Introducción: La enfermedad descompresiva es un síndrome clínico complejo causado por la sobresaturación de gases respiratorios en la sangre y los tejidos, después de una reducción abrupta de la presión ambiental, que puede presentarse como parte de los accidentes de buceo. Dada su baja prevalencia se da a conocer una de sus formas de presentación en los servicios de urgencias, que requiere rapidez en el diagnóstico y conducta terapéutica inmediata. Objetivo: Presentar un caso grave de enfermedad descompresiva del oído interno. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 71 años de edad, buzo aficionado y antecedente de un accidente vascular encefálico isquémico hace aproximadamente 1 año. Realizó inmersiones, luego de las cuales comenzó a presentar síntomas como mareos, náuseas, vómitos copiosos, inestabilidad para la marcha y manifestaciones sensitivas en la cara. Horas después de ser evaluado en centro médico de urgencia, sin diagnóstico específico, se trasladó al cuerpo de guardia del hospital, para su valoración por el especialista en medicina subacuática. Conclusiones: La orientación diagnóstica de un paciente con enfermedad descompresiva requiere derivación urgente a un centro de tratamiento de enfermedades disbáricas(AU)
Introduction: Decompression illness is a complex clinical syndrome caused by supersaturation of respiratory gases in the blood and tissues, after an abrupt reduction in environmental pressure, which can occur as part of diving accidents. Given its low prevalence, one of its forms of presentation is revealed in emergency services, which requires speed in diagnosis and immediate therapeutic conduct. Objective: To present a severe case of decompressive disease of the inner ear. Clinical case: 71-year-old male patient, amateur diver, with a history of an ischemic stroke approximately 1 year ago. He performed dives, after which he began to present symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, copious vomiting, unsteadiness in walking, and sensitive manifestations on the face. Hours after being evaluated at the emergency medical center, without a specific diagnosis, he was transferred to the hospital's emergency room, for evaluation by the underwater medicine specialist. Conclusions: The diagnostic orientation of a patient with decompression illness requires urgent referral to a center for the treatment of dysbaric diseases(AU)
Humans , Male , Aged , Diving , Ischemic Stroke , Hyperbaric Oxygenation/methods , Labyrinth Diseases/diagnosis , Labyrinth Diseases/therapy , Vomiting , Dizziness , Emergencies , Gait , Immersion , NauseaABSTRACT
Background: Underwater endoscopic mucosal resection (UEMR) emerges as a less complex alternative to endos- copic submucosal resection (ESD) for the treatment of colorectal lesions. We present two clinical cases of complex colon adenomas resolved using UEMR technique. Case 1: A 56-years-old male patient with an adenoma identified at the splenic flexure, detected during a screening colonoscopy, whose biopsy revealed low-grade dysplasia. A flat elevated lesion of approximately 30 mm is identified, with a mixed granular lateral spread (LST-GM) and a centra- lly elevated area as the dominant nodule (0-IIa+Is), without signs of deep invasion. UEMR is performed, achieving a complete block resection. Case 2: A 62-year-old female patient referred for endoscopic resection of a complex adenoma in the transverse colon. A type 0-IIa lesion is observed with a smooth convergence of folds towards its periphery, approximately 15 mm in size, and a non-categorical crypt pattern of submucosal invasion. Insufflation and peristalsis tests did not show categorical elements of deep invasion. Resection is performed in sections using the UEMR technique, without complications. Conclusion: UEMR appears as a more effective alternative than conventional endoscopic mucosal resection (CEMR) and simpler and more accessible than ESD for the resection of colon adenomas larger than 20 mm, supported by controlled clinical studies. However, a more in-depth eva- luation of its scope, effectiveness, and safety is still required to establish its role in regular endoscopic practice.
Introducción: La mucosectomía endoscópica bajo agua (UEMR) surge como una alternativa menos compleja que la resección endoscópica submucosa (ESD) para el tratamiento de lesiones colorrectales. Presentamos a continua- ción dos casos clínicos de adenomas complejos de colon resueltos mediante la técnica UEMR. Caso 1: Paciente masculino de 56 años con un hallazgo de adenoma a nivel del ángulo esplénico, detectado en colonoscopía de tamizaje, cuya biopsia evidenció una displasia de bajo grado. Se identifica una lesión plana elevada de aproxi- madamente 30 mm, de extensión lateral granular mixta (LST-GM) con área central solevantada como nódulo dominante (0-IIa+Is), sin signos de invasión profunda. Se realiza una UEMR logrando una resección en bloque. Caso 2: Paciente femenina de 62 años, referida para resección endoscópica de un adenoma complejo de colon transverso. Se observó lesión tipo 0-IIa con confluencia suave de pliegues hacia su periferia de aproximadamente 15 mm con patrón de criptas no categórico de invasión submucosa. Las pruebas de insuflación y peristaltismo no evidenciaron elementos categóricos de invasión profunda. Se realiza resección por parcialidades con técnica de UEMR, sin complicaciones. Conclusión: La UEMR se presenta como una alternativa más efectiva que la CEMR y más simple y accesible que la ESD para la resección de adenomas de colon mayores de 20 mm, respaldada por estudios clínicos controlados. Sin embargo, aún se requiere una evaluación más profunda de sus alcances, efecti- vidad y seguridad, para establecer su papel en la práctica endoscópica regular.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Colonoscopy/methods , Endoscopic Mucosal Resection/methods , Immersion , Colorectal Neoplasms/surgery , Digestive System Diseases/surgery , Endoscopic Mucosal Resection/adverse effects , Endoscopic Mucosal Resection/trendsABSTRACT
Abstract Aeromonas hydrophila is a cause of infectious disease outbreaks in carp species cultured in South Asian countries including Pakistan. This bacterium has gained resistance to a wide range of antibiotics and robust preventive measures are necessary to control its spread. No prior use of fish vaccines has been reported in Pakistan. The present study aims to develop and evaluate inactivated vaccines against local strain of A. hydrophila in Pakistan with alum-precipitate as adjuvant. The immunogenic potential of vaccine was evaluated in two Indian major carps (Rohu: Labeo rohita, Mori: Cirrhinus mrigala) and a Chinese carp (Grass carp: Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish were vaccinated intraperitoneally followed by a challenge through immersion. Fish with an average age of 4-5 months were randomly distributed in three vaccinated groups with three vaccine concentrations of 108, 109 and 1010 colony forming unit (CFU)/ml and a control group. Fixed dose of 0.1ml was applied to each fish on 1st day and a booster dose at 15 days post-vaccination (DPV). Blood samples were collected on 14, 28, 35, 48 and 60 DPV to determine antibody titers in blood serum using compliment fixation test (CFT). Fish were challenged at 60 DPV with infectious A. hydrophila with 108 CFU/ml through immersion. Significantly higher levels of antibody titers were observed from 28 DPV in all vaccinated groups as compared to those in the control group. In challenge experiment the average RPS (relative percent survivability) was 71% for groups vaccinated with 109 and 1010 CFU/ml and 86% for 108 CFU/ml. Vaccine with 108 CFU/ml induced highest immune response followed by 109 and 1010 CFU/ml. The immune response of L. rohita and C. idella was better than that of C. mrigala. In general, normal histopathology was observed in different organs of vaccinated fish whereas minor deteriorative changes were found in fish vaccinated with higher concentrations of the vaccine.
