Introdução:Em busca da estética e da função mastigatória,é cada vez mais crescente aprocurapor reabilitações implantossuportadas. O guia multifuncional surgepara orientar a disponibilidade óssea e contribuir no planejamento da instalação tridimensional dos implantes, seguindo os princípios do planejamento reverso.Objetivo:Descrever, por meio de um caso clínico, a possibilidade de obtenção de resultados de excelente previsibilidade em coroas unitárias implantossuportadas, por meio do uso de guias multifuncionais, no planejamento do início ao fim de tratamento.Relato decaso:Paciente A.M.F, 44 anos, sexo feminino, compareceu à clínica de Prótese dentária do Departamento de Odontologia/UFRN com queixa de insatisfação da sua prótese removível e harmonia do sorriso. Ao exame clínico e radiográfico, observou-se ausência do elemento 12, apresentando um espaço interoclusal de 5mm e distância médio-distal de 7mm. Foi confeccionado o guia em resina acrílica, o qual foi preenchido o espaço desdentado com um dente de estoque. Em seguida, o dente deste guia teve seu centro perfurado com uma broca esférica para peça reta na região de cíngulo e com isso, preenchida com guta percha em bastão. Após isso, o paciente foi encaminhado para realizar uma tomografia computadorizada cone beam com o guia multifuncional em posição.As imagens obtidas permitiram o planejamento para instalação do implante, como inclinação e posicionamento favorável, bem como ausência de disponibilidade óssea na região. Além disso, o guia funcionou em outras etapas do tratamento da paciente, como na fase provisória.Conclusão:Os guias auxiliam em diversas fases do tratamento e permitem maior previsibilidade dos resultados em reabilitações protéticas unitárias implantossuportadas, apresentando-se como um dispositivo promissorpara ocorreto posicionamento do implante (AU).
Introduction:In search of esthetics and improved masticatory function, the demand for implant-supported rehabilitation is increasing. Multifunctional guides emerge to assess bone availability and help plan the three-dimensional installation of implants, following the principles of reverse planning. Objective:To describe, through a clinical case, the possibility of obtaining excellent predictability in implant-supported single crowns, through the use of multifunctional guides, inthe planning of a treatment from beginning to end. Case report:Patient A.M.F, 44 years old, female, came to the Prosthodontics clinic at the Department of Dentistry/UFRN complaining of dissatisfaction with her removable prosthesis and the harmony of her smile. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed the absence of element 12, with an interocclusal space of 5mm and a mid-distal distance of 7mm. The acrylic resin guide was made and the edentulous space was filled with a stock tooth. The center of theguide tooth was then drilled with a spherical straight-bit burr in the cingulum region and filled with gutta-percha stick. The patient was then referred for a cone beam computed tomography with the multifunctional guide in position. The images obtained allowed planning for implant installation, such as favorable inclination and positioning, as well as the absence of bone availability in the region. In addition, the guide was effective during other stages of the patient's treatment, such as the provisional phase.Conclusion:The guides assist in various phases of treatment and allow greater predictability of results in implant-supported single prosthetic rehabilitations, presenting themselves as a promising device for correct implant positioning (AU).
Introducción:En busca de estética y función masticatoria, la demanda de rehabilitaciones implantosoportadas es cada vez mayor. La guía multifuncional hasurgido para orientar la disponibilidad ósea y ayudar a planificar la instalación tridimensional de implantes, siguiendo los principios de la planificación inversa. Objetivo: Describir, a través de un caso clínico, la posibilidad de obtener una excelente predictibilidad en coronas unitarias implantosoportadas, mediante el uso de guías multifuncionales, en la planificación desde el início hasta el final del tratamiento. Informe de caso: Paciente A.M.F, 44 años, sexo femenino, compareció a la clínica de Prostodoncia del Departamento de Odontología/UFRN quejándose estar insatisfecha con su prótesis removible y con la armonía de su sonrisa. El examen clínico y radiográfico reveló la ausencia del elemento 12, con un espacio interoclusal de 5 mm y una distancia medio-distal de 7 mm. Se confeccionó una guía de resina acrílica y se rellenó el espacio edéntulo con un diente provisorio. A continuación, se perforó el centro del diente guía con una broca recta esférica en la región del cíngulo y se le rellenó con gutapercha en barra. Posteriormente, el paciente fue remitido a una tomografía computarizada cone beamcon la guía multifuncional en posición. Las imágenes obtenidas permitieron planificar la instalación del implante, como inclinación y posicionamiento favorables, así como la ausencia de disponibilidad ósea en la región. La guía también funcionó en otras fases del tratamiento del paciente, como en la fase provisional. Conclusión:Las guías ayudan en varias fases del tratamiento y permiten una mayor previsibilidadde los resultados en rehabilitaciones protésicas unitarias implantosoportadas, presentándose como un dispositivo prometedor para el correcto posicionamiento de los implantes (AU).
Humans , Female , Adult , Dental Implants , Esthetics, Dental , Mastication/physiology , Mouth Rehabilitation , Dental Prosthesis Design , Immediate Dental Implant LoadingABSTRACT
A cirurgia guiada estática se caracteriza por utilizar de um guia cirúrgico que tem como objetivo reproduzir a posição virtual ideal do implante, por meio de sítios criados para a inserção de uma série de brocas de acordo com a trajetória pré estabelecida pelo planejamento digital. Realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre cirurgia guiada estática em implantodontia, demonstrando sua importância, vantagens, desvantagens, limitações e complicações em comparação com técnica convencional. Tratou-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura de natureza exploratória, realizada durante o período de agosto de 2021 e maio de 2022, a partir das produções científicas indexadas na base eletrônica da PubMed. Um total de 13 estudos foram incluídos após a seleção e suas evidências foram reunidas para esclarecer os objetos propostos. Os estudos demostraram que uma das principais vantagens da técnica guiada estática é a precisão em relação a técnica convencional e melhor pós operatório de dor relatado pelos pacientes. Não se pode confiar totalmente no processo de produção dos guias, devido o fator experiencia está associado, além que o custo e tempo dessa produção são elevados. Como complicação e limitação os estudos citam possibilidades de ocorrer mínimo acesso ao sítio cirúrgico e fratura do guia. A cirurgia guiada é uma excelente alternativa, as vantagens mais citadas são em relação a precisão, redução da dor, no entanto há fatores negativos como custo, a impossibilidade de mudança no transoperatório e possíveis erros de fabricação. Existem ainda limitações como fratura da guia e baixo acesso ao sítio cirúrgico.
