sin infección activa y sin dismetría, tratados mediante el método de distracción y compresión realizado con el aparato de Ilizarov. En ambos casos se logró la alineación y consolidación del miembro con escasas complicaciones.
The Ilizarov method, with its different variants and using its apparatus, developed in the 1950s, is still valid, especially in the treatment of fracture complications, mainly those linked to infection and consolidation difficulties. We report 2 adult patients with a diagnosis of hypertrophic, rigid nonunion, with deformity, without active infection and without dysmetria, treated by the distraction and compression method performed with the Ilizarov device. In both cases, the alignment and consolidation of the limb was achieved with few complications.
O método de Ilizarov, com suas diferentes variantes e pelo uso de seu aparato, desenvolvido na década de 1950, ainda é válido, principalmente no tratamento de complicações de fraturas, principalmente aquelas ligadas à infecção e dificuldades de consolidação. Relatamos 2 pacientes adultos com diagnóstico de pseudoartrose hipertrófica, rígida, com deformidade, sem infecção ativa e sem dismetria, tratados pelo método de distração e compressão realizado com o dispositivo de Ilizarov. Em ambos os casos, o alinhamento e a consolidação do membro foram alcançados com poucas complicações.
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Pseudarthrosis/surgery , Tibial Fractures/surgery , Ilizarov Technique , Postoperative Period , Tibial Fractures/complications , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Intraoperative PeriodABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To analyze the results of clinical, radiological, and functional outcomes of tibial plateau fracture (Schatzker Type V, VI) treated with Illizarov ring external fixator with or without minimum opening. Methods A total of 52 tibial plateau fractures of type V, VI were treated with Ilizarov ring external fixator with or without mininum internal fixation were studied. Functional outcome assessment was done using the American Knee Society (AKS) score with clinical, radiological union, and complications were analyzed. Results There were 37 (71.15%) male and 15 (28.84%) female patients, with a mean age of 39.07 ± 12.58 years old. Road traffic accidents (RTAs) were the major cause of fracture, accounting for 32 cases (61.53%) followed by fall injury, with 16 cases (30.76%), and direct impact, with 4 cases (7.69%). Twenty-one (40.38%) cases were type V and 31 (59.61%) cases were type VI fractures, and there were 24 (46.15%) cases of open fracture. The mean AKS score of Type V and Type VI fractures were 82.8 and 80.70, respectively, but this was statistically not significant at p<0.05. The mean AKS score of closed and open fractures were also statistically not significant at p<0.05. Conclusions For Schatzker Types V and VI complex tibial plateau fractures, Ilizarov external fixation is a safe, cost-effective and efficient treatment method that presents a satisfactory outcome.
Resumo Objetivo Analisar os resultados clínicos, radiológicos e funcionais da fratura do planalto tibial (Schatzker Tipo V, VI) tratada com fixador externo do anel Illizarov com ou sem abertura mínima. Métodos Um total de 52 fraturas do planalto tibial dos tipos V e VI foram tratadas com fixador externo do anel Ilizarov com ou sem fixação interna mínima. A avaliação do desfecho funcional foi feita utilizando-se o escore da American Knee Society (AKS, na sigla em inglês) com consolidação clínica, radiológica e complicações encontradas. Resultados Foram 37 (71,15%) pacientes do sexo masculino e 15 (28,84%) do sexo feminino, com idade média de 39,07 ± 12,58 anos. Acidentes de trânsito (ATs) foram a principal causa das fraturas, contabilizando 32 casos (61,53%), seguidos por lesão por queda, com 16 casos (30,76%), e impacto direto, com 4 casos (7,69%). Foram 21 (40,38%) casos de fraturas tipo V, 31 (59,61%) casos do tipo VI e 24 (46,15%) casos de fratura exposta. Os escores médios da AKS para as fraturas tipo V e VI foram de 82,8 e 80,70, respectivamente, mas não foi estatisticamente significativo em p <0,05. O escore médio da AKS para fraturas fechadas e abertas também não foi estatisticamente significativo em p <0,05. Conclusões Para a fratura do planalto tibial complexa dos tipos V e VI de Schatzker, a fixação externa de Ilizarov é um método de tratamento seguro, econômico e eficiente que resulta em resultados satisfatórios.
Humans , Male , Female , Tibial Fractures , External Fixators , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Ilizarov TechniqueABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To evaluate the quality of life of patients using an Ilizarov type external fixator for the treatment of complicated fractures and their sequelae. Method This is an observational and cross-sectional study, in which the 36-item short form survey (SF-36) questionnaire (translated into Portuguese) was applied during outpatient consultations in 2 periods, in the months of July 2018 and January 2019. The patients who participated in the study underwent their surgical procedures between January and June 2018. Results We evaluated 36 patients using an external Ilizarov fixator. We observed a predominance of male patients, with a mean age of 37.9 years. Fractures of leg bones and their complications represented half of the sample. Improvement in functional capacity and emotional aspects of the patients was observed throughout the treatment. Conclusion The use of the circular external fixator is an important and effective method for the surgical treatment of complex fractures and their sequelae. This study allowed us to conclude that, after treatment, patients achieved functional return to daily activities with adequate quality of life.
Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes em uso do fixador externo do tipo Ilizarov para tratamento de fraturas complexas e de suas sequelas Método Trata-se de um estudo observacional e transversal, em que foi aplicado o questionário 36-item short form survey (SF-36) (traduzido para a língua portuguesa) durante as consultas ambulatoriais em 2 períodos, nos meses de julho de 2018 e janeiro de 2019. Os pacientes que participaram do estudo realizaram seus procedimentos cirúrgicos no período de janeiro a junho de 2018. Resultados Foram avaliados 36 pacientes em uso de fixador externo do tipo Ilizarov. Foi observado predomínio do sexo masculino e idade média de 37,9 anos. As fraturas de ossos da perna e suas complicações representaram metade da amostra. Foi observada melhora na capacidade funcional e nos aspectos emocionais dos pacientes ao longo do tratamento. Conclusão O uso do fixador externo circular constitui um método importante e eficaz para o tratamento cirúrgico de fraturas complexas e de suas sequelas. Este trabalho permitiu concluir que, após o tratamento, os pacientes alcançaram retorno funcional às atividades diárias com adequada qualidade de vida.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Quality of Life , Activities of Daily Living , Sickness Impact Profile , Ilizarov Technique/rehabilitation , Fractures, Bone/rehabilitation , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
@#BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Limb deformity in terms of length discrepancy, angular and rotational deformities are amenable to correction using the Ilizarov method. The corrections can be achieved using the Ortho SUV Frame (OSF), a computer assisted six axes external fixator. Previous studies have reported easier and more accurate deformity correction. In this study, we report on our initial experience and treatment outcomes in using this system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study is a case series of patients where the Ilizarov circular frame was applied and which the deformity correction was carried out using the OSF. Success and accuracy in correction, length of time to correct, number of revisions needed and complications were gathered from a review of medical records. RESULTS: Thirty limbs in twenty nine cases were included in this report. Seventy seven percent (23/30) of the deformities were due to previous trauma. The rest were due to Blounts, infection and tumor. Correction in eighty seven percent (26/30) were achieved using the turning schedule provided by the Ortho SUV application software. Three cases required surgical removal of soft tissue interposition before further correction using the software was achieved. One case with posterior translation underwent closed manipulation. In the end all planned deformity corrections were achieved. Complications included pin tract swelling and erythema in 13% and all resolved either with oral antibiotics alone or combined with surgical release of pin sites under local anesthesia. CONCLUSION: The Ortho SUV is an effective tool to carry out deformity corrections using the Ilizarov method.
Ilizarov Technique , External Fixators , Upper Extremity , PelvisABSTRACT
Post-traumatic osteomyelitis is one of the most common disorders of bone infection, which is secondary to open fracture caused by machinery injury, traffic accident, and it is also the main manifestation in the postoperative infection of open fracture. After trauma, bacteria invade bone tissue and reproduce rapidly in large quantities, which easily leads to osteomyelitis. Patients are often complaint of pain at the affected limb, loss of function, or even amputation due to deteriorated infection, resulting in loss of labor capability and poor quality of life. Because the diagnosis and treatment are not timely and standard, the treatment for post-traumatic osteomyelitis is often delayed, resulting in the difficulty of clinical cure. It also makes patients and their families bear a serious financial burden. However, the diagnosis and treatment for this disease is difficult for orthopedic physicians. In recent years, imaging methods (such as CT and MRI) combined with immune techniques have significantly improved the diagnostic accuracy and early diagnosis ability. The application of new diagnostic technologies (such as gene chip and second-generation sequencing) also makes the diagnosis more convenient and sensitive. The novel reconstruction and repair surgery (such as Ilizarov technology and Orthofix LRS technology) provides new treatment direction for orthopedic surgeons and patients.
Humans , Ilizarov Technique , Osteomyelitis/therapy , Quality of Life , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze effect of accordion technique on bone mineralization of extended bone segment in treating tibial bone defect with bone transport.@*METHODS@#From May 2017 to October 2019, 22 patients with tibial bone defects were treated with Ilizarov bone-transport technique, and divided into two groups after bone-transport was completed, 11 patients in each group. In observation group, there were 9 males and 2 females aged from 20 to 60 years old with an average of (42.6± 13.3) years old;the length of bone defect ranged from 3 to 13 cm with an average of(6.4±2.6) cm;2 patients were suffered from upper tibial bone defects, 3 patients were middle and 6 patients were lower;patients were treated with accordion technique for 35 days. In control group, there were 10 males and 1 female aged from 41 to 60 years old with an average of (51.6±6.4) years old;the length of bone defect ranged from 3 to 10.7 cm with an average of (6.6±2.5) cm;1 patient was suffered from upper tibial bone defects, 3 patients were middle and 7 patients were lower;patients were treated with lock external fixator to waiting bone mineralization. The content of hydroxyapatite (HAP) extended bone segment was measured after bone-transport completed immediately, 35, 65 and 95 days after bone-transport was completed, respectively, then the mineralization time and healing time were compared between two groups, and the therapeutic effect of bone defect was evaluated by using Paley scoring criteria.@*RESULTS@#Twenty-two patients were followed up from 18 to 36 months with an average of (27.0±6.3) months. The wounds on the bone defects healed spontaneously during bone transport, and there were no wound complications such as skin infection or skin necrosis occurred. There were statisticaldifference in the content of HAP of the extended bone segments at 35, 65 and 95 days after bone-transport between two groups (@*CONCLUSION@#Accordion technique and locking external fixator mineralization in prolonging bone segment healing after bone-transport have the equal clinical effect, while the accordion technique could significantly accelerate the growth rate of HAP and shorten the mineralization time and healing time.