Resumo Aeromonas hydrophila é uma causa de surtos de doenças infecciosas em espécies de carpas cultivadas em países do sul da Ásia, incluindo o Paquistão. Essa bactéria ganhou resistência a uma ampla gama de antibióticos, e medidas preventivas robustas são necessárias para controlar sua disseminação. Nenhum uso anterior de vacinas para peixes foi relatado no Paquistão. O presente estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar vacinas inativadas contra cepa local de A. hydrophila no Paquistão com precipitado de alúmen como adjuvante. O potencial imunogênico da vacina foi avaliado em duas carpas principais indianas (Rohu: Labeo rohita, Mori: Cirrhinus mrigala) e uma carpa chinesa (Grass Carp: Ctenopharyngodon idella). Os peixes foram vacinados por via intraperitoneal, seguido de um desafio por imersão. Peixes com idade média de 4-5 meses foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos vacinados com três concentrações de vacina de 108, 109 e 1010 unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC) / ml e um grupo de controle. Foi aplicada dose fixa de 0,1ml em cada peixe no 1º dia e dose de reforço 15 dias pós-vacinação (DPV). Amostras de sangue foram coletadas em 14, 28, 35, 48 e 60 DPV para determinar os títulos de anticorpos no soro sanguíneo usando o teste de fixação de elogio (CFT). Os peixes foram desafiados a 60 DPV com infecciosa A. hydrophila com 108 CFU / ml por imersão. Níveis significativamente mais elevados de títulos de anticorpos foram observados em 28 DPV em todos os grupos vacinados, em comparação com aqueles no grupo de controle. Na experiência de desafio, o RPS médio (sobrevivência percentual relativa) foi de 71% para os grupos vacinados com 109 e 1010 CFU / ml e 86% para 108 CFU / ml. A vacina com 108 UFC / ml induziu a maior resposta imune seguida por 109 e 1010 UFC / ml. A resposta imune de L. rohita e C. idella foi melhor do que a de C. mrigala. Em geral, histopatologia normal foi observada em diferentes órgãos de peixes vacinados, enquanto pequenas alterações deteriorantes foram encontradas no grupo de controle e nos peixes vacinados com concentrações mais altas da vacina.
Animals , Carps , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections/prevention & control , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections/veterinary , Fish Diseases/prevention & control , Bacterial Vaccines , Aeromonas hydrophila , Alum Compounds , ImmersionABSTRACT
Background: This research was motivated by the complaints of tomato farmers about their crops that quickly rotted before being sold, as well as the many research results (raw materials and methods) that edible coating films could not be applied optimally. Objectives: The research was a practical recommendation by comparing the effectiveness of raw materials (polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids) with the dipping and spray methods. Materials and methods used in the comparison process were the application of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. Results: Dipping has a strong effect (f2 ≥ 0.35; p<0.05), while spray had a moderate effect (f2: 0.15-0.35; p<0.05). Thus, the role of dipping as a mediator was more dominant than spray. Compared to proteins and lipids, polysaccharides had the best effectiveness (ß:0.460-0.584; f2: 0.15-0.35; p<0.05). Conclusion: the three ingredients improved the quality of tomatoes, and the dipping method was easier to apply by farmers than the spray method, which had many obstacles in its application
Antecedentes: esta investigación está motivada por las quejas de los productores de tomate sobre sus cultivos que se pudren rápidamente antes de ser vendidos, así como por los muchos resultados de la investigación (materias primas y métodos) de que las películas de recubrimiento comestibles no se pudieron aplicar de manera óptima. Objetivos: La investigación consiste en recomendaciones prácticas mediante la comparación de la eficacia de las materias primas (polisacáridos, proteínas y lípidos) con los métodos de inmersión y aspersión. Métodos: El método utilizado en el proceso de comparación es la aplicación del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) con el enfoque de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS). Resultados: La inmersión tiene un efecto fuerte (f2 ≥ 0,35; p<0,05), mientras que la pulverización tiene un efecto moderado (f2: 0,15-0,35; p<0,05). Por lo tanto, el papel de la inmersión como mediador es más dominante que el del rociado. Los polisacáridos tienen la mejor eficacia (ß:0,460-0,584; f2: 0,15-0,35; p<0,05) en comparación con las proteínas y los lípidos. Conclusión: es que los tres ingredientes pueden mejorar la calidad de los tomates, y el método de inmersión es más fácil de aplicar por los agricultores que el método de aspersión, que tiene muchos obstáculos en su aplicación
Humans , Food Quality , Solanum lycopersicum , Immersion , Polysaccharides/administration & dosage , Effectiveness , Proteins/administration & dosage , Latent Class Analysis , Lipids/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Aim: This study aims to evaluate the surface roughness and susceptibility to staining of bleached composite resin with 22% carbamide peroxide, as well as the effect of subsequent prophylaxis with NaHCO3 powder. Material and Methods: Forty disk-shaped (2 × 6 mm) specimens of composite resin (Z250 XT) were prepared. Half of the specimens were subjected to bleaching with 22% carbamide peroxide, and the other half were stored in artificial saliva. In sequence, all specimens were immersed in acai juice (Euterpe oleracea) for 4 h for 14 days, and subdivided into two groups. Group 1 samples were subjected to prophylaxis treatment, while group 2 samples were subjected to treatment with artificial saliva. Surface roughness (Ra) and color (ΔE*) were measured after polishing (T0), bleaching (T1), immersion in acai juice (T2), and application of NaHCO3 powder (T3) using a profilometer and a spectrophotometer. Results: Statistical analyses (analysis of variance and Tukey's test, p≤0.05) revealed that regarding color there was statistically significance for the factors in isolation, except for the factor bleaching. For both color and surface roughness there was statistically significant difference for the interaction, except for the interaction between NaHCO3 power and bleaching. Conclusion: The NaHCO3 air-powder polishing decreases the staining of the composite resin; however, it increases the surface roughness. With respect to the color variable, the whitening factor had no significant effect on the tested material; however, it increases surface roughness.