Static guided surgery is characterized by using a surgical guide that aims to reproduce the ideal virtual position of the implant, through sites created for the insertion of a series of drills according to the trajectory pre-established by digital planning. Perform an integrative review of the literature on static guided surgery in implantodontia, demonstrating its importance, advantages, disadvantages, limitations and complications compared to conventional technique. This was an integrative review of the exploratory literature, carried out during the period of August 2021 and May 2022, from the scientific productions indexed in pubmed's electronic database. A total of 13 studies were included after selection and their evidence was gathered to clarify the proposed objects. Studies have shown that one of the main advantages of the static guided technique is accuracy in relation to the conventional technique and better postoperative pain reported by patients. One cannot fully trust the production process of the guides, due to the experience factor is associated, and the cost and time of this production are high. As a complication and limitation, studies mention possibilities of minimal access to the surgical site and fracture of the guide. Guided surgery is an excellent alternative, the most cited advantages are in relation to accuracy, pain reduction, however there are negative factors such as cost, the impossibility of change in the transoperative period and possible manufacturing errors. There are also limitations such as fracture of the guide and low access to the surgical site.
Surgery, Computer-Assisted , Immediate Dental Implant LoadingABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#This study aimed to evaluate the long-term clinical efficacy of simple taper retentive implants in the posterior dental area after immediate implantation for 5-7 years.@*METHODS@#Selected from January 2015 to December 2017 in the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University dental clinic line tooth area immediately after the implant prosthesis, a total of 38 patients, 53 implants, were deep into (bone under 2 mm or higher) and the upper structure was repaired. In addition, after the completion of tracking observation of 60-90 months, the implant surrounding bone health was recorded and analyzed.@*RESULTS@#After 5-7 years of follow-up, 1 of the 53 implants failed to fall out, and the implant retention rate was 98.1%. The amount of bone resorption in the proximal and distal margins 5-7 years after implant restoration was (0.16±0.94) mm and (-0.01±1.29) mm, respectively, and the difference in bone height between the proximal and distal margins of the implant and the immediate post-restoration period was not statistically significant (P>0.05). No statistically significant differences were found in the effects of periodontitis, implant site inflammation, and smoking on peri-implant marginal bone resorption (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The single taper-retained implant broadens the indications for immediate implant placement in the posterior region, and its deep sub-osseous placement (≥2 mm below the bone) avoids to a certain extent the disturbance of the implant by external stimuli and the exposure of the cervical abutment of the implant, with the good long-term stability of the marginal bone around the implant.
Humans , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Dental Implants , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Follow-Up Studies , Dental Implants, Single-Tooth , Alveolar Bone Loss/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Dental Restoration FailureABSTRACT
Objective: To compare accuracy of selective laser sintered computer guided stents versus digital light processing stents in immediate implant placement in esthetic zone. Material and Methods: The patients were selected according to the eligibility criterias. The selected patients were randomly allocated to either digital light processing stents (test group) or selective laser sintered computer guided stents (control group). Proper examination and diagnostic records were done for each patient followed by triple scan protocol with cone beam computer tomography (CBCT). Planning and construction of tooth supported computer guided surgical stent was done by either digital light processing technique for test group or selective laser sintering for control group. Twenty implants were inserted following computer guided implant placement protocol. After post-operative CBCT pre and post images were merged using blue sky bio software. Linear and angular deviations between planned implant and actual implant positions were measured. Results: Tests were considered statistically significant if the p- value was less than 0.05. Difference in means were calculated for the analysis of continuous variables with corresponding 95% confidence intervals. There was no statistical difference between selective laser sintering and digital light processing groups in all measured terms. Conclusion : Within the limitations of this study, both techniques can be used for immediate implant placement with clinically satisfactory results decreasing the positional errors associated with immediate implant placement. (AU)
Objetivo: Comparar a acurácia de stents sinterizados por laser seletivo guiados por computador versus stents de processamento de luz digital na colocação imediata de implantes em região estética. Material e Métodos: Os pacientes foram selecionados de acordo com os critérios de elegibilidade. Os pacientes selecionados foram distribuídos aleatoriamente nos seguintes grupos: stents de processamento de luz digital (grupo experimental) ou stents sinterizados por laser seletivo guiados por computador (grupo controle). Os registros dos exames adequados e diagnósticos foram realizados para cada paciente seguido por um protocolo de varredura tripla com tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC).O planejamento e a construção do Stent cirúrgico guiado por computador com suporte dentário foram feitos pela técnica de processamento de luz digital para o grupo experimental ou sinterização a laser seletivo para o grupo controle. Vinte implantes foram inseridos seguindo o protocolo de colocação de implante guiado por computador. Após a TCFC pós-operatória, as imagens pré e pós foram mescladas usando o software blue sky bio. Foram medidos os desvios lineares e angulares entre o implante planejado e as posições reais do implante. Resultados: Os testes foram considerados estatisticamente significativos se o valor de p fosse menor que 0,05. A diferença nas médias foi calculada para a análise das variáveis contínuas com intervalos de confiança de 95%. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos de sinterização a laser seletivo e processamento digital de luz em todos as variáveis mensuradas. Conclusão: Dentro das limitações deste estudo, ambas as técnicas podem ser utilizadas para colocação imediata de implantes com resultados clinicamente satisfatórios diminuindo os erros posicionais associados colocação imediata de implantes. (AU)
Computer-Aided Design , Surgery, Computer-Assisted , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Drug-Eluting Stents , Immediate Dental Implant LoadingABSTRACT
Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the number of publications in the field of periodontology and implantology in Turkey. Material and Methods: A sensitive search strategy was developed to identify relevant articles, focusing on the periodontology and implantology research fields published two years before and after the declaration of the pandemic (March 2020). The search was performed through Web of Science, Medline, SCOPUS and CENTRAL databases. A three-stage screening (titles, abstract, full-text) was carried out in duplicate and independently by two reviewers. Results: A total of 382 studies were identified before the pandemic and 307 studies during the pandemic. While there was a downward trend in the number of observational studies (185 vs 168), the number of clinical trials (CCT/RCT) slightly increased compared to the pre-pandemic period (72 vs 74). Conclusion: Limited to the selected period of time (two years) and field, publication rate on periodontology and implantology in Turkey was decreased during the pandemic. Although the present research highlights current trends, large-scale investigations are needed to probe consequences of COVID-19 pandemic on research activities in the long-run (AU).
Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 no número de publicações na área de periodontia e implantodontia na Turquia. Material e Métodos:Foi desenvolvida uma estratégia de busca sensível para identificar artigos relevantes, com foco nas áreas de pesquisa em periodontia e implantodontia publicados dois anos antes e depois da declaração da pandemia (março de 2020). A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados Web of Science, Medline, SCOPUS e CENTRAL. Uma triagem de três etapas (títulos, resumo, texto completo) foi realizada em duplicata e de forma independente por dois revisores. Resultados: Foram identificados 382 estudos antes da pandemia e 307 estudos durante a pandemia. Embora tenha havido uma tendência de queda no número de estudos observacionais (185 vs 168), o número de ensaios clínicos (CCT/RCT) aumentou ligeiramente em comparação com o período pré-pandêmico (72 vs 74). Conclusão: Limitada ao período de tempo selecionado (dois anos) e área, a taxa de publicação em periodontia e implantodontia na Turquia diminuiu durante a pandemia. Embora a presente pesquisa destaque as tendências atuais, são necessárias investigações em larga escala para investigar as consequências da pandemia de COVID-19 nas atividades de pesquisa a longo prazo.(AU)
Periodontics , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19ABSTRACT
Los implantes extra-cortos son cada vez más utili-zados en la práctica clínica diaria. La utilización de estos implantes con carga inmediata supone un reto añadido. Clásicamente se ha postulado que la carga inmediata debe realizarse después de 24 horas de la cirugía. En la siguiente serie de casos analizamos diferentes tiempos a la hora de realizar la carga in-mediata y su posible repercusión. Fueron recolec-tados de forma retrospectiva datos sobre casos de implantes extra-cortos (5,5 y 6,5 mm) en los que fue realizada una carga inmediata en sectores poste-riores. El implante fue la unidad de análisis para la estadística descriptiva en cuanto a la localización, dimensiones del implante, y mediciones radiográ-ficas. El paciente fue la unidad de medida para el análisis de la edad, sexo y la historia clínica. La prin-cipal variable estudiada fue la supervivencia de los implantes extra-cortos con carga inmediata en tres períodos de tiempo determinados: 24 hs, 48 hs y 7 días y como variables secundarias se han estudiado, la estabilidad del hueso crestal en general y en los tres períodos de carga anteriormente mencionados, las complicaciones protésicas y la supervivencia de las prótesis. Fueron reclutados 74 pacientes en los que se insertaron 146 implantes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Todos los implantes fueron cargados mediante carga inmediata en tres perío-dos determinados de tiempo: 24 hs (40 implantes), 48 hs (42 implantes) y 7 días (42 implantes). Todos los implantes fueron ferulizados a otros implantes ge-nerándose puentes de dos o más unidades, con di-ferente longitud. En el grupo de implantes con carga inmediata en 24 hs la media de la pérdida ósea distal de todos los implantes fue de 0,21 mm (+/-0,84) y la media de la pérdida ósea mesial en este grupo fue de 0,33 mm (+/- 0,53). En el grupo de carga inmediata en 48 hs, la media de la pérdida ósea distal de todos los implantes fue de 0,20 mm (+/- 0,82) y la media de la pérdida ósea mesial fue de 0,22 mm (+/- 0,81). En el grupo de carga de 7 días, la pérdida ósea me-sial del grupo fue de 0,28 mm (+/- 0,51) y la media de la pérdida ósea distal fue de 0,17 mm (+/- 0,81). Cuando comparamos las medias de pérdida ósea me-sial y distal entre los tres grupos, no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (mesial p=0,062, distal p=0,067). En conclusión, no se obser-varon diferencias significativas en la pérdida ósea crestal ni en la supervivencia de los implantes cortos entre los 3 tiempos estudiados de aplicación de car-ga inmediata. Por ello, utilizar cualquiera de los tres protocolos puede ser adecuado, mientras se realice un correcto análisis de la situación clínica de cada paciente (AU)
Extra-short implants are increasingly used in daily clinical practice. The use of these implants with immediate loading poses an added challenge. Classically it has been postulated that immediate loading should be performed 24 hrs after surgery. In the following case series, we analyze different times of immediate loading and their possible repercussions. We retrospectively collected data on cases of extra-short implants (5.5 and 6.5 mm) in which immediate loading was performed in posterior sectors. The implant was the unit of analysis for descriptive statistics in terms of location, implant dimensions, and radiographic measurements. The patient was the unit of measurement for the analysis of age, sex and medical history. The main variable studied was the survival of immediately loaded extra-short implants in three specific time periods: 24 hrs, 48 hrs and 7 days. Secondary variables studied were crestal bone stability in general and in the three loading periods mentioned above, prosthetic complications and prosthesis survival. Seventy-four patients were recruited and 146 implants that met the inclusion criteria were inserted. All implants were loaded by immediate loading in three specific time periods: 24 hrs (40 implants), 48 hrs (42 implants) and 7 days (42 implants). All implants were splinted to other implants generating bridges of two or more units, with different lengths. In the 24-hr immediate loading group the mean distal bone loss of all implants was 0.21 mm (+/- 0.84) and the mean mesial bone loss in this group was 0.33 mm (+/- 0.53). In the 48-hr immediate loading group, the mean distal bone loss for all implants was 0.20 mm (+/- 0.82) and the mean mesial bone loss was 0,22 mm (+/- 0,81). In the 7-day loading group, the mesial bone loss of the group was 0.28 mm (+/- 0.51) and the mean distal bone loss was 0.17 mm (+/- 0.81). When we compared the mean mesial and distal bone loss between the three groups there were no statistically significant differences (mesial p=0.062, distal p=0.067). In conclusion, no significant differences were observed in crestal bone loss or in the survival of short implants between the 3 immediate load application times studied. Therefore, using any of the three protocols can be appropriate, as long as a correct analysis of the clinical situation of each patient is performed (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Alveolar Bone Loss/therapy , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Immediate Dental Implant Loading/methods , Time Factors , Survival Rate , Retrospective Studies , Data Interpretation, StatisticalABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin on bone density and implant stability in immediately loaded- implant-assisted mandibular overdentures (Split-mouth study). Material and Methods: Ten completely edentulous patients received two implants in the mandibular canine region and locator attachments were used to retain immediately loaded- implant mandibular overdentures. Each patient served in two Groups, one Group for each side. One side of the mandible received an implant with topical application of Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin in the implant osteotomy site (Group I) and the other site received an implant without application of Advanced platelet-rich fibrin (Group II). Each patient was examined clinically for implant stability using Osstell Mentor device and radiographically by ultra-low dose CT scan to measure bone density around the implant at baseline, three, six months, and one year. Results: There were no statistically significant differences (P>.05) in bone density and implant stability among the studied Groups during one year follow-up period. Conclusion : Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin has no effect on bone density and implant stability in immediately loaded implant-assisted mandibular overdenture.(AU)
RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é determinar o efeito da Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas Avançada na densidade óssea e estabilidade dos implantes em Overdentures mandibulares com carga imediata (estudo de boca dividida). Material e Métodos: Dez pacientes edêntulos foram submetidos à instalação de dois implantes mandibulares na região dos caninos e pilares locator foram utilizados como sistema de retenção para as overdentures mandibulares com carga imediata. Cada paciente participou nos dois grupos, sendo um grupo para cada lado. Um lado da mandíbula recebeu implante com aplicação tópica de Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas Avançada no local do sítio cirúrgico do implante (Grupo I) e o outro local recebeu implante sem aplicação de Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas Avançada (Grupo II). Cada paciente foi examinado clinicamente quanto à estabilidade do implante usando o dispositivo Osstell Mentor e radiograficamente por tomografia computadorizada de ultrabaixa dose para medir a densidade óssea ao redor do implante no início do estudo, três, seis meses e um ano. Resultados: Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas (P>0,05) na densidade óssea e na estabilidade do implante entre os grupos estudados durante o período de acompanhamento de um ano. Conclusão: A Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas Avançada não tem efeito na densidade óssea e na estabilidade de implantes em Overdentures mandibulares com carga imediata (AU)
Humans , Middle Aged , Bone Density/drug effects , Denture, Overlay , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Mandibular Osteotomy , Platelet-Rich Fibrin/chemistry , Radiography , Double-Blind Method , Cuspid/surgery , Mandible/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Background: Tooth extraction socket in the aesthetic area is a major indication for immediate implant placement greatly improving patient satisfaction and preserving the alveolar ridge. However, the effect of non-axial force on the peri-implant bone with subsequent early implant failure remains unclear. Objective:Evaluate the prognosis of tilted implants immediately placed and restored with angled abutments in comparison to straight implants restored with straight abutments in the esthetic area (anterior or premolars) using computer-aided surgical guides. Material and methods: Badly decayed non-restorable teeth in the aesthetic zone (anterior or premolars) were extracted atraumatically. Immediately after guided implant insertion, the abutments were adjusted and placed according to the allocation group (0, 15, or 25-degree angle) then a temporary crown was performed out of occlusion in centric and eccentric relation. Early implant failure was assessed at three and six months. Results:There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (P=0.305). Straight and angled abutment groups showed 6 (14.3%) and 8 (20%) failed cases, respectively. The post-hoc subgroup analysis showed no statistically significant difference between angle 15 and angle 25 degree groups where (P=0.686) or between Anterior and Premolar groups (P=0.853). Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference in the failure rate when comparing angled to straight immediately placed & restored implants. This applies to both anterior and premolar implants
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Prognosis , Tooth Extraction , Weight-Bearing , Dental Restoration Failure , Dental Implantation , Immediate Dental Implant LoadingABSTRACT
Este estudo objetivou identificar os fatores que influenciam na decisão de substituir uma prótese total convencional mandibular pelo tratamento com implantes dentários, assim como avaliar a satisfação, qualidade de vida e performance mastigatória (PM) após reabilitação com sobredentaduras com implante único (SIU) em pacientes adaptados e não-adaptados a prótese total convencional (PT) mandibular. Inicialmente, foi realizado um estudo transversal com 117 usuários de PTs bimaxilares, avaliados quanto aos desfechos relacionados à prótese (número de PTs mandibulares usadas previamente, tempo de uso e profissional que confeccionou a prótese atual, e quanto ao uso regular ou não da prótese mandibular) e aspectos centrados no paciente (período de edentulismo mandibular, altura óssea mandibular e interesse do paciente em se submeter a terapia com implantes). Do total da amostra, 78 pacientes manifestaram interesse na terapia implantossuportada, e desses apenas 22 foram selecionados e reabilitados com novas PTs bimaxilares. Após critérios de elegibilidade, foram alocados após pareamento em 2 grupos: adaptados à prótese mandibular (Grupo PTA - "adaptados à PT mandibular", n:10) e não adaptados (Grupo PTN - "não adaptados à PT mandibular", n:12). Em cada paciente, foi instalado um único implante na linha média e após o período de osseointegração as próteses mandibulares foram convertidas em sobredentaduras. O desempenho mastigatório foi avaliado pelo método das tamises, a altura óssea mandibular por medição em radiografia panorâmica, satisfação por escala quantitativa com questionário validado e o impacto da saúde oral na qualidade de vida pelo questionário OHIP-Edent-19. O teste Qui-quadrado foi utilizado para análise dos dados e as razões de prevalência ajustadas por meio da regressão multivariada de Poisson no primeiro estudo; para o segundo, a análise estatística em cada grupo e entre grupos foi baseada nos testes não-paramétricos de Wilcoxon e Mann-Whitney. O intervalo de confiança para os testes foi de 95%. A amostra foi predominantemente do sexo feminino, com 66,7% (n=78) dos participantes interessados em PT mandibular implantossuportada e com idade média de 65,68±6,38 anos. A PM não influenciou a escolha pela reabilitação com implantes. A preferência pela PT implantossuportada mandibular foi associada significativamente com maior experiência prévia com PT mandibular (p=0,021) e à insatisfação quanto à retenção (p=0,005). Após a intervenção com implante, todos os pacientes não adaptados passaram a condição de adaptados. Não houve diferença entre PTA e PTN para OHIP-Edent (p=0,276) e PM (p=0,222), a satisfação foi significativa apenas para o critério "conforto em arco inferior" (p=0,043). Para comparações pré e pós-tratamento com sobredentadura, a mediana do OHIP-Edent total diminuiu significativamente em ambos os grupos. Na comparação intragrupo, essa redução foi significativa em PTA apenas para a "limitação funcional" (p=0,026), e em PTN em quase todos os domínios, exceto "disfunção social" e "incapacidade" (p>0,05). Houve aumento estatisticamente significativo para a satisfação geral de 75,41 para 90,25 (p=0,012) em PTN e de 76,10 para 90,50 (p=0,007) em PTA. Os parâmetros "mastigação", "adaptação", "retenção" e "conforto" em arco inferior foram diferentes com significância em ambos os grupos, e "gustação", "fonação" e "dor" em arco inferior foram significativos apenas para o grupo não adaptado (p<0,05). Houve diferença significativa para PM em PTN (p=0,002) e PTA (p=0,047) ao se comparar tipo de reabilitação. Não houve correlação entre PM e OHIP antes e após a reabilitação (p>0,05). Pode-se concluir que a experiência prévia com PT mandibulares convencionais e a insatisfação com a retenção dessas, influenciam o interesse pela reabilitação com sobredentadura implantossuportada mandibular, assim como, a reabilitação com sobredentadura sobre implante único apresenta-se como alternativa aos pacientes não adaptados a PT convencional mandibular, auxiliando na aceitação do uso da prótese mandibular, assim como, comprovando efeito positivo na satisfação, qualidade de vida e performance mastigatória (AU).