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Calcification, Physiologic , External Fixators , Ilizarov Technique , Tibia/surgery , Tibial Fractures , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Introducción: Las secuelas postraumáticas en los miembros son un cuadro de muy difícil abordaje por la gravedad de las lesiones, la falta de protocolos de tratamiento y especialmente por la elección de la mejor alternativa. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el resultado del tratamiento reconstructivo con un puntaje prequirúrgico diseñado para tal fin y evaluar su predictibilidad de resultado. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de tipo cohorte de los resultados del tratamiento con fijación externa en 32 pacientes con secuela traumática de la pierna en los últimos siete años que fueron estadificados con un puntaje preoperatorio elaborado para tal fin y comparado con el resultado obtenido con la tabla de resultados de la ASAMI con dos años de seguimiento mínimo. Resultados:Se obtuvo una relación directa entre la estadificación prequirúrgica y el resultado final. Dicha relación se ve reflejada en el alto porcentaje de excelentes resultados en pacientes de bajo riesgo (50%) y una tasa del 60% de malos resultados en pacientes de alto riesgo. Conclusiones: La evidencia actual es contradictoria y se discute cuál es la mejor opción de tratamiento. Los pacientes considerados de alto riesgo tienen un alto porcentaje de malos resultados y tal vez no se beneficien con la cirugía reconstructiva. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
Introduction: Post-traumatic sequelae in the limbs are a very difficult condition to approach due to the severity of the injuries and the lack of treatment protocols, which considerably hinder the choice of the best treatment alternative. The objective of this study was to analyze the outcomes of reconstructive treatment with a pre-surgical score designed ad-hoc and to evaluate its predictability. Materials and methods: A retrospective cohort-type analysis of the outcomes of external fixation treatment was performed in 32 patients with traumatic leg sequelae in the last 7 years who were staged with a pre-operative score designed ad-hoc. This was compared with the results obtained with the ASAMI score with a minimum 2-year follow-up. Results: We obtained a direct relationship between pre-surgical staging and the final outcome. This relationship is reflected by obtaining a high percentage of excellent outcomes in low-risk patients (50%) and 60% of poor outcomes in high-risk patients. Conclusions: The current evidence is contradictory and there is controversy over which is the best treatment option. We found that high-risk patients have a high percentage of poor outcomes and may not benefit from reconstructive surgery. Level of Evidence: IV
Injury Severity Score , External Fixators , Ilizarov Technique , Lower Extremity , Clinical Decision Rules , Leg InjuriesABSTRACT
Introducción: Las fracturas del húmero distal corresponden al 2% de todas las fracturas. Son los pacientes más añosos, los que presentan mayor desafío terapéutico. Suelen presentarse con huesos osteoporóticos, lo que conlleva a producir fracturas con mayor conminución articular y metafisaria; así como también dificultar una fijación estable y rígida de las mismas, que permita una movilidad precoz. Estas características generan controversia a la hora de elegir el tratamiento adecuado. El objetivo de este estudio es revisar la bibliografía de la última década, acerca de cuál es la mejor opción terapéutica para las fracturas de húmero distal en pacientes añosos. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistematizada a través de los buscadores electrónicos PubMed y Timbó en agosto 2019. La búsqueda llego a un total de 475 artículos, de los cuales se seleccionaron 24 según criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Discusión: La mayoría de los estudios analizados son estudios de serie de casos retrospectivos. En los trabajos revisados, existen fracturas tanto extra como intra-articulares. Se analizaron los resultados de los distintos tratamientos realizados según parámetros clínicos, scores funcionales y complicaciones. Conclusiones: El tratamiento conservador es una opción válida para aquellos pacientes en los que el terreno no permita una intervención quirúrgica. Para las fracturas tipo extra-articulares y parcialmente articulares, la reducción abierta y fijación interna es el tratamiento de elección. Para las fracturas articulares completas, no hay diferencias significativas en cuanto a scores utilizados entre la reducción abierta y fijación interna con la artroplastia de codo. Faltan estudios prospectivos que comparen ambos tratamientos.