Objetivo: Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la rugosidad de la superficie y la susceptibilidad a la tinción de la resina compuesta blanqueada con peróxido de carbamida al 22%, así como el efecto de la profilaxis posterior con polvo de NaHCO3. Material y Métodos: Se prepararon cuarenta especímenes en forma de disco (2 × 6 mm) de resina compuesta (Z250 XT). La mitad de los especímenes se sometieron a blanqueo con peróxido de carbamida al 22% y la otra mitad se almacenó en saliva artificial. En secuencia, todos los especímenes se sumergieron en jugo de acai (Euterpe oleracea) durante 4h durante 14 días, y se subdividieron en dos grupos. Las muestras del grupo 1 se sometieron a tratamiento profiláctico, mientras que las muestras del grupo 2 se sometieron a tratamiento con saliva artificial. La rugosidad de la superficie (Ra) y el color (ΔE*) se midieron después del pulido (T0), el blanqueo (T1), la inmersión en jugo de acai (T2) y la aplicación de polvo de NaHCO3 (T3) utilizando un perfilómetro y un espectrofotómetro. Resultados: Los análisis estadísticos (análisis de varianza y prueba de Tukey, p≤0.05) revelaron que en relación al color hubo significancia estadística para los factores en forma aislada, excepto para el factor blanqueamiento. Tanto para el color como para la rugosidad de la superficie hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa para la interacción, excepto para la interacción entre el poder de NaHCO3 y el blanqueo. Conclusión: El pulido al aire con polvo de NaHCO3 disminuye el manchado de la resina compuesta; sin embargo, aumenta la rugosidad de la superficie. Con respecto a la variable color, el factor de blanqueamiento no tuvo efecto significativo sobre el material ensayado; sin embargo, aumenta la rugosidad de la superficie.
Humans , Sodium Bicarbonate , Composite Resins/chemistry , Saliva , Brazil , Color , Dental Prophylaxis/methods , Euterpe , ImmersionABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#The metabolomics technique of LC-MS/MS combined with data analysis was used to detect changes and differences in metabolic profiles in the vitreous humor of early rat carcasses found in water, and to explore the feasibility of its use for early postmortem submersion interval (PMSI) estimation and the cause of death determination.@*METHODS@#The experimental model was established in natural lake water with 100 SD rats were randomly divided into a drowning group (n=50) and a postmortem (CO2 suffocation) immediately submersion group (n=50). Vitreous humor was extracted from 10 rats in each group at 0, 6, 12, 18 and 24 h postmortem for metabolomics analyses, of which 8 were used as the training set to build the model, and 2 were used as test set. PCA and PLS multivariate statistical analysis were performed to explore the differences in metabolic profiles among PMSI and causes of death in the training set samples. Then random forest (RF) algorithm was used to screen several biomarkers to establish a model.@*RESULTS@#PCA and PLS analysis showed that the metabolic profiles had time regularity, but no differences were found among different causes of death. Thirteen small molecule biomarkers with good temporal correlation were selected by RF algorithm. A simple PMSI estimation model was constructed based on this indicator set, and the data of the test samples showed the mean absolute error (MAE) of the model was 0.847 h.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The 13 metabolic markers screened in the vitreous humor of rat corpses in water had good correlations with the early PMSI. The simplified PMSI estimation model constructed by RF can be used to estimate the PMSI. Additionally, the metabolic profiles of vitreous humor cannot be used for early identification of cause of death in water carcasses.
Animals , Rats , Biomarkers/metabolism , Cadaver , Chromatography, Liquid , Immersion , Postmortem Changes , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Tandem Mass Spectrometry , Vitreous Body/metabolism , Water/metabolismABSTRACT
Moringa stenopetala (Baker f.) Cufod., is an endemic species growing in the south of Ethiopia. M. stenopetala is often consumed as food and used in traditional medicine and it has also been traditionally used for relieving of pain in Ethiopia. This study aimed to investigate the antinociceptive effect and mechanisms of action of M. stenopetala leaves methanol extract in mice. The per-oral doses of 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg of M. stenopetala extract were tested for antinociceptive action by using hot-plate, tail-immersion, and writhing tests. The possible mechanisms of in the antinociceptive action were investigated by pre-treatment with 5 mg/kg naloxone (non-selective opioid antagonist), 1 mg/kg ketanserin (5-HT2A/2C receptor antagonist), and 1 mg/kg yohimbine (α2 adrenoceptor antagonist). The methanol extract of M. stenopetala showed antinociceptive effect in all tests. The significant involvement of 5-HT2A/2C receptors and α2 adrenoceptors in antinociception induced by M. stenopetala extract in the hot-plate and tail-immersion tests, as well as significant contribution of opioid receptors and α2 adrenoceptors in writhing test, were identified. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that the methanol extract of M. stenopetala has potential in pain management. Thisstudywillcontributetonewtherapeuticapproachesandprovideguidancefornewdrug development studies.