This study aimed to identify the factors that influence the decision to replace a conventional mandibular complete denture by treatment with dental implants, as well as to evaluate satisfaction, quality of life and masticatory performance (MP) after rehabilitation with overdentures with a single implant in patients adapted and not adapted to conventional mandibular complete denture (CD). Initially, a cross-sectional study was carried out with 117 users of bimaxillaries CDs, who were evaluated for outcomes related to the denture (number of previous mandibular CDs, time of use and professional who made the current denture, and regarding regular use of the mandibular denture) and aspects centered patients (period of mandibular edentulism, mandibular bone height and the patient's willingness to undergo implant therapy). From the total sample, 78 patients expressed interest in implant-supported therapy, and of these, only 22 were selected and rehabilitated with new bimaxillary CDs. After eligibility criteria, they were allocated after pairing into 2 groups: adapted to mandibular prosthesis (PTA Group - "adapted to mandibular CD", n:10) and non-adapted (PTN Group - " not adapted to mandibular CD", n:12). In each patient, a single implant was installed in the midline and after the osseointegration period, the mandibular prostheses were converted into overdentures. Masticatory performance was evaluated by the sieve method, mandibular bone height by paranoid radiographic measurement, satisfaction by quantitative scale with a validated questionnaire and the impact of oral health on quality of life by the OHIP-Edent-19 questionnaire. The chi-square test was used for data analysis and the prevalence ratios adjusted by means of multivariate Poisson regression in the first study; on the second, the statistical analysis in each group and between groups was based on the non-parametric-Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests. The confidence interval for the tests was 95%. The sample was composed predominantly by women, with 66.7% (n=78) of the participants interested in implantsupported mandibular CD, with mean age 65.68±6.38 years. MP was not influenced by the choice by dental implants rehabilitation. Preference for mandibular implant-supported CD was significantly associated with longer previous experience in mandibular CD (p=0.021) and with dissatisfaction regarding retention (p=0.005). After the implant intervention, all non-adapted patients became adapted. There was no difference between PTA and PTN for OHIP-Edent (p=0.276) and MP (p=0.222), satisfaction was significant only for the criteria "comfort in the lower arch" (p=0.043). For pre- and post-treatment comparisons with overdentures, the median total OHIP-Edent decreased significantly in both groups. In the intragroup comparison, this reduction was significant in PTA only for "functional limitation" (p=0.026), and in PTN in almost all domains, except "social dysfunction" and "disability" (p>0.05). There was a statistically significant increase in overall satisfaction from 75.41 to 90.25 (p=0.012) in PTN and from 76.10 to 90.50 (p=0.007) in PTA. The parameters "chewing", "adaptation", "retention" and "comfort" in the lower arch were significantly different in both groups, and "gustation", "phonation" and "pain" in the lower arch were significant only for the group not adapted (p<0.05). There was a significant difference for MP in PTN (p=0.002) and PTA (p=0.047) when comparing the type of rehabilitation. There was no correlation between MP and OHIP before and after rehabilitation (p>0.05). It can be concluded that the previous experience with conventional mandibular CD and the dissatisfaction with the retention of these, influence the rehabilitation with mandibular implant-supported overdenture, as well as the rehabilitation with overdenture on single implant presents itself as an alternative for patients not adapted to mandibular conventional CD, helping to accept the use of mandibular prosthesis, as well as proving a positive effect on satisfaction, quality of life and masticatory performance (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Quality of Life , Denture, Complete , Mastication , Mouth Rehabilitation , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Patient Satisfaction , Statistics, Nonparametric , Mandibular Prosthesis Implantation , Dental Implantation , Immediate Dental Implant LoadingABSTRACT
Próteses totais imediatas e overdentures mandibulares em carga imediata, são boas alternativas para restaurar a função e a estética. Além disso, proporcionam um fator psicológico positivo, eliminando as consequências emocionais e sociais da perda dos dentes. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar um caso clínico, com cinco anos de acompanhamento, utilizando parâmetros clínicos e ferramentas qualitativas, para analisar o impacto na qualidade de vida do paciente e no sucesso do tratamento. Este caso clínico foi desenvolvido em um projeto assistencial da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil, que promove a reabilitação oral de pacientes de baixa renda com dentes severamente comprometidos. Paciente do sexo masculino, 57 anos, apresentou-se para tratamento com condição severa de saúde dental e periodontal. O plano de tratamento proposto foi a extração dos dentes remanescentes e confecção de prótese total imediata maxilar e overdenture mandibular, em carga imediata, sobre implantes. O paciente foi acompanhado periodicamente, a cada seis meses, para substituição do o´rings, conforme recomendação do fabricante. Após 5 anos, as próteses foram reembasadas com resina acrílica termopolimerizável e os componentes protéticos da overdenture foram substituídos. Em um acompanhamento qualitativo, a equipe utilizou uma entrevista narrativa, com foco nos impactos do tratamento na qualidade de vida desse paciente. Ele confirmou, em um relato em primeira pessoa, sua satisfação com o tratamento realizado e a melhora nas relações sociais, afetivas e no trabalho, mostrando como a reconquista do sorriso pode transformar a experiência pessoal do indivíduo(AU)
Immediate complete dentures and mandibular immediately loaded overdentures are good alternatives to restore function and aesthetics. Moreover, they provide positive psychological factor, eliminating the emotional and social consequences of tooth loss. The aim of this study was to report a clinical case, with five years of follow-up using clinical parameters and qualitative tools, to analyze the impact on quality of life and the success of treatment. This clinical case was developed in an assistance project of the Dental School of Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil, which promotes oral rehabilitation of low-income patients with severely damaged dentitions. A 57-yearold male patient presented for treatment with a severe dental and periodontal health condition. The proposed treatment plan was extraction of the remaining teeth and making maxillary immediate complete denture and mandibular immediately loaded implant-supported overdenture. The patient was monitored periodically, every six months, to replace the polymer ring ball attachment, according to the manufacturer's recommendation. After 5 years, the prostheses were relining with heat-polymerized acrylic resin and overdenture prosthetic components were replaced. In a qualitative follow-up, the team used a narrative interview, focusing on the impacts of treatment in the quality of life of this patient. He confirms, in a firstperson account, his satisfaction with the treatment performed and improvements in social and affective relations and in the work, showing how the reconquest of the smile can transform the personal experience of the individual(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Dental Care , Denture, Complete, Immediate , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Quality of Life , Acrylic Resins , Oral Health , Denture, OverlayABSTRACT
Introdução: Intermediários protéticos de diferentes formas, materiais ou métodos de confecção utilizados em tratamento com coroas sobre implante podem gerar impacto sobre o resultado final da reabilitação. Objetivo: Avaliar a interferência de dois intermediáros protéticos: (1) pré-fabricados em titânio (GT) ou (2) personalizados em zircônia (GZ) sobre a satisfação e qualidade de vida dos pacientes reabilitados por meio de coroas livres de metal sobre implantes unitários instalados na região do sorriso. Material e métodos: Um ensaio clínico não randomizado-controlado e cego foi realizado. Todos os pacientes passaram por uma etapa de coroa provisória antes da instalação da coroa final. A satisfação foi avaliada por meio da escala visual analógica EVA e a qualidade de vida por meio do Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP) e do Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14). As avaliações aconteceram em três tempos, baseline (T0), sete dias após a instalação da coroa provisória (T1) e sete dias após a instalação da coroa final (T2). Os dados foram avaliados por meio do teste de Mann-Whitney, para as análises intergrupos, e do teste de Wilcoxon para as avaliações intragrupos. O teste de correlação de Spearman foi realizada para avaliação dos fatores que interferiram na estética final. Resultados: Vinte e quatro pacientes foram incluídos, a média de idade foi de 41,88 anos. Foram instalados 26 implantes, 14 no GT e 12 no GZ, a região anterior teve 20 implantes instalados e a região posterior teve 06 implantes. Houve uma melhora significativa da satisfação, independentemente do grupo, entre T0 e T1 (p=0,013) e entre T1 e T2 (p<0,001). Considerando a amostra como um todo, as dimensões do OHIP-14 foram influenciadas positivamente entre T0 e T1 (p<0,001) e T0 e T2 (p<0,001). E as performances do OIDP também melhoraram entre T0 e T1 (p=0,007), T1 e T2 (p=0,007) e T0 e T2 (p<0,001). Conclusão: Os diferentes intermediários protéticos testados nesta pesquisa parecem não interferir nas variáveis estudadas e a instalação de coroa livre de metal sobre implante parece desempenhar um papel importante na melhoria dos níveis de satisfação e qualidade de vida dos pacientes (AU).