Introduction: Distal humerus fractures account for 2% of all fractures. It is the elderly patients who present the greatest therapeutic challenge. Osteoporotic bones, more common in this population, lead to the production of fractures with greater joint and metaphyseal comminution. As a result, stable and rigid fixation becomes more difficult, hindering early mobility. These characteristics generate controversy when choosing the appropriate treatment. The aim of this study is to review the literature of the last decade regarding the best therapeutic option for distal humerus fractures in elderly patients. Methods: A systematized search was performed through the electronic search engines PubMed and Timbó in august 2019. The search reached a total of 475 articles, of which 24 were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Discussion: Most of the studies analyzed are retrospective case series studies. In the articles reviewed, there are both extra and intra-articular fractures. The results of the different treatments performed were analyzed according to clinical parameters, functional scores and complications. Conclusions: Conservative treatment is a valid option for those patients where the terrain does not allow surgical intervention. For extra-articular and partial-articular fractures, open reduction and internal fixation is the treatment of choice. For complete articular fractures, there are no significant differences in scores used between open reduction and internal fixation and elbow replacement. There is a lack of prospective studies comparing both treatments.
Introdução: Fraturas do úmero distal correspondem a 2% de todas as fraturas. São os pacientes mais idosos os que apresentam maior desafio terapêutico. Geralmente apresentam-se com ossos osteoporóticos, o que implica produzir fraturas com maior cominuição articular e metafisária; assim como também dificultar uma fixação estável e rígida das mesmas, que permita uma mobilidade precoce. Estas características geram controvérsia na escolha do tratamento adequado. O objetivo deste estudo é rever a bibliografia da última década, sobre qual é a melhor opção terapêutica para fraturas de úmero distal em pacientes idosos. Materiais e métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa sistematizada através dos buscadores eletrônicos Pubmed e Timbó em agosto 2019. A pesquisa chegou a um total de 475 artigos, dos quais 24 foram selecionados segundo critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Discussão: A maioria dos estudos analisados são estudos de série de casos retrospectivos. Nos trabalhos revisados, existem fraturas tanto extra como intra-articulares. Foram analisados os resultados dos diferentes tratamentos realizados segundo parâmetros clínicos, scores funcionais e complicações. Conclusões: O tratamento conservador é uma opção válida para os pacientes em que o terreno não permita uma intervenção cirúrgica. Para fraturas tipo extra-articulares e parcialmente articulares, a redução aberta e fixação interna é o tratamento de escolha. Para fracturas articulares completas, não há diferenças significativas em termos de scores utilizados entre a redução aberta e a fixação interna com artroplastia do cotovelo. Faltam estudos prospectivos que comparem os dois tratamentos.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , External Fixators/adverse effects , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Elbow/adverse effects , Conservative Treatment/adverse effects , Fracture Fixation/adverse effects , Humeral Fractures/surgery , Humeral Fractures/therapy , Treatment Outcome , Ilizarov Technique/adverse effects , Closed Fracture Reduction/adverse effects , Open Fracture Reduction/adverse effects , Fracture Fixation, Internal/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To quantify the levels of satisfaction and pain of patients submitted to external fixation removal without anesthesia at an outpatient facility. Methods The present was a prospective study involving 28 patients using external fixators who answered 3 questionnaires associated with the Visual Analogue and Numerical Pain Scale during different moments of the removal. Results The average pain prior to fixator removal was of 3.61. Shortly after the procedure, the patients reported that, on average, the most intense pain scored 6.68, and the least intense pain, 2.25 points. The average pain variation was of 4.43 points, and pain after 1 week scored, on average, 2.03 points. The recollection of the pain after fixator removal scored lower than the pain reported immediately after the procedure (mean value: 5.29). Most patients were middle-aged men, and 89.3% used circular external fixators. The main limb segment involved was the leg, and most patients (71.4%) had never used an external fixator before; they preferred the removal at an outpatient facility because it was faster (75%), and to avoid hospitalization (25%). The most intense pain was felt during the removal of Schanz pins (60.7%), being worse in the extremities of the limbs for 75% of the patients. An absolute majority of 85.7% was satisfied with the removal, and 82.1% stated that they would undergo the procedure again. Conclusion External fixator removal at an outpatient facility without anesthesia is a well-tolerated option for patients, with good levels of approval and satisfaction.
Resumo Objetivo Quantificar os níveis de satisfação e dor dos pacientes submetidos a retirada ambulatorial de fixadores externos sem anestesia. Métodos Estudo prospectivo envolvendo 28 pacientes usando fixadores externos submetidos a três questionários associados à Escala Visual Analógica e Numérica da dor durante diferentes etapas da retirada. Resultados A média de dor prévia à retirada foi de 3,61. Logo após o término do procedimento, encontramos média de 6,68 para a dor mais intensa, e de 2,25 para a dor menos intensa. A variação da dor média foi de 4,43, e a dor após uma semana teve média de 2,03. A lembrança dolorosa da retirada foi menor do que a dor referida imediatamente após a retirada (média de 5,29). A predominância no estudo foi de pacientes do sexo masculino de meia-idade, e 89,3% usavam fixador externo do tipo circular. O principal segmento dos membros envolvido foi a perna, e a maior parte dos pacientes não havia feito uso de fixador externo previamente (71,4%); eles optaram pela retirada ambulatorial por se tratar de opção mais rápida (75%), e para evitar internação hospitalar (25%). O momento de dor mais intensa ocorreu durante a retirada dos pinos de Schanz (60,7%), sendo pior nas extremidades dos membros para 75% dos entrevistados. Uma maioria absoluta de 85,7% mostrou-se satisfeita após a retirada, e 82,1% afirmaram que se submeteriam novamente ao procedimento. Conclusão A retirada ambulatorial de fixadores externos sem anestesia é uma opção bem tolerada pelos pacientes, tratando-se de um procedimento com bons níveis de aceitabilidade e satisfação.