Animals , Male , Female , Mice , Plant Extracts/agonists , Moringa oleifera/adverse effects , Pain , Receptors, Adrenergic/administration & dosage , Receptors, Serotonin/administration & dosage , Immersion , Narcotic AntagonistsABSTRACT
RESUMEN: Objetivo: Determinar la estabilidad cromática de una cerámica de feldespato monocromática utilizada en sistema CAD/CAM sometida a inmersión de diferentes soluciones de tinción. Materiales y métodos: 90 discos de cerámica feldespática monocromática, divididos en 3 grupos según solución de tinción: agua destilada, café y té. Se realizaron 3 tomas de color: el día 0, 14 y 28, con un espectrofotómetro. Para determinar la diferencia de color (ΔE*), se restó la 2da y la 1era medida para los 14 días; y la 3era y la 2da medida para los 28 días. Resultados: Los resultados se interpretaron utilizando el Índice del Departamento Nacional de Normas (NBS). La muestra inmersa en agua destilada presentó valores ΔE* 1.424 y ΔE* 1.233; la muestra en café presentó valores ΔE* 3.327 y ΔE* 3.901; la muestra inmersa en té presentó valores ΔE* 4.597 y ΔE* 5.201. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas al comparar la estabilidad cromática en las tres soluciones de tinción a los 14 y 28 días (p<0.001). Conclusiones: Existe diferencia significativa en la estabilidad cromática de una cerámica de feldespato monocromática sometida a inmersión de diferentes soluciones de tinción. Se obtuvieron cambios de color marcados en las muestras inmersas en café y en té.
ABSTRACT: Objective: Determine the color stability of a monochromatic feldspathic ceramic used in CAD / CAM system subjected to immersion in different staining solutions. Methods and materials: 90 monochromatic feldspathic ceramic discs were divided into 3 groups according to staining solution: distilled water, coffee and tea. Three color samples were taken: on days 0, 14 and 28, with a spectrophotometer. To determine the color difference (ΔE *), the 2nd and 1st measure were subtracted for the 14 days; and the 3rd and 2nd measure for the 28 days. Results: The results were interpreted using the National Standards Department Index (NBS). The sample immersed in distilled water presented values ΔE * 1,424 and ΔE * 1,233; the sample in coffee presented values ΔE * 3,327 and ΔE * 3,901; the sample immersed in tea presented values ΔE * 4,597 and ΔE * 5,201. Significant differences were obtained when comparing the chromatic stability in the three staining solutions at 14 and 28 days (p <0.001). Conclusion: There is a significant difference in the chromatic stability of a monochromatic feldspar ceramic subjected to immersion in different staining solutions. Marked color changes were obtained in the samples immersed in coffee and tea.
Humans , Ceramics/chemistry , Spectrophotometry , Tea/chemistry , Materials Testing , Computer-Aided Design , Coffee/chemistry , ImmersionABSTRACT
Introdução: A solubilidade é uma propriedade relaciona- da à dissociação dos constituintes do material, pela ação do contato com o líquido circundante. Introdução: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da hidratação durante a varredura com microtomografia (micro-TC) sobre a alteração volumétrica do MTA HP. Métodos: foram utilizados 20 dentes incisivos superiores de acrílico com cavidade retrógrada. O cimento MTA HP foi inserido na cavidade com um condensador Paiva. As amostras foram inspecionadas visualmente com uma lupa de 5x, para garantir que não permanecessem espaços vazios ou lacunas. Os espécimes foram divididos em dois grupos (n=10). Os dentes foram escaneados logo após o manuseio do MTA. Para o grupo com imersão em água, Eppendorf hidratado foi mantido com 1mL de água durante a varredura; no outro grupo, os dentes foram escaneados sem água. Nos dois grupos, os dentes foram imersos em água durante sete dias. Em seguida, os dentes foram escaneados novamente em micro-TC usando os mesmos parâmetros e condições de cada grupo. Foi realizada a reconstrução das imagens pelo software Nrecon e o volume de solubilidade, determinado pelo software CTan, analisando-se a variação volumétrica. Resultados: O grupo de corpos de prova escaneados imersos na água apresentou maior variação volumétrica, com diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação ao grupo escaneado sem imersão. O escaneamento do corpo de prova imerso em água favorece uma maior perda volumétrica do material. Conclusão: Os estudos para avaliar a variação volumétrica de cimentos de silicato de cálcio devem ser feitos com imersão em água.