Introduction: Prosthetic abutment of different shapes, materials or fabrication methods used in oral rehabilitation can play a role in the success of the rehabilitation. Objective: To evaluate the influence of two different abtments: (1) prefabricated titanium (GT) or (2) customized zirconia (GZ) in the quality of life, and patients' satisfaction wearing metal-free crowns on single implants placed in the smile region. Material and methods: A non-randomized-controlled-blinded clinical trial was performed. All patients received a temporary restoration before the final metal-free crown. The patient's satisfaction was assessed by a Visual Analog Scale (VAS), and quality of life by the Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP) and the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14). The follow-up was performed at baseline (T0), seven days after provisional crown placement (T1) and seven days after the final crown (T2). Data were assessed using the MannWhitney test for intergroup analyses, and the Wilcoxon test for intragroup assessments. The Spearman correlation test was performed to evaluate the factors that can influence the final esthetics. Results: Twenty-four patients were included; the mean age was 41.88 years. Twenty-six implants were placed, fourteen in GT and twelve in GZ. Twenty implants were placed in the anterior region and 06 in the posterior. A significant improvement was noticed in the patient's satisfaction, regardless of the group, between T0 and T1 (p=0.013) and T1 and T2 (p<0.001). Considering the whole sample, the dimensions of the OHIP14 were positively influenced between T0 and T1 (p<0.001) and T0 and T2 (p<0.001). The performances of the OIDP also improved between T0 and T1 (p=0.007) as well as between T1 and T2 (p=0.007) and between T0 and T2 (p<0.001). Conclusion: The prosthetic abutments tested in this study do not seem to play a role in the variables studied and the metal-free crown placement seems to play an important role in improving the levels of patient's satisfaction and quality of life (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Quality of Life , Patient Satisfaction , Dental Implants, Single-Tooth , Esthetics, Dental , Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Longitudinal Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Immediate Dental Implant LoadingABSTRACT
RESUMEN: La pérdida de un diente resulta en la pérdida de volumen de tejidos duros y blandos lo que dificulta lograr resultados estéticamente satisfactorios. Con el fin de disminuir la morbilidad que provoca un injerto autólogo en el sellado del alveolo se puede reemplazar por una matriz reabsorbible de colágeno. El presente reporte de caso evaluó clínica e histológicamente una matriz colágena de porcino, en la regeneración de tejido blando, durante la instalación de un implante inmediato a una extracción dentaria. A los 6 meses clínicamente se obtuvo un tejido con una apariencia estética final óptima e histológicamente se evidenció la formación de un tejido epitelial y conjuntivo compatible con la de una mucosa normal.
ABSTRACT: Tooth loss results in loss of hard and soft tissue volume, making it difficult to achieve aesthetically pleasing results. In order to decrease the morbidity caused by an autologous graft in the alveolus seal, it can be replaced by a resorbable matrix of collagen. The present case report evaluated clinically and histologically a porcine collagen matrix, in soft tissue regeneration, during the installation of an implant immediately after dental extraction. At 6 months, clinically, a tissue with an optimal final aesthetic appearance was obtained and histologically, the formation of an epithelial and connective tissue compatible with that of a normal mucosa was evidenced.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Guided Tissue Regeneration, Periodontal , Immediate Dental Implant LoadingABSTRACT
Objective: To study the clinical outcomes and feasibility of immediate implantation after flap surgery and minimally invasive extraction in the maxillary molar area and to provide a reference for it. Methods: Forty-one patients (41 molars in total) with maxillary molars that could not be preserved, treated from June 2018 to June 2020 at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, were selected. There are 24 males and 17 females with the age of (49.7±1.8) years (range 18-66 years). Pre-operative cone-beam CT (CBCT) was taken for measurement and analysis. After flap surgery and minimally invasive tooth extraction, the inflammatory granulation tissues attached to the soft and hard tissues were completely scraped and clipped, followed by the preparation of the implants in the correct three-dimensional position. Torque value and implant stability quotient (ISQ) were recorded after implant placement and with non-submerged healing. CBCT examination was taken 6 months after surgery and ISQ value was checked before crown restoration. CBCT examination was also taken 1 year after the permanent restoration. The survival rate of 6 months after surgery, the success rate of 1 year after permanent restoration, and the size of jump gaps immediately after surgery, 6 months after surgery, 1 year after permanent restoration respectively, were performed. The ISQ values were compared immediately and 6 months after surgery. Results: A total of 41 implants were placed in 41 patients. Six months after surgery, the survival rate was 100% (41/41). Twelve months after permanent restoration, the success rate of the implant restoration was 100% (41/41). The torque value after implant implantation was (42.77±0.79) N·cm. The buccal and palatal jump gaps were (3.15±0.16) mm and (2.86±0.18) mm immediately after surgery, respectively. The mesial and distal jump gaps were (2.94±0.19) mm and (3.77±0.21) mm, respectively. CBCT showed that no jump gap around the implants at 6 months after surgery and 1 year after permanent restoration. The ISQ values at immediately and 6 months after surgery were (74.78±0.59) and (80.20±0.49) respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (t=-9.03, P<0.001). Conclusions: Immediate dental implantation in the correct three-dimensional position could achieve good osseointegration by means of flap surgery, minimally invasive extraction and thorough removal of inflammatory tissue on the surface of soft and hard tissues. The clinical outcomes were satisfactory.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Dental Implants , Feasibility Studies , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Molar/surgeryABSTRACT