Humans , Outpatient Clinics, Hospital , Pain , Prospective Studies , External Fixators , Patient Satisfaction , Ilizarov Technique , Pain, Referred , Hospitalization , AnesthesiaABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives To evaluate the management of tibial fractures resulting in bone loss (traumatic or infection-related) and the complications occurring during treatment with external fixator and immediately after apparatus removal. Methods Forty patients were selected from 2010 to 2017. The mean age of the patients was 33.02 years; 34 subjects were male and 6 were female. All patients had tibial bone regeneration, suffered trauma (mainly related to motorcycle accident) and were followed-up at an outpatient facility. Results Proximal tibial bones of up to 17 cm in length and distal tibial bones of up to 14 cm in length were obtained. The largest trifocal transport had the same length as the regenerated bone tissues, which was 14.5 cm. Regarding complications, 29 (72.5%) patients had infections in the pin and wire paths. There were 9 (22.5%) cases of de novo fracture, 6 of which were managed with the implantation of a new circular fixator, and 2 cases of infection of the regenerated bone. On average, patients were subjected to 4.72 procedures (ranging from 2-12), had the fixator for 20.75 months (ranging from 7-55 months), and stayed at the hospital for 53.7 days (ranging from 5-183 days), mainly because of soft-tissue complications, intravenous antibacterial therapy, and even social issues. Two (5%) patients presented symptomatic gonarthrosis, and two other patients had symptomatic ankle arthritis. Three of the patients showed lower limb discrepancy of 3.0, 3.7, and 5.0 cm. Conclusion Despite not being widely available, the Ilizarov method is useful for solving the majority of tibial bone losses, regardless of their etiology.
Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o tratamento das fraturas de tíbia que evoluíram com perda óssea (traumática ou secundária a infecção) e as complicações ocorridas durante o tratamento com fixador externo e no período imediatamente após sua retirada. Métodos Foram selecionados 40 pacientes tratados entre 2010 e 2017, com a idade média de 33,02 anos, sendo 34 do sexo masculino e 6 do sexo feminino. Todos os pacientes portavam regenerado ósseo da tíbia, foram vítimas de trauma (sobretudo motociclístico), e estavam em seguimento ambulatorial. Resultados Foram obtidos regenerados ósseos da tíbia proximal de até 17 cm e da tíbia distal de 14 cm. O maior transporte trifocal teve a soma do tamanho dos tecidos dos ossos regenerados, medindo 14,5 cm. Como complicações, 29 (72,5%) pacientes tiveram infecção no trajeto dos pinos e fios. Houve 9 (22,5%) casos de refratura, sendo 6 deles tratadas com novo fixador circular, e 2 infecções no osso regenerado. Os pacientes foram submetidos a uma média de 4,72 procedimentos cirúrgicos (2-12), portaram fixador por 20,75 meses (7-55 m.) e permaneceram internados por 53,7 dias (5-183) devido principalmente a complicações de partes moles, a antibioticoterapia intravenosa ou até mesmo a questões sociais. Dois (5%) pacientes apresentaram gonartrose sintomática e outros 2 artrite sintomática do tornozelo. Três apresentaram discrepância de membros inferiores de 3,0; 3,7; e 5,0 cm. Conclusão Apesar de não ser um método de tratamento amplamente disponível, o método de Ilizarov é útil para solucionar a maioria das falhas ósseas da tíbia, independente da sua etiologia.