Introduction: Solubility is a property related to the dissocia- tion of the constituents of the material by the action of contact with the surrounding liquid, for this reason, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the hydration during the scanning in the microtomography on the volumetric alteration of the MTA HP. Methods: Twenty acrylic teeth upper incisor with retrograde cavity were utilized. The MTA HP cement was inserted into the cavity using a Paiva condensor. The specimens were visually inspected with a 5x magnifying glass to ensure they did not remain void or gaps. The specimens were divided into 2 groups (n=10). The teeth were scanned shortly after handling the MTA. For the group with water immersion, hydrated Eppendorf was kept with 1mL the water during the scanning and the other group, the teeth were scanning without water. In the two groups the teeth were immersed into water during 7 days. Next the teeth were newly scanned in the Micro-CT using the same parameters and conditions of each group. Reconstruction of images by the Nrecon software and the solubility volume determined by the CTan, analyzing the volumetric change. Results: The group of specimens scanned immersed into the water presented higher volumetric change with statistically significant differences in relation the group scanned without immersion. The scanning of the specimen immersed in water favors the greater volumetric loss of the material. Conclusion: Studies to evaluate volumetric change of calcium silicate cements should be made immersed in wate
Pemetrexed , Immersion , Minerals , Solubility , MethodsABSTRACT
A ingestão de corpos estranhos em aquários artificiais é uma ocorrência frequente observada na clínica cirúrgica de anfíbios criados como pets, o que inclui os axolotes (Ambystoma mexicanum). O presente relato descreve um caso de ingestão de sete corpos estranhos em um axolote macho, de cinco meses de idade, com histórico de abaulamento irregular e irredutível da superfície corpórea ventral, de consistência firme. Na anamnese foi informado que o animal habitava um aquário com substrato de cascalhos. Ao exame físico, o axolote apresentou bom estado geral e parâmetros vitais dentro da normalidade para a espécie. Os materiais deglutidos foram identificados em região gástrica por meio de exame radiográfico corpóreo total, e suas características condiziam com o substrato utilizado no aquário do paciente. Como protocolo anestésico, foi priorizada a imersão em Isofluorano e gás oxigênio, com o objetivo de atingir a via branquial e, ocasionalmente, transdérmica. A remoção cirúrgica foi feita através de celiotomia e gastrotomia em ambiente aquático com temperatura, pH e coleção bacteriana controlados, conforme literatura disponível e tendo em consideração a natureza, diâmetro e localização dos corpos estranhos. Após cinco e quinze dias do procedimento, acompanhou-se a cicatrização da ferida cirúrgica, sendo possível constatar bom restabelecimento da continuidade dos tecidos e bom estado geral do paciente.
The ingestion of foreign bodies in artificial aquariums is a frequent occurrence observed in the surgical clinic of amphibians raised as pets, which includes axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum). The present report describes a case of ingestion of seven foreign bodies in a male axolotl, five months old, with a history of irregular and irreducible bulging of the ventral body surface, with firm consistency. In the anamnesis, it was reported that the animal inhabited an aquariums with gravel substrate. On physical examination, the axolotl showed good general condition and vital parameters within the normal range for the species. The swallowed materials were identified in the gastric region by means of total body radiographic examination, and their characteristics were consistent with the substrate used in the patients aquarium. As anesthetic protocol, immersion in Isofluorane and oxygen gas was prioritized, in order to reach the branchial and, occasionally, transdermal route. Surgical removal was performed through celiotomy and gastrotomy in an aquatic environment with controlled temperature, pH and bacterial collection, according to available literature and taking into account the nature, diameter and location of foreign bodies. After five and fifteen days of the procedure, the healing of the surgical wound was monitored, showing a good restoration of tissue continuity and a good general condition of the patient.
Animals , Ambystoma mexicanum , Anesthesia , Amphibians/surgery , Wound Healing , ImmersionABSTRACT
Synthetic androgens (male hormones) administered to fish nursery are being used in aquaculture to avoid sexual differentiation and unwanted spawning at the eggs or the first feeding fry stage of fish. Present trial was conducted with the aim to produce male common carp (Cyprinus carpio) by egg immersion technique. Through this little insight, the effect of different hormone concentrations (17α-methyltestosterone @ HC:150, 300, 450 and 600 µgl-1) with immersion times (IT: 24, 48 and 72 hrs) and their interaction effect (HC x IT) on the hatching percentage of Cyprinus carpio eggs, percent survival and percent of male's production was evaluated specifically. Results showed that egg hatching percentage decreased with increased IT likewise, survival of treated fry was affected by increasing the IT (P<0.001). The main interaction effect of HC x IT showed that the highest percent of male individuals (95%) was obtained at 450-600 µgl-1 HC for 72 hrs IT, followed by 88-92.50% at 150-300 µgl-1 HC for 72-hrsof IT, 87.50% at 48-hrs of IT for rest of the hormone treatments, and lowest 47.50% was recorded in control (P<0.05). Increased percent male of Cyprinus carpio was obtained with increasing HC across all ITs. It was observed that the immersion treatment at 600µgl-1 for 72 hours was more effective to change the sex ratio of pre hatch Cyprinus carpio. A comparative outlook made from this experimental trial that sex induction of Cyprinus carpio by eggs immersion using synthetic male steroid hormone is an alternative safe technique of fish sex reversal in contrast to oral administration of hormone in fish feed.
Andrógenos sintéticos (hormônios masculinos) administrados ao viveiro de peixes estão sendo usados ââna aquicultura para evitar a diferenciação sexual e a desova indesejada nos ovos ou no primeiro estágio de alimentação dos peixes. O presente estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de produzir carpa comum masculina (Cyprinuscarpio) pela técnica de imersão em ovos. Com essa pequena percepção, o efeito de diferentes concentrações hormonais (17α-metiltestosterona @ HC: 150, 300, 450 e 600 µgl-1) com tempos de imersão (IT: 24, 48 e 72 horas) e seu efeito de interação (HC x IT) na porcentagem de eclosão dos ovos de Cyprinuscarpio, a porcentagem de sobrevivência e a porcentagem da produção masculina foram avaliadas especificamente. Os resultados mostraram que a porcentagem de incubação de ovos diminuiu com o aumento da TI da mesma forma, a sobrevivência dos alevinos tratados foi afetada pelo aumento da TI (P <0,001). O principal efeito de interação do HC x IT mostrou que o maior percentual de indivíduos do sexo masculino (95%) foi obtido com 450-600 µgl-1 HC por 72 horas de TI, seguido por 88-92,50% com 150-300 µgl-1 HC para 72 horas de TI, 87,50% às 48 horas de TI para o restante dos tratamentos hormonais, e 47,50% mais baixos foram registrados no controle (P <0,05). A porcentagem aumentada de macho de Cyprinuscarpio foi obtida com o aumento do HC em todas as TIs. Observou-se que o tratamento de imersão a 600µgl-1 por 72 horas foi mais efetivo na alteração da razão sexual do Cyprinuscarpio antes da eclosão. Uma perspectiva comparativa feita a partir deste ensaio experimental de que a indução sexual de Cyprinuscarpio por imersão de ovos usando hormônio esteróide masculino sintético é uma técnica alternativa segura de reversão do sexo em peixes, em contraste com a administração oral de hormônio na alimentação de peixes.