Objective: To evaluate the pink and white esthetics of conventional and socket shield technique (SST) immediate implant restoration. Methods: Thirty volunteers were recruited according to preset criteria, and were assigned to 3 groups. Natural teeth group (ten undergraduates or postgraduates from Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology in January 2020, n=10): all volunteers' maxillary anterior teeth were natural teeth with healthy gingiva, and none of the teeth were restored by crowns or composite. Conventional group and SST group (patients had a maxillary central incisor immediate implant placed in Department of Prosthodontics, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology during October 2016 to January 2021, n=10 for each group): the volunteer had an unrestored natural maxillary central incisor, and the contralateral maxillary central incisor was restored by conventional or SST immediate implant placement, temporization and all ceramic final restoration, photos were taken 12 months post-surgery. Three groups of evaluators namely layperson (staff from Second Clinical Division of Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology and 2 family members, n=10), dental students (class 2015 undergraduates from Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, n=10) and prosthodontists (from Department of Prosthodontics, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, n=10) were invited to assess the esthetics using pink esthetic score (PES) and white esthetic score (WES). The results were statistically analyzed. Results: PES and WES of natural teeth group [9(8, 10) and 8(7, 10)] were significantly higher than conventional group [7(6,8) and 7(6,9)] (H=287.08, 132.79,P<0.01) and SST group [7(6, 9) and 8(7, 9)] (H=216.01, 101.21, P<0.01). SST group yielded higher PES than the conventional group (H=-71.06, P<0.01), yet had similar WES (H=-31.57, P>0.05). Dental students had significant lower PES and WES than prosthodontists (H=-120.90, -218.86, P<0.01) and layperson (H=-109.55, 134.97, P<0.01). Prosthodontists and layperson got similar PES (H=-11.36, P>0.05), however yielded different WES (H=-83.89, P<0.01). Conclusions: SST immediate implant placement obtained better pink esthetics than conventional protocol 12-month after implant surgery, profession may have significant impact on evaluators during pink and white esthetic evaluation.
Humans , Crowns , Dental Implants , Dental Implants, Single-Tooth , Esthetics, Dental , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Maxilla/surgery , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Introduction: Primary stability is one of the goals of modern implant dentistry and if achieved, reduces treatment time for prosthetic rehabilitation and the number of interventions made in patients mouth. Several companies state as protocol for connical conection implants, a subcrestally positioning. Objective: This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the effect of placing a conical connection implant equicrestally and subcrestally on static and loading condition in two types of bone density. Material and method: A total of 200 bone cylinders were extracted from femur of pigs, standardized by means of x-rays and computerized microtomography scan (microCT) and separated in low and high density specimens. The implants were placed on the center of the bone cylinders and were evaluated before and after loading by means of microCT and histomorphometry. Result: The results showed that placing the evaluated implant subcrestally provided better primary stability and performance on static and loading situations on low and high density bone. Conclusion: Placing implant subcrestally improve primary stability outcomes under loading and static situations.
Introdução: A estabilidade primária é um dos objetivos da implantodontia moderna e, caso atingida, reduz o tempo de tratamento para a reabilitação protéticas e o número de intervenções realizadas. Diversas empresas preconizam a posição subcrestal no uso de implantes com conexão cônica interna. Objetivo: Este estudo in vitro avaliou o efeito do posicionamento de implantes de conexão conica interna sub e equicrestal sob condições estáticas e em função, considerando dois tipos de densidades ósseas. Material e método: um total de 200 espécimes de osso extraído do femur de suínos e padronizados por meio de radiografias e microtomografias computadorizadas foram separados em densidade alta e baixa. Implantes foram instalados no centro dos especimes e for a avaliados por meio de microCT e histomorfometria. Resultado: Os resultados demonstraram que a colocação de implante subcrestalmente promoveu melhor estabilidade primária e performance em todas as situações, irrespectivamente à densidade óssea. Conclusão: A colocação de implantes subcrestalmente melhora a estabilidade primária em todas as situações, sendo indicada quando da utilização de conexões cônicas internas.
In Vitro Techniques , Bone Density , Dental Implants , X-Ray Microtomography , Immediate Dental Implant LoadingABSTRACT
Maxillary sinus pneumatisation pose a grave clinical challenge for implant fixed rehabilitation in posterior maxilla owing to diminished bone volume. This necessitates sinus lift and grafting which increase the duration and cost and possible surgical complications. Pterygoid implant has a greater short term osseointegration and is a proven treatment method for rehabilitation of highly resorbed posterior maxilla. To overcome the limitations of sinus grafting techniques, the current case report describes the use of flapless, tilted and pterygoid implant for restoration of partially edentulous atrophic maxilla eliminating grafting (AU).
A pneumatização do seio maxilar representa um grande desafio clínico para a reabilitação fixa por implante na região posterior da maxila devido ao volume ósseo diminuído. Isso requer elevação do seio e enxerto, fatores que aumentam a duração, o custo e as possíveis complicações cirúrgicas. O implante pterigóide tem uma osseointegração maior em curto prazo e é um método de tratamento comprovado para reabilitação de maxila posterior altamente reabsorvida. Para superar as limitações das técnicas de enxerto de seio, o relato de caso atual descreve o uso de implante sem retalho, inclinado e pterigóide para restauração de maxila atrófica parcialmente edêntula eliminando o enxerto.(AU)
Humans , Middle Aged , Case Reports , Dental Implants , Jaw, Edentulous, Partially , Surgery, Computer-Assisted , Immediate Dental Implant LoadingABSTRACT
En la implantología actual, la confección de prótesis de carga inmediata se ha convertido en un procedi-miento de rutina. Contar con elementos pre-formados con un correcto ajuste al implante o transepitelial so-bre el que se trabaja, minimiza el tiempo de trabajo sin renunciar a la eficiencia. En el presente trabajo se muestran elementos preformados articulados para la realización de prótesis de carga inmediata y su forma de uso, así como un análisis biomecánico de las estructuras para conocer su repercusión en las distintas fuerzas recibidas durante la masticación. Resultados: Al aplicar la carga en la zona central de la barra (paralela a los implantes), la tensión máxima recibida en la zona correspondiente al extremo de la barra sufre variaciones importantes, desde 128 Mpa en la longitud de 13 mm hasta un máximo de 391 Mpa (megapascales) en la longitud de 5 mm, siendo la ten-sión máxima, media para todas las medidas, de 242 Mpa (+/-96,76). En el ensayo de las diferentes medi-das de la barra se observa también una tensión cre-ciente para longitudes de barra a partir de 7 mm, al aplicar la tensión en la zona media de la estructura, por lo que longitudes entre 5 y 7 mm pueden consi-derarse prácticamente con la misma distribución de tensiones hacia los extremos y en la zona de unión. En conclusión, las barras articuladas son un elemento de confección de prótesis provisionales de carga in-mediata de gran utilidad, que pueden confeccionarse de forma rápida y generan un comportamiento bio-mecánico predecible (AU)