Humans , Male , Female , Osteitis , Osteogenesis , Tibia , Bone and Bones , Bone Regeneration , External Fixators , Ilizarov Technique , Fractures, BoneABSTRACT
Introducción: Las secuelas postraumáticas de la tibia representan un problema común al que nos enfrentamos los ortopedistas día a día. El método Ilizarov, mediante una planificación minuciosa, ha dado grandes resultados. Objetivo: Valorar el resultado del tratamiento de desejes y discrepancias postraumáticas de la tibia mediante el fijador circular de tipo Ilizarov. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluó a 13 pacientes mediante criterios clínicos y radiográficos durante un seguimiento mínimo de 24 meses. Los resultados fueron buenos y excelentes, y se logró la consolidación ósea en todos los pacientes. Conclusión: El método Ilizarov es útil y versátil para resolver cualquier tipo de secuela postraumática de la tibia, sin necesidad de injertos o sustitutos óseos. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
Introduction: Post-traumatic sequelae of the tibia are a common problem faced by orthopedists every day. The Ilizarov method, through careful planning, has achieved great results. Objective: To assess the outcome of the treatment of post-traumatic deformities and discrepancies of the tibia treated with the Ilizarov circular fixator. Methods: Thirteen patients were evaluated by clinical and radiological criteria during a minimum follow-up of 24 months. The results were good and excellent in all cases, and bone consolidation was achieved in all patients. Conclusion: The Ilizarov method is useful and versatile to solve any type of post-traumatic sequelae of the tibia, without the need for grafts or bone substitutes. Level of Evidence: IV
Adult , Pseudarthrosis , Tibial Fractures/complications , External Fixators , Ilizarov Technique , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the clinical effect of acupoint puncture combined with Ilizarov technique in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis in the elderly.@*METHODS@#From March 2015 to February 2016, 76 patients with primary knee osteoarthritis were treated with tibial osteotomy acupoint puncture grouop and Ilizarov technique anatomical puncture group, including 24 males and 52 females, aged 56 to 75 years old with an average of 61.4 years old, and a course of 3 to 17 years with an average of 5.2 years. Among them, 38 cases were treated with external fixation of acupoint puncture needle and 38 cases were treated with external fixation of anatomical puncture needle. Preoperative full-length X-ray of both lower limbs showed tibial varus deformity, narrowing of medial knee joint space and enlargement of lateral knee joint space. The force line of the affected knee and lower limb was moved inward by body surface measurement, and the KSS knee function score was decreased. Symptoms included medial knee pain, flexion and extension, and conservative treatment for more than 2 years.@*RESULTS@#The lower limb force lines of both groups were corrected and the osteotomy ends healed well. No nonunion of osteotomy, inadequate correction of lower limbs or recurrence of deformity were found. Seventy-five patients were followed up for 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after operation. There was no significant difference in knee joint mobility between the two groups before operation and on 6, 12, 24 months after operation(=1.346, >0.05). There were significant difference in KSS pain and total score between the two groups at 3 months after operation, acupoint puncture group was better than anatomical puncture group(0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The acupoint puncture group formed a potential acupuncture effect in the acupoint area by continuously tightening the steel needle on Ilizarov ring external fixator during the post-operative adjustment. Within three months after wearing external fixator, the knee pain symptoms of knee osteoarthritis were relieved rapidly, continuously and effectively, which was significantly better than that of the anatomical puncture group.
Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Acupuncture Points , Ilizarov Technique , Knee Joint , Osteoarthritis, Knee , Therapeutics , Punctures , Tibia , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
PURPOSE@#To evaluate the clinico-radiological outcome of complex tibial plateau fractures treated with Ilizarov external fixation with or without minimal internal fixation.@*METHODS@#This retrospective review was conducted on all the cases of Schatzker types V and VI tibial plateau fractures treated by Ilizarov external fixation between July 2006 and December 2015 with the minimum follow-up duration of one year. There were 30 patients: 24 males and 6 females, mean age 43.33 years, and mean follow-up 3.6 years. Three of them were open fractures; 15 cases were Schatzkertype V fractures and the other 15 type VI. According to AO/OTA classification, there were 11 type C1, 12 C2 and 7 type C3 fractures. Outcome assessment was made with American Knee Society Score (AKSS) and Rasmussen's Radiological Score (RRS) at final follow-up.@*RESULTS@#Out of the 30 cases, mini-open reduction was performed in 7, bone graft in 4, minimal internal fixation in 10 and knee temporary immobilisation in 11 patients. Mean duration of external fixation was 11.8 weeks. All fractures united. Pin tract infections in 7 and common peroneal neuropathy in 2 patients were self-limiting. Two patients had axial misalignment of less than 10°. At final follow-up, the mean knee range of motion was 114.7, mean AKSS 81.5 and mean RRS 16.7. On statistical analysis, Schatzker type of fractures, use of minimal internal fixation and knee-spanning did not influence the final outcome.@*CONCLUSION@#Ilizarov external fixator with or without minimal internal fixation provides acceptable outcome for complex tibial plateau fractures. Care must be taken to look for minor loss of alignment, especially in Type VI Schatzker fractures after removal of the fixator. However small sample size precludes firm conclusions.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Antigens, Neoplasm , Follow-Up Studies , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Methods , Fractures, Bone , Therapeutics , Ilizarov Technique , Knee , Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases , Retrospective Studies , Tibia , Wounds and Injuries , Time Factors , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Background: Adolescent Blount disease or late onset tibia vara constitutes the most common cause of pathologic genu varum in late childhood and adolescence. It is a developmental condition characterized by disordered endochondral ossification of the posteromedial part of the proximal tibial physis resulting in multiplanar deformities of the lower limb