Animals , Male , Carps/physiology , Androgens/pharmacology , Methyltestosterone/administration & dosage , Sex Ratio , Aquaculture , ImmersionABSTRACT
PURPOSE: This study evaluated color stability of Dentca 3D-printed denture teeth, in comparison to color stabilities of four conventional types of denture teeth, upon being immersed in various colorants.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four types of conventional prefabricated denture teeth (Surpass, GC, Artic 6, Heraeus Kulzer, Premium 6, Heraeus Kulzer, Preference, Candulor), 3D-printed denture teeth (Dentca); and Z250 (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE) were prepared for testing. The samples were immersed in erythrosine 3%, coffee, cola, and distilled water (DW) at 37℃. Color change (ΔE) was measured by spectrophotometer before immersion and at 7, 14, and 21 days after immersion. One-way analysis of variance was performed along with Tukey's honestly significant difference multiple comparisons test (P<.05).RESULTS: No great difference was observed between the color change of Dentca denture teeth and that of conventional denture teeth in most cases (P>.05). The color change of Dentca denture teeth immersed in erythrosine 3% was greater than that of Surpass (ΔE = 0.67 ± 0.25) after 1 week; Artic 6 (ΔE = 1.44 ± 0.38) and Premium 6 (ΔE = 1.69 ± 0.35) after 2 weeks; and Surpass (ΔE = 1.79 ± 0.49), Artic 6 (ΔE = 2.07 ± 0.21), Premium 6 (ΔE = 2.03 ± 0.75), and Preference (ΔE = 2.01 ± 0.75) after 3 weeks (P<.05).CONCLUSION: A color change was observed in Dentca denture teeth when immersed in some colorants; however, the maximum value of ΔE for Dentca denture teeth was within the clinically acceptable range.
Coffee , Cola , Dentures , Erythrosine , Immersion , Printing, Three-Dimensional , Tooth , WaterABSTRACT
Postmortem interval (PMI) estimation is one of the most important and difficult academic tasks in forensic sciences. Due to the influence of the corpse itself and the water environment, corpses in water have unique corruption phenomenon and laws. Based on the experience of traditional PMI studies of corpses on land, forensic practitioners across the world have proposed a variety of practical methods for estimating postmortem submersion interval (PMSI). This paper summarizes the literatures related to PMSI in recent years, and introduces methods to infer PMSI according to the phenomenon of corpses, the development of insects, the succession pattern of aquatic organisms, and the changes of other physical and chemical indexes of corpses, in order to provide some reference for the study of PMSI of corpses in water.
Animals , Autopsy , Cadaver , Forensic Medicine , Immersion , Postmortem ChangesABSTRACT
Objetivo:O objetivo do estudo foi verificar, in vitro, a alteração de cor da resina composta Beautiful-Bulk®, exposta aos líquidos pigmentantes. Métodos:Foram confeccionados 60 espécimes da resina (15,0 mm de diâmetro e 1,0 mm de espessura, n = 5) nas cores A2, B2 e C2. Os espécimes foram mantidos em uma sala escura por sete dias, em ambiente seco, a 37 °C e, em seguida, foram fotografados com aparelho celular iPhone 6S®. Os espécimes foram divididos aleatoriamente e submetidos a ciclos de imersão em quatro líquidos: água destilada (controle), suco de açaí, Coca-Cola® e molho de tomate. As imersões foram realizadas em sete e quatorze dias de forma cíclica, após a confecção dos espécimes, três vezes ao dia, durante 20 minutos. Ao fim de cada ciclo, novas fotografias foram realizadas. As imagens foram analisadas no programa Adobe Photoshop® e os dados convertidos em L*a*b através de um histograma. A variação de cor (∆E) foi analisada pela escala CIE-Lab. Resultados:A análise dos resultados (One-way ANOVA, Teste de Tukey, p < 0,05) demonstrou que o grupo controle produziu maior alteração de cor (p < 0,05) em sete e quatorze dias na cor A2. A cor B2, no ciclo de quatorze dias, apresentou maior alteração de cor (p < 0,05) para os espécimes imersos em molho de tomate sem diferença estatística (p > 0,05) do controle. Para a cor C2, os espécimes imersos em molho de tomate tiveram maior alteração de cor (p < 0,05) em sete dias. Conclusão:Conclui-se que todas as substâncias pigmentantes e a água destilada foram capazes de produzir grandes alterações de cor na resina Beautifil Bulk®. Existe uma interação significativa entre a cor da resina e agentes pigmentantes.
Aim: This study sought to verify, in vitro, the color change of the nanoparticle composite resin, Beautiful Bulk®, exposed directly to pigmented liquids. Methods: Sixty test specimens were made in a Metal matrix (15.0 mm X 1.0 mm) using composite resin (n = 5) in colors A2, B2, and C2. The specimens were photographed with a smartphone (iPhone 6S®) seven days after the preparation. The specimens were kept in the dark for seven days, dry, at 37°C. The specimens were then randomly divided and immersed in four liquids: distilled water (control), açaí juice, Coca-Cola®, and tomato sauce. The immersions were performed in seven and fourteen days cyclically, three times a day, for 20 minutes. At the end of each immersion cycle, new photographs were taken with the same smartphone. The images were analyzed in the Adobe Photoshop® program, and the data was converted to L* a* b* through a histogram. The color variation (∆E) was analyzed by the CIE-Lab scale. Results: Analysis of the results (Tukey's test, p < 0.05) showed that the control group produced a greater color change (p < 0.05) in seven and fourteen days in the A2 shade. The B2 shade, in fourteen days, showed a greater color change (p < 0.05) for the specimens immersed in tomato sauce with no statistical difference (p > 0.05) of the control. For the C2 shade, the specimens immersed in tomato sauce presented a greater color change (p < 0.05) at seven days. Conclusion: It could therefore be concluded that there is a significant interaction between the composite resin and pigment agents. All pigmented substances produced color changes in the composite resin.