In current implantology, the fabrication of immediately loaded prostheses has become a routine procedure. Being able to have pre-formed elements with a correct fit to the implant or transepithelial on which we are working minimizes working time without sacrificing efficiency. Material and methods: We show articulated preformed elements for immediate loading prostheses and how they are used, as well as a biomechanical analysis of the structures to determine their repercussion on the different forces received during mastication. Results: When the load is applied in the central area of the bar (parallel to the implants) the maximum stress received in the area corresponding to the end of the bar undergoes significant variations, from 128 Mpa in the 13 mm length to a maximum of 391 Mpa in the 5 mm length, the average maximum stress for all the measurements being 242 Mpa (+/-96.76). In the test of the different bar sizes we can also observe an increasing stress for bar lengths from 7 mm onwards when applying the stress in the middle zone of the structure, so that lengths between 5 and 7 mm can be considered to have practically the same stress distribution towards the ends and in the joint zone. Conclusions: Hinged bars are a very useful fabrication element for immediately loaded provisional prostheses, which can be fabricated quickly and generate a predictable biomechanical behavior (AU)
Biomechanical Phenomena , Dental Prosthesis Retention/methods , Dental Prosthesis Design , Immediate Dental Implant Loading/methods , Bite Force , Compressive Strength , Finite Element AnalysisABSTRACT
RESUMEN: Este informe clínico describe el tratamiento rehabilitador realizado a un paciente con fracturas horizontales de ambos incisivos centrales superiores, mediante la colocación de implantes inmediatos, utilizando una guía quirúrgica y la técnica Socket Shield. Después de un año de seguimiento, no se observan alteraciones clínicas de los tejidos duros y blandos, manteniéndose una alta estética. La cirugía guiada junto a la técnica Socket Shield es un enfoque de tratamiento prometedor para la rehabilitación con implantes de la zona anterior.
ABSTRACT: This clinical report describes the restorative treatment performed on a patient with horizontal fractures on both upper central incisors, by placing immediate implants using both surgical guide and the Socket Shield technique. After one year of monitoring, no clinical hard or soft tissues alterations were observed, maintaining high aesthetics. Guided surgery together with Socket Shield technique is a promising treatment approach for anterior implant rehabilitation.
Humans , Male , Adult , Dental Implants , Immediate Dental Implant Loading/methods , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Los intermediarios protésicos en implantología oral son los aditamentos que permiten la conexión entre el implante y la prótesis propiamente dicha. Aunque dicha rehabilitación posee una alta tasa de éxito, la selección del pilar protésico representa una fase importante en el tratamiento implantológico. Actualmente, existe una gran variedad de pilares intermediarios, que corresponden a las diversas técnicas y materiales. Los intermediarios protésicos se podrían clasificar según el tipo de conexión, su retención a la prótesis, su relación axial con el cuerpo del implante, su material de fabricación, su tipo de fabricación o si son para rehabilitación unitaria o múltiple. Esta situación puede generarle dudas al rehabilitador al momento de elegir los aditamentos implantológicos idóneos para cada caso en particular, lo que genera un escenario de dilema al seleccionar el aditamento protésico que permita lograr una rehabilitación satisfactoria: funcional, estética y que preserve los principios biológicos. En efecto, la implantología oral ha revolucionado la odontología y seguirá ampliando el abanico de posibilidades; por ello, es importante clasificar las opciones protésicas disponibles. La presente revisión de la literatura tiene como objetivo evidenciar las diferentes alternativas y opciones de pilares intermediarios más utilizados en prótesis sobre implantes. (AU)
Prosthetic intermediaries in oral implantology are attachments that allow connection between the implant and the prosthesis itself. Although this rehabilitation has a high success rate; the selection of the prosthetic abutment represents is important in implant treatment. Currently, there is a great variety of intermediate abutments, corresponding to various techniques and materials. Prosthetic intermediaries can be classified according to the type of connection, their retention to the prosthesis, their axial relationship with the implant body, the manufacturing material and type of manufacture, or whether rehabilitation is single or multiple. This scenario can lead to doubts as to the selection of the ideal implant attachment in each case in order to achieve satisfactory rehabilitation, as well as functional and aesthetic requirements and the preservation of biological principles. Indeed, oral implantology has revolutionized dentistry and will continue to expand the range of possibilities; therefore, it is important to classify the prosthetic options available. The present literature review aims to demonstrate the different alternatives and options available for the intermediate abutments most used in implant prostheses. (AU)
Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Dental Implant-Abutment Design , Review Literature as TopicABSTRACT
Com o avanço da odontologia, os implantes dentários tornaram-se cada vez mais atrativos por oferecerem um melhor conforto, estética e função mastigatória. Todavia, com o aumento da sua utilização também surgiram os problemas, dentre eles a periimplantite. Vista como uma doença irreversível de caráter inflamatório, ela afeta os tecidos ao seu redor, levando à perda. No contexto da Implantodontia, os implantes dentários são afetados pela periimplantite - quando instalada - o que induz à destruição dos tecidos de suporte e proteção adjacentes, ocasionando também a perda destas reabilitações. Portanto, novas reabilitações devem ser planejadas para que possam corrigir os defeitos causados pela doença. Dentre as opções, a técnica "All on four" apresenta-se como vantajosa, po dendo ser escolhida para grandes reabilitações. Logo, o presente artigo tem o objetivo de descrever um caso clínico utilizando a técnica "all on four" que reabilitou um paciente edêntulo em mandíbula, na qual possuía implantes afetados pela periimplantite, optando-se pela remoção e nova instalação de 4 implantes pela técnica escolhida. Após 4 meses, foi realizada a instalação da prótese definitiva... (AU)
With the advancement of dentistry, dental implants have become increasingly attractive as they offer bet ter comfort, aesthetics and masticatory function. However, with the increase in its use, problems also arose, among them the peri-implantitis disease. Seen as an irreversible disease with an inflammatory character, it affects the tissues around it, leading to loss. In the context of Implantology, dental implants are affected by peri-implantitis - when installed - which induces the destruction of adjacent support and protective tissues, also causing the loss of these rehabilitations. Therefore, new rehabilitation must be planned so that they can correct the defects caused by the disease. Among the options, the "All on four" technique presents itself as an advantage and can be chosen for major rehabilitation. Therefore, the present article aims to describe a clinical case using the "all on four" technique that rehabilitated an edentulous patient in the mandible, in which he had implants affected by peri-implantitis, opting for the removal and new installation of 4 implants by the technique chosen. After 4 months, the definitive prosthesis was installed... (AU)