Objective: the aim of this work was to evaluate the results of treatment of acute correction of varus deformity in patients with Blount disease by using low profile Ilizarov frame
Patients and Methods: It is a retrospective and a prospective study for 10 patients who had adolescent Blount disease treated by acute correction using low profile Ilizarov frame. We looked principally into the following variables to evaluate the results of the treatment: Deformity correction [expressed as mechanical axis restoration], the average normal values were used as a reference [medial proximal tibial angle, 85-90; posterior proximal tibial angle, 77-84; thigh-foot angle, +10 external rotation]
Results: the patients were 9 boys [90%] and one girl [10%]. The mean age at presentation was 13.60 years, range [ 11- 17 years] , 6 patients [60%] presented with unilateral affections and 4 patients [40%] presented with bilateral affection. Mean preoperative to postoperative changes of MPTA from 74.57 [range 65-80] improved to 89.21 [range 86-95], Mean preoperative to postoperative changes of PPTA from 74.21 [range 66-80] improved to 79.07 [range 77-82] , Mean preoperative to postoperative changes of MAD from 31.14 mm [range 18-45 mm] improved to 3.64 mm [range 0-8 mm]. Mean preoperative to postoperative changes of TFA from -23.57 [range -30 -15] of internal tibial torsion improved to 5.36 [range 0-10] of external tibial torsion
Conclusion: Management of adolescent Blount disease by acute correction strategy using a low profile Ilizarov is a safe technique offering excellent results with low incidence of complications. Low profile Ilizarov is lighter and less bulky so more comfortable for patients than classic Ilizarov external fixation , Acute correction technique can achieve the same result of correction as gradual correction technique in patient with no limb length discrepancy , Acute correction offers a shorter time in frame as compared to gradual correction with fewer follow-up visits and exposure to radiation
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Osteochondrosis/congenital , Genu Varum/therapy , Ilizarov Technique , Adolescent , Retrospective Studies , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to evaluate the clinical and functional outcome in treatment of infected tibial nonunion by the Ilizarov method. METHODS: The authors retrospectively analyzed 42 patients with infected tibial nonunion with bone loss; shortening and deformity treated at this institution during the period of February 2012 to April 2015 were included in the study. The results were evaluated according to Association for the Study and Application of the Methods of Ilizarov (ASAMI) criteria. Pin tract infections were assessed by Moore and Dahl score. RESULTS: Bone results were excellent in 60% of patients (n = 25), good in 15% (n = 6), fair in 25% (n = 11), and poor in none. The functional results were excellent in 55% of patients, good in 30%, fair in 5%, and poor in 10%. The most common complication found in this study was pin tract infection. CONCLUSION: Ilizarov ring fixator still remains an excellent treatment modality for tibial nonunion, as it addresses the problems associated with the condition, although the procedure is cumbersome.
RESUMO OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desfecho clínico e funcional no tratamento da pseudartrose infectada da tíbia pelo método de Ilizarov. MÉTODOS: Os autores analisaram retrospectivamente 42 pacientes com pseudartrose infectada da tíbia com perda óssea. Os casos de encurtamento e deformidade tratados nesta instituição de fevereiro de 2012 a abril de 2015 foram incluídos no estudo. Os resultados foram avaliados de acordo com os critérios da Associação para o Estudo e Aplicação dos Métodos de Ilizarov (Association for the Study and Application of the Methods of Ilizarov [ASAMI]). As infecções no trajeto dos fios e pinos foram avaliadas pela classificação de Moore e Dahl. RESULTADOS: Os resultados ósseos foram excelentes em 60% dos pacientes (n = 25), bons em 15% (n = 6) e moderados em 25% (n = 11); nenhum paciente apresentou resultados ruins. Os resultados funcionais foram excelentes em 55% dos pacientes, bons em 30%, razoáveis em 5% e ruins em 10%. A complicação mais comum encontrada neste estudo foi infecção no trajeto dos fios e pinos. CONCLUSÃO: Embora seja um procedimento complicado, a fixação de Ilizarov continua a ser uma modalidade de tratamento excelente para pseudartrose da tíbia, uma vez que aborda os problemas associados à condição.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , External Fixators , Ilizarov Technique , Infections , TibiaABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical characteristics from patients submitted to osteogenic distraction to correct bone gap at a university hospital. METHODS: Retrospective transversal study, with a convenience sample, from 2000 to 2012, evaluating clinical aspects of patients treated, submitted to osteogenic distraction (bone transport) with Ilizarov's external fixation device. The chi-squared, Fisher's, and Mann-Whitney's U tests were used with a 5% level of significance (p < 0.05). RESULTS: 33 patients were studied, of whom 28 men (84.8%). The more frequent age was from 21 to 40 years. Most patients were from the metropolitan region of the capital (57.6%). The leg was the most affected limb (75.8%), and the left side was the most affected (66.7%). The most common cause was infected pseudoarthrosis (75.8%). The most common bone transportation type was bifocal (75.8%). Mean previous surgery at others institutions were 2.62 (1.93 standard deviation), and mean surgeries after treatment were 1.89 (1.29 standard deviation). Ilizarov's external fixation device was used for 1.94 years (1.34 mean deviation), from one to six years. The most common complications were pin infection (57.6%), equinus (30.3%), deep infection (24.2%), and shortening (21.2%). CONCLUSION: Osteogenic distraction for bone gaps were more frequent in young adults, men, in the leg, with bifocal transportation, after several previous surgeries, treated for a mean of two years, with many complications (infections were the most common).