Resins, Synthetic , Pigmentation , Color , Composite Resins , Dental Materials , ImmersionABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the topography and microhardness of composite resin restorations submitted to different finishing and polishing systems before and after erosive challenge. Material and Methods: Thirty standardized cavities prepared in enamel-dentin blocks of bovine incisors were restored with Z350 composite resin, and randomly distributed into three groups (n=10) according to the finishing and polishing systems: G1 = Soflex 4 steps, G2 = Soflex Spiral 2 steps and G3 = PoGo (single step). The specimens were half protected with nail varnish and submitted to five immersions in Pepsi Twist®, for 10 minutes each, five times/day during six consecutive days. The initial and final challenge surface microhardness (SMHinitial and SMHfinal) of the composite resin was evaluated and the percentage of SMH loss (%SMHL) was calculated. After protection removal, the topographic change linear (Ra) and volumetric (Sa) roughness was evaluated in initial and final areas by using 3D non-contact optical profilometry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Data were analyzed by paired Student's t-test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and by ANOVA and Tukey's test. Results: There was significant intra-group %SMHL in composite resin (p<0.05). Differences among groups in %SMHL, Ra/Sa in resin composite were not observed (p>0.05). SEM images revealed structural changes between the initial and final surfaces for all groups. Conclusion: The three types of finishing and polishing systems had a similar influence on %SMHL, Ra and Sa in the nanofilled composite resin.
Animals , Cattle , Tooth Erosion/etiology , Composite Resins , Dental Enamel , Dentin , Incisor , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning/instrumentation , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , ImmersionABSTRACT
Objetivo: compreender a prática do banho enrolado em bebês prematuros, em unidade neonatal, na perspectiva de enfermeiros. Métodos: pesquisa qualitativa, realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, com 13 enfermeiros atuantes em unidades neonatais, captados através da técnica de amostragem bola de neve. Dados submetidos à análise temático-categorial. Resultados: os enfermeiros consideraram benefícios relacionados ao conforto e à estimulação no banho enrolado, entretanto, citaram desafios para a prática, relacionados ao desconhecimento, à baixa adesão e sobrecarga de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem, ausência de rotinas e protocolos institucionais, além da escassez ou mesmo inadequação dos recursos materiais disponíveis nas instituições. Conclusão: a prática do banho enrolado, na perspectiva de enfermeiros, tem efeitos positivos para o desenvolvimento de bebês prematuros, porém existem desafios gerenciais que precisam ser superados para efetiva implementação.(AU)
Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Middle Aged , Baths/methods , Infant, Premature , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Nurses, Pediatric , Immersion , Humanization of AssistanceABSTRACT
O Deep Water Running (DWR) é um método bastante difundido para o condicionamento cardiovascular e reabilitação em atletas. Contudo, nos últimos anos, foram realizadas investigações científicas sobre o DWR em populações especiais. Porém, ainda existem poucas evidências sobre as respostas musculoesqueléticas e cardiorrespiratórias em indivíduos obesos. O objetivo foi realizar um estudo de revisão sistemática de literatura referente às respostas musculoesqueléticas e cardiorrespiratórias, mediante ao treinamento em água funda em obesos. Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura de 2009 a 2019, por meio de levantamento de artigos científicos nas bases de dados eletrônica PubMed, e Scielo. Para tanto, foram utilizadas as seguintes palavras-chave: aquatic, deep water running, water-based, head-out aquatic, physical activity, obesity, overweight, também foram aplicados os operadores boleanos "and" e "OR". Foram encontrados 11 estudos de ensaios clínicos, cujos temas estavam relacionados com as variáveis de interesse do presente estudo. Baseado na literatura científica selecionada, conclui-se que a técnica de DWR é uma estratégia de treinamento e reabilitação física extremamente indicada para potencializar a força e resistência muscular, melhorar a capacidade funcional, cardiorrespiratória e qualidade de vida em obesos.