RESUMO OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características clínicas dos pacientes submetidos à distração osteogênica por falha óssea em hospital universitário. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, retrospectivo, com amostra de conveniência, de 2000 a 2012, das características clínicas de pacientes tratados e submetidos à distração osteogênica (transporte ósseo) com uso de fixador externo circular tipo Ilizarov. Foram usados os testes de qui-quadrado, exato de Fisher e U de Mann-Whitney, com nível de significância de 5% (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: Foram 33 casos, 28 homens (84,8%). A idade mais frequente foi entre 21 e 40 anos. A maioria dos pacientes (57,6%) era da região metropolitana. O segmento mais afetado foi a perna (75,8%) e o lado foi o esquerdo (66,7%). A causa mais frequente foi a pseudoartrose infectada (75,8%). O tipo de transporte ósseo feito foi principalmente o bifocal (75,8% dos casos). A média de procedimentos prévios em outra instituição foi de 2,62 cirurgias (desvio padrão de 1,93) e a dos feitos após o início do tratamento foi de 1,89 cirurgia (desvio padrão de 1,29). O tempo de uso de fixador externo foi de 1,94 ano (desvio padrão de 1,34), com mínimo de um ano e máximo de seis. As quatro complicações mais encontradas foram infecção de base de pinos (57,6% dos casos), equino (30,3%), infecção profunda (24,2%) e encurtamento (21,2%). CONCLUSÃO: A necessidade de distração osteogênica por falhas ósseas foi mais frequente em adultos jovens, homens, na perna, com transporte bifocal, após múltiplas cirurgias prévias, com média de aproximadamente dois anos de tratamento e com várias complicações (as infecções foram as principais).
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Ilizarov Technique , Osteogenesis, Distraction , PseudarthrosisABSTRACT
<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To observe the incidence, causes and deviation angle of axial offset in patients with fracture ununited treated by Ilizarov bone transport technology.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>From January 2007 to December 2012, 10 patients with fracture ununited were treated by Ilizarov bone transport including 8 males and 2 females with an average age of (30.3 ± 10.6) years old ranging from 18 to 49 years old. The segment of bone defect involved upper tibial in 2 cases, medial tibia in 2 cases, lower tibial in 5 cases, upper femoral in 1 case. For Paley type of bone defect, 6 cases were type B1, 4 cases were B3. The incidence and deviation angle of axial offset after Ilizarov bone transport technology were observed and evaluated on bone result by Paley assessment.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>All patients were followed up from 19 to 32 months with an average of (22.0 ± 5.6) months. Three cases were natural healed at fracture ends, the other 7 cases were healed after bone graft. The time of external fixator was 16 to 28 months. At the last follow-up, there were 3 cases occurred coronal angulation of angle 5° to 11° with an average of (8.7 ± 3.2). Sagittal angulation was in 4 cases, angle 6° to 9° with an average of (8.5 ± 2.1)°. There were 4 cases occurred axial offset. In the last follow-up, according to Paley evaluation criteria, osseous results were excellent in 7 cases, good in 3 cases; functional results were excellent in 6 cases, good in 4 cases.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Axial deviation after the Ilizarov bone transport treatment is relatively common, which will result in delayed healing of bone and poor limb alignment. In order to improve the bone healing, corresponding measurements should be taken to avoid or reduce the incidence of axial deviation during and after the operation.</p>
Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Fracture Healing , Fractures, Ununited , General Surgery , Ilizarov TechniqueABSTRACT
Introduction: Plusieurs techniques permettent de traiter les pseudarthroses des os longs. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer les résultats préliminaires du traitement de ces lésions avec la méthode d'Ilizarov. Matériels et méthodes: Dans cette étude prospective réalisée entre janvier 2007 et juin 2013, 11 patients avec un âge moyen de26ansontétéopérésselon laméthoded'Ilizarov. Ils'agissaitdeneuf pseudarthroses post-traumatiques et deux pseudarthroses congénitales. La pseudarthrose siégeait au tibia (n=9), à l'humérus (n=1), et au fémur (n=1). Les modalités thérapeutiques étaient une compression pure sans abord du foyer (n=8), une compression après abord du foyer pour ablation de matériel d'ostéosynthèse et débridement (n=2) et une compression-distraction bifocale ou technique de « l'ascenseur »( n=1). Les résultats ont été analysés avec un recul moyen de 2,5 ans selon les critères anatomiques et fonctionnels de l'ASAMI. Résultats: La consolidation osseuse était obtenue chez 10 patients qui ont tous repris leur activité. Les résultats anatomiques étaient excellents (n=5), bons (n=4), moyen (n=1), et mauvais (échec) (n=1). Les résultats fonctionnels étaient excellents (n=3),bons(n=5), moyens(n=2) et mauvais (n=1). Conclusion: Dans cette étude préliminaire portant sur 11 cas de pseudarthroses des os longs traitées par la méthode d'Ilizarov la consolidation osseuse a été obtenue chez 10 patients qui ont tous repris leur activité. Cette technique est contraignante pour le chirurgien et le malade, mais constitue une alternative fiable pour le traitement des pseudarthroses