Deep Water Running (DWR) is a widely used method for cardiovascular conditioning and rehabilitation in athletes. Although, in recent years, scientific investigations have been conducted on DWR in special populations. However, there is still little evidence on musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory responses in obese individuals.The objective was to perform a systematic review on musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory responses, through deep water running in obese patients. It is a systematic reviewfrom 2009 to 2019, by means of a survey of scientific articles in the electronic databases PubMed, and Scielo. The following keywords were used: aquatic, deep water running, water-based, head-out aquatic, physical activity, obesity, overweight, and boolean operators "and" and "OR". Were found 11 clinical trial studies, whose themes were related to the variables of interest of the present study. Based on the selected scientific literature, it is concluded that the DWR technique is a strategy of training and physical rehabilitation extremely indicated to potentiate muscular strength and endurance, improve functional capacity, cardiorespiratory capacity and quality of life in obese patients.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Running/physiology , Exercise Therapy/methods , Muscle Strength/physiology , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Immersion , Obesity/rehabilitation , Quality of Life , Swimming Pools , WaterABSTRACT
Objetivou-se avaliar Urochloa spp. submetida a duas situações de estresse hídrico: déficit e alagamento. As forrageiras estudadas foram: U. humidicola cv. Tully, U. humidicola cv. Llanero, U. brizantha cv. BRS Piatã, U. brizantha cv. Xaraés, U. decumbens cv. Basilisk e U. ruziziensis cv. Kenedy, e os parâmetros avaliados foram relacionados às características estruturais e morfogênicas. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação pertencente à Unidade Universitária de Aquidauana. Os tratamentos consistiram em diferentes condições de umidade do solo: 50 e 80% da capacidade de retenção de umidade do solo, e lâminas de 0cm, 1cm e 5cm de água acima do solo, com quatro repetições, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso. O modelo considerou o efeito de umidade do solo para cada espécie forrageira a 5% de significância. As características estruturais e morfogênicas do capim-tully não foram afetadas pelas diferentes condições hídricas aqui avaliadas. O capim-llanero não reagiu ao alagamento. O capim-piatã foi tolerante às condições de déficit hídrico e apresentou mecanismos de adaptação ao alagamento. A U. decumbens cv. Basilisk apresentou respostas adaptativas que melhoram sua tolerância ao alagamento. A U. ruziziensis cv. Kenedy apresentou-se inapta às condições de alagamento e de déficit hídrico.(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate braquiarias submitted to two situations of water stress: deficit and flood. The studied forages were: U. humidicola cv. Tully, U. humidicola cv. Llanero, U. brizantha cv. BRS Piatã, U. brizantha cv. Xaraés, U. decumbens cv. Basilisk and U. ruziziensis cv. Kenedy, and the parameters evaluated were related to the structural and morphogenic characteristics. The work was carried out in a greenhouse at the University Unit of Aquidauana. The treatments consisted of different soil moisture conditions: 50 and 80% of the moisture retention capacity of the soil, and slides of 0cm, 1cm and 5cm of water above the soil, with four replications, in a completely randomized design. The model considered the effect of soil moisture for each forage species at 5% of significance. The structural and morphogenic characteristics of grass-tully were not affected by the different water conditions evaluated here. The grass-llanero did not react to flooding. The grass-piatã was tolerant to water deficit conditions and presented adaptation to flooding. The U. decumbens cv. Basilisk presented adaptive responses that improved its tolerance to flooding. The U. ruziziensis cv. Kenedy was unfit for flood and water deficit conditions.(AU)
Pasture/analysis , Poaceae/anatomy & histology , Poaceae/growth & development , ImmersionABSTRACT
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a qualidade pós-colheita de batatas, submetidas ao tratamento hidrotérmico. Tubérculos de batatas foram submetidos a água nas temperaturas de 50 e 60ºC, por 1, 6, 11 e 21 minutos, e avaliados quanto ao coração preto, brotação, esverdeamento, mancha preta e exsudação aos 1, 5, 10, 15 e 20 dias de armazenamento. Os dados foram analisados por meio do teste Dunnett (5%). Não houve presença de coração preto e esverdeamento. A incidência de brotação foi menor nos tratamentos de 50°C por 21 minutos e 60°C por 6 minutos. No 1° dia de armazenamento, os tratamentos de 50°C por 21 minutos, 60°C por 12 e 21 minutos e 70°C por 1, 6, 12 e 21 minutos desencadearam a presença de mancha preta. Os tratamentos de 50°C, por 1, 6 e 11 minutos e 60°C, por 1 e 6 minutos proporcionaram maior vida pós-colheita dos tubérculos.
Immersion/adverse effects , Solanum tuberosum/anatomy & histology , Solanum tuberosum/physiology , Hot Temperature/adverse effects , Food QualityABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the color alteration of four brands of artificial teeth (Art Plus, Trilux, Bionote and Biolux), after immersion in color solutions of coffee, red wine and urucum. We used 80 artificial teeth, which were standardized with 2 mm thickness. Then, they were subjected to finishing and polishing, and divided into 4 groups (n = 05), which were immersed in one of the 3 types of dye, plus distilled water (control). The samples were immersed daily for 4 hours, then they were removed, washed in tap water, dried with absorbent paper and immersed in distilled water for the subsequent hours in a biological glasshouse at 37 ºC, for 21 days. The evaluation of the color change was made in the periods of 0, 7, 14 and 21 days, by means of the tristimulus colorimeter. The data were subjected to the ANOVA and Tukey test with a 5 % significance. The results showed that the urucum was the substance that caused the greatest staining while the coffee and the wine did not show statistical difference. Regarding trademarks, Trilux presented a statistical difference compared to the other commercial brands, revealing colorimetric alteration only in the 14-day period. It was concluded that the composition of the artificial teeth, the type of pigmenting agent and the immersion time determine the color change.
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la alteración de color de cuatro marcas de dientes artificiales (Art Plus, Trilux, Bionote y Biolux), después de inmersión en soluciones colorantes de café, vino tinto y urucum. Se utilizaron 80 dientes artificiales, los cuales fueron estandarizados con 2 mm de espesor. En seguida, los mismos fueron sometidos al acabado y pulido, y divididos en 4 grupos (n = 5), los cuales fueron inmersos en uno de los 3 tipos de colorante, más agua destilada (control). Las muestras permanecieron inmersas diariamente durante 4 horas, luego fueron retiradas, lavadas en agua corriente, secas con papel absorbente e inmersas en agua destilada por las horas subsiguientes en invernadero biológico a 37 ºC, por 21 días. La evaluación del cambio de color se realizó en los períodos de 0, 7, 14 y 21 días, por medio del colorímetro tristimulo. Los datos fueron sometidos a la prueba ANOVA y Tukey con un 5 % de significancia. Los resultados demostraron que el urucum fue la sustancia que provocó mayor manchado mientras que el café y el vino no presentaron diferencia estadística. En cuanto a las marcas comerciales, el Trilux presentó una diferencia estadística en comparación con las otras marcas comerciales, revelando alteración colorimétrica sólo en el período de 14 días. Se concluyó que la composición de los dientes artificiales, el tipo de agente pigmentante y el tiempo de inmersión determinan el cambio de color.